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Alumno residente: Navarro, María Suyai
Institución Educativa: Jardín Independiente N°93 “Mundo Mágico”
Dirección: P. Pobladores 15, Río Negro
Cantidad de alumnos: aprox. 30
Edad: 4-5 años
Unidad Temática: Feelings & Colours
Clase Nº: 2
Fecha: 4/8/2021
Hora: 19 hs.
Duración de la clase: 40 minutos.
Fecha de entrega de la planificación: 30/07/2021
Learning aims:
During this lesson, learners will be able…
 To consolidate vocabulary about feelings and colours from the previous class;
 To explore and learn new vocabulary related to feelings and colours;
 To recognize different feelings and emotions;
 To identify different colours in English;
 To develop linguistic and interpersonal skills to express themselves;
 To get in touch with personal feelings through their awareness and expression;
Learning focus:
The activities will focus on:
 Vocabulary related to feelings (happy, angry, hungry, sleepy, calm, sad, scared,
 Colours (yellow, red, blue, green, black, pink)
 Imagination and motor skills
Integration of skills:
They will develop;
 Speaking skills by expressing feelings;
 Visual skilss by associating concepts to pictures;
 Listening skills by listening to the teacher in storytelling;
 Senso-motor skills by miming feelings with specific actions related to each.
Multiple intelligences:
 Linguistic intelligence (talking about feelings)
 Body-kinesthetic intelligence (imitating actions related to feelings)
 Interpersonal intelligence (awareness of other’s feelings)
 Intrapersonal intelligence (awareness of one’s feelings)
Materials and resources:
 Flashcards with feelings and emotions
 Printed pictures of the story: “The Colour Monster”
 Monster stick puppets made of cardboard from previous class
 White board
Possible contingencies:
 Children trying to speak all at the same time;
 Chant “calm down, calm down” while moving hands up and down with
Comentario [R1]: Make sure you
proofread your lesson plan before
Comentario [R2]: This is also
emotional intelligence.
Comentario [R3]: I recommend you
share them through the visual
presentation on screen.
palms facing down, ending in “shh, shh” placing finger on the mouth, first
with one hand and then with the other. This will be done every time slower
than the previous time until they settle.
 After this, tell them to raise their hands to speak.
 Children screaming/moving at any chance given;
 Chant: “Maccaroni cheese, everybody freeze!” and freeze for a few seconds
to get their attention. Repeat again until they follow the chant. Spanish
might be needed to explain what it means.
Classroom management strategies:
 Start the each activity by explaining what it is about;
 Using the strategy that already works with them to calm them down by making an
exercise related to breathing, by stretching “arms to the sky” and dropping them to
the sides of the body, while inhaling and exhaling;
 Call their attention when they are distracted by playing the duck whistle and calling
their names;
 When they answer correctly, the teacher will congratulate them and play a rising
tone in the slide whistle, or in case they answer incorrectly, instead of saying no, a
falling tone will be played.
Assessment: collecting information and reporting your findings
 Asking questions about the topic;
 Observing students’ response to the tasks
 Making comments on their work
 Keeping track of their progress in my notebook after class, with strength and
weaknesses of the group
 Observing interaction among students and families
Lesson stages:
Comentario [R4]: Does this work
on Zoom?
Comentario [R5]: Dina and Lara
must help.
 Purpose:
-To greet classmates and teachers.
 Timing: 5 minutes
 Activity description and instructions as they will be said to the students
(including direct speech)
-The teacher will tell the children to greet their classmates and teachers by singing the
“Hello song”.
-“Ok, let’s listen,” and only the first part of the song will be played. “Do you remember
this song? ¿Se acuerdan de esta canción? Yes? No?” by showing thumbs up or down.
“Yes, that’s right!”.
-In order to greet while singing, the movements for the song need to be remembered first.
The students are encouraged to follow the teacher´s instruction. “Let’s stand up! Look at
me and follow me…”
-The song will be first sung slowly by the teacher while acting out the movements.
-After revising the steps, the students are invited to dance and sing along to the song.
-The song will be played.
 Scaffolding strategies
-When inviting the children to stand up, the teacher will move her hands with her palms
facing upwards and moving up so that they understand that they need to stand up.
-When telling them to look and follow, even though this will be accompanied by hand
movements, this might need to be said in Spanish.
-When asking to listen, the teacher will placed her hand open next to her ear to invite
them to listen.
 Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one
-“Very good, children!” and play the slide whistle to congratulate them. “Now, picture
time!!!” while showing the drawing shown as an example in the assignment video sent to
the families. “We are going to see your pictures!” and open a padlet with the different
pictures from the students.
Comentario [R6]: You may remind
them of the song while everyone is
sitting down and then invite
children to stand up and dance
when you play the song.
Comentario [R7]: editing
Comentario [R8]:
Lead-in and presentation
 Purpose:
-To revise the concept of happiness
-To share happy moments with the class
 Timing: 5 minutes
 Activity description and instructions as they will be said to the students
(including direct speech)
-Pictures of their drawing will be shown and their names will be called so that they can
recognize their picture.
-The teacher will say “When (name of the student) is happy”, and show the picture of the
-This activity will be used as to keep track of class attendance.
 Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one
-“Good job, everyone!” while clapping and playing the maracas.
- “Now, what other emotions do you know?¿Qué otras emociones conocen?” Children
will probably answer in Spanish, thus the teacher will confirm this by repeating this in
English and miminge the feeling, to reinforce their previous knowledge.
- “Oki doki! Do you remember the Color Monster? Se acuerdan de él?” and show the
stick puppet of the Color Monster, so that they recognize who he is. “This is a story about
the Color Monster. Let’s read a story about his feelings.”
Development of the sequence of activities
Activity One: Story about feelings: The Colour Monster (adapted and simplified
version). (Original version)
zoada4VdujV9Y/view?usp=sharing (Reduced and simplified version)
Comentario [R9]: Listen to a
Código de campo cambiado
 Purpose:
-To revise vocabulary about colours from the previous class
-To explore and acquire vocabulary related to feelings
-To develop listening skills and speaking skills
-To consolidate vocabulary
-To embrace emotions as part of our lives
 Timing: 15 minutes
 Activity description and instructions as they will be said to the students
(including direct speech)
-The teacher will read a story about the Color Monster with mixed emotions. Each
emotion has a color. This will help students identify the emotions with one colour. When
reading the story, pictures of the colour monster with a different colour and situation will
be shown.
-When the Color Monster’s friend say that she will help him, and put the feelings in a
different jar, the teacher will show six different jars, one for each feeling.
-Each Color Monster will have a stick puppet, and the teacher will ask, “how are you,
Color Monter?”. The students are invited to answer, the teacher will reinforce the answer
in English in case they answer in Spanish.
-For each Color Monster, one matching handerkerchief will be shown. The teacher will
place it in the correct jar, which will be filled with objects of the same colour.
-In the end, the students will guess how the monster finally feels. The teacher will ask
“How are you, Colour Monster?” and the students will probably say happy, but as there
is a new colour in the monster (pink), and a heart above his head, the teacher will say that
he is full of love. “When you are full of love, what do you do?¿qué hacen para
mostrarlo?” Children will probably answer that they draw pictures, or kiss, or hug, etc.
-Then, the children are invited to show their love to the family members near them, and
say, “I love you”, and hug them.
 Scaffolding strategies
-For each situation, the teacher will speak slowly and act out some parts and/or show
Comentario [R10]: You may
introduce the different emotions
with the puppets, and then narrate
the story.
Comentario [R11]:
Comentario [R12]: What I
recommend is that you also use the
presentation on ppt that you
created (with no text).
First you pre-teach the lexis with
the puppets, then the presentation
(sharing screen) and then, revisit
the story content with the puppets
and the handkerchiefs and prompt
children to repeat after you.
flashcards to accompany the story. In case they don’t understand, some words will be
said in Spanish.
-In order to help the students understand, the question “how are you, Colour Monster?”
will be asked in each part of the story where there is a change in colour. The students will
try to guess and will probably say in it Spanish, so the teacher will say it in English to
reinforce vocabulary.
-To understand the concept of “full of love”, the teacher will spread her arms wide open,
going upwards and then downwards to the sides, to show the extent of this feeling, and
when saying “love”, the hands will be shaped into a heart.
-For the “I love you” part, the teacher will mime the phrase, by pointing at her chest for
“I”, mime the heart with her hands for “love” and point at the screen for “you”. This will
be repeated twice or three times, so that children understand the meaning.
-Hugging will be mimed, too.
 Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one
“Wow! Look at all these emotions!” pointing at the different jars, which will be labeled
with a specific monster, so that they can think about the emotion according to the picture.
