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Shubhang Shukla
Part of the Brainiac Cup
GC Points - 200
PRELIMS - Structure
● MAIN ROUND - 20 questions ( points) for the main teams, each variable
(part) has 1 point unless specifically mentioned. Some questions are star
● AUDIENCE ROUND – 8 questions for the audience teams, each question will
be worth 1 point.
● Main teams of minimum two and maximum three members.
● Audience team can have minimum three and maximum six members.
● Prelims scores will be carried forward to the finals after a multiplication of 10.
● Top 8 teams qualify for the finals.
● Hints may be provided for the question on the Quizmaster’s discretion if there
are NO objections.
● The Quizmaster’s decision will be final and binding.
● If there is a tie, star marked questions will be used to resolve ties.
● If the tie still persists we’ll use sudden death from Q. 1.
1*. Identify X.
Legend has it that a Dublin theatre-owner made a bet that he could introduce a
new word into the English language within a day or two (the amount of time differs
in different tellings of the story), and that the people of Dublin would make up the
meaning of the word themselves. So he wrote the then nonsense word “X” on
some pieces of paper and got a gang of street urchins to write it on walls across
Dublin. The next day everyone was talking about it, and it wasn’t long before it
became incorporated into everyday language, meaning a sort of “test”, because
this is what the people thought the mysterious word was supposed to be.
This is the probable origin of what word?
2. Why did Juventus tweet this?
3. Identify both. Why did this picture cause an
outrage in the native country of the man sitting?
4*. These are pictures from a pond in Gifu Prefecture, Japan. What
has this pond been popularly dubbed as?
5. Identify X and Y.
● Indian Army has had a tough time dealing with X and the legacy of X after
WW-2. After independence, the marching song of X, Y, was banned as
● However as time went by and the initial reluctance receded, the GOI and the
Indian Army both recognised the formation of X as an unlikely to succeed but
still an extremely brave attempt for Independence.
● To further elucidate their new stance, the Indian Army even made Y their own
marching song, and it still is. We all would have heard Y in some patriotic
video or another.
6. Identify X.
● In 2017, Russia amended their Domestic Abuse Laws for the first time in
years. However, it wasn’t a step forwards. The law now decriminalized some
offences, and unless the assault is ground for hospitalization (Broken Bones
at least), the perpetrator won’t face a criminal charge.
● The law has been universally criticised and has been dubbed as the “(X)ing
law”, because of the statement by the Russian Orthodox Church that this law
prevents family sanctity and avoids the break-up of a family just because of
trivial things like a X.
“The time has come when badges of honour make our shame glaring in the
incongruous context of humiliation, and I for my part, wish to stand, shorn, of all
special distinctions, by the side of those of my countrymen who, for their so called
insignificance, are liable to suffer degradation not fit for human beings.”
Who wrote this to Viceroy Chelmsford in 1919 and as a reply to what?
(2 points)
What modern game is
succeeded from a game in
which these pieces were
When/why did the Bombay edition of The Times of India carried an obituary that
“Democracy, beloved husband of Truth, loving father of Liberty, brother of Faith,
Hope and Justice, expired on June 26.”
10*. Identify X and Y. (0.5+0.5)
Y refers to lower-case letters. The word is often spelled X, by association with the
unrelated word miniature and the prefix mini-. This has traditionally been regarded
as a spelling mistake (since Y is derived from the word minus), but is now so
common that some dictionaries tend to accept it as a nonstandard or variant
spelling. X is still less likely, however, to be used in reference to lower-case
11. What is this?
“I swear by Apollo the Healer, by Asclepius, by Hygieia, by Panacea, and by all the gods and goddesses, making them my
witnesses, that I will carry out, according to my ability and judgment, this oath and this indenture.
To hold my teacher in this art equal to my own parents; to make him partner in my livelihood; when he is in need of money
to share mine with him; to consider his family as my own brothers, and to teach them this art, if they want to learn it, without
fee or indenture; to impart precept, oral instruction, and all other instruction to my own sons, the sons of my teacher, and to
indentured pupils who have taken the this oath, but to nobody else.
I will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgment, but never with a view to injury and wrong-doing.
Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course. Similarly I will not give
to a woman a pessary to cause abortion. But I will keep pure and holy both my life and my art. I will not use the knife, not
even, verily, on sufferers from stone, but I will give place to such as are craftsmen therein.
Into whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to help the sick, and I will abstain from all intentional wrongdoing and harm,
especially from abusing the bodies of man or woman, bond or free. And whatsoever I shall see or hear in the course of my
profession, as well as outside my profession in my intercourse with men, if it be what should not be published abroad, I will
never divulge, holding such things to be holy secrets.
Now if I carry out this oath, and break it not, may I gain for ever reputation among all men for my life and for my art; but if I
break it and forswear myself, may the opposite befall me”
What is this?
13. Identify X and Y. (2 points)
Mustard Gas has been one of the most cruel uses of technology and science. But
there was also a positive consequence.
During World War II, naval personnel who were exposed to mustard gas during
military action were found to have toxic changes in the bone marrow cells that
develop into blood cells. During that same period, the US Army was studying a
number of chemicals related to mustard gas to develop more effective agents for
war and also develop protective measures. In the course of that work, a
compound called nitrogen mustard was studied and found to work against a type
of X . This agent served as the model for a long series of similar but more effective
agents (called alkylating agents) that killed _______ _____ by damaging their
DNA. And these agents eventually led to the the development of X drugs by
Sidney Farber, and thus dawned the era of Y.
14*. Connect and Fill in the blanks (Exhaustive).
● Linus Pauling,
● John Bardeen,
● Frederick Sanger,
● _____ _____ .
(0.5+0.5 points)
Today marks the 229th anniversary of the beginning of the French Revolution.
The Storming of the X (French: Prise de la X) occurred in Paris, France, on the
afternoon of 14 July 1789. The medieval fortress, armory, and political prison in
Paris known as the X represented royal authority in the centre of Paris. The prison
contained just seven inmates at the time of its storming, but was seen by the
revolutionaries as a symbol of the monarchy's abuses of power; its fall was the
flashpoint of the French Revolution.
In France, Le quatorze juillet (14 July) is a public holiday, usually called X Day in
The iconic alternate black and white coloured football was created and
popularized by Adidas. With time the colour has become synonymous with the
However, now the trend has collapsed. Why did Adidas come up with that
17. Connect (Non-Exhaustive).
● Tarantinoesque,
● Lynchian,
● Wellesian,
● Langian,
● Kubrickian,
● Keatonesque
● Spielbergian
Starbucks never has convenient round figures for its prices, which often makes it a
nightmare for the people serving at the counter. For reference, its 2017 base
prices for the US are from $1.85-$6.45. However, it may not be all bad,
considering that this inconvenient system led to a musical origin story for one of its
servers(founder of the band) in the late 90s.
What band thus got its name?
What is probably a very interesting consequence of the fact that “l'oeuf” is French
for “egg”?
Drew Houston was a student in MIT in 2006. One day he reached his class, and
while everyone was submitting assignments, he realised he left his USB Flash
drive in his dorm, again.
After forgetting his Flash Drive a couple more times, an idea popped up in Drew’s
head and he started working on X.
X is today one of the biggest companies of its kind. Identify X.
● 8 Questions, 1 point each.
● Eight Word Origin Stories or Etymologies. You have to give the word.
● Blanks will be indicative.
The word “_______” conjured up the fury of Norse warriors and the untamed
ferocity with which they fought, and it’s thought that the word came from two other
Old Norse words, “bjorn”, meaning “bear” and “serkr”, meaning “coat”. An
alternative explanation, now widely discredited, says that rather than “bjorn”, the
first part of the word comes from “X” meaning “bare” – that is, not wearing armour.
The word originally described the frantic intensity with which these warriors fought.
The nation’s favourite lunchtime snack gets its name from the 4th Earl of
________, John Montagu. The story goes that 250 years ago, the 18th-century
aristocrat requested that his valet bring him beef served between bread. He was
fond of eating this meal whilst playing card games, as it meant that his hands
wouldn’t get greasy from the meat and thus spoil the cards. Observing him,
Montagu’s friends began asking for “the same as ________”, and so the
________ was born. Though people did eat bread with foods such as cheese and
meat before this, these meals were known as “bread and cheese” or “bread and
It comes from the Venetian dialect form of the Italian words “quaranta giorni”, or
“forty days”, in reference to the fact that, in an effort to halt the spread of the
plague, ships were put into isolation on nearby islands for a forty-day period
before those on board were allowed ashore. Originally – attested by a document
from 1377 – this period was thirty days and was known as a “trentine”, but this
was extended to forty days to allow more time for symptoms to develop.
We still use the term __________ for similar purposes.
In Arabic the word “al-zahr” referred to the dice used in various gambling games.
There was a big element of risk inherent in these games, not just from the
gambling itself but from the danger of dishonest folk using weighted dice. Thus the
connotations of peril associated with the word, which got back to Britain because
the Crusaders learnt the dice games whilst on campaign in the Holy Land.
It comes from one of Rome’s famous ‘Seven Hills’, the Palatine, upon which the
Emperor resided in what grew into a sprawling and opulent home. In Latin, the
Palatine Hill was called the “Palatium”, and the word “Palatine” came to refer to
the Emperor’s residence, rather than the actual hill.
The members of a fanatical Muslim sect during the Crusades used to smoke
hashish and then murder leaders on the opposing side. They started going by the
name "hashishiyyin," meaning hashish-users in Arabic.
What word originated from this?
The word _______ is formed from Latin roots ob and sidere, which mean opposite
from and to sit, respectively. So if you're really ______ive you may be found sitting
across from the target of your interest, leaning in, creepily awaiting their next
8. FITB.
_______ comes to us from the Late Latin diurnalis meaning "daily." It then
became the Old French term X for a book containing the daily prayer schedule. It
then came to include other written records, but retained its latin implication
1*. Identify X.
