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IBM LotusLive reviewer guide
LotusLive social collaboration services: easy-to-use integrated
email, social business capabilities and third-party applications
from the cloud
IBM LotusLive reviewer guide

   Dashboard                   Files   Communities   Meetings   Activities   Webmail   Customer stories    Integrated
   and profile                                                                           and videos       applications

IBM LotusLive reviewer guide

                                                                                                                                                                                                     For users oF
                                                                                                                                                                                               IBM LotusLive TrIAL

Making the                             Welcome to the LotusLive ™ 60-day trial
                                       guide. This interactive guide is designed
                                                                                      In this guide you’ll learn how to how to do
                                                                                      the following:
                                                                                                                                    You’ll find persistent navigation at the
                                                                                                                                    bottom of each page of this guide,            Log in
most of your                           to help you get started and quickly gain
                                                                                         • Set up your profile
                                                                                                                                    enabling you to navigate from one
                                                                                                                                                                                  • Visit
                                       an understanding of the powerful features                                                    page to another with just a click of
LotusLive trial                        and functionally of reliable, security-rich,      • Import your contacts                     your mouse. You’ll also find tips and         • Click on Log In in the upper
                                       LotusLive cloud services. We think that           • Upload and share files                   links to helpful videos and demos for           right corner.
                                       you’ll discover quickly that LotusLive            • Create and join communities of           each topic. Note that in order to watch       • Use the email address and
                                       will help improve productivity, deepen              like-minded users                        any of the videos you must be logged            password you provided when
                                       customer relationships, and generate              • Engage in collaborative activities       in to LotusLive.                                you registered for your trial and
                                       new ideas in a single, security-rich place,         with your community                                                                      click Log-in.
                                       across firewalls.                                 • Access day-to-day tasks such as                                                        • This will take you directly to the
                                                                                           calendaring, scheduling and email                                                        My Dashboard page.


    Dashboard                  Files                    Communities                   Meetings                     Activities                 Webmail                     Customer stories           Integrated
    and profile                                                                                                                                                           and videos                 applications
IBM LotusLive reviewer guide

                                                                                                                                                                                                      For users oF
                                                                                                                                                                                                IBM LotusLive TrIAL

Your LotusLive home page:                     Let’s walk through the steps.                  3. upload your picture so people          • On the left you will find a space     Learning center
                                                                                                can see what you look like in your       for a photo with Change | Remove
Dashboard                                     1. Create your profile. Once you log              profile and business card.               beneath the photo box.                TIPS
                                                 in, create your profile and add your
and profile                                      name, contact information, company             • To go back to your profile, click
                                                                                                                                       • Click Change and browse for
                                                                                                                                         a representative photo your           To find a profile or contact record, type
                                                 information, even a photo of yourself.           People from on your My Dashboard       colleagues can see.                   the full or partial name of a person in the
                                                 Your editable profile can be searched            page and then select My Profile.     • You can preview the image and
The LotusLive dashboard is essentially           by anyone unless you elect not to be           • Click Edit to make changes to your                                           search box located at the top right of the
                                                                                                                                         then click Upload.                    My Dashboard page.
your gateway to all of the applications          listed in the public directory. It’s easy        profile settings.                    • Click Save Changes, and your
                                                 to create your profile.                                                                 account settings information will
and functions of LotusLive. From your                                                                                                                                          The People menu is a great place to
                                                 • To begin editing your profile,                                                        be updated.
dashboard, you can edit your profile,                                                                                                               (continued on next page)   manage your Contacts and connections
                                                   click People from on My
                                                                                                                                                                               and collaborate instantly, right from the
add contacts, view news feeds, access              Dashboard page and then
                                                                                                                                                                               My Dashboard page.
                                                   select My Profile.
your email, host and join meetings, and          • Click the Edit button to begin
more. On the left-hand side of the                 editing your profile.                                                                                                       Tag your profile with your interests,
                                                 • You can edit your contact                                                                                                   expertise or skills to make it easier for
dashboard, you can access all of the               information, starting with your                                                                                             people to find you. Tagging makes it
LotusLive applications.                            job title, at the top of this section.                                                                                      easier for your colleagues to locate
                                                 • Click Save Changes and your                                                                                                 expertise in your organization.
                                                   profile information is updated.
Your profile includes your name,

information about you, and a photo.           2. Verify that your personal
                                                 settings are correct. You can                                                                                                 VIDEO
If you have elected to be able to be             change your user name, preferred
                                                                                                                                                                               To watch videos, you must be logged in
                                                 language, or password. Here’s how
searched publicly in LotusLive,                                                                                                                                                to LotusLive.
                                                 to personalize your account settings.
colleagues searching for you will only
                                                 • Go back to your My Dashboard                                                                                                     For more information on updating
see your name, job title, company name             page.                                                                                                                            the People menu, watch the video.
                                                 • Click on My Account Settings.
and photo, unless you are in their network.
                                                 • Select your language and time
                                                                                                                                                                                    For more information on updating
                                                   zone. Select localization and make
                                                                                                                                                                                    your profile, watch the video.
                                                   your selections.
                                                 • Click Save Changes, and your
                                                   account settings information will
                                                   be updated.


     Dashboard                     Files                        Communities                  Meetings                   Activities           Webmail                     Customer stories             Integrated
     and profile                                                                                                                                                         and videos                   applications
IBM LotusLive reviewer guide

                                                                                                                                                                                              For users oF
                                                                                                                                                                                        IBM LotusLive TrIAL

Dashboard                              4. Add your Contacts. LotusLive
                                          enables you to import and sync your
                                                                                    5. Invite guests to join you in
                                                                                       LotusLive. To work with people outside
                                                                                                                                  • From the right top of the My
                                                                                                                                    Dashboard page, select your
                                                                                                                                                                        Learning center

and profile                               contacts from Lotus Notes® or from           your company firewall, you can invite        user name and then Invite a         TIPS
                                          Microsoft® Outlook, which is the way         guests into LotusLive to collaborate,        Guest to try LotusLive.
(continued)                               that you keep track of information from      share files, join meetings, participate    • To invite a guest, simply provide   Update the About Me section of your
                                          people in your network. Let’s walk           in activities and invite guests of their     their name and email address. You   profile to help people find your areas of
                                          through the steps for adding Contacts.       own—at no cost to the guest. Your            can add a short message inviting    expertise. Write a few words about what
                                                                                       guests can also invite their own guests      them to join you in LotusLive.      projects and subject areas you work on,
                                          • From the My Dashboard page,                and be added to a Community.
                                            click the People button.                                                                                                    your experience, skills, and special areas
                                                                                       Here’s how to invite guests:
                                          • Select Contacts. You can enter a                                                                                            of expertise.
                                            New Contact either by typing in all
                                            of the contact information or you                                                                                           As a Guest of LotusLive, users can:
                                            can import contacts from Lotus
                                            Notes or Microsoft Outlook.                                                                                                    • Access LotusLive services to join
                                          • When importing, select the mail                                                                                                  meetings, read and comment on
                                            client from which you are importing                                                                                              files, create and participate in
                                            and then follow the instructions                                                                                                 activities, take surveys, view charts
                                            provided on the screen to export                                                                                               • Be part of the LotusLive Network,
                                            your contacts as a comma-                                                                                                        search and be found by others
                                            separated value (CSV) file from                                                                                                • Add, share and sync contacts
                                            that client. Next, browse to find
                                                                                                                                                                           • Invite guests of their own
                                            the CSV file that was created and
                                                                                                                                                                           • Be added to a Community
                                            click Continue.
                                          • The records that were successfully
                                            imported are now displayed. Click
                                            Import to finish the process.


