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Journal 1: What will you want future historians to know about
Everything that has happened up until this moment is part of
history. Historians reconstruct the past based on documents and
artifacts that are available to them, and what may be available
to a given historian may differ depending on a variety of
In this unit, we have been learning about the events and culture
of the United States during the Reconstruction Era, roughly 150
years ago.
For this journal entry, imagine what an historian conducting
research 150 years from now would want to know about what is
happening in the United States today. Write for 15 minutes, or
about 250 words, about what you think that historian would
want and need to know. Think of your journal entry as a
"primary source document" that will be uncovered in 150 years
- your journal entry will help that historian understand the
United States today.
Journal 2: Contesting the West
During the Gilded Age, Anglo settlers moved into the Great
Plains and Mountain West regions in increasing
numbers, setting up conflicts with Native American Indians who
had lived on the land for many generations.
Imagine you are either a Plains Indian, or an Anglo farmer, in
the West. Write for 15 minutes, or
approximately 250 words, about your experiences. Be sure to
write in complete sentences and in your own words.
Journal 3: Reflecting on Immigration
As you have read in Chapter 17 and watched in the
accompanying video lesson, immigration was a major feature
and driver of change during the Gilded Age. Immigration is also
a major issue today, with some calling for restrictions on
immigration, and others calling for immigrants to be welcomed
into the United States, even as Texas generally and Dallas
specifically have among the highest concentrations of
immigrants from around the world.
Reflect on the extent to which our local and national economy
and society relies on immigration, and reflect on the extent to
which immigrants play a role in your daily life. Write for
approximately 15 minutes, or 250 words, about your thoughts
on immigrants and immigration in the 21st century.
Journal 4: Module 4 Journal: Ideologies and Empire
You have learned about both domestic racial and gender
relations, as well as the beginnings of the United States'
overseas empire at the turn of the 20th Century, from the
chapters and video lessons.
In what ways do you think that attitudes about race and gender
in the United States, intersect with ideas about the projection of
U.S. economic and military power abroad, in the current era?
Write for 15 minutes, or approximately 250 words, on this
subject. Please write in complete sentences and in your own
Journal 5: Progressive Reforms Today
As you have read in Chapter 19 and watched in the
accompanying video lesson, the Progressive Era was
characterized by a series of significant reforms that were
advanced at both the state and federal level. Many of these
reforms continue with us today.
Write for 15 minutes, or approximately 250 words, about a
particular Progressive Era reform - of your choice - that
continues to shape society today.
Journal 6: Wartime Propaganda
From the chapter and video lesson, you have learned how the
Wilson administration used propaganda and censorship to
"manufacture the consent" of voters to support the U.S.
involvement and effort in World War I.
What examples can you find today, of the U.S. government
using similar efforts to build support for its policies, actions,
and leaders? Write for 15 minutes, or 250 words, on this topic.
Be sure to use specific examples and write in your own words
using complete sentences.
Journal 7: The Ku Klux Klan and Right Wing Terrorism
Having learned about the re-birth of the Ku Klux Klan in
the 1920s, what parallels can you find between the Klan, and
right-wing terrorist groups in contemporary society? Write
for 15 minutes, or approximately 250 words, about what
similarities and differences that you see between the 1920s
KKK, and right-wing terrorist groups today. Be sure to write in
complete sentences and in your own words.
Journal 8: The Great Depression and the New Deal
You have learned about the structural causes of the Great
Depression, and about how the Hoover and Roosevelt
administrations differently responded to the Depression, in
chapter 22 and the accompanying video lessons.
Based on what you have learned, reflect on the different
responses to the Depression. To what extent should the federal
government play a role in providing relief, recovery, and
reform, when the private sector fails to meet the needs of the
citizens? Write for 15 minutes, or 250 words, on whether and
how the federal government should or should not provide relief,
recovery, and reform.
Journal 9: Why is it called "The Good War?"
Author Studs Terkel nicknamed World War II, "The Good
War," in his book by the same name. In your opinion, what is it
about World War II that causes many Americans to consider
it "The Good War?" Write for 15 minutes, or
approximately 250 words, on why you think this is so. Please
write in complete sentences and in your own words.
Journal 10: Are We in a New Cold War?
You have learned about the Cold War conflict between the
United States and its liberal democratic allies on one hand, and
the Soviet Union and its communist allies on the other hand,
with a large part of the world caught in an ambivalent middle
and often finding itself the location for numerous "hot" proxy
wars and interventions.
Reflect on the current global political and economic situation.
Is the United States in a new Cold War with Russia? Or with
China? Or both? If so, why? If not, why not? What similarities
and differences do you see between the Cold War and the
current geopolitical situation? Write for 15 minutes, or 250
words, with your thoughts on these questions.
Journal 11: The Consumer Society
Chapter 25 refers to the period of 1945 to 1961 as "The
Consumer Society." In what ways are we still a consumer
society? In what ways might that be changing? Do we think the
present changes might be permanent? Or are we still
consumers, but just with different consumption patters? Write
for 15 minutes, or approximately 250 words, on these
questions. Be sure to write in your own words and in complete
Journal 12: What Civil Rights Work Remains?
In Chapter 26 and the accompanying video lessons, we saw the
successes of the Civil Rights Movement lead to the
advancement of ongoing reform movements designed to improve
the lives of youth, women, Latinx peoples, and American
Based on what you have learned, what unfinished work remains
to secure the blessings of liberty for various groups who live in
the United States? What further reforms are needed? Write for
15 minutes, or approximately 250 words, to answer these
Journal 13: Living with Less
The title of chapter 27 is "Living with Less." The 1970s
featured both economic problems and political scandals. What
parallels do you see in the current era? Write for 15 minutes, or
approximately 250 words, on the similarities and differences
between the 1970s and the current era. Be sure to use your own
words and write in complete sentences.
Journal 14: Does Conservatism Remain Triumphant?
