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Alphild Dick
Research paper

                                      Tag, you’re it:
                   The history, and future, of folksonomies in libraries

       At first blush, the terms “tagging” and “folksonomy” might seem to be a bit of

Web 2.0 jargon, overenthusiastic hype perpetuating a gimmicky digital practice. But has

the hype matched the reality? As librarians, it is important to remember that being

skeptical of technological gimmicks is a part of our job. Given that the jobs of librarians

are coalescing with technology experts, it is imperative that we be able to discern lasting

practices from ones with a shorter lifespan, functionalities that will bring real change into

our modes of practice from those that only promise to.

       As we move into the second decade of the 21st century, these concerns are as

important as they have ever been and there are many questions that have developed

around some of the Web 2.0 programs, particularly tagging and folksonomies. What

exactly do the practices of tagging and folksonomy offer library and information

professionals? Do these methods of crowd-sourcing classification and organization really

change the way people seek and use information, or are they simply digital decoration? In

this paper, I will explore their uses, structure, and the benefits and problems with

folksonomies within the context of academic libraries. How do the philosophical

underpinnings of folksonomies compare to those of professional cataloguers? What are

their similarities and differences? I will also consider what implications folksonomies

have for the future of cataloguing and the organization of information within LIS

I. A people’s history of folksonomies

       Beginnings with early blogging and social bookmarking efforts in the late 1990s,

folksonomies as they are known today arose in the early-2000s along with “Web 2.0”

ands its focus on “data-driven applications, user participation, simplicity, and information

reuse” (Schmidtz, 2007, pp. 91). The early progenitor of this structure is,

which went public in 2003 with its unique way of organizing and publishing an

individual’s web resources (Galarza, 2011). One common feature of Web 2.0 applications

was the use of metadata annotations, also known as tags. These tags were defined and

organized by users—who were largely untrained non-professionals. That is to say, they

were average Internet users engaging in the act of helping organize web content.

       By 2004, these non-professional users could “add tags using a non-hierarchical

keyword categorization system” and with the number of web functionalities providing

this feature on the rise, popularity began to grow among Internet users, although the

practice had not, at that point, been formalized. It was in that same year that Thomas

Vander Wal first coined the term “folksonomy,” a portmaneau of “folk” and “taxonomy”

(QA Focus, 2005, pp. 1).

       The term arose after Gene Smith, member of listserv for the Asylomar Institute

for Information Architecture (AIFIA; today known as the IA Institute) wrote: “Some of

you might have noticed services like Furl, Flickr, and using user-defined labels

or tags to organize and share information…Is there a name for this kind of information

social classification?” One member responded with the suggestion of “folk

classification,” leading Vander Wal to respond, “So the user-created bottom-up
categorical structure development with an emergent thesaurus would become a

Folksonomy?” (Vander Wal, 2007).

       In explaining his logic behind this, Vander Wal wrote, “I am a fan of the word

folk when talking about regular people…if you took “tax” (the work portion) of

taxonomy and replaced it with something anyone could do you would get a folksonomy.”

He notes that, “the value in this external tagging is derived from people using their own

vocabulary and adding explicit meaning, which may come from inferred understanding of

the information/object. People are not so much categorizing, as providing a means to

connect items (placing hooks) to provide their meaning in their own understanding”

(Vander Wal, 2007).

       Folksonomies, both as a practice and as a concept, grew in popularity throughout

the end of the 2000s. Users engage in tagging on sites such as and Flickr, but

also on Amazon, Facebook, LibraryThing, and CiteULike. In fact, it is safe to say that

most users engage in this activity with little awareness that they are creating

folksonomies. This, in turn, begs the question of how we actually define the concept. In

its briefest definition, a folksonomy is “a people’s taxonomy” (Pink, New York Times,

2005). PC Mag describes the term as referring to “Classifying Web sites by the user

community rather than by taxonomy professionals. Folksonomy is said to provide a

democractic tagging system that reflects the opinions of the general public”

(Folksonomy). A more expanded definition, notes that the term folksonomy “describes

the users, resources, and tags, and the user-based assignment of tags to resources.”

Hothno goes on to say that, “the new data of folksonomy systems provides a rich
resource for data analysis, information retrieval, and knowledge discovery application”

(Hotho, 2010, pp. 66).

       On the other hand, Vander Wal provides a slightly different view on what a

folksonomy is. He writes, “Folksonomy is the result of personal free tagging of

information and objects (anything with a URL) for one’s own retrieval. The tagging is

done in a social environment (usually shared and open to others). Folksonomy is created

from the tag of tagging by the person consuming the information” (Vander Wal, 2007).