Legend has it that a Dublin theatre-owner made a bet that he could introduce a
new word into the English language within a day or two (the amount of time differs
in different tellings of the story), and that the people of Dublin would make up the
meaning of the word themselves. So he wrote the then nonsense word “X” on
some pieces of paper and got a gang of street urchins to write it on walls across
Dublin. The next day everyone was talking about it, and it wasn’t long before it
became incorporated into everyday language, meaning a sort of “test”, because
this is what the people thought the mysterious word was supposed to be.
This is the probable origin of what word?
2. Why did Juventus tweet this?
CR7 Rape Allegations
3. Identify both. Why did this picture cause an
outrage in the native country of the man sitting?
Maduoro eating delicacies when Venezuela is
4*. These are pictures from a pond in Gifu Prefecture, Japan. What
has this pond been popularly dubbed as?
Monet Ponds
5. Identify X and Y.
● Indian Army has had a tough time dealing with X and the legacy of X after
WW-2. After independence, the marching song of X, Y, was banned as
● However as time went by and the initial reluctance receded, the GOI and the
Indian Army both recognised the formation of X as an unlikely to succeed but
still an extremely brave attempt for Independence.
● To further elucidate their new stance, the Indian Army even made Y their own
marching song, and it still is. We all would have heard Y in some patriotic
video or another.
Indian National Army, Qadam Qadam Badhaye
6. Identify X.
● In 2017, Russia amended their Domestic Abuse Laws for the first time in
years. However, it wasn’t a step forwards. The law now decriminalized some
offences, and unless the assault is ground for hospitalization (Broken Bones
at least), the perpetrator won’t face a criminal charge.
● The law has been universally criticised and has been dubbed as the “(X)ing
law”, because of the statement by the Russian Orthodox Church that this law
prevents family sanctity and avoids the break-up of a family just because of
trivial things like a X.
Slap Law
“The time has come when badges of honour make our shame glaring in the
incongruous context of humiliation, and I for my part, wish to stand, shorn, of all
special distinctions, by the side of those of my countrymen who, for their so called
insignificance, are liable to suffer degradation not fit for human beings.”
Who wrote this to Viceroy Chelmsford in 1919 and as a reply to what?
(2 points)
RN Tagore, Denied Knighthood
What modern game is
succeeded from a game in
which these pieces were
When/why did the Bombay edition of The Times of India carried an obituary that
“Democracy, beloved husband of Truth, loving father of Liberty, brother of Faith,
Hope and Justice, expired on June 26.”
The 1977 Emergency
10*. Identify X and Y. (0.5+0.5)
Y refers to lower-case letters. The word is often spelled X, by association with the
unrelated word miniature and the prefix mini-. This has traditionally been regarded
as a spelling mistake (since Y is derived from the word minus), but is now so
common that some dictionaries tend to accept it as a nonstandard or variant
spelling. X is still less likely, however, to be used in reference to lower-case
Y = Minuscule, X = Miniscule
11. What is this?
“I swear by Apollo the Healer, by Asclepius, by Hygieia, by Panacea, and by all the gods and goddesses, making them my
witnesses, that I will carry out, according to my ability and judgment, this oath and this indenture.
To hold my teacher in this art equal to my own parents; to make him partner in my livelihood; when he is in need of money
to share mine with him; to consider his family as my own brothers, and to teach them this art, if they want to learn it, without
fee or indenture; to impart precept, oral instruction, and all other instruction to my own sons, the sons of my teacher, and to
indentured pupils who have taken the this oath, but to nobody else.
I will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgment, but never with a view to injury and wrong-doing.
Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course. Similarly I will not give
to a woman a pessary to cause abortion. But I will keep pure and holy both my life and my art. I will not use the knife, not
even, verily, on sufferers from stone, but I will give place to such as are craftsmen therein.
Into whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to help the sick, and I will abstain from all intentional wrongdoing and harm,
especially from abusing the bodies of man or woman, bond or free. And whatsoever I shall see or hear in the course of my
profession, as well as outside my profession in my intercourse with men, if it be what should not be published abroad, I will
never divulge, holding such things to be holy secrets.
Now if I carry out this oath, and break it not, may I gain for ever reputation among all men for my life and for my art; but if I
break it and forswear myself, may the opposite befall me”
Hippocratic Oath
What is this?
Nixon’s speech if Appolo 11 mission failed.
13. Identify X and Y. (2 points)
Mustard Gas has been one of the most cruel uses of technology and science. But
there was also a positive consequence.
During World War II, naval personnel who were exposed to mustard gas during
military action were found to have toxic changes in the bone marrow cells that
develop into blood cells. During that same period, the US Army was studying a
number of chemicals related to mustard gas to develop more effective agents for
war and also develop protective measures. In the course of that work, a
compound called nitrogen mustard was studied and found to work against a type
of X . This agent served as the model for a long series of similar but more effective
agents (called alkylating agents) that killed _______ _____ by damaging their
DNA. And these agents eventually led to the the development of X drugs by
Sidney Farber, and thus dawned the era of Y.
X = Cancer, Y = Chemotherapy
14*. Connect and Fill in the blanks (Exhaustive).
● Linus Pauling,
● John Bardeen,
● Frederick Sanger,
● _____ _____ .
(0.5+0.5 points)
Won Nobel twice, Marie Curie
Today marks the 229th anniversary of the beginning of the French Revolution.
The Storming of the X (French: Prise de la X) occurred in Paris, France, on the
afternoon of 14 July 1789. The medieval fortress, armory, and political prison in
Paris known as the X represented royal authority in the centre of Paris. The prison
contained just seven inmates at the time of its storming, but was seen by the
revolutionaries as a symbol of the monarchy's abuses of power; its fall was the
flashpoint of the French Revolution.
In France, Le quatorze juillet (14 July) is a public holiday, usually called X Day in
The iconic alternate black and white coloured football was created and
popularized by Adidas. With time the colour has become synonymous with the
However, now the trend has collapsed. Why did Adidas come up with that
For better visibility in BW TV
17. Connect (Non-Exhaustive).
● Tarantinoesque,
● Lynchian,
● Wellesian,
● Langian,
● Kubrickian,
● Keatonesque
● Spielbergian
Movie words coined in OED today
Starbucks never has convenient round figures for its prices, which often makes it a
nightmare for the people serving at the counter. For reference, its 2017 base
prices for the US are from $1.85-$6.45. However, it may not be all bad,
considering that this inconvenient system led to a musical origin story for one of its
servers(founder of the band) in the late 90s.
What band thus got its name?
What is probably a very interesting consequence of the fact that “l'oeuf” is French
for “egg”?
Zero in tennis being love
Drew Houston was a student in MIT in 2006. One day he reached his class, and
while everyone was submitting assignments, he realised he left his USB Flash
drive in his dorm, again.
After forgetting his Flash Drive a couple more times, an idea popped up in Drew’s
head and he started working on X.
X is today one of the biggest companies of its kind. Identify X.
Audience prelims answers
The word “_______” conjured up the fury of Norse warriors and the untamed
ferocity with which they fought, and it’s thought that the word came from two other
Old Norse words, “bjorn”, meaning “bear” and “serkr”, meaning “coat”. An
alternative explanation, now widely discredited, says that rather than “bjorn”, the
first part of the word comes from “X” meaning “bare” – that is, not wearing armour.
The word originally described the frantic intensity with which these warriors fought.
The nation’s favourite lunchtime snack gets its name from the 4th Earl of
________, John Montagu. The story goes that 250 years ago, the 18th-century
aristocrat requested that his valet bring him beef served between bread. He was
fond of eating this meal whilst playing card games, as it meant that his hands
wouldn’t get greasy from the meat and thus spoil the cards. Observing him,
Montagu’s friends began asking for “the same as ________”, and so the
________ was born. Though people did eat bread with foods such as cheese and
meat before this, these meals were known as “bread and cheese” or “bread and
It comes from the Venetian dialect form of the Italian words “quaranta giorni”, or
“forty days”, in reference to the fact that, in an effort to halt the spread of the
plague, ships were put into isolation on nearby islands for a forty-day period
before those on board were allowed ashore. Originally – attested by a document
from 1377 – this period was thirty days and was known as a “trentine”, but this
was extended to forty days to allow more time for symptoms to develop.
We still use the term __________ for similar purposes.
In Arabic the word “al-zahr” referred to the dice used in various gambling games.
There was a big element of risk inherent in these games, not just from the
gambling itself but from the danger of dishonest folk using weighted dice. Thus the
connotations of peril associated with the word, which got back to Britain because
the Crusaders learnt the dice games whilst on campaign in the Holy Land.
It comes from one of Rome’s famous ‘Seven Hills’, the Palatine, upon which the
Emperor resided in what grew into a sprawling and opulent home. In Latin, the
Palatine Hill was called the “Palatium”, and the word “Palatine” came to refer to
the Emperor’s residence, rather than the actual hill.
The members of a fanatical Muslim sect during the Crusades used to smoke
hashish and then murder leaders on the opposing side. They started going by the
name "hashishiyyin," meaning hashish-users in Arabic.
What word originated from this?
The word _______ is formed from Latin roots ob and sidere, which mean opposite
from and to sit, respectively. So if you're really ______ive you may be found sitting
across from the target of your interest, leaning in, creepily awaiting their next
8. FITB.
_______ comes to us from the Late Latin diurnalis meaning "daily." It then
became the Old French term X for a book containing the daily prayer schedule. It
then came to include other written records, but retained its latin implication
FINALS - Structure
● Round 1 - Dry Pounce, 5 Questions.
● Round 2 - Audience Round.
● Round 3 - Dry Pounce, 5 Questions.
● Round 4 - Guest Round 1
● Round 5 - Dry Pounce, 5 Questions
● Round 6 - Guest Round 2.
● Round 7 - Dry Pounce, 5 Questions.
FINALS - Rules
● Normal Pounce Bounce - +20/-10 on Pounce, +10/0 on Bounce.
● Written Round’s Rules will be intimated before the start of the round.
