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O.S. Balogun, E.T. Jolayemi, T.J. Akingbade, H.G. Muazu / International Journal of
      Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                     Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.2004-2007
      Use Of Linear Programming For Optimal Production In A
      Production Line In Coca –Cola Bottling Company, Ilorin
   *O.S. Balogun, ** E.T. Jolayemi, ***T.J. Akingbade and *H.G. Muazu
 *Department of Statistics and Operations Research, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, P.M.B. 2076,
                                       Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria.
                **Department of Statistics, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria.
              ***Department of Mathematical Sciences, Kogi State University, Anyigba, Kogi
                                               State, Nigeria.

         Many companies were and are still              respective customers who should also not violate
established to derive financial profit. In this         National Agency for Food and Drug Administration
regard the main aim of such establishments is to        Control (NAFDAC) and Standard Organization of
maximize (optimize) profit. This research is on         Nigeria (SON). The problem then is on how to
using Linear programming Technique to derive            utilize limited resources to the best advantage, to
the maximum profit from production of soft              maximize profit and at the sometime selecting the
drink for Nigeria Bottling Company Nigeria,             products to be produced out of the number of
Ilorin plant. Linear Programming of the                 products considered for production that will
operations of the company was formulated and            maximize profit.
optimum results derived using Software that                       The research is aimed at deciding how
employed Simplex method. The result shows that          limited resources,raw materials of Nigeria Bottling
two particular items should be produced even            Company (Coca-cola), Ilorin plant , Kwara State
when the company should satisfy demands of the          would be allocated to obtain the maximum
other - not - so profitable items in the                contribution to profit. It is also aimed at determining
surrounding of the plants.                              the products that contribute to such profit.
                                                        The scope of the research is to use Linear
KEYWORDS:                Optimization,      Linear      Programming on some of the soft drinks produced
programming, Objective function, Constraints.           by Nigeria Bottling Company, Ilorin plant. The data
                                                        on which this is based are quantity of raw materials
Introduction                                            available in stock, cost and selling prices and
         Company managers are often faced with          therefore the profit of crate of each product. The
decisions relating to the use of limited resources.     profit constitutes the objective function while raw
These resources may include men, materials and          materials available in stock are used as constraints.
money. In other sector, there are insufficient          If demands which must be met are to be available,
resources available to do as many things as             such can be included in the constraints. The data is
management would wish. The problem is based on          secondary data collected in the year 2007 at the
how to decide on which resources would be               Nigeria Bottling Company, Ilorin plant, Kwara
allocated to obtain the best result, which may relate   State.
to profit or cost or both. Linear Programming is                  The Simplex method, also called Simple
heavily used in Micro-Economics and Company             technique or Simplex Algorithm, was invented by
Management such as Planning, Production,                George Dantzig, an American Mathematician, in
Transportation, Technology and other issues.            1947. It is the basic workhorse for solving Linear
Although the modern management issues are error         Programming Problems up till today. There have
changing, most companies would like to maximize         been many refinements to the method, especially to
profits or minimize cost with limited resources.        take advantage of computer implementations, but
Therefore, many issues can be characterized as          the essentials elements are still the same as they
Linear Programming Problems (Sivarethinamohan,          were when the method was introduced (Chinneck,
2008).                                                  2000; Gupta and Hira, 2006).
         A linear programming model can be                        The Simplex method is a Pivot Algorithm
formulated and solutions derived to determine the       that transverses the through Feasible Basic Solutions
best course of action within the constraint that        while Objective Function is improving. The Simplex
exists. The model consists of the objective function    method is, in practice, one of the most efficient
and certain constraints. For example, the objective     algorithms but it is theoretically a finite algorithm
of Nigeria Bottling Company (Coca-cola) is to           only for non-degenerate problems (Feiring, 1986).
produce quality products needed by its customers,       To derive solutions from the LP formulated using
subject to the amount of resources (raw materials)      the Simplex method, the objective function and the
available to produce the products needed by their       constraints must be standardized.