       But even when we know what folksonomies are, there is still the question of how

they are formed. Although folksonomies do not, by definition, by operate on the basis of

a controlled vocabulary, research has been conducted to peer into the ideas behind them

and what their use says about how humans create and use organizational structures.

Although one can find a number of complicated algorithms detailing the structure of

folksonomy, for the lay person, for the layperson, the most important aspect of

folksonomies is that they require three basic elements to function: the user, the tag, and

the resource. According to the researchers Ching-man Au Yeung, Nicholas Gibbins, and

Nigel Shadbolt, folksonomies depend on the interrelation of the user, tag, and resource.

They note, “a tag is only a symbol if it is not assigned to some Web

resources…Similarly, a user…is characterized by the tags it uses and the resources it

tags. Finally, a document is given semantics because the tags act as a form of annotations.

Hence, it is obvious that each of these elements in a folksonomy would be

meaningless…if they are considered independently” (Yeung, Gibbens & Shadbolt, 2007,

pp. 967). Folksonomies, therefore, are not just a manner of organizing information—they

are a method of creating meaning as well.
II. Folksonomies and cataloguing

        From a theoretical standpoint, folksonomies provide a counterpoint to the other

main methods of classification, such as professional cataloguing. Both methods of

organizing information do, of course, share some philosophical interests. Both are

interested in creating accessibility and organization within a body of information. They

seek to replicate our understanding of relationships between and within items and allow

us to locate.

        For purposes of explication, it is useful to explore how tagging and folksonomies

compare with a formal classification system, such as the Library of Congress

Classification system, which is commonly used in academic libraries. In the LCC,

resources are categorized in a hierarchical format; for example, one could create a

hierarchy of Languages and LiteratureGermanic LanguagesWest Germanic

LanguagesYiddish. Moreover, exclusivity becomes a factor; even though under LCC, a

work can belong to multiple categories, it is presumed to be about one main thing more

than another, regardless of the actual contents. Using the example of Yiddish, the book

Yiddish: A survey and grammar by Soloman Birnbaum heavily deals with the Jewish

Diaspora, yet the book is said to be, primarily, about the grammatical structure of the

Yiddish language. Interesting, within the framework of hierarchical classification system,

it is assumed that, for this book, a “logical place already exists within the system, even

before [the resource] was published” (Noruzi, 2007). In other words, the book can be

made to fit within the order of the classification system, not the other way around.
In comparison, folksonomy-based classification is not based on exclusivity nor

hierarchy. To begin, at least among digital resources, folksonomies do not require any

sort of physical constraint upon a resource; a link may be located in any number of places

at any given time. Moreover, folksonomies operate in a hierarchy-optional manner.

Websites such as give users the option of creating hierarchies within their

gathered resources, but it is not required (Noruzi, 2007). Hierarchies are an especially

interesting aspect of folksonomies to examine. Unlike the top-down nature of taxonomy

within library classifications, folksonomies take a bottom-up approach to classification.

         Another aspect to consider is the issue of authority control. Authority control, or

the practice of developing and maintaining index terms, within library classification

schemes comes from official thesauri. For folksonomies, however, authority control is

elusive. A user can use the tag “TV” or “television,” “auto” or “automobile,” “fridge” or

“refrigerator,” creating what is known as tag redundancy. Folksonomies do have the

option of utilizing optional authority controls, which is done by connecting tagging

systems to previously created authority controls and/or controlled vocabularies (Noruzi,


         If we consider the philosophical issues in the discussion of formal cataloguing and

folksonomies, one issue that comes up is the question of who is charge. After all,

“catalogers have traditionally been responsible for expressing the subject, the

‘aboutness,’ of a work by choosing subject terms from controlled vocabularies such as

Library of Congress Subject Headings” (Tappeiner & Lyons, 2009, pp. 111). To be sure,

cataloguers are mindful of the guesswork that goes into this activity, the reality of the

situation being that cataloguing efforts are only approximations.
In the eyes of proponents of Web 2.0 and the social nature of folksonomies,

tagging and folksonomies are “necessary antidotes to the hierarchical nature and

inflexibility of controlled vocabularies. Groups of users with similar interests may use

similar tags, creating flat and democratic folksonomies as opposed to a hierarchical

controlled vocabulary” (Tappeiner & Lyons, 2009, pp. 111). Folksonomies also allow for

quick cultural and linguistic adaptations; recent words and technologies can be brought

into the fold much more quickly than the ponderous LCC or DDC, and different

linguistic groups have the opportunity to engage in the classification process.

III. Folk practices: The uses of folksonomies in libraries

       Today, folksonomies are being used widely throughout web-based applications,

but they have also found their way into information institutions, such as libraries and

archives. One particularly interesting area of use is within the institution of the academic

library, which are often able to explore the forefronts of new information technologies

with greater daring than public libraries or archives.

