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                                                                                                                IN THIS ISSUE
                                                                                                                      •   We Made It!
                                                                                           •       A Funny Thing Happened…FunnyBone
                                                                                               •       Looking For Something Different?
                                                                                                                •    Buddy’s Biography
                                                                                                   •        What Our Patients Have to Say
                                                                                               •       Answers to November’s Trivia Quiz
                                                                                                                •   What About “Lyric”?
                                                                                                    Remaining Treasure Chest Winners

                                               We Made It!

Funny Bone                                                                                                  •
                                                                                                                •   Redeemable Coupon
                                                                                                                    The Key to Leadership
                                                                                                        •       Now ‘Ear This From Stuart
  “A cheerful heart is
   good medicine…”                          2010 Has Arrived!                                                        •    Trivia Teaser

         Proverbs 17:22

      A Funny Thing
   Happened on the Way
                                       That’s One Decade Down; Nine to Go!
    to Better Hearing…                 Just kidding, of course, because – unless medical science makes some incredible
SOME YEARS BACK, ONE OF OUR            new breakthrough – none of us will ever see another “Turn-of-the-Century”.
AT THE TIME) RECALLED AN INCIDENT      And honestly: which of us can truly grasp that a 10-year period has slipped
HE HAD EXPERIENCED AS A YOUTH.         through that giant hourglass called “time” since all the hoopla ab
                                                                                                       about “Y2k”? As
  NEEL REMEMBERED THAT ONE DAY HE      each decade of our lives has flipped over like some gargantuan picture calendar,
  UPSET AND ANNOUNCED HE WOULD         most of us have witnessed an amazing slideshow of events. There are stories
  NOT GO BACK TO SCHOOL AGAIN!         that could be told by each of us: stories of joy and laughter, tears and sorrow,
  HE TOLD HER, “BECAUSE MY TEACHER     intrigue and mystery, high adventure and romance. Each of you has a story to
  CALLED ME A SCURVY ELEPHANT!”        tell, and if you had the chance to sit down with a screenwriter, he or she would
 FUMING, HIS MOTHER CONFRONTED         find “the story” in your life. There would be Romeo and Juliets; war buddies
 DAY AND DEMANDED TO KNOW WHY          with tales of both rerescue and loss; coming-of-age stories that would make us
 SHE WOULD CALL HER SON NAMES.         remember our youth; poignant narratives of family and friendships, triumphs and
 CONFUSED BY THE ACCUSATION,           failures.
 AN OFFENSIVE NAME.                    It’s these anecdotes that help us get to know each other and connect us one to
REVIEWING THE PREVIOUS DAY’S EVENTS,   another as family and friends. During 2010, we will be sharing the “story” of
                                       another,                      s.
SHE HAD CALLED THE YOUNG LAD “A        Stuart Spencer and Advanced Ear Care, so you can get to know him better…and
DISTURBING ELEMENT” FOR DISRUPTING     find out how important it is to him to help you hear the best you can. B
                                       we are not just your hearing care provider, but your friends, too. And friends
 THIS MISUNDERSTANDING, THE            want what’s best for each other.
 YOUNG NEEL SO DEEPLY THAT HE          Not only do friends share their histories, they make new memories together.
                                       We sincerely mean it when we say, “You, and your hearing, are important to us.”
 AND HUMILIATION. HEARING AIDS         We hope each one of you feels a part of the Advanced Ear Care family when you
                                       visit us. We look forward to sharing time and moments with you this year that
 EARLY EMBARRASSMENTS OF HIS           we can fondly recall together and reminisce about in the years to come.
 THEIR MARK.                           And, as we begin this new year together, we warmly wish you all a blessed and
 IF YOU HAVE A HEARING STORY –         bountiful 2010!

