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Lecture 02
Software Design
 Programming with Objects
– Classes
– Interfaces
– Generic programming
– Reflection
 Software Design
– Ducks…
 Don’t Repeat Yourself
 Polymorphism
 Separation of concerns
 Loose coupling
 Optional:
Programming with Objects
Object Oriented Programming
 Object Oriented programming can be powerful
– One of the best ways for general purpose computing
 But
– The power of object oriented languages needs to be
used properly!
 However
– Programmers tend to forget the power of OO
Object Oriented Programming
Object Oriented Programming
 Programming languages with objects
– Objects hold data and methods
– Object variables (reference) point to objects
 Object Oriented
– Object are instances of classes, created with new
– Classes describe the objects
– Classes extend other classes – inheritance
– Instance variables are encapsulated
– Methods manipulate instance variable
Explain these concepts and why they are important in programming
Think About This!
 Object-oriented programming
– Is not about class inheritance and creating advanced
class diagrams
 Remember
– Encapsulation – Hiding data
– Interfaces – Hiding implementation
– Polymorphism – Flexible and Generic Programming
 Powerful programming
– Separation of concerns
– Separating what varies from what stays the same
Think About This!
 Object-oriented programming
– Is not about class inheritance and creating advanced
class diagrams
 Remember
– Encapsulation – Hiding data
– Interfaces – Hiding implementation
– Polymorphism – Flexible and Generic Programming
 Powerful programming
– Separation of concerns
– Separating what varies from what stays the same
Separate Variations Design Principle
Identify the aspects of
your application that
vary and separate
them from what stays the
Don’t Repeat Yourself – DRY
 Single source of truth
Every piece of knowledge
must have a
single, unambiguous, authorit
ative representation within a
Object Oriented Design
 Design of classes and interfaces
– Class diagram shows relationships
– Sequence diagrams show flows
 Design Patterns
– Reoccurring solutions in design
– “Best practices” – known solutions for common
 Object created
 Object used
Date day1;
Date day2 = new Date();
System.out.println (new Date ());
String s = new Date().toString ();
day1 null
Date now = new Date();
if (day2.before(now))
System.out.println (day2.toString());
 Operator new creates
– String is an exception
 Reference variables
always point to some memory
day1 null
Date d = new Date();
Must be a concrete
Can be any supertype or
interface of the concrete class
+getId() : String
-id : int
-name : String
-username : String
-password : String
-email : String
 Classes extend other classes
– Concrete Inheritance
– Subtype extends supertype
 Class contains
– Instance variables
– Methods
 Reference variables of type
Object points to any class
– Any supertype can reference subtype
Object obj = new User ();
User u = (User)obj;
Class methods
 Methods can be overridden
– Class extends a class and overrides a method
 Methods can be overloaded
– Same method with different parameters
 Methods can be
– public – any class can call the method
– private – only available within the class
– protected – only available within the class and
extended classes
Class A inherits class B. A overwrites method f. Variable b is created like
B b = new A();
What happens when this line is run:
A) The method in A is run
B) The method in B is run
C) First the method in B is run, then the method in A
D) The new statement is illegal and does not compile
 References
– Point to concrete objects
– Must be same type or supertype of concrete object
– Can be interface or abstract class
Object obj = new Date ();
Date d = (Date)obj;
 Classes have constructor
– Instantiation methods
– Same name as the class
 References
– this – refers to the class
– super – extended class
public Employee (String name,
double salary)
this (name);
this.salary = salary;
public Manager (String name)
super (name, 0.0);
class Point
private int x, y;
public Point ()
x = 0; y = 0;
public Point (int x, int y)
this.x = x; this.y = y;
public void move (intdx, intdy)
public String toString ()
return "(" + x + "," + y + ")";
this used to refer to the
class variables
Override toString
method of Object
Class variables
Default constructors
Overloaded constructor
public class Test
public static void main (String[] args)
System.out.println ("Test");
Test test = new Test();
public Test ()
Point p0; // null reference
Point p1 = new Point ();
Point p2 = new Point (1,2);
Object obj = p2;
p0 = (Point)obj;
p0.move (1, 1);
System.out.println("p0=" + p0);
C:java>java Test
X = 2
Y = 3
Java uses this method to pass objects to methods
A) Call by reference
B) Call by value
C) Call by object reference
D) Call by value reference
Call By Value
 Methods use call by value
– Object references are passed by value
– The reference cannot change, but the object can
void changeReferance(Point p)
while (p.x>0) p.x--;
Point p = new Point (42,0);
Reference p to Point
Local copy of a reference
p to Point
p is same as this.p
 Classes extend other classes
– Subclasses extend superclasses
 Reference variables of super types can
reference objects of subtypes
Empolyee e;
e = new Employee(. . .)
e = new Manager(. . .)
class Manager extends Employee
{ ... }
public class Employee
private String name;
private double salary;
private Date hireDate;
public Employee()
public Employee(String name, double salary, Date hireDate)
{ = name;
this.salary = salary;
this.hireDate = hireDate;
public Employee(String name)
{ = name;
public String getName()
return name;
public double getSalary()
return salary;
public void setName(String name)
{ = name;
public String toString()
return "Employee: " + getName();
class Manager extends Employee
String title;
double bonus;
public Manager (String name, String title)
super (name);
this.title = title;
public String getTitle ()
return title;
public double getSalary()
return this.bonus + super.getSalery();
public String toString ()
return "Manager: " + getName() +
", " + getTitle ();
New method
New variables
What does this program print?
