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Mahashibir Day 7 Notes: Mahashivir - 2020 | Day 7 - Dealing with the Poison of Past Experiences |
भूतकाल का जहर - YouTube
Disclaimer: These notes are not a direct translation of the Shibir. These are just my personal notes that
I am sharing in the hopes that they will be useful for someone in some capacity as a reminder. But,
they are no substitute for the original videos with Swamiji’s vibrations and energies. Pease take some
time to rewatch the original videos on the Gurutattva youtube channel if possible.
• Story of Monk who had heart pain due to having bad feelings for another monk who had been
admitted to a hospital due to a heart attack. One gets tied up to whomever we keep feelings for.
Swamiji told him to chant “Hey Parmatma, today, I have fully forgiven Swami Swaroopananji
from the bottom of my heart.”He did this for 20-25 minutes and then felt completely relaxed.
Why? Because through the medium of prayer he got connected to a higher energy (his Guru)
and, second, by forgiving his soul-feeling (aatma bhaav) grew.
• Forgiving doesn’t mean to go and touch the other person’s feet. It means to take the incident
and people and throw them out of your chitta. And as you do this your chitta becomes pure
and holy.
• The more you meditate the sharir-bhaav reduced. Actually, it stays the same, but your soul
feeling increases and in front of that increased soul feeling, the physical feeling becomes a lot
smaller in comparison.
• The specality of Parmatma is that he has made everyone equal. He has given to everyone
equally. It is not as if only monks and saints are the only ones who can meditate and increase
their soul feeling. The ordinary man can do it too.
• Make the seed your Guru in this. Parmatma has given every seed the potential of becoming a
fully grown tree. The moment the seed loses its identity, it germinates. Similarly, the physical
body like seed has the full potential to grow into a tree, to be one with Parmatma. But for
that, you will have to destroy the seed of body consciousness (physical feeling). Once this
happens, the seed will germinate, and the tree of soul consciousness will grow slowly and be
• For all of this make the seed your Guru. The seed is very small and is covered with big boulders,
but the seed knows about its limited energy. It knows that it cannot fight with the big boulders.
So, what does the seed do? It doesn’t waste its energy fighting with the big boulders. Instead,
it slowly germinates and finds its way around the boulders. When it comes out as a small bush,
goats gets attracted to the plant and start to eat its leaves. Even then, the of self-realization will
germinated within you only when you finish your body consciousness.
• You are getting the small seed of self-realization during the shibir. Do not use it to solve your
problems. Hold a 45 day anushtan (period of intensive spiritual practice) and you will become a
tree, while boulders will remain the same size. The seed will germinate into a big tree. But you
will become powerful and positive and be able to tackle the problems. You will find the
problems small.
• Instead, what you do is that you fertilize the problems. Your chitta is like fertilizer: If you put it
into a rose bush, the rose bush will grow; if you put it into a bush of thorns, the thorns will
• What you do is put your chitta into your problems and keep fertilizing them, and then they
grow into something big and massive. The best is to leave the problems and tensions for 45
days. Become a tree and you will see that all the problems in your life have gone away.
• Continue with this meditation after 45 days if you see a positive change in your life.
• It is necessary to leave your past behind in order to make progress in spiritual and material
life. When your chitta goes into the past for 15 minutes, it is guaranteed that it will go into the
future for another 30 minutes. If you get thoughts of the past, then you will definitely get
thoughts of the future also.
• If you have negative thoughts you lose energy, if you have positive thoughts, you lose energy. If
you stay thoughtless, then only can your energy be saved.
• Every second, you can experience the happiness of the soul. You can experience it anywhere.
• Learn to check yourself every hour and ask yourself: Where am I? Live in the moment as every
second is important. If you are positive today, then only can your future be positive.
• If you live in the present you will be able to experience Parmatma of the present time. If you
live in the present then Parmatma will flow through you. You will be able to hear Parmatma’s
bhrama naad (celestial sound).
• Many times, after reaching the agya chakra, humans gain the ability to see. But what one can
see is only what one has put into themselves. If you worship Ram you will see Ram, if you
worship Shyam, you will see Shyam. And then an ego gets created within them, that they have
seen God. And then he thinks everything is over, and that he has reached the ultimate
• In reality, what has been seen is Bhagvan, not Parmatma. What cannot be seen is, what is
subtle, is Parmatma, the Almighty.
