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Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
True	Business	Agility	
Ge0ng	to	“pull”	at	enterprise	scale	
David J. Anderson
Lean Kanban Central
Hamburg, Germany
November 2016
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Kanban	is	Ubiquitous!
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
11	years	later	no	one	is	arguing	that	Kanban	isn’t	
appropriate	in	professional	services	work	
Companies	everywhere,	large	and	small,	are	simply	
doing	it!	
So,	it’s	Fme	to	declare	victory!	We’ve	won	the	
argument	that	Kanban	is	a	good	idea!
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
3	Chinese	companies	have	“very	large	scale”	Kanban	
§  Huawei	–	Telecoms	&	electronics	–	5000+	people	
§  Ping	An	–	Insurance	&	banking	–	5000+	people	
§  CMB	–	Banking	–	3000+	people	
Meanwhile	in	Europe…	
§  Large	scale	has	been	seen	at	Ericsson,	Skania,	Siemens,	
Rolls-Royce,	BBVA,	Odigeo	(eDreams,	Opodo)	and	others
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Return	on	Investment	
ImplementaFons	at	Huawei,	Ping	An	&	CMB	have	
each	cost	around	the	equivalent	of	3	full	Fme	
employees	salaries	
Huawei	are	seeing	improvements	in	producFvity	in	
the	range	of	10-50%	with	an	average	of	25%	across	
more	than	10	product	units	
Improvements	at	Huawei	are	the	equivalent	of	1250	
engineers	they	didn’t	need	to	hire	
Return	on	investment	is	300->400:1	or	>30,000%
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Don’t	miss	it!	
Adam	Wu	at	17h20	
“Ping	An	China	Insurance	&	Services”	Case	Study	
Kanban	across	5000	people	
What	did	it	cost?	
What	has	it	meant	for	company	performance,	
enterprise	agility	and	robustness	to	disrupFve	
§  ParFcularly	release	frequency	of	mobile	financial	
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
No	Harm!	
While	there	have	been	failed	Kanban	
implementaFons,	there	are	no	stories	of	Kanban	
doing	harm	to	organizaFons	
Unlike	some	Agile	methods	and	other	management	
fads	such	as	holacracy,	there	are	no	stories	of	
Kanban	causing	20%-40%	staff	turnover	or	inflicFng	
brutal	and	cruel	change	
There	has	been	tribal,	emoFonal	push	back	in	
organizaFons	where	Agile	is	a	religion
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
But	wait,	it’s	not	Kanban!	
The	problem	with	this	ubiquitous	and	virtuous	
adopFon	of	Kanban	is	that	it	isn’t	really	Kanban	at	
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Kanban	at	MicrosoW	2005	
Virtual	Kanban	“pull”	system	–	No	visual	boards!	
230%	producFvity	improvement	
91%	reducFon	in	average	lead	Fme	
On-Fme	performance	up	from	0%	to	98%	
Time	frame	–	15	months	
Cost	–	almost	nothing,	no	coaching	fees,	no	training,	
no	consultants,	2	permanent	team	members	added	
mid-transformaFon	taking	producFvity	from	150%	
improvement	to	230%	improvement
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Kanban	at	Hewle4-Packard	2006	
Virtual	Kanban	“pull”	system	–	no	visual	boards!	
700%	producFvity	improvement!	
Lead	Fme	on	new	generaFon	of	laser	printer	
firmware	dropped	from	21	months	to	3.5	months	
4.5	day	working	week	
Timeframe	–	less	than	1	year	
Cost	–	almost	nothing	–	no	coaches,	no	training,	no	
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Proto-Kanban	represents	minor	league	victory	
What	is	being	implemented	at	large	scale	all	over	the	
world	is	visualizaFon	and	per	person,	or	per	team	
WIP	limits	
Enterprises	are	struggling	to	implement	end-to-end	
“pull”	at	any	significant	scale!	
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Team	Kanban	
Next Done
3∞ ∞
J Avatar for each team
memberStill at a single team
level but maturing to
focus on managing
work and less on
managing workers
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Per	Person	WIP	Limit	
∞∞ ∞
At this level, we are focused
on managing work and
enabling people to self-
organize around it but we
aren’t limiting WIP in the
system as a whole. Hence,
service delivery will not be
Moving beyond a single
team to a service delivery
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Aggregated	Team	Kanban	
5 ∞
Development Testing
Done Ongoing Done
3 3
Team 1 Kanban
∞ ∞
Team 2 Kanban
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Aggregated	Team	Kanban	
5 ∞
Development Testing
Done Ongoing Done
3 3∞ ∞
known as
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Aggregated	Team	Kanban	
5 ∞
Development Testing
Done Ongoing Done
3 3
Infinite limits on Done columns means that there really isn’t a
kanban pull system present.
This style of proto-kanban controls multi-tasking but doesn’t limit
workflow WIP
∞ ∞
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Benefits	of	proto-Kanban	implementa`ons	
Relief from overburdening
Reduced multitasking
Improved quality
People engaged emotionally
More collaboration
Greater empathy
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Benefits	of	proto-Kanban	implementa`ons	
10-50% greater productivity
Up to 50% reduction
in lead times
Average 25% headcount saving
Return on investment
300->400 : 1
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Are	we	there	yet?
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Kanban	Litmus	Test	
1.  Have	managers	changed	their	behavior?	
2.  Has	the	customer	interface	changed?	
3.  Has	the	customer	contract	changed?	
4.  Has	the	service	delivery	business	model	changed?	
If	you	can’t	answer	yes	to	at	least	2	of	these	quesFons	
it	is	unlikely	you’ve	switched	to	Kanban	yet!	You	may	
have	the	intent	to	adopt	it	through	a	series	of		
evoluFonary	steps	iniFally	adopFng	proto-Kanban
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Have	Managers	Changed	their	Behavior?	
Are	managers	managing	people,	assigning	work,	
focused	on	uFlizaFon	levels,	building	brinle,	
determinisFc	plans,	making	early	customer	
commitments	and	ooen	making	promises	without	
regard	to	capability	or	respect	for	risk	&	uncertainty?	
Or	have	they	switched	to	managing	work,	focusing	
on	flow,	forecasFng	probabilisFcally,	deferring	
commitment,	making	promises	based	on	probability,	
embracing	risk	and	uncertainty,	and	focusing	on	due	
date	performance	against	SLAs?
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Has	the	Customer	Interface	Changed?	
Are	you	sFll	anending	the	same	old	planning	
meeFngs	on	the	same	old	schedule?	
Or,	have	you	adopted	kanban	system	replenishment	
Are	customers	present	at	replenishment	meeFngs?	
Does	commitment	happen	at	the	replenishment	
meeFng	when	an	item	is	“pulled”	onto	the	board?	
Has	the	frequency	of	the	meeFng	changed?	Is	it	
much	more	frequent	than	before?
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Has	the	Customer	Contract	Changed?	
Are	you	sFll	making	commitments	the	same	way?	
Has	the	promise	you	make	and	the	way	you	make	it	
Are	you	sFll	making	determinisFc	plans,	promising	
precise	scope	and	schedule,	and	hedging	with	
conFngency	by	“overesFmaFng”	size,	complexity,	or	
duraFon	of	work?	
Or	are	you	working	probabilisFcally,	studying	historical	
data,	aggregaFng	risk	and	using	service	level	agreements	
as	a	new	style	of	contract	with	the	customer?
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Has	the	Service	Delivery	Business	Model	Changed?	
Are	you	carrying	all	the	risk?	Fixed	delivery	date,	fixed	
scope,	fixed	cost?	Precise	promises	based	on	
determinisFc	planning?	
