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When my stepson was 7-years-old, he attempted to convince
me to go on a ridiculously big roller coaster in Blackpool. As we
approached it, the screams from the coasterees grew louder and
louder. They were clearly terrified, a fact which I pointed out in my
defence of ‘chickening out’ (his words). “But being scared is fun!”
he declared.
On the whole, I am not one who enjoys being scared. I’ve walked
out of a cinema before when covering my eyes and cowering
under a seat hasn’t been enough to stop the effects of a horror
film. I spent my first five driving lessons in a car park before my
instructor convinced me to go out on the road. I even have trouble
changing a light bulb if it means I have to let go of the ladder. I’m
a wimp (stepson’s words again).
However, when I was 18 I moved to England from Europe, all
alone – no job, no home, no idea really! At the time, people told
me it was a brave thing to do (aside from those who told me I
really needed to plan it better and it was a stupid thing to do!).
I wasn’t scared at all, though. If anything, I was excited. It was
an adventure.
You see, not all fear is rational or irrational – it’s how we perceive
it. Fear can be good if we can channel and control it in the right
way. It can be a motivating factor, pushing you to take action
rather than avoiding and running away.
This business is a prime example. For many, one of the scariest
steps can be ‘sacking the boss’ and going full time with their
Kleeneze business. I’ve spoken to many people over the years who
have done that and pretty much every single person, with the
benefit of hindsight, told me their only regret was that they hadn’t
done it sooner.
So what stopped them doing it? Fear. The fear of failure mainly.
Ironically, though, it was that fear that saw them succeed. That
fear guided them to jumping right in and working as hard as
possible at their business, so that they did succeed. They controlled
their fear rather than let the fear control them.
Fear can give us all sorts of excuses for not pursuing our goals and
dreams: You’re too old, you’re too young, you don’t know enough
yet, you can’t afford it, it won’t work. At the end of the day, it’s
easier to stay in the shadows. It’s comfortable in our comfort zone.
No one will see you there; no one will see you fail. Yet, you’ll also
never stand out while you’re there; you’ll never try something
new; you’ll never know what could have happened.
If you’re going to fear something, fear wasting your life on
something that doesn’t matter to you. Fear being mediocre.
Fear doing nothing. Fear regret! History has repeatedly shown
that we fail far more from not taking a risk than we do from being
brave and grabbing the opportunity. As they say, fortune favours
the bold!
Editor’s Note
Xenia Poole
Xenia Poole
Editor in Chief
Editorial: Xenia Poole, Liz Harper
Columnists: Michael Khatkar
Contributors: Chris and Clare Kinsella
Design: Nigel Rice
5 MK’s update
All the latest company news from Kleeneze’s
Managing Director, Michael Khatkar
4 Win tickets to the event of
the season
Kick off the busiest retailing season in style and start
as you mean to go on
6 Losing pounds and making them at
the same time
Sandra Laydon has lost a whopping 50 pounds using
our new K Lite 10 product and is expanding her business
with her story
9 The perks of being your own boss
Time freedom is a fantastic side-effect of being your
own boss – especially on the hottest day of the year!
10 Necessity or luxury?
More and more, the traditional
holiday is being deemed a luxury.
Do you really need to forgo your
annual rest and relaxation, though?
12 I had my first reward in
the first few days
Looking for something to do in her
spare time has lead to much, much
more for Cath Garner!
13 Keep on pushing – Gold is just
the start
Get ready to get planning. Chris and Clare Kinsella
give vital training on how to maintain your Sales Plan
level and qualify for more incentives than
ever before!
16 Kleeneze stories
Motivational stories from across the Kleeneze
18 Your version of success
How do you measure success? It’s time to benchmark
against yourself
20 Kit out your shop window
First impressions count, so freshen up your catalogue packs
and get noticed
22 Kleeneze stories
Motivational stories from across the
Kleeneze Network
23 Period 7 Recognition
Congratulations to all our Network achievers in Period 7!
We are giving away 2 sets of tickets to this year’s
Christmas Showcase! For your chance of winning,
please answer the below question correctly.
We recently celebrated Ask Harry’s anniversary,
but which anniversary was it?
A)	 6 months
B)	 1 year
C)	 2 years
Send in your answer, along with your account
number, to no later than
Monday 15th August 2016. Please use the subject
heading “Harry” in your email. Good luck!
Please see the DSA for the terms and conditions.
It’s not long now until we officially mark the start of the busiest retailing season of the year. This will kick
off in just under two months at the spectacular Christmas Showcase at the ICC Birmingham on Saturday
27th August 2016. It’s set to be another fantastic event with exceptional speakers, business news,
exclusive offers, recognition plus much more.
Make sure you book your tickets using code 00027 for just £20/?24.
And it doesn’t end there! After an exciting day, we finish it off in style with the Kleeneze Gala Dinner and
to celebrate the launch of our spectacular Spring Destination 2017, this year has a Mexican twist. We
promise you an evening of exquisite food, fabulous company and some awesome live entertainment.
The Dress Code for the evening is Black Tie/Dinner Dress, but you do have the option of adding your
own Mexican magic for those that like a bit of dress up. Book your tickets using code 03611 or by
downloading the Kleeneze Showcase and Gala Dinner booking form from the events tab on the DSA.
Complete the form and simply email in to our events team at
Gala Dinner tickets are priced at £55/?66.
“What Kleeneze does best is the Showcases,
they are exciting and dynamic.”
Dave Birtwistle & Angela Tonkin,
Silver Executive
“Fantastic, inspirational Showcase and an
awesome Bollywood Gala Dinner.”
Julie Knight, Senior Distributor
“What a fantastic Showcase, the speakers were
all awesome and the Gala Dinner was fabulous.
Thank you Kleeneze”
Chantele Travis, Silver Executive
News and views
The saying goes, whatever
you plant in the spring you
will reap the rewards for in
the autumn. The good news
is, if you missed that planting
window, there’s an even more
profitable one RIGHT NOW.
As with any business such as
ours, the last few months of
the year are always the busiest
and most profitable. However,
it’s actually the action that
you’re taking right now – in
the lead up to the Christmas season – that will determine
your success.
July, August and September are the best months to lay
your foundations. To establish and build that customer
base. To sponsor and train your new starters. To get all of
your ‘basics’ in place so you can capitalise on the massive
seasonal retail trend.
There are many reasons why it makes sense to get to
work now. In the lead up to Christmas, you and your
customers are busy people. It’s extremely difficult to
cut through all that noise, so establish your distributor
customer relationships early; engage with them and
make your presence known so you’re their first port
of call.
The Christmas season may be the most profitable, but it’s
also the shortest. There’s a small window of opportunity,
so make sure you’re ready to make the most you can
from it.
Whatever happens over the Christmas period, determines
how you enter the year ahead and, to a certain degree,
decrees how your following year will pan out. Taking
some extra time out now to plan, prepare, build and
strengthen your business is worth its weight in gold.
On Saturday 27 August, we will officially launch the
Kleeneze Christmas retail season. Here you will receive
full training from the likes of Jean Day, Andy Ridley,
Helen Allgood, Karen Boardman, Jaime de Caso, Marie
Ryan, Kev Rider and Peter White. From retailing to
team building, they’ll be giving you advice, tips and
guidance about the steps you need to take over the
coming months. However, it’s up to you to make sure
your business is as solid as possible now, so you are in
the position to take your business forward by massive
amounts and springboard into a brilliant New Year.
As I’ve always said one of our main priorities is for
you to increase your income and have the lifestyle you
truly deserve; Build through the summer and watch
what happens!!
This business is not complicated. It has a simple,
unchanging business model and every success I have
seen over the years has been borne of three determining
factors: following a simple system, keeping persistent and
having dogged focus.
That’s why our business model works for everyone and
anyone. It’s a reliable, proven formula. People don’t
remember complicated and confusing. People remember
things that are simple. Follow that simple system of
retailing, sponsoring and coaching with determination,
focus and persistence and success follows.
Simplify, make these next few months count and come
the Christmas Showcase, we can launch into not just an
amazing end of year, but an extraordinary one.
MK’s update
Michael Khatkar,
Managing Director
My Kleeneze story
“In September 1994, I joined Weight Watchers. I was
quite embarrassed to begin with, but by March 1995,
I’d lost three stone. I was so into it and believed in it so
much that one night, I asked a leader how I could help.
She said, well you can actually earn money with this. I
was quite a shy person, but losing the weight had given
me confidence, so I trained to become a leader.
A few years later, Michael came across Kleeneze. Michael
was ex-army and then a trouble shooter for a company
for many years, before he decided to start his own
newsagents. One night, at a bowls social club, a couple
(our to-be-sponsors), three-foot-ruled him.
I remember it well. I’d come back from a Weight
Watchers meeting one night and Michael was there
singing on karaoke with his new Kleeneze friends and
a box of catalogues sat on the side. I snubbed the
whole idea of it. Funnily enough, I remember years ago,
as a kid, I used to make money selling hot dogs and
hamburgers on a Sunday and knocking on people’s doors
for an egg box or tray, because you used to get 2p for
them. I had started my own business really at the age
of 8! By 13, I was working in a newsagents. I’ve always
worked. When I left school, I started full time and was a
manager by the time I was 17. I was there for years and
years. Michael and I married, but we didn’t cook - we
ate all the time. We used to go to the local Indian about
three or four times a week. I started to put on weight.
With work and doing well, we got a bigger house, I
decided then it was time to change and that was when I
joined Weight Watchers.
A revolutionary product hit the Kleeneze range earlier this year and our Distributors along
with their customers are swearing by it! The product is K Lite 10 – Diet, Detox and Weight
Loss Programme.
We caught up with Gold Executive Distributor, Sandra Laydon, who has used the programme to
shed a whopping 50 pounds of weight and is now one of its greatest advocates.
Losing pounds and making
them at the same time!
So I was working and holding meetings – doing about 80
– 90 hour weeks – and Michael was doing Kleeneze. A
month or so in, I was coming home one night as Michael
was just leaving the house. He said, “Sandra, could you
do us a favour? There are three products that I need
delivering and I’ve got an appointment at 9, can you
do it?” I said: “You what?! No!” Then I finally agreed.
I went to the doors and gave them the products. Never
mind that I worked in a newsagents selling products.
Never mind that I sold products at Weight Watchers.
Never mind that these customers had already bought the
products! As soon as I got home, I said: “Don’t you ever,
ever, ever make me do that again!”
Then we went to a Kleeneze party and it changed
everything. It was nearing Christmas time and he said
I should just come along. I went and I was wowed. It
was an amazing atmosphere. I was sold! You see, to me,
Kleeneze is the social side, the friendships you make.
Putting the catalogues out and getting orders back in is
just something else we all do!
We reached Gold Executive Distributor within three
years, going to Rome, Malaysia, Sun City and Cape
Town. It was incredible. We absolutely love Kleeneze
with a passion. It’s a life experience. Extra income
and ordinary people earning royalty income.
I stopped Weight Watchers in the end and concentrated
on our Kleeneze business. So when K Lite 10 was
announced, I immediately took an interest. I was
overweight once more and this time I needed a quick fix
– something to get me back on track. I needed to change
and I trusted Kleeneze, so I ordered a box and followed
the instructions word for word.
10 days later, I had lost 10 pounds. It had given me
‘me’ back and I suddenly regained all my confidence.
Not only that, it inspired me in the business too – a
new avenue to explore and to move forward with!
Kleeneze and this sector really go hand in hand. I
attribute so much to personal development and that
stands with weight loss too – as it’s all down to the
discipline of yourself. People see how well I’ve done
with K Lite 10 and want to try it too – again, much
like Kleeneze, people don’t join the business – they join
the individual.
It’s easy now for me to give people help with it, because
I’ve experienced it. It’s a personal product. It’s not
something you can give a flyer out to someone about on
the off-chance they want to lose weight.
Out of the blue today, I got a text from a friend who
I’ve known since I was three. We do speak now and
again, but not a lot. Off the back of seeing my posts on
Facebook, she wants to do K Lite 10.
People want to see instant results. If they can see what’s
going on straight away, they’ll believe. You can see a
difference in ten days. I lost 10 pounds in 10 days and it
really gave me some energy too. Follow this to the letter
and you’ll lose weight. I’m proper buzzing with this. I’ve
never done without on it and I don’t feel deprived at
all. Day one you’re waiting for something to happen –
you’re not hungry, you’re not tired. You’re wondering if
anything’s happening! Day two – you just know
it’s working.
Now I go to the customer with the Kit and the full
Kleeneze catalogue with all my details. I’ll give them
a sheet of paper with day one and day 10, space for
measurements, meals etc. People who have never
looked at a Kleeneze catalogue now have the full
package. I’m so excited about the future of this
product. K Lite 10 is at the beginning of something
huge and I’m so happy to be a part of it.”
Before: Sandra wanted a quick fix
and to get back on track
After: Now she’s lost
50 pounds and has
regained her confidence
My Kleeneze story
K Lite 10 – Diet, Detox and
Weight Loss Programme
K Lite 10 is a 10 day detox and weight loss pack
that provides you with that initial boost you need to
transform your body. Notice a change in looks and
feel more energised by following the simple
10 day programme.
The pack contains meal
replacements, which
are clinically proven to
contribute to weight loss,
capsules to aid weight loss,
a K Cleanse Juice, 3 health
supplements and a FREE
K Life shaker making it easy
for on the go.
“My start weight was 15st. Today’s weigh in was
13st 7lbs. That’s a total weight loss of 21lb! K Life has
started My Life again. I love it.”
Marie Gallagher
“I lost 16lbs in 10 days! No hunger and I felt great. I
can’t recommend it enough!”
Debi Greenough
“I finished my 10 days yesterday and am delighted
to be down 10lbs. Still a long way to go to get down
to a healthy weight but it’s a great start. Just over
4 months till my wedding and hoping to get down
at least another stone! But overall feeling good and
didn’t find it too hard.”
Sam Twamley
What others are saying…
“I jumped on the scales this morning for my
final weigh in.
Starting weight at the start of June:
103 Kilos (227lbs)
Target weight by the end of June:
90 kilos (198lbs)
I had failed, but with a massive smile on my face.
My weight this morning was 90.9kilos (200lbs).
I am absolutely chuffed. I have not been this light for
15 years!
I’m celebrating tonight with a barbecue and wine and
then back on my weight loss programme!”
Dave Pemberton-Smith
Just finished my 10 day detox, I have lost 8lb and
16½ inches all over!! So, so pleased.
Jessica Wells
Kleeneze lifestyles
As the mercury hit over 30° in the Britain and the Republic of Ireland, reports of misery from offices and
public transportation were rife on social media. Kleeneze Distributors took the opportunity of the rare heat
wave to enjoy the time freedom this business offers!
The perks of being
your own boss
“This is my office now. I used
to work as shop assistant where
they had broken air conditioning,
we had to wear full length black
clothing on days like this, we
couldn’t get a glass of water unless
we convinced them we felt ill,
and they wouldn’t even give us a fan! Glad I’m out of
there and can now work from home in shorts, t-shirt and
sandals and can do whatever I want!”
Jessica Hewitt, Silver Distributor
“Computer in the garden, how fantastic is this business
you can’t call it work when you love what you do.”
Sarah Masling, Gold Distributor
“In my hand I have a smoothie
and orders I’ve collected so
far today are £200 worth. Still
lots more to collect. A quick
break and back on the road
again. I’m not far away from
achieving my personal best!
Michelle Robson,
Silver Distributor
“Making Calls in the Sunshine! Time Freedom to work
when and where! Just Love My Business!!”
Myrna Wellock, Silver Senior Executive
“I went to my little girl’s sports
day. She did great! Came last
at everything but it’s the taking
part that counts and the more
times you ‘fail’ the more you will
‘succeed’ in life!”
Josh Bryan, Silver Distributor
“Lovely walk instead of
working in hot kitchens
for me. Complete change
of lifestyle.”
Nicole Cawood,
Gold Distributor
Kleeneze lifestyles
More and more, as everyday living expenses continue to rise, the traditional
annual family holiday has become more of a luxury than a necessity. In fact, the
basic holiday now costs over £1,300, including £782 on accommodation and
transport and £529 on spending money*.
At one time, the holiday was regarded as an essential. People’s fondest
memories are often intertwined with a childhood holiday. It’s a chance to relax,
unwind and spend time with each other when the pressures of everyday life
don’t always accommodate this.
However, not every family will be stocking up on sun cream as the school holidays approach.
In fact, a recent study showed that over 2 million families are unable to afford
a one week break, at any time of the year and that’s even within the UK. The
sobering statistics also reported that almost half a million families cannot even
afford a day out together*.
In choosing to start your own business, not only do you have the time freedom
to choose WHEN you take your holidays, you also have the option to create the
income you need to take those holidays.
Many Kleeneze Distributors use their extra income to pay for a once-in-a-lifetime
trip or a big family holiday before the children go off and spread their wings.
Others use the flexibility of being their own boss to take time out and treat
themselves to day trips and long weekends.
Whatever way you wish to choose to unwind, by owning your own Kleeneze
business, a holiday need not be a luxury ever again!
*ONS’ Focus on Families and Focus on Social inequalities studies.
Necessity or luxury?
“Kleeneze gave us our spending
money for our amazing family
holiday to Florida.”
Clare Kinsella, Gold Distributor
“Kleeneze paid for us to go to
Majorca this summer and have
our beautiful granddaughter
christened. Special memories
created thanks to this amazing
opportunity. Love it.”
Angela Tonkin, Silver Executive
“We have been doing Kleeneze for a while now and
it has been paying our household bills, thank you very
much. However, it did mean that we did not have
anything left over for the fun stuff. Last year we made a
concerted effort to increase our income from Kleeneze
and we succeeded. One result is that we have paid for
a much needed holiday entirely out of our Kleeneze
earnings and not from our dwindling savings!”
Ali Lloyd, Gold Distributor
“Kleeneze paid for us to go to Iceland last February. It
wasn’t summer or warm, but we had bright sunshine in
the day and the beautiful northern lights at night. We
stayed at the 4*
Hilton Hotel with
day trips for whale
watching and
night trips for the
northern lights.
As Paul and I both
work, we use
that income for
the boring stuff like bills and our Kleeneze income is our
‘lifestyle’ money – for holidays, evenings outs, splashing
out on nice things etc.
We are going to Scotland twice this summer and then
Tenerife next February. None of this one holiday per year
limit for us! Life is for living, right?”
Jessica Dutton and Paul Warrington,
Silver Distributors
“After we qualified for
the Kleeneze trip on
Adventure of the Seas,
we decided to spend
2 weeks cruising the
Caribbean. Definitely the
best way to travel!”
Karen Boardman,
Bronze Executive
“Thanks to being our
own bosses, my partner
Craig and I had a
fantastic holiday on the
paradise island of the
Dominican Republic in
May this year. We are
already planning for
another destination over
the New Year.”