public class Test2
public static void main (String[] args)
System.out.println ("Test2");
Test2 test2 = new Test2();
public Test2 ()
Employee e0 = new Employee ("Dilbert");
Employee e1 = new Manager ("Pointy Haired", "Boss");
System.out.println("e0: " + e0);
System.out.println("e1: " + e1);
C:java>java Test2
e0: Employee: Dilbert
e1: Manager: Pointy Haired, Boss
Dynamic binding
 Decision on which method to run is taken at
– The virtual machine uses a method table for each
Manager m = new Manager();
m.setName(“P.H. Carl”); // Employee.setName
m.setTitle (“Boss”); // Manager.setTitle
m.getSalary (); // Manager.getSalary
Employee e1 = new Manager("Pointy Haired", "Boss");
Is this manager
salary with bonus?
What does this program print?
public class Test1
public static void main(String[] args)
new Test1();
public Test1()
Employee e0 = new Employee ("Dilbert");
Employee e1 = new Manager ("Pointy", "Boss");
} Trick question!
Does not compile since getTitle is not in Employee
Think About This!
 Why use Concrete Inheritance?
– Powerful implementation approach
– Layered Supertype Pattern
– Enables polymorphism if supertypes are used
– New classes can be added without recompile
 But remember
– Object oriented programming is not just about
concrete inheritance
– It has to be natural!
– Class hierarchies are rigid
– Not always good to force others to extend
Abstract Classes
 Abstract classes put the responsibility of
implementation on subclasses
– Classes extending an abstract class must implement
the abstract methods
– Can contain both concrete and abstract methods
– Normal classes are concrete classes
 Abstract classes cannot be instantiated
 Reference variables of abstract types are
– Object must be a concrete class
Abstract Example
abstract class Person
private String name;
public Person(String name)
{ = name;
// get and set methods ...
public abstract String getDescription ();
class Employee extends Person
public String getDescription()
return "Employee called " + super.getName();
// Person p1 = new Person (); Does not work!
Person p2;
Person p3 = new Employee ("Dilbert");
System.out.println (p3.getDescription());
Key Concept: Polymorphism
 Interface is a class without implementation
– Declaration of how to implement class
– All methods and variables are static final
 Classes implement interfaces
– implements keyword
– Must implement all the methods – or be abstract
public interface Comparable
public int compareTo(Object other);
class Employee extends Person implements Comparable
public int compareTo(Object o)
{ ...
public interface Comparable
public int compareTo(Object other);
class Employee extends Person implements Comparable
public int compareTo(Object o)
Employee e = (Employee)o;
return this.getName().compareTo (e.getName());
} ...
Employee[] ale = new Employee[3];
ale[0] = new Employee ("Dilbert");
ale[1] = new Employee ("Wally");
ale[2] = new Employee ("Alice");
for (int j=0; j <ale.length; j++)
How is this
Think About This!
 Class A calls class B -> A depends on B
 Class java.util.Arrays calls the
Employee.compareTo method
 Does Arrays depend on Employee?
Separated interface
Many Faces
 Arrays looks at the class as Comparable, while
we regard it as Employee
Class Employee
implements Comparable
Class Arrays
Comparable c ...
Arrays does NOT call Employee.compareTo,
it calls Comaparable.compareTo
which happens to be Employee Polymorphism
class Employee extends Person
abstract class Person implements Comparable
class Manager extends Employee
Object o = new Manager()
Person p = new Manager()
Comparable c = new Manager()
Employee e = new Manager()
Manager m = new Manager()
Memory for Manager
Must be
concrete class
Can be any
Using Interfaces
 Interfaces cannot be instantiated
– Variables of interface types can reference objects that
implement the interface
 Interface can extend interfaces
public interface Powered extends Movable
double milesPerGallon();
double SPEED_LIMIT = 95;
Comarable c = new Comparable (); // NO!!!
Comarable c = new Employee (); // OK!
Why interfaces?
 Why not use abstract classes?
– Only one class can be extended
– Class hierarchies are rigid and not always suitable
 Interfaces can improve software design
– Provide abstraction – hide the implementation
– Classes that use interfaces are not dependant on a
particular implementation
class Employee extends Person implements Comparable
Example Pattern
 Table Data Gateway or Data Access Object
provide an interface to database table
– Decision on what database access methods to use
can be configured
 Example
public interface TeamDAO extends RuDAO
public void addTeam (Team team);
public Collection getTeams ();
} Interface
Example: Drawing system
public interface Drawable
public void draw ();
public class Rectangle extends Shape
private int h, w;
public Rectangle (int x, int y, int h, int w)
this.x=x; this.y=y; this.h=h; this.w=w;
public void draw ()
System.out.println ("Rectange (x="+x+",y="+y+",h="+h+",w="+w+")");
public abstract class Shape implements Drawable
protected int x,y;
public class Circle extends Shape
private int r;
public Circle(int x, int y, int r)
this.x = x; this.y = y; this.r = r;
public void draw()
System.out.println ("Circle (x="+x+",y="+y+",r="+r+")");
Example: Drawing system
 Drawing all objects
– All draw objects implement Drawable
public DrawTest()
List<Drawable> l = new ArrayList<Drawable>();
l.add(new Rectangle(1, 1, 1, 1));
l.add(new Circle(2, 1, 1));
l.add(new Rectangle(8, 4, 1, 1));
for (Drawable d: l)
Rectange (x=1,y=1,h=1,w=1)
Circle (x=2,y=1,r=1)
Rectange (x=8,y=4,h=1,w=1)
Think About This!
