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My print project
By Rachel Marie Haw
This particular magazine is very light weight, the writing is soft and spaced out which gives the effect of the writing been light and cloud like. Also
because it is a light blue this creates an uplifting look to it which makes it easy on the eyes. The black lingerie writing look sexy and voluptuous
which lingerie makes you feel when you wear it so its symbolic of the body. The soft background and writing adds a very female tone about it so
this shows it is aimed to the 18+ female audience also Victoria justice was a little kids show actress for the 18+ generation so it makes them want
to read about her and see what she is doing now. The amount of images helps to show what's in the magazine, the images used are very artistic
there not just taken there lighted modeled and presented in different ways to produce a story behind it. For example the picture with the
number 80 in it has a mermaid feel to it with the shell necklace the blue eye shadow and the water setting, she also looks very mysterious like a
mermaid would be. The web design is a lot like the magazines, very simplistic and clean with a plan white background with little writing and
images and softly bold black writing which is enhanced with the plain white background. It has all the options you need without over packing the
page, 18+ mature people prefer a clean nice simple layout. A kids magazine would be full to the brim with facts and pictures making it a bit
manic. I am aiming my magazine to the 18+ generation so I will take ideas from this magazine and web page.
The style of this is different from the other two images on the first slide even though they are from
the same magazine. The images are darker and warmer with red tones and browns with only slight
light colours to lift the setting. There is also more writing than most of the other pages in this
particular magazine as most of the pages are filled with large images of models in the new clothing
The way the title is laid out is like a menu title for a restaurant which symbolizes the fact this is a
restaurant page, you would normally see it for starter main and dessert.
The writing is ‘posh’ and sophisticated
which is appealing to the older
generation also there is a lot of writing
so you wouldn't find this in a kids
magazine as kids wouldn't want to read
large pieces of text they would rather
look at pictures and do quizzes.
On the front page of this magazine it is very simplistic, the font goes with the girls hair colour and there isn't much writing so there
isn't a lot of colour or “mess” on the page this can be very appealing as too much can be over the top.
On the rest of the pages it is exploding with colour and has loads of writing and imagery. The fact that the front page doesn't tell
you enough makes you want to open the magazine to see what it is really about. Some magazines tell the basics of the story o the
front page spoiling the content inside so by doing this it is making the customer want to open it more.
The way the website is laid out is easy to understand with the page options on the top and then other interesting things on the
first page e.g. there is a slide about different artists past and present. Its in a simple black and white writing text with a nice bold
font makes it stand out and easy to read.
It has the news as well this makes this website different from the first one, this magazine isn't released every season but weekly
meaning they can news on it because it wont be outdated like the season one would. This is why the lefair magazine has no news
facts only seasonal fashion and other things that would fit that time
The magazine like the other two front covers is very simplistic and soft writing. This
white writing on the blue sky stands out particularly well and also coordinates with
the white in the men's tops. The white reflects all the way through the magazine as
the background and even to the web page. There is odd areas of bright colour like
the background of the female models background with a vibrant yellow. Which also
is on other pages like the one at side of the models where a small bit of the writing is
in yellow.
Aa Bb Cc
Aa Bb Cc
Aa Bb
Summer beach look?
Large part of text
about the new
fashions for your
summer body look
and how to mix and
match the different
outfits on offer with
top brands. Where
does it come from?
Contrary to popular
belief, Lorem Ipsum is
not simply random
text. It has roots in a
piece of classical
Latin literature from
45 BC, making it over
2000 years old.
Richard McClintock, a
Latin professor at
College in Virginia,
looked up one of the
more obscure Latin
words, consectetur,
from a Lorem Ipsum
This will be where we find out about
what other fashion designers
recommend and there favorite items
from the launch There are many
variations of passages of Lorem
Ipsum available, but the majority
have suffered alteration in some
form, by injected humour, or
randomised words which don't look
even slightly believable. If you are
going to use a passage of Lorem
Ipsum, you need to be sure there
isn't anything embarrassing hidden
in the middle of text.