Kelly Burns,
Senior Distributor“Due to the flexibility
of working our
Kleeneze business,
Brian and I had a
lovely few days in
Rome recently. We
try and plan a treat or
break away regularly,
as we strongly believe
in working hard and
playing hard.”
Debbie Sharp,
Gold Executive
“Due to the flexibility of Kleeneze and the income, I am
off to Johannesburg in September for 12 days to visit
my best friend who has been working there for 2 years.
That is on top of: a week to the Isle of Wight; a day trip
to Lille by Eurostar; a long weekend in Paris to catch the
end of the Tour de France, a day out to watch the T20
Blast Finals and we still have plans for at least one more
holiday this year – probably to Italy via Paris!”
Kate Lee, Gold Distributor
“I took the kids on a week’s break to Center Parcs last
month thanks to Kleeneze. In September, my son and I
are off to Barcelona to celebrate his 16th Birthday again
thanks to Kleeneze.”
Louise Renwick, Silver Distributor
My Kleeneze story
“The things I love the most about
my Kleeneze business is checking my
messages to see how many sales I’ve
had and also opening the parcels
when they arrive. It’s so exciting!”
I had my first reward
in the first few days
“I was browsing Facebook a few months ago, when I came
across an advert for online selling. I already had a job as a
support worker, but was interested in doing something to
keep me occupied in my spare time. I thought, I may as
well try it, especially as I could earn some extra cash along
the way.
I had heard of Kleeneze before and had actually bought
some products, but I was a bit apprehensive about doing it
myself! After looking on Rachel’s [Foulger] shop, though,
and seeing all the beautiful items for sale – in particular the
K Life products – I decided to bite the bullet and go for it!
It was the best thing I ever did. I had my first Welcome
Reward in the first few days and all three rewards within
the first month! Within my first two months, I managed to
hit my 10% bonus. I was so chuffed and couldn’t believe
how well I had done.
The biggest surprise was when I received my first cheque
for £197.51! This was because I had started building a
team. Now I have three team members and I’m hoping
to sign up more. All of this has been achieved by online
selling only. However, I’m in the process of moving house
now and once I have settled into my new home, I will be
delivering and collecting books as well. I’m hoping this will
be a big boost to my sales.
I found that the Kleeneze incentives really help a lot. It
gives you that encouragement to do the best you can to
achieve your goals. I love the Internet Specials for boosting
my sales too.
A few weeks ago, I became ill and was unable to do my
‘regular’ job. After weighing up all the pros and cons, I
have now decided not to return to work. This is all thanks
to the fantastic earnings achievable with Kleeneze! Now I
have more time to concentrate on my selling group and to
spend extra time with my beautiful grandchildren!
The things I love the most about my Kleeneze business is
checking my messages to see how many sales I’ve had and
also opening the parcels when they arrive. It’s so exciting!
I can see me staying with Kleeneze for many years to come
and hope to work my way up the bonus ladder – perhaps
even winning a brand new car! For anyone thinking of
joining and for those who have just started, I say go for it.
As long as you are willing to put the time and effort into it,
you’ll soon be reaping the rewards. Most of all, it’s a fun
way of earning a living. I’m so glad I did it!
Cath Garner, Silver Distributor
Maintaining your level training
So you’ve hit Gold status? What now?
Gold is just the start. There’s a world of rewards awaiting you simply for maintaining that level.
Chris and Clare Kinsella found that out when they started their qualification bid for Jamaica. They
achieved their goal, but consequently, let their business lapse.
Determined to get back on track, they started a system to help them maintain their level. The couple
went on to qualify for more Destinations, bagged themselves a £1,500 cheque and achieved the 30 /
30 Car Incentive.
Most think that hitting a goal – whatever it may be – is the hard part. However, maintaining it is key
and a skill of its own. Now Chris and Clare tell their story, as well as divulge their tips on how you can
achieve your goal and keep motivated to drive your business forward.
Keep on pushing –
Gold is just the start
Kleeneze training
We joined the business back in February 2013. Well,
I say we – actually, I joined the business after years of
looking for an opportunity to help create and build a life
under my terms and conditions. I’d tried everything from
various career changes, other Networks to the damn-right-
ridiculous online get rich schemes!
I decided that Kleeneze was the one opportunity that had
some substance. Clare, at the time, wasn’t interested in
Kleeneze, as she had a very successful hair and beauty
salon. However, she soon came around after being
seduced by the earning potential at a local Business
Opportunity Meeting.
18 months into the business, other than building up our
customer base, we hadn’t really made the decision to go
for it. So we started to sponsor on a regular basis. This
created some momentum and, before we knew it, at the
New Year Showcase, the league tables were shown for
below Gold and we were in third place. We were so made
up and our confidence shot through the roof.
We started to work really hard and eventually qualified
for Jamaica. It was the best feeling. The whole trip was
magical and inspiring, but it came with a problem. We
had taken our foot off the gas prior to the tip and our
team turnover had dropped from £3,500 to a mere £500
in Period 5. So having made the decision to go Gold in
Jamaica, our team turnover was as follows:
Period 5 - £500
Period 6 - £3,700
Period 7 - £9,000 (Gold)
We knew that getting to Gold was the easy part – the
trick was to maintain it. We had to hold Gold for a further
2 Periods to go to Paris and it was something we really
wanted. We were very determined.
We set a plan to retail around £2,500 - £3,000 per Period
to fill that gap between our team and took up massive
sponsoring action. We knew Gold was massive, but it was
just the first step of our business and there was no way we
could feel content there, so we kept on pushing.
In the 2 years prior to this, we had only dabbled in
sponsoring, but we had learned that not everyone sticks
with Kleeneze and not everyone who joins us will work
with us. Knowing this, our attitude was bring in an average
of 6 – 10 people per Period and help each one get going
as fast as possible.
We believe the speed of the leader is the speed of the
team, so if we continued with this, our team would
duplicate and we would all grow together. When we first
went Gold, our vision didn’t really go any further than this
point. All we could see was Gold level and Paris. Now, we
could see as we started to push, that India could be on the
cards and things started to get very exciting.
“We knew that getting to Gold was the
easy part – the trick was to maintain
it. We had to hold Gold for a further
2 Periods to go to Paris and it was
something we really wanted. We were
very determined.”
•	 Don’t take your foot off the peddle, Gold is only
the start
•	 Track yourself - on your retail and your sponsoring
- so you know what you have to do every Period
to not fall back
•	 Track your team - know what they need to be
doing to grow
•	 Lead by example - never expect anyone to do
anything you don’t do. Retail a minimum of
£1,000 a Period and expect that of your team
as a minimum
•	 Be excited all of the time about your business -
with your team and prospects.
Excitement is catching
•	 Give your team lots of recognition to keep
them motivated
•	 Always be there for your team
•	 Get your team working together. This is vital.
We’re part of an amazing team, the Focus Group,
and we’re all so very close. It’s great to be a part
of it.
•	 Become a bigger person through personal
development. If you want to be followed by good
people, you need to become the person good
people want to follow
•	 Set a good example. Your team will duplicate
what you do, not what you tell them so lead
from the front and always be aware of who is
watching you.
•	 Be consistent and committed and develop a thick
skin. Don’t let anything knock you back
•	 Always be hungry for more and keep striving for
better. Stretch yourself
•	 Be consistent and understand that momentum
takes time to kick in
You see, as we started to bring team members in fast, as
well as maintain our Gold level, these team members also
started to produce results and we had started to move
up the India League tables. Now our goals were getting
bigger. We didn’t just want Paris and India anymore.
We could see 30/30 Challenge points racking up, so as a
result of trying to hold Gold for Paris, other parts of our
business were growing too, along with our team and our
teams’ duplication.
At this point, we were hugely excited. We put charts up
in both our conservatory, where our office is, and our
kitchen. We had a Hold Gold list on the chart – this had
the numbers 1-13 on it, and each month we held Gold,
we ticked it off. We had a 30/30 list on the chart too with
the numbers 1 – 30 on it and we wrote a name each time
a team member hit their 30 Day Challenge. We also had
an India points list. Seeing these every day and watching
them grow gave us a big boost and kept us excited and
pushing forward. As we achieved each goal, our vision
grew bigger and bigger.
Our team is growing so fast; it’s so exciting right now. We
have a great number of people recruiting in our team. It’s
such a simple business, that it’s so easy to teach to others.
The biggest mistake anyone could make is complicating
things. Be careful when you are thinking outside the box
– yes, it can be good, but remember this is a business of
duplication, so keep it simple.
We also believe it’s vital to work with your Upline, as
much as your Downline; our Uplines Andy and Helen
Walsh help steer us in the right direction and we know we
could never have done this without them.
Chris and Clare with their Uplines Helen and Andy Walsh
My Kleeneze story
I’ve finally found a way to
move forward with my life
“I’m part of a like-minded, motivated, self
disciplined team and we all help one another
to move forward and make a better life.
Personal development I have been working
on for many years but still have a lot to learn.”
“I don’t want riches of the world – my only vision is to live
overseas in Canada and that is what gives me my drive.
I was born in 1968, during the hippy era of free love and
peace! My mother was from a strict Catholic family, the
eldest of 5. She lived in West Sussex, but was unhappy
so moved to London to work and be free. When she got
pregnant, her family were furious and she was told she
would be ostracised if she went ahead with the pregnancy.
She was 17 and pregnant with me. She tried her best in a
society where there was no help for single parents.
She had to work, leaving me alone, and do her best. She
tried, but failed.
I was put under social service care and she was allowed
supervised visits once a week. These stopped when I was
6 years old due to behavioural issues. This is not a woe-
is-me story. This is how it was. Those born in the UK, but of
colour were hated, resented and treated without thought
or care due to racial tension. There were many of us due to
the massive immigration import.
I was moved many times and in many homes. Some were
ok, but couldn’t keep me. Others were not good. By the
time I was 7 years old, I started to dream of leaving. When
I left foster care, I started to train as a nurse. I was still full
of hatred, though, for the place I believed hadn’t helped
me. So, aged 22, I left the UK.
Four-and-a-half years later, I came back. I did jobs from
working on a fair, kitchen work selling timeshare, selling
flowers and even real estate to feed me and found places
to stay. I travelled and experienced life many would only
dream of. I also did lots of WOOFING (Working On
Organic Farms) for free food and board-no wages. It was
tough, I was reckless I was young but above all I finally
lived and found myself. I was accepted finally.
I ended up in Australia and New Zealand for 3 years but
there were visa issues so I went to work in Germany June
1994 not realising I was pregnant. I returned to the UK
later in the year and for the next 20 years, I stayed.
I had 2 children and lived as a single parent working odd
jobs around them. We were a very busy active family,
just us 3. We went together on holidays; climbed Mount
Snowdon, Ben Nevis, travelled Scotland, Shetland and
Orkneys even went to Disney World. My kids were my
world and I wanted to give them everything I never had.
Back then, my bank was very generous, though, and I fell
into a lot of debt, which I couldn’t pay back.
My son contracted H1N1 in 2010 and was very ill. He
survived, but now has ME and KLS (severe sleep disorder
with behaviour issues, severe painful limbs and lethargy). I
am his primary carer. We moved to Wales at that time – a
beautiful, rural part. I love it here, but my goal is still to live
overseas and I couldn’t see a way on single parent benefits.
My past has meant I have anxiety and low self esteem, but
I’ve finally found a way to start moving forward with my
life and an opportunity to achieve my goals. It’s Kleeneze.
It works around the kids, the dogs, the cats and my house.
I don’t have a grumpy boss who’s 20 years of age! I don’t
do 9-5 and I am not part of the rat race.
I can meet people online and in training meetings that are
supportive, helpful, positive and focused. In my eyes, this is
rare. There’s training and workshops as well as showcases
to help everyone.
I’m part of a like-minded, motivated, self disciplined team
and we all help one another to move forward and make a
better life. Personal development I have been working on
for many years but still have a lot to learn.
The Kleeneze Showcase really helped to push my ideals and
goals forward. I will do my best and one day get to Canada
and live with the bears and wolves in a big log cabin by the
mountains and lakes! I will get there.
SaraJane Rounds, Silver Distributor
“I was impressed by Rachel Kellett’s Kleeneze
story (Period 5) and was glad that it enables her to
combine business with looking after her two small
children at home – well done!
I am at the opposite end of
the scale (past 65 years) and
Kleeneze is good for me as
it allows me funds to travel
South of the border to see
Finlay, my grandchild (under
two), who lives in Kent.
His mum is a single parent, as
I am, so it helps to be able to offer extra assistance,
not to mention having a duplicate set of baby
equipment for visits to Scotland.
I began catalogues in September 2015 and now
have over a hundred customers. I enjoy being out
and about and planning my Kleeneze day. It still
amazes me that every time I place an order there
seems to be something new that someone needs –
with over 146 pages of items to choose from, it is
not surprising.
I still have to find the ‘zippiest’ answer to the
doorstep question “What does the catalogue
contain?” Currently I have used a quote from the
front of the latest catalogue and say “inspiration
for every room in the house” - 95% of the time
Kleeneze needs no explanation as its reputation is
well known and a trusted name.
I reached my 30 days bonus in my first month in
October last year and I am now aiming for 10%.
Thank you Kleeneze for an exciting business which
is flexible enough to allow me regular monthly visits
to see Finlay.”
Fiona Drinnan, Distributor
Personal development
Your version of success
How do you measure your success? More than likely, you’ll be looking at your peers and comparing
your accomplishments to them, which is completely natural. However, true success is rarely found in the
comparison trap.
We should always try to better ourselves and, the nature of this business dictates that observing and
learning from what others are doing is a great way to help us move forward. Basing our personal
success on how we measure up to someone else, though, will never feel like true success. Why?
Because there will always be someone better, faster, richer, smarter, bigger and so on. It’s a never-
ending battle.
The only metric that truly matters is how fulfilled and successful do you feel? It’s your life, your dreams
and your version of success that are the only benchmarks you need. You’ll feel more satisfied knowing
that you are better than you were yesterday and consistently taking steps towards your goal – not
someone else’s.
One of the great things about this business is that you
can always compete against yourself. Absolutely, there
are incentives out there and your own team will hold
competitions, where you’ll have ample chance to pitch
against your peers, but the majority of your improvement
will only come through your own training and making
incremental progress in your business instead of watching
how everyone else is doing.
Your ezetracker has all the reports for you to download
so you can see how you’re doing Period by Period. From
that information you can start to see what actions will drive
forward results for you. How to improve on what you’re
already doing. Remember, you’re in it for the long term, so
for solid, meaningful success, you need to improve upon
yourself consistently.
Life isn’t a race; a competition. You have nothing to prove
to anyone. You have full responsibility for yourself and
everything you need to accomplish your goals is inside you.
That is, simply put, the key to everything. Once you realise
this, you’ll be free. You’ll be free to create the goals that are
true to you.
Everyone wants to reach the top of that mountain first
and have all the attention and celebration that comes
with it. The truth is, though, that this is the short-lived
less satisfactory part. The true growth and your personal
success happens while you’re climbing. Improving step
by step. Getting there a little at a time, no matter where
anyone else is in relation to you.
It’s your journey. The only person you need to be better
than is that person you were yesterday.
The Beat your Personal Best incentive is still on.
This incentive was designed to keep you on track in the
lead up to the busiest retailing season of the year and to
grow your business.
It’s based around YOUR results from this time last year. All
you need to do is beat your personal target by 5% - or, if
you weren’t in the business then or didn’t retail over that
period – do a minimum of 500BP.
In doing so, you will have the chance to win free new
catalogues (Christmas and K Life) and a spot in the draw
for the Autumn Destination 2016 to Madrid.
You could
be joining us
in Madrid this
However, aside from these great rewards, you will have
bettered your business. It will be more profitable. The extra
retail will solidify and build your customer base. To do this
in the months preceding the Christmas season – one which
automatically brings with it increased orders and new
customers – simply makes sense for your business.
Tracking and improving your business is a vital strategy for
your growth. You can continue to beat your personal best –
period after period – year after year. Make it a cornerstone
of your plan and you will automatically grow to achieve
any success and all the goals you desire.
Kleeneze retail
Whether you’re gaining customers and orders face to face or through a Facebook group, one thing’s for
sure – you need to be armed with the latest retailing tools to keep your shop window fresh and enticing.
The new Main Book is 148 pages
packed with over 104 brand new
items and 34 favourites are back
by popular demand. Following
the recent spiralising trend that
is capturing the nation, page
3 features our hand spiral
slicer, which comes with a
FREE cucumber slicer for only
£7/€8.40, so you can get that
restaurant-food look at home!
There’s also a brand new non-
stick adjustable oven crisper shelf for crisping delicious
pastries and pizzas in the oven.
We’ve brought functional rugs to the Kleeneze catalogue
with a range of three designs to choose from. Then,
a product we’re very excited about and know your
customers will love – the brand new instant wrinkle reducer
at £20/€24 which instantly improves the appearance of
lines and wrinkles.
Brimming with garden ideas,
introducing our 32-page Summer
Extra! Following the demand for
solar products, our front cover offer
features a set of 2 solar blossom
lights in multi-coloured or white,
both with soft glow or flashing
light functions for just £20/€24.
You can find some fabulous new
lines too including a magical light
up solar tree house!
Then get your patios and gardens
looking ship-shape this season with our back cover product
– the jet broom. Simply fix your hose to the broom and
it creates a jet water brush – really handy for cleaning up
stubborn marks on patios and driveways.
Kit out your shop window
Brimming with garden ideas,
introducing our 32-page Summer
Extra! Following the demand for
solar products, our front cover offer
features a set of 2 solar blossom
lights in multi-coloured or white,
It’s back – our innovative K Life
brand! This season’s catalogue is
172 pages packed with a fabulous
379 brand new items to choose from!
Take your pick from gorgeous cushion and luxurious
throws, featuring wintery animals, ideal for dressing your
home for the season. Cosy up with a new bedding range
and accessorise by adding coordinated accent cushions.
There are four pages of Last Chance to Buy deals,
giving your customers that one last time to purchase
old favourites, with many deals on bedding gifts and
kitchen. There are also 45 Star Buys, giving you full
commission, with 27 on brand new items and 18 on
old favourites.
Also, thanks to your feedback, all items that are
PETA approved are now marked in the catalogue with
the Cruelty-Free Bunny logo – a great selling point.
We haven’t left Christmas out either, and there’s a
great Christmas section helping your customers see the
season in K Life style! It includes gorgeous Wood Letters
spelling Xmas for only £10 and a stunning light up
frosted tree light
379 brand new items to choose from!
A forward moving company
“Woo hoo! I’m so excited I could literally burst! I’ve
received the email regarding the launch of the brand
new K Life catalogues!