Is	all	work	treated	homogenously	from	a	risk	
perspecFve?	Do	you	process	all	requests	the	same	way?	
Or,	have	you	introduced	classes	of	service	based	on	risk	
profiling	and	assessment	of	cost	of	delay?	Do	you	offer	
mulFple	classes	of	service	by	allocaFng	capacity	and	
hedging	risk?	Is	class	of	service	Fed	to	risk	and	urgency?	
Do	you	have	explicit	policy	assigning	class	of	service	to	
different	risk	profiles?
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
“pull”	creates	a	pressure	to	triage:	
§  What	should	we	do	immediately?	
§  What	can	wait	unFl	later?	
•  And	if	so,	when?	(a	scheduling	problem)	
§  What	shouldn’t	we	do	at	all?	(discard)	
If	you	haven’t	developed	a	strong	triage	discipline	
then	you	almost	certainly	haven’t	achieved	end-to-
end	“pull”
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Using	movable	tokens	as	kanban	is	more	flexible	
Development Testing
Blocked - issue
Blocked - defect
Override on kanban limit
introduces additional
“blocked – issue” kanban
People working on
blocked item “A”
have been redirected
to work on item “I”
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Using	movable	tokens	as	kanban	is	more	flexible	
Development Testing
Blocked - issue
Blocked - defect
Using physical slots in the previous example
has been shown to create inertia to
modification & improvement
Using movable tokens allows for
WIP limits to be easily modified and
provides a natural signal token
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Single	Service,	Mul`ple	Classes	of	Service	
Allocate	capacity	with	kanban	limit	per	color		
5	 4	 4	 5	 2	=	20	total	
10	=	50%	
+1	=	+5%	
4	=	20%	
6	=	30%	
Buffer	 In	Prog	 Done	Done	In	Prog	
Development	Analysis	 Build	
Ready	 Test	
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
3	Services	Aggregated	Together	
5	 4	 4	 5	 2	 =	20	total	
Change	Req	
ProducFon	Defect	
Total	=	20	
Buffer	 In	Prog	 Done	
Ready	 Test	
Ready	Done	In	Prog	
Development	Analysis	
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Requests 3
Improving	Liquidity	through	Labor	Pool	Flexibility	
Analysis Testing
Done Verification Acceptance
3 3
Junior who will be rotated through
all 4 teams
Generalist or T-shaped
people who can move
flexibly across rows on the
board to keep work flowing
It’s typical to see splits of
fixed team workers versus
flexible system workers of
between 40-60%
Roughly half the labor pool
are flexible workers
Promotions from junior team
member to flexible worker with
an avatar clearly visualize why
a pay rise is justified. Flexible
workers help manage liquidity
risk better!
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Irrefutable	Demand
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Don’t	miss	it!	
Andy	Carmichael	at	15h20	
“IRREFUTABLE	DEMAND:	When	you	can’t	say	“NO””	
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Pressure	for	“push”	is	par`ally	internal	
Why	does	it	feel	like	“push”	is	inevitable	and	unavoidable?	
Because	so	much	demand	is	actually	internally	spawned	from	
exisFng	commitments!	
So	many	Kanban	implementaFons	are	proto-Kanban	semi-
push	systems	because	they	service	internally	generated	
demand	which	is	irrefutable	
If	you	are	to	get	to	“pull”,	you	generally	have	to	start	with	
externally	facing	customer	services	
Or	insert	a	strong	“definiFon	of	ready”	at	the	customer	facing	
point,	which	states	that	we	will	only	commit	to	externally	
demand	when	internal	dependency	capacity	is	confirmed	(this	
has	a	tendency	to	lead	to	undesirable	behaviors	–	big	team/
org	unit	sizes,	big	batch	sizes)
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
What	causes	irrefutable	demand?	
“we’ve	already	commined	to	it”	
§  PotenFally	bad	behavior	on	the	part	of	execuFves	or	sales	
§  “the	boss	wants	it”	
It’s	a	legal	or	regulatory	requirement	
It’s	table	stakes	for	this	customer	or	market	niche	
It’s	mission	criFcal	
§  High	severity	producFon	defects
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Gehng	to	“pull”	
Pull	requires	that	demand	is	refutable	or	at	least	
Demand	must	be	balanced	against	capability	to	
Demand	can	be	shaped	
Kanban	systems	have	a	noFon	of	capacity	and	hence	
a	strong	definiFon	of	ready	may	include	whether	
capacity	has	been	booked	in	advance	using	a	
dynamic	reservaFon	system
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Is	all	irrefutable	demand	as	irrefutable	as	it	seems?	
Can	we	use	policy	to	shape	demand?	
§  For	example,	sacrifice	fidelity	or	quality	on	items	of	a	given	risk	
category	or	risk	profile	to	bifurcate	demand	to	a	shared	sevice?	
Can	we	smooth	demand	through	bener	understanding	of	
when	to	schedule	it	or	its	cost	of	delay?	
§  Schedule	highest	cost	of	delay	items	at	opFmal	start	Fme,	and	
offset	others	to	less	opFmal	start	Fmes	while	recognizing	their	
comparaFve	cost	of	delay	is	lower?	
§  i.e.	anFcipate	overburdening	and	trade	off	lost	opportunity	for	
smoother	flow,	rather	than…	
§  reacFng	to	overburdening	by	delaying	items,	lengthening	lead	
Fmes,	increasing	the	tail	on	the	distribuFon	and	negaFvely	
affecFng	predictability
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
You	have	more	management	op`ons	than	you	
§  Use	the	feedback	loops	of	risk	review,	operaFons	review	&	
strategy	review	to	adjust	demand	to	capability	
§  Use	a	holisFc	approach	to	managing	the	network	of	
interdependent	services	
•  OperaFons	review	
•  Dynamic	reservaFon	systems	
§  Decision	making	is	informed	&	effecFve	
•  Risk	profiling	
•  Demand	shaping	thresholds	and	other	policies	are	explicit	
§  Management	of	uncommined	opFons	is	returned	to	the	
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Strategies	for	irrefutable	demand	
Deferred	commitment	negoFated	and	agreed	with	customer	
Classes	of	Service	
§  maximize	flow	of	value	
§  build	flexibility	to	handle	variaFon	
OperaFons	Review	cadence	to	balance	demand	
Staff	liquidity	
§  allocate	high	skilled,	mulF-skilled	staff	before	less	flexible	staff	
Examine	the	constraint/bonleneck	in	mulFple	workflows	
§  Use	policies	to	subordinate	other	parts	of	the	system	to	the	bonleneck	
(shape/bifurcate	demand)	
§  elevate	the	constraint/bonleneck	
Limit	capacity	/	uFlisaFon	(e.g.	to	50%	for	planned	work)	
Reduce	work	in	progress	
Manage	flow!
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Shaping	Demand	:	Triage
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Demand	Shaping	Threshold	
Dimension	1	
Dimension	2	
Dimension	3	
Dimension	5	
Dimension	4	
Demand shaping
Talk about
this one
Each risk dimension
represents a taxonomy of
categories describing a
known risk.
Policy describes the
category in each
dimension at or above
which we wish to
accept demand
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Demand	Shaping	Threshold	
Dimension	1	
Dimension	2	
Dimension	3	
Dimension	5	
Dimension	4	
Talk about
this one
Thresholds can be used to as
upper or lower bounds Exclusion zone can be
to the outside or inside
of the graph
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Get	a	Demo	of	SwiW	ESP!
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
SwiWKanban	ESP	implements	Risk	Profiling	&	
Demand	Shaping	to	Manage	Large	“Backlogs”
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Don’t	miss	it!	
