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Jez Lysaght: Brand, Creative, Content & Strategy
Portfolio 2016
Contact details
M. 0771 266 8742
A multi-award winning brand professional generating creative, content and strategy that delivers long term
benefits to businesses and their brands. Experienced at both brand creation and evolution with the ability to distill
complex research and data into accessible and engaging customer. Equally at home in the B2B and B2C markets
delivering content and campaigns that successfully function across all channels in the marketing mix, including
digital, mobile and UX, to provide traction in the marketplace and generate sales.
Key Skills
Brand creative, strategy & positioning / Content marketing / B2B & B2C communications / Internal and external
communications / Multi channel strategy & solutions / Change management / Team management and direction /
Content production / App creation / Multi channel campaigns
Inmarsat / MTV / VH1 / Transdev London Ltd / greentomatocars / E4 / Channel 4 / National Geographic Channel /
FOX / Sky Arts / Sky News International / RTE / Comedy Central / The Body Shop / Freeview / Virgin Care / ESPN /
History Channel / CNI Guard / Warner TV / Virgin Media / CBBC / Teatum Jones / WDC / TIDE Belize / Viacom /
Nickelodeon / Cartoon Network / Discovery Channel / 4Music /Disney / Jetix / Barclays Commercial Banking /
Oxjam / i-count / Stop Climate Chaos / five / Red Letter days / Chellozone / The Great Sportsmanship
Programme / Capri-Sun / British Airways / The Prince’s Trust /
A new customer proposition and brand
identity for greentomatocars based on a
full business and brand audit, including
qualitative research focus groups, that
brings together various business offers
including a new ‘Uber’ style app service
and sits them together under one central
The new brand look and tone designed to
underpin this new customer proposition
by giving the business a more mature feel
and increasing traction in the B2B market
place while remaining relevant to a core
of existing B2C consumers.
A new logo and colour
palette was created to give
the business a more
mature feel.
Photography with the theme of moving
through London provides a central
theme for the brand and is used across
print and digital communications
including web and social media
It represents the passengers POV while
travelling with the business.
Well known landmarks shot
from unusual perspectives
create the backdrop for
business communications
and enforces the concept
of the brand knowing
London better than their
The website (both mobile & desktop) is built primarily
around a solid consumer UX, as this a retail website
The constant changing of locations allied with images
that change to fit the time of day help the brand to
continue it’s connection with the consumers ‘current’
use of the city.
The same journey through the
city motif is carried across all
social media channels.
Business collateral and
stationary materials
have clear synergy with
the new brand look.
02/09/2015 Issue 7, Author: HR Dept 19
02/09/2015 Issue 7, Author: HR Dept 2
Internal and external communications materials have been
created to enhance the new ‘grown up’ feel of the business
04/09/2015 Issue 7, Author: HR Dept 3
04/09/2015 Issue 7, Author: HR Dept 1
The new ‘combined’
service app delivers a
simpler, cleaner look.
The fleet vehicles provide
a constant moving
billboard for the brand.
To maximise this
opportunity the business
name has been made
larger and clearer on the
rear of vehicles.
A geo-locator icon version
has been created to
represent the concept of
Logo and icon size on all
vehicles has been reduced
significantly to help with
penetration into the B2B
The geo-locators have been put
on the front, rear, sides and a
large version sits on the roof.
The roof version is to give the
cars a truly unique appearance
in a city where they will often be
seen from above.
A brand film for use in
the B2B sector keeps the
connection between the
service, the user and the
city while pushing home
the message that the
business is reliable,
professional and
Appointed as creative lead on this unique,
Europe-wide, Discovery Channel marketing
The project drew together huge amounts of
complex quantitive and qualitative data to
understand what young men in modern
Europe aspire to.
Its core purpose was to engage global brands
and their advertising budgets and make
Discovery Channel first choice for brands
targeting this market sector.
The fresh, sharp and accessible style
attracted unprecedented press and media
interest including a 4 page centre spread in
French FHM and a mention in the Danish
At the time the success of Species provided
Discovery Channels Europe with their
biggest ROI for any project, including
I created the brand, image and
strategy for the project,
including the ‘original’ title,
Species, A Users Guide to the
European Male.
I led the creative process
across print, online and
moving image. Including
convincing Discovery to take
second billing on their own
book to present themselves as
publishers and give the
research the main stage.
Most of men I know are in relationships, or between
relationships. I don’t know anybody who likes to be
alone. So, though people don’t marry as often as in the
1950s, they are living quite traditional lives in terms
of relationships.
Marc, 37, GERMANY
The important thing for Italian men is that they have
a girlfriend, not necessarily a long-term girlfriend,
but definitely one on their arm – as a status symbol.
When they have a girlfriend, they fit into society and
get its respect.
Mark Seymour, Lecturer in Italian History, ITALY
For the majority of guys, in the end, a relationship is
the biggest thing. Even my friends with lots of dates
and short-term girlfriends say they’d rather have a
steady thing going.
In a relationship, settling into a joint economy is not
easy – it becomes a power battle and frictions over
what you spend the money on emerge. Now you get
people having joint accounts and sole accounts, as
people want to hold onto some level of independence.
