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              JCCT, INC.        PRODUCTION MANUAL                  2011-2012




           JCCT, INC.                         PRODUCTION MANUAL                           2011-2012

        JCCT, INC.                  PRODUCTION MANUAL                  2011-2012
Congratulations on Being Chosen to Direct for
                 Jay County Civic Theatre	
You are the Director. The JCCT is happy to leave artistic
decisions   and  interpretation   in  your  hands   with  the
understanding that JCCT has the final Artistic say. But JCCT
is more than just one production. Your production, and all
those who take part in it are part of our JCCT family. We
want everyone involved with your show to feel like part of
the family and to understand that what they do is important
to our theatre and its reputation among our patrons, our
other volunteers and our community. Your cast and crew, and
what you do for the next several months, are critical to
JCCT’s success.
As the Producer, JCCT, it’s Board and Board Advisors have a
stake in your production and will do all they can to help it
succeed. Open communication, between the Producers (JCCT) and
your Production Staff, is vital in the success of every
production. In order to foster this relationship you will be
assigned a Production Supervisor to act as a liaison between
your production and the Board of Directors.
JCCT also needs to protect its assets, including our
relationship with our volunteers, the community and our
venues.   Many of the policies outlined in this manual are
aimed at doing just that, and they grow out of the many years
of experience. If you don’t understand why we do something
the way we do, feel free to ask, or to suggest a better way!
(It is best to submit this to the Board during our regularly
scheduled monthly meetings. Contact the Board President or
Secretary regarding being put on the agenda.)
You and your production are part of JCCT’s long tradition of
creating Quality Theatre for Jay County and surrounding areas
audiences. Thank you for helping us to build on that

          JCCT, INC.    PRODUCTION MANUAL     2011-2012
Production Timeline
            The Board of Directors has the final Artistic word.

I.    One Year to Six Months prior to
production dates:
       a.       JCCT Board will secure location for performances.
       b.       Sponsorship Committee will secure a Show Sponsor.
       c.       JCCT Board will hold preliminary meeting(s) with
            Director to discuss vision and concept.

         Director is to find Production Staff Members as
                               called for:
          Stage Manager (Production Supervisor must approve)
          Assistant Director (If Needed)
          Musical Director (If Needed)
          Scenic Designer
          Costume Designer (Check with JCCT, Costume Mistress)
          Lighting Designer (Check with JCCT, INC. Tech Director)
          Properties Master/Mistress
          Sound Designer
          Crew Chief
          Child/Pet Wranglers (as needed)
          Gun Wrangler (as needed)
        JCCT, INC. Is in charge of
          Front of House Manager
          Program Designer – Check for deadlines for program info
          T-shirt-If you have a design in mind please let us know
          Publicity Coordinator

       JCCT Board President will make arrangements to order

       d.    Publicity Coordinator needs to check on
         Special community events related to the
             JCCT, INC.       PRODUCTION MANUAL    2011-2012
           Announce special occasions to production staff.
       e.      Director needs to approve a production
         design and aide in the creation of posters, break-
         a-legs, and
           cast/crew t-shirts.


II.About One Month before auditions:
       a.    Schedule volunteers to work auditions. For
         musicals, there should be at least 4-5 people per
         night. Non Musical shows 2-3 are adequate.
       b.    The Production Supervisor and available Board
         Members must be present at auditions. This is to
         assure the JCCT casting policy is being adhered
       c.    Director is to hold a full production meeting
         with all production staff members. At this time,
         the director should have a tentative rehearsal
         schedule proposed.   Start scenic ground plan and
         design, lighting plot, costume plot and property
       d.    Director is to check venue for audition and
         rehearsal space.
       e.    Director is to present to the Webmaster via
         Production Supervisor any Audition Requests to be
         posted on the website and Facebook.
       a.    Make sure Audition Forms, Digital Camera,
         laptop (and possibly printer, if director wants
         pictures attached to audition form) pens and
          JCCT, INC.      PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
stapler are brought to auditions. It is a good
         idea to have a proposed rehearsal schedule present
         so people know when rehearsals are. Audition form
         should contain a conflict schedule. There should
         also be a list of all available parts and their
         ages and vocal ranges posted for all auditionees
         to refer to. Parental consent form must be
         completed and signed. If there are a lot of
         auditionees, nametags are helpful.
       b.    Check in auditionees as they arrive. Take
         their picture and save on laptop or print out and
         attach to audition form (Director’s choice). Make
         sure auditions run smoothly and that everyone gets
         a fair chance to try out for the part they want.
       c.    The Production Supervisor and/or appointed
         Board Member sit in on casting decisions. If a
         Board Member is auditioning, they should not take
         part in any casting decisions.
       d.    Once casting is complete, the Director,
         Assistant Director, or Stage Manger is responsible
         for contacting auditionees on the decisions. Call
         those who are cast first and get their commitment
         before calling those not cast. When calling, let
         them know when the first rehearsal is. When
         contacting those not cast, always encourage them
         to help out in some capacity. When calling
         children, it is best to speak to a parent,
         especially if the child is young. Please make
         sure your cast list is complete before any calls
         are made. DO NOT post list until it is COMPLETE.
       e.    Director will set a cast list deadline for
         contacting all cast members. Auditionees will
         provide best reciprocating contact information at
         auditions. In case of lack of contact number, the
         director will set a time for auditionees to
          JCCT, INC.     PRODUCTION MANUAL    2011-2012
contact the director.
       f.    Prepare Cast/Production Staff list to pass out
         at first rehearsal and to Production Supervisor.
IV.First Rehearsal:
       a.    Production Supervisor and Board President
         should attend first rehearsal and encourage all
         Production Staff members to also come. They
         should make a brief announcement welcoming
         everyone to the production and JCCT. Make them
         aware of the following policies. (IF the show has
         Children in the cast, parents should attend at
         least the meeting portion of the rehearsal.).
           1.    All cast members have become members of
             Jay County Civic Theatre, Inc.
           2.    Costume Policy
           3.    Production Volunteer Policy
           4.    Venue/Rehearsal Space Policies
           5.    Attendance Policy
           6.    Explain that strike is mandatory for all
             cast and crew.
           7.    Explain Theatre etiquette and terms.
       b.    Introduce other Production Staff members.
       c.    Pass out cast list and Production Staff
         contact list.
       d.    Arrange for parent volunteers to chaperone
         rehearsals if there is a large children’s cast.
       e.    Special community events related to the
         production. Announce special occasions to
         Production Staff.
       f.    Hand out 8x10 posters to cast members to post
         around communities.
       g.    Read through the script as a cast.
V. First Month of Rehearsals (6-10 weeks
prior to show):
          JCCT, INC.      PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
a. Production Supervisor should attend at least one
       rehearsal a week to see how things are
         progressing and answer questions.   Make any
       business announcements to cast that are needed.
       b.    Production Supervisor should attend all
         production meetings to see how things are
VI.   Second month of Rehearsals (2-6 weeks
 prior to show):
       a.    Production Supervisor is to keep in constant
         contact with Production Staff members and
         directors. Make sure there are no problems with
         any of the production team.   Be aware of
         expenditures and help keep show within budget.
       b.    Production Supervisor must attend at least one
         rehearsal per week. Make announcements at
         rehearsals as needed.
       c.    Production Staff should recruit help for
         hanging posters, set construction, and costumes.
         Help recruit stage crew for Stage Manager. Help
         recruit for light hang and focus. Check for
         specialty props. Assign prop hunter and gatherers
         as needed.
       d.    Publicity Coordinator should arrange to have a
         photographer come in to take head shots and
         rehearsal shots for advertising. The pictures are
         usually taken the last two weeks of rehearsals.
         There is usually someone who will volunteer to do
       e.    Make sure venue has arranged for a Piano Tuner
         to tune performance piano during tech week.
       f.    Publicity Coordinator should talk to
         newspapers, radio, and Jay Today (at JCHS) to set
         times and dates for publicity shots and
          JCCT, INC.     PRODUCTION MANUAL    2011-2012
       g.    JCCT Board should check with venue regarding
         ticket printing.
       h.    Program information deadline set for three
         weeks prior to opening night. Programs to be at
         the printer 10 days prior to opening night.
VII.        Last two weeks of Rehearsals:
       a.    Attend to any last minute details.
       b.    Find location for cast/crew party and keep in
         mind the ages of the cast/crew members.
       c.    Find out from Production Staff members what
         else needs to be done and prepare a task list.
       d.    Arrange warehouse run for any props, and set
         pieces that are need for the show. You need to
         contact the Warehouse Committee Chairperson.
       e.    Double check the venue has arranged for a
         Piano Tuner to tune performance piano during tech
       f.     Check with Front House Manager on the
         decorations and volunteers needed.
       g.    Costume Parade.
VIII. Saturday Prior to Tech (Tech
       a.    Have detailed task list prepared, so that
         there is a job for everyone. Assign team leaders
         for different tasks: (ie: Set construction, set
         painting, costumes, etc.)
       b.    Provide or collect money for refreshments for
         the volunteers. (example: bottled water)
       c.    Assist Stage Manger in preparing for Technical
         Rehearsal, by arranging stage, cleaning up, etc.
       d.    Cue to cue (Q2Q) Final focus of stage
         lighting. Utilize ALL technical aspects of
          JCCT, INC.      PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
IX.Tech Week (HELL WEEK):
       a.    Prepare cast and crew for longer rehearsals.
         Double check with Parents of younger cast members.
       b.    Attend to any last minute requests from
         directors or design teams.
       c.    Remind cast to bring in cookies and punch for
         intermissions in the front lobby.
X. Performances:
       a.    Be proud of your accomplishments and make sure
         your cast knows that you are proud of their
       b.    Make plans for cast party (who brings what,
       c.    Arrange for Warehouse run for Strike.
         (Returning of props and scenery.) Return
         everything borrowed!

       a.     Strike is mandatory for all cast and crew.
       b.    Stage Manager should prepare detailed strike
         task list and assign cast and crew to the tasks.
           1.    Set and large scenic items.
           2.    Costumes (sort borrowed costumes from JCCT
             owned costumes).
           3.    Props/Props gathered, sorted and boxed.
           4.    Cleaning Green Room.
           5.    Cleaning Dressings Rooms
           6.    Cleaning Auditorium (clean up trash, etc.)
           7.    Erase scripts and scores and return to
             Production Supervisor.
           8.    Help take items to warehouse. Requires
             travel and vehichle.
          JCCT, INC.      PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
The work of the Director is central to the production
of a play. The Director has the challenging task of
bringing together the many complex pieces of a
production—the  script,   actors,   scenic  elements,
costuming, lighting, sound and music into a unified

To accomplish this task, a director needs to:
     Interpret the script.
     Cast the production.
     Collaborate with designers.
     Plan the rehearsals.
     Guide   the   actors   in   their  work   during

The Director’s work is most often based on a detailed
study and analysis of the script to be produced.
Many careful readings of the script help the director
develop an individual vision of the playwright’s
intentions, which will form the core of his or her
interpretation. This sense of “what the play is
really about” will shape a Director’s thinking about
every other aspect of the production. Directors also
study the characters in the script, gathering as much
information as they can about their physical and
psychological traits. This is vital preparation for
casting, when the actors who are best able to bring
the characters to life in performance need to be

The Director’s initial meetings with the scenic,
costume, lighting and sound designers typify the
       JCCT, INC.   PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
creative collaboration vital to theatre. Any notes
the director has made on the technical needs in the
script are shared with the designers. The free flow
of ideas that takes place here will further refine
the Director’s vision of the production as a whole.

Details in the script about the specific locale(s) in
which the action takes place need to be attended to
early in the production process, because they will
determine both the basic requirements of the set and
the possible movement of the actors on stage. Acting
areas, entrances and exits, and furniture and props
called for in the script or desired by the director
will need to be a part of the scenic design.

The floor plan can then be sketched out. The floor
plan is a basic outline drawing of the stage setting
as it would look from above. (Birds’ eye view)     It
is an essential rehearsal planning tool because it
allows a Director to work out the blocking of the
play. Blocking (or staging) is the precise moment-by-
moment movement and grouping of actors and sometimes
moving scenery on stage.

The   Director’s  creative   collaboration  continues
during their work with the actors in rehearsals. The
actors will bring their own interpretations to the
project and perhaps inspire the Director to their
interpretation. They will work closely together to
breathe life into the lines and develop a deeper
understanding of the characters’ motivations and
relationships, fleshing out the subtext of the play.
The Director should always keep in mind that this is
a   community  based  organization.   There  will  be
different ages, levels of experience and talent of
       JCCT, INC.   PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
the actors and volunteers involved.   JCCT strives to
encourage and educate everyone participating in a
production and to include them into the creative
process.   Later the focus of the director’s work in
rehearsals will broaden to the overall look and feel
of the whole production as transitions between scenes
are smoothed out, effective pacing is achieved and
all   the  design   and  technical  aspects   of  the
production are integrated.