    What Our Patients                                 Biography…
                                              Buddy’s Biography…an intro to our future feature: “Buddy’s Bio”
    Have to Say:                              ------------------------------------------------
    ‘Dear Stuart:                                      Let me introduce “Buddy”, the Spencer family dog. Buddy brings
                                                                          “Buddy”, e
    I have had three pairs of hearing         a lot of life and laughter into the Spencer home and he’ll wag his way into
    aids from you in the past 15
    years. My newest ones, made by            your hearts, too. Now, it is true: Buddy is still trying to win over Mom
    Audibel, are without a doubt the          Spencer, Mariela, but he is making progress…sort of.
    best ones I have had. I’m able to                 Buddy has been a part of the Spencer clan for three years. He was
    control both the sound and the            the last “item”up for bid at a fundraiser auction the Spencers attended in
    background noise. The lifetime
                                              fall 2006, and from the moment Stuart and his boys saw Buddy’s curly
    free service is also a plus. I’m so
                                              eyebrows arched playfully over eager black eyes, they were hooked. His
    glad I decided to invest in them.’
                                              little pink tongue poking out from beneath a curly black and white
             Roy L. Hurlbut – San Clemente
                                              moustache was the clincher and the bidding war was on, despite Mariela’s
    “Advanced Ear Care has always
    provided me with prompt and                        After winning the bid for the cute little Shih Tsu puppy, the 3 guys
    courteous service. Their overall          in the Spencer SUV had a grand time heading home with their new family
    service has been unquestionably           member. Mariela, a busy mother of two very little guys, was thinking of
    superb. Frankly, I don’t know             all the extra work she’d have trying to housetrain the pup – and all the
    what I would have done without            shoes she’d lose in the process. Even though the guys assured her THEY
    (them). I have a tremendous               would take care of him, as any wife and mother knows: NOT!
    amount of faith and trust in                    Stuart’s son # 2, Luke, was age six and son #3, Daniel, was two
    Stuart and his staff.”                    when puppy came home. They tried out a few different names but when
             Margaret Knight – Lake Forest
                                              Luke started calling him “Buddy”, well, it took. Of course, at the time,
    “One unexpected surprise with             Luke called everyone “Buddy”: the family turtles, their snake, friends,
    my new hearing aids is that I am          anyone. But it stuck to the new puppy like flypaper,and the name really
    able to wear them 12-18 hours a           fits. He is the family “bud”.
    day without any discomfort.”                    Although Buddy loves the Spencer home, he just has to explore
                Rodney Sells – Laguna Hills   the world around him and he runs away regularly. So far, the
                                              neighborhood cheerfully returns Buddy to his family, much to Mariela’s
                                              chagrin. She keeps hoping he’ll run away and find a family who wants to
                                              keep him rather than return him.
                                                     Here’s a picture of Buddy in December, dressed in his red Christ-
                                              mas suit. And, true to form, Buddy had to scout the neighborhood,
                                              showing off his holiday attire. He was found a couple of blocks away,
                                              peeking into yards and nosing his way around…maybe looking for Santa
                                              Claus or searching out a girl Shih Tsu for his Christ-mas present. Uh oh…
                                              Mariela won’t like the sound of that.

                                                     Just between you and me, I believe Mariela’s bark is worse than her
                                              bite where Buddy is concerned. I really think she secretly adores Buddy
                                              but won’t ‘fess up to it for, oh…maybe a few more years.

                                                     Well, watch for Buddy’s  Bio next month. Together, we’ll keep an
                                              eye on the love-hate relationship between Buddy and Mariela and let’s see
                                              who wins. I know where I’m placing my bets.