1. What is being talked about?
Helene Muri of the Department of Geosciences of the University of Oslo has a
different take on the matter. She claims that despite the fact that _______’s
_______ in Indonesia caused colorful sunrises and sunsets, the injected particles
in the stratosphere couldn’t have produced the wavy textures seen in the famous
painting. Instead, she identified a natural phenomenon that much better
resembles_____’s distorted sky. Namely, polar stratospheric clouds, also called
nacreous or mother-of-pearl clouds.These rare clouds form when stormy weather
causes moist air to bang up against mountainsides and pushed up into the
stratosphere where it condenses into ice crystals. These crystals are too thin to be
seen with the naked eye during the day, but when the sunset shines from below,
the crystals suspended in the clouds display the exact color and texture that
_____ featured in his opus. According to Muri, mother-of-pearl clouds appear only
four times a year.
Inspiration behind Munch’s scream.
This is Edgar Ramirez, a Venezuelan
actor. Who is he portraying?
Gianni Versace
These are examples of Mirage called
fata morgana. It, as can be seen,
gives the illusion that a vessel far off
in the sea is flying.
This mirage is believed to have given
rise a very famous myth. What?
The Flying Dutchman
4. These are pictures from 1940s US. What are these women doing? Why?
Drawing Stockings
So basically in 1940s, Nylon was all channelled to be used in the wars, so women
used to apply makeup and then draw seams with pencils to feint stockings.
British Artist William
Utermohlen created a
heart-wrenching final
series of self-portraits
over a roughly 5-year
What is special about this
series of portraits, or
rather, what was peculiar
about the artist over the
Alzheimer's Disease
So, he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. This series shows the graduate decay of
his cognitive and mental capabilities.
Audience Round 1
“Dust My Shoulders Off" is a song by Chinese singer and songwriter Jane Zhang .
It features American rapper and producer Timbaland, and was released on
October 14, 2016, through Montage Records.
ID all the art and pop culture references. (11 paintings, 1 artist, 2 pop culture
10 points for each (140 points up for grabs).
1. Edward Hopper "Nighthawks" (1942)
2. Vincent van Gogh "Selfportraitt" (1889)
3. Van Gogh is bitten in his ear by Mike Tyson
4. Jean-Francois Millet "The Gleaners" (1857)
5. Johannes Vermeer "Girl with a Pearl Earring"
6. Andrew Wyeth "Christina's World" (1948)
7. Georges Seurat "A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte" (1884)
8. Edvard Munch "The Scream" (1893)
9. Screamer´s memory is erased by the Men in Black
10. Salvador Dalí "The Temptation of St. Anthony" (1946)
11. Maurits Cornelis Escher "Ascending and Descending" (1960)
12. Maurits Cornelis Escher "Another World Gallery"(1946)
13. René Magritte "The Son of Man" (1964)
14. Son of Man transforms to Salvador Dalí
Dry Pounce 2
Horsemaning (or horsemanning) is
the act of posing for a photograph
in such a way that the subject
appears to have been beheaded,
their head resting on the ground or
on a surface. Such photography
was a fad in the 1920s.
Why is it called Horsemanning?
Headless Horseman, from “The legend of Sleepy Hollow
Every Olympic Games opening ceremony has a country parade in which all the
contingent members march around the stadium.
The first country is always Greece and the last ones are the host nations. For the
rest of the countries the entrance is in alphabetical order in the host country’s
But in 1992 Barcelona Olympics, the teams entered as per the alphabetical order
of French alphabets. Why?
Spanish and Catalan, both official languages
And because of the tension between the communities, choosing one over the
other was not a smart move.
San Jose police officers found Karen Navarra with a gaping laceration to her neck
and wounds on the top of her head. In her right hand, was a large kitchen knife.
Her death had been staged to appear like a suicide.
But the data on her Fitbit immediately helped ascertain the fact that it was not
suicide. How?
Because there was a sudden very high surge in
heart rate.
9. What is the lower blanked out part?
This diagram is chronologically and evolutionarily downward.
10. Connect.
Designed by Satyajit Ray.
Guest Round 1
By- Ex secy Aditya Parshar.
Quiz God and Quiz Making me God.
Currently sucking up to Corporate
Overlords in Hyderabad
8 Questions
+20/-10 on stake, +10/0 on normal
X(a Sanskrit word) is a format of musical composition typical to Carnatic music. Xs
form the mental backbone of any typical Carnatic music concert and is the longer
format of Carnatic song.
Conventional Xs typically contain three parts Pallavi, Anupallavi, Charanam. One
of the greatest explorers of the X form was Oottukkadu Venkata Kavi (1700-65),
who has created numerous varieties within this form.
The name X Y is associated with Queen Y I of England, who was nicknamed as
such in Foxe's Book of Martyrs for attempting to re-establish the Catholic Church
in England.In her zealousness to turn England back into a Catholic country, Y
authorized her government to persecute Protestants who would not conform and
284 were burned at the stake. While far more than 300 Catholic martyrs died
during the reigns of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, Y is the one who carries the
reputation of being a merciless, bigotry-filled killer.Hence the nickname, which is
aptly also the name of a cocktail.
X Y?
From 1949 to 1966(except 1958) the Academy Award for Best Costume Design
had two subcategories one for black and white films and one for films in color.
From 1967 these two were merged into one single category for achievement in
film, along with one other award which also had two subcategories for black &
white and color films from 1939 to 1966(except 1957).Since then, the only black-
and-white film to win in this category is Schindler's List (1993).
Which is this other award category?
Raising a Flag over the Reichstag is a historic World War II photograph, taken
during the Battle of Berlin on 2 May 1945. It shows Russian soldiers raising the
flag of the Soviet Union atop the Reichstag building in Berlin. This image was an
orchestrated answer to another famous photograph from WW II, to stamp Russian
authority, and was also heavily dramatized and edited since the soldier who is
supporting the flag-bearer, was wearing two watches, which could imply he had
looted one of them, an action punishable by execution.
Name the other photograph which acted as an inspiration for this.
X bore an uncanny resemblance to Y and because of this she was inducted into
the women's wing of the army. During battle when the enemies rushed the fort, Y,
on advice of her courtier, escaped through another gate amidst the chaos of
heavy fighting and casualties. Upon hearing of Y's escape, X set out for the
enemy camp in disguise and declared herself to be the Queen. This led to a
confusion that continued for a whole day and gave the Queen's army renewed
This also explains why in the movie adaptation based upon the life of Y the
actresses playing these parts look so much alike.
X & Y (½ + ½) OR the actresses playing these parts respectively in the movie
adaptation (½ + ½).
In 1704, playwright John Dennis's play Appius and Virginia was produced at the
Drury Lane Theatre, London and he invented a new method of creating the sound
of thunder for the production. It isn’t known what this method was (some texts say
it was a refinement of the mustard bowl referred to by Pope, in which metal balls
were rolled around in a wooden bowl), but it is reported that after Appius and
Virginia failed and was closed, the method was soon afterwards used in a
production of Macbeth. Dennis’s response was recorded by the literary scholar
Joseph Spence (1699–1768) and later quoted in W. S. Walsh's Literary
Curiosities, 1893:
"Damn them! They will not let my play run, but they ___ ___ ___." Fill in the
blanks.Blank size not indicative.
Alexandra Pascalidou — with the help of over 100 prominent cultural figures,
including actors, novelists and a rapper from her country — has started her own
prize, the New Academy Prize in __________ the winner will be announced on
Oct. 14, and will receive one million kronor, or around $112,000. Voting opened on
the prize’s website in July with a 46-strong list of nominees.The New Academy will
then be dissolved in December 2018.
Why is this award been instituted for this year by Ms. Pascalidou?
An animated movie named Fe, was scheduled to be premiered on 13th May,
2017, at the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of the Virgin Mary to three
children in Fatima, Portugal. When it came to choosing a person to voice Pope
Francis, they needed someone who was fluent in Portuguese, English, Spanish
and Italian. The Vatican approved the casting of this 52 year old, who had shown
his prowess in all these languages ( because language of communication plays a
vital role in his profession).
When asked about his Catholicism, he said he prays for his family life and for
happiness. “But I can say the reality is I never go to the church to speak with Him
about ________. Never!” Who was this 52 year old, selected to voice ‘ The Holy
Answers to Guest Round 1
X(a Sanskrit word) is a format of musical composition typical to Carnatic music. Xs
form the mental backbone of any typical Carnatic music concert and is the longer
format of Carnatic song.
Conventional Xs typically contain three parts Pallavi, Anupallavi, Charanam. One
of the greatest explorers of the X form was Oottukkadu Venkata Kavi (1700-65),
who has created numerous varieties within this form.
The name X Y is associated with Queen Y I of England, who was nicknamed as
such in Foxe's Book of Martyrs for attempting to re-establish the Catholic Church
in England.In her zealousness to turn England back into a Catholic country, Y
authorized her government to persecute Protestants who would not conform and
284 were burned at the stake. While far more than 300 Catholic martyrs died
during the reigns of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, Y is the one who carries the
reputation of being a merciless, bigotry-filled killer.Hence the nickname, which is
aptly also the name of a cocktail.
X Y?
2. Bloody Mary
From 1949 to 1966(except 1958) the Academy Award for Best Costume Design
had two subcategories one for black and white films and one for films in color.
From 1967 these two were merged into one single category for achievement in
film, along with one other award which also had two subcategories for black &
white and color films from 1939 to 1966(except 1957).Since then, the only black-
and-white film to win in this category is Schindler's List (1993).
Which is this other award category?
3. Cinematography
Raising a Flag over the Reichstag is a historic World War II photograph, taken
during the Battle of Berlin on 2 May 1945. It shows Russian soldiers raising the
flag of the Soviet Union atop the Reichstag building in Berlin. This image was an
orchestrated answer to another famous photograph from WW II, to stamp Russian
authority, and was also heavily dramatized and edited since the soldier who is
supporting the flag-bearer, was wearing two watches, which could imply he had
looted one of them, an action punishable by execution.
Name the other photograph which acted as an inspiration for this.
4. Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima
X bore an uncanny resemblance to Y and because of this she was inducted into
the women's wing of the army. During battle when the enemies rushed the fort, Y,
on advice of her courtier, escaped through another gate amidst the chaos of
heavy fighting and casualties. Upon hearing of Y's escape, X set out for the
enemy camp in disguise and declared herself to be the Queen. This led to a
confusion that continued for a whole day and gave the Queen's army renewed
This also explains why in the movie adaptation based upon the life of Y the
actresses playing these parts look so much alike.
X & Y (½ + ½) OR the actresses playing these parts respectively in the movie
adaptation (½ + ½).
5. X = Jhalkaribai Y = Laxmibai OR Ankita
Lokhande & Kangana Ranaut
In 1704, playwright John Dennis's play Appius and Virginia was produced at the
Drury Lane Theatre, London and he invented a new method of creating the sound
of thunder for the production. It isn’t known what this method was (some texts say
it was a refinement of the mustard bowl referred to by Pope, in which metal balls
were rolled around in a wooden bowl), but it is reported that after Appius and
Virginia failed and was closed, the method was soon afterwards used in a
production of Macbeth. Dennis’s response was recorded by the literary scholar
Joseph Spence (1699–1768) and later quoted in W. S. Walsh's Literary
Curiosities, 1893:
"Damn them! They will not let my play run, but they ___ ___ ___." Fill in the
blanks.Blank size not indicative.
7. Steal my thunder
Alexandra Pascalidou — with the help of over 100 prominent cultural figures,
including actors, novelists and a rapper from her country — has started her own
prize, the New Academy Prize in __________ the winner will be announced on
Oct. 14, and will receive one million kronor, or around $112,000. Voting opened on
the prize’s website in July with a 46-strong list of nominees.The New Academy will
then be dissolved in December 2018.
Why is this award been instituted for this year by Ms. Pascalidou?
7. Nobel Prize for Literature won’t be awarded in
An animated movie named Fe, was scheduled to be premiered on 13th May,
2017, at the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of the Virgin Mary to three
children in Fatima, Portugal. When it came to choosing a person to voice Pope
Francis, they needed someone who was fluent in Portuguese, English, Spanish
and Italian. The Vatican approved the casting of this 52 year old, who had shown
his prowess in all these languages ( because language of communication plays a
vital role in his profession).
When asked about his Catholicism, he said he prays for his family life and for
happiness. “But I can say the reality is I never go to the church to speak with Him
about ________. Never!” Who was this 52 year old, selected to voice ‘ The Holy
8. Jose Mourinho
Round 5- Dry Pounce
11. Identify X and Y.
X was an American marine biologist, author, and conservationist.X began her
career as an aquatic biologist in the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, and became a full-
time nature writer in the 1950s. Her widely praised 1951 bestseller The Sea
Around Us won her a U.S. National Book Award, recognition as a gifted writer,
and financial security. Her next book, The Edge of the Sea, and the reissued
version of her first book, Under the Sea Wind, were also bestsellers. This sea
trilogy explores the whole of ocean life from the shores to the depths.
However, her most famous book is Y that is credited with advancing the global
environmental movement.
Rachel Carson, The Silent Spring
12. Name the compromise.
The X-Y Compromise was a compromise reached among state delegates during the
1787 United States Constitutional Convention. Whether, and if so, how, slaves would
be counted when determining a state's total population for legislative representation
and taxing purposes was important, as this population number would then be used to
determine the number of seats that the state would have in the United States House of
Representatives for the next ten years. The compromise solution was to count X out of
every Y slaves as a person for this purpose. Its effect was to give the southern states a
more seats in Congress and a more electoral votes than if slaves had been ignored,
but fewer than if slaves and free people had been counted equally, thus allowing the
slaveholder interests to largely dominate the government of the United States until
The three-fifth compromise.
The pictured game is precursor to a
very famous modern sport.
What was/is the pictured game
Mob Football
● Where is this image of stalactites from?
● What did this herald?
Safety Slides
Mawsmai Cave, Meghalaya
Heralded the fact that we are now living in the
Meghalayan Era
This is an advertisement by a certain company
for a certain product?
Give me the company’s name. Part points for
product. (Only in bounce)
Penguin Audiobooks
Round 6 - Guest Round 2
By ExEx Secy Dhrubojit Bhattacharya.
Sports God, Currently hates life bc
MUtd fan.
Is enlivening SAPs offices in Bangalore
Long Visual Connect
Connect Points written
Normal Pounce Bounce
He dressed head to toe in black, thus earning his nickname the 'Black Spider',
which enhanced his popularity. He also kept over 270 clean sheets in his career,
winning a gold medal at the 1956 Olympic football tournament, and the 1960
European Championships. In 1963, he received the Ballon d'Or, the only
goalkeeper ever to receive the award. He was voted the best goalkeeper of the
20th century by the IFFHS.
Name him.
Lev Yashin
2. (+80/-40)
In 1987 he became vice-captain to Cronje in the South African Schools XI and
made a century on his first-class debut, for Natal against Western Province in
1988-89. But it was his fielding and ability to score quickly, rather than weight of
runs, that earned him selection for the World Cup, and there was some surprise
when he was preferred to Cronje for South Africa's first post-isolation home Test,
against India at Kingsmead in 1992-93. He won the Wisden Cricketer of the year
Jonty Rhodes
3. (+60/-30)
It was in India that he began his close friendship with his Australian counterpart as
Test cricketer and national hero, Keith Miller. They played against each other in
the match at Calcutta between the Australian Services team and East Zone.
The match was interrupted by rioting when he was on 94 and one of the rioters
who had invaded the pitch ran up to he and said "Mr _______, you very good
player, but the match must stop now." This was a phrase which Miller gleefully
recalled whenever he went out to bat against the Australians. In recognition of
their friendship and rivalry, the ECB and Cricket Australia decided in 2005 that the
player adjudged the Player of the Series in the Ashes would be awarded the
_______-Miller medal.
Denis Compton
4. (+40/-20)
X was the contemporary of England all-rounder Andrew Flintoff in Lancashire's
Under-19 side, captaining England Under-15s. He holds the record for being the
youngest player to play for Lancashire's second XI at age 15. His elder brother
played for Manchester United, twin brother Tracey is the current England netball
head coach and his father was the commercial director of Bury FC. Who is this
Phil Neville
5. (+20/-10)
A defender, she represented Australia at the 2008 Asian Cup, and scored in one
of the matches. She played for the Central Coast Mariners in the Australian W-
League during the 2008-09 season, before transferring to Canberra United the
following year. In June 2010, She began her media career by hosting the soccer-
related show Football Stars of Tomorrow, screened on the digital sports channel
One HD. However she hasn't played soccer on the national team since as the
team did not call her up again.
Ellyse Perry
Connect - Represented their nations in multiple
Round 7 - Dry Pounce
In E109 of House M.D., there is the following exchange between House and
Wilson: You know, some doctors have the _______ complex. They need to save
the world. You’ve got the _____’_ complex. You need to solve the puzzle.
House: Are you done, or do you have more references to 1980s fads?
Fill both the blanks.
Messiah’s and Rubik’s
Some time back, this company
released 1775 shirts with 10
different logos as shown. The
number of shirts with different
logos varied from each other.
Which company was behind
this? And, what did the number
of shirts with different logos
Lacoste, No. of organisms left in the species =
No. of shirts
The term was popularized by University of Chicago archaeologist James Henry
Breasted in his 1914 and 1916 European-World History books. It reads, “The
westernmost extension of Asia...included within the circuit of waters marked out by
Caspian and Black seas on the north, Mediterranean & Red seas on the west, and
by the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf on the south and east....region chiefly of
mountains in the north and desert in the south. The earliest home of men
a borderland between the desert and the mountains, a kind of cultivable fringe of
the desert, a ____________ having the mountains on one side and the desert on
the other. Now used to refer to what term?
The fertile crescent
"Aging in plants is connected to the decrease in normal production of a molecule
called cyclic GMP (guanosyl monophosphate)," Leshem explained. "This leads to
a decrease in the plasticity of the spongy tissue in plants. This is part and parcel of
the normal biological process.“ He found that a compound inhibited the enzyme
that breaks down the cyclic GMP, and that it actually keeps flowers erect and alive
for up to seven days beyond their normal life span. What compound did they use?
Trying to come to grips with the changing nature of Mathematics, this Euclidean
mathematician chose satire as his vent, touching on topics like limits and base
• One of these examples is when the titular character in one of his works
encounters an animal, a metaphor for classical algebra, and giving it a quality
which is seen as a symbolism of how, similar to abstract algebra, it originally
seems dependent on the animal, but is separated conceptually from its physical
• Name the work in question. What is this quality?
Alice in Wonderland, Cheshire cat grin
Soliciting suggestions for subjects to paint, he asked a friend, who suggested he
choose something that everybody recognised like Y. In a flash of inspiration he
bought ___ from the store and began to trace projections onto canvas, tightly
painting within the outlines to resemble the appearance of the original offset
lithograph labels. Instead of the dripping paint in his previous ads and comics,
here X sought the precision of mechanical reproduction. At this time he received a
return studio visit from Irving Blum of Ferus Gallery, Los Angeles, who was
expecting to see comic-strip paintings and was surprised by the new ____,
immediately offering the artist a show that summer. Expanding his subject, he
decided to paint one of each of the thirty-two varieties of Ys’.
Andy Warhol’s (X) work on Campbell’s soup (Y)

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Kriti general quiz

  • 2. Part of the Brainiac Cup GC Points - 200
  • 3. PRELIMS - Structure ● MAIN ROUND - 20 questions ( points) for the main teams, each variable (part) has 1 point unless specifically mentioned. Some questions are star marked. ● AUDIENCE ROUND – 8 questions for the audience teams, each question will be worth 1 point.
  • 4. PRELIMS - Rules ● Main teams of minimum two and maximum three members. ● Audience team can have minimum three and maximum six members. ● Prelims scores will be carried forward to the finals after a multiplication of 10. ● Top 8 teams qualify for the finals. ● Hints may be provided for the question on the Quizmaster’s discretion if there are NO objections. ● The Quizmaster’s decision will be final and binding. ● If there is a tie, star marked questions will be used to resolve ties. ● If the tie still persists we’ll use sudden death from Q. 1.