Based on your reading of previous chapters and watching
previous lessons, one broad theme you should have seen is that,
from 1877 to 1932, the Republican Party was the stronger of the
two parties, and apart from the Progressive Era, American
voters tended to favor a limited role for the federal government.
Beginning in 1932, voters began voting for more Democratic
candidates and supporting an larger role for the federal
government, such as a permanent standing army and
national security infrastructure, and economic security programs
like those of the New Deal and Great Society. But starting in
1968, with the election of Richard Nixon, continuing with the
1976 election of Jimmy Carter as an outsider, and
certainly culminating with the 12 years of Ronald Reagan
and George H.W. Bush, the United States entered an era
in which the federal government was increasingly scrutinized
and limited in certain areas, even as it expanded in other areas
that aligned with conservative priorities.
Today, our politics seems hopelessly divided between
Republicans and Democrats, conservatives and liberals. Are we
still in a conservative era? Or are Americans again becoming
more liberal/progressive? Write for 15 minutes,
or approximately 250 words, to answer these questions to the
best of your ability.
Journal 15: The Bill Clinton Presidency
As you have read in Chapter 29, Bill Clinton's presidency
stretched across much of the decade. Historians are now only
beginning to have the perspective in which to evaluate his
presidency within the broader historical context. What are your
thoughts on Bill Clinton's presidency? Write for 15 minutes, or
approximately 250 words, on what your thoughts are regarding
his presidency and legacy. Make sure to use your own words
and write in complete sentences.
Journal 16: What will you want future historians to know about
The Module 1 Journal asked you to write about what you would
want future historians to know about today. You wrote that
journal entry on the basis of what you knew at the beginning of
the course, having just completed the reading and video lesson
for Module 1.
Having now read chapters 16-30 in the textbook, watched
numerous video lessons, and completed other activities, how
would you answer that question differently? Based on what you
have learned in this course, and reflecting upon your learning,
what would you want an historian 150 years from now, to know
about life in the United States today? Think of
your journal entry as a "primary source document" that will be
uncovered in 150 years.
Why we need to recycle
Did you know
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What can be recycled
Help the trees be free
English 201
My Words Change Lives
By Charonda Grubbs
*Children are easy targets for abuse
*Foster parents are not always properly trained or supported
when dealing with certin behaviors
*Caseworkers are overwhelmed with heavy caseloads and can't
check in with families as often as needed.
The issue is children who are mistreated and overlooked
in foster care. This is important because these children are taken
away from their biological families and placed in these homes
to give them a better life, but that is not always the case.
Types of Abuse in Foster Care
10% face physical neglect
5.6% face physical abuse
3.7% face sexual abuse
4.0% face sexual abuse and maltreatment
The purpose of this campaign is tonot only bring awareness to
the issue of mistreatment while in the foster care system. It's
also meant to provide families. Ageancies, and children with
resources that can help them make these situations better.
Children need to be properly cared for no matter who they are
and where they come from.
Better Care While In Foster Care
These children have already faced somekind of harm thatcauses
them to be placed into foster care.
Do not cause them any more pain by neglecting, abusing or
mistreating them.
Many times the people who want to become foster parents do
not have the proper training and assistance they need.
Give them the resources and suppot that is required to help
make these childrren in their care have a better life.
Foster children not be mistreated. The purpose of foster care
system is to give these children better lives. Caseworkers need
to make sure they are not taking on more than they can handle.
Agencies need have enough staff to support workers and the
families. For those who want to become foster parents, they
need receive the proper training and resources that can help
This message is for foster parents as well as foster agencies.
The parets need to understand how their treatment has a lasting
effect on the child even after they have grown into adults.
Agencies need to know that giving a caseworker to many
caseloads effects their job performance and can put a child in
unwanted situations.
Teachers, neighbors and other members of the community need
to know how their actions and words towards these families
effects them as well.
Social media
Spreading the word
Asking for help and donations for events
Recruting trainers, volunteers, and support team
Offer support and resources for families
Trainings and information ondealing with certain behaviors
Support groups to share experiences and feelings
Relates to Civically Engaged Reader
This campaign wants to lead people into creating better lives
for foster children. We want people to follow in the positive
footsteps and set great examples for how children should be
treated. By doing this we are giving the children better lives and
a sense that they are loved and belong somewhere.
Method of Evaluation
Keep intouch wih families
Make sure families receive enough training and resources
Offer more services to caseworkers, children and families
Have more meetings with information and support groups as
Concluding Plea
Overall this will be a great campaign for the children and
families of the foster care system. Doing this can makes things
easier and better for all parties involved. It is important to
address this issue and solve the problems so that for one the
children are getting the proper care they deserve as these
children don't grow up and repeat the cycle of abuse that was
done to them. Let's come together to give these children the
lifestyle they deserve. The system is here to help them do better
so we need to make sure we are doing all we can to make this
Refrence List
Jacob Fuchsberg Law firm Protecting ChildrenAgainst Abuse in
Foster care Retrieved from
Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition 2019,May 20 The Real
“Crisis” in Foster Care Retrieved from https://www.foster-
Grimm, Bill & Darwall, Julian Foster Parents: Who Are They
and What Are Their Motivations?
Retrieved from
Your name: Yuqi Liu Date of submission: May 22, 2020
ENG201 Milestone 4: #MyWordsChangeLives Project Outline
ENG201 Milestone 4: #MyWordsChangeLives Project Outline
TOPIC: Alcoholism as a social menace
PERSONAL CONNECTION: Some years ago, we lost our
grandfather, an elderly man at the age of seventy-nine who
could have lived longer, were it not for his drinking habits.
Even though he had survived through throat cancer, a
consequence of his intensive drinking, his health had led his
peers to almost accurately predict his demise. Barely a decade
on, his colleagues at the drinking den followed him, leaving
behind their destitute children and grandchildren, who were
portraits of broken families, and poverty-stricken individuals
whose riches had been gleefully gobbled down. They dropped
like flies to the extent that their demise provoked the feeling of
foul play. My native community has since time memorial battled
against alcoholism, a vice that has engulfed individuals of every
age and gender. People are oblivious of the dangers of
alcoholism, which has dragged the society into severe poverty,
as breadwinners are unable to provide basic needs, and children
are left to fend for themselves, often opting to take up small
jobs which can only facilitate them to live from hand to mouth.