Maria	Torrijos	Lopez	at	12h30	
§  Large	scale	Enterprise	Services	Planning	implementaFon	
§  Risk	profiling	in	acFon
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Organiza`onal	Maturity
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Personal Kanban
Personal Kanban
Team Kanban
Per Person WIP Limit
Physical space
Physical token kanban
Virtual Kanban
Classes of service
Capacity allocation
Liquidity optimization
Aggregated teams
Pa4erns	of	Kanban	Board	Designs
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Risk	Hedging	
Risk	Management	
Benefits	of	improving	maturity
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
What’s	Preven`ng	Gehng	to	“pull”?
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
6	Forces	Preven`ng	Gehng	to	“Pull”	
1.  Not	starFng	with	a	customer	facing	service	
2.  “We	are	just	order	takers”	
3.  Lack	of	understanding	of	business	risks	
4.  Lack	of	mathemaFcal	literacy	
5.  Lack	of	skills	in	negoFaFon	or	forming	business	
6.  Lack	of	confidence	planning	&	scheduling	at	scale
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
1.	Not	Star`ng	with	a	Customer	Facing	Service	
Team	Kanban	isn’t	enough	unless	the	team	offers	a	
bespoke	service	that	is	directly	customer	facing	
IniFaFves	start	where	there	is	enthusiasm	and	don’t	
follow	the	coaching	guidance	on	“where	to	start	in	
large	corporaFons”	
Internal	services	suffer	from	irrefutable	demand	but	
lack	the	guidance	or	poliFcal	influence	to	cope	with	
irrefutable	demand
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Affec`ng	a	Paradigm	ShiW	to	“pull”	
Kanban	coaching	guidance	on	“where	to	start”	
within	large	organizaFons…	
1.  Must	be	Customer	Facing	
2.  Must	Not	be	Mission	CriFcal	
3.  Must	be	Highly	visible	
4.  Staff	are	enthusiasFc	
§  indeed	may	volunteer	to	pilot	the	changes
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
2.	We	are	Just	Order	Takers	
OrganizaFonal	structure	or	corporate	governance	
that	puts	product	&	service	delivery	funcFons	in	a	
silos	without	influence	or	stewardship	over	what	is	
selected,	when	it	is	scheduled,	and	how	it	is	
sequenced,	is	destrucFve	and	economically	
Build	trust	with	transparency,	visibility,	excellence	in	
delivery,	metrics	
Encourage	greater	collaboraFon	–	replenishment	
meeFngs	with	both	sides	present	-	requesters	and	
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
3.	Lack	of	Understanding	of	Business	Risks	
Without	a	framework	for	analyzing	risks	and	scruFnizing	
the	analysis,	we	rely	on	“the	hero	product	manager”.	It’s	
low	maturity	upstream!	
A	shared	language	for	discussing	business,	technical	and	
delivery	risks,	fosters	collaboraFon	and	consensus	
Elevate	the	product	owner	from	“the	single	ringable	
neck”	to	the	owner	of	the	risk	assessment	framework	
Enterprise	Services	Planning	features	a	rich	risk	
assessment	framework	which	is	now	implemented	in	
SwioKanban	ESP	ediFon	–	get	a	demo!
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Blizzard	Sport	&	Why	Risk	Assessment	Ma4ers	
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Blizzard	Sport	-	Reducing	Risk	Actual	Situa`on	
Sales	Volume		
ReporFng	to	HQ	
100%	of	total	–>	90%	risk	=	90%	risk	
Cycle	Time
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Blizzard	Sport	–	Kanban	etc	speeds	up	produc`on	
Sales	Volume		
ReporFng	to	HQ	
Adapt	producFon	to	make-to-
90%	of	total	–>	70%	risk	=	63%	risk	
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Blizzard	Sport	–	Risk	assessment	&	sequencing	
produce	a	larger	payoff	in	risk	reduc`on	
ProducFon	Volume	
Sales	Volume	
30%	of	total	–>	20%	risk	=	6%	risk
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
4.	A	Lack	of	Mathema`cal	Literacy	
The	mathemaFcs	of	probability	in	lead	Fme	distribuFons	
and	forecasFng	service	delivery	is	not	difficult,	but	it	isn’t	
taught	in	schools	or	universiFes	except	to	staFsFcians!	
Knowing	when	and	where	Gaussian	distribuFons,	Central	
Limit	Theorem	&	funcFons	of	averages	such	as	Linle’s	
Law	apply	and	when	they	don’t	is	vitally	important	
You	can’t	have	raFonal	conversaFon	about	when	to	start	
things,	or	commitments	on	when	or	how	much	will	be	
delivered	without	basically	mathemaFcal	literacy	on	
probability	distribuFon	funcFons
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
5.	Lack	of	Skill	in	Nego`a`on	
Geeks	on	the	delivery	side	generally	haven’t	been	to	business	
Business	owners	&	product	managers	on	the	requesFng	side	
have	been	to	business	school	and	received	formal	training	in	
the	art	of	negoFaFon	
Geeks	tend	to	lose	out	in	negoFaFons	
Business	people	refuse	to	play	the	transparent,	collaboraFve	
game	and	emoFonally	resist	real	data	&	evidence	
How	to	deal	with	this	challenge	is	a	skill	we	teach	in	Kanban	
Coaching	Professional	classes	
§  Create	“skin	in	the	game”	with	collaboraFve	workshops	–	STATIK	
§  Or,	design	kanban	systems	with	layers	of	classes	of	service	and	
capacity	allocaFon	that	can	be	revealed	in	response	to	customer	
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
6.	Lack	of	Confidence	Planning	&	Scheduling	
Kanban	has	lacked	a	comprehensive	dependency	
management	and	scheduling	system	
This	is	now	available	in	Enterprise	Services	Planning	
Case	studies	with	scheduling	&	planning	boards	
appeared	as	early	as	2009	(Posit	Science),	others	
§  Sami	Honkonen	“Scheduling	Work	in	Kanban”	2011	
§  Visotech,	Klaus	Leopold	&	Lean	Kanban	University	Press	
§  Odigeo,	Maria	Torrijos	Lopez,	LKCE	Hamburg	2016
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Reminder	-	Don’t	miss	it!	
Maria	Torrijos	Lopez	at	12h30	
§  Large	scale	Enterprise	Services	Planning	implementaFon	
§  Risk	profiling	in	acFon	
§  Dynamic	reserva`on	system	for	scheduling	demand
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Kanban	is	Ubiquitous!
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Declare	Victory	&	Fight	On!	
11	years	later	no	one	is	arguing	that	Kanban	isn’t	
appropriate	in	professional	services	work	
Companies	everywhere,	large	and	small,	are	simply	
doing	it!	
Kanban	is	broadly	accepted	a	good	thing!	
 Now	it	is	`me	to	actually	start	doing	Kanban	properly!
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Thank	you!
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
David Anderson is an innovator in
management of 21st Century
businesses that employ creative
people who “think for a living” . He
leads a training, consulting,
publishing and event planning
business dedicated to developing,
promoting and implementing new
management thinking & methods…
He has 30+ years experience in the high technology industry starting
with computer games in the early 1980’s. He has led software
organizations delivering superior productivity and quality using
innovative methods at large companies such as Sprint and Motorola.
David defined Enterprise Services Planning and originated the
Kanban Method an adaptive approach to improved service delivery.
His latest book, published in June 2012, is, Lessons in Agile
Management – On the Road to Kanban.
David is Chairman of Lean Kanban Inc., a business operating globally,
dedicated to providing quality training & events to bring Kanban and
Enterprise Services Planning to businesses who employ those who
must “think for a living.”