 All drawing objects in this Layer extend Shape
 Shape is abstract and implements Drawable
 Client code does not know about the classes
that implement Drawable
Shape is Layered Supertype
Shape is Template Method
Generic Programming
X extends Y. Which is true?
A) Correct if and only if X is a class and Y is an interface
B) Correct if and only if X is an interface and Y is a class
C) Correct if X and Y are either both classes or both interfaces
D) Correct for all combinations of X and Y being classes and/or interfaces.
Generic Programming
Generic Programming
 Programming in an data type independent way
– Same code is used regardless of the data type
 Example
– Sort can be applied to any data type
– Generic collection
• Java Collection Framework
 Design Principle
– Always use the most generic data type possible
Generic Programming
 All classes extend Object
– Allows generic algorithms and data structures
static int find (Object[] a, Object key)
int i;
for (i=0;i<a.length;i++)
if (a[i].equals(key)) return i;
return -1;
Employee[] staff = new Employee[10];
Employee e1 = new Employee("Dilbert");
staff[x] = e1;
int n = find(staff, e1);
Generic Programming
 Generic collections
– ArrayList is an example class that uses Object
ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
al.add (new Employee ("Dilbert"));
al.add (new Employee ("Wally"));
al.add (new Employee ("Alice"));
Iterator i = al.iterator();
Employee e;
while (i.hasNext())
e = (Employee);
Generic Programming
 Generic collections
– The Collections class is another example
List<Employee> list = new ArrayList<Employee>();
list.add (new Employee ("Dilbert"));
list.add (new Employee ("Wally"));
list.add (new Employee ("Alice"));
for (Employee e: list)
 Reflection allows examination and manipulation of
objects at runtime
– Get information about a class
• Fields, methods, constructors, and super classes
• Constants and method declarations belong to an interface
– Create an instance of a class whose name is not known
until runtime
– Get and set the value of an object's field, even if the field
name is unknown to your program until runtime
– Invoke a method on an object, even if the method is not
known until runtime
static void showMethods(Object o)
Class c = o.getClass();
Method[] theMethods = c.getMethods();
for (int i = 0; i < theMethods.length; i++) {
String methodString = theMethods[i].getName();
System.out.println("Name: " + methodString);
String returnString = theMethods[i].getReturnType().getName();
System.out.println(" Return Type: " + returnString);
Class[] parameterTypes = theMethods[i].getParameterTypes();
System.out.print(" Parameter Types:");
for (int k = 0; k < parameterTypes.length; k ++)
String parameterString = parameterTypes[k].getName();
System.out.print(" " + parameterString);
} }
public class ReflectMethods
public static void main(String[] args)
Polygon p = new Polygon();
} Name: getBoundingBox
Return Type: java.awt.Rectangle
Parameter Types:
Name: contains
Return Type: boolean
Parameter Types: java.awt.geom.Point2D
Name: toString
Return Type: java.lang.String
Parameter Types:
 Reflection is very useful in frameworks
– Infrastructure code
– “plumbing” – The “Noise”
 Examples
– Create Java objects from XML descriptions
– Load classes at runtime and invoke methods
– Tools and utilities for development
Dynamically Loading Classes
 Classes can be dynamically loaded at runtime
– Offers the flexibility to decide which class to run
– Class names can be specified in configuration files
 Class class
Class instanceClass = Class.forName("RssFeedReader");
reader = (FeedReader)instanceClass.newInstance();
D) Compilation fails
class Top {
public Top(String s) {
} }
public class Bottom2 extends Top {
public Bottom2(String s) {
public static void main(String [] args) {
new Bottom2("C");
System.out.println(" ");
} }
Software Design
Object Oriented Design
 Design and implementation of software needs to
be of quality
– Badly designed, well implemented = problem!
– Well designed, badly implemented = problem!
Object Oriented Design
 Good design
Is based on OO principles
Abstracts complex APIs such as J2EE
Is flexible and can be changed
Contains loosely coupled components
 Example from Head First Design Patterns
Getting Started
 SimUDuck is highly successful duck pond
simulation game
 Original design
Change Request
 But now we need the ducks to FLY
 But not all duck fly – We forgot Rubber Duck!
How can we fix this?
 Just override fly and quack to do nothing
We even think ahead
 We fix all non-flyable and non-quackable ducks
as well
Code smell!
Which of the following are disadvantages of using inheritance to
provide Duck behavior?
A) Code is duplicated across subclasses
B) Runtime behavior changes are difficult
C) We can’t make ducks dance
D) Hard to gain knowledge of all duck behaviors
E) Ducks can’t fly and quack at the same time
F) Changes can unitentionally affect other ducks
The Problem
 The problem is this
– Derived classes (RubberDuck) are forced to inherit
behaviour they don’t have
– Derived classes (RubberDuck) needs to be exposed
to the inner workings of the superclass (Duck)
– Users of the base class (Duck) should expect same
– Violation of the Liskov Substitution Principle
Trying to fix the Problem
 Let’s try using interfaces
– Flyable and Quackable Code duplication!
What is the Problem?