                                                                                              2004 | P a g e
O.S. Balogun, E.T. Jolayemi, T.J. Akingbade, H.G. Muazu / International Journal of
             Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                            Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.2004-2007
The characteristics of the standard form are:                                                                r

(i ) All the constraints are expressed in the form of                       Maximize Z   C j X j
                                                                                                         j 1
equations except the non-negativity constraints
which remain inequalities ( 0) .

(ii )   The right-hand-side of each constraint
                                                                            Subject to          a X
                                                                                                 j 1
                                                                                                         ij          j    Si  bi , i  1, 2,3,...., m
equation is non-negative.                                                   X j  0, j  1, 2,3,...., n
(iii ) All the decision variables are non-negative.
                                                                            Si  0, i  1, 2,3,...., m
(iv) The Objective function is of maximization or
                                                                            Any vector X satisfying the constraints of the Linear
minimization type. Before attempting to obtain the
                                                                            Programming Problems is called
solution of the linear programming problem, it must
                                                                            Feasible Solution of the problem (Fogiel, 1996;
be expressed in         the standard form is then                           Schulze, 1998; Chinneck, 2000).
expressed in the “the table form” or “matrix form”
as given below:                                                             Algorithm to solve linear programming problem:
                                                                            (i ) See that all bis are positive, if a constraint has
Maximize Z   C j X j
                           j 1                                             negative   bi   multiply it by 1 to make                         bi positive.
Subject to                                                                  (ii ) Convert all the inequalities by the addition of

a X
 j 1
        ij     j    bi , (bi  0), i  1, 2,3,..., m                       slack or by subtraction of surplus variable as the
                                                                            case may be.
                                                                            (iii ) Find the starting Basic Feasible Solution.
X j  0, j  1, 2,3,..., m
In standard form (Canonical form), it is                                    (iv) Construct the Simplex table as follows:
             Basic                   Ej        X1       X2       X 3 ....         Xn            y1                   y2 ... ym           Xb

              y1                     0     a11      a12      a13 ...          a1m           1                    0            0          b1

              y2                     0     a21      a22      a23 ...          a2m           0                    1            0          b2

              y3                     0     a31      a32      a33 ...          a3m           0                    0            1          bm

                                     Zj     Z1      Z2       Z3               Z4            0                    0            0          Z  Z0

                                     Ej     E1      E2       E3               E4            0                    0            0

                                     .     .        .        .                .             .                    .            .

              b j  Z j  E j             X 1     X 2     X 3 ... X n                  y1                  y2 ... ym

(v) Testing for optimality of Basic Feasible                                minimum ratio                                for a particular          j, and
Solution   by     computing     Z j  E j . If                             aij  0, i  1, 2,3,..., m                        is   the        OUTGOING
Z j  E j  0, the solution is optimal; otherwise,                          VECTOR.
we proceed to the next step.                                                 (vii ) The key element or the pivot element is
 (vi ) To improve on the Basic Feasible Solution, we                        determined by considering the intersection between
find the basic matrix. The variable that corresponds                        the arrows that corresponds to both incoming and
                                                                            outgoing vectors. The key element is used to
to the most negative of           Z j  E j is the INCOMING                 generate the next table. In the next table, pivot
VECTOR while the variable that corresponds to the                           element is replaced by UNITY, while all other

                                                                                                                                      2005 | P a g e
O.S. Balogun, E.T. Jolayemi, T.J. Akingbade, H.G. Muazu / International Journal of
              Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                             Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.2004-2007
      elements of the pivot column are replaced by zero.         (viii) Test of this new Basic Feasible Solution for
      To calculate the new values for all other elements in
                                                                optimality as (6) it is not optimal; repeat the
      the remaining rows of that first column, we use the
      relation.                                                 process till optimal solution is obtained. This was
            New row = Former element in old rows               implemented by the software Management Scientist
      (intersection element in the old row)                    Version 6.0.
            (Corresponding element of replacing row).
      Table 1: Quantity of raw materials available in stock
           Raw materials                                    Quantity available
           Concentrates                                4332(units)
            Sugar                                     467012(kg )
            Water ( H 2O)                             16376630(litres)
            Carbon (iv)oxide(C2O)                     8796(Vol. per pressure)