ROOT CAUSE HYPOTHESIS: Negligence, misinformation,
depression, and partial illiteracy is what propels individuals to
seek solace in alcoholism. Some individuals dowse their
sorrows by guzzling pints of alcohol whereas others simply
imitate the actions of their elders to satisfy their
inquisitiveness, both of which lead to addiction. Others believe
that their predecessors lived long lives with the same drinking
habits, oblivious to the fact that alcoholic drinks served to
previous generations were subtle, in crude form, and free of
toxic substances. Others pick the habit from their friends when
they flock in entertainment joints, fearing reprisal for taking
soft drinks. Once alcoholism progresses from a weekend-based
routine to an every-day occurrence, there is no taming the habit.
AUDIENCE HYPOTHESIS: My target audience is primarily my
community members, and secondarily, individuals who are
predisposed to incidences that may incite them to engage in
alcoholism. Even though it is served as “beverage” is bars,
restaurants, and drinking dens, those who are within the initial
stages of alcoholism are within my targeted audience. Addicts
are inclusive of the audience, but the essence of my research is
to caution those who are yet to dive head-first into the habit of
excessive drinking, by educating them on the consequences to
be derived.
RESEARCH QUESTIONS: What are the influences that
promote alcoholism? Who are those predisposed to alcoholism?
When do you know that alcoholism has become a problem?
SOURCE #1: Chassin, L., Haller, M., Lee, M. R., Handley, E.,
Bountress, K., & Beltran, I. (2016). Familial factors influencing
offspring substance use and dependence.
This is a journal article sourced from
and is considered as intellectual property of Chassin, Haller,
Lee, Handley, Bountress, and Beltran. It answers the research
question, who are those predisposed to alcoholism?
· Psychosocial problems are prevalent where parental
alcoholism is an issue.
· Behavioral disorders are also significant consequences of
parental alcoholism.
· Girls are particularly affected where their breadwinners are
pinned down by parental alcoholism.
By knowing how alcoholism affects children within family units
where parental alcoholism is a problem, it is easier to identify
how best to help them, or which professional is most relevant in
assisting the victims of these circumstances.
By knowing why or how girls are the most affected where there
is parental alcoholism, aid is preliminarily provided to those
who are mostly affected.
This source projects behavioral disorders and psychosocial
problems are the outcomes of parental alcoholism. Girls are
mostly affected, as compared to boys. This is important as it
identifies who and how are others affected by alcoholism.
SOURCE #2: Wall, T. L., Luczak, S. E., & Hiller-Sturmhöfel,
S. (2016). Biology, genetics, and environment: underlying
factors influencing alcohol metabolism. Alcohol research:
current reviews, 38(1), 59.
This is an article published in the National Center for
Biotechnology Information site, which has a .gov extension, and
thus, it seems sufficient to be branded as a reliable source.
· Gene variants such as alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde
dehydrogenase elevate risks of dependence on alcohol.
· Environmental factors such as childhood adversity, individual
characteristics such as behavioral undercontrol, influence the
level at which the gene variants and alleles contribute to alcohol
These facts are important in understanding what causes
prevalence in dependency to alcohol for individuals who engage
in alcoholism, or what predisposes them to addiction.
Biological influences heavily contribute to alcohol dependence
and underlying factors, such as environmental factors only
boost the effect of these influences over alcoholism. It answers
the research question, what are the influences that promote
SOURCE #3: Rapsey, C. M., Wells, J. E., Bharat, M. C., Glantz,
M., Kessler, R. C., & Scott, K. M. (2019). Transitions Through
Stages of Alcohol Use, Use Disorder, and Remission: Findings
from Te Rau Hinengaro, The New Zealand Mental Health
Survey. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 54(1), 87-96.
This is an article published on the
website and is characterized as the intellectual property of
Rapsey, Wells, Bharat, Glants, Kessler, and Scott.
· Alcohol use starts at an early age of approximately sixteen
years of age.
· By the age of twenty-five years, dependence disorders are
already developed.
· Men are at a greater risk of remitting these disorders as
compared to women.
These facts are significant in identifying which age-group to
target when campaigning against alcoholism since dependence
disorders emerge within nine years when an individual starts
consuming alcohol.
This source answered the research question, when does alcohol
abuse become a problem. It sheds light on why it is essential to
target young people who are on the brink of emulating alcohol
Start outlining the components of your final project here.
You will explain each choice in greater detail and polished
prose for your final project.
Headline: The headline of my campaign is that alcoholism is a
social menace. My hashtag is alcohol the social disease. I
selected these words because alcoholism has been proven to be
elevated by environmental and biological factors that predispose
individuals to addiction.
Message: Alcoholism affects all genders, the males directly
because they are predisposed to dependence on alcohol and
females, especially girls who are the most affected where
parental alcoholism infiltrates the family unit. It is never too
early to combat this menace.
Audience: My campaign targets young people as it intends on
cautioning them on the impending consequences should they
indulge in alcoholism. This would eradicate the menace before
it starts, as it is a preventative initiative.
Approach: Social media, on platforms such as Instagram, and
Facebook is where I would build my campaign. These platforms
have large numbers of subscribers, and the media to be used is a
picture file, since people are more likely to interact with a
picture than a video. It becomes inexpensive and more people
are bound to interact with the flyer projecting my campaign.
Theme of Civic Engagement: This campaign is associative. It
establishes consequences of dependence on alcohol to what
causes it, or how individuals are predisposed to it.
Materials and Cost: I would use the full amount to organize a
social event where participants are directed by the flyer to
congregate and explore the issue of alcoholism. It would
account for all associated costs in ensuring its success.
