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Issue 3
                                                                    December 2011

                                                                    New Year Launch
   Page 4/5                                                           iCan in 2012
   Get paid to party

   Page 13
   December Retail Challenge

   Page 21
   Design your best year ever

                                                                  Win a
                                                              year’s worth of

Christmas and New Year retail: Top tips, hints and ideas to
keep your profits rolling in through January and beyond
Welcome to
                                                                   Editor’s note
       I’m not proud to say this (however, apparently I’m perfectly ok with publishing the fact) that I’m currently feeling
       quite smug. A lot of my friends are sadly going through some kind of mid-thirties breakdown when it comes to
       their jobs. Far from feeling inspired and satisfied at the end of the working week, they’ve been finding that they’re
       frantically crawling towards the end of the working day on Friday only to rush home and spend the whole
       weekend dreading the return to work on Monday (I’m sure many of you will remember this from your pre-
       Kleeneze days!).

       I, on the other hand, am looking forward to my Friday, so I can get home and curl up with the latest office-find,
       Outliers – The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell. I’ll return to work on Monday to an inbox no doubt
       swimming in positive stories from all of you in the Network and spend the rest of the week happily editing them.

       Ok, it’s not nice to be smug, but there is a reason I’m telling you this and that’s because I want you to know that
       in the office we really believe in the tools and practices we endorse. I’m fairly certain that I’m not the only person
       at Team HQ who has a copy of Design Your Best Year Ever on their bedside table. I happen to know for sure that
       The Slight Edge and Compound Effect had a huge influence on many of us. Want to see definitive proof of any
       of this? Look at Kleeneze’s Lloyd Brown who landed a place in New York after he wracked up a
       fantastic Twitter campaign in true ‘Go for No’ fashion!

       This external material is probably only about 20% of our inspiration too. The majority of it                It’s honestly tremendous to see how far so
       comes from, whether you know it or not – YOU! The conversations on Facebook and                           many of you have come in 2011, but this year will
       Twitter in the last month have been mind-bogglingly inspiring. Your results have been                     soon be sooo last year and we can’t wait to see
       immense, so make sure you’re sharing these conversations with your friends too.
                                                                                                                          the success 2012 has lined up
       We’re currently in the midst of a huge love affair with YouTube. It’s simply an excellent source of
       training and whereas pictures speak a thousand words, videos surpass this by leaps and bounds. If,
       in the past, you’ve thought that this website was just for videos on how to apply mascara or whip up a
       nice soufflé, rest assured Michael Khatkar has also come up with some other videos as well as these (ha!).
       He’s organised three new fantastic video trainings for you, which you can read all about on page 12.

       Of course, it’s all about the Christmas retail at the moment. We’ve caught up with three top retailing
       Distributorships in the Network to give you some of their tips to get you through the following weeks
       (see page 18). Remember, retailing isn’t just for Christmas either - Boxing Day sales are testament to that!

       It’s honestly tremendous to see how far so many of you have come in 2011, but this year will soon be sooo last
       year and we can’t wait to see the success 2012 has lined up. With the launch of ezeparty, we know it’s going to
       bring something very new and exciting to your teams and to your income. Let’s face it, many of you are already
       seasoned party animals…this should be a great way to combine your natural partying ways with boosting
       your sales!

       So, let me take this opportunity to wish you a very Merry Christmas from
       everyone here at HQ. We will be out in force once more on
       Saturday 7 January at the NIA Birmingham for the New Year Launch,
       so I’ll see you there!

      Xenia Poole
       Xenia Poole, Editor in Chief

Page 4                                                                                      Page 14
                        Get paid to party                                                                           Boxing Day bites
                        On Saturday 7 January, ezeparty is launched.                                                What to do with that left-over Christmas
                        We find out what it’s all about and how much it                                             turkey? Award-winning chef
                        could increase your income                                                                  Nigel Smith spins his magic using our
                                                                                                                    Kleeneze products

     Page 6                                                                    Page 15
     Catalogue of success                                                      Reach out and build your business
     The new catalogues have arrived. Find out what’s new in our               It’s one of the most important tools we have for building your business and
     popular ranges for this season                                            now you can win a year’s worth

                                                                               Page 16

     Contents                                                                  In the Spotlight
                                                                               Our guest speaker at the New Year Showcase is the inspirational Richard
                                                                               McCann. He shares with us a little bit about his new book and how it can
                                                                               help your business

Page 8                                                                         Page 18
Rules of engagement                                                            Elf yourself to record profits
                                                                               Peak sales ahead! We speak to some top retailers for their tips on retailing
Love was in the air for our New York qualifiers!
                                                                               over the festive period and beyond
We caught up with four of our newly engaged
Distributorships to hear their story
                                                                               Page 20
Page 12                                                                        Christmas and New Year
A few minutes could change                                                     delivery schedule
                                                                               Don’t get caught out this holiday! Check our delivery schedule to ensure
your business for good                                                         your business runs as smoothly as possible over Christmas
Three brand new trainings that you need to hear!
                                                                               Page 21
     Page 13
                                                                               Design your best year ever
     December Retail Challenge                                                 Want 2012 to be your finest year to date? There’s only one place to be to
     The challenge is on! Boost your profits and win lots of lovely            ensure you get it off to a great start
     prizes in the process
                                                                               Page 24
                                                                               Bulk Sales
                                                                               It’s been sales galore this Period. Check out where you’ve come
                                                                               in the chart

                                                                               Page 27
                                                                               A note from Jamie Stewart
                                                                               A round up of this Period’s news, stories and successes from Kleeneze’s
                                                                               Managing Director, Jamie Stewart

                                                                               Page 28
                                                                               Bulk Sales – Top 100
                                                                               The back page is the place to be! Congratulations to our
                                                                               Top 100 in Period 11

Get paid
A new opportunity is coming your
                                         to party
                                         So what’s so special about ezeparty?                       At the New Year Launch we will be revealing the
                                                                                                    full, highly-subsidised host rewards programme,
way. ezeparty is set to see your         To start off, we will be launching an ezecook theme        along with fabulous literature and full training and
sales increase, your teams grow          using our fabulous kitchen products that make              support package to run alongside your parties.
and your business become bigger          cooking easy, economical and nutritious.
                                                                                                    There will also be a very special launch offer - only
and stronger than ever come 2012.        ezecook Distributors will go to the host’s home at         available on the day - to get an amazing kit of
                                         a pre-arranged time and entertain the guests with          products and stationery items, with everything you
So what’s all the fuss about?            practical and easy demonstrations of the products.         need to get your parties started.
                                         With the help of party games and a video from our
Why should you get involved              celebrity chef, Nigel Smith, the party will be fun,        To help you make the most of this special
and what’s your next step? Sales         informative and very social.                               pre-launch time, our fabulous I.T. team have
Director and the force behind this                                                                  developed an online pre-registration system that
                                         With the chilly winter nights and the anti-climax of       will allow you to invite people to come and see
new initiative, Lisa Burke tells all.    Christmas, there is no better time than January to         what all the fuss is about at the launch. The system
                                         cheer everyone up. It’s time to pop on the kettle, finish   will also allow those who pre-register to invite
Excitement and momentum is               off the Christmas booze and those Christmas nibbles        their own contacts, but the best news is, when
                                         in time for the great January detox.                       they upgrade to an ezeparty Distributor they
currently accelerating at a rapid pace                                                              will be in your downline in the order that they
as we get closer to the official launch   All our special hosts will receive free products           pre-registered. You will have already received an
date for our exclusive Party Plan        of their choice based on their party sales. This           email all about this earlier in the month.
                                         generous host programme will give hosts the
programme on Saturday 7 January at       opportunity to shop for free, in the comfort of their      We know this is going to be a huge success.
our New Year Launch.                     own home and amongst their invited friends.                We have been testing it for the last couple of
                                                                                                    months with a small group and have seen some
                                         For Distributors it is an opportunity to increase          outstanding results.
                                         personal retailing by putting some parties into your
                                         diary in addition to your current retailing.               At the time of writing, the top party recorded was
                                         Plus it’s a chance to increase your team building          presented by Helen Walsh in Jean and Mike Day’s
                                         activities by attracting a wider audience to the           team. She cashed up a fabulous £380 in sales - well
                                         Kleeneze opportunity.                                      done Helen. I am sure you were thrilled. For just a
                                                                                                    couple of hours of drinking someone else’s coffee,
                                                   Currently there will be hundreds of              and having a fun evening you earned over £80 (£40
                                                   thousands of people who know about the           an hour can’t be bad!).
                                                   Kleeneze opportunity, but for whatever
                                                   reason have not joined. For some it may          You can also read Emma Mackelden’s story (right) of
                                                    simply be that delivering catalogues was        how she has sold over £1,200 from just 4 parties.
                                                    just not for them. Now, with ezeparty,
                                                    you have an opening to go back to them          Of course, not every party will be this high, but
                                                     and offer a brand new opportunity plus         we have typically seen the average party come in
                                                     give them first dibs on joining. How many       at £130 and raising to £190 for those a little more
                                                     companies are out there today that have        experienced in party plan.
                                                     the stability of a company that has been
                                                      trading for nearly 90 years, but can still    That’s incomes averaging between £26 -£38 a party
                                                      offer a new, unique joining option?           (£13 - £19 an hour).


Everyone has to start somewhere. I always                                                                            I also drafted up a gift wish list and gave this
advise new people to put an ‘L -plate’ on their                                                                      o at the start of the party. I advised that as the
display and try not to take themselves too                                                                           products were being passed around, to write them
seriously when starting out. Customers don’t like                                                                    d
                                                                                                                     down on their list and explained that this would
being ’sold’ to, so make a joke out of the fact you                                                                  h them to remember the products they liked
are learning and tell them you are not here to use                                                                   w
                                                                                                                     when they were later writing out their order forms.
any pressure selling techniques you just want                                                                        P
                                                                                                                     People kept their lists and took them home with
everyone to have fun, enjoy the party and share                                                                      t
                                                                                                                     them. If they had a lot of items on their list, I could
with them how the ezecook products can make                                                                          h them to get some items for free by hosting
cooking and preparation eze.                                                                                         t
                                                                                                                     their own party, or they could call me, or even
                                                                                                                     order extra products online as and when
You will get a manual with an easy-to-follow party                                                                   t wanted to.
guide along with YouTube training resources.
                                                                                                                     I order to encourage people to book parties
The party is also a fabulous place to sponsor new                               , Gol d D ist ribut   or             w me, I highlighted to people at the end of the
recruits. Typically 70% of new ezeparty recruits             Em m a M acke ld en                                     e
                                                                                                                     evening how much commission the hostess has
will come from parties. People will see what you                                                                     e
                                                                                                                     earned, and tried to make sure everyone had a
are doing, hear your story and will want to join                                                                     g
                                                                                                                     great, fun evening, so they’d want to book their
for the flexibility and income it can offer. You will      “I used to do party planning for over 3 years long         own evening as well.
also meet people who prefer the idea of dropping          before I joined Kleeneze. I was nervous about
catalogues, so it will be a fabulous opportunity to       doing my first ezecook party, though, as I                            I think our sales will grow massively in
increase your over-all team building opportunity.         had not done a party like this for over                                     2012 because of party plan!
A win-win situation!                                      2 years. At the start of the evening,                                          We have very high aims for it
                                                                                                        “I think our sales will
                                                          I kept my introduction brief and                                                 with our business and what
                                                          played a little party game called            grow massively in 2012              it can bring others that hadn’t
We will also be putting the ezespa theme into test
from January, so this is just the beginning - it really   ‘Left and Right’. This meant                  because of party plan!”           wanted their own Kleeneze
is time to get the party started!                         people were focusing on listening                                              business before now.
                                                          out for left and right and with everyone
Initially only people attending on the day will           giggling, it wasn’t just everyone staring at you                      I’m really excited about the full launch
have the opportunity of joining the programme or          which takes off a huge amount of pressure.                       on 7 January. There are many people out
sponsoring others for ezeparty. So if you haven’t                                                                    there that cataloguing does not appeal to, so party
already booked your place, don’t delay!                   My parties varied on sales; between £100 and               plan will be a great alternative for them. Some
                                                          £280 - not bad for being there 2-and-half hours!           people are very social people, so party planning
                                  Looking forward to
                                  Lo                      One tip is to make sure that your website is               will be great for them.”
                                  seeing you all on
                                  s                       available on all of the invites and everything you
                                   Saturday 7 January.
                                   S                      give out, so if for some reason people couldn’t
                                                          come, they can look online and still place orders
                                   M love,
                                   Much                   with you. I gave out my business cards to all the
                                                          attendees and asked them to keep them in their
                                                          purse. It contains my website address and my
                                    Lisa.                 phone number in case they need me, or wish to
                                                          order extra items. Keep the party open for a few
                                    x                     days so that people who did come can tell people
                                                          about the great products they had seen, and extra
                                                          orders can still be placed.

     New catalogues

Rules of
It was certainly an attractive proposal for Kleeneze
trip to New York as a reward for driving their business
forward and exceeding targets. And four couples
who enjoyed this adventure of a lifetime took that
proposal literally - by popping the question on
during their transatlantic trip!

    Almost 200 qualifying Distributors
    jetted off to take a bite of the Big
    Apple in November to celebrate their
    successes. Months of hard work,
                                                                                               att a n
                                                                              riia -
                                                                                 a     Ma nh
    fruition, as Distributors, from all over
                                           r                     ld
                                                              Wa ld
                                                                       rf sto
                                                                      orf Ast
    the country, took in the luxurious
    surroundings of their home for the
    duration - the famous Waldorf Astoria  a
    hotel in Manhattan. This trip of a
    lifetime, which saw the successful
    Distributors take in sights including
    the Empire State Building, the Statue
                                               Broa dwa
    of Liberty and Broadway, rewarded                     y
    those who had worked tirelessly to
    drive the business on.