• As you practice Dhyan you will feel Parmatma and you will attain a state of thoughtlessness
easily after this.
• Thus we spoil the elixir of the present with the poison of the past. What time has passed, has
no meaning in the present. Being sad or worried by remembering the past is of no use. The
need is to live n the present and forget the past.
• Forgetting the past is not easy. If we keep our existence small like a glass of water, then a drop
of ink can pollute all the water and taint it black. But if we keep our existence large like the
Ganges river, then we will not even know where the drop of ink is. It is not as if the drop of
black ink becomes white upon entering the Ganges, but its existence is just small compared to
the vastness of the river Ganges. Similarly the past cannot be literally forgotten. But it can be
surrendered to the collectivity. And slowly as we go into the collectivity, if the collectivity is in
the present, then how can we be in the past.
• You are always impacted by the company you keep.
• There are many meditation methods upto the agya chakra (third eye chakra). But there is a
misunderstanding that the state of thoughtlessness that one attains upon reaching the agya
chakra is dhyan. Thoughtlessness is not dhyan. The nirvichar state (thoughtless state) is that
state from which one can enter into Dhyan/meditation. It is not Dhyan itself.
• If you are in the thoughtless state for a long time, then you will be able to hear the bhrama naad
(celestial sound) from within, and your aura will get developed. This will happen slowly. So you
should create and establish your aura. Then wherever, you go, you will go with your aura and
you will keep yourself secure and keep those around you secure.
• This kind of a positive aura can be developed by reaching the Sahastrar chakra. You can check
if your chitta is on the top of your head again and again, are you in the present moment—
check again and again. If you check frequently you will gain better and more control. Practice
on this front is important.
• When humans face insurmountable problems, only then do they typically remember Parmatma.
But if you constantly remember Parmatma, then the roof will never fall on your heads.
• This takes practice. You should have an established connection with Parmatma. You should
know Parmatma and Parmatma should know you. Your connection with ‘Him’ should be deep.
• This is only possible if you do spiritual practice regularly
• If you are in regular touch with Parmatma, then the roof will never fall over your heads. Why are
you waiting for your life to be filled with problems? And then only will you remember ‘Him’.
Instead, remember him constantly.
• And anyone can remember Parmatma. He is above religion, ay caste and country. Parmatma is
beyond all of this. These are only human-made limitations.
• You make yourself strong and developed. If you make yourself strong, then Parmatma’s
consciousness is beyond all divisions of country, caste religion. Wherever you go, you will be
able to connect with the surrounding energy. It will happen automatically. You won’t even
need to do this.
• Once you are able to recognize Parmatma and Parmatma’s consciousness, then you will feel the
consciousness at any place you go.
• In the meditation, today, you can collectively forgive everyone and you will experience
Parmatma’s consciousness within yourself only. And when you feel the experience, then you will
start feeling Parmatma within you. Your outside search will end, and you will feel that Parmatma
is within yourself only.
• The past can never be forgotten. It can only be surrendered. Afte this, if you every get
thoughts of the past, remind yourself, that I have already donated this to Swamiji and I have
no right over this. After this, all the energy that was being spent on thoughts of the past will be
saved and collected, and then when you are able to use it on a task in the present, you will gain
success in that task that is performed with full energy.
• A lot of people think that they are able to meditate and gain self-realization because Swamiji is
here with us. What after that? Swamiji has made murtis (auspicious idols) in his own image and
instilled his own life force within these auspicious statues. Whoever will ask for self-realization
and aatma-anubhuti (soul experiences) from these murtis (auspicious idols) will receive it in
their proximity.
• Giving back whatever knowledge we have gained in our life is the way to liberation. This is a
state where you don’t have anything, not every your Gyan or knowledge.
• But this is the progress of the Guru-tattva. Before this was not possible without a living Guru.