Associated costs include sourcing the skills of a graphics
designer to develop an attractive flyer and giving a tip to
individuals who help convey the message.
#MyWordsChangeLives Project
Yuqi Liu
June 7, 2020
A brief overview of the issue
The effects of intensive drinking continue to be felt
significantly in the society. These include fatalities, diseases,
and social effects like domestic violence, among other issues. A
national survey carried out in the USA by the National Institute
of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 86.3% of the people past the
age of 18 years reported that they had at some point drank
alcohol (NIAAA, 2020). 70% of these people reported that they
had drunk in the previous year while 55.3% reported that they
had drunk alcohol in the last month.
According to the survey, 14,400,000 adults aged eighteen and
above had developed the alcohol use disorder. Among these,
9,200,000 were men while 5,200,000 were women. Besides, the
report indicated that 401,000 adolescents had this condition.
The report also indicated that the average number of people who
die alcohol-related causes per year was 88,000 people. The
number of deaths caused by drunk drivers in 2014 was 9,967
(NIAAA, 2020). Besides, the impact was further assessed in
terms of the economic burden of alcoholism. The cost of alcohol
misuse in the USA in 2010 was estimated to be $ 249 billion. A
significant proportion of this cost was due to binge drinking.
Globally, 3.3 million deaths in 2012 were believed to have been
as a result of alcoholism. WHO in 2014 reported that more than
200 diseases and health-related injuries were caused by
alcoholism (NIAAA, 2020). Alcohol therefore according to this
report ranked fifth among the risk factors that cause premature
disabilities and death.
Therefore, the issue of alcoholism and related conditions is an
important factor that deserves to be addressed with utmost
seriousness. This is because it not only leads to fatalities but
also to disabilities, economic losses, and social ills.
Several efforts have been made to address this problem. The
measures are based on the implementing government but there
are no clearly stipulated measures that cut across states.
However, there are various measures that have been common in
many countries. One of the measures has been to make cheap
alcohol unavailable (Sassi, 2015). This leads to a reduction in
the number of people demanding to take alcohol and also
reduces the rate of drinking.
The second common measure which has been taken is to ban
adverts which appeal to young people to start taking alcohol.
This is because it has been established that there exists a strong
link between alcohol adverts and the number of people below
the age of 18 years taking alcohol (Sassi, 2015). Therefore, this
led to a stoppage of adverts placed in contexts that appeal to
young people in some countries. The other measure commonly
taken has been to an enhanced shared responsibility between the
alcohol industry and the public health sector (Sassi, 2015). This
is because the industry has certain ways to reach out and appeal
to customers than the government. They also have the technical
knowledge to produce less harmful products. Other measures
put in place have sought to support those affected by alcohol
disorders through rehabilitation and support to their families.
Despite the fact that these measures have heard some impact in
the reduction of alcohol consumption and dependency, there is
not much that has been done to mobilize the public on the
implications of alcohol dependency and why it is a social vice.
There has not been mass mobilization on social media and other
platforms. In fact, the marketing adverts for alcohol supersede
those which seek to reduce their dependency. Therefore, there is
a need to undertake this mobilization program which has the
potential of reducing alcohol dependency, therefore reducing
the negative impacts being witnessed in the society.
The Headline
The campaign headline shall be "Alcohol the social menace."
The hashtag to be used is #alcohol the social disease. I selected
those words because the negative impacts of alcohol health-
wise, economically, and socially qualify it to be referred to as a
social menace.
The message
The main message in this headline is that alcohol brings more
social harm than benefits. Alcoholism affects all genders and
has negative impacts on the health, economic, and social status
of an individual. The headline therefore not only mobilizes and
creates awareness among people but also calls for action.
The audience
My audience will be mainly comprised of young people
especially the males whose rate of dependency on alcohol
according to statistics, has proven to be higher than men. The
headline approach will be effective in this age group because it
is short and to the point. People in this age group do not prefer
reading long messages. The message will lead to the eradication
of the problem from the grassroots since the youth form the
future generation.
The approach
The campaign approach shall be the use of major social media
platforms. These are mainly Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
This is because the platforms have a huge number of people
who fall in the age of my target audience. The approach is
therefore, effective and will not strain the campaign budget. The
media to be used in the campaign shall be a picture that is more
likely to be viewed by the audience as compared to a video.
Therefore, pictures and fliers shall be the major tools in the
The theme of civic engagement
The campaign shall take an associative approach. It shall be
seeking to establish the impacts of high alcohol dependency, its
causes, and risk exposures. This approach shall, therefore, be
effective as it justifies the causes, risks and also provides
possible solutions.
Materials and costs
The full amount would be used in the organization of a social
event where participants will be mobilized using fliers
concerning the issue of alcoholism. Besides, the campaign
would also include sponsoring of our hashtag to be among the
top trends on twitter as well as the other identified platforms.
The cost will also include paying a designer to help develop
quality flier. Facebook sponsoring on Shopify starts with a free
trial and then a cost $79 per month (Facebook Store 2020). To
cut on cost on Twitter, we shall use the promoted tweet
approach, which will cost $2 per day (WebFX, 2020). The cost
of designing a flier will depend on the designer. However, the
average cost may not exceed $1 per flier.
Method of evaluation
Establishing the effect of the campaign will be based on the
number of views for our Facebook page as well as the number
of retweets for our sponsored tweet. In the long-run, the
evaluation method will be based on the rate of reduction in
alcohol dependency. This however, will require identification of
the impact our campaign has on the reduction.
Concluding plea
In a nutshell, alcohol has a significant negative implication on
our society today. As observed from the statistics, the number
of deaths caused by alcohol-related issues in 2012 was 3.3
million people. This number must have risen in recent years.