New York 2011

                      Chloe West & Elvin Bailey, Gosport
                      Chloe and Elvin both joined Kleeneze in January 2011after Elvin was
                      made redundant and Chloe wanted to find some work that fitted in with
                      her young daughter’s hours at school.

After Elvin was made redundant we             “Elvin gets up at 5am or 6am and as he              Caroline Bell brought the ring out in
wanted to boost our savings,” Chloe           doesn’t drive, he does most of his work on          secret and we were ice skating in Central
explained. “The business really took off      foot. Once I’ve dropped off my daughter at          Park when he proposed. I burst into tears
quickly and we decided to commit to it        school I then join him with the car                 and said ‘yes’ right away. We’re not going
full-time. One of the biggest bonuses         and we carry on together.                           to wait around – the wedding’s planned
for us is that we can work together.                                                              for January 2012!”
                                              “The trip to New York was absolutely
We achieved Gold in June this year and        brilliant and we were treated like royalty.
haven’t looked back since. We decided to      When Elvin proposed it was complete                 Chloe & Elvin’s
really focus on the retail and boosted our    surprise! We’ve been together for two               Top Tips for Success
small team by sponsoring more people in.      years and I had no idea he was thinking
We saw New York as a real incentive           about asking me to marry him while we                   Start retailing earlier in the
and with that in mind we set about            were in New York. Our sponsor,                          day and finish later; there’s no
                                                                                                      substitute for hard graft!
planning a real push.
                                                                                                      Double your retail and double
                                                                                                      your sponsoring.
                                                                                                      Find your reason for wanting
                                                                                                      to succeed and really go for it.

                                                    Ice s
                                                            k ati n
                                                                            e ntra
                                                                                     l Pa r
                                      i n’s                                                   k
                            a n d Elv

Rules of                                                                                  John Morgan &
       Engagement                                                                                 Gilly McCrone, Dublin
Julie Cotton & Neil Tomkinson, Preston                                                            John and Gilly have been Kleeneze
                                                                                                  Distributors for four-and-a-half and
Julie and Neil have a total of seven years’ experience as Distributors and credit                 three-and-a-half years respectively.
the business with changing their lives for the better in many different ways. Julie               A trained engineer, John began
worked long hours in the NHS before having to leave on health grounds, while Neil                 by working as a Distributor in the
was looking for a new business venture to become involved in.                                     evenings around his day job, but
                                                                                                  soon decided he wanted to work
                                                                                                  for himself and dedicated himself
                                               “Of course another highlight was when Neil         to Kleeneze on a full-time basis.
                                               proposed as it was a complete surprise to
  “I was completely dedicated to my career me! We’ve been together for 15 years and
                                                                                                  “I love the freedom of being my own
  as an occupational therapy manager           although we had discussed getting married          boss and being able to make my own
  within the NHS but after developing ME,      if we qualified for New York, I really wasn’t       decisions. I’d not heard of Kleeneze
  I was no longer able to work in such a       expecting it to happen while we were there.        before, but when I saw an advert in a
  demanding environment. I still wanted to     He proposed at the Gala Dinner, dropping           newspaper, I decided to find out more.
  work, though, so started looking around      down on one knee and asking me to marry            After five years in engineering, I wanted
  for something. The money was great, it       him! I didn’t hesitate and said ‘yes’ straight     a new challenge. Kleeneze has given
  provided a little more for the family, but   away. We haven’t set a date yet but are            me that and much more.
  after being inspired by Ram and Sylvia       planning a non-traditional wedding with lots
  Laing, I realised that Kleeneze would        of our Kleeneze friends present. They really       “We qualified for New York based on
  tick so many more boxes for me than my       are like our family and we want as many            our growth, achieving this by helping
  previous career ever did. I can honestly say people as possible to share in our happy day.      our team generate more business and
  that it’s completely changed my life.                                                           therefore more income. We increased
                                                                                                  our own retail alongside our team,
  “We qualified for New York on percentage Julie & Neil’s
                                                                                                  knowing we had a great chance of
  growth and did this by encouraging our    Top Tips for Success                                  qualifying as we already had a great
  team members, supporting them and
                                               Set your goals, visualise your                     deal of momentum in our business.
  giving them the motivation to meet their
                                               targets and use them as motivation.                We knew that if we could just push
  own targets. We were watching the
                                                                                                  ourselves and our team then we could
  performance of other teams and we had        Follow your team’s system and                      succeed.
  a rough idea of what we needed to do to      don’t be tempted to reinvent the
  succeed. Qualifying for New York was very    wheel; if it works, stick with it.                 “Gilly and I had been hoping to visit
  important as it proved to our team that                                                         New York last year but decided not
                                               Build on your own self-belief
  they can achieve these things too.           and find the motivational                           to go as the flights were expensive,
                                               techniques that work for you.                      so when we saw that it was the next
  “New York was absolutely amazing. I was
                                                                                                  Destination, we really focused on
  most looking forward to seeing The Slight
                                                                                                  getting there.
  Edge author, Jeff Olsen. It was such a
  great opportunity to listen to him speak.

                                           Ju lie
                                                  a   nd N
                                                                                         Enpire St ate Buildin
                                                                                          np                     g...                   illy.
                                                                                                                                 na nd G

New York
                                                                                                                     Let’s Celebrate

“I was thinking of proposing to Gilly at the     Ian Williams & Sally Mellor, Shropshire
top of the Empire State Building but when
we arrived there it was far too busy so I        Ian and Sally began working with Kleeneze, because they wanted to make
decided to delay. Then I’d planned to ask        some savings while working together in a stress-free business with minimum
her to marry me during a horse and trap          disruption to their day jobs. As a psychiatric nurse, Sally had a demanding role
ride in Central Park, but Gilly was feeling      to play at work and Ian worked as a planner. Their involvement with Kleeneze
unwell so we didn’t go on one. Finally I         grew steadily until they decided to commit full-time and concentrate their
managed to ask her while we were on a            efforts solely on their joint venture.
cruise around Manhattan, with the Empire
State Building in the background. I asked a
passenger to take a photo and while they
were doing that, I proposed! Gilly burst            “We were among the first three in the           “Qualifying for New York changed our
into tears of joy and said yes.                     entire network to qualify. In our four years   business in so many ways and it gave us
                                                    in Kleeneze, Sally has undergone five full      the belief that this opportunity can give
“Since coming back from New York, we’ve             hip replacements and two complete knee         us everything we had ever dreamt of. In
really been focusing on continuing to grow          replacements. Last year when New York          six months we put an extra £1,000 on our
the business by using the momentum                  was announced, Sally was in hospital           cheque and helped other people to earn
we’ve built up. We’re introducing as many           having undergone yet another operation         the incomes that they wanted. Our plans
people as possible and helping them to              so she needed something special to look        for the next 12 months are simple. We
get the most out of it. We’re keen to grow          forward to. Failing to qualify for New         want to keep doing what we’ve been doing
another leg and are working hard to qualify         York was never an option! We retailed          for the last six months as there’s no need
for Miami; if we go, we might even treat            about £3,500 to £4,000 ourselves every         to change a winning formula. We just want
it as an early honeymoon!”                          period and sponsored like crazy! We even       to share this wonderful opportunity with
                                                    got extra spending money in New York,          as many people as possible as by helping
                                                    because of the additional periods              others grow we grow.”
John & Gilly’s                                      we held Gold.
Top Tips for Success
                                                    “People are surprised when we tell them
    Speak to someone who has already
                                                    that it was actually Sally who proposed to Ian & Sally’s
    qualified for a Destination and find
    out exactly what you need to                    me at the top of the Empire State Building! Top Tips for Success
    achieve success.                                I have proposed to Sally a number of times     Lead by example. Retail as much
                                                    before - the last time was over twelve         as you can in the time you have
    Write down a plan of action,                    years ago - then I gave up asking. At first I   available. That way you can control
    identifying what you need to do                 thought Sally was joking and maybe being       your income and be an inspiration to
    and stick to it.                                at the top of the Empire State had made        any new team members who are
    Hard work and dedication are                        her dizzy from lack of oxygen! But when    building a customer base.
    essential; focus on the goal and                            we got back on terra firma she      Your attitude in this business is
    have faith in yourself.                                              repeated the proposal,
                                                                                       propo       everything, so attend and participate
                                                                                 so I knew it      in all the meetings that your group put
                                                                                         was       on and invest in self-development
                                                                                          tr       books and CDs.
                                                                                                       If you want to get to Miami then ally
                                                                                                       yourself to someone who has already
                                                                                                       qualified for a conference, as after
                                                                                                       all, they have already blazed that
                                                                                                       particular trail and they know
                                       Ia n a                                                          what it takes.
                                                nd S
                                                    a lly

Michael Khatkar                                                                                                          You can catch all of these trainings and much,
                                                                                                                          much more over the holidays on our YouTube
                                                                                                                           channel –
                                                                                                                         Subscribe and you’ll be automatically emailed
                                                                                                                          to let you know when a new one is available

   A few minutes could change                                                                                                                     All the trainings from

   your business for good                                                                                                                       New York, including the
                                                                                                                                             inimitable Jeff Olson are now
                                                                                                                                                also on our YouTube site

                              With almost 200 Distributors in New York it would have been
                              remiss of us to let it be all fun and no work, so Director of
                             Network Development, Michael Khatkar tracked down three
                             Distributors while they were at the Waldorf and quizzed
                            them for their tips. Here he shares with you all about this
                            triple dose of Network training.
                           “Back in the old days (I’m still a spring chicken, so this is, of course,
                          all what I’ve been told), you would have to wait until a meeting to
   glean these pearls of wisdom, but the tools that are now available are so incredible that you
   can get this training when and wherever you need to.
   YouTube has been one of the tools that we’ve really focussed on in 2011, because it’s so easy
   to use and to share. It’s become a huge source of training for Distributors over the past 12
   months and we’re not done quite yet!
   Over the Christmas period, we will putting another three incredible trainings on our YouTube
   site. Our most recent Kleeneze Destination, New York, was packed full of successful qualifiers
   so I took advantage of this situation to pick on three of them to deliver some training on what
   they’re really great at in their field.”

    Events                                                     Motivation                                            Lead Generation

          1. Ram Laing, utive Distributor                           2. Helen Walsh, Distributor                           3. Kevin Rider, Distributor
             Silver Senior Exec                                        Bronze Executive                                      Bronze Executive

   As a company and, indeed within our industry, it’s         We all know that this is a business that rewards      Network Marketing at its simplest is
   always been a challenge to get people to events.           hard work, effort and determination. But some of      recommending the opportunity to other people. At
   However, it’s a challenge we’ve always                     the biggest successes in the Network have             Kleeneze, we call this lead generation. Kevin is one
   succeeded at! Ram has some great tips in this              achieved great things through just one thing –        who has had an exceptional year in lead
   training on how to hold a good event yourself and          motivation. To be able to motivate yourself is an     generation; finding people who will thrive in this
   how to encourage people to events. It’s so                 important skill and Helen Walsh has provided          business and “selling” the opportunity to them. His
   important to lead by example. A meeting will               some fantastic ideas in this training on how to       training will show you how to improve your
   always encourage people to stay in the business,           hone this skill, as well as how to keep your          communication and work on how to express
   do more and, most importantly, it fosters great            team motivated.                                       yourself well.
   team spirit.

   (PS. We’re still one of the few companies that             These recent YouTube trainings have been a huge hit in the Network, so now we’re            COMING
   holds their events at the NIA and set it alight!)          asking you what subjects you would like to see covered! You can email me at
                                                     using the subject title YouTube trainings.

December Retail
The December Retail                                                                                                                                                                                              Challenge

It’s cold out there, you’re working harder than ever before and you still have the prospect of
your own Christmas to get through! We think you’re all super troopers and as such we wanted
to reward you with something special.
So, please welcome the return of the December Retail Challenge! Lots of lovely
prizes just to say your hard work has been recognised and rewarded.
Take part in the challenge and you can look forward to unwinding with free hotel                                                                                                                                    Harkness Grange
accommodation in the UK, Ireland or the Channel Isles.
By completing our December Retail Challenge, we will guarantee you
3 x vouchers which each qualify you to receive free accommodation
for 2 for up to 7 nights.
So you may choose to go on 3 separate breaks throughout the year or use all the
vouchers together on one occasion for up to 6 people.
                                                                                                              Cra bwell Manor
You will have the opportunity to choose from over 170 hotels and the only thing you will
pay for is your food (the cost of which is clearly advertised in the brochure you will
receive with your prize and starts at only £25 pp which includes both breakfast and dinner).
So this promotion will give you the opportunity to treat yourself and your family to
some lovely down time in 2012 and save you lots of dosh to boot!
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Gissing Hall
To guarantee your FREE accommodation simply
ensure you hit a minimum of 200 BP every week

So that’s
Week 1 w/c 2nd Dec = 200 BP
Week 2 w/c 9th Dec = 200 BP
Week 3 w/c 16th Dec = 200 BP
Week 4 w/c 23rd Dec = 200 BP
Week 5 w/c 30th Dec = 200 BP
Plus over the 5 weeks when you achieve all of the above and your total BP                Kleeneze Ltd,
                                                                                                       Express House
                                                                                                                    , Clayton Busine
                                                                                                                                    ss Park,                                             Date:
                                                                                                                                               Clayton le Moors
                                                                                                                                                               , Accrington BB5

exceeds 1300 you will also go into a prize draw to win: (every 100 BP over               Payee   Me in Period 13                                                                5JY

1300 will give you a bonus ticket)                                                               Double your Cheque                                                                       £

                                                                                                                                                                                        J. Stewart
                                                                                                                                                                                      Mr Jamie

• 10 people will win 2 free Income kits                                                                   19232007
                                                                                                                                                                                      Managing Directo rt

• 10 people will win a pair of tickets to their nearest Kleeneze live
• 10 people will win a free ezecook party kit
• 10 people will win £50 worth of ezespa products
                                                                                                  COMING SOON TO A TOWN NEAR YOU!
Plus everyone under Gold Distributor level at the start of the promotion,
who achieves 200 BP each week and exceeds 1300 BP will go in a separate
draw and 10 lucky winners will have their bonus cheque in period 13 doubled.
(Every 100 BP over the 1300 will also give you a bonus ticket).
See full terms and conditions on the DSA.