      Table 2: Quantity of raw materials needed to produce a crate of each product listed
Flavors                             Concentrate           Sugar                 Water                Cabon(iv)oxide

Coke 35cl                            0.00359               0.54                  6.822               0.0135
Fanta Orange 35cl                    0.00419               1.12                  7.552               0.007
Fanta Orange 35cl                    0.00217               0.803                 4.824               0.005
Fanta Lemon 35cl                     0.0042                1.044                 7.671               0.0126
Schweppes                            0.00359               0.86                  6.539               0.0125
Sprite 50cl                          0.00359               0.73                  7.602               0.0133
Fanta Tonic 35cl                     0.00359               0.63                  6.12                0.0133
Krest soda 35cl                      0.0036                0.89                  7.055               0.0146
Coke 50cl                            0.00438               0.23                  7.508               0.0156

      Table 3: Average Cost and Selling of a crate of each product
       Product                               Average                  Average                Profit(₦)
                                             Cost                     Selling
                                             price(₦)                 price(₦)

       Coke 35cl                              358.51                   690                   331.49
       Fanta Orange 35cl                      370.91                   690                   319.09
       Fanta Orange 50cl                      489.98                   790                   300.02
       Fanta Lemon 35cl                       368.67                   690                   321.33
       Schweppes                              341.85                   690                   348.15
       Sprite 50cl                            486.04                   790                   303.96
       Fanta Tonic 35cl                       322.09                   690                   367.91
       Krest soda 35cl                        266.72                   690                   423.28
       Coke 50cl                              489.89                   790                   300.11
      Model Formulation
      Maximize Z