  • 6. 1*. Identify X. Legend has it that a Dublin theatre-owner made a bet that he could introduce a new word into the English language within a day or two (the amount of time differs in different tellings of the story), and that the people of Dublin would make up the meaning of the word themselves. So he wrote the then nonsense word “X” on some pieces of paper and got a gang of street urchins to write it on walls across Dublin. The next day everyone was talking about it, and it wasn’t long before it became incorporated into everyday language, meaning a sort of “test”, because this is what the people thought the mysterious word was supposed to be. This is the probable origin of what word?
  • 7. 2. Why did Juventus tweet this?
  • 8. 3. Identify both. Why did this picture cause an outrage in the native country of the man sitting?
  • 9. 4*. These are pictures from a pond in Gifu Prefecture, Japan. What has this pond been popularly dubbed as?
  • 10. 5. Identify X and Y. ● Indian Army has had a tough time dealing with X and the legacy of X after WW-2. After independence, the marching song of X, Y, was banned as seditious. ● However as time went by and the initial reluctance receded, the GOI and the Indian Army both recognised the formation of X as an unlikely to succeed but still an extremely brave attempt for Independence. ● To further elucidate their new stance, the Indian Army even made Y their own marching song, and it still is. We all would have heard Y in some patriotic video or another.
  • 11. 6. Identify X. ● In 2017, Russia amended their Domestic Abuse Laws for the first time in years. However, it wasn’t a step forwards. The law now decriminalized some offences, and unless the assault is ground for hospitalization (Broken Bones at least), the perpetrator won’t face a criminal charge. ● The law has been universally criticised and has been dubbed as the “(X)ing law”, because of the statement by the Russian Orthodox Church that this law prevents family sanctity and avoids the break-up of a family just because of trivial things like a X.
  • 12. 7*. “The time has come when badges of honour make our shame glaring in the incongruous context of humiliation, and I for my part, wish to stand, shorn, of all special distinctions, by the side of those of my countrymen who, for their so called insignificance, are liable to suffer degradation not fit for human beings.” Who wrote this to Viceroy Chelmsford in 1919 and as a reply to what? (2 points)
  • 13. 8. What modern game is succeeded from a game in which these pieces were used?
  • 14. 9. When/why did the Bombay edition of The Times of India carried an obituary that read: “Democracy, beloved husband of Truth, loving father of Liberty, brother of Faith, Hope and Justice, expired on June 26.”
  • 15. 10*. Identify X and Y. (0.5+0.5) Y refers to lower-case letters. The word is often spelled X, by association with the unrelated word miniature and the prefix mini-. This has traditionally been regarded as a spelling mistake (since Y is derived from the word minus), but is now so common that some dictionaries tend to accept it as a nonstandard or variant spelling. X is still less likely, however, to be used in reference to lower-case letters.
  • 16. 11. What is this? “I swear by Apollo the Healer, by Asclepius, by Hygieia, by Panacea, and by all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will carry out, according to my ability and judgment, this oath and this indenture. To hold my teacher in this art equal to my own parents; to make him partner in my livelihood; when he is in need of money to share mine with him; to consider his family as my own brothers, and to teach them this art, if they want to learn it, without fee or indenture; to impart precept, oral instruction, and all other instruction to my own sons, the sons of my teacher, and to indentured pupils who have taken the this oath, but to nobody else. I will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgment, but never with a view to injury and wrong-doing. Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course. Similarly I will not give to a woman a pessary to cause abortion. But I will keep pure and holy both my life and my art. I will not use the knife, not even, verily, on sufferers from stone, but I will give place to such as are craftsmen therein. Into whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to help the sick, and I will abstain from all intentional wrongdoing and harm, especially from abusing the bodies of man or woman, bond or free. And whatsoever I shall see or hear in the course of my profession, as well as outside my profession in my intercourse with men, if it be what should not be published abroad, I will never divulge, holding such things to be holy secrets. Now if I carry out this oath, and break it not, may I gain for ever reputation among all men for my life and for my art; but if I break it and forswear myself, may the opposite befall me”
  • 18. 13. Identify X and Y. (2 points) Mustard Gas has been one of the most cruel uses of technology and science. But there was also a positive consequence. During World War II, naval personnel who were exposed to mustard gas during military action were found to have toxic changes in the bone marrow cells that develop into blood cells. During that same period, the US Army was studying a number of chemicals related to mustard gas to develop more effective agents for war and also develop protective measures. In the course of that work, a compound called nitrogen mustard was studied and found to work against a type of X . This agent served as the model for a long series of similar but more effective agents (called alkylating agents) that killed _______ _____ by damaging their DNA. And these agents eventually led to the the development of X drugs by Sidney Farber, and thus dawned the era of Y.
  • 19. 14*. Connect and Fill in the blanks (Exhaustive). ● Linus Pauling, ● John Bardeen, ● Frederick Sanger, ● _____ _____ . (0.5+0.5 points)
  • 20. 15*. Today marks the 229th anniversary of the beginning of the French Revolution. The Storming of the X (French: Prise de la X) occurred in Paris, France, on the afternoon of 14 July 1789. The medieval fortress, armory, and political prison in Paris known as the X represented royal authority in the centre of Paris. The prison contained just seven inmates at the time of its storming, but was seen by the revolutionaries as a symbol of the monarchy's abuses of power; its fall was the flashpoint of the French Revolution. In France, Le quatorze juillet (14 July) is a public holiday, usually called X Day in English.
  • 21. 16. The iconic alternate black and white coloured football was created and popularized by Adidas. With time the colour has become synonymous with the game. However, now the trend has collapsed. Why did Adidas come up with that pattern?
  • 22. 17. Connect (Non-Exhaustive). ● Tarantinoesque, ● Lynchian, ● Wellesian, ● Langian, ● Kubrickian, ● Keatonesque ● Spielbergian
  • 23. 18. Starbucks never has convenient round figures for its prices, which often makes it a nightmare for the people serving at the counter. For reference, its 2017 base prices for the US are from $1.85-$6.45. However, it may not be all bad, considering that this inconvenient system led to a musical origin story for one of its servers(founder of the band) in the late 90s. What band thus got its name?
  • 24. 19*. What is probably a very interesting consequence of the fact that “l'oeuf” is French for “egg”?
  • 25. 20. Drew Houston was a student in MIT in 2006. One day he reached his class, and while everyone was submitting assignments, he realised he left his USB Flash drive in his dorm, again. After forgetting his Flash Drive a couple more times, an idea popped up in Drew’s head and he started working on X. X is today one of the biggest companies of its kind. Identify X.
  • 26. AUDIENCE PRELIMS ● 8 Questions, 1 point each. ● Eight Word Origin Stories or Etymologies. You have to give the word. ● Blanks will be indicative.
  • 27. 1. The word “_______” conjured up the fury of Norse warriors and the untamed ferocity with which they fought, and it’s thought that the word came from two other Old Norse words, “bjorn”, meaning “bear” and “serkr”, meaning “coat”. An alternative explanation, now widely discredited, says that rather than “bjorn”, the first part of the word comes from “X” meaning “bare” – that is, not wearing armour. The word originally described the frantic intensity with which these warriors fought.
  • 28. 2. The nation’s favourite lunchtime snack gets its name from the 4th Earl of ________, John Montagu. The story goes that 250 years ago, the 18th-century aristocrat requested that his valet bring him beef served between bread. He was fond of eating this meal whilst playing card games, as it meant that his hands wouldn’t get greasy from the meat and thus spoil the cards. Observing him, Montagu’s friends began asking for “the same as ________”, and so the ________ was born. Though people did eat bread with foods such as cheese and meat before this, these meals were known as “bread and cheese” or “bread and meat”.
  • 29. 3. It comes from the Venetian dialect form of the Italian words “quaranta giorni”, or “forty days”, in reference to the fact that, in an effort to halt the spread of the plague, ships were put into isolation on nearby islands for a forty-day period before those on board were allowed ashore. Originally – attested by a document from 1377 – this period was thirty days and was known as a “trentine”, but this was extended to forty days to allow more time for symptoms to develop. We still use the term __________ for similar purposes.
  • 30. 4. In Arabic the word “al-zahr” referred to the dice used in various gambling games. There was a big element of risk inherent in these games, not just from the gambling itself but from the danger of dishonest folk using weighted dice. Thus the connotations of peril associated with the word, which got back to Britain because the Crusaders learnt the dice games whilst on campaign in the Holy Land.
  • 31. 5. It comes from one of Rome’s famous ‘Seven Hills’, the Palatine, upon which the Emperor resided in what grew into a sprawling and opulent home. In Latin, the Palatine Hill was called the “Palatium”, and the word “Palatine” came to refer to the Emperor’s residence, rather than the actual hill.
  • 32. 6. The members of a fanatical Muslim sect during the Crusades used to smoke hashish and then murder leaders on the opposing side. They started going by the name "hashishiyyin," meaning hashish-users in Arabic. What word originated from this?
  • 33. 7. The word _______ is formed from Latin roots ob and sidere, which mean opposite from and to sit, respectively. So if you're really ______ive you may be found sitting across from the target of your interest, leaning in, creepily awaiting their next move.
  • 34. 8. FITB. _______ comes to us from the Late Latin diurnalis meaning "daily." It then became the Old French term X for a book containing the daily prayer schedule. It then came to include other written records, but retained its latin implication
  • 36. 1*. Identify X. Legend has it that a Dublin theatre-owner made a bet that he could introduce a new word into the English language within a day or two (the amount of time differs in different tellings of the story), and that the people of Dublin would make up the meaning of the word themselves. So he wrote the then nonsense word “X” on some pieces of paper and got a gang of street urchins to write it on walls across Dublin. The next day everyone was talking about it, and it wasn’t long before it became incorporated into everyday language, meaning a sort of “test”, because this is what the people thought the mysterious word was supposed to be. This is the probable origin of what word?