Penny Mansfield, Director of One Plus One, UK
More and more men value living with a woman who’s
highly educated and career orientated. They don’t just
want to live with a housewife anymore.
Jeanne Fagnani, Director of Research at
In the past the ideal woman would have been a
housewife. But now she should be independent and
successful, yet family-orientated.
Roberto, 38, ITALY
The ideal woman used to be a housewife who filled the
traditional roles, to cook and wash. Now she should be
a highly qualified woman who has a career.
Ionescu, 32, ROMANIA
There are ambiguities around what kind of man a
woman wants: the successful earning man or the man
who cares for the children. Being the breadwinner
alone isn’t enough and being the good caring father
isn’t enough either. These contradictory expectations
are detrimentally affecting relationships. As men,
many are trying to find a good solution between the
breadwinner and caring father.
Eberhard Schäfer, Director of German Father’s Centre
Women are more demanding of men in terms of
responsiveness, support and active involvement
and there’s evidence that men have shifted quite
a lot in that respect.
Andrew McCulloch, Chief Executive Mental Health
Foundation, UK
Nicolas Riou, a writer specialising in the problems
of masculine identity, confirms that, nowadays, men
are “given a rough ride and are destabilised”. If they
are too masculine, they are accused of being ‘macho’.
At the other end of the spectrum are metrosexuals,
who are proud of their sensitivity and their face
creams, who have been called ‘Marlboro Men
transformed into poodles’.
Bridget Jones Syndrome, Vanessa Witkowski and
Prune Antoine,, 2006, EUROPE
I have many friends struggling between conservative
masculine pride and trying to negotiate a more
emotional involvement with their partners. I would
say this is the case for men up to 35 who are bringing
in a new standard of masculinity.
Ovidiu Anemtoacei, National Agency for Equal
Opportunities, ROMANIA
Men now understand that they have to make an
effort to stay with a woman and they are ready to
make that effort.
Lomig Guillo, Editor-in-Chief FHM, FRANCE
We have a traditional marriage, both having very
different roles: I look after the financial aspect and my
wife looks after the home, children and the emotional
concerns of the family.
Filippo, 36, ITALY
In our relationship there aren’t any “restricted roles”,
we collaborate in order to share a family life. There
are some activities or tasks that are done daily by
me rather than my wife, but basically we try and help
each other.
Marino, 30, ITALY
Young men are delaying becoming dads, but
not because they don’t care about having kids.
In fact, they care a lot – and they want to
do it right. Providing for their kids is
crucial, and so is getting closer to
them than their own fathers did.
For this generation, fatherhood
is a serious aspiration.
To transform the large amounts of
complex data into something digestible it
was important to create a vehicle for the
information that was immediately
My solution was a coffee table book / vice
magazine approach that echoed the age
and interests of the people at the centre
of the research. This allowed the data to
be broken by imagery and custom graphs
to be created to entertain the reader.
150 151 152 153 154
We are told contradictory health information by
the media. It’s hard to navigate this information,
so that’s why we worry about it more.
Jeremy Langmead, Editor-in-Chief,
Esquire Magazine, EUROPE
41% of all men are overweight in Sweden, the
Netherlands, Germany, the UK, France, Spain,
Italy, Romania and Poland, compared to 27% of
women. The highest proportion is in Germany
where 48% are overweight, while the lowest is
France with 35.1%
Eurostat Yearbook 2006-2007, Eurostat ©
European Communities, 2007, EUROPE
Men’s level of suicide stands at more than three
times the rate of women’s. Over the last ten
years there has been an 80% increase in suicide
by males. Of particular concern has been the
increase in the rate of suicide in young men.
A Crisis in Masculinity, Or A New Agenda
For Men? Jeff Hearn, 1999, UK
Men’s suicide, especially young men’s, is high in
the Baltic countries, Poland and Russia. In these
countries there is also a high difference in life
expectancy between men and women. In Poland
men perform suicide about five times as often
as women.
Jeff Hearn and Keith Pringle et al, Men and
Masculinities: National and Transnational
Perspectives”, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, POLAND
Male obesity expert and entrepreneur Jane
Devilee-Almod discovered that while men like
the idea of a guilt-free curry, they are put off by
the word “slim” almost as much as the word “diet”.
However, Tesco is launching “For Him” ranges
specifically designed for men who want to
lose weight.
Fat Man, Thin Man,, 2007, UK
I try to buy healthy natural food, but not necessarily
products marked ‘low-fat’. I have a new gym
membership, but I haven’t started going yet and I play
indoor badminton once a week.
Mateusz D, 30, POLAND
Whether health is important to men or not depends
on their lifestyle. Mostly it is important – but not
important enough to do anything about it.
David Y-P, 33, SPAIN
A lot of guys between their mid twenties and late
thirties are trying too hard and that’s dangerous for
mental and physical health. They work too much, drink
too much, screw around too much, and all of this leads
to problems. You can have too much of a good thing.
Andrew McCulloch, Chief Executive,
Mental Health Foundation, UK
In Russia, ‘real’ men drink hard and play hard.