    Dashboard                  Files                   Communities                  Meetings                    Activities              Webmail                    Customer stories           Integrated
    and profile                                                                                                                                                    and videos                 applications
IBM LotusLive reviewer guide

                                                                                                                                                                                                       For users oF
                                                                                                                                                                                                 IBM LotusLive TrIAL

Save time with LotusLive Files:             uploading and storing files is simple.         Downloading files to view them, or         3. When the dialog box opens, choose       Learning center
                                            Let’s walk through the steps.                  save a copy on your computer, is just         one of the following options:
Files                                                                                      as easy.
                                            1. From the My Dashboard page, select                                                        • Click Open to view the file.             Learn more about LotusLive Files
                                               Files from the left navigation bar          1. Click the name of the file that you        • Click Save to save a copy of the
LotusLive Files is your online space           under LotusLive applications.                  want to download. The detail page for        file on your computer. A new dialog
                                                                                              the file is displayed.                       box will open. Choose the directory   TIPS
for storing documents, presentation,        2. Click Upload Files in the banner. The                                                       where you want to save the file and
bookmarks, and content folders.                Upload window opens.                        2. Under the file icon, click Download.         click Save.                           To share files with anyone, all you need is
You can upload and store new files          3. Click Browse to select files that you                                                                                             an internet email address. All you have to
                                               want to upload.                                                                                                                   do is upload the file and then type the
(or new versions of existing files,)                                                                                                                                             recipient’s internet email address when
                                            4. Private is selected by default. To
create folders of files, and then share                                                                                                                                          you share it.
                                               keep the file private, leave this
them with others or keep them                  option selected.
                                                                                                                                                                                 To allow others to share the files that you
private. And you can filter your files      5. Optional: Set permissions.                                                                                                        share with them, upload the file, share it
by person, by community, and more.             • Select Encrypt the content of                                                                                                   with your immediate team members and
                                                 these files to encrypt each file                                                                                                select Allow others to share in the file
If you click on Files, you instantly see                                                                                                                                         details. Now you can also share these
                                                 when it is stored.
recent files or folders of files that          • You can encrypt the content of                                                                                                  files, schedule with business contacts,
                                                 these files so that they cannot                                                                                                 colleagues, and so on.
you’ve shared or that have been
                                                 be shared with anyone. You can
shared with you. You can also search             allow others to share files within                                                                                              Writing a good description for a shared
                                                 your company, and you can allow                                                                                                 file will enable team members to gain
for files on a variety of parameters             others to share files outside of                                                                                                insight into the contents and help them
such as recent collaborations, or by             your company.
                                                                                                                                                                                 decide if they want to download the file.
groups or tags.                             6. Optional: If you do not want to upload
                                               a file that you added to the list, select
                                               the file and then click Remove file.                                                                                              VIDEO

                                            7. Click Upload and Share.                                                                                                           To watch videos, you must be logged in
                                                                                                                                                                                 to LotusLive.

                                                                                                                                                                                      View an informative video demo
                                                                                                                                                                                      on LotusLive Files.


      Dashboard                     Files                    Communities                   Meetings                   Activities                Webmail                    Customer stories            Integrated
      and profile                                                                                                                                                          and videos                  applications
IBM LotusLive reviewer guide

                                                                                                                                                                                                  For users oF
                                                                                                                                                                                            IBM LotusLive TrIAL

Connecting people with common interests:    Like all LotusLive features, LotusLive      5. Type a description of the purpose of   7. Type one or more tags in the Tags       Learning center
                                            Communities are easy to start. Let’s           the community in the Description          field. Tags are keywords that you
Communities                                 walk through the steps of starting a           field. Be as specific as possible.        define to provide users with more
                                                                                                                                                                                Learn more about LotusLive
                                            LotusLive Community.                           Identify the community‘s goals.           ways to identify what a community is
                                                                                                                                     all about. Tags must be a single word
LotusLive Communities enable people         1. From the My Dashboard page, select       6. Click Upload an image for your            or multiple words connected with
                                               Communities from the navigation on          community to browse for an image to       underscores or hyphens.
who share a common interest to interact
                                               the left under LotusLive applications.      associate with the community on the                                               TIPS
with one another, share information and                                                    overview page. The image can be in a   8. Click Save.
                                            2. From the My Communities, click              variety of formats.
exchange ideas and are an excellent                                                                                                                                          You can share ideas and information with
                                               Start a Community to open the
                                               community form.                                                                                                               members of your community by posting
means of connecting members of a                                                                                                                                             topics to the discussion forum, sending
project team, or organizing a task force.   3. In the Community field, type a                                                                                                email notifications and adding bookmarks
                                               name for the community. Choose a                                                                                              to the community.
With the tools provided in LotusLive           name that identifies the purpose of
                                               the community.
Communities, you can reach out, make                                                                                                                                         You can see recent updates to events
connections, and get organized. As a        4. Type the names of people that you                                                                                             and actions that happen within your
                                               want to add as community members.                                                                                             LotusLive Communities on
community owner, you can invite others                                                                                                                                       My Dashboard.
                                               • You can search for names from
to join and to manage the content and            your organization‘s directory or
                                                 your personal contacts. Type-                                                                                               You can leave a LotusLive Community by
membership for the community.
                                                 ahead predicts the name you are                                                                                             simply opening the one you want to leave
                                                 typing by comparing it to names                                                                                             in your My Communities tab, click
LotusLive Communities enable you to
                                                 in the directory. If it proposes the                                                                                        Leave Community and then click OK
participate in a community‘s discus-             name that you want, click to add it.                                                                                        to confirm.
                                               • To invite a guest outside of your
sion forum to explore topics and debate
                                                 organization or contact list, enter
solutions to shared problems. Every              the person‘s email address and                                                                                              VIDEO
                                                 click the Add Member icon (+).
member of the LotusLive Community                                                                                                                                            To watch videos, you must be logged in
                                                 The guest user will receive an
can view the list of fellow members,             invitation to join LotusLive                                                                                                to LotusLive.

and, by accessing the Members page,
                                                                                                                                                                                 View an informative video demo
you can add or remove members.                                                                                                                                                   on LotusLive Communities.