Once the production opens, the Director's work is
essentially complete. Now it's the Stage Manager's
job to make sure that every aspect of the production
runs just as the director intended time after time,
until the production closes.







       JCCT, INC.   PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
An Overview of the Production Process
It’s never too early to do your homework — whatever
it takes for you to get ready to direct. That will
mean repeated readings of the script ... getting some
friends together to read it out loud ... and
researching and analyzing the play’s setting, its
characters and its plot.
Directors, read through this manual a few times and
note things you’ll need to remember later! Feel free
to check the library for books about directing, or to
talk   to  other   experienced  Directors,   here  or
elsewhere, about your concepts and ideas. Also do not
forget the internet.
First begin thinking about how you want your
production to be staged, and how realistic your
concepts are. If you have really out-of-the-ordinary
staging ideas, talk to our Technical Director and
some of our other experienced technical people to
find out how your plans can be realized on stage and
within our financial constraints, and what your
options are.
Before your auditions are publicized you should start
thinking about how you want to describe the play and
its characters to attract the kinds of Actors you
need. Although JCCT does not permit pre-casting, it
is perfectly OK to reach out to communities, groups
and individuals not usually represented on our stage,
and to encourage them to get involved. In fact, with
the growing number of opportunities for Jay County
Actors, it’s almost essential that you do some
outreach if you want a good audition turnout.
        JCCT, INC.   PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
Other  questions        you’ll   want   to   consider      early
       • How do I best publicize my show? The Production
           Supervisor should contact you, but don’t wait.
           Getting   out   early/timely   and   coordinated
           publicity will do your show far more good.
       • Do I want to use music with my show (for scene
           shifts, pre-show or other uses)? If so, you need
           to seek permission to use it. Again, doing this
           very early (months in advance) is the only way
           to approach it.
       • Will my set design require any alterations to the
           usual JCCT seating plan or stage and curtain
           setup? If so, you should speak to the Technical
           Director, and ultimately you also need to get
           permission from the Board.
       • Do I need any unusual scenic elements, properties
           or costume items? If so, where am I going to get
       • Will this show appeal to a special audience? If
           so, how can I get the word out to them (beyond
           normal publicity channels)? Again, you should
           work with the Production Supervisor.
Assembling Your Crew
Give some thought to who you want to work with, what
strengths you need backstage, what you want people to
do and whether those you choose will be able to meet
your needs. The Production Supervisor can help you
with a list of past volunteers.
If you are a new JCCT Director, we will be required
to have veterans in at least some of your key
positions, particular Stage Manager and Assistant
Director. We do this for two reasons – to make sure
          JCCT, INC.     PRODUCTION MANUAL     2011-2012
you have the extra support every first-timer needs,
but also to make sure that your production team
includes people who are familiar with how we do
things here. When you do start recruiting crew
members, make sure they understand exactly what you
expect of them. Some Directors need assistants who
can handle taking over a rehearsal or two or who will
work with Actors on technique or lines; others need
well-organized assistants who can handle all the
paperwork. Some Directors require a lighting designer
to run the Board during performances; others don’t
mind it if the designer passes that job on to someone
Don’t assume that asking someone “Will you be my
Stage Manager?” is enough — Stage Managers at JCCT
have various levels of experience. Some of the
questions to resolve:
    • How much time are you willing to put into this
    • Who will do what?
    • Who chooses support crew?
The Production Supervisor will aide in Stage Manager
Early clarity will prevent later misunderstandings.
Before you discuss your show with designers, you need
to make some decisions about how you want to stage
it. Will it be realistic, abstract, in the round,
thrust or “black box”? Do you want period costumes or
something symbolic? If you aren’t clear about what
you want, your designers won’t be able to meet the
show’s needs, or your concept and none of you will be
happy with the results.

       JCCT, INC.   PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
You may wish to wait until auditions to choose some
of your production team.  Sometimes volunteers show
up at auditions only to be members of the crew or
technical staff.
If you have trouble filling key crew positions,
contact the Production Supervisor (lighting, stage
crew, costumes, props, etc.) They should be able to
help you find the right person for the job.
As a rule, plan to have your key assistants and
designers (Production Staff) before auditions. Meet
with them, discuss your concepts and wishes and get
them working before you get caught up in auditions
and rehearsals. The earlier you get them started, the
less you’ll have to worry about later on.
Working with the Board
JCCT’s Board of Directors fills most of the roles a
producer would fill in professional theatre. The
Board acquires play performance rights, provides you
with a budget, and handles most publicity. The box
office is the responsibility of the Board appointed
Box Office Manager.
To keep the Board up-to-date on your show (and to
keep individual Board Members out of your hair!) a
Production Supervisor is appointed. This is a veteran
JCCT Board Member or Board Advisor who knows the
ropes and can help you, your cast and crew through
the rocky spots that even the best show can
One month before auditions you should start attending
Board meetings, held on the second Tuesday of each
month at 6:30 p.m. (check calendar). You, or your
Assistant Director and your Production Supervisor
       JCCT, INC.   PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
needs to be available for each meeting from then
until just after your show closes to keep the Board
up to date on your progress, answer questions and
stay abreast of theatre developments which may affect
your production. Some of those interim meetings will
be optional, but they are good opportunities for you
to get or give information.
At least one meeting before your auditions: Alert the
Board to any unusual needs, expenses or technical
challenges your show presents. The Board may be able
to suggest options you have not thought of. Your
Production Supervisor will be appointed at this
meeting. Give the Board a list of your key technical
crew. The Board reserves the right to approve crew
members in positions of responsibility for people or
expensive equipment, including:
       •   Stage Manager
       •   Lighting Designer
       •   Scenic Designer
       •   Master Carpenter
       •   Light Board Operator
       •   Sound Board Operator
Although we encourage Directors to recruit new people
for crew positions, there are some exceptions. If you
have never directed for JCCT before, you must choose
a Stage Manager who has considerable experience with
JCCT. All new lighting operators must be approved by
the Board, who may ask them to undergo training. By
now, you should also have discussed special sound,
properties,  and   special  effect   needs  with  the
Technical Director.    The Technical Director has the
veto power over design choices, because they have
been chosen for their expertise, the Board will need
       JCCT, INC.       PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
a    compelling     reason    to     override   their
recommendations. They can often provide you with
safer, less expensive, more workable solutions to
your design challenges.
Depending on your rehearsal schedule, there may be
two or three Board meetings between auditions and the
time your production closes. You should attend or
submit a report through your Production Supervisor at
all of them so the Board can check in with your
At the meeting after you close your production, make
sure all your show receipts are turned in, and be
prepared to give a final report detailing any
problems or other experiences that might be useful to
the Board or future Directors. Many of the things you
are reading in this manual arose from the experiences
of our Directors. Between meetings, your Production
Supervisor is your link to the Board.

Production Supervisor	
The Board will assign each show a Production
Supervisor before auditions.
Directors   are   encouraged  to   meet   with   their
Production Supervisor early, then weekly during
production and to use them as the valuable resources
they are intended to be.
By being familiar with JCCT’S resources and skill
bank, Productions Supervisors can point Directors to
whom or what they need to solve technical and other
The   Production   Supervisor  can   relay   emergency
requests to the Board between meetings.
The Production Supervisor can answer or find answers
to questions Directors have about how JCCT operates.
       JCCT, INC.   PRODUCTION MANUAL    2011-2012
A theatrical production sometimes seems like one long
series of deadlines: publicity deadlines, program
deadlines, deadlines for getting photos taken or
coming up with a budget. No matter how well-organized
you are, deadlines can sneak up and catch you by
Deadlines are NOT arbitrary. We’ve set them at the
latest possible moment that will allow you to do what
you need to do, but still allow our Board Members and
Production Staff to do their jobs publicizing your
show, putting up displays, etc. By meeting deadlines
(or getting things done early!) you help ensure that
everything runs smoothly and your production has all
the support it needs.
Check the appropriate sections of this manual for
your deadlines, and make sure to add them to your
production calendar. Many Directors like to make
their assistants responsible for keeping track of
deadlines    and   reminding   them    when   they’re

Planning Ahead
Do you expect an unusually large audition turnout?
(Often true for musicals, or shows with roles for
children). If so, consider holding auditions over
four nights, or setting aside a special night for
youngsters. Don’t forget to note if you want the
Actors to come with prepared audition pieces, songs,
or anything else they need to know about ahead of
time. (Have it posted on the website or Facebook via
Webmaster or the Board.)

       JCCT, INC.   PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
Cast and crew are encouraged to get to know their
Production Supervisor and feel free to contact them:
  • If they have problems they are unable to resolve
      by talking to the Director, Assistant or Stage
  • If tech crew needs help solving production
The Board will use the Production Supervisor:
  • As the producer’s eyes and ears, to make sure each
      production is progressing smoothly and on
  • To relay questions, requests and announcements to
      Directors between Board meetings
  • To help protect the theatre’s human and physical


       JCCT, INC.   PRODUCTION MANUAL    2011-2012
Planning Your Production
JCCT derives all of its operating funds from ticket
sales and donations. It is essential that each
Director be as thrifty and creative as possible when
determining what they will spend. We encourage you to
seek donations of construction materials, properties,
furnishings, etc. Borrow what you can (although we
advise against borrowing valuable antiques, vintage
clothing or other costly or easily damaged items).
Use materials already in stock (Platforms, flats,
costumes, etc.) wherever possible. Check with the
Warehouse and Costume Committee Chairpersons before
you design your set or begin buying or building

Production Budget
Each Director will be given a proposed production
budget by the Board meeting before auditions.
Your budget will include estimates for:
  • Scenery
  • Costumes
  • Properties
  • Lighting
  • Unusual makeup items (things we would not normally
      stock and that have limited use, such as false
      eyelashes or beards)
Your budget does not include royalties, posters,
programs, lighting gels, photocopying (schedules,
vocal exercises, study guides, forms and handouts) or
other items that are part of the theatre’s normal
cost of producing shows. If you plan to build or buy
       JCCT, INC.    PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
items which might be useful beyond your show, talk to
the Production Supervisor about excluding those items
from   your   budget.       It   is   the   Director’s
responsibility to see that the show stays within
budget. That means approving spending in advance,
collecting and initialing receipts and turning them
over to the Production Supervisor. They in turn can
obtain the reimbursements and allocate accordingly.
You may delegate these tasks to an assistant, but you
need to oversee their progress. (Please see the FORMS
section of this manual for expense reports)      Check
with   the   Production   Supervisor   before   buying
hardware, paint, fabric, etc. We may already have
what you need.      We would prefer that you pull
whatever you can from our considerable costume stock.
Please ask your Costume Designer to talk with our
Costume Committee Chairperson early in the process to
determine what we have and what you need to build or
rent. We usually prefer to add truly useful items to
our stock; rental may be appropriate for unusual or
rarely used items. But please DO NOT sign a rental
contract until you’ve discussed it with the Costume
Committee Chairperson and the Production Supervisor
and have been approved.    While rental may seem like
an easy option for your show, we also need to take
into account what is most cost-effective for the
theatre’s long-term needs.     You may shift spending
within your budget categories (if you don’t need your
entire scenic budget but need more for costumes, for
instance), but you may not go over budget without
prior Board approval.

       JCCT, INC.   PRODUCTION MANUAL    2011-2012
You need to itemize your expenses, if you spend your
own money and want to get reimbursed, you do need to
turn in a receipt initialed by the Director and
noting   the   category  of   spending  (set,  props,
costumes, etc.).
If you do not wish to be reimbursed, please let the
Production Supervisor know what you have spent so
they may provide you with a receipt. This allows us
to get a realistic estimate of what your production
actually cost.
Likewise, if someone donates something of value to
JCCT for your production, make sure to give their
name, address and a description of the item(s) to the
Production Supervisor so we can thank them and
provide them with a receipt for tax purposes.

Donations & Taxes
All funds received during any theatre production are
considered theatre income and should be given to the
Treasurer   via   the  Production   Supervisor. This
includes any donations given directly to performers
to pass along to JCCT.     Also, if anyone wishes to
claim a donation on their taxes, the Treasurer via
the Production Supervisor, needs to be informed of
the item and its value so that an appropriate
letter/receipt can be drafted to the donator.

       JCCT, INC.   PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
The Board will order sufficient scripts for your show
approximately two weeks before your auditions. If you
need  them   sooner,   let  them  know.     For  most
productions, scripts belong to cast members; they may
keep them after the show closes. Musicals, as a rule,
are different: We rent the scripts and scores and
must return them, free of pencil marks, when the show
closes.   They   usually   arrive  later,  too.   The
Production Supervisor will keep track of musical
scripts and scores, and make sure to collect them at
set strike, after cast and orchestra members have
erased all markings.

