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Jl. Ketintang Wiyata No.15, Ketintang, Gayungan, Surabaya
Surabaya, 27 Februari s.d. 3 Maret 2017
Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd.
TAHUN 2017
1. Kata Pengantar
2. Daftar Isi
3. Analisis Instruksional
4. Rencana Evaluasi Hasil Belajar
5. Rencana Pembelajaran Semester (RPS)
6. Rancangan Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)
7. Kontrak Kuliah
8. Lembar Konsultasi
Puji syukur kehadirat Alloh SWT, berkat karunia dan hidayahnya-Nya Penulis dapat
menyelesaikan Laporan Tugas Program Pengembangan Ketrampilan Dasar Teknik
Intruksional (PEKERTI) dengan baik dan tepat waktu. Laporan tugas PEKERTI ini dibuat
penulis setelah mengikuti dan memahami rangkaian materi yang diberikan oleh narasumber
PEKERTI dari Kopertis VII yang terdiri dari: Pendidikan Sebagai Sistem, Berbagai Macam
Teori Belajar dan Motivasi, Pembelajaran Orang Dewasa, Dasar-Dasar komunikasi dan
Keterampilan Dasar Mengajar, Taksonomi dan Tujuan Instruksional, Analisis Instruksional,
Metode Pembelajaran, Media dan Sumber Belajar, Penilaian Hasil Belajar, Perangkat
Pembelajaran, Kontrak Kuliah, Team Teaching dan Micro Teaching.
Penulis merasakan manfaat yang luar biasa setelah mengikuti pelatihan PEKERTI ini, materi
yang disampaikan narasumber sangat mendukung kemampuan penulis dalam meningkatkan
profesionalismenya menjadi seorang dosen yang tidak hanya bisa menguasai bidang ilmunya
dengan baik, tetapi juga bisa mendesain dan merencanakan pembelajaran dan mengajar
dengan baik dan tidak membosankan bagi para peserta didik. Oleh karena itu dalam
kesempatan ini, penulis ingin menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya
kepada para narasumber PEKERTI dari Kopertis VII atas ilmu yang diberikan, antara lain
yang terhormat: Dr. Andri Pitoyo, M.Pd., Dr. Ignatius Harijanto, M.Pd., Dr. Tatik Suryani,
Psi. MM. dan Dr. Diah Sawitri, MM. Semoga ilmu yang Bapak/Ibu berikan pada penulis tak
lekang oleh waktu.
Selanjutnya, penulis berharap, laporan tugas PEKERTI ini bisa bermanfaat bagi dosen atau
calon dosen yang membutuhkan referensi tentang penyusunan analisis instruksional,
perencanakan evaluasi belajar, penyusunan RPS, RPP dan kontrak kuliah yang mengacu
pada Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI).
Blitar, 4 Maret 2017
Dian Fadhilawati, M. Pd.
Dian Fadhilawati, M. Pd.
TAHUN 2017
Telah diperiksa dan disetujui Oleh
Tim PEKERTI AA Kopertis Wilayah VII
Pada tanggal___________________
1. Penentuan Capaian Pembelajaran
Matakuliah: Language Testing
2. Penetapan Kemampuan Akhir yang direncanakan dan indikator
Course : Language Testing
Learning Outcome : After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English
Department at Islamic University of Balitar are able to
understand some basic knowledge and principles of language
testing , design various models of testing instruments
(test/non-test) based on the procedures of testing instruments’
construction and demonstrate how to score and interpret the
test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly
1 The students are able to
understand about
testing, assessing and
1.1 The students are able to explain the
definition of test (C2)
1.2 The students are able to explain 5
functions of test in ELT (C2)
Definition of test
The functions of test in
Deskripsi tingkat
Deskripsi tingkat keluasan dan
kerumitan materi keilmuan
Kognitif Understand Some basic knowledge and principles of
Language Testing
Psikomotorik Design Various models of testing instruments (test
or non-test) based on the procedures of
testing instruments’construction
Afektif Demonstrate How to score and interprret the test result
collaboratively, creatively and interestingly
Capaian Pembelajaran
After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English Department at Islamic
University of Balitar are able to understand some basic knowledge and principles of
language testing , design various models of testing instruments (test/non-test) based on the
procedures of testing instruments’ construction and demonstrate how to score and interpret
the test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly
1.3 The students are able to explain the
relationship among testing, assessing,
and teaching (C2) The relationship
among testing,
assessing, and
2 The students are able to
understand some
approaches and
techniques in language
2.1 The students are able to identify 4
approaches to language testing (C1)
2.2 the students are able to explain 4
approaches of language testing in ELT
2.3 The students are able to describe the
strengths and the weaknesses of 4
approaches of language testing in ELT
2.4 The students are able to identify 8
techniques of Language testing (C1)
Testing Approaches
1. Easy Translation
2. Integrative
3. Integrative
4. Performance
testing approach
4 Approaches in
Language Testing
The strengths and the
weaknesses of 4
approaches in
Language Testing
8 Testing Techniques
1. Direct Testing
2. Indirect Testing
3. Discrete Point
2.5 The students are able to explain 8
techniques in language testing. (C2)
2.6 The students are able to describe the
strengths and the weaknesses of 8
techniques in language testing (C2)
4. Integrative Testing
5. Norm Referenced
6. Criterion
Referenced Testing
7. Objective Testing
8. Subjective Testing
The strengths and the
weaknesses of 8
techniques in language
3 The students are able
to understand Types of
Test in ELT
3.1 The students are able to explain 5 types
of test based on the purpose (C2)
3.2 The students are able to differ the test
based on the way of scoring (C2)
3.3 The students are able to explain the
classification of test based on the Testes
Types of test
Based on : The
1. Achievement test
2. Try out Test
3. Diagnostic Test
4. Selection Test
5. Placement Test
Types of test based on
the way of scoring;
 Objective Test
 subjective Test
Test Based on The
Testes who take the
who take the test (C2)
3.4 The students are able to differ between
standardize test and teacher made-test
3.5 The students are able to explain types of
test based on time ( when the test is
 Individual Test
 Group Test
Test based on the Test
 Standardize Test
 Teacher-Made Test
The classification of
Based on Time
 Pre- Test
 Post –Test
 Formative Test
 Summative Test
4 The students are able to
comprehend some basic
principles in
Classroom Language
4.1 The students are able to mention 6
principles in Classroom Language
Testing (C1)
4.2 The students are able to explain what is
validity of the test (C2)
4.3 The students are able to explain kinds
Some Basic Principles
in Classroom language
1. Validity
2. Reliability
3. Practicality
4. Authenticity
5. Wash back
6. Objectivity
Test validity
of validity (C2)
4.4 The students are able to explain what is
reliability of the test (C2)
4.5 The students are able to explain what is
practicality of the test (C2)
4.6 The students are able to explain what is
wash back in Language Testing (C2)
4.7 The students are able to describe the
objectivity of the test (C2)
4.8 The students are able to explain some
consideration before, during and after
test (C2)
Kinds of Validity
Reliability of the Test
Practicality of the Test
Wash back in
Language Testing
Objectivity of the Test
Some Considerations
before, during and
after test
5 The Students are able to
design various types of
testing instruments
(Test/Non test) based on
the Procedure of Testing
instruments construction.
5.1 The students are able to explain some
rule in designing multiple choice test
5.2 The students are able to design 10 items
of Vocabulary Test in the form of
multiple choice with the theme
”News Item” (P
5.3 The students are able to explain some
rules in designing True-False Test
Rule in Designing
Multiple Choice Test
Example of
Vocabulary Test using
Multiple Choice
Rules in Designing
True-False Test
5.4 The students are able to design 10 items
of Reading test using True False
model with the Theme “Narrative
5.5 The students are able to explain some
rules in designing Fill in the blanks
test (C2)
5.6 The students are able to design 10
items of Listening Test using fill in
the blanks model with the theme “
Past Tense” (C6)
5.6 The students are able to explain rules in
designing Matching Test (C2)
5.7 The students are able to make 10
items Grammar Test using
Matching Model with the theme
“WH Questions” (p3)
5.8 The students are able to explain
Rules in Designing Re-arrangement
Test (C2)
5.9 The students are able to design
Writing Test using Re-arrangement
Model with the theme “ Simple
present tense” (P3)
5.10 The Students are able to explain
rules in Designing Easy Test (C2)
Example of Reading
Test using True-False
Rules in Designing Fill
in the blanks test
Example of Listening
Test using Fill in the
Blanks model
Some Rules in
Designing Matching
Example of Grammar
Test using Matching
Test model
Rules in Designing
Re-arrangement Test
Example of Writing
Test using Re-
arrangement Model
5.11 The students are able to make easy
test with the theme “Letter
Application” (P3)
5.12 The students are able to explain
some rules in designing Speaking
5.13 The students are able to design
speaking test with the theme “
Introducing Yourself” (P3)
5.14 The students are able to explain
non-Test Assessments (C2)
5.15 The students are able to make Class
observation form (P3)
5.16 The students are able to make
Questionnaire form (P3)
Rules in Designing
Easy Test
Example of Writing
test using easy model
Some Rules in
designing Speaking /
Oral Performance test
Example of Speaking
Non Test Assessments
Example of Class
Observation Form
Example of
Questionnaire Form
6 The students are able to
demonstrate how to
score and interpret the
result of speaking Test
6.1 The students are able to identify
speaking scoring rubric in group of 5-6
6.2 The students are able to demonstrate
how to use scoring rubric to score
speaking test and interpret the result of
the test in group of 5-6
Speaking Scoring
Scoring and
Interpreting the Result
of speaking Test
7 The students are able to
demonstrate how to
score and interpret the
result of writing test
7.1 The students are able to identify
writing scoring rubric in group of 5-6
7.2 The students are able to demonstrate
how to use scoring rubric to score
writing test and interpret the result of
the test in group of 5-6
Writing Scoring
Scoring and
Interpreting the Result
of Writing Test
8 The students are able to
demonstrate how to
score and interpret the
result of reading test
8.1 The students are able to identify
reading scoring rubric in group of 5-6
8.2 The students are able to demonstrate
how to use scoring rubric to score
reading test and interpret the result of
the test in group of 5-6
Reading Scoring
Scoring and
Interpreting the Result
of Reading Test
9 The students are able to
demonstrate how to
score and interpret the
result of listening test
9.1 The students are able to identify
listening scoring rubric in group of
5-6 Students
9.2 The students are able to demonstrate
how to use scoring rubric to score
listening test and interpret the result
of the test in group of 5-6
Listening Scoring
Scoring and
Interpreting the Result
of Listening Test
3. Analisis Instruksional (Pemetaan Kompetensi)
After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English Department at
Islamic University of Balitar are able to understand some basic knowledge and
principles of language testing , design various models of testing instruments either test
or non-test based on the procedures of testing instruments construction and
demonstrate how to score and interpret the test result collaboratively, creatively and
The Students are able to design various
types of testing instruments (Test/Non test)
based on the Procedure of Testing
instruments construction.
The students are
able to demonstrate
ho to score and to
interprete the result
of writing test
The students are able
to demonstrate how
to score and interpret
the result of swriting
The students are
able to demonstrate
how score and
interpret the result
of reading test
The students are able
to demonstrate how
to score and interpret
the result of speaking
The students are able
to comprehend some
basic principles in
Classroom Language
The students
are able to
Types of Test in
The students are
able to understand
some approaches
and techniques in
language testing
The students are
able to understand
about testing,
assessing and
Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd.
TAHUN 2017
Telah diperiksa dan disetujui Oleh
Tim PEKERTI AA Kopertis Wilayah
Pada tanggal___________________
: Islamic University of Balitar / Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education /English Department
Course Title : Language Testing
Course Code : MB02
SKS : 2
Semester : 5
Core course : -
Lecturer : Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd.
Learning Outcome : After joining the course, the fifth semester students of
English Department at Islamic University of Balitar are
able to understand some basic knowledge and principles
of language testing , design various models of testing
instrument (test/non-test) based on the procedures of
testing instruments’ construction and demonstrate how to
score and interpret the test result collaboratively,
creatively and interestingly.
1 The students are
able to understand
about Testing,
Assessing and
1.1 The students are able to
define what is test (C1)
1.2 The students are able to
explain 5 functions of
test in ELT (C2)
1.3 The students are able to
explain the relationship
among testing,
assessment, and
teaching (C2)
Definition of test
The functions of test in
The relationship
among testing,
assessing, and
Written Test
2 The students are
able to understand
some approaches
and techniques in
language testing
2.1 The students are able to
identify 4 approaches to
language testing (C1)
Testing Approaches
5. Discrete Point
Testing Approach
6. Integrative Testing
7. Communicative
Testing Approach
8. Performance
Testing Approache
Written Test
2.2 the students are able to
explain 4 approaches of
language testing in ELT
2.3 The students are able to
describe the strengths
and the weaknesses of 4
approaches of language
testing in ELT (C2)
2.4 The students are able
to identify 8 techniques
of Language testing
2.5 The students are able to
explain 8 techniques in
language testing. (C2)
2.6 The students are able to
describe the strengths
and the weaknesses of 8
techniques in language
testing (C2)
4 Approaches in
Language Testing
The strengths and the
weaknesses of 4
approaches in
Language Testing
8 Testing Techniques
9. Direct Testing
10.Indirect Testing
11.Discrete Point
12.Integrative Testing
13.Norm Referenced
14. Criterion
Referenced Testing
15.Objective Testing
16.Subjective Testing
The strengths and
the weaknesses of
8 techniques in
language Testing
3 The students are
able to understand
Types of Test in
3.1 The students are able to
explain 5 types of test
based on the purpose
Types of test
Based on : The
Written Test
3.2 The students are able to
differ the test based on
the way of scoring (C2)
3.3 The students are able to
explain the
classification of test
based on the Testes who
take the test (C2)
3.4 The students are able to
differ between
standardize test and
teacher made-test (C2)
3.5 The students are able to
explain types of test
based on time ( when
the test is made) (C2)
6. Achievement test
7. Try out Test
8. Diagnostic Test
9. Selection Test
10.Placement Test
types of test based on
the way of scoring;
 Objective Test
 subjective Test
Test Based on The
Testes who take the
 Individual Test
 Group Test
Test based on the Test
 Standardize Test
 Teacher-Made Test
The classification of
based on Time
 Pre- Test
 Post –Test
 Formative Test
 Summative Test
 Entrance Test
4 The students are
able to
comprehend 7
basic principles
4.1 The students are able to
identify 7 principles in
Classroom Language
Testing (C1) (objective
7 Basic Principles in
Classroom Language
Written Test
in Classroom
Language Testing
test/ matching)
4.2 The students are able to
explain what is validity
of the test (C2)
4.9 The students are able to
explain kinds of validity
4.10 The students are
able to explain what is
reliability of the test
4.11 The students are
able to explain what is
practicality of the test
4.12 The students are
able to explain what is
authenticity of the test
4.13 The students are
able to explain what is
wash back in Language
Testing (C2)
4.14 The students are
able to describe the
objectivity of the test
4.15 The students are
7. Validity
8. Reliability
9. Practicality
10. Authenticity
11. Wash back
12. Objectivity
13. Interpretability
Test validity
Kinds of Validity
Reliability of the Test
Practicality of the Test
Authenticity of the test
Wash back in
Language Testing
Objectivity of the test
able to explain the
interpretability of the
Interpretability of the
5 The Students are
able to design
various types of
testing instruments
(Test/Non test)
based on the
Procedure of
Testing instrument
5.1 The students are able to
explain some rule in
designing multiple
choice test (C2)
5.2 The students are able to
design 10 items of
Vocabulary Test in the
form of multiple choice
with the theme ”News
Item” (P3)
5.3 The students are able to
explain some rules in
designing True-False
Test (C2)
5.4 The students are able to
design 10 items of
Reading test using True
False model with the
Theme “Narrative Text”
5.5 The students are able to
explain some rules in
designing Fill in the
blanks test (C2)
5.6 The students are able to
design 10 items of
Rule in Designing
Multiple Choice Test
Example of
Vocabulary Test using
Multiple Choice
Rules in Designing
True-False Test
Example of Reading
Test using True-False
Rules in Designing Fill
in the blanks test
Example of Listening
Portfolio /Non
Listening Test using fill
in the blanks model
with the theme “ Past
Tense” (P2)
5.6 The students are able to
explain rules in
designing Matching
Test (C2)
5.17 The students are
able to make 10 items
Grammar Test using
Matching Model with
the theme “WH
Questions” (P3)
5.18 The students are
able to explain Rules
in Designing Re-
arrangement Test (C2)
5.19 The students are
able to design Writing
Test using Re-
arrangement Model with
the theme “ Simple
present tense” (P3)
5.20 The Students are able
to explain rules in
Designing Easy Test
5.21 The students are able
to make essay test
with the theme “Letter
5.22 The students are able
Test using Fill in the
Blanks model
Some Rules in
Designing Matching
Example of Grammar
Test using Matching
Test model
Rules in Designing
Re-arrangement Test
Example of Writing
Test using Re-
arrangement Model
Rules in Designing
Easy Test
Example of Writing
test using essay model
Some Rules in
to explain some rules
in designing Speaking
Test (C2)
5.23 The students are able
to design speaking test
with the theme “
Introducing Yourself”
5.24 The students are able
to explain non-Test
Assessments (C2)
5.25 The students are able
to make Class
observation form (P3)
5.26 The students are able
to make Questionnaire
form (P3)
designing Speaking /
Oral Performance test
Example of Speaking
Non Test Assessments
Example of Class
Observation Form
Example of
Questionnaire Form
6 The students are
able to
demonstrate how
to score and
interpret the result
of speaking Test
6.3 The students are able to
identify speaking
scoring rubric in group
of 5-6 Students (C1)
6.4 The students are able to
demonstrate how to use
scoring rubric to score
speaking test and
interpret the result of
the test in group of 5-6
Speaking Scoring
Scoring and
Interpreting the Result
of speaking Test
Speaking Scoring
7 The students are
able to demonstrate
how to score and
interpret the result
of writing test
7.1 The students are able to
identify writing scoring
rubric in group of 5-6
Students (C1)
7.2 The students are able to
demonstrate how to use
scoring rubric to score
writing test and
interpret the result of
the test in group of 5-6
students (A3)
Writing Scoring
Scoring and
Interpreting the Result
of Writing Test
– test
8 The students are
able to demonstrate
how to score and
interpret the result
of reading test
8.1 The students are able to
identify reading
scoring rubric in group
of 5-6 Students (C1)
8.2 The students are able to
demonstrate how to use
scoring rubric to score
reading test and
interpret the result of
the test in group of 5-6
students (A3)
Reading Scoring
Scoring and
Interpreting the Result
of ReadingTest
Presentation/ Non
9 The students are
able to demonstrate
how to score and
interpret the result
of listening test
9.1 The students are able to
identify listening
scoring rubric in group
of 5-6 Students (C1)
9.2 The students are able to
demonstrate how to use
scoring rubric to score
listening test and
interpret the result of
the test in group of 5-6
Listening Scoring
Scoring and
Interpreting the Result
of Listening Test
Program Studi : Bahasa Inggris
Matakuliah : Language Testing
Semester/Tahun : 5/2017
Lama/Waktu Testing : 2 x 50 minutes
Tipe Tes : Written test/Objective Test
Jumlah Butir Soal :
Kemampuan Akhir yang direncanakan dan
Jenjang Kemampuan
Jumlah %
C1 C2
The students are able to understand about
Testing, Assessing and Teaching
1 7
The students are able to define the definition
of test (C1) 1
The students are able to explain 5 functions of
test in ELT (C2) -
The students are able to explain the
relationship among testing, assessment and
teaching. (C2)
The students are able to understand some
approaches and techniques in language testing
5 33
The students are able to identify 4 approaches
to language testing (C1)
Tthe students are able to explain 4 approaches
of language testing in ELT (C2)
The students are able to describe the strengths
and the weaknesses of 4 approaches of
language testing in ELT (C2)
The students are able to identify 8 techniques
of Language testing (C1)
The students are able to explain 8 techniques
in language testing. (C2) 2
The students are able to describe the strengths
and the weaknesses of 8 techniques in
language testing (C2)
The students are able to understand Types of
Test in ELT
4 27
The students are able to explain 5 types of test
based on the purpose (C2) 1
The students are able to differ the test based
on the way of scoring (C2) 1
The students are able to explain the classificatio
of test based on the Testes who take the test(C2) -
The students are able to differ between
standardize test and teacher made-test (C2) 1
The students are able to explain types of test
based on time ( when the test is made)
(C2) 1
4 The students are able to comprehend some
basic principles in Classroom Language
5 33
The students are able to identify 7 principles
in Classroom Language Testing (C1)
The students are able to explain what is
validity of the test (C2) 1
The students are able to explain kinds of
validity (C2) -
The students are able to explain what is
reliability of the test (C2) 1
The students are able to explain what is
practicality of the test (C2)
The students are able to explain what is
authenticity of the test
The students are able to explain what is wash
back in Language Testing (C2) 1
The students are able to describe the
objectivity of the test (C2) 1
The students are able to explain what is
interpretability of the test (C2)
JUMLAH 15 100
Example of Objective Test using Matching model:
Instruction: Please match the statement in column A with the definition in column B!