They go to extremes and don’t give a damn about
the consequences.
Rebecca Kay, Professor of Russian Gender
Studies, RUSSIA
Women tend to talk a lot more openly to their friends
about health issues, whereas our research shows
that men are more private. It is extremely worrying
to discover that nearly one in 10 don’t want to talk to
anyone at all, not even their doctor. Single men are
most at risk [of falling seriously ill] because they do
not have a partner to talk to.
Dr Chris Dark, Singular Lives, Guy Adams,
The Independent, 2006, UK
I don’t do anything for my health. When my girlfriend
stops saying she likes my physical appearance, I’ll
think about it.
Luc, 29, FRANCE
To a lot of men ‘looking’ healthy is important, but
eating healthily isn’t. So gym yes, good food no.
Masculinity is a general factor that inhibits men
from looking after their bodies and health. In fact,
masculinity causes men to think of their bodies as
impenetrable, hard machines.
Brendan Gough, Professor of Psychology,
School of Social Sciences, UK
2 3 4 5 6
45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
% Agree
In the rest of Europe, more progressive attitudes
towards masculinity mean that young men feel freer
to lead healthier lives. Swedish young men are the
most uninhibited when it comes to being healthy:
“It’s better here than in other countries, but it still
needs lots of improvement. Few men are obese but
many need a better diet.” 8
In spite of the difficulties, young men can, and
increasingly do, choose to be healthier. But it’s not
easy. The lifestyle factors of young men, such as
hedonistic socialising and stressful work patterns
often counteract their attempts to be healthy: “Men
can often only hold onto healthy living for a certain
period of time. They might be more health conscious
than they were before, but worrying about it more
doesn’t stop them drinking. Young men are often
experiencing conflicting feelings towards health.
For example, some will go on a health kick, running
and eating healthily during the week and then take
drugs with their friends at the weekend.” 9
Although men’s health is a complex and loaded
problem, it’s not impossible to lead a healthier life.
Positive changes can be made, and are never too
late: “I wasn’t interested in sports as a
teenager or a young man. I started in
my thirties, and now it’s part of my
everyday life. I have a gym
membership, and I go there
regularly. Plus I run in
the park.” 10
8 Håken, 41, SWEDEN
9 Andrew McCulloch, Chief Executive, Mental Health Foundation, UK
10 Marc, 37, GERMANY
“I often worry about my health…”
Every aspect of young men’s lifestyles – their job, where
they live, their background, income and the way they
socialise – has an impact on their health. Over-simplified
media messages do nothing to help with such a complex issue.
That’s why, in spite of more of them wanting it, it’s so hard for
men to make and sustain healthy changes in their lives.
“I am aware that I don’t look after my health as much as I should…”
2 3 4 5 6
45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
% Agree
% Agree
With the media pumping out headline-grabbing
health statistics, young men are more aware of their
health than ever before. But it’s making it harder for
them to be healthy. These shock-tactics can create
an impression that men’s health is in crisis.
Alcoholism, obesity, heart disease, cancer,
work-related stress and poor mental health – it
seems that being male is bad for you: “Health is
definitely becoming a major issue for men. We are
being influenced by the ads on TV and in the streets,
and the public health service messages.” 1 The good
news is, despite the hype, most young European
men are not having a crisis about their health,
though they are more health conscious.
The state of men’s health is deeply connected to
traditional masculine behaviour. Men have had a
lower life expectancy than women since records
began, and there’s more to this than simply the fact
that some do dangerous jobs. A European report
explains the link between masculine attitudes and
behaviours and bad health: “Evidence suggests that
generally men neglect their health and for some
their ‘masculinity’ is characterised by risk-taking,
especially for younger men (in terms of smoking,
alcohol, drug taking, unsafe sexual practices and
road accidents and reluctance to seek medical
intervention for suspected health problems).
Therefore some studies see ‘traditional masculinity’
as hazardous to health.” 2
The media’s reporting of men’s health is not helping.
Scare stories about why men’s health seems so dire
are often superficial. They fall back on traditional
ideas of masculinity, implying that being unhealthy
is an inbuilt, unchangeable part of being a man: “A
lot of media coverage deals with men’s health in a
very simplistic way, reducing it into a few issues. It
makes traditional assumptions about men, e.g. that
they ignore health concerns. They are implying that
men can’t change. In doing so the media actually
promotes masculinity more than health.” 3 None of
this is helping young men make healthy choices.
The media hype has at least raised awareness of
men’s health. Young men today think about health
much more than previous generations. As Ian from
the UK says: “Health is much more important to men
now. They know that smoking and drinking too much
is bad, and they are more aware of the importance
of diet and exercise etc.” 4 Young men do feel more
informed, but they don’t feel more empowered. It’s
not just the media’s presentation of men’s health
that’s making it more difficult for young men to
become healthier; it is also the way they think about
health itself.
Many young men consider the idea of looking after
your health as a ‘feminine’ thing to do, because they
associate it with women’s traditional role of caring.