In the fall of 2009, the Board of Directors of the
Jay County Civic Theatre, Inc. voted to begin a
policy of script deposits for all JCCT (returnable
script) productions. This policy was made necessary
by numerous scripts being lost or not returned over
the last several years. Any script not returned must
be paid for by JCCT, resulting in hundreds of dollars
in unnecessary fees. An organization such as JCCT
cannot absorb these kinds of losses. Therefore, all
cast members receiving scripts for a JCCT, Inc.
production are asked to write a check for $30 made
out to Jay County Civic Theatre, Inc. These checks
WILL NOT BE CASHED but held by the JCCT Treasurer and
WILL BE RETURNED when the script is returned. If the
script is not returned, JCCT then has the right to
cash the check to cover our expenses. If this causes
any hardships, we ask that you have the actors speak
to a board member regarding their specific needs. We
       JCCT, INC.   PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
do not want anyone to be excluded from JCCT
productions due to this policy but we must also
consider the financial security of the JCCT. (There
is a letter for Actors in the back of this manual.)
Scripts will be signed out and checks collected by
the               Production               Supervisor.
JCCT does not photocopy any script as an organization
due to copy right laws.

Photocopies (other than scripts              or      any
material with a copyright)
We are currently printing our posters, newsletters,
programs, brochures, etc. at Progressive Office
Products in Portland, IN. We have an account with
Progressive and you may sign for your copies. Please
check with Production Supervisor before making any
large quantities of copies.

Recording and Videotaping
JCCT does not permit video or audio taping of
performances or rehearsals due to copyright laws.
Virtually all production contracts prohibit taping,
no matter what you may have heard to the contrary.
That includes taping of rehearsals for educational
purposes. Please don’t do it.
Violating production contracts can endanger our very
existence, and will not be tolerated. Make this clear
to your cast, and ask them to pass the information to
their friends and relatives. If our house staff sees
anyone using a video camera during a performance, the
device will be confiscated until the show is over.

       JCCT, INC.   PRODUCTION MANUAL    2011-2012
No such restrictions apply to royalty-free scripts
(i.e., Shakespeare), we prefer that Directors ask
Board permission to video tape those productions.
The rights to these productions belong to JCCT, INC.
There is to be NO FLASH photography during a
performance.   We do have a Photo Night set for each
production.   This is the best time for family and
friends to take photos of the show.

JCCT takes copyright issues seriously. Please DO NOT
assume you may change a script unless you have
written permission from the copyright holder. If you
wish to make changes, we suggest contacting the play
service early (via the Board); in many cases they
will refer you to the playwright’s representatives.


       JCCT, INC.   PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
Problems and Pitfalls
Even  the   best-planned    production  can  run  into
problems.  The   trick   is   anticipating  them,  and
catching them before they become serious. Here, in no
particular order, are some problems that have cropped
up during recent seasons.

       • Smoking on Stage
       Directors should carefully consider whether having
       a character smoke is worth the ill will it may
       generate. If smoking is truly integral to a
       character’s personality or the situation, think of
       ways to minimize the actual number of times the
       character lights up. And, notify the Production
       Supervisor so that we can include a warning note
       in our pre-show publicity.

       • Alcohol on Stage
       Directors should know JCCT NEVER ALLOWS alcohol on
       stage or even in the venue.    Nor do we tolerate
       staff, volunteers or Board Members to be under its
       influence during a production rehearsal, or

       • Minors and Rehearsals
       Directors and Stage Managers should make sure that
       each and every Minor involved in a production has
       parental approved rides to and from rehearsals.
       This is to insure that the parents or guardians
       know that JCCT is ONLY responsible for the minor

        JCCT, INC.      PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
from the beginning of rehearsal or performance
       until they are picked up by an approved adult.
       (Please see form in handout section.)

       • Negativity
       Directors and Stage Managers should make sure to
       “nip this in the bud asap!”     Do not let anyone
       person or a group of persons begin negative
       feelings that can harm creative process and family
       environment that is JCCT.    If you are unable to
       handle   this   situation  please   contact   your
       Production Supervisor for help in this matter.
       JCCT strives to be a place for all to have a
       positive Theatrical Experience!

       • Language
       Directors and Stage Managers should be aware of
       the content of the script but also monitor the
       language usage during the production process.
       JCCT never wishes to offend anyone, but there are
       times that it will happen, especially with the
       content of some scripts. Please be extra cautious
       with mixed casts (i.e. Elementary – Jr. HS with HS
       – Adult). Cursing in general is not something we
       wish to promote.

JCCT productions are open to everyone. No pre-casting
is permitted. We strongly encourage Directors to give
new Actors an equal chance with those who have been
on our stage before. When we give new people a fair
shake and put them on our stage whenever we can that
        JCCT, INC.      PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
helps ensure a constant pool of fresh talent,
something no community theatre can survive long
without.    The no pre-casting rule is one of our
theatre’s few hard rules, and we hope you will make
an extra effort to make sure everyone who tries out
for your show understands it. Yes, it’s OK to
audition someone privately if they can’t make it to
tryouts, but please be sure to let the people who do
show up know that you’ve done so. When you’re
soliciting people to try out (and all good Directors
do that), be clear that you aren’t promising
anything. Few things are as damaging to a theatre’s
reputation as the notion that it’s a closed shop
where shows are pre-cast and new people don’t stand a
chance.  Traditionally, 8 weeks prior to the opening
of the show JCCT runs two nights of open auditions,
typically on Monday and Tuesday. Audition space and
time is set up by the Director in consultation with
the Production Supervisor. (The Typical Arts Place
contract allows for 13 rehearsal days - 3 dress
rehearsal days and 4 performance days - so it is to
our advantage to hold auditions at an alternative
location) As soon as the Audition information is set
the Board Secretary will send out press releases. If
you prefer a different schedule, or want to use
another night for callbacks, please notify the Board
Secretary as soon as possible so that we can include
that in the audition publicity. Directors may use
their own Audition forms or those also found in the
Forms and Worksheets section of this manual.

Audition Form
These forms are designed so that you write in your
show’s name and performance dates on the top of one
       JCCT, INC.   PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
form and then make    as many copies as you think you
will need 30 copies   is usually the maximum needed, so
don’t go overboard.    You can always make more copies
the second day of      your auditions should you need

Audition Checklist (This is also found in
the Forms and Worksheets section of this
For musicals, you must make your own arrangements for
an audition pianist
At auditions, you should:
  • Post a sign on the door welcoming people to
  • Lay out audition forms and plenty of sharpened
  • Post or announce a tentative rehearsal schedule.
  • Post and announce production dates.
  • Post cast responsibilities and the theatre’s
  (Also found in the Forms and Worksheets section of
this manual)
  • Introduce your crew and Production Supervisor.
  • Explain the commitment you expect from cast
      members, including arranging for their own
      transportation arriving on time and taking part
      in construction and set strike.
  • Impress upon those auditioning that they need to
      completely fill out their audition forms, which
      are used for publicity and other purposes, and
      to list all conflicts.
  • Distribute and collect those forms.
  • Solicit crew members as needed.
       JCCT, INC.     PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
• Announce how you will post or announce casting.

Once you have cast your show:
  • E-mail a copy to the JCCT Webmaster and your
      Production Supervisor so it can be posted on our
      web site as soon as possible.
  • Clean up after yourself, including returning the
      stage to the condition in which you found it.

Welcoming New People
During auditions, make sure everyone trying out feels
welcomed and comfortable, especially the newcomers.
Many Directors like to ask a friend or crew member to
be the official greeter, welcoming people as they
come in the door, collecting audition forms, pointing
the   way   to    the  restrooms,  replenishing   the
refreshments, etc.
Emphasize to those trying out that they are part of a
theater community as well as a community theater.
They share the building with other shows, and are
expected to treat each other with good will and
courtesy.   As a Director you are the first point of
contact for many newcomers. If you and your crew are
supportive and encouraging, it makes our theater more
enjoyable for everyone.
After the second night of auditions the Director, the
Production Supervisor (is there to observe and
protect the validity of the casting and only to give
opinions if asked) and whatever constitutes his or
her brain trust, go out and hash out the casting
decisions.    Whatever your choice, do let hopefuls
know when and how they can expect to hear the
announcement. Please get a copy to the JCCT Webmaster

          JCCT, INC.     PRODUCTION MANUAL    2011-2012
and your Production Supervisor as soon as possible,
too, so your cast can be added to JCCT’s Web page.
Audition Forms, Schedules and Bios: Who Gets Them?
As soon as possible after casting, please return all
audition forms (both cast and not cast) to your
Production Supervisor.    When you have a rehearsal
schedule and cast list, you should:
  • Distribute them to cast and crew.
  • Give copies to your Production Supervisor.

When you have bios for your key Production Staff,
Director, assistant(s), Stage Manager, Choreographer,
Music Director(s), and Designers, give them to the
Publicity Coordinator, who will distribute them to
those who need them. (See form section)

No matter where you’re Rehearsing, Make sure your
rehearsal furniture, props, etc. are returned to
where they belong, and put away.   Care of Flooring:
Please do not drag furniture or other heavy items
across the floor. Get enough people to safely carry
what needs to be moved.     If the floor gets dirty,
sweep, dust or damp-mop.

       • Early Rehearsals
         At read-through, plan to have your Costumer in to
         measure the cast. The sooner measurements are
         taken, the sooner the Costumer can get to work.
         At that first rehearsal, you have several things
         to do besides read through the script.     Review
          JCCT, INC.     PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
with your cast the responsibilities and rules set
       out by the theatre.    Let them know clearly what
       you expect from them, and what they can expect
       from you. Be especially clear about what time you
       plan to start (and end!) rehearsals. Double check
       their conflicts so you can prepare a rehearsal
       schedule. Distribute the handy ACTORS’ HANDBOOK
       which contains most of the theatre’s guidelines
       for Actors. Introduce your Production Supervisor
       and let him or her explain what they will be
       doing. It’s also a good idea to invite your crew
       to the first rehearsal and introduce them.     As
       soon as you can, hand out rehearsal schedules,
       telephone lists and other material you want your
       cast to have.     Also distribute copies to your
       Production    Supervisor   and    the   Publicity
       Coordinator.   Feel free to set your own rules
       about who may or may not attend rehearsals
       (including children) and how rehearsals will be
       conducted. Just let everyone involved know what
       those rules are.

  • Continuing Rehearsals
    Eight to twelve weeks may seem like a long
rehearsal period, but once you subtract:
        • Weekends (although you may schedule some
    weekend rehearsals)
        • Holidays
        • Cast and crew conflicts
    You may be surprised at how little rehearsal time
    you actually have. Schedule as many rehearsals as
    you think you need (our experience is that 20
    rehearsals is an absolute minimum, and probably
    not enough).

        JCCT, INC.     PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
•    Finding Alternate Rehearsal Space
           At times you may not be able to rehearse in your
           shows venue and may have to find other places to
           rehearse. Your Production Supervisor can get a
           list of churches, schools and other locations
           which may be available, but you need to schedule
           them yourself, as early as possible. You may start
           rehearsals at whatever time works for you and your
           cast, and your rehearsal space. It is customary to
           have them end by 9 p.m. for High school and Adults
           and 8pm for children, until the week before you
           open. This is not professional or academic
           theatre. Cast members have families and jobs (or
           school), and keeping them late will only cause
           problems and complaints.

Difficult People
Sometimes (but fortunately, rather rarely), an Actor
or crew member fails to live up to his or her
responsibilities. You can head off such problems by
being completely clear about your expectations. It
also helps to be consistent: Treat all Cast members
equally and fairly. If necessary, ask your Production
Supervisor to have a word with the offending person.

Dismissing Cast Members
On very rare occasions, an actor must be replaced. If
you believe that is going to happen, contact your
Production Supervisor ahead of time and involve him
or her in the process; that will protect you and the
theater from accusations of unfairness. Be sure to
tell the Publicity Coordinator about cast or crew
            JCCT, INC.      PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
changes so publicity can be changed accordingly.
Part of JCCT’s role as a community theatre is to
provide opportunities for people with all levels of
talent and experience. There is no guarantee that all
of them will turn out to be great Actors, nor should
we expect them to be. Bad acting, by itself, is not
sufficient grounds for dismissing a cast member.
Directors are urged to work with all Cast members to
encourage them to stretch and grow, and to reserve
dismissal for those rare individuals who actively
refuse to meet their commitments to the show. A
Director who merely believes he or she has made a
casting mistake is asked to live with that mistake as
long as the person involved is trying his or her
best. Who knows they may surprise you!

No Romance in the Wings
The fact remains that romance — and more — has been
known to blossom in the intimacy of producing a play.
In most cases, it’s nobody’s business but the parties
involved.      Times   have   changed,    though,  and
yesterday’s flirtation can be today’s accusation of
sexual harassment. Although there’s a fine line
between being nosy and looking out for your show,
Directors should be alert to personal relationships
developing among cast and crew, and should be
especially   careful   not  to   put    themselves  in
situations which might be misconstrued.     It is also
our responsibility to be aware and to halt any such
relationship between Minors and Adults.

