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Ideas and plan for magazine layout
• Title ofmagazine:
• I chosethe word ‘contra’for my title becausethe meaning of it meansagainst; opposite and in
my magazine I am talking about social issueswithin the world but also a meaning of
constantly contradicting; itself , trends, culture , fashion , etc.
• Genre of magazine: Fashion magazine
• Topic of doublepage: My double page spread will be an interview with Hollie Joice about the
effects of dieting to mental health and body image, and her own personal struggles with it while
also going touching on the negative effect social media has on women and men alike with their
own body image
magazine introduction/ original draft
MALE: 28%
ABC1: 24%
~ the contra audience have a
loyal relationship with the brand
and completely trust it
~ ‘ I think its very entertaining’
~ “the way it tackles social
issues is very entertaining but
also very informative”
Most of the contra audience are
socially aware of ongoing social
issues than the average reader
and the first to be aware of
social problems in their social
All readers of the are very in the
know when it comes to living a
modern climate friendly diet
and know all the risks to what is
healthy and unhealthy and the
newest recipes that are vegan
and tasty
Contra readers know all
about travel, they know all
about the biggest festivals of
the year and are regularly
updated on less populated
places that are various from
city escapes to island
They are 5 times more likely
to visit a country they have
never been before out
magazine reforms them into
eager travelers
For my magazine I wanted to export it as a digital magazine and by doing so I am going to
export it in Adobe After Effects and create is as an animated magazine in which the pages
flip automatically as if it were a real magazine. The reasoning behind going digital is
because it would be more accessible to a younger and larger audience and also is
environmentally aware and cost friendly for such a less popular magazine
As well according to research by users are more likely to read an article
online then they are if the magazine was print, however spend longer reading an article if
the magazine is print but I feel the solution to this is shorter and more ‘digestible’ content.
I feel as I my magazine is not large enough to be exported as print and that Is one of the
primary reasons why I do not want it to be printed.
Magazine ideas/ secondary content
I chose these 3 covers to start off with because they accurately represented what my original vision was going for, and all safely
follow the codes and conventions of a lifestyle/culture magazine with all of the celebrities looking directly at the reader to engage
them and a somewhat close head shot of them. From left to right the magazines progress in terms of content on the page and
could hypothesise this is due to the popularity of each magazine e.g, vogue one of the most iconic magazines so it doesn’t need to
rely on having content to sell rather using its feature (Naomi Campbell) to sell rather than actual content such as subheadings and
spots whereas a magazine such as pride can not rely on notoriety and subject to sell and needs content to safely make it sell
however all magazines do take into account their target audience e.g. pride, an LGBTQ ran magazine, would obviously use a queer
person such as Janelle Monáe to sell because they are catering towards their audience and vogue using a fashion icon such as
Naomi Campbell because it is relevant to the magazine itself and with my magazine I wanted to use these as a blueprint on how to
cater as a magazine towards their audience
With these 2 magazine covers I wanted to
show a contrast in a minimalist cover and
a profligate cover,
Cosmopolitan is a magazine that very
much follows codes and conventions of a
women’s magazine, very attention
grabbing with the subheadings and bright
Whereas I-D magazine is a magazine that
tends to stray away from typical codes and
conventions and can be regarded as
postmodern in its emphasis on stylisation
at the expense of substance and content
this cover specifically features little to no
content whatsoever which is unusual for a
fashion magazine on the other hand the
cosmopolitan magazine does feature a lot
of codes and conventions. What this has
to do with my magazine however is that I
wanted to show completely 2 different
styles of magazine and somehow find a
way to make my magazine look somewhat
minimalistic but manage to keep a
substantial amount of content
Why i chose these 3 images is because when with my double page spread I was talking about body image and my
original idea was to do a sort of satirical image that was a reference to 50’s magazines and their portrayal of the
ideal women (blonde, skinny, married) upholding traditional Christian and family values and how they’ve changed
over the years and why I changed it was because overall wouldn’t fit the overall aesthetic of my genre of magazine
However in terms of codes and conventions what is special about these magazines is that they have a very specific
target audience: women, all these magazines are targeted towards young middle aged women and now codes and
conventions have developed
These 2 double pages examples I picked are because they were
2 types of very different aesthetics and are both years apart
from one another. The top raf Simmons double page article is a
