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Joseph Stalin Facts
Joseph Stalin was born on December 6, 1878, in a place called Gori, Georgia, a country just south of
Russia. Stalin's childhood was rather rough because he was quite poor to the fault of his parents'
jobs. His father was an alcoholic shoemaker and his mother was a laundress. After reaching the age
five, his father left his family to go work in the capital of Georgia, leaving Joseph and his mother to
continue on without him. Stalin and his mother moved homes to live with a priest. Another
unfortunate occurrence happened when Stalin turned 7, he caught an illness, Smallpox, which made
his life harder because it left his skin and face with scars. He also got a blood poisoning which made
his right arm longer this his left. Although Stalin's appearance wasn't the most handsome, he still
received high grades and loved participating extracurricular activities. After Stalin graduated, his
mother enrolled in a seminary, Stalin was accepted but was later expelled to the fault of missing his
final exams. After being expelled, Stalin joined the Bolshevik Revolutionaries, an underground
group who followed Karl Marx's communist writings. ... Show more content on ...
Stalin robbed banks, led riots, and committed other serious crimes after being within this group.
Soon 1917 came around and the Russian Revolution began and the government was overthrown by
Lenin and his Bolshevik tribe was pushed into power. The government's name was soon changed to
the Soviet Union, and their union did not rule with kindness. They believed in running the
government frightfully. In 1924, Lenin died due to his health and Stalin took his place as
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Essay on Joseph Stalin
"The man who turned the Soviet Union from a backward country into a world superpower at
unimaginable human cost (Joseph Stalin)." "Stalin was born into a dysfunctional family in a poor
village in Georgia (Joseph Stalin)." Permanently scarred from a childhood bout with smallpox and
having a mildly deformed arm, Stalin always felt unfairly treated by life, and thus developed a
strong, romanticized desire for greatness and respect, combined with a shrewd streak of calculating
cold–heartedness towards those who had maligned him. "He always felt a sense of inferiority before
educated intellectuals, and particularly distrusted them (Joseph Stalin)."
Sent by his mother to the seminary in Tiflis (now Tbilisi), the capital of Georgia, to ... Show more
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At first, these people were removed from their posts and exiled abroad. "Later, when he realized that
their sharp tongues and pens were still capable of inveighing against him even from far away, Stalin
switched tactics, culminating in a vast reign of terror and spectacular show trials. In the 1930s
during which the founding fathers of the Soviet Union were one by one unmasked as "enemies of
the people" who had supposedly always been in the employ of Capitalist intelligence services and
summarily shot (Stalin Internet Library)." The particularly pesky Leon Trotsky, who continued to
badger Stalin from Mexico City after his exile in 1929, had to be silenced once and for all with an
ice pick in 1940. "The purges, or "repressions" as they are known in Russia, extended far beyond the
Party elite, reaching down into every local Party cell and nearly all of the intellectual professions,
since anyone with a higher education was suspected of being a potential counterrevolutionary
(Stalin Internet Library)." "This depleted the Soviet Union of its brainpower, and left Stalin as the
sole force in the country. "He was an expert on virtually every human endeavor (Stalin Internet
Driven by his own sense of inferiority, which he projected onto his country as a whole,
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The Death Of Joseph Stalin
"Death is the solution to all problems. No man – no problem." This is a direct quote from one of the
most notorious men in history, Joseph Stalin. Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union from the mid
1920's until his death. The period in which he ruled over the Soviet Union was known as the Reign
of Terror because he was a malicious leader who was ready to do anything to maintain the level of
power he achieved. He will forever be remembered as a cold blooded and heartless leader, who took
the lives of millions without remorse. This research paper will cover this notorious and deceitful
dictator and his early life, rise to power, his reign of terror, and the aftermath of his actions. Joseph
Stalin was born on December 18, 1879, in Gori, Georgia, which was a Russian peasant village. His
birth name was Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, but he was later referred to as Joseph Stalin, which is
what he is known as. His father was Besarion Jughashvili, and was a cobbler. His mother was
Ketevan Geladze, who was a wash woman. Joseph was a very small and frail child. He was often
treated very cruelly by his peers when he was young because of physical deformities. When he was
7 years old he contracted smallpox, which left his face scarred. A few years later he was in a
carriage accident which left his arm slightly deformed. Many believe this was a result of blood
poisoning that left his arm in a deformed state. Because of the bullying he was subjected to when he
was young, he was left in
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Why Is Joseph Stalin Bad
C.J. Mangum
Mrs. Burns
English 9
6th hour
Joseph Stalin, good leader who did bad things or bad leader who did good things.
Joseph Stalin was a good leader who did terrible things. When Joseph Stalin was born in 1879, he
was not set out on a path to rule. At age seven, he contracted a bad case of small pox, which left his
face eternally scared. In a few years, he was involved in a carriage crash, which left his left arm
slightly deformed. It was because of these injuries, that the other village children treated him poorly.
Their relentlessness made him feel inferior, which then made him mean. He was aggressive, and did
not tolerate people who opposed him. He then would start a journey for respect and authority. In
1888, Joseph's mother decided she wanted him to be a priest. Soon after, she enrolled him in
religious schooling. He did well in this new school, and earned himself a college scholarship to the
university of Tiflis Theological seminary. Soon after starting class, Joseph came in contact with the
radical socialist party named "Messame Dassy". He joined the group in 1898, and left his school in
1899. Joseph did not leave Tiflis, but did continue with his revolutionary work. In 1901, he joined
the Social Democratic Labor Party and worked full–time for the revolutionary movement. In 1902,
he ... Show more content on ...
The once iron fisted leader, had started to slowly fade away, and a new Stalin that was weaker had
come in. in the early 1950's, After an assassination plot was uncovered, he ordered the head of the
secret police to instigate a new purge of the Soviet Union. Stalin wanted to prove once more that he
may be in bad health, but the iron man inside was still alive and ready. Before his new purge order
could be put into play, Stalin died on March 5th, 1953. He left behind a legacy of death and terror as
he turned a failing Russia into a top world
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Joseph Stalin Biography
Joseph Stalin was born on December 18, 1878 in Gori, Georgia that was a part of the Russian
Empire to the birth name of Ioseb Besarions dze Jughashfvili. Born to the parents of Besarion
Jughashfvili who was a cobbler and Keteven Geladze, a household maid. Stalin did have siblings
but they all died at a young age. As a child Stalin had many health issues such as being born with
two adjoined toes on his left foot and his face was permanently scarred from smallpox's and the age
of seven. At the age of twelve he injured his left arm in a carriage accent. Later on in his life his
father slid into alcoholism, which made him abusive towards Stalin and his mom. His mother
enrolled him into Greek Orthodox, which his dad did not approve of. This decision ... Show more
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In WWI Stalin was drafted to the Russian Army. He had a hurt arm, which did not allow him to be a
part of the service. He did not do much during WWI. The night before WWII Stalin and Hitler
signed a nonaggression pact. This pact was between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. It
promised no military action against each other. The pact remained intact tell the German
Government broke it by attacking the Soviet positions in Poland. After Hitler broke this pact the
Soviets stopped the Germans. Stalin was confident in a victory or Germany. Hitler his goal from
victory in the east to securing the southern part of the Soviet Union. He also instituted a region of
terror, purges, executions and exiles to labor camps. Stalin established communist government in
Eastern Europe. Then in 1949 he led the Soviet into nuclear age by exploding bombs. Stalin suffered
from atherosclerosis from his heavy smoking during WWII, which caused him to have many heart
attacks. On March 1st after a movie and dinner Stalin went to his room, and in the morning Stalin
did not wake up at his normal time. Peter Lozgachev found him on his bedroom floor. Peter was
trying to get a response out of Stalin, but all he got was a soft noise. Peter called doctors and told
them Stalin might have had a stroke. The doctors diagnosed him with a stroke caused by high blood
pressure. Stalin then was treated with leeches. On March 5, 1953 Stalin died at the age of
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Characteristics Of Joseph Stalin The Prince
Mia Maguire
Mrs. K
History Honors/Block E
4 October 2017
Perfect Prince
On December 21, 1879 (Editors, Iosef Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili was born. He
was later known as Joseph Stalin and he was one of the most powerful men in the world during the
19th century. According to Niccolo Machiavelli's views in the book, The Prince, Stalin was the
perfect prince, or in this case the perfect dictator . The Prince examines the traits that are needed to
be a perfect leader. Traits such as being feared, but not hated, being cruel, using discipline, being
unforgiving, giving punishments, being manipulative and cunning, being intimidating, and being
controlling. As dictator, Joseph Stalin penalized citizens, was witty yet threatening, ... Show more
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The Prince) Overall, this compares the traits of a perfect leader to a lion and fox. The fox is
manipulative and the lion is strong, so they help each other out. So, a leader needs to be both
manipulative and strong. Stalin is like a fox because after Vladimir Lenin died, five people became
the new leaders. This included Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky, Lev Kamenev, Grigory Zinoviev, and
Nikolai Bukharin. Stalin manipulated all of them by turning them against each other. First, Stalin
created a plan with Kamenev and Zinoviev to remove Leon Trotsky from power. Then Stalin and
Bukharin removed Kamenev and Zinoviev from power. Finally Stalin turned on Bukharin, so
Bukharin was no longer in control. Stalin was now the sole ruler of the Soviet Union. Joseph Stalin
was also intimidating and frightening. For example, many civilians called his era a reign of terror.
This made many of the citizens loyal to him because if they resisted, they would most likely be
Lastly, as a leader, Stalin knew not to be hated but to be feared. After an amazing victory against the
Nazis during World War II, he gained popularity in the Soviet Union and in many others including
the United States. He also had many "...cities, towns, villages, and even the tallest mountain in
Russia was named after him, and he was mentioned in the national anthem" (
Even with being seen as a hero, he
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Joseph Stalin Quotes
Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin was born into a poor family on December 18, 1879, in Gori, Georgia
("Joseph Stalin", 2017). He rose to power as the leader of The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
when his predecessor, Vladimir Lenin, died. Stalin immediately forced rapid industrialization, with
his Five Year Plan, and the collectivization of agricultural land, resulting in millions dying from
famine. He lead the Soviet Union to a status of world superpower, able to outproduce the
technologically superior German economy. Stalin led the Great Purge against his own people, which
sent millions deemed enemies to the "working class" to work camps, prisons, or their deaths. The
enemies included many high ranking political and military officials as ... Show more content on ...
These ideas represented the "new man," a worker willing to give up everything for equality. The
things they might have to give up included but were not limited to one's life, self respect, and
sensitivity. Equality and sacrifice are two more key traits for the "socialist's way of life"("Soviet
propaganda", 2017). Stalin was cold and decisive this quote is just one example of what he believes.
"Death is the solution to all problems, No man – no problem" said Stalin,("Joseph Stalin Quotes",
n.d.). This quote shows his regard for human life and what he was willing to do for the Soviet
Union. Stalin and the ideas of Stalinism called for everyone to be selfless for the Communist state
and called for people to always try to protect the state from every possible enemy. Stalin encouraged
people to spy on their neighbors to make sure they were true allies to the Soviet state. "Today a man
only talks freely to his wife – at night, with the blankets pulled over his head", said writer Isaac
Babel, privately to a trusted friend("World Heritage Encyclopedia", 2017). Stalin encouraged people
to live in constant fear, but to also always blindly trust in the state. ("World Heritage Encyclopedia",
2017). He wanted everyone to be strong, selfless loyal, and willing to give up anything for the cause
of Communism. Stalin was trying to encourage a classless society that believed the working men
were the luckiest group of people in the country("Soviet propaganda",
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Joseph Stalin
Upon his rise to power in the mid 1920s, Josef Stalin aimed to erase all traces of capitalism
presented under Lenin's New Economic Policy and change the U.S.S.R into a totalitarian and
completely socialist state. To achieve this, he set off a Five Year Plan that called for a rapid
industrialization of heavy industries with the use of a command economy. Stalin also established a
policy of collectivization where private farms were forced to combine into large, state–owned units.
Both plans were considered successful though at the cost of countless lives. Unrealistic industrial
goals and a catastrophic famine that resulted from harsh working conditions and starvation took the
lives of millions of people. Thousands were also sent to prison camps called gulags and were
tortured and abused lawlessly. This is to say that in the ideal state that Stalin as an autocrat wanted,
human lives were nothing but merely tools used to work for the state's prosperity. ... Show more
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Alongside the establishment of a command economy, the government was able to completely
control the economy and ask for high quotas of both agricultural and industrial products. In matters
of collectivization, all private farmlands were forced to combine into large, state–owned properties
where everyone was expected to work at. Though the plan boosted Russia's economy and many
heavy industries to match of those other European countries, it also limited the production of
consumers' goods and resulted in shortages of houses, food, and other necessary
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Biography Of Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin was born on December 21, 1879, originally named Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili.
He was born in a village known as Gori in the Russian province of Georgia. His father was a
shoemaker, and a drunk. He left Gori when Stalin was young to find work in the city of Tiflis. With
his father gone, Joseph's mother, Yekaterina, made the biggest impact on his life––it was she who
led him in his education. Joseph started out at the local Gori Church School. After attending there,
he went to the Tiflis Theological Seminary on a scholarship. Joseph's mother hoped that at this
school, he would learn to become a priest. Instead, Stalin became a devoted advocate for Marxist
After leaving the Seminary in 1899, he joined the Social ... Show more content on
Stalin was elected General Secretary of the Party in 1922, and although he quickly began to increase
his personal power, no one realized how dangerous he was at this time. As he neared a 1924 death,
Lenin began to grow wary of his former protégé, and wrote a Testament warning against Stalin's
influence. But the other members of the Politburo, Lenin's circle of advisers, ignored the Testament
and allowed Stalin to remain in a position of power. At this point, Stalin began his rise to dominance
by destroying his rival Trotsky, expelling him from the party in 1927 and exiling him from the
Soviet Union in 1929. Meanwhile, he brilliantly played the Politburo's factions off one another, first
allying with Nikolai Bukharin and his "Rightists" to destroy the "Leftists," and then, when his
position was secure, turning on Bukharin and destroying his power. By 1930, he stood alone atop
the Party and the Soviet
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Joseph Stalin Research Paper
Joseph Stalin was the man who turned the Soviet Union into a global force at an unimaginable cost.
Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Joseph Stalin) was born on December 18, 1878 in a poor Russian
village in Gori, Georgia. His father was Besarion Jughashvili, and his mother was Ketevan Geladze.
At seven years old, he came down with smallpox, which left his left arm deformed and his face
scarred. As a result, his classmates would tease him. This, in turn, made Stalin feel substandard,
which made him feel he needed more respect. He also obtained a sharp streak of cold–heartedness
for those who harmed him. Stalin was sent by his mother so a preliminary school to become a priest,
but later left because he did not want to pursue that particular career in 1899. He soon joined a
revolutionary street mob. He would rob trains and banks, and issue prohibited materials daily. He
also was hired as a tutor and later as a clerk. However, in 1901, he quit his job and started working
wholly as a revolutionary. Also, in 1902, Stalin was arrested and banished to Siberia. During this
phase that he assumed the name "Stalin," which is Russian for "steel ... Show more content on ...
One of his greatest raids was the 1907 Tiflis bank robbery, in which over 250,000 rubles were
stolen, and many people killed in the process. In 1917, Vladimir Lenin started supporting the
revolution, and in 1922, appointed Stalin as General Secretary of the Communist Party's Central
Committee. However, after Lenin's death from multiple strokes in 1924, Stalin decided to set out to
take total control by destroying all of the remaining Party members. He soon had created a reign of
terror in which he would arrest people for no reason and judge them before mock trials. He also
executed anybody who had enough courage to stand up and speak against
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Joseph Stalin Nonaggression Alliance
Joseph Stalin was the leader of the soviet union during the time of WWII under his reign the u.s.s.r.
thrived as a industrial and military superpower during the late 1920's Stalin put into motion his 5
year plan to turn the peasant country of the u.s.s.r. into a strong industrious country. Those who did
not cooperate were swiftly executed.
He ruled by fear and with an iron will anyone who dared oppose him were quickly dispatched.
Before the onset of WWII Hitler and Stalin signed a nonaggression agreement but in 1941 Germany
broke the pact by invading Russia those stalin was warned numerous times that an invasion was
imminent he still did nothing.
When german troops were headed to stalingrad Stalin called for a scorched earth defense policy
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Joseph Stalin Research Paper
World leaders are leaders with high governmental power in the world. Every leader, not just world
leaders, is either great or corrupt; they are rarely both. Most of Russia's history is filled with corrupt
leaders. Joseph was one of those leaders. Stalin killed millions of people during his rule. But Stalin
also led the Soviet Union almost to the top in world power. Stalin had many influences that led him
to his Soviet Leadership in which gave him many admirers but even more non–supporters. At the
age of 10, Joseph "Stalin" Djugashvili attended Gori's religious elementary school. His mother,
Yekaterina, wanted him to be a priest and would usually beat her son if he son whenever he
misbehaved. These beatings were never as bad as those ... Show more content on ...
The Russian's loss in the Russo–Japanese war was the another way that they got the public to turn
against the provisional government and strengthen the communist revolt. The revolt got stronger and
stronger until the Bolsheviks finally revolted and took down the Russian Provisional Government.
Because of this, civil war erupted all over the country. At the end of this war, in 1920, the
Bolsheviks set up the USSR, or Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, under control of Vladimir
Lenin. When Lenin died, Stalin aggressively worked his way up until he was the leader of the
USSR. In his control, Stalin set up a "5 year plan" to advance the Russian economy from just
farming to also having industry. In this plan, he would also advance the military and "cleanse the
country of villains" or those he saw as villains. To "cleanse the country", Stalin would have unfair
trials that would have many on trial at once. These were called his "Show Trials". The majority, if
not all, of these people were found guilty and sent for execution. They were executed all at once,
and the executions were called the Purges. To advance the Russian economy, Stalin would work the
farmers to death... literally. When the farmers revolted, Stalin stopped sending them food and even
more died from starvation. On the last of the purges, 16 men were put on trial and accused of acts of
terrorism towards Stalin and the Soviet government. Two of them were Stalin's allies after Lenin's
death, Zinovyev and
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Joseph Stalin And The Soviet Union
Almost everyone knows what a monster Adolf Hitler was, but most people do not know that one of
the great ally leader of World War II, Joseph Stalin, had committed even greater atrocities than
Hitler. Joseph Stalin was a ruthless and yet diligent dictator of the Soviet Union, whose rise to
power influenced a multitude of major events in his country's history. Due to Stalin's impactful
reign, he made the Soviet Union become a global superpower, underwent difficult hardships such as
the Great Famine in the Soviet Union, and after his death, caused the Soviet Union to go through a
process known as de–Stalinization. Prior to his rise to power, Joseph Stalin's early life had a large
impact on his future as a leader of the Soviet Union. Stalin was born into a dysfunctional family in
Gori, Georgia on December 21, 1879 (Joseph Stalin His real name however, was Iosif
Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili. Then changed his last name to Stalin because he combined the
Russian word stal, which means steel, and Lenin, the name of the Soviet Union leader at the time
( In keeping with his strong name, Stalin contracted and even survived
smallpox at a young age, but with the only remaining evidence being a facial scar from where the
smallpox where it had formed at. Stalin was sent to a seminary in Tiflis, now known as Tbilisi, to
become a priest. However, Stalin never completed his education and soon became involved in the
city's active revolutionary circle ,
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Joseph Stalin Death
Joseph Stalin was one man that took death very lightly one of his most famous philosophies is "
Death is the solution to all problems, no man–no problem.' He was the dictator of the Central
Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Under Stalin control the Soviet Union
transformed from a peasant society to industrial and military power house. He ruled by striking fear
into his citizens and millions died during his reign of power.
Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin was born December 18, 1878, he was in office May 6, 1941 to March 5,
1953 and he grew up in Gori, Georgia. Stalin grew up very poor and he had no siblings. Stalin's
father was an abusive shoe maker and his mom was a laundress. When stalin was young he caught
smallpox which left ... Show more content on ...
Joseph Stalin became very fond of the name Koba, after a fictional Georgian Bandit, and joined the
militant part of the Marxist Social Democratic Movement, which is known as The Bolshevik, whose
leader is Vladimir Lenin. Joseph Stalin also began committing more criminal activities such as
robbing banks, which the money stolen were used to fund the Bolshevik Party. He was arrested
multiple time from 1902 to 1913 and was sentenced to be exiled from Siberia. In 1912, Lenin was
exiled from Switzerland assigned Joseph Stalin to serve on the first Central Committee Of The
Bolshevik Party. In 1917, the Bolsheviks controlled all of Russia then the Soviet Union was founded
in 1922, with Vladimir Lenin as the first leader. During all of these years Joseph Stalin moved up
the Bolsheviks Party ladder, and soon he became the secretary general of the Central Committee of
the Communist Party, which allowed to appoint his allies to government jobs, and grew a base of
political support. Lenin died in 1924, and Joseph Stalin finally outsmarted his enemies and won the
power of the Soviet Union and he later became the
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Positive Impact On Joseph Stalin
There is much controversy about whether Joseph Stalin was a Soviet Union hero or a horrific,
controlling dictator. In reality, he was both. Joseph Stalin held power in the Soviet Union during
World War II from 1929–1953. He made great advances in the agriculture, government, and stability
in the Soviet Union, but he did so by killing millions of people and forcing the people under his
control to live in constant fear ( Staff). Throughout his childhood, adulthood, rise to
power, and death, Stalin made a great impact on the world. Joseph Stalin was born on December 18,
1879 in a town in the Russian Empire called Gori, Georgia. He was given the name Losif (Joseph)
Vissarionovich Dzugashvili at birth by both his abusive, alcoholic father and his religious mother.
Stalin grew up in poverty and lived a tough childhood. At age seven, he caught smallpox, which left
him with a pockmarked face and a slightly deformed left arm. Growing up, he was bullied by the
other children and repeatedly beat by his father (IWonder). Because he was treated unfairly as a
child, he developed a desire to be great and gain respect from those who had rejected and hurt him.
He also felt malignant towards the world and the people living in it, especially those who affected
him personally (Abamedia). His father died in 1891 and his mother sent him to study theology in
Tiflis, the Georgian capital, with hopes of him becoming a priest. Joseph rebelled against the school.
He refused to read
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Short Essay On Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin was born Josef Vissarionovich Djugashvili, which he later took the name Stalin,
meaning "man of steel." Stalin was an only child and had grown up poor. This lead to him being
kicked out of school and becoming more and more interested in Russian politics. Joseph Stalin later
became an important person in the future of the Soviet Union as the future dictator. Though Stalin
did some great and possibly wonderful things during his years as dictator of the Soviet Union, he
still did many and more horrible things to out way the good that he did. Although some perceived
Joseph Stalin as a good leader of the Soviet Union during the mid–1920s to 1953 when he died, he
did more harmful acts than good acts. Joseph Stalin had been a charming person, a fatherly figure to
some and his dictatorship had not been seen as one in the eyes of many that had been under his rule.
Some of the people that Stalin had ruled liked him and did not see him as a bad person or leader,
"He (Stalin) was a great popular leader. No revelation about what he did will change my mind"
(Oleg Koprbalev). This perception of his greatness is still ... Show more content on
He had been appointed to serve on the first Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party, which began
his rise to power. He gained his first foothold on the political ladder as secretary general of the
Central Committee of the Communist party in 1922. Through this position that he held Stalin was
able to appoint his allies to the government jobs that he saw available to begin to build his base of
political support ("Joseph Stalin" He was handed numerous unimportant jobs that no
one else at the time had wanted, but they gave Stalin the perfect insight into who he could trust to
support him and who he could not and had to get rid of during his rise to position of
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Joseph Stalin Research Paper
On December eighteenth 1879 in Gori, Georgia, Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Joseph Stalin)
was born into a large family. Stalin had two brothers, Georgy Jughashvili, born one year before
Stalin, and Mikhail Jughashvili, born three years before Stalin. Stalin's father, Besarion Jughashvili
was a cobbler though later became an alcoholic later becoming a vagrant. Stalin's mother, Ketevan
Geladze worked as a washerwoman.
Stalin's childhood seems to be what formed him into the person he became. When Stalin was only
five, his father left him and his mother. At the age of seven Stalin contracted smallpox, leaving his
face scarred. With the scars on Stalin's face the other children often teased him. Stalin and his family
experienced poverty that was widespread throughout Russia during the nineteenth century. ... Show
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Stalin's mother being a devout Russian Orthodox Christian wanted Stalin to become a priest. Stalin's
mother enrolled him into the Gori Church School in 1888, when Stalin was only eight years old. At
the school, Stalin excelled, receiving excellent grades and joining the school's choir. Stalin
graduated six years later in July 1894 almost at the top of his class.
In 1894, Stalin received a scholarship to the Tiflis Theological Seminary. During stalin's time at the
Seminary he didn't dedicate his time to studying rather revolutionary activities. Stalin became
associated with Messame Dassy, a secret organization that supported Georgian independence from
Russia. Through the people at Messame Dassy he was introduced to the ideas of Karl Marx and
Engels (the theory and practice of communism). When the Seminary found out about Stalin's
revolutionary involvement Stalin was
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The Power Of Hitler And Joseph Stalin
Over the past thousand years of ancient human civilization, there has been a constant occurrence, no
matter what part of the world it may occur. Dictators and powerful tyrants who have utilized fear
and propaganda for their own benefit, in order to enhance their power and rule with an iron
fist.Between the governing of Joseph Stalin from the mid 1920s–1953 in the Soviet Union, the
fascist leadership of Benito Mussolini's over Italy during the early– to mid 1900s, and Adolf Hitler's
command over Europe during WWII, over time the world has been infested with people who have
been so despotic, that they would do anything (including murder their own citizens) in order to reign
supreme over their nation.
It takes compassion for humankind, love for ones country, and a strong pursuit of justice in order to
become a strong and respected leader. However, every once in a while there are leaders that decide
to do things their own way and rule ruthlessly . One of these leaders was Joseph Stalin in the Soviet
Union. Stalin used propaganda to build himself up in the eyes of the public and improve his image.
He had cities named in his honour, history books were rewritten to show him more favourably;
saying that he played a prominent role in the revolution of the Soviet Union, which gave him an
almost legendary and even mythological image (1). Stalin controlled the Soviet media and made
sure any artwork, literature or music about him was complimentary (2). He also had his name added
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Joseph Stalin Propaganda
Joseph Stalin was a number of things; a masterful networker, a ruthless leader, a man of unshakable
beliefs, and a man who would do absolutely anything to advance his view of communism and the
Soviet Union. These are all some of the qualities that would allow for him to gain absolute control
over the communist party in the Soviet Union. They are also qualities that would aid him in helping
transform Russia from a backwards country, that had not progressed along with the rest of Europe,
into a global superpower in less than 30 years. The supporting factors that allowed for Stalin to
personally have all this success after the death of Vladimir Lenin are complex. The skilled use of
soviet propaganda played a large role in garnering Stalin the ... Show more content on ...
Opponents of Stalin such as Zinoviev and Kamenev along with many others were accused of treason
and executed. Stalin also organized the arrest of the majority of military leaders on fabricated
charges so that he could replace them with younger personnel who did not remember what is what
like before Stalin's leadership. This removed any form of collective leadership from the communist
party officially giving Stalin Supreme command. After these events no opposition arose at any level
of the party because of fear of death or imprisonment. Writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote about a
communist party meeting that exemplified this in his book The Gulag Archipelago, "At the end of
the conference, a tribute to Comrade Stalin was called for. Of course, everyone leapt to his feet.
However, who would dare to be the first to stop – after all, NKVD men were in the hall waiting to
see who quit first. And in that obscure hall, unknown to the Leader, the applause went on – 6, 7, 8
minutes! They couldn't stop now till they collapsed of heart attacks! Aware of the falsity of the
situation, after 11 minutes, the director of the paper factory sat down in his seat. And, oh, a miracle
took place! Everyone else stopped dead and sat down. That, however, was how they found who the
independent people were. And that was how they set about eliminating them. They easily pasted 10
years in a labour camp on
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Essay Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin was one of the biggest mass murderers of the twentieth century. From the purges in the
Red Army to forced relocations, Stalin had the blood of millions on his hands. This essay is not
going to debate the fact that this was indeed a brutal and power hungry individual, because he was
indeed just that. I will on the other hand show you that through his way of governing the Soviet
Union, he actually saved mother Russia from the German invasion in World War Two through his
cunning and ruthlessness.