A Note About Children

       JCCT, INC.   PRODUCTION MANUAL    2011-2012
JCCT is proud to count many young people among its
theater family. We’ve watched a lot of kids grow up
right before our eyes and assume increasing positions
of responsibility, on stage and off. Their presence,
though, gives us a special responsibility to look out
for their safety and well-being both for their own
sakes, and to protect the theater from liability. It
is up to each Director to decide whether to permit
non cast children to attend rehearsals or work
parties. Directors should make their policies known
early, even at auditions. If children are brought to
the theater, they must be under direct adult
supervision at all times.    If Cast members need to
bring their children to rehearsals or work parties,
please recruit someone to keep an eye on them. Small
children must not be allowed on or near the stage
during construction or set strike; instead, set up a
supervised play area for them in one of the safer
parts of the theatre.   Even older children must not
be permitted to use power tools, climb ladders or
take on other risky tasks. Older teens may take on
some of these tasks, but only with proper training
and supervision.
         Assorted Other Information
Taking Care of JCCT
JCCT is getting better all the time, thanks to the
hard work of our volunteers and the generosity of our
donors. That makes it more important than ever that
we all do what we can to keep our reputation good and
protect the considerable investment in money and
volunteer effort that is continually being put into
       JCCT, INC.   PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
our productions.      Cleaning the backstage areas
(including the greenroom) is the responsibility of
the show that occupies those areas. It is recommended
that the Stage Manager or their designate sweep the
stage floor before each performance. Clean up our own
messes. Don’t assume that somebody else will take
care of it. If you spill something, mop it up right
away. If you bring food into the theater, dispose of
leftovers in the dumpster Food left in waste baskets
attracts bugs and mice.

If there are smokers in your cast, please try to
provide them with sufficient break time to go
outside. Smokers should pick up after themselves and
dispose of butts appropriately.   The law does permit
smoking on stage when the action of the play demands
it, although we urge Directors to seek other options.

Tickets and Seating
If your set design would remove or change seating
(with a thrust, for example), you must get permission
from the Board no later than the month before tickets
go on sale.     If anything about your show (i.e.,
signing for the hearing impaired) might appeal to
audiences with special seating needs, confer with the
Publicity Coordinator in advance.   JCCT will reserve
a seat for you and your assistant every night. Please
leave a note in the box office indicating which two
back-row seats you prefer. These are yours to sit in.
If your show is selling out, you may wish to tell the
box office to sell your seats.     If someone donates
something extraordinary to your show, the Director
       JCCT, INC.   PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
should ask the Board Secretary to send them a letter
which they may exchange at the box office for two
free tickets to the show. Please do so early enough
so they can get their letter in time to reserve
tickets!   Cast members are responsible for getting
their own tickets, in advance, just like other
patrons. They should not wait till the last minute
and expect to get seats for their families and

Staying involved with JCCT and Membership
JCCT encourages cast and crew to stay involved with
the theatre. The JCCT bylaws consider all Volunteers
whether on stage of off JCCT members. Members have a
vote in theatre business, elect our Board of
Directors, serve on committees and, are encouraged to
attend Board Meetings. They may also serve as Crew
and become eligible to run for the Board.     We hope
the people involved in a production will want to
remain part of our theatre family. Much of the work
of running our theater is done by our all-volunteer
Board of Directors and their Committees. Dozens of
tasks need to be done regularly.          If you are
interested in helping, contact the JCCT Volunteer
Coordinator and ask to be put to work.   Cast members
will be called once their shows have closed (as long
as the Volunteer Coordinator has received copies of
their tryout forms from you!) to ask if they would
like to volunteer for upcoming shows. This is a great
way for casts to get together again after their shows
close.     There are usually Board positions up for
reelection every May, and nominations are open to any
Theatre member who has served as an on or off stage
volunteer for JCCT any time in the previous season.
       JCCT, INC.   PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
Those who aren’t interested in, or ready to audition
again right away may want to turn up at auditions
anyway and find out of the next show needs any
backstage help. Even if you only have one free
weekend, you may be able to help build or paint a
set, sew costumes or otherwise be involved. If your
time is limited, contact the Volunteer Coordinator
about   serving  as   an   usher,   ticket taker   or
refreshment server or working in the box office
during a performance.     Our never-ending remodeling
efforts may mean periodic work parties at our
warehouse to tear out old stuff, install new stuff
and generally spruce the place up. The Production
Supervisor can tell you if any work parties are
coming   up   or  check   the   JCCT   Web site   at:    The theatre also has an
electronic mailing list for informal, theatre-related
communication among our volunteers and supporters. If
you would like to subscribe, contact the Board
Secretary at

Taking Care of Our People
The Stage Manager is responsible for learning and
making   others  aware  of  the  location   of  fire
extinguishers, fire alarms and emergency exits, and
should also make sure safety guidelines are observed

Safe Scenery
Safety must be the No. 1 concern during set
construction.   Minors are not to use power tools
under any circumstances (and should not be sent up
ladders); untrained adults should use them only under
       JCCT, INC.   PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
supervision. Those who use tools must follow proper
safety procedures (wearing goggles or respiration
masks, using safety guards on saws, etc.).        Be
especially careful when lifting or moving lumber,
platforms, large set pieces, heavy furniture, etc.,
both to avoid back injuries and to keep from running
into, or over, other volunteers.     Sets themselves
must be designed with safety in mind. Among other
things, that means adequate railings on stairs and
platforms (on stage and backstage, adequately braced
platforms and sufficient blue light or glow tape
behind sets so Actors can see where they’re going.
The Production Supervisor can help if you have
questions about set safety. The Technical Director
and Production Supervisor have the final word on
safety issues.

If an injury occurs, first see that it is treated
either on site, with supplies which you will find in
the scene shop and backstage restroom First Aid kits,
or at the hospital emergency room, if the injury is
serious. Don’t hesitate to call 911 for an ambulance
if someone is bleeding, unconscious or appears to
have broken a bone.      Then immediately report the
injury to your Production Supervisor, who will let
the Board know what happened.   Stage Managers should
check First Aid supplies periodically and make sure
they are restocked (we will reimburse them).      The
theatre has limited insurance coverage for uninsured
volunteers who are hurt on the job. Contact the
Treasurer about filing claims.

Cast and Crew Security Guidelines
       JCCT, INC.   PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
Lock your car, and make sure you don’t leave
valuables visible inside.   Use the buddy system when
leaving the building at night. Always walk each other
to cars. If someone (especially a minor) has to wait
for a ride, a Production Staff member should wait
with them. Do not allow people (including patrons) to
wait for rides outside the building, alone, in the
dark!   Stage Managers are usually responsible for
locking up each night. Someone else should stay with
them until they’re ready to leave. Assign someone to
make sure all theatre-owned tools are gathered up and
accounted for at the end of every construction party.
If tools go missing, report it immediately to the
Production Supervisor.

It is suggested that JCCT productions hold a day-long
retreat on a Saturday or Sunday one or two weeks
before opening. Retreats are extremely useful for
polishing the show and completing technical tasks,
they are not mandatory; it is up to each Director to
decide whether to hold one. JCCT does not routinely
hold previews. It is entirely up to you whether to
close your final rehearsal or allow your cast to
invite a few friends and relations. You may be asked
to add a preview or performance for benefit or
marketing purposes, but please do not invite large
groups without asking the Board first (we may have to
pay royalties). Remember: JCCT relies on box office
revenues; we would rather not give away more seats
than we have to.

       JCCT, INC.   PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
Complimentary Tickets
JCCT does not routinely provide “comp tickets” to
cast, crew or anyone else — although if someone
provides extraordinary support to your show (see
also: Tickets and Seating, above), you may ask the
Production Supervisor (well in advance, please) to
provide them with a letter they can exchange for one
or two complimentary tickets. As Director, you are
generally entitled to 2 seats each night for yourself
and a key assistants; if you do not need them, let
the box office know so they can be sold.

         Stage Manager’s Responsibilities
From opening night on your Stage Manager will be
responsible for the Rehearsal Space/Stage and many
other tasks. He or she may delegate some of those
responsibilities. Sometime during the week before
closing, the Stage Manager is to contact the Director
and together you need coordinate your set strike.
They are responsible for helping with the duties
which will allow for the smooth and efficient running
of rehearsals and performances. It is up to you to
decide with your Stage Manager who is responsible for
keeping   the  master   prompt  script,  setting   up
rehearsal space prior to each rehearsal and striking
rehearsal furniture and props as necessary, running
and calling show, posting Cast/Crew Sign-in sheets,
taking and posting Production Meeting notes, Daily
Rehearsal notes, and coordinating the production run

Rehearsal duties, to be negotiated with Director,
include recording blocking, prompting, taking Line
Notes,   contacting absent  or   tardy  actors/crew
       JCCT, INC.   PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
members,       calling   cast/crew   members   in   from   breaks,

The Stage Manager should be aware of the location of
telephones and fire extinguishers for use during an
emergency,  and   be   well-versed  in   all  safety
procedures, especially fire evacuation and tornado

       1.    Reads and studies the play; discusses duties
         and responsibilities with the Director.
       2.    Attends all production meetings.
       3.    Assists the Director at auditions.
       4.    Distributes and collects Audition Forms and
         Crew Call Forms, emphasizes to auditionees     the
         need to list all conflicts, takes a Digital photo
         of auditionees (which is then stapled to the form)
         as   needed,   keeps  track   of   the   order  of
         auditionees, keeps audition flowing smoothly,
         ushers auditionees into theatre, and announces
         them as per the Director's instructions.
       5.    Assists the Scenic Designer in taping out the
         ground plan on floor of stage and/or rehearsal
         hall as needed.
       6.    If the Director requests, the Stage Manager
         generates a rehearsal schedule and makes copies
         for all cast, and crew.

Rehearsal Period:
       1.    Generates sign in/ sign out sheet.
       2.    Places and spikes furniture, rugs, etc. as
         established by the Director.
       3.    Obtains and maintains any rehearsal props
          JCCT, INC.       PRODUCTION MANUAL        2011-2012
called for by the Director by the "Rehearsal Props
         Due"   deadline   on    the   Production Calendar.
         Rehearsal props are substitutes of comparable size
         and weight used by actors until the final props
         are available.
       4.    The Stage Manager runs weekly Production
         Meetings, and takes Production Meeting Report
         notes. The Stage Manager will then generate
         Production Meeting Reports.
       5.    At first read through, the Stage Manager
         obtains the cast's names, addresses, and telephone
         numbers, and then generates a contact sheet which
         is distributed to cast and production team.
       6.    Stage Manager makes sure that every actor
         receives a rehearsal schedule and keeps cast
         advised of any changes.
       7.    Takes   Daily    Rehearsal   Reports at   each
         rehearsal and posts them daily. These reports will
         include all changes, additions, or deletions that
         arise during daily rehearsals. These changes could
         include the addition of a prop, a question to a
         designer, a change in rehearsal schedule, etc.
         This will be a written record of such requests and
         changes to facilitate the timely completion of
         tasks and to insure that all members of cast and
         crew receive notification of schedule changes and
         so on.
       8.    Arrives at least ten minutes early for every
         rehearsal   to   set    stage  furniture and   any
         rehearsal. Stage Manager insures that ALL stage
         furniture and rehearsal props are struck and
         stored after each rehearsal.
       9.    Walks through scenes for any absent actor or
         assigns a delegate to do so.
       10.   Attempts to contact any missing or unexcused
          JCCT, INC.     PRODUCTION MANUAL    2011-2012
       11.   The Stage Manager insures that all actors are
         in place prior to the beginning of each scene.
       12.   Records in Stage Manager's book all blocking,
         intentional pauses, stage business, and all light,
         sound, music, special effects, and curtain cues,
       13.   Prompts the actors precisely and corrects
         mistakes to the extent that the Director wishes.
         It is important for the Stage Manager to keep up
         with the script during rehearsals and is ready to
         prompt an actor immediately upon receiving a
         "Line" request. Takes Line Notes of dropped lines,
         jumped lines, etc. and distributes to the cast.
       14.   Taking    down    blocking     OR    prompting
         actors/taking line notes may be delegated to the
         Assistant Stage Manager at the Stage Manager's
       15.   After all rehearsals and performances the
         Stage Manager insures that all debris is picked
       16.   Stage Manager collaborates with the Lighting
         Designer, Light Board Operator, Sound Designer,
         Costume Designer, Director, Technical Director in
         holding a Paper Tech prior to tech week.
       17.   Stage Manager is responsible for penciling in
         all light, sound, fly, actor, and scene shift
         cues. The Stage Manager is responsible for
         obtaining cue sheets from the Lighting and Sound
         Designers in enough time to prepare the prompt
       18.   The Stage Manager prepares for Cue to Cue
         Rehearsal in order to facilitate the efficient and
         smooth running of the rehearsal.
       19.   The Stage Manager is the primary person
          JCCT, INC.     PRODUCTION MANUAL    2011-2012
responsible for communication         among   production
        staff, cast and crew.