They want to be healthier but they don’t want to be
seen as ‘un-masculine’. So they talk about
improving their health in conventionally masculine
terms. Going to the gym is about getting stronger
and fitter, going to the doctor is about making sure
they are healthy enough to provide for their families.
As one of our health experts explains: “When men
become involved with things that are considered
feminine, they attempt to dress them up in a
masculine way: so health becomes about having
self-respect, staying fit, having control, bonding
with the boys, rather than being healthy and
drinking less. They do this because they’re keen to
avoid feminine connotations and retain their
masculine identity.” 5
Looking after their health is a particularly difficult
issue for young men in countries where traditional
notions of masculinity are still prominent. In Russia,
Romania and Poland, traditional risk-taking
behaviours are still seen as a part of being a ‘real’
man: “The traditional role of men affects health
because they’re obliged to drink a lot, smoke, not
seek healthcare and eat unhealthily.” 6 The
instability caused by the shift from Communism to a
market economy has made it much more difficult for
men to fulfil their main social role of provider. The
subsequent strain on men’s health has been most
pronounced in Russia where the life expectancy for
men has fallen from 65 at the end of the Soviet era,
to 59 currently. 7
1 Pierre, 27, FRANCE
2 Jeff Hearn, Keith Pringle et al, European Perspectives on Men and Masculinities:
National and Transnational Perspectives, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, EUROPE
3 Brendan Gough, Professor of Psychology, School of Social Sciences, UK
4 Ian, 31, UK
5 Brendan Gough, Professor of Psychology, School of Social Sciences, UK
6 Adriana Baban, Professor of Psychology, ROMANIA
7 Sarah Ashwin, Professor of Industrial Relations, RUSSIA
51 52 53 54 55
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127
Moving Image Campaigns
I have conceived, written and
directed many promotions, brand
films, corporate communications
and on-air branding elements.
A film to showcase the
spring/summer collection by
London fashion duo Teatum
The film was premiered at
London Fashion Week as a
central part of their show.
Teatum Jones Spring/Summer Collection
One of a series of animated
spots aired across the MTV
network to drive viewer
participation in the annual
nationwide Oxjam event.
Each MTV channel was given
a bespoke treatment of the
central theme to reflect their
individual musical style.
Oxjam & MTV television spots
These lo-fi recreations of the
award winning BBC2 idents
were created for Brand New
2uesday on MTV2 and
celebrate the channels
irreverence and passion to
challenge the norm.
MTV2 Channel Idents
Inmarsat BGAN
The first of several films that
I wrote and directed for
satellite communications
company Inmarsat.
This film was created as part
of the launch of a new global
telecoms solution from
The animation style
(rotoscoped footage) was
adopted across all collateral
materials for the product
Another film that I wrote
and directed for Inmarsat.
This is a global brand film
created to show to reach
and reliability of the
company’s service offers
across all sectors.
The film is designed to
raise interest in potential
channel partners for the
IVCA Gold – Knice Project
CTAM Europe Silver - Discovery Species Project
Promax Europ Silver – Discovery Species Project.
IVCA Silver – Migrants Resource Center, Torn
IVCA Bronze – Inmarsat Plc, This is Inmarsat
IVCA Clarion Award – Migrants Resource Centre, Torn
Promax Africa Gold – Discovery Channel, Most Deadly
Promax Africa Silver – Discovery Channel, Mark Williams’ Big Bang
Promax Eur Silver – National Geographic Channel, Seconds From Disaster
Promax US Gold - National Geographic Channel, Seconds From Disaster.2007
Promax Africa Silver – Discovery Channel, Everest Beyond The Limit
Promax US Silver – Five, The Wright Stuff
Promax US Bronze – Five, Prison Break
Promax US Silver – Five, fivedownload
Promax US Silver – MTV, Oxjam
Promax US Bronze – MTV, Oxjam
Promax US Silver – Discovery Channel, Cars & Bikes
Promax US Bronze x 2 – Discovery Channel, Everest Beyond The Limit.
IVCA Gold – Inmarsat Plc, BGAN
Promax UK Gold – Five, Prison Break
Promax UK Gold – Five, The Wright Stuff
Promax US Silver – Discovery Channel, Friday Night Line-Up
US Telly Awards 3 x Bronze & 1 x Silver – Inmarsat Plc, BGAN.
During my career I have been very fortunate to work with very talented people.
Teams under my direction have won the following:
Contact details
M. 0771 266 8742

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Jez Lysaght Portfolio 2016

  • 1. Jez Lysaght: Brand, Creative, Content & Strategy Portfolio 2016 Contact details E. M. 0771 266 8742 in. vimeo.