• The energy and knowledge within the Murtis is established there for the next 800 years. We
should keep it in a pure state. Don’t ask for anything there. Sit quietly in the Guru shakti dham
and gain energy from the mangal murti. You will notice that you have gained so much energy
that you will be able to get rid of your problems yourself. It is Swamiji’s wish that we become
independent. If your problem is deep and long, then go and sit there for a long time, go
multiple times etc., but don’t ask for anything. By asking our chitta goes on the problem. So
don’t ask, just gain the energy from there.
• Just like the car needs servicing every now and then, If you feel like your body also needs
servicing, then you can go to the Gurushakti dham and charge yourself there, balance yourself
there by gaining energy through darshan of the mangal murti.
• Such an arrangement has been mind keeping the future 800 years in mind. This is for the coming
younger generation who will come to the Dhyan marg, to find a spiritual path ahead.
• So you should donate for the Guru-shakti dham in the future. If you feel like the donation you
give should be for the upliftment of all humanity, then you should donate to the Gurushakti
dham. They are being constructed worldwide with the only motive that there should be world
upliftment and world peace.
• Only go there to receive energy. Then you will benefit from the energy there.
• Then you should become balanced. A balanced person puts in balanced efforts and gains
balanced results.
• The body is like a big bulldog, and the aatma is a like a small pocket dog. We go around with
both of these dogs.
• Whenever someone provokes us to do something bad, our small pocket dog (our aatma) gives
us a voice from the inside, that this is not ok. Don’t do this. Even if the friends and relatives tell
you to do it, you still hear the voice inside you telling you to not do it.
• It’s voice is small because the existence of the soul itself is very small, and the body is a large
dog. But people still encourage us to do the wrong act. And then once after committing the
wrong act, we get wrong results for the act, then all our relatives, friends leave us and we go
into guilt “I really should not have done this act, this was a mistake”
• And then we run away and go and hide in a resort. And then the small dog within us keeps
poking us from within Ï told you not to do this, but you still did this”. The inner voice of the
soul starts to eat you up. NO matter which corner of the world you go to.
• Hence, it is not necessary to afraid of anything. If you want to be afraid, be afraid of your own
soul. Next, you don’t need to listen to anyone, listen to your own soul. What is your soul
telling you from within, should you do this or not? If it is saying you should do it, then do it; if
it say’s don’t do it, then don’t do it.
• Your soul is a form of Parmatma itself. It gives you guidance after seeing into the future. So
listen to what it is saying.
• One of the biggest qualities of the soul is to forgive everyone. If you feel like this towards
anyone, then you will not be able to progress spiritually at all. If you forgive everyone, then a
quality of the soul gets established within you.
• When a person makes rotis, or any other food where there is direct contact with the hands,
then the aura, the thoughts of the one cooking are transferred into the food and spread
throughout the house.
• Similarly, if you make rotis in the state of thoughtlessness, you can instill that into the rotis also
and transfer a good state to the ones eating it.
• In most holy books, the person writing it writes it at his level, and the one reading it, reads it at
his own level.
• What happens is that if we have soulful relationships with the people around us, then their souls
start subtly gaining the energy and knowledge in our souls. So, even you should just make your
state good, then you won’t even need to preach. Your inner knowledge will start to reach those
souls with those whom you have soulful relationships with.
• If you want to be better than the ordinary person, then you will have to give a special time for
it. The morning time (from 3.30-4am) is the best time. You will only be able to do this if you
sleep before 10pm. And the food which you eat at night should be very simple (satvik) so that
you should not sleep during your meditation.
• As you keep practicing, you will get used to waking up early.
• There is a good energy in the early morning. We can only absorb it during that time where it is
spread in the atmosphere. Second, people who do good Dhyan always get up early in the
morning and meditate. So, early in the morning, you will get a good collectivity of souls. As
there are no people awake, then the thoughts of people around will not disturb you.
• It’s not that we don’t go into collectivity and gain Parmatma’s energy. But we are not able to
gain benefit from it. There is only one reason: Our chitta is impure. It is still filled with people of
the past, incidents of the past and so on. That is why no matter how much energy you put in,
the dirt inside will pollute anything you put in.
• That is why you should not gain Chaitanya (consciousness/energy) from anywhere. For 45 days
just sit and gain energy. Forgive everyone. You chitta should be absolutely pure and clean. If you
are able to do this then Parmatma’s energy will automatically flow within.