Besides, the World Health Organization reported that alcohol is
the cause of 200 diseases and injuries globally. The use of
social media as a key mobilization tool, especially targeting the
youth, will be effective since this age group is mostly available
on social media. Focusing on the youth shall ensure that going
forward, the coming generation shall not be suffering from this
condition. I am the right person to implement this project
because I have experienced its impact first hand after the
demise of my grandfather. I, therefore, have a personal feeling
attached to this project.
National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA),
(2020). Alcohol Facts and Statistics.
Sassi, F., Cecchini, M., Devaux, M., & Astolfi, R. (2015).
Health and economic impacts of key alcohol policy options.
Tackling harmful alcohol use, 141.
Facebook Store. (2020). Plans and pricing. Shopify. Retrieved
WebFX. (2020). How Much Does It Cost to Advertise on

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  • 2. a major issue today, with some calling for restrictions on immigration, and others calling for immigrants to be welcomed into the United States, even as Texas generally and Dallas specifically have among the highest concentrations of immigrants from around the world. Reflect on the extent to which our local and national economy and society relies on immigration, and reflect on the extent to which immigrants play a role in your daily life. Write for approximately 15 minutes, or 250 words, about your thoughts on immigrants and immigration in the 21st century. Journal 4: Module 4 Journal: Ideologies and Empire You have learned about both domestic racial and gender relations, as well as the beginnings of the United States' overseas empire at the turn of the 20th Century, from the chapters and video lessons. In what ways do you think that attitudes about race and gender in the United States, intersect with ideas about the projection of U.S. economic and military power abroad, in the current era? Write for 15 minutes, or approximately 250 words, on this subject. Please write in complete sentences and in your own words. Journal 5: Progressive Reforms Today As you have read in Chapter 19 and watched in the accompanying video lesson, the Progressive Era was characterized by a series of significant reforms that were advanced at both the state and federal level. Many of these reforms continue with us today. Write for 15 minutes, or approximately 250 words, about a particular Progressive Era reform - of your choice - that continues to shape society today. Journal 6: Wartime Propaganda From the chapter and video lesson, you have learned how the Wilson administration used propaganda and censorship to
  • 3. "manufacture the consent" of voters to support the U.S. involvement and effort in World War I. What examples can you find today, of the U.S. government using similar efforts to build support for its policies, actions, and leaders? Write for 15 minutes, or 250 words, on this topic. Be sure to use specific examples and write in your own words using complete sentences. Journal 7: The Ku Klux Klan and Right Wing Terrorism Having learned about the re-birth of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s, what parallels can you find between the Klan, and right-wing terrorist groups in contemporary society? Write for 15 minutes, or approximately 250 words, about what similarities and differences that you see between the 1920s KKK, and right-wing terrorist groups today. Be sure to write in complete sentences and in your own words. Journal 8: The Great Depression and the New Deal You have learned about the structural causes of the Great Depression, and about how the Hoover and Roosevelt administrations differently responded to the Depression, in chapter 22 and the accompanying video lessons. Based on what you have learned, reflect on the different responses to the Depression. To what extent should the federal government play a role in providing relief, recovery, and reform, when the private sector fails to meet the needs of the citizens? Write for 15 minutes, or 250 words, on whether and how the federal government should or should not provide relief, recovery, and reform. Journal 9: Why is it called "The Good War?" Author Studs Terkel nicknamed World War II, "The Good War," in his book by the same name. In your opinion, what is it about World War II that causes many Americans to consider it "The Good War?" Write for 15 minutes, or
  • 4. approximately 250 words, on why you think this is so. Please write in complete sentences and in your own words. Journal 10: Are We in a New Cold War? You have learned about the Cold War conflict between the United States and its liberal democratic allies on one hand, and the Soviet Union and its communist allies on the other hand, with a large part of the world caught in an ambivalent middle and often finding itself the location for numerous "hot" proxy wars and interventions. Reflect on the current global political and economic situation. Is the United States in a new Cold War with Russia? Or with China? Or both? If so, why? If not, why not? What similarities and differences do you see between the Cold War and the current geopolitical situation? Write for 15 minutes, or 250 words, with your thoughts on these questions. Journal 11: The Consumer Society Chapter 25 refers to the period of 1945 to 1961 as "The Consumer Society." In what ways are we still a consumer society? In what ways might that be changing? Do we think the present changes might be permanent? Or are we still consumers, but just with different consumption patters? Write for 15 minutes, or approximately 250 words, on these questions. Be sure to write in your own words and in complete sentences. Journal 12: What Civil Rights Work Remains? In Chapter 26 and the accompanying video lessons, we saw the successes of the Civil Rights Movement lead to the advancement of ongoing reform movements designed to improve the lives of youth, women, Latinx peoples, and American Indians. Based on what you have learned, what unfinished work remains to secure the blessings of liberty for various groups who live in
  • 5. the United States? What further reforms are needed? Write for 15 minutes, or approximately 250 words, to answer these questions. Journal 13: Living with Less The title of chapter 27 is "Living with Less." The 1970s featured both economic problems and political scandals. What parallels do you see in the current era? Write for 15 minutes, or approximately 250 words, on the similarities and differences between the 1970s and the current era. Be sure to use your own words and write in complete sentences. Journal 14: Does Conservatism Remain Triumphant? Based on your reading of previous chapters and watching previous lessons, one broad theme you should have seen is that, from 1877 to 1932, the Republican Party was the stronger of the two parties, and apart from the Progressive Era, American voters tended to favor a limited role for the federal government. Beginning in 1932, voters began voting for more Democratic candidates and supporting an larger role for the federal government, such as a permanent standing army and national security infrastructure, and economic security programs like those of the New Deal and Great Society. But starting in 1968, with the election of Richard Nixon, continuing with the 1976 election of Jimmy Carter as an outsider, and certainly culminating with the 12 years of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, the United States entered an era in which the federal government was increasingly scrutinized and limited in certain areas, even as it expanded in other areas that aligned with conservative priorities. Today, our politics seems hopelessly divided between Republicans and Democrats, conservatives and liberals. Are we still in a conservative era? Or are Americans again becoming more liberal/progressive? Write for 15 minutes, or approximately 250 words, to answer these questions to the best of your ability.