Feature product


2012 starts with iCan
As exclusively revealed by Managing              number of Distributors, attending various         “I’m doing something that I’ve never done
Director, Jamie Stewart in New York last         events and applying all this knowledge to         before and never seen a speaker do before,
month, our guest speaker for the Kleeneze        my book,” the speaker said. “I actually feel      I’m offering something unique as a follow-
LIVE! New Year Launch 2012 is someone            like I’m part of Kleeneze now!                    up to the Showcase too to keep people on
truly amazing with an incredible story – it’s                                                      track with their action steps.”
                                                 “I’ve obviously put examples of how my
the inspirational Richard McCann!
                                                 story has helped change other people’s            Traditionally, of course, most would
If you attended Kleeneze LIVE!                   lives, but there are also other people’s real     want their book before Christmas to
Warwick or Falkirk earlier in the year,          life stories. They say that facts tell, stories   hit those sales, but Richard has
you will have already heard his                  sell, but this is more than just stories – it’s   delayed the launch in order for
against-all-odds story. Well, now he’s           full of action points that will help you grow     Kleeneze to have the world-first
back and this time with his                      your business too.”                               exclusive at the Showcase on
new book in which he shares his                                                                    Saturday 7 January.
                                                 Richard’s book is entitled iCan. He
secrets of success.
                                                 accredits this not only to his name, but          “I just want it to have a massive impact,”
“The book came by as a result of my recent       to the fact that he believes that                 he says. “It’s such a privilege to be asked to
speaker bookings,” Richard explains. “I          everyone can achieve anything they                come and speak to such a wonderful
wrote my first two books in 2003 and 2007        set out to achieve.                               group of people who are already
respectively, but those were purely about                                                          so highly motivated.
                                                 “Everything in life begins with I can,”
my story. After that, I embarked on my
                                                 Richard stresses. “If you don’t believe you       “If you haven’t heard my story before,
‘speaker journey’ and it was through this
                                                 can achieve something, it’s not going to          please don’t look for it beforehand! It’s the
and going beyond my story that I realised I
                                                 happen. It’s all about belief. What takes         most powerful when you hear it for the
had the greatest impact.
                                                 place in our mind, is directly related to what    first time. Come to the Showcase with
“iCan is almost like a keynote presentation.     we achieve out there in the world.”               fresh eyes or it will be like buying a book
It shows the things that I went through and                                                        and reading the ending first!
                                                 Belief is all very well, but Richard’s
how they were dealt with are applicable to
                                                 message is also very strongly                     “Without a shadow of a doubt, you
those reading the book, as well as giving
                                                 focussed towards actually taking                  need to be there in January,” he
them suggestions on how they can go on to
                                                 those steps towards achievement and               stresses. “I’ve told my story now to
improve their lives, grow their businesses or
                                                 Showcase attendees will be taking                 thousands of people and time and
grow as a person.”
                                                 away something very special on                    time again, when they’ve heard it,
Not only has Richard spent a summer              the day to keep them on track with                they’ve connected with me and
touring the country with his                     their goals.                                      when they’ve taken the steps, they’ve
remarkable story, he has also become                                                               seen results. My message is                       If y
                                                 “That’s one of my key messages,” he tells
a firm friend of Kleeneze through                                                                  appropriate for every human                      plea
                                                 us. “Yes, I’ll be making various points in
Twitter and Facebook. In fact, he’s                                                                being on the planet. No matter                   the
                                                 January, but if you just sit back and do
become such an avid supporter of the                                                               how successful we are, we can
                                                 nothing about it, it will be pointless. It’s                                                        the
Network that he’s created a special                                                                always do a bit more. If our life
                                                 about committing to taking those steps.                                                            with
Kleeneze version of the book.                                                                      depended on it, we’d find a way to
                                                 Don’t leave it – do it now! By the following                                                          b
                                                                                                   do a bit more and our futures do
“It’s really come about as a result of getting   week, you’ll be on to something else, so
                                                                                                   depend upon it.”
to know the business better, speaking to a       there really is no time to waste.

In the spotlight
                                                                   Richard McCann

                                                   Don’t leave it – do it now!
                                                By the following week, you’ll be
                                                 on to something else, so there
                                                   really is no time to waste

                                                                     TAKE ACTION NOW
you haven’t heard my story before,                                  To hear Richard McCann
ase don’t look for it beforehand! It’s                          at the New Year Launch at
                                                           the NIA, Birmingham,
 most powerful when you hear it for
                                                        book your ticket today.
e first time. Come to the Showcase                      • Order online using code 00027
h fresh eyes or it will be like buying a                • Contact the Service Centre on
book and reading the ending first!                        0844 848 5000
                                                        Remember, new starters can go to
                                                        their first Showcase for FREE!
                                                        Simply book your ticket and you will
                                                        be refunded after attending the event.
     Retailing tips


   UK Mainland
   Last day for pre-Christmas orders is Tuesday 20.12. 2011 @ 9.15pm for Delivery Friday 23rd December
   Order day                                                                                                  Delivery Day
   Tuesday 20.12.10 @ 9.16pm to Wednesday 21.12.2011 @ 9.15pm                                              Thursday 29.12.11
   Wednesday 21.12.10 @ 9.16pm to Wednesday 28.12.2011 @ 9.15pm                                             Friday 30.12.2011
   Wednesday 28.12.11 @ 9.16pm to Monday 02.01.2012 @ 9.15pm                                             Wednesday 04.01.2012
   Normal delivery schedule resumes for all orders placed after 9.16pm Monday 2nd January 2012

   Northern Ireland Postcodes BT1 TO 90 & ROI Dublin 1 to 24
   Last day for pre-Christmas orders is Wednesday 21.12.11 @ 9.15pm for Delivery Friday 23rd December
   Order day                                                                                                  Delivery Day
   Wednesday 21.12.10 @ 9.16pm to Wednesday 28.12.2011 @ 9.15pm                                             Friday 30.12.2011
   Wednesday 28.12.11 @ 9.16pm to Monday 02.01.2012 @ 9.15pm                                             Wednesday 04.01.2012
   Normal delivery schedule resumes for all orders placed after 9.16pm Monday 2nd January 2012

   Remaining Irish Postcodes, International, Highlands & Islands of Scotland,Channel Islands & Isle of Man
   Last day for pre-Christmas orders is Monday 19.12.2011 @ 9.15pm for Delivery Friday 23rd December
   Order day                                                                                                  Delivery Day
   Monday 19.12.2011 @ 9.16pm to Tuesday 27.12.2011 @ 9.15pm                                                Friday 30.12.2011
   Tuesday 27.12.2011 @ 9.16pm to Monday 02.01.2012 @ 9.15pm                                              Thursday 05.01.2012
   Normal delivery schedule resumes for all orders placed after 9.16pm Monday 2nd January 2012

   Please Note: Order cut off time is extended to 9.15pm from Monday 19th December to 9.15pm Monday 2nd January 2012
   Normal ordering schedule returns from Tuesday 3rd January 2012 - order cut off time being 3.15pm

   DATE                                                                    OPENING HOURS
   Monday 19/12/2011 to Thursday 22/12/11                                  8.00am to 9.00pm      Normal Opening Hours
   Friday 23/12/2011                                                       8.00am to 4.00pm
   Saturday 24/12/2011 to Tuesday 27/12/11                                       CLOSED
   Wednesday 28/12/2011 to Thursday 29/12/11                               8.00am to 9.00pm      Normal Opening Hours
   Friday 30/12/2011                                                       8.00am to 4.00pm
   Saturday 31/12/2011 to Monday 2/1/12                                          CLOSED
   Tuesday 03/01/2012                                                      8.00am to 9.00pm      Normal Opening Hours Resume

                                                                                                                          New Year

Design your best year ever
A fresh New Year beckons, so what better way to start if off with the Kleeneze New Year Launch?
Yes, you can win a car. Yes, there’ll be    However, we think the most important            “The New Year Launch is a great source of
the launch of the fantastic new             reason to attend the event is that it will      information as to what’s coming up in the
ezeparty opportunity. Of course, there’ll   get your 2012 off to a roaring start. You’ll    year - what the company forecasts and
be some traditional Kleeneze surprises      be motivated and inspired to get out there      their ideas. You get the inspiration and
on the day. Absolutely, you’ll walk         and do it.                                      motivation of the network speakers and
away from the day with lots of goodies.                                                     business tips that will help you along. One
                                            Naturally, we love all the Kleeneze events,     of our favourite things as well is the
                                            but it’s New Year that really shakes us up      massive recognition in January and all the
                                            and confirms our resolve to achieve those       synergy it creates.
                                            goals throughout the year. It’s the best
                                            kick-start to the year that we know of.         More than anything, in all of the years
                                                                                            we’ve been, we’ve always found that at
                                                     Don’t take our word for it, though.    least one team member that attends steps
                                                      We caught up with Silver              out and wants to achieve the Gold status.
                                                       Senior Executive Distributor,
                                                      Ram Laing who believes the            The New Year Launch just gets you focused
                                                      success of your year all hinges       early after Christmas and the New Year. It
                                                       on starting off on the right foot.   really gives you the energy to get going. I
                                                                                            think it’s the most important one if you
                                                                                            want to have a successful year. Most
                                                                                            people make a New Year’s resolution and
                                                                                            the Showcase gives you that resolution. It
                                                                                            gets you off to a great start and gets you off
                                                                                            the blocks faster.”

2011 is coming to an end and it seems that many of you have pulled all the stops out to ensure you achieve those
goals that you set out to at the beginning of the year. You only need to look over the next few pages at all the names
of those who have achieved huge business success in Period 11. Use this success to grow your business!
Here’s a great tip from Gold Executive Distributor, Geoff Owen:                   How do you have time to do that as you work here 60 hours a
                                                                                  week (with the travelling)? It’s not just me; we have a team we help to
“When I started Kleeneze I was in the RAF and I was, at times, in an office
                                                                                  make money as well.
with about 20 colleagues. They all knew that I did Kleeneze but at that
time none of them had joined the business.                                        How does it work then?! - Just what I wanted to hear!
However once I got to Gold our names appeared in the Period Bulk Sales            I was using the pigeon feeding technique that I heard from Chris Mason
charts in the old Enterprize Magazine, so each Period I highlighted our           Paull. All of my colleagues had now been turned from doubters into hot
names on the Bulk Sales and any other place that our names appeared. I            prospects with the power of a highlighter pen and a
then left the magazine open at this page. Each Period as our business grew        monthly magazine!
our names got higher in the list.                                                 In the end I had got 4 of them into our team
                                                                                  which was instrumental in helping us to
When I got in the office the magazine started to appear on different desks
                                                                                  achieve some of our goals – a cruise on
– YES they were looking and getting more inquisitive!
                                                                                  the Sea Goddess & being able to quit
                                                                                                                                     See next month’s Team Talk for the
More questions kept coming:-                                                      work (7 years early).                              names of those in qualification for
                                                                                                                                             the Director’s Club!
Are those your sales for the year? No, that’s just the last 4 weeks.              Use Team Talk to grow your business!”