Joseph Stalin was a very industrious person and used every means possible to better prepare his
country for the coming war that he believed was inevitable. Wether it was diplomatic plotting,
economic maneuvering, or ... Show more content on ...
E. Zinoviev and L. B. Kamenev. From this point on Stalin simply concentrated more and more
power into his own hands. In 1925 Stalin made a turn to the right, got rid of his two companions and
established a coalition with moderate leaders Burkharin, Rykov, and Tomsky, which lasted until
1928, when collectivization of agriculture and the forced industrialization came about.
Stalin now followed a simple pattern, he simply systematically replaced all those who were not his
absolute followers. By 1930 his rule was absolute. Stalin was now free to go ahead and pursue his
plans to industrialize and arm the Soviet Union. The only other obstacle in his path was the army
leadership. Stalin viewed the army as a threat to his power and took steps to remove that threat. He
organized all of his followers to delve into the lives of the military leadership and find out if they
were traitors. Many of Stalin's followers used this as a way of getting back at old rivals and enemies.
All kinds of false evidence was manufactured. Stalin took all of this at face value and a great
number of the army leadership was either killed or exiled. There were also several show trials put on
to demonstrate to the Soviet people that all of the killing was being done for a reason and that there
really were conspirators and spies among them. Several accused openly confessed to active
membership of a plot to murder the Soviet leadership. With the Army purges done, Stalin
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Joseph Stalin And Animal Farm
Joseph Stalin was the dictator of the "Union Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)." He was born on
December 18, 1879 in the village Gori, Georgia. His real name is Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili but
he later changed it to Joseph Stalin. He was a smart kid that achieved good in school and he got a
scholarship to "Tiflis Theological Seminary "in 1894. A year later he got in touch with Messame
Dassy which is a secret organization that supported the independence in Georgia from Russia. Some
of the workers in the organization where communists and they introduced him to Karl Marx and
Vladimir Lenin, In 1898 he joined this organization and he also joined "Social Democratic Labor
Party" and worked for the "revolutionary movement" in 1901. In 1902 he was ... Show more content
on ...
Napoleon is a big and fierce looking Berkshire boar, he's the type of animal that gets what he wants
in his own way. He is actually smart, smart enough to trap you and make you believe that everything
he says is true. Animal Far, doesn't include the part in history where it talks about Lenin's part which
is represented in the book as Old Major, then Napoleon is the leader of the farm from the beginning
of the revolution just as how Stalin did. Napoleon is the pig that becomes the leader of Animal Farm
after the rebellion. Based on Joseph Stalin, Napoleon uses military power to threaten the other
animals and strengthen his power. In the book, Napoleon proves to the animals that he isn't truthful
more than his companion Snowball. While Stalin was ruling in the (USSR), he was a cruel leader
who would get rid of anyone who got in his way, and millions of people that didn't want to work for
him were kicked out. Just like Stalin Napoleon used violence for him to keep his ruling position in
Animal Farm. A good example would be when Napoleon trains the puppies not for their own
education, but to protect him and get rid of anyone who stands in his way and to not have anyone
suspect him. After Snowball being expelled, Napoleon killed the puppies and said that they were
spies for Snowball," the traitors who had leagued themselves with Snowball" (page 61). Another
characteristic of Joseph Stalin that is shown in Napoleon is Napoleons
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Joseph Stalin Research Paper
Joseph Stalin was the dictator of the USSR which stands for the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics. Stalin changed the Soviet Union from a poor society to an industrial and military
superpower. Overall, Joseph Stalin's main goal was to become the most powerful leader in the
world. One major event that came upon Stalin was the Cold War. I believe Joseph Stalin wanted the
Cold War because this war could give Stalin the power he needed to achieve his goal and essentially
take over the world. He wasn't just one of the most important figures in the cold war; he was one of
the main causes of it. Stalin wanted to create a massive shield of Eastern European countries to be
under his control. His plan was for them to protect the Soviet Union from raids from the West so
that he could keep control of Eastern Europe after World War 2. Stalin was so determined to take out
Eastern Europe that the West was afraid. He did things in a certain way to cause more tension
between the two sides. Joseph Stalin was a very stimulating man. His legal name was Iosif ... Show
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Stalin lived by Vladimir Lenin's teachings and he thought that communism was what the world
desired. He sought to make the USSR atheist and was eager to protect the USSR no matter what. To
protect his people, he focused on Military which was one of Stalin's strongest components. Joseph
Stalin once said, "Ideas are far more powerful than guns. We don't allow our enemies to have guns,
why should we allow them to have ideas?" This shows how ignorant Stalin was towards his own
beliefs and ideas. I think the Cold War boosted Stalin into a whole new state of power because of
what it did for him. Joseph Stalin started out as not very powerful but as he defeated people, groups,
and countries, it showed how powerful he strictly was. Leaders today are influenced by leaders such
as Stalin because they have the attitude that they want to be the best and the most
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Joseph Stalin: The Man Of Steel
Stalin known as the "man of steel" was the dictator of Russia. He ruled with fear/ terror.Life in
Russia at the time was very demanding, it industrialized at a quick pace. Although this came with
immense success, it also came with millions of lives lost. Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili known
as, Joseph Stalin was born on December 18, 1870, Gon, Georgia. Stalin died on March 5, 1963 in
Kuntsevo, Moscow, Russia. Stalin was the son of Besario and Jughashvili who was a cobbler and
the son of Ketevan Geladze, a washerwoman. His mother wanted Stalin to become a priest, because
she was a devoted Russian orthodox christian. Stalin attended a church school in gori and received a
scholarship in Theological Seminary in 1894. In 1898 he
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Joseph Stalin Dbq Essay
Joseph Stalin DBQ
The Soviet Union had been a king full nation in Europe. One of the most mentioned leaders is
Joseph Stalin. He was a father figure to the nation. He was in power from 1922 to 1951. He
accomplished many things, he was a good leader in industrializing and implementing his ideology
even at the expense of the many human lives.
Joseph Stalin was a prospering leader in apace rising the Soviet Union's economy as shown in
Document 3. Document three, a chart that shows steel and coal production throughout Stalin's five
years plans. Coal production quickly raised. By the end of his second plan it went up to a hundred
and fifty million metric tons, that's five times the initial quantity. The nation was also behind several
different economically
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Machiavellian Policies Of Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin was born in Gori, a city in Georgia. He rose to power in 1929 when he became the
dictator of Soviet Union which was led by Vladimir Lenin's death in 1924. In many of his actions
Joseph Stalin clearly demonstrates the use of Machiavellian laws, which were made by Niccolo
Machiavelli, an Italian renaissance writer, humanist, diplomat, historian and Politician. These
political philosophies are found in the book "The prince" published in 1532 about how a prince
should behave. The extent to which Stalin follows Machiavellian political philosophies can be
analyzed according to his policies on "Punishing hard, fast and all at once" as well as ""A prince
should have no other aim or thought than war and it methods and practices– prince ... Show more
content on ...
Joseph Stalin took part in many conflicts throughout his time as dictator. Some examples are the
Chinese–Soviet conflict which started in 1929, then the Xinjiang war which took place during 1937.
World war two from 1939–1945 where the Soviet Union was betrayed by the Germans, causing
them to act against them. Some other examples are; the invasion of Poland and Bessarabia which
took place during WWII in 1939 which led to the Soviet Union and the Nazi Germans dividing the
east of Europe. Lastly The Cold war lasting 44 years from 1947– 1991 where the Soviet union spent
more the 8 trillion dollars on nuclear bombs, weapons and military. When it comes to spending on
weapons instead of luxuries Joseph Stalin stuck to this as 44% of money gained was used for the
military, 3.3% of the population worked for the military and 4.4% of citizens died during war. This
demonstrated that Stalin reflected the Machiavellian philosophy of ""A prince should have no other
aim or thought than war and it methods and practices– prince who spend more on luxuries than
weapons have often lost power" in his
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Joseph Stalin Villain
"Ideas are powerful then guns, we wouldn't let our enemies have guns, why would we let them have
ideas" –Joseph Stalin. Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin was a Soviet revolutionary, politician and
political theorist. He also governed the Soviet Union until his death in May 5, 1953. One person can
be viewed as a powerful leader but someone is yet a powerful villain as Joseph Stalin.
Stalin was born on December 6 or December 18, 1878. Later, he invented one on his own which was
December 21 on 1879. His real name is Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili .When he got older he
adopted the name 'Stalin' which means man of steel in Russian. Stalin lived in small town called
Gori, Georgia. Stalin grew up poor with his mother and father, Besarion Jughashvili and Ekaterina
Geladze. He had 2 older siblings but soon they had died and he was left alone as an only child. His
mother was laundress and was his father was a shoemaker and an alcoholic who abused his son and
wife most of the times. Stalin was terrified by his own father. Later they had no money because his
father's business began to fail. Stalin's father and mother soon got a divorce and they decided to
escape the abusive relationship. Stalin and his mother moved into the house of a family friend,
Father Christopher Charkviani he owned an Orthodox Church in Gori, Georgia. Stalin began to
attend Gori Church School where he studied to become a priest. Stalin was only at a young age,
when he had encountered a disease called small pox
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Theory Of Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin was born and raised in Poverty in 1878 and died the most powerful and feared man in
the world (Pauley, p.58, 2014). Stalin was a Georgian–born Soviet who governed the Soviet Union
as its dictator from 1922 until his death in 1953 (Pauley, p.54, 2014). Stalin had a cruel upbringing
and from an early age he associated with the bullies in his neighborhood, although he was unusual
as he was someone with a hunger to learn (Dervin, p.90, 2008). Stalin's younger years involved
"retaliating against violence and replaying his childhood horrors on a geopolitical stage where his
need to be in control, to be boss soon emerged as a key identity theme" (Dervin, p.91, 2008). He
served as General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1952 and as
Premier of the Soviet Union from 1941 to 1953. Ideologically Stalin was a Marxist and Leminist
and helped to formalize the ideas of Marxism–Leminism (Pauley, p.58, 2014). Pauley states that due
to his upbringing "Stalin was vain, sometimes irrational, and prone to believing wild rumors and
speculation. He was also easily offended and could be brutal and vengeful" (p56, 2014). Stalin is
well known for his forced quick industrialisation in the 1930's that coincided with mass starvation,
the imprisonment of millions of people in the Gulag labour camps, and the 'Great Purge' of the
intelligentsia, the government, and the armed forces (Pauley, p60, 2014). Authors have assumed that
Stalin's goals were always well
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Joseph Stalin Quotes
Joseph Stalin is a character that is very important in the world's past. Stalin states that "Undoubtedly,
our path is not of the easiest; but, just as undoubtedly, we arenot to be frightened by difficulties.
Paraphrasing from the well–known words of Luther, Russia might say: 'Here I stand on the frontier
between the old, capitalist word and the new, socialist world. Here on this frontier I unite the efforts
of the proletarians of the west and of the peasantry of the East in order to shatter the old world. May
the god of history be my aid!"This basically says that Stalin wants to create a socialist world. This
quote relates to my thesis because it hints the potential for Stalin's Soviet Union.Joseph Stalin was
an important figure in American ... Show more content on ...
Other village children treated him cruelly instilling him a sense of inferiority. Because of this Stalin
began a quest for greatness and respect. Also developed a cruel streak for those who crossed him. In
1922, Stalin was appointed to newly created office of general secretary of the Communist Party. It
gave Stalin control over all party member appointments allowing him to build his base. Stalin held
shrewd appointments and consolidated his power until eventually nearly all members on the central
command owed their position to him. By the time anyone realized what he had done it was too late.
After Lenin's death, in 1924, Stalin set out to destroy the old party leaders and take total control. At
first Stalin removed the people from power through practical shuffling and criticisms. As war clouds
rose over Europe in 1939, Stalin made a seemingly brilliant move, signing a nonaggression pact
with Adolph Hitler and Nazi Germany. Stalin was convinced of Hitler's integrity and ignored
warnings from his military commanders that Germany was mobilizing armies on its eastern front.
Allies favor, President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchhill met with Joseph Stalin to discuss
postwar arrangements. Stalin demanded the Allies open a second front against Germany, which they
agreed to in the spring of 1944. Stalin also agreed to enter war against Japan once Germany was
defeated.Stalin learned not to dash head long into a fight with someone just because you don't like
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Joseph Stalin Personality Essay
Political Personalities
Trevor Endre
Dr. Michelle Green
Argosy University
March 26, 2017
Hello everyone, today I am going to be discussing Joseph Stalin who was born Ioseb Besarionis dze
Jughashvili. We are also going to be discussing Adler's theory of personality. To better understand
this, I am going to cover the theory first. Alfred Alder believed that the driving force behind
someone's behavior is their goals, and early life (childhood). Joseph Stalin was born December 18,
1878 and died March 5 1953. Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union from the mid–1920s until his
death in 1953. He was a dictator throughout his time in office.
Stalin's motivation was to achieve the most amount of power he possibly could, while being at the
apex of society in the Soviet Union, as well as try to maintain that power for the rest of his life. As a
child Joseph Stalin was born into a poor family. His father was a shoe cobbler, and his mother was a
maid. His father was an alcoholic, as well as an abuser. Due to his father's addiction, the family
business failed to support his habit. Joseph was plagued with many health issues for example two
adjoined toes, and facial scarring from his battles with smallpox as a ... Show more content on ...
Well to answer that question we must dive into Stalin's adolescences. After discovering the writings
of Vladimir Lenin, he would go on to join the Russian Social–Democratic Labor Party. When Lenin
formed the Bolsheviks in 1903, Joseph would join them. During his time with the Bolsheviks he
proved to be an excellent leader as well as wrote propaganda, committed assassinations, and other
less desirable things. Lenin eventually became the head of Russian government until 1922 a stroke
caused him to go into early retirement putting Stalin in power. Stalin had achieved his goal, but by
achieving his goal he became a target to those who would oppose him. Thus creating a new goal,
maintaining his seat of
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Essay on The life of Joseph Stalin
The life of Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin. One of the Russias most supreme leaders. But one of its most horrid as well. He
brought them up while also letting them down. Some could say where would we be without him.
But others wish they never were led by him. He went from nothing to the most powerful man in the
now most powerful country.
In the early years.