     Dashboard                    Files                     Communities                 Meetings                   Activities               Webmail                     Customer stories          Integrated
     and profile                                                                                                                                                        and videos                applications
IBM LotusLive reviewer guide

                                                                                                                                                                                                       For users oF
                                                                                                                                                                                                 IBM LotusLive TrIAL

Real-time, online presentations:            Join or start a LotusLive Meeting               and send it via email, calendaring or     toolbar. The Publish a File window         Learning center
                                            and invite people from your network,            instant messaging.                        opens.
Meetings                                    all right from My Dashboard. Let’s                                                      • To add a file to the list, click the       Before logging in to LotusLive Meetings
                                            walk through the steps.                      3. Once you enter the meeting, as the        Browse button, locate the folder           for the first time, moderators and their
                                                                                            host, you’ll see the toolbar across       containing the file, select the file       guests should complete the LotusLive
LotusLive Meetings is a multifeature,       1. There are two ways you can start             the top that provides a simple and        and then click Open.                       Meetings system check.
                                               a meeting. In My Dashboard, you              intuitive interface for accessing       • Click the Publish File button. Note
easy-to-use tool for displaying and
                                               can click on Host a Meeting or               conference controls.                      that uploading a file can take                Complete the system check.
orchestrating real-time, web-based             click on Meetings in the left-hand                                                     several minutes, depending on
                                               navigation bar.                           4. Publishing is an efficient way to
presentations. It has everything you                                                        present documents and presentation        the file size and the speed of your           Learn more about the system require-
                                            2. To invite your guests to the meeting,        files because participants can view       Internet connection.
need to give web presentations, it                                                                                                                                                  ments, supported browsers and
                                               simply click on Send an Invite, which        the files without having to download    • The published file appears in your
                                                                                                                                                                                    system configuration for LotusLive
requires minimal training and                  will create an email invitation. Or you      them. To publish files:                   published file list and is presented
                                               can copy and paste the meeting URL                                                     in the conference window. To publish
support, and there’s no need for                                                            • Click on the Publish icon from the      additional files, repeat this procedure.
                                                                                                                                                  (continued on next page)       To activate LotusLive Meetings, you will
reservations. LotusLive Meetings
                                                                                                                                                                                 be required to download a LotusLive
lets you quickly share Microsoft,                                                                                                                                                Meetings plug-in. This is a one-time
Adobe®, and Lotus® documents                                                                                                                                                     download and is required for applica-
                                                                                                                                                                                 tion and screen sharing and for video
with colleagues practically anywhere                                                                                                                                             broadcasting.
in the world.

With LotusLive Meetings you can

conduct web tours, demonstrate

web services, leverage online

content during presentations, and

even share desktop applications for

real-time software demonstrations

and application training. And, with a

web camera installed, you can also

display live video.


     Dashboard                      Files                    Communities                 Meetings                   Activities             Webmail                         Customer stories           Integrated
     and profile                                                                                                                                                           and videos                 applications
IBM LotusLive reviewer guide

                                                                                                                                                                                           For users oF
                                                                                                                                                                                     IBM LotusLive TrIAL

Meetings                               5. Application sharing enables a
                                          presenter to share individual
                                                                                      — To share your entire desktop,
                                                                                         click Share the entire screen.
                                                                                                                           • Click the Record icon from the web
                                                                                                                             conference toolbar.
                                                                                                                                                                     Learning Center

(continued)                               applications or the entire desktop          — To share specific applications,    • Read and accept the terms and
                                                                                                                                                                        Learn more about LotusLive Meetings.
                                          with participants. Participants will           click Choose and then select        conditions regarding the recording
                                          view the application as if it were             the check box of each applica-      feature.
                                          running on their own desktop.                  tion that you want to share.      • Follow the step-by-step instructions
                                          Let’s walk through the steps of           • Click Start Sharing to begin.          to recording a conference
                                          applications sharing.                                                            • Click the Record icon again to stop
                                                                                 6. Host presenters can record a             the recording. If you do not do this,   You can have up to 998 participants join
                                          • Click the Sharing icon on the           meeting, including both the web and      the meeting will not record.            you in your meeting.
                                            toolbar.                                audio conference. You can then
                                          • Perform one of the following steps      download the recording to replay it,
                                                                                                                                                                     You can publish up to 30 files before you
                                            in the Application Sharing window:      share it with others or both.
                                                                                                                                                                     start a conference or while the conference
                                                                                                                                                                     is in session.

                                                                                                                                                                     You can password-protect your meetings.


    Dashboard                  Files                    Communities              Meetings                   Activities            Webmail                      Customer stories           Integrated
    and profile                                                                                                                                                and videos                 applications
IBM LotusLive reviewer guide

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 For users oF
                                                                                                                                                                                                           IBM LotusLive TrIAL

Streamline project management:              starting an activity is as easy as              4. In the Activity goal field, add a          7. Add members to the activity by                Learning center
                                            clicking and filling out a form with no            description of the activity. Provide a        adding a person to the field labeled
Activities                                  required fields. Let’s walk through                sentence or two that summarizes the           with the appropriate role.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Learn more about LotusLive Activities.
                                            the steps.                                         goal of the activity.
                                                                                                                                          8. To add the members of a community
Are you starting a project? Creating        1. From the My Dashboard page, select           5. In the Tags field, type a tag term. As        to the activity, expand Share with
                                               Activities from the navigation on the           you type, a list of matching tags from        Communities. Choose the level of              TIPS
a presentation? Researching a topic?
                                               left under LotusLive applications.              the tag collection is displayed. Click a      access that you want the community
Closing a deal? No matter what                                                                 tag to add it or keep typing to add a         members to have for the activity and          If you have an activity open, you do not
                                            2. From the My Activities view, click              tag that is not in the list. Separate         then type the community name into
activity you are engaged in, your                                                                                                                                                          see the Start an Activity button in the
                                               Start an Activity.                              multiple tags with commas.                    the field.                                    navigation pane. Click the Activities tab
LotusLive Activities is a web-based         3. In the Title field, type a description of                                                                                                   to exit the open activity first.
                                                                                            6. In the Due Date field, add a date by       9. Click Save to finish creating the activity.
collaboration tool that can help you           the activity, for example, a project name.      which this activity must be completed.
                                                                                                                                                                                           You can use a template to capture the
track your goal, capture required
                                                                                                                                                                                           required steps, contacts, resources,
tasks, store associated documents                                                                                                                                                          and tools used to complete a common
and bring together the people you                                                                                                                                                          process. After you create the template,
                                                                                                                                                                                           you can create multiple activities from
need to reach your goal.                                                                                                                                                                   it for each project you begin that uses
                                                                                                                                                                                           the process.
Activities are limited only by your

imagination. An activity can come                                                                                                                                                          You can see recent updates to events
                                                                                                                                                                                           and actions that happen within your
from a single idea or fragment of an
                                                                                                                                                                                           activities on My Dashboard.
idea in an email. You can quickly

invite new members to your activity
to brainstorm and collaborate to
                                                                                                                                                                                           To watch videos, you must be logged in
reach your goal. You can also post                                                                                                                                                         to LotusLive.
messages, share files and links to
                                                                                                                                                                                                View an informative video demo
websites, and create and assign
                                                                                                                                                                                                on LotusLive Activities.
to-do items for your activity.