  • 2. Summary A multi-award winning brand professional generating creative, content and strategy that delivers long term benefits to businesses and their brands. Experienced at both brand creation and evolution with the ability to distill complex research and data into accessible and engaging customer. Equally at home in the B2B and B2C markets delivering content and campaigns that successfully function across all channels in the marketing mix, including digital, mobile and UX, to provide traction in the marketplace and generate sales. Key Skills Brand creative, strategy & positioning / Content marketing / B2B & B2C communications / Internal and external communications / Multi channel strategy & solutions / Change management / Team management and direction / Content production / App creation / Multi channel campaigns Clients Inmarsat / MTV / VH1 / Transdev London Ltd / greentomatocars / E4 / Channel 4 / National Geographic Channel / FOX / Sky Arts / Sky News International / RTE / Comedy Central / The Body Shop / Freeview / Virgin Care / ESPN / History Channel / CNI Guard / Warner TV / Virgin Media / CBBC / Teatum Jones / WDC / TIDE Belize / Viacom / Nickelodeon / Cartoon Network / Discovery Channel / 4Music /Disney / Jetix / Barclays Commercial Banking / Oxjam / i-count / Stop Climate Chaos / five / Red Letter days / Chellozone / The Great Sportsmanship Programme / Capri-Sun / British Airways / The Prince’s Trust /
  • 3. A new customer proposition and brand identity for greentomatocars based on a full business and brand audit, including qualitative research focus groups, that brings together various business offers including a new ‘Uber’ style app service and sits them together under one central brand. The new brand look and tone designed to underpin this new customer proposition by giving the business a more mature feel and increasing traction in the B2B market place while remaining relevant to a core of existing B2C consumers. greentomatocars
  • 4. greentomatocars A new logo and colour palette was created to give the business a more mature feel.
  • 5. greentomatocars Photography with the theme of moving through London provides a central theme for the brand and is used across print and digital communications including web and social media channels. It represents the passengers POV while travelling with the business.
  • 6. greentomatocars Well known landmarks shot from unusual perspectives create the backdrop for business communications and enforces the concept of the brand knowing London better than their competitors.
  • 7. © GRANDAD DIGITAL 2015 GTC WEBSITE HOME greentomatocars The website (both mobile & desktop) is built primarily around a solid consumer UX, as this a retail website foremost. The constant changing of locations allied with images that change to fit the time of day help the brand to continue it’s connection with the consumers ‘current’ use of the city. ™ © GRANDAD DIGITAL 2015 GTC WEBSITE SMALL SCREEN HOME / MENU OPEN ™ GTC WEBSITE SMALL SCREEN TEXT & MEDIA / SCROLLED
  • 8. greentomatocars The same journey through the city motif is carried across all social media channels.
  • 9. greentomatocars Business collateral and stationary materials have clear synergy with the new brand look.
  • 10. 02/09/2015 Issue 7, Author: HR Dept 19 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 02/09/2015 Issue 7, Author: HR Dept 2 greentomatocars Internal and external communications materials have been created to enhance the new ‘grown up’ feel of the business 04/09/2015 Issue 7, Author: HR Dept 3 • • • • • • • • • • 04/09/2015 Issue 7, Author: HR Dept 1
  • 11. greentomatocars The new ‘combined’ service app delivers a simpler, cleaner look.
  • 12. greentomatocars The fleet vehicles provide a constant moving billboard for the brand. To maximise this opportunity the business name has been made larger and clearer on the rear of vehicles. A geo-locator icon version has been created to represent the concept of travel
  • 13. greentomatocars Logo and icon size on all vehicles has been reduced significantly to help with penetration into the B2B marketplace.
  • 14. greentomatocars The geo-locators have been put on the front, rear, sides and a large version sits on the roof. The roof version is to give the cars a truly unique appearance in a city where they will often be seen from above.
  • 15. greentomatocarsgreentomatocars A brand film for use in the B2B sector keeps the connection between the service, the user and the city while pushing home the message that the business is reliable, professional and trustworthy.
  • 17. SPECIES Appointed as creative lead on this unique, Europe-wide, Discovery Channel marketing project. The project drew together huge amounts of complex quantitive and qualitative data to understand what young men in modern Europe aspire to. Its core purpose was to engage global brands and their advertising budgets and make Discovery Channel first choice for brands targeting this market sector. The fresh, sharp and accessible style attracted unprecedented press and media interest including a 4 page centre spread in French FHM and a mention in the Danish parliament. At the time the success of Species provided Discovery Channels Europe with their biggest ROI for any project, including broadcast.
  • 18. AUSER’SGUIDETOYOUNGMEN SPECIES I created the brand, image and strategy for the project, including the ‘original’ title, Species, A Users Guide to the European Male. I led the creative process across print, online and moving image. Including convincing Discovery to take second billing on their own book to present themselves as publishers and give the research the main stage.
