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Innovative leaders in the digital industry
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How Do You Use
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What to expect
in 2015
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Real case
December 2014| issue 1
Neil Walter
digital consultant
Shaun Ernst
Ari Ritz
Katelyn Duckworth
creative contributors
Eric Barker
Daniela Dimitrova
Jelie Esloyo
Angelica Arabe
Walter Analytics
190 Queen St
Victoria, 3000
4	 google analytics
Digital Consultant
Shaun Ernst reports
on the evolution of
Analytics in 2014.
8	 Pay-per click
Google AdWords
generated over 50Billion
US dollars in 2013.
Managing Director Neil
Walter explains how to
optimise its success for
your business
10	 personalised
Dynamic real time
personalisation is being
taken up very rapidly by
digital leaders including
Dropbox and Google.
12	 case studies
2014 Case Studies and
testimonials from Walter
Analytics’ partnerships
with Good Super and
18	 conversion rate
Optimisation of your
conversion tactics needs
to change constantly.
Take a look at the
evolution of iTunes over
the past decade.
20	 2015 industry
With over 10 years in the
digital industry, Neil Walter
shares what he believes
will dominate the digital
landscape in 2015.
3DIGITAL SUCCESS Magazine | 2014
from the
When we started Walter Analytics in 2012, we
expected Analytics to become an area that
would grow dramatically in focus for organisations
over the next several years, expecting trends such as
social media to find their place and settle down after
the initial buzz.
I am pleased to be bringing you this publication at a
time where you might be considering ways to integrate
Analytics into your organisation and create more accountable
We have aimed to bring you stories from clients, partners, and
our team about how they are using Analytics and data driven
marketing to grow their organisations. We strive to keep
things real and tangible.
There is plenty of technically orientated material out there,
but most of it won’t grow your organisation. We are launching
a new course at
The course focuses on many of the topics you might have
questions about, written in a way which is applicable to your
I want to thank my team who has put hundreds of hours into
this publication and our online course.
I hope you enjoy this, and remember to reach out to us if you
have any questions!
To ensure you remain
competitive you must
take a measured
approach to keep your
marketing budget
accountable, and new
analytics insights now
allows you to do just that.
Google Analytics
Walter Analytics Consultant Shaun Ernst reports
on the growth of Google Analytics in 2014,
understanding that the best business decisions
are always driven by data, but what data
actually matters?
We have seen the widespread
adoption of A/B testing in
large companies, with medium
companies starting to make the
move to incremental data driven
changes through A/B testing
as well. For web insights, new
features in Google Analytics
include Universal Analytics and
Enhanced Ecommerce, and
more recently Demographic and
Interest Segmenting, has meant
greatly increased insights into
behavioural differences between
different website users. So many
changes in a market can be hard
to grapple, and many businesses
just don’t adapt at all. To ensure
you remain competitive you
must make a measured move
to keep your marketing budget
accountable, and new analytics
insights now allows you to do
just that.
The best business decisions are
always driven by data; data that
is readily available, and data
that is gathered specifically for
that decision. Unfortunately, this
mindset hasn’t always extended
into marketing decisions as much
of the data wasn’t available; this
is no longer the case. The most
significant change in 2014 is the
advent of the ability of marketers
to measure – almost exactly
– how many sales have been
made due to each and every
campaign. That’s right, you are
no longer restricted to previously
un-measurable success metrics
such as ‘brand awareness’, ‘reach’
or ‘impressions’. With the new
tools at our command, we need
to crack down on how these
and other marketing activities
account for the bottom line.
To do this however, we need
to wade through all available
data to find those that help to
inform decisions and measure
At the end of the day, you can
have all the data in the world,
but if you can’t – or worse don’t
– do anything with it, then there
is no point in collecting it in the
first place. Data in marketing, just
as with all data, needs to be used
to inform decisions relating to
business objectives.
DIGITAL SUCCESS Magazine | 2014
It is all too common for
businesses to fall into the trap of
feeling that the data that is more
easily available is the data that
matters. Think about Facebook
post reach, the number of likes,
and the number of shares. I
get as warm and fuzzy as the
next person when I get public
recognition, but if it doesn’t
bring you more sales, either now
or in the future, then this data
is not informative for business
goals. There are many example
of this, you are probably thinking
of other data you check every
week or so. For this reason, it is
important to focus on the end
goal data; sales data.
Segmenting audiences and
demographic information. User
segment insights have received
a significant upgrade this year.
Looking at groups of users
according to behaviour such as
a threshold of time on site, or
users who make a purchase, and
demographic insights – such as
gender, age or interest group –
grants your better insights into
different target audiences. The
Google display network of ads
has now been able to leverage
its data to approximate the
demographic information of
approximately 60% of users. This
means that you can identify the
differences in behaviour between
men and women, over 45s
and under 25s, and android
users compared to iPad users
and many other details, and of
any combination. From
what we have seen so far
there are very often significant
differences in behaviour
between different groups.
The significance that this has
is really quite remarkable for
business decisions, and to
inform changes to your web
strategy. It is not uncommon for
a particular demographic to have
significantly different purchase
behaviour. This means that you
can increase your advertising
activities where you are able
to target these demographics
specifically and bid more for
more profitable segments.
Unfortunately this mindset
has not always extended into
marketing decisions as much
of the data wasn‘t available;
this is no longer the case.
So how have the changes this
year contributed to this data
collection, the data used to
make decisions or measure
performance? Universal Analytics
was a change introduced early
this year to Google Analytics.
While providing extra insights on
the default set-up, the strength
was in the opened applications
of the code that is now available.
With developers help, data from
Google Analytics can now be
imported into your CRM, and
custom user attributes from
your CRM can be sent back into
Google Analytics. Users can now
be tracked more successfully
across multiple devices if the
site has a sign-in feature, which
increases accuracy of data in
an increasingly multi-screen
environment. The real power of
custom applications of Universal
Analytics is yet to be seen; there
are some exciting developments
expected in Universal Analytics.
Enhanced Ecommerce was a
major add-on for anyone who
has a dollar value transaction
on his or her site. Once set-up
with your product data feeds,
Enhanced Ecommerce allows
you to view, from the Google
Analytics interface, data relating
to purchases at the product and
value level. What this means for
business decisions is that you can
identify the behaviour of groups
of users who purchase specific
products, or whose order value is
within a certain range. With this
information, you can really drill
down into the best savings that
can be made in your marketing.
A company may notice that a
certain demographic is much
more likely to purchase certain
product combinations, or
have a higher order value. This
information can be used to
improve the web experience
for these users, and can be fed
into the bidding strategies for
advertising to these specific
While not a new feature, building
AdWords audiences through
Analytics deserves a mention.
Google Analytics can create
segments of users who fit a
certain criteria. These segments
can be exported directly into
AdWords and can be targeted
through some advertising
networks. You can use this
information in two instances of
your advertising activities. The
first application is to increase
the effectiveness of remarketing.
Remarketing is typically used to
show display ads to past visitors
of the site, but with advanced
segmentation, you can instead
just show display ads to those in
segments based on behaviour
or demographics. Instead of
showing display ads to all past
users, you can choose only those
who were most engaged with
6 Google Analytics
Why does Google prefer responsive web design?
What is responsive Web Design?
A responsive design simply means a website
that has been constructed so that all of the
content, images and structure of the site can
be viewed optimally on any device.
Why does Google Prefer
Responsive Web Design?
It is more efficient for Google’s bots to crawl
through your site and then index and organise all
the content that is online, opposed to attempting
to index multiple versions of the exact same site.
Google also realises that unhappy people will go
elsewhere, meaning that bounce rates increase
and the site will not rank on mobile searches. This
creates an issue involving Google’s external link
algorithm and on-page errors. Responsive Web
design is positive for your SEO.
the site. Secondly, you can use
the information on conversions
of market segments to target
the broader audience of people
within this category – thus
increasing the effectiveness and
viability of display advertising.
Audience building is now much
more powerful with the additions
of Ecommerce, Universal
Analytics, and Demographics
data. We can now target
audiences that are of certain
demographic groups, or who
looked at high priced items for
specific advertising campaigns.
You can segment Analytics
data by these segments –
furthermore, all of these groups
can be targeted either with
remarketing, or even in general
from AdWords:
Demographic Information
»» (Male / Female)
Age Groups
»» 25-34
»» 35-44
»» 45- 54
»» 55-64
»» 65+
Geographic Information
Location down to the state and
major city.