1 Any testing that assumes language can be
divided into its components parts, and
those parts can be tested successfully.
a. validity
2 Any testing that placed the students in
some context and asked to show what they
know or can do in that context.
b. Communicative Testing
3 The degree to which an assessment tool
produces stable and consistent results.
c. Authenticity
4 The principle of language assessment
which refers to whether the test is actually
measuring what it claims to measure
d. Discrete Point testing
5 The impact that tests have on teaching and
e. Criterion Referenced Test
6 Principle to provide a standard set of rules
for scoring.
f. Norm Referenced Test
7 The language testing approach lays more
emphasis on the use the target language
in authentic situations.
g. Reliability
8 A method of measuring person’s ability,
knowledge or performance in a given
h. Summative Test
9 The test to establish how successful
individual students, group of students in
gaining the course objectives.
i. Subjective Test
10 Measures a student’s performance based
on mastery of a specific set of skills. It
measureswhat the student knows and
doesn’t know at the time of assessment
j. Standardize Test
11 Test is given at the conclusion of a specific
instructional period, and therefore it is
generally evaluative, rather than diagnostic
k. Performance Testing
12 Assessments constructed by experts and
published for use in many different schools
and classrooms. These assessments are
used in various contexts and serve multiple
l. Validity
13 Tests in which individuals are given an
ambiguous figure or an open-ended
situation and asked to describe what they
see or finish a story.
m. Test
14 Measures a student’s performance
incomparison to the performance of same-
age students on the same assessment.
n. Objectivity
15 The test contains language that is as
natural as possible.
o. Wash back
p. Achievement Test
1 Any testing that assumes language can be
divided into its components parts, and
those parts can be tested successfully. ……d…….
a. validity
2 Any testing that placed the students in
some context and asked to show what they
know or can do in that context. ……k…….
b. Communicative Testing
3 The degree to which an assessment tool
produces stable and consistent results.
c. Authenticity
4 The principle of language assessment
which refers to whether the test is actually
measuring what it claims to measure
d. Discrete Point testing
5 The impact that tests have on teaching and
e. Criterion Referenced Test
6 Principle to provide a standard set of rules
for scoring.
f. Norm Referenced Test
7 The language testing approach lays more
emphasis on the use the target language
in authentic situations.
g. Reliability
8 A method of measuring person’s ability,
knowledge or performance in a given
domain. …...m……
h. Summative Test
9 The test to establish how successful
individual students, group of students in
gaining the course objectives.
i. Subjective Test
10 Measures a student’s performance based
on mastery of a specific set of skills. It
measureswhat the student knows and
j. Standardize Test
doesn’t know at the time of assessment
11 Test is given at the conclusion of a specific
instructional period, and therefore it is
generally evaluative, rather than diagnostic
k. Performance Testing
12 Assessments constructed by experts and
published for use in many different schools
and classrooms. These assessments are
used in various contexts and serve multiple
l. Validity
13 Tests in which individuals are given an
ambiguous figure or an open-ended
situation and asked to describe what they
see or finish a story.
m. Test
14 Measures a student’s performance
incomparison to the performance of same-
age students on the same assessment.
n. Objectivity
15 The test contains language that is as
natural as possible.
o. Wash back
p. Achievement Test
𝑆𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑠′
𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑟
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑠
Example of Objective test using Multiple Choice Model
Program Studi : Bahasa Inggris
Matakuliah : Language Testing
Semester/Tahun : 5/2017
Lama/Waktu Testing : 2x50 minutes
Tipe Tes : Written test
Jumlah Butir Tes :
No. Kemampuan Akhir yang
direncanakan dan Indikator
Jenis Soal Jenjang
Jumlah %
Tertutup Terbuka
1. The students are able to 3 15
understand about testing,
assessing and
1.1 The students are able to
explain the definition of
test (C1)
1.2 The students are able to
explain 5 functions of test in
ELT (C2)
1.3 The students are able to
explain the relationship
among testing, assessing,
and teaching (C2)
2 The students are able to
understand some approaches
and techniques in language
4 20
2.1 The students are able to
identify 4 approaches to
language testing (C1)
2.2 The students are able to
explain 4 approaches of
language testing in ELT
2.3 The students are able to
describe the strengths and
the weaknesses of 4
approaches of language
testing in ELT (C2)
2.4 The students are able to
identify 8 techniques of
Language testing (C1)
2.5 The students are able to
explain 8 techniques in
language testing. (C2)
2.6 The students are able to
describe the strengths and
the weaknesses of 8
techniques in language
testing (C2)
3 The students are able to
understand Types of Test in
5 25
3.1 The students are able to
explain 5 types of test based
on the purpose (C2)
3.2 The students are able to
differ the test based on the
way of scoring (C2)
3.3 The students are able to
explain the classification of
test based on the Testes who
take the test (C2)
3.4 The students are able to
differ between standardize
test and teacher made-test
3.5 The students are able to
explain types of test based
on time ( when the test is
1 C3
4 The students are able to
comprehend some basic
principles in Classroom
Language Testing
8 40
4.1 The students are able to
mention 7 principles in
Classroom Language
Testing (C1)
4.2 The students are able to
explain what is validity of
the test (C2)
8.3 The students are able to
explain kinds of validity
8.4 The students are able to
explain what is reliability
of the test (C2)
8.5 The students are able to
explain what is practicality
of the test (C2)
8.6 The students are able to
explain what is wash back
in Language Testing (C2)
8.7 The students are able to
describe the objectivity of
the test (C2)
8.8 The students are able to
explain why he test should
be authentic (C2)
8.9 The students are able to
explain interpretability of
the test (C2)
JUMLAH 20 100
Instruction: Answer the following question correctly!
1. Please define the meaning of test in English Language Teaching (ELT)!
2. Please mention 7 principles in classroom language testing!
3. Explain the relationship among testing, assessment and teaching!
4. Mention and explain 5 functions of test in ELT!
5. Mention and explain 4 approaches in language testing!
6. Please describe the strengths and the weaknesses of this following approach!
a. Discrete Point Testing Approach
b. Integrative Testing Approach
c. Communicative Testing Approach
d. Performance Testing Approach
7. Mention and explain 8 techniques in language testing!
8. Please describe the strengths and the weaknesses of each technique in language
9. Please mention 7 principles in classroom language testing!
10. Please mention and explain types of validity in language testing!
11. What do you know about reliability? Explain your answer briefly!
12. Explain briefly what is practicality of the test?
13. Why our test should be objective?
14. Why our test should be authentic?
15. What do you know about wash back in language testing?
16. Please differ between teacher-made test and standardize test!
17. According to the purpose, test is classified into 5 please mention and explain them
18. Based on time when the test is made there are 5 classification of test please mention
and explain your answer briefly!
19. Please differ and explain test based on the way of scoring!
20. What do you know about interpretability of the test? Explain your answer briefly
Examples of answer
1. Test is a method of measuring students’ ability, knowledge or performance in a given
2. 7 basic principle in classroom language testing
a validity
b. reliability
c. practicality
d. authenticity
e. wash back
f. objectivity
g. interpretability
3. The relationship among testing, assessing and teaching is in teaching learning process
the teachers should assess their students to know their ability , knowledge or
performance, one of instrument that the teachers can use is a test so test is a part of
assessment and assessment is part of teaching
Skor Deskripsi
4 Respons terhadap Pertanyaan sangat spesifik. Informasi yang diberikan akurat dan
memperlihatkan pemahaman yang utuh. Respons dikemukakan dalam suatu tulisan
yang lancar dan hidup. Jawaban singkat dan langsung pada masalah yang diminta serta
kesimpulan dan pendapat mengalir secara logis. Secara menyeluruh, respons lengkap
dan memuaskan.
3 Respons sudah menjawab tugas yang diberikan. Informasi yang diberikan akurat.
Respons dikemukakan dalam tulisan yang lancar tapi uraian cenderung bertele-tele.
2 Respons kurang memuaskan. Walaupun informasi yang diberikan akurat tetapi tidak
ada kesimpulan dan pendapat serta kurang logis.
1 Respons tidak menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan. Banyak informasi yang hilang
dan tidak akurat. Tidak ada kesimpulan atau pendapat.
KISI-KISI NON TEST (PORTFOLIO based on “KAD” and indicators )
Program Studi : English
Matakuliah : Language Testing
Semester/Tahun : 5/2017
Lama/Waktu Testing : 2 weeks
Tipe Tes : Non Test
Jumlah Butir Tes :
No. Kemampuan Akhir yang direncanakan dan Indikator Jenjang
5 The Students are able to design various types of testing instruments
(Test/Non test) based on the Procedure of Testing instruments
5.1 The students are able to explain some rule in designing multiple
choice test (C2)
5.2 The students are able to design 10 items of Vocabulary Test in the
form of multiple choice with the theme ”News Item”
5.3 The students are able to explain some rules in designing True-False
5.4 The students are able to design 10 items of Reading test using True
False model with the Theme “Narrative Text”
5.5 The students are able to explain some rules in designing Fill in the
blanks test (C2)
5.6 The students are able to design 10 items of Listening Test using fill
in the blanks model with the theme “ Past Tense” (C6)
5.7 The students are able to explain rules in designing Matching Test (C2)
5.8 The students are able to make 10 items Grammar Test using
Matching Model with the theme “WH Questions”
5.9 The students are able to explain Rules in Designing Re-arrangement
Test (C2)
5.10 The students are able to design Writing Test using Re-arrangement
Model with the theme “ Simple present tense”
5.11 The Students are able to explain rules in Designing Easy Test (C2)
5.12 The students are able to make easy test with the theme “Letter
5.13 The students are able to explain some rules in designing Speaking
5.14 The students are able to design speaking test with the theme “
Introducing Yourself”
5.15 The students are able to explain some rules in designing non-Test
5.16 The students are able to make Class observation form
5.17 The students are able to make Questionnaire form
Task: Please tell some procedures in designing testing instrument either test or non
test, after that design the test based on the procedure that you have written. Your task
should be organized based on the following lists and make it in creative porfolio!
1. Summary rules in designing multiple choice test, and design 10 items of Vocabulary
Test in the form of multiple choice with the theme ”News Item
2. Summary rules in designing True-False Test and design 10 items of Reading test using
True False model with the Theme “Narrative Text”
3. Summary some rules in designing Fill in the blanks and design 10 items of Listening
Test using fill in the blanks model with the theme “ Past Tense”
4. Summary rules in designing Matching Test and make 10 items Grammar Test using
Matching Model with the theme “WH Questions”
5. Summary rules in designing Re-arrangement Test and design Writing Test using Re-
arrangement model with the theme “ Simple present tense”
6. Summary rules in designing Easy and design easy test with the theme “Letter
7. Summary some rules in designing Speaking Test and design speaking test with the
theme “ Introducing yourself”
8. Summary types and the rules of non-Test Assessment and make I example of class
observation form a Questionnaire form to know the respond of the students toward new
language laboratory
Task 1:
Instruction: please prepare scoring rubric for speaking test in group of 5-6 students and
demonstrate how to score and analyze the result of speaking test in front of the class
creatively and interestingly!
Task 2
Instruction: please prepare scoring rubric for writing test in group of 5-6 students and
demonstrate how to score and analyze the result of writing test in front of the class creatively
and interestingly!
Task 3
Instruction: please prepare scoring rubric for reading test in group of 5-6 students and
demonstrate how to score and analyze the result of reading test in front of the class creatively
and interestingly!
Task 4
Instruction please prepare scoring rubric for listening test in group of 5-6 students and
demonstrate how to score and analyze the result of listening test in front of the class
creatively and interestingly!
Furthermore your group presentation will contribute 30 % to your achievement in this course.
Therefore do it as good as possible! And your presentation will be evaluated based on the
following criteria:
Instruction: Please review all the material in meeting 1-15 in the form of creative portfolio
and submit based on the final examination schedule of university!
Your portfolio will be scored based on the following criteria
Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd.
Universitas Islam Balitar - Blitar
TAHUN 2017
Telah diperiksa dan disetujui Oleh
Tim PEKERTI AA Kopertis Wilayah VII
Pada tanggal___________________
The Entrepreneurial University
Document No:
Language Testing
MPB 002
Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd
After joining the course, the
fifth semester students of
English Department at
Islamic University of Balitar
are able to understand some
basic knowledge, principles
of language testing , design
various models of testing
instruments (test/non-test)
based on the procedures of
testing instruments’
construction and
demonstrate how to score
and interpret the test result
collaboratively, creatively
and interestingly
 Standar Akreditasi Perguruan
Tinggi (SAPT)
 SPMI Universitas Islam Balitar
Klausa Standar Akreditasi PT:
Indicator(s) Material (s)
Test Type Criteria
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 The students are
able to
understand about
Assessing and
1.4 The students are
able to explain the t
definition of test
1.5 The students are
able to explain 5
functions of test in
ELT (C2)
1.6 The students are
able to explain the
relationship among
test, assessment and
teaching (C2)
Definition of test
The functions of
The relationship
among Testing,
Assessing, and
Method: Students Centered
Learning: / Online
Discussion, quiz
Media: Video
Board marker
Note Book
Time: 2 x 50 Minutes
Written Test Accuracy
eness with
the key
2.5% Read Brown
page 3-7
2-3 The students are
able to
understand some
approaches and
techniques in
language testing
2.1 The students are able
to identify 4
approaches to
language testing
2.2 the students are able
to explain 4
approaches of
language testing in
ELT (C2)
Language Testing
9. Discrete Point
10. Integrative
e Testing
Method: Students Centered
Learning /Online
Media : Video,
Card Game
Laptop/ Computer
White Board, Board marker,
Written Test 5% Reading:
Hughes Page
9-21. &
Alderson et
al. page 9-
24, 170-194.
2.3 The students are able
to describe the
strengths and the
weaknesses of 4
approaches of
language testing in
ELT (C2)
3.1 the students are able
to identify 8
techniques of
Language testing
3.2 The students are able
to explain 8
techniques in
language testing.
The strengths and
the weaknesses of 4
approaches in
language testing
8 Testing
17.Direct Testing
18.Indirect Testing
19.Discrete Point
The Strengths and
the Weaknesses of
Note book
Time: 4 x 50 Minutes
3.3 The students are able
to describe the
strengths and the
weaknesses of some
techniques in
language testing
Each Technique in
Language Testing
4 The students are
able to
Types of Test in
4.1 The students are able
to explain 5 types
of test based on the
purpose (C2)
4.2 The students are
able to differ the test
based on the way of
scoring (C2)
4.3 The students are able
to explain the
classification of test
based on the Testes
who take the test
4.4 The students are able
to differ between
standardize test and
Types of test
Based on : The
12.Try out Test
13.Diagnostic Test
14.Selection Test
15.Placement Test
Types of test based
on the way of
1.Objective Test
2. Subjective Test
Test based on the
testes who take the
 Individual
 Group Test
Test based on the
test constructor
 Standardize
Method: Students Centered
Interactive Game
Media: PPT, Video
Matching Game
Notebook/whiteboard/ board
Time: 2 x 50 Minutes
Written Test 5% Read:
page9-21. &
Alderson et
al. page 9-
24, 170-194.
teacher made-test
4.5 The students are able
to explain types of
test based on time (
when the test is
Test and
 Teacher-Made
The classification
of Based on Time
 Pre- Test
 Post –Test
 Formative Test
 Summative
 Entrance test
5 The students are
able to
comprehend 7
basic principles
in Classroom
Language Testing
5.1 The students are able
to mention 7
principles in
Classroom Language
Testing (C1)
5.2 The students are able
to explain what is
validity of the test
5.3 The students are able
to explain kinds of
validity (C2)
5.4 The students are able
to explain what is
7 Basic Principles
in classroom
language testing
14. Validity
15. Reliability
16. Practicality
17. Authenticity
18. Wash back
19. Objectivity
20. Interpretability
Test validity
Kinds of Validity
Reliability of the
Method : Students Centered
Learning/online learning/
interactive discussion
Media: PPT,
Guessing Game
Times: 2x50 Minutes
Written Test 2.5% Read Brown
Page 30-41
Hughes, pp.
reliability of the test
5.5 The students are
able to explain what
is practicality of the
test (C2)
5.6 The students are
able to explain what
is wash back in
Language Testing
5.7 The students are
able to describe the
objectivity of the
test (C2)
5.8 The students are able
to explain the
interpretability of
the test
Practicality of the
Wash back in
Language Testing
Objectivity of the
Interpretability of
the test
6,7 The Students are
able to design
various types of
(Test/Non test)
based on the
Procedure of
6.1 The students are able
to explain some rule
in designing
multiple choice test
6.2 The students are able
to design 10 items of
Vocabulary Test in
the form of multiple
choice with the
Rule in Designing
Multiple Choice
Example of
Vocabulary Test
using Multiple
Choice Model
Method: Students Centered
Online Learning/
Task Based Learning
Media: Laptop/computer
LCD, Internet
Time: 4x 50 minutes
Quality of
evidence (
15% https://www.
theme ”News Item”
6.3 The students are able
to explain some
rules in designing
True-False Test
6.4 The students are able
to design 10 items of
Reading test using
True False model
with the Theme
“Narrative Text”
6.5 The students are able
to explain some
rules in designing
Fill in the blanks test
6.6 The students are
able to design 10
items of Listening
Test using fill in the
blanks model with
the theme “ Past
Tense” (P3)
6.7 The students are able
to explain rules in
designing Matching
Rules in Designing
True-False Test
Example of
Reading Test using
True-False Model
Rules in Designing
Fill in the blanks
Example of
Listening Test
using Fill in the
Blanks model
Some Rules in
Matching Test
Test (C2)
6.8 The students are able
to make 10 items
Grammar Test using
Matching Model
with the theme “WH
Questions” (P3)
6.9 The students are
able to explain
Rules in Designing
Re-arrangement Test
7.1 The students are
able to design
Writing Test using
Model with the
theme “simple
present tense” (P3)
7.2 The Students are
able to explain
rules in Designing
Easy Test (C2)
7.3 The students are
able to make easy
test with the theme
“Letter Application”
7.4 The students are
able to explain some
Example of
Grammar Test
using Matching
Test model
Rules in Designing
Example of Writing
Using Re-
arrangement Model
Rules in Designing
Easy Test
Example of Writing
test using easy
Some Rules in
designing Speaking
rules in designing
Speaking Test (C2)
7.5 The students are
able to design
speaking test with
the theme
7.6 The students are
able to explain non-
Test Assessments
7.7 The students are
able to make Class
observation form
7.8 The students are
able to make
Questionnaire form
/ OralPerformance
Example of
Speaking Test
Non Test
Example of Class
Observation Form
Example of
Questionnaire Form
The students are able to
master all materials that
have been taught in
meeting 1-7
All materials that
have been learnt in
meeting 1-5
Method; Individual Test
Time: 2X 50 minutes
Written Test 15%
9,10 The students are
able to
demonstrate how
to score and
interpret the
9/10 The students are
able to identify
speaking scoring rubric
in group of 5-6 Students
Speaking Scoring
Presentation /Collaborative
Learning/ Students Centered
Learning / Problem solving
7.5% Reading:
Weir, page
page 44-75,
result of speaking
9/10 The students are
able to demonstrate how
to use scoring rubric to
score speaking test and
interpret the result of
the test in group of 5-6
Scoring and
Interpreting the
Result of speaking
Media: Laptop/Computer,
LCD, Internet
Time: 4 x 50 Minutes
Meeting 9 Group 1 and 2
Meeting 10 Group 3 and 4
11, 12 The students are
able to
demonstrate how
to score and
interpret the
result of writing
11/12 The students are
able to identify
speaking scoring rubric
in group of 5-6 Students
11/12 The students are
able to demonstrate how
to use scoring rubric to
score writing test and
interpret the result of
the test in group of 5-6
Writing Scoring
Scoring and
Interpreting the
Result of writing
Method: Group Work
Presentation/ Collaborative
Students Centered Learning
Media: Laptop/Computer,
LCD, and internet
Time: 4 X 50 minutes
Meeting 11: Group 1 and 2
Meeting 12: Group 3 and 4
13/14 The students are
able to
demonstrate how
to score and
interpret the
result of reading
13/14 The students are
able to identify
reading scoring
rubric in group
of 5-6 Students
13/14 The students are
able to
how to use
Reading Scoring
Scoring and
Interpreting the
Result of speaking
Group Work Presentation/
Collaborative Learning/
Students Centered Learning
Media: LCD,
Laptop/Computer, internet
Time: 4 x 50 minutes
Meeting 13: Group 1 and 2
Meeting 14: 23 and 4
Weir, page.
page 105-
scoring rubric
to score reading
test and
interpret the
result of the
test in group of
15 The students are
able to
demonstrate how
to score and
interpret the
result of listening
15.1 The students are
able to identify
reading scoring
rubric in group of
5-6 Students
15.2 The students are
able to demonstrate
how to use scoring
rubric to score
writing test and
interpret the result
of the test in
group of 5-6
Listening Scoring
Scoring and
Interpreting the
Result of Listening
Method: Group Work
Presentation/ Collaborative
Students Centered Learning
Media: LCD,
Laptop/Computer, internet
Meeting 15
Time; 2 x 50 minutes
Weir, page
page 105-
16 FINAL TEST The students are able to
review all the material in
the form of portfolio
All Material
meeting 1-15
Take home task 25%
Total 100%
Alderson, J. C., Clapham, C. & Wall, D. 1995 Language Test Construction and
Evaluation. Cambridge UP.