       Within academic libraries, there are a number of interesting studies regarding

folksonomies and tagging. As scholars Yong-Mi Kim and June Abbas (2010) write about

academic libraries, “Recognizing the importance of the knowledge repository and sharing

capabilities of this functionality, academic libraries increasingly adopt this functionality.

For example, 76% of academic library sites (13 out of 17 total academic library sites)

provided user tagging.” The enthusiasm over Web 2.0, moreover, can be seen in the

creation of projects like the Penn Tags project, undertaken at the University of

Pennsylvania, where students and faculty can contribute to the collection of tags within
the university’s library OPAC (Abbas & Kim, 2010). A similar enterprise has been

undertaken at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School

Library. Through the H20 Playlist, a shared list of readings and other intellectual content,

students can create tags and share them with fellow students (Redden, 2010).

       Other institutions, such as the Oviatt Library at California State University, have

brought in user-created metadata from LibraryThing for Libraries (LTFL), a list of tags

provided by users of the social cataloging site LibraryThing. LibraryThing is then which

linked to a library's catalog via ISBNs, and tags for a library catalog record are given. By

September of 2008, 25 academic libraries and 68 total libraries were implementing

LTFL. One particular study reported that the use of LTFL at the Oviatt Library at

California State University, Northridge resulted in a substantial increase of resource

discovery; users found four new books using LTFL for every new book found through

Library of Congress Subject Headings (Willey, 2011). Similarly, the DeweyBrowser

allows users to look for Dewey Decimal subjects or click on those within the tag cloud

and find related resources in WorldCat, which are customizable by language, format and


       Two other tools for librarians looking to harness the tags and folksonomies are

LibMarks and LibGuides, both developed by Springshare, a Web 2.0 company that

focuses on developing programs for libraries and educational institutions. LibMarks is an

application that was designed with libraries and institutions in mind, allowing bookmarks

to be saved and rated. As part of a content management and information sharing system,

it also allows libraries to integrate services with social networking sites. Moreover,

LibMarks has widgets that let library professionals share tags and information via blogs
and instruction delivery systems. LibGuides, on the other hand, has a more specific goal

in mind. It allows library professionals to make subject guides and send links to users; it

also offers the option of allowing library professionals to create tags and tag clouds for

individual library guides (Redden, 2010).

       The incorporation of tags and folksonomies generally follows the movement to

incorporate aspects of Web 2.0 into library practices, such as blogs, social networking,

and podcasts. These new practices allow for one of the core tenants of Web 2.0,

personalization, to be brought into foreground. Personalization in this context allows

users to “customize or tailor content or store frequently visited links” (Abbas & Kim,

2010). Tagging and folksonomies also create the opportunity for users to utilize natural

language in their searching; instead of relying on predetermined phrases, users now have

the capacity to engage searching and organization based on their own knowledge and

understanding of language, as well as its relationship to resources.

       The ideology behind these activities within the library setting is very much akin to

the ideology that has encouraged the growth and development of Information Commons

among academic libraries—a desire to make the library an accessible, intellectually

organic location. As researchers Booth, McDonald, and Tiffen (2010) note, the

folksonomies and the commons model both allow customization of space that creates

information systems and structures that are more intuitive and navigable for the user.

Moreover, the commons model and folksonomies offer what appear to be adaptable,

engaging, and responsive models for the future of libraries (p. 6).

       But are they as adaptable and engaging as proponents argue? The interest in Web

2.0 technologies, folksonomies included, does not always translate to use and adoption.
Some of the challenges and setbacks experienced by academic libraries in their attempts

to institute these technologies are outlined in the 2010 study by June Abbas and Young-

Mi Kim. They note that adoption rates are far lower than one would expect them to be,

especially given the interest. They write that, while 76% of academic library sites offer

user tagging (which allows for folksonomies to develop), “Tagging and folksonomy…are

the least utilized functionalities” of all of the Web 2.0 options, with only 12-13% of

libraries use them.

        On a certain level, this is surprising. After all, the present generation of college

students is often presumed to have a high comfort level with Web 2.0 technologies that

libraries have gone to great pains to integrate into their systems. Abbas and Kim suggest

that the low levels of adoption of “user-initiated functions” like tagging and folksonomies

have something to do with the relationship of the user to the institution; perhaps users are

concerned about contributing because they believe “their contributions may not be

consistent with the views of the experts'” (Abbas & Kim, 2010). In addition, these user-

initiated knowledge creation spaces also may not be advertised to the users as a means

that they can contribute their knowledge within the library community.