  • 37. Quiz
  • 38. 2. Why did Juventus tweet this?
  • 40. 3. Identify both. Why did this picture cause an outrage in the native country of the man sitting?
  • 41. Maduoro eating delicacies when Venezuela is dying.
  • 42. 4*. These are pictures from a pond in Gifu Prefecture, Japan. What has this pond been popularly dubbed as?
  • 44. 5. Identify X and Y. ● Indian Army has had a tough time dealing with X and the legacy of X after WW-2. After independence, the marching song of X, Y, was banned as seditious. ● However as time went by and the initial reluctance receded, the GOI and the Indian Army both recognised the formation of X as an unlikely to succeed but still an extremely brave attempt for Independence. ● To further elucidate their new stance, the Indian Army even made Y their own marching song, and it still is. We all would have heard Y in some patriotic video or another.
  • 45. Indian National Army, Qadam Qadam Badhaye Ja
  • 46. 6. Identify X. ● In 2017, Russia amended their Domestic Abuse Laws for the first time in years. However, it wasn’t a step forwards. The law now decriminalized some offences, and unless the assault is ground for hospitalization (Broken Bones at least), the perpetrator won’t face a criminal charge. ● The law has been universally criticised and has been dubbed as the “(X)ing law”, because of the statement by the Russian Orthodox Church that this law prevents family sanctity and avoids the break-up of a family just because of trivial things like a X.
  • 48. 7*. “The time has come when badges of honour make our shame glaring in the incongruous context of humiliation, and I for my part, wish to stand, shorn, of all special distinctions, by the side of those of my countrymen who, for their so called insignificance, are liable to suffer degradation not fit for human beings.” Who wrote this to Viceroy Chelmsford in 1919 and as a reply to what? (2 points)
  • 49. RN Tagore, Denied Knighthood
  • 50. 8. What modern game is succeeded from a game in which these pieces were used?
  • 51. Chess
  • 52. 9. When/why did the Bombay edition of The Times of India carried an obituary that read: “Democracy, beloved husband of Truth, loving father of Liberty, brother of Faith, Hope and Justice, expired on June 26.”
  • 54. 10*. Identify X and Y. (0.5+0.5) Y refers to lower-case letters. The word is often spelled X, by association with the unrelated word miniature and the prefix mini-. This has traditionally been regarded as a spelling mistake (since Y is derived from the word minus), but is now so common that some dictionaries tend to accept it as a nonstandard or variant spelling. X is still less likely, however, to be used in reference to lower-case letters.
  • 55. Y = Minuscule, X = Miniscule
  • 56. 11. What is this? “I swear by Apollo the Healer, by Asclepius, by Hygieia, by Panacea, and by all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will carry out, according to my ability and judgment, this oath and this indenture. To hold my teacher in this art equal to my own parents; to make him partner in my livelihood; when he is in need of money to share mine with him; to consider his family as my own brothers, and to teach them this art, if they want to learn it, without fee or indenture; to impart precept, oral instruction, and all other instruction to my own sons, the sons of my teacher, and to indentured pupils who have taken the this oath, but to nobody else. I will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgment, but never with a view to injury and wrong-doing. Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course. Similarly I will not give to a woman a pessary to cause abortion. But I will keep pure and holy both my life and my art. I will not use the knife, not even, verily, on sufferers from stone, but I will give place to such as are craftsmen therein. Into whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to help the sick, and I will abstain from all intentional wrongdoing and harm, especially from abusing the bodies of man or woman, bond or free. And whatsoever I shall see or hear in the course of my profession, as well as outside my profession in my intercourse with men, if it be what should not be published abroad, I will never divulge, holding such things to be holy secrets. Now if I carry out this oath, and break it not, may I gain for ever reputation among all men for my life and for my art; but if I break it and forswear myself, may the opposite befall me”
  • 59. Nixon’s speech if Appolo 11 mission failed.
  • 60. 13. Identify X and Y. (2 points) Mustard Gas has been one of the most cruel uses of technology and science. But there was also a positive consequence. During World War II, naval personnel who were exposed to mustard gas during military action were found to have toxic changes in the bone marrow cells that develop into blood cells. During that same period, the US Army was studying a number of chemicals related to mustard gas to develop more effective agents for war and also develop protective measures. In the course of that work, a compound called nitrogen mustard was studied and found to work against a type of X . This agent served as the model for a long series of similar but more effective agents (called alkylating agents) that killed _______ _____ by damaging their DNA. And these agents eventually led to the the development of X drugs by Sidney Farber, and thus dawned the era of Y.
  • 61. X = Cancer, Y = Chemotherapy
  • 62. 14*. Connect and Fill in the blanks (Exhaustive). ● Linus Pauling, ● John Bardeen, ● Frederick Sanger, ● _____ _____ . (0.5+0.5 points)
  • 63. Won Nobel twice, Marie Curie
  • 64. 15*. Today marks the 229th anniversary of the beginning of the French Revolution. The Storming of the X (French: Prise de la X) occurred in Paris, France, on the afternoon of 14 July 1789. The medieval fortress, armory, and political prison in Paris known as the X represented royal authority in the centre of Paris. The prison contained just seven inmates at the time of its storming, but was seen by the revolutionaries as a symbol of the monarchy's abuses of power; its fall was the flashpoint of the French Revolution. In France, Le quatorze juillet (14 July) is a public holiday, usually called X Day in English.
  • 66. 16. The iconic alternate black and white coloured football was created and popularized by Adidas. With time the colour has become synonymous with the game. However, now the trend has collapsed. Why did Adidas come up with that pattern?
  • 68. 17. Connect (Non-Exhaustive). ● Tarantinoesque, ● Lynchian, ● Wellesian, ● Langian, ● Kubrickian, ● Keatonesque ● Spielbergian
  • 69. Movie words coined in OED today
  • 70. 18. Starbucks never has convenient round figures for its prices, which often makes it a nightmare for the people serving at the counter. For reference, its 2017 base prices for the US are from $1.85-$6.45. However, it may not be all bad, considering that this inconvenient system led to a musical origin story for one of its servers(founder of the band) in the late 90s. What band thus got its name?
  • 72. 19*. What is probably a very interesting consequence of the fact that “l'oeuf” is French for “egg”?
  • 73. Zero in tennis being love
  • 74. 20. Drew Houston was a student in MIT in 2006. One day he reached his class, and while everyone was submitting assignments, he realised he left his USB Flash drive in his dorm, again. After forgetting his Flash Drive a couple more times, an idea popped up in Drew’s head and he started working on X. X is today one of the biggest companies of its kind. Identify X.
  • 77. 1. The word “_______” conjured up the fury of Norse warriors and the untamed ferocity with which they fought, and it’s thought that the word came from two other Old Norse words, “bjorn”, meaning “bear” and “serkr”, meaning “coat”. An alternative explanation, now widely discredited, says that rather than “bjorn”, the first part of the word comes from “X” meaning “bare” – that is, not wearing armour. The word originally described the frantic intensity with which these warriors fought.
  • 79. 2. The nation’s favourite lunchtime snack gets its name from the 4th Earl of ________, John Montagu. The story goes that 250 years ago, the 18th-century aristocrat requested that his valet bring him beef served between bread. He was fond of eating this meal whilst playing card games, as it meant that his hands wouldn’t get greasy from the meat and thus spoil the cards. Observing him, Montagu’s friends began asking for “the same as ________”, and so the ________ was born. Though people did eat bread with foods such as cheese and meat before this, these meals were known as “bread and cheese” or “bread and meat”.
  • 81. 3. It comes from the Venetian dialect form of the Italian words “quaranta giorni”, or “forty days”, in reference to the fact that, in an effort to halt the spread of the plague, ships were put into isolation on nearby islands for a forty-day period before those on board were allowed ashore. Originally – attested by a document from 1377 – this period was thirty days and was known as a “trentine”, but this was extended to forty days to allow more time for symptoms to develop. We still use the term __________ for similar purposes.
  • 83. 4. In Arabic the word “al-zahr” referred to the dice used in various gambling games. There was a big element of risk inherent in these games, not just from the gambling itself but from the danger of dishonest folk using weighted dice. Thus the connotations of peril associated with the word, which got back to Britain because the Crusaders learnt the dice games whilst on campaign in the Holy Land.
  • 85. 5. It comes from one of Rome’s famous ‘Seven Hills’, the Palatine, upon which the Emperor resided in what grew into a sprawling and opulent home. In Latin, the Palatine Hill was called the “Palatium”, and the word “Palatine” came to refer to the Emperor’s residence, rather than the actual hill.
  • 87. 6. The members of a fanatical Muslim sect during the Crusades used to smoke hashish and then murder leaders on the opposing side. They started going by the name "hashishiyyin," meaning hashish-users in Arabic. What word originated from this?
  • 89. 7. The word _______ is formed from Latin roots ob and sidere, which mean opposite from and to sit, respectively. So if you're really ______ive you may be found sitting across from the target of your interest, leaning in, creepily awaiting their next move.
  • 91. 8. FITB. _______ comes to us from the Late Latin diurnalis meaning "daily." It then became the Old French term X for a book containing the daily prayer schedule. It then came to include other written records, but retained its latin implication
  • 93. FINALS - Structure ● Round 1 - Dry Pounce, 5 Questions. ● Round 2 - Audience Round. ● Round 3 - Dry Pounce, 5 Questions. ● Round 4 - Guest Round 1 ● Round 5 - Dry Pounce, 5 Questions ● Round 6 - Guest Round 2. ● Round 7 - Dry Pounce, 5 Questions.
  • 94. FINALS - Rules ● Normal Pounce Bounce - +20/-10 on Pounce, +10/0 on Bounce. ● Written Round’s Rules will be intimated before the start of the round.
