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Jellyfish Population Control Of Fish
Loggerheads also help to maintain food webs. An important example of this is jellyfish population
control. As a result of overfishing, jellyfish are slowly replacing formerly abundant fish species
because reduced fish populations allow for less competition for food. Jellyfish prey on fish eggs and
larvae, and increases in jellyfish are detrimental to the recovery of fish populations. Loggerheads
and other sea turtle species consume jellyfish and consequently reduce populations of jellyfish,
allowing for a control of their population (Wilson et al. 2010).
Loggerhead sea turtles also have long migrations and these migrations transport nutrients and energy
from one area to another. The migration of males from foraging grounds to nesting beaches
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Examinig the Effect of Human Population Control Essay...
As of today's date, the United States Census Bureau estimated the world's population to be an
astounding number of 7.151 billion, at around a growth rate of roughly 81 million annually, or 1.2%
per year. On the other hand, nearly 600 years ago, the population was around 300 million (according
to the CIA). Ever since improvements in agricultural productivity and medical advances, population
growth has risen drastically over the years. However, when studies proved that it could possibly lead
to detrimental scenarios like environmental degradation and poverty, some countries began to
establish population control policies. Population control is defined as 'a policy of attempting to limit
the growth in numbers of a population, ... Show more content on ...
Technological advancement in fertility treatment grants couples the ability to have a much more
successful conception.
Unfortunately, overpopulation causes drastic and detrimental effects on our planet. They include:
shortage of resources (water supply, food supply)
social problems (War and conflicts, population density e.g.)
species endangerment (Destruction of habitats, species extinction e.g.)
These complications take place because there is an addition of nearly 1 billion people on Earth every
12 years. These issues will only grow if there's no solution.
Global Perspectives– Part 2
India launched its own national family planning program in 1951, which also became the world's
first governmental population stabilization program. Up until now, it is estimated to have prevented
168 million births. In the early 1970s, the Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi implemented a
program regarding forced sterilization on men with two or more children. But when it got too far,
such as when single and poor men were subjected to the program, or when a few states stated it was
compulsory in order for people to receive new housing or other government benefits, it was hugely
criticized and ended as a failure.
Nevertheless, India still faces another dilemma: Abortion. The sex ratio of boys to girls (babies) is
1.12/1. In many parts of India (like many other Asian countries), having daughters are not preferred;
therefore many
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Fire Control Correlation
The results of the second correlation analysis, the fire control variable, showed a positive
relationship for all of the independent variables in the random sample. See table 3 for the complete
correlation analysis of the results. The strongest relationship to occur between the fire control public
services expenditures per capita and the different population groups, occurred between the fire
control variable and the White population group. The weakest relationship that occurred was
between the fire control variable and the Hispanic or Latino population group. Given that all results
for this correlation analysis are positive, public services expenditures per capita increases as the
population increases for all population groups in
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Malthus 's Theory Of The Demographic Transition Theory
In 1798, Thomas Robert Malthus was ahead of his time. Malthus, an English economist and
demographer, brought to life his theory on how an over–populated planet would not be able to
provide for those who reside on it (Macionis, 2013 p .635). Although Malthus was an economic
pessimist, he brought to light a very real truth. Now, 218 years later, Malthus's theory has in some
way become a reality. Although rich nations have slowed in regards to reproduction, poor nations
continue to have high birth rates which put a strain on the global aspects of the environment. As our
planet now holds over 7 billion people (US Census Bureau, 2016), scientists, economists, and
environmentalist's struggle to find a solution to our "growing" problem. One theory that explains
this population change is the demographic transition theory. This theory, defined as a thesis that
links population patterns to a society's level of technological development (Macionis, 2013 p. 636),
suggests that the key to population control lies in technology. Demographic transition theory is a
general description of the mortality, fertility and growth rates as societies move from one transition
to another. There are 4 main stages of the demographic transition theory. Stage 1 includes
preindustrial and agrarian societies in which high birth rates and high death rates were common
(Macionis, 2013 p. 637). With there being no form of birth control, children become an economic
value in the fields as workers. Death is
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Population Control In Fahrenheit 451
Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury in the year 1953.
This book was composed with the main idea of population control though the means of destroying
written content. They felt by burning all the books it would keep people from invoking emotions.
Thus, eliminating war and crime. This concept has been used though out history. The control though
placing limitations on shared knowledge. In this paper I will discuss the psychology, sociology,
Ideology, socioeconomic, utilitarianism and my own personal view points on the subject.
Terms I learned while researching my paper are "Demodystopias" they are a subgenre of dystopias
where the imagined futures derive from demographic change, taken to an extreme level: the
population explosion, depopulation, mass ... Show more content on ...
The novel's protagonist chooses to make a radical break with society after he comes to recognize his
own unhappiness. In neo–classical economic terms, new information changes views, which in turn
changes behavior. So this tells us that there is a direct correlation between one's own emotional
stability and the availability of free flowing information.
There is an instinctual human need to be curious and seek out answers to unseen questions. It is very
natural for us to ask that a one word question "why??" John Stuart Mill's reflection on happiness in
his essay On Utilitarianism offers a normative economic approach to understanding of the search for
happiness and the constraints in the search for one's own need to be an induvial and seeking
Now that we have touched on all the subjects that affect a population in regards to suppression and
keeping that population ignorant to its own past and/or limiting the flow of information. The novel
is set in a futuristic world that is simultaneously militaristic, prosperous and highly controlled. As
mentioned before, there is little hint of the economic system in place. That a prosperous economy is
consistent with strictly controlled flows of information is implausible to mainstream economic
thinking today. Yet recall the novel was written in the early 1950's, long before the freedom and
prosperity nexus was as well understood as it is
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Population Control In Brave New World Essay
Intro Strategy– Primary assertion
Our society is moving towards a world like that of Brave New World. This is something we should
be looking forward to.
1. Population Control
2. Eugenics
3. Drugs
The world that we live in today is already starting to look like that of Huxley envision of Brave New
World. II. Second Topic: Population Control
In the Brave New World's society there was population control
" But a bokanovskified egg will bud, will proliferate, will divide. From eight to ninety–six buds, and
every bud will grow into a perfectly formed embryo, and every embryo into a full–sized adult"
(Huxley 6)
i. Analysis– This quote shows how the World State has control over the number of people "born"
through the Bokanovsky Process.
B. "So we allow ... Show more content on ...
The World State controls the citizens by controlling their fertility. This quote shows the power the
World State has over overpopulation because they are deciding the fertility rates.
C. BBC stated that "China's government says the one–child policy, officially in place since 1979,
has prevented 400 million births." ii. This is a step forward in Huxley's vision because it is
controlling the number of family members per unite instead of allowing each family to decide on its
own. It controls population growth with the goal to lower population to a stable number.
Alexandra Paul stated that "One of the advantages of having only a child in the family is the
opportunity given to the newborn of having a comfortable life. This is because all the attention, love
and financial resources of the parents will be enjoyed by the child." iii. Analysis: Having population
control children would live a better life due to the love they get. They would be more job
opportunity and many people would be content.
D. Our world is already taking steps toward that of Huxley's Brave New World due to the fact that
we are already placing policies like one child policy, which control the world's population.
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The Effects Of Population Control And Population Control
Pain comes on a spectrum. Pain can be a piercing pain, like a needle piercing the skin. Pain can be
throbbing waves of delirium that come from getting hit in the head. Pain can be an internal stimulus
that inhibits thoughts of bliss. Hunger is the pain or uneasy sensation caused by the want of food,
and affects a large amount of people worldwide. The United Nations Food and Agriculture
Organization estimates about 795 million people of the 7.3 billion people in the world suffer from
chronic malnourishment in a 2014–2016 study (, 2016). The ability for humans to
grow exponentially on a limited amount of land is dangerous, for eventually the amount of resources
available will not be succinct enough to allow everyone to live. This leads to the question on
whether population control should be enacted to prevent such an event. But with the world's
population projected to reach 10.1 billion people by the year 2100, it is evident that some change
must occur. (Becker, 2011). Actions have been taken by the biochemical community to better
understand human nutritional needs and revolutionized how crops are grown. In order to sustain a
large population, measures must be taken to improve crop efficiency with the limited amount of land
we have. The recent development of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have allowed for
unstable combinations of plant, animal, bacteria, and viral genes that do not normally occur in
nature( These GMOs allow a
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Population Control In Society
According to Sigmund Freud humans must repress their base desires and freedoms in order to adapt
to society, thus taking away happiness. This could since a functioning society's main goal is to
increase its population as rapidly as possible, so that more work can be done so that more people can
be born and so on, and it achieves this goal in one main. The main way it does this is by protecting
its citizens from threats, internal and external, which would harm the population causing a decrease
in the potential population. Which end up restricting the population. People must reduce their
aggression if they wish to be efficient in society. Society could not work if large portion of the
members of society were murdering continually. If a large portion of people were murdering
continuously then it can be expected that a good portion of the population would die causing a
decrease in the society's productivity. If a decent portion of the population gets murdered then in the
next generation there won't be more people leading to stagnant productivity. Or If a decent portion
of people get killed in the society then the society fails at its purpose which is to offer protection not
only that, bu usually exchange for the freedom of the people so that people may reproduce. Most
people can not help society if they are busy torturing people this is the case since torturing takes
time and effort in order to properly pull off and for society to be productive it needs people to work
which also takes time and effort which means that most people can't torture and work all while
getting appropriate amounts of sleep and food. And if people were torturing others then a lot of
people are not being as productive as possible thereby reducing the productivity of the population
while harming it. Not only that, but then there are the effects of the torture. If people are torturing
people by physical or chemical pain then there are chances of death, sickness, physical or mental, or
debilitating injuries, some of which could cause sterility, and all of this can lower productivity and
go against the main propose of society. Some Societies make it practically impossible to be a
member after being to aggressive. This happens since people don't
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Population Control in China Essay
Population Control in China
"Vigilantes abduct pregnant women on the streets and haul them off, sometimes handcuffed or
trussed, to abortion clinics. [Some] aborted babies cry when they are born (Steven Mosher)." This
quotation shows one method how China tries to carry through its population control in a manner
which is very cruel and against human rights. We, Western people, do not understand why China
needs a population control and why this control has to be carried out so harshly.
But why had China to control its population? From 1949 on, Mao Zedong feared war with the
United States or the Soviet Union. "China's millions [of people] were the country's primary weapon
against technologically superior enemies." The Chinese population ... Show more content on ...
The desire for sons and the infanticides of girls lead to another problem. Today the imbalance
between men and women is already very high, and will even get higher in the future. For example,
in the Guangxi province 19 out of 24 births were boys (2001). Because of this imbalance men will
have a hard time finding a Chinese woman in the next couple of years.
But how does China try to carry out its one–child policy? The techniques to enforce the one–child
family are sometimes very cruel and violate human rights. First of all, families need an authorization
to have a baby. That means that when they decide to have a baby, they first have to get an official
authorization to have a child. To learn about unauthorized pregnancies, Chinese officials pay
informants to report them pregnancies of women. These informants can be neighbors, friends, or
even family. This method is comparable to what the East German "Stasi" did in former times.
Chinese people cannot trust anybody, because they can be reported to the officials. Women are also
only allowed to have children when they are married. Because of this law, China passed another law
that says that women are only allowed to marry with the age of 23. That means that women
officially are allowed to have a child with 23 years. That led to an increase of the average age of first
birth from 20.8 years (1970s) to 23.6 years (1998). Another method to enforce the one–child policy
is sterilizations. All women who gave birth to three
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Global Population Control and Environmental Policies Essay
Global population control and environmental policies are the subject of international controversy.
The rate at which human beings are populating the earth and polluting it are some of the most
important factors that face the global society today. As of March 2009, the world population is about
6.76 billion. With the high rate of population increase, the global population is expected to reach 9
billion by 2040. With the number of people in the world today and the amount of consumer goods
being purchased and used, these factors present a problem to the state of the environment in the near
future. Over the past 50 years, the world's population has more than doubled and more than 1 billion
of the world's people do not have enough food to ... Show more content on ...
These figures strike a resemblance to how fast the earth is gaining population.
Many scientists believe that high–income nations present a much greater threat to the ecosystem
because there are more people in these countries consuming goods at a faster rate than low–income
countries. Ecosystems cannot support high rates of population growth combined with environmental
damage. The carrying capacity of the earth's ecosystems are being surpassed and the ecosystems of
many nations are being ruined at a very fast pace. The rate at which country's populations are
growing, it will not be very long before many of the carrying capacities are surpassed.
Environmental degradation involves taking natural resources from the environment and re–
introducing them to the environment in the form of pollution. One of the reasons for environmental
degradation is greediness. People are trying to maintain high levels of wealth and do not care at
what cost to the environment. The perfect example of this would be the current situation in Fort
McMurray, Alberta. The land is being stripped of its natural resources everyday and is left behind a
barren land. The rate at which the air is being polluted in Fort McMurray is triple that of anywhere
else in western Canada. People from all over North America have relocated to Fort McMurray
because of the demand of jobs there. Fort McMurray is
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Population Control And Overpopulation
I'm sure that you have some sort of idea of the world population. Our world is starting to over
populate? If Earth history is compared to a calendar year, human life has existed for 23 minutes and
we have used one–third of Earth's resources in the last 0.2 seconds.