IV. The new future of folksonomy

       It is interesting to point out that the studies cited above, by Abbas and Kim and by

Redden, were published within a very close frame of time—April and May of 2010,

respectively—yet they come away with very different analyses of the use of tagging and

folksonomies in academic libraries. Redden is relatively optimistic about the continued

use of these functionalities, but Abbas and Kim, on the other hand, are much more
measured in their response, considering their lower adoption rates within academic


        Suprisingly, Abbas and Kim do not focus on how problems within tagging and

folksonomies may impede user adoption. Indeed, there are areas in which folksonomies

can be improved. Language, in particular, presents a special challenge. Although natural

language searching is one of the benefits of folksonomies, there are problems with the

way language is represented in tags. Four main language problems can be identified:

plurals, as tags of “car” and “cars” are distinct and often not mutually searchable;

polysemy, or words with two or more meanings; synonymy, or different words with

similar meanings; and depth of tagging, or the specificity allowed by tags in searching

(Noruzi, 2007). There are other questions to consider as well. How will, for example,

academic libraries maintain tags over time? Although one of the charms of tagging and

folksonomies is that it allows users to utilize current linguistic standards to assist in

searches, language is an ever-changing thing. What happens, then, when the meaning of

tag terms changes over time (Medeiros, 2008)?

        Resolving these issues will improve utility of tags and folksonomies for academic

libraries. But the feelings of the end user cannot be ignored. One issue that needs to be

addressed is one of the fundamental assumptions behind the addition of tagging and

folksonomic capabilities within academic libraries—do students want to search this way?

Tagging and folksonomies are ways of organization that are purported to be more

“democratic,” but literature often fails to define what this means and why it is of

importance to users. Another more basic question also must be addressed: do users of

academic libraries have the skills to navigate systems using tags and relying on
folksonomies? Although there are a great many undergraduate students with excellent

technological skills, the presumption that all college students are digital natives may be

off the mark; the digital divide affects the college-going demographics as well. Redden,

however, aptly suggests that instruction in the use of tags and creation of folksonomies

may go a long way towards ameliorating problems of this nature. She writes that through

“teaching students to use tags, whether through workshops or bibliographic instruction,

librarians may also emphasize tag literacy, defined in part by the use of properly spelled

tags and collective tags, when appropriate. Encouraging users to be aware of the

collaborative nature of tagging and the most conscientious ways to participate in tagging

communities promotes socially responsible bookmarking” (Redden, 2010).

       How the future of tagging and folksonomies develops remains to be seen. Among

scholars, the consensus seems to be as follows: it will be interesting to see what happens.

Certainly, the aforementioned issues will need to be addressed if folksonomies are to be

incorporated, in the long-term, into formal classification structures and retrieval systems.

But, as Abbas and Kim’s study points out, there is one heartening aspect to the effort.

Academic libraries are interested in how their users look for information and accessibility

and usability remains a high priority. Returning to a philosophical point of view, although

librarians must continue to be critical of new technologies, it is exciting to see the efforts

of academic librarians to make their collections as accessible as possible to users, as well

as to involve users in the classification process. Classification, even within academia,

should not be an us-versus-them proposition; tagging and folksonomies can help us

encourage this develop.

Abbas, J. & Kim, Y.M. (2010, April). Adoption of library 2.0 functionalities by academic
       libraries and users: A knowledge management perspective. Journal of academic
       librarianship. 36(3), 211–218

Booth, M., McDonald, S. & Tiffin, B. (2010). A new vision for university libraries:
       Towards 2015.

Galarza, A. (2011). Folksonomies. History of the digital age. Retrieved from

Folksonomy. (2008). In PC Mag Encyclopedia. Retrieved from,1233,t=folksonomy&i=

Hotho, A. (2010). Data mining on folksonomies. Intelligent information access. G.
       Armano (Ed.). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

International Semantic Web Conference, Aberer, K., & Asian Semantic Web Conference.
        (2007). The Semantic Web: 6th International Semantic Web Conference, 2nd
        Asian Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2007 + ASWC 2007, Busan, Korea,
        November 11-15, 2007: proceedings. Berlin: Springer.

Noruzi, Alireza (2007). Folksonomies: Why do we need controlled vocabulary?
       Webology. 4(2). Retrieved from

Medeiros, N. (2008). Screw cap or cork? Keeping tags fresh (and related matters).
      OCLC Systems & Services, 4(2), pp.77 – 79.

Pink, D.H. (2005, Dec 11). Folksonomy. New York Times. Retrieved from

Redden, C.S. (2010, May). Social Bookmarking in Academic Libraries: Trends and
      Applications. Journal of academic librarianship, 36(3), 219-227.

Schmitz, C. (2007). Self-organized collaborative knowledge management. Kassel: Kassel
      Univ. Press.