My idea is a fashion magazine about the latest top fashions on the run
way. In my front page I want a poised picture of a women side profile
looking towards the camera in black and white this is so more colors
will stand out on the background like the red I wanted to use, also it
gives a very vintage look which is what I wanted to go for. I want the
magazine to look old school clean and fresh
• Spotlight- I chose this because important things get a spotlight and its also about fashion and on a fashion run way you
have a spotlight.
• Age range- 18+ why? It’s a more mature magazine for 18+ fashion. The reason why its 18+ is because not many younger
girls would be able to afford some of the items as this is a high end fashion magazine people 18+ tend to have a job that
can pay for these brands am going to advertise
• Social status- AB upper middle class and middle class citizens that are on high wage. I would put it as this social status as
its more affordable for people with a hire income also them people would be associated with the high end brands and top
• I have acquired different skills with the amount I know to do with magazines as I did a lot on magazines in my first year I
also got photoshop skills along with this as I have used photo shop a lot and is my preferred way and I also did a magazine
last year and used a lot of the camera with film and photography so I knew I would be fine with using it also using the
• there is going to be a talk about how there is different fashions in the winter period and the pictures on my double page
will have an autumn winter feel with a cool feeling filter over it the back ground will contrast to the colours on the clothing
my models will wear.
• achiever because there most likely to be able to afford the content in the magazine and the magazine. An
• achiever is someone who might be a small business owner with power and material wealth like fashion.
• I am going to evaluate by using my blog and doing a weekly update on my blog describing what I did each week
Website experiment
Website experiment
We started off by learning about different website designs I chose to work with wix as it was the easiest web
page to use, also it made it simple to understand. I started of by finding the pictures to edit the web page
templet. I used loreum ipsum to fill in the text boxes to see how it would look with the writing. I changed the
font style and added a water mark onto it to give it elegance as I want my work to come across as soft and
feminine. Decided that I liked wix better than any of the other web designers as there were more options and
even though struggled with it I found it easier than the others.
Front page
I took this image off the
internet royalty free and
copied it into photoshop
and started working on the
heading I knew I wanted it
in white to contrast with
the black and white photo.
I like how simplistic it is
and isnt too over
powering, you consatrate
onto the actual image.
It sticks to design
It helps me with my fmp
because its given me ideas
of where is the best places
to put my cover lines on
the magazine as I struggle
to find areas that don’t
intrude or work with the
Vera Wang says that look this year is
smart casual looks, with heavy jumpers
and long suit coats. She stated that
“the simplest fashion is the best
fashion” she followed by saying that
simple colours go all round.
Beiges, reds and browns are undertone
warm colours that go with many other
outfits you might already own. For
example, a red turtle neck jumper with
a beige suit coat go well with any black
jeans, which nearly everyone has,
making it practical whilst also
Vera then went on with saying “the
Christmas tree wears the vibrant
colours, not you”
Most fashion designers know that
bright colours become quite harsh
against the winter setting.
Some of the more popular colours to
wear this time of year are; reds,
greens, beige, browns and blacks.
Winter clothing tip
everyone needs this
Winter is here and it’s time to find your
winter fashion wear. Whilst out
Christmas shopping for your family and
friends, why not treat yourself to the
latest winter outfits? Whether it’s casual
wear or a Christmas party frock, you
need to stand out in a crowd. This year,
designers are fighting for the top spot
on the best winter outfits.
So many brands from so many different
stores, but which one do you pick?
For make up?