Dress Rehearsal/Performance Period:
       1.    Once performances begin, the prompt book
         containing blocking notes, lighting cues and sound
         cues should be locked in the booth or another safe
         place so that it is accessible in the event that
         the Director cannot run a performance. The Stage
         Manager should create a second book to be kept
         with him/her that contains any information that
         may be needed during the day, such as contact
         lists, schedules etc.
       2.    The Stage Manager must be familiar with all
         Emergency Policies such as tornado warnings, fire,
         smoke, etc. The Stage Manager will contact the
         Faculty/Staff on Duty/Call for any emergency
         situations (equipment failure, smell of smoke,
         severe weather). In the case of life threatening
         emergency, the Stage Manager notifies Security and
         takes charge of implementing proper procedures.
         The Stage Manager should obtain a copy of the
         safety procedures.
       3.    The Stage Manager should generate a Run List
         for crew members that lists specific duties
         before, during and after each performance.
       4.    Stage   Manager   should   hold   scene   Shift
         Rehearsals with Crew Chief and Run Crew.
       5.    Takes   note   of  any   problems,   unfinished
         details, painting touch ups, and/or changes and
         communicates these to the proper crew chief,
         Technical Director.
       6.    Stage Manager (or delegate) insures the safety
         and sanitation of all props and consumables.
          JCCT, INC.      PRODUCTION MANUAL       2011-2012
7.    Stage Manager or Assistant Stage Manager or
         delegate is responsible for setting up and
         labeling any and all prop tables necessary for a
       8.    The   Stage   Manager  (or   delegate)  should
         generate a Prop Cue Sheet and diagrams for Run
         Crew members. These should indicate where every
         prop is preset on stage (a photo is often helpful)
         and/or where every prop is moved on or off stage
         during the run of the show.
       9.    Stage Manager is responsible for presetting
         all props both on and backstage prior to each
         Technical    and   Dress  Rehearsal,    and  every
         Performance. These duties may be delegated to the
         Assistant Stage Manager or a member of the Run
         Crew, but the Stage Manager should confirm that
         all props are properly preset and that hand props
         are dealt with. Performers are responsible for
         checking their own individual props prior to each
         performance and the Stage Manager is ultimately
         responsible that all props and furniture are
         correctly preset.
       10.   Performers should pick up props from the props
         table(s) or designated area backstage and return
         them there, and are responsible for presetting any
         personal props in pockets, etc. If an actor wants
         to assume responsibility for keeping such personal
         props between rehearsals and performances, this
         should be negotiated with the Stage Manager or
         Prop Master/Mistress.
       11.   Performers are responsible for bringing to the
         attention of the Stage Manager any items needing
       12.   The Stage Manager insures that all equipment
         and personnel are ready for performance. The Stage
          JCCT, INC.     PRODUCTION MANUAL    2011-2012
Manager should establish a check off list of
         duties including those that must be accomplished
         prior to opening the house and those that must be
         accomplished prior to curtain.
       13.   Stage Manager insures that all work lights are
         turned off, front exit doors are unlocked If the
         stage is to be swept and/or mopped, the Stage
         Manager assigns this task to a Run Crew member and
         insures it’s completion prior to the house
       14.   The    Stage   Manager    has   the    ultimate
         responsibility that the stage is set correctly and
         that all elements and members of the production
         team are ready for the performance. This typically
         requires a walkthrough of the entire stage and
         backstage area prior to the house opening. The
         Stage Manager should generate a checklist.
       15.   The Stage Manager gives the following calls to
         cast and crew: one hour; half hour; house open
         (after   House   Manager   notifies  SM);   fifteen
         minutes; ten minutes; five minutes; and places (at
         two minutes). The Stage Manager cannot give the
         "places" call until given the go-ahead by the
         House Manager at three minutes.
       16.   During Dry Tech, Cue to Cue and Tech/Run
         Rehearsals, the Stage Manager may stop rehearsal
         if necessary. The Stage Manager merely says
         "stop." The cast and run crews should hold quietly
         in place while the Stage Manager and the
         production team address the reason for
         stopping. The Stage Manager is responsible for
         choosing an appropriate restarting point in the
         script and restarting the rehearsal. The Stage
         Manager will inform the cast and crew where the
         rehearsal will restart (a line or cue) on the
          JCCT, INC.      PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
Stage   Manager's  command.   The   Stage  Manager
         restarts the rehearsal by simply saying "Go
       17.   At intermission, the Stage Manager insures
         that any necessary work-lights are turned on
         backstage, that no visitors are allowed backstage,
         and that any changes are accomplished.
       18.   During intermission, the Stage Manager informs
         the House Manager to signal the patrons back into
         the theatre for the next act five minute prior to
         the end of the intermission as determined by the
         Director. The SM follows the calling procedure
         from the top of the show including the following
         calls: ten minutes; five minutes; places (at two
         minutes). The Stage Manager cannot give the
         "places" call until given the go-ahead by the
         House Manager at three minutes.
       19.   The Stage Manager is responsible for keeping
         any times requested by the Director which could
         include total running time, running time of each
         act, and running time of scene changes.
Set Strike:
Leave the theatre in at least as good condition as
you found it — or better! Make it clear from Day One
that your entire cast and crew are expected to help.
Your strike goes beyond just taking down the set: It
includes   returning   borrowed   items  immediately,
cleaning the backstage area (and the dressing room
restrooms), sending costumes to be cleaned. Your
strike is not finished — and your cast should not
leave — until you have toured the building with the
Production Supervisor and they agree that everything
is OK. A checklist will be provided to help you make
sure everything necessary gets done.
          JCCT, INC.     PRODUCTION MANUAL    2011-2012
Other Post-Show Responsibilities:
Collect (and erase) musical scores so they can be mailed
back to the company that rented them to us. The
Production Supervisor is responsible for returning the
scores and scripts the week after closing.   Turn in all
receipts and attend the Board meeting after your show to
give a final report.    Be sure your costumer picks up
clothes after they have been cleaned and returns them to
the warehouse.   One final note for Directors who also
act: Please do not plan to try out for a show that
overlaps  with   yours,  unless  you   first  get  Board
permission as Director, your show must be your first

       JCCT, INC.    PRODUCTION MANUAL    2011-2012

                    • An Actors Handbook
             • JCCT Drug and Alcohol Policies
                  • Cast Responsibilities
            • Stage Manager’s Responsibilities
                           • Costumes
                      • Lights and Sound
                              • Sets
                          • Properties
                      • Make-Up and Hair
                   • Artwork Requirements

       Please copy the following pages as needed.
       Distribute them appropriately to your cast
                        and crew.

          JCCT, INC.   PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
Forms and Worksheets
Remove the following pages from this manual and
photocopy as many as you need. Distribute them to the
appropriate people, or use them to keep track of your
deadlines, budget and publicity materials.       It’s
always a good idea to keep a copy of completed forms
in case they get lost or anyone has questions.

                      Box Office Report
                     Deadline Worksheet
                     Audition Checklist
                      Publicity Form 1
                      Publicity Form 2
                      Publicity Form 3
                    Script Sign Out Log
                 Hair & Make-Up Worksheets
                         Property Log
                          Photo Call
                          Sound Cues
                    Lighting Track Sheet
                       Dressing Notes
                  JCCT Audition Form 2011
                        JCCT Bio Form
                      Budget Worksheet
               Costume Measurement Worksheets
        Arts Place, Inc. Stage Ground Plan (simple)
       Arts Place, Inc. Stage Ground Plan Dimensions
            Arts Place, Inc. House Seating Chart

       JCCT, INC.        PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
Deadline Worksheet
Please fill in your own deadlines, give a copy to
your Assistant Director and put this somewhere you’ll
see it every day.
Meet with Production Supervisor:
          (To discuss crew and tech needs tentative budget, etc.)
Board meeting #1: Advance planning
Special needs reported
Meet with production crew (at least once a week during
production) __________________________________
Prepare for auditions; lay out expectations
PR Form 1 _________________________________
          (Includes material for audition notices)
Board meeting #2: Pre-audition report
            (Submit names of key crew people, approval from Set, Lighting,
                                Costume Designers due)
       Don’t forget to give copy of cast list to Production Supervisor.
Board meeting #3: Progress report
          (Lighting Manager’s approval due)
(Additional Board meetings, if applicable):

            JCCT, INC.          PRODUCTION MANUAL          2011-2012
PR Form 2 due
       (information about opening, for newsletter and releases)
Poster art to Publicity Coordinator
Take stage
Program art to Publicity Coordinator
Contact newspapers
T-shirt orders in
PR Form 3 due
Bio forms due
Final program changes due
Opening night!
Set strike
Final Board report

        JCCT, INC.           PRODUCTION MANUAL          2011-2012
Budget Worksheet











Notes about unusual expenses:

        JCCT, INC.      PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
Jay County Civic Theatre, Inc. – AUDITION FORM
                       Production: ___________________________________       Directed by: _______________________________
           ROLE CONCIDERED for - Director’s USE ONLY: ___________________________________________________________

    Name: ______________________________________________ Sex: ______ Age: ________                 AUDITION #__________
                (as you would like it to appear in the Program)
    Home Address: _____________________________________ City: _____________________ State: _____ Zip: __________
    Home Phone: ________________________ Cell Phone:_______________________ Work Phone:__________________
    Do you have an answering machine? (Yes or No) Do you accept TEXTS? (Yes or No) Do you FACEBOOK? (Yes or No)
    E-mail Address: (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY)_________________________________________________________________
•   Height:________ Weight:________ Hair Color:__________ Eye Color:____________
•   Vocal Range: (circle one)      SOPRANO MEZZO ALTO TENOR BARITONE BASS                             NOT SURE
•   Do you sing Harmony? (Yes or No) Do you read Music? (Yes or No) Do you Play an Instrument? ( Yes or No)_________
•   Dance Experience: Style of Dance________________________________________________YearsStudied______________
•   Special Skills: (Juggling, gymnastics etc..)___________________________________________________________________
    Role(s) Auditioning for: _______________________________________________________________________________
    Will you accept any role, including chorus? (Yes or No)
                                                     PAST THEATRE EXPERIENCE:
      YEAR                     THEATRE COMPANY                          SHOW TITLE                      ROLE

    IF NOT CAST in the show, or if cast and have time, would you be willing to be on a CREW? (Yes or No)
    If “Yes”, please circle the crew(s) that you interested in:
    LIGHTING            SOUND              MAKE-UP            FUNDRAISING           SET CONSTRUCTION        PROPS
    PUBLICITY           PARADE             COSTUMES           FRONT of HOUSE        FUNDRAISING

    List ALL CONFLICTS on BACK - BOTTOM ½ of this FORM. Now through end of production. (Work, Vacation etc..)

    NOTICE: The rehearsals will be closed to the public. Rehearsals “typically” run Monday – Thursday 6:30pm – 9:00pm, until the
    last few weeks then the weekends may be used and should be marked on calendars as TBD (To Be Determined). Show dates
    are _______________________. There will be a “3 strike policy.” Your name and photos will be used for marketing and archival

    I have read the entire form and understand the commitment that I am making if I am cast. I also commit that I will be
    available for rehearsals and show dates as explained above.

    Signature: ________________________________________________________________Date:______________________

    Parent or Guardian Signature:(for those under 18 years of age) ____________________________________________________
                   JCCT, INC.                                     PRODUCTION MANUAL               2011-2012
Publicity Form 1
       (Due by deadline provided by Board Secretary, due
                 about 81 days before opening)
Director’s E-Mail:
Director’s Phone: Day:

Play Title:

(For Musicals:) Book by:
(For Musicals:) Lyrics by:
(For Musicals:) Music by:


Time: _______________________ Callbacks? __________

          JCCT, INC.      PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
Casting Needs: Men: __________ Women: ____________
Children: ___________
Special Information: (separate auditions for kids,
prepared audition pieces or songs, etc.)

                    Publicity Form 2
         Information for production publicity
(Due by deadline provided by Publicity Coordinator,
due about 56 days before you open)

Your name: _____________________________ Phone
number: _________________

Email address

Play Title:

Playwright (Lyricist, etc.):

Script Service:

       JCCT, INC.      PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
Director & Designers (as appropriate, and as they
wish to be listed in the program):
    • Director: ___________________________________

       • Set Design: ___________________________________

       • Lighting Design: ______________________________

       • Costume Design: ________________________________

       • Poster and program art: _______________________

       • Musical Director: _____________________________

       • Choreographer: ________________________________

       • Original music composed by: ___________________

    Attachments (These are due now. Make             sure   the
appropriate people get them turned in.)

Audition Forms: If you have not already done so send
legible copy of your audition forms to your
Production Supervisor.
 Yes | No
Completed Bio Forms: If you have not already done so,
give your completed bio forms (for cast, Director,
assistant(s), Stage Manager, musical Director,
conductor and Choreographer) to your Production
Supervisor.   Yes | No

              Content Notice and Director’s Notes.