  • 19. START HERE 04 A RELATIONSHIP IS THE BIG THING Most of men I know are in relationships, or between relationships. I don’t know anybody who likes to be alone. So, though people don’t marry as often as in the 1950s, they are living quite traditional lives in terms of relationships. Marc, 37, GERMANY The important thing for Italian men is that they have a girlfriend, not necessarily a long-term girlfriend, but definitely one on their arm – as a status symbol. When they have a girlfriend, they fit into society and get its respect. Mark Seymour, Lecturer in Italian History, ITALY For the majority of guys, in the end, a relationship is the biggest thing. Even my friends with lots of dates and short-term girlfriends say they’d rather have a steady thing going. Jeroen, 32, NETHERLANDS MONEY TALK In a relationship, settling into a joint economy is not easy – it becomes a power battle and frictions over what you spend the money on emerge. Now you get people having joint accounts and sole accounts, as people want to hold onto some level of independence. Penny Mansfield, Director of One Plus One, UK NO DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES More and more men value living with a woman who’s highly educated and career orientated. They don’t just want to live with a housewife anymore. Jeanne Fagnani, Director of Research at CNRS, EUROPE In the past the ideal woman would have been a housewife. But now she should be independent and successful, yet family-orientated. Roberto, 38, ITALY The ideal woman used to be a housewife who filled the traditional roles, to cook and wash. Now she should be a highly qualified woman who has a career. Ionescu, 32, ROMANIA WHAT WOMEN WANT There are ambiguities around what kind of man a woman wants: the successful earning man or the man who cares for the children. Being the breadwinner alone isn’t enough and being the good caring father isn’t enough either. These contradictory expectations are detrimentally affecting relationships. As men, many are trying to find a good solution between the breadwinner and caring father. Eberhard Schäfer, Director of German Father’s Centre (, EUROPE Women are more demanding of men in terms of responsiveness, support and active involvement and there’s evidence that men have shifted quite a lot in that respect. Andrew McCulloch, Chief Executive Mental Health Foundation, UK Nicolas Riou, a writer specialising in the problems of masculine identity, confirms that, nowadays, men are “given a rough ride and are destabilised”. If they are too masculine, they are accused of being ‘macho’. At the other end of the spectrum are metrosexuals, who are proud of their sensitivity and their face creams, who have been called ‘Marlboro Men transformed into poodles’. Bridget Jones Syndrome, Vanessa Witkowski and Prune Antoine,, 2006, EUROPE I have many friends struggling between conservative masculine pride and trying to negotiate a more emotional involvement with their partners. I would say this is the case for men up to 35 who are bringing in a new standard of masculinity. Ovidiu Anemtoacei, National Agency for Equal Opportunities, ROMANIA Men now understand that they have to make an effort to stay with a woman and they are ready to make that effort. Lomig Guillo, Editor-in-Chief FHM, FRANCE NOT SO MUCH EQUAL AS BALANCED We have a traditional marriage, both having very different roles: I look after the financial aspect and my wife looks after the home, children and the emotional concerns of the family. Filippo, 36, ITALY In our relationship there aren’t any “restricted roles”, we collaborate in order to share a family life. There are some activities or tasks that are done daily by me rather than my wife, but basically we try and help each other. Marino, 30, ITALY 5. FATHERHOOD, BUT BETTER Young men are delaying becoming dads, but not because they don’t care about having kids. In fact, they care a lot – and they want to do it right. Providing for their kids is crucial, and so is getting closer to them than their own fathers did. For this generation, fatherhood is a serious aspiration. John,35 SPECIES To transform the large amounts of complex data into something digestible it was important to create a vehicle for the information that was immediately engaging. My solution was a coffee table book / vice magazine approach that echoed the age and interests of the people at the centre of the research. This allowed the data to be broken by imagery and custom graphs to be created to entertain the reader.
  • 20. 150 151 152 153 154 THE MEDIA ISN’T HELPING We are told contradictory health information by the media. It’s hard to navigate this information, so that’s why we worry about it more. Jeremy Langmead, Editor-in-Chief, Esquire Magazine, EUROPE MEN’S VITAL STATISTICS 41% of all men are overweight in Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany, the UK, France, Spain, Italy, Romania and Poland, compared to 27% of women. The highest proportion is in Germany where 48% are overweight, while the lowest is France with 35.1% Eurostat Yearbook 2006-2007, Eurostat © European Communities, 2007, EUROPE Men’s level of suicide stands at more than three times the rate of women’s. Over the last ten years there has been an 80% increase in suicide by males. Of particular concern has been the increase in the rate of suicide in young men. A Crisis in Masculinity, Or A New Agenda For Men? Jeff Hearn, 1999, UK Men’s suicide, especially young men’s, is high in the Baltic countries, Poland and Russia. In these countries there is also a high difference in life expectancy between men and women. In Poland men perform suicide about five times as often as women. Jeff Hearn and Keith Pringle et al, Men and Masculinities: National and Transnational Perspectives”, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, POLAND WORDS CARRY WEIGHT Male obesity expert and entrepreneur Jane Devilee-Almod discovered that while men like the idea of a guilt-free curry, they are put off by the word “slim” almost as much as the word “diet”. However, Tesco is launching “For Him” ranges specifically designed for men who want to lose weight. Fat Man, Thin Man,, 2007, UK I try to buy healthy natural food, but not necessarily products marked ‘low-fat’. I have a new gym membership, but I haven’t started going yet and I play indoor badminton once a week. Mateusz D, 30, POLAND LIFESTYLES GET IN THE WAY Whether health is important to men or not depends on their lifestyle. Mostly it is important – but not important enough to do anything about it. David Y-P, 33, SPAIN IT’S ALL TOO MUCH A lot of guys between their mid twenties and late thirties are trying too hard and that’s dangerous for mental and physical health. They work too much, drink too much, screw around too much, and all of this leads to problems. You can have too much of a good thing. Andrew McCulloch, Chief Executive, Mental Health Foundation, UK In Russia, ‘real’ men drink hard and play hard. They go to extremes and don’t give a damn about the consequences. Rebecca Kay, Professor of Russian Gender Studies, RUSSIA SUFFER IN SILENCE Women tend to talk a lot more openly to their friends about health issues, whereas our research shows that men are more private. It is extremely worrying to discover that nearly one in 10 don’t want to talk to anyone at all, not even their doctor. Single men are most at risk [of falling seriously ill] because they do not have a partner to talk to. Dr Chris Dark, Singular Lives, Guy Adams, The Independent, 2006, UK BETTER HEALTH IS THE SAME AS BETTER LOOKS I don’t do anything for my health. When my girlfriend stops saying she likes my physical appearance, I’ll think about it. Luc, 29, FRANCE To a lot of men ‘looking’ healthy is important, but eating healthily isn’t. So gym yes, good food no. Tobias, 26, NETHERLANDS Masculinity is a general factor that inhibits men from looking after their bodies and health. In fact, masculinity causes men to think of their bodies as impenetrable, hard machines. Brendan Gough, Professor of Psychology, School of Social Sciences, UK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1212131415161718192021222324 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 767778798081828384858687 88 89 % Agree In the rest of Europe, more progressive attitudes towards masculinity mean that young men feel freer to lead healthier lives. Swedish young men are the most uninhibited when it comes to being healthy: “It’s better here than in other countries, but it still needs lots of improvement. Few men are obese but many need a better diet.” 8 LIFESTYLE VS. HEALTH In spite of the difficulties, young men can, and increasingly do, choose to be healthier. But it’s not easy. The lifestyle factors of young men, such as hedonistic socialising and stressful work patterns often counteract their attempts to be healthy: “Men can often only hold onto healthy living for a certain period of time. They might be more health conscious than they were before, but worrying about it more doesn’t stop them drinking. Young men are often experiencing conflicting feelings towards health. For example, some will go on a health kick, running and eating healthily during the week and then take drugs with their friends at the weekend.” 9 NEVER TOO LATE TO CHANGE Although men’s health is a complex and loaded problem, it’s not impossible to lead a healthier life. Positive changes can be made, and are never too late: “I wasn’t interested in sports as a teenager or a young man. I started in my thirties, and now it’s part of my everyday life. I have a gym membership, and I go there regularly. Plus I run in the park.” 10 8 Håken, 41, SWEDEN 9 Andrew McCulloch, Chief Executive, Mental Health Foundation, UK 10 Marc, 37, GERMANY “I often worry about my health…” 22% Sweden 38% France 32% Russia 40% Germany 15% Italy 49% Romania 31% Poland 18% Netherlands 32% UK Every aspect of young men’s lifestyles – their job, where they live, their background, income and the way they socialise – has an impact on their health. Over-simplified media messages do nothing to help with such a complex issue. That’s why, in spite of more of them wanting it, it’s so hard for men to make and sustain healthy changes in their lives. 62% Sweden 66% Russia 64% Germany 37% Italy 69% Romania 62% Poland 50% Netherlands 55% France 59% UK “I am aware that I don’t look after my health as much as I should…” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1212131415161718192021222324 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 767778798081828384858687 88 89 % Agree % Agree 63 IT’S A HEALTH HAZARD TO BE A MAN With the media pumping out headline-grabbing health statistics, young men are more aware of their health than ever before. But it’s making it harder for them to be healthy. These shock-tactics can create an impression that men’s health is in crisis. Alcoholism, obesity, heart disease, cancer, work-related stress and poor mental health – it seems that being male is bad for you: “Health is definitely becoming a major issue for men. We are being influenced by the ads on TV and in the streets, and the public health service messages.” 1 The good news is, despite the hype, most young European men are not having a crisis about their health, though they are more health conscious. RISKY BEHAVIOUR The state of men’s health is deeply connected to traditional masculine behaviour. Men have had a lower life expectancy than women since records began, and there’s more to this than simply the fact that some do dangerous jobs. A European report explains the link between masculine attitudes and behaviours and bad health: “Evidence suggests that generally men neglect their health and for some their ‘masculinity’ is characterised by risk-taking, especially for younger men (in terms of smoking, alcohol, drug taking, unsafe sexual practices and road accidents and reluctance to seek medical intervention for suspected health problems). Therefore some studies see ‘traditional masculinity’ as hazardous to health.” 