45 years ago, in 2017. Denmark research team estimated that "by 2025, the world population would
be over 8 billion people, around 2040 it could hit 9 billion and by 2070 it could reach a massive 10
billion people." It said that 10 billion is the magic number the earth can handle without being too
Today in 2067, the population is around 11 billion, our planet is facing overpopulation problem.
More people means more resources, competitions, chaos and decrease in security and safety, which
pose a real challenge in the years to come. This fact alone is sufficient to urge humans to try to find
solutions. Today, the majority of people argues that security and safety could improve by population
Overpopulation acts as a new force that threatens and destroys peace. Population pressure has been a
source of human conflict over resources for thousands of years. More people means more
competition, such as for jobs, housings, wealth, education and so on. The movie "Minority report"
shows that overpopulation imposes a decrease in the security and safety of the public. One scene
from the movie shows what could possibly happen if there are too many people. In the scene, John
Anderton was with his son Sean
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An Evaluation Of The Economic Benefits And Ethical Issues...
Working Title
Population control: an evaluation of the economic benefits and ethical issues of population control
through the use of eugenics
The topic of population has been prevalent in the study of economics but particularly since Thomas
Malthus published his book 'Essay on the Principle of Population' (1798). Malthus was the first
economist to propose a systematic theory of population. Malthus proposed in his book that humans
grow exponentially whereas the food supply grows at an arithmetic rate. This scenario of arithmetic
food growth with simultaneous geometric human population growth predicted a future when
humans would have no resources to survive on. To avoid such a catastrophe, Malthus urged controls
on population growth.
Economically there are two approaches to the debate on how much the human population can grow.
One debate is the natural science approach which is adopted by biologists, chemists and physicists.
The natural science approach stands by the fundamental idea that earths capacity to supply is fixed
and human population is constrained by physical limits and of scarce natural resources. They state
that human biological requirements don't change. For example; everyone on the planet today needs
2000–2500 calories per day to be healthy, this is the same amount of calories our ancestors would
have needed 1000 years ago, however, the earth is now vastly more populated than 1000 years ago,
consequentially, there will come a time when there
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Population Control In The Lottery
Population Control The more time the Earth is populated with humans, the more overcrowded it
becomes. Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" gives an example of how some people view they can
control the population. Similar to the "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins, both stories provide
the extreme case scenarios for this control. Jackson using symbolism to suggest the non–conformity
plays a role in the outcomes of someone's life. "The Lottery" takes place on June 27th. The first
thing most people think about when they hear June is no school, or summer. For this small village, it
means someone is about to die. The process of the lottery is so normal for these people they do not
think anything of it, as long as they are home in enough time for noon dinner. "...but in this village,
where there were only about three hundred people, the whole lottery took less than two hours, so it
could begin at ten o'clock in the morning and still be through in time to allow the villagers to get
home for noon dinner" (Jackson 221). The characters throughout the story suggest how normal it is
by their actions. Mrs. Hutchinson shows up late to the lottery because she was doing her dishes and
forgot what day it was. Old Man Warner even says, "Seventy–seventh year I have been in the
lottery" ... Show more content on ...
The color black represents evil and darkness. It holds the dark fate of one villager every year. The
black box is just as much of a tradition as the lottery itself. "Mr. Summers spoke frequently to the
villagers about making a new box, but no one liked to upset even as much as tradition as was
represented by the black box" (Jackson 222). For as long as any one of the villages can remember
the box has been the same every lottery. However, it is not the original box that was in use for the
first event. The villages believe that the current box is made up of shards of the previous boxes
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The Problem Of Population Control
Population Control Are there really methods of population control? Population control, the
speechless facts of existence of the 1970's and 1980's, was the catchphrase of the 1950's and 1960's.
Could government programs, contraception, war, and poverty be methods of control already in
effect today? Population growth occurs when the birthrate outweighs the date rate; therefore factors
have to be put in play to affect population on growth.
Population Growth
First, is the world really overpopulated or is it a myth? The world's population advanced to closely
6.4 billion, in 2004. For example, over 1.2 billion people lived in developed world, however just
above 5.1 billion people lived in the developing world. China being the most populated country with
a whopping 1.3 billion people. Second, India had a population of 1.1 billion people. In addition,
293.6 million people within the United States. Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh,
Russia, and Japan, behind along side, to complete the top 10 most populated countries in the world.
"World population growth, expressed as an absolute number, is determined by subtracting the total
number of deaths worldwide from the total number of live births. (Kaufman & Franz, 2014)" To be
specific, population growth, occurs when the birthrate is greater than the death rate. Advancements
in health services help people live longer today. Indeed, a factor affecting population growth. "The
earth's population will be controlled, one way
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The View on Overpopulation: Looking Deeper into the...
"One would have thought that it was even more necessary to limit population than property...The
neglect of this subject, which in existing states is so common, is a never–failing cause of poverty
among the citizens; and poverty is the parent of both revolution and crime." This quote did not come
from any professional doomsayer or modern writer, or even an ecologist or a historian. Aristotle said
this, though he lived in a time where the population was four percent of what it is today. People have
been worried about overpopulation since the period before Christ. This makes you wonder how
something as serious as overpopulation got so far out of hand. So out of control, in fact, that
overpopulation could be the biggest threat to ... Show more content on ...
The taboo was named after the famous demographer Garrett Hardin, best known for The Tragedy of
the Commons. He wrote extensively on the topic of overpopulation; he also wrote Stalking the Wild
Taboo. Those who can't look at the world ecology without optimism do not like what Hardin had to
say about the world's problems. That is what the Hardinian taboo is, broken down. Hardin was very
curt that animals are not the only ones who suffer from overpopulation. He used a lot of
straightforward talking to get his point across as bluntly as possible. "In an uncrowded world there
may be no ethical need for the ecological concept of the carrying capacity. But ours is a crowded
world."(315 Hardin) Hardin expresses his own dislike of the situation our world is in right now, but
he refuses to ignore the issue just to be politically correct. Hardin proposes the concern with this
existing condition is, "...that taboo inhibits the discussion of many issues that, if carried far enough,
might lead to acceptable solutions"(345 Hardin). Brilliant scientists are solving the problems that are
the dependent variables, but refuse to tackle the root of all troubles. This is because of the political
incorrectness of population control that is a looming shadow over a very critical topic.
Publications Avoid Demographic Entrapment
The Hardinian taboo is so deeply seeded in the minds of those
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Morality of Population Control of Bangladesh Essay
Morality of Population Control of Bangladesh
ABSTRACT: The rapid rate of population growth in the last half of the present century causes
anxiety about the future of humanity because the amount of resources needed to satisfy basic
necessities is extremely large. Correspondingly, the satisfaction of basic needs cannot be the sole
criterion of the good life. Human beings have a right to live a life composed of things that make life
go best. The case of Bangladesh shows that the majority of people live a life barely worth living, a
life morally undesirable. One major reason is the rapid increase in population. Bangladesh covers an
area slightly less than that of the state of Illinois, but has a population that is roughly half of the ...
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The per capita GNP is US$ 283 and electricity consumption rate is 90 kwh, infant mortality rate is
81.8 per housand, life expectation at birth is 56 years, literacy rate is 37% there is only one
telephone per 380 people – these data indicate that Bangladesh is far behind the developed countries
in respect of the physical quality of life. One of the main reasons of this bleak picutre of Bangladesh
is its inability to keep the number of people within tolerable limits. In this condition it is not
desirable that people will knowingly produce children who would most likely live a life not worthy
of living – a life so miserable that it would be better not having been born at all.
Narveson thinks that unhappiness that a prospective person will experience constitutes a moral
reason not to bring her or him (2) into existence while happiness which she or he is likely to
experience if born provides no moral reason to produce her or him. Morality seeks to promote good
and avoid harm or prevent suffering. Not harming people takes moral preference than benefitting
them. A moral justification, therefore, exists to avoid conception so that a probable child would not
be in abject poverty or suffer any form of adversities. The condition of Bangladesh indicates that the
individual or people who will come into existence in future will very likely experience abject
poverty or
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Argumentative Essay On Population Control
Population control is "a policy of attempting to limit the growth in numbers of a population"
( Kurt Vonnegut writes about a time when the United States population is stable at
forty–million people. In order for them to stay at the same amount of people they take a life for
every new life. A situation as the one illustrated in the story would bring out human instincts in a
negative way. That is why this form of population control is a horrible idea because as humans we
have the instinct to do all we can for those we love and to survive. In all reality, the universe has its
own natural way of controlling the population and that's all that we need. As humans our basic
human nature tells us to do all we can for those we love. It is instinct for a parent to protect their
child at all cost. It was no shock when Vonnegut states, "Wehling shot Dr. Hitz... then he shot Leora
Duncan" (Vonnegut). Its hard to say Mr. Wehling's response in the story is completely normal.
However, to a certain extent it is because both Leora and Hitz would be the reason his triplets
couldn't live. He didn't have anyone else that would volunteer. That of course doesn't make what he
did right but for him he was protecting his child. Another thing that plays into our natural human
instinct is often the people we love can do no wrong in our eyes. Think about if your spouse cheats it
is sometimes easy to forgive them because of all the other amazing things that have done. Lastly, we
will do whatever it takes to make those that mean the most to us happy. That's why the grandfather
in the story offered to go the "Ethical Suicide Studio". He wanted his grandson to have the life he
always wanted by having children. He wouldn't just choose to do this for his grandson unless he
believed that it would make him happy. Wehling even says, "All I have to do is pick which one of
the triplets is going to live, then deliver my maternal grandfather to the Happy Hooligan,"
(Vonnegut). Do we really think he wanted to see his grandfather go? No would be many people
answers, he simply thinks about letting it happen because he believes it will make his wife happy to
keep all of her children. Doing all we can for those we love includes protecting
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Government's Immense Control Over the American Population...
When a politician speaks does it cross the minds of others to truly believe and trust that they know
what they are talking about? What is politics? Politics is the art or science of government, especially
the governing of a political entity, such as a nation, and the administration and control of its internal
and external affairs (Politics Definition). The government regulates or censors everything from what
we watch on TV to what the future of America (i.e. children) learns at school. Is this type of control
necessarily a good thing? Politics and politicians alike should not have as much power in the control
of the lives of people. Most laws have been passed for the personal gain of those it is implied to
Laws are being passed ... Show more content on ...
Congress passed the Alien and Sedition Acts in 1798 prohibiting false, scandalous and malicious
writing against the government which was repudiated by the Republicans in power in 1802. For the
next twenty–five years, the only punishment was practiced by private citizens who attacked alleged
Although censorship in some cases is a necessary thing, for example, children's programming, kids
do not need to be exposed to that sort of information. Adults need that information because, they're
the ones who are voting and taking a control of the nation. At the high school level the students need
to learn and be told what is going on. The only high school students that have any inkling of what is
going on would be the seniors in government. What about the freshman, sophomores, and juniors
who have an interest in the government. Those students are the future politicians of our nation and
will be having a say in how it is ran. It maybe, because the government is afraid that the young
people will develop the wrong ideas, that the Government has no flaws. In reality they are correct in
there thinking of this but, us as kids still want to know what is happening. Not everything needs to
be told to us but we at least want a summary of what is going on.
The American people should be able to have a voice in any pending Bills being passed. Such as the
Health Care Reform Bill, that President Obama is working on currently at the moment. Many
doctors are for the bill and the
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Population Control. Overpopulation Is Defined As The...
Population Control Overpopulation is defined as the "condition of having a population so dense as
to cause environmental deterioration, an impaired quality of life, or a population crash" (Merriam–
Webster). A similar way to think of this is if there are 10 people in a small elevator, it is going to feel
congested and cramped. The people will be uncomfortable and they won't be content with the
current situation. This would be an impaired quality of life. If this is related to the environmental
term, then an image of a small, isolated village appears. If the village has 5 acre of land surrounding
it, and a small population, it will only use a small portion of the land. If the village contains a larger
community, the amount of land used will ... Show more content on ...
In China, after the one–child policy was implemented, there were not enough babies born in order to
replace the workers. If every couple had two children, the replacement rate would be stable enough
to be balanced, which would be a resolution to an ongoing population problem.
Babies born in 1900 did not live past the age of 50 compared to the current lifespan, 81–83 years. In
parts of East Asia, the average life expectancy was less than 45 years in 1950, while now it sits at
more than 74 years. The cause for this increase is the improvements in overall human health that is
rapidly spreading around the world, not only at different rates, but also in different directions. One
major cause for to enhance health is from decreasing occurrences in parasitic and chronic diseases.