Kleeneze has made the
awesome decision to include
PETA-approved items as part
of our range. I’m a long-
standing vegetarian of many
years, recently transitioning
to veganism, and I’m excited to be able to proudly
share our ethical range with fellow animal/planet lovers.
This is a very positive move forwards for Kleeneze and
shows that we are a forward-thinking company. We’ll
be even more attractive to even more people!”
Katrina Harvey-Winstanley, Gold Distributor
Do both
“Esther and the kids have been out locally blanket
dropping with the new catalogues and the returns
have been great – way above the average for £1 per
catalogue. Remember, if you’ve joined to do online, do
both and earn more!”
Gary Watson, Platinum Senior Executive
Great results
“I’ve just spoken to Frances Hilton in my team and
wanted to share her amazing customer base pick up
results from today.
Frances collected 132 from the 148 catalogues she
had put out on Friday and got 41 orders totalling a
whopping £808. That’s £6.12 a book!
These are the sort of results you can all have if you
follow our great system. Provide a great customer
service and build a strong customer base.”
Helen Walsh, Bronze Executive Distributor
Whether they’re looking
for something for a special
occasion or simply to show
that they care, we are
confident your customers are
guaranteed to find the perfect
present from our unique range.
You’ll find a new feature on our brand new story
books where you can be the star of your own novel!
Choose from classics such as Romeo and Juliet and
Alice in Wonderland.
Our back cover offer features The Snowman branded
Christmas items, including a Hanging Bauble and
Countdown Calendar.
There are 23 brand new lines, including the Wooden
Tea Caddy (complete with Pukka Teas) for £29, the
bang on trend Rose Gold-Coloured Charm Bracelet at
£30 and the delicate Secret Garden Ceramic Ring Dish
for £16.
Plus, we have a great new range of House Signs
at £22 so you can add some personal detail to your
front door.
present from our unique range.
My Kleeneze story
“I had just finished
maternity leave and
was returning to work
part-time in a high
street bank having
previously been full
time. I really wanted
to find a company
that would allow
me a top-up income
at the same time as
spending precious
time with my
little family.
Browsing Facebook
one day I saw Hannah
King advertising for
team members and enquired.
She was so friendly and encouraging, I thought I’d give it a
go. Not only that, I got to sell such lovely home items, not
just weight loss or make up items. Looking back I am so
glad I joined!
By the end of my first full Period, I received an income
cheque of £185.43 and had 4 wonderful girls in my team.
I achieved this through hard work and determination while
having a lot of fun. My sponsor ensured I was always
motivated and the success led to me hitting both 10% and
13% in the same Period. I also hit those two levels this
Period as well!
The combined income cheques have allowed me to book
a lovely family caravan holiday for the summer. I am now
increasing the number of catalogues I deliver in the aim of
15% next Period and future goal of Gold!
Keep going guys and gals, reach for your goals. They may
be closer than they seem.”
Sophie Pimm, Silver Distributor
Reach for your goals – they
may be closer than they seem
Would you believe that I first got involved with
Kleeneze nearly forty years ago?
It was a bit different, in those days, although I didn’t
have the suitcase to carry around, unlike a chap
around here who sold Kleeneze when he was a
student (he managed to break an arm and found
the case very difficult to manage!). I was put under
the care of one Mr Ron Brake, to whom I sent
my orders, and who brought my goods to me for
onward delivery, and dealt with the money. No self-
employment, then, but a certain amount of freedom.
We had just one catalogue, not one per customer.
Had to stand on the doorstep (or if very lucky, in
a badly lit hall) and go through the book with the
potential customer. The farms were best, because it
meant sitting at a table in a warm farm kitchen.
Was given an urban area,
but was able to extend it
around my local rural area as
I wished. I had a Honda 70cc
motorbike! Lighting was by
dynamo, so I turned invisible
around the lanes at night, at
junctions. All good fun,
mind you!
In those days we sold our own stuff, mostly. Gallon
cans of washing-up liquid and refillable bottles, and
all sorts of other things which could be got in bulk.
About that time, aerosols got a bad press, and
we produced non-aerosol sprays which were very
popular. Lubricants, cleaning fluids. I still have a bottle
of de-icer for use on windscreens, headlamps, etc.
Wondering how many other distributors remember
those days?
Catherine Branson, Silver Distributor
Let us know your Kleeneze memories! Send them
Recognition Period 7
1st	 £10,018
Personal Retail Top 3
2nd	 £8,496
3rd	 £7,622
1st	 £26,823
Personal Sales Group Top 3
2nd	 £19,782
3rd	 £19,104
1st	 £13,405
New Business Sales Top 3
2nd	 £11,471
3rd	 £9,135
Congratulations to everyone who has been recognised in this edition of Team Talk. We believe that recognition is essential. We
value all the hard work you put into your businesses on a daily basis and, as such, the following pages are dedicated to YOU! Here
are the names of those whose achievements are very much to be shouted about.
In no other business will you find such a recognition and reward scheme! Congratulations to all of you who achieved your goals
and, for our new starters, we hope to see your name on these pages very soon!
Recognition Top 50 Period 7
Melissa Squires & Ian Slade	 £10,018
Steven Divito	 £8,496
Jean Sidhu & Antony Watkins	 £7,622
Kevin Davies & Deborah Parker	 £7,284
Paul & Gosia Hammond	 £6,890
Jeffrey Margrave	 £6,398
Anthony Mervin	 £6,358
Paul Tonkin & Joanne Heeraman	 £6,268
Alice Lloyd & Geoffrey Lock	 £6,257
Graham & Lorna Carter	 £5,880
Margaret & Ian Foster	 £5,719
Steve Vickery	 £5,603
Peter Savidge	 £5,567
Stuart & Gail McKibbin	 £5,485
Satwinder Sagoo	 £5,396
Susan Coleman & Robert Holdford	 £5,381
John Morgan & Gilly Mc Crone	 £5,301
Nigel Le Long	 £5,238
Kenneth Rooney	 £5,212
Robert Hope & Lorna Brown	 £5,005
Philip Palmer	 £4,698
Sohail Ahmed	 £4,693
Marie & Jeremy Simmonds	 £4,607
Aloys Tata	 £4,547
Stuart Hill & Anne-Marie Halder	 £4,543
Cicely & Anthony Powell	 £4,404
John MacMillan	 £4,380
Robin Hibbert	 £4,366
Christina & Rob Cann	 £4,329
Andrew & Kerryann Webber	 £4,309
Sanjay Sharma	 £4,285
Janet Lyall	 £4,285
Gunta Freidenfelde & Alexander Deas	 £4,248
Glyn & Rose Thomas	 £4,229
Naomi & William Clark	 £4,221
Margaret & Alan Morris	 £4,174
Alison Beal & Geoffrey Ault	 £4,174
Karen Hall & Robert Evans	 £4,171
Jason Morris	 £4,149
Chaitali & Ajit Nath	 £4,147
Margaret & Roy Japp	 £4,138
Michelle & Stephen Fox	 £4,124
David & Elizabeth Marsden	 £4,110
Martin Campbell	 £4,105
Rodney Webber	 £4,104
Ian Sharp	 £4,099
Kelly Burns	 £4,038
Heather & Graham Williams	 £4,037
Stacy & Jonathan Beck	 £4,032
Denise & Stephen Neal	 £3,961
No.	Distributor Name	 Sales
Personal Retail
Chris & Clare Kinsella	 £26,823
Tracey Payne & Harvey Kent	 £19,782
Ian & Sally Williams	 £19,104
Jacqui & Stephen McCormick	 £18,626
Jennifer Synnott	 £17,086
Dawn & Mike Gough	 £16,970
Graham & Lorna Carter	 £16,511
Louise Conlan & Anthony Higgins	 £16,397
Christopher & Sarah Smith	 £15,597
Marie & Jeremy Simmonds	 £15,181
Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard	 £15,062
Michele & Brian Hewitt	 £14,413
Gail & Darren Drew	 £13,951
Eileen French	 £13,705
Peter & Myrna Wellock	 £12,812
Kevin Davies & Deborah Parker	 £12,676
David & Anne Pemberton-Smith	 £12,208
Samantha Rushton & Dean Worrall	 £12,073
Belinda Wallace & Nigel Cannon	 £12,025
Craig White	 £11,957
Melissa Squires & Ian Slade	 £11,932
Julie Cotton & Neil Tomkinson	 £11,925
Lynette Taaffe & Marty Carton	 £11,498
Helen & Andrew Walsh	 £11,493
Marlene & Robert Somerville	 £11,351
Adam Swire & Deborah Heron	 £11,033
Donna Rooney Benhenida	 £10,962
Abigail Allgood	 £10,899
Lynne & David Trowell	 £10,836
Lynda Platts & Pauline Bell	 £10,681
Frederick & Karen Mason	 £10,648
Jeffrey & Frances Topple	 £10,628
Sarah & Nigel Masling	 £10,577
David Miller & Angela Jeffries	 £10,557
Stacey Thomas & Lee Maddox	 £10,495
Alice Lloyd & Geoffrey Lock	 £10,412
Peter & Jackie White	 £10,285
Kelly & Ian Nash	 £10,181
Stephen & Debra Nell	 £10,081
Nicole Cawood & Richard Swallow	 £10,069
Lorraine Rice Hayde & Rory Hayde	 £9,924
Paul Tawn & Clare Bason	 £9,875
Keri & Mark Watters	 £9,775
Nigel Le Long	 £9,694
Margarida & Lawrence David Gray	 £9,688
Robert Hope & Lorna Brown	 £9,550
Emma & David Kyffin	 £9,515
Clive & Bev Currier	 £9,509
Steven Divito	 £9,454
Carol Simpson & Douglas Clark	 £9,409
	 Distributor Name	 Sales
Personal Sales Group
Louise Conlan & Anthony Higgins	 £13,405
Chris & Clare Kinsella	 £11,471
Eamon Lynch & Marie Ryan	 £9,135
Jacqui & Stephen McCormick	 £8,455
Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard	 £7,657
Christopher & Sarah Smith	 £7,175
Kelly & Ian Nash	 £6,613
Pamela Kent	 £6,446
Nicole Cawood & Richard Swallow	 £6,227
Craig & John Hawkes	 £5,751
Dara & Anthony McGarry	 £5,692
Rachel & James Foulger	 £5,341
Stephen Smith & Dennis Chamberlain	 £5,307
Ian & Sally Williams	 £4,890
Donna Rooney Benhenida	 £4,676
Michael & Susan Pirie	 £4,667
Luke & Sarah Hailstone	 £4,181
Sarah Colfer	 £3,978
Daniel Booth	 £3,960
Stephen Llewellyn	 £3,921
Christine & Steven Stoneman	 £3,871
Rie & David Pearson	 £3,839
Claire Salmon	 £3,753
Lucinda Bennett & Nigel Manning	 £3,697
Rhian & E Anthony Jones	 £3,567
Katie Johnston	 £3,508
Tracey Payne & Harvey Kent	 £3,506
Stacey Thomas & Lee Maddox	 £3,461
Lorraine Rice Hayde & Rory Hayde	 £3,432
Hannah King & Lewis Richards	 £3,405
John Gilham & Wendy Nimmo	 £3,242
Margarida & Lawrence David Gray	 £3,239
Debra & Oliver Pusey	 £3,215
Gunta Freidenfelde & Alexander Deas	 £3,209
Claire Phillips	 £3,192
Jose & Neil Lomer	 £3,120
Belinda Wallace & Nigel Cannon	 £3,074
Nichola McTaggart	 £3,019
Richard Chantler	 £2,914
Emma Blake	 £2,908
Jessica Hewitt	 £2,875
Stephen & Tina Walker	 £2,842
Kenneth Rooney	 £2,827
Paul Flintoft	 £2,791
Gail Carson	 £2,790
Lorraine White	 £2,753
Sinead Crowley	 £2,741
Zoe Climpson & Will Joseph	 £2,738
Abigail Colclough	 £2,686
Daniel & Michelle Marshall	 £2,664
	 Distributor Name	 Sales
New Business Sales
This figure will not
include break-away
Gold Distributors or
non-qualifying Gold
Distributors (includes all
This figure includes
all new initiations
plus their sales from
Period 5-7
Recognition Volume Profit and Ten Active Wide Period 7
Aidan Reilly
Alison Howley
Amanda Loughery
Amy Watts
Andrew Jarrett & Emma Randall
Andrew Trower
Angela Stephens
Annie Dundas
Ben Lennard & Rebecca Rowley
Bob & Tina Sullivan
Brian & Heather Harper
Caitlin Duffy
Cath Cuddeford
Catherine Garner
Celine O Neill
Chantelle Moran
Clare Curtis & Mark Freeman
Daniel Moon
David Birrell
Deborah O Regan
Deborah Riley
Debra Mouatt
Derek Kilpatrick Scott
Diane Bexon
Diane Lawlor
Edwina Coyle
Ellie & Grant Fargher
Emma & Michael Morgan
Emmanuel & Marzennaba Baker
Evelyn Henderson
Gary Reeves & Charlotte Wilson
Gavin Jardine
Gemma Wilkie
Gordon McGill
Gregg Swanston
Hayley Grassick
Helen Minett
Helena Byrne
Hilda O Leary
Ian Morgan
Jade & Nikita Fallows
Joan Murphy
Joanna Rout
Julie Moser & Matthew Harris
Kellie Timmons
Kelly Green
Kelly Roberts
Kerry Fahy
Laura Fittes
Laura McAllister
Laura McKinlay
Layla Penfold
Lindsay Morgan
Lisa Packham
Lisa Strangwood
Lorraine & Van Holtom
Lorraine Kennedy
Ten Active Wide -
Period 7
Craig White
Claire & Peter Rea
Bob Webb
Stephen Smith & Dennis Chamberlain
Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard
Dawn & Mike Gough
Peter & Jackie White
Karen & Neil Young
Peter & Myrna Wellock
Eileen French
in Period 7
Volume Profit
Hannah King & Lewis Richards
Joanne Hendrick
Rachel & James Foulger
Volume Profit
Volume Profit 18%
Volume ProfitAbbi Milne
Amy Jones
Barbara Brown
Bernadette And Hannah O Connor
Breda Hickey
Brenda Nolan
Catriona Ward
Cosima Grindrod
Curtis Broadhead
Danny Beresford
Debbie & Neil Bunting
Di Jeffery
Donna Lipper
Eliot & Kim Kay
Jamie McInall
Janet Le Couilliard & Amy Alves
Julieanne Frame
Adrian & Bridget Millard
Ailsa Brown
Alan Burton
Angie Dunican
Anne Gilligan
Bernie Moloney
Claire Salmon
Edith & David Johnston
Emma Blake
Gail Carson
Jessica Hayes
Julie Doherty
Katie Johnston
Katrina Timothy
Kirstie Hunsley
Laila Wilson
Lorraine White
Marie McLoughlin
Mary Connolly
Miriam Yasmin-Ali
Richard & Maryangeli Harding
Sophie Pimm
Christopher Gibson-Nicholson
& Amanda Cartwright
Jessica Hewitt
Kathleen Kelly
Laura Woodhead
Sarah Colfer
Congratulations to
our Sales Plan
Movers in Period 7
Louise Kennewell
Lucy Smith
Lynda Crawford
Maggie Beatty
Maggie Christofi
Mark Richmond
Marnie Walsh
Mary Hunter
Mary Osullivan
Michael Pritchard
Michelle Ahrens & Adam Heslop
Michelle Waterhouse
Mohamed Benhenida
Natalie Littlefair
Nathan Comiskey
Nicky Hillier
Nimpha Jefffrey
Omaru Kamara
Patsy Maxwell
Paul Spicer & Emma Costello
Rachel Kellett
Rebecca Thomas
Robbie & Debbie Clarke
Samantha Martin
Sarah Beighton
Sarah Lillis
Sarah Paupe
Sarah Pearson
Sharon Obrien
Sharon Oriordan
Shauna Nolan
Shelley Thorburn
Sian Cassy
Sinead Gilmartin Sargent
Sophie Lewis
Stephanie Elson
Stephanie Scott
Susan Dunne
Susan Irons
Suzanne Manly
Tammy Dennis
Tara Smith
Theresa Halliday
Toni Sherriff
Tracey Mark
Tracey Stock
Tracy Young
Valerie Marshall
Karen Porter
Lorrraine Heath
Melanie Barford
Michael Mullen
Michael Naylor
Michelle Brady
Michelle Brown
Nancy Mkudu
Nicky Turner
Pamela Beatty
Pauline Osborne
Peter McArdle & Antoinette Fitzgerald
Rachael & Andy Odonnell
Roger Bertrand
Ruby Chitiyo
Sandra Tomlinson
Sarah Glenholmes
Sarajane Rounds
Sharon & Peter Grant
Trish Kinsella
Vicki Knight
Volume Profit Belinda Wallace & Nigel Cannon
Gold Distributors
Lorraine Rice Hayde & Rory Hayde
Gold Distributors
Donna Rooney Benhenida
Gold Distributor
Louise Conlan & Anthony Higgins
Senior Distributors
Dara & Anthony McGarry
Senior Distributors
Dara McGarry
0 500
Recognition Bulk Sales Period 7
Doug & Sandra Roper	 26,014
Gary Cooper & Jackie Norris	 25,656
Andrew Ridley & Louise Lee	 25,635
Craig Skellern & Lesleyanne Fitzgibbon	 25,176
Trevor Mitchell	 25,072
Andrew & Carolyn Walkinshaw	 24,756
Lindsay Gonsalves & Daniel Young	 24,175
Ian & Sally Williams	 24,066
Paul & Helen Wilson	 23,714
Sylvia & Ramon Laing	 23,406
Christopher & Louise Brown	 23,084
Louise Conlan & Anthony Higgins	 22,799
Karen Kelly	 22,703
Debbie Gee & David White	 22,593
Chris & Clare Kinsella	 22,352
Karen & Peter Flitton	 21,987
Peter & Myrna Wellock	 21,673
Lorraine & Ian Balcombe	 21,242
Christopher Conroy	 21,242
Paul Tawn & Clare Bason	 21,214
James Curtis	 20,953
Alexandra Tuesley	 20,736
Jackie Hand	 20,641
Clare & Martin Whitelock	 20,083
Michele & Brian Hewitt	 19,940
Carole & Benny Morris	 19,725
Anthony Greeves	 19,725
Lauren & Peter Jackson	 19,663
Jennifer & Martin Amos	 19,572
Michael & Sandra Laydon	 18,852
Lee-Anne & Michael Gilroy	 18,147
Stanley & Roy Stewart	 18,049
Julie Collier & Peter Richards	 17,922
Christine & Jim Foster	 17,750
Karen Boardman	 17,565
Maria & Derrick Longwright	 17,266
Sakuntla Kalyan	 17,127
Marcell & Joanne Treanor	 17,023
Sandra Masterson	 16,926
Alison & Michael Ogden	 16,842
Tony Fasulo & Julie White-Fasulo	 16,819
Graham & Lorna Carter	 16,698
Keith Sandland	 16,592
Tracey Payne & Harvey Kent	 16,485
Steve Johnson & Rosemary Rowntree	 16,328
John Gilham & Wendy Nimmo	 16,141
Georgina & Will Goodger	 15,970
Dara & Anthony McGarry	 15,779
Wendy English	 15,717
Stuart & Gail McKibbin	 15,659
Sharon & Craig Davis	 15,472
Christopher Reay & Lesley Coan	 15,315
Jackie Bower	 15,243
Andrew & Susan Fountaine	 14,933
Jude & Steve Joyce	 14,630
Roger & Barbara Green	 14,441
Robert & Jacqueline Dolan	 14,380
Melanie Wilson	 13,676
Kerry Connelly	 13,444
Jay Singh	 13,385
Pamela Kent	 13,215
Rhian & E Anthony Jones	 13,215
Christine & Adrian Wright	 13,053
Christopher & Sarah Smith	 12,998
Adam Swire & Deborah Heron	 12,987
Paul & Alison Taylor	 12,789
Marie & Jeremy Simmonds	 12,651
No.	Distributor Name	 Sales
Gail & Darren Drew	 12,464
Ron & Judy Speirs	 12,453
Jeffrey & Frances Topple	 12,428
Michael Godwin	 12,428
Georgina & Phil Gale	 12,426
David Wilson & Julie Knight	 12,406
Craig & Linda Lomas	 12,293
Steve & Cathy Chambers	 12,166
Sylvia & Gary Green	 12,113
Linda Brooks & Jason Belverstone	 11,963
Sheila & Nigel Fowler	 11,943
Timothy & Tina Pace	 11,816
Mark & Sarah Wildman	 11,816
Kerry & Paul Stonall	 11,721
Carole & James Sunter	 11,532
Eileen French	 11,421
Chantele & Barry Travis	 11,401
Kelly & Ian Nash	 11,242
David Byatt & Janet Smith	 11,237
Diane & Geoff Owen	 11,147
Tony & Wendy Vallerine	 11,097