  • 95. 1. What is being talked about? Helene Muri of the Department of Geosciences of the University of Oslo has a different take on the matter. She claims that despite the fact that _______’s _______ in Indonesia caused colorful sunrises and sunsets, the injected particles in the stratosphere couldn’t have produced the wavy textures seen in the famous painting. Instead, she identified a natural phenomenon that much better resembles_____’s distorted sky. Namely, polar stratospheric clouds, also called nacreous or mother-of-pearl clouds.These rare clouds form when stormy weather causes moist air to bang up against mountainsides and pushed up into the stratosphere where it condenses into ice crystals. These crystals are too thin to be seen with the naked eye during the day, but when the sunset shines from below, the crystals suspended in the clouds display the exact color and texture that _____ featured in his opus. According to Muri, mother-of-pearl clouds appear only four times a year.
  • 98. 2. This is Edgar Ramirez, a Venezuelan actor. Who is he portraying?
  • 101. 3. These are examples of Mirage called fata morgana. It, as can be seen, gives the illusion that a vessel far off in the sea is flying. This mirage is believed to have given rise a very famous myth. What?
  • 102. Safety
  • 104. 4. These are pictures from 1940s US. What are these women doing? Why?
  • 105. Safety
  • 106. Drawing Stockings So basically in 1940s, Nylon was all channelled to be used in the wars, so women used to apply makeup and then draw seams with pencils to feint stockings.
  • 107. 5. British Artist William Utermohlen created a heart-wrenching final series of self-portraits over a roughly 5-year period. What is special about this series of portraits, or rather, what was peculiar about the artist over the time-period?
  • 108. Safety
  • 109. Alzheimer's Disease So, he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. This series shows the graduate decay of his cognitive and mental capabilities.
  • 110. Audience Round 1 “Dust My Shoulders Off" is a song by Chinese singer and songwriter Jane Zhang . It features American rapper and producer Timbaland, and was released on October 14, 2016, through Montage Records. ID all the art and pop culture references. (11 paintings, 1 artist, 2 pop culture references) 10 points for each (140 points up for grabs).
  • 111.
  • 112. Safety
  • 113. 1. Edward Hopper "Nighthawks" (1942) 2. Vincent van Gogh "Selfportraitt" (1889) 3. Van Gogh is bitten in his ear by Mike Tyson 4. Jean-Francois Millet "The Gleaners" (1857) 5. Johannes Vermeer "Girl with a Pearl Earring" 6. Andrew Wyeth "Christina's World" (1948) 7. Georges Seurat "A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte" (1884) 8. Edvard Munch "The Scream" (1893) 9. Screamer´s memory is erased by the Men in Black 10. Salvador Dalí "The Temptation of St. Anthony" (1946) 11. Maurits Cornelis Escher "Ascending and Descending" (1960) 12. Maurits Cornelis Escher "Another World Gallery"(1946) 13. René Magritte "The Son of Man" (1964) 14. Son of Man transforms to Salvador Dalí
  • 115. 6. Horsemaning (or horsemanning) is the act of posing for a photograph in such a way that the subject appears to have been beheaded, their head resting on the ground or on a surface. Such photography was a fad in the 1920s. Why is it called Horsemanning?
  • 116. Safety
  • 117. Headless Horseman, from “The legend of Sleepy Hollow
  • 118. 7. Every Olympic Games opening ceremony has a country parade in which all the contingent members march around the stadium. The first country is always Greece and the last ones are the host nations. For the rest of the countries the entrance is in alphabetical order in the host country’s language. But in 1992 Barcelona Olympics, the teams entered as per the alphabetical order of French alphabets. Why?
  • 119. Safety
  • 120. Spanish and Catalan, both official languages And because of the tension between the communities, choosing one over the other was not a smart move.
  • 121. 8. San Jose police officers found Karen Navarra with a gaping laceration to her neck and wounds on the top of her head. In her right hand, was a large kitchen knife. Her death had been staged to appear like a suicide. But the data on her Fitbit immediately helped ascertain the fact that it was not suicide. How?
  • 122. Safety
  • 123. Because there was a sudden very high surge in heart rate.
  • 124. 9. What is the lower blanked out part? This diagram is chronologically and evolutionarily downward.
  • 125. Safety
  • 128. Safety
  • 130. Guest Round 1 By- Ex secy Aditya Parshar. Quiz God and Quiz Making me God. Currently sucking up to Corporate Overlords in Hyderabad
  • 131. Rules 8 Questions +20/-10 on stake, +10/0 on normal
  • 132. 1. X(a Sanskrit word) is a format of musical composition typical to Carnatic music. Xs form the mental backbone of any typical Carnatic music concert and is the longer format of Carnatic song. Conventional Xs typically contain three parts Pallavi, Anupallavi, Charanam. One of the greatest explorers of the X form was Oottukkadu Venkata Kavi (1700-65), who has created numerous varieties within this form. X?
  • 133. 2. The name X Y is associated with Queen Y I of England, who was nicknamed as such in Foxe's Book of Martyrs for attempting to re-establish the Catholic Church in England.In her zealousness to turn England back into a Catholic country, Y authorized her government to persecute Protestants who would not conform and 284 were burned at the stake. While far more than 300 Catholic martyrs died during the reigns of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, Y is the one who carries the reputation of being a merciless, bigotry-filled killer.Hence the nickname, which is aptly also the name of a cocktail. X Y?
  • 134. 3. From 1949 to 1966(except 1958) the Academy Award for Best Costume Design had two subcategories one for black and white films and one for films in color. From 1967 these two were merged into one single category for achievement in film, along with one other award which also had two subcategories for black & white and color films from 1939 to 1966(except 1957).Since then, the only black- and-white film to win in this category is Schindler's List (1993). Which is this other award category?
  • 135. 4. Raising a Flag over the Reichstag is a historic World War II photograph, taken during the Battle of Berlin on 2 May 1945. It shows Russian soldiers raising the flag of the Soviet Union atop the Reichstag building in Berlin. This image was an orchestrated answer to another famous photograph from WW II, to stamp Russian authority, and was also heavily dramatized and edited since the soldier who is supporting the flag-bearer, was wearing two watches, which could imply he had looted one of them, an action punishable by execution. Name the other photograph which acted as an inspiration for this.
  • 136.
  • 137. 5. X bore an uncanny resemblance to Y and because of this she was inducted into the women's wing of the army. During battle when the enemies rushed the fort, Y, on advice of her courtier, escaped through another gate amidst the chaos of heavy fighting and casualties. Upon hearing of Y's escape, X set out for the enemy camp in disguise and declared herself to be the Queen. This led to a confusion that continued for a whole day and gave the Queen's army renewed advantage. This also explains why in the movie adaptation based upon the life of Y the actresses playing these parts look so much alike. X & Y (½ + ½) OR the actresses playing these parts respectively in the movie adaptation (½ + ½).
  • 138. 6. In 1704, playwright John Dennis's play Appius and Virginia was produced at the Drury Lane Theatre, London and he invented a new method of creating the sound of thunder for the production. It isn’t known what this method was (some texts say it was a refinement of the mustard bowl referred to by Pope, in which metal balls were rolled around in a wooden bowl), but it is reported that after Appius and Virginia failed and was closed, the method was soon afterwards used in a production of Macbeth. Dennis’s response was recorded by the literary scholar Joseph Spence (1699–1768) and later quoted in W. S. Walsh's Literary Curiosities, 1893: "Damn them! They will not let my play run, but they ___ ___ ___." Fill in the blanks.Blank size not indicative.
  • 139. 7. Alexandra Pascalidou — with the help of over 100 prominent cultural figures, including actors, novelists and a rapper from her country — has started her own prize, the New Academy Prize in __________ the winner will be announced on Oct. 14, and will receive one million kronor, or around $112,000. Voting opened on the prize’s website in July with a 46-strong list of nominees.The New Academy will then be dissolved in December 2018. Why is this award been instituted for this year by Ms. Pascalidou?
  • 140. 8. An animated movie named Fe, was scheduled to be premiered on 13th May, 2017, at the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of the Virgin Mary to three children in Fatima, Portugal. When it came to choosing a person to voice Pope Francis, they needed someone who was fluent in Portuguese, English, Spanish and Italian. The Vatican approved the casting of this 52 year old, who had shown his prowess in all these languages ( because language of communication plays a vital role in his profession). When asked about his Catholicism, he said he prays for his family life and for happiness. “But I can say the reality is I never go to the church to speak with Him about ________. Never!” Who was this 52 year old, selected to voice ‘ The Holy one’?
  • 141. Answers to Guest Round 1
  • 142. 1. X(a Sanskrit word) is a format of musical composition typical to Carnatic music. Xs form the mental backbone of any typical Carnatic music concert and is the longer format of Carnatic song. Conventional Xs typically contain three parts Pallavi, Anupallavi, Charanam. One of the greatest explorers of the X form was Oottukkadu Venkata Kavi (1700-65), who has created numerous varieties within this form. X?
  • 143.
  • 144. 2. The name X Y is associated with Queen Y I of England, who was nicknamed as such in Foxe's Book of Martyrs for attempting to re-establish the Catholic Church in England.In her zealousness to turn England back into a Catholic country, Y authorized her government to persecute Protestants who would not conform and 284 were burned at the stake. While far more than 300 Catholic martyrs died during the reigns of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, Y is the one who carries the reputation of being a merciless, bigotry-filled killer.Hence the nickname, which is aptly also the name of a cocktail. X Y?
  • 146. 3. From 1949 to 1966(except 1958) the Academy Award for Best Costume Design had two subcategories one for black and white films and one for films in color. From 1967 these two were merged into one single category for achievement in film, along with one other award which also had two subcategories for black & white and color films from 1939 to 1966(except 1957).Since then, the only black- and-white film to win in this category is Schindler's List (1993). Which is this other award category?
  • 148. 4. Raising a Flag over the Reichstag is a historic World War II photograph, taken during the Battle of Berlin on 2 May 1945. It shows Russian soldiers raising the flag of the Soviet Union atop the Reichstag building in Berlin. This image was an orchestrated answer to another famous photograph from WW II, to stamp Russian authority, and was also heavily dramatized and edited since the soldier who is supporting the flag-bearer, was wearing two watches, which could imply he had looted one of them, an action punishable by execution. Name the other photograph which acted as an inspiration for this.