There is also better living standards, more nutritious diets, and cleaner drinking water, which
reduces infections and prevents death in children by allowing them to survive their most vulnerable
years. Babies are still being born, but the people are growing older which decreases the mortality
rate further (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services). In addition to a decreased mortality
rate, there is an increase in the birth rate due to the reduction in infant mortality from modern
medicine. While this doesn't make the chances zero, it does greatly improve the possibility of an
infant surviving. One way Is from preventing birth defects, which is the leading cause of infant
mortality in the
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Poverty : An Effective Means Of Population Control
As affluent as society is today, we must recognize the less fortunate and how they get there. As we
learn more about the poverty–stricken, we can understand them better to aid them and break the
cycle. Overwhelming amounts of people do not realize the global pandemic that poverty is today.
The statistics are heartbreaking. Over half of the children in the world live in poverty, and there are
nearly 2.2 billion children in the world. Campaigns have been established to recognize poverty
globally. The effectiveness of these campaigns remains relatively undisclosed, yet they are still
continuous. The methods used to advocate for and promote awareness for poverty vary depending
on the community, this, as a result, ultimately determines the impact of the poverty campaigns.
Poverty is a major global issue in today's society. It also has a broad definition as it is very complex
and cannot be specifically defined. Poverty is circumstance–dependent. According to Sharif
Mohammed, author of Poverty Reduction – An Effective Means of Population Control, "Poverty is a
multidimensional condition of human survival, not just a measure of deficiency in income. It is
generally defined in relation to a minimum standard of decent living. The levels of living below this
are referred to as survival standards. Failure to attain and enjoy the standard is called absolute
poverty." Millions around the world are affected by poverty and it's an issue that has plagued the
globe for centuries. Different
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Why Is Population Control Wrong
The idea of population control is one that ignites people to talk about and explore. Some countries
have implemented population control for quite some time now. There are many attributes that go
against the argument, but there are also some potential positives that could come from it. No matter
what religion or background people come from, each person has their own view on if population
control is right or wrong. Many people choose to see certain positives over the negatives while
others look at things the other way around. One of biggest and controversial topics within
population control is issues of the environment.
The environmental gain of population control shows that there are many positives to this regulation.
With an ever increasing population, scientists are not sure that the earth can provide for the growing
population. Humanity has been the sole reason for air pollution and population control is a way to
curb that. Because having clean air is one of the basic demands of human health and prosper, having
clean air for generations to come is ... Show more content on ...
If population control were put into place it would limit the diversity and essentially shrink the gene
pool. If any population were to be control, the lack of diversity would a main issue of debate.
Diversity matters because it means that we value the difference in everyone around us, and not just
one type of person. Population control would take that and completely abolish and tell people which
kind of person is the right kind of person. Diversity is also a good thing because it gives people a
chance to experience different attributes of each other, and broaden their norms. Diversity gives us
the opportunity to learn from people who view things differently and population control would
suppress that. Diversity teaches us to respect one another and to learn from one another, population
control teaches us the
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The Pros And Cons Of World Population Control
Have you ever wondered what the answer to world problems is? World population control is one
option, but it is not a good one. Some say that it would help improve life, and would help bring
balance to the world. However, I believe that population control would not truly help anyone. World
population control is not the answer to world problems, for it would take away human life, the right
to have kids, and in the long run would not help any living thing.
The idea of population control started out many years ago. The person who first started Planned
Parenthood wanted to control the population of African Americans because she wanted less of them
around (National Public Radio). She tried to persuade more African Americans to come to Planned
Parenthood than people of other races. In addition, there was forced population control during the
Holocaust, a time in World War II, when Nazi Germany tried to exterminate all Jews and others the
Germans did not like (National Public Radio). This was because Adolf Hitler discriminated against
anyone not white or German. In the late 20th century, the Chinese decided to make a rule to where
each family could only have one child (an ... Show more content on ...
A baby's cells begin to grow very soon within pregnancy and its life begins even from the first day
of conception (Pro–life Across America). For example, a baby boy named Rowan was 22 weeks old
when his mother decided she did not want another child, so she aborted him. His heart was injected
with a chemical called digoxin to kill him in what was perceived as the least painful way. However,
some babies survive abortions, and Rowan was one such baby. The next day, the mother gave birth
to an alive baby. The doctors had meant to kill Rowan, but nevertheless, he was born alive.
However, the chemical was still in him, so he died anyway (Live Action News). If women were
required to abort their babies after they had had a certain number, many could end up like
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Managing The Population Through Education And Birth...
When the world celebrated the 7 billionth baby's birth in Manila a few years back, we were stepping
in a society with noticeable population explosion. Those overpopulated societies which can no
longer sustain themselves invade the natural environment which belongs to wildlife and over exploit
natural resources for survival. Human beings are supposed to be responsible for the majority of
environmental problems, while overpopulation exacerbates most problems such as pollution,
deforestation, global warming, etc. Thus, to save the world from those environmental crises we
should attach more importance on the people that cause them rather than just reply on developing
technology to fix the problem its own. Managing the population through education and birth control
policy is what we can do with global joint efforts. Reminding the public of our population problem,
providing an option of birth control to families and guiding the public to live sustainably will slow
down the population growth, and hopefully in the long sense reduce world's population. Most
importantly, such declining population which owns greener lifestyle creates a benign and
harmonious relationship with the planet. The UNICEF estimates that an average of 353,000 babies
are born each day; this means a baby is born to the world every two seconds. About 60 years ago,
the world's population is less than a half of what it is right now. Therefore, if the population continue
to grow with this rate, the
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Nations See Dramatic Decline in Fertility
Over the past half century, almost every nation has seen a dramatic fall in their fertility rates.
Population regulation differs through out the world based on the particular region. Populations can
stabilize through a variety of factors including modern communications, growing affluence,
urbanization, family planning and social reforms (Cunningham, 2013). China and the Indian state of
Kerala are examples of two very different methods to controlling population expansion. In the past
twenty years, total fertility dropped by more than half in China (Cunningham, 2013). The Chinese
regulations in place focus more on birth control rather then new social equality. This strategy
depends on strongly enforced policies set by the government, determining how many children a
Chinese family can produce. Chinese law provides a compulsory limit on reproduction that is
punishable by law if an individual exceeds the limits set. The strategy of strict laws with
penalization is also combined with an economic incentive for reducing births. A very different
strategy regarding population stabilization can be seen in Kerala, India. It involves a social justice
strategy that believes social benefits as the solution to family planning. This strategy is based on the
assumption that unequal resource allocation is the main problem that leads to a high population in
developing countries (Cunningham, 2013). In Kerala, providing a fair share of social benefits to
everyone is seen as the key to family
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How Are The Population Policies Different Between India...
How are the population policies different between India and China?
Guifang Tang
Introduction China and India are the two countries which have the largest population in the world.
These two countries have many similarities, especially they have fabulous growing speed during the
globalization. In the global economic market, China has the biggest manufacture market and cheap
labor (Justin Paul & Erick Mas.2016). India gained independence from the United Kingdom from
1947 and started to focus on improving their food security and developing the technology of
agriculture, so India has the evidence dominate the service market from agriculture transfer to
service sector due to the globalization too in recently decades (Kedia &Lahiri 2007). In the same
situation of China, the whole society focused on agricultural reforms since the 1970s. As two fastest
developing countries, China and India typically have a big number of population and cheap labor for
manufacture industries which gained a lot of attention around the world. Population in one country
could be the productivity power or the economic factor force of developing. On the other side, it
could be the main reason of hinder the development. So this paper will directly analysis these two
nations population policy, in addition, based on their different society contexts and culture value,
analysis the population problem and social issues around the policy.
Comparison between India and China
1. India and China population
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The Problem Of Population Control
Population control is an idea that has been thrown around world–wide for years. One may wonder
what population control would even mean for its partakers. As one researches population control,
many different viewpoints are found. There are the viewpoints of those who are oblivious to the
struggles an economy will be forced to face if population control is not put into effect; then, there
are others who recognize the responsibility they have to care for their country the way it has cared
for them for centuries. Without population control, not only will the economy fail, but there will be
world–wide struggles. These struggles seem unfathomable at America's current peak of economic
success; however, soon they will be a reality if one does not take action quickly. By the year 2050,
this U.S. population is expected to increase by 89 million (Kochar). Already at over 316 million
people, the U.S. will be experiencing many major setbacks by the time this growth takes place.
Shortages of water, food, and jobs are just a few of the setbacks Americans will face. If one wishes
to produce as many children as he pleases, he will be doing his children a disservice. Sure, he will
have the freedom of choice, but what will this mean giving up for his other children? Overall, the
quality of children's lives is going to decrease if people are not willing to make a change in their
way of thinking. Many Americans refer to the Bill of Rights when anyone even mentions the
possibility of implementing
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Demographics Paper
DEMOGRAPHICS Demographics in the true essence of the word means the records of the human
population in a country. This includes the country's population density, ethnicity, education level,
health, economic status, religious affiliations, and other aspects of the said population. In some
commonly used demographics gender, race, age, income, disabilities, educational attainment, home
ownership, employment status, and even location are also included. Also called demographic data,
these are the characteristics of a human population as used in government, marketing and opinion
POPULATION CONTROL. If you write these two words independently, these two are mere non–
malicious, simple words, however if we join these ... Show more content on ...
China, for one adopted this policy in order to curb population growth. We all know that China has
the highest population in the world, encompassing 1.2 billion or twenty one percent of the world's
population. They know too well that if this would continue to grow, they will be having serious
social and economic problems. As a solution, in the year 1979, Chinese authorities create a one–
child–per–family policy and because male children are often regarded as more economically
valuable, female infanticides increase. Infanticides are often regarded to as an inhumane act
especially to us Christians however in primitive people; this thing is not new to them. Many Asian
and European countries engaged in this act to prevent the population growth in their nations.
Because of the ONE–CHILD–POLICY, China was able to control its population. They are
considered to have the highest population rate not just in Asia but in the whole world and so this
policy is more or less favorable to them. This policy was said to have been the reason why they were
saved from famine and other economic disability. However, in smaller countries like Japan, this
policy was effective during the first years of implementation but later on become a hindrance in the
progress of their country. Japan, just like China adopted this policy to prevent the growth of their
population. Now, however they feel sorry that they had implemented this policy because now, they
have the what you
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Essay Sustainable Development and Population Control
Sustainable Development and Population Control
A nineteen year old pregnant Chinese girl is forced to abort because she is "too young" to have a
child. Iran, an Islamic nation, instructs religious leaders to promote contraception as a social duty. A
Norwegian international banker worries about "migratory tensions" that would engulf his nation
with waves of third world immigrants. A Los Angles Times article decries the lack of an official
United States population policy. What do these statements share in common?
The underlying theme in each of the sentences above is population control. In each case the
rationale is that the earth's six billion people exceed the planet's "carrying capacity." The planet is on
the brink ... Show more content on ...
Rio was followed by the UN's International Conference on Population and Development (Cairo,
1994) and the Fourth World Conference on Women (Beijing 1995) World Summit for Social
Development (Copenhagen 1995) and Conference on Human Settlements (Istanbul 1996). Each of
these successive global conferences incorporated provisions for legalizing and promoting
contraception, sterilization and abortion, often under the guise of the text phrases, "reproductive
rights" or, "reproductive health." Cairo made clear the linkage between development and population:
"Explicitly integrating population into economic and development strategies will both speed up the
pace of sustainable development –– and contribute to the achievement of population objectives...."
(United Nations)
As could be expected, the target for control is women: From Agenda 21, "Special attention should
be given to the critical role of women in population–environment programmes and in achieving
sustainable development (Ibid. para. 5.48)." And, "... empowerment of women is essential and that
improving the status of women through better access to education, reproductive health, including
family planning and sexual health, and jobs will yield high returns through reduced fertility,
increased production." It becomes clear that females in the production line increases a nations
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Essay on Michele Foucault Biopower
Michel Foucault wrote a book called History of Sexuality. In Part five of the book Right of Death
and Power over Life, he discusses about the historical "Sovereign Power" where one is allowed to
decide who has the right to live and who has the right to die. The sovereign uses his power over life
through the deaths that he can command and uses his authority to announce death by the lives he can
spare. Foucault then moves on to Disciplinary Power where he came up with the "Panopticon"
where one is to believe they were under surveillance at all times. Such surveillance is still used in
our everyday life such as schools, prisons, offices, hospitals, and mental institutes. Later in his life,
Foucault discovered Bio–power. This bio–power ... Show more content on ...
This is where the regulatory controls such as bio–politics of the population take place. Foucault
describes how this "bio–power" has been influential to the rise and growth of capitalism. He was
adamant that the triumph of this economic structure "would not have been possible without the
controlled insertion of bodies into the machinery of production and the adjustment of the
phenomena of population to economic processes". (Foucault, p. 141) Since capitalism demands
growth, such as establishment of new companies and the production of merchandises, "it had to
have methods of power capable of optimizing forces, aptitudes, and life in general without at the
same time making them more difficult to govern." The life of humans was seen to be a significant
element to politics and history. How a person lived developed into an item of authority and
knowledge and needed to be synchronized, understood, and managed. The rules and regulations
turned out to be less concerned towards threatening and making judgment, but became more
concerned in stabilizing and making the conditions of life more effective. The new power that took
control over their lives means that they were over controlled by the politics.