     Dashboard                      Files                     Communities                   Meetings                     Activities                  Webmail                         Customer stories            Integrated
     and profile                                                                                                                                                                     and videos                  applications
IBM LotusLive reviewer guide

                                                                                                                                                                                                 For users oF
                                                                                                                                                                                           IBM LotusLive TrIAL

Webmail, calendaring and                   Let’s walk through the steps.                • You can sort your messages by date,   3. From the LotusLive iNotes dashboard,   Learning center
contact management:                                                                       sender, subject, flag or importance      stay organized with the Calendar.
                                           1. From the My Dashboard page, select          and can search by keyword.
Webmail                                       Mail from the left navigation bar         • You can also view Contact details        • The LotusLive Calendar lets you         Learn more about LotusLive iNotes.
                                              under LotusLive applications.               by hovering your mouse cursor              record important dates and
                                                                                          over Contacts.                             meetings, create events and track       Learn more about the calendaring
LotusLive iNotes® is a security-rich,      2. From the LotusLive iNotes                                                              the status of your attendees.
                                                                                        • To personalize your general mail                                                   features of LotusLive iNotes.
                                              My Dashboard, send and receive                                                       • You can choose daily, weekly or
web-based email service that                  email messages.                             preferences, spam settings, auto-
                                                                                          reply messages and signatures,             monthly calendar views.
provides essential messaging                  • LotusLive iNotes lets you to create       simply click on Mail Preferences.                                               TIPS
and calendaring capabilities for                folders to organize the email
                                                messages that you want to keep                                                                                            Because the LotusLive iNotes service
organizations of all sizes, right from          and to store email messages by                                                                                            supports POP and IMAP access, you
                                                dragging and dropping messages
the My Dashboard page.                                                                                                                                                    can use email client software such as
                                                into folders.
                                                                                                                                                                          Microsoft Outlook to manage your mail.

                                                                                                                                                                          From the personal calendar meeting
                                                                                                                                                                          invitation, you can click Show Availability
                                                                                                                                                                          to see the free and busy time of other users.

                                                                                                                                                                          You can filter your mail by using the content
                                                                                                                                                                          of different fields, such as the sender or the
                                                                                                                                                                          subject of the email, and have your email
                                                                                                                                                                          automatically put in different folders, for
                                                                                                                                                                          warded to another user or marked as spam.


                                                                                                                                                                          To watch videos, you must be logged in
                                                                                                                                                                          to LotusLive.

                                                                                                                                                                               To learn more about importing
                                                                                                                                                                               contacts into LotusLive iNotes,
                                                                                                                                                                               watch the video.


     Dashboard                     Files                   Communities                Meetings                 Activities                Webmail                     Customer stories            Integrated
     and profile                                                                                                                                                     and videos                  applications
IBM LotusLive reviewer guide

                                                                                                                                                                                         For users oF
                                                                                                                                                                                   IBM LotusLive TrIAL

LotusLive success stories:                                                                                                                                          Learning Center
Customer stories
                                                                                                                                                                       Learn more about LotusLive customers
and videos

In practically every industry and

in countries all around the world,
                                             To see how Signature Mortgage is        To see how aatranslations is using       To see how the Fashion Institute of
organizations are using LotusLive            using LotusLive to process and          the LotusLive guest account model        Design and Merchandising (FIDM)
                                             underwrite mortgages much faster        and integrated applications service      is using LotusLive to enhance
to transform the way they do                 than before, increasing monthly         to gain huge saving and improve          communication with its students,
business and to improve and                  revenue and driving new business,       communication among its global           watch the video.
                                             watch the video.                        translators, watch the video.
simplify day-to-day work routines.

Meet a few of our customers and

learn how LotusLive is helping

them improve productivity, gain

competitive advantage and realize

a genuine return on investment.

                                                                                 “We decided to move employees to the cloud with LotusLive iNotes. With its simple administration tools and
                                                                                  user-friendly interface, LotusLive helped take pressure off our migration team. We were able to move users
                                                                                  quickly and easily without any interruption to our network or IT infrastructure. With LotusLive, users can now
                                                                                  access their email, anytime, anyplace.”

                                                                                  — Rosalyn Donnelly, IT manager, C&D Foods


     Dashboard                       Files              Communities              Meetings                  Activities              Webmail                     Customer stories         Integrated
     and profile                                                                                                                                               and videos               applications
IBM LotusLive reviewer guide

                                                                                                                                                                                                         For users oF
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Boost productivity:


By adding integrated solutions from

our corporate affiliates to your

LotusLive trial, you have even more          sugarCrM                                  silanis e-signLive                             eXpresso                                       Ariba Discovery

cloud-based options that can                 LotusLive on Sugar offers a fully         Silanis e-SignLive for LotusLive is an         eXpresso enables your workforce to             Ariba Discovery is a free, easy-to-use
                                             integrated customer relationship          online electronic signature service from       open, create and edit shared files             service that gives you access to more
simplify and improve your everyday           management and online collaboration       Silanis that enables users to electronically   without leaving LotusLive or manually          than 300,000 sellers in over 400
business activities. You can sign            solution that simplifies working with     review, modify and sign documents in a         downloading or uploading newer                 commodity categories. With LotusLive,
                                             prospects and customers during the        secure, compliant and collaborative            versions. You never have to worry about        you can schedule online meetings,
documents electronically, view               lead generation, lead-to-cash and issue   environment. It is hosted in the IBM           who has the file open, who’s making            create web conferences, chat, share
nearly any file type, talk with clients,     resolution processes. Note that this      LotusLive cloud. Both services work with       changes to it, or if you’re looking at the     documents and collaborate with sellers,
                                             application works with LotusLive          LotusLive Engage and Connections and           latest version. Plus, all of your editing is   speeding up communications and
schedule meetings and much more,             Engage and requires a subscription to     require you to subscribe to Silanis.           done online with industry standard             decision making. By using Ariba
directly from LotusLive. And it is           SugarCRM. Click here to sign up for a                                                    document editors in either IBM Lotus           Discovery with LotusLive, you can more
                                             trial SugarCRM subscription that               Watch the demo.                           Symphony® software or Microsoft                effectively find and collaborate with
easy to get started.                         includes LotusLive integration.                                                          Office. Note that this application works       your trading partners. Note that this
                                                                                                                                      with LotusLive Engage and Connections          application works with LotusLive Engage
                                                  Watch the demo.                                                                     and requires the controller to subscribe       and Connections and requires you to
Once you log in to your LotusLive
                                                                                                                                      to eXpresso.                                   create an account with Ariba Discovery.
trial, you’ll see the integrated
                                                                                                                                           Watch the demo.                               Watch the demo.
applications on the left navigation
                                                                                                                                                                                                    (continued on next page)
bar of your My Dashboard page.