  • 149.
  • 150. 4. Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima
  • 151. 5. X bore an uncanny resemblance to Y and because of this she was inducted into the women's wing of the army. During battle when the enemies rushed the fort, Y, on advice of her courtier, escaped through another gate amidst the chaos of heavy fighting and casualties. Upon hearing of Y's escape, X set out for the enemy camp in disguise and declared herself to be the Queen. This led to a confusion that continued for a whole day and gave the Queen's army renewed advantage. This also explains why in the movie adaptation based upon the life of Y the actresses playing these parts look so much alike. X & Y (½ + ½) OR the actresses playing these parts respectively in the movie adaptation (½ + ½).
  • 152. 5. X = Jhalkaribai Y = Laxmibai OR Ankita Lokhande & Kangana Ranaut
  • 153. 7. In 1704, playwright John Dennis's play Appius and Virginia was produced at the Drury Lane Theatre, London and he invented a new method of creating the sound of thunder for the production. It isn’t known what this method was (some texts say it was a refinement of the mustard bowl referred to by Pope, in which metal balls were rolled around in a wooden bowl), but it is reported that after Appius and Virginia failed and was closed, the method was soon afterwards used in a production of Macbeth. Dennis’s response was recorded by the literary scholar Joseph Spence (1699–1768) and later quoted in W. S. Walsh's Literary Curiosities, 1893: "Damn them! They will not let my play run, but they ___ ___ ___." Fill in the blanks.Blank size not indicative.
  • 154. 7. Steal my thunder
  • 155. 7. Alexandra Pascalidou — with the help of over 100 prominent cultural figures, including actors, novelists and a rapper from her country — has started her own prize, the New Academy Prize in __________ the winner will be announced on Oct. 14, and will receive one million kronor, or around $112,000. Voting opened on the prize’s website in July with a 46-strong list of nominees.The New Academy will then be dissolved in December 2018. Why is this award been instituted for this year by Ms. Pascalidou?
  • 156. 7. Nobel Prize for Literature won’t be awarded in 2018.
  • 157. 8. An animated movie named Fe, was scheduled to be premiered on 13th May, 2017, at the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of the Virgin Mary to three children in Fatima, Portugal. When it came to choosing a person to voice Pope Francis, they needed someone who was fluent in Portuguese, English, Spanish and Italian. The Vatican approved the casting of this 52 year old, who had shown his prowess in all these languages ( because language of communication plays a vital role in his profession). When asked about his Catholicism, he said he prays for his family life and for happiness. “But I can say the reality is I never go to the church to speak with Him about ________. Never!” Who was this 52 year old, selected to voice ‘ The Holy one’?
  • 159. Round 5- Dry Pounce
  • 160. 11. Identify X and Y. X was an American marine biologist, author, and conservationist.X began her career as an aquatic biologist in the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, and became a full- time nature writer in the 1950s. Her widely praised 1951 bestseller The Sea Around Us won her a U.S. National Book Award, recognition as a gifted writer, and financial security. Her next book, The Edge of the Sea, and the reissued version of her first book, Under the Sea Wind, were also bestsellers. This sea trilogy explores the whole of ocean life from the shores to the depths. However, her most famous book is Y that is credited with advancing the global environmental movement.
  • 161. Safety
  • 162. Rachel Carson, The Silent Spring
  • 163. 12. Name the compromise. The X-Y Compromise was a compromise reached among state delegates during the 1787 United States Constitutional Convention. Whether, and if so, how, slaves would be counted when determining a state's total population for legislative representation and taxing purposes was important, as this population number would then be used to determine the number of seats that the state would have in the United States House of Representatives for the next ten years. The compromise solution was to count X out of every Y slaves as a person for this purpose. Its effect was to give the southern states a more seats in Congress and a more electoral votes than if slaves had been ignored, but fewer than if slaves and free people had been counted equally, thus allowing the slaveholder interests to largely dominate the government of the United States until 1861.
  • 164. Safety
  • 166. 13. The pictured game is precursor to a very famous modern sport. What was/is the pictured game called?
  • 167. Safety
  • 169. 14. ● Where is this image of stalactites from? ● What did this herald?
  • 171. Mawsmai Cave, Meghalaya Heralded the fact that we are now living in the Meghalayan Era
  • 172. 15. This is an advertisement by a certain company for a certain product? Give me the company’s name. Part points for product. (Only in bounce)
  • 173. Safety
  • 175. Round 6 - Guest Round 2 By ExEx Secy Dhrubojit Bhattacharya. Sports God, Currently hates life bc MUtd fan. Is enlivening SAPs offices in Bangalore
  • 176. Rules Long Visual Connect Connect Points written Normal Pounce Bounce
  • 177. 1. He dressed head to toe in black, thus earning his nickname the 'Black Spider', which enhanced his popularity. He also kept over 270 clean sheets in his career, winning a gold medal at the 1956 Olympic football tournament, and the 1960 European Championships. In 1963, he received the Ballon d'Or, the only goalkeeper ever to receive the award. He was voted the best goalkeeper of the 20th century by the IFFHS. Name him.
  • 178. Safety
  • 180. 2. (+80/-40) In 1987 he became vice-captain to Cronje in the South African Schools XI and made a century on his first-class debut, for Natal against Western Province in 1988-89. But it was his fielding and ability to score quickly, rather than weight of runs, that earned him selection for the World Cup, and there was some surprise when he was preferred to Cronje for South Africa's first post-isolation home Test, against India at Kingsmead in 1992-93. He won the Wisden Cricketer of the year 1999.
  • 181. Safety
  • 183. 3. (+60/-30) It was in India that he began his close friendship with his Australian counterpart as Test cricketer and national hero, Keith Miller. They played against each other in the match at Calcutta between the Australian Services team and East Zone. The match was interrupted by rioting when he was on 94 and one of the rioters who had invaded the pitch ran up to he and said "Mr _______, you very good player, but the match must stop now." This was a phrase which Miller gleefully recalled whenever he went out to bat against the Australians. In recognition of their friendship and rivalry, the ECB and Cricket Australia decided in 2005 that the player adjudged the Player of the Series in the Ashes would be awarded the _______-Miller medal.
  • 184. Safety
  • 186. 4. (+40/-20) X was the contemporary of England all-rounder Andrew Flintoff in Lancashire's Under-19 side, captaining England Under-15s. He holds the record for being the youngest player to play for Lancashire's second XI at age 15. His elder brother played for Manchester United, twin brother Tracey is the current England netball head coach and his father was the commercial director of Bury FC. Who is this sportsperson?
  • 187. Safety
  • 189. 5. (+20/-10) A defender, she represented Australia at the 2008 Asian Cup, and scored in one of the matches. She played for the Central Coast Mariners in the Australian W- League during the 2008-09 season, before transferring to Canberra United the following year. In June 2010, She began her media career by hosting the soccer- related show Football Stars of Tomorrow, screened on the digital sports channel One HD. However she hasn't played soccer on the national team since as the team did not call her up again.
  • 190. Safety
  • 192. Connect - Represented their nations in multiple sports.
  • 193. Round 7 - Dry Pounce
  • 194. 16. In E109 of House M.D., there is the following exchange between House and Wilson: Wilson: You know, some doctors have the _______ complex. They need to save the world. You’ve got the _____’_ complex. You need to solve the puzzle. House: Are you done, or do you have more references to 1980s fads? Fill both the blanks.
  • 195. Safety
  • 197. 17. Some time back, this company released 1775 shirts with 10 different logos as shown. The number of shirts with different logos varied from each other. Which company was behind this? And, what did the number of shirts with different logos denote?
  • 198. Safety
  • 199. Lacoste, No. of organisms left in the species = No. of shirts
  • 200. 18. The term was popularized by University of Chicago archaeologist James Henry Breasted in his 1914 and 1916 European-World History books. It reads, “The westernmost extension of Asia...included within the circuit of waters marked out by Caspian and Black seas on the north, Mediterranean & Red seas on the west, and by the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf on the south and east....region chiefly of mountains in the north and desert in the south. The earliest home of men a borderland between the desert and the mountains, a kind of cultivable fringe of the desert, a ____________ having the mountains on one side and the desert on the other. Now used to refer to what term?
  • 201. Safety
  • 203. 19. "Aging in plants is connected to the decrease in normal production of a molecule called cyclic GMP (guanosyl monophosphate)," Leshem explained. "This leads to a decrease in the plasticity of the spongy tissue in plants. This is part and parcel of the normal biological process.“ He found that a compound inhibited the enzyme that breaks down the cyclic GMP, and that it actually keeps flowers erect and alive for up to seven days beyond their normal life span. What compound did they use?
  • 204. Safety
  • 205. Viagra
  • 206. 20. Trying to come to grips with the changing nature of Mathematics, this Euclidean mathematician chose satire as his vent, touching on topics like limits and base notations. • One of these examples is when the titular character in one of his works encounters an animal, a metaphor for classical algebra, and giving it a quality which is seen as a symbolism of how, similar to abstract algebra, it originally seems dependent on the animal, but is separated conceptually from its physical object. • Name the work in question. What is this quality?
  • 207. Safety
  • 208. Alice in Wonderland, Cheshire cat grin
  • 209. 21. Soliciting suggestions for subjects to paint, he asked a friend, who suggested he choose something that everybody recognised like Y. In a flash of inspiration he bought ___ from the store and began to trace projections onto canvas, tightly painting within the outlines to resemble the appearance of the original offset lithograph labels. Instead of the dripping paint in his previous ads and comics, here X sought the precision of mechanical reproduction. At this time he received a return studio visit from Irving Blum of Ferus Gallery, Los Angeles, who was expecting to see comic-strip paintings and was surprised by the new ____, immediately offering the artist a show that summer. Expanding his subject, he decided to paint one of each of the thirty-two varieties of Ys’.
  • 210. Safety
  • 211. Andy Warhol’s (X) work on Campbell’s soup (Y) cans.