  • 6. Journal 15: The Bill Clinton Presidency As you have read in Chapter 29, Bill Clinton's presidency stretched across much of the decade. Historians are now only beginning to have the perspective in which to evaluate his presidency within the broader historical context. What are your thoughts on Bill Clinton's presidency? Write for 15 minutes, or approximately 250 words, on what your thoughts are regarding his presidency and legacy. Make sure to use your own words and write in complete sentences. Journal 16: What will you want future historians to know about today? The Module 1 Journal asked you to write about what you would want future historians to know about today. You wrote that journal entry on the basis of what you knew at the beginning of the course, having just completed the reading and video lesson for Module 1. Having now read chapters 16-30 in the textbook, watched numerous video lessons, and completed other activities, how would you answer that question differently? Based on what you have learned in this course, and reflecting upon your learning, what would you want an historian 150 years from now, to know about life in the United States today? Think of your journal entry as a "primary source document" that will be uncovered in 150 years. Why we need to recycle
  • 7. Did you know The little things we do make a difference What can be recycled Help the trees be free #Helpushelpyou English 201 My Words Change Lives
  • 8. By Charonda Grubbs REASONS *Children are easy targets for abuse *Foster parents are not always properly trained or supported when dealing with certin behaviors *Caseworkers are overwhelmed with heavy caseloads and can't check in with families as often as needed. Issue The issue is children who are mistreated and overlooked in foster care. This is important because these children are taken away from their biological families and placed in these homes to give them a better life, but that is not always the case. Types of Abuse in Foster Care 10% face physical neglect 5.6% face physical abuse 3.7% face sexual abuse 4.0% face sexual abuse and maltreatment Purpose The purpose of this campaign is tonot only bring awareness to the issue of mistreatment while in the foster care system. It's also meant to provide families. Ageancies, and children with resources that can help them make these situations better. Children need to be properly cared for no matter who they are and where they come from. Better Care While In Foster Care
  • 9. #NoMoreHarm These children have already faced somekind of harm thatcauses them to be placed into foster care. Do not cause them any more pain by neglecting, abusing or mistreating them. #HelpMeWhileIHelp Many times the people who want to become foster parents do not have the proper training and assistance they need. Give them the resources and suppot that is required to help make these childrren in their care have a better life. Message Foster children not be mistreated. The purpose of foster care system is to give these children better lives. Caseworkers need to make sure they are not taking on more than they can handle. Agencies need have enough staff to support workers and the families. For those who want to become foster parents, they need receive the proper training and resources that can help them. Audience This message is for foster parents as well as foster agencies. The parets need to understand how their treatment has a lasting effect on the child even after they have grown into adults. Agencies need to know that giving a caseworker to many caseloads effects their job performance and can put a child in unwanted situations. Teachers, neighbors and other members of the community need to know how their actions and words towards these families effects them as well.
  • 10. Approach Social media Spreading the word Asking for help and donations for events Recruting trainers, volunteers, and support team Meetings Offer support and resources for families Trainings and information ondealing with certain behaviors Support groups to share experiences and feelings Relates to Civically Engaged Reader This campaign wants to lead people into creating better lives for foster children. We want people to follow in the positive footsteps and set great examples for how children should be treated. By doing this we are giving the children better lives and a sense that they are loved and belong somewhere. Method of Evaluation Keep intouch wih families Make sure families receive enough training and resources Offer more services to caseworkers, children and families Have more meetings with information and support groups as needed Concluding Plea Overall this will be a great campaign for the children and families of the foster care system. Doing this can makes things
  • 11. easier and better for all parties involved. It is important to address this issue and solve the problems so that for one the children are getting the proper care they deserve as these children don't grow up and repeat the cycle of abuse that was done to them. Let's come together to give these children the lifestyle they deserve. The system is here to help them do better so we need to make sure we are doing all we can to make this happen. Refrence List Jacob Fuchsberg Law firm Protecting ChildrenAgainst Abuse in Foster care Retrieved from Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition 2019,May 20 The Real “Crisis” in Foster Care Retrieved from https://www.foster- Grimm, Bill & Darwall, Julian Foster Parents: Who Are They and What Are Their Motivations? Retrieved from who-are-they-and-what-are-their-motivations/ Your name: Yuqi Liu Date of submission: May 22, 2020 ENG201 Milestone 4: #MyWordsChangeLives Project Outline ENG201 Milestone 4: #MyWordsChangeLives Project Outline #wordschangelives PART 1: PERSONAL REFLECTION
  • 12. TOPIC: Alcoholism as a social menace PERSONAL CONNECTION: Some years ago, we lost our grandfather, an elderly man at the age of seventy-nine who could have lived longer, were it not for his drinking habits. Even though he had survived through throat cancer, a consequence of his intensive drinking, his health had led his peers to almost accurately predict his demise. Barely a decade on, his colleagues at the drinking den followed him, leaving behind their destitute children and grandchildren, who were portraits of broken families, and poverty-stricken individuals whose riches had been gleefully gobbled down. They dropped like flies to the extent that their demise provoked the feeling of foul play. My native community has since time memorial battled against alcoholism, a vice that has engulfed individuals of every age and gender. People are oblivious of the dangers of alcoholism, which has dragged the society into severe poverty, as breadwinners are unable to provide basic needs, and children are left to fend for themselves, often opting to take up small jobs which can only facilitate them to live from hand to mouth. ROOT CAUSE HYPOTHESIS: Negligence, misinformation, depression, and partial illiteracy is what propels individuals to seek solace in alcoholism. Some individuals dowse their sorrows by guzzling pints of alcohol whereas others simply imitate the actions of their elders to satisfy their inquisitiveness, both of which lead to addiction. Others believe that their predecessors lived long lives with the same drinking habits, oblivious to the fact that alcoholic drinks served to previous generations were subtle, in crude form, and free of toxic substances. Others pick the habit from their friends when they flock in entertainment joints, fearing reprisal for taking soft drinks. Once alcoholism progresses from a weekend-based
