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Purpose of the research            The one-region model            The two-region model              Conclusion

                            Natural Catastrophe Insurance
                          How Should Government Intervene?

                                           Benoît LE MAUX
                                         Université de Rennes 1


                                            Condorcet Center

                                       Arthur CHARPENTIER
                                         Université de Rennes 1


                                           Ecole Polytechnique

                           The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012

                    Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier    The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012
Purpose of the research            The one-region model            The two-region model              Conclusion

The problem

      Between 1969 and 1998, 36 US insurers became insolvent primarily as a result
      of catastrophe losses. Of these companies, 20 became insolvent between 1989
      and 1993, the same time period as Hurricane Hugo (Matthews, 1999).

                    Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier    The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012
Purpose of the research            The one-region model            The two-region model              Conclusion

Two important questions

      1. Purely private market vs Government program

              Purely private market: only policyholders at risk have to deal with their
              insurer's insolvency.
              Government program: policyholders participate to a collective sharing
              practice based on solidarity from the taxpayers.
              Question 1: Which one is the best?

      2. Viability of a government program

              Are taxpayers from less risky regions willing to show solidarity with
              taxpayers from riskier regions ?
              Example: Michigan wants the end of the US Flood Insurance Program
              because it has to pay for the costs that some other states are incurring.
              Question 2: Under which conditions is an insurance program viable in
              the long run?

                    Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier    The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012
Purpose of the research            The one-region model            The two-region model              Conclusion

How can we address these two issues?

      1. Purely private market vs Government program

      In contrast with the usual literature, we need a model where the insurer may
      have a non-zero probability of insolvency depending on
            the distribution of the risks (Kunreuther, 2001),
            the premium rate (Tapiero et al., 1986),
            the amount of capital in the company (Charpentier, 2008).

      2. Viability of a government program
      The participation of a region can strongly inuence the solvency of a public
      program, as well as the indemnities received and the amount of additionnal
            We extend our theoretical framework by focusing on a simultaneous
            non-cooperative game combining two regions with heterogeneous natural

                    Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier    The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012
Purpose of the research            The one-region model                 The two-region model         Conclusion

Main assumptions

              Population: n
              Natural events: cause a loss l to N individuals.
              Share of population claiming a loss: X = N .
              Distribution of X : depends on the probability p for each individual to
              claim a loss and the correlation δ between the individual risks.

                             F = F (x |p , δ) = F (x ) =             f (t )dt ∈ [0; 1]
              δ : determines the total number of people that will be claiming a loss at
              the same time.
              p : represents the odds for each individual to be one of the victims.
              The inhabitants will decide simultaneously whether or not to pay full
              insurance coverage.
              Premium=α ; Capital per policy of the insurance company=c

                    Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier    The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012
Purpose of the research              The one-region model                The two-region model              Conclusion

Supply of insurance

      Probability of insolvency
      The insurer becomes insolvent when it is not possible to pay the full coverage
      l to the victims anymore, i.e., when the total losses (Nl ) become higher than
      the total revenue (nα) and the total economic capital (nc ).
                            P (Nl  nα + nc ) = P X      = 1 − F (¯)
      where x = (α + c )/l denotes the largest possible event without default.

      Expected prot of the company
                          Π(c , α, p , δ) =           [nα − xnl ] f (x )dx − [1 − F (¯)]cn.

                    Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier          The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012
Purpose of the research                 The one-region model                The two-region model               Conclusion

Demand for insurance

      Scenario with limited liability (i.e. no government intervention)

                                 1                                              1
       V (c , α, p , δ) =            xU (−α − l + I (x ))f (x )dx +                 (1 − x )U (−α)f (x )dx ,
                             0                                              0
      with I (X ) = c +α = reduced indemnity in case of insolvency.

      Scenario with unlimited guarantee from the government
                            V (c , α, p , δ) =              U (−α − T (x ))f (x )dx .
      T (X ) = Xl − α − c = tax to compensate the default of payment.