                                              QUOTE:    “Every boy should have two things: a dog, and a mother willing
                                                 to let him have one.” - Anonymous (Looks like Mariela wins the Gold! ☺)
  This is a question we hear regularly at Advanced Ear Care. Here
  Stuart will give some background on what the “Lyric” is all about:                             to the Rest of Our
“At this time there are a number of “gimmicky” hearing products that companies
are spending a fortune on to entice you to try them. The first that comes to mind
                                                                                                  “25th Anniversary”
is a product called the “Lyric”. This is a small hearing device that is inserted                                “Treasure Chest”
deep into your ear canal. The company claims it will last 3 months without
              ur                                              3-4
ever having to change the battery or extract it from your ear. The big attraction                                         Winners!
to this product is proclaimed ease of use. 85% of this product’s appeal is the
battery issue. (However, I have yet to see a battery last three months).
“One person I know had the battery go dead while on a trip and could not find                      WARRANTY WINNERS
anyone that handled the product to remove it for him. He had to continue
                                                                                                (FREE RENEWAL ON EXISTING AIDS)
wearing the device, causing an annoying earplug affe
                                                 affect. This left him nearly
unable to communicate with those around him for the remainder of his visit.                       Robert Pierce, Mission Viejo
Needless to say, he had it removed when he returned and has never worn it
again.                                                                                               Alan Wolfe, Stanton
                                                                                                      Dr. Doran Farnum,
“The circuit is an old-fashioned analog technology that we were fitting 10     10-15
                                                                                                                 San Juan Capistrano
years ago. I have done deep-in-the-canal fittings for patients and understand the
strategy of getting the hearing device deep into the canal. This product idea is                  Corazon Rodriguez, Irvine
not anything new, the battery life claim being the exception. It cannot be worn            William “Bill” Daluiski, Laguna Niguel
while swimming, in a spa or steam room. Perspiration in hot weather causes                         Rose Harvey, Santa Ana
difficulties and accelerated earwax causes itching which requires a visit to have
the Lyric removed for ear cleaning. There are reports that for ear health, the
                                                                                             Bennett Armstrong, San Clemente
Lyric has had to be removed for a time in order to let the ear “air out” as infection           Lynne Dvorak, Laguna Woods
has occurred.                                                                                    Lana Fitz, San Juan Capistrano
“The Lyric concept is designed with a “subscription” (think “contract” or                        JoAnn Holden, Costa Mesa
“program”) attached to it. The idea is to sign up for an annu subscription,
                                                             annual                              Christy Jensen, Lake Forest
giving you four device changes per year. At the end of the subscription period,                       Lawson,
                                                                                                 Jean Lawson, Laguna Niguel
you sign a new contract committing to the next twelve months at a hefty price tag
of about $3300.00 EVERY YEAR. A traditional hearing aid can serve you well                         Nieuwenhuyzen,
                                                                                             Pat Nieuwenhuyzen, Redondo Beach
for a minimum of five years, and most people replace traditional aids every eight
                                                                            eight-             Virginia Richie, Laguna Woods
to-ten years. If you do the math, you can see the striking cost comparison. For
   ten                                                                                         John Schofield, Laguna Woods
argument’s sake, using a six-year period, the Lyric will cost you just under
$20,000 compared to $4-6,000. for traditional style aids. For that kind of money,
                            6,000.                                                                    Tom Sering, Tustin
I can think of a lot of reasons to change my own battery.                                      William “Bill” Uhl, Aliso Viejo
“I have seen ear canals torn up and bruised very badly on unsuccessful fittings.                Tony Molinaro, San Clemente
And even though the little “ear caps” you wear when you take a shower are very                 Verlis Richards, San Clemente
cute, they can fill with water during showering which can cause a “pooling” effect.             Claire Talbot, Laguna Woods
Obviously, these conditions will rust and/or damage the battery and electronics.
                                                                                              Vernon Spitaleri, Laguna Beach
“I give kudos to the manufacturer for their adverti
                                            advertising blitz. But great marketing              Bill Robinson, Laguna Niguel
doesn’t make this product help you hear better. Maybe enhancements will make
it more appealing in the future and we can be more enthusiastic then
                                                                                             WE SINCERELY APPRECIATE EVERYONE
         Next month, I will talk about another highly promoted product: hearing                     WHO PARTICIPATED IN
aids that have rechargeable batteries.”                                                      OUR FUN TREASURE CHEST DRAWING,
                                                                                                 HELPING US CELEBRATE OUR
                                                                                             FORWARD TO HELPING THE HEARING
                                                                                              IMPAIRED FOR THE NEXT 25 YEARS.
                               ($13.00 VALUE)                                           WHY WE ARE PASSIONATE
                                                                                        ABOUT HEARING LOSS:
    IS MY HEARING AID DEAD OR IS MY BATTERY NO GOOD?                                    “I am just as deaf as I am blind.
                                                                                        The problems of deafness are deeper
   CUT THIS COUPON AND REDEEM IT HERE:                                                  and more complex, if not more important
                                                                                        than, those of blindness. Deafness is a much worse
              ADVANCED EAR CARE                                                         misfortune. For it means the loss of the most vital
      24310 MOULTON PKWY., STE D, LAGUNA WOODS, CA                                      stimulus – the sound of the voice that brings language,
                            (949) 830-5330
                                      5330                                              sets the thoughts astir and keeps us in the intellectual
                                                                                        company of man.”                       - Helen Keller -
                                         PON             VALUABLE COUPON
24310 Moulton Pkwy., Ste. D
Laguna Woods, CA 92637