                                                                                       “The value in social business is going to be tremendous for us. Now with e-signLive and LotusLive engage, our
                                                                                        customers have the ability to electronically review and sign applications from the convenience of their home or
                                                                                        office. No more time is wasted manually printing, shipping, signing, returning and verifying applications. This is
                                                                                        a game changer for signature Mortgage. It took a 7 – 10 day process and reduced it to minutes”

                                                                                        — Bob Catlin, president, Signature Mortgage


     Dashboard                       Files                   Communities               Meetings                     Activities                   Webmail                       Customer stories          Integrated
     and profile                                                                                                                                                               and videos                applications
IBM LotusLive reviewer guide

                                                                                                                                                                                                 For users oF
                                                                                                                                                                                           IBM LotusLive TrIAL


                                       Vondle Live                                Tungle                                        skype                             

                                       Vondle Live is a cloud-based application   Tungle is a cloud-based scheduling            The Skype integration brings voice over     The application enables
                                       integrated with LotusLive that enables     application that connects with your           Internet protocol (VoIP) to the LotusLive   Salesforce CRM users to take advan-
                                       you to view and annotate documents         existing calendar, right from the LotusLive   community so that you can use your          tage of LotusLive Meetings, Files, and
                                       right from your browser, without ever      My Dashboard page. Tungle allows you          Skype contacts to collaborate in real       Activities from a LotusLive tab, right in
                                       having to download them. Vondle Live       to easily schedule meetings inside or         time, without switching away from           the Salesforce CRM environment. Note
                                       supports more than 70 file types,          outside your organization. Tungle syncs       LotusLive. This application works with      that this application works with
                                       including Lotus Symphony and Micro-        with many calendar platforms, including       LotusLive Engage and Connections and        LotusLive Engage and Connections
                                       soft Word, as well as specialist formats   Lotus Notes, Microsoft Outlook,               requires you to create an account with      and requires you to create an account
                                       such as computer-aided design (CAD),       Google Calendar and BlackBerry. This          Skype. You must also have the Skype         with
                                       allowing you to work on nearly any         application works with LotusLive Engage       client installed.
                                       document, from anywhere. This              and Connections and requires you to                                                           Watch the demo.
                                       application works with LotusLive Engage    subscribe to Tungle.                              Watch the demo.
                                       and Connections and requires you to
                                       subscribe to Vondle Live.                       Watch the demo.

                                           Watch the demo.


    Dashboard                  Files                   Communities                Meetings                     Activities                 Webmail                      Customer stories          Integrated
    and profile                                                                                                                                                        and videos                applications
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011

                                                                                                                                                                   IBM Corporation
                                                                                                                                                                   Software Group
                                                                                                                                                                   Route 100
                                                                                                                                                                   Somers, NY 10589

                                                                                                                                                                   Produced in the United States of America
                                                                                                                                                                   June 2011
                                                                                                                                                                   All Rights Reserved

                                                                                                                                                                   IBM, the IBM logo,, and Lotus are trademarks of International
                                                                                                                                                                   Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.
                                                                                                                                                                   Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other
                                                                                                                                                                   companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the web at
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                                                                                                                                                                   Adobe is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the
                                                                                                                                                                   United States, and/or other countries.

                                                                                                                                                                   Microsoft is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States,
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                                                                                                                                                                   References in this publication to IBM products or services do not imply that
                                                                                                                                                                   IBM intends to make them available in all countries in which IBM operates.

                                                                                                                                                                   The information contained in this documentation is provided for informa-
                                                                                                                                                                   tional purposes only. While efforts were made to verify the completeness
                                                                                                                                                                   and accuracy of the information contained in this documentation, it is pro-
                                                                                                                                                                   vided “as is” without warranty of any kind, express or implied. In addition,
                                                                                                                                                                   this information is based on IBM’s current product plans and strategy, which
                                                                                                                                                                   are subject to change by IBM without notice. IBM shall not be responsible
                                                                                                                                                                   for any damages arising out of the use of, or otherwise related to, this docu-
                                                                                                                                                                   mentation or any other documentation. Nothing contained in this documen-
                                                                                                                                                                   tation is intended to, nor shall have the effect of, creating any warranties or
                                                                                                                                                                   representations from IBM (or its suppliers or licensors), or altering the terms
                                                                                                                                                                   and conditions of the applicable license agreement governing the use of
                                                                                                                                                                   IBM software.

                                                                                                                                                                   IBM customers are responsible for ensuring their own compliance with
                                                                                                                                                                   legal requirements. It is the customer’s sole responsibility to obtain advice
                                                                                                                                                                   of competent legal counsel as to the identification and interpretation of any
                                                                                                                                                                   relevant laws and regulatory requirements that may affect the customer’s
                                                                                                                                                                   business and any actions the customer may need to take to comply with
                                                                                                                                                                   such laws.

                                                                                                                                                                             Please Recycle

1 Hurwitz & Associates, “The Evolution of Build and Release Management for Effective Software Delivery: A Customer Survey with Case Studies,” Judith Hurwitz and   EP314002-USEN-00
  Robin Bloor, October 2007 (
2 IBM Global Technology Services, “IBM Internet Security Systems™ X-Force® 2009 Mid-Year Trend and Risk Report,” August 2009.