We interviewed Jeffery star to find out
what the ideal make up is for this cold
Jeffery said “well its got to be simple, but
the eyes have to pop” he went on by
saying how purples and other dark
colours on the eyes can really do it all! “A
Smokey eye can do more than you think”
he continued “if you wear simple clothing
you can accessorize with make up and
jewelry and look just as nice or even
better than over doing everything”
(See example below)
“The Christmas tree
wears the vibrant
not you” Vera Wang
Double page spread experiment
I started by putting in my margins in on the
page before copying an image off the
internet. I inserted the image onto my
InDesign layout and made it fit the page. I
then wrote my title I decided to make it the
same red as the girls lips so that it stands
out and works together. I then went on
lorem ipsum and got some text to fill out
the text boxes and then dropped the first
letter of the text like a traditional
This is going to help my fmp as its given me
a chance to wok with colours and make
them coordanate with the text and images
and how you can make a piece look simple
yet beautiful.
Welcome to spotlight
We design and print one of the top magazines in the UK, voted
best fashion magazine of 2016. we strive to make sure we reach
everyone of all cultures, shapes and height as we believe
everyone should be in the spotlight!
We take time to find the best styles for everyone each season by
interview top designers and make up artists to find the top trends
for you.
Zoella blog
I read this magazine with every
season and I find it absolutely
fascinating on how much it can
appeal to different females around
the world. Not only is it so diverse
it is clean and fresh and easy to
read with a simple but bold front
cover each season. Personally I
would recommend this to any
female that wants to read
magazine and feel good about
themselves after, most magazines
make girls think they have to live up
to the slim model look, but this
magazine looks at so many
different sizes and colours that it
becomes more relatable to the
What I really love is the way they
take plus size women and make
them feel so comfortable in here
bodies by finding them clothes that
complement there figures whilst
also making the stylish in the same
day1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8
e with
Lay out
for the
Edit the
for the
Ad them
to the
age and
to my
finish all
ready to
Web link
Both my magazine and the vogue
magazine have two natural
looking women as the main
image, another is that it’s the
only image on the page no other
images are seen. They both have
main colours of red and white
which are bold stand out colours.
Also one of the similarities but
also differences is that both
magazines have colour
coordination's with the red on
the image and on the title.
The title is different as there is
two different kind of text with
the bold and the softer vogue
title incorporated into it.
Also there is a lot more
writing on the vogue one as
mine doesn't.
The filter on mine gives a
winter cold aspect but on the
vogue magazine there doesn't
seem to be any filter on it and
is very studio lighting, giving it
a clear bright look with the fat
there both wearing no make
They both have a page with a picture and a small bit of writing on it as
a capturing image for people to see and ten this makes you wan to
read on.
They both also have a large bit of writing and large title to again draw
the attention to the page.
On mine and the professional magazine there is a smaller picture of
someone important or part of the writing in the text.
Mine has more of a fresh feel and no filter look with a natural
background and natural lighting from the sun, unlike the other
which has a vintage news paper feel with a grey vintage filter
over the images both the large image and the small image and
is also taken in a studio not a natural setting. My magazine
spread has a cold olive green background to contrast with the
green in the trees, but the professional one has a worn out
paper look as if the corners have been stained. With this it
shows tat mine has gone for a fresh modern look and the other
has gone for an old magazine look like its from the 1940s.
They both have a main picture at the top of the web site with
the options of what pages you can go on at the top of the
picture and the main title. Both the pictures have very fresh
looks to them and you can see that there both take with un
natural lighting and and white backgrounds for the clothing to
stand out and look good.
The layouts are very different and how clear the writing is
on it as well also there is a different feel about the page
there's seem a lot ore organized and level compared to
mine. The professional one has more pages as well unlike
my web page
To summarise with my project I feel that I adhered to conventions of magazine design. I looked at pre-exisiting magazine to
influence my final products. I tried to capture imagery that would be used for an array of media outlets and use colour
schemes that best suits my target audience.
Overall I feel my project has given me some clear skills in which I can use for my final major project. I feel like I have
learned how to organise and structure my content and a clear and concise manner by using columns and margins. I have
learned how to ensure to produce imagery that has a lot of headroom and space around images, so I can appropriately
place text and content around them. I have used colours well, by matching the colours within image and applying them to
the text so they integrate across my media.