He was first born Josef Vissarionovich Djugashvili to a poor shoemaker of a father on December 21
1879. It was a small village called Gori Georgia. He was a only child, whose father was a drunk and
would beat him from time–to–time was a poor man. And a mother who did luandre just to earn more
money. As a child he contracted smallpox which left him with life–long facial ... Show more content
on ...
Which was were the government would support the money flow from the small tenant farmers
would bring in from there crop. Many farmers wouldn't cooperate with Stalin which led to him
killing them and taking over their farm. The forced collectivization caused a mass famine that killed
millions. Stalin ruled with a iron fist. He soon began to build a personality around himself. There
was art work, rewritten history books to make him seem more heroic in the revolution. Oh by the
way, the government controlled the media as well.
In 1939 Stalin and Hitler signed a nonagression pact. He annex parts of Poland and Romania and
even invaded Finland. Then Germany broke that pact by invading Russia. The Soviets were not
prepared for war. So the Germans almost reached the Russian capital of Moscow. But Stalin and the
Red Army drove the Nazis out of Russia about 2 years later. But his son, died in a German war camp
before the war was over. Then in 1945 the Red Army took Berlin and dividing it half communist,
half democratic.
In his final years
After WWII his reign did not recede but to only harden. Western influence was a thing of the past in
Russia. He turned easter governments into communist states. He led them all to the nuclear age.
Then in 1950 he gave North Koreas
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Joseph Stalin Accomplishments
Joseph Stalin's life was divided into so many aspects, mainly his difficult upbringing, his
accomplishments no matter how negative, and the influence he had on everyone in the world. He
became one of the most worldwide known dictators ever for everything he did in Russia and in the
other areas of the world. " You can not make a revolution with silk gloves" Stalin once said. For
Stalin there were no silk gloves but everything he did was a revolution, we know Stalin not only as a
dictator but as a cause of a revolution in Russian government. Joseph Stalin, one of the most
infamous people in Russian history, faced many obstacles in his upbringing. In Spite of these
challenges, he was able to achieve much and influence Russian history.
Stalin's ... Show more content on ...
By the end of Stalin's dictatorship he ruled from " beyond the European frontier into the satellite
states of Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and East of Germany." (Lauber
2,819) He had Soviet history books rewritten to be based on him and all the good things he did so
that it made him look like he changed Russia forever and was amazing when in fact he was the
opposite of amazing ("Joseph Stalin"). He was involved in WW II and he had the tide turned in
August of 1942 to February 1943 at the Battle of Stalingrad. In which the red army drove the
Germans away from Russia. They named the battle Stalingrad because Stalin was the ruler then and
the tide turned for them then. In 1950 he gave permission to North Korea leader Kim il Sung to
invade the United States. Towards the end of his dictatorship he decide to rename cities after him so
he looked liked he had done so much in his rule. His name also became part of the Soviet Union
("Joseph Stalin"). By the age of 65 Stalin had aged quickly and couldn't get people's names right
anymore (Ingram 90). Joseph Stalin died on March 5, 1953 at the age of 74 after a stroke ("Joseph
Stalin"). Stalin's upbringing was very difficult and his rise to power was tough with all the
competition for ruler and his death was difficult for everyone to get over and
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The Purges Of Joseph Stalin
The purges
Joseph Stalin was the Soviet leader of Russia for over 25 years. Stalin was very paranoid and
executed anyone he deemed to be a threat. In 1934, Kirov, the leader of the Communist Party and
also a workplace colleague so to speak, was murdered, probably on Stalin's orders this is widely
acknowledged as the even that started the 'Purges'. Stalin used Kirov's death as an example to order
massive purges in which anybody suspected of being disloyal was murdered, sent to prison camps
known as 'Gulags' or exiled to Siberia. This example Stalin used at the start of the purges
demonstrates the length Stalin was willing to go to achieve his goals and the level of his paranoia.
The purges quashed all opposition to any of Stalin's choices allowing him to enforce whatever he
chose in the Soviet Union; this allowed the process of Russification in Stalin's view to start in which
all territories ruled by the Soviet Union had to follow Soviet law including all religion to be banned.
In the short term, the purges were a mass slaughter and millions of people were killed, over 30% of
the whole population had been arrested or executed. Stalin had created a totalitarian dictatorship in
which his voice commanded the whole of the USSR and he had no opposition. Fear was Stalin's
weapon on his people. On the other hand, in the short term the Purges contributed to the USSR's
poor performance during Hitler's operation Barbosa due to lack of experienced commanding officers
and general
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Characteristics Of Joseph Stalin As A Leader
Throughout the millennia that humans have been forming societies with leaders, there have been
many different kinds of leaders, some effective and others not. Shakespeare's Julius Caesar shows
examples of leaders who prevailed over time and leaders who didn't. This information combined
with knowledge of other past leaders can be used to establish common traits among effective leaders
and common traits among ineffective leaders. Although Joseph Stalin is primarily considered a cruel
tyrant, he also exhibits several of the leadership traits deemed most effective. While most can agree
that his practices were immoral, it is often forgotten that due to his organization, practicality, and
determination, Stalin was a decidedly effective leader.
Joseph Stalin, from the time that he was a low level revolutionary to the years that he spent as the
dictator of the Soviet Union, always knew what he needed to do to achieve his goals. His organized
rise to power allowed him to gain a steady flow of followers who would support him for decades to
come. Stalin received a minor government position in 1917, but by the time a new leader was
needed in 1924, he "had turned the largely routine post of Party general secretary into the most
powerful office in the Soviet Union" ("Joseph Stalin) and "had built a personal empire for himself
through his control over committee appointments at all levels . . . expand[ing] the leading Party
organs with his supporters, who then voted against his rivals"
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Research Paper On Joseph Stalin
The vast majority of people regard Adolf Hitler as the worst human being of all time. This title is
well deserved, as Hitler himself was responsible for starting a world war and killing over eleven
million people. However, there was a dictator much more ruthless than Hitler. He ruled with an iron
fist, and had an unquenchable thirst for power. He was responsible for almost double the amount of
fatalities than even Hitler himself. This man was Joseph Stalin. The actions of Stalin during his early
life, rise to power, and reign of terror are what molded him into one of the most despicable human
beings in the history of civilization.
Stalin was born in Gorgi, Georgia on December 18th, 1878 under the birth name of Loseb
Dzhugashvili (Joseph Stalin). ... Show more content on ...
He implemented a series of 5 year plans to help transform the nation ( staff). His plan
hinged on the government taking the lands of the wealthy, peasant farmers, called the kulaks. When
the kulaks protested and would not give in to Stalin's demands, Stalin had thousands of kulaks
executed and exiled (Joseph Stalin Britannica Library). The collectivization of farms led to
widespread famine during 1932. It is alleged that over 10 million people died from starvation
because of this (Joseph Stalin). Throughout his rule Stalin continued to intervene in the
industrialization of the Soviet Union. To try to keep up with his lofty industrialization plans, Stalin
proclaimed that time was limited and the Soviets needed to be able to protect themselves from
outsiders. This launched a feverish push to industrialize as quickly as possible. Although
industrialization was achieved, the strain it put on the countries resources was immense (Joseph
Stalin Britannica Library). Aside from the mass starvations going on in the Soviet Union, Stalin also
enacted a reign of terror on his own people. Stalin and his secret police, the KGB, concocted a plan
to dispose of all people who were viewed as "Anti Soviet"(Joseph Stalin). The beginning of the
Great Purge took place on July 3rd, 1937. Stalin ordered millions to be placed in work camps, and
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Joseph Stalin Genocide
Joseph Stalin's Genocide: 50 Million Deaths
From 1919 to 1953 when Stalin died about 50 million lives were taken in the Gulags of Russia
("Videofact"). In total there were 53 Gulags and 423 labor camps ("Gulag"). Stalin was considered
one of the most feared dictators because of his secret police and the Gulags. During a series of
interviews in 1996, a Soviet veteran who lived in Minsk claimed to have seen a U.S. POW in May
or June 1953. The POW was a Korean War F–86D pilot whose plane had been forced to land, The
pilot landed his plane undamaged, was then captured, and his aircraft was taken to Moscow.
According to the witness who served in An Dun, North Korea, from December 1952 through
February 1954 the pilot was sent to Moscow the ... Show more content on ...
Stalin's genocide covers 6 of the 8 stages of genocide. First is Classification. Stalin marked farmers
and the rich with 25 acres or more as the "Kulaks" ("NKVD"). Second is Dehumanization. When
the, prisoners were at the gulags they were worked like dogs. An average prisoner would work 12–
14 hours a day in the freezing cold temperatures ("Hillinger"). Third is Organization. Stalin made
the NKVD to use to his advantage against anyone who opposed him ("NKVD"). Fourth is
Polarization. Stalin ordered the NKVD to kill leaders of his past party the Bolsheviks ("NKVD").
He also ordered for the killing of military and industrial leaders. Fifth is Extermination. The NKVD
would go around just killing whoever they wanted to ("NKVD"). The secret police were strict; they
would put someone in prison for 10 years just for stealing a loaf of bread ("NKVD"). If anyone were
to talk against Stalin and the NKVD were to find out, you would be shot on the spot ("NKVD").
Sixth is Denial. When Stalin died the secret police fled from the gulags and camps ("Gulag"). The
NKVD soon turned into another secret police organization and the gulags were forgotten.
("NKVD"). Throughout Stalin's rule the people were always going against Stalin whether it was
stealing or escaping prison like Stalin had before he came into power.
My father was the son of Polish immigrants, born in Massachusetts in 1913. In 1926, after years of
working in America, my grandfather purchased land in Eastern Poland and
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Joseph Stalin Totalitarianism
Totalitarianism is a system of government in which the state acts to extends its absolute authority
and power into all aspects of its citizen's lives and have that population be completely under the
control of a totally pervasive ruling ideology of a single leader. The essence of totalitarianism can be
found in its very name; it is a form of rule in which the government attempts to maintain 'total'
control over society, and further seeks to meld that state's beliefs within that societies core roots, an
example of this occurrence can be liquidised through Stalin and his methods in Russia during the
1920's and 30's. Carl Friedrich's, a late political scientist and historian of the 20th century formed
the basis of a totalitarian ... Show more content on ...
The society and environment that he developed in as a child was a pivotal in the formation of his
renowned, stern character. Joseph Stalin was born into a poor family in Georgia 1879. Throughout
his childhood, Stalin and his mother were both subjugated to violence and domestic abuse from his
alcoholic father. , this undeniably would have additionally lead to Stalin's tyrannical persona and
totalitarian governance. Throughout Josephs life he was groomed to be a priest, he was enrolled in
numerous church schools and was even indoctrinated into the Tiflis theological seminary school in
Georgia's capital. During this period of history there was a rapid increase for the russification of
neighbouring Slavic states, like Georgia under orders of the Russian czar, this in turn may have also
lead to Stalin's hate towards the tsarist monarchy and participation in revolutionary groups during
later years. For most life in the seminary school was a tedious, structured routine in which students
were only allowed to read books approved by the schools authorities, this further sparked his hatred
towards authority and continued through his own political thought. As well as
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Joseph Stalin And Truman
Stalin and Truman are two of the most important figures of World War II and the Cold War. At the
end of the Second World War, the two world powers that emerged were the US and the USSR.
Because of this, the only competition was between these two men, and this led to growing conflicts
between the two nations. The major differences between these two begin with their origins, and stem
through their ideologies, and the ideologies they fear. Although these differences are drastic, these
men share several similarities in reference to their occupational and leadership skills and tactics.
When analyzing the differences between these two figures, it is important to understand their
backgrounds and how those backgrounds molded them into the men they later become. Beginning
with Stalin, we see a child who was born into poor conditions, rise to become the one of the most
powerful figures during World War II and The Cold War. Joseph Stalin was born Josef
Vissarionovich Djugashvili on December 18, 1878 in Gori, Georgia, in Russia to a poor family. His
father was a shoemaker and his mother was a laundress. Along with being a shoemaker, Stalin's
father was also an alcoholic and often beat his son. Later in Stalin's life, he left school to become an
underground political influence. Thus, was Stalin's emergence into the life of politics. Later in his
life, Stalin became more prevalent in Russian politics though. The Soviet Union was founded in
1922 and by this time, Joseph Stalin was
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Leadership Style Of Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin was the political leader of the Soviet Union during the twentieth century. Stalin's
leadership style was most commonly defined as brutal due to him abolishing private ownership, as
well as his numerous political purges that resulted in the deaths of thousands of officials within the
communist party. While in the end Stalin did lead the Soviets to win World War II, a large number of
lives were lost in the process.
Adolf Hitler was an Austrian born, twentieth century Fascist German dictator with a dream of
creating a dominant race of pure "Aryans" who he hoped would go on to rule the third German
Empire. Hitler is well known for his involvement and leadership in the Nazi party where he
authorized and supported the the killing over over six million jews. Adolf Hitler also invaded Poland
in 1939 which started World War II, this was was concluded when Hitler committed suicide upon
the realization that he would in fact lose the war to Stalin.
"Stalin's leadership was unbelievably poor and wholly amateurish" (Rubinstein 2012). While Joseph
Stalin and his followers were the ones who ended up on top at the end of World War II, Many
believe that had Hitler not decided to delegate needed soldiers and weapons to the threats coming
from the western allies than he would have had a much greater chance of winning over Stalin.
"...arguing that Nazi Germany almost won its war with the Soviet Union. Hitler might well have
won. Germany consistently suffered a tiny fraction of
... Get more on ...
Joseph Stalin Research Paper
When Joseph Stalin was in control on Russia it meant that the people lost freedom. Everything that
was done in the USSR had to be approved by the government. The people of Russia had no access
to the media. Stalin believed that capitalist societies were driven by self–interest and oppressed
people. In Churchill's "Iron Curtin Speech" he is talking about the necessary actions to maintain
peace in Europe. Stalin's response to him seems like he's provoking other European nations to
initiate warfare against Russia. Stalin compares Chruchill's words to those of Hitler regarding "racial
theory" and says "Churchill only calls to the English–speaking nations of the world" (Joseph Stalin:
Reply to Churchill, 1946). When Stalin made this accusation, ... Show more content on ...