Vander Wal, T. (2007). Folksonomy coinage and definition. Retrieved

Wiley, E. (2011). A cautious partnership: The growing acceptance of folksonomy as a
complement to indexing digital images and catalogs. Library student journal. 6.
Retrieved from

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  • 1. Alphild Dick LI804 Research paper Tag, you’re it: The history, and future, of folksonomies in libraries At first blush, the terms “tagging” and “folksonomy” might seem to be a bit of Web 2.0 jargon, overenthusiastic hype perpetuating a gimmicky digital practice. But has the hype matched the reality? As librarians, it is important to remember that being skeptical of technological gimmicks is a part of our job. Given that the jobs of librarians are coalescing with technology experts, it is imperative that we be able to discern lasting practices from ones with a shorter lifespan, functionalities that will bring real change into our modes of practice from those that only promise to. As we move into the second decade of the 21st century, these concerns are as important as they have ever been and there are many questions that have developed around some of the Web 2.0 programs, particularly tagging and folksonomies. What exactly do the practices of tagging and folksonomy offer library and information professionals? Do these methods of crowd-sourcing classification and organization really change the way people seek and use information, or are they simply digital decoration? In this paper, I will explore their uses, structure, and the benefits and problems with folksonomies within the context of academic libraries. How do the philosophical underpinnings of folksonomies compare to those of professional cataloguers? What are their similarities and differences? I will also consider what implications folksonomies have for the future of cataloguing and the organization of information within LIS professions.
  • 2. I. A people’s history of folksonomies Beginnings with early blogging and social bookmarking efforts in the late 1990s, folksonomies as they are known today arose in the early-2000s along with “Web 2.0” ands its focus on “data-driven applications, user participation, simplicity, and information reuse” (Schmidtz, 2007, pp. 91). The early progenitor of this structure is, which went public in 2003 with its unique way of organizing and publishing an individual’s web resources (Galarza, 2011). One common feature of Web 2.0 applications was the use of metadata annotations, also known as tags. These tags were defined and organized by users—who were largely untrained non-professionals. That is to say, they were average Internet users engaging in the act of helping organize web content. By 2004, these non-professional users could “add tags using a non-hierarchical keyword categorization system” and with the number of web functionalities providing this feature on the rise, popularity began to grow among Internet users, although the practice had not, at that point, been formalized. It was in that same year that Thomas Vander Wal first coined the term “folksonomy,” a portmaneau of “folk” and “taxonomy” (QA Focus, 2005, pp. 1). The term arose after Gene Smith, member of listserv for the Asylomar Institute for Information Architecture (AIFIA; today known as the IA Institute) wrote: “Some of you might have noticed services like Furl, Flickr, and using user-defined labels or tags to organize and share information…Is there a name for this kind of information social classification?” One member responded with the suggestion of “folk classification,” leading Vander Wal to respond, “So the user-created bottom-up
  • 3. categorical structure development with an emergent thesaurus would become a Folksonomy?” (Vander Wal, 2007). In explaining his logic behind this, Vander Wal wrote, “I am a fan of the word folk when talking about regular people…if you took “tax” (the work portion) of taxonomy and replaced it with something anyone could do you would get a folksonomy.” He notes that, “the value in this external tagging is derived from people using their own vocabulary and adding explicit meaning, which may come from inferred understanding of the information/object. People are not so much categorizing, as providing a means to connect items (placing hooks) to provide their meaning in their own understanding” (Vander Wal, 2007). Folksonomies, both as a practice and as a concept, grew in popularity throughout the end of the 2000s. Users engage in tagging on sites such as and Flickr, but also on Amazon, Facebook, LibraryThing, and CiteULike. In fact, it is safe to say that most users engage in this activity with little awareness that they are creating folksonomies. This, in turn, begs the question of how we actually define the concept. In its briefest definition, a folksonomy is “a people’s taxonomy” (Pink, New York Times, 2005). PC Mag describes the term as referring to “Classifying Web sites by the user community rather than by taxonomy professionals. Folksonomy is said to provide a democractic tagging system that reflects the opinions of the general public” (Folksonomy). A more expanded definition, notes that the term folksonomy “describes the users, resources, and tags, and the user-based assignment of tags to resources.” Hothno goes on to say that, “the new data of folksonomy systems provides a rich