                                                                                                    2006 | P a g e
O.S. Balogun, E.T. Jolayemi, T.J. Akingbade, H.G. Muazu / International Journal of
                Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                               Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.2004-2007
        Z  331.49 X 1  319.09 X 2  300.02 X 3  321.33 X 4  348.15 X 5  303.96 X 6  367.91X 7  323.28 X 8  300.11X 9
        Subject to :
        0.00359 X 1  0.00419 X 2  0.0021X 3  0.0042 X 4  0.00359 X 5  0.00359 X 6  0.00359 X 7  0.0036 X 8  0.00438 X 9  4332
        0.54 X 1  1.12 X 2  0.803 X 3  1.044 X 4  0.86 X 5  0.73 X 6  0.63 X 7  0.89 X 8  0.23 X 9  467012
        6.822 X 1  7.552 X 2  4.824 X 3  7.671X 4  6.539 X 5  7.602 X 6  6.12 X 7  7.055 X 8  7.508 X 9  16376630
        0.0135 X 1  0.007 X 2  0.005 X 3  0.0126 X 4  0.0125 X 5  0.0133 X 6  0.0133 X 7  0.0149 X 8  0.0156 X 9  8796
        X i  0, for i  1, 2,3,...,9
       Now, introducing the slack variable to convert inequalities to equations, it gives:
        Z  331.49 X 1  319.09 X 2  300.02 X 3  321.33 X 4  348.15 X 5  303.96 X 6  367.91X 7  323.28 X 8  300.11X 9
        Subject to :
       0.00359 X 1  0.00419 X 2  0.00217 X 3  0.0042 X 4  0.00359 X 5  0.00359 X 6  0.00359 X 7  0.0036 X 8  0.00438 X 9
         X 10  4332
       0.54 X 1  1.12 X 2  0.803 X 3  1.044 X 4  0.86 X 5  0.73 X 6  0.63 X 7  0.89 X 8  0.23 X 9  X 11  467012
       6.822 X 1  7.522 X 2  4.834 X 3  7.671X 4  6.539 X 5  7.602 X 6  6.12 X 7  7.055 X 8  7.058 X 9  X 12  16376630
       0.00135 X 1  0.007 X 2  0.005 X 3  0.0126 X 4  0.0125 X 5  0.0133 X 6  0.0133 X 7  0.0149 X 8  0.0156 X 9  X 13  8796
        X i  0, for i  1, 2,3,...,13
       Where,                                                  X7 = Fanta Tonic 35cl
       X1 = Coke 35cl                                          X8 = Krest soda 35cl
       X2 = Fanta Orange 35cl                                  X9 = Coke 50cl
       X3 = Fanta Orange 50cl
       X4 = Fanta Lemon 35cl                                   Analysis and Result
       X5 = Schweppes                                          Optimal Solution
       X6 = Sprite 50cl                                        Objective function value = 263,497,283
               Variables                            Value
                   X1                             0.00000
                   X2                             0.00000
                   X3                             462547.21890
                   X4                             0.00000
                   X5                             0.00000
                   X6                             0.00000
                   X7                             0.00000
                   X8                             0.00000
                   X9                             415593.00000
       The Management Scientist Version 6.0 gives:
Z  263, 497, 283 X 3  462,547 and X 9  415,593                                References:
                                                                                 Chinneck, .J.W. Practical Optimization, A Gentle
Interpretation of Result                                                         introduction; 2000.
                Based on the data collected the optimum                
       results derived from the model indicate that two                          Feiring,    B.R.    Linear     Programming:      An
       products should be produced 50cl Coke and 50cl                            Introduction; Sage Publications Inc., USA, 1986.
       Fanta Orange. Their production quantities should be                       Fogiel, .M. Operations Research Problems Solver;
       462,547 and 415,593 crates respectively. This will                        Research and Education Association;
       produce a maximum profit of ₦263,497,283.                                        Piscataway, New Jersey, 1996.
                                                                                 Gupta, .P.K.and Hira, .D.S. Operations Research;
       Conclusion                                                                Rajendra Ravindra Printers Ltd., New Delhi,
                 Based on the analysis carried out in this                             2006.
       research and the result shown, Nigeria Bottling                           Schulze, .M.A.       Linear Programming for
       Company, Ilorin plant should produce Fanta Orange                         Optimization; Perspective Scientific Instruments
       50cl and 35cl,Coke 50cl and 35cl, Fanta lemon 35cl,                       Inc.,
       Sprite 50cl,Schweppes,Krest soda 35cl but more of                         USA, 1998.
       Coke 50cl and Fanta Orange 50cl in order to satisfy                       Sivarethinamohan, .R. Operations Research; Tata
       their customers. Also, more of Coke 50cl and Fanta                        McGraw Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., New
       Orange 50cl should be produced in order to attain                          Delhi, 2008.
       maximum profit because they contribute mostly to
       the profit earned.