In Lazzarato's article,
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Education Is The Best Form Of Population Control
Education is the best form of population control. I believe that population control policies are not
necessary. As the world becomes more industrialized and equality becomes more prevalent, the total
fertility rate goes down. We should not worry about implementing policies that lead to neglect and
abuse but should be working towards educating women and giving them equal rights. The ability to
make educated decisions is the most powerful driving force of all in my opinion.
In the twentieth century the world saw a population boom. This was not because women were
having more babies, but because of the technological and healthcare advances made in the last
century. In 1960, women around the world were having an average of 5 children. By 2009, the
world total fertility rate was cut in half. Women today are having an average of 2.5 children
(SUZUKI, 2014). I believe this is because women have been empowered by knowledge and a world
that is becoming smaller through technological advancements. Today we can get from one side of
our world to the other in a matter if hours, where previously it would take months to sail from place
to place. Information and ideas are also being transferred at the speed of light. The world network is
also bringing healthcare to poor and underprivileged people that would not have the vaccines and
other life–saving techniques to save their children.
These advancements mean that cultures can borrow ideas from each other and (hopefully) throw out
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Europe : Population Change And Population Control In Europe
Europe is known globally as a continent with the most demographically complex population control
issues. Previous to 1995 Europe's European Union(EU) population was approximately 100 million
people larger than that of the USA. However it is projected that the USA's population will be larger
than the EU's population by over 20 million in 2050 (Tarmann,1). Presently, Europe's problem
seems to be that people are emigrating out of Europe. And because of this it reduces the effective
reproduction of the country, contributing to the pace of their population decline. Many countries in
Europe are trying to alleviate this critical issue, however many of the country's political parties or
governments are against or unresponsive to the idea of pronatalist policies. Pronatalist policies are
policies that promote population growth. Because of this, policy makers and politicians look
towards replacement migration over pronatalist policies. It is clear that pronatalist policies are less
favorable when compared to replacement migration to help stabilize population control in Europe.
One country in particle that is very late to the action of pronatalist policies is Spain. Spain has a
widespread bias against pro natalist policies. They believe that it is interfering with the personal
lives of people too much ("Case Study Spain",51). They had lowest spendings invested on family
support in the EU, spending less than 2% of its GDP on it ("Case Study Spain",51). Up until
recently they
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Population Control
Population Control Population growth, a topic most likely insignificant to the common man, but the
world's population growth and control of that population growth is necessary for our overall
survival. The issue has been discussed due to fear of the world becoming overpopulated. Experts
and nations alike have monitored this recent growth in our population to predict any struggle that
may occur before it is encountered. If the world becomes overpopulated, the limited amount of
resources we have would not be able to support the entirety of the people in need. Also, if left
unmonitored, the growth of our population could fluctuate and cause unsuspected chaos in terms of
death to birthrates, male to female rates. Having more men than women ... Show more content on ...
Since couples can only have one child, and in Chinese culture a boy brings better fortune and is
more respected in society, couples that conceive a girl as there one child give her away or abort her
in order to conceive a boy child instead. This problem has caused China's man to woman ratio to
shift extremely in the favor of men. Therefore, the country is overall becoming less fertile and fated
to becoming under populated. This is another reason why monitoring population growth is
beneficial. The projection of population not only allows governments to predict a decline, but also
allows governments to monitor the future death to birth rates and men to woman rates. All of which
are equally as vital. China has been one victim to overpopulation, and the government of China was
able to project and maintain the situation, to un–intensify its tragic results. However, China's
solution to over population is not the only one. It is theorized that the world can maintain a larger
population without complications, under lower standards of living. Resulting in more deaths and an
overall population decline. (Arsenault) This is true because the world's growing population is also a
result of the world's overall better living conditions. (Leahy) Confiscating those fairly good living
conditions, and the population will slowly decline to a sustainable amount. However, this becomes a
double standard because the people will not
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Population Control
Every day, over three hundred million babies are born around the world. Abortion lowers the
population number a minute amount, but according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), only
about 1 in every five parents abort, resulting in a population increase of four live births. Without
control, the human population growth will not stop. Companies will try to meet the demand for
more consumer goods, causing the development of more factories. Deforestation, or the clearing of
forests, will occur to build the factories. The increase in factories will result in higher carbon dioxide
levels emitted into the atmosphere. Humans are unquestionably the most advanced species. They are
also, unfortunately, the most destructive. Humans are causing a surprising amount of damage to
Earth because of one thing, overpopulation.
Machines clear trees from land to accommodate the demand for housing and commercial buildings,
which in turn causes the release of carbon dioxide through gas emissions. Also, tropical forests
contain more than two–hundred–ten gigatons of carbon dioxide which are released into the
atmosphere when they are cut down which then increases the amount of greenhouse gases. Tropical
trees alone are responsible for releasing more than 15 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. In the
Eastern Hemisphere, there are high greenhouse gas emissions due to the clearing, draining and
conversion of many forests into pulp plantations. The absence of trees causes an increased amount
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Comparative Study Of India And India Essay
Nevertheless population size increased an interesting fact that comes in limelight is that India holds
the maximum working population as compared to any country in the world making it one of the
highest potential bearing country to economic growth and development and ruling the world. This
gives rise to possibly two mainstream targets which India should focus on:
 To reap the demographic dividends from the demographic transitions ' phase it has entered into,
where the fertility rate and death rate are diminishing. This can be done by tapping the potential
working population and converting them into productive assets by rightful shower of opportunities.
 Second, to control the population i.e., reduce the size of dependent population (specifically
children) so that the increase in national output does not get neutralize by the increase in expenditure
over the non–working population. For this effective measures should be taken by government in
form of stringent laws so that population stability is achieved sooner.
2.Comparative Study Of The Parameters Of China And India
The comparative study of population growth and the parameters of both India and China are shown
in the chart below in order to assess the magnitude and direction of change over a long period of
time. The study shows that how the rate of fall of variables is slower in India as compared to China.
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Persuasive Essay On Population Control
Figuring out a population control policy for the United States is a very difficult task. If I were a part
of the U.S. Government, I would have a hard time deciding what is morally right to implement as a
population control policy. However, if I was creating a law to help control U.S. population, my ideal
policy would include incentives from the government to wait to have children and intense family–
planning education programs starting as early as in elementary school. The first part of my
population control policy would be about giving monetary incentives to people who wait to have
children until they are 30. This would entail the federal government giving $5,000 to anyone who
waited until they were 30 to have children. Now, this means for couples, that the women has to wait
until she is 30 to have children. If a male is single but fathers a child and is 30 or older, he would be
eligible to receive the $5,000 dollars. This would just be a one time monetary incentives; it would be
not be $5,000 per child. By waiting to have children until 30 years old, the amount of time women
can get pregnant is much less compared to having a child at 18. A young woman having a baby at 18
leaves her with a solid twenty–five years before she hits menopause. That allows for time to have
multiple more children. On the other hand, waiting until 30 years old, would only leave women with
roughly fifteen years before hitting menopause––a much less significant amount of time to have
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Distinguish Between Developed and Developing Countries
3a) What distinguishes a developing country from a developed country (10mks)
ADVICE: All the indicators are examined here with supporting statistics. There won't be time to
include statistics for all the indicators, so you'll include those that you most easily remember).
Countries can be classified as developed or developing according to the value of the gross national
product (GNP) per capita. A developing country can be distinguished from a developed country by
examining indicators such as the size of GDP per capita, economic structure, population growth,
population structure, distribution of income, employment, trading position, urbanization, technology
and provision of infrastructure.
Low income and ... Show more content on ...
Developing countries are very reliant on the export of primary produce whereas developed countries
export more capital and consumer goods. Developing countries are vulnerable in their trading
relationships because fluctuations in price can destabilize their economies. Zimbabwe's main exports
are cotton and tobacco while that of the USA includes telecommunications, equipment, automobiles
and medicine.
Urbanisation is another indicator of development. Developed countries already have a high
proportion of the population living in urban areas. The developing countries however still have a
high proportion of the population living in rural areas, but there are rapid rates of rural to urban
migration in those economies. In Zimbabwe 38% of the population live in urban areas and the rate
of urbanization is 3.4%. In the USA however 82% of the population live in the urban areas and the
rate of urbanization is much lower at 1.2%.
They can be distinguished by the provision of infrastructure. Infrastructure includes health education
and housing. The developed countries have better infrastructure than the developed country. The
Human Development Index combines elements of health as measured by life expectancy, education
and income to assess development. Life expectancy in Zimbabwe is 51 years whereas it is 78 years
in the USA.
Access to technology also differs between the two. 5% of the world's computers are located in
developing countries.
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Using Population Control to Achieve Environmental...
Environmental sustainability is when a person, community or area is able to meet the needs of the
present, without compromising the needs of the future. Overconsumption will lead to hardship in the
future, and possibly to the destruction of the planet's finite resources; and if we continue using our
resources as at current rates, which have been estimated to be 4 planets worth of resources, this will
be inevitable. Populations are all the inhabitants of a specific area/country and this population can be
controlled in various methods such as population policies, like the ones in China, Kerala and France;
as well as control via migration by putting on limits.
A population control method that has achieve environmental sustainability is ... Show more content
on ...
On the other hand, Canada has a fairly low population density of just 3.75 people per square
kilometer and with high resources, Canada is environmentally sustainable; some even say that
Canada is under populated and therefore Canada is lenient on in migration.
Similarly to this, Thomas Malthus (1766–1834) had the theory that when population overshoots a
certain point (usually food production) there will be catastrophic effects. The club of Rome, in 1968
published a report called the 'limit of growth', which stated that population growth will lead to an
increase in food demand and this will eventually lead to resource exhaustion, which is obviously not
environmentally sustainable. To prevent resource exhaustion, the Club of Rome decided that we
have to regulate population growth and reduce fertility– and that is what China's One Child Policy,
and Kerala's non–enforced population policy was aiming to do. Similarly, the anti–Malthusianist–
Ester Boserup was a resource optimist, with research based on studies of shifting cultivation. Her
hypothesis was that population growth would result in an increase demand for food and to meet this
demand, improved agriculture productivity would be needed. A higher agricultural productivity
means an increase in methods of agriculture like the 'slash and burn' technique, which often are not
environmentally sustainable at all.
All these population / resource theories
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Overpopulation in China
Overpopulation in China
1949 The Peoples Republic of China was formed. The population then was made up of mostly
workers. The Chinese families were paid to have babies.
1953 The Chinese population had grown to about 583 million people. The Chinese government no
longer offered an incentive of pay to have babies.
1963 The Chinese government realized that the families continued to produce babies and they were
headed for major problems. The Chinese government came out with, Later Sparcer Fewer Policy.
The Policy encouraged Couples to have children later in life, space the births farther apart, and have
fewer children. The problem with this policy was that there were already millions of people in
China. ... Show more content on ...
As a result The Chinese government relaxed the laws regarding the One Child Policy, and allowed
families to have a second child if there first child was a girl.
1998 Approximately 19% of the population of China adheres to the birth control policies.
Economically in the past fifty years, China has raised the standard of living in the country by
keeping birth rates down. Access to Earths natural resources in the area has increased since 1980.
The Chinese has plenty of land for agriculture, food supply, water and gas resources to sustain
Natural water resources were not being encroached upon and eroded by humans because of the
population control. There was enough land for people to live on and not spread out further to natural
According to The State Family Commission off China tap water coverage has dramatically
increased in a ten year span by 10% from 84% up to 94%.
Natural gas coverage had an overwhelming increase for the better, from 16% percent up to 73%.
Medical care and insurance during this time frame experienced benefits that included birth
insurance, workmens compensation for mothers who followed China's birth policies. According to
the Knowledge Galaxy Home (2009) better benefit packages are offered to Women who have their
child/children at a later age. They are offered more time off, and other work incentives.
Life expectancy has risen because all of the
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Population Control In Vonnegut
In 2BR02B, Vonnegut provides a fruitful, dark, and mind–bending story. Vonnegut's story represents
the values of death and life when he says, "[d]eath, barring accidents, was an adventure for
volunteers" (Vonnegut). This reveals that there are those who consider death an adventure and not an
end. His story illustrates the toll of human nature on humanity, no matter the situation. In particular,
Vonnegut utilizes a story of population control to propel his ideas further. Furthermore, Vonnegut
employs the short story to describe the inconsistencies of population control. Ultimately Vonnegut's
illustration paints population control as a heartless act against humanity. However, Vonnegut's
overexerts the idea of population control being ... Show more content on ...