Vikki & Bernie Titterrell	 10,999
Omran Zaman	 10,889
Louise Puttick	 10,888
Teresa Divers & Bryony Hayward	 10,823
Mark Law	 10,772
Kevin Davies & Deborah Parker	 10,563
Kimberley Sunter	 10,333
Lucinda Bennett & Nigel Manning	 10,262
Sharon Bullock & David Taylor	 10,175
Clive & Nicola Cantrill	 10,101
Samantha Rushton & Dean Worrall	 10,060
Belinda Wallace & Nigel Cannon	 10,021
Clive & Bev Currier	 10,016
Stephen & Rebecca Gilbert	 9,993
Gabrielle Broadstock	 9,989
Melissa Squires & Ian Slade	 9,944
Julie Cotton & Neil Tomkinson	 9,938
Michael & Diane Ruth McCaul	 9,859
Bob & Diane Goulding	 9,825
Kenneth Rooney	 9,815
Trevor & Janet Rawding	 9,796
Frederick & Karen Mason	 9,658
Lynette Taaffe & Marty Carton	 9,582
Alex & Kathleen Langler	 9,503
Martyn Cunningham	 9,463
Marlene & Robert Somerville	 9,459
Daniel & Michelle Marshall	 9,451
David & Elizabeth Pope	 9,440
Joyce Reed	 9,396
Denise & Stephen Neal	 9,378
John & Jenny Caton	 9,338
Donna Rooney Benhenida	 9,135
Abigail Allgood	 9,083
Lynne & David Trowell	 9,030
Seamus & Clare Houghton	 8,976
Sandra Ellis	 8,949
Barry & Cecilia Bradbury	 8,912
Gerard & Claire Tucker-Mawr	 8,907
Lynda Platts & Pauline Bell	 8,901
Richard Scott	 8,872
David & Paula Arapes	 8,872
Sarah & Nigel Masling	 8,815
David Miller & Angela Jeffries	 8,797
Alastair Miller	 8,797
John Halsall	 8,746
Stacey Thomas & Lee Maddox	 8,746
No.	Distributor Name	 Sales
Maria & Shane Treanor	 8,698
Conor & Linda Treanor	 8,698
Alice Lloyd & Geoffrey Lock	 8,677
Dot McKillen	 8,614
Caroline & Philip Thompson	 8,512
Peter & Sheryl Dutton	 8,468
Jason Morris	 8,428
Nicole Cawood & Richard Swallow	 8,391
Robert & Rosemary Annan	 8,362
Brian Mooney & Sharon Treanor	 8,326
Lorraine Rice Hayde & Rory Hayde	 8,270
David & Christine Rhodes	 8,188
Peter Neesham	 8,181
Magdalena White	 8,157
Keri & Mark Watters	 8,146
Robert Young & Clare Mears	 8,112
Andrae Lyth	 8,104
Nigel Le Long	 8,078
Margarida & Lawrence David Gray	 8,074
Paul Meikle	 8,071
Tony & Julie Brown	 8,065
Simon & Carol Matthews	 8,027
Bryn Dunkerley	 8,027
Robert Hope & Lorna Brown	 7,958
Emma & David Kyffin	 7,929
Nick & Grace Sassanelli	 7,928
Martin Webb	 7,928
Elizabeth & Ian Hyams	 7,900
Steven Divito	 7,878
Michael & Jennifer Allsop	 7,847
Barbara Margaret Webb	 7,837
Veronica Nixon	 7,813
Joe Croll	 7,773
Kate Lee & Nicola Spence	 7,750
Steve & Louise McGough	 7,712
Peter Savidge	 7,712
Rie & David Pearson	 7,712
Stuart Hill & Anne-Marie Halder	 7,636
Amy Warrington	 7,636
Lesley Burroughs	 7,634
Zoe Climpson & Will Joseph	 7,626
Gunta Freidenfelde & Alexander Deas	 7,619
Ian & Carol Parker	 7,596
Andrew & Kerryann Webber	 7,577
Jaqueline Mullings & Steven Mee	 7,553
John Morgan & Gilly Mc Crone	 7,552
Karen & Kevin Marriott	 7,532
Lisa & Stuart Cox	 7,512
Terry & Jane Hodge	 7,414
Tanya & Christopher Howson	 7,387
Kim Atherton	 7,332
Colin Sadler	 7,287
Raymond Satchell	 7,272
Ivan Darch	 7,201
Janet & Andrew Mitchell	 7,147
Jacqueline & Steven Ellis	 7,116
Elaine & Martin Spafford	 7,082
Paul Tonkin & Joanne Heeraman	 7,044
Amelia McHard	 7,007
Mary Hession & Geraldine Twamley	 6,983
Luke & Sarah Hailstone	 6,938
Paul & Gosia Hammond	 6,868
Jean Sidhu & Antony Watkins	 6,789
Roger & Gillian Coupe	 6,753
Kerry Edees	 6,698
Sue Phoenix	 6,685
Justine & Steve Giergiel	 6,601
No.	Distributor Name	 Sales
0 500
Julie & Anthony Martin	 6,563
Lyn & Tony Davies	 6,546
Justin Rowe & Tracy Bell	 6,538
Keith Glass & Margaret Holvec	 6,513
Becky Spink	 6,510
Ann & John Coe	 6,458
Iain & Jackie Swanston	 6,455
Bill Caddy	 6,442
Mark Irons	 6,425
Michael & Janet Wallace	 6,417
Patricia Fisher	 6,356
Graham & Georgina Long	 6,322
Bev & Dave Townsend	 6,315
Stephen & Elaine Blay	 6,305
Coleen & Stephen Batchelor	 6,291
Stephen & Tina Walker	 6,286
Andrew & Denise Hunt	 6,273
Stephen & Dorothy Hanlon	 6,257
Clive & Pamela Lennard	 6,231
Jasper & Helen Brawn	 6,213
Martin & Wendy Stryzyk	 6,157
Shane & Katharine Williams	 6,157
David & Jenny Gerry	 6,155
Fay & Andrew Roe	 6,098
Shaun & Susan Allsopp	 6,096
Ann & Philip Linsey	 6,039
Jane & Andrew Connor	 6,037
Lesley & Gordon Whittington	 6,009
Susan Walton	 5,986
Tim & Emma Sandom	 5,962
Stephen Llewellyn	 5,894
Anthony Mervin	 5,887
Derek & Elaine Matthews	 5,871
Steven Harding & Narissa Mather	 5,838
Barbara Ann & Alan John Peachey	 5,813
Harold & Minnie Fulton	 5,798
Anthony & Susan Peacham	 5,789
Tom & Kathryn Forbes	 5,751
Emma & Mark MacKelden	 5,722
Jim & Claire Dale	 5,688
Laura Harrison & Paul Sharp	 5,670
James & Jane White	 5,660
Geoff Taylor & Alison Moore	 5,652
Graham & Christine James	 5,648
Rachel & James Foulger	 5,644
Sandra & Chris Nelms	 5,637
Monica Dolman & Marcin Wadycki	 5,616
Stacy & Jonathan Beck	 5,600
Karen & Steven Glew	 5,599
Glyn & Rose Thomas	 5,599
Stephen Clark	 5,559
Raymond & Caroline Powell	 5,551
Peter & Angela Abrahams	 5,507
Ram & Joginder Singh	 5,499
Hannah King & Lewis Richards	 5,493
Susan Coleman & Robert Holdford	 5,465
Stephen Wilson	 5,459
Stephen & James Peyton	 5,432
Chaitali & Ajit Nath	 5,425
Michaela Williams	 5,410
Shoukran Sharaf	 5,408
Catherine & Geoffrey White	 5,408
Joanne Hendrick	 5,377
Jillian & Peter Griffiths	 5,377
Joelle Nicholls	 5,374
Douglas & Kirsteen Hamilton	 5,370
Helen Lambert	 5,361
No.	Distributor Name	 Sales
Marion & Anthony Homer	 5,359
Martin Campbell	 5,339
John & Kath Clease	 5,338
Jeffrey Margrave	 5,332
Jon & Kelly Gulliver	 5,316
Alison Beal & Geoffrey Ault	 5,289
Luisa & Andy Newton	 5,288
William & Helen Greaves	 5,271
Christina & Rob Cann	 5,254
Henry & Diana Crosby	 5,245
Philip Palmer	 5,217
Albert & Caroline Berry	 5,210
Andrew & Ann Meldrum	 5,188
David Wise	 5,180
Satwinder Sagoo	 5,179
Darren Simmons	 5,102
Suzannah Jones & Robert Haylor	 5,096
Veronica & Steven Martinucci	 5,043
Simon Kermode & Charlotte Isham	 5,018
Paul Hanlon	 5,012
Jennifer & James Cousins	 4,969
James Brammer & Alasdair Nelson	 4,954
Stephanie Tompsett	 4,859
David Potter	 4,859
Nicola & Jerome Neville	 4,853
Maria & Lee Kowalkowski	 4,851
Steven Clements	 4,840
Denys & Laura Harris	 4,793
John & Lesley McNally	 4,776
Margaret & Ian Foster	 4,766
Heather & Alan Brown	 4,766
David & Sheila Moss-Baker	 4,712
Richard & Helen Peuleve	 4,706
Amanda & Leo Ten Bruggencate	 4,692
Robert Falcus	 4,678
Steve Vickery	 4,669
Rebecca Matthews	 4,669
Alison & Kevin Thomas	 4,665
Laura & Pauline Cleland	 4,636
Arthur & Susan Cuthbert	 4,629
Sharon & David Allsop	 4,593
Joanne & Stuart Lamb	 4,571
Emma Colley	 4,571
Sharon & Steve Agnew	 4,571
Tavis Taylor	 4,558
Adele & John Hewitt	 4,556
Deborah Weaver & Sherralyn King	 4,556
Paul Flintoft	 4,551
Peter Stanley	 4,536
Stephen & Laine Shepherd	 4,533
Michael & Louise Elliott	 4,518
Terri Milford	 4,515
Anna & Nicholas Padfield	 4,493
Janet & Roger Bowen	 4,486
Peter Gallant	 4,481
Punit Vyas	 4,479
Kelly Taylor	 4,453
Tina & John Porter	 4,452
Steve Kelly	 4,427
Liz & Andy Gowland	 4,404
Gerard Coste	 4,381
Alan & Anne-Marie Bennett	 4,306
Stuart Richards & Susan Munandu	 4,287
Maura Oleary	 4,252
Michael & Michelle Walker	 4,240
Ronald & Sheena Sharp	 4,227
Joyce & James Holden	 4,227
No.	Distributor Name	 Sales
Cath & John Wilkinson	 4,227
Gareth & Gil Duffy	 4,223
Jade Pere & John Barnes	 4,223
April Pigdon	 4,222
Adam Humphrey & Humphreys	 4,222
Louise Harper	 4,196
Joanne Powell	 4,183
Nina Mitchell	 4,172
Clare & Mark Pemberton	 4,164
Laura McLoughlin & George Kerr	 4,162
Michelle & Stephen Fox	 4,152
Paul Melville & Victoria Schofield	 4,138
Peter & Jean Monroe	 4,111
Vivienne Washington	 4,109
Kurt & Tracy Hansen	 4,097
Emma & Chris Shafe	 4,094
Peter & Cheryl Creed	 4,088
Christine Lappin	 4,085
Caroline & Simon Harvey	 4,038
Anthony Rouse	 4,029
Lee & Michelle Pattinson	 4,025
Kathleen Watson	 4,025
Alison Lammas	 4,008
Joseph Odonnell	 3,977
James Moynihan	 3,961
Lindsay & Beverly Kepple	 3,932
Sohail Ahmed	 3,911
Julie & Martyn Mason	 3,908
Daisy & Richard Fickling	 3,903
Terry & Diane Williams	 3,887
Jean Blake	 3,880
Seamus Gallagher	 3,878
Mark Brown	 3,866
Sarah Cunningham & Adam O Connor	 3,854
Verity & Richard Bloor	 3,850
Pauline Cave & Alan Parmenter	 3,846
Richard & Ranti Fallowfield	 3,837
Patrick & Helen Loftus	 3,836
Neil & Susan MacLean	 3,822
Pauline & Neil Pallant	 3,812
Alana & Keith Banks	 3,808
Ian Hickton	 3,797
Karl-Josef & Brigitte Mergler	 3,794
Christine & Steven Stoneman	 3,793
Aloys Tata	 3,790
David Notman	 3,765
Robert Clifton	 3,757
Diana Schuch	 3,741
Fay Savill	 3,738
Paula & Kevin Beckitt	 3,735
Lee Roberts & Maryann Barros	 3,722
Dave & Margot Gillon	 3,715
Brian & Jane Mansi	 3,711
Michael & Anne Barnaville	 3,706
John & Shelagh Irving	 3,701
Steven Smith	 3,701
Jennifer Meagher	 3,696
Sarah Colfer	 3,676
Sarah Mc Gee 	 3,675
Cicely & Anthony Powell	 3,670
Angela Wallace & William Lawson	 3,662
Cliff & Linda Parker	 3,660
Douglas & Theresa Hack	 3,654
Linda & Natalie McNeill	 3,653
John MacMillan	 3,650
No.	Distributor Name	 Sales
Recognition Bulk Sales Period 7
Contact details: Kleeneze Ltd., Express House, Clayton Business Park, Clayton Le Moors, Accrington, BB5 5JY
Website: +44 (0)1254 304171 Re-order code: 911810
Nasko Ratchev	 1,345,536
Lynn MacDonald	 1,345,522
Gavin Scott & Bonnie Arapes	 1,328,893
Allan & Billie-Dee Moffat	 660,323
Bob Webb	 638,652
Freda Fenn & Heather Summers	 571,620
Margaret Moore & Carren Arscott	 570,653
Rob Forster & Laura Forster-Morris	 565,835
Muriel & Tony Judson	 555,933
Peter & Jackie White	 471,291
Gillian Nicholson	 358,241
Glyn & Elizabeth Hobden	 303,938
Chris & Wendy Mason-Paull	 292,295
Craig & John Hawkes	 281,967
Stephen Bourne & Anne Binks	 277,375
Gary & Esther Watson	 255,037
Sue Marshall & Bob Dalton	 195,388
Michael & Jean Day	 172,024
Mike & Amanda Bibby	 164,776
Robert & Mary Higgins	 150,517
Eamon Lynch & Marie Ryan	 148,137
Craig White	 138,860
Karen & Neil Young	 134,864
Margaret & Roy Japp	 105,594
Robert Gibbons	 101,968
Claire & Peter Rea	 99,469
Melvyn & Lucy Mortimer	 94,813
Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard	 94,301
Andy & Claire Stephenson	 94,223
Abigail Colclough	 88,271
John & Steven Sharp	 81,989
Sheila Smith & Emily Geldard	 78,203
Glenn & Caroline Royston	 77,915
Gerry Melanephy & Maureen McLoughlin	 76,951
Michelle Kennedy	 74,862
Helen & Paul Allgood	 72,353
Geoff & Fiona Webb	 71,352
Jane Spencer-Cook	 70,647
Judy Jodrell	 66,906
Jennifer Synnott	 65,748
John & Sarah McKie	 65,639
Andy & Janine Cooper	 63,495
Tracy & David Sheehan	 53,005
David & Anne Pemberton-Smith	 52,662
Raymond & Miriam Turnbull	 52,595
Phil & Jean Warrington	 51,387
Chris & Julia Norton	 51,036
Heather & James Oneil	 50,272
Richard Woods	 50,104
John & Christine Prosser	 49,549
Alf & Carol Bell	 49,088
Andrew & Sue Boswell	 48,862
Nuala & Clodagh McDonald	 48,557
Stephen Smith & Dennis Chamberlain	 47,083
Joseph & Julie Brame	 47,034
Sue & Geoffrey Burras	 46,955
Adele & Jaime De Caso	 46,240
Malcolm Ashmore	 46,240
Susan & David Darton	 46,178
Richard Chantler	 45,494
Caroline & Craig Cox	 44,727
Keith & Robert Robertson	 43,092
Tony & Katharine Briffa	 41,800
Michael & Susan Pirie	 41,429
Mary & Edward Hawkes	 40,425
David & Samantha Branch	 40,379
Jane & John Dunkerley	 40,213
Kevin Rider	 38,876
Helen & Andrew Walsh	 38,699
Stephen & Debra Nell	 38,647
Martin Bell & Caroline Roberts	 38,014
David & Rosie Bibby	 36,740
Robert & Marianna Grinev-Branch	 35,246
Brian Harwood & Debbie Hargreaves	 34,494
Jill Corlett	 34,182
Stephani & Bill Neville	 33,950
Ian & Agnieszka Clarke	 33,521
Steve & Debbie Roper	 33,471
Martin Gardner & Allison Butterworth	 33,090
Deborah Morgan	 32,495
Paul & Carolyn Blaxall	 31,968
Jacqui & Stephen McCormick	 31,301
Kathleen & Dominic Carolan	 31,245
Debra & Oliver Pusey	 30,989
Dawn & Mike Gough	 30,982
Alison Ford	 30,133
Sharon & Andrew Bird	 29,484
Rosina Pocock	 29,453
Andrew Buxton & Laura Kelly	 29,451
Mary Mullins	 28,769
Deborah & Allan Dewar	 28,265
Sue & Jas Bains	 28,101
David Birtwistle & Angela Tonkin	 27,968
Belinda & Peter Clarke	 27,748
Irene & Helen Wilson	 27,690
John & Kathryn Webb	 27,390
Karim & May Karmali	 27,369
Carol Simpson & Douglas Clark	 26,837
Dave & Susie Horton	 26,190
Lewis & Lewis Clarke	 26,055
Recognition Bulk Sales Period 7
No.	Distributor Name	 Sales No.	Distributor Name	 Sales

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  • 2. 2 TEAMTALK PERIOD 7, 2016 When my stepson was 7-years-old, he attempted to convince me to go on a ridiculously big roller coaster in Blackpool. As we approached it, the screams from the coasterees grew louder and louder. They were clearly terrified, a fact which I pointed out in my defence of ‘chickening out’ (his words). “But being scared is fun!” he declared. On the whole, I am not one who enjoys being scared. I’ve walked out of a cinema before when covering my eyes and cowering under a seat hasn’t been enough to stop the effects of a horror film. I spent my first five driving lessons in a car park before my instructor convinced me to go out on the road. I even have trouble changing a light bulb if it means I have to let go of the ladder. I’m a wimp (stepson’s words again). However, when I was 18 I moved to England from Europe, all alone – no job, no home, no idea really! At the time, people told me it was a brave thing to do (aside from those who told me I really needed to plan it better and it was a stupid thing to do!). I wasn’t scared at all, though. If anything, I was excited. It was an adventure. You see, not all fear is rational or irrational – it’s how we perceive it. Fear can be good if we can channel and control it in the right way. It can be a motivating factor, pushing you to take action rather than avoiding and running away. This business is a prime example. For many, one of the scariest steps can be ‘sacking the boss’ and going full time with their Kleeneze business. I’ve spoken to many people over the years who have done that and pretty much every single person, with the benefit of hindsight, told me their only regret was that they hadn’t done it sooner. So what stopped them doing it? Fear. The fear of failure mainly. Ironically, though, it was that fear that saw them succeed. That fear guided them to jumping right in and working as hard as possible at their business, so that they did succeed. They controlled their fear rather than let the fear control them. Fear can give us all sorts of excuses for not pursuing our goals and dreams: You’re too old, you’re too young, you don’t know enough yet, you can’t afford it, it won’t work. At the end of the day, it’s easier to stay in the shadows. It’s comfortable in our comfort zone. No one will see you there; no one will see you fail. Yet, you’ll also never stand out while you’re there; you’ll never try something new; you’ll never know what could have happened. If you’re going to fear something, fear wasting your life on something that doesn’t matter to you. Fear being mediocre. Fear doing nothing. Fear regret! History has repeatedly shown that we fail far more from not taking a risk than we do from being brave and grabbing the opportunity. As they say, fortune favours the bold! CONTENTS Editor’s Note Xenia Poole Xenia Poole Editor in Chief 13 20 Editorial: Xenia Poole, Liz Harper Columnists: Michael Khatkar Contributors: Chris and Clare Kinsella Design: Nigel Rice
  • 3. PERIOD 7, 2016 TEAMTALK 3 CONTENTS 18 5 MK’s update All the latest company news from Kleeneze’s Managing Director, Michael Khatkar 4 Win tickets to the event of the season Kick off the busiest retailing season in style and start as you mean to go on 6 Losing pounds and making them at the same time Sandra Laydon has lost a whopping 50 pounds using our new K Lite 10 product and is expanding her business with her story 9 The perks of being your own boss Time freedom is a fantastic side-effect of being your own boss – especially on the hottest day of the year! 10 Necessity or luxury? More and more, the traditional holiday is being deemed a luxury. Do you really need to forgo your annual rest and relaxation, though? 12 I had my first reward in the first few days Looking for something to do in her spare time has lead to much, much more for Cath Garner! 13 Keep on pushing – Gold is just the start Get ready to get planning. Chris and Clare Kinsella give vital training on how to maintain your Sales Plan level and qualify for more incentives than ever before! 16 Kleeneze stories Motivational stories from across the Kleeneze Network 18 Your version of success How do you measure success? It’s time to benchmark against yourself 20 Kit out your shop window First impressions count, so freshen up your catalogue packs and get noticed 22 Kleeneze stories Motivational stories from across the Kleeneze Network 23 Period 7 Recognition Congratulations to all our Network achievers in Period 7!