      An agent will buy insurance if V (c , α, p , δ) ≥ pU (−l ) + (1 − p )U (0). Let
      denote α∗ the WTP for insurance.

                    Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier             The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012
Purpose of the research            The one-region model            The two-region model              Conclusion

Main result of the model I

      The controversial impact of capital requirements
              The capital c has a negative impact on the expected prot because it
              increases the exposition of the shareholders to industry failure.
              On the other hand, the WTP for an insurance contract is a positive
              function of the company's capital because it reduces the insolvency
              A better possibility: capital market instruments such as CAT bonds or
              CAT options, creation of tax-deferred catastrophe reserves (Kousky,

                    Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier    The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012
Purpose of the research            The one-region model            The two-region model              Conclusion

Main result of the model II

      The controversial impact of a regulated premium
              The higher δ , the higher the insolvency probability. Private insurers
              advocate high levels of premium when faced with natural disasters.
              However, the WTP for a catastrophe coverage is a negative function of
              δ , because correlated risks imply a higher default risk.
              A regulated price cannot be of any use, unless the idea is to solve the
              market ineciencies due to imperfect competition and imperfect

                    Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier    The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012
Purpose of the research            The one-region model            The two-region model              Conclusion

Main result of the model III

      A free market is not necessarily the ecient solution
              An insurance with unlimited guarantee from the government proves to be
              a mean preserving spread of a limited liability insurance.
              Government programs allow to spread the risks equally among the
              policyholders and, therefore, are less risky and more attractive in terms of
              expected utility.
              Consequence: the insurer can put forward higher premiums, which will
              reduce the insolvency probability!!!
              Question: does this result still hold in a two-region economy with
              heterogenous risks?

                    Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier    The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012
Purpose of the research                  The one-region model                         The two-region model                        Conclusion

The extended framework

              Two populations: n1 and n2 living in two dierent jurisdictions
              Natural events: cause a loss l to Ni inhabitants in Region i , i = 1, 2.
              Share of people claiming a loss in the total population: X0 = N1 +n22
                                                                                 1 +N

              The distribution of X0 depends on a new parameter : θ, the
                                        X0 ∼= F0 (x0 |p , δ1 , δ2 , θ) = F0 (x0 ),

                                                        Insure                                              Don't
              Insure      V1 (c , α1 , α2 , p, δ1 , δ2 , θ), V2 (c , α1 , α2 , p, δ1 , δ2 , θ)   V1 (c , α1 , p, δ1 ), pU (−l )
              Don't                         pU (−l ), V2 (c , α2 , p, δ2 )                            pU (−l ), pU (−l )

                    Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier                  The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012
Purpose of the research                     The one-region model                         The two-region model                           Conclusion

Set of Nash Equilibria
                                     ‫כ‬       ‫ככ‬                                                   ‫כ‬             ‫ככ‬
                હ૛                  αଵ      αଵ ሺαଶ ሻ                       હ૛                    αଵ            αଵ ሺαଶ ሻ

                                                                                                                            α‫ ככ‬ሺαଵ ሻ
                                                          α‫ ככ‬ሺαଵ ሻ
                                                           ଶ                                               Q
                                   P                      α‫כ‬                                                                α‫כ‬
                                                           ଶ                                                                 ଶ
                                        Q                                                          P

            0                                             હ૚           0                                                     હ૚
                         ሺaሻ Starting situation: Q=P                            ሺbሻ Decreasing between-correlation

                           ‫ככ‬       ‫כ‬                                                ‫כ‬      ‫ככ‬
                હ૛        αଵ ሺαଶ ሻ αଵ                                      હ૛       αଵ     αଵ ሺαଶ ሻ

                                    P                     α‫כ‬                                                                α‫כ‬
                                                           ଶ                                                                 ଶ
                                                           α‫ ככ‬ሺαଵ ሻ                                                        α‫ ככ‬ሺαଵ ሻ
                            Q                                                              Q