Affinity Categories
»» Movie Lovers
»» Technofiles
»» TV files
»» Travel Buffs
»» Shoppers / Shopaholics
In-Market Segments
»» Employment
»» Real Estate
»» Financial Services
»» Travel
»» Apparel and Accessories
»» Home garden and furnishings
»» Automotive
»» Consumer Electronics etc
There are currently 4 billion
mobile phones in the world.
1.08 billion are smart phones.
That number is expected to
double within a few years.
DIGITAL SUCCESS Magazine | 2014
8 Industry Trends
pay-per click acquisition
AdWords, or the ads you see
on Google search results, are
the major money generator
for Google. AdWords allows
a business to generate traffic
from relevant keywords quickly
and turn a percentage of those
visitors into sales through their
website. I’m writing this article to
talk about a couple of businesses
that I have been fortunate
enough to work with over the
years, naturally evolving into their
Google AdWords manager. These
businesses were in a unique
position in that they could “turn
on and off” the AdWords tap as
they pleased and generate sales
every time the tap was on. What
made these businesses unique,
was that every conversion they
got on their website was worth
hundreds, often thousands
of dollars. Due to this, it was
very important to harness the
power of Analytics to measure
conversions and what ads
were leading to conversions.
It was also important to test
ads, monitor competitors and
dynamically adjust bids. Google
Analytics is heavily integrated
with AdWords and this allows
data sharing between the two
Due to the human nature
of giving attention to more
prominent ads, it’s important
to gain the top positions in
AdWords as often as possible.
Every time someone makes a
search, AdWords runs an auction
process and determines where
to rank companies. Position is
based on a metric called AdRank
which takes into account your
quality score (Click through rate,
ad relevance & landing page)
and your bid. Obtaining a top
of page position and keeping
it is usually the result of testing
and creating ads that win over
your competitors. Having an eye
for persuasive ad copy is what
makes the difference between
a high performing ad and a low
one. If you gain a top position,
it’s likely you’ll eventually lose
to a competitors new strategy
- so you need to be constantly
innovating to stay at the top.
I’ve worked on dozens of
AdWords accounts over the
years and the key factor that
leads to success is the time and
effort put in. The secret sauce
is having a methodology of
testing and refinement - and
defining a strategy based on the
Google’s AdWords revenue amounted to over $50 Billion US Dollars in 2013.
Neil Walter had his first AdWords account 7 years ago and in this article he
outlines the key to PPC success.
DIGITAL SUCCESS Magazine | 2014
clients unique niche and cost
per sale allowances. AdWords
management can take anywhere
from 2 to 15 hours a week, so
be prepared to pay in order to
optimise the channel to your
business goals.
How can my business run a
successful AdWords campaign?
As a business, you are
increasingly likely to encounter a
sales pitch for Google AdWords
if you are not already on it. If
you are just a regular business
in a local or lower competition
niche, you’re probably ok
working with Google to get a
presence established. Google
has a certification program, so
you should only work with an
agency who is a Google Partner.
If you’re in a highly competitive
niche, or you have run AdWords
and have not got results, Walter
Analytics can provide you with
an AdWords audit which will
go through your current setup
and make recommendations
for improvements. We also
provide management services
for selected businesses, usually in
competitive markets.
What is the most important
advice to takeaway from this?
Buying AdWords means that
you are just buying traffic for
your website. If the AdWords is
targeted, then that traffic is more
likely to convert into customers
or leads for you. It is important
to develop thinking around what
you are expecting to get when
you buy traffic and how it fits
into your business goals. If you’re
utilising forms or transactions
on your website, then it’s good
to create a Cost Per Acquisition
(CPA) number that you’re happy
paying for a customer. You can
work back from this to develop
how much you’re willing to pay
for a click.
While having a presence on
Google search is important,
it’s also important to generate
business from your marketing
dollars, and AdWords allows you
to do that very well when used
It’s also likely when using
AdWords you’ll notice
opportunities to improve your
website. Using a software such as
Google Analytics to understand
how people are using your
website, allows you to improve
your website and improve the
conversion rate. This is why
having a good relationship with a
web developer is important, and
ensuring that your marketing
and digital teams can work well
together. Walter Analytics offers
an Analytics Audit which looks
into the data in an Analytics
software to create business
insights and generate better ROI
from marketing dollars
10 Industry Trends
At the most basic
personalisation is setting
up marketing campaigns
for different groups
of users. At the more
complex integration,
it is the use of browser
cookie information
or other technology
Technology for real time, on-page personalisation can now provide targeted
messages to different, previously anonymous users as they arrive on your
site. Shaun Ernst breaks down what is new, what data is relevant and how to
use that data to create a personalised experience for your site visitors.
Personalised content and design
is providing the best web
experience to different target
audiences. At the most basic
implementation, personalisation
is setting up marketing
campaigns for different groups
of users, with ads for different
audiences linking to landing
pages optimised for that
audience. At the more complex
integration, it is using browser
cookie information, or other
technology implementations, to
dynamically display optimised
content and design for a site
as a site loads, to audiences
depending on previous
behaviour or demographic
What you are probably already
If you are already running any
sort of marketing campaigns
online, you probably already use
personalisation in your marketing
campaigns. If you don’t, you can
start this today. You ideally send
AdWords leads to a landing page
customised to a campaign that
is different to the landing page
that users who come to your
site through social campaigns or
organic traffic land on. In addition,
paid channels such as Social and
Display advertising allows you to
target different campaigns at very
specific groups; you can show
different display ads to targeted
groups. In your analytics, if you
see that specific interest groups
respond better to a particular
message, then you can create
a specific target audience for
that group. This allows you to
only reach the most valuable
customers while not advertising to
DIGITAL SUCCESS Magazine | 2014
those who are unlikely to respond
positively anyway, or you can
target the rest separately but pay
less to reach them.
What is new in personalisation?
Technology for real-time,
on-page personalisation can now
provide targeted messages to
different, previously anonymous
users as they arrive on site.
This new tech stems from A/B
testing software; software
such as Optimizely or ABTasty,
presenting a different version
of a page to users at random,
with the purpose of judging
how the different versions
perform. Rather than showing
a different version of a site
to different users randomly,
personalisation solutions show
the page according to personas
or behaviour; different people
will respond positively to
different messages at different
times. On-page A/B testing is
reaching the mainstream now;
personalisation will be the next
wave of optimised content and
is already being implemented by
digital leaders.
What data can you use to
personalise the content?
Cookies and other tracking
formats that determine
characteristics of users in real-
time are becoming more
advanced and at the same time,
much cheaper. Personalisation
tools tell you many
characteristics of your users:
»» Where they came from
»» If they have been to your site
»» If so, what pages they looked
at previously
»» If they have been to a partner
site in the recent past
»» Geo-location
»» Search terms used
More detailed information
around demographics is
becoming more accessible as
well, such as gender, age group
and interests.
Once you have this data, what
do you personalise? Once your
site knows certain information
about your anonymous users, it
is able to dynamically provide
content that is going to be much
more relevant to those users.
Users who have previously visited
your site will not need to see
a splash page explaining what
your service is. An Ecommerce
site that sells Men’s and Women’s
clothes would increase sales by
showing the right type of clothes
to the gender of the viewer.
How do you choose the
segments? This technology
is exciting, but using it to
reach the best people is what
personalisation is about. It is
unlikely that you are going to
be able to place all of your users
into personas to target, but two
driving criteria should determine
those that should be a priority.
Firstly, users who are already
categorised as high-value to your
business. Whether that means
they typically have high order
values, high conversion rates, or
other criteria. The second and
alternative criteria are those who
are not currently high value but
are likely to become high value
if they received a personalised
experience. As with all digital
marketing, once segments are
chosen, you will need to test and
measure using your analytics
tools to see if the personalised
experience has improved
Where is this going?
Dynamic on-page real-time
personalisation is being taken
up very rapidly by digital leaders
such as Google, Dropbox,
and more. Unlike A/B testing,
personalisation doesn’t yet have
dedicated solutions. In the next
18 months, we expect to see a
dramatic increase in the number
of digital savvy sites using
personalisation, and we expect
the price of tools to drop and the
usability to improve.
12 Walter Analytics Case Studies
Good Super have a vision;
daring to imagine what could
be achieved if superannuation
aimed to actually make the world
a better place. Their immediate
goal was to increase membership
growth through their existing
digital platforms amidst a highly
competitive market.