 We tried this
– Inheritance changes all subcasses
– Interfaces cause code duplication
 The problem is we are mixing different types of
code in one type of classes
 Fix
– Separate Variation Design Principle
– Take what varies and encapsulate it so it wont affect
the rest of the code
Separate Variations Design Principle
Identify the aspects of
your application that
vary and separate
them from what stays the
Separation of Concerns
 Separate what changes from what stays the
– Move duck behavior to a separte classes
FlyWithWings flyBehavior = new FlyWithWings();
Separation of Concerns
 But the Duck classes cannot use the concrete
behavior classes!
– We need an interface or supertype
FlyBehavior flyBehavior = new FlyWithWings();
The Interface Design Principle
Program to an
interface, not an
Loose Coupling with Interfaces
 Advantages
– The ability to change the implementing class of any
application object without affecting calling code
– Total freedom in implementing interfaces
– The ability to provide simple test implementations and
stub implementations of application interfaces as
Program to an interfaces
 Program to an implementation
 Program to interface/subtype
 Program to unknown creation
Dog d = new Dog();
Animal animal = new Dog();
Animal animal = getAnimal();
Program to an interfaces
 Dependency Injection
– Make the caller responsible for setting the dependency
private Animal animal;
public setAnimal(Animal animal)
this.animal = animal;
Injection happens
here, in the
Implementing Behavior
 We can add new behaviors without touching the
Duck classes
Integrating the Behavior
 The Duck classes will now delegate its flying
and quacking behavior
Behavior interfaces
Perform the
Integrating the Behavior
 Using the behavior
public class Duck
QuackBehavior quackBehavior;
public void performQuack()
We don’t care what kind of object this
is, all we care is that it knows how to
Integrating the Behavior
 Setting the behavior
public class MallardDuck extends Duck
public MallardDuck()
quackBehavior = new Quack();
flyBehavior = new FlyWithWings();
This is not
to an interface!
Setting Behavior Dynamically
 Add two new methods to the Duck class
 Dependency Injection
public void setFlyBehavior(FlyBehavior flyBehavior)
this.flyBehavior = flyBehavior
public void setQuackBehavior(QuackBehavior quackBehavior)
this.quackBehavior = quackBehavior
public Duck getMallardDuck()
Duck duck = new MallardDuck()
duck.setFlyBehavior(new FlyWithWings());
duck.setQuackBehavior(new Quack());
return duck;
Setting Behavior Dynamically
 The idea
– Don´t think: Mallard is-a flying duck, think: it has-a
flying behavior
– Putting two classes together where one is a member
in the other is a composition
 Creating systems using composition give
– You can change the behavior at runtime
Composition Design Principle
Favor composition over
Object Composition
 Problems with concrete inheritance
– Class hierarchy can get rigid
– Difficult to change the implementation
 Object Composition is more flexible
– Allows the behaviour of an object to be altered at run
time, through delegating part of its behaviour to an
interface and allowing callers to set the
implementation of that interface
 OO Programming is powerful
– If used correctly
– Remember Encapsulation, Interfaces, Polymorphism
 Generic programming
– Using classes, abstract classes and interfaces can
lead to powerful and flexible programs
 Reflection
– Powerful for building infrastructure
Job interview question
You are given the assignment of creating a component that needs to
know sales statistics of Lottery tickets. You know that there is a
another component in the system, Sale Server, that handles the sale.
You need real-time information. What would you suggest?
Design Patterns
 Design pattern is a general solution to a common
problem in software design
– Systematic approach for problems that reoccur in software
– Not complete solution but starting point for design
– Not code ready to use
– Patterns have names and definitions
– Built on common practices
 Patterns should not be language dependant
– However patterns apply for types of programming
 Design Patterns

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Ccourse 140618093931-phpapp02
Unit i
Unit iUnit i
Unit i
03 object-classes-pbl-4-slots
03 object-classes-pbl-4-slots03 object-classes-pbl-4-slots
03 object-classes-pbl-4-slots
03 object-classes-pbl-4-slots
03 object-classes-pbl-4-slots03 object-classes-pbl-4-slots
03 object-classes-pbl-4-slots
L04 Software Design 2
L04 Software Design 2L04 Software Design 2
L04 Software Design 2
Design pattern
Design patternDesign pattern
Design pattern
Take the Plunge with OOP from #pnwphp
Take the Plunge with OOP from #pnwphpTake the Plunge with OOP from #pnwphp
Take the Plunge with OOP from #pnwphp
06 InheritanceAndPolymorphism.ppt
06 InheritanceAndPolymorphism.ppt06 InheritanceAndPolymorphism.ppt
06 InheritanceAndPolymorphism.ppt
Oop features java presentationshow
Oop features java presentationshowOop features java presentationshow
Oop features java presentationshow
Object Oriented Programming
Object Oriented ProgrammingObject Oriented Programming
Object Oriented Programming
Only oop
Only oopOnly oop
Only oop
Lecture 5
Lecture 5Lecture 5
Lecture 5
Java Basic day-2
Java Basic day-2Java Basic day-2
Java Basic day-2
Java chapter 5
Java chapter 5Java chapter 5
Java chapter 5

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L17 Algorithms and AI
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L16 Internet of Things
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L12 digital transformation
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L10 The Innovator's Dilemma
L10 The Innovator's DilemmaL10 The Innovator's Dilemma
L10 The Innovator's Dilemma
L09 Disruptive Technology
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L09 Technological Revolutions
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L09 Technological Revolutions
L07 Becoming Invisible
L07 Becoming InvisibleL07 Becoming Invisible
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L06 Diffusion of Innovation
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L02 Software Design

  • 2. Agenda  Programming with Objects – Classes – Interfaces – Generic programming – Reflection  Software Design – Ducks…
  • 3. Reading  Don’t Repeat Yourself  Polymorphism  Separation of concerns  Loose coupling  Optional: –
  • 5. Object Oriented Programming  Object Oriented programming can be powerful – One of the best ways for general purpose computing  But – The power of object oriented languages needs to be used properly!  However – Programmers tend to forget the power of OO
  • 7. Object Oriented Programming  Programming languages with objects – Objects hold data and methods – Object variables (reference) point to objects  Object Oriented – Object are instances of classes, created with new – Classes describe the objects – Classes extend other classes – inheritance – Instance variables are encapsulated – Methods manipulate instance variable