            0                                             હ૚                                                                 હ૚
                     ሺcሻ Increasing between-correlation                     ሺdሻ Increasing within-correlation in Region 1

                      Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier                   The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012
Purpose of the research            The one-region model            The two-region model              Conclusion

Main result of the model IV

                                             Region 1 Region 2      Region 3    Regions 1+2    Regions 1+3
        Loss per inhabitant in Year 1            5            65       35            35             20
        Loss per inhabitant in Year 2           95            35       65            65             80
        Average of annual losses (p)            50            50       50            50             50
        Variance of annual losses (δ)          2025          225      225           225            900
        Pearson correlation coecient (θ)                                            -1            +1
        a The number of inhabitants is the same in each region.

      The rates of a government program should be computed based not only on the
      level of risks (p ), i.e., on the expected losses (a basic actuarial principle), but
      also on how the risks are correlated within and between the regions (δ and θ),
      i.e., on the variance of the losses (which has never been applied to our

      In particular, government ocials must be prepared to announce rates lower
      than usual to attract low-correlation regions.

                    Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier    The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012
Purpose of the research            The one-region model            The two-region model              Conclusion


              Risk-averse policyholders will accept to pay higher rates for an unlimited
              guarantee insurance, thus reducing the probability of insolvency.
              To limit the protests of the less correlated areas, these rates should be
              computed based on how the risks are correlated within and between the
              jurisdictions involved.

      Future research
      There are several problems of related interest which were not examined in the
      present paper:
            The inuence of risk mitigation
            The role of bounded rationality in insurance decisions.
            We have tested the robustness of the model with respect to statistical
            modeling. It could be nice to test the model on a real database.

                    Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier    The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012
Purpose of the research                                The one-region model                        The two-region model           Conclusion

Simulations Results
                                                   Expected profit0         Expected profit0      THEORETICAL MODEL

                                                                                                    Loss: 1
                                                                                                    Capital: 0.05
                                                                                                    PROBABILISTIC MODEL
                                                                                                    n: 1000
                                                                                                    p*: 0.05
                                                                                                    p: 0.1

                                                                                                    Correlation: 0.9
                                                                                                    pC: 0.69
                                                                                                    pN: 0.069
                                                                       q                            WILLINGNESS TO PAY
                 Expected utility

                                                                                                    Limited liability: 0.206
                                                                       q                            Unlimited guarantee: 0.216

                                            pU(−l)= −63.9
                                                                                                             q q

                                            0.00            0.05           0.10             0.15          0.20             0.25


                                    Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier               The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012
Purpose of the research            The one-region model            The two-region model              Conclusion

The US Flood Insurance Program

                    Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier    The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012