very bleak aesthetic and what I like about it is it’s minimalistic
I’m its style and I liked its use of black and white for a modern
magazine it doesn’t conform with typical codes and conventions
and is overall very unique as a double page with its use if 2
images and headers
While the other double page is not as modern what it does
share in common is its minimalism, it features very little content
to work with overall which is quite typical for a double page in
the 50’s they were more used as a visual poster type of image
that a reader would have in their room whereas an interview
type of double page which is most common in modern day
magazines so for a mid-20th century magazine it follows typical
codes and conventions
Legal responsibilities of using secondary images
When using content that does not belong to you and is
copyrighted, legally I understand that you must give credit
to the original owner by providing sources and links to the
original images and in which I will below - Vogue - esquire - pride Cosmopolitan ID Jackie magazine beauty fair family circle raf Simmons featurette Jackie magazine
Magazine draft
An improper draft of my magazine using power-point
Front coverdraft
Dominant image
OptionA Option B
I chosethis image because I like how direct it is and how
Hollie is looking into the camera, it is very forward and
follows thecodes and conventions
I also really like how sheis positioned her stance could
be regarded as very oppressive it’s like she’s coming
towards the camera and I feel like this is a good way
of addressing the reader without using the typical
feature of looking into the camera, I feel like it
emphasises the direct mode of address however
what I don’t like about the draft is I feel like I could
somehow switch around the placement of the sell
lines and other content to make more room for the
dominant image one thing with my front cover is I
want Hollie to be front and centre of attention and to
take up most of the focus
Dominant imageAtricle title
Drop cap
What I like about this image is it’s use of
candid images however it feels too large to
be able to fit on all the body of text I want
to use for my interview and feels to wide. I
like the positioning of the pullqoute and
columns however I would like to change
the article title to be vertical I want it to fit
a sharp and serious tone and as well this
draft doesn’t feel like its consistent with
the front cover
Double Page Article Draft
B: How has dieting and weight loss affected your body image and mental health?
H: “At times I’ve really struggled with weight loss” Hollie explains, ”I’ve went through many of periods where
dieting has made me feel really conscious as in I’m not losing enough weight and other times where I’ve felt
really uplifted and positive towards to myself and my overall demeanor is heavily affected by it and has
sometimes clashed with my social life and made me completely out of character”
“There’s been times where I’ve just wanted to recluse myself, hide and avoid all social interaction and times
when I’ve wanted to ‘flaunt’ my progress and wear a crop top on a night out” she pauses for a moment as if to
think “which was very unlike me in a previous life” she looks down and laughs nervously
”however now I'm at a point in my life where I don’t feel the need to get any skinnier, I have definitely pushed
my limit and have had people come up to me concerned a few times because I looked that skinny and pale,
I’ve skipped meals, ate very little and spewed up many of meals that was a very dark period in my life, but the
problem was that I was seeking out for other peoples approval and compliments and wasn’t seeking my own
approval and wasn’t losing weight for myself, if someone would call me fat or overweight that would ruin my
entire week because I would be so determined to eat as little as I could and ultimately the time had come
where I just had enough and was done”
B: “how do you feel social media affects dieting and creates more of a problem than a solution”
H: “social media definitely creates more of a problem than it does solutions and obviously there are some
strong advocates for body positivity but some models blindly preach and advertise ’teas’ not knowing the
harmful affects on the body
0ther options for photos
I really like these images because I like how
u can see the set behind Hollie and it
creates that ‘behind the veil’ effect of it
because I wanted to speak out on social
issues in my double page and I felt like that
and the topic would have correlated
however the reason I didn’t is because I
wanted Hollie to show off her body as an
empowerment message
0ther options for photos
These are also alternates for my double page
I really like these because of the way the
camera is titled and it sort of makes it’s
unprofessional but with my magazine that
wasn’t the tone I was really going for so I
couldn’t use them but both follows C&C by
the direct mode of address of Hollie looking
in the camera however they do not provide
enough room for the other content to exist
as its own specially on a double page
Producing my magazine.
To start off with my cover of hollie, I
added various filters and layers on top
of the image to make.
Firstly I made the image lighter by
using the hue and saturation tool and
then with a layer mask outlined Hollie
for it just to effect her because the
white background was too bright.