  • 13. routine to an every-day occurrence, there is no taming the habit. AUDIENCE HYPOTHESIS: My target audience is primarily my community members, and secondarily, individuals who are predisposed to incidences that may incite them to engage in alcoholism. Even though it is served as “beverage” is bars, restaurants, and drinking dens, those who are within the initial stages of alcoholism are within my targeted audience. Addicts are inclusive of the audience, but the essence of my research is to caution those who are yet to dive head-first into the habit of excessive drinking, by educating them on the consequences to be derived. RESEARCH QUESTIONS: What are the influences that promote alcoholism? Who are those predisposed to alcoholism? When do you know that alcoholism has become a problem? PART 2: RESEARCH SUMMARY SOURCE #1: Chassin, L., Haller, M., Lee, M. R., Handley, E., Bountress, K., & Beltran, I. (2016). Familial factors influencing offspring substance use and dependence. This is a journal article sourced from and is considered as intellectual property of Chassin, Haller, Lee, Handley, Bountress, and Beltran. It answers the research question, who are those predisposed to alcoholism? · Psychosocial problems are prevalent where parental
  • 14. alcoholism is an issue. · Behavioral disorders are also significant consequences of parental alcoholism. · Girls are particularly affected where their breadwinners are pinned down by parental alcoholism. By knowing how alcoholism affects children within family units where parental alcoholism is a problem, it is easier to identify how best to help them, or which professional is most relevant in assisting the victims of these circumstances. By knowing why or how girls are the most affected where there is parental alcoholism, aid is preliminarily provided to those who are mostly affected. This source projects behavioral disorders and psychosocial problems are the outcomes of parental alcoholism. Girls are mostly affected, as compared to boys. This is important as it identifies who and how are others affected by alcoholism. SOURCE #2: Wall, T. L., Luczak, S. E., & Hiller-Sturmhöfel, S. (2016). Biology, genetics, and environment: underlying factors influencing alcohol metabolism. Alcohol research: current reviews, 38(1), 59. This is an article published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information site, which has a .gov extension, and thus, it seems sufficient to be branded as a reliable source. · Gene variants such as alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase elevate risks of dependence on alcohol. · Environmental factors such as childhood adversity, individual characteristics such as behavioral undercontrol, influence the level at which the gene variants and alleles contribute to alcohol
  • 15. involvement. These facts are important in understanding what causes prevalence in dependency to alcohol for individuals who engage in alcoholism, or what predisposes them to addiction. Biological influences heavily contribute to alcohol dependence and underlying factors, such as environmental factors only boost the effect of these influences over alcoholism. It answers the research question, what are the influences that promote alcoholism? SOURCE #3: Rapsey, C. M., Wells, J. E., Bharat, M. C., Glantz, M., Kessler, R. C., & Scott, K. M. (2019). Transitions Through Stages of Alcohol Use, Use Disorder, and Remission: Findings from Te Rau Hinengaro, The New Zealand Mental Health Survey. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 54(1), 87-96. This is an article published on the website and is characterized as the intellectual property of Rapsey, Wells, Bharat, Glants, Kessler, and Scott. · Alcohol use starts at an early age of approximately sixteen years of age. · By the age of twenty-five years, dependence disorders are already developed. · Men are at a greater risk of remitting these disorders as compared to women. These facts are significant in identifying which age-group to target when campaigning against alcoholism since dependence
  • 16. disorders emerge within nine years when an individual starts consuming alcohol. This source answered the research question, when does alcohol abuse become a problem. It sheds light on why it is essential to target young people who are on the brink of emulating alcohol abuse. PART 3: PROJECT PLANNING OUTLINE CREATE YOUR OWN TEXT-BASED CAMPAIGN! Start outlining the components of your final project here. You will explain each choice in greater detail and polished prose for your final project. Headline: The headline of my campaign is that alcoholism is a social menace. My hashtag is alcohol the social disease. I selected these words because alcoholism has been proven to be elevated by environmental and biological factors that predispose individuals to addiction. Message: Alcoholism affects all genders, the males directly because they are predisposed to dependence on alcohol and females, especially girls who are the most affected where parental alcoholism infiltrates the family unit. It is never too early to combat this menace.
  • 17. Audience: My campaign targets young people as it intends on cautioning them on the impending consequences should they indulge in alcoholism. This would eradicate the menace before it starts, as it is a preventative initiative. Approach: Social media, on platforms such as Instagram, and Facebook is where I would build my campaign. These platforms have large numbers of subscribers, and the media to be used is a picture file, since people are more likely to interact with a picture than a video. It becomes inexpensive and more people are bound to interact with the flyer projecting my campaign. Theme of Civic Engagement: This campaign is associative. It establishes consequences of dependence on alcohol to what causes it, or how individuals are predisposed to it. Materials and Cost: I would use the full amount to organize a social event where participants are directed by the flyer to congregate and explore the issue of alcoholism. It would account for all associated costs in ensuring its success. Associated costs include sourcing the skills of a graphics designer to develop an attractive flyer and giving a tip to individuals who help convey the message.