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  • 1. Purpose of the research The one-region model The two-region model Conclusion Natural Catastrophe Insurance How Should Government Intervene? Benoît LE MAUX Université de Rennes 1 CREM-CNRS Condorcet Center Arthur CHARPENTIER Université de Rennes 1 CREM-CNRS Ecole Polytechnique The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012 Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012
  • 2. Purpose of the research The one-region model The two-region model Conclusion The problem Between 1969 and 1998, 36 US insurers became insolvent primarily as a result of catastrophe losses. Of these companies, 20 became insolvent between 1989 and 1993, the same time period as Hurricane Hugo (Matthews, 1999). Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012
  • 3. Purpose of the research The one-region model The two-region model Conclusion Two important questions 1. Purely private market vs Government program Purely private market: only policyholders at risk have to deal with their insurer's insolvency. Government program: policyholders participate to a collective sharing practice based on solidarity from the taxpayers. Question 1: Which one is the best? 2. Viability of a government program Are taxpayers from less risky regions willing to show solidarity with taxpayers from riskier regions ? Example: Michigan wants the end of the US Flood Insurance Program because it has to pay for the costs that some other states are incurring. Question 2: Under which conditions is an insurance program viable in the long run? Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012
  • 4. Purpose of the research The one-region model The two-region model Conclusion How can we address these two issues? 1. Purely private market vs Government program In contrast with the usual literature, we need a model where the insurer may have a non-zero probability of insolvency depending on the distribution of the risks (Kunreuther, 2001), the premium rate (Tapiero et al., 1986), the amount of capital in the company (Charpentier, 2008). 2. Viability of a government program The participation of a region can strongly inuence the solvency of a public program, as well as the indemnities received and the amount of additionnal taxes. We extend our theoretical framework by focusing on a simultaneous non-cooperative game combining two regions with heterogeneous natural risks. Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012
  • 5. Purpose of the research The one-region model The two-region model Conclusion Main assumptions Population: n Natural events: cause a loss l to N individuals. Share of population claiming a loss: X = N . n Distribution of X : depends on the probability p for each individual to claim a loss and the correlation δ between the individual risks. x F = F (x |p , δ) = F (x ) = f (t )dt ∈ [0; 1] 0 δ : determines the total number of people that will be claiming a loss at the same time. p : represents the odds for each individual to be one of the victims. The inhabitants will decide simultaneously whether or not to pay full insurance coverage. Premium=α ; Capital per policy of the insurance company=c Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012
  • 6. Purpose of the research The one-region model The two-region model Conclusion Supply of insurance Probability of insolvency The insurer becomes insolvent when it is not possible to pay the full coverage l to the victims anymore, i.e., when the total losses (Nl ) become higher than the total revenue (nα) and the total economic capital (nc ). α+c P (Nl nα + nc ) = P X = 1 − F (¯) x l where x = (α + c )/l denotes the largest possible event without default. ¯ Expected prot of the company x ¯ Π(c , α, p , δ) = [nα − xnl ] f (x )dx − [1 − F (¯)]cn. x 0 Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012
  • 7. Purpose of the research The one-region model The two-region model Conclusion Demand for insurance Scenario with limited liability (i.e. no government intervention) 1 1 V (c , α, p , δ) = xU (−α − l + I (x ))f (x )dx + (1 − x )U (−α)f (x )dx , 0 0 with I (X ) = c +α = reduced indemnity in case of insolvency. X Scenario with unlimited guarantee from the government 1 V (c , α, p , δ) = U (−α − T (x ))f (x )dx . 0 T (X ) = Xl − α − c = tax to compensate the default of payment. An agent will buy insurance if V (c , α, p , δ) ≥ pU (−l ) + (1 − p )U (0). Let denote α∗ the WTP for insurance. Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012
  • 8. Purpose of the research The one-region model The two-region model Conclusion Main result of the model I The controversial impact of capital requirements The capital c has a negative impact on the expected prot because it increases the exposition of the shareholders to industry failure. On the other hand, the WTP for an insurance contract is a positive function of the company's capital because it reduces the insolvency probability. A better possibility: capital market instruments such as CAT bonds or CAT options, creation of tax-deferred catastrophe reserves (Kousky, 2011). Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012