          JCCT, INC.     PRODUCTION MANUAL    2011-2012
Content notice:
           • This play is (check all that apply):
           □ Suitable for all ages
           □ Suitable for older children
           □ Not suitable for children
           • This play contains (check all that apply):
           □ Profanity
           □ Vulgarity
           □ Strong language
           □ Extreme language
           □ Bawdy or risqué humor
           □ Sexual situations
           □ Partial nudity/Nudity
           □ Violence
           □ Smoking
           Director’s Notes: A brief (no more than two
       paragraphs) note to go in the program; designed to
       add to the audience’s enjoyment or understanding of
       the show. Keep it short and sweet. (Attach to this

          JCCT, INC.      PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
Publicity Form 3	
       (Due by deadline provided by Publicity Coordinator,
                usually 18 days before opening.)


Phone: ________________ E-mail:_____________________

Play Title & Author:

Setting (optional):

Scenes (optional):

Intermission: _______minutes between ___________ and
_________ (Standard: 15 minutes)

Crew List: Complete the crew list below. Fill out or
add only those positions which apply to your show. Do
not list your designers here — you gave them to us on
PR Form 2. Only note changes to your design team
here. Regarding those who have filled multiple
backstage roles during the course of your production
(i.e.: set dressing, props construction and shift
crew), the Program Editor may choose to list that
person’s contributions on a single line if space
constraints require.

Note: We do not expect you to have all crew and
acknowledgments at this time. You will be able to add
          JCCT, INC.      PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
more when your program is brought to you for
proofreading the week before you open.

Special Thanks for this production go to…: Please
list all individuals, businesses and organizations
who have made a material contribution to your
production. Please do not list anyone already noted
in the crew list, or family members unless they
actually worked on the show.

             Publicity Form 3 continued
                      CREW LIST
Production Supervisor: ____________________________
Assistant Director: _______________________________
Production Assistant(s): __________________________
Orchestra/Vocal Conductor__________________________
Stage Manager: ____________________________________
Head of Set Construction (if different from Set
Designer): ________________________________________
Set Construction (+cast and crew):
Set Dresser (if different from Set Designer):
Scenic Painter (if different from Set Designer):
Master Electrician (if different from Light
Lighting Board Operator: ___________________________
       JCCT, INC.    PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
Lighting Hang and Focus: __________________________
Sound Designer: ___________________________________
Sound Operator (if different from Sound Designer):
Sound Recording (if different from Sound
Live Sound Effects:________________________________
Special Effects: __________________________________
Costume Assistant: ________________________________
Wardrobe Mistress (if different from Costume
Designer): ________________________________________
Additional Costumes by
Sewing (if different from Costume
Dresser(s): _______________________________________
Property Master/Mistress:__________________________
Property Construction (if different from Property
Master/Mistress): _________________________________
Makeup Designer: __________________________________
Makeup Assistant(s):_______________________________
Hair Stylist: _____________________________________
Lobby Photos: _____________________________________
Production Photos: ________________________________
Poster and Program Printing: ______________________
Other (list):

       JCCT, INC.   PRODUCTION MANUAL   2011-2012
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
Jcct production manual
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Jcct production manual