• If you are able to go at one place and surrender completely, then all the dirty water form within
will flow out and clean air will automatically fill your chitta. As soon as you make yourselves
empty, Parmatma’s chitanya will automatically flow within.

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Mahashibir day 7 notes

  • 1. Mahashibir Day 7 Notes: Mahashivir - 2020 | Day 7 - Dealing with the Poison of Past Experiences | भूतकाल का जहर - YouTube Disclaimer: These notes are not a direct translation of the Shibir. These are just my personal notes that I am sharing in the hopes that they will be useful for someone in some capacity as a reminder. But, they are no substitute for the original videos with Swamiji’s vibrations and energies. Pease take some time to rewatch the original videos on the Gurutattva youtube channel if possible. • Story of Monk who had heart pain due to having bad feelings for another monk who had been admitted to a hospital due to a heart attack. One gets tied up to whomever we keep feelings for. Swamiji told him to chant “Hey Parmatma, today, I have fully forgiven Swami Swaroopananji from the bottom of my heart.”He did this for 20-25 minutes and then felt completely relaxed. Why? Because through the medium of prayer he got connected to a higher energy (his Guru) and, second, by forgiving his soul-feeling (aatma bhaav) grew. • Forgiving doesn’t mean to go and touch the other person’s feet. It means to take the incident and people and throw them out of your chitta. And as you do this your chitta becomes pure and holy. • The more you meditate the sharir-bhaav reduced. Actually, it stays the same, but your soul feeling increases and in front of that increased soul feeling, the physical feeling becomes a lot smaller in comparison. • The specality of Parmatma is that he has made everyone equal. He has given to everyone equally. It is not as if only monks and saints are the only ones who can meditate and increase their soul feeling. The ordinary man can do it too. • Make the seed your Guru in this. Parmatma has given every seed the potential of becoming a fully grown tree. The moment the seed loses its identity, it germinates. Similarly, the physical body like seed has the full potential to grow into a tree, to be one with Parmatma. But for that, you will have to destroy the seed of body consciousness (physical feeling). Once this happens, the seed will germinate, and the tree of soul consciousness will grow slowly and be established. • For all of this make the seed your Guru. The seed is very small and is covered with big boulders, but the seed knows about its limited energy. It knows that it cannot fight with the big boulders. So, what does the seed do? It doesn’t waste its energy fighting with the big boulders. Instead, it slowly germinates and finds its way around the boulders. When it comes out as a small bush, goats gets attracted to the plant and start to eat its leaves. Even then, the of self-realization will germinated within you only when you finish your body consciousness. • You are getting the small seed of self-realization during the shibir. Do not use it to solve your problems. Hold a 45 day anushtan (period of intensive spiritual practice) and you will become a tree, while boulders will remain the same size. The seed will germinate into a big tree. But you will become powerful and positive and be able to tackle the problems. You will find the problems small. • Instead, what you do is that you fertilize the problems. Your chitta is like fertilizer: If you put it into a rose bush, the rose bush will grow; if you put it into a bush of thorns, the thorns will grow.