  • 9. Purpose of the research The one-region model The two-region model Conclusion Main result of the model II The controversial impact of a regulated premium The higher δ , the higher the insolvency probability. Private insurers advocate high levels of premium when faced with natural disasters. However, the WTP for a catastrophe coverage is a negative function of δ , because correlated risks imply a higher default risk. A regulated price cannot be of any use, unless the idea is to solve the market ineciencies due to imperfect competition and imperfect information. Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012
  • 10. Purpose of the research The one-region model The two-region model Conclusion Main result of the model III A free market is not necessarily the ecient solution An insurance with unlimited guarantee from the government proves to be a mean preserving spread of a limited liability insurance. Government programs allow to spread the risks equally among the policyholders and, therefore, are less risky and more attractive in terms of expected utility. Consequence: the insurer can put forward higher premiums, which will reduce the insolvency probability!!! Question: does this result still hold in a two-region economy with heterogenous risks? Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012
  • 11. Purpose of the research The one-region model The two-region model Conclusion The extended framework Settings Two populations: n1 and n2 living in two dierent jurisdictions Natural events: cause a loss l to Ni inhabitants in Region i , i = 1, 2. Share of people claiming a loss in the total population: X0 = N1 +n22 n 1 +N The distribution of X0 depends on a new parameter : θ, the between-correlation: X0 ∼= F0 (x0 |p , δ1 , δ2 , θ) = F0 (x0 ), Insure Don't Insure V1 (c , α1 , α2 , p, δ1 , δ2 , θ), V2 (c , α1 , α2 , p, δ1 , δ2 , θ) V1 (c , α1 , p, δ1 ), pU (−l ) Don't pU (−l ), V2 (c , α2 , p, δ2 ) pU (−l ), pU (−l ) Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012
  • 12. Purpose of the research The one-region model The two-region model Conclusion Set of Nash Equilibria ‫כ‬ ‫ככ‬ ‫כ‬ ‫ככ‬ હ૛ αଵ αଵ ሺαଶ ሻ હ૛ αଵ αଵ ሺαଶ ሻ α‫ ככ‬ሺαଵ ሻ ଶ α‫ ככ‬ሺαଵ ሻ ଶ Q P α‫כ‬ α‫כ‬ ଶ ଶ Q P 0 હ૚ 0 હ૚ ሺaሻ Starting situation: Q=P ሺbሻ Decreasing between-correlation ‫ככ‬ ‫כ‬ ‫כ‬ ‫ככ‬ હ૛ αଵ ሺαଶ ሻ αଵ હ૛ αଵ αଵ ሺαଶ ሻ P α‫כ‬ α‫כ‬ ଶ ଶ P α‫ ככ‬ሺαଵ ሻ α‫ ככ‬ሺαଵ ሻ ଶ ଶ Q Q 0 હ૚ હ૚ ሺcሻ Increasing between-correlation ሺdሻ Increasing within-correlation in Region 1 Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012
  • 13. Purpose of the research The one-region model The two-region model Conclusion Main result of the model IV Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Regions 1+2 Regions 1+3 Loss per inhabitant in Year 1 5 65 35 35 20 Loss per inhabitant in Year 2 95 35 65 65 80 Average of annual losses (p) 50 50 50 50 50 Variance of annual losses (δ) 2025 225 225 225 900 Pearson correlation coecient (θ) -1 +1 a The number of inhabitants is the same in each region. The rates of a government program should be computed based not only on the level of risks (p ), i.e., on the expected losses (a basic actuarial principle), but also on how the risks are correlated within and between the regions (δ and θ), i.e., on the variance of the losses (which has never been applied to our knowledge). In particular, government ocials must be prepared to announce rates lower than usual to attract low-correlation regions. Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012
  • 14. Purpose of the research The one-region model The two-region model Conclusion Conclusion Risk-averse policyholders will accept to pay higher rates for an unlimited guarantee insurance, thus reducing the probability of insolvency. To limit the protests of the less correlated areas, these rates should be computed based on how the risks are correlated within and between the jurisdictions involved. Future research There are several problems of related interest which were not examined in the present paper: The inuence of risk mitigation The role of bounded rationality in insurance decisions. We have tested the robustness of the model with respect to statistical modeling. It could be nice to test the model on a real database. Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012
  • 15. Purpose of the research The one-region model The two-region model Conclusion Simulations Results ________________________ Expected profit0 Expected profit0 THEORETICAL MODEL 0 Loss: 1 Capital: 0.05 ________________________ PROBABILISTIC MODEL n: 1000 p*: 0.05 p: 0.1 −20 Correlation: 0.9 pC: 0.69 pN: 0.069 ________________________ q WILLINGNESS TO PAY Expected utility Limited liability: 0.206 q Unlimited guarantee: 0.216 −40 −60 pU(−l)= −63.9 q q 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 Premium Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012
  • 16. Purpose of the research The one-region model The two-region model Conclusion The US Flood Insurance Program Benoît Le Maux, Arthur Charpentier The 9th PEARL Conference, June 7-8, 2012