(949) 830-5330


   One Key To Leadership: Get Out And Exercise
   Gen. David Petraeus has a clear view of leadership, as Maj. John Patrick Gallagher recounts in the book “Leadership Lessons of the White House
   Fellows”, by Charles Garcia (McGraw-Hill). One day when Petraeus was a colonel in the 82nd Airborne Division, he asked his soldiers to name the No.
   1 leadership priority of the brigade. Integrity? Marksmanship? No, the correct answer turned out to be physical fitness. The brigade thought Petreaus was
   joking, until the colonel began leading his soldiers through an intensive 75 minute exercise drill every morning. And soon his point became clear: the
   workouts drove the brigade to greater alertness and energy, as well as more pride in themselves and their unit. As Gallagher puts it, “Self-discipline and
   being able to perform under pressure and exist outside our comfort zone would be the key that unlocked our success.” NOTE: Just like physical exercise
                                 unlocked                                brain”
   for the body is the “key that unlocked our success”, “exercising your brain” by using hearing aids helps keep your hearing “able to perform under pressure”.

                                                                                            Play Our “Trivia Teaser” and Win a Prize Today!
                                                                                            1. How long does it take for a red blood cell to circle the whole body?
                                                                                                             • 60 seconds
                                                                                                             • 90 seconds
                                                                                                             • 20 seconds
  HAPPY NEW YEAR Greetings to Everyone!                                                                      • 40 seconds

                                                                                            2. Windmills always turn counter-clockwise except in what country?
  Well, we made it through 2009 and it looks like most
  everyone is breathing a sigh of relief that the first decade of the 21st                                    •   Germany
  century is behind us. We hope you all were able to enjoy some part of                                       •   Switzerland
  the end-of-the year festivities, joining family, friends and others in some
                                                            nd                                                •   Ireland
                                                                                                              •   Poland
  way to say “good-bye” to 2009 and “hello” to a brand new year.

  We are excited to see what the new decade brings to the table; the                        3. What 2 occupations did Whoopi Goldberg hold before becoming an
  winds of expectation seem to be blowing in so many directions right now,
  we can only wait to see how the good Lord lets it all play out.                                             •   Window installer and Tennis Shoe Sales Rep
                                                                                                              •   Professional Dog Walker and Alterations Seamstress
  One thing we can be sure of: there is always something new to help you
                                                                                                              •   Car Wash Superintendant and Veterinarian’s Assistant
  hear better. Among other manufacturers’ events, I will be going to an                                       •   Mortuary Cosmetologist and Bricklayer
  Audibel seminar later this month and look forward to learning “what’s
  new for 2010” in the hearing industry. There’s been much anticipation                     4. How much fuel remained in the Apollo 11’s fuel tank upon landing on the
                                                                                               moon on July 16, 1969?
  for the “swipe” technology and other innovations that I am excited to
  learn about so I can tell you “what’s new now”.                                                             •   5 minutes worth
                                                                                                              •   90 seconds worth
  As soon as we learn about something “new, different and exciting”,                                          •   20 seconds worth
  we’ll let you know. So, keep your ears open (no pun intended) for                                           •   3 minutes worth
  our updates. We’ll keep you posted in our newsletters, on our
  website, in our television ads, and on our “music on hold” recordings,                     5. What was the original name Walt Disney chose
                                                                                                                   al                  chos
                                                                                                for Mickey Mouse?
  so keep watching and listening in 2010!