  • 8. Explain these concepts and why they are important in programming Encapsulation Interfaces Polymorphism EXERCISE
  • 9. Think About This!  Object-oriented programming – Is not about class inheritance and creating advanced class diagrams  Remember – Encapsulation – Hiding data – Interfaces – Hiding implementation – Polymorphism – Flexible and Generic Programming  Powerful programming – Separation of concerns – Separating what varies from what stays the same
  • 10. Think About This!  Object-oriented programming – Is not about class inheritance and creating advanced class diagrams  Remember – Encapsulation – Hiding data – Interfaces – Hiding implementation – Polymorphism – Flexible and Generic Programming  Powerful programming – Separation of concerns – Separating what varies from what stays the same
  • 11. Separate Variations Design Principle Identify the aspects of your application that vary and separate them from what stays the same
  • 12. Don’t Repeat Yourself – DRY  Single source of truth Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authorit ative representation within a system
  • 13. Object Oriented Design  Design of classes and interfaces – Class diagram shows relationships – Sequence diagrams show flows  Design Patterns – Reoccurring solutions in design – “Best practices” – known solutions for common problems
  • 15. Objects  Object created  Object used Date day1; Date day2 = new Date(); System.out.println (new Date ()); String s = new Date().toString (); day1 null day2 Date Date now = new Date(); if (day2.before(now)) { System.out.println (day2.toString()); } before tostring ...
  • 16. Objects  Operator new creates memory – String is an exception  Reference variables always point to some memory day1 null day2 Date before tostring ... Date d = new Date(); Must be a concrete class Can be any supertype or interface of the concrete class
  • 17. Classes Object +getId() : String -id : int -name : String -username : String -password : String -email : String User  Classes extend other classes – Concrete Inheritance – Subtype extends supertype  Class contains – Instance variables – Methods  Reference variables of type Object points to any class – Any supertype can reference subtype Object obj = new User (); User u = (User)obj; supertype subtype
  • 18. Class methods  Methods can be overridden – Class extends a class and overrides a method  Methods can be overloaded – Same method with different parameters  Methods can be – public – any class can call the method – private – only available within the class – protected – only available within the class and extended classes
  • 19. Class A inherits class B. A overwrites method f. Variable b is created like this: B b = new A(); What happens when this line is run: b.f(); A) The method in A is run B) The method in B is run C) First the method in B is run, then the method in A D) The new statement is illegal and does not compile QUIZ ✔
  • 20. Classes  References – Point to concrete objects – Must be same type or supertype of concrete object – Can be interface or abstract class Object obj = new Date (); Date d = (Date)obj;
  • 21. Constructors  Classes have constructor – Instantiation methods – Same name as the class  References – this – refers to the class – super – extended class public Employee (String name, double salary) { this (name); this.salary = salary; } public Manager (String name) { super (name, 0.0); ... }
  • 22. class Point { private int x, y; public Point () { x = 0; y = 0; } public Point (int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } public void move (intdx, intdy) { x+=dx;y+=dy; } public String toString () { return "(" + x + "," + y + ")"; } this used to refer to the class variables Override toString method of Object Class variables Default constructors Overloaded constructor Example
  • 23. Example Bla public class Test { public static void main (String[] args) { System.out.println ("Test"); Test test = new Test(); } public Test () { Point p0; // null reference Point p1 = new Point (); Point p2 = new Point (1,2); Object obj = p2; p0 = (Point)obj; p0.move (1, 1); System.out.println("p0=" + p0); } } C:java>javac C:java>java Test Test p0=(2,3) X = 2 Y = 3
  • 24. Java uses this method to pass objects to methods A) Call by reference B) Call by value C) Call by object reference D) Call by value reference QUIZ ✔
  • 25. Call By Value  Methods use call by value – Object references are passed by value – The reference cannot change, but the object can x: y: 42 0 Point void changeReferance(Point p) { while (p.x>0) p.x--; } p Point p = new Point (42,0); changeReferance(p); System.out.println(p.x); Reference p to Point Local copy of a reference p to Point p is same as this.p p
  • 26. Inheritance  Classes extend other classes – Subclasses extend superclasses  Reference variables of super types can reference objects of subtypes Employee Manager Empolyee e; e = new Employee(. . .) e = new Manager(. . .) class Manager extends Employee { ... } Polymorphism
  • 27. public class Employee { private String name; private double salary; private Date hireDate; public Employee() { } public Employee(String name, double salary, Date hireDate) { = name; this.salary = salary; this.hireDate = hireDate; } public Employee(String name) { = name; }
  • 28. public String getName() { return name; } public double getSalary() { return salary; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String toString() { return "Employee: " + getName(); } }
  • 29. Bla class Manager extends Employee { String title; double bonus; public Manager (String name, String title) { super (name); this.title = title; } public String getTitle () { return title; } public double getSalary() { return this.bonus + super.getSalery(); } public String toString () { return "Manager: " + getName() + ", " + getTitle (); } } New method New variables Overridden methods
  • 30. What does this program print? public class Test2 { public static void main (String[] args) { System.out.println ("Test2"); Test2 test2 = new Test2(); } public Test2 () { Employee e0 = new Employee ("Dilbert"); Employee e1 = new Manager ("Pointy Haired", "Boss"); System.out.println("e0: " + e0); System.out.println("e1: " + e1); } } C:java>java Test2 Test2 e0: Employee: Dilbert e1: Manager: Pointy Haired, Boss EXERCISE
  • 31. Dynamic binding  Decision on which method to run is taken at runtime – The virtual machine uses a method table for each class Manager m = new Manager(); m.setName(“P.H. Carl”); // Employee.setName m.setTitle (“Boss”); // Manager.setTitle m.getSalary (); // Manager.getSalary Employee e1 = new Manager("Pointy Haired", "Boss"); e1.getSalary(); Is this manager salary with bonus?