Personal Retail TOP 3                                Personal Sales Group TOP 3                             New Business Sales TOP 3

 1st                               £9,584 1st                                         £20,482 1st                                            £13,361
 Paul Tonkin &                                         Stuart Heard &                                        Doug Roper &
 Joanne Heeraman                                       Robyn-Lee Heard                                       Sandra Roper

 2nd                               £9,237 2nd                                         £17,320 2nd                                            £12,149
 Susan Coleman &                                       Peter Wellock &                                       Stuart Heard &
 Robert Holdford                                       Myrna Wellock                                         Robyn-Lee Heard

 3rd                               £8,763 3rd                                         £16,758 3rd                                            £11,673
 Michelle Fox &                                        Marie Simmonds &                                      Peter Wellock &
 Stephen Fox                                           Jeremy Simmonds                                       Myrna Wellock

                                                                                                                                                      Top performers
      Top 50 Period 11

      Personal Retail                                    Personal Sales Group                                              New Business Sales
                                                         This figure will not include break-away Gold Distributors or      This figure includes all new initiations plus their
                                                         non-qualifying Gold Distributors (includes all adjustments).      sales from Period 9-11

No.   Distributor Name                          Sales    Distributor Name                                          Sales   Distributor Name                                       Sales

1     Paul Tonkin & Joanne Heeraman             £9,584   Stuart Heard & Robyn-Lee Heard                          £20,482   Doug Roper & Sandra Roper                             £13,361
2     Susan Coleman & Robert Holdford           £9,237   Peter Wellock & Myrna Wellock                           £17,320   Stuart Heard & Robyn-Lee Heard                        £12,149
3     Michelle Fox & Stephen Fox                £8,763   Marie Simmonds & Jeremy Simmonds                        £16,758   Peter Wellock & Myrna Wellock                         £11,673
4     Margaret Foster & Ian Foster              £8,413   Mikaela Brown & Andrew Brown                            £16,463   Christine Sykes & Aidan Fisher                        £10,158
5     David Goacher                             £8,090   Vincent Tsoi & Lorraine Tsoi                            £16,100   Vincent Tsoi & Lorraine Tsoi                           £9,649
6     Arthur Cuthbert & Susan Cuthbert          £7,805   Ann Coe & John Coe                                      £15,443   Lucinda Bennett & Nigel Manning                        £9,428
7     Steven Divito                             £7,796   Adam Swire & Deborah Heron                              £15,070   Christopher Pagett                                     £8,683
8     Gaz Edwards & Laura Dobedoe               £7,480   Norman Grundy & Joanne Grundy                           £14,473   Toby Acton & Donna Gold                                £8,458
9     Ian Wightmore & Deborah Wightmore         £7,342   Derrick Longwright & Maria Longwright                   £14,304   Karen Young & Neil Young                               £7,936
10    Philip Palmer                             £7,200   Peter Abrahams & Angela Abrahams                        £14,269   Andrew Buxton & Laura Kelly                            £7,750
11    Brian Carroll & Jean Carroll              £6,853   Debra Pusey & Oliver Pusey                              £14,259   Karen Boardman & Scott Boardman                        £6,755
12    Paul Towler & Andrea Towler               £6,725   Janet Mitchell & Andrew Mitchell                        £14,046   Richard Houseago & Vanadis Fox                         £6,669
13    Ingrid Marzillius & Stephen Marzillius    £6,725   Robert Dolan & Jacqueline Dolan                         £14,010   Martyn Regan                                           £6,643
14    Fay Roe & Andrew Roe                      £6,681   Julie Cotton & Neil Tomkinson                           £13,950   Ernie Hickman & Andrea Hickman                         £6,638
15    Rodney Webber                             £6,528   Denise Neal & Stephen Neal                              £13,650   Stephen Smith & Dennis Chamberlain                     £6,266
16    Peter Savidge                             £6,262   Christine Sykes & Aidan Fisher                          £13,102   Clive Currier & Beverley Currier                       £6,181
17    Sean Nicholls & Maura Nicholls            £6,221   Heather Oneil & James Oneil                             £12,772   Marie Simmonds & Jeremy Simmonds                       £6,112
18    Paul Hammond & Gosia Hammond              £6,214   Abigail Colclough                                       £12,368   Richard Chantler & Clare Chantler                      £6,040
19    David Marsden & Elizabeth Marsden         £6,195   Paul Meikle                                             £12,268   Karen Flitton & Peter Flitton                          £5,951
20    Michael Jones & Ann Jones                 £6,157   Justine Giergiel & Steve Giergiel                       £12,259   Raymond Turnbull & Miriam Turnbull                     £5,869
21    Gillian Barry & Jonathan Barry            £6,115   Stacy Beck & Jonathan Beck                              £12,219   Stacy Beck & Jonathan Beck                             £5,734
22    Mariya Dimitrova & Mitro Dimitrov         £6,043   Stephen Wilson & Marie Bell                             £12,188   Deborah Dewar & Allan Dewar                            £5,643
23    Paul Meikle                               £5,922   Karen Young & Neil Young                                £11,970   Adam Humphrey & Coleen Humphrey                        £5,618
24    John Horsman & Janis Horsman              £5,902   Keith Sandland & Helen Sandland                         £11,639   Eamon Lynch & Marie Ryan                               £5,426
25    Lorraine Collins & Mark Collins           £5,685   David Bole & Lynn Bole                                  £11,614   John Gavin Scott & Bonnie Arapes                       £5,198
26    Chris Wright & Annette Wright             £5,537   Paul Blaxall & Carolyn Blaxall                          £11,502   Adam Swire & Deborah Heron                             £5,070
27    Richard White & Kim White                 £5,534   Tracy Sheehan & David Sheehan                           £11,424   Sam King                                               £4,985
28    Loic Pougeolle & Susan Pougeolle          £5,433   Susan Coleman & Robert Holdford                         £11,298   Jackie Bower & Stuart Bower                            £4,972
29    Marie Simmonds & Jeremy Simmonds          £5,432   Lucinda Bennett & Nigel Manning                         £11,247   Amanda Holland & Andrew Holland                        £4,928
30    Tracey Payne & Harvey Kent                £5,419   Martyn Regan                                            £11,225   Sarah Philp & Timothy Philp                            £4,897
31    Paul Blaxall & Carolyn Blaxall            £5,390   Tracey Payne & Harvey Kent                              £11,181   Patricia Dileone                                       £4,749
32    Paul Brown & Nicola Mitchell              £5,377   Nick Sassanelli & Grace Sassanelli                      £11,150   Samantha Rushton & Dean Worrall                        £4,718
33    Patrick McKenna                           £5,354   Terry Hodge & Jane Hodge                                £11,147   Michael Laydon & Sandra Laydon                         £4,695
34    Markus Klotzer & Petra Romoser            £5,310   Ivan Darch                                              £11,104   Zoe Climpson & Will Joseph                             £4,676
35    Matthew Ellliott & Nicola Elliott         £5,269   Clive Currier & Beverley Currier                        £11,098   Richard Farren & Emily Farren                          £4,650
36    Mark Oreilly & Sue Oreilly                £5,210   Adam Humphrey & Coleen Humphrey                         £11,018   Teresa Divers & Bryony Hayward                         £4,644
37    Gavin Conway & Trish Conway               £5,186   Sara Eyres & Christopher Burras                         £10,937   Graham Carter & Lorna Carter                           £4,585
38    Kevin Davies & Deborah Parker             £5,050   Mike Gough & Dawn Gough                                 £10,886   Mark Smith & Karen Smith                               £4,548
39    Martyn Cunningham                         £5,011   John Halsall & Janice Halsall                           £10,837   Richard Peuleve & Helen Peuleve                        £4,507
40    Robin Hibbert                             £4,996   Jeffrey Topple & Frances Topple                         £10,686   John Morgan & Gilly Mc Crone                           £4,466
41    Heather Williams & Graham Williams        £4,987   Andrew Webber & Kerryann Perry                          £10,679   Lyn Davies & Tony Davies                               £4,426
42    Negin Backhouse & Michael Backhouse       £4,941   Martin Gardner & Allison Butterworth                    £10,638   Keith Sandland & Helen Sandland                        £4,387
43    Anthony Mervin                            £4,924   Helen Allgood & Paul Allgood                            £10,588   Rob Worrall                                            £4,339
44    Tom Forbes & Kathryn Forbes               £4,901   Richard Chantler & Clare Chantler                       £10,537   David Rhodes & Christine Rhodes                        £4,329
45    Aloys Tata                                £4,889   Emma Mackelden & Mark Mackelden                         £10,505   Alf Bell & Carol Bell                                  £4,305
46    Alice Lloyd & Geoffrey Lock               £4,853   Kate Lee & Nicola Spence                                £10,492   Kenneth Thomson                                        £4,304
47    Jean Sidhu & Antony Watkins               £4,792   Lynda Platts & Pauline Bell                             £10,385   Stephen Jessop                                         £4,254
48    Richard Fallowfield & Ranti Fallowfield   £4,778   Graham James & Christine James                          £10,353   Austen Fawcett                                         £4,166
49    James Moynihan                            £4,749   Doug Roper & Sandra Roper                               £10,264   John Webb & Kathryn Price                              £4,137
50    Alex Langler & Kathleen Langler           £4,707   Mark Law & Diana Searle                                 £10,223   Jennifer Amos & Martin Amos                            £4,134

                                       Bulk Sales
No. Distributor Name                            Sales    No. Distributor Name                         Sales    No. Distributor Name                            Sales

101   Martin Gardner & Allison Butterworth      52,243   168   Harold Fulton & Minnie Fulton          24,725   235   Fay Roe & Andrew Roe                      16,404
102   Belinda Clarke & Peter Clarke             51,677   169   Peter Dutton & Sheryl Dutton           24,686   236   Allan Ledwidge                            16,235
103   Teresa Divers & Bryony Hayward            50,442   170   Debra Pusey & Oliver Pusey             24,516   237   Gill Evans & Tim Evans                    16,112
104   Amanda Holland & Andrew Holland           48,358   171   Ivan Darch                             24,429   238   Vincent Tsoi & Lorraine Tsoi              16,100
105   Roger Green & Barbara Green               47,161   172   Laurence Wiseman & Rosemary Wiseman    23,750   239   Christine Lappin                          16,055
106   Jay Singh                                 46,840   173   David Pope                             23,359   240   Colin Sadler & Charlene Sadler            16,038
107   Alexandra Tuesley                         46,727   174   Mikaela Brown & Andrew Brown           23,315   241   Carole Sunter & James Sunter              16,003
108   Sharon Bird & Andrew Bird                 45,830   175   John Beesley & Karina Beesley          22,975   242   Karen Boardman & Scott Boardman           15,872
109   Gabrielle Broadstock & Paul Broadstock    45,648   176   Helen Walsh & Andrew Walsh             22,864   243   Terry Hayden                              15,759
110   Graham Hyde & Catherine Hyde              44,628   177   Elaine Spafford & Martin Spafford      22,777   244   Gareth Duffy & Gil Duffy                  15,696
111   Keith Sandland & Helen Sandland           44,095   178   Marie Simmonds & Jeremy Simmonds       22,484   245   Gordon Davidson & Patrick Davidson        15,670
112   Tracy Sheehan & David Sheehan             43,562   179   John Gilham & Wendy Nimmo              22,238   246   Barry Bradbury & Cecilia Bradbury         15,587
113   Debbie Gee & David White                  43,518   180   Angela Macleod & James Macleod         22,131   247   Rosemary Day & Christopher Day            15,519
114   James Curtis                              42,880   181   Norman Grundy & Joanne Grundy          22,048   248   Clive Lennard & Pamela Lennard            15,446
115   Tom Hingley & Bernadette Hingley          42,788   182   Martina Mcgrath & James Mcgrath        22,010   249   Michael Godwin                            15,430
116   Steve Johnson & Rosemary Rowntree         41,608   183   Paul Meikle                            22,008   250   Lucinda Bennett & Nigel Manning           15,395
117   Sunil Popat                               40,991   184   David Mccreath & Judith Mccreath       21,425   251   Keith King & Veronica King                15,311
118   Paul Tawn & Clare Bason                   40,991   185   Amelia Mchard & Hannah Mchard          21,410   252   Kodwo Anderson                            15,311
119   Denise Neal & Stephen Neal                40,930   186   Mark Law & Diana Searle                21,242   253   Coleen Batchelor & Stephen Batchelor      15,248
120   John English & Wendy English              40,693   187   Christine Foster & Jim Foster          21,065   254   Tony Vallerine & Wendy Vallerine          15,237
121   Christopher Reay & Lesley Coan            39,387   188   Sakuntla Kalyan & Richard Lovesey      20,917   255   Christopher Young & Helena Edwards        15,214
122   Su Bains & Jas Bains                      38,875   189   Karen Jordan & Kenneth Rooney          20,843   256   Gareth Jones & Jeanette Jones             15,214
123   Richard Houseago & Vanadis Fox            38,838   190   Arthur Cuthbert & Susan Cuthbert       20,713   257   Sheila Fowler & Nigel Fowler              15,144
124   Alan Meldrum                              38,552   191   Michael Wallace & Janet Wallace        20,538   258   Jeffrey Topple & Frances Topple           15,116
125   Toby Acton & Donna Gold                   37,697   192   Christopher Conroy                     20,444   259   Adam Swire & Deborah Heron                15,071
126   Brian Manchester & Julie Templeton        37,653   193   Lorraine Balcombe & Ian Balcombe       20,444   260   Janet Mitchell & Andrew Mitchell          15,064
127   Andrew Buxton & Laura Kelly               37,252   194   Bill Caddy                             20,331   261   Omran Zaman                               15,060
128   Karim Karmali                             37,202   195   Heather Brown                          20,302   262   Maria Treanor & Shane Treanor             14,985
129   Melanie Wilson & Andrew Wilson            37,071   196   John Morgan & Gilly Mc Crone           20,132   263   Gerard Tucker-Mawr & Claire Tucker-Mawr   14,975
130   Caroline Thompson & Philip Thompson       36,861   197   Steve Chambers & Cathy Chambers        19,994   264   Amy Warrington                            14,796
131   John Webb & Kathryn Price                 36,606   198   Steven Harding & Narissa Mather        19,969   265   Tim Sandom                                14,730
132   Ron Speirs & Judy Speirs                  36,536   199   Julian Pike & Karen Pike               19,904   266   Pamela Jarvis                             14,642
133   David Birtwistle & Angela Tonkin          34,939   200   Conor Treanor & Linda Treanor          19,854   267   Louise Puttick                            14,566
134   Michael Laydon & Sandra Laydon            34,050   201   Robert Wellock                         19,752   268   Kevin Sands                               14,508
135   Derrick Longwright & Maria Longwright     33,963   202   Linda Gower & Tony Gower               19,705   269   Nichola Walmsley & David Walmsley         14,506
136   Andrew Ridley & Louise Lee                33,885   203   David Rhodes & Christine Rhodes        19,577   270   Sharon Bullock & David Taylor             14,487
137   John Halsall & Janice Halsall             32,953   204   Cindy Brown & David Brown              19,515   271   Georgina Goodger & Will Goodger           14,436
138   Graham Long & Georgina Long               32,853   205   Keith Faulkner & Teresa Faulkner       19,367   272   Alison Thomas & Kevin Thomas              14,424
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149   Stuart Mckibbin & Gail Mckibbin           30,398   216   Gerry Melanephy & Maureen Mcloughlin   18,673   283   Angela Wallace                            14,038
150   Jennifer Amos & Martin Amos               29,877   217   David Byatt & Janet Smith              18,659   284   Narendra Kalon & Kashmir Kalon            14,036
151   Christine Sykes & Aidan Fisher            29,866   218   Paul Flintoft                          18,590   285   Lyn Davies & Tony Davies                  14,024
152   Trish Fisher & Lee Fisher                 29,048   219   Jackie Bower & Stuart Bower            18,518   286   Julie Cotton & Neil Tomkinson             13,950
153   Stuart Heard & Robyn-Lee Heard            28,194   220   Terry Hodge & Jane Hodge               18,484   287   Peter Neesham & Caren Neesham             13,944
154   Stephen Clark                             27,763   221   Steven Clements                        18,072   288   Gail Drew & Darren Drew                   13,821
155   Gill Sepe & Donato Sepe                   27,244   222   Daniel Marshall & Michelle Marshall    18,043   289   Andrew Hunt & Denise Hunt                 13,820
156   Lesley Burroughs                          27,087   223   Colin Turnbull & Sarby Turnbull        18,004   290   Toni Yates & Martin Webb                  13,803
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158   Jen Luke & Garry Luke                     26,840   225   Angela Burchell & Stephen Burchell     17,838   292   Stephen Gilbert & Rebecca Gilbert         13,762
159   Kerry Stonall & Paul Stonall              26,626   226   James Dale & Claire Daniels            17,304   293   John Clease & Kath Clease                 13,745
160   Nicola Neville & Jerome Neville           26,512   227   Yvonne Coffey & Jonathan Coffey        17,157   294   Paul Melville                             13,691
161   Robert Dolan & Jacqueline Dolan           26,300   228   Diane Owen & Geoff Owen                17,116   295   Iain Swanston & Jackie Swanston           13,688
162   Mark Wildman & Sarah Wildman              26,256   229   Maria Kowalkowski & Lee Kowalkowski    16,936   296   Sara Eyres & Christopher Burras           13,681
163   Karen Flitton & Peter Flitton             25,718   230   Bernie Klinger & Barbara Klinger       16,655   297   Kathleen Watson                           13,654
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165   Timothy Pace & Tina Pace                  25,306   232   Georgina Gale & Phil Gale              16,574   299   Darryl Allen                              13,632
166   Rhian Jones & E Anthony Jones             25,270   233   Martyn Cunningham                      16,532   300   Sandra Brown                              13,632
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Team talk-issue-3 2012 12