Brown, D. 2003. Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices. Longman.
Heaton, J. B. 1988 Writing English language tests. Longman.
Hughes, A. 2003. Testing for Language Teachers. Cambridge UP.
Alderson, J. C. & Cseresznyés, M. 2003. Reading and Use of English
Underhill, N. 1987. Testing spoken language. Cambridge UP.
Weir, C. J. 1990. Communicative Language Testing. Prentice Hall International.
Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd.
Universitas Islam Balitar-Blitar
TAHUN 2017
Telah diperiksa dan disetujui Oleh
Tim PEKERTI AA Kopertis Wilayah VII
Pada tanggal___________________
Course : Language Testing
Learning Outcome : After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English Department at Islamic University of Balitar are
able to understand some basic knowledge and principles of language testing , design various models of
testing instruments either test or non-test based on the procedures of testing instruments construction and
demonstrate how to score and interpret the test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly
Planned Learning Outcome
: The students are able to understand about Testing, Assessing and Teaching
Time Allotment : 2x 50 minutes
Indicators : 1.7 The students are able to explain the definition of test (C1)
1.8 The students are able to explain 5 functions of test in ELT (C2)
1.9 The students are able to explain the relationship among test, assessment and teaching (C2)
Material(s) : Definition of test
The functions of test
The relationship among Testing, Assessing, and Teaching
Procedures of Teaching
Learning Process
Opening 20 Minutes
1. Lecturer greats the students and tell the lesson objectives Discussion/interactive
question answer
5 PPT/internet
2. The students watch the video about today’s lesson Online 10 minutes You- Tube
3. The students answering the lecturer’s leading questions Question-Answer 2.5 minutes Leading Question
4. The lecturer stating the main point of today’s discussion Discussion/
2.5 minutes RPP/Board marker/whiteboard
Main Activities 60 minutes
1. The students read information about testing, assessing and teaching
from the referenced book and from online learning , then find the
meaning of test and write down the result in her./his note book/laptop
Online learning
Silent way reading
10 minutes Referenced Book,internet,
2. The students find 5 functions of test in English Language Teaching
from the referenced book and from online learning, then write down
the result in her/his notebook/laptop
Online learning/silent
way reading
10 minutes Referenced Book,internet,
laptop/computer/ android,
3. The students find the relationship among testing, assessing and
teaching from
Online Learning/
Silent way reading
10 minutes Book, internet, laptop/Computer/
android, notebook
4. The students listen to the lecturer’s explanation and discuss the
material together
30 minutes PPPT, laptop/ LCD, internet,
paper, pen
Closing 20 minutes
1. The students do the quiz of meeting 1 Quiz/written test 15 minutes Paper,pen
2. The students and the lecturer close the lesson together 5 minutes
Blitar, 15th October 2016
Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd.
Course : Language Testing
Learning Outcome : After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English Department at Islamic University of Balitar are
able to understand some basic knowledge and principles of language testing , design various models of
testing instruments either test or non-test based on the procedures of testing instruments construction and
demonstrate how to score and interpret the test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly
Planned Learning Outcome
: The students are able to understand 4 approaches and 8 techniques in language testing
Time Allotment : 2x 50 minutes
Indicators : 2.1 The students are able to identify 4 approaches to language testing (C1)
2.2 The students are able to explain 4 approaches of language testing in ELT (C2)
2.3 The students are able to describe the strengths and the weaknesses of 4 approaches of language testing in
ELT (C2)
Material(s) : Language Testing Approaches
1. Discrete Point Testing Approach
2. Integrative Testing Approach
3. Communicative Testing Approach
4. Performance testing approach
The strengths and the weaknesses of 4 approaches in language testing
1. The strengths and the weaknesses of Discrete Point Testing Approach in language testing
2. The strengths and the weaknesses of Integrative Testing Approach in language testing
3. The strengths and the weaknesses of Communicative Testing Approach in language testing
4. The strengths and the weaknesses of Performance Testing Approaches in language testing.
Procedures of Teaching
Learning Process
Opening 20 minutes
1. Lecturer greats the students and review yesterday material Discussion/interactive
question answer
5 minutes PPT
2. The students watch the video about today’s lesson Online
10 minutes You- Tube
3. The students answering the lecturer’s leading questions Question-Answer 2.5 minutes Leading Question
4. The lecturer stating the of today’s discussion (approaches in
language testing)
2.5 minutes RPP/Board marker/whiteboard
Main Activities 60 minutes
1. The students read information about approaches in language testing
from the referenced book and from online learning , then take note
it in her./his note book/laptop
Online learning/
Silent way reading
10 minutes Referenced Book,internet,
2. The students and the teacher have interactive discussion which
includes explanation and question answer about approaches in
language testing
Interactive discussion 10 minutes Referenced Book,internet,
laptop/computer/ android,
3. The students play card game about approaches in language testing Card Game 15menit Card game, white board/ board
4. The students find the strengths and the weaknesses of 4 approaches
in internet/ referenced book and summary it in their note book/
Online Learning/
autonomous learning/
silent reading
10 menit PPT,laptop/ LCD, internet
5. The students and the lecturer have discussion about the strengths and
the weaknesses of 4 approaches in language testing
Interactive discussion 15 minutes References book,
Closing 20 minutes
1. The students do the quiz of meeting 2 about 4 approaches in language
Quiz/written test 15 minutes Paper,pen
2. The students and the lecturer review and close the lesson together Interactive question
5 minutes
Blitar, 15 October 2016
Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd.
Course : Language Testing
Learning Outcome : After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English Department at Islamic University of Balitar are
able to understand some basic knowledge and principles of language testing , design various models of
testing instruments either test or non-test based on the procedures of testing instruments construction and
demonstrate how to score and interpret the test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly
Planned Learning Outcome
: The students are able to understand 4 approaches and 8 techniques in language testing
Time Allotment : 2x 50 minutes
Indicators : 3.1 The students are able to identify 8 techniques in Language testing (C1)
3.2 The students are able to explain 8 techniques in language testing. (C2)
3.3 The students are able to describe the strengths and the weaknesses of 8 techniques in language testing
Material(s) : 8 Techniques in Language Testing
1. Direct Testing
2. Indirect Testing
3. Discrete Point Testing
4. Integrative Testing
5. Norm Referenced Testing
6. Criterion Referenced Testing
7. Objective Testing
8. Subjective Testing
The Strengths and the Weaknesses of 8 Techniques in Language Testing
1. The Strengths and the Weaknesses of Direct Testing
2. The Strengths and the Weaknesses of Indirect Testing
3. The Strengths and the Weaknesses of Discrete Point Testing
4. The Strengths and the Weaknesses of Integrative Testing
5. The Strengths and the Weaknesses of Norm-Referenced Testing
6. The Strengths and the Weaknesses of Criterion Referenced Testing
7. The Strengths and the Weaknesses of Objective Testing
8. The Strengths and the Weaknesses of Subjective Testing
Procedures of Teaching
Learning Process
Opening 20 minutes
1. Lecturer greats the students and review yesterday material Discussion/interactive
question answer
5 minutes PPT
2. The students watch the video about today’s lesson Online
10 minutes You- Tube
3. The students answering the lecturer’s leading questions Question-Answer 2.5 minutes Leading Question
4. The lecturer stating the of today’s discussion (8 Techniques
language testing)
2.5 minutes RPP/Board marker/whiteboard
Main Activities 60 minutes
1. The students read information about 8 techniques in language
testing from the referenced book and from online learning , then
take a note in her./his note book/laptop
Online learning/
Silent way reading
10 minutes Referenced Book,internet,
2. The students and the teacher have interactive discussion which
includes explanation and question answer about 8 techniques in
language testing
Interactive discussion 10 minutes Book, internet, laptop/computer/
android, notebook
3. The students play card game about 8 techniques in language
Card Game 15 menit Card game, white board/ board
4. The students find the strengths and the weaknesses of 4
approaches in internet/ reference book and summary it in their
note book/ laptop
Online Learning/
autonomous learning/
silent reading
10 menit PPT,laptop/ LCD, internet
5. The students and the lecturer have discussion about the strengths
and the weaknesses of 4 approaches in language testing
Interactive discussion 15 minutes References book,
Closing 20 minutes
1. The students do the quiz of meeting 3 about 8 techniques in
language testing
Quiz/written test 15 minutes Paper,pen
2. The students and the lecturer review and close the lesson
Interactive question
5 minutes
Blitar, 15 October 2016
Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd.
Course : Language Testing
Learning Outcome : After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English Department at Islamic University of Balitar are
able to understand some basic knowledge and principles of language testing , design various models of
testing instruments either test or non-test based on the procedures of testing instruments construction and
demonstrate how to score and interpret the test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly
Planned Learning Outcome
: The students are able to understand Types of Test in ELT
Time Allotment : 2x 50 minutes
Indicators : 4.1 The students are able to explain 5 types of test based on the purpose (C2
4.2 The students are able to differ the test based on the way of scoring (C2)
4.3 The students are able to explain the classification of test based on the Testes who take the test (C2)
4.4 The students are able to differ between standardize test and teacher made-test (C2)
4.5 The students are able to explain types of test based on time (when the test is given) (C2)
Material(s) : Types of test based on the Purpose
1. Achievement test
2. Try out Test
3. Diagnostic Test
4. Selection Test
5. Placement Test
Types of test based on the way of scoring;
1.Objective Test
2. Subjective Test
Test based on the testes who take the test
1. Individual Test
2. Group Test
Test based on the test constructor
1. Standardize Test and
2. Teacher-Made Test
The classification of based on time (when the test is given )
1. Pre- Test
2. Post –Test
3. Formative Test
4. Summative Test
5. Entrance Test
Procedures of Teaching
Learning Process
Opening 20 minutes
1. Lecturer greats the students and review yesterday material Discussion/interactive
question answer
5 minutes PPT
2. The students watch the video about today’s lesson Online
10 minutes You- Tube
3. The students answering the lecturer’s leading questions Question-Answer 2.5 minutes Leading Question
4. The lecturer stating the of today’s discussion (Types of test in
2.5 minutes RPP/Board marker/whiteboard
Main Activities 60 minutes
1. The students read information about types of test in ELT from
the referenced book and from online learning , then take a note
in her./his note book/laptop
Online learning/
Silent way reading
20 minutes Referenced Book,internet,
2. The students and the teacher have interactive discussion which
includes explanation and question answer about types of test in
Interactive discussion 20 minutes Book, internet, laptop/computer/
android, notebook
3. The students do matching game about types of test in ELT Matching Game 20 menit Matching game, white board/
board marker
Closing 20 minutes
1. The students do the quiz of meeting 4 about types of test in ELT Quiz/written test 15 minutes Paper,pen
2. The students and the lecturer review and close the lesson
Interactive question
5 minutes
Blitar, 15th October 2016
Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd.
Course : Language Testing
Learning Outcome : After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English Department at Islamic University of Balitar are
able to understand some basic knowledge and principles of language testing , design various models of
testing instruments either test or non-test based on the procedures of testing instruments construction and
demonstrate how to score and interpret the test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly
Planned Learning Outcome
: The students are able to comprehend 7 basic principles in Classroom Language Testing
Time Allotment : 2 x 50 minutes
Indicators : 5.1 The students are able to mention 7 principles in Classroom Language Testing (C1)
5.2 The students are able to explain what is validity of the test (C2)
5.3 The students are able to explain kinds of validity (C2)
5.4 The students are able to explain what is reliability of the test (C2)
5.5 The students are able to explain what is practicality of the test (C2
5.6 The students are able to explain what is wash back in Language Testing (C2)
5.7 The students are able to describe the objectivity of the test (C2)
5.8 The students are able to explain the interpretability of the test (C2)
Material(s) : 7 principles in classroom language testing
1. Validity
2. Reliability
3. Practicality
4. Authenticity
5. Wash back
6. Objectivity
7. Interpretability
Procedures of Teaching
Learning Process
Opening 20 Minutes
1. Lecturer greats the students and review yesterday material Discussion/interactive
question answer
5 minutes PPT/internet
2. The students watch the video about today’s lesson (some basic
principles in classroom language testing)
10 minutes You- Tube
3. The students answering the lecturer’s leading questions Question-Answer 2.5 minutes Leading Question
4. The lecturer stating the main point of today’s discussion Discussion/
2.5 minutes RPP/Board marker/whiteboard
Main Activities 60 minutes
1. The students read /search information about 7 principles in
classroom language testing(Validity, Reliability, Practicality,
Authenticity, wash back, from the referenced book and from
internet and summary the result in her./his note book/laptop
Online learning
Silent way reading
20 minutes Referenced Book,internet,
2. The students and the teacher discuss the material together Interactive
20 minutes Referenced Book,/LCD internet,
laptop/computer/ android,
3. The students play guessing game about 7 principles in classroom
language testing
Guessing game 20 minutes Guessing game/ whiteboard/
board marker
Closing 60 minutes
1. The students do the quiz of meeting 5 about 7 principles in Quiz/written test 15 minutes Paper,pen
classroom language testing
2. The students and the lecturer close the lesson together 5 minutes
Blitar, 15th October 2016
Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd.
Course : Language Testing
Learning Outcome : After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English Department at Islamic University of Balitar are
able to understand some basic knowledge and principles of language testing , design various models of
testing instruments either test or non-test based on the procedures of testing instruments’ construction and
demonstrate how to score and interpret the test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly
Planned Learning Outcome
: The Students are able to design various types of testing instruments (Test/Non test) based on the Procedure of
Testing instrument’ Construction
Time Allotment : 2 x 50 minutes
Indicators : 6.1 The students are able to explain some rule in designing multiple choice test (C2)
6.2 The students are able to design 10 items of Vocabulary Test in the form of multiple choice with the theme
”News Item” (P3)
6.3 The students are able to explain some rules in designing True-False Test (C2)
6.4 The students are able to design 10 items of Reading test using True False model with the Theme “Narrative
Text” (P2)
6.5 The students are able to explain some rules in designing Fill in the blanks test (C2)
6.6 The students are able to design 10 items of Listening Test using fill in the blanks model with the theme “
Past Tense” (P3)
6.7 The students are able to explain rules in designing Matching Test (C2)
6.8 The students are able to make 10 items Grammar Test using Matching Test with the theme “WH Questions”
6.9 The students are able to explain Rules in Designing Re-arrangement Test (C2)
6.10 The students are able to design
Material(s) : Some Rules in designing test and example of test
a. multiple choice
b. true-false
c. fill in the blanks
d. matching test
e. Re-arrangement
Procedures of Teaching
Learning Process
Opening 20 Minutes
1. Lecturer greats the students and review yesterday material Discussion/interactive
question answer
5 minutes PPT/internet
2. The students watch the video about today’s lesson ( rules in
designing test and examples/ models of test )
10 minutes You- Tube
3. The students answering the lecturer’s leading questions Question-Answer 2.5 minutes Leading Question
4. The lecturer stating the main point of today’s discussion Discussion/
2.5 minutes RPP/Board marker/whiteboard
Main Activities 60 minutes
1. The students read /search information about examples and rules
in designing multiple choice, true false, fill in the blanks,
matching test and re-arrangement from the referenced book and
from internet and summary the result in her/his note
Online learning
Silent way reading
20 minutes Referenced Book,internet,
4. The students and the teacher discuss the material together Interactive
20 minutes Referenced Book,/LCD internet,
laptop/computer/ android,
5. The students practice in designing multiple choice, true false, fill Practicing in 20 minutes Internet/laptop/ referenced book/
in the blanks, matching test,and re-arrangement test designing test
/learning by doing
paper/ pen
Closing 20 minutes Paper, pen
1. The students and the lecturer review the material together Oral test/question
60 minutes Whiteboard, board marker
2. The lecturer inform the students about task home task about
designing test in the form of creative portfolio and close the
lesson together
10 minutes -
Blitar, 15th October 2016
Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd.
Course : Language Testing
Learning Outcome : After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English Department at Islamic University of Balitar are
able to understand some basic knowledge and principles of language testing , design various models of
testing instruments either test or non-test based on the procedures of testing instruments construction and
demonstrate how to score and interpret the test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly
Planned Learning Outcome
: The Students are able to design various types of testing instruments (Test/Non test) based on the Procedure of
Testing instrument’ Construction
Time Allotment : 2 x 50 minutes
Indicators : 7.1 The Students are able to explain rules in Designing Easy Test (C2)
7.2 The students are able to make easy test with the theme “Letter Application” (P3)
7.3 The students are able to explain some rules in designing Speaking Test (C2)
7.4 The students are able to design speaking test with the theme “Introducing Yourself”(P3)
7.5 The students are able to explain non-Test Assessments (C2)
7.6 The students are able to make Class observation form (P3)
7.7 The students are able to make Questionnaire form (P3)
Material(s) : Some rules in designing testing instruments test and non-test
a. Some rules in designing Easy test and example of easy test
b. Some rules in designing speaking test/ oral performance test/ example of speaking test
c. Rules in designing non-test instruments and examples of non-test instruments
(Observation, questionnaire etc.)
Procedures of Teaching
Learning Process
Opening 20 Minutes
1. Lecturer greats the students and review yesterday material Discussion/interactive
question answer
2. The students watch the video about today’s lesson ( models of
test/non-test assessment )
10 minutes You- Tube
3. The students answering the lecturer’s leading questions Question-Answer 2.5 minutes Leading Question
4. The lecturer stating the main point of today’s discussion Discussion/
2.5 minutes RPP/Board marker/whiteboard
Main Activities 60 minutes
1. The students read /search information about examples and rules
in designing easy test, speaking test,non -test assessment ( class
observation and questionnaire ) form referenced book and from
internet and summary the result in her/his note book/laptop
Online learning
Silent way reading
20 minutes Referenced Book,internet,
2. The students and the teacher discuss the material together Interactive
20 minutes Referenced Book,/LCD internet,
laptop/computer/ android,
3. The students practice in designing easy test speaking test and
non test assessment ( observation and questionnaire form)
Practicing in
designing test
/learning by doing
20 minutes Internet/laptop/ referenced book/
paper/ pen
Closing 20 minutes Paper,pen
1. The students and the lecturer review the material together Oral test/question 10 minutes Whiteboard, board marker
2. The lecturer inform the students about task home task(designing
test in the form of creative portfolio) and ask the students to
prepare presentation about how to score and interpret the test
result then close the lesson together
Interactive discussion 10 minutes -
Blitar, 15th October 2016
Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd.