  In the meantime, on behalf of all of us at Advanced Ear Care, I wish you                                    •   Malcolm
                                                                                                              •   Mordechai
  well. May God bless you with health and happiness in the days ahead.
                                                                                                              •   Mortimer
                                                                                                              •   Marty

                                       AST                                       HER

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Lyric Hearing Aid

  • 1. JANUARY 2010 IN THIS ISSUE • We Made It! • A Funny Thing Happened…FunnyBone • Looking For Something Different? • Buddy’s Biography • What Our Patients Have to Say • Answers to November’s Trivia Quiz • What About “Lyric”? Remaining Treasure Chest Winners We Made It! • Funny Bone • • Redeemable Coupon The Key to Leadership • Now ‘Ear This From Stuart “A cheerful heart is good medicine…” 2010 Has Arrived! • Trivia Teaser Proverbs 17:22 A Funny Thing Happened on the Way That’s One Decade Down; Nine to Go! to Better Hearing… Just kidding, of course, because – unless medical science makes some incredible SOME YEARS BACK, ONE OF OUR new breakthrough – none of us will ever see another “Turn-of-the-Century”. “Turn HEARING AID USERS (WHO WAS 88 AT THE TIME) RECALLED AN INCIDENT And honestly: which of us can truly grasp that a 10-year period has slipped 10 HE HAD EXPERIENCED AS A YOUTH. through that giant hourglass called “time” since all the hoopla ab about “Y2k”? As NEEL REMEMBERED THAT ONE DAY HE each decade of our lives has flipped over like some gargantuan picture calendar, CAME HOME FROM SCHOOL VERY UPSET AND ANNOUNCED HE WOULD most of us have witnessed an amazing slideshow of events. There are stories NOT GO BACK TO SCHOOL AGAIN! that could be told by each of us: stories of joy and laughter, tears and sorrow, WHEN HIS MOTHER QUESTIONED HIM, HE TOLD HER, “BECAUSE MY TEACHER intrigue and mystery, high adventure and romance. Each of you has a story to trigue CALLED ME A SCURVY ELEPHANT!” tell, and if you had the chance to sit down with a screenwriter, he or she would FUMING, HIS MOTHER CONFRONTED find “the story” in your life. There would be Romeo and Juliets; war buddies THE TEACHER AT SCHOOL THE NEXT DAY AND DEMANDED TO KNOW WHY with tales of both rerescue and loss; coming-of-age stories that would make us age SHE WOULD CALL HER SON NAMES. remember our youth; poignant narratives of family and friendships, triumphs and THE TEACHER, STARTLED AND CONFUSED BY THE ACCUSATION, failures. DENIED THAT SHE HAD CALLED NEEL AN OFFENSIVE NAME. It’s these anecdotes that help us get to know each other and connect us one to other REVIEWING THE PREVIOUS DAY’S EVENTS, another as family and friends. During 2010, we will be sharing the “story” of another, s. THE TEACHER FINALLY REMEMBERED THAT SHE HAD CALLED THE YOUNG LAD “A Stuart Spencer and Advanced Ear Care, so you can get to know him better…and DISTURBING ELEMENT” FOR DISRUPTING find out how important it is to him to help you hear the best you can. B Because THE CLASS, NOT A “SCURVY ELEPHANT”. we are not just your hearing care provider, but your friends, too. And friends ALTHOUGH WE CAN CHUCKLE AT THIS MISUNDERSTANDING, THE want what’s best for each other. INCIDENT OBVIOUSLY AFFECTED YOUNG NEEL SO DEEPLY THAT HE Not only do friends share their histories, they make new memories together. ot STILL RECALLED IT 80 YEARS LATER AS A TIME OF EMBARRASSMENT We sincerely mean it when we say, “You, and your hearing, are important to us.” AND HUMILIATION. HEARING AIDS We hope each one of you feels a part of the Advanced Ear Care family when you WERE NOT AVAILABLE TO NEEL UNTIL MANY YEARS LATER, BUT THE visit us. We look forward to sharing time and moments with you this year that EARLY EMBARRASSMENTS OF HIS we can fondly recall together and reminisce about in the years to come. HEARING LOSS HAD ALREADY LEFT THEIR MARK. And, as we begin this new year together, we warmly wish you all a blessed and e IF YOU HAVE A HEARING STORY – bountiful 2010! PAST OR PRESENT – THAT YOU’D LIKE TO SHARE, CALL OR E-MAIL SHERILL WITH THE DETAILS. IF WE PRINT IT IN A FUTURE ISSUE, YOU WILL RECEIVE 5 PACKAGES OF BATTERIES FREE! THAT’S A $15.00 VALUE! DON’T BE A “SCURVY ELEPHANT.” LET US HELP YOU – OR YOUR LOVED ONES – HEAR AND UNDERSTAND BETTER WITH THE USE OF TODAY’S QUALITY HEARING INSTRUMENTS.