2 SCARE STORIES The media’s reporting of men’s health is not helping. Scare stories about why men’s health seems so dire are often superficial. They fall back on traditional ideas of masculinity, implying that being unhealthy is an inbuilt, unchangeable part of being a man: “A lot of media coverage deals with men’s health in a very simplistic way, reducing it into a few issues. It makes traditional assumptions about men, e.g. that they ignore health concerns. They are implying that men can’t change. In doing so the media actually promotes masculinity more than health.” 3 None of this is helping young men make healthy choices. KNOWING MORE DOESN’T MAKE IT EASIER The media hype has at least raised awareness of men’s health. Young men today think about health much more than previous generations. As Ian from the UK says: “Health is much more important to men now. They know that smoking and drinking too much is bad, and they are more aware of the importance of diet and exercise etc.” 4 Young men do feel more informed, but they don’t feel more empowered. It’s not just the media’s presentation of men’s health that’s making it more difficult for young men to become healthier; it is also the way they think about health itself. MAKING HEALTH MORE MASCULINE Many young men consider the idea of looking after your health as a ‘feminine’ thing to do, because they associate it with women’s traditional role of caring. They want to be healthier but they don’t want to be seen as ‘un-masculine’. So they talk about improving their health in conventionally masculine terms. Going to the gym is about getting stronger and fitter, going to the doctor is about making sure they are healthy enough to provide for their families. As one of our health experts explains: “When men become involved with things that are considered feminine, they attempt to dress them up in a masculine way: so health becomes about having self-respect, staying fit, having control, bonding with the boys, rather than being healthy and drinking less. They do this because they’re keen to avoid feminine connotations and retain their masculine identity.” 5 THE MORE TRADITIONAL THE MAN, THE SHORTER HIS LIFE Looking after their health is a particularly difficult issue for young men in countries where traditional notions of masculinity are still prominent. In Russia, Romania and Poland, traditional risk-taking behaviours are still seen as a part of being a ‘real’ man: “The traditional role of men affects health because they’re obliged to drink a lot, smoke, not seek healthcare and eat unhealthily.” 6 The instability caused by the shift from Communism to a market economy has made it much more difficult for men to fulfil their main social role of provider. The subsequent strain on men’s health has been most pronounced in Russia where the life expectancy for men has fallen from 65 at the end of the Soviet era, to 59 currently. 7 1 Pierre, 27, FRANCE 2 Jeff Hearn, Keith Pringle et al, European Perspectives on Men and Masculinities: National and Transnational Perspectives, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, EUROPE 3 Brendan Gough, Professor of Psychology, School of Social Sciences, UK 4 Ian, 31, UK 5 Brendan Gough, Professor of Psychology, School of Social Sciences, UK 6 Adriana Baban, Professor of Psychology, ROMANIA 7 Sarah Ashwin, Professor of Industrial Relations, RUSSIA 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 62 SPECIES
  • 21. Moving Image Campaigns I have conceived, written and directed many promotions, brand films, corporate communications and on-air branding elements.
  • 22. A film to showcase the spring/summer collection by London fashion duo Teatum Jones. The film was premiered at London Fashion Week as a central part of their show. Teatum Jones Spring/Summer Collection
  • 23. One of a series of animated spots aired across the MTV network to drive viewer participation in the annual nationwide Oxjam event. Each MTV channel was given a bespoke treatment of the central theme to reflect their individual musical style. Oxjam & MTV television spots
  • 24. These lo-fi recreations of the award winning BBC2 idents were created for Brand New 2uesday on MTV2 and celebrate the channels irreverence and passion to challenge the norm. MTV2 Channel Idents
  • 25. Inmarsat BGAN The first of several films that I wrote and directed for satellite communications company Inmarsat. This film was created as part of the launch of a new global telecoms solution from Inmarsat. The animation style (rotoscoped footage) was adopted across all collateral materials for the product launch.
  • 26. Another film that I wrote and directed for Inmarsat. This is a global brand film created to show to reach and reliability of the company’s service offers across all sectors. The film is designed to raise interest in potential channel partners for the business. Inmarsat
  • 27. 2009 IVCA Gold – Knice Project CTAM Europe Silver - Discovery Species Project Promax Europ Silver – Discovery Species Project. 2008 IVCA Silver – Migrants Resource Center, Torn IVCA Bronze – Inmarsat Plc, This is Inmarsat IVCA Clarion Award – Migrants Resource Centre, Torn Promax Africa Gold – Discovery Channel, Most Deadly Promax Africa Silver – Discovery Channel, Mark Williams’ Big Bang Promax Eur Silver – National Geographic Channel, Seconds From Disaster Promax US Gold - National Geographic Channel, Seconds From Disaster.2007 Promax Africa Silver – Discovery Channel, Everest Beyond The Limit Promax US Silver – Five, The Wright Stuff Promax US Bronze – Five, Prison Break Promax US Silver – Five, fivedownload Promax US Silver – MTV, Oxjam Promax US Bronze – MTV, Oxjam Promax US Silver – Discovery Channel, Cars & Bikes Promax US Bronze x 2 – Discovery Channel, Everest Beyond The Limit. 2006 IVCA Gold – Inmarsat Plc, BGAN Promax UK Gold – Five, Prison Break Promax UK Gold – Five, The Wright Stuff Promax US Silver – Discovery Channel, Friday Night Line-Up US Telly Awards 3 x Bronze & 1 x Silver – Inmarsat Plc, BGAN. Awards During my career I have been very fortunate to work with very talented people. Teams under my direction have won the following: Contact details E. M. 0771 266 8742 in. vimeo.