  • 1. Issue 3 December 2011 New Year Launch Page 4/5 iCan in 2012 Get paid to party Page 13 December Retail Challenge Page 21 Design your best year ever Win a year’s worth of Christmas and New Year retail: Top tips, hints and ideas to keep your profits rolling in through January and beyond
  • 2. Welcome to TeamTalk Editor’s note I’m not proud to say this (however, apparently I’m perfectly ok with publishing the fact) that I’m currently feeling quite smug. A lot of my friends are sadly going through some kind of mid-thirties breakdown when it comes to their jobs. Far from feeling inspired and satisfied at the end of the working week, they’ve been finding that they’re frantically crawling towards the end of the working day on Friday only to rush home and spend the whole weekend dreading the return to work on Monday (I’m sure many of you will remember this from your pre- Kleeneze days!). I, on the other hand, am looking forward to my Friday, so I can get home and curl up with the latest office-find, Outliers – The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell. I’ll return to work on Monday to an inbox no doubt swimming in positive stories from all of you in the Network and spend the rest of the week happily editing them. Ok, it’s not nice to be smug, but there is a reason I’m telling you this and that’s because I want you to know that in the office we really believe in the tools and practices we endorse. I’m fairly certain that I’m not the only person at Team HQ who has a copy of Design Your Best Year Ever on their bedside table. I happen to know for sure that The Slight Edge and Compound Effect had a huge influence on many of us. Want to see definitive proof of any of this? Look at Kleeneze’s Lloyd Brown who landed a place in New York after he wracked up a fantastic Twitter campaign in true ‘Go for No’ fashion! This external material is probably only about 20% of our inspiration too. The majority of it It’s honestly tremendous to see how far so comes from, whether you know it or not – YOU! The conversations on Facebook and many of you have come in 2011, but this year will Twitter in the last month have been mind-bogglingly inspiring. Your results have been soon be sooo last year and we can’t wait to see immense, so make sure you’re sharing these conversations with your friends too. the success 2012 has lined up We’re currently in the midst of a huge love affair with YouTube. It’s simply an excellent source of training and whereas pictures speak a thousand words, videos surpass this by leaps and bounds. If, in the past, you’ve thought that this website was just for videos on how to apply mascara or whip up a nice soufflé, rest assured Michael Khatkar has also come up with some other videos as well as these (ha!). He’s organised three new fantastic video trainings for you, which you can read all about on page 12. Of course, it’s all about the Christmas retail at the moment. We’ve caught up with three top retailing Distributorships in the Network to give you some of their tips to get you through the following weeks (see page 18). Remember, retailing isn’t just for Christmas either - Boxing Day sales are testament to that! It’s honestly tremendous to see how far so many of you have come in 2011, but this year will soon be sooo last year and we can’t wait to see the success 2012 has lined up. With the launch of ezeparty, we know it’s going to bring something very new and exciting to your teams and to your income. Let’s face it, many of you are already seasoned party animals…this should be a great way to combine your natural partying ways with boosting your sales! So, let me take this opportunity to wish you a very Merry Christmas from everyone here at HQ. We will be out in force once more on Saturday 7 January at the NIA Birmingham for the New Year Launch, so I’ll see you there! Xenia Poole Xenia Poole, Editor in Chief 02
  • 3. Page 4 Page 14 Get paid to party Boxing Day bites On Saturday 7 January, ezeparty is launched. What to do with that left-over Christmas We find out what it’s all about and how much it turkey? Award-winning chef could increase your income Nigel Smith spins his magic using our Kleeneze products Page 6 Page 15 Catalogue of success Reach out and build your business The new catalogues have arrived. Find out what’s new in our It’s one of the most important tools we have for building your business and popular ranges for this season now you can win a year’s worth Page 16 Contents In the Spotlight Our guest speaker at the New Year Showcase is the inspirational Richard McCann. He shares with us a little bit about his new book and how it can help your business Page 8 Page 18 Rules of engagement Elf yourself to record profits Peak sales ahead! We speak to some top retailers for their tips on retailing Love was in the air for our New York qualifiers! over the festive period and beyond We caught up with four of our newly engaged Distributorships to hear their story Page 20 Page 12 Christmas and New Year A few minutes could change delivery schedule Don’t get caught out this holiday! Check our delivery schedule to ensure your business for good your business runs as smoothly as possible over Christmas Three brand new trainings that you need to hear! Page 21 Page 13 Design your best year ever December Retail Challenge Want 2012 to be your finest year to date? There’s only one place to be to The challenge is on! Boost your profits and win lots of lovely ensure you get it off to a great start prizes in the process Page 24 Bulk Sales It’s been sales galore this Period. Check out where you’ve come in the chart Page 27 A note from Jamie Stewart A round up of this Period’s news, stories and successes from Kleeneze’s Managing Director, Jamie Stewart Page 28 Bulk Sales – Top 100 The back page is the place to be! Congratulations to our Top 100 in Period 11 03
  • 4. Get paid A new opportunity is coming your to party So what’s so special about ezeparty? At the New Year Launch we will be revealing the full, highly-subsidised host rewards programme, way. ezeparty is set to see your To start off, we will be launching an ezecook theme along with fabulous literature and full training and sales increase, your teams grow using our fabulous kitchen products that make support package to run alongside your parties. and your business become bigger cooking easy, economical and nutritious. There will also be a very special launch offer - only and stronger than ever come 2012. ezecook Distributors will go to the host’s home at available on the day - to get an amazing kit of a pre-arranged time and entertain the guests with products and stationery items, with everything you So what’s all the fuss about? practical and easy demonstrations of the products. need to get your parties started. With the help of party games and a video from our Why should you get involved celebrity chef, Nigel Smith, the party will be fun, To help you make the most of this special and what’s your next step? Sales informative and very social. pre-launch time, our fabulous I.T. team have Director and the force behind this developed an online pre-registration system that With the chilly winter nights and the anti-climax of will allow you to invite people to come and see new initiative, Lisa Burke tells all. Christmas, there is no better time than January to what all the fuss is about at the launch. The system cheer everyone up. It’s time to pop on the kettle, finish will also allow those who pre-register to invite Excitement and momentum is off the Christmas booze and those Christmas nibbles their own contacts, but the best news is, when in time for the great January detox. they upgrade to an ezeparty Distributor they currently accelerating at a rapid pace will be in your downline in the order that they as we get closer to the official launch All our special hosts will receive free products pre-registered. You will have already received an date for our exclusive Party Plan of their choice based on their party sales. This email all about this earlier in the month. generous host programme will give hosts the programme on Saturday 7 January at opportunity to shop for free, in the comfort of their We know this is going to be a huge success. our New Year Launch. own home and amongst their invited friends. We have been testing it for the last couple of months with a small group and have seen some For Distributors it is an opportunity to increase outstanding results. personal retailing by putting some parties into your diary in addition to your current retailing. At the time of writing, the top party recorded was Plus it’s a chance to increase your team building presented by Helen Walsh in Jean and Mike Day’s activities by attracting a wider audience to the team. She cashed up a fabulous £380 in sales - well Kleeneze opportunity. done Helen. I am sure you were thrilled. For just a couple of hours of drinking someone else’s coffee, Currently there will be hundreds of and having a fun evening you earned over £80 (£40 thousands of people who know about the an hour can’t be bad!). Kleeneze opportunity, but for whatever reason have not joined. For some it may You can also read Emma Mackelden’s story (right) of simply be that delivering catalogues was how she has sold over £1,200 from just 4 parties. just not for them. Now, with ezeparty, you have an opening to go back to them Of course, not every party will be this high, but and offer a brand new opportunity plus we have typically seen the average party come in give them first dibs on joining. How many at £130 and raising to £190 for those a little more companies are out there today that have experienced in party plan. the stability of a company that has been trading for nearly 90 years, but can still That’s incomes averaging between £26 -£38 a party offer a new, unique joining option? (£13 - £19 an hour). 04
  • 5. Products ezeparty Everyone has to start somewhere. I always I also drafted up a gift wish list and gave this advise new people to put an ‘L -plate’ on their o at the start of the party. I advised that as the out display and try not to take themselves too products were being passed around, to write them p seriously when starting out. Customers don’t like d down on their list and explained that this would being ’sold’ to, so make a joke out of the fact you h them to remember the products they liked help are learning and tell them you are not here to use w when they were later writing out their order forms. any pressure selling techniques you just want P People kept their lists and took them home with everyone to have fun, enjoy the party and share t them. If they had a lot of items on their list, I could with them how the ezecook products can make h them to get some items for free by hosting help cooking and preparation eze. t their own party, or they could call me, or even o order extra products online as and when You will get a manual with an easy-to-follow party t wanted to. they guide along with YouTube training resources. I order to encourage people to book parties In The party is also a fabulous place to sponsor new , Gol d D ist ribut or w me, I highlighted to people at the end of the with recruits. Typically 70% of new ezeparty recruits Em m a M acke ld en e evening how much commission the hostess has will come from parties. People will see what you e earned, and tried to make sure everyone had a are doing, hear your story and will want to join g great, fun evening, so they’d want to book their for the flexibility and income it can offer. You will “I used to do party planning for over 3 years long own evening as well. also meet people who prefer the idea of dropping before I joined Kleeneze. I was nervous about catalogues, so it will be a fabulous opportunity to doing my first ezecook party, though, as I I think our sales will grow massively in increase your over-all team building opportunity. had not done a party like this for over 2012 because of party plan! A win-win situation! 2 years. At the start of the evening, We have very high aims for it “I think our sales will I kept my introduction brief and with our business and what played a little party game called grow massively in 2012 it can bring others that hadn’t We will also be putting the ezespa theme into test from January, so this is just the beginning - it really ‘Left and Right’. This meant because of party plan!” wanted their own Kleeneze is time to get the party started! people were focusing on listening business before now. out for left and right and with everyone Initially only people attending on the day will giggling, it wasn’t just everyone staring at you I’m really excited about the full launch have the opportunity of joining the programme or which takes off a huge amount of pressure. on 7 January. There are many people out sponsoring others for ezeparty. So if you haven’t there that cataloguing does not appeal to, so party already booked your place, don’t delay! My parties varied on sales; between £100 and plan will be a great alternative for them. Some £280 - not bad for being there 2-and-half hours! people are very social people, so party planning Looking forward to Lo One tip is to make sure that your website is will be great for them.” seeing you all on s available on all of the invites and everything you Saturday 7 January. S give out, so if for some reason people couldn’t come, they can look online and still place orders M love, Much with you. I gave out my business cards to all the attendees and asked them to keep them in their purse. It contains my website address and my Lisa. phone number in case they need me, or wish to order extra items. Keep the party open for a few x days so that people who did come can tell people about the great products they had seen, and extra orders can still be placed. 05