  • 32. What does this program print? public class Test1 { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Test1"); new Test1(); } public Test1() { Employee e0 = new Employee ("Dilbert"); Employee e1 = new Manager ("Pointy", "Boss"); System.out.println(e1.getTitle(); } } Trick question! Does not compile since getTitle is not in Employee EXERCISE
  • 33. Think About This!  Why use Concrete Inheritance? – Powerful implementation approach – Layered Supertype Pattern – Enables polymorphism if supertypes are used – New classes can be added without recompile  But remember – Object oriented programming is not just about concrete inheritance – It has to be natural! – Class hierarchies are rigid – Not always good to force others to extend
  • 34. Abstract Classes  Abstract classes put the responsibility of implementation on subclasses – Classes extending an abstract class must implement the abstract methods – Can contain both concrete and abstract methods – Normal classes are concrete classes  Abstract classes cannot be instantiated  Reference variables of abstract types are allowed – Object must be a concrete class
  • 35. Abstract Example abstract class Person { private String name; public Person(String name) { = name; } // get and set methods ... public abstract String getDescription (); } class Employee extends Person { public String getDescription() { return "Employee called " + super.getName(); } } // Person p1 = new Person (); Does not work! Person p2; Person p3 = new Employee ("Dilbert"); System.out.println (p3.getDescription()); Key Concept: Polymorphism
  • 37. Interfaces  Interface is a class without implementation – Declaration of how to implement class – All methods and variables are static final  Classes implement interfaces – implements keyword – Must implement all the methods – or be abstract
  • 38. Interfaces public interface Comparable { public int compareTo(Object other); } class Employee extends Person implements Comparable { public int compareTo(Object o) { ...
  • 39. Example public interface Comparable { public int compareTo(Object other); } class Employee extends Person implements Comparable { public int compareTo(Object o) { Employee e = (Employee)o; return this.getName().compareTo (e.getName()); } ... Employee[] ale = new Employee[3]; ale[0] = new Employee ("Dilbert"); ale[1] = new Employee ("Wally"); ale[2] = new Employee ("Alice"); Arrays.sort(ale); for (int j=0; j <ale.length; j++) System.out.println(ale[j].getName()); Alice Dilbert Wally How is this possible?
  • 40. Think About This!  Class A calls class B -> A depends on B  Class java.util.Arrays calls the Employee.compareTo method  Does Arrays depend on Employee? Polymorphism Separated interface
  • 41. Many Faces  Arrays looks at the class as Comparable, while we regard it as Employee Class Employee implements Comparable { ... compare Class Arrays ... sort(Object[] { Comparable c ... Test... Arrays.sort(persons Arrays does NOT call Employee.compareTo, it calls Comaparable.compareTo which happens to be Employee Polymorphism
  • 42. Objects class Employee extends Person abstract class Person implements Comparable class Manager extends Employee Object o = new Manager() Person p = new Manager() Comparable c = new Manager() Employee e = new Manager() Manager m = new Manager() Memory for Manager reference Must be concrete class Can be any supertype
  • 43. Using Interfaces  Interfaces cannot be instantiated – Variables of interface types can reference objects that implement the interface  Interface can extend interfaces public interface Powered extends Movable { double milesPerGallon(); double SPEED_LIMIT = 95; } Comarable c = new Comparable (); // NO!!! Comarable c = new Employee (); // OK!
  • 44. Why interfaces?  Why not use abstract classes? – Only one class can be extended – Class hierarchies are rigid and not always suitable  Interfaces can improve software design – Provide abstraction – hide the implementation – Classes that use interfaces are not dependant on a particular implementation class Employee extends Person implements Comparable { ...