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lotus live_reviewersguide

  • 1. IBM Software IBM LotusLive reviewer guide LotusLive social collaboration services: easy-to-use integrated email, social business capabilities and third-party applications from the cloud
  • 2. IBM LotusLive reviewer guide Dashboard Files Communities Meetings Activities Webmail Customer stories Integrated and profile and videos applications 2
  • 3. IBM LotusLive reviewer guide For users oF IBM LotusLive TrIAL Making the Welcome to the LotusLive ™ 60-day trial guide. This interactive guide is designed In this guide you’ll learn how to how to do the following: You’ll find persistent navigation at the bottom of each page of this guide, Log in most of your to help you get started and quickly gain • Set up your profile enabling you to navigate from one • Visit an understanding of the powerful features page to another with just a click of LotusLive trial and functionally of reliable, security-rich, • Import your contacts your mouse. You’ll also find tips and • Click on Log In in the upper LotusLive cloud services. We think that • Upload and share files links to helpful videos and demos for right corner. you’ll discover quickly that LotusLive • Create and join communities of each topic. Note that in order to watch • Use the email address and will help improve productivity, deepen like-minded users any of the videos you must be logged password you provided when customer relationships, and generate • Engage in collaborative activities in to LotusLive. you registered for your trial and new ideas in a single, security-rich place, with your community click Log-in. across firewalls. • Access day-to-day tasks such as • This will take you directly to the calendaring, scheduling and email My Dashboard page. 3 Dashboard Files Communities Meetings Activities Webmail Customer stories Integrated and profile and videos applications
  • 4. IBM LotusLive reviewer guide For users oF IBM LotusLive TrIAL Your LotusLive home page: Let’s walk through the steps. 3. upload your picture so people • On the left you will find a space Learning center can see what you look like in your for a photo with Change | Remove Dashboard 1. Create your profile. Once you log profile and business card. beneath the photo box. TIPS in, create your profile and add your and profile name, contact information, company • To go back to your profile, click • Click Change and browse for a representative photo your To find a profile or contact record, type information, even a photo of yourself. People from on your My Dashboard colleagues can see. the full or partial name of a person in the Your editable profile can be searched page and then select My Profile. • You can preview the image and The LotusLive dashboard is essentially by anyone unless you elect not to be • Click Edit to make changes to your search box located at the top right of the then click Upload. My Dashboard page. your gateway to all of the applications listed in the public directory. It’s easy profile settings. • Click Save Changes, and your to create your profile. account settings information will and functions of LotusLive. From your The People menu is a great place to • To begin editing your profile, be updated. dashboard, you can edit your profile, (continued on next page) manage your Contacts and connections click People from on My and collaborate instantly, right from the add contacts, view news feeds, access Dashboard page and then My Dashboard page. select My Profile. your email, host and join meetings, and • Click the Edit button to begin more. On the left-hand side of the editing your profile. Tag your profile with your interests, • You can edit your contact expertise or skills to make it easier for dashboard, you can access all of the information, starting with your people to find you. Tagging makes it LotusLive applications. job title, at the top of this section. easier for your colleagues to locate • Click Save Changes and your expertise in your organization. profile information is updated. Your profile includes your name, information about you, and a photo. 2. Verify that your personal settings are correct. You can VIDEO If you have elected to be able to be change your user name, preferred To watch videos, you must be logged in language, or password. Here’s how searched publicly in LotusLive, to LotusLive. to personalize your account settings. colleagues searching for you will only • Go back to your My Dashboard For more information on updating see your name, job title, company name page. the People menu, watch the video. • Click on My Account Settings. and photo, unless you are in their network. • Select your language and time For more information on updating zone. Select localization and make your profile, watch the video. your selections. • Click Save Changes, and your account settings information will be updated. 4 Dashboard Files Communities Meetings Activities Webmail Customer stories Integrated and profile and videos applications
  • 5. IBM LotusLive reviewer guide For users oF IBM LotusLive TrIAL Dashboard 4. Add your Contacts. LotusLive enables you to import and sync your 5. Invite guests to join you in LotusLive. To work with people outside • From the right top of the My Dashboard page, select your Learning center and profile contacts from Lotus Notes® or from your company firewall, you can invite user name and then Invite a TIPS Microsoft® Outlook, which is the way guests into LotusLive to collaborate, Guest to try LotusLive. (continued) that you keep track of information from share files, join meetings, participate • To invite a guest, simply provide Update the About Me section of your people in your network. Let’s walk in activities and invite guests of their their name and email address. You profile to help people find your areas of through the steps for adding Contacts. own—at no cost to the guest. Your can add a short message inviting expertise. Write a few words about what guests can also invite their own guests them to join you in LotusLive. projects and subject areas you work on, • From the My Dashboard page, and be added to a Community. click the People button. your experience, skills, and special areas Here’s how to invite guests: • Select Contacts. You can enter a of expertise. New Contact either by typing in all of the contact information or you As a Guest of LotusLive, users can: can import contacts from Lotus Notes or Microsoft Outlook. • Access LotusLive services to join • When importing, select the mail meetings, read and comment on client from which you are importing files, create and participate in and then follow the instructions activities, take surveys, view charts provided on the screen to export • Be part of the LotusLive Network, your contacts as a comma- search and be found by others separated value (CSV) file from • Add, share and sync contacts that client. Next, browse to find • Invite guests of their own the CSV file that was created and • Be added to a Community click Continue. • The records that were successfully imported are now displayed. Click Import to finish the process. 5 Dashboard Files Communities Meetings Activities Webmail Customer stories Integrated and profile and videos applications
  • 6. IBM LotusLive reviewer guide For users oF IBM LotusLive TrIAL Save time with LotusLive Files: uploading and storing files is simple. Downloading files to view them, or 3. When the dialog box opens, choose Learning center Let’s walk through the steps. save a copy on your computer, is just one of the following options: Files as easy. 1. From the My Dashboard page, select • Click Open to view the file. Learn more about LotusLive Files Files from the left navigation bar 1. Click the name of the file that you • Click Save to save a copy of the LotusLive Files is your online space under LotusLive applications. want to download. The detail page for file on your computer. A new dialog the file is displayed. box will open. Choose the directory TIPS for storing documents, presentation, 2. Click Upload Files in the banner. The where you want to save the file and bookmarks, and content folders. Upload window opens. 2. Under the file icon, click Download. click Save. To share files with anyone, all you need is You can upload and store new files 3. Click Browse to select files that you an internet email address. All you have to want to upload. do is upload the file and then type the (or new versions of existing files,) recipient’s internet email address when 4. Private is selected by default. To create folders of files, and then share you share it. keep the file private, leave this them with others or keep them option selected. To allow others to share the files that you private. And you can filter your files 5. Optional: Set permissions. share with them, upload the file, share it by person, by community, and more. • Select Encrypt the content of with your immediate team members and these files to encrypt each file select Allow others to share in the file If you click on Files, you instantly see details. Now you can also share these when it is stored. recent files or folders of files that • You can encrypt the content of files, schedule with business contacts, these files so that they cannot colleagues, and so on. you’ve shared or that have been be shared with anyone. You can shared with you. You can also search allow others to share files within Writing a good description for a shared your company, and you can allow file will enable team members to gain for files on a variety of parameters others to share files outside of insight into the contents and help them such as recent collaborations, or by your company. decide if they want to download the file. groups or tags. 6. Optional: If you do not want to upload a file that you added to the list, select the file and then click Remove file. VIDEO 7. Click Upload and Share. To watch videos, you must be logged in to LotusLive. View an informative video demo on LotusLive Files. 6 Dashboard Files Communities Meetings Activities Webmail Customer stories Integrated and profile and videos applications