With regards to improvement, I feel my style of writing could be improved. I should work on my communication skills to
develop tonality of writing, between formal and informal. Another thing I could improve is my ability to use space well.
With my double page spread, I felt I had a few gaps which could have been filled with content, or organised better.
Overall I am happy with my print rotation and I feel that I have gained knowledge with techniques, tools and processes. I
am happy with what I have learned and will apply my new skills to my FMP later in the year.

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Magazine promotion 2

  • 1. My print project By Rachel Marie Haw
  • 2. This particular magazine is very light weight, the writing is soft and spaced out which gives the effect of the writing been light and cloud like. Also because it is a light blue this creates an uplifting look to it which makes it easy on the eyes. The black lingerie writing look sexy and voluptuous which lingerie makes you feel when you wear it so its symbolic of the body. The soft background and writing adds a very female tone about it so this shows it is aimed to the 18+ female audience also Victoria justice was a little kids show actress for the 18+ generation so it makes them want to read about her and see what she is doing now. The amount of images helps to show what's in the magazine, the images used are very artistic there not just taken there lighted modeled and presented in different ways to produce a story behind it. For example the picture with the number 80 in it has a mermaid feel to it with the shell necklace the blue eye shadow and the water setting, she also looks very mysterious like a mermaid would be. The web design is a lot like the magazines, very simplistic and clean with a plan white background with little writing and images and softly bold black writing which is enhanced with the plain white background. It has all the options you need without over packing the page, 18+ mature people prefer a clean nice simple layout. A kids magazine would be full to the brim with facts and pictures making it a bit manic. I am aiming my magazine to the 18+ generation so I will take ideas from this magazine and web page.
  • 3. The style of this is different from the other two images on the first slide even though they are from the same magazine. The images are darker and warmer with red tones and browns with only slight light colours to lift the setting. There is also more writing than most of the other pages in this particular magazine as most of the pages are filled with large images of models in the new clothing ranges. The way the title is laid out is like a menu title for a restaurant which symbolizes the fact this is a restaurant page, you would normally see it for starter main and dessert. The writing is ‘posh’ and sophisticated which is appealing to the older generation also there is a lot of writing so you wouldn't find this in a kids magazine as kids wouldn't want to read large pieces of text they would rather look at pictures and do quizzes.
  • 4. On the front page of this magazine it is very simplistic, the font goes with the girls hair colour and there isn't much writing so there isn't a lot of colour or “mess” on the page this can be very appealing as too much can be over the top. On the rest of the pages it is exploding with colour and has loads of writing and imagery. The fact that the front page doesn't tell you enough makes you want to open the magazine to see what it is really about. Some magazines tell the basics of the story o the front page spoiling the content inside so by doing this it is making the customer want to open it more. The way the website is laid out is easy to understand with the page options on the top and then other interesting things on the first page e.g. there is a slide about different artists past and present. Its in a simple black and white writing text with a nice bold font makes it stand out and easy to read. It has the news as well this makes this website different from the first one, this magazine isn't released every season but weekly meaning they can news on it because it wont be outdated like the season one would. This is why the lefair magazine has no news facts only seasonal fashion and other things that would fit that time
  • 5. The magazine like the other two front covers is very simplistic and soft writing. This white writing on the blue sky stands out particularly well and also coordinates with the white in the men's tops. The white reflects all the way through the magazine as the background and even to the web page. There is odd areas of bright colour like the background of the female models background with a vibrant yellow. Which also is on other pages like the one at side of the models where a small bit of the writing is in yellow.
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  • 8. Aa Bb Cc Aa Bb Cc Aa Bb Cc
  • 9. Summer beach look? Large part of text about the new fashions for your summer body look and how to mix and match the different outfits on offer with top brands. Where does it come from? Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, This will be where we find out about what other fashion designers recommend and there favorite items from the launch There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text.