  • 45. Example Pattern  Table Data Gateway or Data Access Object provide an interface to database table – Decision on what database access methods to use can be configured  Example public interface TeamDAO extends RuDAO { public void addTeam (Team team); public Collection getTeams (); } Interface Implementation Client code
  • 46. Example: Drawing system public interface Drawable { public void draw (); } public class Rectangle extends Shape { private int h, w; public Rectangle (int x, int y, int h, int w) { this.x=x; this.y=y; this.h=h; this.w=w; } public void draw () { System.out.println ("Rectange (x="+x+",y="+y+",h="+h+",w="+w+")"); } } public abstract class Shape implements Drawable { protected int x,y; } public class Circle extends Shape { private int r; public Circle(int x, int y, int r) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.r = r; } public void draw() { System.out.println ("Circle (x="+x+",y="+y+",r="+r+")"); } }
  • 47. Example: Drawing system  Drawing all objects – All draw objects implement Drawable public DrawTest() { List<Drawable> l = new ArrayList<Drawable>(); l.add(new Rectangle(1, 1, 1, 1)); l.add(new Circle(2, 1, 1)); l.add(new Rectangle(8, 4, 1, 1)); for (Drawable d: l) { d.draw(); } } Rectange (x=1,y=1,h=1,w=1) Circle (x=2,y=1,r=1) Rectange (x=8,y=4,h=1,w=1)
  • 48. Think About This!  All drawing objects in this Layer extend Shape  Shape is abstract and implements Drawable  Client code does not know about the classes that implement Drawable Shape is Layered Supertype Shape is Template Method Generic Programming
  • 49. X extends Y. Which is true? A) Correct if and only if X is a class and Y is an interface B) Correct if and only if X is an interface and Y is a class C) Correct if X and Y are either both classes or both interfaces D) Correct for all combinations of X and Y being classes and/or interfaces. QUIZ ✔
  • 51. Generic Programming  Programming in an data type independent way – Same code is used regardless of the data type  Example – Sort can be applied to any data type – Generic collection • Java Collection Framework  Design Principle – Always use the most generic data type possible
  • 52. Generic Programming  All classes extend Object – Allows generic algorithms and data structures static int find (Object[] a, Object key) { int i; for (i=0;i<a.length;i++) if (a[i].equals(key)) return i; return -1; } Employee[] staff = new Employee[10]; Employee e1 = new Employee("Dilbert"); staff[x] = e1; int n = find(staff, e1);
  • 53. Generic Programming  Generic collections – ArrayList is an example class that uses Object ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); al.add (new Employee ("Dilbert")); al.add (new Employee ("Wally")); al.add (new Employee ("Alice")); Iterator i = al.iterator(); Employee e; while (i.hasNext()) { e = (Employee); System.out.println(e.getName()); } Dilbert Wally Alice
  • 54. Generic Programming  Generic collections – The Collections class is another example List<Employee> list = new ArrayList<Employee>(); list.add (new Employee ("Dilbert")); list.add (new Employee ("Wally")); list.add (new Employee ("Alice")); Collections.sort(list); for (Employee e: list) { System.out.println(e); } Alice Dilbert Wally
  • 56. Reflection  Reflection allows examination and manipulation of objects at runtime – Get information about a class • Fields, methods, constructors, and super classes • Constants and method declarations belong to an interface – Create an instance of a class whose name is not known until runtime – Get and set the value of an object's field, even if the field name is unknown to your program until runtime – Invoke a method on an object, even if the method is not known until runtime
  • 57. Reflection static void showMethods(Object o) { Class c = o.getClass(); Method[] theMethods = c.getMethods(); for (int i = 0; i < theMethods.length; i++) { String methodString = theMethods[i].getName(); System.out.println("Name: " + methodString); String returnString = theMethods[i].getReturnType().getName(); System.out.println(" Return Type: " + returnString); Class[] parameterTypes = theMethods[i].getParameterTypes(); System.out.print(" Parameter Types:"); for (int k = 0; k < parameterTypes.length; k ++) { String parameterString = parameterTypes[k].getName(); System.out.print(" " + parameterString); } System.out.println(); } } }
  • 58. Reflection Bla public class ReflectMethods { public static void main(String[] args) { Polygon p = new Polygon(); showMethods(p); } Name: getBoundingBox Return Type: java.awt.Rectangle Parameter Types: Name: contains Return Type: boolean Parameter Types: java.awt.geom.Point2D ... Name: toString Return Type: java.lang.String Parameter Types:
  • 59. Reflection  Reflection is very useful in frameworks – Infrastructure code – “plumbing” – The “Noise”  Examples – Create Java objects from XML descriptions – Load classes at runtime and invoke methods – Tools and utilities for development
  • 60. Dynamically Loading Classes  Classes can be dynamically loaded at runtime – Offers the flexibility to decide which class to run dynamically – Class names can be specified in configuration files  Class class Class instanceClass = Class.forName("RssFeedReader"); reader = (FeedReader)instanceClass.newInstance();
  • 61. A) BD B) DB C) BDC D) Compilation fails QUIZ ✔ class Top { public Top(String s) { System.out.print("B"); } } public class Bottom2 extends Top { public Bottom2(String s) { System.out.print("D"); } public static void main(String [] args) { new Bottom2("C"); System.out.println(" "); } }
  • 63. Object Oriented Design  Design and implementation of software needs to be of quality – Badly designed, well implemented = problem! – Well designed, badly implemented = problem! CODE HORROR!! CODE HORROR DUDE
  • 64. Object Oriented Design  Good design Is based on OO principles Abstracts complex APIs such as J2EE Is flexible and can be changed Contains loosely coupled components
  • 65.