•	 Increase the number of
members who join the
superannuation fund
•	 Develop results driven
measurable framework to
monitor marketing ROI
In order to assist Good Super
in achieving these objectives,
we conducted an Analytics
and Search Audit including
website data analysis, market
analysis, user-flow mapping, and
determined the optimal cost to
advertise and gain customers.
We implemented conversion
optimisation through A/B testing,
constantly measuring marketing
spend and ROI of all channels.
•	 Create a Google Adwords
•	 Optimise the website content
and design process to improve
form completion, increasing
membership conversion rates
•	 Implement an advanced
Google Analytics framework
to create data driven insight
•	 Over 100,000 website visitors
in the first 12 months
•	 12,000 new members
•	 30-50% increase in landing
page conversion rate in an
intense 3 month testing period
•	 9% increase in form
completion through the
implementation of an
automated abandonment
follow-up process
•	 Several Number 1 paid Google
over 100,000 website
visitors in the first
12 months
Walter Analytics conducted an Analytics and
Search Audit including website data analysis,
market analysis, user-flow mapping and
determined the optimal cost to advertise and
gain customers.
13DIGITAL SUCCESS Magazine | 2014
operate, operating any other
In 2014, Good Super attributed
their greatest achievement as
having created a superannua-
tion product that is paperless,
Dr D’Souza claiming, “No-one
ever thought that it was possible,
no-one ever thought that super-
annuation could be this cutting
edge. So to create a product that
is easy to use, from a consum-
ers perspective as well as being
very efficient to operate from an
administrative perspective has
been a huge achievement.”
Search results for marquee
•	 Number 7 organic Google
Search result for marquee
Executive Chairman
Dr Aron Ping D’Souza
shares Good Super’s
digital success story.
“I constantly have media people
coming into my office pitching
me to advertise via traditional
channels such as television or
print and I say to them, I want
a data driven and conversion
focused marketing campaign,
and they can’t give that to me.”
Good Super Chairman Dr Aron
Ping D’Souza has successfully
fronted not only Australia’s first
social impact fund but also
formed Australia’s first superan-
nuation fund with an all-digital
application process, digital is at
the core of everything they do.
Forming a close relationship
with Walter Analytics prior to
Good Super even having a name,
both companies have worked
in close proximity to develop
results driven business goals.
“Neil and his team have been
deeply involved in the creation
and improvement of the product
and the website at every single
step of the process, and it’s hard
to imagine what the Good Super
product would be without Walter
“We’re constantly iterating on
our business goals and pivot
on a daily basis, it’s always
informed by data,” Dr D’Souza
says. “I can’t see a business
operating any other way - well
I can’t see a business that I
I constantly have media people coming into my office pitching
me to advertise via traditional channels such as television or print
and I say to them, I want a data driven and conversion focused
marketing campaign, and they can’t give that to me.
Words: Katelyn Duckworth
14 Walter Analytics Case Studies
Hydralyte Australia Facebook
page grows by 20,000 fans in
under 5 months
Hydralyte is a scientifically
formulated, over the counter
oral rehydration solution for the
effective treatment of dehydration.
As an Australian market leader for
over 10 years, Hydralyte in 2014
has expanded into Canada with
their sights set for North America
in early 2015.
•	 To discover what digital
marketing investments would
be most beneficial to drive an
increase in sales and brand
Walter Analytics conducted a
Digital Landscape Audit in order
to assess current marketing
spend, focusing on strategies
that would result in the greatest
ROI. We focused primarily on a
Search Audit, testing what design
and content opportunities would
be most beneficial in optimising
SEO, also analysing Social Media
Strategies and community
•	 Update and create meaningful
site content that reflects the
core needs of the customer to
improve SEO.
•	 Suggested site design changes
to increase conversion rate
•	 Implement new Social Media
strategies to connect with real
fans to increase website traffic
and reach
•	 Implement new measurable
digital advertising strategies
•	 Optimise the use of Google
Analytics to create data driven
insight reports and measure
interactions with the page
such as playing videos
•	 The Hydralyte Australia
Facebook page grew by 20,000
fans in under 5 months based
on a targeted content and
advertising strategy on the
•	 Website traffic increased by
35% after several measurable
digital campaigns were
Following our recommendations,
we have continued to work
with Hydralyte to continuously
strengthen their digital strategy.
15DIGITAL SUCCESS Magazine | 2014
Hydralyte’s Project
Officer Jonny
O’Brien discusses
how digital
has influenced
Hydralyte’s business
decisions in 2014.
As a listed TGA therapeutic
good, Hydralyte must
implement a conservative public
communications strategy that
adheres to industry regulations.
Jonny O’Brien, Hydralyte’s Project
Management Officer, expressed
that before engaging Walter
Analytics, Hydralyte’s most
common form of communication
had been traditional print and
television media.
In early 2014, Hydralyte engaged
Walter Analytics in an advisory
capacity to help them launch in
to digital marketing. Hydralyte’s
goal was to tap in to the
potential of digital media, and
push out its consumer education
at scale.
“Walter Analytics has widened
our eyes to what is possible in
the digital space, and helped
us achieve our digital growth
targets. At a hands on level,
Walter Analytics have also
provided services as the middle
man between developers and
our marketing team as we built
websites, and assisted us in
optimising our Google AdWords
and Social Media campaigns.”
O’Brien attributes their greatest
digital achievement in 2014 to
the transformation of Hydralyte’s
TVC assets into YouTube
advertisements, “23% of our
viewers finish our 30 second pre-
roll advertisement, it has been a
fantastic campaign.”
Looking forward in 2015,
O’Brien believes that data and
analytics will play a large part
in influencing their business
decisions as the company
continues to grow, “In 2015
Analytics will play a large part in
deciding how to distribute our
budget, and help us to justify
through digital analytics which
campaign will best drive our
customer to purchase.”
Words: Katelyn Duckworth
Our greatest achievement in 2014
was transforming our TVC assets
into YouTube advertisements. 23%
of viewers finish our 30 second pre-
roll advertisment.”
Babies Infants Elderly
Matthew: Staying on top of
digital trends and understanding
analytical data is hugely
important for Cool Australia to
ensure that we continue to meet
the needs of Australian educators
who frequent our website. Cool
Australia constantly seeks to
understand how we can better
serve visitors to our website
through the analysis of both
qualitative and quantitative data
collected from our users. This
constant analysis and reporting
allows us to ensure that we
continue to improve and
optimise our website and
content, always working
towards providing a superior user
thought leaders
Walter Analytics works closely with agencies to help manage digital change.
The testimonials below share a few of their success stories across a range of
industries through digital innovation.
Cool Australia is a non-for-profit organisation that provides
sustainability focused educational tools to teachers and students at
no cost. They have a vision encompassing that every Australian student
will leave school with a clear understanding and their own vision of
how they can positively impact the future of our natural world. Running
a successful Enviro-Week earlier in 2014, Marketing Manager Matthew
shares his insights into how Cool Australia integrated digital success into
their business goals.
Our greatest achievement in
digital marketing for 2014 has
definitely been increasing our goal
conversions three-fold over the
previous year. 2015 is shaping up
to be a very exciting year with a
range of website and marketing
programs to be rolled out as the
follow on from data analysis and
testing conducted throughout the
past year.
This analysis of website data has
allowed us to plan our website
content and marketing programs
more accurately than ever
before. We are convinced that
our digital strategy for 2015 will
result in greater engagement and
user satisfaction compared to
previous years.”
DIGITAL SUCCESS Magazine | 2014
Online Marketing Specialist Joshua Cocks at Fireworks discusses
future digital trends, and the advantage of having an analytics and
database management partner in 2014 alongside web development
Josh: With the increase in
mobile devices and functionality,
businesses need to start using
mobile to reach, engage,
attract, convert and understand
purchasing behaviour even
more. We are preparing for
this change in behaviour and
technology shift through using
mobile as a fundamental part
of our strategies. Focusing on
market insights, one-on-one
training sessions, and group
training sessions, Fireworks
has been able to improve and
grow the business in different
ways. Group training sessions
have highlighted the different
strengths and niches each
person has. The one-on-one
training strengthened us at
a grassroots level, providing
us with market insights has
improved developing digital
strategies for our clients but also
for us as a company.