The symbolism between the Painter and the Mural is a salient contrast within Vonnegut's story. This
contrast is an intentional comparison used to highlight the ultimate behavior of humanity amongst a
form of population control as inhumane as gas chambers. The painter acts as symbolism of
humanity's rejection. The mural acts as the glorification of the control. The Painter gives off a
careless attitude and a slight rejection towards the population control in the story. In response to the
orderly's comments the painter scorns, "You think I'm proud of this daub? You think this is my idea
of what life really looks like" (Vonnegut). This reveals the painter's attitude towards population
control. Furthermore, it solidifies the fact that the painter represents humanity's rejection. In direct
relation, of course, is the mural. The mural itself, is a representation of all the important people of
the hospital staff. Moreover, the mural acts as a glorification and acceptance of the population
control. Together, the painter is seen filling the faces of these people, simultaneously rejecting that
the mural, "[l]ooks just like heaven or something" (Vonnegut). What the contrast reveals in a deeper
sense is humanity (the painter) continuing to accept the inhumane population control (painting the
mural) regardless of their rejection. It worthy to note that the acceptance of population control varies
from each human being. That is
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Jellyfish Population Control Of Fish

  • 1. Jellyfish Population Control Of Fish Loggerheads also help to maintain food webs. An important example of this is jellyfish population control. As a result of overfishing, jellyfish are slowly replacing formerly abundant fish species because reduced fish populations allow for less competition for food. Jellyfish prey on fish eggs and larvae, and increases in jellyfish are detrimental to the recovery of fish populations. Loggerheads and other sea turtle species consume jellyfish and consequently reduce populations of jellyfish, allowing for a control of their population (Wilson et al. 2010). Loggerhead sea turtles also have long migrations and these migrations transport nutrients and energy from one area to another. The migration of males from foraging grounds to nesting beaches ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Examinig the Effect of Human Population Control Essay... Introduction As of today's date, the United States Census Bureau estimated the world's population to be an astounding number of 7.151 billion, at around a growth rate of roughly 81 million annually, or 1.2% per year. On the other hand, nearly 600 years ago, the population was around 300 million (according to the CIA). Ever since improvements in agricultural productivity and medical advances, population growth has risen drastically over the years. However, when studies proved that it could possibly lead to detrimental scenarios like environmental degradation and poverty, some countries began to establish population control policies. Population control is defined as 'a policy of attempting to limit the growth in numbers of a population, ... Show more content on ... Technological advancement in fertility treatment grants couples the ability to have a much more successful conception. Unfortunately, overpopulation causes drastic and detrimental effects on our planet. They include: shortage of resources (water supply, food supply) social problems (War and conflicts, population density e.g.) species endangerment (Destruction of habitats, species extinction e.g.) These complications take place because there is an addition of nearly 1 billion people on Earth every 12 years. These issues will only grow if there's no solution. Global Perspectives– Part 2 India launched its own national family planning program in 1951, which also became the world's first governmental population stabilization program. Up until now, it is estimated to have prevented 168 million births. In the early 1970s, the Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi implemented a program regarding forced sterilization on men with two or more children. But when it got too far, such as when single and poor men were subjected to the program, or when a few states stated it was compulsory in order for people to receive new housing or other government benefits, it was hugely criticized and ended as a failure. Nevertheless, India still faces another dilemma: Abortion. The sex ratio of boys to girls (babies) is 1.12/1. In many parts of India (like many other Asian countries), having daughters are not preferred; therefore many ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Fire Control Correlation The results of the second correlation analysis, the fire control variable, showed a positive relationship for all of the independent variables in the random sample. See table 3 for the complete correlation analysis of the results. The strongest relationship to occur between the fire control public services expenditures per capita and the different population groups, occurred between the fire control variable and the White population group. The weakest relationship that occurred was between the fire control variable and the Hispanic or Latino population group. Given that all results for this correlation analysis are positive, public services expenditures per capita increases as the population increases for all population groups in ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Malthus 's Theory Of The Demographic Transition Theory In 1798, Thomas Robert Malthus was ahead of his time. Malthus, an English economist and demographer, brought to life his theory on how an over–populated planet would not be able to provide for those who reside on it (Macionis, 2013 p .635). Although Malthus was an economic pessimist, he brought to light a very real truth. Now, 218 years later, Malthus's theory has in some way become a reality. Although rich nations have slowed in regards to reproduction, poor nations continue to have high birth rates which put a strain on the global aspects of the environment. As our planet now holds over 7 billion people (US Census Bureau, 2016), scientists, economists, and environmentalist's struggle to find a solution to our "growing" problem. One theory that explains this population change is the demographic transition theory. This theory, defined as a thesis that links population patterns to a society's level of technological development (Macionis, 2013 p. 636), suggests that the key to population control lies in technology. Demographic transition theory is a general description of the mortality, fertility and growth rates as societies move from one transition to another. There are 4 main stages of the demographic transition theory. Stage 1 includes preindustrial and agrarian societies in which high birth rates and high death rates were common (Macionis, 2013 p. 637). With there being no form of birth control, children become an economic value in the fields as workers. Death is ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Population Control In Fahrenheit 451 Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury in the year 1953. This book was composed with the main idea of population control though the means of destroying written content. They felt by burning all the books it would keep people from invoking emotions. Thus, eliminating war and crime. This concept has been used though out history. The control though placing limitations on shared knowledge. In this paper I will discuss the psychology, sociology, Ideology, socioeconomic, utilitarianism and my own personal view points on the subject. Terms I learned while researching my paper are "Demodystopias" they are a subgenre of dystopias where the imagined futures derive from demographic change, taken to an extreme level: the population explosion, depopulation, mass ... Show more content on ... The novel's protagonist chooses to make a radical break with society after he comes to recognize his own unhappiness. In neo–classical economic terms, new information changes views, which in turn changes behavior. So this tells us that there is a direct correlation between one's own emotional stability and the availability of free flowing information. There is an instinctual human need to be curious and seek out answers to unseen questions. It is very natural for us to ask that a one word question "why??" John Stuart Mill's reflection on happiness in his essay On Utilitarianism offers a normative economic approach to understanding of the search for happiness and the constraints in the search for one's own need to be an induvial and seeking knowledge. Now that we have touched on all the subjects that affect a population in regards to suppression and keeping that population ignorant to its own past and/or limiting the flow of information. The novel is set in a futuristic world that is simultaneously militaristic, prosperous and highly controlled. As mentioned before, there is little hint of the economic system in place. That a prosperous economy is consistent with strictly controlled flows of information is implausible to mainstream economic thinking today. Yet recall the novel was written in the early 1950's, long before the freedom and prosperity nexus was as well understood as it is ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Population Control In Brave New World Essay Introduction Intro Strategy– Primary assertion Our society is moving towards a world like that of Brave New World. This is something we should be looking forward to. MAIN POINTS 1. Population Control 2. Eugenics 3. Drugs The world that we live in today is already starting to look like that of Huxley envision of Brave New World. II. Second Topic: Population Control In the Brave New World's society there was population control " But a bokanovskified egg will bud, will proliferate, will divide. From eight to ninety–six buds, and every bud will grow into a perfectly formed embryo, and every embryo into a full–sized adult" (Huxley 6) i. Analysis– This quote shows how the World State has control over the number of people "born" through the Bokanovsky Process. B. "So we allow ... Show more content on ... The World State controls the citizens by controlling their fertility. This quote shows the power the World State has over overpopulation because they are deciding the fertility rates. C. BBC stated that "China's government says the one–child policy, officially in place since 1979, has prevented 400 million births." ii. This is a step forward in Huxley's vision because it is controlling the number of family members per unite instead of allowing each family to decide on its own. It controls population growth with the goal to lower population to a stable number. Alexandra Paul stated that "One of the advantages of having only a child in the family is the opportunity given to the newborn of having a comfortable life. This is because all the attention, love and financial resources of the parents will be enjoyed by the child." iii. Analysis: Having population control children would live a better life due to the love they get. They would be more job opportunity and many people would be content. D. Our world is already taking steps toward that of Huxley's Brave New World due to the fact that we are already placing policies like one child policy, which control the world's population. III. ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Effects Of Population Control And Population Control Pain comes on a spectrum. Pain can be a piercing pain, like a needle piercing the skin. Pain can be throbbing waves of delirium that come from getting hit in the head. Pain can be an internal stimulus that inhibits thoughts of bliss. Hunger is the pain or uneasy sensation caused by the want of food, and affects a large amount of people worldwide. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates about 795 million people of the 7.3 billion people in the world suffer from chronic malnourishment in a 2014–2016 study (, 2016). The ability for humans to grow exponentially on a limited amount of land is dangerous, for eventually the amount of resources available will not be succinct enough to allow everyone to live. This leads to the question on whether population control should be enacted to prevent such an event. But with the world's population projected to reach 10.1 billion people by the year 2100, it is evident that some change must occur. (Becker, 2011). Actions have been taken by the biochemical community to better understand human nutritional needs and revolutionized how crops are grown. In order to sustain a large population, measures must be taken to improve crop efficiency with the limited amount of land we have. The recent development of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have allowed for unstable combinations of plant, animal, bacteria, and viral genes that do not normally occur in nature( These GMOs allow a ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Population Control In Society According to Sigmund Freud humans must repress their base desires and freedoms in order to adapt to society, thus taking away happiness. This could since a functioning society's main goal is to increase its population as rapidly as possible, so that more work can be done so that more people can be born and so on, and it achieves this goal in one main. The main way it does this is by protecting its citizens from threats, internal and external, which would harm the population causing a decrease in the potential population. Which end up restricting the population. People must reduce their aggression if they wish to be efficient in society. Society could not work if large portion of the members of society were murdering continually. If a large portion of people were murdering continuously then it can be expected that a good portion of the population would die causing a decrease in the society's productivity. If a decent portion of the population gets murdered then in the next generation there won't be more people leading to stagnant productivity. Or If a decent portion of people get killed in the society then the society fails at its purpose which is to offer protection not only that, bu usually exchange for the freedom of the people so that people may reproduce. Most people can not help society if they are busy torturing people this is the case since torturing takes time and effort in order to properly pull off and for society to be productive it needs people to work which also takes time and effort which means that most people can't torture and work all while getting appropriate amounts of sleep and food. And if people were torturing others then a lot of people are not being as productive as possible thereby reducing the productivity of the population while harming it. Not only that, but then there are the effects of the torture. If people are torturing people by physical or chemical pain then there are chances of death, sickness, physical or mental, or debilitating injuries, some of which could cause sterility, and all of this can lower productivity and go against the main propose of society. Some Societies make it practically impossible to be a member after being to aggressive. This happens since people don't ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Population Control in China Essay Population Control in China "Vigilantes abduct pregnant women on the streets and haul them off, sometimes handcuffed or trussed, to abortion clinics. [Some] aborted babies cry when they are born (Steven Mosher)." This quotation shows one method how China tries to carry through its population control in a manner which is very cruel and against human rights. We, Western people, do not understand why China needs a population control and why this control has to be carried out so harshly. But why had China to control its population? From 1949 on, Mao Zedong feared war with the United States or the Soviet Union. "China's millions [of people] were the country's primary weapon against technologically superior enemies." The Chinese population ... Show more content on ... The desire for sons and the infanticides of girls lead to another problem. Today the imbalance between men and women is already very high, and will even get higher in the future. For example, in the Guangxi province 19 out of 24 births were boys (2001). Because of this imbalance men will have a hard time finding a Chinese woman in the next couple of years. But how does China try to carry out its one–child policy? The techniques to enforce the one–child family are sometimes very cruel and violate human rights. First of all, families need an authorization to have a baby. That means that when they decide to have a baby, they first have to get an official authorization to have a child. To learn about unauthorized pregnancies, Chinese officials pay informants to report them pregnancies of women. These informants can be neighbors, friends, or even family. This method is comparable to what the East German "Stasi" did in former times. Chinese people cannot trust anybody, because they can be reported to the officials. Women are also only allowed to have children when they are married. Because of this law, China passed another law that says that women are only allowed to marry with the age of 23. That means that women officially are allowed to have a child with 23 years. That led to an increase of the average age of first birth from 20.8 years (1970s) to 23.6 years (1998). Another method to enforce the one–child policy is sterilizations. All women who gave birth to three ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Global Population Control and Environmental Policies Essay Global population control and environmental policies are the subject of international controversy. The rate at which human beings are populating the earth and polluting it are some of the most important factors that face the global society today. As of March 2009, the world population is about 6.76 billion. With the high rate of population increase, the global population is expected to reach 9 billion by 2040. With the number of people in the world today and the amount of consumer goods being purchased and used, these factors present a problem to the state of the environment in the near future. Over the past 50 years, the world's population has more than doubled and more than 1 billion of the world's people do not have enough food to ... Show more content on ... These figures strike a resemblance to how fast the earth is gaining population. Many scientists believe that high–income nations present a much greater threat to the ecosystem because there are more people in these countries consuming goods at a faster rate than low–income countries. Ecosystems cannot support high rates of population growth combined with environmental damage. The carrying capacity of the earth's ecosystems are being surpassed and the ecosystems of many nations are being ruined at a very fast pace. The rate at which country's populations are growing, it will not be very long before many of the carrying capacities are surpassed. Environmental degradation involves taking natural resources from the environment and re– introducing them to the environment in the form of pollution. One of the reasons for environmental degradation is greediness. People are trying to maintain high levels of wealth and do not care at what cost to the environment. The perfect example of this would be the current situation in Fort McMurray, Alberta. The land is being stripped of its natural resources everyday and is left behind a barren land. The rate at which the air is being polluted in Fort McMurray is triple that of anywhere else in western Canada. People from all over North America have relocated to Fort McMurray because of the demand of jobs there. Fort McMurray is ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Population Control And Overpopulation I'm sure that you have some sort of idea of the world population. Our world is starting to over populate? If Earth history is compared to a calendar year, human life has existed for 23 minutes and we have used one–third of Earth's resources in the last 0.2 seconds. 