“How are you, children? Are you angry?”, ask while pointing to an emotion jar and wait
for them to answer, with thumbs up or down according to their answer (“No? yes?”).
“Are you…?” and ask with each emotion, inviting students to give the correct answer in
English. “Good job!!! Now, let’s play”
Activity Two: Game: Zoom in
 Purpose:
-To recognize emotions and feelings
 Timing: 5 minutes
 Activity description and instructions as they will be said to the students
(including direct speech)
-A picture of an emotion from the story will be shown very close to the camera so that
they can only see a portion of the facial expression. The teacher will ask “How are you,
Colour Monster?” and the students will guess the emotion according to what they can
see. The picture will be slowly moved away from the camera to have better sight of it, to
give the students the chance of thinking and answering with the correct word.
 Scaffolding strategies
-Students will probably need help to understand the game, so the first picture will be used
as an example of how the game goes. After asking, the teacher will say “I’m…” and give
the answer, and congratulate those who have guessed well. In the second picture, only the
phrase “I’m…” will be said so that students can figure out the emotion alone. In case of
giving a wrong answer, the teacher will say “are you sure? is it…?” reinforcing the
question with a facial expression which shows concern.
-In case the students continue answering wrongly, the teacher will give them two options
(angry or sad? Happy or scared?, etc.) Comentario [R13]: This will surely
be needed.
 Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one
-“Very good” the teacher will congratulate them.
-Then, the students will be asked to look at the colours of the Color Monster. “Now, look
at all of these colours” by pointing at the colours of the stick puppets. “Wow!!! Do you
remember the colours? ¿Se acuerdan de los colours? Yes? No?”
-“So let’s see!!!Let’s play a game about colours!”
Activity Three: Spin the wheel: What colour is it?
 Purpose:
- To revise vocabulary about colours
 Timing: 5 minutes.
 Activity description and instructions as they will be said to the students
(including direct speech)
Pictures from
-The game is “spin the wheel”. In case internet connection is not working properly, the
game will be played on Google Slides.
-After spinning, the teacher will ask “what colour is it?” and the children will answer in
English. If they answer correctly, they will be congratulated. In case they answer
wrongly, the teacher will ask again.
-Every time they answer correctly, a star will be placed on the board, until a smiley face
Comentario [R14]: The colour
monster invites them to play a
is formed.”Very good!” and congratulate them on their good work.
 Scaffolding strategies
-If the children do not remember the colour, the teacher will give them two options so
that they can choose and answer.
 Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one
-“Very good! Now, let’s calm down” and make an exercise related to breathing, by
stretching “arms to the sky” and dropping them to the sides of the body, while inhaling
and exhaling.
 Purpose:
-To say goodbye.
 Timing: 5 minutes
 Activity description and instructions as they will be said to the students (including
direct speech)
-The teacher will tell them that it’s time to say goodbye, but first the movements for the
goodbye song will be revised - only shortened version, focusing on the part where it says
“See you later, alligator – Bye bye bye, butterfly – Goodbye!”
-Then, they will invited to sing along with the movements for the greeting.
 Scaffolding strategies
Comentario [R15]: Remember to
invite them to answer in full chunks:
it’s red, it’s blue…
-Show hand/arm movements for the greetings.
-Mime the greeting while singing the chant so that they can understand what it is about.
Follow-up activity
 Purpose:
-To identify feelings
-To create a color monster by recycling.
-To revise the importance of the 3Rs
 Activity description and instructions as they will be said to the students (including
direct speech)
-The students will be asked to create one colour monster. As they have learned about
3R (reduce, recycle, reuse), they will use what they find in their homes, such as toilet
paper rolls or bottles, and paint them or cover them with colourful magazine paper.
-The teacher will send a video explaining the task, by making one color monster and
explaining the importance of the 3R, reinforcing the idea that they can create whatever
they want, using only their imagination, and at the same time, taking care of our planet.
“When the planet is safe, it is happy.”
“Imagination will take you everywhere” – Albert Einstein
-These Colour Monster will be shown in the following class, so that all the students
share their creations.
 Deadline: 11/08/2021
Comentario [R16]: They may
describe their creation mentioning
the colour.
Código de campo cambiado
Lesson Plan
Very Good
Variety of
Stages and
Observations Excellent, Suyai!
The class is described in detailed. Scaffolding strategies
accompany each stage. You have also included a nice variety of
Hope you find my suggestions useful.