  • 4. 4 TEAMTALK PERIOD 7, 2016 Competition COMPETITION We are giving away 2 sets of tickets to this year’s Christmas Showcase! For your chance of winning, please answer the below question correctly. We recently celebrated Ask Harry’s anniversary, but which anniversary was it? A) 6 months B) 1 year C) 2 years Send in your answer, along with your account number, to no later than Monday 15th August 2016. Please use the subject heading “Harry” in your email. Good luck! Please see the DSA for the terms and conditions. It’s not long now until we officially mark the start of the busiest retailing season of the year. This will kick off in just under two months at the spectacular Christmas Showcase at the ICC Birmingham on Saturday 27th August 2016. It’s set to be another fantastic event with exceptional speakers, business news, exclusive offers, recognition plus much more. Make sure you book your tickets using code 00027 for just £20/?24. And it doesn’t end there! After an exciting day, we finish it off in style with the Kleeneze Gala Dinner and to celebrate the launch of our spectacular Spring Destination 2017, this year has a Mexican twist. We promise you an evening of exquisite food, fabulous company and some awesome live entertainment. The Dress Code for the evening is Black Tie/Dinner Dress, but you do have the option of adding your own Mexican magic for those that like a bit of dress up. Book your tickets using code 03611 or by downloading the Kleeneze Showcase and Gala Dinner booking form from the events tab on the DSA. Complete the form and simply email in to our events team at Gala Dinner tickets are priced at £55/?66. Winticketstotheeventoftheseason “What Kleeneze does best is the Showcases, they are exciting and dynamic.” Dave Birtwistle & Angela Tonkin, Silver Executive “Fantastic, inspirational Showcase and an awesome Bollywood Gala Dinner.” Julie Knight, Senior Distributor “What a fantastic Showcase, the speakers were all awesome and the Gala Dinner was fabulous. Thank you Kleeneze” Chantele Travis, Silver Executive 2016 2016 GALA DINNER CHRISTMAS
  • 5. PERIOD 7, 2016 TEAMTALK 5 News and views The saying goes, whatever you plant in the spring you will reap the rewards for in the autumn. The good news is, if you missed that planting window, there’s an even more profitable one RIGHT NOW. As with any business such as ours, the last few months of the year are always the busiest and most profitable. However, it’s actually the action that you’re taking right now – in the lead up to the Christmas season – that will determine your success. July, August and September are the best months to lay your foundations. To establish and build that customer base. To sponsor and train your new starters. To get all of your ‘basics’ in place so you can capitalise on the massive seasonal retail trend. There are many reasons why it makes sense to get to work now. In the lead up to Christmas, you and your customers are busy people. It’s extremely difficult to cut through all that noise, so establish your distributor customer relationships early; engage with them and make your presence known so you’re their first port of call. The Christmas season may be the most profitable, but it’s also the shortest. There’s a small window of opportunity, so make sure you’re ready to make the most you can from it. Whatever happens over the Christmas period, determines how you enter the year ahead and, to a certain degree, decrees how your following year will pan out. Taking some extra time out now to plan, prepare, build and strengthen your business is worth its weight in gold. On Saturday 27 August, we will officially launch the Kleeneze Christmas retail season. Here you will receive full training from the likes of Jean Day, Andy Ridley, Helen Allgood, Karen Boardman, Jaime de Caso, Marie Ryan, Kev Rider and Peter White. From retailing to team building, they’ll be giving you advice, tips and guidance about the steps you need to take over the coming months. However, it’s up to you to make sure your business is as solid as possible now, so you are in the position to take your business forward by massive amounts and springboard into a brilliant New Year. As I’ve always said one of our main priorities is for you to increase your income and have the lifestyle you truly deserve; Build through the summer and watch what happens!! This business is not complicated. It has a simple, unchanging business model and every success I have seen over the years has been borne of three determining factors: following a simple system, keeping persistent and having dogged focus. That’s why our business model works for everyone and anyone. It’s a reliable, proven formula. People don’t remember complicated and confusing. People remember things that are simple. Follow that simple system of retailing, sponsoring and coaching with determination, focus and persistence and success follows. Simplify, make these next few months count and come the Christmas Showcase, we can launch into not just an amazing end of year, but an extraordinary one. MK’s update Michael Khatkar, Managing Director
  • 6. 6 TEAMTALK PERIOD 7, 2016 My Kleeneze story “In September 1994, I joined Weight Watchers. I was quite embarrassed to begin with, but by March 1995, I’d lost three stone. I was so into it and believed in it so much that one night, I asked a leader how I could help. She said, well you can actually earn money with this. I was quite a shy person, but losing the weight had given me confidence, so I trained to become a leader. A few years later, Michael came across Kleeneze. Michael was ex-army and then a trouble shooter for a company for many years, before he decided to start his own newsagents. One night, at a bowls social club, a couple (our to-be-sponsors), three-foot-ruled him. I remember it well. I’d come back from a Weight Watchers meeting one night and Michael was there singing on karaoke with his new Kleeneze friends and a box of catalogues sat on the side. I snubbed the whole idea of it. Funnily enough, I remember years ago, as a kid, I used to make money selling hot dogs and hamburgers on a Sunday and knocking on people’s doors for an egg box or tray, because you used to get 2p for them. I had started my own business really at the age of 8! By 13, I was working in a newsagents. I’ve always worked. When I left school, I started full time and was a manager by the time I was 17. I was there for years and years. Michael and I married, but we didn’t cook - we ate all the time. We used to go to the local Indian about three or four times a week. I started to put on weight. With work and doing well, we got a bigger house, I decided then it was time to change and that was when I joined Weight Watchers. A revolutionary product hit the Kleeneze range earlier this year and our Distributors along with their customers are swearing by it! The product is K Lite 10 – Diet, Detox and Weight Loss Programme. We caught up with Gold Executive Distributor, Sandra Laydon, who has used the programme to shed a whopping 50 pounds of weight and is now one of its greatest advocates. Losing pounds and making them at the same time! So I was working and holding meetings – doing about 80 – 90 hour weeks – and Michael was doing Kleeneze. A month or so in, I was coming home one night as Michael was just leaving the house. He said, “Sandra, could you do us a favour? There are three products that I need delivering and I’ve got an appointment at 9, can you do it?” I said: “You what?! No!” Then I finally agreed. I went to the doors and gave them the products. Never mind that I worked in a newsagents selling products. Never mind that I sold products at Weight Watchers. Never mind that these customers had already bought the products! As soon as I got home, I said: “Don’t you ever, ever, ever make me do that again!” Then we went to a Kleeneze party and it changed everything. It was nearing Christmas time and he said I should just come along. I went and I was wowed. It was an amazing atmosphere. I was sold! You see, to me, Kleeneze is the social side, the friendships you make. Putting the catalogues out and getting orders back in is just something else we all do! We reached Gold Executive Distributor within three years, going to Rome, Malaysia, Sun City and Cape Town. It was incredible. We absolutely love Kleeneze with a passion. It’s a life experience. Extra income and ordinary people earning royalty income. I stopped Weight Watchers in the end and concentrated on our Kleeneze business. So when K Lite 10 was announced, I immediately took an interest. I was overweight once more and this time I needed a quick fix – something to get me back on track. I needed to change and I trusted Kleeneze, so I ordered a box and followed the instructions word for word.
  • 7. PERIOD 7, 2016 TEAMTALK 7 10 days later, I had lost 10 pounds. It had given me ‘me’ back and I suddenly regained all my confidence. Not only that, it inspired me in the business too – a new avenue to explore and to move forward with! Kleeneze and this sector really go hand in hand. I attribute so much to personal development and that stands with weight loss too – as it’s all down to the discipline of yourself. People see how well I’ve done with K Lite 10 and want to try it too – again, much like Kleeneze, people don’t join the business – they join the individual. It’s easy now for me to give people help with it, because I’ve experienced it. It’s a personal product. It’s not something you can give a flyer out to someone about on the off-chance they want to lose weight. Out of the blue today, I got a text from a friend who I’ve known since I was three. We do speak now and again, but not a lot. Off the back of seeing my posts on Facebook, she wants to do K Lite 10. People want to see instant results. If they can see what’s going on straight away, they’ll believe. You can see a difference in ten days. I lost 10 pounds in 10 days and it really gave me some energy too. Follow this to the letter and you’ll lose weight. I’m proper buzzing with this. I’ve never done without on it and I don’t feel deprived at all. Day one you’re waiting for something to happen – you’re not hungry, you’re not tired. You’re wondering if anything’s happening! Day two – you just know it’s working. Now I go to the customer with the Kit and the full Kleeneze catalogue with all my details. I’ll give them a sheet of paper with day one and day 10, space for measurements, meals etc. People who have never looked at a Kleeneze catalogue now have the full package. I’m so excited about the future of this product. K Lite 10 is at the beginning of something huge and I’m so happy to be a part of it.” Before: Sandra wanted a quick fix and to get back on track After: Now she’s lost 50 pounds and has regained her confidence
  • 8. 8 TEAMTALK PERIOD 7, 2016 My Kleeneze story K Lite 10 – Diet, Detox and Weight Loss Programme K Lite 10 is a 10 day detox and weight loss pack that provides you with that initial boost you need to transform your body. Notice a change in looks and feel more energised by following the simple 10 day programme. The pack contains meal replacements, which are clinically proven to contribute to weight loss, capsules to aid weight loss, a K Cleanse Juice, 3 health supplements and a FREE K Life shaker making it easy for on the go. “My start weight was 15st. Today’s weigh in was 13st 7lbs. That’s a total weight loss of 21lb! K Life has started My Life again. I love it.” Marie Gallagher “I lost 16lbs in 10 days! No hunger and I felt great. I can’t recommend it enough!” Debi Greenough “I finished my 10 days yesterday and am delighted to be down 10lbs. Still a long way to go to get down to a healthy weight but it’s a great start. Just over 4 months till my wedding and hoping to get down at least another stone! But overall feeling good and didn’t find it too hard.” Sam Twamley What others are saying… “I jumped on the scales this morning for my final weigh in. Starting weight at the start of June: 103 Kilos (227lbs) Target weight by the end of June: 90 kilos (198lbs) I had failed, but with a massive smile on my face. My weight this morning was 90.9kilos (200lbs). I am absolutely chuffed. I have not been this light for 15 years! I’m celebrating tonight with a barbecue and wine and then back on my weight loss programme!” Dave Pemberton-Smith Just finished my 10 day detox, I have lost 8lb and 16½ inches all over!! So, so pleased. Jessica Wells
  • 9. Kleeneze lifestyles PERIOD 7, 2016 TEAMTALK 9 As the mercury hit over 30° in the Britain and the Republic of Ireland, reports of misery from offices and public transportation were rife on social media. Kleeneze Distributors took the opportunity of the rare heat wave to enjoy the time freedom this business offers! The perks of being your own boss “This is my office now. I used to work as shop assistant where they had broken air conditioning, we had to wear full length black clothing on days like this, we couldn’t get a glass of water unless we convinced them we felt ill, and they wouldn’t even give us a fan! Glad I’m out of there and can now work from home in shorts, t-shirt and sandals and can do whatever I want!” Jessica Hewitt, Silver Distributor “Computer in the garden, how fantastic is this business you can’t call it work when you love what you do.” Sarah Masling, Gold Distributor “In my hand I have a smoothie and orders I’ve collected so far today are £200 worth. Still lots more to collect. A quick break and back on the road again. I’m not far away from achieving my personal best! Whoooooooooop!” Michelle Robson, Silver Distributor “Making Calls in the Sunshine! Time Freedom to work when and where! Just Love My Business!!” Myrna Wellock, Silver Senior Executive “I went to my little girl’s sports day. She did great! Came last at everything but it’s the taking part that counts and the more times you ‘fail’ the more you will ‘succeed’ in life!” Josh Bryan, Silver Distributor “Lovely walk instead of working in hot kitchens for me. Complete change of lifestyle.” Nicole Cawood, Gold Distributor
  • 10. 10 TEAMTALK PERIOD 7, 2016 Kleeneze lifestyles More and more, as everyday living expenses continue to rise, the traditional annual family holiday has become more of a luxury than a necessity. In fact, the basic holiday now costs over £1,300, including £782 on accommodation and transport and £529 on spending money*. At one time, the holiday was regarded as an essential. People’s fondest memories are often intertwined with a childhood holiday. It’s a chance to relax, unwind and spend time with each other when the pressures of everyday life don’t always accommodate this. However, not every family will be stocking up on sun cream as the school holidays approach. In fact, a recent study showed that over 2 million families are unable to afford a one week break, at any time of the year and that’s even within the UK. The sobering statistics also reported that almost half a million families cannot even afford a day out together*. In choosing to start your own business, not only do you have the time freedom to choose WHEN you take your holidays, you also have the option to create the income you need to take those holidays. Many Kleeneze Distributors use their extra income to pay for a once-in-a-lifetime trip or a big family holiday before the children go off and spread their wings. Others use the flexibility of being their own boss to take time out and treat themselves to day trips and long weekends. Whatever way you wish to choose to unwind, by owning your own Kleeneze business, a holiday need not be a luxury ever again! *ONS’ Focus on Families and Focus on Social inequalities studies. Necessity or luxury? “Kleeneze gave us our spending money for our amazing family holiday to Florida.” Clare Kinsella, Gold Distributor “Kleeneze paid for us to go to Majorca this summer and have our beautiful granddaughter christened. Special memories created thanks to this amazing opportunity. Love it.” Angela Tonkin, Silver Executive
  • 11. “We have been doing Kleeneze for a while now and it has been paying our household bills, thank you very much. However, it did mean that we did not have anything left over for the fun stuff. Last year we made a concerted effort to increase our income from Kleeneze and we succeeded. One result is that we have paid for a much needed holiday entirely out of our Kleeneze earnings and not from our dwindling savings!” Ali Lloyd, Gold Distributor “Kleeneze paid for us to go to Iceland last February. It wasn’t summer or warm, but we had bright sunshine in the day and the beautiful northern lights at night. We stayed at the 4* Hilton Hotel with day trips for whale watching and night trips for the northern lights. As Paul and I both work, we use that income for the boring stuff like bills and our Kleeneze income is our ‘lifestyle’ money – for holidays, evenings outs, splashing out on nice things etc. We are going to Scotland twice this summer and then Tenerife next February. None of this one holiday per year limit for us! Life is for living, right?” Jessica Dutton and Paul Warrington, Silver Distributors PERIOD 7, 2016 TEAMTALK 11 “After we qualified for the Kleeneze trip on Adventure of the Seas, we decided to spend 2 weeks cruising the Caribbean. Definitely the best way to travel!” Karen Boardman, Bronze Executive “Thanks to being our own bosses, my partner Craig and I had a fantastic holiday on the paradise island of the Dominican Republic in May this year. We are already planning for another destination over the New Year.” Kelly Burns, Senior Distributor“Due to the flexibility of working our Kleeneze business, Brian and I had a lovely few days in Rome recently. We try and plan a treat or break away regularly, as we strongly believe in working hard and playing hard.” Debbie Sharp, Gold Executive “Due to the flexibility of Kleeneze and the income, I am off to Johannesburg in September for 12 days to visit my best friend who has been working there for 2 years. That is on top of: a week to the Isle of Wight; a day trip to Lille by Eurostar; a long weekend in Paris to catch the end of the Tour de France, a day out to watch the T20 Blast Finals and we still have plans for at least one more holiday this year – probably to Italy via Paris!” Kate Lee, Gold Distributor “I took the kids on a week’s break to Center Parcs last month thanks to Kleeneze. In September, my son and I are off to Barcelona to celebrate his 16th Birthday again thanks to Kleeneze.” Louise Renwick, Silver Distributor
  • 12. 12 TEAMTALK PERIOD 7, 2016 My Kleeneze story “The things I love the most about my Kleeneze business is checking my messages to see how many sales I’ve had and also opening the parcels when they arrive. It’s so exciting!” I had my first reward in the first few days “I was browsing Facebook a few months ago, when I came across an advert for online selling. I already had a job as a support worker, but was interested in doing something to keep me occupied in my spare time. I thought, I may as well try it, especially as I could earn some extra cash along the way. I had heard of Kleeneze before and had actually bought some products, but I was a bit apprehensive about doing it myself! After looking on Rachel’s [Foulger] shop, though, and seeing all the beautiful items for sale – in particular the K Life products – I decided to bite the bullet and go for it! It was the best thing I ever did. I had my first Welcome Reward in the first few days and all three rewards within the first month! Within my first two months, I managed to hit my 10% bonus. I was so chuffed and couldn’t believe how well I had done. The biggest surprise was when I received my first cheque for £197.51! This was because I had started building a team. Now I have three team members and I’m hoping to sign up more. All of this has been achieved by online selling only. However, I’m in the process of moving house now and once I have settled into my new home, I will be delivering and collecting books as well. I’m hoping this will be a big boost to my sales. I found that the Kleeneze incentives really help a lot. It gives you that encouragement to do the best you can to achieve your goals. I love the Internet Specials for boosting my sales too. A few weeks ago, I became ill and was unable to do my ‘regular’ job. After weighing up all the pros and cons, I have now decided not to return to work. This is all thanks to the fantastic earnings achievable with Kleeneze! Now I have more time to concentrate on my selling group and to spend extra time with my beautiful grandchildren! The things I love the most about my Kleeneze business is checking my messages to see how many sales I’ve had and also opening the parcels when they arrive. It’s so exciting! I can see me staying with Kleeneze for many years to come and hope to work my way up the bonus ladder – perhaps even winning a brand new car! For anyone thinking of joining and for those who have just started, I say go for it. As long as you are willing to put the time and effort into it, you’ll soon be reaping the rewards. Most of all, it’s a fun way of earning a living. I’m so glad I did it! Cath Garner, Silver Distributor