  • 11. My idea is a fashion magazine about the latest top fashions on the run way. In my front page I want a poised picture of a women side profile looking towards the camera in black and white this is so more colors will stand out on the background like the red I wanted to use, also it gives a very vintage look which is what I wanted to go for. I want the magazine to look old school clean and fresh
  • 12. Proposal • Spotlight- I chose this because important things get a spotlight and its also about fashion and on a fashion run way you have a spotlight. • Age range- 18+ why? It’s a more mature magazine for 18+ fashion. The reason why its 18+ is because not many younger girls would be able to afford some of the items as this is a high end fashion magazine people 18+ tend to have a job that can pay for these brands am going to advertise • Social status- AB upper middle class and middle class citizens that are on high wage. I would put it as this social status as its more affordable for people with a hire income also them people would be associated with the high end brands and top designers • I have acquired different skills with the amount I know to do with magazines as I did a lot on magazines in my first year I also got photoshop skills along with this as I have used photo shop a lot and is my preferred way and I also did a magazine last year and used a lot of the camera with film and photography so I knew I would be fine with using it also using the studio. • there is going to be a talk about how there is different fashions in the winter period and the pictures on my double page will have an autumn winter feel with a cool feeling filter over it the back ground will contrast to the colours on the clothing my models will wear. • achiever because there most likely to be able to afford the content in the magazine and the magazine. An • achiever is someone who might be a small business owner with power and material wealth like fashion. • I am going to evaluate by using my blog and doing a weekly update on my blog describing what I did each week
  • 14. Website experiment Reflection We started off by learning about different website designs I chose to work with wix as it was the easiest web page to use, also it made it simple to understand. I started of by finding the pictures to edit the web page templet. I used loreum ipsum to fill in the text boxes to see how it would look with the writing. I changed the font style and added a water mark onto it to give it elegance as I want my work to come across as soft and feminine. Decided that I liked wix better than any of the other web designers as there were more options and even though struggled with it I found it easier than the others.
  • 15. Front page cover experiment I took this image off the internet royalty free and copied it into photoshop and started working on the heading I knew I wanted it in white to contrast with the black and white photo. I like how simplistic it is and isnt too over powering, you consatrate onto the actual image. It sticks to design conventions. It helps me with my fmp because its given me ideas of where is the best places to put my cover lines on the magazine as I struggle to find areas that don’t intrude or work with the image.
  • 16. Vera Wang says that look this year is smart casual looks, with heavy jumpers and long suit coats. She stated that “the simplest fashion is the best fashion” she followed by saying that simple colours go all round. Beiges, reds and browns are undertone warm colours that go with many other outfits you might already own. For example, a red turtle neck jumper with a beige suit coat go well with any black jeans, which nearly everyone has, making it practical whilst also fashionable. Vera then went on with saying “the Christmas tree wears the vibrant colours, not you” Most fashion designers know that bright colours become quite harsh against the winter setting. Some of the more popular colours to wear this time of year are; reds, greens, beige, browns and blacks. Winter clothing tip everyone needs this year! Winter is here and it’s time to find your winter fashion wear. Whilst out Christmas shopping for your family and friends, why not treat yourself to the latest winter outfits? Whether it’s casual wear or a Christmas party frock, you need to stand out in a crowd. This year, designers are fighting for the top spot on the best winter outfits. So many brands from so many different stores, but which one do you pick? For make up? We interviewed Jeffery star to find out what the ideal make up is for this cold season. Jeffery said “well its got to be simple, but the eyes have to pop” he went on by saying how purples and other dark colours on the eyes can really do it all! “A Smokey eye can do more than you think” he continued “if you wear simple clothing you can accessorize with make up and jewelry and look just as nice or even better than over doing everything” (See example below) “The Christmas tree wears the vibrant colours, not you” Vera Wang
  • 17. Double page spread experiment I started by putting in my margins in on the page before copying an image off the internet. I inserted the image onto my InDesign layout and made it fit the page. I then wrote my title I decided to make it the same red as the girls lips so that it stands out and works together. I then went on lorem ipsum and got some text to fill out the text boxes and then dropped the first letter of the text like a traditional magazine. This is going to help my fmp as its given me a chance to wok with colours and make them coordanate with the text and images and how you can make a piece look simple yet beautiful.