  • 2. 1 What Our Patients Biography… Buddy’s Biography…an intro to our future feature: “Buddy’s Bio” Have to Say: ------------------------------------------------ ‘Dear Stuart: Let me introduce “Buddy”, the Spencer family dog. Buddy brings “Buddy”, e I have had three pairs of hearing a lot of life and laughter into the Spencer home and he’ll wag his way into he’ aids from you in the past 15 years. My newest ones, made by your hearts, too. Now, it is true: Buddy is still trying to win over Mom o Audibel, are without a doubt the Spencer, Mariela, but he is making progress…sort of. best ones I have had. I’m able to Buddy has been a part of the Spencer clan for three years. He was control both the sound and the the last “item”up for bid at a fundraiser auction the Spencers attended in background noise. The lifetime fall 2006, and from the moment Stuart and his boys saw Buddy’s curly free service is also a plus. I’m so eyebrows arched playfully over eager black eyes, they were hooked. His glad I decided to invest in them.’ little pink tongue poking out from beneath a curly black and white Roy L. Hurlbut – San Clemente moustache was the clincher and the bidding war was on, despite Mariela’s idding protests. “Advanced Ear Care has always provided me with prompt and After winning the bid for the cute little Shih Tsu puppy, the 3 guys courteous service. Their overall in the Spencer SUV had a grand time heading home with their new family service has been unquestionably member. Mariela, a busy mother of two very little guys, was thinking of superb. Frankly, I don’t know all the extra work she’d have trying to housetrain the pup – and all the what I would have done without shoes she’d lose in the process. Even though the guys assured her THEY (them). I have a tremendous would take care of him, as any wife and mother knows: NOT! amount of faith and trust in Stuart’s son # 2, Luke, was age six and son #3, Daniel, was two Stuart and his staff.” when puppy came home. They tried out a few different names but when Margaret Knight – Lake Forest “Buddy”, Luke started calling him “Buddy”, well, it took. Of course, at the time, “One unexpected surprise with Luke called everyone “Buddy”: the family turtles, their snake, friends, my new hearing aids is that I am anyone. But it stuck to the new puppy like flypaper,and the name really able to wear them 12-18 hours a fits. He is the family “bud”. day without any discomfort.” Although Buddy loves the Spencer home, he just has to explore ome, Rodney Sells – Laguna Hills the world around him and he runs away regularly. So far, the neighborhood cheerfully returns Buddy to his family, much to Mariela’s chagrin. She keeps hoping he’ll run away and find a family who wants to keep him rather than return him. Here’s a picture of Buddy in December, dressed in his red Christ- Christ mas suit. And, true to form, Buddy had to scout the neighborhood, showing off his holiday attire. He was found a couple of blocks away, liday peeking into yards and nosing his way around…maybe looking for Santa Claus or searching out a girl Shih Tsu for his Christ-mas present. Uh oh… Christ Mariela won’t like the sound of that. Just between you and me, I believe Mariela’s bark is worse than her bite where Buddy is concerned. I really think she secretly adores Buddy but won’t ‘fess up to it for, oh…maybe a few more years. Well, watch for Buddy’s Bio next month. Together, we’ll keep an eye on the love-hate relationship between Buddy and Mariela and let’s see who wins. I know where I’m placing my bets. QUOTE: “Every boy should have two things: a dog, and a mother willing to let him have one.” - Anonymous (Looks like Mariela wins the Gold! ☺)