45 years ago, in 2017. Denmark research team estimated that "by 2025, the world population would be over 8 billion people, around 2040 it could hit 9 billion and by 2070 it could reach a massive 10 billion people." It said that 10 billion is the magic number the earth can handle without being too crowded. Today in 2067, the population is around 11 billion, our planet is facing overpopulation problem. More people means more resources, competitions, chaos and decrease in security and safety, which pose a real challenge in the years to come. This fact alone is sufficient to urge humans to try to find solutions. Today, the majority of people argues that security and safety could improve by population control. Overpopulation acts as a new force that threatens and destroys peace. Population pressure has been a source of human conflict over resources for thousands of years. More people means more competition, such as for jobs, housings, wealth, education and so on. The movie "Minority report" shows that overpopulation imposes a decrease in the security and safety of the public. One scene from the movie shows what could possibly happen if there are too many people. In the scene, John Anderton was with his son Sean ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. An Evaluation Of The Economic Benefits And Ethical Issues... Working Title Population control: an evaluation of the economic benefits and ethical issues of population control through the use of eugenics Background The topic of population has been prevalent in the study of economics but particularly since Thomas Malthus published his book 'Essay on the Principle of Population' (1798). Malthus was the first economist to propose a systematic theory of population. Malthus proposed in his book that humans grow exponentially whereas the food supply grows at an arithmetic rate. This scenario of arithmetic food growth with simultaneous geometric human population growth predicted a future when humans would have no resources to survive on. To avoid such a catastrophe, Malthus urged controls on population growth. Economically there are two approaches to the debate on how much the human population can grow. One debate is the natural science approach which is adopted by biologists, chemists and physicists. The natural science approach stands by the fundamental idea that earths capacity to supply is fixed and human population is constrained by physical limits and of scarce natural resources. They state that human biological requirements don't change. For example; everyone on the planet today needs 2000–2500 calories per day to be healthy, this is the same amount of calories our ancestors would have needed 1000 years ago, however, the earth is now vastly more populated than 1000 years ago, consequentially, there will come a time when there ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Population Control In The Lottery Population Control The more time the Earth is populated with humans, the more overcrowded it becomes. Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" gives an example of how some people view they can control the population. Similar to the "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins, both stories provide the extreme case scenarios for this control. Jackson using symbolism to suggest the non–conformity plays a role in the outcomes of someone's life. "The Lottery" takes place on June 27th. The first thing most people think about when they hear June is no school, or summer. For this small village, it means someone is about to die. The process of the lottery is so normal for these people they do not think anything of it, as long as they are home in enough time for noon dinner. "...but in this village, where there were only about three hundred people, the whole lottery took less than two hours, so it could begin at ten o'clock in the morning and still be through in time to allow the villagers to get home for noon dinner" (Jackson 221). The characters throughout the story suggest how normal it is by their actions. Mrs. Hutchinson shows up late to the lottery because she was doing her dishes and forgot what day it was. Old Man Warner even says, "Seventy–seventh year I have been in the lottery" ... Show more content on ... The color black represents evil and darkness. It holds the dark fate of one villager every year. The black box is just as much of a tradition as the lottery itself. "Mr. Summers spoke frequently to the villagers about making a new box, but no one liked to upset even as much as tradition as was represented by the black box" (Jackson 222). For as long as any one of the villages can remember the box has been the same every lottery. However, it is not the original box that was in use for the first event. The villages believe that the current box is made up of shards of the previous boxes (Jackson ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. The Problem Of Population Control Population Control Are there really methods of population control? Population control, the speechless facts of existence of the 1970's and 1980's, was the catchphrase of the 1950's and 1960's. Could government programs, contraception, war, and poverty be methods of control already in effect today? Population growth occurs when the birthrate outweighs the date rate; therefore factors have to be put in play to affect population on growth. Population Growth First, is the world really overpopulated or is it a myth? The world's population advanced to closely 6.4 billion, in 2004. For example, over 1.2 billion people lived in developed world, however just above 5.1 billion people lived in the developing world. China being the most populated country with a whopping 1.3 billion people. Second, India had a population of 1.1 billion people. In addition, 293.6 million people within the United States. Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Russia, and Japan, behind along side, to complete the top 10 most populated countries in the world. "World population growth, expressed as an absolute number, is determined by subtracting the total number of deaths worldwide from the total number of live births. (Kaufman & Franz, 2014)" To be specific, population growth, occurs when the birthrate is greater than the death rate. Advancements in health services help people live longer today. Indeed, a factor affecting population growth. "The earth's population will be controlled, one way ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The View on Overpopulation: Looking Deeper into the... Introduction "One would have thought that it was even more necessary to limit population than property...The neglect of this subject, which in existing states is so common, is a never–failing cause of poverty among the citizens; and poverty is the parent of both revolution and crime." This quote did not come from any professional doomsayer or modern writer, or even an ecologist or a historian. Aristotle said this, though he lived in a time where the population was four percent of what it is today. People have been worried about overpopulation since the period before Christ. This makes you wonder how something as serious as overpopulation got so far out of hand. So out of control, in fact, that overpopulation could be the biggest threat to ... Show more content on ... The taboo was named after the famous demographer Garrett Hardin, best known for The Tragedy of the Commons. He wrote extensively on the topic of overpopulation; he also wrote Stalking the Wild Taboo. Those who can't look at the world ecology without optimism do not like what Hardin had to say about the world's problems. That is what the Hardinian taboo is, broken down. Hardin was very curt that animals are not the only ones who suffer from overpopulation. He used a lot of straightforward talking to get his point across as bluntly as possible. "In an uncrowded world there may be no ethical need for the ecological concept of the carrying capacity. But ours is a crowded world."(315 Hardin) Hardin expresses his own dislike of the situation our world is in right now, but he refuses to ignore the issue just to be politically correct. Hardin proposes the concern with this existing condition is, "...that taboo inhibits the discussion of many issues that, if carried far enough, might lead to acceptable solutions"(345 Hardin). Brilliant scientists are solving the problems that are the dependent variables, but refuse to tackle the root of all troubles. This is because of the political incorrectness of population control that is a looming shadow over a very critical topic. Publications Avoid Demographic Entrapment The Hardinian taboo is so deeply seeded in the minds of those ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Morality of Population Control of Bangladesh Essay Morality of Population Control of Bangladesh ABSTRACT: The rapid rate of population growth in the last half of the present century causes anxiety about the future of humanity because the amount of resources needed to satisfy basic necessities is extremely large. Correspondingly, the satisfaction of basic needs cannot be the sole criterion of the good life. Human beings have a right to live a life composed of things that make life go best. The case of Bangladesh shows that the majority of people live a life barely worth living, a life morally undesirable. One major reason is the rapid increase in population. Bangladesh covers an area slightly less than that of the state of Illinois, but has a population that is roughly half of the ... Show more content on ... The per capita GNP is US$ 283 and electricity consumption rate is 90 kwh, infant mortality rate is 81.8 per housand, life expectation at birth is 56 years, literacy rate is 37% there is only one telephone per 380 people – these data indicate that Bangladesh is far behind the developed countries in respect of the physical quality of life. One of the main reasons of this bleak picutre of Bangladesh is its inability to keep the number of people within tolerable limits. In this condition it is not desirable that people will knowingly produce children who would most likely live a life not worthy of living – a life so miserable that it would be better not having been born at all. Narveson thinks that unhappiness that a prospective person will experience constitutes a moral reason not to bring her or him (2) into existence while happiness which she or he is likely to experience if born provides no moral reason to produce her or him. Morality seeks to promote good and avoid harm or prevent suffering. Not harming people takes moral preference than benefitting them. A moral justification, therefore, exists to avoid conception so that a probable child would not be in abject poverty or suffer any form of adversities. The condition of Bangladesh indicates that the individual or people who will come into existence in future will very likely experience abject poverty or ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Argumentative Essay On Population Control Population control is "a policy of attempting to limit the growth in numbers of a population" ( Kurt Vonnegut writes about a time when the United States population is stable at forty–million people. In order for them to stay at the same amount of people they take a life for every new life. A situation as the one illustrated in the story would bring out human instincts in a negative way. That is why this form of population control is a horrible idea because as humans we have the instinct to do all we can for those we love and to survive. In all reality, the universe has its own natural way of controlling the population and that's all that we need. As humans our basic human nature tells us to do all we can for those we love. It is instinct for a parent to protect their child at all cost. It was no shock when Vonnegut states, "Wehling shot Dr. Hitz... then he shot Leora Duncan" (Vonnegut). Its hard to say Mr. Wehling's response in the story is completely normal. However, to a certain extent it is because both Leora and Hitz would be the reason his triplets couldn't live. He didn't have anyone else that would volunteer. That of course doesn't make what he did right but for him he was protecting his child. Another thing that plays into our natural human instinct is often the people we love can do no wrong in our eyes. Think about if your spouse cheats it is sometimes easy to forgive them because of all the other amazing things that have done. Lastly, we will do whatever it takes to make those that mean the most to us happy. That's why the grandfather in the story offered to go the "Ethical Suicide Studio". He wanted his grandson to have the life he always wanted by having children. He wouldn't just choose to do this for his grandson unless he believed that it would make him happy. Wehling even says, "All I have to do is pick which one of the triplets is going to live, then deliver my maternal grandfather to the Happy Hooligan," (Vonnegut). Do we really think he wanted to see his grandfather go? No would be many people answers, he simply thinks about letting it happen because he believes it will make his wife happy to keep all of her children. Doing all we can for those we love includes protecting ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Government's Immense Control Over the American Population... When a politician speaks does it cross the minds of others to truly believe and trust that they know what they are talking about? What is politics? Politics is the art or science of government, especially the governing of a political entity, such as a nation, and the administration and control of its internal and external affairs (Politics Definition). The government regulates or censors everything from what we watch on TV to what the future of America (i.e. children) learns at school. Is this type of control necessarily a good thing? Politics and politicians alike should not have as much power in the control of the lives of people. Most laws have been passed for the personal gain of those it is implied to help. Laws are being passed ... Show more content on ... Congress passed the Alien and Sedition Acts in 1798 prohibiting false, scandalous and malicious writing against the government which was repudiated by the Republicans in power in 1802. For the next twenty–five years, the only punishment was practiced by private citizens who attacked alleged libelers. Although censorship in some cases is a necessary thing, for example, children's programming, kids do not need to be exposed to that sort of information. Adults need that information because, they're the ones who are voting and taking a control of the nation. At the high school level the students need to learn and be told what is going on. The only high school students that have any inkling of what is going on would be the seniors in government. What about the freshman, sophomores, and juniors who have an interest in the government. Those students are the future politicians of our nation and will be having a say in how it is ran. It maybe, because the government is afraid that the young people will develop the wrong ideas, that the Government has no flaws. In reality they are correct in there thinking of this but, us as kids still want to know what is happening. Not everything needs to be told to us but we at least want a summary of what is going on. The American people should be able to have a voice in any pending Bills being passed. Such as the Health Care Reform Bill, that President Obama is working on currently at the moment. Many doctors are for the bill and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Population Control. Overpopulation Is Defined As The... Population Control Overpopulation is defined as the "condition of having a population so dense as to cause environmental deterioration, an impaired quality of life, or a population crash" (Merriam– Webster). A similar way to think of this is if there are 10 people in a small elevator, it is going to feel congested and cramped. The people will be uncomfortable and they won't be content with the current situation. This would be an impaired quality of life. If this is related to the environmental term, then an image of a small, isolated village appears. If the village has 5 acre of land surrounding it, and a small population, it will only use a small portion of the land. If the village contains a larger community, the amount of land used will ... Show more content on ... In China, after the one–child policy was implemented, there were not enough babies born in order to replace the workers. If every couple had two children, the replacement rate would be stable enough to be balanced, which would be a resolution to an ongoing population problem. Babies born in 1900 did not live past the age of 50 compared to the current lifespan, 81–83 years. In parts of East Asia, the average life expectancy was less than 45 years in 1950, while now it sits at more than 74 years. The cause for this increase is the improvements in overall human health that is rapidly spreading around the world, not only at different rates, but also in different directions. One major cause for to enhance health is from decreasing occurrences in parasitic and chronic diseases. There is also better living standards, more nutritious diets, and cleaner drinking water, which reduces infections and prevents death in children by allowing them to survive their most vulnerable years. Babies are still being born, but the people are growing older which decreases the mortality rate further (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services). In addition to a decreased mortality rate, there is an increase in the birth rate due to the reduction in infant mortality