  • 4. resource for data analysis, information retrieval, and knowledge discovery application” (Hotho, 2010, pp. 66). On the other hand, Vander Wal provides a slightly different view on what a folksonomy is. He writes, “Folksonomy is the result of personal free tagging of information and objects (anything with a URL) for one’s own retrieval. The tagging is done in a social environment (usually shared and open to others). Folksonomy is created from the tag of tagging by the person consuming the information” (Vander Wal, 2007). But even when we know what folksonomies are, there is still the question of how they are formed. Although folksonomies do not, by definition, by operate on the basis of a controlled vocabulary, research has been conducted to peer into the ideas behind them and what their use says about how humans create and use organizational structures. Although one can find a number of complicated algorithms detailing the structure of folksonomy, for the lay person, for the layperson, the most important aspect of folksonomies is that they require three basic elements to function: the user, the tag, and the resource. According to the researchers Ching-man Au Yeung, Nicholas Gibbins, and Nigel Shadbolt, folksonomies depend on the interrelation of the user, tag, and resource. They note, “a tag is only a symbol if it is not assigned to some Web resources…Similarly, a user…is characterized by the tags it uses and the resources it tags. Finally, a document is given semantics because the tags act as a form of annotations. Hence, it is obvious that each of these elements in a folksonomy would be meaningless…if they are considered independently” (Yeung, Gibbens & Shadbolt, 2007, pp. 967). Folksonomies, therefore, are not just a manner of organizing information—they are a method of creating meaning as well.
  • 5. II. Folksonomies and cataloguing From a theoretical standpoint, folksonomies provide a counterpoint to the other main methods of classification, such as professional cataloguing. Both methods of organizing information do, of course, share some philosophical interests. Both are interested in creating accessibility and organization within a body of information. They seek to replicate our understanding of relationships between and within items and allow us to locate. For purposes of explication, it is useful to explore how tagging and folksonomies compare with a formal classification system, such as the Library of Congress Classification system, which is commonly used in academic libraries. In the LCC, resources are categorized in a hierarchical format; for example, one could create a hierarchy of Languages and LiteratureGermanic LanguagesWest Germanic LanguagesYiddish. Moreover, exclusivity becomes a factor; even though under LCC, a work can belong to multiple categories, it is presumed to be about one main thing more than another, regardless of the actual contents. Using the example of Yiddish, the book Yiddish: A survey and grammar by Soloman Birnbaum heavily deals with the Jewish Diaspora, yet the book is said to be, primarily, about the grammatical structure of the Yiddish language. Interesting, within the framework of hierarchical classification system, it is assumed that, for this book, a “logical place already exists within the system, even before [the resource] was published” (Noruzi, 2007). In other words, the book can be made to fit within the order of the classification system, not the other way around.
  • 6. In comparison, folksonomy-based classification is not based on exclusivity nor hierarchy. To begin, at least among digital resources, folksonomies do not require any sort of physical constraint upon a resource; a link may be located in any number of places at any given time. Moreover, folksonomies operate in a hierarchy-optional manner. Websites such as give users the option of creating hierarchies within their gathered resources, but it is not required (Noruzi, 2007). Hierarchies are an especially interesting aspect of folksonomies to examine. Unlike the top-down nature of taxonomy within library classifications, folksonomies take a bottom-up approach to classification. Another aspect to consider is the issue of authority control. Authority control, or the practice of developing and maintaining index terms, within library classification schemes comes from official thesauri. For folksonomies, however, authority control is elusive. A user can use the tag “TV” or “television,” “auto” or “automobile,” “fridge” or “refrigerator,” creating what is known as tag redundancy. Folksonomies do have the option of utilizing optional authority controls, which is done by connecting tagging systems to previously created authority controls and/or controlled vocabularies (Noruzi, 2007). If we consider the philosophical issues in the discussion of formal cataloguing and folksonomies, one issue that comes up is the question of who is charge. After all, “catalogers have traditionally been responsible for expressing the subject, the ‘aboutness,’ of a work by choosing subject terms from controlled vocabularies such as Library of Congress Subject Headings” (Tappeiner & Lyons, 2009, pp. 111). To be sure, cataloguers are mindful of the guesswork that goes into this activity, the reality of the situation being that cataloguing efforts are only approximations.
  • 7. In the eyes of proponents of Web 2.0 and the social nature of folksonomies, tagging and folksonomies are “necessary antidotes to the hierarchical nature and inflexibility of controlled vocabularies. Groups of users with similar interests may use similar tags, creating flat and democratic folksonomies as opposed to a hierarchical controlled vocabulary” (Tappeiner & Lyons, 2009, pp. 111). Folksonomies also allow for quick cultural and linguistic adaptations; recent words and technologies can be brought into the fold much more quickly than the ponderous LCC or DDC, and different linguistic groups have the opportunity to engage in the classification process. III. Folk practices: The uses of folksonomies in libraries Today, folksonomies are being used widely throughout web-based applications, but they have also found their way into information institutions, such as libraries and archives. One particularly interesting area of use is within the institution of the academic library, which are often able to explore the forefronts of new information technologies with greater daring than public libraries or archives. Within academic libraries, there are a number of interesting studies regarding folksonomies and tagging. As scholars Yong-Mi Kim and June Abbas (2010) write about academic libraries, “Recognizing the importance of the knowledge repository and sharing capabilities of this functionality, academic libraries increasingly adopt this functionality. For example, 76% of academic library sites (13 out of 17 total academic library sites) provided user tagging.” The enthusiasm over Web 2.0, moreover, can be seen in the creation of projects like the Penn Tags project, undertaken at the University of Pennsylvania, where students and faculty can contribute to the collection of tags within