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Screenshots of SwiftKanban ESP risk assessment framework courtesy of Digite
Blizzard Sport inventory at risk assessment slides courtesy of Erix-Jan Kaak and Tecnica
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Reserva`on	Systems	&	Classes	of	Service	
for	Dependency	Management
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Reserva`on	systems	
First	reported	by	Sami	Honkonen,	“Scheduling	Work	in	a	Kanban”	November	2011	
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Dynamic	Reserva`on	&	Classes	of	Service	
Based	on	variability	of	service	delivery	throughput	
1.  Guaranteed	–	up	to	the	minimum	delivery	rate	
2.  Reserved	(not	guaranteed)	–	minimum	to	mean	delivery	
3.  Stand-by	–	mean	to	maximum	delivery	rate	
ReservaFon	Classes	&	Kanban	
1.  Guaranteed	=	6/week	
2.  Reserved	=	4/week	
3.  Standby	=	6/week
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Dependency	discovery	
Dependency	discovery	is	a	request	for	informaFon	
Dependency	discovery	should	happen	upstream	and	be	required	
for	a	“definiFon	of	ready”	
Providing	informaFon	is	a	service	
We	should	track	dependency	discovery	requests	as	work	item	
types,	if	the	level	of	effort	required	is	more	than	a	few	minutes	and	
becomes	intrusive	for	one	or	more	people	on	the	service	delivery	
Dependency	discovery	requests	(like	many	requests	for	
informaFon,	e.g.	esFmates)	can	be	disrupFve	(and	speculaFve)	
We	should	treat	dependency	discovery	like	esFmates:	don’t	do	it	
unless	you	really	need	to;	if	you	need	to	then	control	the	disrupFve	
effect	through	Fme	slicing	or	resource/service	delivery	isolaFon
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Classes	of	Service	for	Reserva`on	Systems	
We	typically	associate	classes	of	service	with	service	delivery	
and	the	queuing	discipline	of	Fckets	flowing	through	Kanban	
We	can	use	classes	of	service	for	reservaFons	in	scheduling	
systems.	For	example,	you	can	hold	a	“stand	by”	reservaFon	
for	a	“first	class”	air	Fcket.	Different	classes	of	services	for	the	
reservaFon	versus	the	actual	flight	
Use	risk	profiling	to	determine	whether	you	care	about	delay	
from	dependency	risk	
§  E.g.	if	we	have	a	low	cost	of	delay	why	would	we	bother	to	explicitly	
manage	for	dependencies	which	may	cause	delay	
Determine	a	class	of	service	which	directs	policy	on	how	(or	if)	
you	will	manage	dependencies	for	an	item	and	how	a	
reservaFon	will	be	made	
§  In	which	Fme	slot	should	we	make	a	reservaFon	and	which	class	of	
service	(guaranteed/reserved/stand-by)	is	appropriate
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Class	1:	No	Dependency	Management	
Lead	Fme	distribuFons	already	accounts	for	
dependency	delays	
§  No	anempt	to	discover	dependencies	
Low	risk	of	incurring	any	significant	cost	of	delay,	or	
We	have	the	ability	to	start	early	enough	that	we	
don’t	care	about	lead	Fme	tail	risk	
So	just	do	it,	don’t	worry	about	dependencies.	Let	
them	happen	if	they	will!	
No	reservaFon	for	the	calling	service	or	called	service	
ProbabilisFc	dependency,	probabilisFc	scheduling
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Class	2:	Tail	Risk	Mi`ga`on.	Reserved	Capacity	
Care	about	tail	risk	due	to	cost	of	delay	in	the	calling	service	e.g.	
change	request	for	IT	system	maintenance.	Tail	risk	is	increased	
when	a	dependency	exists,	e.g.	DBA	(the	called	service)	
No	anempt	to	determine	if	a	specific	dependency	occurs	or	
when	specific	capacity	will	be	required	on	the	[DBA	service]	
Needs	reliable	service	and	predictable	queuing	on	the	called	
service,	e.g.	DBAs	
Allocate	capacity	on	the	[DBA	service]	for	probabilisFcally	
anFcipated	demand.	Use	"outcome-driven	design“	to	design	for	
anFcipated	demand	with	STATIK.	Linle's	Law	provides	average	
delivery	capability	defining	a	WIP	limit	for	capacity	
Demand	shaping.	Shape	demand	from	the	calling	service	against	
average	delivery	capability.	Avoid	overburdening	the	[DBA	
ProbabilisFc	dependency,	probabilisFc	scheduling
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Class	2:	con`nued…	
Track	lead	Fme	on	the	called	service	from	request	
submission,	as	request	is	already	commined.	By	definiFon	
demand	on	the	[DBA	service]	is	irrefutable.	“Push”	
demand.	Lead	Fme	distribuFon	and	SLA	will	take	into	
account	queuing	Fme	delay	at	the	front	end	of	the	[DBA	
If	dynamic	booking	system	is	implemented	
§  Schedule	slot(s)	on	the	[DBA	service]	sufficiently	far	ahead	to	
account	for	the	tail	of	its	lead	Fme	distribuFon	
§  Use	"Standby"	class	of	service	for	the	reservaFon	
§  Book	several	similar	reservaFons,	or	have	capability	to	rebook	a	
missed	reservaFon	
Reserve	a	series	of	“standby”	class	slots	for	the	calling	
service	work	item.	No	reservaFon	on	the	called	service	–	
we	don’t	know	whether	the	dependency	exist	or	not	
ProbabilisFc	dependency,	probabilisFc	scheduling
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Class	3:	Known	Dependency.	Informed	Scheduling	
Cost	of	delay	is	more	criFcal,	or	not	pracFcal	to	start	early	
enough	to	miFgate	tail	risk	
Add	analysis	(informaFon	request)	to	determine	if	
dependencies	exist.	Filter	lead	Fme	distribuFon	for	work	
items	with	same	dependencies	
Use	filtered	lead	Fme	to	facilitate	scheduling	&	selecFon	
DefiniFon	of	ready	requires	determinaFon	of	whether	a	
dependency	exists	or	not	
Use	capacity	allocaFon,	demand	shaping	on	called	service	
As	class	2	but	book	a	“reserved”	slot	on	the	calling	system.	No	
reservaFon	on	the	called	system	because	the	filtered	calling	
system	lead	Fme	distribuFon	accounts	for	the	effect	of	the	
DeterminisFc	dependency,	probabilisFc	scheduling
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Class	4:	Known	dependency.	Specific	Scheduling	
Cost	of	delay	is	significant	or	criFcal,	or	deferred	commitment	
is	valuable	as	addiFonal	informaFon	arrival	to	miFgate	other	
risks	is	required	to	facilitate	(in/out)	selecFon	decisions,	or	
simply	not	possible	to	start	early	enough	to	miFgate	tail	risk	
Treat	as	class	3	and	in	addiFon…	
AnFcipate	approximately	when	dependency	will	occur.	
Forecast	Fme	from	commitment	to	dependency	occurring.	
Book	a	"reserved"	class	kanban	in	the	dynamic	reservaFon	
system	for	the	calling	service	
Book	a	“guaranteed”	slot	for	the	called	service	
Calling	service	definiFon	of	ready	requires	a	booking	on	the	
called	service	
DeterminisFc	dependency,	determinisFc	scheduling
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Class	5:	No	margin	for	error	
As	class	4	but	definiFon	of	ready	is	Fghtened	to	
"Guaranteed"	class	booking	in	the	reservaFon	
system	for	both	the	work	items	on	the	calling	service	
and	the	called	service	
DeterminisFc	dependency,	determinisFc	scheduling
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Class	1	Dependency	Management	
Calling	Service	
Called	Service	
We	Don’t	Care!	