  • 2. • What you do is put your chitta into your problems and keep fertilizing them, and then they grow into something big and massive. The best is to leave the problems and tensions for 45 days. Become a tree and you will see that all the problems in your life have gone away. • Continue with this meditation after 45 days if you see a positive change in your life. • It is necessary to leave your past behind in order to make progress in spiritual and material life. When your chitta goes into the past for 15 minutes, it is guaranteed that it will go into the future for another 30 minutes. If you get thoughts of the past, then you will definitely get thoughts of the future also. • If you have negative thoughts you lose energy, if you have positive thoughts, you lose energy. If you stay thoughtless, then only can your energy be saved. • Every second, you can experience the happiness of the soul. You can experience it anywhere. • Learn to check yourself every hour and ask yourself: Where am I? Live in the moment as every second is important. If you are positive today, then only can your future be positive. • If you live in the present you will be able to experience Parmatma of the present time. If you live in the present then Parmatma will flow through you. You will be able to hear Parmatma’s bhrama naad (celestial sound). • Many times, after reaching the agya chakra, humans gain the ability to see. But what one can see is only what one has put into themselves. If you worship Ram you will see Ram, if you worship Shyam, you will see Shyam. And then an ego gets created within them, that they have seen God. And then he thinks everything is over, and that he has reached the ultimate destination. • In reality, what has been seen is Bhagvan, not Parmatma. What cannot be seen is, what is subtle, is Parmatma, the Almighty. • As you practice Dhyan you will feel Parmatma and you will attain a state of thoughtlessness easily after this. • Thus we spoil the elixir of the present with the poison of the past. What time has passed, has no meaning in the present. Being sad or worried by remembering the past is of no use. The need is to live n the present and forget the past. • Forgetting the past is not easy. If we keep our existence small like a glass of water, then a drop of ink can pollute all the water and taint it black. But if we keep our existence large like the Ganges river, then we will not even know where the drop of ink is. It is not as if the drop of black ink becomes white upon entering the Ganges, but its existence is just small compared to the vastness of the river Ganges. Similarly the past cannot be literally forgotten. But it can be surrendered to the collectivity. And slowly as we go into the collectivity, if the collectivity is in the present, then how can we be in the past. • You are always impacted by the company you keep. • There are many meditation methods upto the agya chakra (third eye chakra). But there is a misunderstanding that the state of thoughtlessness that one attains upon reaching the agya chakra is dhyan. Thoughtlessness is not dhyan. The nirvichar state (thoughtless state) is that state from which one can enter into Dhyan/meditation. It is not Dhyan itself. • If you are in the thoughtless state for a long time, then you will be able to hear the bhrama naad (celestial sound) from within, and your aura will get developed. This will happen slowly. So you should create and establish your aura. Then wherever, you go, you will go with your aura and you will keep yourself secure and keep those around you secure.
  • 3. • This kind of a positive aura can be developed by reaching the Sahastrar chakra. You can check if your chitta is on the top of your head again and again, are you in the present moment— check again and again. If you check frequently you will gain better and more control. Practice on this front is important. • When humans face insurmountable problems, only then do they typically remember Parmatma. But if you constantly remember Parmatma, then the roof will never fall on your heads. • This takes practice. You should have an established connection with Parmatma. You should know Parmatma and Parmatma should know you. Your connection with ‘Him’ should be deep. • This is only possible if you do spiritual practice regularly • If you are in regular touch with Parmatma, then the roof will never fall over your heads. Why are you waiting for your life to be filled with problems? And then only will you remember ‘Him’. Instead, remember him constantly. • And anyone can remember Parmatma. He is above religion, ay caste and country. Parmatma is beyond all of this. These are only human-made limitations. • You make yourself strong and developed. If you make yourself strong, then Parmatma’s consciousness is beyond all divisions of country, caste religion. Wherever you go, you will be able to connect with the surrounding energy. It will happen automatically. You won’t even need to do this. • Once you are able to recognize Parmatma and Parmatma’s consciousness, then you will feel the consciousness at any place you go. • In the meditation, today, you can collectively forgive everyone and you will experience Parmatma’s consciousness within yourself only. And when you feel the experience, then you will start feeling Parmatma within you. Your outside search will end, and you will feel that Parmatma is within yourself only. • The past can never be forgotten. It can only be surrendered. Afte this, if you every get thoughts of the past, remind yourself, that I have already donated this to Swamiji and I have no right over this. After this, all the energy that was being spent on thoughts of the past will be saved and collected, and then when you are able to use it on a task in the present, you will gain success in that task that is performed with full energy. • A lot of people think that they are able to meditate and gain self-realization because Swamiji is here with us. What after that? Swamiji has made murtis (auspicious idols) in his own image and instilled his own life force within these auspicious statues. Whoever will ask for self-realization and aatma-anubhuti (soul experiences) from these murtis (auspicious idols) will receive it in their proximity. • Giving back whatever knowledge we have gained in our life is the way to liberation. This is a state where you don’t have anything, not every your Gyan or knowledge. • But this is the progress of the Guru-tattva. Before this was not possible without a living Guru. • The energy and knowledge within the Murtis is established there for the next 800 years. We should keep it in a pure state. Don’t ask for anything there. Sit quietly in the Guru shakti dham and gain energy from the mangal murti. You will notice that you have gained so much energy that you will be able to get rid of your problems yourself. It is Swamiji’s wish that we become independent. If your problem is deep and long, then go and sit there for a long time, go multiple times etc., but don’t ask for anything. By asking our chitta goes on the problem. So don’t ask, just gain the energy from there.