  • 8. the university’s library OPAC (Abbas & Kim, 2010). A similar enterprise has been undertaken at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School Library. Through the H20 Playlist, a shared list of readings and other intellectual content, students can create tags and share them with fellow students (Redden, 2010). Other institutions, such as the Oviatt Library at California State University, have brought in user-created metadata from LibraryThing for Libraries (LTFL), a list of tags provided by users of the social cataloging site LibraryThing. LibraryThing is then which linked to a library's catalog via ISBNs, and tags for a library catalog record are given. By September of 2008, 25 academic libraries and 68 total libraries were implementing LTFL. One particular study reported that the use of LTFL at the Oviatt Library at California State University, Northridge resulted in a substantial increase of resource discovery; users found four new books using LTFL for every new book found through Library of Congress Subject Headings (Willey, 2011). Similarly, the DeweyBrowser allows users to look for Dewey Decimal subjects or click on those within the tag cloud and find related resources in WorldCat, which are customizable by language, format and audience. Two other tools for librarians looking to harness the tags and folksonomies are LibMarks and LibGuides, both developed by Springshare, a Web 2.0 company that focuses on developing programs for libraries and educational institutions. LibMarks is an application that was designed with libraries and institutions in mind, allowing bookmarks to be saved and rated. As part of a content management and information sharing system, it also allows libraries to integrate services with social networking sites. Moreover, LibMarks has widgets that let library professionals share tags and information via blogs
  • 9. and instruction delivery systems. LibGuides, on the other hand, has a more specific goal in mind. It allows library professionals to make subject guides and send links to users; it also offers the option of allowing library professionals to create tags and tag clouds for individual library guides (Redden, 2010). The incorporation of tags and folksonomies generally follows the movement to incorporate aspects of Web 2.0 into library practices, such as blogs, social networking, and podcasts. These new practices allow for one of the core tenants of Web 2.0, personalization, to be brought into foreground. Personalization in this context allows users to “customize or tailor content or store frequently visited links” (Abbas & Kim, 2010). Tagging and folksonomies also create the opportunity for users to utilize natural language in their searching; instead of relying on predetermined phrases, users now have the capacity to engage searching and organization based on their own knowledge and understanding of language, as well as its relationship to resources. The ideology behind these activities within the library setting is very much akin to the ideology that has encouraged the growth and development of Information Commons among academic libraries—a desire to make the library an accessible, intellectually organic location. As researchers Booth, McDonald, and Tiffen (2010) note, the folksonomies and the commons model both allow customization of space that creates information systems and structures that are more intuitive and navigable for the user. Moreover, the commons model and folksonomies offer what appear to be adaptable, engaging, and responsive models for the future of libraries (p. 6). But are they as adaptable and engaging as proponents argue? The interest in Web 2.0 technologies, folksonomies included, does not always translate to use and adoption.
  • 10. Some of the challenges and setbacks experienced by academic libraries in their attempts to institute these technologies are outlined in the 2010 study by June Abbas and Young- Mi Kim. They note that adoption rates are far lower than one would expect them to be, especially given the interest. They write that, while 76% of academic library sites offer user tagging (which allows for folksonomies to develop), “Tagging and folksonomy…are the least utilized functionalities” of all of the Web 2.0 options, with only 12-13% of libraries use them. On a certain level, this is surprising. After all, the present generation of college students is often presumed to have a high comfort level with Web 2.0 technologies that libraries have gone to great pains to integrate into their systems. Abbas and Kim suggest that the low levels of adoption of “user-initiated functions” like tagging and folksonomies have something to do with the relationship of the user to the institution; perhaps users are concerned about contributing because they believe “their contributions may not be consistent with the views of the experts'” (Abbas & Kim, 2010). In addition, these user- initiated knowledge creation spaces also may not be advertised to the users as a means that they can contribute their knowledge within the library community. IV. The new future of folksonomy It is interesting to point out that the studies cited above, by Abbas and Kim and by Redden, were published within a very close frame of time—April and May of 2010, respectively—yet they come away with very different analyses of the use of tagging and folksonomies in academic libraries. Redden is relatively optimistic about the continued use of these functionalities, but Abbas and Kim, on the other hand, are much more