No	WIP	limits	
Dependency impact
is built into customer
lead time distribution.
We start early enough
& cost of delay is low
enough that we don’t
need to explicitly
manage the
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Class	2	Dependency	Management	
Calling	Service	
Called	Service	
WIP	limits	
We wish to mitigate the
tail risk in the customer
facing lead time by
insuring dependency
delivery is predictable &
reliable as a
consequence of
reserved capacity on
the called service
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Class	3	Dependency	Management	
Calling	Service	
Called	Service	
ReservaFon	system	
Filtered	lead	Fme	
“Reserved”	Class	
Determine the
dependency exists,
make a reservation
for it to insure
capacity on the
called service when
we need it!
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Class	4	Dependency	Management	
Calling	Service	
Called	Service	
ReservaFon	system	
“Guaranteed”	Class	
“Defn	of	Ready”	
booking	on	
called	service	
We want a high
confidence in the start
time for customer lead
time. We take no risk
on dependent
capacity becoming
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Class	5	Dependency	Management	
Calling	Service	
Called	Service	
“Guaranteed”	Class	
“Defn	of	Ready”	
booking	on	
called	service	
No margin for error!
We want 100%
confidence in the
start time for
customer lead time
and no risk on
dependent capacity
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Mul`ple	Reserva`ons	
Cost	of	delay	(and	other	risk	assessment)	can	be	
used	to	establish,	opFmal	start,	and	whether	earlier	
or	later	is	preferred	if	opFmal	isn’t	available	
Make	mulFple	bookings	at	lower	classes	of	service	
“reserved”,	or	“standby”	for	the	same	item.	
If	it	shows	up	early	and	capacity	is	available	start	it,	
cancel	its	other	reservaFons	
“Stand	by”	 3	bookings	for	same	Fcket
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Dependency	Management	&	Cost	of	Delay	
Desired delivery date
Super-Linear	Region	
Class	2	
Class	4	
Class	2
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja	
Dependency	Management	&	Cost	of	Delay	
Desired delivery date
Sub-Linear	Region	
Class	1	
Dependency	Management	
Class	4	Dependency	Management	
Class	5	Dependency	Management
Copyright Lean Kanban Inc.	Email:	 	 	Twi4er:	@LKI_dja

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David Anderson
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Lean Kanban Central Europe
Kanban - an alternative path to agility (Lean Kanban Southern Europe 2014)
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Kanban - an alternative path to agility (Lean Kanban Southern Europe 2014)
David Anderson
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Enterprise Services Planning - Effective Middle Management
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LKCE16 - Getting to pull at enterprise scale by David J. Anderson

  • 1. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja True Business Agility Ge0ng to “pull” at enterprise scale Presenter David J. Anderson Lean Kanban Central Europe Hamburg, Germany November 2016
  • 2. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Kanban is Ubiquitous!
  • 3. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Acceptance 11 years later no one is arguing that Kanban isn’t appropriate in professional services work Companies everywhere, large and small, are simply doing it! So, it’s Fme to declare victory! We’ve won the argument that Kanban is a good idea!
  • 4. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja China 3 Chinese companies have “very large scale” Kanban implementaFons §  Huawei – Telecoms & electronics – 5000+ people §  Ping An – Insurance & banking – 5000+ people §  CMB – Banking – 3000+ people Meanwhile in Europe… §  Large scale has been seen at Ericsson, Skania, Siemens, Rolls-Royce, BBVA, Odigeo (eDreams, Opodo) and others
  • 5. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Return on Investment ImplementaFons at Huawei, Ping An & CMB have each cost around the equivalent of 3 full Fme employees salaries Huawei are seeing improvements in producFvity in the range of 10-50% with an average of 25% across more than 10 product units Improvements at Huawei are the equivalent of 1250 engineers they didn’t need to hire Return on investment is 300->400:1 or >30,000%
  • 6. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Don’t miss it! Adam Wu at 17h20 “Ping An China Insurance & Services” Case Study Kanban across 5000 people What did it cost? What has it meant for company performance, enterprise agility and robustness to disrupFve fintech? §  ParFcularly release frequency of mobile financial applicaFons
  • 7. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja No Harm! While there have been failed Kanban implementaFons, there are no stories of Kanban doing harm to organizaFons Unlike some Agile methods and other management fads such as holacracy, there are no stories of Kanban causing 20%-40% staff turnover or inflicFng brutal and cruel change There has been tribal, emoFonal push back in organizaFons where Agile is a religion
  • 8. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja But wait, it’s not Kanban! The problem with this ubiquitous and virtuous adopFon of Kanban is that it isn’t really Kanban at all!
  • 9. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Kanban at MicrosoW 2005 Virtual Kanban “pull” system – No visual boards! 230% producFvity improvement 91% reducFon in average lead Fme On-Fme performance up from 0% to 98% Time frame – 15 months Cost – almost nothing, no coaching fees, no training, no consultants, 2 permanent team members added mid-transformaFon taking producFvity from 150% improvement to 230% improvement
  • 10. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Kanban at Hewle4-Packard 2006 Virtual Kanban “pull” system – no visual boards! 700% producFvity improvement! Lead Fme on new generaFon of laser printer firmware dropped from 21 months to 3.5 months 4.5 day working week Timeframe – less than 1 year Cost – almost nothing – no coaches, no training, no consultants
  • 11. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Proto-Kanban represents minor league victory What is being implemented at large scale all over the world is visualizaFon and per person, or per team WIP limits Enterprises are struggling to implement end-to-end “pull” at any significant scale! WHY?
  • 12. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Proto-Kanban
  • 13. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Team Kanban Backlog F H E C A G D Next Done 3 In-progress 3∞ ∞ GY PB DE I J Avatar for each team memberStill at a single team level but maturing to focus on managing work and less on managing workers
  • 14. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja O P R N M L J Per Person WIP Limit Done F H E C A I Pending G D GY PB DE MN AB Dev/Build/ Test/Deploy Dev Ready GY GY PB PB MN MN DE DE AB AB K Bench Specify B ∞∞ ∞ Unbounded Queue Delayed WIP At this level, we are focused on managing work and enabling people to self- organize around it but we aren’t limiting WIP in the system as a whole. Hence, service delivery will not be predictable Moving beyond a single team to a service delivery workflow
  • 15. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Aggregated Team Kanban Done Pool of Ideas F H E C A I Next Deploy- ment Ready G D GY PB DE MN 5 ∞ P1 AB Ongoing Development Testing Done Ongoing Done 3 3 Team 1 Kanban ∞ ∞ Team 2 Kanban
  • 16. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Aggregated Team Kanban Done Pool of Ideas F H E C A I Next Deploy- ment Ready G D GY PB DE MN 5 ∞ P1 AB Ongoing Development Testing Done Ongoing Done 3 3∞ ∞ Also known as “infinite done queues”
  • 17. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Aggregated Team Kanban Done Pool of Ideas F H E C A I Next Deploy- ment Ready G D GY PB DE MN 5 ∞ P1 AB Ongoing Development Testing Done Ongoing Done 3 3 Infinite limits on Done columns means that there really isn’t a kanban pull system present. This style of proto-kanban controls multi-tasking but doesn’t limit workflow WIP ∞ ∞
  • 18. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Benefits of proto-Kanban implementa`ons Benefits Transparency Relief from overburdening Reduced multitasking Improved quality People engaged emotionally More collaboration Greater empathy
  • 19. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Benefits of proto-Kanban implementa`ons Benefits 10-50% greater productivity Up to 50% reduction in lead times Average 25% headcount saving Return on investment 300->400 : 1
  • 20. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Are we there yet?