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  • 23. Welcome to spotlight We design and print one of the top magazines in the UK, voted best fashion magazine of 2016. we strive to make sure we reach everyone of all cultures, shapes and height as we believe everyone should be in the spotlight! We take time to find the best styles for everyone each season by interview top designers and make up artists to find the top trends for you. Zoella blog I read this magazine with every season and I find it absolutely fascinating on how much it can appeal to different females around the world. Not only is it so diverse it is clean and fresh and easy to read with a simple but bold front cover each season. Personally I would recommend this to any female that wants to read magazine and feel good about themselves after, most magazines make girls think they have to live up to the slim model look, but this magazine looks at so many different sizes and colours that it becomes more relatable to the reader. What I really love is the way they take plus size women and make them feel so comfortable in here bodies by finding them clothes that complement there figures whilst also making the stylish in the same aspects.
  • 24. day1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Layout the magazin e with the writing on Lay out the double page spread with writing on Take pictures for the magazin e Edit the images for the magazin e Ad them to the front age and double page spread Add pictures to my website Add writing and blogs Clean and finish all work ready to upload
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  • 28. Similarities Both my magazine and the vogue magazine have two natural looking women as the main image, another is that it’s the only image on the page no other images are seen. They both have main colours of red and white which are bold stand out colours. Also one of the similarities but also differences is that both magazines have colour coordination's with the red on the image and on the title. Differences The title is different as there is two different kind of text with the bold and the softer vogue title incorporated into it. Also there is a lot more writing on the vogue one as mine doesn't. The filter on mine gives a winter cold aspect but on the vogue magazine there doesn't seem to be any filter on it and is very studio lighting, giving it a clear bright look with the fat there both wearing no make up Evaluation
  • 29. Similarities They both have a page with a picture and a small bit of writing on it as a capturing image for people to see and ten this makes you wan to read on. They both also have a large bit of writing and large title to again draw the attention to the page. On mine and the professional magazine there is a smaller picture of someone important or part of the writing in the text. Differences Mine has more of a fresh feel and no filter look with a natural background and natural lighting from the sun, unlike the other which has a vintage news paper feel with a grey vintage filter over the images both the large image and the small image and is also taken in a studio not a natural setting. My magazine spread has a cold olive green background to contrast with the green in the trees, but the professional one has a worn out paper look as if the corners have been stained. With this it shows tat mine has gone for a fresh modern look and the other has gone for an old magazine look like its from the 1940s.
  • 30. Similarities They both have a main picture at the top of the web site with the options of what pages you can go on at the top of the picture and the main title. Both the pictures have very fresh looks to them and you can see that there both take with un natural lighting and and white backgrounds for the clothing to stand out and look good. Differences The layouts are very different and how clear the writing is on it as well also there is a different feel about the page there's seem a lot ore organized and level compared to mine. The professional one has more pages as well unlike my web page
  • 31. To summarise with my project I feel that I adhered to conventions of magazine design. I looked at pre-exisiting magazine to influence my final products. I tried to capture imagery that would be used for an array of media outlets and use colour schemes that best suits my target audience. Overall I feel my project has given me some clear skills in which I can use for my final major project. I feel like I have learned how to organise and structure my content and a clear and concise manner by using columns and margins. I have learned how to ensure to produce imagery that has a lot of headroom and space around images, so I can appropriately place text and content around them. I have used colours well, by matching the colours within image and applying them to the text so they integrate across my media. With regards to improvement, I feel my style of writing could be improved. I should work on my communication skills to develop tonality of writing, between formal and informal. Another thing I could improve is my ability to use space well. With my double page spread, I felt I had a few gaps which could have been filled with content, or organised better. Overall I am happy with my print rotation and I feel that I have gained knowledge with techniques, tools and processes. I am happy with what I have learned and will apply my new skills to my FMP later in the year.