  • 1. Jay  County  Civic  Theatre,  Inc.       Production  Manual   2012-­‐2013     Revised  by  Bryon  Sparks   1   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 2.   Please  Read  This  Manual!     Whether  or  not  you  have  directed,  stage  managed  or  otherwise  been   responsible   for   a   JCCT,   Inc.   production   before,   it   never   hurts   to   refresh  your  memory.  Nine  times  out  of  ten,  if  you  have  a  question   about   how   we   do   things,   you’ll   find   the   answer   here   —   and   if   you   don’t,  you’ll  find  out  how  to  find  out.  Things  may  have  changed,  too,   since   the   last   time   you   worked   with   us.   Changes   in   our   organizational  structure,  even  the  times  we  live  in  all  affect  the  way   we  do  things.  We  try  to  stay  flexible,  and  if  change  occurs  during  the   middle  of  a  season,  the  Board  of  Directors  will  make  every  effort  to   let  you  know.     This  manual  is  not  simply  —  or  even  primarily  —  a  rule  book.  It’s  a   road  map  to  staging  a  successful  production  that  runs  smoothly  and   is   fun   for   everyone   involved,   and   to   avoiding   some   of   the   potholes   others  have  fallen  into  over  the  years.  It’s  based  on  real  production   experience   with   JCCT,   Inc.,   and   offers   a   chance   to   learn   from   the   successes,   as   well   as   the   mistakes,   of   others.   Please   read   it   now;   copy   the   appropriate   sections   and   give   them   to   people   on   your   production  crew,  and  keep  it  handy  for  future  reference.   2   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 3.     Jay  County  Civic  Theatre,  Inc.     Mission  Statement     The   mission   of   Jay   County   Civic   Theatre,   Inc.   is   to   cultivate   creative   and   cultural   experiences   for   the   community.     Jay   County   Civic   Theatre,   Inc.   will   promote   the   development   and   maintenance   of   Theatre   Arts   in   Jay   County,   Indiana.   We   will   at   all   times   strive   for   artistic   excellence   through   our   community-­‐based,  independently-­‐produced  theatrical   performances  and  educational  programs.     3   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 4. Congratulations on Being Chosen to Direct for Jay County Civic Theatre   You are the Director. The JCCT is happy to leave artistic decisions and interpretation in your hands with the understanding that JCCT has the final Artistic say. But JCCT is more than just one production. Your production, and all those who take part in it are part of our JCCT family. We want everyone involved with your show to feel like part of the family and to understand that what they do is important to our theatre and its reputation among our patrons, our other volunteers and our community. Your cast and crew, and what you do for the next several months, are critical to JCCT’s success. As the Producer, JCCT, it’s Board and Board Advisors have a stake in your production and will do all they can to help it succeed. Open communication, between the Producers (JCCT) and your Production Staff, is vital in the success of every production. In order to foster this relationship you will be assigned a Production Supervisor to act as a liaison between your production and the Board of Directors. JCCT also needs to protect its assets, including our relationship with our volunteers, the community and our venues. Many of the policies outlined in this manual are aimed at doing just that, and they grow out of the many years of experience. If you don’t understand why we do something the way we do, feel free to ask, or to suggest a better way! (It is best to submit this to the Board during our regularly scheduled monthly meetings. Contact the Board President or Secretary regarding being put on the agenda.) You and your production are part of JCCT’s long tradition of creating Quality Theatre for Jay County and surrounding areas audiences. Thank you for helping us to build on that tradition. 4   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 5. Production Timeline The Board of Directors has the final Artistic word. I. One Year to Six Months prior to production dates: a. JCCT Board will secure location for performances. b. Sponsorship Committee will secure a Show Sponsor. c. JCCT Board will hold preliminary meeting(s) with Director to discuss vision and concept. Director is to find Production Staff Members as called for:  Stage Manager (Production Supervisor must approve)  Assistant Director (If Needed)  Musical Director (If Needed)  Scenic Designer  Costume Designer (Check with JCCT, Costume Mistress)  Lighting Designer (Check with JCCT, INC. Tech Director)  Properties Master/Mistress  Sound Designer  Crew Chief  Child/Pet Wranglers (as needed)  Gun Wrangler (as needed)  JCCT, INC. Is in charge of  Front of House Manager  Program Designer – Check for deadlines for program info  T-shirt-If you have a design in mind please let us know ASAP.  Publicity Coordinator JCCT Board President will make arrangements to order scripts. d. Publicity Coordinator needs to check on Special community events related to the 5   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 6. production. Announce special occasions to production staff. e. Director needs to approve a production design and aide in the creation of posters, break- a-legs, and cast/crew t-shirts. ***** JCCT BOARD HAS FINAL ARTISTIC SAY ***** II.About One Month before auditions: a. Schedule volunteers to work auditions. For musicals, there should be at least 4-5 people per night. Non Musical shows 2-3 are adequate. b. The Production Supervisor and available Board Members must be present at auditions. This is to assure the JCCT casting policy is being adhered to. c. Director is to hold a full production meeting with all production staff members. At this time, the director should have a tentative rehearsal schedule proposed. Start scenic ground plan and design, lighting plot, costume plot and property plot. d. Director is to check venue for audition and rehearsal space. e. Director is to present to the Webmaster via Production Supervisor any Audition Requests to be posted on the website and Facebook. III.Auditions: a. Make sure Audition Forms, Digital Camera, laptop (and possibly printer, if director wants pictures attached to audition form) pens and 6   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 7. stapler are brought to auditions. It is a good idea to have a proposed rehearsal schedule present so people know when rehearsals are. Audition form should contain a conflict schedule. There should also be a list of all available parts and their ages and vocal ranges posted for all auditionees to refer to. Parental consent form must be completed and signed. If there are a lot of auditionees, nametags are helpful. b. Check in auditionees as they arrive. Take their picture and save on laptop or print out and attach to audition form (Director’s choice). Make sure auditions run smoothly and that everyone gets a fair chance to try out for the part they want. c. The Production Supervisor and/or appointed Board Member sit in on casting decisions. If a Board Member is auditioning, they should not take part in any casting decisions. d. Once casting is complete, the Director, Assistant Director, or Stage Manger is responsible for contacting auditionees on the decisions. Call those who are cast first and get their commitment before calling those not cast. When calling, let them know when the first rehearsal is. When contacting those not cast, always encourage them to help out in some capacity. When calling children, it is best to speak to a parent, especially if the child is young. Please make sure your cast list is complete before any calls are made. DO NOT post list until it is COMPLETE. e. Director will set a cast list deadline for contacting all cast members. Auditionees will provide best reciprocating contact information at auditions. In case of lack of contact number, the director will set a time for auditionees to 7   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 8. contact the director. f. Prepare Cast/Production Staff list to pass out at first rehearsal and to Production Supervisor. IV.First Rehearsal: a. Production Supervisor and Board President should attend first rehearsal and encourage all Production Staff members to also come. They should make a brief announcement welcoming everyone to the production and JCCT. Make them aware of the following policies. (IF the show has Children in the cast, parents should attend at least the meeting portion of the rehearsal.). 1. All cast members have become members of Jay County Civic Theatre, Inc. 2. Costume Policy 3. Production Volunteer Policy 4. Venue/Rehearsal Space Policies 5. Attendance Policy 6. Explain that strike is mandatory for all cast and crew. 7. Explain Theatre etiquette and terms. b. Introduce other Production Staff members. c. Pass out cast list and Production Staff contact list. d. Arrange for parent volunteers to chaperone rehearsals if there is a large children’s cast. e. Special community events related to the production. Announce special occasions to Production Staff. f. Hand out 8x10 posters to cast members to post around communities. g. Read through the script as a cast. V. First Month of Rehearsals (6-10 weeks prior to show): 8   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 9. a. Production Supervisor should attend at least one rehearsal a week to see how things are progressing and answer questions. Make any business announcements to cast that are needed. b. Production Supervisor should attend all production meetings to see how things are progressing. VI. Second month of Rehearsals (2-6 weeks prior to show): a. Production Supervisor is to keep in constant contact with Production Staff members and directors. Make sure there are no problems with any of the production team. Be aware of expenditures and help keep show within budget. b. Production Supervisor must attend at least one rehearsal per week. Make announcements at rehearsals as needed. c. Production Staff should recruit help for hanging posters, set construction, and costumes. Help recruit stage crew for Stage Manager. Help recruit for light hang and focus. Check for specialty props. Assign prop hunter and gatherers as needed. d. Publicity Coordinator should arrange to have a photographer come in to take head shots and rehearsal shots for advertising. The pictures are usually taken the last two weeks of rehearsals. There is usually someone who will volunteer to do this. e. Make sure venue has arranged for a Piano Tuner to tune performance piano during tech week. f. Publicity Coordinator should talk to newspapers, radio, and Jay Today (at JCHS) to set times and dates for publicity shots and 9   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 10. interviews. g. JCCT Board should check with venue regarding ticket printing. h. Program information deadline set for three weeks prior to opening night. Programs to be at the printer 10 days prior to opening night. VII. Last two weeks of Rehearsals: a. Attend to any last minute details. b. Find location for cast/crew party and keep in mind the ages of the cast/crew members. c. Find out from Production Staff members what else needs to be done and prepare a task list. d. Arrange warehouse run for any props, and set pieces that are need for the show. You need to contact the Warehouse Committee Chairperson. e. Double check the venue has arranged for a Piano Tuner to tune performance piano during tech week. f. Check with Front House Manager on the decorations and volunteers needed. g. Costume Parade. VIII. Saturday Prior to Tech (Tech Saturday): a. Have detailed task list prepared, so that there is a job for everyone. Assign team leaders for different tasks: (ie: Set construction, set painting, costumes, etc.) b. Provide or collect money for refreshments for the volunteers. (example: bottled water) c. Assist Stage Manger in preparing for Technical Rehearsal, by arranging stage, cleaning up, etc. d. Cue to cue (Q2Q) Final focus of stage lighting. Utilize ALL technical aspects of production. 10   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 11. IX.Tech Week (HELL WEEK): a. Prepare cast and crew for longer rehearsals. Double check with Parents of younger cast members. b. Attend to any last minute requests from directors or design teams. c. Remind cast to bring in cookies and punch for intermissions in the front lobby. X. Performances: a. Be proud of your accomplishments and make sure your cast knows that you are proud of their accomplishments. b. Make plans for cast party (who brings what, etc) c. Arrange for Warehouse run for Strike. (Returning of props and scenery.) Return everything borrowed! XI.Strike: a. Strike is mandatory for all cast and crew. b. Stage Manager should prepare detailed strike task list and assign cast and crew to the tasks. 1. Set and large scenic items. 2. Costumes (sort borrowed costumes from JCCT owned costumes). 3. Props/Props gathered, sorted and boxed. 4. Cleaning Green Room. 5. Cleaning Dressings Rooms 6. Cleaning Auditorium (clean up trash, etc.) 7. Erase scripts and scores and return to Production Supervisor. 8. Help take items to warehouse. Requires travel and vehichle. 11   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 12. The DIRECTOR’S DUTIES The work of the Director is central to the production of a play. The Director has the challenging task of bringing together the many complex pieces of a production—the script, actors, scenic elements, costuming, lighting, sound and music into a unified whole. To accomplish this task, a director needs to:  Interpret the script.  Cast the production.  Collaborate with designers.  Plan the rehearsals.  Guide the actors in their work during rehearsals. The Director’s work is most often based on a detailed study and analysis of the script to be produced. Many careful readings of the script help the director develop an individual vision of the playwright’s intentions, which will form the core of his or her interpretation. This sense of “what the play is really about” will shape a Director’s thinking about every other aspect of the production. Directors also study the characters in the script, gathering as much information as they can about their physical and psychological traits. This is vital preparation for casting, when the actors who are best able to bring the characters to life in performance need to be chosen. Collaboration The Director’s initial meetings with the scenic, costume, lighting and sound designers typify the 12   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 13. creative collaboration vital to theatre. Any notes the director has made on the technical needs in the script are shared with the designers. The free flow of ideas that takes place here will further refine the Director’s vision of the production as a whole. Details in the script about the specific locale(s) in which the action takes place need to be attended to early in the production process, because they will determine both the basic requirements of the set and the possible movement of the actors on stage. Acting areas, entrances and exits, and furniture and props called for in the script or desired by the director will need to be a part of the scenic design. The floor plan can then be sketched out. The floor plan is a basic outline drawing of the stage setting as it would look from above. (Birds’ eye view) It is an essential rehearsal planning tool because it allows a Director to work out the blocking of the play. Blocking (or staging) is the precise moment-by- moment movement and grouping of actors and sometimes moving scenery on stage. The Director’s creative collaboration continues during their work with the actors in rehearsals. The actors will bring their own interpretations to the project and perhaps inspire the Director to their interpretation. They will work closely together to breathe life into the lines and develop a deeper understanding of the characters’ motivations and relationships, fleshing out the subtext of the play. The Director should always keep in mind that this is a community based organization. There will be different ages, levels of experience and talent of 13   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 14. the actors and volunteers involved. JCCT strives to encourage and educate everyone participating in a production and to include them into the creative process. Later the focus of the director’s work in rehearsals will broaden to the overall look and feel of the whole production as transitions between scenes are smoothed out, effective pacing is achieved and all the design and technical aspects of the production are integrated. Once the production opens, the Director's work is essentially complete. Now it's the Stage Manager's job to make sure that every aspect of the production runs just as the director intended time after time, until the production closes.             14   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 15. An Overview of the Production Process Planning It’s never too early to do your homework — whatever it takes for you to get ready to direct. That will mean repeated readings of the script ... getting some friends together to read it out loud ... and researching and analyzing the play’s setting, its characters and its plot. Directors, read through this manual a few times and note things you’ll need to remember later! Feel free to check the library for books about directing, or to talk to other experienced Directors, here or elsewhere, about your concepts and ideas. Also do not forget the internet. First begin thinking about how you want your production to be staged, and how realistic your concepts are. If you have really out-of-the-ordinary staging ideas, talk to our Technical Director and some of our other experienced technical people to find out how your plans can be realized on stage and within our financial constraints, and what your options are. Before your auditions are publicized you should start thinking about how you want to describe the play and its characters to attract the kinds of Actors you need. Although JCCT does not permit pre-casting, it is perfectly OK to reach out to communities, groups and individuals not usually represented on our stage, and to encourage them to get involved. In fact, with the growing number of opportunities for Jay County Actors, it’s almost essential that you do some outreach if you want a good audition turnout. 15   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 16. Other questions you’ll want to consider early include: • How do I best publicize my show? The Production Supervisor should contact you, but don’t wait. Getting out early/timely and coordinated publicity will do your show far more good. • Do I want to use music with my show (for scene shifts, pre-show or other uses)? If so, you need to seek permission to use it. Again, doing this very early (months in advance) is the only way to approach it. • Will my set design require any alterations to the usual JCCT seating plan or stage and curtain setup? If so, you should speak to the Technical Director, and ultimately you also need to get permission from the Board. • Do I need any unusual scenic elements, properties or costume items? If so, where am I going to get them? • Will this show appeal to a special audience? If so, how can I get the word out to them (beyond normal publicity channels)? Again, you should work with the Production Supervisor. Assembling Your Crew Give some thought to who you want to work with, what strengths you need backstage, what you want people to do and whether those you choose will be able to meet your needs. The Production Supervisor can help you with a list of past volunteers. If you are a new JCCT Director, we will be required to have veterans in at least some of your key positions, particular Stage Manager and Assistant Director. We do this for two reasons – to make sure 16   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 17. you have the extra support every first-timer needs, but also to make sure that your production team includes people who are familiar with how we do things here. When you do start recruiting crew members, make sure they understand exactly what you expect of them. Some Directors need assistants who can handle taking over a rehearsal or two or who will work with Actors on technique or lines; others need well-organized assistants who can handle all the paperwork. Some Directors require a lighting designer to run the Board during performances; others don’t mind it if the designer passes that job on to someone else. Don’t assume that asking someone “Will you be my Stage Manager?” is enough — Stage Managers at JCCT have various levels of experience. Some of the questions to resolve: • How much time are you willing to put into this production? • Who will do what? • Who chooses support crew? The Production Supervisor will aide in Stage Manager approval. Early clarity will prevent later misunderstandings. Before you discuss your show with designers, you need to make some decisions about how you want to stage it. Will it be realistic, abstract, in the round, thrust or “black box”? Do you want period costumes or something symbolic? If you aren’t clear about what you want, your designers won’t be able to meet the show’s needs, or your concept and none of you will be happy with the results.   17   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 18. You may wish to wait until auditions to choose some of your production team. Sometimes volunteers show up at auditions only to be members of the crew or technical staff.   