  • 21. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Kanban Litmus Test 1.  Have managers changed their behavior? 2.  Has the customer interface changed? 3.  Has the customer contract changed? 4.  Has the service delivery business model changed? If you can’t answer yes to at least 2 of these quesFons it is unlikely you’ve switched to Kanban yet! You may have the intent to adopt it through a series of evoluFonary steps iniFally adopFng proto-Kanban
  • 22. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Have Managers Changed their Behavior? Are managers managing people, assigning work, focused on uFlizaFon levels, building brinle, determinisFc plans, making early customer commitments and ooen making promises without regard to capability or respect for risk & uncertainty? Or have they switched to managing work, focusing on flow, forecasFng probabilisFcally, deferring commitment, making promises based on probability, embracing risk and uncertainty, and focusing on due date performance against SLAs?
  • 23. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Has the Customer Interface Changed? Are you sFll anending the same old planning meeFngs on the same old schedule? Or, have you adopted kanban system replenishment meeFngs? Are customers present at replenishment meeFngs? Does commitment happen at the replenishment meeFng when an item is “pulled” onto the board? Has the frequency of the meeFng changed? Is it much more frequent than before?
  • 24. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Has the Customer Contract Changed? Are you sFll making commitments the same way? Has the promise you make and the way you make it changed? Are you sFll making determinisFc plans, promising precise scope and schedule, and hedging with conFngency by “overesFmaFng” size, complexity, or duraFon of work? Or are you working probabilisFcally, studying historical data, aggregaFng risk and using service level agreements as a new style of contract with the customer?
  • 25. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Has the Service Delivery Business Model Changed? Are you carrying all the risk? Fixed delivery date, fixed scope, fixed cost? Precise promises based on determinisFc planning? Is all work treated homogenously from a risk perspecFve? Do you process all requests the same way? Or, have you introduced classes of service based on risk profiling and assessment of cost of delay? Do you offer mulFple classes of service by allocaFng capacity and hedging risk? Is class of service Fed to risk and urgency? Do you have explicit policy assigning class of service to different risk profiles?
  • 26. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Triage “pull” creates a pressure to triage: §  What should we do immediately? §  What can wait unFl later? •  And if so, when? (a scheduling problem) §  What shouldn’t we do at all? (discard) If you haven’t developed a strong triage discipline then you almost certainly haven’t achieved end-to- end “pull”
  • 27. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Pull
  • 28. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja H F F O M N K J I Using movable tokens as kanban is more flexible Ideas D E A I Dev Ready G Development Testing Test Ready F B C UAT Release Ready In-progress Legend Done Blocked - issue Blocked - defect Override on kanban limit introduces additional “blocked – issue” kanban People working on blocked item “A” have been redirected to work on item “I”
  • 29. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja H F F O M N K J I Using movable tokens as kanban is more flexible Ideas D E A I Dev Ready G Development Testing Test Ready F B C UAT Release Ready In-progress Legend Done Blocked - issue Blocked - defect Using physical slots in the previous example has been shown to create inertia to modification & improvement Using movable tokens allows for WIP limits to be easily modified and provides a natural signal token mechanism
  • 30. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Single Service, Mul`ple Classes of Service Allocate capacity with kanban limit per color 5 4 4 5 2 = 20 total AllocaFon 10 = 50% ... +1 = +5% 4 = 20% 6 = 30% Input Buffer In Prog Done Done In Prog Development Analysis Build Ready Test Release Ready
  • 31. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja 3 Services Aggregated Together 5 4 4 5 2 = 20 total Change Req 12 Maintenance 2 ProducFon Defect 6 AllocaFon Total = 20 Input Buffer In Prog Done Build Ready Test Release Ready Done In Prog Development Analysis Released
  • 32. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Change Requests 3 1 Prod. Defects Maintenance Usability Improvement 2 1 Improving Liquidity through Labor Pool Flexibility Teams F H E C A Engin- eering Ready G D GY PB DE MN 2 P1 AB Ongoing Analysis Testing Done Verification Acceptance 3 3 Ongoing Development Done3 Joe Peter Steven Joann David Rhonda Brian Ashok Team Lead Junior who will be rotated through all 4 teams Generalist or T-shaped people who can move flexibly across rows on the board to keep work flowing It’s typical to see splits of fixed team workers versus flexible system workers of between 40-60% Roughly half the labor pool are flexible workers Promotions from junior team member to flexible worker with an avatar clearly visualize why a pay rise is justified. Flexible workers help manage liquidity risk better!
  • 33. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Irrefutable Demand
  • 34. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Don’t miss it! Andy Carmichael at 15h20 “IRREFUTABLE DEMAND: When you can’t say “NO”” §  UNDERSTAND YOUR OPTIONS - YOU MAY HAVE MORE THAN YOU THINK!”
  • 35. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Pressure for “push” is par`ally internal Why does it feel like “push” is inevitable and unavoidable? Because so much demand is actually internally spawned from exisFng commitments! So many Kanban implementaFons are proto-Kanban semi- push systems because they service internally generated demand which is irrefutable If you are to get to “pull”, you generally have to start with externally facing customer services Or insert a strong “definiFon of ready” at the customer facing point, which states that we will only commit to externally demand when internal dependency capacity is confirmed (this has a tendency to lead to undesirable behaviors – big team/ org unit sizes, big batch sizes)
  • 36. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja What causes irrefutable demand? “we’ve already commined to it” §  PotenFally bad behavior on the part of execuFves or sales people §  “the boss wants it” It’s a legal or regulatory requirement It’s table stakes for this customer or market niche It’s mission criFcal §  High severity producFon defects
  • 37. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Gehng to “pull” Pull requires that demand is refutable or at least delayable Demand must be balanced against capability to supply Demand can be shaped Kanban systems have a noFon of capacity and hence a strong definiFon of ready may include whether capacity has been booked in advance using a dynamic reservaFon system
  • 38. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Is all irrefutable demand as irrefutable as it seems? Can we use policy to shape demand? §  For example, sacrifice fidelity or quality on items of a given risk category or risk profile to bifurcate demand to a shared sevice? Can we smooth demand through bener understanding of when to schedule it or its cost of delay? §  Schedule highest cost of delay items at opFmal start Fme, and offset others to less opFmal start Fmes while recognizing their comparaFve cost of delay is lower? §  i.e. anFcipate overburdening and trade off lost opportunity for smoother flow, rather than… §  reacFng to overburdening by delaying items, lengthening lead Fmes, increasing the tail on the distribuFon and negaFvely affecFng predictability
  • 39. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja You have more management op`ons than you think! Ensure… §  Use the feedback loops of risk review, operaFons review & strategy review to adjust demand to capability §  Use a holisFc approach to managing the network of interdependent services •  OperaFons review •  Dynamic reservaFon systems §  Decision making is informed & effecFve •  Risk profiling •  Demand shaping thresholds and other policies are explicit §  Management of uncommined opFons is returned to the customer
  • 40. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Strategies for irrefutable demand Deferred commitment negoFated and agreed with customer Classes of Service §  maximize flow of value §  build flexibility to handle variaFon OperaFons Review cadence to balance demand Staff liquidity §  allocate high skilled, mulF-skilled staff before less flexible staff Examine the constraint/bonleneck in mulFple workflows §  Use policies to subordinate other parts of the system to the bonleneck (shape/bifurcate demand) §  elevate the constraint/bonleneck Limit capacity / uFlisaFon (e.g. to 50% for planned work) Reduce work in progress Manage flow!