  • 6. 06
  • 7. Retailing New catalogues 07
  • 8. Rules of Engagement It was certainly an attractive proposal for Kleeneze Distributors trip to New York as a reward for driving their business forward and exceeding targets. And four couples who enjoyed this adventure of a lifetime took that proposal literally - by popping the question on during their transatlantic trip! Almost 200 qualifying Distributors jetted off to take a bite of the Big Apple in November to celebrate their successes. Months of hard work, att a n riia - a Ma nh fruition, as Distributors, from all over r ld Wa ld rf sto orf Ast the country, took in the luxurious surroundings of their home for the duration - the famous Waldorf Astoria a hotel in Manhattan. This trip of a lifetime, which saw the successful Distributors take in sights including the Empire State Building, the Statue Broa dwa of Liberty and Broadway, rewarded y those who had worked tirelessly to drive the business on. 08
  • 9. New York 2011 Special Chloe West & Elvin Bailey, Gosport Chloe and Elvin both joined Kleeneze in January 2011after Elvin was made redundant and Chloe wanted to find some work that fitted in with her young daughter’s hours at school. After Elvin was made redundant we “Elvin gets up at 5am or 6am and as he Caroline Bell brought the ring out in wanted to boost our savings,” Chloe doesn’t drive, he does most of his work on secret and we were ice skating in Central explained. “The business really took off foot. Once I’ve dropped off my daughter at Park when he proposed. I burst into tears quickly and we decided to commit to it school I then join him with the car and said ‘yes’ right away. We’re not going full-time. One of the biggest bonuses and we carry on together. to wait around – the wedding’s planned for us is that we can work together. for January 2012!” “The trip to New York was absolutely We achieved Gold in June this year and brilliant and we were treated like royalty. haven’t looked back since. We decided to When Elvin proposed it was complete Chloe & Elvin’s really focus on the retail and boosted our surprise! We’ve been together for two Top Tips for Success small team by sponsoring more people in. years and I had no idea he was thinking We saw New York as a real incentive about asking me to marry him while we Start retailing earlier in the and with that in mind we set about were in New York. Our sponsor, day and finish later; there’s no substitute for hard graft! planning a real push. Double your retail and double your sponsoring. Find your reason for wanting to succeed and really go for it. Ice s k ati n g-C e ntra l Pa r i n’s k a n d Elv Chloe’s 09
  • 10. Rules of John Morgan & Engagement Gilly McCrone, Dublin Julie Cotton & Neil Tomkinson, Preston John and Gilly have been Kleeneze Distributors for four-and-a-half and Julie and Neil have a total of seven years’ experience as Distributors and credit three-and-a-half years respectively. the business with changing their lives for the better in many different ways. Julie A trained engineer, John began worked long hours in the NHS before having to leave on health grounds, while Neil by working as a Distributor in the was looking for a new business venture to become involved in. evenings around his day job, but soon decided he wanted to work for himself and dedicated himself “Of course another highlight was when Neil to Kleeneze on a full-time basis. proposed as it was a complete surprise to “I was completely dedicated to my career me! We’ve been together for 15 years and “I love the freedom of being my own as an occupational therapy manager although we had discussed getting married boss and being able to make my own within the NHS but after developing ME, if we qualified for New York, I really wasn’t decisions. I’d not heard of Kleeneze I was no longer able to work in such a expecting it to happen while we were there. before, but when I saw an advert in a demanding environment. I still wanted to He proposed at the Gala Dinner, dropping newspaper, I decided to find out more. work, though, so started looking around down on one knee and asking me to marry After five years in engineering, I wanted for something. The money was great, it him! I didn’t hesitate and said ‘yes’ straight a new challenge. Kleeneze has given provided a little more for the family, but away. We haven’t set a date yet but are me that and much more. after being inspired by Ram and Sylvia planning a non-traditional wedding with lots Laing, I realised that Kleeneze would of our Kleeneze friends present. They really “We qualified for New York based on tick so many more boxes for me than my are like our family and we want as many our growth, achieving this by helping previous career ever did. I can honestly say people as possible to share in our happy day. our team generate more business and that it’s completely changed my life. therefore more income. We increased our own retail alongside our team, “We qualified for New York on percentage Julie & Neil’s knowing we had a great chance of growth and did this by encouraging our Top Tips for Success qualifying as we already had a great team members, supporting them and Set your goals, visualise your deal of momentum in our business. giving them the motivation to meet their targets and use them as motivation. We knew that if we could just push own targets. We were watching the ourselves and our team then we could performance of other teams and we had Follow your team’s system and succeed. a rough idea of what we needed to do to don’t be tempted to reinvent the succeed. Qualifying for New York was very wheel; if it works, stick with it. “Gilly and I had been hoping to visit important as it proved to our team that New York last year but decided not Build on your own self-belief they can achieve these things too. and find the motivational to go as the flights were expensive, techniques that work for you. so when we saw that it was the next “New York was absolutely amazing. I was Destination, we really focused on most looking forward to seeing The Slight getting there. Edge author, Jeff Olsen. It was such a eak. great opportunity to listen to him speak. Ju lie a nd N eil Enpire St ate Buildin np g... illy. na nd G Joh 10
  • 11. New York Let’s Celebrate “I was thinking of proposing to Gilly at the Ian Williams & Sally Mellor, Shropshire top of the Empire State Building but when we arrived there it was far too busy so I Ian and Sally began working with Kleeneze, because they wanted to make decided to delay. Then I’d planned to ask some savings while working together in a stress-free business with minimum her to marry me during a horse and trap disruption to their day jobs. As a psychiatric nurse, Sally had a demanding role ride in Central Park, but Gilly was feeling to play at work and Ian worked as a planner. Their involvement with Kleeneze unwell so we didn’t go on one. Finally I grew steadily until they decided to commit full-time and concentrate their managed to ask her while we were on a efforts solely on their joint venture. cruise around Manhattan, with the Empire State Building in the background. I asked a passenger to take a photo and while they were doing that, I proposed! Gilly burst “We were among the first three in the “Qualifying for New York changed our into tears of joy and said yes. entire network to qualify. In our four years business in so many ways and it gave us in Kleeneze, Sally has undergone five full the belief that this opportunity can give “Since coming back from New York, we’ve hip replacements and two complete knee us everything we had ever dreamt of. In really been focusing on continuing to grow replacements. Last year when New York six months we put an extra £1,000 on our the business by using the momentum was announced, Sally was in hospital cheque and helped other people to earn we’ve built up. We’re introducing as many having undergone yet another operation the incomes that they wanted. Our plans people as possible and helping them to so she needed something special to look for the next 12 months are simple. We get the most out of it. We’re keen to grow forward to. Failing to qualify for New want to keep doing what we’ve been doing another leg and are working hard to qualify York was never an option! We retailed for the last six months as there’s no need for Miami; if we go, we might even treat about £3,500 to £4,000 ourselves every to change a winning formula. We just want it as an early honeymoon!” period and sponsored like crazy! We even to share this wonderful opportunity with got extra spending money in New York, as many people as possible as by helping because of the additional periods others grow we grow.” John & Gilly’s we held Gold. Top Tips for Success “People are surprised when we tell them Speak to someone who has already that it was actually Sally who proposed to Ian & Sally’s qualified for a Destination and find out exactly what you need to me at the top of the Empire State Building! Top Tips for Success achieve success. I have proposed to Sally a number of times Lead by example. Retail as much before - the last time was over twelve as you can in the time you have Write down a plan of action, years ago - then I gave up asking. At first I available. That way you can control identifying what you need to do thought Sally was joking and maybe being your income and be an inspiration to and stick to it. at the top of the Empire State had made any new team members who are Hard work and dedication are her dizzy from lack of oxygen! But when building a customer base. essential; focus on the goal and we got back on terra firma she Your attitude in this business is have faith in yourself. repeated the proposal, propo everything, so attend and participate so I knew it in all the meetings that your group put wa was on and invest in self-development true. tr books and CDs. If you want to get to Miami then ally yourself to someone who has already qualified for a conference, as after all, they have already blazed that particular trail and they know Ia n a what it takes. nd S a lly 11
  • 12. Training Michael Khatkar You can catch all of these trainings and much, much more over the holidays on our YouTube channel – Subscribe and you’ll be automatically emailed to let you know when a new one is available A few minutes could change All the trainings from your business for good New York, including the inimitable Jeff Olson are now also on our YouTube site With almost 200 Distributors in New York it would have been remiss of us to let it be all fun and no work, so Director of Network Development, Michael Khatkar tracked down three Distributors while they were at the Waldorf and quizzed them for their tips. Here he shares with you all about this triple dose of Network training. “Back in the old days (I’m still a spring chicken, so this is, of course, all what I’ve been told), you would have to wait until a meeting to glean these pearls of wisdom, but the tools that are now available are so incredible that you can get this training when and wherever you need to. YouTube has been one of the tools that we’ve really focussed on in 2011, because it’s so easy to use and to share. It’s become a huge source of training for Distributors over the past 12 months and we’re not done quite yet! Over the Christmas period, we will putting another three incredible trainings on our YouTube site. Our most recent Kleeneze Destination, New York, was packed full of successful qualifiers so I took advantage of this situation to pick on three of them to deliver some training on what they’re really great at in their field.” Events Motivation Lead Generation 1. Ram Laing, utive Distributor 2. Helen Walsh, Distributor 3. Kevin Rider, Distributor Silver Senior Exec Bronze Executive Bronze Executive As a company and, indeed within our industry, it’s We all know that this is a business that rewards Network Marketing at its simplest is always been a challenge to get people to events. hard work, effort and determination. But some of recommending the opportunity to other people. At However, it’s a challenge we’ve always the biggest successes in the Network have Kleeneze, we call this lead generation. Kevin is one succeeded at! Ram has some great tips in this achieved great things through just one thing – who has had an exceptional year in lead training on how to hold a good event yourself and motivation. To be able to motivate yourself is an generation; finding people who will thrive in this how to encourage people to events. It’s so important skill and Helen Walsh has provided business and “selling” the opportunity to them. His important to lead by example. A meeting will some fantastic ideas in this training on how to training will show you how to improve your always encourage people to stay in the business, hone this skill, as well as how to keep your communication and work on how to express do more and, most importantly, it fosters great team motivated. yourself well. team spirit. (PS. We’re still one of the few companies that These recent YouTube trainings have been a huge hit in the Network, so now we’re COMING holds their events at the NIA and set it alight!) asking you what subjects you would like to see covered! You can email me at using the subject title YouTube trainings. SOON! 12