  • 13. PERIOD 7, 2016 TEAMTALK 13 Maintaining your level training So you’ve hit Gold status? What now? Gold is just the start. There’s a world of rewards awaiting you simply for maintaining that level. Chris and Clare Kinsella found that out when they started their qualification bid for Jamaica. They achieved their goal, but consequently, let their business lapse. Determined to get back on track, they started a system to help them maintain their level. The couple went on to qualify for more Destinations, bagged themselves a £1,500 cheque and achieved the 30 / 30 Car Incentive. Most think that hitting a goal – whatever it may be – is the hard part. However, maintaining it is key and a skill of its own. Now Chris and Clare tell their story, as well as divulge their tips on how you can achieve your goal and keep motivated to drive your business forward. Keep on pushing – Gold is just the start
  • 14. 14 TEAMTALK PERIOD 7, 2016 Kleeneze training We joined the business back in February 2013. Well, I say we – actually, I joined the business after years of looking for an opportunity to help create and build a life under my terms and conditions. I’d tried everything from various career changes, other Networks to the damn-right- ridiculous online get rich schemes! I decided that Kleeneze was the one opportunity that had some substance. Clare, at the time, wasn’t interested in Kleeneze, as she had a very successful hair and beauty salon. However, she soon came around after being seduced by the earning potential at a local Business Opportunity Meeting. 18 months into the business, other than building up our customer base, we hadn’t really made the decision to go for it. So we started to sponsor on a regular basis. This created some momentum and, before we knew it, at the New Year Showcase, the league tables were shown for below Gold and we were in third place. We were so made up and our confidence shot through the roof. We started to work really hard and eventually qualified for Jamaica. It was the best feeling. The whole trip was magical and inspiring, but it came with a problem. We had taken our foot off the gas prior to the tip and our team turnover had dropped from £3,500 to a mere £500 in Period 5. So having made the decision to go Gold in Jamaica, our team turnover was as follows: Period 5 - £500 Period 6 - £3,700 Period 7 - £9,000 (Gold) We knew that getting to Gold was the easy part – the trick was to maintain it. We had to hold Gold for a further 2 Periods to go to Paris and it was something we really wanted. We were very determined. We set a plan to retail around £2,500 - £3,000 per Period to fill that gap between our team and took up massive sponsoring action. We knew Gold was massive, but it was just the first step of our business and there was no way we could feel content there, so we kept on pushing. In the 2 years prior to this, we had only dabbled in sponsoring, but we had learned that not everyone sticks with Kleeneze and not everyone who joins us will work with us. Knowing this, our attitude was bring in an average of 6 – 10 people per Period and help each one get going as fast as possible. We believe the speed of the leader is the speed of the team, so if we continued with this, our team would duplicate and we would all grow together. When we first went Gold, our vision didn’t really go any further than this point. All we could see was Gold level and Paris. Now, we could see as we started to push, that India could be on the cards and things started to get very exciting. “We knew that getting to Gold was the easy part – the trick was to maintain it. We had to hold Gold for a further 2 Periods to go to Paris and it was something we really wanted. We were very determined.”
  • 15. PERIOD 7, 2016 TEAMTALK 15 ChrisandClare’stips forholdingGold • Don’t take your foot off the peddle, Gold is only the start • Track yourself - on your retail and your sponsoring - so you know what you have to do every Period to not fall back • Track your team - know what they need to be doing to grow • Lead by example - never expect anyone to do anything you don’t do. Retail a minimum of £1,000 a Period and expect that of your team as a minimum • Be excited all of the time about your business - with your team and prospects. Excitement is catching • Give your team lots of recognition to keep them motivated • Always be there for your team • Get your team working together. This is vital. We’re part of an amazing team, the Focus Group, and we’re all so very close. It’s great to be a part of it. • Become a bigger person through personal development. If you want to be followed by good people, you need to become the person good people want to follow • Set a good example. Your team will duplicate what you do, not what you tell them so lead from the front and always be aware of who is watching you. • Be consistent and committed and develop a thick skin. Don’t let anything knock you back • Always be hungry for more and keep striving for better. Stretch yourself • Be consistent and understand that momentum takes time to kick in You see, as we started to bring team members in fast, as well as maintain our Gold level, these team members also started to produce results and we had started to move up the India League tables. Now our goals were getting bigger. We didn’t just want Paris and India anymore. We could see 30/30 Challenge points racking up, so as a result of trying to hold Gold for Paris, other parts of our business were growing too, along with our team and our teams’ duplication. At this point, we were hugely excited. We put charts up in both our conservatory, where our office is, and our kitchen. We had a Hold Gold list on the chart – this had the numbers 1-13 on it, and each month we held Gold, we ticked it off. We had a 30/30 list on the chart too with the numbers 1 – 30 on it and we wrote a name each time a team member hit their 30 Day Challenge. We also had an India points list. Seeing these every day and watching them grow gave us a big boost and kept us excited and pushing forward. As we achieved each goal, our vision grew bigger and bigger. Our team is growing so fast; it’s so exciting right now. We have a great number of people recruiting in our team. It’s such a simple business, that it’s so easy to teach to others. The biggest mistake anyone could make is complicating things. Be careful when you are thinking outside the box – yes, it can be good, but remember this is a business of duplication, so keep it simple. We also believe it’s vital to work with your Upline, as much as your Downline; our Uplines Andy and Helen Walsh help steer us in the right direction and we know we could never have done this without them. Chris and Clare with their Uplines Helen and Andy Walsh
  • 16. 16 TEAMTALK PERIOD 7, 2016 My Kleeneze story I’ve finally found a way to move forward with my life “I’m part of a like-minded, motivated, self disciplined team and we all help one another to move forward and make a better life. Personal development I have been working on for many years but still have a lot to learn.” “I don’t want riches of the world – my only vision is to live overseas in Canada and that is what gives me my drive. I was born in 1968, during the hippy era of free love and peace! My mother was from a strict Catholic family, the eldest of 5. She lived in West Sussex, but was unhappy so moved to London to work and be free. When she got pregnant, her family were furious and she was told she would be ostracised if she went ahead with the pregnancy. She was 17 and pregnant with me. She tried her best in a society where there was no help for single parents. She had to work, leaving me alone, and do her best. She tried, but failed. I was put under social service care and she was allowed supervised visits once a week. These stopped when I was 6 years old due to behavioural issues. This is not a woe- is-me story. This is how it was. Those born in the UK, but of colour were hated, resented and treated without thought or care due to racial tension. There were many of us due to the massive immigration import. I was moved many times and in many homes. Some were ok, but couldn’t keep me. Others were not good. By the time I was 7 years old, I started to dream of leaving. When I left foster care, I started to train as a nurse. I was still full of hatred, though, for the place I believed hadn’t helped me. So, aged 22, I left the UK. Four-and-a-half years later, I came back. I did jobs from working on a fair, kitchen work selling timeshare, selling flowers and even real estate to feed me and found places to stay. I travelled and experienced life many would only dream of. I also did lots of WOOFING (Working On Organic Farms) for free food and board-no wages. It was tough, I was reckless I was young but above all I finally lived and found myself. I was accepted finally. I ended up in Australia and New Zealand for 3 years but there were visa issues so I went to work in Germany June 1994 not realising I was pregnant. I returned to the UK later in the year and for the next 20 years, I stayed. I had 2 children and lived as a single parent working odd jobs around them. We were a very busy active family, just us 3. We went together on holidays; climbed Mount Snowdon, Ben Nevis, travelled Scotland, Shetland and Orkneys even went to Disney World. My kids were my
  • 17. PERIOD 7, 2016 TEAMTALK 17 world and I wanted to give them everything I never had. Back then, my bank was very generous, though, and I fell into a lot of debt, which I couldn’t pay back. My son contracted H1N1 in 2010 and was very ill. He survived, but now has ME and KLS (severe sleep disorder with behaviour issues, severe painful limbs and lethargy). I am his primary carer. We moved to Wales at that time – a beautiful, rural part. I love it here, but my goal is still to live overseas and I couldn’t see a way on single parent benefits. My past has meant I have anxiety and low self esteem, but I’ve finally found a way to start moving forward with my life and an opportunity to achieve my goals. It’s Kleeneze. It works around the kids, the dogs, the cats and my house. I don’t have a grumpy boss who’s 20 years of age! I don’t do 9-5 and I am not part of the rat race. I can meet people online and in training meetings that are supportive, helpful, positive and focused. In my eyes, this is rare. There’s training and workshops as well as showcases to help everyone. I’m part of a like-minded, motivated, self disciplined team and we all help one another to move forward and make a better life. Personal development I have been working on for many years but still have a lot to learn. The Kleeneze Showcase really helped to push my ideals and goals forward. I will do my best and one day get to Canada and live with the bears and wolves in a big log cabin by the mountains and lakes! I will get there. SaraJane Rounds, Silver Distributor KLEENEZE ALLOWS ME TO SEE MY GRANDCHILD “I was impressed by Rachel Kellett’s Kleeneze story (Period 5) and was glad that it enables her to combine business with looking after her two small children at home – well done! I am at the opposite end of the scale (past 65 years) and Kleeneze is good for me as it allows me funds to travel South of the border to see Finlay, my grandchild (under two), who lives in Kent. His mum is a single parent, as I am, so it helps to be able to offer extra assistance, not to mention having a duplicate set of baby equipment for visits to Scotland. I began catalogues in September 2015 and now have over a hundred customers. I enjoy being out and about and planning my Kleeneze day. It still amazes me that every time I place an order there seems to be something new that someone needs – with over 146 pages of items to choose from, it is not surprising. I still have to find the ‘zippiest’ answer to the doorstep question “What does the catalogue contain?” Currently I have used a quote from the front of the latest catalogue and say “inspiration for every room in the house” - 95% of the time Kleeneze needs no explanation as its reputation is well known and a trusted name. I reached my 30 days bonus in my first month in October last year and I am now aiming for 10%. Thank you Kleeneze for an exciting business which is flexible enough to allow me regular monthly visits to see Finlay.” Fiona Drinnan, Distributor
  • 18. Personal development 18 TEAMTALK PERIOD 7, 2016 Your version of success How do you measure your success? More than likely, you’ll be looking at your peers and comparing your accomplishments to them, which is completely natural. However, true success is rarely found in the comparison trap. We should always try to better ourselves and, the nature of this business dictates that observing and learning from what others are doing is a great way to help us move forward. Basing our personal success on how we measure up to someone else, though, will never feel like true success. Why? Because there will always be someone better, faster, richer, smarter, bigger and so on. It’s a never- ending battle. The only metric that truly matters is how fulfilled and successful do you feel? It’s your life, your dreams and your version of success that are the only benchmarks you need. You’ll feel more satisfied knowing that you are better than you were yesterday and consistently taking steps towards your goal – not someone else’s.
  • 19. HOW TO BENCHMARK AGAINST YOURSELF One of the great things about this business is that you can always compete against yourself. Absolutely, there are incentives out there and your own team will hold competitions, where you’ll have ample chance to pitch against your peers, but the majority of your improvement will only come through your own training and making incremental progress in your business instead of watching how everyone else is doing. Your ezetracker has all the reports for you to download so you can see how you’re doing Period by Period. From that information you can start to see what actions will drive forward results for you. How to improve on what you’re already doing. Remember, you’re in it for the long term, so for solid, meaningful success, you need to improve upon yourself consistently. SET YOURSELF FREE Life isn’t a race; a competition. You have nothing to prove to anyone. You have full responsibility for yourself and everything you need to accomplish your goals is inside you. That is, simply put, the key to everything. Once you realise this, you’ll be free. You’ll be free to create the goals that are true to you. Everyone wants to reach the top of that mountain first and have all the attention and celebration that comes with it. The truth is, though, that this is the short-lived less satisfactory part. The true growth and your personal success happens while you’re climbing. Improving step by step. Getting there a little at a time, no matter where anyone else is in relation to you. It’s your journey. The only person you need to be better than is that person you were yesterday. BEAT YOUR PERSONAL BEST The Beat your Personal Best incentive is still on. This incentive was designed to keep you on track in the lead up to the busiest retailing season of the year and to grow your business. It’s based around YOUR results from this time last year. All you need to do is beat your personal target by 5% - or, if you weren’t in the business then or didn’t retail over that period – do a minimum of 500BP. In doing so, you will have the chance to win free new catalogues (Christmas and K Life) and a spot in the draw for the Autumn Destination 2016 to Madrid. PERIOD 7, 2016 TEAMTALK 19 YOUR PERSONAL BEAT BEST You could be joining us in Madrid this Autumn! However, aside from these great rewards, you will have bettered your business. It will be more profitable. The extra retail will solidify and build your customer base. To do this in the months preceding the Christmas season – one which automatically brings with it increased orders and new customers – simply makes sense for your business. Tracking and improving your business is a vital strategy for your growth. You can continue to beat your personal best – period after period – year after year. Make it a cornerstone of your plan and you will automatically grow to achieve any success and all the goals you desire.
  • 20. Kleeneze retail 20 TEAMTALK PERIOD 7, 2016 Whether you’re gaining customers and orders face to face or through a Facebook group, one thing’s for sure – you need to be armed with the latest retailing tools to keep your shop window fresh and enticing. AUTUMN/WINTER MAIN BOOK The new Main Book is 148 pages packed with over 104 brand new items and 34 favourites are back by popular demand. Following the recent spiralising trend that is capturing the nation, page 3 features our hand spiral slicer, which comes with a FREE cucumber slicer for only £7/€8.40, so you can get that restaurant-food look at home! There’s also a brand new non- stick adjustable oven crisper shelf for crisping delicious pastries and pizzas in the oven. We’ve brought functional rugs to the Kleeneze catalogue with a range of three designs to choose from. Then, a product we’re very excited about and know your customers will love – the brand new instant wrinkle reducer at £20/€24 which instantly improves the appearance of lines and wrinkles. SUMMER EXTRA Brimming with garden ideas, introducing our 32-page Summer Extra! Following the demand for solar products, our front cover offer features a set of 2 solar blossom lights in multi-coloured or white, both with soft glow or flashing light functions for just £20/€24. You can find some fabulous new lines too including a magical light up solar tree house! Then get your patios and gardens looking ship-shape this season with our back cover product – the jet broom. Simply fix your hose to the broom and it creates a jet water brush – really handy for cleaning up stubborn marks on patios and driveways. Kit out your shop window Brimming with garden ideas, introducing our 32-page Summer Extra! Following the demand for solar products, our front cover offer features a set of 2 solar blossom lights in multi-coloured or white, K LIFE It’s back – our innovative K Life brand! This season’s catalogue is 172 pages packed with a fabulous 379 brand new items to choose from! Take your pick from gorgeous cushion and luxurious throws, featuring wintery animals, ideal for dressing your home for the season. Cosy up with a new bedding range and accessorise by adding coordinated accent cushions. There are four pages of Last Chance to Buy deals, giving your customers that one last time to purchase old favourites, with many deals on bedding gifts and kitchen. There are also 45 Star Buys, giving you full commission, with 27 on brand new items and 18 on old favourites. Also, thanks to your feedback, all items that are PETA approved are now marked in the catalogue with the Cruelty-Free Bunny logo – a great selling point. We haven’t left Christmas out either, and there’s a great Christmas section helping your customers see the season in K Life style! It includes gorgeous Wood Letters spelling Xmas for only £10 and a stunning light up frosted tree light 379 brand new items to choose from!