  • 41. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Shaping Demand : Triage
  • 42. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Demand Shaping Threshold Dimension 1 Dimension 2 Dimension 3 Dimension 5 Dimension 4 Definitely Do This Demand shaping threshold Talk about this one Definitely Don’t This Each risk dimension represents a taxonomy of categories describing a known risk. Policy describes the category in each dimension at or above which we wish to accept demand
  • 43. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Demand Shaping Threshold Dimension 1 Dimension 2 Dimension 3 Dimension 5 Dimension 4 Don’t Do This Exclusion Zone Talk about this one Definitely Do This Thresholds can be used to as upper or lower bounds Exclusion zone can be to the outside or inside of the graph
  • 44. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Get a Demo of SwiW ESP!
  • 45. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja SwiWKanban ESP implements Risk Profiling & Demand Shaping to Manage Large “Backlogs”
  • 46. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Don’t miss it! Maria Torrijos Lopez at 12h30 “DEALING WITH A MASSIVE BACKLOG AT THE WORLD'S NO.2 ONLINE TRAVEL COMPANY” §  Large scale Enterprise Services Planning implementaFon §  Risk profiling in acFon
  • 47. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Organiza`onal Maturity
  • 48. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja
  • 49. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Personal Kanban Aggregated Personal Kanban Team Kanban Emergent/Undefined Workflow Per Person WIP Limit CONWIP Physical space kanban Physical token kanban Virtual Kanban Classes of service Capacity allocation Liquidity optimization Aggregated teams Pa4erns of Kanban Board Designs
  • 50. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Risk Hedging Risk Management Benefits of improving maturity
  • 51. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja What’s Preven`ng Gehng to “pull”?
  • 52. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja 6 Forces Preven`ng Gehng to “Pull” 1.  Not starFng with a customer facing service 2.  “We are just order takers” 3.  Lack of understanding of business risks 4.  Lack of mathemaFcal literacy 5.  Lack of skills in negoFaFon or forming business agreements 6.  Lack of confidence planning & scheduling at scale
  • 53. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja 1. Not Star`ng with a Customer Facing Service Team Kanban isn’t enough unless the team offers a bespoke service that is directly customer facing IniFaFves start where there is enthusiasm and don’t follow the coaching guidance on “where to start in large corporaFons” Internal services suffer from irrefutable demand but lack the guidance or poliFcal influence to cope with irrefutable demand
  • 54. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Affec`ng a Paradigm ShiW to “pull” Kanban coaching guidance on “where to start” within large organizaFons… 1.  Must be Customer Facing 2.  Must Not be Mission CriFcal 3.  Must be Highly visible 4.  Staff are enthusiasFc §  indeed may volunteer to pilot the changes
  • 55. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja 2. We are Just Order Takers OrganizaFonal structure or corporate governance that puts product & service delivery funcFons in a silos without influence or stewardship over what is selected, when it is scheduled, and how it is sequenced, is destrucFve and economically damaging Build trust with transparency, visibility, excellence in delivery, metrics Encourage greater collaboraFon – replenishment meeFngs with both sides present - requesters and delivery
  • 56. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja 3. Lack of Understanding of Business Risks Without a framework for analyzing risks and scruFnizing the analysis, we rely on “the hero product manager”. It’s low maturity upstream! A shared language for discussing business, technical and delivery risks, fosters collaboraFon and consensus Elevate the product owner from “the single ringable neck” to the owner of the risk assessment framework Enterprise Services Planning features a rich risk assessment framework which is now implemented in SwioKanban ESP ediFon – get a demo!
  • 57. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Blizzard Sport & Why Risk Assessment Ma4ers Blizzard Factory
  • 58. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Blizzard Sport - Reducing Risk Actual Situa`on ProducFon Volume 100% Make-to-forecast World Sales Volume ReporFng to HQ I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI 0% Risk Launch Volume 100% of total –> 90% risk = 90% risk Cycle Time
  • 59. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Blizzard Sport – Kanban etc speeds up produc`on ProducFon Volume 100% Make-to-forecast World Sales Volume ReporFng to HQ I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI 0% Risk Adapt producFon to make-to- order 90% of total –> 70% risk = 63% risk Launch Volume
  • 60. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Blizzard Sport – Risk assessment & sequencing produce a larger payoff in risk reduc`on ProducFon Volume 100% Make-to-forecast USA / CAN / JP Make-to-order World Sales Volume I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI 0% Risk 30% of total –> 20% risk = 6% risk
  • 61. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja 4. A Lack of Mathema`cal Literacy The mathemaFcs of probability in lead Fme distribuFons and forecasFng service delivery is not difficult, but it isn’t taught in schools or universiFes except to staFsFcians! Knowing when and where Gaussian distribuFons, Central Limit Theorem & funcFons of averages such as Linle’s Law apply and when they don’t is vitally important You can’t have raFonal conversaFon about when to start things, or commitments on when or how much will be delivered without basically mathemaFcal literacy on probability distribuFon funcFons
  • 62. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja 5. Lack of Skill in Nego`a`on Geeks on the delivery side generally haven’t been to business school. Business owners & product managers on the requesFng side have been to business school and received formal training in the art of negoFaFon Geeks tend to lose out in negoFaFons Business people refuse to play the transparent, collaboraFve game and emoFonally resist real data & evidence How to deal with this challenge is a skill we teach in Kanban Coaching Professional classes §  Create “skin in the game” with collaboraFve workshops – STATIK §  Or, design kanban systems with layers of classes of service and capacity allocaFon that can be revealed in response to customer objecFons
  • 63. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja 6. Lack of Confidence Planning & Scheduling Kanban has lacked a comprehensive dependency management and scheduling system This is now available in Enterprise Services Planning Case studies with scheduling & planning boards appeared as early as 2009 (Posit Science), others include… §  Sami Honkonen “Scheduling Work in Kanban” 2011 §  Visotech, Klaus Leopold & Lean Kanban University Press 2014 §  Odigeo, Maria Torrijos Lopez, LKCE Hamburg 2016
  • 64. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Reminder - Don’t miss it! Maria Torrijos Lopez at 12h30 “DEALING WITH A MASSIVE BACKLOG AT THE WORLD'S NO.2 ONLINE TRAVEL COMPANY” §  Large scale Enterprise Services Planning implementaFon §  Risk profiling in acFon §  Dynamic reserva`on system for scheduling demand
  • 65. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Kanban is Ubiquitous!
  • 66. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Declare Victory & Fight On! 11 years later no one is arguing that Kanban isn’t appropriate in professional services work Companies everywhere, large and small, are simply doing it! Kanban is broadly accepted a good thing!  Now it is `me to actually start doing Kanban properly!
  • 67. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Thank you!
  • 68. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja About David Anderson is an innovator in management of 21st Century businesses that employ creative people who “think for a living” . He leads a training, consulting, publishing and event planning business dedicated to developing, promoting and implementing new management thinking & methods… He has 30+ years experience in the high technology industry starting with computer games in the early 1980’s. He has led software organizations delivering superior productivity and quality using innovative methods at large companies such as Sprint and Motorola. David defined Enterprise Services Planning and originated the Kanban Method an adaptive approach to improved service delivery. His latest book, published in June 2012, is, Lessons in Agile Management – On the Road to Kanban. David is Chairman of Lean Kanban Inc., a business operating globally, dedicated to providing quality training & events to bring Kanban and Enterprise Services Planning to businesses who employ those who must “think for a living.”