In reaction to this the African Americans started the civil rights movement during the 1950s and
'60s. The civil rights movement was a strive for social justice for blacks to gain equal rights. Before
World War II, many blacks were low–wage farmers, factory workers or servants. There were many
events that happened during the civil rights act, one being when Rosa Parks refused to give up her
seat to a white man on an Alabama bus. What Rosa Parks did cause a year–long bus boycott. In
1963, approximately 250,000 people take part in The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.
Martin Luther King gave a speech saying, "I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and
live out the true meaning of its creed: ' We hold these truths to be self–evident: that all men are
created equal" (I Have a Dream Speech). Both Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King were trying to
stand up for what they believed in, they got pushed around and yelled at; but in the end it helped
Americans see that black people should get the freedom to do what they please just like everyone
else. All these acts were nonviolent protests to make the government understand that blacks should
be equal in the United States. Eventually in 1964 the Civil Rights Act passed that outlawed
discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national
... Get more on ...

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Joseph Stalin Facts

  • 1. Joseph Stalin Facts Joseph Stalin was born on December 6, 1878, in a place called Gori, Georgia, a country just south of Russia. Stalin's childhood was rather rough because he was quite poor to the fault of his parents' jobs. His father was an alcoholic shoemaker and his mother was a laundress. After reaching the age five, his father left his family to go work in the capital of Georgia, leaving Joseph and his mother to continue on without him. Stalin and his mother moved homes to live with a priest. Another unfortunate occurrence happened when Stalin turned 7, he caught an illness, Smallpox, which made his life harder because it left his skin and face with scars. He also got a blood poisoning which made his right arm longer this his left. Although Stalin's appearance wasn't the most handsome, he still received high grades and loved participating extracurricular activities. After Stalin graduated, his mother enrolled in a seminary, Stalin was accepted but was later expelled to the fault of missing his final exams. After being expelled, Stalin joined the Bolshevik Revolutionaries, an underground group who followed Karl Marx's communist writings. ... Show more content on ... Stalin robbed banks, led riots, and committed other serious crimes after being within this group. Soon 1917 came around and the Russian Revolution began and the government was overthrown by Lenin and his Bolshevik tribe was pushed into power. The government's name was soon changed to the Soviet Union, and their union did not rule with kindness. They believed in running the government frightfully. In 1924, Lenin died due to his health and Stalin took his place as ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Essay on Joseph Stalin "The man who turned the Soviet Union from a backward country into a world superpower at unimaginable human cost (Joseph Stalin)." "Stalin was born into a dysfunctional family in a poor village in Georgia (Joseph Stalin)." Permanently scarred from a childhood bout with smallpox and having a mildly deformed arm, Stalin always felt unfairly treated by life, and thus developed a strong, romanticized desire for greatness and respect, combined with a shrewd streak of calculating cold–heartedness towards those who had maligned him. "He always felt a sense of inferiority before educated intellectuals, and particularly distrusted them (Joseph Stalin)." Sent by his mother to the seminary in Tiflis (now Tbilisi), the capital of Georgia, to ... Show more content on ... At first, these people were removed from their posts and exiled abroad. "Later, when he realized that their sharp tongues and pens were still capable of inveighing against him even from far away, Stalin switched tactics, culminating in a vast reign of terror and spectacular show trials. In the 1930s during which the founding fathers of the Soviet Union were one by one unmasked as "enemies of the people" who had supposedly always been in the employ of Capitalist intelligence services and summarily shot (Stalin Internet Library)." The particularly pesky Leon Trotsky, who continued to badger Stalin from Mexico City after his exile in 1929, had to be silenced once and for all with an ice pick in 1940. "The purges, or "repressions" as they are known in Russia, extended far beyond the Party elite, reaching down into every local Party cell and nearly all of the intellectual professions, since anyone with a higher education was suspected of being a potential counterrevolutionary (Stalin Internet Library)." "This depleted the Soviet Union of its brainpower, and left Stalin as the sole force in the country. "He was an expert on virtually every human endeavor (Stalin Internet Library)." Driven by his own sense of inferiority, which he projected onto his country as a whole, ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. The Death Of Joseph Stalin "Death is the solution to all problems. No man – no problem." This is a direct quote from one of the most notorious men in history, Joseph Stalin. Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union from the mid 1920's until his death. The period in which he ruled over the Soviet Union was known as the Reign of Terror because he was a malicious leader who was ready to do anything to maintain the level of power he achieved. He will forever be remembered as a cold blooded and heartless leader, who took the lives of millions without remorse. This research paper will cover this notorious and deceitful dictator and his early life, rise to power, his reign of terror, and the aftermath of his actions. Joseph Stalin was born on December 18, 1879, in Gori, Georgia, which was a Russian peasant village. His birth name was Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, but he was later referred to as Joseph Stalin, which is what he is known as. His father was Besarion Jughashvili, and was a cobbler. His mother was Ketevan Geladze, who was a wash woman. Joseph was a very small and frail child. He was often treated very cruelly by his peers when he was young because of physical deformities. When he was 7 years old he contracted smallpox, which left his face scarred. A few years later he was in a carriage accident which left his arm slightly deformed. Many believe this was a result of blood poisoning that left his arm in a deformed state. Because of the bullying he was subjected to when he was young, he was left in ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Why Is Joseph Stalin Bad C.J. Mangum Mrs. Burns 3/9/17 English 9 6th hour Joseph Stalin, good leader who did bad things or bad leader who did good things. Joseph Stalin was a good leader who did terrible things. When Joseph Stalin was born in 1879, he was not set out on a path to rule. At age seven, he contracted a bad case of small pox, which left his face eternally scared. In a few years, he was involved in a carriage crash, which left his left arm slightly deformed. It was because of these injuries, that the other village children treated him poorly. Their relentlessness made him feel inferior, which then made him mean. He was aggressive, and did not tolerate people who opposed him. He then would start a journey for respect and authority. In 1888, Joseph's mother decided she wanted him to be a priest. Soon after, she enrolled him in religious schooling. He did well in this new school, and earned himself a college scholarship to the university of Tiflis Theological seminary. Soon after starting class, Joseph came in contact with the radical socialist party named "Messame Dassy". He joined the group in 1898, and left his school in 1899. Joseph did not leave Tiflis, but did continue with his revolutionary work. In 1901, he joined the Social Democratic Labor Party and worked full–time for the revolutionary movement. In 1902, he ... Show more content on ... The once iron fisted leader, had started to slowly fade away, and a new Stalin that was weaker had come in. in the early 1950's, After an assassination plot was uncovered, he ordered the head of the secret police to instigate a new purge of the Soviet Union. Stalin wanted to prove once more that he may be in bad health, but the iron man inside was still alive and ready. Before his new purge order could be put into play, Stalin died on March 5th, 1953. He left behind a legacy of death and terror as he turned a failing Russia into a top world ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Joseph Stalin Biography Joseph Stalin was born on December 18, 1878 in Gori, Georgia that was a part of the Russian Empire to the birth name of Ioseb Besarions dze Jughashfvili. Born to the parents of Besarion Jughashfvili who was a cobbler and Keteven Geladze, a household maid. Stalin did have siblings but they all died at a young age. As a child Stalin had many health issues such as being born with two adjoined toes on his left foot and his face was permanently scarred from smallpox's and the age of seven. At the age of twelve he injured his left arm in a carriage accent. Later on in his life his father slid into alcoholism, which made him abusive towards Stalin and his mom. His mother enrolled him into Greek Orthodox, which his dad did not approve of. This decision ... Show more content on ... In WWI Stalin was drafted to the Russian Army. He had a hurt arm, which did not allow him to be a part of the service. He did not do much during WWI. The night before WWII Stalin and Hitler signed a nonaggression pact. This pact was between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. It promised no military action against each other. The pact remained intact tell the German Government broke it by attacking the Soviet positions in Poland. After Hitler broke this pact the Soviets stopped the Germans. Stalin was confident in a victory or Germany. Hitler his goal from victory in the east to securing the southern part of the Soviet Union. He also instituted a region of terror, purges, executions and exiles to labor camps. Stalin established communist government in Eastern Europe. Then in 1949 he led the Soviet into nuclear age by exploding bombs. Stalin suffered from atherosclerosis from his heavy smoking during WWII, which caused him to have many heart attacks. On March 1st after a movie and dinner Stalin went to his room, and in the morning Stalin did not wake up at his normal time. Peter Lozgachev found him on his bedroom floor. Peter was trying to get a response out of Stalin, but all he got was a soft noise. Peter called doctors and told them Stalin might have had a stroke. The doctors diagnosed him with a stroke caused by high blood pressure. Stalin then was treated with leeches. On March 5, 1953 Stalin died at the age of ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Characteristics Of Joseph Stalin The Prince Mia Maguire Mrs. K History Honors/Block E 4 October 2017 Perfect Prince On December 21, 1879 (Editors, Iosef Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili was born. He was later known as Joseph Stalin and he was one of the most powerful men in the world during the 19th century. According to Niccolo Machiavelli's views in the book, The Prince, Stalin was the perfect prince, or in this case the perfect dictator . The Prince examines the traits that are needed to be a perfect leader. Traits such as being feared, but not hated, being cruel, using discipline, being unforgiving, giving punishments, being manipulative and cunning, being intimidating, and being controlling. As dictator, Joseph Stalin penalized citizens, was witty yet threatening, ... Show more content on ... The Prince) Overall, this compares the traits of a perfect leader to a lion and fox. The fox is manipulative and the lion is strong, so they help each other out. So, a leader needs to be both manipulative and strong. Stalin is like a fox because after Vladimir Lenin died, five people became the new leaders. This included Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky, Lev Kamenev, Grigory Zinoviev, and Nikolai Bukharin. Stalin manipulated all of them by turning them against each other. First, Stalin created a plan with Kamenev and Zinoviev to remove Leon Trotsky from power. Then Stalin and Bukharin removed Kamenev and Zinoviev from power. Finally Stalin turned on Bukharin, so Bukharin was no longer in control. Stalin was now the sole ruler of the Soviet Union. Joseph Stalin was also intimidating and frightening. For example, many civilians called his era a reign of terror. This made many of the citizens loyal to him because if they resisted, they would most likely be killed. Lastly, as a leader, Stalin knew not to be hated but to be feared. After an amazing victory against the Nazis during World War II, he gained popularity in the Soviet Union and in many others including the United States. He also had many "...cities, towns, villages, and even the tallest mountain in Russia was named after him, and he was mentioned in the national anthem" ( Even with being seen as a hero, he ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Joseph Stalin Quotes Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin was born into a poor family on December 18, 1879, in Gori, Georgia ("Joseph Stalin", 2017). He rose to power as the leader of The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics when his predecessor, Vladimir Lenin, died. Stalin immediately forced rapid industrialization, with his Five Year Plan, and the collectivization of agricultural land, resulting in millions dying from famine. He lead the Soviet Union to a status of world superpower, able to outproduce the technologically superior German economy. Stalin led the Great Purge against his own people, which sent millions deemed enemies to the "working class" to work camps, prisons, or their deaths. The enemies included many high ranking political and military officials as ... Show more content on ... These ideas represented the "new man," a worker willing to give up everything for equality. The things they might have to give up included but were not limited to one's life, self respect, and sensitivity. Equality and sacrifice are two more key traits for the "socialist's way of life"("Soviet propaganda", 2017). Stalin was cold and decisive this quote is just one example of what he believes. "Death is the solution to all problems, No man – no problem" said Stalin,("Joseph Stalin Quotes", n.d.). This quote shows his regard for human life and what he was willing to do for the Soviet Union. Stalin and the ideas of Stalinism called for everyone to be selfless for the Communist state and called for people to always try to protect the state from every possible enemy. Stalin encouraged people to spy on their neighbors to make sure they were true allies to the Soviet state. "Today a man only talks freely to his wife – at night, with the blankets pulled over his head", said writer Isaac Babel, privately to a trusted friend("World Heritage Encyclopedia", 2017). Stalin encouraged people to live in constant fear, but to also always blindly trust in the state. ("World Heritage Encyclopedia", 2017). He wanted everyone to be strong, selfless loyal, and willing to give up anything for the cause of Communism. Stalin was trying to encourage a classless society that believed the working men were the luckiest group of people in the country("Soviet propaganda", ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. Joseph Stalin Upon his rise to power in the mid 1920s, Josef Stalin aimed to erase all traces of capitalism presented under Lenin's New Economic Policy and change the U.S.S.R into a totalitarian and completely socialist state. To achieve this, he set off a Five Year Plan that called for a rapid industrialization of heavy industries with the use of a command economy. Stalin also established a policy of collectivization where private farms were forced to combine into large, state–owned units. Both plans were considered successful though at the cost of countless lives. Unrealistic industrial goals and a catastrophic famine that resulted from harsh working conditions and starvation took the lives of millions of people. Thousands were also sent to prison camps called gulags and were tortured and abused lawlessly. This is to say that in the ideal state that Stalin as an autocrat wanted, human lives were nothing but merely tools used to work for the state's prosperity. ... Show more content on ... Alongside the establishment of a command economy, the government was able to completely control the economy and ask for high quotas of both agricultural and industrial products. In matters of collectivization, all private farmlands were forced to combine into large, state–owned properties where everyone was expected to work at. Though the plan boosted Russia's economy and many heavy industries to match of those other European countries, it also limited the production of consumers' goods and resulted in shortages of houses, food, and other necessary ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Biography Of Joseph Stalin Joseph Stalin was born on December 21, 1879, originally named Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili. He was born in a village known as Gori in the Russian province of Georgia. His father was a shoemaker, and a drunk. He left Gori when Stalin was young to find work in the city of Tiflis. With his father gone, Joseph's mother, Yekaterina, made the biggest impact on his life––it was she who led him in his education. Joseph started out at the local Gori Church School. After attending there, he went to the Tiflis Theological Seminary on a scholarship. Joseph's mother hoped that at this school, he would learn to become a priest. Instead, Stalin became a devoted advocate for Marxist revolution. After leaving the Seminary in 1899, he joined the Social ... Show more content on ... Stalin was elected General Secretary of the Party in 1922, and although he quickly began to increase his personal power, no one realized how dangerous he was at this time. As he neared a 1924 death, Lenin began to grow wary of his former protégé, and wrote a Testament warning against Stalin's influence. But the other members of the Politburo, Lenin's circle of advisers, ignored the Testament and allowed Stalin to remain in a position of power. At this point, Stalin began his rise to dominance by destroying his rival Trotsky, expelling him from the party in 1927 and exiling him from the Soviet Union in 1929. Meanwhile, he brilliantly played the Politburo's factions off one another, first allying with Nikolai Bukharin and his "Rightists" to destroy the "Leftists," and then, when his position was secure, turning on Bukharin and destroying his power. By 1930, he stood alone atop the Party and the Soviet ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Joseph Stalin Research Paper Joseph Stalin was the man who turned the Soviet Union into a global force at an unimaginable cost. Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Joseph Stalin) was born on December 18, 1878 in a poor Russian village in Gori, Georgia. His father was Besarion Jughashvili, and his mother was Ketevan Geladze. At seven years old, he came down with smallpox, which left his left arm deformed and his face scarred. As a result, his classmates would tease him. This, in turn, made Stalin feel substandard, which made him feel he needed more respect. He also obtained a sharp streak of cold–heartedness for those who harmed him. Stalin was sent by his mother so a preliminary school to become a priest, but later left because he did not want to pursue that particular career in 1899. He soon joined a revolutionary street mob. He would rob trains and banks, and issue prohibited materials daily. He also was hired as a tutor and later as a clerk. However, in 1901, he quit his job and started working wholly as a revolutionary. Also, in 1902, Stalin was arrested and banished to Siberia. During this phase that he assumed the name "Stalin," which is Russian for "steel ... Show more content on ... One of his greatest raids was the 1907 Tiflis bank robbery, in which over 250,000 rubles were stolen, and many people killed in the process. In 1917, Vladimir Lenin started supporting the revolution, and in 1922, appointed Stalin as General Secretary of the Communist Party's Central Committee. However, after Lenin's death from multiple strokes in 1924, Stalin decided to set out to take total control by destroying all of the remaining Party members. He soon had created a reign of terror in which he would arrest people for no reason and judge them before mock trials. He also executed anybody who had enough courage to stand up and speak against ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Joseph Stalin Nonaggression Alliance Joseph Stalin was the leader of the soviet union during the time of WWII under his reign the u.s.s.r. thrived as a industrial and military superpower during the late 1920's Stalin put into motion his 5 year plan to turn the peasant country of the u.s.s.r. into a strong industrious country. Those who did not cooperate were swiftly executed. He ruled by fear and with an iron will anyone who dared oppose him were quickly dispatched. Before the onset of WWII Hitler and Stalin signed a nonaggression agreement but in 1941 Germany broke the pact by invading Russia those stalin was warned numerous times that an invasion was imminent he still did nothing. When german troops were headed to stalingrad Stalin called for a scorched earth defense policy ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Joseph Stalin Research Paper World leaders are leaders with high governmental power in the world. Every leader, not just world leaders, is either great or corrupt; they are rarely both. Most of Russia's history is filled with corrupt leaders. Joseph was one of those leaders. Stalin killed millions of people during his rule. But Stalin also led the Soviet Union almost to the top in world power. Stalin had many influences that led him to his Soviet Leadership in which gave him many admirers but even more non–supporters. At the age of 10, Joseph "Stalin" Djugashvili attended Gori's religious elementary school. His mother, Yekaterina, wanted him to be a priest and would usually beat her son if he son whenever he misbehaved. These beatings were never as bad as those ... Show more content on ... The Russian's loss in the Russo–Japanese war was the another way that they got the public to turn against the provisional government and strengthen the communist revolt. The revolt got stronger and stronger until the Bolsheviks finally revolted and took down the Russian Provisional Government. Because of this, civil war erupted all over the country. At the end of this war, in 1920, the Bolsheviks set up the USSR, or Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, under control of Vladimir Lenin. When Lenin died, Stalin aggressively worked his way up until he was the leader of the USSR. In his control, Stalin set up a "5 year plan" to advance the Russian economy from just farming to also having industry. In this plan, he would also advance the military and "cleanse the country of villains" or those he saw as villains. To "cleanse the country", Stalin would have unfair trials that would have many on trial at once. These were called his "Show Trials". The majority, if not all, of these people were found guilty and sent for execution. They were executed all at once, and the executions were called the Purges. To advance the Russian economy, Stalin would work the farmers to death... literally. When the farmers revolted, Stalin stopped sending them food and even more died from starvation. On the last of the purges, 16 men were put on trial and accused of acts of terrorism towards Stalin and the Soviet government. Two of them were Stalin's allies after Lenin's death, Zinovyev and ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Joseph Stalin And The Soviet Union Almost everyone knows what a monster Adolf Hitler was, but most people do not know that one of the great ally leader of World War II, Joseph Stalin, had committed even greater atrocities than Hitler. Joseph Stalin was a ruthless and yet diligent dictator of the Soviet Union, whose rise to power influenced a multitude of major events in his country's history. Due to Stalin's impactful reign, he made the Soviet Union become a global superpower, underwent difficult hardships such as the Great Famine in the Soviet Union, and after his death, caused the Soviet Union to go through a process known as de–Stalinization. Prior to his rise to power, Joseph Stalin's early life had a large impact on his future as a leader of the Soviet Union. Stalin was born into a dysfunctional family in Gori, Georgia on December 21, 1879 (Joseph Stalin His real name however, was Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili. Then changed his last name to Stalin because he combined the Russian word stal, which means steel, and Lenin, the name of the Soviet Union leader at the time ( In keeping with his strong name, Stalin contracted and even survived smallpox at a young age, but with the only remaining evidence being a facial scar from where the smallpox where it had formed at. Stalin was sent to a seminary in Tiflis, now known as Tbilisi, to become a priest. However, Stalin never completed his education and soon became involved in the city's active revolutionary circle , ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Joseph Stalin Death Joseph Stalin was one man that took death very lightly one of his most famous philosophies is " Death is the solution to all problems, no man–no problem.' He was the dictator of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Under Stalin control the Soviet Union transformed from a peasant society to industrial and military power house. He ruled by striking fear into his citizens and millions died during his reign of power. Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin was born December 18, 1878, he was in office May 6, 1941 to March 5, 1953 and he grew up in Gori, Georgia. Stalin grew up very poor and he had no siblings. Stalin's father was an abusive shoe maker and his mom was a laundress. When stalin was young he caught smallpox which left ... Show more content on ... Joseph Stalin became very fond of the name Koba, after a fictional Georgian Bandit, and joined the militant part of the Marxist Social Democratic Movement, which is known as The Bolshevik, whose leader is Vladimir Lenin. Joseph Stalin also began committing more criminal activities such as robbing banks, which the money stolen were used to fund the Bolshevik Party. He was arrested multiple time from 1902 to 1913 and was sentenced to be exiled from Siberia. In 1912, Lenin was exiled from Switzerland assigned Joseph Stalin to serve on the first Central Committee Of The Bolshevik Party. In 1917, the Bolsheviks controlled all of Russia then the Soviet Union was founded in 1922, with Vladimir Lenin as the first leader. During all of these years Joseph Stalin moved up the Bolsheviks Party ladder, and soon he became the secretary general of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, which allowed to appoint his allies to government jobs, and grew a base of political support. Lenin died in 1924, and Joseph Stalin finally outsmarted his enemies and won the power of the Soviet Union and he later became the ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Positive Impact On Joseph Stalin There is much controversy about whether Joseph Stalin was a Soviet Union hero or a horrific, controlling dictator. In reality, he was both. Joseph Stalin held power in the Soviet Union during World War II from 1929–1953. He made great advances in the agriculture, government, and stability in the Soviet Union, but he did so by killing millions of people and forcing the people under his control to live in constant fear ( Staff). Throughout his childhood, adulthood, rise to power, and death, Stalin made a great impact on the world. Joseph Stalin was born on December 18, 1879 in a town in the Russian Empire called Gori, Georgia. He was given the name Losif (Joseph) Vissarionovich Dzugashvili at birth by both his abusive, alcoholic father and his religious mother. Stalin grew up in poverty and lived a tough childhood. At age seven, he caught smallpox, which left him with a pockmarked face and a slightly deformed left arm. Growing up, he was bullied by the other children and repeatedly beat by his father (IWonder). Because he was treated unfairly as a child, he developed a desire to be great and gain respect from those who had rejected and hurt him. He also felt malignant towards the world and the people living in it, especially those who affected him personally (Abamedia). His father died in 1891 and his mother sent him to study theology in Tiflis, the Georgian capital, with hopes of him becoming a priest. Joseph rebelled against the school. He refused to read ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Short Essay On Joseph Stalin Joseph Stalin was born Josef Vissarionovich Djugashvili, which he later took the name Stalin, meaning "man of steel." Stalin was an only child and had grown up poor. This lead to him being kicked out of school and becoming more and more interested in Russian politics. Joseph Stalin later became an important person in the future of the Soviet Union as the future dictator. Though Stalin did some great and possibly wonderful things during his years as dictator of the Soviet Union, he still did many and more horrible things to out way the good that he did. Although some perceived Joseph Stalin as a good leader of the Soviet Union during the mid–1920s to 1953 when he died, he did more harmful acts than good acts. Joseph Stalin had been a charming person, a fatherly figure to some and his dictatorship had not been seen as one in the eyes of many that had been under his rule. Some of the people that Stalin had ruled liked him and did not see him as a bad person or leader, "He (Stalin) was a great popular leader. No revelation about what he did will change my mind" (Oleg Koprbalev). This perception of his greatness is still ... Show more content on ... He had been appointed to serve on the first Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party, which began his rise to power. He gained his first foothold on the political ladder as secretary general of the Central Committee of the Communist party in 1922. Through this position that he held Stalin was able to appoint his allies to the government jobs that he saw available to begin to build his base of political support ("Joseph Stalin" He was handed numerous unimportant jobs that no one else at the time had wanted, but they gave Stalin the perfect insight into who he could trust to support him and who he could not and had to get rid of during his rise to position of ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Joseph Stalin Research Paper On December eighteenth 1879 in Gori, Georgia, Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Joseph Stalin) was born into a large family. Stalin had two brothers, Georgy Jughashvili, born one year before Stalin, and Mikhail Jughashvili, born three years before Stalin. Stalin's father, Besarion Jughashvili was a cobbler though later became an alcoholic later becoming a vagrant. Stalin's mother, Ketevan Geladze worked as a washerwoman. Stalin's childhood seems to be what formed him into the person he became. When Stalin was only five, his father left him and his mother. At the age of seven Stalin contracted smallpox, leaving his face scarred. With the scars on Stalin's face the other children often teased him. Stalin and his family experienced poverty that was widespread throughout Russia during the nineteenth century. ... Show more content on ... Stalin's mother being a devout Russian Orthodox Christian wanted Stalin to become a priest. Stalin's mother enrolled him into the Gori Church School in 1888, when Stalin was only eight years old. At the school, Stalin excelled, receiving excellent grades and joining the school's choir. Stalin graduated six years later in July 1894 almost at the top of his class. In 1894, Stalin received a scholarship to the Tiflis Theological Seminary. During stalin's time at the Seminary he didn't dedicate his time to studying rather revolutionary activities. Stalin became associated with Messame Dassy, a secret organization that supported Georgian independence from Russia. Through the people at Messame Dassy he was introduced to the ideas of Karl Marx and Engels (the theory and practice of communism). When the Seminary found out about Stalin's revolutionary involvement Stalin was ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Power Of Hitler And Joseph Stalin Over the past thousand years of ancient human civilization, there has been a constant occurrence, no matter what part of the world it may occur. Dictators and powerful tyrants who have utilized fear and propaganda for their own benefit, in order to enhance their power and rule with an iron fist.Between the governing of Joseph Stalin from the mid 1920s–1953 in the Soviet Union, the fascist leadership of Benito Mussolini's over Italy during the early– to mid 1900s, and Adolf Hitler's command over Europe during WWII, over time the world has been infested with people who have been so despotic, that they would do anything (including murder their own citizens) in order to reign supreme over their nation. It takes compassion for humankind, love for ones country, and a strong pursuit of justice in order to become a strong and respected leader. However, every once in a while there are leaders that decide to do things their own way and rule ruthlessly . One of these leaders was Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union. Stalin used propaganda to build himself up in the eyes of the public and improve his image. He had cities named in his honour, history books were rewritten to show him more favourably; saying that he played a prominent role in the revolution of the Soviet Union, which gave him an almost legendary and even mythological image (1). Stalin controlled the Soviet media and made sure any artwork, literature or music about him was complimentary (2). He also had his name added to ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Joseph Stalin Propaganda Joseph Stalin was a number of things; a masterful networker, a ruthless leader, a man of unshakable beliefs, and a man who would do absolutely anything to advance his view of communism and the Soviet Union. These are all some of the qualities that would allow for him to gain absolute control over the communist party in the Soviet Union. They are also qualities that would aid him in helping transform Russia from a backwards country, that had not progressed along with the rest of Europe, into a global superpower in less than 30 years. The supporting factors that allowed for Stalin to personally have all this success after the death of Vladimir Lenin are complex. The skilled use of soviet propaganda played a large role in garnering Stalin the ... Show more content on ... Opponents of Stalin such as Zinoviev and Kamenev along with many others were accused of treason and executed. Stalin also organized the arrest of the majority of military leaders on fabricated charges so that he could replace them with younger personnel who did not remember what is what like before Stalin's leadership. This removed any form of collective leadership from the communist party officially giving Stalin Supreme command. After these events no opposition arose at any level of the party because of fear of death or imprisonment. Writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote about a communist party meeting that exemplified this in his book The Gulag Archipelago, "At the end of the conference, a tribute to Comrade Stalin was called for. Of course, everyone leapt to his feet. However, who would dare to be the first to stop – after all, NKVD men were in the hall waiting to see who quit first. And in that obscure hall, unknown to the Leader, the applause went on – 6, 7, 8 minutes! They couldn't stop now till they collapsed of heart attacks! Aware of the falsity of the situation, after 11 minutes, the director of the paper factory sat down in his seat. And, oh, a miracle took place! Everyone else stopped dead and sat down. That, however, was how they found who the independent people were. And that was how they set about eliminating them. They easily pasted 10 years in a labour camp on ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Essay Joseph Stalin Joseph Stalin Joseph Stalin was one of the biggest mass