Walter Analytics experience
and knowledge of practical and
highly-effective positive ROI
digital advertising strategies
has dramatically improved what
we have been able to provide
and deliver to our clients. By
understanding where and
how to measure, and at such
a detailed level, it allows us to
segment data and improve the
cost-effectiveness of campaigns,
and as a result we have been
able to offer scalable and highly
successful digital to new and
existing clients.
PENSO is a creative digital communications agency, with clients
including the Collingwood Football Club, Emirates and Stereosonic.
CEO and Founder Constantine Frantzeskos talks about PENSO’s
digital priorities. Walter Analytics has provided PENSO with
independent digital audits for client diligence.
Con: What gets measured, gets
done. PENSO’s priority is to make
the sale for today and build the
brand for tomorrow. Sales are
only one measure of marketing
success. There are other
measures, including unprompted
awareness, consideration of
brand, product searches - and
many more. While we look to
achieve much of this ourselves,
it is of great benefit having a
partner like Walter Analytics to
give us best practice guidance in
many of these areas in order to
maximise the effectiveness of our
work across channels.
Data and analytics is a crucial
part of our effectiveness. We
follow a validated learning model
in the way we dispatch work
in various different channels,
whether print, TV, outdoor,
digital, social media, content -
you name it. Analytics plays a
pivotal part in ensuring we get
the best outcomes across these
“Traditional advertising is
dying out, like the mammoths
did. Both weren’t really
able to survive in the new
environments they found
themselves in.”
This argument has become
increasingly intensified in 2014, with
the opportunity to test conversion
optimisation more convenient than
ever before with the growth of tech
start-ups Optimizely and Eye Quant.
Below is an Eye Quant perception
analysis of Apple’s iTunes web
page optimisation performance
in 2007 compared to 2014. Aside
from the overwhelming clutter
of 2007’s page, possessing nearly
12 Call to Action (CTA) features,
the most prominent conversion
improvement is the dominance
of only one CTA feature in 2014.
The simplicity of this feature in the
middle of the site increases the
usability experience of the site,
increasing the opportunity for easy
conversions and click throughs.
As our knowledge of consumer
behaviour expands attributed to
this technology, our conversions
have increased. Why would you
not test?
In 2014, CRO has been data
Nearly every new tool and
insight acquired and developed
by digital marketers, it becomes
easier to see why people drop
out and don’t convert. It could
be anything to do with content,
layout, time taken, functionality
of the website, anything that
detracts from the experience.
DIGITAL SUCCESS Magazine | 2014
Online, we can see exactly where
people lose interest and navigate
away, in terms of percentage of
users. At the end, perhaps 5% of
people who started the process
may actually buy, or perform the
intended action.
In the not-too-distant future,
CRO is predicted to become
personalised to every user. It
will be a tool used by marketing
officers and businesses to justify
marketing spend.
Katelyn Duckworth and Eric Barker
Google lost one of the world’s most highly acclaimed visual
design leads, Doug Rhodes, due to the relentless testing that his
creative work was subjected to.
Google wanted to test nearly each pixel colour change for
conversion optimisation. He was quoted saying “Design
philosophy that is driven by data, lives and dies strictly by the
sword of data.”
So to what extent do we test our creative design?
Many believe that the best strategy is to test small changes, such
as Call to Action button colours and placements, and heading
change conversions, leaving analysis of large design changes to
post design to encourage creativity in it’s purest instinctual form.
20 2015 OUTLOOK
2015 industry outlook
With over 10 years of experience as an innovator in the digital space, Neil
Walter shares his insights into what channels he believes you need to invest
in 2015. Start adding Native Advertising, Personalised Content and Platform
Data Sharing to your to do list.
I believe the most
important predictions
of 2015 relate to
communication and the
ability to target that
communication to a
very specific audience.
Remarketing has been around
for a few years now, which allows
us to retarget visitors to our
website with display advertising
or content. Remarketing has
allowed advertisers to push ROI
further, and really re-engage with
potential customers long after
they have left the website. Badly
implemented remarketing has
seen customers feel “followed
around” by a brand and have a
negative impression left on that
In 2015, it’s likely that
targeting criteria will
get a whole lot better.
Each advertising platform and
social network will roll out more
advanced criteria and targeting
possibilities. Facebook for
example at the time of writing
is pushing out its Atlas platform,
and Google has enhanced
audiences inside AdWords and
Analytics. Other companies are
pushing their own demographic
products to determine new
audiences. This is evolving
quicker than ever because of
advances in machine learning
and the ability to compare
millions of data points across
individuals to form groups.
The biggest opportunity
as an organisation in
2015 will be targeting
your audience much
more specifically than
ever before. This will include
display advertising, content
and search. Better targeting will
result in higher conversions,
click through rates, and business
growth. The more advanced
targeting possibilities are
expected to be available through
major enterprise platforms at
first, before moving into the SME
Content personalisa-
tion, or the ability to
change website and mar-
keting content based
on an individual user
profile is another emerg-
ing trend that is likely to
be available more widely
in 2015. Shaun Ernst, one of our
consultants has written a piece
about content personalisation in
this publication. Native market-
ing, or content marketing is also
likely to greatly improve as pub-
lishers combine audience data
to determine what advertising is
most relevant to you.
Native marketing has already
spawned a new industry, as
organisations look to be present
in blogs, on “news” websites,
and in social media. As its name
implies, Native marketing is
a much more natural form of
advertising, that is likely to draw
the attention of regulators as
DIGITAL SUCCESS Magazine | 2014
commercial disclosures become
On a more technical
level, I’m personally
excited about new data
sharing technologies,
especially analytics
and website usage data.
New platforms are emerging
that act as a capture layer for
customer and behavioural
data - which can be sent to
numerous platforms in a “plug
and play” manner. This allows
far cleaner data management,
and the ability for marketers to
implement solutions without
relying on software development
bottlenecks. This is led by a
number of funded startups
who are creating the standards
for sharing data between
applications. While it hasn’t
taken hold yet, having a much
more organised set of marketing
automation and analytics apps
will enable more effective
marketing and will become the
norm in organisations in the next
few years. Being able to target
communication, drive sales, and
measure the effectiveness all
in an integrated framework will
enable marketers to focus on the
message and not communication
bottlenecks. Plugging in a
new software and integrating
consumer information will be
easy, as will using data from
different apps to make better
How should my
organisation prepare?
The best thing you can do now
is audit how you are capturing
data through your website and
ensure that you are capturing it
in a clean and usable format. This
includes web analytics data such
as from Google Analytics and
consumer data that you might
be capturing through forms.
It’s likely that you have one or
more opportunities to capture
better and more useful data. As
new applications emerge on the
market, you’ll be able to integrate
your data with other apps and
make it more useful.
The crumbling of the cookie
Facebook recently rolled out Atlas, its revamped, re-designed,
advertising platform, tipped to rival Google in its reach and
Facebook uses existing user information in addition to cookies
and other mobile behaviour tracking to allow us to pinpoint
insights to advertisers.
This enables Facebook to follow offline audiences into retail
stores, attributing in-store sales to the ads that you see on your
desktop and mobile.
Walter Analytics is
a start up digital
business consultancy,
based in Melbourne
Australia, founded by
Neil Walter and Phillip
Kingston in 2012.
With a team of young digital
marketing enthusiasts, Walter
Analytics exhibits a passion for
data analysis, understanding
the newest digital marketing
technology and optimal
execution strategy to create
greater traffic and sales for our
clients. Our goals aim to assist
our clients in the relentless
pursuit for long-term growth and
increased market share.
Every organisation is at a different
stage in their lifecycle, with the
Internet offering an overwhelming
plethora of services, ranging from
SEO, AdWords and Social Media
Marketing. We believe that these
services can be beneficial to
different organisations at different
stages, but their value changes
depending on the current stage of
the organisation.
In Digital Marketing, there is a
risk that you will spend too much
money in the wrong channels.
We believe the bigger risk is
not continuously testing and
improving the conversion and
ROI of your marketing spend to
optimise your results.
At Walter Analytics we
believe in data driven
digital marketing
The services we offer on the
adjacent page are all based on
using resultant data to test and
improve return on investment
spend. With a large array of
services, you may require our
products for a small or large
DIGITAL SUCCESS Magazine | 2014
Our Service
As our largest product offering, our digital audit involves
an in-depth three-phase comprehensive analysis of your
existing digital assets, digital marketing spend, current
conversions and return on investment.