  • 18. Running head: #MYWORDSCHANGELIVES PROJECT #MYWORDSCHANGELIVES PROJECT 4 #MyWordsChangeLives Project Yuqi Liu ENG-201 June 7, 2020 A brief overview of the issue The effects of intensive drinking continue to be felt significantly in the society. These include fatalities, diseases, and social effects like domestic violence, among other issues. A national survey carried out in the USA by the National Institute
  • 19. of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 86.3% of the people past the age of 18 years reported that they had at some point drank alcohol (NIAAA, 2020). 70% of these people reported that they had drunk in the previous year while 55.3% reported that they had drunk alcohol in the last month. According to the survey, 14,400,000 adults aged eighteen and above had developed the alcohol use disorder. Among these, 9,200,000 were men while 5,200,000 were women. Besides, the report indicated that 401,000 adolescents had this condition. The report also indicated that the average number of people who die alcohol-related causes per year was 88,000 people. The number of deaths caused by drunk drivers in 2014 was 9,967 (NIAAA, 2020). Besides, the impact was further assessed in terms of the economic burden of alcoholism. The cost of alcohol misuse in the USA in 2010 was estimated to be $ 249 billion. A significant proportion of this cost was due to binge drinking. Globally, 3.3 million deaths in 2012 were believed to have been as a result of alcoholism. WHO in 2014 reported that more than 200 diseases and health-related injuries were caused by alcoholism (NIAAA, 2020). Alcohol therefore according to this report ranked fifth among the risk factors that cause premature disabilities and death. Therefore, the issue of alcoholism and related conditions is an important factor that deserves to be addressed with utmost seriousness. This is because it not only leads to fatalities but also to disabilities, economic losses, and social ills. Several efforts have been made to address this problem. The measures are based on the implementing government but there are no clearly stipulated measures that cut across states. However, there are various measures that have been common in many countries. One of the measures has been to make cheap alcohol unavailable (Sassi, 2015). This leads to a reduction in the number of people demanding to take alcohol and also reduces the rate of drinking. The second common measure which has been taken is to ban adverts which appeal to young people to start taking alcohol.
  • 20. This is because it has been established that there exists a strong link between alcohol adverts and the number of people below the age of 18 years taking alcohol (Sassi, 2015). Therefore, this led to a stoppage of adverts placed in contexts that appeal to young people in some countries. The other measure commonly taken has been to an enhanced shared responsibility between the alcohol industry and the public health sector (Sassi, 2015). This is because the industry has certain ways to reach out and appeal to customers than the government. They also have the technical knowledge to produce less harmful products. Other measures put in place have sought to support those affected by alcohol disorders through rehabilitation and support to their families. Despite the fact that these measures have heard some impact in the reduction of alcohol consumption and dependency, there is not much that has been done to mobilize the public on the implications of alcohol dependency and why it is a social vice. There has not been mass mobilization on social media and other platforms. In fact, the marketing adverts for alcohol supersede those which seek to reduce their dependency. Therefore, there is a need to undertake this mobilization program which has the potential of reducing alcohol dependency, therefore reducing the negative impacts being witnessed in the society. The Headline The campaign headline shall be "Alcohol the social menace." The hashtag to be used is #alcohol the social disease. I selected those words because the negative impacts of alcohol health- wise, economically, and socially qualify it to be referred to as a social menace. The message The main message in this headline is that alcohol brings more social harm than benefits. Alcoholism affects all genders and has negative impacts on the health, economic, and social status of an individual. The headline therefore not only mobilizes and creates awareness among people but also calls for action. The audience
  • 21. My audience will be mainly comprised of young people especially the males whose rate of dependency on alcohol according to statistics, has proven to be higher than men. The headline approach will be effective in this age group because it is short and to the point. People in this age group do not prefer reading long messages. The message will lead to the eradication of the problem from the grassroots since the youth form the future generation. The approach The campaign approach shall be the use of major social media platforms. These are mainly Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. This is because the platforms have a huge number of people who fall in the age of my target audience. The approach is therefore, effective and will not strain the campaign budget. The media to be used in the campaign shall be a picture that is more likely to be viewed by the audience as compared to a video. Therefore, pictures and fliers shall be the major tools in the campaign. The theme of civic engagement The campaign shall take an associative approach. It shall be seeking to establish the impacts of high alcohol dependency, its causes, and risk exposures. This approach shall, therefore, be effective as it justifies the causes, risks and also provides possible solutions. Materials and costs The full amount would be used in the organization of a social event where participants will be mobilized using fliers concerning the issue of alcoholism. Besides, the campaign would also include sponsoring of our hashtag to be among the top trends on twitter as well as the other identified platforms. The cost will also include paying a designer to help develop quality flier. Facebook sponsoring on Shopify starts with a free trial and then a cost $79 per month (Facebook Store 2020). To cut on cost on Twitter, we shall use the promoted tweet approach, which will cost $2 per day (WebFX, 2020). The cost of designing a flier will depend on the designer. However, the
  • 22. average cost may not exceed $1 per flier. Method of evaluation Establishing the effect of the campaign will be based on the number of views for our Facebook page as well as the number of retweets for our sponsored tweet. In the long-run, the evaluation method will be based on the rate of reduction in alcohol dependency. This however, will require identification of the impact our campaign has on the reduction. Concluding plea In a nutshell, alcohol has a significant negative implication on our society today. As observed from the statistics, the number of deaths caused by alcohol-related issues in 2012 was 3.3 million people. This number must have risen in recent years. Besides, the World Health Organization reported that alcohol is the cause of 200 diseases and injuries globally. The use of social media as a key mobilization tool, especially targeting the youth, will be effective since this age group is mostly available on social media. Focusing on the youth shall ensure that going forward, the coming generation shall not be suffering from this condition. I am the right person to implement this project because I have experienced its impact first hand after the demise of my grandfather. I, therefore, have a personal feeling attached to this project. References National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA),
  • 23. (2020). Alcohol Facts and Statistics. Sassi, F., Cecchini, M., Devaux, M., & Astolfi, R. (2015). Health and economic impacts of key alcohol policy options. Tackling harmful alcohol use, 141. Facebook Store. (2020). Plans and pricing. Shopify. Retrieved from acebook&Network=Search&SiteTarget=&mt=b&adid=43877463 4272&adpos=&CampaignId=1506803497&gclid=CjwKCAjwt- L2BRA_EiwAacX32d4tlvUCHuFYPKU15e- 9O3_fP8XeL5oMRglzvvvZmeEf3E3ch2L8lRoCKkgQAvD_BwE &gclsrc=aw.ds WebFX. (2020). How Much Does It Cost to Advertise on Twitter?