from modern medicine. While this doesn't make the chances zero, it does greatly improve the possibility of an infant surviving. One way Is from preventing birth defects, which is the leading cause of infant mortality in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Poverty : An Effective Means Of Population Control As affluent as society is today, we must recognize the less fortunate and how they get there. As we learn more about the poverty–stricken, we can understand them better to aid them and break the cycle. Overwhelming amounts of people do not realize the global pandemic that poverty is today. The statistics are heartbreaking. Over half of the children in the world live in poverty, and there are nearly 2.2 billion children in the world. Campaigns have been established to recognize poverty globally. The effectiveness of these campaigns remains relatively undisclosed, yet they are still continuous. The methods used to advocate for and promote awareness for poverty vary depending on the community, this, as a result, ultimately determines the impact of the poverty campaigns. Poverty is a major global issue in today's society. It also has a broad definition as it is very complex and cannot be specifically defined. Poverty is circumstance–dependent. According to Sharif Mohammed, author of Poverty Reduction – An Effective Means of Population Control, "Poverty is a multidimensional condition of human survival, not just a measure of deficiency in income. It is generally defined in relation to a minimum standard of decent living. The levels of living below this are referred to as survival standards. Failure to attain and enjoy the standard is called absolute poverty." Millions around the world are affected by poverty and it's an issue that has plagued the globe for centuries. Different ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Why Is Population Control Wrong The idea of population control is one that ignites people to talk about and explore. Some countries have implemented population control for quite some time now. There are many attributes that go against the argument, but there are also some potential positives that could come from it. No matter what religion or background people come from, each person has their own view on if population control is right or wrong. Many people choose to see certain positives over the negatives while others look at things the other way around. One of biggest and controversial topics within population control is issues of the environment. The environmental gain of population control shows that there are many positives to this regulation. With an ever increasing population, scientists are not sure that the earth can provide for the growing population. Humanity has been the sole reason for air pollution and population control is a way to curb that. Because having clean air is one of the basic demands of human health and prosper, having clean air for generations to come is ... Show more content on ... If population control were put into place it would limit the diversity and essentially shrink the gene pool. If any population were to be control, the lack of diversity would a main issue of debate. Diversity matters because it means that we value the difference in everyone around us, and not just one type of person. Population control would take that and completely abolish and tell people which kind of person is the right kind of person. Diversity is also a good thing because it gives people a chance to experience different attributes of each other, and broaden their norms. Diversity gives us the opportunity to learn from people who view things differently and population control would suppress that. Diversity teaches us to respect one another and to learn from one another, population control teaches us the ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. The Pros And Cons Of World Population Control Have you ever wondered what the answer to world problems is? World population control is one option, but it is not a good one. Some say that it would help improve life, and would help bring balance to the world. However, I believe that population control would not truly help anyone. World population control is not the answer to world problems, for it would take away human life, the right to have kids, and in the long run would not help any living thing. The idea of population control started out many years ago. The person who first started Planned Parenthood wanted to control the population of African Americans because she wanted less of them around (National Public Radio). She tried to persuade more African Americans to come to Planned Parenthood than people of other races. In addition, there was forced population control during the Holocaust, a time in World War II, when Nazi Germany tried to exterminate all Jews and others the Germans did not like (National Public Radio). This was because Adolf Hitler discriminated against anyone not white or German. In the late 20th century, the Chinese decided to make a rule to where each family could only have one child (an ... Show more content on ... A baby's cells begin to grow very soon within pregnancy and its life begins even from the first day of conception (Pro–life Across America). For example, a baby boy named Rowan was 22 weeks old when his mother decided she did not want another child, so she aborted him. His heart was injected with a chemical called digoxin to kill him in what was perceived as the least painful way. However, some babies survive abortions, and Rowan was one such baby. The next day, the mother gave birth to an alive baby. The doctors had meant to kill Rowan, but nevertheless, he was born alive. However, the chemical was still in him, so he died anyway (Live Action News). If women were required to abort their babies after they had had a certain number, many could end up like ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Managing The Population Through Education And Birth... When the world celebrated the 7 billionth baby's birth in Manila a few years back, we were stepping in a society with noticeable population explosion. Those overpopulated societies which can no longer sustain themselves invade the natural environment which belongs to wildlife and over exploit natural resources for survival. Human beings are supposed to be responsible for the majority of environmental problems, while overpopulation exacerbates most problems such as pollution, deforestation, global warming, etc. Thus, to save the world from those environmental crises we should attach more importance on the people that cause them rather than just reply on developing technology to fix the problem its own. Managing the population through education and birth control policy is what we can do with global joint efforts. Reminding the public of our population problem, providing an option of birth control to families and guiding the public to live sustainably will slow down the population growth, and hopefully in the long sense reduce world's population. Most importantly, such declining population which owns greener lifestyle creates a benign and harmonious relationship with the planet. The UNICEF estimates that an average of 353,000 babies are born each day; this means a baby is born to the world every two seconds. About 60 years ago, the world's population is less than a half of what it is right now. Therefore, if the population continue to grow with this rate, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Nations See Dramatic Decline in Fertility Over the past half century, almost every nation has seen a dramatic fall in their fertility rates. Population regulation differs through out the world based on the particular region. Populations can stabilize through a variety of factors including modern communications, growing affluence, urbanization, family planning and social reforms (Cunningham, 2013). China and the Indian state of Kerala are examples of two very different methods to controlling population expansion. In the past twenty years, total fertility dropped by more than half in China (Cunningham, 2013). The Chinese regulations in place focus more on birth control rather then new social equality. This strategy depends on strongly enforced policies set by the government, determining how many children a Chinese family can produce. Chinese law provides a compulsory limit on reproduction that is punishable by law if an individual exceeds the limits set. The strategy of strict laws with penalization is also combined with an economic incentive for reducing births. A very different strategy regarding population stabilization can be seen in Kerala, India. It involves a social justice strategy that believes social benefits as the solution to family planning. This strategy is based on the assumption that unequal resource allocation is the main problem that leads to a high population in developing countries (Cunningham, 2013). In Kerala, providing a fair share of social benefits to everyone is seen as the key to family ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. How Are The Population Policies Different Between India... How are the population policies different between India and China? Guifang Tang Introduction China and India are the two countries which have the largest population in the world. These two countries have many similarities, especially they have fabulous growing speed during the globalization. In the global economic market, China has the biggest manufacture market and cheap labor (Justin Paul & Erick Mas.2016). India gained independence from the United Kingdom from 1947 and started to focus on improving their food security and developing the technology of agriculture, so India has the evidence dominate the service market from agriculture transfer to service sector due to the globalization too in recently decades (Kedia &Lahiri 2007). In the same situation of China, the whole society focused on agricultural reforms since the 1970s. As two fastest developing countries, China and India typically have a big number of population and cheap labor for manufacture industries which gained a lot of attention around the world. Population in one country could be the productivity power or the economic factor force of developing. On the other side, it could be the main reason of hinder the development. So this paper will directly analysis these two nations population policy, in addition, based on their different society contexts and culture value, analysis the population problem and social issues around the policy. Comparison between India and China 1. India and China population ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. The Problem Of Population Control Population control is an idea that has been thrown around world–wide for years. One may wonder what population control would even mean for its partakers. As one researches population control, many different viewpoints are found. There are the viewpoints of those who are oblivious to the struggles an economy will be forced to face if population control is not put into effect; then, there are others who recognize the responsibility they have to care for their country the way it has cared for them for centuries. Without population control, not only will the economy fail, but there will be world–wide struggles. These struggles seem unfathomable at America's current peak of economic success; however, soon they will be a reality if one does not take action quickly. By the year 2050, this U.S. population is expected to increase by 89 million (Kochar). Already at over 316 million people, the U.S. will be experiencing many major setbacks by the time this growth takes place. Shortages of water, food, and jobs are just a few of the setbacks Americans will face. If one wishes to produce as many children as he pleases, he will be doing his children a disservice. Sure, he will have the freedom of choice, but what will this mean giving up for his other children? Overall, the quality of children's lives is going to decrease if people are not willing to make a change in their way of thinking. Many Americans refer to the Bill of Rights when anyone even mentions the possibility of implementing ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Demographics Paper DEMOGRAPHICS Demographics in the true essence of the word means the records of the human population in a country. This includes the country's population density, ethnicity, education level, health, economic status, religious affiliations, and other aspects of the said population. In some commonly used demographics gender, race, age, income, disabilities, educational attainment, home ownership, employment status, and even location are also included. Also called demographic data, these are the characteristics of a human population as used in government, marketing and opinion research. POPULATION CONTROL. If you write these two words independently, these two are mere non– malicious, simple words, however if we join these ... Show more content on ... China, for one adopted this policy in order to curb population growth. We all know that China has the highest population in the world, encompassing 1.2 billion or twenty one percent of the world's population. They know too well that if this would continue to grow, they will be having serious social and economic problems. As a solution, in the year 1979, Chinese authorities create a one– child–per–family policy and because male children are often regarded as more economically valuable, female infanticides increase. Infanticides are often regarded to as an inhumane act especially to us Christians however in primitive people; this thing is not new to them. Many Asian and European countries engaged in this act to prevent the population growth in their nations. Because of the ONE–CHILD–POLICY, China was able to control its population. They are considered to have the highest population rate not just in Asia but in the whole world and so this policy is more or less favorable to them. This policy was said to have been the reason why they were saved from famine and other economic disability. However, in smaller countries like Japan, this policy was effective during the first years of implementation but later on become a hindrance in the progress of their country. Japan, just like China adopted this policy to prevent the growth of their population. Now, however they feel sorry that they had implemented this policy because now, they have the what you ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Essay Sustainable Development and Population Control Sustainable Development and Population Control A nineteen year old pregnant Chinese girl is forced to abort because she is "too young" to have a child. Iran, an Islamic nation, instructs religious leaders to promote contraception as a social duty. A Norwegian international banker worries about "migratory tensions" that would engulf his nation with waves of third world immigrants. A Los Angles Times article decries the lack of an official United States population policy. What do these statements share in common? The underlying theme in each of the sentences above is population control. In each case the rationale is that the earth's six billion people exceed the planet's "carrying capacity." The planet is on the brink ... Show more content on ... Rio was followed by the UN's International Conference on Population and Development (Cairo, 1994) and the Fourth World Conference on Women (Beijing 1995) World Summit for Social Development (Copenhagen 1995) and Conference on Human Settlements (Istanbul 1996). Each of these successive global conferences incorporated provisions for legalizing and promoting contraception, sterilization and abortion, often under the guise of the text phrases, "reproductive rights" or, "reproductive health." Cairo made clear the linkage between development and population: "Explicitly integrating population into economic and development strategies will both speed up the pace of sustainable development –– and contribute to the achievement of population objectives...." (United Nations) As could be expected, the target for control is women: From Agenda 21, "Special attention should be given to the critical role of women in population–environment programmes and in achieving sustainable development (Ibid. para. 5.48)." And, "... empowerment of women is essential and that improving the status of women through better access to education, reproductive health, including family planning and sexual health, and jobs will yield high returns through reduced fertility, increased production." It becomes clear that females in the production line increases a nations "economic" ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Essay on Michele Foucault Biopower Michel Foucault wrote a book called History of Sexuality. In Part five of the book Right of Death and Power over Life, he discusses about the historical "Sovereign Power" where one is allowed to decide who has the right to live and who has the right to die. The sovereign uses his power over life through the deaths that he can command and uses his authority to announce death by the lives he can spare. Foucault then moves on to Disciplinary Power where he came up with the "Panopticon" where one is to believe they were under surveillance at all times. Such surveillance is still used in our everyday life such as schools, prisons, offices, hospitals, and mental institutes. Later in his life, Foucault discovered Bio–power. This bio–power ... Show more content on ... This is where the regulatory controls such as bio–politics of the population take place. Foucault describes how this "bio–power" has been influential to the rise and growth of capitalism. He was adamant that the triumph of this economic structure "would not have been possible without the controlled insertion of bodies into the machinery of production and the adjustment of the phenomena of population to economic processes". (Foucault, p. 141) Since capitalism demands growth, such as establishment of new companies and the production of merchandises, "it had to have methods of power capable of optimizing forces, aptitudes, and life in general without at the same time making them more difficult to govern." The life of humans was seen to be a significant element to politics and history. How a person lived developed into an item of authority and knowledge and needed to be synchronized, understood, and managed. The rules and regulations turned out to be less concerned towards threatening and making judgment, but became more concerned in stabilizing and making the conditions of life more effective. The new power that took control over their lives means that they were over controlled by the politics. In Lazzarato's article, ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Education Is The Best Form Of Population Control Education is the best form of population control. I believe that population control policies are not necessary. As the world becomes