Managing an AdWords account can be tedious and time
consuming. Allowing us to assist you in managing your account,
focusing on Display Advertising, Product Listed Advertising and
PLA Remarketing will save you time and money.
We offer training and workshops in General Digital Marketing,
Social Media Optimisation and Analytics Tools such as Google
Analytics and Traffic Optimisation.
CRO is a great first step to improve ROI before increasing
your spend on marketing. Our methods revolve around
optimising existing user data to realise successful results.
We ensure your analytics are correctly set up to capture the
most useful data for your business. We also provide interval
reports on this data, which give in-depth insight into your
current digital position.
Without data you’re
just another person
with an opinion
- W. Edwards Deming
Level 13, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne,
Victoria 3000, Australia
1300 597 457

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  • 1. DIGITAL SUCCESS Insights brought to you by Walter Analytics Innovative leaders in the digital industry share their insights and success stories >>> page 4 How Do You Use Analytics? Industry Trends >>> page 8 What to expect in 2015 >>> page 20 page12 PLUS Real case studies December 2014| issue 1
  • 2. MANAGING DIRECTOR Neil Walter digital consultant Shaun Ernst SOLUTIONS MANAGER Ari Ritz EDITOR Katelyn Duckworth creative contributors Eric Barker Daniela Dimitrova Jelie Esloyo Angelica Arabe headquarters Walter Analytics 190 Queen St Melbourne Victoria, 3000 Australia 4 google analytics Digital Consultant Shaun Ernst reports on the evolution of Analytics in 2014. 8 Pay-per click acquisition Google AdWords generated over 50Billion US dollars in 2013. Managing Director Neil Walter explains how to optimise its success for your business 10 personalised content Dynamic real time personalisation is being taken up very rapidly by digital leaders including Dropbox and Google. 12 case studies 2014 Case Studies and testimonials from Walter Analytics’ partnerships with Good Super and Hydralyte. 18 conversion rate optimisation Optimisation of your conversion tactics needs to change constantly. Take a look at the evolution of iTunes over the past decade. 20 2015 industry outlook With over 10 years in the digital industry, Neil Walter shares what he believes will dominate the digital landscape in 2015.
  • 3. 3DIGITAL SUCCESS Magazine | 2014 message from the director When we started Walter Analytics in 2012, we expected Analytics to become an area that would grow dramatically in focus for organisations over the next several years, expecting trends such as social media to find their place and settle down after the initial buzz. I am pleased to be bringing you this publication at a time where you might be considering ways to integrate Analytics into your organisation and create more accountable marketing. We have aimed to bring you stories from clients, partners, and our team about how they are using Analytics and data driven marketing to grow their organisations. We strive to keep things real and tangible. There is plenty of technically orientated material out there, but most of it won’t grow your organisation. We are launching a new course at The course focuses on many of the topics you might have questions about, written in a way which is applicable to your business. I want to thank my team who has put hundreds of hours into this publication and our online course. I hope you enjoy this, and remember to reach out to us if you have any questions! Regards, Neil
  • 4. 4 To ensure you remain competitive you must take a measured approach to keep your marketing budget accountable, and new analytics insights now allows you to do just that. Google Analytics analytics Walter Analytics Consultant Shaun Ernst reports on the growth of Google Analytics in 2014, understanding that the best business decisions are always driven by data, but what data actually matters? We have seen the widespread adoption of A/B testing in large companies, with medium companies starting to make the move to incremental data driven changes through A/B testing as well. For web insights, new features in Google Analytics include Universal Analytics and Enhanced Ecommerce, and more recently Demographic and Interest Segmenting, has meant greatly increased insights into behavioural differences between different website users. So many changes in a market can be hard to grapple, and many businesses just don’t adapt at all. To ensure you remain competitive you must make a measured move to keep your marketing budget accountable, and new analytics insights now allows you to do just that. The best business decisions are always driven by data; data that is readily available, and data that is gathered specifically for that decision. Unfortunately, this mindset hasn’t always extended into marketing decisions as much of the data wasn’t available; this is no longer the case. The most significant change in 2014 is the advent of the ability of marketers to measure – almost exactly – how many sales have been made due to each and every campaign. That’s right, you are no longer restricted to previously un-measurable success metrics such as ‘brand awareness’, ‘reach’ or ‘impressions’. With the new tools at our command, we need to crack down on how these and other marketing activities account for the bottom line. To do this however, we need to wade through all available data to find those that help to inform decisions and measure performance. At the end of the day, you can have all the data in the world, but if you can’t – or worse don’t – do anything with it, then there is no point in collecting it in the first place. Data in marketing, just as with all data, needs to be used to inform decisions relating to business objectives.
  • 5. DIGITAL SUCCESS Magazine | 2014 5 It is all too common for businesses to fall into the trap of feeling that the data that is more easily available is the data that matters. Think about Facebook post reach, the number of likes, and the number of shares. I get as warm and fuzzy as the next person when I get public recognition, but if it doesn’t bring you more sales, either now or in the future, then this data is not informative for business goals. There are many example of this, you are probably thinking of other data you check every week or so. For this reason, it is important to focus on the end goal data; sales data. Segmenting audiences and demographic information. User segment insights have received a significant upgrade this year. Looking at groups of users according to behaviour such as a threshold of time on site, or users who make a purchase, and demographic insights – such as gender, age or interest group – grants your better insights into different target audiences. The Google display network of ads has now been able to leverage its data to approximate the demographic information of approximately 60% of users. This means that you can identify the differences in behaviour between men and women, over 45s and under 25s, and android users compared to iPad users and many other details, and of any combination. From what we have seen so far there are very often significant differences in behaviour between different groups. The significance that this has is really quite remarkable for business decisions, and to inform changes to your web strategy. It is not uncommon for a particular demographic to have significantly different purchase behaviour. This means that you can increase your advertising activities where you are able to target these demographics specifically and bid more for more profitable segments. Unfortunately this mindset has not always extended into marketing decisions as much of the data wasn‘t available; this is no longer the case.