Meeting 8: MID TEST
Course : Language Testing
Learning Outcome : After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English Department at Islamic University of Balitar are
able to understand some basic knowledge and principles of language testing , design various models of
testing instruments either test or non-test based on the procedures of testing instruments construction and
demonstrate how to score and interpret the test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly
Planned Learning Outcome
: The students are able to demonstrate how to score and interpret the result of speaking Test
Time Allotment : 4 x 50 minutes ( 2 meetings) meeting 9 (group 1 and 2) meeting 10 (group 3 and 4)
Indicators : 1. The students are able to identify speaking scoring rubric in group of 5-6 Students
2. The students are able to demonstrate how to use scoring rubric to score speaking test and interpret the result of
speaking test in group of 5-6 students
Material(s) : How to score and interpret speaking test result
Procedures of Teaching
Learning Process
Meeting 9
Opening 10 Minutes
1. Lecturer greats the students and review
yesterday material
question answer
2,5 minutes PPT/referenced book
2. The students identifying scoring rubric of
speaking test
Identifying scoring
rubric through
5 minutes Internet/referenced book
3. The lecturer stating the main point of today’s
discussion (presentation about how to score and
interpret the result of speaking test)
2.5 minutes RPP/Board marker/whiteboard
Main Activities 80 minutes (2 groups)
1. The students do presentation / demonstration
about how to score and interpret the result of
speaking test
30 minutes (group 1)
30 minutes (group2 )
Referenced Book,internet,
2. The students have discussion / question answer
about the topic
10 minutes (group 1)
10 minutes (group 2)
Referenced Book,/LCD internet,
laptop/computer/ android,
notebook, paper, pen
Closing 10 minutes
1. The students and the lecturer review the material
Oral test/question
5 minutes Whiteboard, board marker
2. The students and the lecturer close the lesson
Closing the
5 minutes -
Meeting 10
Opening 10 Minutes
1. Lecturer greats the students and review Discussion/interactive 2,5 minutes PPT/referenced book
yesterday material question answer
2. The students identifying scoring rubric of
speaking test
Identifying scoring
rubric through
5 minutes Internet/referenced book
3. The lecturer stating the main point of today’s
discussion (presentation about how to score and
interpret the result of speaking test)
2.5 minutes RPP/Board marker/whiteboard
Main Activities 80 minutes (2 groups)
1. The students do presentation / demonstration
about how to score and interpret the result of
speaking test
30 minutes (group 3)
30 minutes (group4 )
Referenced Book,internet,
2. The students have discussion / question answer
about the topic
10 minutes (group 3)
10 minutes (group 4)
Referenced Book,/LCD internet,
laptop/computer/ android,
Closing 10 minutes
1. The students and the lecturer review the
material together
Oral test/question
5 minutes Whiteboard, board marker
2. The students and the lecturer close the lesson
Closing the
5 minutes -
Blitar, 15th October 2016
Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd.
MEETING 11 and 12
Course : Language Testing
Learning Outcome : After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English Department at Islamic University of Balitar are
able to understand some basic knowledge and principles of language testing , design various models of
testing instruments either test or non-test based on the procedures of testing instruments construction and
demonstrate how to score and interpret the test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly
Planned Learning Outcome
: The students are able to demonstrate how to score and interpret the result of writing Test
Time Allotment : 4 x 50 minutes ( 2 meetings) meeting 11 (group 1 and 2) meeting 12 (group 3 and 4)
Indicators : 1. The students are able to identify writing scoring rubric in group of 5-6 Students
2. The students are able to demonstrate how to use scoring rubric to score writing test and interpret the result of
writing test in group of 5-6 students
Material(s) : How to score and interpret writing test result
Procedures of Teaching
Learning Process
Meeting 11
Opening 10 Minutes
1. Lecturer greats the students and review Discussion/interactive 2,5 minutes PPT/referenced book
yesterday material question answer
2. The students identifying scoring rubric of writing
Identifying scoring
rubric through
5 minutes Internet/referenced book
3. The lecturer stating the main point of today’s
discussion (presentation about how to score and
interpret the result of writing test)
2.5 minutes RPP/Board marker/whiteboard
Main Activities 80 minutes (2 groups)
1. The students do presentation / demonstration
about how to score and interpret the result of
writing test
30 minutes (group 1)
30 minutes (group2 )
Referenced Book,internet,
2. The students have discussion / question answer
about the topic that have been presented
10 minutes (group 1)
10 minutes (group 2)
Referenced Book,/LCD internet,
laptop/computer/ android,
notebook, paper, pen
Closing 10 minutes
1. The students and the lecturer review the material
Oral test/question
5 minutes Whiteboard, board marker
2. The students and the lecturer close the lesson
Closing the
5 minutes -
Meeting 12
Opening 10 Minutes
1. Lecturer greats the students and review
yesterday material
question answer
2,5 minutes PPT/referenced book
2. The students identifying scoring rubric of writing
Identifying scoring
rubric through
5 minutes Internet/referenced book
3. The lecturer stating the main point of today’s
discussion (presentation about how to score and
interpret the result of writing test)
2.5 minutes RPP/Board marker/whiteboard
Main Activities 80 minutes (2 groups)
1. The students do presentation / demonstration
about how to score and interpret the result of
writing test
30 minutes (group 3)
30 minutes (group4 )
Referenced Book,internet,
2. The students have discussion / question answer
about the topic
10 minutes (group 3)
10 minutes (group 4)
Referenced Book,/LCD internet,
laptop/computer/ android,
notebook, paper, pen
Closing 10 minutes
1. The students and the lecturer review the material
Oral test/question
5 minutes Whiteboard, board marker
2. The students and the lecturer close the lesson
Closing the
5 minutes -
Blitar, 15th October 2016
Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd.
Course : Language Testing
Learning Outcome : After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English Department at Islamic University of Balitar are
able to understand some basic knowledge and principles of language testing , design various models of
testing instruments either test or non-test based on the procedures of testing instruments construction and
demonstrate how to score and interpret the test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly
Planned Learning Outcome
: The students are able to demonstrate how to score and interpret the result of reading Test
Time Allotment : 4 x 50 minutes ( 2 meetings) meeting 13 (group 1 and 2) meeting 14 (group 3 and 4)
Indicators : 1. The students are able to identify reading scoring rubric in group of 5-6 Students
2. The students are able to demonstrate how to use scoring rubric to score reading test and interpret the result of
reading test in group of 5-6 students
Material(s) : How to score and interpret reading test result
Procedures of Teaching
Learning Process
Meeting 13
Opening 10 Minutes
1. Lecturer greats the students and review
yesterday material
question answer
2,5 minutes PPT/referenced book
2. The students identifying scoring rubric of Identifying scoring 5 minutes Internet/referenced book
reading test rubric through
3. The lecturer stating the main point of today’s
discussion (presentation about how to score and
interpret the result of reading test)
2.5 minutes RPP/Board marker/whiteboard
Main Activities 80 minutes (2 groups)
1. The students do presentation / demonstration
about how to score and interpret the result of
reading test
30 minutes (group 1)
30 minutes (group2 )
Referenced Book,internet,
2. The students have discussion / question answer
about the topic that have been presented
10 minutes (group 1)
10 minutes (group 2)
Referenced Book,/LCD internet,
laptop/computer/ android,
notebook, paper, pen
Closing 10 minutes
1. The students and the lecturer review the material
Oral test/question
5 minutes Whiteboard, board marker
2. The students and the lecturer close the lesson
Closing the
5 minutes -
Meeting 14
Opening 10 Minutes
1. Lecturer greats the students and review
yesterday material
question answer
2,5 minutes PPT/referenced book
2. The students identifying scoring rubric of
reading test
Identifying scoring
rubric through
5 minutes Internet/referenced book
3. The lecturer stating the main point of today’s
discussion (presentation about how to score and
interpret the result of reading test)
2.5 minutes RPP/Board marker/whiteboard
Main Activities 80 minutes (2 groups)
1. The students do presentation / demonstration
about how to score and interpret the result of
reading test
30 minutes (group 3)
30 minutes (group4 )
Referenced Book,internet,
2. The students have discussion / question answer
about the topic
10 minutes (group 3)
10 minutes (group 4)
Referenced Book,/LCD internet,
laptop/computer/ android,
notebook, paper, pen
Closing 10 minutes
1. The students and the lecturer review the material
Oral test/question
10 minutes Whiteboard, board marker
2. he students and the lecturer close the lesson
Closing the
5 minutes -
Blitar, 15th October 2016
Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd.
Course : Language Testing
Learning Outcome : After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English Department at Islamic University of Balitar are
able to understand some basic knowledge and principles of language testing , design various models of
testing instruments either test or non-test based on the procedures of testing instruments construction and
demonstrate how to score and interpret the test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly
Planned Learning Outcome
: The students are able to demonstrate how to score and interpret the result of listening test
Time Allotment : 2 x 50 minutes
Indicators : 1. The students are able to identify listening scoring rubric in group of 5-6 Students
2. The students are able to demonstrate how to use scoring rubric to score listening test and interpret the result of
the test in group of 5-6 students
Material(s) : How to score and interpret listening test result
Procedures of Teaching
Learning Process
Meeting 15
Opening 10 Minutes
1. Lecturer greats the students and review
yesterday material
question answer
2,5 minutes PPT/referenced book
2. The students identifying scoring rubric of Identifying scoring 5 minutes Internet/referenced book
listening test rubric through
3. The lecturer stating the main point of today’s
discussion (presentation about how to score and
interpret the result of listening test)
2.5 minutes RPP/Board marker/whiteboard
Main Activities 80 minutes (4 groups)
1. The students do presentation / demonstration
about how to score and interpret the result of
listening test
15 minutes (group 1)
15 minutes (group2 )
15 minutes (group 3)
15 minutes (group 4)
Referenced Book,internet,
2. The students have discussion / question answer
about the topic that have been presented
5 minutes (group 1)
5 minutes (group 2)
5 minutes (group 3)
5 minutes (group 4)
Referenced Book,/LCD internet,
laptop/computer/ android,
notebook, paper, pen
Closing 10 minutes
1. The students and the lecturer review the material
Oral test/question
5 minutes Whiteboard, board marker
2. The students and the lecturer close the lesson
Closing the
5 minutes -
Blitar, 15th October 2016
Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd.
Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd.
TAHUN 2017
Telah diperiksa dan disetujui Oleh
Tim PEKERTI AA Kopertis Wilayah VII
Pada tanggal___________________
: Islamic University of Balitar / Faculty of teacher
Training and Education /English Department
Course Title : Language Testing
Course Code : MB02
SKS : 2
Semester : 5
Core course : -
Lecturer : Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd.
By joining and passing this course (minimum got B score) the students will able to:
a. Understand about testing, assessing and teaching
b. Understand 4 approaches and 8 techniques in language testing
c. Understand types of test in English Language Teaching
d. Understand 7 basic principles in classroom language testing
e. Understand some procedures in designing testing instruments (Test/non-test)
f. Understand how to score and interpret the result of speaking, writing, reading and
listening test
g. Design various models of testing instruments (test/ non-test)
h. Demonstrate how to score and interpret the result of speaking, writing, reading and
listening test collaboratively, creatively and interestingly
i. Join Classroom Based Assessment Course in the next semester
This course provides students with an understanding of background knowledge and some
basic principles of language testing in English Language Teaching, including the definition
and, the function of test, the relationship among testing, assessing and teaching, 4 approaches
in language testing (Easy Translation Approach, Integrative Testing Approach, Integrative
Testing Approach and Performance Testing Approach) and 8 techniques in language testing
(Direct Testing, Indirect Testing, Discrete Point Testing, Integrative Testing, Norm Referenced
Testing, Criterion Referenced Testing , Objective Testing, and Subjective Testing), many types of
tests, some basic principle in classroom language testing (validity, reliability, practicality,
authenticity, wash back, and objectivity), the procedures of testing instruments either test or
non-test non constructions it includes: multiple choice, true-false, fill in the blanks, matching,
re-arrangement, easy, oral performance observation, and questionnaire. Moreover, this course
is more emphasized on the students’ in designing testing instruments and demonstrating how
to score and interpret the test result of speaking, writing, reading and listening
: After joining the course, the fifth semester students of
English Department at Islamic University of Balitar are
able to understand some basic knowledge and principles
of language testing , design various models of testing
instruments either test or non-test based on the procedures
of testing instruments construction and demonstrate how
to score and interpret the test result collaboratively,
creatively and interestingly
1 The students are able
to understand about
testing, assessing and
1.10 The students are able to
explain the definition of test
1.11 The students are able to
explain 5 functions of test in
ELT (C2)
1.12 The students are able to
explain the relationship among
testing, assessing, and
teaching (C2)
Definition of test
The functions of test in ELT
The relationship among
testing, assessing, and
2 The students are able
to understand some
approaches and
techniques in
language testing
2.1 The students are able to
identify 4 approaches to
language testing (C1)
2.2 the students are able to explain
4 approaches of language
testing in ELT (C2)
2.3 The students are able to
describe the strengths and the
weaknesses of 4 approaches of
language testing in ELT (C2)
2.4 The students are able to
identify 8 techniques of
Language testing (C1)
Testing Approaches
13.Easy Translation
14. Integrative Testing
15.Communicative Testing
16.Performance testing
4 Approaches in Language
The strengths and the
weaknesses of 4 approaches in
Language Testing
8 Testing Techniques
25.Direct Testing
26.Indirect Testing
27.Discrete Point Testing
28.Integrative Testing
2.5 The students are able to explain
8 techniques in language
testing. (C2)
2.6 The students are able to
describe the strengths and the
weaknesses of 8 techniques in
language testing (C2)
29.Norm Referenced Testing
30. Criterion Referenced
31.Objective Testing
32.Subjective Testing
The strengths and the
weaknesses of 8 techniques
in language Testing
3 The students are
able to understand
Types of Test in ELT
3.1 The students are able to explain
5 types of test based on the
purpose (C2)
3.2 The students are able to differ
the test based on the way of
scoring (C2)
3.3 The students are able to explain
the classification of test based
on the Testes who take the test
3.4 The students are able to differ
between standardize test and
teacher made-test (C2)
3.5 The students are able to explain
types of test based on time (
when the test is made)
Types of test
Based on : The Purpose
16.Achievement test
17.Try out Test
18.Diagnostic Test
19.Selection Test
20.Placement Test
Types of test based on the way
of scoring;
 Objective Test
 subjective Test
Test Based on The Testes who
take the test
 Individual Test
 Group Test
Test based on the Test
 Standardize Test and
 Teacher-Made Test
The classification of Based on
 Pre- Test
 Post –Test
 Formative Test
 Summative Test
 Entrance test
4 The students are able
to comprehend some
basic principles in
Classroom Language
4.1 The students are able to
mention 6 principles in
Classroom Language Testing
4.2 The students are able to explain
what is validity of the test (C2)
Some Basic Principles in
Classroom Language Testing
21. Validity
22. Reliability
23. Practicality
24. Authenticity
25. Wash back
26. Objectivity
Test validity
4.16 The students are able to
explain kinds of validity (C2)
4.17 The students are able to
explain what is reliability of
the test (C2)
4.18 The students are able to
explain what is practicality of
the test (C2)
4.19 The students are able to
explain what is wash back in
Language Testing (C2)
4.20 The students are able to
describe the objectivity of the
test (C2)
4.21 The students are able to
explain what is interpretability
of the test (C2)
Kinds of Validity
Reliability of the Test
Practicality of the Test
Wash back in Language
Objectivity of the Test
Interpretability of the test
5 The Students are able
to design various
types of testing
instruments (Test/Non
test) based on the
Procedure of Testing
5.1 The students are able to explain
some rule in designing
multiple choice test (C2)
5.2 The students are able to design
10 items of Vocabulary Test
in the form of multiple
choice with the theme
”News Item” (P
5.3 The students are able to explain
some rules in designing
True-False Test
5.4 The students are able to design
10 items of Reading test
using True False model with
the Theme “Narrative Text”
5.5 The students are able to explain
some rules in designing Fill
in the blanks test (C2)
5.6 The students are able to
design 10 items of
Listening Test using fill in
the blanks model with the
theme “ Past Tense” (C6)
5.6 The students are able to explain
rules in designing Matching
Test (C2)
Rule in Designing Multiple
Choice Test
Example of Vocabulary Test
using Multiple Choice Model
Rules in Designing True-False
Example of Reading Test using
True-False Model
Rules in Designing Fill in the
blanks test
Example of Listening Test
using Fill in the Blanks model
Some Rules in
Designing Matching Test
Laporan pekerti  Dian Fadhilawati- Universitas Islam Balitar
Laporan pekerti  Dian Fadhilawati- Universitas Islam Balitar
Laporan pekerti  Dian Fadhilawati- Universitas Islam Balitar
Laporan pekerti  Dian Fadhilawati- Universitas Islam Balitar
Laporan pekerti  Dian Fadhilawati- Universitas Islam Balitar
Laporan pekerti  Dian Fadhilawati- Universitas Islam Balitar
Laporan pekerti  Dian Fadhilawati- Universitas Islam Balitar
Laporan pekerti  Dian Fadhilawati- Universitas Islam Balitar

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Laporan pekerti Dian Fadhilawati- Universitas Islam Balitar

  • 2. LAPORAN TUGAS DAFTAR ISI 1. Kata Pengantar 2. Daftar Isi 3. Analisis Instruksional 4. Rencana Evaluasi Hasil Belajar 5. Rencana Pembelajaran Semester (RPS) 6. Rancangan Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) 7. Kontrak Kuliah 8. Lembar Konsultasi
  • 3. KATA PENGANTAR Puji syukur kehadirat Alloh SWT, berkat karunia dan hidayahnya-Nya Penulis dapat menyelesaikan Laporan Tugas Program Pengembangan Ketrampilan Dasar Teknik Intruksional (PEKERTI) dengan baik dan tepat waktu. Laporan tugas PEKERTI ini dibuat penulis setelah mengikuti dan memahami rangkaian materi yang diberikan oleh narasumber PEKERTI dari Kopertis VII yang terdiri dari: Pendidikan Sebagai Sistem, Berbagai Macam Teori Belajar dan Motivasi, Pembelajaran Orang Dewasa, Dasar-Dasar komunikasi dan Keterampilan Dasar Mengajar, Taksonomi dan Tujuan Instruksional, Analisis Instruksional, Metode Pembelajaran, Media dan Sumber Belajar, Penilaian Hasil Belajar, Perangkat Pembelajaran, Kontrak Kuliah, Team Teaching dan Micro Teaching. Penulis merasakan manfaat yang luar biasa setelah mengikuti pelatihan PEKERTI ini, materi yang disampaikan narasumber sangat mendukung kemampuan penulis dalam meningkatkan profesionalismenya menjadi seorang dosen yang tidak hanya bisa menguasai bidang ilmunya dengan baik, tetapi juga bisa mendesain dan merencanakan pembelajaran dan mengajar dengan baik dan tidak membosankan bagi para peserta didik. Oleh karena itu dalam kesempatan ini, penulis ingin menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada para narasumber PEKERTI dari Kopertis VII atas ilmu yang diberikan, antara lain yang terhormat: Dr. Andri Pitoyo, M.Pd., Dr. Ignatius Harijanto, M.Pd., Dr. Tatik Suryani, Psi. MM. dan Dr. Diah Sawitri, MM. Semoga ilmu yang Bapak/Ibu berikan pada penulis tak lekang oleh waktu. Selanjutnya, penulis berharap, laporan tugas PEKERTI ini bisa bermanfaat bagi dosen atau calon dosen yang membutuhkan referensi tentang penyusunan analisis instruksional, perencanakan evaluasi belajar, penyusunan RPS, RPP dan kontrak kuliah yang mengacu pada Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI). Blitar, 4 Maret 2017 Dian Fadhilawati, M. Pd.