                                                                                                                            2007 | P a g e

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  • 1. O.S. Balogun, E.T. Jolayemi, T.J. Akingbade, H.G. Muazu / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.2004-2007 Use Of Linear Programming For Optimal Production In A Production Line In Coca –Cola Bottling Company, Ilorin *O.S. Balogun, ** E.T. Jolayemi, ***T.J. Akingbade and *H.G. Muazu *Department of Statistics and Operations Research, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, P.M.B. 2076, Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria. **Department of Statistics, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. ***Department of Mathematical Sciences, Kogi State University, Anyigba, Kogi State, Nigeria. Abstract Many companies were and are still respective customers who should also not violate established to derive financial profit. In this National Agency for Food and Drug Administration regard the main aim of such establishments is to Control (NAFDAC) and Standard Organization of maximize (optimize) profit. This research is on Nigeria (SON). The problem then is on how to using Linear programming Technique to derive utilize limited resources to the best advantage, to the maximum profit from production of soft maximize profit and at the sometime selecting the drink for Nigeria Bottling Company Nigeria, products to be produced out of the number of Ilorin plant. Linear Programming of the products considered for production that will operations of the company was formulated and maximize profit. optimum results derived using Software that The research is aimed at deciding how employed Simplex method. The result shows that limited resources,raw materials of Nigeria Bottling two particular items should be produced even Company (Coca-cola), Ilorin plant , Kwara State when the company should satisfy demands of the would be allocated to obtain the maximum other - not - so profitable items in the contribution to profit. It is also aimed at determining surrounding of the plants. the products that contribute to such profit. The scope of the research is to use Linear KEYWORDS: Optimization, Linear Programming on some of the soft drinks produced programming, Objective function, Constraints. by Nigeria Bottling Company, Ilorin plant. The data on which this is based are quantity of raw materials Introduction available in stock, cost and selling prices and Company managers are often faced with therefore the profit of crate of each product. The decisions relating to the use of limited resources. profit constitutes the objective function while raw These resources may include men, materials and materials available in stock are used as constraints. money. In other sector, there are insufficient If demands which must be met are to be available, resources available to do as many things as such can be included in the constraints. The data is management would wish. The problem is based on secondary data collected in the year 2007 at the how to decide on which resources would be Nigeria Bottling Company, Ilorin plant, Kwara allocated to obtain the best result, which may relate State. to profit or cost or both. Linear Programming is The Simplex method, also called Simple heavily used in Micro-Economics and Company technique or Simplex Algorithm, was invented by Management such as Planning, Production, George Dantzig, an American Mathematician, in Transportation, Technology and other issues. 1947. It is the basic workhorse for solving Linear Although the modern management issues are error Programming Problems up till today. There have changing, most companies would like to maximize been many refinements to the method, especially to profits or minimize cost with limited resources. take advantage of computer implementations, but Therefore, many issues can be characterized as the essentials elements are still the same as they Linear Programming Problems (Sivarethinamohan, were when the method was introduced (Chinneck, 2008). 