  • 7. IBM LotusLive reviewer guide For users oF IBM LotusLive TrIAL Connecting people with common interests: Like all LotusLive features, LotusLive 5. Type a description of the purpose of 7. Type one or more tags in the Tags Learning center Communities are easy to start. Let’s the community in the Description field. Tags are keywords that you Communities walk through the steps of starting a field. Be as specific as possible. define to provide users with more Learn more about LotusLive LotusLive Community. Identify the community‘s goals. ways to identify what a community is Communities. all about. Tags must be a single word LotusLive Communities enable people 1. From the My Dashboard page, select 6. Click Upload an image for your or multiple words connected with Communities from the navigation on community to browse for an image to underscores or hyphens. who share a common interest to interact the left under LotusLive applications. associate with the community on the TIPS with one another, share information and overview page. The image can be in a 8. Click Save. 2. From the My Communities, click variety of formats. exchange ideas and are an excellent You can share ideas and information with Start a Community to open the community form. members of your community by posting means of connecting members of a topics to the discussion forum, sending project team, or organizing a task force. 3. In the Community field, type a email notifications and adding bookmarks name for the community. Choose a to the community. With the tools provided in LotusLive name that identifies the purpose of the community. Communities, you can reach out, make You can see recent updates to events connections, and get organized. As a 4. Type the names of people that you and actions that happen within your want to add as community members. LotusLive Communities on community owner, you can invite others My Dashboard. • You can search for names from to join and to manage the content and your organization‘s directory or your personal contacts. Type- You can leave a LotusLive Community by membership for the community. ahead predicts the name you are simply opening the one you want to leave typing by comparing it to names in your My Communities tab, click LotusLive Communities enable you to in the directory. If it proposes the Leave Community and then click OK participate in a community‘s discus- name that you want, click to add it. to confirm. • To invite a guest outside of your sion forum to explore topics and debate organization or contact list, enter solutions to shared problems. Every the person‘s email address and VIDEO click the Add Member icon (+). member of the LotusLive Community To watch videos, you must be logged in The guest user will receive an can view the list of fellow members, invitation to join LotusLive to LotusLive. and, by accessing the Members page, View an informative video demo you can add or remove members. on LotusLive Communities. 7 Dashboard Files Communities Meetings Activities Webmail Customer stories Integrated and profile and videos applications
  • 8. IBM LotusLive reviewer guide For users oF IBM LotusLive TrIAL Real-time, online presentations: Join or start a LotusLive Meeting and send it via email, calendaring or toolbar. The Publish a File window Learning center and invite people from your network, instant messaging. opens. Meetings all right from My Dashboard. Let’s • To add a file to the list, click the Before logging in to LotusLive Meetings walk through the steps. 3. Once you enter the meeting, as the Browse button, locate the folder for the first time, moderators and their host, you’ll see the toolbar across containing the file, select the file guests should complete the LotusLive LotusLive Meetings is a multifeature, 1. There are two ways you can start the top that provides a simple and and then click Open. Meetings system check. a meeting. In My Dashboard, you intuitive interface for accessing • Click the Publish File button. Note easy-to-use tool for displaying and can click on Host a Meeting or conference controls. that uploading a file can take Complete the system check. orchestrating real-time, web-based click on Meetings in the left-hand several minutes, depending on navigation bar. 4. Publishing is an efficient way to presentations. It has everything you present documents and presentation the file size and the speed of your Learn more about the system require- 2. To invite your guests to the meeting, files because participants can view Internet connection. need to give web presentations, it ments, supported browsers and simply click on Send an Invite, which the files without having to download • The published file appears in your system configuration for LotusLive requires minimal training and will create an email invitation. Or you them. To publish files: published file list and is presented Meetings. can copy and paste the meeting URL in the conference window. To publish support, and there’s no need for • Click on the Publish icon from the additional files, repeat this procedure. (continued on next page) To activate LotusLive Meetings, you will reservations. LotusLive Meetings be required to download a LotusLive lets you quickly share Microsoft, Meetings plug-in. This is a one-time Adobe®, and Lotus® documents download and is required for applica- tion and screen sharing and for video with colleagues practically anywhere broadcasting. in the world. With LotusLive Meetings you can conduct web tours, demonstrate web services, leverage online content during presentations, and even share desktop applications for real-time software demonstrations and application training. And, with a web camera installed, you can also display live video. 8 Dashboard Files Communities Meetings Activities Webmail Customer stories Integrated and profile and videos applications
  • 9. IBM LotusLive reviewer guide For users oF IBM LotusLive TrIAL Meetings 5. Application sharing enables a presenter to share individual — To share your entire desktop, click Share the entire screen. • Click the Record icon from the web conference toolbar. Learning Center (continued) applications or the entire desktop — To share specific applications, • Read and accept the terms and Learn more about LotusLive Meetings. with participants. Participants will click Choose and then select conditions regarding the recording view the application as if it were the check box of each applica- feature. running on their own desktop. tion that you want to share. • Follow the step-by-step instructions TIPS Let’s walk through the steps of • Click Start Sharing to begin. to recording a conference applications sharing. • Click the Record icon again to stop 6. Host presenters can record a the recording. If you do not do this, You can have up to 998 participants join • Click the Sharing icon on the meeting, including both the web and the meeting will not record. you in your meeting. toolbar. audio conference. You can then • Perform one of the following steps download the recording to replay it, You can publish up to 30 files before you in the Application Sharing window: share it with others or both. start a conference or while the conference is in session. You can password-protect your meetings. 9 Dashboard Files Communities Meetings Activities Webmail Customer stories Integrated and profile and videos applications
  • 10. IBM LotusLive reviewer guide For users oF IBM LotusLive TrIAL Streamline project management: starting an activity is as easy as 4. In the Activity goal field, add a 7. Add members to the activity by Learning center clicking and filling out a form with no description of the activity. Provide a adding a person to the field labeled Activities required fields. Let’s walk through sentence or two that summarizes the with the appropriate role. Learn more about LotusLive Activities. the steps. goal of the activity. 8. To add the members of a community Are you starting a project? Creating 1. From the My Dashboard page, select 5. In the Tags field, type a tag term. As to the activity, expand Share with Activities from the navigation on the you type, a list of matching tags from Communities. Choose the level of TIPS a presentation? Researching a topic? left under LotusLive applications. the tag collection is displayed. Click a access that you want the community Closing a deal? No matter what tag to add it or keep typing to add a members to have for the activity and If you have an activity open, you do not 2. From the My Activities view, click tag that is not in the list. Separate then type the community name into activity you are engaged in, your see the Start an Activity button in the Start an Activity. multiple tags with commas. the field. navigation pane. Click the Activities tab LotusLive Activities is a web-based 3. In the Title field, type a description of to exit the open activity first. 6. In the Due Date field, add a date by 9. Click Save to finish creating the activity. collaboration tool that can help you the activity, for example, a project name. which this activity must be completed. You can use a template to capture the track your goal, capture required required steps, contacts, resources, tasks, store associated documents and tools used to complete a common and bring together the people you process. After you create the template, you can create multiple activities from need to reach your goal. it for each project you begin that uses the process. Activities are limited only by your imagination. An activity can come You can see recent updates to events and actions that happen within your from a single idea or fragment of an activities on My Dashboard. idea in an email. You can quickly invite new members to your activity VIDEO to brainstorm and collaborate to To watch videos, you must be logged in reach your goal. You can also post to LotusLive. messages, share files and links to View an informative video demo websites, and create and assign on LotusLive Activities. to-do items for your activity. 10 Dashboard Files Communities Meetings Activities Webmail Customer stories Integrated and profile and videos applications