I then added a vibrance filter to also
make the colours brighter Hollie
Then changed the RGB variation with
the curves tool by making reds
brighter so hollies skin looked clearer.
Then with the b&w tool I used that to
make the background b&w then with
the layer mask tool selected Hollie and
made it so it didn't’t effect her so the
background would contrast against
Hollie. I overall made it brighter to
appeal to the codes and conventions
of fashion magazines having a brighter
colour scheme
I then added in my masthead in which
I used a large font named ‘birch std’
and the size I used was 360pt
To create the effect of having the
letters behind the dominant image I
used a layer mask and drew It out
with the paint tool on a large feather
density to create a soft edging to the
lettering of the T and R.i then spaced
it correclty
For my taglines I used the same font as I did for the
masthead and then for my subheading I used a
different font to create more focus towards it
I also did this in effect with the red to create more of a
focus towards the subheading
For my 3 Images here I added in my
subheadings and tested the layout of
them and barcode and now it was a
case of deciding and figuring out what
looked the most stylistic and on theme
but while also keeping enough room
for the dominant image. I wanted it to
have a minimalistic style
After finalising on the layouts It was now a case of subtle last minute
details, firstly a girl is a gun, here I am just changing the way it is
positioned for it to be on the left side closer to the edge rather than the
In these 2 images the change is within the font, I didn’t want
the font to be the same all around the front cover so I
decided to use a font that looked largely different to the one
used for the other tag lines and masthead so it would create
more of a focus towards the subheading
Another detail added is the barcode, I decided to add in the
barcode just as a stylisation feature to make the magazine
seem more realistic just like an actual magazine
For my front cover I think it follows quite a lot of codes and conventions for a fashion magazine
To start on the dominant image for fashion magazines the models on the front covers tend to be
in a full body shot to show off the outfit and posed in a friendly way (helps the magazine sell) now
while Hollie is in a full body shot following the codes and conventions her position however is
quite aggressive and forward and this can be taken both ways in my opinion because she is also
looking directly at the camera which is direct mode of address and follows codes and conventions
so i think her stance enhances this direct mode of address and pulls the reader in and I think for
my target audience of young-middle aged women would be intrigued to see a model who typically
doesn’t fit into modern beauty standards to be in such a stance is a fresh new take on fashion
magazines therefore bringing more of an audience in.
Typically a lot of front covers of fashion magazines are shot outside as well however this was shot
in a studio therefore not following C&C
The photo itself also uses high-key lighting in which a lot of fashion magazines do exclusively
against other magazines to create more of a focus and help the direct mode of address of a model.
The colour scheme in my magazine can be regarded as colourful and bright, in editing I
purposefully made the photo brighter and played around with the RGB scales to make reds appear
brighter (for her skin tone) therefore dimming her clothes colours and it creates this heavenly,
cloudy filter on the photo which I think is very unique for a magazine to do however the use of
brighter colours are following codes and conventions of a fashion magazine.
The fashion itself is a street-wear style the model is wearing which is more appealing for a younger
audience because a lot of youth culture is based around hip-hop and r&b which street wear
stemmed from in the 90’s and mainstreamed itself into pop-culture in the 2010’s
The fonts follow a lot of the same fonts other fashion magazines do, bold and big italics and often
front covers features some sort of colour In them in which my magazine does by the red in the
Overall I think the magazine doesn’t really stray away from any codes and conventions and tends
to follow a lot of them especially for a fashion magazine, it would especially appeal to my target
audience for its unique modern look and sporting a unique non-traditional model I think in a
modern day world this is more appealing and intriguing for a younger , more politically correct
audience to find out what this story is so I think the front cover does an especially good job of
doing so
For experimenting I tried around with the colour scheme and
seeing what would look best, I tried making it b&w to match
my double page however I think it would come across less
appealing towards readers and then when it came to changing
the red to the blue I felt as if it didn’t match because I had
already changed the RGB scale for the red to be more
appealing in the image and the blue did nothing to help the
appeal it more contrasted against the image
To start off with making my double
cover I added the image of Hollie and
made it b&w originally I had planned
to use another image of Hollie but I
decided to use this one because I
thought when making my article
draft it took a quite serious tone so I
wanted the imagery to reflect that
and that also was why I decided to
make it black and white, I then
added in the vertical letters of her
name and add them to the side.