Way to go!
Tabla con formato

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Lesson Plan 2 Navarro - p

  • 1. 1 I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS BARILOCHE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE II Alumno residente: Navarro, María Suyai Institución Educativa: Jardín Independiente N°93 “Mundo Mágico” Dirección: P. Pobladores 15, Río Negro Cantidad de alumnos: aprox. 30 Edad: 4-5 años Unidad Temática: Feelings & Colours Clase Nº: 2 Fecha: 4/8/2021 Hora: 19 hs. Duración de la clase: 40 minutos. Fecha de entrega de la planificación: 30/07/2021 Learning aims: During this lesson, learners will be able…  To consolidate vocabulary about feelings and colours from the previous class;  To explore and learn new vocabulary related to feelings and colours;  To recognize different feelings and emotions;  To identify different colours in English;  To develop linguistic and interpersonal skills to express themselves;
  • 2. 2  To get in touch with personal feelings through their awareness and expression; Learning focus: The activities will focus on:  Vocabulary related to feelings (happy, angry, hungry, sleepy, calm, sad, scared, sad);  Colours (yellow, red, blue, green, black, pink)  Imagination and motor skills Integration of skills: They will develop;  Speaking skills by expressing feelings;  Visual skilss by associating concepts to pictures;  Listening skills by listening to the teacher in storytelling;  Senso-motor skills by miming feelings with specific actions related to each. Multiple intelligences:  Linguistic intelligence (talking about feelings)  Body-kinesthetic intelligence (imitating actions related to feelings)  Interpersonal intelligence (awareness of other’s feelings)  Intrapersonal intelligence (awareness of one’s feelings) Materials and resources:  Flashcards with feelings and emotions  Printed pictures of the story: “The Colour Monster”  Monster stick puppets made of cardboard from previous class  White board Possible contingencies:  Children trying to speak all at the same time;  Chant “calm down, calm down” while moving hands up and down with Comentario [R1]: Make sure you proofread your lesson plan before submission Comentario [R2]: This is also emotional intelligence. Comentario [R3]: I recommend you share them through the visual presentation on screen.
  • 3. 3 palms facing down, ending in “shh, shh” placing finger on the mouth, first with one hand and then with the other. This will be done every time slower than the previous time until they settle.  After this, tell them to raise their hands to speak.  Children screaming/moving at any chance given;  Chant: “Maccaroni cheese, everybody freeze!” and freeze for a few seconds to get their attention. Repeat again until they follow the chant. Spanish might be needed to explain what it means. Classroom management strategies:  Start the each activity by explaining what it is about;  Using the strategy that already works with them to calm them down by making an exercise related to breathing, by stretching “arms to the sky” and dropping them to the sides of the body, while inhaling and exhaling;  Call their attention when they are distracted by playing the duck whistle and calling their names;  When they answer correctly, the teacher will congratulate them and play a rising tone in the slide whistle, or in case they answer incorrectly, instead of saying no, a falling tone will be played. Assessment: collecting information and reporting your findings  Asking questions about the topic;  Observing students’ response to the tasks  Making comments on their work  Keeping track of their progress in my notebook after class, with strength and weaknesses of the group  Observing interaction among students and families Lesson stages: Routine Comentario [R4]: Does this work on Zoom? Comentario [R5]: Dina and Lara must help.