  • 11. IBM LotusLive reviewer guide For users oF IBM LotusLive TrIAL Webmail, calendaring and Let’s walk through the steps. • You can sort your messages by date, 3. From the LotusLive iNotes dashboard, Learning center contact management: sender, subject, flag or importance stay organized with the Calendar. 1. From the My Dashboard page, select and can search by keyword. Webmail Mail from the left navigation bar • You can also view Contact details • The LotusLive Calendar lets you Learn more about LotusLive iNotes. under LotusLive applications. by hovering your mouse cursor record important dates and over Contacts. meetings, create events and track Learn more about the calendaring LotusLive iNotes® is a security-rich, 2. From the LotusLive iNotes the status of your attendees. • To personalize your general mail features of LotusLive iNotes. My Dashboard, send and receive • You can choose daily, weekly or web-based email service that email messages. preferences, spam settings, auto- reply messages and signatures, monthly calendar views. provides essential messaging • LotusLive iNotes lets you to create simply click on Mail Preferences. TIPS and calendaring capabilities for folders to organize the email messages that you want to keep Because the LotusLive iNotes service organizations of all sizes, right from and to store email messages by supports POP and IMAP access, you dragging and dropping messages the My Dashboard page. can use email client software such as into folders. Microsoft Outlook to manage your mail. From the personal calendar meeting invitation, you can click Show Availability to see the free and busy time of other users. You can filter your mail by using the content of different fields, such as the sender or the subject of the email, and have your email automatically put in different folders, for warded to another user or marked as spam. VIDEO To watch videos, you must be logged in to LotusLive. To learn more about importing contacts into LotusLive iNotes, watch the video. 11 Dashboard Files Communities Meetings Activities Webmail Customer stories Integrated and profile and videos applications
  • 12. IBM LotusLive reviewer guide For users oF IBM LotusLive TrIAL LotusLive success stories: Learning Center Customer stories Learn more about LotusLive customers and videos In practically every industry and in countries all around the world, To see how Signature Mortgage is To see how aatranslations is using To see how the Fashion Institute of organizations are using LotusLive using LotusLive to process and the LotusLive guest account model Design and Merchandising (FIDM) underwrite mortgages much faster and integrated applications service is using LotusLive to enhance to transform the way they do than before, increasing monthly to gain huge saving and improve communication with its students, business and to improve and revenue and driving new business, communication among its global watch the video. watch the video. translators, watch the video. simplify day-to-day work routines. Meet a few of our customers and learn how LotusLive is helping them improve productivity, gain competitive advantage and realize a genuine return on investment. “We decided to move employees to the cloud with LotusLive iNotes. With its simple administration tools and user-friendly interface, LotusLive helped take pressure off our migration team. We were able to move users quickly and easily without any interruption to our network or IT infrastructure. With LotusLive, users can now access their email, anytime, anyplace.” — Rosalyn Donnelly, IT manager, C&D Foods 12 Dashboard Files Communities Meetings Activities Webmail Customer stories Integrated and profile and videos applications
  • 13. IBM LotusLive reviewer guide For users oF IBM LotusLive TrIAL Boost productivity: Integrated applications By adding integrated solutions from our corporate affiliates to your LotusLive trial, you have even more sugarCrM silanis e-signLive eXpresso Ariba Discovery cloud-based options that can LotusLive on Sugar offers a fully Silanis e-SignLive for LotusLive is an eXpresso enables your workforce to Ariba Discovery is a free, easy-to-use integrated customer relationship online electronic signature service from open, create and edit shared files service that gives you access to more simplify and improve your everyday management and online collaboration Silanis that enables users to electronically without leaving LotusLive or manually than 300,000 sellers in over 400 business activities. You can sign solution that simplifies working with review, modify and sign documents in a downloading or uploading newer commodity categories. With LotusLive, prospects and customers during the secure, compliant and collaborative versions. You never have to worry about you can schedule online meetings, documents electronically, view lead generation, lead-to-cash and issue environment. It is hosted in the IBM who has the file open, who’s making create web conferences, chat, share nearly any file type, talk with clients, resolution processes. Note that this LotusLive cloud. Both services work with changes to it, or if you’re looking at the documents and collaborate with sellers, application works with LotusLive LotusLive Engage and Connections and latest version. Plus, all of your editing is speeding up communications and schedule meetings and much more, Engage and requires a subscription to require you to subscribe to Silanis. done online with industry standard decision making. By using Ariba directly from LotusLive. And it is SugarCRM. Click here to sign up for a document editors in either IBM Lotus Discovery with LotusLive, you can more trial SugarCRM subscription that Watch the demo. Symphony® software or Microsoft effectively find and collaborate with easy to get started. includes LotusLive integration. Office. Note that this application works your trading partners. Note that this with LotusLive Engage and Connections application works with LotusLive Engage Watch the demo. and requires the controller to subscribe and Connections and requires you to Once you log in to your LotusLive to eXpresso. create an account with Ariba Discovery. trial, you’ll see the integrated Watch the demo. Watch the demo. applications on the left navigation (continued on next page) bar of your My Dashboard page. “The value in social business is going to be tremendous for us. Now with e-signLive and LotusLive engage, our customers have the ability to electronically review and sign applications from the convenience of their home or office. No more time is wasted manually printing, shipping, signing, returning and verifying applications. This is a game changer for signature Mortgage. It took a 7 – 10 day process and reduced it to minutes” — Bob Catlin, president, Signature Mortgage 13 Dashboard Files Communities Meetings Activities Webmail Customer stories Integrated and profile and videos applications
  • 14. IBM LotusLive reviewer guide For users oF IBM LotusLive TrIAL Integrated applications (continued) Vondle Live Tungle skype Vondle Live is a cloud-based application Tungle is a cloud-based scheduling The Skype integration brings voice over The application enables integrated with LotusLive that enables application that connects with your Internet protocol (VoIP) to the LotusLive Salesforce CRM users to take advan- you to view and annotate documents existing calendar, right from the LotusLive community so that you can use your tage of LotusLive Meetings, Files, and right from your browser, without ever My Dashboard page. Tungle allows you Skype contacts to collaborate in real Activities from a LotusLive tab, right in having to download them. Vondle Live to easily schedule meetings inside or time, without switching away from the Salesforce CRM environment. Note supports more than 70 file types, outside your organization. Tungle syncs LotusLive. This application works with that this application works with including Lotus Symphony and Micro- with many calendar platforms, including LotusLive Engage and Connections and LotusLive Engage and Connections soft Word, as well as specialist formats Lotus Notes, Microsoft Outlook, requires you to create an account with and requires you to create an account such as computer-aided design (CAD), Google Calendar and BlackBerry. This Skype. You must also have the Skype with allowing you to work on nearly any application works with LotusLive Engage client installed. document, from anywhere. This and Connections and requires you to Watch the demo. application works with LotusLive Engage subscribe to Tungle. Watch the demo. and Connections and requires you to subscribe to Vondle Live. Watch the demo. Watch the demo. 14 Dashboard Files Communities Meetings Activities Webmail Customer stories Integrated and profile and videos applications
  • 15. © Copyright IBM Corporation 2011 IBM Corporation Software Group Route 100 Somers, NY 10589 U.S.A. Produced in the United States of America June 2011 All Rights Reserved IBM, the IBM logo,, and Lotus are trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the web at “Copyright and trademark information” at Adobe is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States, and/or other countries. Microsoft is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. References in this publication to IBM products or services do not imply that IBM intends to make them available in all countries in which IBM operates. The information contained in this documentation is provided for informa- tional purposes only. While efforts were made to verify the completeness and accuracy of the information contained in this documentation, it is pro- vided “as is” without warranty of any kind, express or implied. In addition, this information is based on IBM’s current product plans and strategy, which are subject to change by IBM without notice. IBM shall not be responsible for any damages arising out of the use of, or otherwise related to, this docu- mentation or any other documentation. Nothing contained in this documen- tation is intended to, nor shall have the effect of, creating any warranties or representations from IBM (or its suppliers or licensors), or altering the terms and conditions of the applicable license agreement governing the use of IBM software. IBM customers are responsible for ensuring their own compliance with legal requirements. It is the customer’s sole responsibility to obtain advice of competent legal counsel as to the identification and interpretation of any relevant laws and regulatory requirements that may affect the customer’s business and any actions the customer may need to take to comply with such laws. Please Recycle 1 Hurwitz & Associates, “The Evolution of Build and Release Management for Effective Software Delivery: A Customer Survey with Case Studies,” Judith Hurwitz and EP314002-USEN-00 Robin Bloor, October 2007 ( 2 IBM Global Technology Services, “IBM Internet Security Systems™ X-Force® 2009 Mid-Year Trend and Risk Report,” August 2009.