  • 6.
  • 7. 1. Penentuan Capaian Pembelajaran Matakuliah: Language Testing 2. Penetapan Kemampuan Akhir yang direncanakan dan indikator Course : Language Testing Learning Outcome : After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English Department at Islamic University of Balitar are able to understand some basic knowledge and principles of language testing , design various models of testing instruments (test/non-test) based on the procedures of testing instruments’ construction and demonstrate how to score and interpret the test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly No PLANNED LEARNING OUTCOMES INDICATORS MATERIALS 1 The students are able to understand about testing, assessing and teaching 1.1 The students are able to explain the definition of test (C2) 1.2 The students are able to explain 5 functions of test in ELT (C2) Definition of test The functions of test in ELT Bidang Kemampuan Deskripsi tingkat kemampuan Deskripsi tingkat keluasan dan kerumitan materi keilmuan Kognitif Understand Some basic knowledge and principles of Language Testing Psikomotorik Design Various models of testing instruments (test or non-test) based on the procedures of testing instruments’construction construction Afektif Demonstrate How to score and interprret the test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly Capaian Pembelajaran After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English Department at Islamic University of Balitar are able to understand some basic knowledge and principles of language testing , design various models of testing instruments (test/non-test) based on the procedures of testing instruments’ construction and demonstrate how to score and interpret the test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly
  • 8. 1.3 The students are able to explain the relationship among testing, assessing, and teaching (C2) The relationship among testing, assessing, and teaching 2 The students are able to understand some approaches and techniques in language testing 2.1 The students are able to identify 4 approaches to language testing (C1) 2.2 the students are able to explain 4 approaches of language testing in ELT (C2) 2.3 The students are able to describe the strengths and the weaknesses of 4 approaches of language testing in ELT (C2) 2.4 The students are able to identify 8 techniques of Language testing (C1) Testing Approaches 1. Easy Translation Approach 2. Integrative Testing Approach 3. Integrative Testing Approach 4. Performance testing approach 4 Approaches in Language Testing The strengths and the weaknesses of 4 approaches in Language Testing 8 Testing Techniques 1. Direct Testing 2. Indirect Testing 3. Discrete Point Testing
  • 9. 2.5 The students are able to explain 8 techniques in language testing. (C2) 2.6 The students are able to describe the strengths and the weaknesses of 8 techniques in language testing (C2) 4. Integrative Testing 5. Norm Referenced Testing 6. Criterion Referenced Testing 7. Objective Testing 8. Subjective Testing The strengths and the weaknesses of 8 techniques in language Testing 3 The students are able to understand Types of Test in ELT 3.1 The students are able to explain 5 types of test based on the purpose (C2) 3.2 The students are able to differ the test based on the way of scoring (C2) 3.3 The students are able to explain the classification of test based on the Testes Types of test Based on : The Purpose 1. Achievement test 2. Try out Test 3. Diagnostic Test 4. Selection Test 5. Placement Test Types of test based on the way of scoring;  Objective Test  subjective Test Test Based on The Testes who take the
  • 10. who take the test (C2) 3.4 The students are able to differ between standardize test and teacher made-test (C2) 3.5 The students are able to explain types of test based on time ( when the test is made) test  Individual Test  Group Test Test based on the Test Constructor  Standardize Test and  Teacher-Made Test The classification of Based on Time  Pre- Test  Post –Test  Formative Test  Summative Test 4 The students are able to comprehend some basic principles in Classroom Language Testing 4.1 The students are able to mention 6 principles in Classroom Language Testing (C1) 4.2 The students are able to explain what is validity of the test (C2) 4.3 The students are able to explain kinds Some Basic Principles in Classroom language Testing 1. Validity 2. Reliability 3. Practicality 4. Authenticity 5. Wash back 6. Objectivity Test validity
  • 11. of validity (C2) 4.4 The students are able to explain what is reliability of the test (C2) 4.5 The students are able to explain what is practicality of the test (C2) 4.6 The students are able to explain what is wash back in Language Testing (C2) 4.7 The students are able to describe the objectivity of the test (C2) 4.8 The students are able to explain some consideration before, during and after test (C2) Kinds of Validity Reliability of the Test Practicality of the Test Wash back in Language Testing Objectivity of the Test Some Considerations before, during and after test 5 The Students are able to design various types of testing instruments (Test/Non test) based on the Procedure of Testing instruments construction. 5.1 The students are able to explain some rule in designing multiple choice test (C2) 5.2 The students are able to design 10 items of Vocabulary Test in the form of multiple choice with the theme ”News Item” (P 5.3 The students are able to explain some rules in designing True-False Test Rule in Designing Multiple Choice Test Example of Vocabulary Test using Multiple Choice Model Rules in Designing True-False Test
  • 12. 5.4 The students are able to design 10 items of Reading test using True False model with the Theme “Narrative Text” 5.5 The students are able to explain some rules in designing Fill in the blanks test (C2) 5.6 The students are able to design 10 items of Listening Test using fill in the blanks model with the theme “ Past Tense” (C6) 5.6 The students are able to explain rules in designing Matching Test (C2) 5.7 The students are able to make 10 items Grammar Test using Matching Model with the theme “WH Questions” (p3) 5.8 The students are able to explain Rules in Designing Re-arrangement Test (C2) 5.9 The students are able to design Writing Test using Re-arrangement Model with the theme “ Simple present tense” (P3) 5.10 The Students are able to explain rules in Designing Easy Test (C2) Example of Reading Test using True-False Model Rules in Designing Fill in the blanks test Example of Listening Test using Fill in the Blanks model Some Rules in Designing Matching Test Example of Grammar Test using Matching Test model Rules in Designing Re-arrangement Test Example of Writing Test using Re- arrangement Model
  • 13. 5.11 The students are able to make easy test with the theme “Letter Application” (P3) 5.12 The students are able to explain some rules in designing Speaking Test(C2) 5.13 The students are able to design speaking test with the theme “ Introducing Yourself” (P3) 5.14 The students are able to explain non-Test Assessments (C2) 5.15 The students are able to make Class observation form (P3) 5.16 The students are able to make Questionnaire form (P3) Rules in Designing Easy Test Example of Writing test using easy model Some Rules in designing Speaking / Oral Performance test Example of Speaking Test Non Test Assessments Example of Class Observation Form Example of Questionnaire Form 6 The students are able to demonstrate how to score and interpret the result of speaking Test 6.1 The students are able to identify speaking scoring rubric in group of 5-6 Students 6.2 The students are able to demonstrate how to use scoring rubric to score speaking test and interpret the result of the test in group of 5-6 Speaking Scoring Rubric Scoring and Interpreting the Result of speaking Test
  • 14. 7 The students are able to demonstrate how to score and interpret the result of writing test 7.1 The students are able to identify writing scoring rubric in group of 5-6 Students 7.2 The students are able to demonstrate how to use scoring rubric to score writing test and interpret the result of the test in group of 5-6 Writing Scoring Rubric Scoring and Interpreting the Result of Writing Test 8 The students are able to demonstrate how to score and interpret the result of reading test 8.1 The students are able to identify reading scoring rubric in group of 5-6 Students 8.2 The students are able to demonstrate how to use scoring rubric to score reading test and interpret the result of the test in group of 5-6 Reading Scoring Rubric Scoring and Interpreting the Result of Reading Test 9 The students are able to demonstrate how to score and interpret the result of listening test 9.1 The students are able to identify listening scoring rubric in group of 5-6 Students 9.2 The students are able to demonstrate how to use scoring rubric to score listening test and interpret the result of the test in group of 5-6 Listening Scoring Rubric Scoring and Interpreting the Result of Listening Test
  • 15. 3. Analisis Instruksional (Pemetaan Kompetensi) After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English Department at Islamic University of Balitar are able to understand some basic knowledge and principles of language testing , design various models of testing instruments either test or non-test based on the procedures of testing instruments construction and demonstrate how to score and interpret the test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly The Students are able to design various types of testing instruments (Test/Non test) based on the Procedure of Testing instruments construction. The students are able to demonstrate ho to score and to interprete the result of writing test The students are able to demonstrate how to score and interpret the result of swriting test The students are able to demonstrate how score and interpret the result of reading test The students are able to demonstrate how to score and interpret the result of speaking Test The students are able to comprehend some basic principles in Classroom Language Testing The students are able to understand Types of Test in ELT The students are able to understand some approaches and techniques in language testing The students are able to understand about testing, assessing and teaching
  • 18. EVALUATION PLANNING Institution/Faculty/ Department : Islamic University of Balitar / Faculty of Teacher Training and Education /English Department Course Title : Language Testing Course Code : MB02 SKS : 2 Semester : 5 Core course : -
  • 19. Lecturer : Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd. Learning Outcome : After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English Department at Islamic University of Balitar are able to understand some basic knowledge and principles of language testing , design various models of testing instrument (test/non-test) based on the procedures of testing instruments’ construction and demonstrate how to score and interpret the test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly. NO PLANNED LEARNING OUTCOMES INDICATORS MATERIALS EVALUATION 1 The students are able to understand about Testing, Assessing and Teaching 1.1 The students are able to define what is test (C1) 1.2 The students are able to explain 5 functions of test in ELT (C2) 1.3 The students are able to explain the relationship among testing, assessment, and teaching (C2) Definition of test The functions of test in ELT The relationship among testing, assessing, and teaching Written Test 2 The students are able to understand some approaches and techniques in language testing 2.1 The students are able to identify 4 approaches to language testing (C1) Testing Approaches 5. Discrete Point Testing Approach 6. Integrative Testing Approach 7. Communicative Testing Approach 8. Performance Testing Approache Written Test
  • 20. 2.2 the students are able to explain 4 approaches of language testing in ELT (C2) 2.3 The students are able to describe the strengths and the weaknesses of 4 approaches of language testing in ELT (C2) 2.4 The students are able to identify 8 techniques of Language testing (C1) 2.5 The students are able to explain 8 techniques in language testing. (C2) 2.6 The students are able to describe the strengths and the weaknesses of 8 techniques in language testing (C2) 4 Approaches in Language Testing The strengths and the weaknesses of 4 approaches in Language Testing 8 Testing Techniques 9. Direct Testing 10.Indirect Testing 11.Discrete Point Testing 12.Integrative Testing 13.Norm Referenced Testing 14. Criterion Referenced Testing 15.Objective Testing 16.Subjective Testing The strengths and the weaknesses of 8 techniques in language Testing 3 The students are able to understand Types of Test in ELT 3.1 The students are able to explain 5 types of test based on the purpose (C2) Types of test Based on : The Purpose Written Test
  • 21. 3.2 The students are able to differ the test based on the way of scoring (C2) 3.3 The students are able to explain the classification of test based on the Testes who take the test (C2) 3.4 The students are able to differ between standardize test and teacher made-test (C2) 3.5 The students are able to explain types of test based on time ( when the test is made) (C2) 6. Achievement test 7. Try out Test 8. Diagnostic Test 9. Selection Test 10.Placement Test types of test based on the way of scoring;  Objective Test  subjective Test Test Based on The Testes who take the test  Individual Test  Group Test Test based on the Test Constructor  Standardize Test and  Teacher-Made Test The classification of based on Time  Pre- Test  Post –Test  Formative Test  Summative Test  Entrance Test 4 The students are able to comprehend 7 basic principles 4.1 The students are able to identify 7 principles in Classroom Language Testing (C1) (objective 7 Basic Principles in Classroom Language Testing Written Test
  • 22. in Classroom Language Testing test/ matching) 4.2 The students are able to explain what is validity of the test (C2) 4.9 The students are able to explain kinds of validity (C2) 4.10 The students are able to explain what is reliability of the test (C2) 4.11 The students are able to explain what is practicality of the test (C2) 4.12 The students are able to explain what is authenticity of the test (C2) 4.13 The students are able to explain what is wash back in Language Testing (C2) 4.14 The students are able to describe the objectivity of the test (C2) 4.15 The students are 7. Validity 8. Reliability 9. Practicality 10. Authenticity 11. Wash back 12. Objectivity 13. Interpretability Test validity Kinds of Validity Reliability of the Test Practicality of the Test Authenticity of the test Wash back in Language Testing Objectivity of the test
  • 23. able to explain the interpretability of the test(C2) Interpretability of the test 5 The Students are able to design various types of testing instruments (Test/Non test) based on the Procedure of Testing instrument Construction 5.1 The students are able to explain some rule in designing multiple choice test (C2) 5.2 The students are able to design 10 items of Vocabulary Test in the form of multiple choice with the theme ”News Item” (P3) 5.3 The students are able to explain some rules in designing True-False Test (C2) 5.4 The students are able to design 10 items of Reading test using True False model with the Theme “Narrative Text” (P3) 5.5 The students are able to explain some rules in designing Fill in the blanks test (C2) 5.6 The students are able to design 10 items of Rule in Designing Multiple Choice Test Example of Vocabulary Test using Multiple Choice Model Rules in Designing True-False Test Example of Reading Test using True-False Model Rules in Designing Fill in the blanks test Example of Listening Portfolio /Non Test
  • 24. Listening Test using fill in the blanks model with the theme “ Past Tense” (P2) 5.6 The students are able to explain rules in designing Matching Test (C2) 5.17 The students are able to make 10 items Grammar Test using Matching Model with the theme “WH Questions” (P3) 5.18 The students are able to explain Rules in Designing Re- arrangement Test (C2) 5.19 The students are able to design Writing Test using Re- arrangement Model with the theme “ Simple present tense” (P3) 5.20 The Students are able to explain rules in Designing Easy Test (C2) 5.21 The students are able to make essay test with the theme “Letter Application”(C3) 5.22 The students are able Test using Fill in the Blanks model Some Rules in Designing Matching Test Example of Grammar Test using Matching Test model Rules in Designing Re-arrangement Test Example of Writing Test using Re- arrangement Model Rules in Designing Easy Test Example of Writing test using essay model Some Rules in
  • 25. to explain some rules in designing Speaking Test (C2) 5.23 The students are able to design speaking test with the theme “ Introducing Yourself” (P3) 5.24 The students are able to explain non-Test Assessments (C2) 5.25 The students are able to make Class observation form (P3) 5.26 The students are able to make Questionnaire form (P3) designing Speaking / Oral Performance test Example of Speaking Test Non Test Assessments Example of Class Observation Form Example of Questionnaire Form 6 The students are able to demonstrate how to score and interpret the result of speaking Test 6.3 The students are able to identify speaking scoring rubric in group of 5-6 Students (C1) 6.4 The students are able to demonstrate how to use scoring rubric to score speaking test and interpret the result of the test in group of 5-6 (A3) Speaking Scoring Rubric Scoring and Interpreting the Result of speaking Test Speaking Scoring Rubric Group Presentation/Non- test
  • 26. 7 The students are able to demonstrate how to score and interpret the result of writing test 7.1 The students are able to identify writing scoring rubric in group of 5-6 Students (C1) 7.2 The students are able to demonstrate how to use scoring rubric to score writing test and interpret the result of the test in group of 5-6 students (A3) Writing Scoring Rubric Scoring and Interpreting the Result of Writing Test Group Presentation/non – test 8 The students are able to demonstrate how to score and interpret the result of reading test 8.1 The students are able to identify reading scoring rubric in group of 5-6 Students (C1) 8.2 The students are able to demonstrate how to use scoring rubric to score reading test and interpret the result of the test in group of 5-6 students (A3) Reading Scoring Rubric Scoring and Interpreting the Result of ReadingTest Group Presentation/ Non Test 9 The students are able to demonstrate how to score and interpret the result of listening test 9.1 The students are able to identify listening scoring rubric in group of 5-6 Students (C1) 9.2 The students are able to demonstrate how to use scoring rubric to score listening test and interpret the result of the test in group of 5-6 (A3) Listening Scoring Rubric Scoring and Interpreting the Result of Listening Test Group Presentation/Non- Test
  • 27. KISI-KISI TES OBJEKTIF Program Studi : Bahasa Inggris Matakuliah : Language Testing Semester/Tahun : 5/2017 Lama/Waktu Testing : 2 x 50 minutes Tipe Tes : Written test/Objective Test Jumlah Butir Soal : No Kemampuan Akhir yang direncanakan dan Indikator Jenjang Kemampuan Jumlah % C1 C2 1 The students are able to understand about Testing, Assessing and Teaching 1 7 1.1 The students are able to define the definition of test (C1) 1 1.2 The students are able to explain 5 functions of test in ELT (C2) - 1.3 The students are able to explain the relationship among testing, assessment and teaching. (C2) - 2 The students are able to understand some approaches and techniques in language testing 5 33 2.1 The students are able to identify 4 approaches to language testing (C1) 2.2 Tthe students are able to explain 4 approaches of language testing in ELT (C2) 3
  • 28. 2.3 The students are able to describe the strengths and the weaknesses of 4 approaches of language testing in ELT (C2) 2.4 The students are able to identify 8 techniques of Language testing (C1) 2.5 The students are able to explain 8 techniques in language testing. (C2) 2 2.6 The students are able to describe the strengths and the weaknesses of 8 techniques in language testing (C2) 3 The students are able to understand Types of Test in ELT 4 27 3.1 The students are able to explain 5 types of test based on the purpose (C2) 1 3.2 The students are able to differ the test based on the way of scoring (C2) 1 3.3 The students are able to explain the classificatio of test based on the Testes who take the test(C2) - 3.4 The students are able to differ between standardize test and teacher made-test (C2) 1 3.5 The students are able to explain types of test based on time ( when the test is made) (C2) 1 4 The students are able to comprehend some basic principles in Classroom Language 5 33
  • 29. Testing 4.1 The students are able to identify 7 principles in Classroom Language Testing (C1) 4.2 The students are able to explain what is validity of the test (C2) 1 4.3 The students are able to explain kinds of validity (C2) - 4.4 The students are able to explain what is reliability of the test (C2) 1 4.5 The students are able to explain what is practicality of the test (C2) 4.6 The students are able to explain what is authenticity of the test 1 4.7 The students are able to explain what is wash back in Language Testing (C2) 1 4.8 The students are able to describe the objectivity of the test (C2) 1 4.9 The students are able to explain what is interpretability of the test (C2) JUMLAH 15 100 Example of Objective Test using Matching model: Instruction: Please match the statement in column A with the definition in column B!