For the grey and grainy background I
decided to lower the lighting of the
image however I was unhappy with
how it made Hollie look dark so with
the layer mask tool I outlined her
face from the background but also
added a think drawn-out later that
made Hollie look more clearer and
helped create a large contrast.
After creating the layer mask
outline I was unhappy with how
rigid and clear it was so with I
wanted to smooth it out and make
it look less “hand” made and more
of a glow type effect radiating of
Hollie. Although a nuance It also
helped create a difference
between the similar grey tones of
the background and her blonde
hair when both next to each other
With these 3 images a lot of things were added in…
Firstly, my pull quote, in terms of starting off I wanted to add that in
first because I had previously already made my article draft and new
what quote I wanted to feature in the magazine. the colour in
particular I chose was blue for my pull-quote, I wanted the same type
of style to reflect my front cover hence the font style and both only
have one body of colour. Why I chose blue is to oppose the red I have
on my cover because my magazine name is contra and I wanted to
have themes of contradiction throughout my magazine.
Secondly, I had moved ‘Hollie joice’ down and this is due to the fact
that I wanted the sub header and the title to read as a sentence
starting from bottom to top and I really like that however when it
came to the joice, Hollie it is switched round from traditional italic
reading style (left-to-right) just to throw reader off and adds a style
aspect to it
Finally I added my main body of text and because I went for a more
questionnaire style with my main body of text and instead of starting
my Drop cap at the start of it I started it at the beginning of hollies
main speech. I also had to more text on the end of my draft to fill out
the magazine and not have a blank patch at the bottom
In terms of codes and conventions, I feel like the magazine I’ve
created touches and strays from typical codes and conventions of a
fashion magazine, especially for my double page article,
The colour scheme to start, normally for a fashion magazine the
colours tend to be bright and colourful, but I chose for a black and
white scheme now I did this because with colour I think it loses a
sense of style and looks messy, with my double page I tried to create
a modern style to it and I did this because I felt it would appeal
towards a more younger, fashionable audience and not only this it
would’ve been odd in relation towards the articles topic. The title
and font however I feel reflects a modern look which for fashion
magazines is typical for them to have a very modern font famous
examples such as vogue.
For Hollies photo there is a few notes I would like to go over, her
body language, in fashion magazines it is typical for them to be in a
full or mid shot to show different body gestures looking directly into
the camera in which she does or posing in a friendly way
This particular photo of Hollie does not show off Hollie in a particular
stance or friendly gesture therefore not following codes and
conventions however what it does follow is it’s use of high key
lighting which is typical for fashion magazines in particular to rely on
high key lighting to create more of a focus on the model
Overall I feel like my double cover does fit into the category of a
fashion magazine because although it may not follow all typical
fashion codes and conventions this might in turn help drive its
success in doing what other magazines of the genre do not and
create an appeal to its young and impressionable reader base of
themes of honesty and transparency while staying trendy and
For experimenting for my double page, while there was
not a lot of room for experimenting as to change one thing
would shift the whole style of the magazine while what I
could change was the colour of the pull-quote. So for the
colours I decided to use a neon-green as I thought it would
appeal to a more modern audience and towards my
intended target audience. I tried red to match my front
cover but ultimately decided on blue but then I
experimented in what shade of blue, a darker royal blue to
match the dark red or a lighter blue to create more of a
Production log
Took magazine photos
started PowerPoint and collected all secondary images
put secondary images into PowerPoint and wrote detailed paragraph on them
Created flat-plan
Wrote magazine introduction
Created reader profile
Finalized on a magazine name
Started working on the legal slide
Collected all the links
Started working on front cover
Finished drafted flat-plan for both double page and cover
Started double page article draft
Started and finished print vs digital slide
Added other photo's draft slide to the PowerPoint and completed it
Finished front cover and exported front cover screenshots to the
Written detailed paragraphs explaining progress on how I completed my
front cover
Started working on double page
Continued work on double page and finishing article
Finished double page
Experimented with cover and double page
Added experiments and double page work + screenshots into
Wrote and concluded any unfinished written work for PowerPoint
last check before handing PowerPoint in
Exported front cover and double page into after effects for final product

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magzeen fini

  • 1. Ideas and plan for magazine layout