  • 6. So how have the changes this year contributed to this data collection, the data used to make decisions or measure performance? Universal Analytics was a change introduced early this year to Google Analytics. While providing extra insights on the default set-up, the strength was in the opened applications of the code that is now available. With developers help, data from Google Analytics can now be imported into your CRM, and custom user attributes from your CRM can be sent back into Google Analytics. Users can now be tracked more successfully across multiple devices if the site has a sign-in feature, which increases accuracy of data in an increasingly multi-screen environment. The real power of custom applications of Universal Analytics is yet to be seen; there are some exciting developments expected in Universal Analytics. Enhanced Ecommerce was a major add-on for anyone who has a dollar value transaction on his or her site. Once set-up with your product data feeds, Enhanced Ecommerce allows you to view, from the Google Analytics interface, data relating to purchases at the product and value level. What this means for business decisions is that you can identify the behaviour of groups of users who purchase specific products, or whose order value is within a certain range. With this information, you can really drill down into the best savings that can be made in your marketing. A company may notice that a certain demographic is much more likely to purchase certain product combinations, or have a higher order value. This information can be used to improve the web experience for these users, and can be fed into the bidding strategies for advertising to these specific audiences. While not a new feature, building AdWords audiences through Analytics deserves a mention. Google Analytics can create segments of users who fit a certain criteria. These segments can be exported directly into AdWords and can be targeted through some advertising networks. You can use this information in two instances of your advertising activities. The first application is to increase the effectiveness of remarketing. Remarketing is typically used to show display ads to past visitors of the site, but with advanced segmentation, you can instead just show display ads to those in segments based on behaviour or demographics. Instead of showing display ads to all past users, you can choose only those who were most engaged with 6 Google Analytics
  • 7. Why does Google prefer responsive web design? What is responsive Web Design? A responsive design simply means a website that has been constructed so that all of the content, images and structure of the site can be viewed optimally on any device. Why does Google Prefer Responsive Web Design? It is more efficient for Google’s bots to crawl through your site and then index and organise all the content that is online, opposed to attempting to index multiple versions of the exact same site. Google also realises that unhappy people will go elsewhere, meaning that bounce rates increase and the site will not rank on mobile searches. This creates an issue involving Google’s external link algorithm and on-page errors. Responsive Web design is positive for your SEO. the site. Secondly, you can use the information on conversions of market segments to target the broader audience of people within this category – thus increasing the effectiveness and viability of display advertising. Audience building is now much more powerful with the additions of Ecommerce, Universal Analytics, and Demographics data. We can now target audiences that are of certain demographic groups, or who looked at high priced items for specific advertising campaigns. You can segment Analytics data by these segments – furthermore, all of these groups can be targeted either with remarketing, or even in general from AdWords: Demographic Information Gender »» (Male / Female) Age Groups »» 25-34 »» 35-44 »» 45- 54 »» 55-64 »» 65+ Geographic Information Location down to the state and major city. Affinity Categories »» Movie Lovers »» Technofiles »» TV files »» Travel Buffs »» Shoppers / Shopaholics In-Market Segments »» Employment »» Real Estate »» Financial Services »» Travel »» Apparel and Accessories »» Home garden and furnishings »» Automotive »» Consumer Electronics etc There are currently 4 billion mobile phones in the world. 1.08 billion are smart phones. That number is expected to double within a few years. DIGITAL SUCCESS Magazine | 2014 7
  • 8. 8 Industry Trends pay-per click acquisition AdWords, or the ads you see on Google search results, are the major money generator for Google. AdWords allows a business to generate traffic from relevant keywords quickly and turn a percentage of those visitors into sales through their website. I’m writing this article to talk about a couple of businesses that I have been fortunate enough to work with over the years, naturally evolving into their Google AdWords manager. These businesses were in a unique position in that they could “turn on and off” the AdWords tap as they pleased and generate sales every time the tap was on. What made these businesses unique, was that every conversion they got on their website was worth hundreds, often thousands of dollars. Due to this, it was very important to harness the power of Analytics to measure conversions and what ads were leading to conversions. It was also important to test ads, monitor competitors and dynamically adjust bids. Google Analytics is heavily integrated with AdWords and this allows data sharing between the two platforms. Due to the human nature of giving attention to more prominent ads, it’s important to gain the top positions in AdWords as often as possible. Every time someone makes a search, AdWords runs an auction process and determines where to rank companies. Position is based on a metric called AdRank which takes into account your quality score (Click through rate, ad relevance & landing page) and your bid. Obtaining a top of page position and keeping it is usually the result of testing and creating ads that win over your competitors. Having an eye for persuasive ad copy is what makes the difference between a high performing ad and a low one. If you gain a top position, it’s likely you’ll eventually lose to a competitors new strategy - so you need to be constantly innovating to stay at the top. I’ve worked on dozens of AdWords accounts over the years and the key factor that leads to success is the time and effort put in. The secret sauce is having a methodology of testing and refinement - and defining a strategy based on the Google’s AdWords revenue amounted to over $50 Billion US Dollars in 2013. Neil Walter had his first AdWords account 7 years ago and in this article he outlines the key to PPC success.
  • 9. DIGITAL SUCCESS Magazine | 2014 9 clients unique niche and cost per sale allowances. AdWords management can take anywhere from 2 to 15 hours a week, so be prepared to pay in order to optimise the channel to your business goals. How can my business run a successful AdWords campaign? As a business, you are increasingly likely to encounter a sales pitch for Google AdWords if you are not already on it. If you are just a regular business in a local or lower competition niche, you’re probably ok working with Google to get a presence established. Google has a certification program, so you should only work with an agency who is a Google Partner. If you’re in a highly competitive niche, or you have run AdWords and have not got results, Walter Analytics can provide you with an AdWords audit which will go through your current setup and make recommendations for improvements. We also provide management services for selected businesses, usually in competitive markets. What is the most important advice to takeaway from this? Buying AdWords means that you are just buying traffic for your website. If the AdWords is targeted, then that traffic is more likely to convert into customers or leads for you. It is important to develop thinking around what you are expecting to get when you buy traffic and how it fits into your business goals. If you’re utilising forms or transactions on your website, then it’s good to create a Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) number that you’re happy paying for a customer. You can work back from this to develop how much you’re willing to pay for a click. While having a presence on Google search is important, it’s also important to generate business from your marketing dollars, and AdWords allows you to do that very well when used properly. It’s also likely when using AdWords you’ll notice opportunities to improve your website. Using a software such as Google Analytics to understand how people are using your website, allows you to improve your website and improve the conversion rate. This is why having a good relationship with a web developer is important, and ensuring that your marketing and digital teams can work well together. Walter Analytics offers an Analytics Audit which looks into the data in an Analytics software to create business insights and generate better ROI from marketing dollars
  • 10. 10 Industry Trends At the most basic implementation, personalisation is setting up marketing campaigns for different groups of users. At the more complex integration, it is the use of browser cookie information or other technology implementations. PERSONALISED CONTENT Technology for real time, on-page personalisation can now provide targeted messages to different, previously anonymous users as they arrive on your site. Shaun Ernst breaks down what is new, what data is relevant and how to use that data to create a personalised experience for your site visitors. Personalised content and design is providing the best web experience to different target audiences. At the most basic implementation, personalisation is setting up marketing campaigns for different groups of users, with ads for different audiences linking to landing pages optimised for that audience. At the more complex integration, it is using browser cookie information, or other technology implementations, to dynamically display optimised content and design for a site as a site loads, to audiences depending on previous behaviour or demographic information. What you are probably already doing. If you are already running any sort of marketing campaigns online, you probably already use personalisation in your marketing campaigns. If you don’t, you can start this today. You ideally send AdWords leads to a landing page customised to a campaign that is different to the landing page that users who come to your site through social campaigns or organic traffic land on. In addition, paid channels such as Social and Display advertising allows you to target different campaigns at very specific groups; you can show different display ads to targeted groups. In your analytics, if you see that specific interest groups respond better to a particular message, then you can create a specific target audience for that group. This allows you to only reach the most valuable customers while not advertising to
  • 11. DIGITAL SUCCESS Magazine | 2014 11 those who are unlikely to respond positively anyway, or you can target the rest separately but pay less to reach them. What is new in personalisation? Technology for real-time, on-page personalisation can now provide targeted messages to different, previously anonymous users as they arrive on site. This new tech stems from A/B testing software; software such as Optimizely or ABTasty, presenting a different version of a page to users at random, with the purpose of judging how the different versions perform. Rather than showing a different version of a site to different users randomly, personalisation solutions show the page according to personas or behaviour; different people will respond positively to different messages at different times. On-page A/B testing is reaching the mainstream now; personalisation will be the next wave of optimised content and is already being implemented by digital leaders. What data can you use to personalise the content? Cookies and other tracking formats that determine characteristics of users in real- time are becoming more advanced and at the same time, much cheaper. Personalisation tools tell you many characteristics of your users: »» Where they came from »» If they have been to your site before »» If so, what pages they looked at previously »» If they have been to a partner site in the recent past »» Geo-location »» Search terms used More detailed information around demographics is becoming more accessible as well, such as gender, age group and interests. Once you have this data, what do you personalise? Once your site knows certain information about your anonymous users, it is able to dynamically provide content that is going to be much more relevant to those users. Users who have previously visited your site will not need to see a splash page explaining what your service is. An Ecommerce site that sells Men’s and Women’s clothes would increase sales by showing the right type of clothes to the gender of the viewer. How do you choose the segments? This technology is exciting, but using it to reach the best people is what personalisation is about. It is unlikely that you are going to be able to place all of your users into personas to target, but two driving criteria should determine those that should be a priority. Firstly, users who are already categorised as high-value to your business. Whether that means they typically have high order values, high conversion rates, or other criteria. The second and alternative criteria are those who are not currently high value but are likely to become high value if they received a personalised experience. As with all digital marketing, once segments are chosen, you will need to test and measure using your analytics tools to see if the personalised experience has improved conversions. Where is this going? Dynamic on-page real-time personalisation is being taken up very rapidly by digital leaders such as Google, Dropbox, and more. Unlike A/B testing, personalisation doesn’t yet have dedicated solutions. In the next 18 months, we expect to see a dramatic increase in the number of digital savvy sites using personalisation, and we expect the price of tools to drop and the usability to improve.