  • 30. NO A ANSWER B 1 Any testing that assumes language can be divided into its components parts, and those parts can be tested successfully. …………. a. validity 2 Any testing that placed the students in some context and asked to show what they know or can do in that context. …………. b. Communicative Testing Approach 3 The degree to which an assessment tool produces stable and consistent results. …………. c. Authenticity 4 The principle of language assessment which refers to whether the test is actually measuring what it claims to measure …………. d. Discrete Point testing Approach 5 The impact that tests have on teaching and learning …………. e. Criterion Referenced Test 6 Principle to provide a standard set of rules for scoring. …………. f. Norm Referenced Test 7 The language testing approach lays more emphasis on the use the target language in authentic situations. …………. g. Reliability 8 A method of measuring person’s ability, knowledge or performance in a given domain. …...…… h. Summative Test 9 The test to establish how successful individual students, group of students in gaining the course objectives. …………. i. Subjective Test 10 Measures a student’s performance based on mastery of a specific set of skills. It measureswhat the student knows and doesn’t know at the time of assessment …………. j. Standardize Test 11 Test is given at the conclusion of a specific instructional period, and therefore it is generally evaluative, rather than diagnostic ………. k. Performance Testing Approach 12 Assessments constructed by experts and published for use in many different schools and classrooms. These assessments are used in various contexts and serve multiple purposes. …… l. Validity 13 Tests in which individuals are given an ambiguous figure or an open-ended situation and asked to describe what they see or finish a story. …………. m. Test
  • 31. 14 Measures a student’s performance incomparison to the performance of same- age students on the same assessment. …………. n. Objectivity 15 The test contains language that is as natural as possible. …………. o. Wash back p. Achievement Test KEY ANSWER: NO A ANSWER B 1 Any testing that assumes language can be divided into its components parts, and those parts can be tested successfully. ……d……. a. validity 2 Any testing that placed the students in some context and asked to show what they know or can do in that context. ……k……. b. Communicative Testing Approach 3 The degree to which an assessment tool produces stable and consistent results. ……g……. c. Authenticity 4 The principle of language assessment which refers to whether the test is actually measuring what it claims to measure ……l……. d. Discrete Point testing Approach 5 The impact that tests have on teaching and learning ……o……. e. Criterion Referenced Test 6 Principle to provide a standard set of rules for scoring. ……n……. f. Norm Referenced Test 7 The language testing approach lays more emphasis on the use the target language in authentic situations. ……b……. g. Reliability 8 A method of measuring person’s ability, knowledge or performance in a given domain. …...m…… h. Summative Test 9 The test to establish how successful individual students, group of students in gaining the course objectives. ……p……. i. Subjective Test 10 Measures a student’s performance based on mastery of a specific set of skills. It measureswhat the student knows and ……e……. j. Standardize Test
  • 32. doesn’t know at the time of assessment 11 Test is given at the conclusion of a specific instructional period, and therefore it is generally evaluative, rather than diagnostic ……h……. k. Performance Testing Approach 12 Assessments constructed by experts and published for use in many different schools and classrooms. These assessments are used in various contexts and serve multiple purposes. ……..j…… l. Validity 13 Tests in which individuals are given an ambiguous figure or an open-ended situation and asked to describe what they see or finish a story. ……i……. m. Test 14 Measures a student’s performance incomparison to the performance of same- age students on the same assessment. ……f……. n. Objectivity 15 The test contains language that is as natural as possible. ……c……. o. Wash back p. Achievement Test SCORING: 𝑆𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑠′ 𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑠 𝑋100 Example of Objective test using Multiple Choice Model KISI-KISI TES URAIAN Program Studi : Bahasa Inggris Matakuliah : Language Testing Semester/Tahun : 5/2017 Lama/Waktu Testing : 2x50 minutes Tipe Tes : Written test Jumlah Butir Tes : No. Kemampuan Akhir yang direncanakan dan Indikator Jenis Soal Jenjang Kemampuan Jumlah % Tertutup Terbuka 1. The students are able to 3 15
  • 33. understand about testing, assessing and Teaching 1.1 The students are able to explain the definition of test (C1) 1.2 The students are able to explain 5 functions of test in ELT (C2) 1.3 The students are able to explain the relationship among testing, assessing, and teaching (C2) 1 1 1 C1 C2 C2 2 The students are able to understand some approaches and techniques in language testing 4 20 2.1 The students are able to identify 4 approaches to language testing (C1) 2.2 The students are able to explain 4 approaches of language testing in ELT (C2) 2.3 The students are able to describe the strengths and the weaknesses of 4 approaches of language testing in ELT (C2) 2.4 The students are able to identify 8 techniques of Language testing (C1) 1 1 - C2 C2
  • 34. 2.5 The students are able to explain 8 techniques in language testing. (C2) 2.6 The students are able to describe the strengths and the weaknesses of 8 techniques in language testing (C2) 1 1 C2 C2 3 The students are able to understand Types of Test in ELT 5 25 3.1 The students are able to explain 5 types of test based on the purpose (C2) 3.2 The students are able to differ the test based on the way of scoring (C2) 3.3 The students are able to explain the classification of test based on the Testes who take the test (C2) 3.4 The students are able to differ between standardize test and teacher made-test (C2) 3.5 The students are able to explain types of test based on time ( when the test is made) 1 1 1 1 C2 C2 C2 C2
  • 35. 1 C3 4 The students are able to comprehend some basic principles in Classroom Language Testing 8 40 4.1 The students are able to mention 7 principles in Classroom Language Testing (C1) 4.2 The students are able to explain what is validity of the test (C2) 8.3 The students are able to explain kinds of validity (C2) 8.4 The students are able to explain what is reliability of the test (C2) 8.5 The students are able to explain what is practicality of the test (C2) 8.6 The students are able to explain what is wash back in Language Testing (C2) 8.7 The students are able to describe the objectivity of the test (C2) 8.8 The students are able to explain why he test should be authentic (C2) 8.9 The students are able to explain interpretability of the test (C2) 1 - 1 1 1 1 C1 C2 C2 C2 C2
  • 36. 1 1 1 C2 C2 C2 JUMLAH 20 100 Example: Instruction: Answer the following question correctly! 1. Please define the meaning of test in English Language Teaching (ELT)! 2. Please mention 7 principles in classroom language testing! 3. Explain the relationship among testing, assessment and teaching! 4. Mention and explain 5 functions of test in ELT! 5. Mention and explain 4 approaches in language testing! 6. Please describe the strengths and the weaknesses of this following approach! a. Discrete Point Testing Approach b. Integrative Testing Approach c. Communicative Testing Approach d. Performance Testing Approach 7. Mention and explain 8 techniques in language testing! 8. Please describe the strengths and the weaknesses of each technique in language testing 9. Please mention 7 principles in classroom language testing! 10. Please mention and explain types of validity in language testing! 11. What do you know about reliability? Explain your answer briefly! 12. Explain briefly what is practicality of the test? 13. Why our test should be objective? 14. Why our test should be authentic? 15. What do you know about wash back in language testing?
  • 37. 16. Please differ between teacher-made test and standardize test! 17. According to the purpose, test is classified into 5 please mention and explain them briefly 18. Based on time when the test is made there are 5 classification of test please mention and explain your answer briefly! 19. Please differ and explain test based on the way of scoring! 20. What do you know about interpretability of the test? Explain your answer briefly Examples of answer 1. Test is a method of measuring students’ ability, knowledge or performance in a given domain 2. 7 basic principle in classroom language testing a validity b. reliability c. practicality d. authenticity e. wash back f. objectivity g. interpretability 3. The relationship among testing, assessing and teaching is in teaching learning process the teachers should assess their students to know their ability , knowledge or performance, one of instrument that the teachers can use is a test so test is a part of assessment and assessment is part of teaching Etc……………………….. SCORING GUIDE
  • 38. Skor Deskripsi 4 Respons terhadap Pertanyaan sangat spesifik. Informasi yang diberikan akurat dan memperlihatkan pemahaman yang utuh. Respons dikemukakan dalam suatu tulisan yang lancar dan hidup. Jawaban singkat dan langsung pada masalah yang diminta serta kesimpulan dan pendapat mengalir secara logis. Secara menyeluruh, respons lengkap dan memuaskan. 3 Respons sudah menjawab tugas yang diberikan. Informasi yang diberikan akurat. Respons dikemukakan dalam tulisan yang lancar tapi uraian cenderung bertele-tele. 2 Respons kurang memuaskan. Walaupun informasi yang diberikan akurat tetapi tidak ada kesimpulan dan pendapat serta kurang logis. 1 Respons tidak menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan. Banyak informasi yang hilang dan tidak akurat. Tidak ada kesimpulan atau pendapat. KISI-KISI NON TEST (PORTFOLIO based on “KAD” and indicators )
  • 39. Program Studi : English Matakuliah : Language Testing Semester/Tahun : 5/2017 Lama/Waktu Testing : 2 weeks Tipe Tes : Non Test Jumlah Butir Tes : No. Kemampuan Akhir yang direncanakan dan Indikator Jenjang Kemampuan 5 The Students are able to design various types of testing instruments (Test/Non test) based on the Procedure of Testing instruments construction. P3 5.1 The students are able to explain some rule in designing multiple choice test (C2) 5.2 The students are able to design 10 items of Vocabulary Test in the form of multiple choice with the theme ”News Item” 5.3 The students are able to explain some rules in designing True-False Test 5.4 The students are able to design 10 items of Reading test using True False model with the Theme “Narrative Text” 5.5 The students are able to explain some rules in designing Fill in the blanks test (C2) 5.6 The students are able to design 10 items of Listening Test using fill in the blanks model with the theme “ Past Tense” (C6) 5.7 The students are able to explain rules in designing Matching Test (C2) C2 P3 (C2) (P3) (C2) (P3)
  • 40. 5.8 The students are able to make 10 items Grammar Test using Matching Model with the theme “WH Questions” 5.9 The students are able to explain Rules in Designing Re-arrangement Test (C2) 5.10 The students are able to design Writing Test using Re-arrangement Model with the theme “ Simple present tense” 5.11 The Students are able to explain rules in Designing Easy Test (C2) 5.12 The students are able to make easy test with the theme “Letter Application” 5.13 The students are able to explain some rules in designing Speaking Test 5.14 The students are able to design speaking test with the theme “ Introducing Yourself” 5.15 The students are able to explain some rules in designing non-Test Assessments 5.16 The students are able to make Class observation form 5.17 The students are able to make Questionnaire form (C2) (P3) (C2) (P3) (C2) (P3) (C2) (P3) (C2) (P3) (P3)
  • 41. Task: Please tell some procedures in designing testing instrument either test or non test, after that design the test based on the procedure that you have written. Your task should be organized based on the following lists and make it in creative porfolio! 1. Summary rules in designing multiple choice test, and design 10 items of Vocabulary Test in the form of multiple choice with the theme ”News Item 2. Summary rules in designing True-False Test and design 10 items of Reading test using True False model with the Theme “Narrative Text” 3. Summary some rules in designing Fill in the blanks and design 10 items of Listening Test using fill in the blanks model with the theme “ Past Tense” 4. Summary rules in designing Matching Test and make 10 items Grammar Test using Matching Model with the theme “WH Questions” 5. Summary rules in designing Re-arrangement Test and design Writing Test using Re- arrangement model with the theme “ Simple present tense” 6. Summary rules in designing Easy and design easy test with the theme “Letter Application” 7. Summary some rules in designing Speaking Test and design speaking test with the theme “ Introducing yourself” 8. Summary types and the rules of non-Test Assessment and make I example of class observation form a Questionnaire form to know the respond of the students toward new language laboratory RUBRIC FOR SCORING STUDENTS’ PORTFOLIO GROUP PRESENTATION TASK (A3) Task 1: Instruction: please prepare scoring rubric for speaking test in group of 5-6 students and demonstrate how to score and analyze the result of speaking test in front of the class creatively and interestingly! Task 2
  • 42. Instruction: please prepare scoring rubric for writing test in group of 5-6 students and demonstrate how to score and analyze the result of writing test in front of the class creatively and interestingly! Task 3 Instruction: please prepare scoring rubric for reading test in group of 5-6 students and demonstrate how to score and analyze the result of reading test in front of the class creatively and interestingly! Task 4 Instruction please prepare scoring rubric for listening test in group of 5-6 students and demonstrate how to score and analyze the result of listening test in front of the class creatively and interestingly! Furthermore your group presentation will contribute 30 % to your achievement in this course. Therefore do it as good as possible! And your presentation will be evaluated based on the following criteria: FINAL EXAMINATION TASK Instruction: Please review all the material in meeting 1-15 in the form of creative portfolio and submit based on the final examination schedule of university! Your portfolio will be scored based on the following criteria
  • 43.
  • 44.
  • 46. HALAMAN PENGESAHAN Telah diperiksa dan disetujui Oleh Tim PEKERTI AA Kopertis Wilayah VII Pada tanggal___________________
  • 47. ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF BALITAR (UNISBA) The Entrepreneurial University RENCANA PEMBELAJARAN SEMESTER (RPS) Document No: DEPARTMENT COURSE COURSE CODE SKS/SEMESTER LECTURER COURSE LEARNING OUTCOME : : : : : : English Language Testing MPB 002 2/5 Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English Department at Islamic University of Balitar are able to understand some basic knowledge, principles of language testing , design various models of testing instruments (test/non-test) based on the procedures of testing instruments’ construction and demonstrate how to score and interpret the test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly Page: Valid:  Standar Akreditasi Perguruan Tinggi (SAPT)  SPMI Universitas Islam Balitar (UNISBA) Klausa Standar Akreditasi PT:
  • 48. Meeting Planned Learning outcome (KAD) Indicator(s) Material (s) Method/techniques/media /time Evaluation References Test Type Criteria Percentage (%) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 The students are able to understand about Testing, Assessing and Teaching 1.4 The students are able to explain the t definition of test (C2) 1.5 The students are able to explain 5 functions of test in ELT (C2) 1.6 The students are able to explain the relationship among test, assessment and teaching (C2) Definition of test The functions of test The relationship among Testing, Assessing, and Teaching Method: Students Centered Learning: / Online Learning/Interactive Discussion, quiz Media: Video PPT Whiteboard Board marker LCD Note Book Computer/Laptop Time: 2 x 50 Minutes Written Test Accuracy Appropriat eness with the key answer 2.5% Read Brown page 3-7 2-3 The students are able to understand some approaches and techniques in language testing 2.1 The students are able to identify 4 approaches to language testing (C1) 2.2 the students are able to explain 4 approaches of language testing in ELT (C2) Language Testing Approaches 9. Discrete Point Testing Approach 10. Integrative Testing Approach 11.Communicativ e Testing Approach Method: Students Centered Learning /Online Learning/Interactive Discussion Media : Video, PPT Card Game LCD Internet Laptop/ Computer White Board, Board marker, Written Test 5% Reading: Hughes Page 9-21. & Alderson et al. page 9- 24, 170-194.
  • 49. 2.3 The students are able to describe the strengths and the weaknesses of 4 approaches of language testing in ELT (C2) 3.1 the students are able to identify 8 techniques of Language testing (C1) 3.2 The students are able to explain 8 techniques in language testing. (C2) 12.Performance testing approach The strengths and the weaknesses of 4 approaches in language testing 8 Testing Techniques 17.Direct Testing 18.Indirect Testing 19.Discrete Point Testing 20.Integrative Testing 21.Norm Referenced Testing 22.Criterion Referenced Testing 23.Objective Testing 24.Subjective Testing The Strengths and the Weaknesses of Note book Time: 4 x 50 Minutes
  • 50. 3.3 The students are able to describe the strengths and the weaknesses of some techniques in language testing (C2) Each Technique in Language Testing 4 The students are able to understand Types of Test in ELT 4.1 The students are able to explain 5 types of test based on the purpose (C2) 4.2 The students are able to differ the test based on the way of scoring (C2) 4.3 The students are able to explain the classification of test based on the Testes who take the test (C2) 4.4 The students are able to differ between standardize test and Types of test Based on : The Purpose 11.Achievement test 12.Try out Test 13.Diagnostic Test 14.Selection Test 15.Placement Test Types of test based on the way of scoring; 1.Objective Test 2. Subjective Test Test based on the testes who take the test  Individual Test  Group Test Test based on the test constructor  Standardize Method: Students Centered Learning Interactive discussion Interactive Game Media: PPT, Video Matching Game LCD. Computer/Laptop/ Notebook/whiteboard/ board markers Time: 2 x 50 Minutes Written Test 5% Read: Hughes page9-21. & Alderson et al. page 9- 24, 170-194.
  • 51. teacher made-test (C2) 4.5 The students are able to explain types of test based on time ( when the test is made) Test and  Teacher-Made Test The classification of Based on Time  Pre- Test  Post –Test  Formative Test  Summative Test  Entrance test 5 The students are able to comprehend 7 basic principles in Classroom Language Testing 5.1 The students are able to mention 7 principles in Classroom Language Testing (C1) 5.2 The students are able to explain what is validity of the test (C2) 5.3 The students are able to explain kinds of validity (C2) 5.4 The students are able to explain what is 7 Basic Principles in classroom language testing 14. Validity 15. Reliability 16. Practicality 17. Authenticity 18. Wash back 19. Objectivity 20. Interpretability Test validity Kinds of Validity Reliability of the Test Method : Students Centered Learning/online learning/ interactive discussion Media: PPT, Guessing Game Computer/Laptop/LCD Internet Times: 2x50 Minutes Written Test 2.5% Read Brown Page 30-41 Reading: Hughes, pp. 29-43
  • 52. reliability of the test (C2) 5.5 The students are able to explain what is practicality of the test (C2) 5.6 The students are able to explain what is wash back in Language Testing (C2) 5.7 The students are able to describe the objectivity of the test (C2) 5.8 The students are able to explain the interpretability of the test Practicality of the Test Wash back in Language Testing Objectivity of the Test Interpretability of the test 6,7 The Students are able to design various types of testing instruments (Test/Non test) based on the Procedure of Testing instrument Construction 6.1 The students are able to explain some rule in designing multiple choice test (C2) 6.2 The students are able to design 10 items of Vocabulary Test in the form of multiple choice with the Rule in Designing Multiple Choice Test Example of Vocabulary Test using Multiple Choice Model Method: Students Centered Learning/ Online Learning/ Task Based Learning Media: Laptop/computer LCD, Internet Time: 4x 50 minutes Portfolio/Non Test Quality of evidence ( using portfolio scoring guide) 15% https://www. artments/cas/ tipsheets/stud ystrategies/m ultiple_choic e.html http://theelea rningcoach.c om/elearning
  • 53. theme ”News Item” (P3) 6.3 The students are able to explain some rules in designing True-False Test (C2) 6.4 The students are able to design 10 items of Reading test using True False model with the Theme “Narrative Text” (P3) 6.5 The students are able to explain some rules in designing Fill in the blanks test (C2) 6.6 The students are able to design 10 items of Listening Test using fill in the blanks model with the theme “ Past Tense” (P3) 6.7 The students are able to explain rules in designing Matching Rules in Designing True-False Test Example of Reading Test using True-False Model Rules in Designing Fill in the blanks Test Example of Listening Test using Fill in the Blanks model Some Rules in Designing Matching Test _design/rules -for- multiple- choice- questions/ https://www. k- e/alp/resourc es/Handout- Module6.pdf http://www.h academics/ac ademic- resources/cen ter-for- academic- success-and- advising/stud y- advisement/t est- taking/multip le-choice- and- truefalse- tests/
  • 54. Test (C2) 6.8 The students are able to make 10 items Grammar Test using Matching Model with the theme “WH Questions” (P3) 6.9 The students are able to explain Rules in Designing Re-arrangement Test (C2)t 7.1 The students are able to design Writing Test using Re-arrangement Model with the theme “simple present tense” (P3) 7.2 The Students are able to explain rules in Designing Easy Test (C2) 7.3 The students are able to make easy test with the theme “Letter Application” 7.4 The students are able to explain some Example of Grammar Test using Matching Test model Rules in Designing Re-arrangement Test Example of Writing Test Using Re- arrangement Model Rules in Designing Easy Test Example of Writing test using easy model Some Rules in designing Speaking
  • 55. rules in designing Speaking Test (C2) 7.5 The students are able to design speaking test with the theme “Introducing Yourself”(P3) 7.6 The students are able to explain non- Test Assessments (C2) 7.7 The students are able to make Class observation form (P3) 7.8 The students are able to make Questionnaire form (P3) / OralPerformance test Example of Speaking Test Non Test Assessments Example of Class Observation Form Example of Questionnaire Form 8 MID TERM TEST The students are able to master all materials that have been taught in meeting 1-7 All materials that have been learnt in meeting 1-5 Method; Individual Test Time: 2X 50 minutes Written Test 15% 9,10 The students are able to demonstrate how to score and interpret the 9/10 The students are able to identify speaking scoring rubric in group of 5-6 Students Speaking Scoring Rubric Method : GROUP WORK Presentation /Collaborative Learning/ Students Centered Learning / Problem solving Learning Performance Assessment 7.5% Reading: Weir, page 73-80., Underhill, page 44-75,
  • 56. result of speaking Test 9/10 The students are able to demonstrate how to use scoring rubric to score speaking test and interpret the result of the test in group of 5-6 students Scoring and Interpreting the Result of speaking Test Media: Laptop/Computer, LCD, Internet Time: 4 x 50 Minutes Meeting 9 Group 1 and 2 Meeting 10 Group 3 and 4 88-103. 11, 12 The students are able to demonstrate how to score and interpret the result of writing test 11/12 The students are able to identify speaking scoring rubric in group of 5-6 Students 11/12 The students are able to demonstrate how to use scoring rubric to score writing test and interpret the result of the test in group of 5-6 students Writing Scoring Rubric Scoring and Interpreting the Result of writing Test Method: Group Work Presentation/ Collaborative Learning/ Students Centered Learning Media: Laptop/Computer, LCD, and internet Time: 4 X 50 minutes Meeting 11: Group 1 and 2 Meeting 12: Group 3 and 4 7.5% 13/14 The students are able to demonstrate how to score and interpret the result of reading test 13/14 The students are able to identify reading scoring rubric in group of 5-6 Students 13/14 The students are able to demonstrate how to use Reading Scoring Rubric Scoring and Interpreting the Result of speaking Test Group Work Presentation/ Collaborative Learning/ Students Centered Learning Media: LCD, Laptop/Computer, internet Time: 4 x 50 minutes Meeting 13: Group 1 and 2 Meeting 14: 23 and 4 7.5% Reading: Weir, page. 42-58, Heaton, page 105- 134.