  • 4. • Just like the car needs servicing every now and then, If you feel like your body also needs servicing, then you can go to the Gurushakti dham and charge yourself there, balance yourself there by gaining energy through darshan of the mangal murti. • Such an arrangement has been mind keeping the future 800 years in mind. This is for the coming younger generation who will come to the Dhyan marg, to find a spiritual path ahead. • So you should donate for the Guru-shakti dham in the future. If you feel like the donation you give should be for the upliftment of all humanity, then you should donate to the Gurushakti dham. They are being constructed worldwide with the only motive that there should be world upliftment and world peace. • Only go there to receive energy. Then you will benefit from the energy there. • Then you should become balanced. A balanced person puts in balanced efforts and gains balanced results. • The body is like a big bulldog, and the aatma is a like a small pocket dog. We go around with both of these dogs. • Whenever someone provokes us to do something bad, our small pocket dog (our aatma) gives us a voice from the inside, that this is not ok. Don’t do this. Even if the friends and relatives tell you to do it, you still hear the voice inside you telling you to not do it. • It’s voice is small because the existence of the soul itself is very small, and the body is a large dog. But people still encourage us to do the wrong act. And then once after committing the wrong act, we get wrong results for the act, then all our relatives, friends leave us and we go into guilt “I really should not have done this act, this was a mistake” • And then we run away and go and hide in a resort. And then the small dog within us keeps poking us from within Ï told you not to do this, but you still did this”. The inner voice of the soul starts to eat you up. NO matter which corner of the world you go to. • Hence, it is not necessary to afraid of anything. If you want to be afraid, be afraid of your own soul. Next, you don’t need to listen to anyone, listen to your own soul. What is your soul telling you from within, should you do this or not? If it is saying you should do it, then do it; if it say’s don’t do it, then don’t do it. • Your soul is a form of Parmatma itself. It gives you guidance after seeing into the future. So listen to what it is saying. • One of the biggest qualities of the soul is to forgive everyone. If you feel like this towards anyone, then you will not be able to progress spiritually at all. If you forgive everyone, then a quality of the soul gets established within you. • When a person makes rotis, or any other food where there is direct contact with the hands, then the aura, the thoughts of the one cooking are transferred into the food and spread throughout the house. • Similarly, if you make rotis in the state of thoughtlessness, you can instill that into the rotis also and transfer a good state to the ones eating it. • In most holy books, the person writing it writes it at his level, and the one reading it, reads it at his own level. • What happens is that if we have soulful relationships with the people around us, then their souls start subtly gaining the energy and knowledge in our souls. So, even you should just make your state good, then you won’t even need to preach. Your inner knowledge will start to reach those souls with those whom you have soulful relationships with.
  • 5. • If you want to be better than the ordinary person, then you will have to give a special time for it. The morning time (from 3.30-4am) is the best time. You will only be able to do this if you sleep before 10pm. And the food which you eat at night should be very simple (satvik) so that you should not sleep during your meditation. • As you keep practicing, you will get used to waking up early. • There is a good energy in the early morning. We can only absorb it during that time where it is spread in the atmosphere. Second, people who do good Dhyan always get up early in the morning and meditate. So, early in the morning, you will get a good collectivity of souls. As there are no people awake, then the thoughts of people around will not disturb you. • It’s not that we don’t go into collectivity and gain Parmatma’s energy. But we are not able to gain benefit from it. There is only one reason: Our chitta is impure. It is still filled with people of the past, incidents of the past and so on. That is why no matter how much energy you put in, the dirt inside will pollute anything you put in. • That is why you should not gain Chaitanya (consciousness/energy) from anywhere. For 45 days just sit and gain energy. Forgive everyone. You chitta should be absolutely pure and clean. If you are able to do this then Parmatma’s energy will automatically flow within. • If you are able to go at one place and surrender completely, then all the dirty water form within will flow out and clean air will automatically fill your chitta. As soon as you make yourselves empty, Parmatma’s chitanya will automatically flow within.