  • 69. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Screenshots of SwiftKanban ESP risk assessment framework courtesy of Digite Blizzard Sport inventory at risk assessment slides courtesy of Erix-Jan Kaak and Tecnica Group Acknowledgements
  • 70. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja
  • 71. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Appendices
  • 72. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Dynamic Reserva`on Systems & Classes of Service for Dependency Management
  • 73. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Reserva`on systems First reported by Sami Honkonen, “Scheduling Work in a Kanban” November 2011 hnp://
  • 74. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Dynamic Reserva`on & Classes of Service Based on variability of service delivery throughput 1.  Guaranteed – up to the minimum delivery rate 2.  Reserved (not guaranteed) – minimum to mean delivery rate 3.  Stand-by – mean to maximum delivery rate ReservaFon Classes & Kanban 1.  Guaranteed = 6/week 2.  Reserved = 4/week 3.  Standby = 6/week
  • 75. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Dependency discovery Dependency discovery is a request for informaFon Dependency discovery should happen upstream and be required for a “definiFon of ready” Providing informaFon is a service We should track dependency discovery requests as work item types, if the level of effort required is more than a few minutes and becomes intrusive for one or more people on the service delivery side Dependency discovery requests (like many requests for informaFon, e.g. esFmates) can be disrupFve (and speculaFve) demand We should treat dependency discovery like esFmates: don’t do it unless you really need to; if you need to then control the disrupFve effect through Fme slicing or resource/service delivery isolaFon
  • 76. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Classes of Service for Reserva`on Systems We typically associate classes of service with service delivery and the queuing discipline of Fckets flowing through Kanban boards We can use classes of service for reservaFons in scheduling systems. For example, you can hold a “stand by” reservaFon for a “first class” air Fcket. Different classes of services for the reservaFon versus the actual flight Use risk profiling to determine whether you care about delay from dependency risk §  E.g. if we have a low cost of delay why would we bother to explicitly manage for dependencies which may cause delay Determine a class of service which directs policy on how (or if) you will manage dependencies for an item and how a reservaFon will be made §  In which Fme slot should we make a reservaFon and which class of service (guaranteed/reserved/stand-by) is appropriate
  • 77. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Class 1: No Dependency Management Lead Fme distribuFons already accounts for dependency delays §  No anempt to discover dependencies Low risk of incurring any significant cost of delay, or We have the ability to start early enough that we don’t care about lead Fme tail risk So just do it, don’t worry about dependencies. Let them happen if they will! No reservaFon for the calling service or called service ProbabilisFc dependency, probabilisFc scheduling
  • 78. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Class 2: Tail Risk Mi`ga`on. Reserved Capacity Care about tail risk due to cost of delay in the calling service e.g. change request for IT system maintenance. Tail risk is increased when a dependency exists, e.g. DBA (the called service) No anempt to determine if a specific dependency occurs or when specific capacity will be required on the [DBA service] Needs reliable service and predictable queuing on the called service, e.g. DBAs Allocate capacity on the [DBA service] for probabilisFcally anFcipated demand. Use "outcome-driven design“ to design for anFcipated demand with STATIK. Linle's Law provides average delivery capability defining a WIP limit for capacity Demand shaping. Shape demand from the calling service against average delivery capability. Avoid overburdening the [DBA service] ProbabilisFc dependency, probabilisFc scheduling
  • 79. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Class 2: con`nued… Track lead Fme on the called service from request submission, as request is already commined. By definiFon demand on the [DBA service] is irrefutable. “Push” demand. Lead Fme distribuFon and SLA will take into account queuing Fme delay at the front end of the [DBA service]. If dynamic booking system is implemented §  Schedule slot(s) on the [DBA service] sufficiently far ahead to account for the tail of its lead Fme distribuFon §  Use "Standby" class of service for the reservaFon §  Book several similar reservaFons, or have capability to rebook a missed reservaFon Reserve a series of “standby” class slots for the calling service work item. No reservaFon on the called service – we don’t know whether the dependency exist or not ProbabilisFc dependency, probabilisFc scheduling
  • 80. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Class 3: Known Dependency. Informed Scheduling Cost of delay is more criFcal, or not pracFcal to start early enough to miFgate tail risk Add analysis (informaFon request) to determine if dependencies exist. Filter lead Fme distribuFon for work items with same dependencies Use filtered lead Fme to facilitate scheduling & selecFon DefiniFon of ready requires determinaFon of whether a dependency exists or not Use capacity allocaFon, demand shaping on called service As class 2 but book a “reserved” slot on the calling system. No reservaFon on the called system because the filtered calling system lead Fme distribuFon accounts for the effect of the dependency DeterminisFc dependency, probabilisFc scheduling
  • 81. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Class 4: Known dependency. Specific Scheduling Cost of delay is significant or criFcal, or deferred commitment is valuable as addiFonal informaFon arrival to miFgate other risks is required to facilitate (in/out) selecFon decisions, or simply not possible to start early enough to miFgate tail risk Treat as class 3 and in addiFon… AnFcipate approximately when dependency will occur. Forecast Fme from commitment to dependency occurring. Book a "reserved" class kanban in the dynamic reservaFon system for the calling service Book a “guaranteed” slot for the called service Calling service definiFon of ready requires a booking on the called service DeterminisFc dependency, determinisFc scheduling
  • 82. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Class 5: No margin for error As class 4 but definiFon of ready is Fghtened to "Guaranteed" class booking in the reservaFon system for both the work items on the calling service and the called service DeterminisFc dependency, determinisFc scheduling
  • 83. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Class 1 Dependency Management Calling Service Called Service We Don’t Care! No WIP limits Dependency impact is built into customer lead time distribution. We start early enough & cost of delay is low enough that we don’t need to explicitly manage the dependency
  • 84. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Class 2 Dependency Management Calling Service Called Service WIP limits [5] [2] We wish to mitigate the tail risk in the customer facing lead time by insuring dependency delivery is predictable & reliable as a consequence of reserved capacity on the called service
  • 85. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Class 3 Dependency Management Calling Service Called Service ReservaFon system [5] [2] Filtered lead Fme “Reserved” Class Booking Dependency Analysis Determine the dependency exists, make a reservation for it to insure capacity on the called service when we need it!
  • 86. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Class 4 Dependency Management Calling Service Called Service ReservaFon system “Reserved” “Guaranteed” Class Booking “Defn of Ready” requires confirmed booking on called service We want a high confidence in the start time for customer lead time. We take no risk on dependent capacity becoming available
  • 87. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Class 5 Dependency Management Calling Service Called Service “Guaranteed” “Guaranteed” Class Booking “Defn of Ready” requires confirmed “Guaranteed” booking on called service No margin for error! We want 100% confidence in the start time for customer lead time and no risk on dependent capacity availability
  • 88. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Mul`ple Reserva`ons Cost of delay (and other risk assessment) can be used to establish, opFmal start, and whether earlier or later is preferred if opFmal isn’t available Make mulFple bookings at lower classes of service “reserved”, or “standby” for the same item. If it shows up early and capacity is available start it, cancel its other reservaFons “Guaranteed” “Reserved” “Stand by” 3 bookings for same Fcket
  • 89. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Dependency Management & Cost of Delay Desired delivery date Super-Linear Region Class 2 Class 4 Class 2
  • 90. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja Dependency Management & Cost of Delay Desired delivery date Sub-Linear Region Class 1 Dependency Management Class 4 Dependency Management Class 5 Dependency Management
  • 91. Copyright Lean Kanban Inc. Email: Twi4er: @LKI_dja