2000; Gupta and Hira, 2006). A linear programming model can be The Simplex method is a Pivot Algorithm formulated and solutions derived to determine the that transverses the through Feasible Basic Solutions best course of action within the constraint that while Objective Function is improving. The Simplex exists. The model consists of the objective function method is, in practice, one of the most efficient and certain constraints. For example, the objective algorithms but it is theoretically a finite algorithm of Nigeria Bottling Company (Coca-cola) is to only for non-degenerate problems (Feiring, 1986). produce quality products needed by its customers, To derive solutions from the LP formulated using subject to the amount of resources (raw materials) the Simplex method, the objective function and the available to produce the products needed by their constraints must be standardized. 2004 | P a g e
  • 2. O.S. Balogun, E.T. Jolayemi, T.J. Akingbade, H.G. Muazu / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.2004-2007 The characteristics of the standard form are: r (i ) All the constraints are expressed in the form of Maximize Z   C j X j j 1 equations except the non-negativity constraints which remain inequalities ( 0) . r (ii ) The right-hand-side of each constraint Subject to a X j 1 ij j  Si  bi , i  1, 2,3,...., m equation is non-negative. X j  0, j  1, 2,3,...., n (iii ) All the decision variables are non-negative. Si  0, i  1, 2,3,...., m (iv) The Objective function is of maximization or Any vector X satisfying the constraints of the Linear minimization type. Before attempting to obtain the Programming Problems is called solution of the linear programming problem, it must Feasible Solution of the problem (Fogiel, 1996; be expressed in the standard form is then Schulze, 1998; Chinneck, 2000). expressed in the “the table form” or “matrix form” as given below: Algorithm to solve linear programming problem: (i ) See that all bis are positive, if a constraint has r Maximize Z   C j X j j 1 negative bi multiply it by 1 to make bi positive. Subject to (ii ) Convert all the inequalities by the addition of r a X j 1 ij j  bi , (bi  0), i  1, 2,3,..., m slack or by subtraction of surplus variable as the case may be. (iii ) Find the starting Basic Feasible Solution. X j  0, j  1, 2,3,..., m In standard form (Canonical form), it is (iv) Construct the Simplex table as follows: Basic Ej X1 X2 X 3 .... Xn y1 y2 ... ym Xb Variable y1 0 a11 a12 a13 ... a1m 1 0 0 b1 y2 0 a21 a22 a23 ... a2m 0 1 0 b2 y3 0 a31 a32 a33 ... a3m 0 0 1 bm Zj Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 0 0 0 Z  Z0 Ej E1 E2 E3 E4 0 0 0 . . . . . . . . b j  Z j  E j X 1 X 2 X 3 ... X n y1 y2 ... ym bi (v) Testing for optimality of Basic Feasible minimum ratio for a particular j, and aij Solution by computing Z j  E j . If aij  0, i  1, 2,3,..., m is the OUTGOING Z j  E j  0, the solution is optimal; otherwise, VECTOR. we proceed to the next step. (vii ) The key element or the pivot element is (vi ) To improve on the Basic Feasible Solution, we determined by considering the intersection between find the basic matrix. The variable that corresponds the arrows that corresponds to both incoming and outgoing vectors. The key element is used to to the most negative of Z j  E j is the INCOMING generate the next table. In the next table, pivot VECTOR while the variable that corresponds to the element is replaced by UNITY, while all other 2005 | P a g e
  • 3. O.S. Balogun, E.T. Jolayemi, T.J. Akingbade, H.G. Muazu / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.2004-2007 elements of the pivot column are replaced by zero. (viii) Test of this new Basic Feasible Solution for To calculate the new values for all other elements in optimality as (6) it is not optimal; repeat the the remaining rows of that first column, we use the relation. process till optimal solution is obtained. This was New row = Former element in old rows  implemented by the software Management Scientist (intersection element in the old row)  Version 6.0. (Corresponding element of replacing row). Table 1: Quantity of raw materials available in stock Raw materials Quantity available Concentrates 4332(units) Sugar 467012(kg ) Water ( H 2O) 16376630(litres) Carbon (iv)oxide(C2O) 8796(Vol. per pressure) Table 2: Quantity