  • 13. December Retail The December Retail Challenge Challenge It’s cold out there, you’re working harder than ever before and you still have the prospect of your own Christmas to get through! We think you’re all super troopers and as such we wanted to reward you with something special. So, please welcome the return of the December Retail Challenge! Lots of lovely prizes just to say your hard work has been recognised and rewarded. Take part in the challenge and you can look forward to unwinding with free hotel Harkness Grange accommodation in the UK, Ireland or the Channel Isles. By completing our December Retail Challenge, we will guarantee you 3 x vouchers which each qualify you to receive free accommodation for 2 for up to 7 nights. So you may choose to go on 3 separate breaks throughout the year or use all the vouchers together on one occasion for up to 6 people. Cra bwell Manor You will have the opportunity to choose from over 170 hotels and the only thing you will pay for is your food (the cost of which is clearly advertised in the brochure you will receive with your prize and starts at only £25 pp which includes both breakfast and dinner). So this promotion will give you the opportunity to treat yourself and your family to some lovely down time in 2012 and save you lots of dosh to boot! Gissing Hall To guarantee your FREE accommodation simply ensure you hit a minimum of 200 BP every week So that’s Week 1 w/c 2nd Dec = 200 BP Week 2 w/c 9th Dec = 200 BP Week 3 w/c 16th Dec = 200 BP Week 4 w/c 23rd Dec = 200 BP Week 5 w/c 30th Dec = 200 BP Plus over the 5 weeks when you achieve all of the above and your total BP Kleeneze Ltd, Express House , Clayton Busine ss Park, Date: Clayton le Moors , Accrington BB5 exceeds 1300 you will also go into a prize draw to win: (every 100 BP over Payee Me in Period 13 5JY 1300 will give you a bonus ticket) Double your Cheque £ 101112 J. Stewart Mr Jamie • 10 people will win 2 free Income kits 19232007 1234567 8 Stewa Managing Directo rt r • 10 people will win a pair of tickets to their nearest Kleeneze live • 10 people will win a free ezecook party kit • 10 people will win £50 worth of ezespa products COMING SOON TO A TOWN NEAR YOU! Plus everyone under Gold Distributor level at the start of the promotion, who achieves 200 BP each week and exceeds 1300 BP will go in a separate , draw and 10 lucky winners will have their bonus cheque in period 13 doubled. (Every 100 BP over the 1300 will also give you a bonus ticket). See full terms and conditions on the DSA. 13
  • 15. Competition EzeReach 15
  • 16. 2012 starts with iCan As exclusively revealed by Managing number of Distributors, attending various “I’m doing something that I’ve never done Director, Jamie Stewart in New York last events and applying all this knowledge to before and never seen a speaker do before, month, our guest speaker for the Kleeneze my book,” the speaker said. “I actually feel I’m offering something unique as a follow- LIVE! New Year Launch 2012 is someone like I’m part of Kleeneze now! up to the Showcase too to keep people on truly amazing with an incredible story – it’s track with their action steps.” “I’ve obviously put examples of how my the inspirational Richard McCann! story has helped change other people’s Traditionally, of course, most would If you attended Kleeneze LIVE! lives, but there are also other people’s real want their book before Christmas to Warwick or Falkirk earlier in the year, life stories. They say that facts tell, stories hit those sales, but Richard has you will have already heard his sell, but this is more than just stories – it’s delayed the launch in order for against-all-odds story. Well, now he’s full of action points that will help you grow Kleeneze to have the world-first back and this time with his your business too.” exclusive at the Showcase on new book in which he shares his Saturday 7 January. Richard’s book is entitled iCan. He secrets of success. accredits this not only to his name, but “I just want it to have a massive impact,” “The book came by as a result of my recent to the fact that he believes that he says. “It’s such a privilege to be asked to speaker bookings,” Richard explains. “I everyone can achieve anything they come and speak to such a wonderful wrote my first two books in 2003 and 2007 set out to achieve. group of people who are already respectively, but those were purely about so highly motivated. “Everything in life begins with I can,” my story. After that, I embarked on my Richard stresses. “If you don’t believe you “If you haven’t heard my story before, ‘speaker journey’ and it was through this can achieve something, it’s not going to please don’t look for it beforehand! It’s the and going beyond my story that I realised I happen. It’s all about belief. What takes most powerful when you hear it for the had the greatest impact. place in our mind, is directly related to what first time. Come to the Showcase with “iCan is almost like a keynote presentation. we achieve out there in the world.” fresh eyes or it will be like buying a book It shows the things that I went through and and reading the ending first! Belief is all very well, but Richard’s how they were dealt with are applicable to message is also very strongly “Without a shadow of a doubt, you those reading the book, as well as giving focussed towards actually taking need to be there in January,” he them suggestions on how they can go on to those steps towards achievement and stresses. “I’ve told my story now to improve their lives, grow their businesses or Showcase attendees will be taking thousands of people and time and grow as a person.” away something very special on time again, when they’ve heard it, Not only has Richard spent a summer the day to keep them on track with they’ve connected with me and touring the country with his their goals. when they’ve taken the steps, they’ve remarkable story, he has also become seen results. My message is If y “That’s one of my key messages,” he tells a firm friend of Kleeneze through appropriate for every human plea us. “Yes, I’ll be making various points in Twitter and Facebook. In fact, he’s being on the planet. No matter the January, but if you just sit back and do become such an avid supporter of the how successful we are, we can nothing about it, it will be pointless. It’s the Network that he’s created a special always do a bit more. If our life about committing to taking those steps. with Kleeneze version of the book. depended on it, we’d find a way to Don’t leave it – do it now! By the following b do a bit more and our futures do “It’s really come about as a result of getting week, you’ll be on to something else, so depend upon it.” to know the business better, speaking to a there really is no time to waste. 16
  • 17. In the spotlight Richard McCann Don’t leave it – do it now! By the following week, you’ll be on to something else, so there really is no time to waste TAKE ACTION NOW you haven’t heard my story before, To hear Richard McCann ase don’t look for it beforehand! It’s at the New Year Launch at the NIA, Birmingham, most powerful when you hear it for book your ticket today. e first time. Come to the Showcase • Order online using code 00027 h fresh eyes or it will be like buying a • Contact the Service Centre on book and reading the ending first! 0844 848 5000 Remember, new starters can go to their first Showcase for FREE! Simply book your ticket and you will be refunded after attending the event. 17
  • 18. 18
  • 19. Training Retailing tips 19
  • 20. News Delivery Schedule CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR ORDERING AND DELIVERY SCHEDULE UK Mainland Last day for pre-Christmas orders is Tuesday 20.12. 2011 @ 9.15pm for Delivery Friday 23rd December Order day Delivery Day Tuesday 20.12.10 @ 9.16pm to Wednesday 21.12.2011 @ 9.15pm Thursday 29.12.11 Wednesday 21.12.10 @ 9.16pm to Wednesday 28.12.2011 @ 9.15pm Friday 30.12.2011 Wednesday 28.12.11 @ 9.16pm to Monday 02.01.2012 @ 9.15pm Wednesday 04.01.2012 Normal delivery schedule resumes for all orders placed after 9.16pm Monday 2nd January 2012 Northern Ireland Postcodes BT1 TO 90 & ROI Dublin 1 to 24 Last day for pre-Christmas orders is Wednesday 21.12.11 @ 9.15pm for Delivery Friday 23rd December Order day Delivery Day Wednesday 21.12.10 @ 9.16pm to Wednesday 28.12.2011 @ 9.15pm Friday 30.12.2011 Wednesday 28.12.11 @ 9.16pm to Monday 02.01.2012 @ 9.15pm Wednesday 04.01.2012 Normal delivery schedule resumes for all orders placed after 9.16pm Monday 2nd January 2012 Remaining Irish Postcodes, International, Highlands & Islands of Scotland,Channel Islands & Isle of Man Last day for pre-Christmas orders is Monday 19.12.2011 @ 9.15pm for Delivery Friday 23rd December Order day Delivery Day Monday 19.12.2011 @ 9.16pm to Tuesday 27.12.2011 @ 9.15pm Friday 30.12.2011 Tuesday 27.12.2011 @ 9.16pm to Monday 02.01.2012 @ 9.15pm Thursday 05.01.2012 Normal delivery schedule resumes for all orders placed after 9.16pm Monday 2nd January 2012 Please Note: Order cut off time is extended to 9.15pm from Monday 19th December to 9.15pm Monday 2nd January 2012 Normal ordering schedule returns from Tuesday 3rd January 2012 - order cut off time being 3.15pm SERVICE CENTRE CHRISTMAS/NEW YEAR OPENING HOURS DATE OPENING HOURS Monday 19/12/2011 to Thursday 22/12/11 8.00am to 9.00pm Normal Opening Hours Friday 23/12/2011 8.00am to 4.00pm Saturday 24/12/2011 to Tuesday 27/12/11 CLOSED Wednesday 28/12/2011 to Thursday 29/12/11 8.00am to 9.00pm Normal Opening Hours Friday 30/12/2011 8.00am to 4.00pm Saturday 31/12/2011 to Monday 2/1/12 CLOSED Tuesday 03/01/2012 8.00am to 9.00pm Normal Opening Hours Resume 20
  • 21. Events New Year Launch Design your best year ever A fresh New Year beckons, so what better way to start if off with the Kleeneze New Year Launch? Yes, you can win a car. Yes, there’ll be However, we think the most important “The New Year Launch is a great source of the launch of the fantastic new reason to attend the event is that it will information as to what’s coming up in the ezeparty opportunity. Of course, there’ll get your 2012 off to a roaring start. You’ll year - what the company forecasts and be some traditional Kleeneze surprises be motivated and inspired to get out there their ideas. You get the inspiration and on the day. Absolutely, you’ll walk and do it. motivation of the network speakers and away from the day with lots of goodies. business tips that will help you along. One Naturally, we love all the Kleeneze events, of our favourite things as well is the but it’s New Year that really shakes us up massive recognition in January and all the and confirms our resolve to achieve those synergy it creates. goals throughout the year. It’s the best kick-start to the year that we know of. More than anything, in all of the years we’ve been, we’ve always found that at Don’t take our word for it, though. least one team member that attends steps We caught up with Silver out and wants to achieve the Gold status. Senior Executive Distributor, Ram Laing who believes the The New Year Launch just gets you focused success of your year all hinges early after Christmas and the New Year. It on starting off on the right foot. really gives you the energy to get going. I think it’s the most important one if you want to have a successful year. Most people make a New Year’s resolution and the Showcase gives you that resolution. It gets you off to a great start and gets you off the blocks faster.” 21
  • 22. 2011 is coming to an end and it seems that many of you have pulled all the stops out to ensure you achieve those goals that you set out to at the beginning of the year. You only need to look over the next few pages at all the names of those who have achieved huge business success in Period 11. Use this success to grow your business! Here’s a great tip from Gold Executive Distributor, Geoff Owen: How do you have time to do that as you work here 60 hours a week (with the travelling)? It’s not just me; we have a team we help to “When I started Kleeneze I was in the RAF and I was, at times, in an office make money as well. with about 20 colleagues. They all knew that I did Kleeneze but at that time none of them had joined the business. How does it work then?! - Just what I wanted to hear! However once I got to Gold our names appeared in the Period Bulk Sales I was using the pigeon feeding technique that I heard from Chris Mason charts in the old Enterprize Magazine, so each Period I highlighted our Paull. All of my colleagues had now been turned from doubters into hot names on the Bulk Sales and any other place that our names appeared. I prospects with the power of a highlighter pen and a then left the magazine open at this page. Each Period as our business grew monthly magazine! our names got higher in the list. In the end I had got 4 of them into our team which was instrumental in helping us to When I got in the office the magazine started to appear on different desks achieve some of our goals – a cruise on – YES they were looking and getting more inquisitive! the Sea Goddess & being able to quit See next month’s Team Talk for the More questions kept coming:- work (7 years early). names of those in qualification for the Director’s Club! Are those your sales for the year? No, that’s just the last 4 weeks. Use Team Talk to grow your business!” Personal Retail TOP 3 Personal Sales Group TOP 3 New Business Sales TOP 3 1st £9,584 1st £20,482 1st £13,361 Paul Tonkin & Stuart Heard & Doug Roper & Joanne Heeraman Robyn-Lee Heard Sandra Roper 2nd £9,237 2nd £17,320 2nd £12,149 Susan Coleman & Peter Wellock & Stuart Heard & Robert Holdford Myrna Wellock Robyn-Lee Heard 3rd £8,763 3rd £16,758 3rd £11,673 Michelle Fox & Marie Simmonds & Peter Wellock & Stephen Fox Jeremy Simmonds Myrna Wellock 22