  • 66.  Example from Head First Design Patterns
  • 67. Getting Started  SimUDuck is highly successful duck pond simulation game  Original design
  • 68. Change Request  But now we need the ducks to FLY
  • 69. Problem!  But not all duck fly – We forgot Rubber Duck!
  • 70. How can we fix this?  Just override fly and quack to do nothing
  • 71. We even think ahead  We fix all non-flyable and non-quackable ducks as well Code smell!
  • 72. Which of the following are disadvantages of using inheritance to provide Duck behavior? A) Code is duplicated across subclasses B) Runtime behavior changes are difficult C) We can’t make ducks dance D) Hard to gain knowledge of all duck behaviors E) Ducks can’t fly and quack at the same time F) Changes can unitentionally affect other ducks QUIZ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
  • 73. The Problem  The problem is this – Derived classes (RubberDuck) are forced to inherit behaviour they don’t have – Derived classes (RubberDuck) needs to be exposed to the inner workings of the superclass (Duck) – Users of the base class (Duck) should expect same functionality – Violation of the Liskov Substitution Principle
  • 74. Trying to fix the Problem  Let’s try using interfaces – Flyable and Quackable Code duplication!
  • 75. What is the Problem?  We tried this – Inheritance changes all subcasses – Interfaces cause code duplication  The problem is we are mixing different types of code in one type of classes  Fix – Separate Variation Design Principle – Take what varies and encapsulate it so it wont affect the rest of the code
  • 76. Separate Variations Design Principle Identify the aspects of your application that vary and separate them from what stays the same
  • 77. Separation of Concerns  Separate what changes from what stays the same – Move duck behavior to a separte classes FlyWithWings flyBehavior = new FlyWithWings(); DATA TYPE IS TOO SPECIFIC
  • 78. Separation of Concerns  But the Duck classes cannot use the concrete behavior classes! – We need an interface or supertype FlyBehavior flyBehavior = new FlyWithWings(); INTERFACE - POLYMORPHISIM
  • 79. The Interface Design Principle Program to an interface, not an implementation
  • 80. Loose Coupling with Interfaces  Advantages – The ability to change the implementing class of any application object without affecting calling code – Total freedom in implementing interfaces – The ability to provide simple test implementations and stub implementations of application interfaces as necessary
  • 81. Program to an interfaces  Program to an implementation  Program to interface/subtype  Program to unknown creation Dog d = new Dog(); d.bark(); Animal animal = new Dog(); animal.makeSound(); Animal animal = getAnimal(); animal.makeSound();
  • 82. Program to an interfaces  Dependency Injection – Make the caller responsible for setting the dependency private Animal animal; public setAnimal(Animal animal) { this.animal = animal; } ... animal.makeSound(); Injection happens here, in the set-method LOOSE COUPLING = BEAUTIFUL!
  • 83. Implementing Behavior  We can add new behaviors without touching the Duck classes
  • 84. Integrating the Behavior  The Duck classes will now delegate its flying and quacking behavior Behavior interfaces Perform the Bahavior
  • 85. Integrating the Behavior  Using the behavior public class Duck { QuackBehavior quackBehavior; ... public void performQuack() { quackBehavior.performQuack() } } We don’t care what kind of object this is, all we care is that it knows how to quack!
  • 86. Integrating the Behavior  Setting the behavior public class MallardDuck extends Duck { public MallardDuck() { quackBehavior = new Quack(); flyBehavior = new FlyWithWings(); } } This is not programming to an interface!
  • 87. Setting Behavior Dynamically  Add two new methods to the Duck class  Dependency Injection public void setFlyBehavior(FlyBehavior flyBehavior) { this.flyBehavior = flyBehavior } public void setQuackBehavior(QuackBehavior quackBehavior) { this.quackBehavior = quackBehavior } DuckFactory { public Duck getMallardDuck() { Duck duck = new MallardDuck() duck.setFlyBehavior(new FlyWithWings()); duck.setQuackBehavior(new Quack()); return duck; } }
  • 88. Setting Behavior Dynamically  The idea – Don´t think: Mallard is-a flying duck, think: it has-a flying behavior – Putting two classes together where one is a member in the other is a composition  Creating systems using composition give flexibilty – You can change the behavior at runtime
  • 89. Composition Design Principle Favor composition over inheritance
  • 90. Object Composition  Problems with concrete inheritance – Class hierarchy can get rigid – Difficult to change the implementation  Object Composition is more flexible – Allows the behaviour of an object to be altered at run time, through delegating part of its behaviour to an interface and allowing callers to set the implementation of that interface
  • 91. Summary  OO Programming is powerful – If used correctly – Remember Encapsulation, Interfaces, Polymorphism  Generic programming – Using classes, abstract classes and interfaces can lead to powerful and flexible programs  Reflection – Powerful for building infrastructure
  • 92. Job interview question You are given the assignment of creating a component that needs to know sales statistics of Lottery tickets. You know that there is a another component in the system, Sale Server, that handles the sale. You need real-time information. What would you suggest? EXERCISE
  • 93. Design Patterns  Design pattern is a general solution to a common problem in software design – Systematic approach for problems that reoccur in software development – Not complete solution but starting point for design – Not code ready to use – Patterns have names and definitions – Built on common practices  Patterns should not be language dependant – However patterns apply for types of programming languages

Editor's Notes

  1. OO is one way – not the only wayFor general purpose computations, OO is really good