  • 4. 4  Purpose: -To greet classmates and teachers.  Timing: 5 minutes  Activity description and instructions as they will be said to the students (including direct speech) -The teacher will tell the children to greet their classmates and teachers by singing the “Hello song”. -“Ok, let’s listen,” and only the first part of the song will be played. “Do you remember this song? ¿Se acuerdan de esta canción? Yes? No?” by showing thumbs up or down. “Yes, that’s right!”. -In order to greet while singing, the movements for the song need to be remembered first. The students are encouraged to follow the teacher´s instruction. “Let’s stand up! Look at me and follow me…” -The song will be first sung slowly by the teacher while acting out the movements. -After revising the steps, the students are invited to dance and sing along to the song. -The song will be played.  Scaffolding strategies -When inviting the children to stand up, the teacher will move her hands with her palms facing upwards and moving up so that they understand that they need to stand up. -When telling them to look and follow, even though this will be accompanied by hand movements, this might need to be said in Spanish. -When asking to listen, the teacher will placed her hand open next to her ear to invite them to listen.  Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one -“Very good, children!” and play the slide whistle to congratulate them. “Now, picture time!!!” while showing the drawing shown as an example in the assignment video sent to the families. “We are going to see your pictures!” and open a padlet with the different pictures from the students. Comentario [R6]: You may remind them of the song while everyone is sitting down and then invite children to stand up and dance when you play the song. Comentario [R7]: editing Comentario [R8]:
  • 5. 5 Lead-in and presentation  Purpose: -To revise the concept of happiness -To share happy moments with the class  Timing: 5 minutes  Activity description and instructions as they will be said to the students (including direct speech) -Pictures of their drawing will be shown and their names will be called so that they can recognize their picture. -The teacher will say “When (name of the student) is happy”, and show the picture of the child. -This activity will be used as to keep track of class attendance.  Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one -“Good job, everyone!” while clapping and playing the maracas. - “Now, what other emotions do you know?¿Qué otras emociones conocen?” Children will probably answer in Spanish, thus the teacher will confirm this by repeating this in English and miminge the feeling, to reinforce their previous knowledge. - “Oki doki! Do you remember the Color Monster? Se acuerdan de él?” and show the stick puppet of the Color Monster, so that they recognize who he is. “This is a story about the Color Monster. Let’s read a story about his feelings.” Development of the sequence of activities Activity One: Story about feelings: The Colour Monster (adapted and simplified version). (Original version) zoada4VdujV9Y/view?usp=sharing (Reduced and simplified version) Comentario [R9]: Listen to a Código de campo cambiado
  • 6. 6  Purpose: -To revise vocabulary about colours from the previous class -To explore and acquire vocabulary related to feelings -To develop listening skills and speaking skills -To consolidate vocabulary -To embrace emotions as part of our lives  Timing: 15 minutes  Activity description and instructions as they will be said to the students (including direct speech)
  • 7. 7 -The teacher will read a story about the Color Monster with mixed emotions. Each emotion has a color. This will help students identify the emotions with one colour. When reading the story, pictures of the colour monster with a different colour and situation will be shown. -When the Color Monster’s friend say that she will help him, and put the feelings in a different jar, the teacher will show six different jars, one for each feeling. -Each Color Monster will have a stick puppet, and the teacher will ask, “how are you, Color Monter?”. The students are invited to answer, the teacher will reinforce the answer in English in case they answer in Spanish. -For each Color Monster, one matching handerkerchief will be shown. The teacher will place it in the correct jar, which will be filled with objects of the same colour. -In the end, the students will guess how the monster finally feels. The teacher will ask “How are you, Colour Monster?” and the students will probably say happy, but as there is a new colour in the monster (pink), and a heart above his head, the teacher will say that he is full of love. “When you are full of love, what do you do?¿qué hacen para mostrarlo?” Children will probably answer that they draw pictures, or kiss, or hug, etc. -Then, the children are invited to show their love to the family members near them, and say, “I love you”, and hug them.  Scaffolding strategies -For each situation, the teacher will speak slowly and act out some parts and/or show Comentario [R10]: You may introduce the different emotions with the puppets, and then narrate the story. Comentario [R11]: Comentario [R12]: What I recommend is that you also use the presentation on ppt that you created (with no text). First you pre-teach the lexis with the puppets, then the presentation (sharing screen) and then, revisit the story content with the puppets and the handkerchiefs and prompt children to repeat after you.