  • 2. • Title ofmagazine: • I chosethe word ‘contra’for my title becausethe meaning of it meansagainst; opposite and in my magazine I am talking about social issueswithin the world but also a meaning of constantly contradicting; itself , trends, culture , fashion , etc. • Genre of magazine: Fashion magazine • Topic of doublepage: My double page spread will be an interview with Hollie Joice about the effects of dieting to mental health and body image, and her own personal struggles with it while also going touching on the negative effect social media has on women and men alike with their own body image magazine introduction/ original draft
  • 3. Reader profileREADER PROFILE OF CONTRA KEY STATS: CONTRA MAGAZINE MALE: 28% FEMALE: 72% MEDIAN AGE: 19 STUDENT: 76% ABC1: 24% CIRCULATION: 5,000 READERSHIP: 20,000 ~ the contra audience have a loyal relationship with the brand and completely trust it ~ ‘ I think its very entertaining’ ~ “the way it tackles social issues is very entertaining but also very informative” IN THE KNOW Most of the contra audience are socially aware of ongoing social issues than the average reader and the first to be aware of social problems in their social circles LIFESTYLE All readers of the are very in the know when it comes to living a modern climate friendly diet and know all the risks to what is healthy and unhealthy and the newest recipes that are vegan and tasty CULTURE Contra readers know all about travel, they know all about the biggest festivals of the year and are regularly updated on less populated places that are various from city escapes to island getaways, They are 5 times more likely to visit a country they have never been before out magazine reforms them into eager travelers
  • 4. PRINT VS DIGITAL For my magazine I wanted to export it as a digital magazine and by doing so I am going to export it in Adobe After Effects and create is as an animated magazine in which the pages flip automatically as if it were a real magazine. The reasoning behind going digital is because it would be more accessible to a younger and larger audience and also is environmentally aware and cost friendly for such a less popular magazine As well according to research by users are more likely to read an article online then they are if the magazine was print, however spend longer reading an article if the magazine is print but I feel the solution to this is shorter and more ‘digestible’ content. I feel as I my magazine is not large enough to be exported as print and that Is one of the primary reasons why I do not want it to be printed.
  • 6. I chose these 3 covers to start off with because they accurately represented what my original vision was going for, and all safely follow the codes and conventions of a lifestyle/culture magazine with all of the celebrities looking directly at the reader to engage them and a somewhat close head shot of them. From left to right the magazines progress in terms of content on the page and could hypothesise this is due to the popularity of each magazine e.g, vogue one of the most iconic magazines so it doesn’t need to rely on having content to sell rather using its feature (Naomi Campbell) to sell rather than actual content such as subheadings and spots whereas a magazine such as pride can not rely on notoriety and subject to sell and needs content to safely make it sell however all magazines do take into account their target audience e.g. pride, an LGBTQ ran magazine, would obviously use a queer person such as Janelle Monáe to sell because they are catering towards their audience and vogue using a fashion icon such as Naomi Campbell because it is relevant to the magazine itself and with my magazine I wanted to use these as a blueprint on how to cater as a magazine towards their audience
  • 7. With these 2 magazine covers I wanted to show a contrast in a minimalist cover and a profligate cover, Cosmopolitan is a magazine that very much follows codes and conventions of a women’s magazine, very attention grabbing with the subheadings and bright colours Whereas I-D magazine is a magazine that tends to stray away from typical codes and conventions and can be regarded as postmodern in its emphasis on stylisation at the expense of substance and content this cover specifically features little to no content whatsoever which is unusual for a fashion magazine on the other hand the cosmopolitan magazine does feature a lot of codes and conventions. What this has to do with my magazine however is that I wanted to show completely 2 different styles of magazine and somehow find a way to make my magazine look somewhat minimalistic but manage to keep a substantial amount of content
  • 8. Why i chose these 3 images is because when with my double page spread I was talking about body image and my original idea was to do a sort of satirical image that was a reference to 50’s magazines and their portrayal of the ideal women (blonde, skinny, married) upholding traditional Christian and family values and how they’ve changed over the years and why I changed it was because overall wouldn’t fit the overall aesthetic of my genre of magazine However in terms of codes and conventions what is special about these magazines is that they have a very specific target audience: women, all these magazines are targeted towards young middle aged women and now codes and conventions have developed