more industrialized and equality becomes more prevalent, the total fertility rate goes down. We should not worry about implementing policies that lead to neglect and abuse but should be working towards educating women and giving them equal rights. The ability to make educated decisions is the most powerful driving force of all in my opinion. In the twentieth century the world saw a population boom. This was not because women were having more babies, but because of the technological and healthcare advances made in the last century. In 1960, women around the world were having an average of 5 children. By 2009, the world total fertility rate was cut in half. Women today are having an average of 2.5 children (SUZUKI, 2014). I believe this is because women have been empowered by knowledge and a world that is becoming smaller through technological advancements. Today we can get from one side of our world to the other in a matter if hours, where previously it would take months to sail from place to place. Information and ideas are also being transferred at the speed of light. The world network is also bringing healthcare to poor and underprivileged people that would not have the vaccines and other life–saving techniques to save their children. These advancements mean that cultures can borrow ideas from each other and (hopefully) throw out traditions ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Europe : Population Change And Population Control In Europe Europe is known globally as a continent with the most demographically complex population control issues. Previous to 1995 Europe's European Union(EU) population was approximately 100 million people larger than that of the USA. However it is projected that the USA's population will be larger than the EU's population by over 20 million in 2050 (Tarmann,1). Presently, Europe's problem seems to be that people are emigrating out of Europe. And because of this it reduces the effective reproduction of the country, contributing to the pace of their population decline. Many countries in Europe are trying to alleviate this critical issue, however many of the country's political parties or governments are against or unresponsive to the idea of pronatalist policies. Pronatalist policies are policies that promote population growth. Because of this, policy makers and politicians look towards replacement migration over pronatalist policies. It is clear that pronatalist policies are less favorable when compared to replacement migration to help stabilize population control in Europe. One country in particle that is very late to the action of pronatalist policies is Spain. Spain has a widespread bias against pro natalist policies. They believe that it is interfering with the personal lives of people too much ("Case Study Spain",51). They had lowest spendings invested on family support in the EU, spending less than 2% of its GDP on it ("Case Study Spain",51). Up until recently they ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Population Control Population Control Population growth, a topic most likely insignificant to the common man, but the world's population growth and control of that population growth is necessary for our overall survival. The issue has been discussed due to fear of the world becoming overpopulated. Experts and nations alike have monitored this recent growth in our population to predict any struggle that may occur before it is encountered. If the world becomes overpopulated, the limited amount of resources we have would not be able to support the entirety of the people in need. Also, if left unmonitored, the growth of our population could fluctuate and cause unsuspected chaos in terms of death to birthrates, male to female rates. Having more men than women ... Show more content on ... Since couples can only have one child, and in Chinese culture a boy brings better fortune and is more respected in society, couples that conceive a girl as there one child give her away or abort her in order to conceive a boy child instead. This problem has caused China's man to woman ratio to shift extremely in the favor of men. Therefore, the country is overall becoming less fertile and fated to becoming under populated. This is another reason why monitoring population growth is beneficial. The projection of population not only allows governments to predict a decline, but also allows governments to monitor the future death to birth rates and men to woman rates. All of which are equally as vital. China has been one victim to overpopulation, and the government of China was able to project and maintain the situation, to un–intensify its tragic results. However, China's solution to over population is not the only one. It is theorized that the world can maintain a larger population without complications, under lower standards of living. Resulting in more deaths and an overall population decline. (Arsenault) This is true because the world's growing population is also a result of the world's overall better living conditions. (Leahy) Confiscating those fairly good living conditions, and the population will slowly decline to a sustainable amount. However, this becomes a double standard because the people will not ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Population Control Every day, over three hundred million babies are born around the world. Abortion lowers the population number a minute amount, but according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), only about 1 in every five parents abort, resulting in a population increase of four live births. Without control, the human population growth will not stop. Companies will try to meet the demand for more consumer goods, causing the development of more factories. Deforestation, or the clearing of forests, will occur to build the factories. The increase in factories will result in higher carbon dioxide levels emitted into the atmosphere. Humans are unquestionably the most advanced species. They are also, unfortunately, the most destructive. Humans are causing a surprising amount of damage to Earth because of one thing, overpopulation. Machines clear trees from land to accommodate the demand for housing and commercial buildings, which in turn causes the release of carbon dioxide through gas emissions. Also, tropical forests contain more than two–hundred–ten gigatons of carbon dioxide which are released into the atmosphere when they are cut down which then increases the amount of greenhouse gases. Tropical trees alone are responsible for releasing more than 15 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. In the Eastern Hemisphere, there are high greenhouse gas emissions due to the clearing, draining and conversion of many forests into pulp plantations. The absence of trees causes an increased amount of ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Comparative Study Of India And India Essay Nevertheless population size increased an interesting fact that comes in limelight is that India holds the maximum working population as compared to any country in the world making it one of the highest potential bearing country to economic growth and development and ruling the world. This gives rise to possibly two mainstream targets which India should focus on:  To reap the demographic dividends from the demographic transitions ' phase it has entered into, where the fertility rate and death rate are diminishing. This can be done by tapping the potential working population and converting them into productive assets by rightful shower of opportunities.  Second, to control the population i.e., reduce the size of dependent population (specifically children) so that the increase in national output does not get neutralize by the increase in expenditure over the non–working population. For this effective measures should be taken by government in form of stringent laws so that population stability is achieved sooner. 2.Comparative Study Of The Parameters Of China And India The comparative study of population growth and the parameters of both India and China are shown in the chart below in order to assess the magnitude and direction of change over a long period of time. The study shows that how the rate of fall of variables is slower in India as compared to China. 16 14 12 10 8 CHINA 6 INDIA 4 2 ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Persuasive Essay On Population Control Figuring out a population control policy for the United States is a very difficult task. If I were a part of the U.S. Government, I would have a hard time deciding what is morally right to implement as a population control policy. However, if I was creating a law to help control U.S. population, my ideal policy would include incentives from the government to wait to have children and intense family– planning education programs starting as early as in elementary school. The first part of my population control policy would be about giving monetary incentives to people who wait to have children until they are 30. This would entail the federal government giving $5,000 to anyone who waited until they were 30 to have children. Now, this means for couples, that the women has to wait until she is 30 to have children. If a male is single but fathers a child and is 30 or older, he would be eligible to receive the $5,000 dollars. This would just be a one time monetary incentives; it would be not be $5,000 per child. By waiting to have children until 30 years old, the amount of time women can get pregnant is much less compared to having a child at 18. A young woman having a baby at 18 leaves her with a solid twenty–five years before she hits menopause. That allows for time to have multiple more children. On the other hand, waiting until 30 years old, would only leave women with roughly fifteen years before hitting menopause––a much less significant amount of time to have multiple ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Distinguish Between Developed and Developing Countries Di 3a) What distinguishes a developing country from a developed country (10mks) ADVICE: All the indicators are examined here with supporting statistics. There won't be time to include statistics for all the indicators, so you'll include those that you most easily remember). Countries can be classified as developed or developing according to the value of the gross national product (GNP) per capita. A developing country can be distinguished from a developed country by examining indicators such as the size of GDP per capita, economic structure, population growth, population structure, distribution of income, employment, trading position, urbanization, technology and provision of infrastructure. Low income and ... Show more content on ... Developing countries are very reliant on the export of primary produce whereas developed countries export more capital and consumer goods. Developing countries are vulnerable in their trading relationships because fluctuations in price can destabilize their economies. Zimbabwe's main exports are cotton and tobacco while that of the USA includes telecommunications, equipment, automobiles and medicine. Urbanisation is another indicator of development. Developed countries already have a high proportion of the population living in urban areas. The developing countries however still have a high proportion of the population living in rural areas, but there are rapid rates of rural to urban migration in those economies. In Zimbabwe 38% of the population live in urban areas and the rate of urbanization is 3.4%. In the USA however 82% of the population live in the urban areas and the rate of urbanization is much lower at 1.2%. They can be distinguished by the provision of infrastructure. Infrastructure includes health education and housing. The developed countries have better infrastructure than the developed country. The Human Development Index combines elements of health as measured by life expectancy, education and income to assess development. Life expectancy in Zimbabwe is 51 years whereas it is 78 years in the USA. Access to technology also differs between the two. 5% of the world's computers are located in developing countries.
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  • 74. Using Population Control to Achieve Environmental... Environmental sustainability is when a person, community or area is able to meet the needs of the present, without compromising the needs of the future. Overconsumption will lead to hardship in the future, and possibly to the destruction of the planet's finite resources; and if we continue using our resources as at current rates, which have been estimated to be 4 planets worth of resources, this will be inevitable. Populations are all the inhabitants of a specific area/country and this population can be controlled in various methods such as population policies, like the ones in China, Kerala and France; as well as control via migration by putting on limits. A population control method that has achieve environmental sustainability is ... Show more content on ... On the other hand, Canada has a fairly low population density of just 3.75 people per square kilometer and with high resources, Canada is environmentally sustainable; some even say that Canada is under populated and therefore Canada is lenient on in migration. Similarly to this, Thomas Malthus (1766–1834) had the theory that when population overshoots a certain point (usually food production) there will be catastrophic effects. The club of Rome, in 1968 published a report called the 'limit of growth', which stated that population growth will lead to an increase in food demand and this will eventually lead to resource exhaustion, which is obviously not environmentally sustainable. To prevent resource exhaustion, the Club of Rome decided that we have to regulate population growth and reduce fertility– and that is what China's One Child Policy, and Kerala's non–enforced population policy was aiming to do. Similarly, the anti–Malthusianist– Ester Boserup was a resource optimist, with research based on studies of shifting cultivation. Her hypothesis was that population growth would result in an increase demand for food and to meet this demand, improved agriculture productivity would be needed. A higher agricultural productivity means an increase in methods of agriculture like the 'slash and burn' technique, which often are not environmentally sustainable at all. All these population / resource theories ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Overpopulation in China Overpopulation in China Background 1949 The Peoples Republic of China was formed. The population then was made up of mostly workers. The Chinese families were paid to have babies. 1953 The Chinese population had grown to about 583 million people. The Chinese government no longer offered an incentive of pay to have babies. 1963 The Chinese government realized that the families continued to produce babies and they were headed for major problems. The Chinese government came out with, Later Sparcer Fewer Policy. The Policy encouraged Couples to have children later in life, space the births farther apart, and have fewer children. The problem with this policy was that there were already millions of people in China. ... Show more content on ... As a result The Chinese government relaxed the laws regarding the One Child Policy, and allowed families to have a second child if there first child was a girl. 1998 Approximately 19% of the population of China adheres to the birth control policies. Benefits Economically in the past fifty years, China has raised the standard of living in the country by keeping birth rates down. Access to Earths natural resources in the area has increased since 1980. The Chinese has plenty of land for agriculture, food supply, water and gas resources to sustain presently. Natural water resources were not being encroached upon and eroded by humans because of the population control. There was enough land for people to live on and not spread out further to natural resources. According to The State Family Commission off China tap water coverage has dramatically increased in a ten year span by 10% from 84% up to 94%. Natural gas coverage had an overwhelming increase for the better, from 16% percent up to 73%.
  • 77. Medical care and insurance during this time frame experienced benefits that included birth insurance, workmens compensation for mothers who followed China's birth policies. According to the Knowledge Galaxy Home (2009) better benefit packages are offered to Women who have their child/children at a later age. They are offered more time off, and other work incentives. Life expectancy has risen because all of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Population Control In Vonnegut In 2BR02B, Vonnegut provides a fruitful, dark, and mind–bending story. Vonnegut's story represents the values of death and life when he says, "[d]eath, barring accidents, was an adventure for volunteers" (Vonnegut). This reveals that there are those who consider death an adventure and not an end. His story illustrates the toll of human nature on humanity, no matter the situation. In particular, Vonnegut utilizes a story of population control to propel his ideas further. Furthermore, Vonnegut employs the short story to describe the inconsistencies of population control. Ultimately Vonnegut's illustration paints population control as a heartless act against humanity. However, Vonnegut's overexerts the idea of population control being ... Show more content on ... The symbolism between the Painter and the Mural is a salient contrast within Vonnegut's story. This contrast is an intentional comparison used to highlight the ultimate behavior of humanity amongst a form of population control as inhumane as gas chambers. The painter acts as symbolism of humanity's rejection. The mural acts as the glorification of the control. The Painter gives off a careless attitude and a slight rejection towards the population control in the story. In response to the orderly's comments the painter scorns, "You think I'm proud of this daub? You think this is my idea of what life really looks like" (Vonnegut). This reveals the painter's attitude towards population control. Furthermore, it solidifies the fact that the painter represents humanity's rejection. In direct relation, of course, is the mural. The mural itself, is a representation of all the important people of the hospital staff. Moreover, the mural acts as a glorification and acceptance of the population control. Together, the painter is seen filling the faces of these people, simultaneously rejecting that the mural, "[l]ooks just like heaven or something" (Vonnegut). What the contrast reveals in a deeper sense is humanity (the painter) continuing to accept the inhumane population control (painting the mural) regardless of their rejection. It worthy to note that the acceptance of population control varies from each human being. That is ... Get more on ...