  • 57. scoring rubric to score reading test and interpret the result of the test in group of 5-6 15 The students are able to demonstrate how to score and interpret the result of listening test 15.1 The students are able to identify reading scoring rubric in group of 5-6 Students 15.2 The students are able to demonstrate how to use scoring rubric to score writing test and interpret the result of the test in group of 5-6 Listening Scoring Rubric Scoring and Interpreting the Result of Listening Test Method: Group Work Presentation/ Collaborative Learning/ Students Centered Learning Media: LCD, Laptop/Computer, internet Meeting 15 Time; 2 x 50 minutes 7.5% Reading: Weir, page 42-58, Heaton, page 105- 134. 16 FINAL TEST The students are able to review all the material in the form of portfolio All Material meeting 1-15 Take home task 25% Total 100%
  • 58. REFERENCES ONLINE LEARNING REFERENCES testing-2/ and-advising/study-advisement/test-taking/multiple-choice-and-truefalse-tests/ BOOK REFERENCES Alderson, J. C., Clapham, C. & Wall, D. 1995 Language Test Construction and Evaluation. Cambridge UP. Brown, D. 2003. Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices. Longman. Heaton, J. B. 1988 Writing English language tests. Longman. Hughes, A. 2003. Testing for Language Teachers. Cambridge UP. Alderson, J. C. & Cseresznyés, M. 2003. Reading and Use of English Underhill, N. 1987. Testing spoken language. Cambridge UP. Weir, C. J. 1990. Communicative Language Testing. Prentice Hall International.
  • 60. HALAMAN PENGESAHAN Telah diperiksa dan disetujui Oleh Tim PEKERTI AA Kopertis Wilayah VII Pada tanggal___________________
  • 61. LESSON PLAN MEETING 1 Course : Language Testing Learning Outcome : After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English Department at Islamic University of Balitar are able to understand some basic knowledge and principles of language testing , design various models of testing instruments either test or non-test based on the procedures of testing instruments construction and demonstrate how to score and interpret the test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly Planned Learning Outcome (KAD) : The students are able to understand about Testing, Assessing and Teaching Time Allotment : 2x 50 minutes Indicators : 1.7 The students are able to explain the definition of test (C1) 1.8 The students are able to explain 5 functions of test in ELT (C2) 1.9 The students are able to explain the relationship among test, assessment and teaching (C2) Material(s) : Definition of test The functions of test The relationship among Testing, Assessing, and Teaching Procedures of Teaching Learning Process TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS ACTIVITIES METHOD TIME ALLOCATION SOURCES/MEDIA Opening 20 Minutes 1. Lecturer greats the students and tell the lesson objectives Discussion/interactive question answer 5 PPT/internet 2. The students watch the video about today’s lesson Online 10 minutes You- Tube
  • 62. Learning/Watching Video/audiovisual learning Video/LCD/Laptop/Computer 3. The students answering the lecturer’s leading questions Question-Answer 2.5 minutes Leading Question 4. The lecturer stating the main point of today’s discussion Discussion/ question-answer 2.5 minutes RPP/Board marker/whiteboard Main Activities 60 minutes 1. The students read information about testing, assessing and teaching from the referenced book and from online learning , then find the meaning of test and write down the result in her./his note book/laptop Online learning Silent way reading 10 minutes Referenced Book,internet, laptop/computer/android/notebook 2. The students find 5 functions of test in English Language Teaching from the referenced book and from online learning, then write down the result in her/his notebook/laptop Online learning/silent way reading 10 minutes Referenced Book,internet, laptop/computer/ android, notebook 3. The students find the relationship among testing, assessing and teaching from Online Learning/ Silent way reading 10 minutes Book, internet, laptop/Computer/ android, notebook 4. The students listen to the lecturer’s explanation and discuss the material together Interactive explanation 30 minutes PPPT, laptop/ LCD, internet, paper, pen Closing 20 minutes 1. The students do the quiz of meeting 1 Quiz/written test 15 minutes Paper,pen 2. The students and the lecturer close the lesson together 5 minutes Blitar, 15th October 2016 Lecturer, Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd.
  • 63. LESSON PLAN MEETING 2 Course : Language Testing Learning Outcome : After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English Department at Islamic University of Balitar are able to understand some basic knowledge and principles of language testing , design various models of testing instruments either test or non-test based on the procedures of testing instruments construction and demonstrate how to score and interpret the test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly Planned Learning Outcome (KAD) : The students are able to understand 4 approaches and 8 techniques in language testing Time Allotment : 2x 50 minutes Indicators : 2.1 The students are able to identify 4 approaches to language testing (C1) 2.2 The students are able to explain 4 approaches of language testing in ELT (C2) 2.3 The students are able to describe the strengths and the weaknesses of 4 approaches of language testing in ELT (C2) Material(s) : Language Testing Approaches 1. Discrete Point Testing Approach 2. Integrative Testing Approach 3. Communicative Testing Approach 4. Performance testing approach The strengths and the weaknesses of 4 approaches in language testing 1. The strengths and the weaknesses of Discrete Point Testing Approach in language testing 2. The strengths and the weaknesses of Integrative Testing Approach in language testing 3. The strengths and the weaknesses of Communicative Testing Approach in language testing 4. The strengths and the weaknesses of Performance Testing Approaches in language testing.
  • 64. Procedures of Teaching Learning Process : TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS ACTIVITIES METHOD TIME ALLOCATION SOURCES/MEDIA Opening 20 minutes 1. Lecturer greats the students and review yesterday material Discussion/interactive question answer 5 minutes PPT 2. The students watch the video about today’s lesson Online Learning/Watching Video/audiovisual learning 10 minutes You- Tube Video/LCD/Laptop/Computer 3. The students answering the lecturer’s leading questions Question-Answer 2.5 minutes Leading Question 4. The lecturer stating the of today’s discussion (approaches in language testing) Discussion/ question-answer 2.5 minutes RPP/Board marker/whiteboard Main Activities 60 minutes 1. The students read information about approaches in language testing from the referenced book and from online learning , then take note it in her./his note book/laptop Online learning/ Silent way reading 10 minutes Referenced Book,internet, laptop/computer/android/notebook 2. The students and the teacher have interactive discussion which includes explanation and question answer about approaches in language testing Interactive discussion 10 minutes Referenced Book,internet, laptop/computer/ android, notebook 3. The students play card game about approaches in language testing Card Game 15menit Card game, white board/ board marker 4. The students find the strengths and the weaknesses of 4 approaches in internet/ referenced book and summary it in their note book/ laptop Online Learning/ autonomous learning/ silent reading 10 menit PPT,laptop/ LCD, internet 5. The students and the lecturer have discussion about the strengths and the weaknesses of 4 approaches in language testing Interactive discussion 15 minutes References book, Closing 20 minutes
  • 65. 1. The students do the quiz of meeting 2 about 4 approaches in language testing Quiz/written test 15 minutes Paper,pen 2. The students and the lecturer review and close the lesson together Interactive question answer 5 minutes Blitar, 15 October 2016 Lecturer, Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd.
  • 66. LESSON PLAN MEETING 3 Course : Language Testing Learning Outcome : After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English Department at Islamic University of Balitar are able to understand some basic knowledge and principles of language testing , design various models of testing instruments either test or non-test based on the procedures of testing instruments construction and demonstrate how to score and interpret the test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly Planned Learning Outcome (KAD) : The students are able to understand 4 approaches and 8 techniques in language testing Time Allotment : 2x 50 minutes Indicators : 3.1 The students are able to identify 8 techniques in Language testing (C1) 3.2 The students are able to explain 8 techniques in language testing. (C2) 3.3 The students are able to describe the strengths and the weaknesses of 8 techniques in language testing (C2) Material(s) : 8 Techniques in Language Testing 1. Direct Testing 2. Indirect Testing 3. Discrete Point Testing 4. Integrative Testing 5. Norm Referenced Testing 6. Criterion Referenced Testing 7. Objective Testing 8. Subjective Testing The Strengths and the Weaknesses of 8 Techniques in Language Testing 1. The Strengths and the Weaknesses of Direct Testing
  • 67. 2. The Strengths and the Weaknesses of Indirect Testing 3. The Strengths and the Weaknesses of Discrete Point Testing 4. The Strengths and the Weaknesses of Integrative Testing 5. The Strengths and the Weaknesses of Norm-Referenced Testing 6. The Strengths and the Weaknesses of Criterion Referenced Testing 7. The Strengths and the Weaknesses of Objective Testing 8. The Strengths and the Weaknesses of Subjective Testing Procedures of Teaching Learning Process : TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS ACTIVITIES METHOD TIME ALLOCATION SOURCES/MEDIA Opening 20 minutes 1. Lecturer greats the students and review yesterday material Discussion/interactive question answer 5 minutes PPT 2. The students watch the video about today’s lesson Online Learning/Watching Video/audiovisual learning 10 minutes You- Tube Video/LCD/Laptop/Computer 3. The students answering the lecturer’s leading questions Question-Answer 2.5 minutes Leading Question 4. The lecturer stating the of today’s discussion (8 Techniques language testing) Discussion/ question-answer 2.5 minutes RPP/Board marker/whiteboard Main Activities 60 minutes 1. The students read information about 8 techniques in language testing from the referenced book and from online learning , then take a note in her./his note book/laptop Online learning/ Silent way reading 10 minutes Referenced Book,internet, laptop/computer/android/notebook 2. The students and the teacher have interactive discussion which includes explanation and question answer about 8 techniques in language testing Interactive discussion 10 minutes Book, internet, laptop/computer/ android, notebook 3. The students play card game about 8 techniques in language testing Card Game 15 menit Card game, white board/ board marker
  • 68. 4. The students find the strengths and the weaknesses of 4 approaches in internet/ reference book and summary it in their note book/ laptop Online Learning/ autonomous learning/ silent reading 10 menit PPT,laptop/ LCD, internet 5. The students and the lecturer have discussion about the strengths and the weaknesses of 4 approaches in language testing Interactive discussion 15 minutes References book, Closing 20 minutes 1. The students do the quiz of meeting 3 about 8 techniques in language testing Quiz/written test 15 minutes Paper,pen 2. The students and the lecturer review and close the lesson together Interactive question answer 5 minutes Blitar, 15 October 2016 Lecturer, Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd.
  • 69. LESSON PLAN MEETING 4 Course : Language Testing Learning Outcome : After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English Department at Islamic University of Balitar are able to understand some basic knowledge and principles of language testing , design various models of testing instruments either test or non-test based on the procedures of testing instruments construction and demonstrate how to score and interpret the test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly Planned Learning Outcome (KAD) : The students are able to understand Types of Test in ELT Time Allotment : 2x 50 minutes Indicators : 4.1 The students are able to explain 5 types of test based on the purpose (C2 4.2 The students are able to differ the test based on the way of scoring (C2) 4.3 The students are able to explain the classification of test based on the Testes who take the test (C2) 4.4 The students are able to differ between standardize test and teacher made-test (C2) 4.5 The students are able to explain types of test based on time (when the test is given) (C2) Material(s) : Types of test based on the Purpose 1. Achievement test 2. Try out Test 3. Diagnostic Test 4. Selection Test 5. Placement Test Types of test based on the way of scoring; 1.Objective Test 2. Subjective Test
  • 70. Test based on the testes who take the test 1. Individual Test 2. Group Test Test based on the test constructor 1. Standardize Test and 2. Teacher-Made Test The classification of based on time (when the test is given ) 1. Pre- Test 2. Post –Test 3. Formative Test 4. Summative Test 5. Entrance Test Procedures of Teaching Learning Process : TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS ACTIVITIES METHOD TIME ALLOCATION SOURCES/MEDIA Opening 20 minutes 1. Lecturer greats the students and review yesterday material Discussion/interactive question answer 5 minutes PPT 2. The students watch the video about today’s lesson Online Learning/Watching Video/audiovisual learning 10 minutes You- Tube Video/LCD/Laptop/Computer
  • 71. 3. The students answering the lecturer’s leading questions Question-Answer 2.5 minutes Leading Question 4. The lecturer stating the of today’s discussion (Types of test in ELT) Discussion/ question-answer 2.5 minutes RPP/Board marker/whiteboard Main Activities 60 minutes 1. The students read information about types of test in ELT from the referenced book and from online learning , then take a note in her./his note book/laptop Online learning/ Silent way reading 20 minutes Referenced Book,internet, laptop/computer/android/notebook 2. The students and the teacher have interactive discussion which includes explanation and question answer about types of test in ELT Interactive discussion 20 minutes Book, internet, laptop/computer/ android, notebook 3. The students do matching game about types of test in ELT Matching Game 20 menit Matching game, white board/ board marker Closing 20 minutes 1. The students do the quiz of meeting 4 about types of test in ELT Quiz/written test 15 minutes Paper,pen 2. The students and the lecturer review and close the lesson together Interactive question answer 5 minutes Blitar, 15th October 2016 Lecturer, Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd.
  • 72. LESSON PLAN MEETING 5 Course : Language Testing Learning Outcome : After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English Department at Islamic University of Balitar are able to understand some basic knowledge and principles of language testing , design various models of testing instruments either test or non-test based on the procedures of testing instruments construction and demonstrate how to score and interpret the test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly Planned Learning Outcome (KAD) : The students are able to comprehend 7 basic principles in Classroom Language Testing Time Allotment : 2 x 50 minutes Indicators : 5.1 The students are able to mention 7 principles in Classroom Language Testing (C1) 5.2 The students are able to explain what is validity of the test (C2) 5.3 The students are able to explain kinds of validity (C2) 5.4 The students are able to explain what is reliability of the test (C2) 5.5 The students are able to explain what is practicality of the test (C2 5.6 The students are able to explain what is wash back in Language Testing (C2) 5.7 The students are able to describe the objectivity of the test (C2) 5.8 The students are able to explain the interpretability of the test (C2) Material(s) : 7 principles in classroom language testing 1. Validity 2. Reliability 3. Practicality 4. Authenticity 5. Wash back
  • 73. 6. Objectivity 7. Interpretability Procedures of Teaching Learning Process TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS ACTIVITIES METHOD TIME ALLOCATION SOURCES/MEDIA Opening 20 Minutes 1. Lecturer greats the students and review yesterday material Discussion/interactive question answer 5 minutes PPT/internet 2. The students watch the video about today’s lesson (some basic principles in classroom language testing) Online Learning/Watching Video/audiovisual learning 10 minutes You- Tube Video/LCD/Laptop/Computer 3. The students answering the lecturer’s leading questions Question-Answer 2.5 minutes Leading Question 4. The lecturer stating the main point of today’s discussion Discussion/ question-answer 2.5 minutes RPP/Board marker/whiteboard Main Activities 60 minutes 1. The students read /search information about 7 principles in classroom language testing(Validity, Reliability, Practicality, Authenticity, wash back, from the referenced book and from internet and summary the result in her./his note book/laptop Online learning Silent way reading 20 minutes Referenced Book,internet, laptop/computer/android/notebook 2. The students and the teacher discuss the material together Interactive discussion/question answer 20 minutes Referenced Book,/LCD internet, laptop/computer/ android, notebook 3. The students play guessing game about 7 principles in classroom language testing Guessing game 20 minutes Guessing game/ whiteboard/ board marker Closing 60 minutes 1. The students do the quiz of meeting 5 about 7 principles in Quiz/written test 15 minutes Paper,pen
  • 74. classroom language testing 2. The students and the lecturer close the lesson together 5 minutes Blitar, 15th October 2016 Lecturer, Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd.
  • 75. LESSON PLAN MEETING 6 Course : Language Testing Learning Outcome : After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English Department at Islamic University of Balitar are able to understand some basic knowledge and principles of language testing , design various models of testing instruments either test or non-test based on the procedures of testing instruments’ construction and demonstrate how to score and interpret the test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly Planned Learning Outcome (KAD) : The Students are able to design various types of testing instruments (Test/Non test) based on the Procedure of Testing instrument’ Construction Time Allotment : 2 x 50 minutes Indicators : 6.1 The students are able to explain some rule in designing multiple choice test (C2) 6.2 The students are able to design 10 items of Vocabulary Test in the form of multiple choice with the theme ”News Item” (P3) 6.3 The students are able to explain some rules in designing True-False Test (C2) 6.4 The students are able to design 10 items of Reading test using True False model with the Theme “Narrative Text” (P2) 6.5 The students are able to explain some rules in designing Fill in the blanks test (C2) 6.6 The students are able to design 10 items of Listening Test using fill in the blanks model with the theme “ Past Tense” (P3) 6.7 The students are able to explain rules in designing Matching Test (C2) 6.8 The students are able to make 10 items Grammar Test using Matching Test with the theme “WH Questions” (P3) 6.9 The students are able to explain Rules in Designing Re-arrangement Test (C2) 6.10 The students are able to design Material(s) : Some Rules in designing test and example of test a. multiple choice b. true-false
  • 76. c. fill in the blanks d. matching test e. Re-arrangement Procedures of Teaching Learning Process TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS ACTIVITIES METHOD TIME ALLOCATION SOURCES/MEDIA Opening 20 Minutes 1. Lecturer greats the students and review yesterday material Discussion/interactive question answer 5 minutes PPT/internet 2. The students watch the video about today’s lesson ( rules in designing test and examples/ models of test ) Online Learning/Watching Video/audiovisual learning 10 minutes You- Tube Video/LCD/Laptop/Computer 3. The students answering the lecturer’s leading questions Question-Answer 2.5 minutes Leading Question 4. The lecturer stating the main point of today’s discussion Discussion/ question-answer 2.5 minutes RPP/Board marker/whiteboard Main Activities 60 minutes 1. The students read /search information about examples and rules in designing multiple choice, true false, fill in the blanks, matching test and re-arrangement from the referenced book and from internet and summary the result in her/his note book/laptop Online learning Silent way reading 20 minutes Referenced Book,internet, laptop/computer/android/notebook 4. The students and the teacher discuss the material together Interactive discussion/question answer 20 minutes Referenced Book,/LCD internet, laptop/computer/ android, notebook 5. The students practice in designing multiple choice, true false, fill Practicing in 20 minutes Internet/laptop/ referenced book/
  • 77. in the blanks, matching test,and re-arrangement test designing test /learning by doing paper/ pen Closing 20 minutes Paper, pen 1. The students and the lecturer review the material together Oral test/question answer 60 minutes Whiteboard, board marker 2. The lecturer inform the students about task home task about designing test in the form of creative portfolio and close the lesson together 10 minutes - Blitar, 15th October 2016 Lecturer, Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd.
  • 78. LESSON PLAN MEETING 7 Course : Language Testing Learning Outcome : After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English Department at Islamic University of Balitar are able to understand some basic knowledge and principles of language testing , design various models of testing instruments either test or non-test based on the procedures of testing instruments construction and demonstrate how to score and interpret the test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly Planned Learning Outcome (KAD) : The Students are able to design various types of testing instruments (Test/Non test) based on the Procedure of Testing instrument’ Construction Time Allotment : 2 x 50 minutes Indicators : 7.1 The Students are able to explain rules in Designing Easy Test (C2) 7.2 The students are able to make easy test with the theme “Letter Application” (P3) 7.3 The students are able to explain some rules in designing Speaking Test (C2) 7.4 The students are able to design speaking test with the theme “Introducing Yourself”(P3) 7.5 The students are able to explain non-Test Assessments (C2) 7.6 The students are able to make Class observation form (P3) 7.7 The students are able to make Questionnaire form (P3) Material(s) : Some rules in designing testing instruments test and non-test a. Some rules in designing Easy test and example of easy test b. Some rules in designing speaking test/ oral performance test/ example of speaking test c. Rules in designing non-test instruments and examples of non-test instruments (Observation, questionnaire etc.)