  • 3. WHAT ABOUT THE “LYRIC” HEARING AID? This is a question we hear regularly at Advanced Ear Care. Here CONGRATULATIONS Stuart will give some background on what the “Lyric” is all about: to the Rest of Our “At this time there are a number of “gimmicky” hearing products that companies are spending a fortune on to entice you to try them. The first that comes to mind “25th Anniversary” is a product called the “Lyric”. This is a small hearing device that is inserted “Treasure Chest” deep into your ear canal. The company claims it will last 3 months without ur 3-4 ever having to change the battery or extract it from your ear. The big attraction Winners! to this product is proclaimed ease of use. 85% of this product’s appeal is the battery issue. (However, I have yet to see a battery last three months). “One person I know had the battery go dead while on a trip and could not find WARRANTY WINNERS anyone that handled the product to remove it for him. He had to continue (FREE RENEWAL ON EXISTING AIDS) wearing the device, causing an annoying earplug affe affect. This left him nearly unable to communicate with those around him for the remainder of his visit. Robert Pierce, Mission Viejo Needless to say, he had it removed when he returned and has never worn it again. Alan Wolfe, Stanton Dr. Doran Farnum, “The circuit is an old-fashioned analog technology that we were fitting 10 10-15 San Juan Capistrano years ago. I have done deep-in-the-canal fittings for patients and understand the canal strategy of getting the hearing device deep into the canal. This product idea is Corazon Rodriguez, Irvine not anything new, the battery life claim being the exception. It cannot be worn William “Bill” Daluiski, Laguna Niguel while swimming, in a spa or steam room. Perspiration in hot weather causes Rose Harvey, Santa Ana difficulties and accelerated earwax causes itching which requires a visit to have the Lyric removed for ear cleaning. There are reports that for ear health, the that, Bennett Armstrong, San Clemente Lyric has had to be removed for a time in order to let the ear “air out” as infection Lynne Dvorak, Laguna Woods has occurred. Lana Fitz, San Juan Capistrano “The Lyric concept is designed with a “subscription” (think “contract” or JoAnn Holden, Costa Mesa “program”) attached to it. The idea is to sign up for an annu subscription, annual Christy Jensen, Lake Forest giving you four device changes per year. At the end of the subscription period, Lawson, Jean Lawson, Laguna Niguel you sign a new contract committing to the next twelve months at a hefty price tag of about $3300.00 EVERY YEAR. A traditional hearing aid can serve you well Nieuwenhuyzen, Pat Nieuwenhuyzen, Redondo Beach for a minimum of five years, and most people replace traditional aids every eight eight- Virginia Richie, Laguna Woods to-ten years. If you do the math, you can see the striking cost comparison. For ten John Schofield, Laguna Woods argument’s sake, using a six-year period, the Lyric will cost you just under year $20,000 compared to $4-6,000. for traditional style aids. For that kind of money, 6,000. Tom Sering, Tustin I can think of a lot of reasons to change my own battery. William “Bill” Uhl, Aliso Viejo “I have seen ear canals torn up and bruised very badly on unsuccessful fittings. Tony Molinaro, San Clemente And even though the little “ear caps” you wear when you take a shower are very Verlis Richards, San Clemente cute, they can fill with water during showering which can cause a “pooling” effect. Claire Talbot, Laguna Woods Obviously, these conditions will rust and/or damage the battery and electronics. Vernon Spitaleri, Laguna Beach “I give kudos to the manufacturer for their adverti advertising blitz. But great marketing Bill Robinson, Laguna Niguel doesn’t make this product help you hear better. Maybe enhancements will make it more appealing in the future and we can be more enthusiastic then then. WE SINCERELY APPRECIATE EVERYONE Next month, I will talk about another highly promoted product: hearing WHO PARTICIPATED IN aids that have rechargeable batteries.” OUR FUN TREASURE CHEST DRAWING, HELPING US CELEBRATE OUR VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON “SILVER ANNIVERSARY”. WE LOOK FORWARD TO HELPING THE HEARING IMPAIRED FOR THE NEXT 25 YEARS. FREE BATTERY TESTER!! ($13.00 VALUE) WHY WE ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT HEARING LOSS: END THIS QUESTION FOREVER: IS MY HEARING AID DEAD OR IS MY BATTERY NO GOOD? “I am just as deaf as I am blind. The problems of deafness are deeper CUT THIS COUPON AND REDEEM IT HERE: and more complex, if not more important Deafness than, those of blindness. Deafness is a much worse ADVANCED EAR CARE misfortune. For it means the loss of the most vital 24310 MOULTON PKWY., STE D, LAGUNA WOODS, CA stimulus – the sound of the voice that brings language, (949) 830-5330 5330 sets the thoughts astir and keeps us in the intellectual company of man.” - Helen Keller - VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON PON VALUABLE COUPON