  • 12. 12 Walter Analytics Case Studies Good Super have a vision; daring to imagine what could be achieved if superannuation aimed to actually make the world a better place. Their immediate goal was to increase membership growth through their existing digital platforms amidst a highly competitive market. GOALS • Increase the number of members who join the superannuation fund • Develop results driven measurable framework to monitor marketing ROI WALTER ANALYTICS STRATEGY In order to assist Good Super in achieving these objectives, we conducted an Analytics and Search Audit including website data analysis, market analysis, user-flow mapping, and determined the optimal cost to advertise and gain customers. We implemented conversion optimisation through A/B testing, constantly measuring marketing spend and ROI of all channels. RECOMMENDATIONS • Create a Google Adwords Campaign • Optimise the website content and design process to improve form completion, increasing membership conversion rates • Implement an advanced Google Analytics framework to create data driven insight reports RESULTS • Over 100,000 website visitors in the first 12 months • 12,000 new members • 30-50% increase in landing page conversion rate in an intense 3 month testing period • 9% increase in form completion through the implementation of an automated abandonment follow-up process • Several Number 1 paid Google over 100,000 website visitors in the first 12 months Walter Analytics conducted an Analytics and Search Audit including website data analysis, market analysis, user-flow mapping and determined the optimal cost to advertise and gain customers.
  • 13. 13DIGITAL SUCCESS Magazine | 2014 operate, operating any other way.” In 2014, Good Super attributed their greatest achievement as having created a superannua- tion product that is paperless, Dr D’Souza claiming, “No-one ever thought that it was possible, no-one ever thought that super- annuation could be this cutting edge. So to create a product that is easy to use, from a consum- ers perspective as well as being very efficient to operate from an administrative perspective has been a huge achievement.” Search results for marquee keywords • Number 7 organic Google Search result for marquee keywords Executive Chairman Dr Aron Ping D’Souza shares Good Super’s digital success story. “I constantly have media people coming into my office pitching me to advertise via traditional channels such as television or print and I say to them, I want a data driven and conversion focused marketing campaign, and they can’t give that to me.” Good Super Chairman Dr Aron Ping D’Souza has successfully fronted not only Australia’s first social impact fund but also formed Australia’s first superan- nuation fund with an all-digital application process, digital is at the core of everything they do. Forming a close relationship with Walter Analytics prior to Good Super even having a name, both companies have worked in close proximity to develop results driven business goals. “Neil and his team have been deeply involved in the creation and improvement of the product and the website at every single step of the process, and it’s hard to imagine what the Good Super product would be without Walter Analytics.” “We’re constantly iterating on our business goals and pivot on a daily basis, it’s always informed by data,” Dr D’Souza says. “I can’t see a business operating any other way - well I can’t see a business that I I constantly have media people coming into my office pitching me to advertise via traditional channels such as television or print and I say to them, I want a data driven and conversion focused marketing campaign, and they can’t give that to me. Words: Katelyn Duckworth
  • 14. 14 Walter Analytics Case Studies Hydralyte Australia Facebook page grows by 20,000 fans in under 5 months Hydralyte is a scientifically formulated, over the counter oral rehydration solution for the effective treatment of dehydration. As an Australian market leader for over 10 years, Hydralyte in 2014 has expanded into Canada with their sights set for North America in early 2015. GOALS • To discover what digital marketing investments would be most beneficial to drive an increase in sales and brand awareness. WALTER ANALYTICS STRATEGY Walter Analytics conducted a Digital Landscape Audit in order to assess current marketing spend, focusing on strategies that would result in the greatest ROI. We focused primarily on a Search Audit, testing what design and content opportunities would be most beneficial in optimising SEO, also analysing Social Media Strategies and community opportunities. RECOMMENDATIONS • Update and create meaningful site content that reflects the core needs of the customer to improve SEO. • Suggested site design changes to increase conversion rate • Implement new Social Media strategies to connect with real fans to increase website traffic and reach • Implement new measurable digital advertising strategies • Optimise the use of Google Analytics to create data driven insight reports and measure interactions with the page such as playing videos RESULTS • The Hydralyte Australia Facebook page grew by 20,000 fans in under 5 months based on a targeted content and advertising strategy on the platform • Website traffic increased by 35% after several measurable digital campaigns were implemented. Following our recommendations, we have continued to work with Hydralyte to continuously strengthen their digital strategy.
  • 15. 15DIGITAL SUCCESS Magazine | 2014 Hydralyte’s Project Management Officer Jonny O’Brien discusses how digital has influenced Hydralyte’s business decisions in 2014. As a listed TGA therapeutic good, Hydralyte must implement a conservative public communications strategy that adheres to industry regulations. Jonny O’Brien, Hydralyte’s Project Management Officer, expressed that before engaging Walter Analytics, Hydralyte’s most common form of communication had been traditional print and television media. In early 2014, Hydralyte engaged Walter Analytics in an advisory capacity to help them launch in to digital marketing. Hydralyte’s goal was to tap in to the potential of digital media, and push out its consumer education at scale. “Walter Analytics has widened our eyes to what is possible in the digital space, and helped us achieve our digital growth targets. At a hands on level, Walter Analytics have also provided services as the middle man between developers and our marketing team as we built websites, and assisted us in optimising our Google AdWords and Social Media campaigns.” O’Brien attributes their greatest digital achievement in 2014 to the transformation of Hydralyte’s TVC assets into YouTube advertisements, “23% of our viewers finish our 30 second pre- roll advertisement, it has been a fantastic campaign.” Looking forward in 2015, O’Brien believes that data and analytics will play a large part in influencing their business decisions as the company continues to grow, “In 2015 Analytics will play a large part in deciding how to distribute our budget, and help us to justify through digital analytics which campaign will best drive our customer to purchase.” Words: Katelyn Duckworth Our greatest achievement in 2014 was transforming our TVC assets into YouTube advertisements. 23% of viewers finish our 30 second pre- roll advertisment.” Babies Infants Elderly
  • 16. 16 Matthew: Staying on top of digital trends and understanding analytical data is hugely important for Cool Australia to ensure that we continue to meet the needs of Australian educators who frequent our website. Cool Australia constantly seeks to understand how we can better serve visitors to our website through the analysis of both qualitative and quantitative data collected from our users. This constant analysis and reporting allows us to ensure that we continue to improve and optimise our website and content, always working towards providing a superior user experience. THOUGHT LEADERS thought leaders Walter Analytics works closely with agencies to help manage digital change. The testimonials below share a few of their success stories across a range of industries through digital innovation. Cool Australia is a non-for-profit organisation that provides sustainability focused educational tools to teachers and students at no cost. They have a vision encompassing that every Australian student will leave school with a clear understanding and their own vision of how they can positively impact the future of our natural world. Running a successful Enviro-Week earlier in 2014, Marketing Manager Matthew shares his insights into how Cool Australia integrated digital success into their business goals. Our greatest achievement in digital marketing for 2014 has definitely been increasing our goal conversions three-fold over the previous year. 2015 is shaping up to be a very exciting year with a range of website and marketing programs to be rolled out as the follow on from data analysis and testing conducted throughout the past year. This analysis of website data has allowed us to plan our website content and marketing programs more accurately than ever before. We are convinced that our digital strategy for 2015 will result in greater engagement and user satisfaction compared to previous years.”
  • 17. DIGITAL SUCCESS Magazine | 2014 17 Online Marketing Specialist Joshua Cocks at Fireworks discusses future digital trends, and the advantage of having an analytics and database management partner in 2014 alongside web development strategy. Josh: With the increase in mobile devices and functionality, businesses need to start using mobile to reach, engage, attract, convert and understand purchasing behaviour even more. We are preparing for this change in behaviour and technology shift through using mobile as a fundamental part of our strategies. Focusing on market insights, one-on-one training sessions, and group training sessions, Fireworks has been able to improve and grow the business in different ways. Group training sessions have highlighted the different strengths and niches each person has. The one-on-one training strengthened us at a grassroots level, providing us with market insights has improved developing digital strategies for our clients but also for us as a company. Walter Analytics experience and knowledge of practical and highly-effective positive ROI digital advertising strategies has dramatically improved what we have been able to provide and deliver to our clients. By understanding where and how to measure, and at such a detailed level, it allows us to segment data and improve the cost-effectiveness of campaigns, and as a result we have been able to offer scalable and highly successful digital to new and existing clients. PENSO is a creative digital communications agency, with clients including the Collingwood Football Club, Emirates and Stereosonic. CEO and Founder Constantine Frantzeskos talks about PENSO’s digital priorities. Walter Analytics has provided PENSO with independent digital audits for client diligence. Con: What gets measured, gets done. PENSO’s priority is to make the sale for today and build the brand for tomorrow. Sales are only one measure of marketing success. There are other measures, including unprompted awareness, consideration of brand, product searches - and many more. While we look to achieve much of this ourselves, it is of great benefit having a partner like Walter Analytics to give us best practice guidance in many of these areas in order to maximise the effectiveness of our work across channels. Data and analytics is a crucial part of our effectiveness. We follow a validated learning model in the way we dispatch work in various different channels, whether print, TV, outdoor, digital, social media, content - you name it. Analytics plays a pivotal part in ensuring we get the best outcomes across these channels.