  • 79. Procedures of Teaching Learning Process TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS ACTIVITIES METHOD TIME ALLOCATION SOURCES/MEDIA Opening 20 Minutes 1. Lecturer greats the students and review yesterday material Discussion/interactive question answer PPT/internet 2. The students watch the video about today’s lesson ( models of test/non-test assessment ) Online Learning/Watching Video/audiovisual learning 10 minutes You- Tube Video/LCD/Laptop/Computer 3. The students answering the lecturer’s leading questions Question-Answer 2.5 minutes Leading Question 4. The lecturer stating the main point of today’s discussion Discussion/ question-answer 2.5 minutes RPP/Board marker/whiteboard Main Activities 60 minutes 1. The students read /search information about examples and rules in designing easy test, speaking test,non -test assessment ( class observation and questionnaire ) form referenced book and from internet and summary the result in her/his note book/laptop Online learning Silent way reading 20 minutes Referenced Book,internet, laptop/computer/android/notebook 2. The students and the teacher discuss the material together Interactive discussion/question answer 20 minutes Referenced Book,/LCD internet, laptop/computer/ android, notebook 3. The students practice in designing easy test speaking test and non test assessment ( observation and questionnaire form) Practicing in designing test /learning by doing 20 minutes Internet/laptop/ referenced book/ paper/ pen Closing 20 minutes Paper,pen 1. The students and the lecturer review the material together Oral test/question 10 minutes Whiteboard, board marker
  • 80. answer 2. The lecturer inform the students about task home task(designing test in the form of creative portfolio) and ask the students to prepare presentation about how to score and interpret the test result then close the lesson together Interactive discussion 10 minutes - Blitar, 15th October 2016 Lecturer, Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd. Meeting 8: MID TEST
  • 81. LESSON PLAN MEETING 9 and 10 Course : Language Testing Learning Outcome : After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English Department at Islamic University of Balitar are able to understand some basic knowledge and principles of language testing , design various models of testing instruments either test or non-test based on the procedures of testing instruments construction and demonstrate how to score and interpret the test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly Planned Learning Outcome (KAD) : The students are able to demonstrate how to score and interpret the result of speaking Test Time Allotment : 4 x 50 minutes ( 2 meetings) meeting 9 (group 1 and 2) meeting 10 (group 3 and 4) Indicators : 1. The students are able to identify speaking scoring rubric in group of 5-6 Students 2. The students are able to demonstrate how to use scoring rubric to score speaking test and interpret the result of speaking test in group of 5-6 students Material(s) : How to score and interpret speaking test result Procedures of Teaching Learning Process Meeting 9 TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS METHOD TIME ALLOCATION SOURCES/MEDIA
  • 82. ACTIVITIES Opening 10 Minutes 1. Lecturer greats the students and review yesterday material Discussion/interactive question answer 2,5 minutes PPT/referenced book 2. The students identifying scoring rubric of speaking test Identifying scoring rubric through internet/online learning 5 minutes Internet/referenced book 3. The lecturer stating the main point of today’s discussion (presentation about how to score and interpret the result of speaking test) Discussion/ question-answer 2.5 minutes RPP/Board marker/whiteboard Main Activities 80 minutes (2 groups) 1. The students do presentation / demonstration about how to score and interpret the result of speaking test Demonstration/ Collaborative learning 30 minutes (group 1) 30 minutes (group2 ) Referenced Book,internet, laptop/computer/android/notebook 2. The students have discussion / question answer about the topic Interactive discussion/question answer 10 minutes (group 1) 10 minutes (group 2) Referenced Book,/LCD internet, laptop/computer/ android, notebook, paper, pen Closing 10 minutes 1. The students and the lecturer review the material together Oral test/question answer 5 minutes Whiteboard, board marker 2. The students and the lecturer close the lesson together Closing the lesson/leaving 5 minutes - Meeting 10 TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS ACTIVITIES METHOD TIME ALLOCATION SOURCES/MEDIA Opening 10 Minutes 1. Lecturer greats the students and review Discussion/interactive 2,5 minutes PPT/referenced book
  • 83. yesterday material question answer 2. The students identifying scoring rubric of speaking test Identifying scoring rubric through internet/online learning 5 minutes Internet/referenced book 3. The lecturer stating the main point of today’s discussion (presentation about how to score and interpret the result of speaking test) Discussion/ question-answer 2.5 minutes RPP/Board marker/whiteboard Main Activities 80 minutes (2 groups) 1. The students do presentation / demonstration about how to score and interpret the result of speaking test Demonstration/ Collaborative learning 30 minutes (group 3) 30 minutes (group4 ) Referenced Book,internet, laptop/computer/android/notebook 2. The students have discussion / question answer about the topic Interactive discussion/question answer 10 minutes (group 3) 10 minutes (group 4) Referenced Book,/LCD internet, laptop/computer/ android, notebook Closing 10 minutes 1. The students and the lecturer review the material together Oral test/question answer 5 minutes Whiteboard, board marker 2. The students and the lecturer close the lesson together Closing the lesson/leaving 5 minutes - Blitar, 15th October 2016 Lecturer, Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd.
  • 84. LESSON PLAN MEETING 11 and 12 Course : Language Testing Learning Outcome : After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English Department at Islamic University of Balitar are able to understand some basic knowledge and principles of language testing , design various models of testing instruments either test or non-test based on the procedures of testing instruments construction and demonstrate how to score and interpret the test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly Planned Learning Outcome (KAD) : The students are able to demonstrate how to score and interpret the result of writing Test Time Allotment : 4 x 50 minutes ( 2 meetings) meeting 11 (group 1 and 2) meeting 12 (group 3 and 4) Indicators : 1. The students are able to identify writing scoring rubric in group of 5-6 Students 2. The students are able to demonstrate how to use scoring rubric to score writing test and interpret the result of writing test in group of 5-6 students Material(s) : How to score and interpret writing test result Procedures of Teaching Learning Process Meeting 11 TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS ACTIVITIES METHOD TIME ALLOCATION SOURCES/MEDIA Opening 10 Minutes 1. Lecturer greats the students and review Discussion/interactive 2,5 minutes PPT/referenced book
  • 85. yesterday material question answer 2. The students identifying scoring rubric of writing test Identifying scoring rubric through internet/online learning 5 minutes Internet/referenced book 3. The lecturer stating the main point of today’s discussion (presentation about how to score and interpret the result of writing test) Discussion/ question-answer 2.5 minutes RPP/Board marker/whiteboard Main Activities 80 minutes (2 groups) 1. The students do presentation / demonstration about how to score and interpret the result of writing test Demonstration/ Collaborative learning 30 minutes (group 1) 30 minutes (group2 ) Referenced Book,internet, laptop/computer/android/notebook 2. The students have discussion / question answer about the topic that have been presented Interactive discussion/question answer 10 minutes (group 1) 10 minutes (group 2) Referenced Book,/LCD internet, laptop/computer/ android, notebook, paper, pen Closing 10 minutes 1. The students and the lecturer review the material together Oral test/question answer 5 minutes Whiteboard, board marker 2. The students and the lecturer close the lesson together Closing the lesson/leaving 5 minutes - Meeting 12 TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS ACTIVITIES METHOD TIME ALLOCATION SOURCES/MEDIA Opening 10 Minutes 1. Lecturer greats the students and review yesterday material Discussion/interactive question answer 2,5 minutes PPT/referenced book 2. The students identifying scoring rubric of writing test Identifying scoring rubric through 5 minutes Internet/referenced book
  • 86. internet/online learning 3. The lecturer stating the main point of today’s discussion (presentation about how to score and interpret the result of writing test) Discussion/ question-answer 2.5 minutes RPP/Board marker/whiteboard Main Activities 80 minutes (2 groups) 1. The students do presentation / demonstration about how to score and interpret the result of writing test Demonstration/ Collaborative learning 30 minutes (group 3) 30 minutes (group4 ) Referenced Book,internet, laptop/computer/android/notebook 2. The students have discussion / question answer about the topic Interactive discussion/question answer 10 minutes (group 3) 10 minutes (group 4) Referenced Book,/LCD internet, laptop/computer/ android, notebook, paper, pen Closing 10 minutes 1. The students and the lecturer review the material together Oral test/question answer 5 minutes Whiteboard, board marker 2. The students and the lecturer close the lesson together Closing the lesson/leaving 5 minutes - Blitar, 15th October 2016 Lecturer, Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd.
  • 87.
  • 88. LESSON PLAN MEETING 13 and 14 Course : Language Testing Learning Outcome : After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English Department at Islamic University of Balitar are able to understand some basic knowledge and principles of language testing , design various models of testing instruments either test or non-test based on the procedures of testing instruments construction and demonstrate how to score and interpret the test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly Planned Learning Outcome (KAD) : The students are able to demonstrate how to score and interpret the result of reading Test Time Allotment : 4 x 50 minutes ( 2 meetings) meeting 13 (group 1 and 2) meeting 14 (group 3 and 4) Indicators : 1. The students are able to identify reading scoring rubric in group of 5-6 Students 2. The students are able to demonstrate how to use scoring rubric to score reading test and interpret the result of reading test in group of 5-6 students Material(s) : How to score and interpret reading test result Procedures of Teaching Learning Process Meeting 13 TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS ACTIVITIES METHOD TIME ALLOCATION SOURCES/MEDIA Opening 10 Minutes 1. Lecturer greats the students and review yesterday material Discussion/interactive question answer 2,5 minutes PPT/referenced book 2. The students identifying scoring rubric of Identifying scoring 5 minutes Internet/referenced book
  • 89. reading test rubric through internet/online learning 3. The lecturer stating the main point of today’s discussion (presentation about how to score and interpret the result of reading test) Discussion/ question-answer 2.5 minutes RPP/Board marker/whiteboard Main Activities 80 minutes (2 groups) 1. The students do presentation / demonstration about how to score and interpret the result of reading test Demonstration/ Collaborative learning 30 minutes (group 1) 30 minutes (group2 ) Referenced Book,internet, laptop/computer/android/notebook 2. The students have discussion / question answer about the topic that have been presented Interactive discussion/question answer 10 minutes (group 1) 10 minutes (group 2) Referenced Book,/LCD internet, laptop/computer/ android, notebook, paper, pen Closing 10 minutes 1. The students and the lecturer review the material together Oral test/question answer 5 minutes Whiteboard, board marker 2. The students and the lecturer close the lesson together Closing the lesson/leaving 5 minutes - Meeting 14 TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS ACTIVITIES METHOD TIME ALLOCATION SOURCES/MEDIA Opening 10 Minutes 1. Lecturer greats the students and review yesterday material Discussion/interactive question answer 2,5 minutes PPT/referenced book 2. The students identifying scoring rubric of reading test Identifying scoring rubric through 5 minutes Internet/referenced book
  • 90. internet/online learning 3. The lecturer stating the main point of today’s discussion (presentation about how to score and interpret the result of reading test) Discussion/ question-answer 2.5 minutes RPP/Board marker/whiteboard Main Activities 80 minutes (2 groups) 1. The students do presentation / demonstration about how to score and interpret the result of reading test Demonstration/ Collaborative learning 30 minutes (group 3) 30 minutes (group4 ) Referenced Book,internet, laptop/computer/android/notebook 2. The students have discussion / question answer about the topic Interactive discussion/question answer 10 minutes (group 3) 10 minutes (group 4) Referenced Book,/LCD internet, laptop/computer/ android, notebook, paper, pen Closing 10 minutes 1. The students and the lecturer review the material together Oral test/question answer 10 minutes Whiteboard, board marker 2. he students and the lecturer close the lesson together Closing the lesson/leaving 5 minutes - Blitar, 15th October 2016 Lecturer, Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd.
  • 91. LESSON PLAN MEETING 15 Course : Language Testing Learning Outcome : After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English Department at Islamic University of Balitar are able to understand some basic knowledge and principles of language testing , design various models of testing instruments either test or non-test based on the procedures of testing instruments construction and demonstrate how to score and interpret the test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly Planned Learning Outcome (KAD) : The students are able to demonstrate how to score and interpret the result of listening test Time Allotment : 2 x 50 minutes Indicators : 1. The students are able to identify listening scoring rubric in group of 5-6 Students 2. The students are able to demonstrate how to use scoring rubric to score listening test and interpret the result of the test in group of 5-6 students Material(s) : How to score and interpret listening test result Procedures of Teaching Learning Process Meeting 15 TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS ACTIVITIES METHOD TIME ALLOCATION SOURCES/MEDIA Opening 10 Minutes 1. Lecturer greats the students and review yesterday material Discussion/interactive question answer 2,5 minutes PPT/referenced book 2. The students identifying scoring rubric of Identifying scoring 5 minutes Internet/referenced book
  • 92. listening test rubric through internet/online learning 3. The lecturer stating the main point of today’s discussion (presentation about how to score and interpret the result of listening test) Discussion/ question-answer 2.5 minutes RPP/Board marker/whiteboard Main Activities 80 minutes (4 groups) 1. The students do presentation / demonstration about how to score and interpret the result of listening test Demonstration/ Collaborative learning 15 minutes (group 1) 15 minutes (group2 ) 15 minutes (group 3) 15 minutes (group 4) Referenced Book,internet, laptop/computer/android/notebook 2. The students have discussion / question answer about the topic that have been presented Interactive discussion/question answer 5 minutes (group 1) 5 minutes (group 2) 5 minutes (group 3) 5 minutes (group 4) Referenced Book,/LCD internet, laptop/computer/ android, notebook, paper, pen Closing 10 minutes 1. The students and the lecturer review the material together Oral test/question answer 5 minutes Whiteboard, board marker 2. The students and the lecturer close the lesson together Closing the lesson/leaving 5 minutes - Blitar, 15th October 2016 Lecturer, Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd.
  • 94. HALAMAN PENGESAHAN Telah diperiksa dan disetujui Oleh Tim PEKERTI AA Kopertis Wilayah VII Pada tanggal___________________
  • 95. COURSE CONTRACT 1. COURSE IDENTITY Institution/Faculty/ Department : Islamic University of Balitar / Faculty of teacher Training and Education /English Department Course Title : Language Testing Course Code : MB02 SKS : 2 Semester : 5 Core course : - Lecturer : Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd. 2. COURSE BENEFITS By joining and passing this course (minimum got B score) the students will able to: a. Understand about testing, assessing and teaching b. Understand 4 approaches and 8 techniques in language testing c. Understand types of test in English Language Teaching d. Understand 7 basic principles in classroom language testing e. Understand some procedures in designing testing instruments (Test/non-test) f. Understand how to score and interpret the result of speaking, writing, reading and listening test g. Design various models of testing instruments (test/ non-test) h. Demonstrate how to score and interpret the result of speaking, writing, reading and listening test collaboratively, creatively and interestingly i. Join Classroom Based Assessment Course in the next semester 3. COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides students with an understanding of background knowledge and some basic principles of language testing in English Language Teaching, including the definition and, the function of test, the relationship among testing, assessing and teaching, 4 approaches in language testing (Easy Translation Approach, Integrative Testing Approach, Integrative Testing Approach and Performance Testing Approach) and 8 techniques in language testing (Direct Testing, Indirect Testing, Discrete Point Testing, Integrative Testing, Norm Referenced Testing, Criterion Referenced Testing , Objective Testing, and Subjective Testing), many types of tests, some basic principle in classroom language testing (validity, reliability, practicality, authenticity, wash back, and objectivity), the procedures of testing instruments either test or non-test non constructions it includes: multiple choice, true-false, fill in the blanks, matching, re-arrangement, easy, oral performance observation, and questionnaire. Moreover, this course is more emphasized on the students’ in designing testing instruments and demonstrating how to score and interpret the test result of speaking, writing, reading and listening
  • 96. 4. LEARNING OUTCOME, PLANNED LEARNING OUTCOMES INDICATORS AND MATERIALS LEARNING OUTCOME : After joining the course, the fifth semester students of English Department at Islamic University of Balitar are able to understand some basic knowledge and principles of language testing , design various models of testing instruments either test or non-test based on the procedures of testing instruments construction and demonstrate how to score and interpret the test result collaboratively, creatively and interestingly NO PLANNED LEARNING OUTCOMES(s) INDICATORS MATERIALS 1 The students are able to understand about testing, assessing and teaching 1.10 The students are able to explain the definition of test (C2) 1.11 The students are able to explain 5 functions of test in ELT (C2) 1.12 The students are able to explain the relationship among testing, assessing, and teaching (C2) Definition of test The functions of test in ELT The relationship among testing, assessing, and teaching 2 The students are able to understand some approaches and techniques in language testing 2.1 The students are able to identify 4 approaches to language testing (C1) 2.2 the students are able to explain 4 approaches of language testing in ELT (C2) 2.3 The students are able to describe the strengths and the weaknesses of 4 approaches of language testing in ELT (C2) 2.4 The students are able to identify 8 techniques of Language testing (C1) Testing Approaches 13.Easy Translation Approach 14. Integrative Testing Approach 15.Communicative Testing Approach 16.Performance testing approach 4 Approaches in Language Testing The strengths and the weaknesses of 4 approaches in Language Testing 8 Testing Techniques 25.Direct Testing 26.Indirect Testing 27.Discrete Point Testing 28.Integrative Testing
  • 97. 2.5 The students are able to explain 8 techniques in language testing. (C2) 2.6 The students are able to describe the strengths and the weaknesses of 8 techniques in language testing (C2) 29.Norm Referenced Testing 30. Criterion Referenced Testing 31.Objective Testing 32.Subjective Testing The strengths and the weaknesses of 8 techniques in language Testing 3 The students are able to understand Types of Test in ELT 3.1 The students are able to explain 5 types of test based on the purpose (C2) 3.2 The students are able to differ the test based on the way of scoring (C2) 3.3 The students are able to explain the classification of test based on the Testes who take the test (C2) 3.4 The students are able to differ between standardize test and teacher made-test (C2) 3.5 The students are able to explain types of test based on time ( when the test is made) Types of test Based on : The Purpose 16.Achievement test 17.Try out Test 18.Diagnostic Test 19.Selection Test 20.Placement Test Types of test based on the way of scoring;  Objective Test  subjective Test Test Based on The Testes who take the test  Individual Test  Group Test Test based on the Test Constructor  Standardize Test and  Teacher-Made Test The classification of Based on Time  Pre- Test  Post –Test  Formative Test  Summative Test  Entrance test 4 The students are able to comprehend some basic principles in Classroom Language Testing 4.1 The students are able to mention 6 principles in Classroom Language Testing (C1) 4.2 The students are able to explain what is validity of the test (C2) Some Basic Principles in Classroom Language Testing 21. Validity 22. Reliability 23. Practicality 24. Authenticity 25. Wash back 26. Objectivity Test validity
  • 98. 4.16 The students are able to explain kinds of validity (C2) 4.17 The students are able to explain what is reliability of the test (C2) 4.18 The students are able to explain what is practicality of the test (C2) 4.19 The students are able to explain what is wash back in Language Testing (C2) 4.20 The students are able to describe the objectivity of the test (C2) 4.21 The students are able to explain what is interpretability of the test (C2) Kinds of Validity Reliability of the Test Practicality of the Test Wash back in Language Testing Objectivity of the Test Interpretability of the test 5 The Students are able to design various types of testing instruments (Test/Non test) based on the Procedure of Testing instruments construction. 5.1 The students are able to explain some rule in designing multiple choice test (C2) 5.2 The students are able to design 10 items of Vocabulary Test in the form of multiple choice with the theme ”News Item” (P 5.3 The students are able to explain some rules in designing True-False Test 5.4 The students are able to design 10 items of Reading test using True False model with the Theme “Narrative Text” 5.5 The students are able to explain some rules in designing Fill in the blanks test (C2) 5.6 The students are able to design 10 items of Listening Test using fill in the blanks model with the theme “ Past Tense” (C6) 5.6 The students are able to explain rules in designing Matching Test (C2) Rule in Designing Multiple Choice Test Example of Vocabulary Test using Multiple Choice Model Rules in Designing True-False Test Example of Reading Test using True-False Model Rules in Designing Fill in the blanks test Example of Listening Test using Fill in the Blanks model Some Rules in Designing Matching Test