  • 9. These 2 double pages examples I picked are because they were 2 types of very different aesthetics and are both years apart from one another. The top raf Simmons double page article is a very bleak aesthetic and what I like about it is it’s minimalistic I’m its style and I liked its use of black and white for a modern magazine it doesn’t conform with typical codes and conventions and is overall very unique as a double page with its use if 2 images and headers While the other double page is not as modern what it does share in common is its minimalism, it features very little content to work with overall which is quite typical for a double page in the 50’s they were more used as a visual poster type of image that a reader would have in their room whereas an interview type of double page which is most common in modern day magazines so for a mid-20th century magazine it follows typical codes and conventions
  • 10. Legal responsibilities of using secondary images When using content that does not belong to you and is copyrighted, legally I understand that you must give credit to the original owner by providing sources and links to the original images and in which I will below - Vogue - esquire - pride Cosmopolitan ID Jackie magazine beauty fair family circle raf Simmons featurette Jackie magazine
  • 11. Magazine draft An improper draft of my magazine using power-point
  • 12. Front coverdraft masthead Dominant image Sellline Main sellline Barcode OptionA Option B I chosethis image because I like how direct it is and how Hollie is looking into the camera, it is very forward and follows thecodes and conventions I also really like how sheis positioned her stance could be regarded as very oppressive it’s like she’s coming towards the camera and I feel like this is a good way of addressing the reader without using the typical feature of looking into the camera, I feel like it emphasises the direct mode of address however what I don’t like about the draft is I feel like I could somehow switch around the placement of the sell lines and other content to make more room for the dominant image one thing with my front cover is I want Hollie to be front and centre of attention and to take up most of the focus
  • 14. What I like about this image is it’s use of candid images however it feels too large to be able to fit on all the body of text I want to use for my interview and feels to wide. I like the positioning of the pullqoute and columns however I would like to change the article title to be vertical I want it to fit a sharp and serious tone and as well this draft doesn’t feel like its consistent with the front cover
  • 15. Double Page Article Draft B: How has dieting and weight loss affected your body image and mental health? H: “At times I’ve really struggled with weight loss” Hollie explains, ”I’ve went through many of periods where dieting has made me feel really conscious as in I’m not losing enough weight and other times where I’ve felt really uplifted and positive towards to myself and my overall demeanor is heavily affected by it and has sometimes clashed with my social life and made me completely out of character” “There’s been times where I’ve just wanted to recluse myself, hide and avoid all social interaction and times when I’ve wanted to ‘flaunt’ my progress and wear a crop top on a night out” she pauses for a moment as if to think “which was very unlike me in a previous life” she looks down and laughs nervously ”however now I'm at a point in my life where I don’t feel the need to get any skinnier, I have definitely pushed my limit and have had people come up to me concerned a few times because I looked that skinny and pale, I’ve skipped meals, ate very little and spewed up many of meals that was a very dark period in my life, but the problem was that I was seeking out for other peoples approval and compliments and wasn’t seeking my own approval and wasn’t losing weight for myself, if someone would call me fat or overweight that would ruin my entire week because I would be so determined to eat as little as I could and ultimately the time had come where I just had enough and was done” B: “how do you feel social media affects dieting and creates more of a problem than a solution” H: “social media definitely creates more of a problem than it does solutions and obviously there are some strong advocates for body positivity but some models blindly preach and advertise ’teas’ not knowing the harmful affects on the body
  • 16. 0ther options for photos I really like these images because I like how u can see the set behind Hollie and it creates that ‘behind the veil’ effect of it because I wanted to speak out on social issues in my double page and I felt like that and the topic would have correlated however the reason I didn’t is because I wanted Hollie to show off her body as an empowerment message
  • 17. 0ther options for photos These are also alternates for my double page I really like these because of the way the camera is titled and it sort of makes it’s unprofessional but with my magazine that wasn’t the tone I was really going for so I couldn’t use them but both follows C&C by the direct mode of address of Hollie looking in the camera however they do not provide enough room for the other content to exist as its own specially on a double page
  • 19. To start off with my cover of hollie, I added various filters and layers on top of the image to make. Firstly I made the image lighter by using the hue and saturation tool and then with a layer mask outlined Hollie for it just to effect her because the white background was too bright. I then added a vibrance filter to also make the colours brighter Hollie Then changed the RGB variation with the curves tool by making reds brighter so hollies skin looked clearer. Then with the b&w tool I used that to make the background b&w then with the layer mask tool selected Hollie and made it so it didn't’t effect her so the background would contrast against Hollie. I overall made it brighter to appeal to the codes and conventions of fashion magazines having a brighter colour scheme