  • 18. 18 TECHNOLOGY CONVERSION OPTIMISATION “Traditional advertising is dying out, like the mammoths did. Both weren’t really able to survive in the new environments they found themselves in.” This argument has become increasingly intensified in 2014, with the opportunity to test conversion optimisation more convenient than ever before with the growth of tech start-ups Optimizely and Eye Quant. Below is an Eye Quant perception analysis of Apple’s iTunes web page optimisation performance in 2007 compared to 2014. Aside from the overwhelming clutter of 2007’s page, possessing nearly 12 Call to Action (CTA) features, the most prominent conversion improvement is the dominance of only one CTA feature in 2014. The simplicity of this feature in the middle of the site increases the usability experience of the site, increasing the opportunity for easy conversions and click throughs. As our knowledge of consumer behaviour expands attributed to this technology, our conversions have increased. Why would you not test? In 2014, CRO has been data driven. Nearly every new tool and insight acquired and developed by digital marketers, it becomes easier to see why people drop out and don’t convert. It could be anything to do with content, layout, time taken, functionality of the website, anything that detracts from the experience.
  • 19. DIGITAL SUCCESS Magazine | 2014 19 Online, we can see exactly where people lose interest and navigate away, in terms of percentage of users. At the end, perhaps 5% of people who started the process may actually buy, or perform the intended action. In the not-too-distant future, CRO is predicted to become personalised to every user. It will be a tool used by marketing officers and businesses to justify marketing spend. Words: Katelyn Duckworth and Eric Barker TO WHAT EXTENT dO WE TEST? Google lost one of the world’s most highly acclaimed visual design leads, Doug Rhodes, due to the relentless testing that his creative work was subjected to. Google wanted to test nearly each pixel colour change for conversion optimisation. He was quoted saying “Design philosophy that is driven by data, lives and dies strictly by the sword of data.” So to what extent do we test our creative design? Many believe that the best strategy is to test small changes, such as Call to Action button colours and placements, and heading change conversions, leaving analysis of large design changes to post design to encourage creativity in it’s purest instinctual form.
  • 20. 20 2015 OUTLOOK 2015 industry outlook With over 10 years of experience as an innovator in the digital space, Neil Walter shares his insights into what channels he believes you need to invest in 2015. Start adding Native Advertising, Personalised Content and Platform Data Sharing to your to do list. I believe the most important predictions of 2015 relate to communication and the ability to target that communication to a very specific audience. Remarketing has been around for a few years now, which allows us to retarget visitors to our website with display advertising or content. Remarketing has allowed advertisers to push ROI further, and really re-engage with potential customers long after they have left the website. Badly implemented remarketing has seen customers feel “followed around” by a brand and have a negative impression left on that person. In 2015, it’s likely that targeting criteria will get a whole lot better. Each advertising platform and social network will roll out more advanced criteria and targeting possibilities. Facebook for example at the time of writing is pushing out its Atlas platform, and Google has enhanced audiences inside AdWords and Analytics. Other companies are pushing their own demographic products to determine new audiences. This is evolving quicker than ever because of advances in machine learning and the ability to compare millions of data points across individuals to form groups. The biggest opportunity as an organisation in 2015 will be targeting your audience much more specifically than ever before. This will include display advertising, content and search. Better targeting will result in higher conversions, click through rates, and business growth. The more advanced targeting possibilities are expected to be available through major enterprise platforms at first, before moving into the SME space. Content personalisa- tion, or the ability to change website and mar- keting content based on an individual user profile is another emerg- ing trend that is likely to be available more widely in 2015. Shaun Ernst, one of our consultants has written a piece about content personalisation in this publication. Native market- ing, or content marketing is also likely to greatly improve as pub- lishers combine audience data to determine what advertising is most relevant to you. Native marketing has already spawned a new industry, as organisations look to be present in blogs, on “news” websites, and in social media. As its name implies, Native marketing is a much more natural form of advertising, that is likely to draw the attention of regulators as
  • 21. DIGITAL SUCCESS Magazine | 2014 21 commercial disclosures become blurred. On a more technical level, I’m personally excited about new data sharing technologies, especially analytics and website usage data. New platforms are emerging that act as a capture layer for customer and behavioural data - which can be sent to numerous platforms in a “plug and play” manner. This allows far cleaner data management, and the ability for marketers to implement solutions without relying on software development bottlenecks. This is led by a number of funded startups who are creating the standards for sharing data between applications. While it hasn’t taken hold yet, having a much more organised set of marketing automation and analytics apps will enable more effective marketing and will become the norm in organisations in the next few years. Being able to target communication, drive sales, and measure the effectiveness all in an integrated framework will enable marketers to focus on the message and not communication bottlenecks. Plugging in a new software and integrating consumer information will be easy, as will using data from different apps to make better decisions. How should my organisation prepare? The best thing you can do now is audit how you are capturing data through your website and ensure that you are capturing it in a clean and usable format. This includes web analytics data such as from Google Analytics and consumer data that you might be capturing through forms. It’s likely that you have one or more opportunities to capture better and more useful data. As new applications emerge on the market, you’ll be able to integrate your data with other apps and make it more useful. FACEBOOK’S ATLAS The crumbling of the cookie Facebook recently rolled out Atlas, its revamped, re-designed, advertising platform, tipped to rival Google in its reach and effectiveness. Facebook uses existing user information in addition to cookies and other mobile behaviour tracking to allow us to pinpoint insights to advertisers. This enables Facebook to follow offline audiences into retail stores, attributing in-store sales to the ads that you see on your desktop and mobile.
  • 22. 22 PEOPLE AND PROCESSES THE WALTER method IF THE STATISTICS ARE BORING, YOU’VE GOT THE WRONG NUMBERS Walter Analytics is a start up digital business consultancy, based in Melbourne Australia, founded by Neil Walter and Phillip Kingston in 2012. With a team of young digital marketing enthusiasts, Walter Analytics exhibits a passion for data analysis, understanding the newest digital marketing technology and optimal execution strategy to create greater traffic and sales for our clients. Our goals aim to assist our clients in the relentless pursuit for long-term growth and increased market share. Every organisation is at a different stage in their lifecycle, with the Internet offering an overwhelming plethora of services, ranging from SEO, AdWords and Social Media Marketing. We believe that these services can be beneficial to different organisations at different stages, but their value changes depending on the current stage of the organisation. In Digital Marketing, there is a risk that you will spend too much money in the wrong channels. We believe the bigger risk is not continuously testing and improving the conversion and ROI of your marketing spend to optimise your results. At Walter Analytics we believe in data driven digital marketing decisions. The services we offer on the adjacent page are all based on using resultant data to test and improve return on investment spend. With a large array of services, you may require our products for a small or large project. -EDWARD TUFTE
  • 23. DIGITAL SUCCESS Magazine | 2014 23 Our Service Products DIGITAL AUDIT PPC ADVERTISING MANAGEMENT TRAINING AND WORKSHOPS CONVERSION OPTIMISATION DATA ANALYTICS AND REPORTING As our largest product offering, our digital audit involves an in-depth three-phase comprehensive analysis of your existing digital assets, digital marketing spend, current conversions and return on investment. Managing an AdWords account can be tedious and time consuming. Allowing us to assist you in managing your account, focusing on Display Advertising, Product Listed Advertising and PLA Remarketing will save you time and money. We offer training and workshops in General Digital Marketing, Social Media Optimisation and Analytics Tools such as Google Analytics and Traffic Optimisation. CRO is a great first step to improve ROI before increasing your spend on marketing. Our methods revolve around optimising existing user data to realise successful results. We ensure your analytics are correctly set up to capture the most useful data for your business. We also provide interval reports on this data, which give in-depth insight into your current digital position.
  • 24. Without data you’re just another person with an opinion - W. Edwards Deming Level 13, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia 1300 597 457