  • 21. A forward moving company “Woo hoo! I’m so excited I could literally burst! I’ve received the email regarding the launch of the brand new K Life catalogues! Kleeneze has made the awesome decision to include PETA-approved items as part of our range. I’m a long- standing vegetarian of many years, recently transitioning to veganism, and I’m excited to be able to proudly share our ethical range with fellow animal/planet lovers. This is a very positive move forwards for Kleeneze and shows that we are a forward-thinking company. We’ll be even more attractive to even more people!” Katrina Harvey-Winstanley, Gold Distributor Do both “Esther and the kids have been out locally blanket dropping with the new catalogues and the returns have been great – way above the average for £1 per catalogue. Remember, if you’ve joined to do online, do both and earn more!” Gary Watson, Platinum Senior Executive Great results “I’ve just spoken to Frances Hilton in my team and wanted to share her amazing customer base pick up results from today. Frances collected 132 from the 148 catalogues she had put out on Friday and got 41 orders totalling a whopping £808. That’s £6.12 a book! These are the sort of results you can all have if you follow our great system. Provide a great customer service and build a strong customer base.” Helen Walsh, Bronze Executive Distributor K LIFE PERSONALISED Whether they’re looking for something for a special occasion or simply to show that they care, we are confident your customers are guaranteed to find the perfect present from our unique range. You’ll find a new feature on our brand new story books where you can be the star of your own novel! Choose from classics such as Romeo and Juliet and Alice in Wonderland. Our back cover offer features The Snowman branded Christmas items, including a Hanging Bauble and Countdown Calendar. There are 23 brand new lines, including the Wooden Tea Caddy (complete with Pukka Teas) for £29, the bang on trend Rose Gold-Coloured Charm Bracelet at £30 and the delicate Secret Garden Ceramic Ring Dish for £16. Plus, we have a great new range of House Signs at £22 so you can add some personal detail to your front door. PERIOD 7, 2016 TEAMTALK 21 present from our unique range.
  • 22. 22 TEAMTALK PERIOD 7, 2016 My Kleeneze story “I had just finished maternity leave and was returning to work part-time in a high street bank having previously been full time. I really wanted to find a company that would allow me a top-up income at the same time as spending precious time with my little family. Browsing Facebook one day I saw Hannah King advertising for team members and enquired. She was so friendly and encouraging, I thought I’d give it a go. Not only that, I got to sell such lovely home items, not just weight loss or make up items. Looking back I am so glad I joined! By the end of my first full Period, I received an income cheque of £185.43 and had 4 wonderful girls in my team. I achieved this through hard work and determination while having a lot of fun. My sponsor ensured I was always motivated and the success led to me hitting both 10% and 13% in the same Period. I also hit those two levels this Period as well! The combined income cheques have allowed me to book a lovely family caravan holiday for the summer. I am now increasing the number of catalogues I deliver in the aim of 15% next Period and future goal of Gold! Keep going guys and gals, reach for your goals. They may be closer than they seem.” Sophie Pimm, Silver Distributor Reach for your goals – they may be closer than they seem Would you believe that I first got involved with Kleeneze nearly forty years ago? It was a bit different, in those days, although I didn’t have the suitcase to carry around, unlike a chap around here who sold Kleeneze when he was a student (he managed to break an arm and found the case very difficult to manage!). I was put under the care of one Mr Ron Brake, to whom I sent my orders, and who brought my goods to me for onward delivery, and dealt with the money. No self- employment, then, but a certain amount of freedom. We had just one catalogue, not one per customer. Had to stand on the doorstep (or if very lucky, in a badly lit hall) and go through the book with the potential customer. The farms were best, because it meant sitting at a table in a warm farm kitchen. Was given an urban area, but was able to extend it around my local rural area as I wished. I had a Honda 70cc motorbike! Lighting was by dynamo, so I turned invisible around the lanes at night, at junctions. All good fun, mind you! In those days we sold our own stuff, mostly. Gallon cans of washing-up liquid and refillable bottles, and all sorts of other things which could be got in bulk. About that time, aerosols got a bad press, and we produced non-aerosol sprays which were very popular. Lubricants, cleaning fluids. I still have a bottle of de-icer for use on windscreens, headlamps, etc. Wondering how many other distributors remember those days? Catherine Branson, Silver Distributor Let us know your Kleeneze memories! Send them into
  • 23. PERIOD 7, 2016 TEAMTALK 23 Recognition Period 7 1st £10,018 MELISSA SQUIRES & IAN SLADE Personal Retail Top 3 2nd £8,496 STEVEN DIVITO 3rd £7,622 JEAN SIDHU & ANTONY WATKINS 1st £26,823 CHRIS & CLARE KINSELLA Personal Sales Group Top 3 2nd £19,782 TRACEY PAYNE & HARVEY KENT 3rd £19,104 IAN & SALLY WILLIAMS 1st £13,405 LOUISE CONLAN & ANTHONY HIGGINS New Business Sales Top 3 2nd £11,471 CHRIS & CLARE KINSELLA 3rd £9,135 EAMON LYNCH & MARIE RYAN Congratulations to everyone who has been recognised in this edition of Team Talk. We believe that recognition is essential. We value all the hard work you put into your businesses on a daily basis and, as such, the following pages are dedicated to YOU! Here are the names of those whose achievements are very much to be shouted about. In no other business will you find such a recognition and reward scheme! Congratulations to all of you who achieved your goals and, for our new starters, we hope to see your name on these pages very soon!
  • 24. 24 TEAMTALK PERIOD 7, 2016 Recognition Top 50 Period 7 Melissa Squires & Ian Slade £10,018 Steven Divito £8,496 Jean Sidhu & Antony Watkins £7,622 Kevin Davies & Deborah Parker £7,284 Paul & Gosia Hammond £6,890 Jeffrey Margrave £6,398 Anthony Mervin £6,358 Paul Tonkin & Joanne Heeraman £6,268 Alice Lloyd & Geoffrey Lock £6,257 Graham & Lorna Carter £5,880 Margaret & Ian Foster £5,719 Steve Vickery £5,603 Peter Savidge £5,567 Stuart & Gail McKibbin £5,485 Satwinder Sagoo £5,396 Susan Coleman & Robert Holdford £5,381 John Morgan & Gilly Mc Crone £5,301 Nigel Le Long £5,238 Kenneth Rooney £5,212 Robert Hope & Lorna Brown £5,005 Philip Palmer £4,698 Sohail Ahmed £4,693 Marie & Jeremy Simmonds £4,607 Aloys Tata £4,547 Stuart Hill & Anne-Marie Halder £4,543 Cicely & Anthony Powell £4,404 John MacMillan £4,380 Robin Hibbert £4,366 Christina & Rob Cann £4,329 Andrew & Kerryann Webber £4,309 Sanjay Sharma £4,285 Janet Lyall £4,285 Gunta Freidenfelde & Alexander Deas £4,248 Glyn & Rose Thomas £4,229 Naomi & William Clark £4,221 Margaret & Alan Morris £4,174 Alison Beal & Geoffrey Ault £4,174 Karen Hall & Robert Evans £4,171 Jason Morris £4,149 Chaitali & Ajit Nath £4,147 Margaret & Roy Japp £4,138 Michelle & Stephen Fox £4,124 David & Elizabeth Marsden £4,110 Martin Campbell £4,105 Rodney Webber £4,104 Ian Sharp £4,099 Kelly Burns £4,038 Heather & Graham Williams £4,037 Stacy & Jonathan Beck £4,032 Denise & Stephen Neal £3,961 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 No. Distributor Name Sales Personal Retail Chris & Clare Kinsella £26,823 Tracey Payne & Harvey Kent £19,782 Ian & Sally Williams £19,104 Jacqui & Stephen McCormick £18,626 Jennifer Synnott £17,086 Dawn & Mike Gough £16,970 Graham & Lorna Carter £16,511 Louise Conlan & Anthony Higgins £16,397 Christopher & Sarah Smith £15,597 Marie & Jeremy Simmonds £15,181 Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard £15,062 Michele & Brian Hewitt £14,413 Gail & Darren Drew £13,951 Eileen French £13,705 Peter & Myrna Wellock £12,812 Kevin Davies & Deborah Parker £12,676 David & Anne Pemberton-Smith £12,208 Samantha Rushton & Dean Worrall £12,073 Belinda Wallace & Nigel Cannon £12,025 Craig White £11,957 Melissa Squires & Ian Slade £11,932 Julie Cotton & Neil Tomkinson £11,925 Lynette Taaffe & Marty Carton £11,498 Helen & Andrew Walsh £11,493 Marlene & Robert Somerville £11,351 Adam Swire & Deborah Heron £11,033 Donna Rooney Benhenida £10,962 Abigail Allgood £10,899 Lynne & David Trowell £10,836 Lynda Platts & Pauline Bell £10,681 Frederick & Karen Mason £10,648 Jeffrey & Frances Topple £10,628 Sarah & Nigel Masling £10,577 David Miller & Angela Jeffries £10,557 Stacey Thomas & Lee Maddox £10,495 Alice Lloyd & Geoffrey Lock £10,412 Peter & Jackie White £10,285 Kelly & Ian Nash £10,181 Stephen & Debra Nell £10,081 Nicole Cawood & Richard Swallow £10,069 Lorraine Rice Hayde & Rory Hayde £9,924 Paul Tawn & Clare Bason £9,875 Keri & Mark Watters £9,775 Nigel Le Long £9,694 Margarida & Lawrence David Gray £9,688 Robert Hope & Lorna Brown £9,550 Emma & David Kyffin £9,515 Clive & Bev Currier £9,509 Steven Divito £9,454 Carol Simpson & Douglas Clark £9,409 Distributor Name Sales Personal Sales Group Louise Conlan & Anthony Higgins £13,405 Chris & Clare Kinsella £11,471 Eamon Lynch & Marie Ryan £9,135 Jacqui & Stephen McCormick £8,455 Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard £7,657 Christopher & Sarah Smith £7,175 Kelly & Ian Nash £6,613 Pamela Kent £6,446 Nicole Cawood & Richard Swallow £6,227 Craig & John Hawkes £5,751 Dara & Anthony McGarry £5,692 Rachel & James Foulger £5,341 Stephen Smith & Dennis Chamberlain £5,307 Ian & Sally Williams £4,890 Donna Rooney Benhenida £4,676 Michael & Susan Pirie £4,667 Luke & Sarah Hailstone £4,181 Sarah Colfer £3,978 Daniel Booth £3,960 Stephen Llewellyn £3,921 Christine & Steven Stoneman £3,871 Rie & David Pearson £3,839 Claire Salmon £3,753 Lucinda Bennett & Nigel Manning £3,697 Rhian & E Anthony Jones £3,567 Katie Johnston £3,508 Tracey Payne & Harvey Kent £3,506 Stacey Thomas & Lee Maddox £3,461 Lorraine Rice Hayde & Rory Hayde £3,432 Hannah King & Lewis Richards £3,405 John Gilham & Wendy Nimmo £3,242 Margarida & Lawrence David Gray £3,239 Debra & Oliver Pusey £3,215 Gunta Freidenfelde & Alexander Deas £3,209 Claire Phillips £3,192 Jose & Neil Lomer £3,120 Belinda Wallace & Nigel Cannon £3,074 Nichola McTaggart £3,019 Richard Chantler £2,914 Emma Blake £2,908 Jessica Hewitt £2,875 Stephen & Tina Walker £2,842 Kenneth Rooney £2,827 Paul Flintoft £2,791 Gail Carson £2,790 Lorraine White £2,753 Sinead Crowley £2,741 Zoe Climpson & Will Joseph £2,738 Abigail Colclough £2,686 Daniel & Michelle Marshall £2,664 Distributor Name Sales New Business Sales This figure will not include break-away Gold Distributors or non-qualifying Gold Distributors (includes all adjustments). This figure includes all new initiations plus their sales from Period 5-7
  • 25. Recognition Volume Profit and Ten Active Wide Period 7 Aidan Reilly Alison Howley Amanda Loughery Amy Watts Andrew Jarrett & Emma Randall Andrew Trower Angela Stephens Annie Dundas Ben Lennard & Rebecca Rowley Bob & Tina Sullivan Brian & Heather Harper Caitlin Duffy Cath Cuddeford Catherine Garner Celine O Neill Chantelle Moran Clare Curtis & Mark Freeman Daniel Moon David Birrell Deborah O Regan Deborah Riley Debra Mouatt Derek Kilpatrick Scott Diane Bexon Diane Lawlor Edwina Coyle Ellie & Grant Fargher Emma & Michael Morgan Emmanuel & Marzennaba Baker Evelyn Henderson Gary Reeves & Charlotte Wilson Gavin Jardine Gemma Wilkie Gordon McGill Gregg Swanston Hayley Grassick Helen Minett Helena Byrne Hilda O Leary Ian Morgan Jade & Nikita Fallows Joan Murphy Joanna Rout Julie Moser & Matthew Harris Kellie Timmons Kelly Green Kelly Roberts Kerry Fahy Laura Fittes Laura McAllister Laura McKinlay Layla Penfold Lindsay Morgan Lisa Packham Lisa Strangwood Lorraine & Van Holtom Lorraine Kennedy Ten Active Wide - Period 7 Craig White Claire & Peter Rea Bob Webb Stephen Smith & Dennis Chamberlain Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard Dawn & Mike Gough Peter & Jackie White Karen & Neil Young Peter & Myrna Wellock Eileen French First-time qualifiers in Period 7 10% Volume Profit Hannah King & Lewis Richards Joanne Hendrick Rachel & James Foulger 21% Volume Profit PERIOD 7, 2016 TEAMTALK 25 13% Volume Profit 18% Volume ProfitAbbi Milne Amy Jones Barbara Brown Bernadette And Hannah O Connor Breda Hickey Brenda Nolan Catriona Ward Cosima Grindrod Curtis Broadhead Danny Beresford Debbie & Neil Bunting Di Jeffery Donna Lipper Eliot & Kim Kay Jamie McInall Janet Le Couilliard & Amy Alves Julieanne Frame Adrian & Bridget Millard Ailsa Brown Alan Burton Angie Dunican Anne Gilligan Bernie Moloney Claire Salmon Edith & David Johnston Emma Blake Gail Carson Jessica Hayes Julie Doherty Katie Johnston Katrina Timothy Kirstie Hunsley Laila Wilson Lorraine White Marie McLoughlin Mary Connolly Miriam Yasmin-Ali Richard & Maryangeli Harding Sophie Pimm Christopher Gibson-Nicholson & Amanda Cartwright Jessica Hewitt Kathleen Kelly Laura Woodhead Sarah Colfer Congratulations to our Sales Plan Movers in Period 7 Louise Kennewell Lucy Smith Lynda Crawford Maggie Beatty Maggie Christofi Mark Richmond Marnie Walsh Mary Hunter Mary Osullivan Michael Pritchard Michelle Ahrens & Adam Heslop Michelle Waterhouse Mohamed Benhenida Natalie Littlefair Nathan Comiskey Nicky Hillier Nimpha Jefffrey Omaru Kamara Patsy Maxwell Paul Spicer & Emma Costello Rachel Kellett Rebecca Thomas Robbie & Debbie Clarke Samantha Martin Sarah Beighton Sarah Lillis Sarah Paupe Sarah Pearson Sharon Obrien Sharon Oriordan Shauna Nolan Shelley Thorburn Sian Cassy Sinead Gilmartin Sargent Sophie Lewis Stephanie Elson Stephanie Scott Susan Dunne Susan Irons Suzanne Manly Tammy Dennis Tara Smith Theresa Halliday Toni Sherriff Tracey Mark Tracey Stock Tracy Young Valerie Marshall Karen Porter Lorrraine Heath Melanie Barford Michael Mullen Michael Naylor Michelle Brady Michelle Brown Nancy Mkudu Nicky Turner Pamela Beatty Pauline Osborne Peter McArdle & Antoinette Fitzgerald Rachael & Andy Odonnell Roger Bertrand Ruby Chitiyo Sandra Tomlinson Sarah Glenholmes Sarajane Rounds Sharon & Peter Grant Trish Kinsella Vicki Knight 15% Volume Profit Belinda Wallace & Nigel Cannon Gold Distributors Lorraine Rice Hayde & Rory Hayde Gold Distributors Donna Rooney Benhenida Gold Distributor Louise Conlan & Anthony Higgins Senior Distributors Dara & Anthony McGarry Senior Distributors Dara McGarry (pictured)