of raw materials needed to produce a crate of each product listed Flavors Concentrate Sugar Water Cabon(iv)oxide Coke 35cl 0.00359 0.54 6.822 0.0135 Fanta Orange 35cl 0.00419 1.12 7.552 0.007 Fanta Orange 35cl 0.00217 0.803 4.824 0.005 Fanta Lemon 35cl 0.0042 1.044 7.671 0.0126 Schweppes 0.00359 0.86 6.539 0.0125 Sprite 50cl 0.00359 0.73 7.602 0.0133 Fanta Tonic 35cl 0.00359 0.63 6.12 0.0133 Krest soda 35cl 0.0036 0.89 7.055 0.0146 Coke 50cl 0.00438 0.23 7.508 0.0156 Table 3: Average Cost and Selling of a crate of each product Product Average Average Profit(₦) Cost Selling price(₦) price(₦) Coke 35cl 358.51 690 331.49 Fanta Orange 35cl 370.91 690 319.09 Fanta Orange 50cl 489.98 790 300.02 Fanta Lemon 35cl 368.67 690 321.33 Schweppes 341.85 690 348.15 Sprite 50cl 486.04 790 303.96 Fanta Tonic 35cl 322.09 690 367.91 Krest soda 35cl 266.72 690 423.28 Coke 50cl 489.89 790 300.11 Model Formulation Maximize Z 2006 | P a g e
  • 4. O.S. Balogun, E.T. Jolayemi, T.J. Akingbade, H.G. Muazu / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.2004-2007 Z  331.49 X 1  319.09 X 2  300.02 X 3  321.33 X 4  348.15 X 5  303.96 X 6  367.91X 7  323.28 X 8  300.11X 9 Subject to : 0.00359 X 1  0.00419 X 2  0.0021X 3  0.0042 X 4  0.00359 X 5  0.00359 X 6  0.00359 X 7  0.0036 X 8  0.00438 X 9  4332 0.54 X 1  1.12 X 2  0.803 X 3  1.044 X 4  0.86 X 5  0.73 X 6  0.63 X 7  0.89 X 8  0.23 X 9  467012 6.822 X 1  7.552 X 2  4.824 X 3  7.671X 4  6.539 X 5  7.602 X 6  6.12 X 7  7.055 X 8  7.508 X 9  16376630 0.0135 X 1  0.007 X 2  0.005 X 3  0.0126 X 4  0.0125 X 5  0.0133 X 6  0.0133 X 7  0.0149 X 8  0.0156 X 9  8796 X i  0, for i  1, 2,3,...,9 Now, introducing the slack variable to convert inequalities to equations, it gives: Z  331.49 X 1  319.09 X 2  300.02 X 3  321.33 X 4  348.15 X 5  303.96 X 6  367.91X 7  323.28 X 8  300.11X 9 Subject to : 0.00359 X 1  0.00419 X 2  0.00217 X 3  0.0042 X 4  0.00359 X 5  0.00359 X 6  0.00359 X 7  0.0036 X 8  0.00438 X 9  X 10  4332 0.54 X 1  1.12 X 2  0.803 X 3  1.044 X 4  0.86 X 5  0.73 X 6  0.63 X 7  0.89 X 8  0.23 X 9  X 11  467012 6.822 X 1  7.522 X 2  4.834 X 3  7.671X 4  6.539 X 5  7.602 X 6  6.12 X 7  7.055 X 8  7.058 X 9  X 12  16376630 0.00135 X 1  0.007 X 2  0.005 X 3  0.0126 X 4  0.0125 X 5  0.0133 X 6  0.0133 X 7  0.0149 X 8  0.0156 X 9  X 13  8796 X i  0, for i  1, 2,3,...,13 Where, X7 = Fanta Tonic 35cl X1 = Coke 35cl X8 = Krest soda 35cl X2 = Fanta Orange 35cl X9 = Coke 50cl X3 = Fanta Orange 50cl X4 = Fanta Lemon 35cl Analysis and Result X5 = Schweppes Optimal Solution X6 = Sprite 50cl Objective function value = 263,497,283 Variables Value X1 0.00000 X2 0.00000 X3 462547.21890 X4 0.00000 X5 0.00000 X6 0.00000 X7 0.00000 X8 0.00000 X9 415593.00000 The Management Scientist Version 6.0 gives: Z  263, 497, 283 X 3  462,547 and X 9  415,593 References: Chinneck, .J.W. Practical Optimization, A Gentle Interpretation of Result introduction; 2000. Based on the data collected the optimum results derived from the model indicate that two Feiring, B.R. Linear Programming: An products should be produced 50cl Coke and 50cl Introduction; Sage Publications Inc., USA, 1986. Fanta Orange. Their production quantities should be Fogiel, .M. Operations Research Problems Solver; 462,547 and 415,593 crates respectively. This will Research and Education Association; produce a maximum profit of ₦263,497,283. Piscataway, New Jersey, 1996. Gupta, .P.K.and Hira, .D.S. Operations Research; Conclusion Rajendra Ravindra Printers Ltd., New Delhi, Based on the analysis carried out in this 2006. research and the result shown, Nigeria Bottling Schulze, .M.A. Linear Programming for Company, Ilorin plant should produce Fanta Orange Optimization; Perspective Scientific Instruments 50cl and 35cl,Coke 50cl and 35cl, Fanta lemon 35cl, Inc., Sprite 50cl,Schweppes,Krest soda 35cl but more of USA, 1998. Coke 50cl and Fanta Orange 50cl in order to satisfy Sivarethinamohan, .R. Operations Research; Tata their customers. Also, more of Coke 50cl and Fanta McGraw Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., New Orange 50cl should be produced in order to attain Delhi, 2008. maximum profit because they contribute mostly to the profit earned. 2007 | P a g e