  • 20. I then added in my masthead in which I used a large font named ‘birch std’ and the size I used was 360pt To create the effect of having the letters behind the dominant image I used a layer mask and drew It out with the paint tool on a large feather density to create a soft edging to the lettering of the T and R.i then spaced it correclty
  • 21. For my taglines I used the same font as I did for the masthead and then for my subheading I used a different font to create more focus towards it I also did this in effect with the red to create more of a focus towards the subheading
  • 22. For my 3 Images here I added in my subheadings and tested the layout of them and barcode and now it was a case of deciding and figuring out what looked the most stylistic and on theme but while also keeping enough room for the dominant image. I wanted it to have a minimalistic style
  • 23. After finalising on the layouts It was now a case of subtle last minute details, firstly a girl is a gun, here I am just changing the way it is positioned for it to be on the left side closer to the edge rather than the right
  • 24. In these 2 images the change is within the font, I didn’t want the font to be the same all around the front cover so I decided to use a font that looked largely different to the one used for the other tag lines and masthead so it would create more of a focus towards the subheading Another detail added is the barcode, I decided to add in the barcode just as a stylisation feature to make the magazine seem more realistic just like an actual magazine
  • 25. For my front cover I think it follows quite a lot of codes and conventions for a fashion magazine To start on the dominant image for fashion magazines the models on the front covers tend to be in a full body shot to show off the outfit and posed in a friendly way (helps the magazine sell) now while Hollie is in a full body shot following the codes and conventions her position however is quite aggressive and forward and this can be taken both ways in my opinion because she is also looking directly at the camera which is direct mode of address and follows codes and conventions so i think her stance enhances this direct mode of address and pulls the reader in and I think for my target audience of young-middle aged women would be intrigued to see a model who typically doesn’t fit into modern beauty standards to be in such a stance is a fresh new take on fashion magazines therefore bringing more of an audience in. Typically a lot of front covers of fashion magazines are shot outside as well however this was shot in a studio therefore not following C&C The photo itself also uses high-key lighting in which a lot of fashion magazines do exclusively against other magazines to create more of a focus and help the direct mode of address of a model. The colour scheme in my magazine can be regarded as colourful and bright, in editing I purposefully made the photo brighter and played around with the RGB scales to make reds appear brighter (for her skin tone) therefore dimming her clothes colours and it creates this heavenly, cloudy filter on the photo which I think is very unique for a magazine to do however the use of brighter colours are following codes and conventions of a fashion magazine. The fashion itself is a street-wear style the model is wearing which is more appealing for a younger audience because a lot of youth culture is based around hip-hop and r&b which street wear stemmed from in the 90’s and mainstreamed itself into pop-culture in the 2010’s The fonts follow a lot of the same fonts other fashion magazines do, bold and big italics and often front covers features some sort of colour In them in which my magazine does by the red in the subheading Overall I think the magazine doesn’t really stray away from any codes and conventions and tends to follow a lot of them especially for a fashion magazine, it would especially appeal to my target audience for its unique modern look and sporting a unique non-traditional model I think in a modern day world this is more appealing and intriguing for a younger , more politically correct audience to find out what this story is so I think the front cover does an especially good job of doing so
  • 26. Experimentation For experimenting I tried around with the colour scheme and seeing what would look best, I tried making it b&w to match my double page however I think it would come across less appealing towards readers and then when it came to changing the red to the blue I felt as if it didn’t match because I had already changed the RGB scale for the red to be more appealing in the image and the blue did nothing to help the appeal it more contrasted against the image
  • 27. To start off with making my double cover I added the image of Hollie and made it b&w originally I had planned to use another image of Hollie but I decided to use this one because I thought when making my article draft it took a quite serious tone so I wanted the imagery to reflect that and that also was why I decided to make it black and white, I then added in the vertical letters of her name and add them to the side. For the grey and grainy background I decided to lower the lighting of the image however I was unhappy with how it made Hollie look dark so with the layer mask tool I outlined her face from the background but also added a think drawn-out later that made Hollie look more clearer and helped create a large contrast.