  • 4. ADVANCED EAR CARE 24310 Moulton Pkwy., Ste. D Laguna Woods, CA 92637 (949) 830-5330 E-mail: Website: FLORIDA LOONY LAW: IF YOU LEAVE AN ELEPHANT TIED TO A PARKING METER, THE USUAL PARKING FEE MUST BE PAID. One Key To Leadership: Get Out And Exercise o Gen. David Petraeus has a clear view of leadership, as Maj. John Patrick Gallagher recounts in the book “Leadership Lessons of the White House Fellows”, by Charles Garcia (McGraw-Hill). One day when Petraeus was a colonel in the 82nd Airborne Division, he asked his soldiers to name the No. Hill). 1 leadership priority of the brigade. Integrity? Marksmanship? No, the correct answer turned out to be physical fitness. The brigade thought Petreaus was joking, until the colonel began leading his soldiers through an intensive 75 minute exercise drill every morning. And soon his point became clear: the 75-minute workouts drove the brigade to greater alertness and energy, as well as more pride in themselves and their unit. As Gallagher puts it, “Self-discipline and “Self being able to perform under pressure and exist outside our comfort zone would be the key that unlocked our success.” NOTE: Just like physical exercise unlocked brain” for the body is the “key that unlocked our success”, “exercising your brain” by using hearing aids helps keep your hearing “able to perform under pressure”. Play Our “Trivia Teaser” and Win a Prize Today! 1. How long does it take for a red blood cell to circle the whole body? • 60 seconds • 90 seconds • 20 seconds HAPPY NEW YEAR Greetings to Everyone! • 40 seconds 2. Windmills always turn counter-clockwise except in what country? clockwise Well, we made it through 2009 and it looks like most everyone is breathing a sigh of relief that the first decade of the 21st • Germany century is behind us. We hope you all were able to enjoy some part of • Switzerland the end-of-the year festivities, joining family, friends and others in some nd • Ireland • Poland way to say “good-bye” to 2009 and “hello” to a brand new year. bye” We are excited to see what the new decade brings to the table; the 3. What 2 occupations did Whoopi Goldberg hold before becoming an actress? winds of expectation seem to be blowing in so many directions right now, we can only wait to see how the good Lord lets it all play out. • Window installer and Tennis Shoe Sales Rep • Professional Dog Walker and Alterations Seamstress One thing we can be sure of: there is always something new to help you • Car Wash Superintendant and Veterinarian’s Assistant hear better. Among other manufacturers’ events, I will be going to an • Mortuary Cosmetologist and Bricklayer Audibel seminar later this month and look forward to learning “what’s new for 2010” in the hearing industry. There’s been much anticipation 4. How much fuel remained in the Apollo 11’s fuel tank upon landing on the moon on July 16, 1969? for the “swipe” technology and other innovations that I am excited to learn about so I can tell you “what’s new now”. • 5 minutes worth • 90 seconds worth As soon as we learn about something “new, different and exciting”, • 20 seconds worth we’ll let you know. So, keep your ears open (no pun intended) for • 3 minutes worth our updates. We’ll keep you posted in our newsletters, on our website, in our television ads, and on our “music on hold” recordings, 5. What was the original name Walt Disney chose al chos for Mickey Mouse? so keep watching and listening in 2010! In the meantime, on behalf of all of us at Advanced Ear Care, I wish you • Malcolm • Mordechai well. May God bless you with health and happiness in the days ahead. • Mortimer • Marty FUN FACT: TERMITES EAT WOOD TWICE AS FAS WHEN EXPOSED TO HEAVY METAL MUSIC. ANOTHE REASON TO ENJOY BACH. AST HER