  • 26. 26 TEAMTALK PERIOD 7, 2016 0 500 TOP THE Recognition Bulk Sales Period 7 Doug & Sandra Roper 26,014 Gary Cooper & Jackie Norris 25,656 Andrew Ridley & Louise Lee 25,635 Craig Skellern & Lesleyanne Fitzgibbon 25,176 Trevor Mitchell 25,072 Andrew & Carolyn Walkinshaw 24,756 Lindsay Gonsalves & Daniel Young 24,175 Ian & Sally Williams 24,066 Paul & Helen Wilson 23,714 Sylvia & Ramon Laing 23,406 Christopher & Louise Brown 23,084 Louise Conlan & Anthony Higgins 22,799 Karen Kelly 22,703 Debbie Gee & David White 22,593 Chris & Clare Kinsella 22,352 Karen & Peter Flitton 21,987 Peter & Myrna Wellock 21,673 Lorraine & Ian Balcombe 21,242 Christopher Conroy 21,242 Paul Tawn & Clare Bason 21,214 James Curtis 20,953 Alexandra Tuesley 20,736 Jackie Hand 20,641 Clare & Martin Whitelock 20,083 Michele & Brian Hewitt 19,940 Carole & Benny Morris 19,725 Anthony Greeves 19,725 Lauren & Peter Jackson 19,663 Jennifer & Martin Amos 19,572 Michael & Sandra Laydon 18,852 Lee-Anne & Michael Gilroy 18,147 Stanley & Roy Stewart 18,049 Julie Collier & Peter Richards 17,922 Christine & Jim Foster 17,750 Karen Boardman 17,565 Maria & Derrick Longwright 17,266 Sakuntla Kalyan 17,127 Marcell & Joanne Treanor 17,023 Sandra Masterson 16,926 Alison & Michael Ogden 16,842 Tony Fasulo & Julie White-Fasulo 16,819 Graham & Lorna Carter 16,698 Keith Sandland 16,592 Tracey Payne & Harvey Kent 16,485 Steve Johnson & Rosemary Rowntree 16,328 John Gilham & Wendy Nimmo 16,141 Georgina & Will Goodger 15,970 Dara & Anthony McGarry 15,779 Wendy English 15,717 Stuart & Gail McKibbin 15,659 Sharon & Craig Davis 15,472 Christopher Reay & Lesley Coan 15,315 Jackie Bower 15,243 Andrew & Susan Fountaine 14,933 Jude & Steve Joyce 14,630 Roger & Barbara Green 14,441 Robert & Jacqueline Dolan 14,380 Melanie Wilson 13,676 Kerry Connelly 13,444 Jay Singh 13,385 Pamela Kent 13,215 Rhian & E Anthony Jones 13,215 Christine & Adrian Wright 13,053 Christopher & Sarah Smith 12,998 Adam Swire & Deborah Heron 12,987 Paul & Alison Taylor 12,789 Marie & Jeremy Simmonds 12,651 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 No. Distributor Name Sales Gail & Darren Drew 12,464 Ron & Judy Speirs 12,453 Jeffrey & Frances Topple 12,428 Michael Godwin 12,428 Georgina & Phil Gale 12,426 David Wilson & Julie Knight 12,406 Craig & Linda Lomas 12,293 Steve & Cathy Chambers 12,166 Sylvia & Gary Green 12,113 Linda Brooks & Jason Belverstone 11,963 Sheila & Nigel Fowler 11,943 Timothy & Tina Pace 11,816 Mark & Sarah Wildman 11,816 Kerry & Paul Stonall 11,721 Carole & James Sunter 11,532 Eileen French 11,421 Chantele & Barry Travis 11,401 Kelly & Ian Nash 11,242 David Byatt & Janet Smith 11,237 Diane & Geoff Owen 11,147 Tony & Wendy Vallerine 11,097 Vikki & Bernie Titterrell 10,999 Omran Zaman 10,889 Louise Puttick 10,888 Teresa Divers & Bryony Hayward 10,823 Mark Law 10,772 Kevin Davies & Deborah Parker 10,563 Kimberley Sunter 10,333 Lucinda Bennett & Nigel Manning 10,262 Sharon Bullock & David Taylor 10,175 Clive & Nicola Cantrill 10,101 Samantha Rushton & Dean Worrall 10,060 Belinda Wallace & Nigel Cannon 10,021 Clive & Bev Currier 10,016 Stephen & Rebecca Gilbert 9,993 Gabrielle Broadstock 9,989 Melissa Squires & Ian Slade 9,944 Julie Cotton & Neil Tomkinson 9,938 Michael & Diane Ruth McCaul 9,859 Bob & Diane Goulding 9,825 Kenneth Rooney 9,815 Trevor & Janet Rawding 9,796 Frederick & Karen Mason 9,658 Lynette Taaffe & Marty Carton 9,582 Alex & Kathleen Langler 9,503 Martyn Cunningham 9,463 Marlene & Robert Somerville 9,459 Daniel & Michelle Marshall 9,451 David & Elizabeth Pope 9,440 Joyce Reed 9,396 Denise & Stephen Neal 9,378 John & Jenny Caton 9,338 Donna Rooney Benhenida 9,135 Abigail Allgood 9,083 Lynne & David Trowell 9,030 Seamus & Clare Houghton 8,976 Sandra Ellis 8,949 Barry & Cecilia Bradbury 8,912 Gerard & Claire Tucker-Mawr 8,907 Lynda Platts & Pauline Bell 8,901 Richard Scott 8,872 David & Paula Arapes 8,872 Sarah & Nigel Masling 8,815 David Miller & Angela Jeffries 8,797 Alastair Miller 8,797 John Halsall 8,746 Stacey Thomas & Lee Maddox 8,746 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 No. Distributor Name Sales Maria & Shane Treanor 8,698 Conor & Linda Treanor 8,698 Alice Lloyd & Geoffrey Lock 8,677 Dot McKillen 8,614 Caroline & Philip Thompson 8,512 Peter & Sheryl Dutton 8,468 Jason Morris 8,428 Nicole Cawood & Richard Swallow 8,391 Robert & Rosemary Annan 8,362 Brian Mooney & Sharon Treanor 8,326 Lorraine Rice Hayde & Rory Hayde 8,270 David & Christine Rhodes 8,188 Peter Neesham 8,181 Magdalena White 8,157 Keri & Mark Watters 8,146 Robert Young & Clare Mears 8,112 Andrae Lyth 8,104 Nigel Le Long 8,078 Margarida & Lawrence David Gray 8,074 Paul Meikle 8,071 Tony & Julie Brown 8,065 Simon & Carol Matthews 8,027 Bryn Dunkerley 8,027 Robert Hope & Lorna Brown 7,958 Emma & David Kyffin 7,929 Nick & Grace Sassanelli 7,928 Martin Webb 7,928 Elizabeth & Ian Hyams 7,900 Steven Divito 7,878 Michael & Jennifer Allsop 7,847 Barbara Margaret Webb 7,837 Veronica Nixon 7,813 Joe Croll 7,773 Kate Lee & Nicola Spence 7,750 Steve & Louise McGough 7,712 Peter Savidge 7,712 Rie & David Pearson 7,712 Stuart Hill & Anne-Marie Halder 7,636 Amy Warrington 7,636 Lesley Burroughs 7,634 Zoe Climpson & Will Joseph 7,626 Gunta Freidenfelde & Alexander Deas 7,619 Ian & Carol Parker 7,596 Andrew & Kerryann Webber 7,577 Jaqueline Mullings & Steven Mee 7,553 John Morgan & Gilly Mc Crone 7,552 Karen & Kevin Marriott 7,532 Lisa & Stuart Cox 7,512 Terry & Jane Hodge 7,414 Tanya & Christopher Howson 7,387 Kim Atherton 7,332 Colin Sadler 7,287 Raymond Satchell 7,272 Ivan Darch 7,201 Janet & Andrew Mitchell 7,147 Jacqueline & Steven Ellis 7,116 Elaine & Martin Spafford 7,082 Paul Tonkin & Joanne Heeraman 7,044 Amelia McHard 7,007 Mary Hession & Geraldine Twamley 6,983 Luke & Sarah Hailstone 6,938 Paul & Gosia Hammond 6,868 Jean Sidhu & Antony Watkins 6,789 Roger & Gillian Coupe 6,753 Kerry Edees 6,698 Sue Phoenix 6,685 Justine & Steve Giergiel 6,601 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 No. Distributor Name Sales
  • 27. PERIOD 7, 2016 TEAMTALK 27 0 500 TOP THE Julie & Anthony Martin 6,563 Lyn & Tony Davies 6,546 Justin Rowe & Tracy Bell 6,538 Keith Glass & Margaret Holvec 6,513 Becky Spink 6,510 Ann & John Coe 6,458 Iain & Jackie Swanston 6,455 Bill Caddy 6,442 Mark Irons 6,425 Michael & Janet Wallace 6,417 Patricia Fisher 6,356 Graham & Georgina Long 6,322 Bev & Dave Townsend 6,315 Stephen & Elaine Blay 6,305 Coleen & Stephen Batchelor 6,291 Stephen & Tina Walker 6,286 Andrew & Denise Hunt 6,273 Stephen & Dorothy Hanlon 6,257 Clive & Pamela Lennard 6,231 Jasper & Helen Brawn 6,213 Martin & Wendy Stryzyk 6,157 Shane & Katharine Williams 6,157 David & Jenny Gerry 6,155 Fay & Andrew Roe 6,098 Shaun & Susan Allsopp 6,096 Ann & Philip Linsey 6,039 Jane & Andrew Connor 6,037 Lesley & Gordon Whittington 6,009 Susan Walton 5,986 Tim & Emma Sandom 5,962 Stephen Llewellyn 5,894 Anthony Mervin 5,887 Derek & Elaine Matthews 5,871 Steven Harding & Narissa Mather 5,838 Barbara Ann & Alan John Peachey 5,813 Harold & Minnie Fulton 5,798 Anthony & Susan Peacham 5,789 Tom & Kathryn Forbes 5,751 Emma & Mark MacKelden 5,722 Jim & Claire Dale 5,688 Laura Harrison & Paul Sharp 5,670 James & Jane White 5,660 Geoff Taylor & Alison Moore 5,652 Graham & Christine James 5,648 Rachel & James Foulger 5,644 Sandra & Chris Nelms 5,637 Monica Dolman & Marcin Wadycki 5,616 Stacy & Jonathan Beck 5,600 Karen & Steven Glew 5,599 Glyn & Rose Thomas 5,599 Stephen Clark 5,559 Raymond & Caroline Powell 5,551 Peter & Angela Abrahams 5,507 Ram & Joginder Singh 5,499 Hannah King & Lewis Richards 5,493 Susan Coleman & Robert Holdford 5,465 Stephen Wilson 5,459 Stephen & James Peyton 5,432 Chaitali & Ajit Nath 5,425 Michaela Williams 5,410 Shoukran Sharaf 5,408 Catherine & Geoffrey White 5,408 Joanne Hendrick 5,377 Jillian & Peter Griffiths 5,377 Joelle Nicholls 5,374 Douglas & Kirsteen Hamilton 5,370 Helen Lambert 5,361 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 No. Distributor Name Sales Marion & Anthony Homer 5,359 Martin Campbell 5,339 John & Kath Clease 5,338 Jeffrey Margrave 5,332 Jon & Kelly Gulliver 5,316 Alison Beal & Geoffrey Ault 5,289 Luisa & Andy Newton 5,288 William & Helen Greaves 5,271 Christina & Rob Cann 5,254 Henry & Diana Crosby 5,245 Philip Palmer 5,217 Albert & Caroline Berry 5,210 Andrew & Ann Meldrum 5,188 David Wise 5,180 Satwinder Sagoo 5,179 Darren Simmons 5,102 Suzannah Jones & Robert Haylor 5,096 Veronica & Steven Martinucci 5,043 Simon Kermode & Charlotte Isham 5,018 Paul Hanlon 5,012 Jennifer & James Cousins 4,969 James Brammer & Alasdair Nelson 4,954 Stephanie Tompsett 4,859 David Potter 4,859 Nicola & Jerome Neville 4,853 Maria & Lee Kowalkowski 4,851 Steven Clements 4,840 Denys & Laura Harris 4,793 John & Lesley McNally 4,776 Margaret & Ian Foster 4,766 Heather & Alan Brown 4,766 David & Sheila Moss-Baker 4,712 Richard & Helen Peuleve 4,706 Amanda & Leo Ten Bruggencate 4,692 Robert Falcus 4,678 Steve Vickery 4,669 Rebecca Matthews 4,669 Alison & Kevin Thomas 4,665 Laura & Pauline Cleland 4,636 Arthur & Susan Cuthbert 4,629 Sharon & David Allsop 4,593 Joanne & Stuart Lamb 4,571 Emma Colley 4,571 Sharon & Steve Agnew 4,571 Tavis Taylor 4,558 Adele & John Hewitt 4,556 Deborah Weaver & Sherralyn King 4,556 Paul Flintoft 4,551 Peter Stanley 4,536 Stephen & Laine Shepherd 4,533 Michael & Louise Elliott 4,518 Terri Milford 4,515 Anna & Nicholas Padfield 4,493 Janet & Roger Bowen 4,486 Peter Gallant 4,481 Punit Vyas 4,479 Kelly Taylor 4,453 Tina & John Porter 4,452 Steve Kelly 4,427 Liz & Andy Gowland 4,404 Gerard Coste 4,381 Alan & Anne-Marie Bennett 4,306 Stuart Richards & Susan Munandu 4,287 Maura Oleary 4,252 Michael & Michelle Walker 4,240 Ronald & Sheena Sharp 4,227 Joyce & James Holden 4,227 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 No. Distributor Name Sales Cath & John Wilkinson 4,227 Gareth & Gil Duffy 4,223 Jade Pere & John Barnes 4,223 April Pigdon 4,222 Adam Humphrey & Humphreys 4,222 Louise Harper 4,196 Joanne Powell 4,183 Nina Mitchell 4,172 Clare & Mark Pemberton 4,164 Laura McLoughlin & George Kerr 4,162 Michelle & Stephen Fox 4,152 Paul Melville & Victoria Schofield 4,138 Peter & Jean Monroe 4,111 Vivienne Washington 4,109 Kurt & Tracy Hansen 4,097 Emma & Chris Shafe 4,094 Peter & Cheryl Creed 4,088 Christine Lappin 4,085 Caroline & Simon Harvey 4,038 Anthony Rouse 4,029 Lee & Michelle Pattinson 4,025 Kathleen Watson 4,025 Alison Lammas 4,008 Joseph Odonnell 3,977 James Moynihan 3,961 Lindsay & Beverly Kepple 3,932 Sohail Ahmed 3,911 Julie & Martyn Mason 3,908 Daisy & Richard Fickling 3,903 Terry & Diane Williams 3,887 Jean Blake 3,880 Seamus Gallagher 3,878 Mark Brown 3,866 Sarah Cunningham & Adam O Connor 3,854 Verity & Richard Bloor 3,850 Pauline Cave & Alan Parmenter 3,846 Richard & Ranti Fallowfield 3,837 Patrick & Helen Loftus 3,836 Neil & Susan MacLean 3,822 Pauline & Neil Pallant 3,812 Alana & Keith Banks 3,808 Ian Hickton 3,797 Karl-Josef & Brigitte Mergler 3,794 Christine & Steven Stoneman 3,793 Aloys Tata 3,790 David Notman 3,765 Robert Clifton 3,757 Diana Schuch 3,741 Fay Savill 3,738 Paula & Kevin Beckitt 3,735 Lee Roberts & Maryann Barros 3,722 Dave & Margot Gillon 3,715 Brian & Jane Mansi 3,711 Michael & Anne Barnaville 3,706 John & Shelagh Irving 3,701 Steven Smith 3,701 Jennifer Meagher 3,696 Sarah Colfer 3,676 Sarah Mc Gee 3,675 Cicely & Anthony Powell 3,670 Angela Wallace & William Lawson 3,662 Cliff & Linda Parker 3,660 Douglas & Theresa Hack 3,654 Linda & Natalie McNeill 3,653 John MacMillan 3,650 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 No. Distributor Name Sales Recognition Bulk Sales Period 7
  • 28. 28 TEAMTALK PERIOD 7, 2016 Contact details: Kleeneze Ltd., Express House, Clayton Business Park, Clayton Le Moors, Accrington, BB5 5JY Website: +44 (0)1254 304171 Re-order code: 911810 59118105 Nasko Ratchev 1,345,536 Lynn MacDonald 1,345,522 Gavin Scott & Bonnie Arapes 1,328,893 Allan & Billie-Dee Moffat 660,323 Bob Webb 638,652 Freda Fenn & Heather Summers 571,620 Margaret Moore & Carren Arscott 570,653 Rob Forster & Laura Forster-Morris 565,835 Muriel & Tony Judson 555,933 Peter & Jackie White 471,291 Gillian Nicholson 358,241 Glyn & Elizabeth Hobden 303,938 Chris & Wendy Mason-Paull 292,295 Craig & John Hawkes 281,967 Stephen Bourne & Anne Binks 277,375 Gary & Esther Watson 255,037 Sue Marshall & Bob Dalton 195,388 Michael & Jean Day 172,024 Mike & Amanda Bibby 164,776 Robert & Mary Higgins 150,517 Eamon Lynch & Marie Ryan 148,137 Craig White 138,860 Karen & Neil Young 134,864 Margaret & Roy Japp 105,594 Robert Gibbons 101,968 Claire & Peter Rea 99,469 Melvyn & Lucy Mortimer 94,813 Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard 94,301 Andy & Claire Stephenson 94,223 Abigail Colclough 88,271 John & Steven Sharp 81,989 Sheila Smith & Emily Geldard 78,203 Glenn & Caroline Royston 77,915 Gerry Melanephy & Maureen McLoughlin 76,951 Michelle Kennedy 74,862 Helen & Paul Allgood 72,353 Geoff & Fiona Webb 71,352 Jane Spencer-Cook 70,647 Judy Jodrell 66,906 Jennifer Synnott 65,748 John & Sarah McKie 65,639 Andy & Janine Cooper 63,495 Tracy & David Sheehan 53,005 David & Anne Pemberton-Smith 52,662 Raymond & Miriam Turnbull 52,595 Phil & Jean Warrington 51,387 Chris & Julia Norton 51,036 Heather & James Oneil 50,272 Richard Woods 50,104 John & Christine Prosser 49,549 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Alf & Carol Bell 49,088 Andrew & Sue Boswell 48,862 Nuala & Clodagh McDonald 48,557 Stephen Smith & Dennis Chamberlain 47,083 Joseph & Julie Brame 47,034 Sue & Geoffrey Burras 46,955 Adele & Jaime De Caso 46,240 Malcolm Ashmore 46,240 Susan & David Darton 46,178 Richard Chantler 45,494 Caroline & Craig Cox 44,727 Keith & Robert Robertson 43,092 Tony & Katharine Briffa 41,800 Michael & Susan Pirie 41,429 Mary & Edward Hawkes 40,425 David & Samantha Branch 40,379 Jane & John Dunkerley 40,213 Kevin Rider 38,876 Helen & Andrew Walsh 38,699 Stephen & Debra Nell 38,647 Martin Bell & Caroline Roberts 38,014 David & Rosie Bibby 36,740 Robert & Marianna Grinev-Branch 35,246 Brian Harwood & Debbie Hargreaves 34,494 Jill Corlett 34,182 Stephani & Bill Neville 33,950 Ian & Agnieszka Clarke 33,521 Steve & Debbie Roper 33,471 Martin Gardner & Allison Butterworth 33,090 Deborah Morgan 32,495 Paul & Carolyn Blaxall 31,968 Jacqui & Stephen McCormick 31,301 Kathleen & Dominic Carolan 31,245 Debra & Oliver Pusey 30,989 Dawn & Mike Gough 30,982 Alison Ford 30,133 Sharon & Andrew Bird 29,484 Rosina Pocock 29,453 Andrew Buxton & Laura Kelly 29,451 Mary Mullins 28,769 Deborah & Allan Dewar 28,265 Sue & Jas Bains 28,101 David Birtwistle & Angela Tonkin 27,968 Belinda & Peter Clarke 27,748 Irene & Helen Wilson 27,690 John & Kathryn Webb 27,390 Karim & May Karmali 27,369 Carol Simpson & Douglas Clark 26,837 Dave & Susie Horton 26,190 Lewis & Lewis Clarke 26,055 51 52 52 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 100 TOP THE 500 TOP THE Recognition Bulk Sales Period 7 No. Distributor Name Sales No. Distributor Name Sales