  • 28. After creating the layer mask outline I was unhappy with how rigid and clear it was so with I wanted to smooth it out and make it look less “hand” made and more of a glow type effect radiating of Hollie. Although a nuance It also helped create a difference between the similar grey tones of the background and her blonde hair when both next to each other
  • 29. With these 3 images a lot of things were added in… Firstly, my pull quote, in terms of starting off I wanted to add that in first because I had previously already made my article draft and new what quote I wanted to feature in the magazine. the colour in particular I chose was blue for my pull-quote, I wanted the same type of style to reflect my front cover hence the font style and both only have one body of colour. Why I chose blue is to oppose the red I have on my cover because my magazine name is contra and I wanted to have themes of contradiction throughout my magazine. Secondly, I had moved ‘Hollie joice’ down and this is due to the fact that I wanted the sub header and the title to read as a sentence starting from bottom to top and I really like that however when it came to the joice, Hollie it is switched round from traditional italic reading style (left-to-right) just to throw reader off and adds a style aspect to it
  • 30. Finally I added my main body of text and because I went for a more questionnaire style with my main body of text and instead of starting my Drop cap at the start of it I started it at the beginning of hollies main speech. I also had to more text on the end of my draft to fill out the magazine and not have a blank patch at the bottom In terms of codes and conventions, I feel like the magazine I’ve created touches and strays from typical codes and conventions of a fashion magazine, especially for my double page article, The colour scheme to start, normally for a fashion magazine the colours tend to be bright and colourful, but I chose for a black and white scheme now I did this because with colour I think it loses a sense of style and looks messy, with my double page I tried to create a modern style to it and I did this because I felt it would appeal towards a more younger, fashionable audience and not only this it would’ve been odd in relation towards the articles topic. The title and font however I feel reflects a modern look which for fashion magazines is typical for them to have a very modern font famous examples such as vogue. For Hollies photo there is a few notes I would like to go over, her body language, in fashion magazines it is typical for them to be in a full or mid shot to show different body gestures looking directly into the camera in which she does or posing in a friendly way This particular photo of Hollie does not show off Hollie in a particular stance or friendly gesture therefore not following codes and conventions however what it does follow is it’s use of high key lighting which is typical for fashion magazines in particular to rely on high key lighting to create more of a focus on the model Overall I feel like my double cover does fit into the category of a fashion magazine because although it may not follow all typical fashion codes and conventions this might in turn help drive its success in doing what other magazines of the genre do not and create an appeal to its young and impressionable reader base of themes of honesty and transparency while staying trendy and transforming
  • 31. EXPERIMENTING For experimenting for my double page, while there was not a lot of room for experimenting as to change one thing would shift the whole style of the magazine while what I could change was the colour of the pull-quote. So for the colours I decided to use a neon-green as I thought it would appeal to a more modern audience and towards my intended target audience. I tried red to match my front cover but ultimately decided on blue but then I experimented in what shade of blue, a darker royal blue to match the dark red or a lighter blue to create more of a contrast
  • 32. Production log 26/11/19 Took magazine photos 3/12/19 started PowerPoint and collected all secondary images 6/12/19 put secondary images into PowerPoint and wrote detailed paragraph on them 7/12/19 Created flat-plan Wrote magazine introduction 10/12/19 Created reader profile Finalized on a magazine name 11/12/19 Started working on the legal slide Collected all the links 12/12/19 Started working on front cover Finished drafted flat-plan for both double page and cover 13/12/19 Started double page article draft 17/12/19 Started and finished print vs digital slide 20/12/19 Added other photo's draft slide to the PowerPoint and completed it 21/12/19 Finished front cover and exported front cover screenshots to the PowerPoint 22/12/19 Written detailed paragraphs explaining progress on how I completed my front cover 3/1/20 Started working on double page 5+6+7/1/20 Continued work on double page and finishing article 8/1/20 Finished double page 9/1/20 Experimented with cover and double page 10/1/20 Added experiments and double page work + screenshots into PowerPoint Wrote and concluded any unfinished written work for PowerPoint last check before handing PowerPoint in 14/1/20 Exported front cover and double page into after effects for final product