  • 11. measured in their response, considering their lower adoption rates within academic libraries. Suprisingly, Abbas and Kim do not focus on how problems within tagging and folksonomies may impede user adoption. Indeed, there are areas in which folksonomies can be improved. Language, in particular, presents a special challenge. Although natural language searching is one of the benefits of folksonomies, there are problems with the way language is represented in tags. Four main language problems can be identified: plurals, as tags of “car” and “cars” are distinct and often not mutually searchable; polysemy, or words with two or more meanings; synonymy, or different words with similar meanings; and depth of tagging, or the specificity allowed by tags in searching (Noruzi, 2007). There are other questions to consider as well. How will, for example, academic libraries maintain tags over time? Although one of the charms of tagging and folksonomies is that it allows users to utilize current linguistic standards to assist in searches, language is an ever-changing thing. What happens, then, when the meaning of tag terms changes over time (Medeiros, 2008)? Resolving these issues will improve utility of tags and folksonomies for academic libraries. But the feelings of the end user cannot be ignored. One issue that needs to be addressed is one of the fundamental assumptions behind the addition of tagging and folksonomic capabilities within academic libraries—do students want to search this way? Tagging and folksonomies are ways of organization that are purported to be more “democratic,” but literature often fails to define what this means and why it is of importance to users. Another more basic question also must be addressed: do users of academic libraries have the skills to navigate systems using tags and relying on
  • 12. folksonomies? Although there are a great many undergraduate students with excellent technological skills, the presumption that all college students are digital natives may be off the mark; the digital divide affects the college-going demographics as well. Redden, however, aptly suggests that instruction in the use of tags and creation of folksonomies may go a long way towards ameliorating problems of this nature. She writes that through “teaching students to use tags, whether through workshops or bibliographic instruction, librarians may also emphasize tag literacy, defined in part by the use of properly spelled tags and collective tags, when appropriate. Encouraging users to be aware of the collaborative nature of tagging and the most conscientious ways to participate in tagging communities promotes socially responsible bookmarking” (Redden, 2010). How the future of tagging and folksonomies develops remains to be seen. Among scholars, the consensus seems to be as follows: it will be interesting to see what happens. Certainly, the aforementioned issues will need to be addressed if folksonomies are to be incorporated, in the long-term, into formal classification structures and retrieval systems. But, as Abbas and Kim’s study points out, there is one heartening aspect to the effort. Academic libraries are interested in how their users look for information and accessibility and usability remains a high priority. Returning to a philosophical point of view, although librarians must continue to be critical of new technologies, it is exciting to see the efforts of academic librarians to make their collections as accessible as possible to users, as well as to involve users in the classification process. Classification, even within academia, should not be an us-versus-them proposition; tagging and folksonomies can help us encourage this develop.
  • 13. References Abbas, J. & Kim, Y.M. (2010, April). Adoption of library 2.0 functionalities by academic libraries and users: A knowledge management perspective. Journal of academic librarianship. 36(3), 211–218 Booth, M., McDonald, S. & Tiffin, B. (2010). A new vision for university libraries: Towards 2015. Galarza, A. (2011). Folksonomies. History of the digital age. Retrieved from Folksonomy. (2008). In PC Mag Encyclopedia. Retrieved from,1233,t=folksonomy&i= 56510,00.asp Hotho, A. (2010). Data mining on folksonomies. Intelligent information access. G. Armano (Ed.). Berlin: Springer-Verlag. International Semantic Web Conference, Aberer, K., & Asian Semantic Web Conference. (2007). The Semantic Web: 6th International Semantic Web Conference, 2nd Asian Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2007 + ASWC 2007, Busan, Korea, November 11-15, 2007: proceedings. Berlin: Springer. Noruzi, Alireza (2007). Folksonomies: Why do we need controlled vocabulary? Webology. 4(2). Retrieved from Medeiros, N. (2008). Screw cap or cork? Keeping tags fresh (and related matters). OCLC Systems & Services, 4(2), pp.77 – 79. Pink, D.H. (2005, Dec 11). Folksonomy. New York Times. Retrieved from Redden, C.S. (2010, May). Social Bookmarking in Academic Libraries: Trends and Applications. Journal of academic librarianship, 36(3), 219-227. Schmitz, C. (2007). Self-organized collaborative knowledge management. Kassel: Kassel Univ. Press. Vander Wal, T. (2007). Folksonomy coinage and definition. Retrieved from Wiley, E. (2011). A cautious partnership: The growing acceptance of folksonomy as a complement to indexing digital images and catalogs. Library student journal. 6.