  • 8. 8 flashcards to accompany the story. In case they don’t understand, some words will be said in Spanish. -In order to help the students understand, the question “how are you, Colour Monster?” will be asked in each part of the story where there is a change in colour. The students will try to guess and will probably say in it Spanish, so the teacher will say it in English to reinforce vocabulary. -To understand the concept of “full of love”, the teacher will spread her arms wide open, going upwards and then downwards to the sides, to show the extent of this feeling, and when saying “love”, the hands will be shaped into a heart. -For the “I love you” part, the teacher will mime the phrase, by pointing at her chest for “I”, mime the heart with her hands for “love” and point at the screen for “you”. This will be repeated twice or three times, so that children understand the meaning. -Hugging will be mimed, too.  Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one “Wow! Look at all these emotions!” pointing at the different jars, which will be labeled with a specific monster, so that they can think about the emotion according to the picture. “How are you, children? Are you angry?”, ask while pointing to an emotion jar and wait for them to answer, with thumbs up or down according to their answer (“No? yes?”). “Are you…?” and ask with each emotion, inviting students to give the correct answer in English. “Good job!!! Now, let’s play” Activity Two: Game: Zoom in  Purpose: -To recognize emotions and feelings  Timing: 5 minutes  Activity description and instructions as they will be said to the students (including direct speech)
  • 9. 9 -A picture of an emotion from the story will be shown very close to the camera so that they can only see a portion of the facial expression. The teacher will ask “How are you, Colour Monster?” and the students will guess the emotion according to what they can see. The picture will be slowly moved away from the camera to have better sight of it, to give the students the chance of thinking and answering with the correct word.  Scaffolding strategies -Students will probably need help to understand the game, so the first picture will be used as an example of how the game goes. After asking, the teacher will say “I’m…” and give the answer, and congratulate those who have guessed well. In the second picture, only the phrase “I’m…” will be said so that students can figure out the emotion alone. In case of giving a wrong answer, the teacher will say “are you sure? is it…?” reinforcing the question with a facial expression which shows concern. -In case the students continue answering wrongly, the teacher will give them two options (angry or sad? Happy or scared?, etc.) Comentario [R13]: This will surely be needed.
  • 10. 10  Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one -“Very good” the teacher will congratulate them. -Then, the students will be asked to look at the colours of the Color Monster. “Now, look at all of these colours” by pointing at the colours of the stick puppets. “Wow!!! Do you remember the colours? ¿Se acuerdan de los colours? Yes? No?” -“So let’s see!!!Let’s play a game about colours!” Activity Three: Spin the wheel: What colour is it?  Purpose: - To revise vocabulary about colours  Timing: 5 minutes.  Activity description and instructions as they will be said to the students (including direct speech) Pictures from - - - edit?rtpof=true -The game is “spin the wheel”. In case internet connection is not working properly, the game will be played on Google Slides. -After spinning, the teacher will ask “what colour is it?” and the children will answer in English. If they answer correctly, they will be congratulated. In case they answer wrongly, the teacher will ask again. -Every time they answer correctly, a star will be placed on the board, until a smiley face Comentario [R14]: The colour monster invites them to play a game.
  • 11. 11 is formed.”Very good!” and congratulate them on their good work. Source:ño-lindo-del-ejemplo-del-vector- del-carácter-de-la-estrella.html  Scaffolding strategies -If the children do not remember the colour, the teacher will give them two options so that they can choose and answer.  Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one -“Very good! Now, let’s calm down” and make an exercise related to breathing, by stretching “arms to the sky” and dropping them to the sides of the body, while inhaling and exhaling. Closure  Purpose: -To say goodbye.  Timing: 5 minutes  Activity description and instructions as they will be said to the students (including direct speech) -The teacher will tell them that it’s time to say goodbye, but first the movements for the goodbye song will be revised - only shortened version, focusing on the part where it says “See you later, alligator – Bye bye bye, butterfly – Goodbye!” -Then, they will invited to sing along with the movements for the greeting.  Scaffolding strategies Comentario [R15]: Remember to invite them to answer in full chunks: it’s red, it’s blue…
  • 12. 12 -Show hand/arm movements for the greetings. -Mime the greeting while singing the chant so that they can understand what it is about. Follow-up activity  Purpose: -To identify feelings -To create a color monster by recycling. -To revise the importance of the 3Rs  Activity description and instructions as they will be said to the students (including direct speech) -The students will be asked to create one colour monster. As they have learned about 3R (reduce, recycle, reuse), they will use what they find in their homes, such as toilet paper rolls or bottles, and paint them or cover them with colourful magazine paper. -The teacher will send a video explaining the task, by making one color monster and explaining the importance of the 3R, reinforcing the idea that they can create whatever they want, using only their imagination, and at the same time, taking care of our planet. “When the planet is safe, it is happy.” “Imagination will take you everywhere” – Albert Einstein -These Colour Monster will be shown in the following class, so that all the students share their creations.  Deadline: 11/08/2021 Source: papel-higienico/ Comentario [R16]: They may describe their creation mentioning the colour. Código de campo cambiado
  • 13. 13 Lesson Plan Component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Needs Improvement 1 Visual organization Coherence and sequencing Variety of resources Stages and activities Scaffolding strategies Language accuracy Observations Excellent, Suyai! The class is described in detailed. Scaffolding strategies accompany each stage. You have also included a nice variety of resources. Hope you find my suggestions useful. Way to go! Ceci Tabla con formato