  • 23. Recognition Top performers Top 50 Period 11 Personal Retail Personal Sales Group New Business Sales This figure will not include break-away Gold Distributors or This figure includes all new initiations plus their non-qualifying Gold Distributors (includes all adjustments). sales from Period 9-11 No. Distributor Name Sales Distributor Name Sales Distributor Name Sales 1 Paul Tonkin & Joanne Heeraman £9,584 Stuart Heard & Robyn-Lee Heard £20,482 Doug Roper & Sandra Roper £13,361 2 Susan Coleman & Robert Holdford £9,237 Peter Wellock & Myrna Wellock £17,320 Stuart Heard & Robyn-Lee Heard £12,149 3 Michelle Fox & Stephen Fox £8,763 Marie Simmonds & Jeremy Simmonds £16,758 Peter Wellock & Myrna Wellock £11,673 4 Margaret Foster & Ian Foster £8,413 Mikaela Brown & Andrew Brown £16,463 Christine Sykes & Aidan Fisher £10,158 5 David Goacher £8,090 Vincent Tsoi & Lorraine Tsoi £16,100 Vincent Tsoi & Lorraine Tsoi £9,649 6 Arthur Cuthbert & Susan Cuthbert £7,805 Ann Coe & John Coe £15,443 Lucinda Bennett & Nigel Manning £9,428 7 Steven Divito £7,796 Adam Swire & Deborah Heron £15,070 Christopher Pagett £8,683 8 Gaz Edwards & Laura Dobedoe £7,480 Norman Grundy & Joanne Grundy £14,473 Toby Acton & Donna Gold £8,458 9 Ian Wightmore & Deborah Wightmore £7,342 Derrick Longwright & Maria Longwright £14,304 Karen Young & Neil Young £7,936 10 Philip Palmer £7,200 Peter Abrahams & Angela Abrahams £14,269 Andrew Buxton & Laura Kelly £7,750 11 Brian Carroll & Jean Carroll £6,853 Debra Pusey & Oliver Pusey £14,259 Karen Boardman & Scott Boardman £6,755 12 Paul Towler & Andrea Towler £6,725 Janet Mitchell & Andrew Mitchell £14,046 Richard Houseago & Vanadis Fox £6,669 13 Ingrid Marzillius & Stephen Marzillius £6,725 Robert Dolan & Jacqueline Dolan £14,010 Martyn Regan £6,643 14 Fay Roe & Andrew Roe £6,681 Julie Cotton & Neil Tomkinson £13,950 Ernie Hickman & Andrea Hickman £6,638 15 Rodney Webber £6,528 Denise Neal & Stephen Neal £13,650 Stephen Smith & Dennis Chamberlain £6,266 16 Peter Savidge £6,262 Christine Sykes & Aidan Fisher £13,102 Clive Currier & Beverley Currier £6,181 17 Sean Nicholls & Maura Nicholls £6,221 Heather Oneil & James Oneil £12,772 Marie Simmonds & Jeremy Simmonds £6,112 18 Paul Hammond & Gosia Hammond £6,214 Abigail Colclough £12,368 Richard Chantler & Clare Chantler £6,040 19 David Marsden & Elizabeth Marsden £6,195 Paul Meikle £12,268 Karen Flitton & Peter Flitton £5,951 20 Michael Jones & Ann Jones £6,157 Justine Giergiel & Steve Giergiel £12,259 Raymond Turnbull & Miriam Turnbull £5,869 21 Gillian Barry & Jonathan Barry £6,115 Stacy Beck & Jonathan Beck £12,219 Stacy Beck & Jonathan Beck £5,734 22 Mariya Dimitrova & Mitro Dimitrov £6,043 Stephen Wilson & Marie Bell £12,188 Deborah Dewar & Allan Dewar £5,643 23 Paul Meikle £5,922 Karen Young & Neil Young £11,970 Adam Humphrey & Coleen Humphrey £5,618 24 John Horsman & Janis Horsman £5,902 Keith Sandland & Helen Sandland £11,639 Eamon Lynch & Marie Ryan £5,426 25 Lorraine Collins & Mark Collins £5,685 David Bole & Lynn Bole £11,614 John Gavin Scott & Bonnie Arapes £5,198 26 Chris Wright & Annette Wright £5,537 Paul Blaxall & Carolyn Blaxall £11,502 Adam Swire & Deborah Heron £5,070 27 Richard White & Kim White £5,534 Tracy Sheehan & David Sheehan £11,424 Sam King £4,985 28 Loic Pougeolle & Susan Pougeolle £5,433 Susan Coleman & Robert Holdford £11,298 Jackie Bower & Stuart Bower £4,972 29 Marie Simmonds & Jeremy Simmonds £5,432 Lucinda Bennett & Nigel Manning £11,247 Amanda Holland & Andrew Holland £4,928 30 Tracey Payne & Harvey Kent £5,419 Martyn Regan £11,225 Sarah Philp & Timothy Philp £4,897 31 Paul Blaxall & Carolyn Blaxall £5,390 Tracey Payne & Harvey Kent £11,181 Patricia Dileone £4,749 32 Paul Brown & Nicola Mitchell £5,377 Nick Sassanelli & Grace Sassanelli £11,150 Samantha Rushton & Dean Worrall £4,718 33 Patrick McKenna £5,354 Terry Hodge & Jane Hodge £11,147 Michael Laydon & Sandra Laydon £4,695 34 Markus Klotzer & Petra Romoser £5,310 Ivan Darch £11,104 Zoe Climpson & Will Joseph £4,676 35 Matthew Ellliott & Nicola Elliott £5,269 Clive Currier & Beverley Currier £11,098 Richard Farren & Emily Farren £4,650 36 Mark Oreilly & Sue Oreilly £5,210 Adam Humphrey & Coleen Humphrey £11,018 Teresa Divers & Bryony Hayward £4,644 37 Gavin Conway & Trish Conway £5,186 Sara Eyres & Christopher Burras £10,937 Graham Carter & Lorna Carter £4,585 38 Kevin Davies & Deborah Parker £5,050 Mike Gough & Dawn Gough £10,886 Mark Smith & Karen Smith £4,548 39 Martyn Cunningham £5,011 John Halsall & Janice Halsall £10,837 Richard Peuleve & Helen Peuleve £4,507 40 Robin Hibbert £4,996 Jeffrey Topple & Frances Topple £10,686 John Morgan & Gilly Mc Crone £4,466 41 Heather Williams & Graham Williams £4,987 Andrew Webber & Kerryann Perry £10,679 Lyn Davies & Tony Davies £4,426 42 Negin Backhouse & Michael Backhouse £4,941 Martin Gardner & Allison Butterworth £10,638 Keith Sandland & Helen Sandland £4,387 43 Anthony Mervin £4,924 Helen Allgood & Paul Allgood £10,588 Rob Worrall £4,339 44 Tom Forbes & Kathryn Forbes £4,901 Richard Chantler & Clare Chantler £10,537 David Rhodes & Christine Rhodes £4,329 45 Aloys Tata £4,889 Emma Mackelden & Mark Mackelden £10,505 Alf Bell & Carol Bell £4,305 46 Alice Lloyd & Geoffrey Lock £4,853 Kate Lee & Nicola Spence £10,492 Kenneth Thomson £4,304 47 Jean Sidhu & Antony Watkins £4,792 Lynda Platts & Pauline Bell £10,385 Stephen Jessop £4,254 48 Richard Fallowfield & Ranti Fallowfield £4,778 Graham James & Christine James £10,353 Austen Fawcett £4,166 49 James Moynihan £4,749 Doug Roper & Sandra Roper £10,264 John Webb & Kathryn Price £4,137 50 Alex Langler & Kathleen Langler £4,707 Mark Law & Diana Searle £10,223 Jennifer Amos & Martin Amos £4,134 23
  • 24. THE TOP 500 Bulk Sales No. Distributor Name Sales No. Distributor Name Sales No. Distributor Name Sales 101 Martin Gardner & Allison Butterworth 52,243 168 Harold Fulton & Minnie Fulton 24,725 235 Fay Roe & Andrew Roe 16,404 102 Belinda Clarke & Peter Clarke 51,677 169 Peter Dutton & Sheryl Dutton 24,686 236 Allan Ledwidge 16,235 103 Teresa Divers & Bryony Hayward 50,442 170 Debra Pusey & Oliver Pusey 24,516 237 Gill Evans & Tim Evans 16,112 104 Amanda Holland & Andrew Holland 48,358 171 Ivan Darch 24,429 238 Vincent Tsoi & Lorraine Tsoi 16,100 105 Roger Green & Barbara Green 47,161 172 Laurence Wiseman & Rosemary Wiseman 23,750 239 Christine Lappin 16,055 106 Jay Singh 46,840 173 David Pope 23,359 240 Colin Sadler & Charlene Sadler 16,038 107 Alexandra Tuesley 46,727 174 Mikaela Brown & Andrew Brown 23,315 241 Carole Sunter & James Sunter 16,003 108 Sharon Bird & Andrew Bird 45,830 175 John Beesley & Karina Beesley 22,975 242 Karen Boardman & Scott Boardman 15,872 109 Gabrielle Broadstock & Paul Broadstock 45,648 176 Helen Walsh & Andrew Walsh 22,864 243 Terry Hayden 15,759 110 Graham Hyde & Catherine Hyde 44,628 177 Elaine Spafford & Martin Spafford 22,777 244 Gareth Duffy & Gil Duffy 15,696 111 Keith Sandland & Helen Sandland 44,095 178 Marie Simmonds & Jeremy Simmonds 22,484 245 Gordon Davidson & Patrick Davidson 15,670 112 Tracy Sheehan & David Sheehan 43,562 179 John Gilham & Wendy Nimmo 22,238 246 Barry Bradbury & Cecilia Bradbury 15,587 113 Debbie Gee & David White 43,518 180 Angela Macleod & James Macleod 22,131 247 Rosemary Day & Christopher Day 15,519 114 James Curtis 42,880 181 Norman Grundy & Joanne Grundy 22,048 248 Clive Lennard & Pamela Lennard 15,446 115 Tom Hingley & Bernadette Hingley 42,788 182 Martina Mcgrath & James Mcgrath 22,010 249 Michael Godwin 15,430 116 Steve Johnson & Rosemary Rowntree 41,608 183 Paul Meikle 22,008 250 Lucinda Bennett & Nigel Manning 15,395 117 Sunil Popat 40,991 184 David Mccreath & Judith Mccreath 21,425 251 Keith King & Veronica King 15,311 118 Paul Tawn & Clare Bason 40,991 185 Amelia Mchard & Hannah Mchard 21,410 252 Kodwo Anderson 15,311 119 Denise Neal & Stephen Neal 40,930 186 Mark Law & Diana Searle 21,242 253 Coleen Batchelor & Stephen Batchelor 15,248 120 John English & Wendy English 40,693 187 Christine Foster & Jim Foster 21,065 254 Tony Vallerine & Wendy Vallerine 15,237 121 Christopher Reay & Lesley Coan 39,387 188 Sakuntla Kalyan & Richard Lovesey 20,917 255 Christopher Young & Helena Edwards 15,214 122 Su Bains & Jas Bains 38,875 189 Karen Jordan & Kenneth Rooney 20,843 256 Gareth Jones & Jeanette Jones 15,214 123 Richard Houseago & Vanadis Fox 38,838 190 Arthur Cuthbert & Susan Cuthbert 20,713 257 Sheila Fowler & Nigel Fowler 15,144 124 Alan Meldrum 38,552 191 Michael Wallace & Janet Wallace 20,538 258 Jeffrey Topple & Frances Topple 15,116 125 Toby Acton & Donna Gold 37,697 192 Christopher Conroy 20,444 259 Adam Swire & Deborah Heron 15,071 126 Brian Manchester & Julie Templeton 37,653 193 Lorraine Balcombe & Ian Balcombe 20,444 260 Janet Mitchell & Andrew Mitchell 15,064 127 Andrew Buxton & Laura Kelly 37,252 194 Bill Caddy 20,331 261 Omran Zaman 15,060 128 Karim Karmali 37,202 195 Heather Brown 20,302 262 Maria Treanor & Shane Treanor 14,985 129 Melanie Wilson & Andrew Wilson 37,071 196 John Morgan & Gilly Mc Crone 20,132 263 Gerard Tucker-Mawr & Claire Tucker-Mawr 14,975 130 Caroline Thompson & Philip Thompson 36,861 197 Steve Chambers & Cathy Chambers 19,994 264 Amy Warrington 14,796 131 John Webb & Kathryn Price 36,606 198 Steven Harding & Narissa Mather 19,969 265 Tim Sandom 14,730 132 Ron Speirs & Judy Speirs 36,536 199 Julian Pike & Karen Pike 19,904 266 Pamela Jarvis 14,642 133 David Birtwistle & Angela Tonkin 34,939 200 Conor Treanor & Linda Treanor 19,854 267 Louise Puttick 14,566 134 Michael Laydon & Sandra Laydon 34,050 201 Robert Wellock 19,752 268 Kevin Sands 14,508 135 Derrick Longwright & Maria Longwright 33,963 202 Linda Gower & Tony Gower 19,705 269 Nichola Walmsley & David Walmsley 14,506 136 Andrew Ridley & Louise Lee 33,885 203 David Rhodes & Christine Rhodes 19,577 270 Sharon Bullock & David Taylor 14,487 137 John Halsall & Janice Halsall 32,953 204 Cindy Brown & David Brown 19,515 271 Georgina Goodger & Will Goodger 14,436 138 Graham Long & Georgina Long 32,853 205 Keith Faulkner & Teresa Faulkner 19,367 272 Alison Thomas & Kevin Thomas 14,424 139 Barbara Ann Peachey & Alan John Peachey 32,725 206 John Smith 19,282 273 Brian Mooney & Sharon Treanor 14,327 140 Michael Allsop & Jennifer Allsop 32,580 207 Alnashir Ratanshi & Yasmin Ratanshi 19,277 274 Caroline Harvey & Simon Harvey 14,316 141 Joseph Odonnell 32,054 208 John Clements & Sophia Clements 19,277 275 Sharon Davis & Craig Davis 14,299 142 Alison Ogden & Michael Ogden 31,475 209 Gloria Davies & Clive Davies 19,266 276 Peter Abrahams & Angela Abrahams 14,270 143 Kevin Rider 31,427 210 Tony Fasulo & Julie White 19,153 277 William Burgess & Agnes Burgess 14,242 144 Chantele Travis & Barry Travis 31,275 211 Phil Curtis 19,043 278 Christopher Marshall & Lynne Marshall 14,240 145 Gary Cooper & Jackie Norris 31,270 212 Ann Coe & John Coe 18,914 279 Chris Evans & Nicky Evans 14,208 146 Andrew Meldrum & Ann Meldrum 31,041 213 Justin Rowe & Tracy Bell 18,702 280 Henry Crosby & Diana Crosby 14,165 147 Martin Bell & Caroline Roberts 30,713 214 Jillian Griffiths & Peter Griffiths 18,698 281 Kimberley Sunter 14,131 148 Ram Singh & Joginder Singh 30,517 215 Richard Peuleve & Helen Peuleve 18,685 282 Richard Fallowfield & Ranti Fallowfield 14,106 149 Stuart Mckibbin & Gail Mckibbin 30,398 216 Gerry Melanephy & Maureen Mcloughlin 18,673 283 Angela Wallace 14,038 150 Jennifer Amos & Martin Amos 29,877 217 David Byatt & Janet Smith 18,659 284 Narendra Kalon & Kashmir Kalon 14,036 151 Christine Sykes & Aidan Fisher 29,866 218 Paul Flintoft 18,590 285 Lyn Davies & Tony Davies 14,024 152 Trish Fisher & Lee Fisher 29,048 219 Jackie Bower & Stuart Bower 18,518 286 Julie Cotton & Neil Tomkinson 13,950 153 Stuart Heard & Robyn-Lee Heard 28,194 220 Terry Hodge & Jane Hodge 18,484 287 Peter Neesham & Caren Neesham 13,944 154 Stephen Clark 27,763 221 Steven Clements 18,072 288 Gail Drew & Darren Drew 13,821 155 Gill Sepe & Donato Sepe 27,244 222 Daniel Marshall & Michelle Marshall 18,043 289 Andrew Hunt & Denise Hunt 13,820 156 Lesley Burroughs 27,087 223 Colin Turnbull & Sarby Turnbull 18,004 290 Toni Yates & Martin Webb 13,803 157 Seph Oconnell & Sarah Watson 26,918 224 David Wilson & Julie Knight 17,917 291 Louise Wellock & Nathan Sylvester 13,772 158 Jen Luke & Garry Luke 26,840 225 Angela Burchell & Stephen Burchell 17,838 292 Stephen Gilbert & Rebecca Gilbert 13,762 159 Kerry Stonall & Paul Stonall 26,626 226 James Dale & Claire Daniels 17,304 293 John Clease & Kath Clease 13,745 160 Nicola Neville & Jerome Neville 26,512 227 Yvonne Coffey & Jonathan Coffey 17,157 294 Paul Melville 13,691 161 Robert Dolan & Jacqueline Dolan 26,300 228 Diane Owen & Geoff Owen 17,116 295 Iain Swanston & Jackie Swanston 13,688 162 Mark Wildman & Sarah Wildman 26,256 229 Maria Kowalkowski & Lee Kowalkowski 16,936 296 Sara Eyres & Christopher Burras 13,681 163 Karen Flitton & Peter Flitton 25,718 230 Bernie Klinger & Barbara Klinger 16,655 297 Kathleen Watson 13,654 164 Ian Clarke & Agnieszka Clarke 25,321 231 Geoffrey Davey & Berenice Davey 16,615 298 Javid Khan 13,654 165 Timothy Pace & Tina Pace 25,306 232 Georgina Gale & Phil Gale 16,574 299 Darryl Allen 13,632 166 Rhian Jones & E Anthony Jones 25,270 233 Martyn Cunningham 16,532 300 Sandra Brown 13,632 167 Linda Stanley & Ian Stanley 24,839 234 Elizabeth Pope & Jason Hardy 16,481 301 Robert Clifton & Jennifer Clifton 13,558 24