murderers of the twentieth century. From the purges in the Red Army to forced relocations, Stalin had the blood of millions on his hands. This essay is not going to debate the fact that this was indeed a brutal and power hungry individual, because he was indeed just that. I will on the other hand show you that through his way of governing the Soviet Union, he actually saved mother Russia from the German invasion in World War Two through his cunning and ruthlessness. Joseph Stalin was a very industrious person and used every means possible to better prepare his country for the coming war that he believed was inevitable. Wether it was diplomatic plotting, economic maneuvering, or ... Show more content on ... E. Zinoviev and L. B. Kamenev. From this point on Stalin simply concentrated more and more power into his own hands. In 1925 Stalin made a turn to the right, got rid of his two companions and established a coalition with moderate leaders Burkharin, Rykov, and Tomsky, which lasted until 1928, when collectivization of agriculture and the forced industrialization came about. Stalin now followed a simple pattern, he simply systematically replaced all those who were not his absolute followers. By 1930 his rule was absolute. Stalin was now free to go ahead and pursue his plans to industrialize and arm the Soviet Union. The only other obstacle in his path was the army leadership. Stalin viewed the army as a threat to his power and took steps to remove that threat. He organized all of his followers to delve into the lives of the military leadership and find out if they were traitors. Many of Stalin's followers used this as a way of getting back at old rivals and enemies. All kinds of false evidence was manufactured. Stalin took all of this at face value and a great number of the army leadership was either killed or exiled. There were also several show trials put on to demonstrate to the Soviet people that all of the killing was being done for a reason and that there really were conspirators and spies among them. Several accused openly confessed to active membership of a plot to murder the Soviet leadership. With the Army purges done, Stalin ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Joseph Stalin And Animal Farm Joseph Stalin was the dictator of the "Union Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)." He was born on December 18, 1879 in the village Gori, Georgia. His real name is Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili but he later changed it to Joseph Stalin. He was a smart kid that achieved good in school and he got a scholarship to "Tiflis Theological Seminary "in 1894. A year later he got in touch with Messame Dassy which is a secret organization that supported the independence in Georgia from Russia. Some of the workers in the organization where communists and they introduced him to Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin, In 1898 he joined this organization and he also joined "Social Democratic Labor Party" and worked for the "revolutionary movement" in 1901. In 1902 he was ... Show more content on ... Napoleon is a big and fierce looking Berkshire boar, he's the type of animal that gets what he wants in his own way. He is actually smart, smart enough to trap you and make you believe that everything he says is true. Animal Far, doesn't include the part in history where it talks about Lenin's part which is represented in the book as Old Major, then Napoleon is the leader of the farm from the beginning of the revolution just as how Stalin did. Napoleon is the pig that becomes the leader of Animal Farm after the rebellion. Based on Joseph Stalin, Napoleon uses military power to threaten the other animals and strengthen his power. In the book, Napoleon proves to the animals that he isn't truthful more than his companion Snowball. While Stalin was ruling in the (USSR), he was a cruel leader who would get rid of anyone who got in his way, and millions of people that didn't want to work for him were kicked out. Just like Stalin Napoleon used violence for him to keep his ruling position in Animal Farm. A good example would be when Napoleon trains the puppies not for their own education, but to protect him and get rid of anyone who stands in his way and to not have anyone suspect him. After Snowball being expelled, Napoleon killed the puppies and said that they were spies for Snowball," the traitors who had leagued themselves with Snowball" (page 61). Another characteristic of Joseph Stalin that is shown in Napoleon is Napoleons ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Joseph Stalin Research Paper Joseph Stalin was the dictator of the USSR which stands for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Stalin changed the Soviet Union from a poor society to an industrial and military superpower. Overall, Joseph Stalin's main goal was to become the most powerful leader in the world. One major event that came upon Stalin was the Cold War. I believe Joseph Stalin wanted the Cold War because this war could give Stalin the power he needed to achieve his goal and essentially take over the world. He wasn't just one of the most important figures in the cold war; he was one of the main causes of it. Stalin wanted to create a massive shield of Eastern European countries to be under his control. His plan was for them to protect the Soviet Union from raids from the West so that he could keep control of Eastern Europe after World War 2. Stalin was so determined to take out Eastern Europe that the West was afraid. He did things in a certain way to cause more tension between the two sides. Joseph Stalin was a very stimulating man. His legal name was Iosif ... Show more content on ... Stalin lived by Vladimir Lenin's teachings and he thought that communism was what the world desired. He sought to make the USSR atheist and was eager to protect the USSR no matter what. To protect his people, he focused on Military which was one of Stalin's strongest components. Joseph Stalin once said, "Ideas are far more powerful than guns. We don't allow our enemies to have guns, why should we allow them to have ideas?" This shows how ignorant Stalin was towards his own beliefs and ideas. I think the Cold War boosted Stalin into a whole new state of power because of what it did for him. Joseph Stalin started out as not very powerful but as he defeated people, groups, and countries, it showed how powerful he strictly was. Leaders today are influenced by leaders such as Stalin because they have the attitude that they want to be the best and the most ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Joseph Stalin: The Man Of Steel Stalin known as the "man of steel" was the dictator of Russia. He ruled with fear/ terror.Life in Russia at the time was very demanding, it industrialized at a quick pace. Although this came with immense success, it also came with millions of lives lost. Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili known as, Joseph Stalin was born on December 18, 1870, Gon, Georgia. Stalin died on March 5, 1963 in Kuntsevo, Moscow, Russia. Stalin was the son of Besario and Jughashvili who was a cobbler and the son of Ketevan Geladze, a washerwoman. His mother wanted Stalin to become a priest, because she was a devoted Russian orthodox christian. Stalin attended a church school in gori and received a scholarship in Theological Seminary in 1894. In 1898 he ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Joseph Stalin Dbq Essay Joseph Stalin DBQ The Soviet Union had been a king full nation in Europe. One of the most mentioned leaders is Joseph Stalin. He was a father figure to the nation. He was in power from 1922 to 1951. He accomplished many things, he was a good leader in industrializing and implementing his ideology even at the expense of the many human lives. Joseph Stalin was a prospering leader in apace rising the Soviet Union's economy as shown in Document 3. Document three, a chart that shows steel and coal production throughout Stalin's five years plans. Coal production quickly raised. By the end of his second plan it went up to a hundred and fifty million metric tons, that's five times the initial quantity. The nation was also behind several different economically ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Machiavellian Policies Of Joseph Stalin Joseph Stalin was born in Gori, a city in Georgia. He rose to power in 1929 when he became the dictator of Soviet Union which was led by Vladimir Lenin's death in 1924. In many of his actions Joseph Stalin clearly demonstrates the use of Machiavellian laws, which were made by Niccolo Machiavelli, an Italian renaissance writer, humanist, diplomat, historian and Politician. These political philosophies are found in the book "The prince" published in 1532 about how a prince should behave. The extent to which Stalin follows Machiavellian political philosophies can be analyzed according to his policies on "Punishing hard, fast and all at once" as well as ""A prince should have no other aim or thought than war and it methods and practices– prince ... Show more content on ... Joseph Stalin took part in many conflicts throughout his time as dictator. Some examples are the Chinese–Soviet conflict which started in 1929, then the Xinjiang war which took place during 1937. World war two from 1939–1945 where the Soviet Union was betrayed by the Germans, causing them to act against them. Some other examples are; the invasion of Poland and Bessarabia which took place during WWII in 1939 which led to the Soviet Union and the Nazi Germans dividing the east of Europe. Lastly The Cold war lasting 44 years from 1947– 1991 where the Soviet union spent more the 8 trillion dollars on nuclear bombs, weapons and military. When it comes to spending on weapons instead of luxuries Joseph Stalin stuck to this as 44% of money gained was used for the military, 3.3% of the population worked for the military and 4.4% of citizens died during war. This demonstrated that Stalin reflected the Machiavellian philosophy of ""A prince should have no other aim or thought than war and it methods and practices– prince who spend more on luxuries than weapons have often lost power" in his ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Joseph Stalin Villain "Ideas are powerful then guns, we wouldn't let our enemies have guns, why would we let them have ideas" –Joseph Stalin. Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin was a Soviet revolutionary, politician and political theorist. He also governed the Soviet Union until his death in May 5, 1953. One person can be viewed as a powerful leader but someone is yet a powerful villain as Joseph Stalin. Stalin was born on December 6 or December 18, 1878. Later, he invented one on his own which was December 21 on 1879. His real name is Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili .When he got older he adopted the name 'Stalin' which means man of steel in Russian. Stalin lived in small town called Gori, Georgia. Stalin grew up poor with his mother and father, Besarion Jughashvili and Ekaterina Geladze. He had 2 older siblings but soon they had died and he was left alone as an only child. His mother was laundress and was his father was a shoemaker and an alcoholic who abused his son and wife most of the times. Stalin was terrified by his own father. Later they had no money because his father's business began to fail. Stalin's father and mother soon got a divorce and they decided to escape the abusive relationship. Stalin and his mother moved into the house of a family friend, Father Christopher Charkviani he owned an Orthodox Church in Gori, Georgia. Stalin began to attend Gori Church School where he studied to become a priest. Stalin was only at a young age, when he had encountered a disease called small pox ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Theory Of Joseph Stalin Joseph Stalin was born and raised in Poverty in 1878 and died the most powerful and feared man in the world (Pauley, p.58, 2014). Stalin was a Georgian–born Soviet who governed the Soviet Union as its dictator from 1922 until his death in 1953 (Pauley, p.54, 2014). Stalin had a cruel upbringing and from an early age he associated with the bullies in his neighborhood, although he was unusual as he was someone with a hunger to learn (Dervin, p.90, 2008). Stalin's younger years involved "retaliating against violence and replaying his childhood horrors on a geopolitical stage where his need to be in control, to be boss soon emerged as a key identity theme" (Dervin, p.91, 2008). He served as General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1952 and as Premier of the Soviet Union from 1941 to 1953. Ideologically Stalin was a Marxist and Leminist and helped to formalize the ideas of Marxism–Leminism (Pauley, p.58, 2014). Pauley states that due to his upbringing "Stalin was vain, sometimes irrational, and prone to believing wild rumors and speculation. He was also easily offended and could be brutal and vengeful" (p56, 2014). Stalin is well known for his forced quick industrialisation in the 1930's that coincided with mass starvation, the imprisonment of millions of people in the Gulag labour camps, and the 'Great Purge' of the intelligentsia, the government, and the armed forces (Pauley, p60, 2014). Authors have assumed that Stalin's goals were always well ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Joseph Stalin Quotes Joseph Stalin is a character that is very important in the world's past. Stalin states that "Undoubtedly, our path is not of the easiest; but, just as undoubtedly, we arenot to be frightened by difficulties. Paraphrasing from the well–known words of Luther, Russia might say: 'Here I stand on the frontier between the old, capitalist word and the new, socialist world. Here on this frontier I unite the efforts of the proletarians of the west and of the peasantry of the East in order to shatter the old world. May the god of history be my aid!"This basically says that Stalin wants to create a socialist world. This quote relates to my thesis because it hints the potential for Stalin's Soviet Union.Joseph Stalin was an important figure in American ... Show more content on ... Other village children treated him cruelly instilling him a sense of inferiority. Because of this Stalin began a quest for greatness and respect. Also developed a cruel streak for those who crossed him. In 1922, Stalin was appointed to newly created office of general secretary of the Communist Party. It gave Stalin control over all party member appointments allowing him to build his base. Stalin held shrewd appointments and consolidated his power until eventually nearly all members on the central command owed their position to him. By the time anyone realized what he had done it was too late. After Lenin's death, in 1924, Stalin set out to destroy the old party leaders and take total control. At first Stalin removed the people from power through practical shuffling and criticisms. As war clouds rose over Europe in 1939, Stalin made a seemingly brilliant move, signing a nonaggression pact with Adolph Hitler and Nazi Germany. Stalin was convinced of Hitler's integrity and ignored warnings from his military commanders that Germany was mobilizing armies on its eastern front. Allies favor, President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchhill met with Joseph Stalin to discuss postwar arrangements. Stalin demanded the Allies open a second front against Germany, which they agreed to in the spring of 1944. Stalin also agreed to enter war against Japan once Germany was defeated.Stalin learned not to dash head long into a fight with someone just because you don't like ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Joseph Stalin Personality Essay Political Personalities Trevor Endre Dr. Michelle Green Argosy University March 26, 2017 Hello everyone, today I am going to be discussing Joseph Stalin who was born Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili. We are also going to be discussing Adler's theory of personality. To better understand this, I am going to cover the theory first. Alfred Alder believed that the driving force behind someone's behavior is their goals, and early life (childhood). Joseph Stalin was born December 18, 1878 and died March 5 1953. Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union from the mid–1920s until his death in 1953. He was a dictator throughout his time in office. Stalin's motivation was to achieve the most amount of power he possibly could, while being at the apex of society in the Soviet Union, as well as try to maintain that power for the rest of his life. As a child Joseph Stalin was born into a poor family. His father was a shoe cobbler, and his mother was a maid. His father was an alcoholic, as well as an abuser. Due to his father's addiction, the family business failed to support his habit. Joseph was plagued with many health issues for example two adjoined toes, and facial scarring from his battles with smallpox as a ... Show more content on ... Well to answer that question we must dive into Stalin's adolescences. After discovering the writings of Vladimir Lenin, he would go on to join the Russian Social–Democratic Labor Party. When Lenin formed the Bolsheviks in 1903, Joseph would join them. During his time with the Bolsheviks he proved to be an excellent leader as well as wrote propaganda, committed assassinations, and other less desirable things. Lenin eventually became the head of Russian government until 1922 a stroke caused him to go into early retirement putting Stalin in power. Stalin had achieved his goal, but by achieving his goal he became a target to those who would oppose him. Thus creating a new goal, maintaining his seat of ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Essay on The life of Joseph Stalin The life of Joseph Stalin Joseph Stalin. One of the Russias most supreme leaders. But one of its most horrid as well. He brought them up while also letting them down. Some could say where would we be without him. But others wish they never were led by him. He went from nothing to the most powerful man in the now most powerful country. In the early years. He was first born Josef Vissarionovich Djugashvili to a poor shoemaker of a father on December 21 1879. It was a small village called Gori Georgia. He was a only child, whose father was a drunk and would beat him from time–to–time was a poor man. And a mother who did luandre just to earn more money. As a child he contracted smallpox which left him with life–long facial ... Show more content on ... Which was were the government would support the money flow from the small tenant farmers would bring in from there crop. Many farmers wouldn't cooperate with Stalin which led to him killing them and taking over their farm. The forced collectivization caused a mass famine that killed millions. Stalin ruled with a iron fist. He soon began to build a personality around himself. There was art work, rewritten history books to make him seem more heroic in the revolution. Oh by the way, the government controlled the media as well. WWII In 1939 Stalin and Hitler signed a nonagression pact. He annex parts of Poland and Romania and even invaded Finland. Then Germany broke that pact by invading Russia. The Soviets were not prepared for war. So the Germans almost reached the Russian capital of Moscow. But Stalin and the Red Army drove the Nazis out of Russia about 2 years later. But his son, died in a German war camp before the war was over. Then in 1945 the Red Army took Berlin and dividing it half communist, half democratic. In his final years After WWII his reign did not recede but to only harden. Western influence was a thing of the past in Russia. He turned easter governments into communist states. He led them all to the nuclear age. Then in 1950 he gave North Koreas ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Joseph Stalin Accomplishments Joseph Stalin's life was divided into so many aspects, mainly his difficult upbringing, his accomplishments no matter how negative, and the influence he had on everyone in the world. He became one of the most worldwide known dictators ever for everything he did in Russia and in the other areas of the world. " You can not make a revolution with silk gloves" Stalin once said. For Stalin there were no silk gloves but everything he did was a revolution, we know Stalin not only as a dictator but as a cause of a revolution in Russian government. Joseph Stalin, one of the most infamous people in Russian history, faced many obstacles in his upbringing. In Spite of these challenges, he was able to achieve much and influence Russian history. Stalin's ... Show more content on ... By the end of Stalin's dictatorship he ruled from " beyond the European frontier into the satellite states of Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and East of Germany." (Lauber 2,819) He had Soviet history books rewritten to be based on him and all the good things he did so that it made him look like he changed Russia forever and was amazing when in fact he was the opposite of amazing ("Joseph Stalin"). He was involved in WW II and he had the tide turned in August of 1942 to February 1943 at the Battle of Stalingrad. In which the red army drove the Germans away from Russia. They named the battle Stalingrad because Stalin was the ruler then and the tide turned for them then. In 1950 he gave permission to North Korea leader Kim il Sung to invade the United States. Towards the end of his dictatorship he decide to rename cities after him so he looked liked he had done so much in his rule. His name also became part of the Soviet Union ("Joseph Stalin"). By the age of 65 Stalin had aged quickly and couldn't get people's names right anymore (Ingram 90). Joseph Stalin died on March 5, 1953 at the age of 74 after a stroke ("Joseph Stalin"). Stalin's upbringing was very difficult and his rise to power was tough with all the competition for ruler and his death was difficult for everyone to get over and ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. The Purges Of Joseph Stalin The purges Joseph Stalin was the Soviet leader of Russia for over 25 years. Stalin was very paranoid and executed anyone he deemed to be a threat. In 1934, Kirov, the leader of the Communist Party and also a workplace colleague so to speak, was murdered, probably on Stalin's orders this is widely acknowledged as the even that started the 'Purges'. Stalin used Kirov's death as an example to order massive purges in which anybody suspected of being disloyal was murdered, sent to prison camps known as 'Gulags' or exiled to Siberia. This example Stalin used at the start of the purges demonstrates the length Stalin was willing to go to achieve his goals and the level of his paranoia. The purges quashed all opposition to any of Stalin's choices allowing him to enforce whatever he chose in the Soviet Union; this allowed the process of Russification in Stalin's view to start in which all territories ruled by the Soviet Union had to follow Soviet law including all religion to be banned. In the short term, the purges were a mass slaughter and millions of people were killed, over 30% of the whole population had been arrested or executed. Stalin had created a totalitarian dictatorship in which his voice commanded the whole of the USSR and he had no opposition. Fear was Stalin's weapon on his people. On the other hand, in the short term the Purges contributed to the USSR's poor performance during Hitler's operation Barbosa due to lack of experienced commanding officers and general ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Characteristics Of Joseph Stalin As A Leader Throughout the millennia that humans have been forming societies with leaders, there have been many different kinds of leaders, some effective and others not. Shakespeare's Julius Caesar shows examples of leaders who prevailed over time and leaders who didn't. This information combined with knowledge of other past leaders can be used to establish common traits among effective leaders and common traits among ineffective leaders. Although Joseph Stalin is primarily considered a cruel tyrant, he also exhibits several of the leadership traits deemed most effective. While most can agree that his practices were immoral, it is often forgotten that due to his organization, practicality, and determination, Stalin was a decidedly effective leader. Joseph Stalin, from the time that he was a low level revolutionary to the years that he spent as the dictator of the Soviet Union, always knew what he needed to do to achieve his goals. His organized rise to power allowed him to gain a steady flow of followers who would support him for decades to come. Stalin received a minor government position in 1917, but by the time a new leader was needed in 1924, he "had turned the largely routine post of Party general secretary into the most powerful office in the Soviet Union" ("Joseph Stalin) and "had built a personal empire for himself through his control over committee appointments at all levels . . . expand[ing] the leading Party organs with his supporters, who then voted against his rivals" ... Get more on ...
  • 66.
  • 67. Research Paper On Joseph Stalin The vast majority of people regard Adolf Hitler as the worst human being of all time. This title is well deserved, as Hitler himself was responsible for starting a world war and killing over eleven million people. However, there was a dictator much more ruthless than Hitler. He ruled with an iron fist, and had an unquenchable thirst for power. He was responsible for almost double the amount of fatalities than even Hitler himself. This man was Joseph Stalin. The actions of Stalin during his early life, rise to power, and reign of terror are what molded him into one of the most despicable human beings in the history of civilization. Stalin was born in Gorgi, Georgia on December 18th, 1878 under the birth name of Loseb Dzhugashvili (Joseph Stalin). ... Show more content on ... He implemented a series of 5 year plans to help transform the nation ( staff). His plan hinged on the government taking the lands of the wealthy, peasant farmers, called the kulaks. When the kulaks protested and would not give in to Stalin's demands, Stalin had thousands of kulaks executed and exiled (Joseph Stalin Britannica Library). The collectivization of farms led to widespread famine during 1932. It is alleged that over 10 million people died from starvation because of this (Joseph Stalin). Throughout his rule Stalin continued to intervene in the industrialization of the Soviet Union. To try to keep up with his lofty industrialization plans, Stalin proclaimed that time was limited and the Soviets needed to be able to protect themselves from outsiders. This launched a feverish push to industrialize as quickly as possible. Although industrialization was achieved, the strain it put on the countries resources was immense (Joseph Stalin Britannica Library). Aside from the mass starvations going on in the Soviet Union, Stalin also enacted a reign of terror on his own people. Stalin and his secret police, the KGB, concocted a plan to dispose of all people who were viewed as "Anti Soviet"(Joseph Stalin). The beginning of the Great Purge took place on July 3rd, 1937. Stalin ordered millions to be placed in work camps, and such ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Joseph Stalin Genocide Joseph Stalin's Genocide: 50 Million Deaths From 1919 to 1953 when Stalin died about 50 million lives were taken in the Gulags of Russia ("Videofact"). In total there were 53 Gulags and 423 labor camps ("Gulag"). Stalin was considered one of the most feared dictators because of his secret police and the Gulags. During a series of interviews in 1996, a Soviet veteran who lived in Minsk claimed to have seen a U.S. POW in May or June 1953. The POW was a Korean War F–86D pilot whose plane had been forced to land, The pilot landed his plane undamaged, was then captured, and his aircraft was taken to Moscow. According to the witness who served in An Dun, North Korea, from December 1952 through February 1954 the pilot was sent to Moscow the ... Show more content on ... Stalin's genocide covers 6 of the 8 stages of genocide. First is Classification. Stalin marked farmers and the rich with 25 acres or more as the "Kulaks" ("NKVD"). Second is Dehumanization. When the, prisoners were at the gulags they were worked like dogs. An average prisoner would work 12– 14 hours a day in the freezing cold temperatures ("Hillinger"). Third is Organization. Stalin made the NKVD to use to his advantage against anyone who opposed him ("NKVD"). Fourth is Polarization. Stalin ordered the NKVD to kill leaders of his past party the Bolsheviks ("NKVD"). He also ordered for the killing of military and industrial leaders. Fifth is Extermination. The NKVD would go around just killing whoever they wanted to ("NKVD"). The secret police were strict; they would put someone in prison for 10 years just for stealing a loaf of bread ("NKVD"). If anyone were to talk against Stalin and the NKVD were to find out, you would be shot on the spot ("NKVD"). Sixth is Denial. When Stalin died the secret police fled from the gulags and camps ("Gulag"). The NKVD soon turned into another secret police organization and the gulags were forgotten. ("NKVD"). Throughout Stalin's rule the people were always going against Stalin whether it was stealing or escaping prison like Stalin had before he came into power. My father was the son of Polish immigrants, born in Massachusetts in 1913. In 1926, after years of working in America, my grandfather purchased land in Eastern Poland and ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Joseph Stalin Totalitarianism Introduction– Totalitarianism is a system of government in which the state acts to extends its absolute authority and power into all aspects of its citizen's lives and have that population be completely under the control of a totally pervasive ruling ideology of a single leader. The essence of totalitarianism can be found in its very name; it is a form of rule in which the government attempts to maintain 'total' control over society, and further seeks to meld that state's beliefs within that societies core roots, an example of this occurrence can be liquidised through Stalin and his methods in Russia during the 1920's and 30's. Carl Friedrich's, a late political scientist and historian of the 20th century formed the basis of a totalitarian ... Show more content on ... The society and environment that he developed in as a child was a pivotal in the formation of his renowned, stern character. Joseph Stalin was born into a poor family in Georgia 1879. Throughout his childhood, Stalin and his mother were both subjugated to violence and domestic abuse from his alcoholic father. , this undeniably would have additionally lead to Stalin's tyrannical persona and totalitarian governance. Throughout Josephs life he was groomed to be a priest, he was enrolled in numerous church schools and was even indoctrinated into the Tiflis theological seminary school in Georgia's capital. During this period of history there was a rapid increase for the russification of neighbouring Slavic states, like Georgia under orders of the Russian czar, this in turn may have also lead to Stalin's hate towards the tsarist monarchy and participation in revolutionary groups during later years. For most life in the seminary school was a tedious, structured routine in which students were only allowed to read books approved by the schools authorities, this further sparked his hatred towards authority and continued through his own political thought. As well as ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Joseph Stalin And Truman Stalin and Truman are two of the most important figures of World War II and the Cold War. At the end of the Second World War, the two world powers that emerged were the US and the USSR. Because of this, the only competition was between these two men, and this led to growing conflicts between the two nations. The major differences between these two begin with their origins, and stem through their ideologies, and the ideologies they fear. Although these differences are drastic, these men share several similarities in reference to their occupational and leadership skills and tactics. When analyzing the differences between these two figures, it is important to understand their backgrounds and how those backgrounds molded them into the men they later become. Beginning with Stalin, we see a child who was born into poor conditions, rise to become the one of the most powerful figures during World War II and The Cold War. Joseph Stalin was born Josef Vissarionovich Djugashvili on December 18, 1878 in Gori, Georgia, in Russia to a poor family. His father was a shoemaker and his mother was a laundress. Along with being a shoemaker, Stalin's father was also an alcoholic and often beat his son. Later in Stalin's life, he left school to become an underground political influence. Thus, was Stalin's emergence into the life of politics. Later in his life, Stalin became more prevalent in Russian politics though. The Soviet Union was founded in 1922 and by this time, Joseph Stalin was ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Leadership Style Of Joseph Stalin Joseph Stalin was the political leader of the Soviet Union during the twentieth century. Stalin's leadership style was most commonly defined as brutal due to him abolishing private ownership, as well as his numerous political purges that resulted in the deaths of thousands of officials within the communist party. While in the end Stalin did lead the Soviets to win World War II, a large number of lives were lost in the process. Adolf Hitler was an Austrian born, twentieth century Fascist German dictator with a dream of creating a dominant race of pure "Aryans" who he hoped would go on to rule the third German Empire. Hitler is well known for his involvement and leadership in the Nazi party where he authorized and supported the the killing over over six million jews. Adolf Hitler also invaded Poland in 1939 which started World War II, this was was concluded when Hitler committed suicide upon the realization that he would in fact lose the war to Stalin. "Stalin's leadership was unbelievably poor and wholly amateurish" (Rubinstein 2012). While Joseph Stalin and his followers were the ones who ended up on top at the end of World War II, Many believe that had Hitler not decided to delegate needed soldiers and weapons to the threats coming from the western allies than he would have had a much greater chance of winning over Stalin. "...arguing that Nazi Germany almost won its war with the Soviet Union. Hitler might well have won. Germany consistently suffered a tiny fraction of ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Joseph Stalin Research Paper When Joseph Stalin was in control on Russia it meant that the people lost freedom. Everything that was done in the USSR had to be approved by the government. The people of Russia had no access to the media. Stalin believed that capitalist societies were driven by self–interest and oppressed people. In Churchill's "Iron Curtin Speech" he is talking about the necessary actions to maintain peace in Europe. Stalin's response to him seems like he's provoking other European nations to initiate warfare against Russia. Stalin compares Chruchill's words to those of Hitler regarding "racial theory" and says "Churchill only calls to the English–speaking nations of the world" (Joseph Stalin: Reply to Churchill, 1946). When Stalin made this accusation, ... Show more content on ... In reaction to this the African Americans started the civil rights movement during the 1950s and '60s. The civil rights movement was a strive for social justice for blacks to gain equal rights. Before World War II, many blacks were low–wage farmers, factory workers or servants. There were many events that happened during the civil rights act, one being when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man on an Alabama bus. What Rosa Parks did cause a year–long bus boycott. In 1963, approximately 250,000 people take part in The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Martin Luther King gave a speech saying, "I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: ' We hold these truths to be self–evident: that all men are created equal" (I Have a Dream Speech). Both Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King were trying to stand up for what they believed in, they got pushed around and yelled at; but in the end it helped Americans see that black people should get the freedom to do what they please just like everyone else. All these acts were nonviolent protests to make the government understand that blacks should be equal in the United States. Eventually in 1964 the Civil Rights Act passed that outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national ... Get more on ...