If you have trouble filling key crew positions, contact the Production Supervisor (lighting, stage crew, costumes, props, etc.) They should be able to help you find the right person for the job. As a rule, plan to have your key assistants and designers (Production Staff) before auditions. Meet with them, discuss your concepts and wishes and get them working before you get caught up in auditions and rehearsals. The earlier you get them started, the less you’ll have to worry about later on. Working with the Board JCCT’s Board of Directors fills most of the roles a producer would fill in professional theatre. The Board acquires play performance rights, provides you with a budget, and handles most publicity. The box office is the responsibility of the Board appointed Box Office Manager. To keep the Board up-to-date on your show (and to keep individual Board Members out of your hair!) a Production Supervisor is appointed. This is a veteran JCCT Board Member or Board Advisor who knows the ropes and can help you, your cast and crew through the rocky spots that even the best show can encounter. One month before auditions you should start attending Board meetings, held on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. (check calendar). You, or your Assistant Director and your Production Supervisor 18   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 19. needs to be available for each meeting from then until just after your show closes to keep the Board up to date on your progress, answer questions and stay abreast of theatre developments which may affect your production. Some of those interim meetings will be optional, but they are good opportunities for you to get or give information. At least one meeting before your auditions: Alert the Board to any unusual needs, expenses or technical challenges your show presents. The Board may be able to suggest options you have not thought of. Your Production Supervisor will be appointed at this meeting. Give the Board a list of your key technical crew. The Board reserves the right to approve crew members in positions of responsibility for people or expensive equipment, including: • Stage Manager • Lighting Designer • Scenic Designer • Master Carpenter • Light Board Operator • Sound Board Operator   Although we encourage Directors to recruit new people for crew positions, there are some exceptions. If you have never directed for JCCT before, you must choose a Stage Manager who has considerable experience with JCCT. All new lighting operators must be approved by the Board, who may ask them to undergo training. By now, you should also have discussed special sound, properties, and special effect needs with the Technical Director. The Technical Director has the veto power over design choices, because they have been chosen for their expertise, the Board will need 19   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 20. a compelling reason to override their recommendations. They can often provide you with safer, less expensive, more workable solutions to your design challenges. Depending on your rehearsal schedule, there may be two or three Board meetings between auditions and the time your production closes. You should attend or submit a report through your Production Supervisor at all of them so the Board can check in with your production. At the meeting after you close your production, make sure all your show receipts are turned in, and be prepared to give a final report detailing any problems or other experiences that might be useful to the Board or future Directors. Many of the things you are reading in this manual arose from the experiences of our Directors. Between meetings, your Production Supervisor is your link to the Board. Production Supervisor   The Board will assign each show a Production Supervisor before auditions. Directors are encouraged to meet with their Production Supervisor early, then weekly during production and to use them as the valuable resources they are intended to be. By being familiar with JCCT’S resources and skill bank, Productions Supervisors can point Directors to whom or what they need to solve technical and other problems. The Production Supervisor can relay emergency requests to the Board between meetings. The Production Supervisor can answer or find answers to questions Directors have about how JCCT operates. 20   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 21. Deadlines A theatrical production sometimes seems like one long series of deadlines: publicity deadlines, program deadlines, deadlines for getting photos taken or coming up with a budget. No matter how well-organized you are, deadlines can sneak up and catch you by surprise. Deadlines are NOT arbitrary. We’ve set them at the latest possible moment that will allow you to do what you need to do, but still allow our Board Members and Production Staff to do their jobs publicizing your show, putting up displays, etc. By meeting deadlines (or getting things done early!) you help ensure that everything runs smoothly and your production has all the support it needs. Check the appropriate sections of this manual for your deadlines, and make sure to add them to your production calendar. Many Directors like to make their assistants responsible for keeping track of deadlines and reminding them when they’re approaching. Planning Ahead Do you expect an unusually large audition turnout? (Often true for musicals, or shows with roles for children). If so, consider holding auditions over four nights, or setting aside a special night for youngsters. Don’t forget to note if you want the Actors to come with prepared audition pieces, songs, or anything else they need to know about ahead of time. (Have it posted on the website or Facebook via Webmaster or the Board.) 21   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 22. Cast and crew are encouraged to get to know their Production Supervisor and feel free to contact them: • If they have problems they are unable to resolve by talking to the Director, Assistant or Stage Manager. • If tech crew needs help solving production problems. The Board will use the Production Supervisor: • As the producer’s eyes and ears, to make sure each production is progressing smoothly and on schedule. • To relay questions, requests and announcements to Directors between Board meetings • To help protect the theatre’s human and physical resources.   22   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 23. Planning Your Production   Budgeting JCCT derives all of its operating funds from ticket sales and donations. It is essential that each Director be as thrifty and creative as possible when determining what they will spend. We encourage you to seek donations of construction materials, properties, furnishings, etc. Borrow what you can (although we advise against borrowing valuable antiques, vintage clothing or other costly or easily damaged items). Use materials already in stock (Platforms, flats, costumes, etc.) wherever possible. Check with the Warehouse and Costume Committee Chairpersons before you design your set or begin buying or building costumes. Production Budget Each Director will be given a proposed production budget by the Board meeting before auditions. Your budget will include estimates for: • Scenery • Costumes • Properties • Lighting • Unusual makeup items (things we would not normally stock and that have limited use, such as false eyelashes or beards) Your budget does not include royalties, posters, programs, lighting gels, photocopying (schedules, vocal exercises, study guides, forms and handouts) or other items that are part of the theatre’s normal cost of producing shows. If you plan to build or buy 23   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 24. items which might be useful beyond your show, talk to the Production Supervisor about excluding those items from your budget. It is the Director’s responsibility to see that the show stays within budget. That means approving spending in advance, collecting and initialing receipts and turning them over to the Production Supervisor. They in turn can obtain the reimbursements and allocate accordingly. You may delegate these tasks to an assistant, but you need to oversee their progress. (Please see the FORMS section of this manual for expense reports) Check with the Production Supervisor before buying hardware, paint, fabric, etc. We may already have what you need. We would prefer that you pull whatever you can from our considerable costume stock. Please ask your Costume Designer to talk with our Costume Committee Chairperson early in the process to determine what we have and what you need to build or rent. We usually prefer to add truly useful items to our stock; rental may be appropriate for unusual or rarely used items. But please DO NOT sign a rental contract until you’ve discussed it with the Costume Committee Chairperson and the Production Supervisor and have been approved. While rental may seem like an easy option for your show, we also need to take into account what is most cost-effective for the theatre’s long-term needs. You may shift spending within your budget categories (if you don’t need your entire scenic budget but need more for costumes, for instance), but you may not go over budget without prior Board approval. 24   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 25. Reimbursement You need to itemize your expenses, if you spend your own money and want to get reimbursed, you do need to turn in a receipt initialed by the Director and noting the category of spending (set, props, costumes, etc.). If you do not wish to be reimbursed, please let the Production Supervisor know what you have spent so they may provide you with a receipt. This allows us to get a realistic estimate of what your production actually cost. Likewise, if someone donates something of value to JCCT for your production, make sure to give their name, address and a description of the item(s) to the Production Supervisor so we can thank them and provide them with a receipt for tax purposes. Donations & Taxes All funds received during any theatre production are considered theatre income and should be given to the Treasurer via the Production Supervisor. This includes any donations given directly to performers to pass along to JCCT. Also, if anyone wishes to claim a donation on their taxes, the Treasurer via the Production Supervisor, needs to be informed of the item and its value so that an appropriate letter/receipt can be drafted to the donator. 25   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 26. Scripts The Board will order sufficient scripts for your show approximately two weeks before your auditions. If you need them sooner, let them know. For most productions, scripts belong to cast members; they may keep them after the show closes. Musicals, as a rule, are different: We rent the scripts and scores and must return them, free of pencil marks, when the show closes. They usually arrive later, too. The Production Supervisor will keep track of musical scripts and scores, and make sure to collect them at set strike, after cast and orchestra members have erased all markings. In the fall of 2009, the Board of Directors of the Jay County Civic Theatre, Inc. voted to begin a policy of script deposits for all JCCT (returnable script) productions. This policy was made necessary by numerous scripts being lost or not returned over the last several years. Any script not returned must be paid for by JCCT, resulting in hundreds of dollars in unnecessary fees. An organization such as JCCT cannot absorb these kinds of losses. Therefore, all cast members receiving scripts for a JCCT, Inc. production are asked to write a check for $30 made out to Jay County Civic Theatre, Inc. These checks WILL NOT BE CASHED but held by the JCCT Treasurer and WILL BE RETURNED when the script is returned. If the script is not returned, JCCT then has the right to cash the check to cover our expenses. If this causes any hardships, we ask that you have the actors speak to a board member regarding their specific needs. We 26   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 27. do not want anyone to be excluded from JCCT productions due to this policy but we must also consider the financial security of the JCCT. (There is a letter for Actors in the back of this manual.) Scripts will be signed out and checks collected by the Production Supervisor. JCCT does not photocopy any script as an organization due to copy right laws. Photocopies (other than scripts or any material with a copyright) We are currently printing our posters, newsletters, programs, brochures, etc. at Progressive Office Products in Portland, IN. We have an account with Progressive and you may sign for your copies. Please check with Production Supervisor before making any large quantities of copies. Recording and Videotaping JCCT does not permit video or audio taping of performances or rehearsals due to copyright laws. Virtually all production contracts prohibit taping, no matter what you may have heard to the contrary. That includes taping of rehearsals for educational purposes. Please don’t do it. Violating production contracts can endanger our very existence, and will not be tolerated. Make this clear to your cast, and ask them to pass the information to their friends and relatives. If our house staff sees anyone using a video camera during a performance, the device will be confiscated until the show is over. 27   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 28. No such restrictions apply to royalty-free scripts (i.e., Shakespeare), we prefer that Directors ask Board permission to video tape those productions. The rights to these productions belong to JCCT, INC. There is to be NO FLASH photography during a performance. We do have a Photo Night set for each production. This is the best time for family and friends to take photos of the show. JCCT takes copyright issues seriously. Please DO NOT assume you may change a script unless you have written permission from the copyright holder. If you wish to make changes, we suggest contacting the play service early (via the Board); in many cases they will refer you to the playwright’s representatives.   28   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 29. Problems and Pitfalls Even the best-planned production can run into problems. The trick is anticipating them, and catching them before they become serious. Here, in no particular order, are some problems that have cropped up during recent seasons. • Smoking on Stage Directors should carefully consider whether having a character smoke is worth the ill will it may generate. If smoking is truly integral to a character’s personality or the situation, think of ways to minimize the actual number of times the character lights up. And, notify the Production Supervisor so that we can include a warning note in our pre-show publicity. • Alcohol on Stage Directors should know JCCT NEVER ALLOWS alcohol on stage or even in the venue. Nor do we tolerate staff, volunteers or Board Members to be under its influence during a production rehearsal, or performance. • Minors and Rehearsals Directors and Stage Managers should make sure that each and every Minor involved in a production has parental approved rides to and from rehearsals. This is to insure that the parents or guardians know that JCCT is ONLY responsible for the minor 29   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 30. from the beginning of rehearsal or performance until they are picked up by an approved adult. (Please see form in handout section.) • Negativity Directors and Stage Managers should make sure to “nip this in the bud asap!” Do not let anyone person or a group of persons begin negative feelings that can harm creative process and family environment that is JCCT. If you are unable to handle this situation please contact your Production Supervisor for help in this matter. JCCT strives to be a place for all to have a positive Theatrical Experience! • Language Directors and Stage Managers should be aware of the content of the script but also monitor the language usage during the production process. JCCT never wishes to offend anyone, but there are times that it will happen, especially with the content of some scripts. Please be extra cautious with mixed casts (i.e. Elementary – Jr. HS with HS – Adult). Cursing in general is not something we wish to promote. Auditions JCCT productions are open to everyone. No pre-casting is permitted. We strongly encourage Directors to give new Actors an equal chance with those who have been on our stage before. When we give new people a fair shake and put them on our stage whenever we can that 30   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 31. helps ensure a constant pool of fresh talent, something no community theatre can survive long without. The no pre-casting rule is one of our theatre’s few hard rules, and we hope you will make an extra effort to make sure everyone who tries out for your show understands it. Yes, it’s OK to audition someone privately if they can’t make it to tryouts, but please be sure to let the people who do show up know that you’ve done so. When you’re soliciting people to try out (and all good Directors do that), be clear that you aren’t promising anything. Few things are as damaging to a theatre’s reputation as the notion that it’s a closed shop where shows are pre-cast and new people don’t stand a chance. Traditionally, 8 weeks prior to the opening of the show JCCT runs two nights of open auditions, typically on Monday and Tuesday. Audition space and time is set up by the Director in consultation with the Production Supervisor. (The Typical Arts Place contract allows for 13 rehearsal days - 3 dress rehearsal days and 4 performance days - so it is to our advantage to hold auditions at an alternative location) As soon as the Audition information is set the Board Secretary will send out press releases. If you prefer a different schedule, or want to use another night for callbacks, please notify the Board Secretary as soon as possible so that we can include that in the audition publicity. Directors may use their own Audition forms or those also found in the Forms and Worksheets section of this manual. Audition Form These forms are designed so that you write in your show’s name and performance dates on the top of one 31   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 32. form and then make as many copies as you think you will need 30 copies is usually the maximum needed, so don’t go overboard. You can always make more copies the second day of your auditions should you need them. Audition Checklist (This is also found in the Forms and Worksheets section of this manual.) For musicals, you must make your own arrangements for an audition pianist At auditions, you should: • Post a sign on the door welcoming people to auditions • Lay out audition forms and plenty of sharpened pencils • Post or announce a tentative rehearsal schedule. • Post and announce production dates. • Post cast responsibilities and the theatre’s policies. (Also found in the Forms and Worksheets section of this manual) • Introduce your crew and Production Supervisor. • Explain the commitment you expect from cast members, including arranging for their own transportation arriving on time and taking part in construction and set strike. • Impress upon those auditioning that they need to completely fill out their audition forms, which are used for publicity and other purposes, and to list all conflicts. • Distribute and collect those forms. • Solicit crew members as needed. 32   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 33. • Announce how you will post or announce casting.   Once you have cast your show: • E-mail a copy to the JCCT Webmaster and your Production Supervisor so it can be posted on our web site as soon as possible. • Clean up after yourself, including returning the stage to the condition in which you found it. Welcoming New People During auditions, make sure everyone trying out feels welcomed and comfortable, especially the newcomers. Many Directors like to ask a friend or crew member to be the official greeter, welcoming people as they come in the door, collecting audition forms, pointing the way to the restrooms, replenishing the refreshments, etc. Emphasize to those trying out that they are part of a theater community as well as a community theater. They share the building with other shows, and are expected to treat each other with good will and courtesy. As a Director you are the first point of contact for many newcomers. If you and your crew are supportive and encouraging, it makes our theater more enjoyable for everyone. After the second night of auditions the Director, the Production Supervisor (is there to observe and protect the validity of the casting and only to give opinions if asked) and whatever constitutes his or her brain trust, go out and hash out the casting decisions. Whatever your choice, do let hopefuls know when and how they can expect to hear the announcement. Please get a copy to the JCCT Webmaster 33   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 34. and your Production Supervisor as soon as possible, too, so your cast can be added to JCCT’s Web page. Audition Forms, Schedules and Bios: Who Gets Them? As soon as possible after casting, please return all audition forms (both cast and not cast) to your Production Supervisor. When you have a rehearsal schedule and cast list, you should: • Distribute them to cast and crew. • Give copies to your Production Supervisor. When you have bios for your key Production Staff, Director, assistant(s), Stage Manager, Choreographer, Music Director(s), and Designers, give them to the Publicity Coordinator, who will distribute them to those who need them. (See form section) Rehearsing No matter where you’re Rehearsing, Make sure your rehearsal furniture, props, etc. are returned to where they belong, and put away. Care of Flooring: Please do not drag furniture or other heavy items across the floor. Get enough people to safely carry what needs to be moved. If the floor gets dirty, sweep, dust or damp-mop.   • Early Rehearsals At read-through, plan to have your Costumer in to measure the cast. The sooner measurements are taken, the sooner the Costumer can get to work. At that first rehearsal, you have several things to do besides read through the script. Review 34   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 35. with your cast the responsibilities and rules set out by the theatre. Let them know clearly what you expect from them, and what they can expect from you. Be especially clear about what time you plan to start (and end!) rehearsals. Double check their conflicts so you can prepare a rehearsal schedule. Distribute the handy ACTORS’ HANDBOOK which contains most of the theatre’s guidelines for Actors. Introduce your Production Supervisor and let him or her explain what they will be doing. It’s also a good idea to invite your crew to the first rehearsal and introduce them. As soon as you can, hand out rehearsal schedules, telephone lists and other material you want your cast to have. Also distribute copies to your Production Supervisor and the Publicity Coordinator. Feel free to set your own rules about who may or may not attend rehearsals (including children) and how rehearsals will be conducted. Just let everyone involved know what those rules are. • Continuing Rehearsals Eight to twelve weeks may seem like a long rehearsal period, but once you subtract: • Weekends (although you may schedule some weekend rehearsals) • Holidays • Cast and crew conflicts You may be surprised at how little rehearsal time you actually have. Schedule as many rehearsals as you think you need (our experience is that 20 rehearsals is an absolute minimum, and probably not enough). 35   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 36. Finding Alternate Rehearsal Space At times you may not be able to rehearse in your shows venue and may have to find other places to rehearse. Your Production Supervisor can get a list of churches, schools and other locations which may be available, but you need to schedule them yourself, as early as possible. You may start rehearsals at whatever time works for you and your cast, and your rehearsal space. It is customary to have them end by 9 p.m. for High school and Adults and 8pm for children, until the week before you open. This is not professional or academic theatre. Cast members have families and jobs (or school), and keeping them late will only cause problems and complaints. Difficult People Sometimes (but fortunately, rather rarely), an Actor or crew member fails to live up to his or her responsibilities. You can head off such problems by being completely clear about your expectations. It also helps to be consistent: Treat all Cast members equally and fairly. If necessary, ask your Production Supervisor to have a word with the offending person. Dismissing Cast Members On very rare occasions, an actor must be replaced. If you believe that is going to happen, contact your Production Supervisor ahead of time and involve him or her in the process; that will protect you and the theater from accusations of unfairness. Be sure to tell the Publicity Coordinator about cast or crew 36   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 37. changes so publicity can be changed accordingly. Part of JCCT’s role as a community theatre is to provide opportunities for people with all levels of talent and experience. There is no guarantee that all of them will turn out to be great Actors, nor should we expect them to be. Bad acting, by itself, is not sufficient grounds for dismissing a cast member. Directors are urged to work with all Cast members to encourage them to stretch and grow, and to reserve dismissal for those rare individuals who actively refuse to meet their commitments to the show. A Director who merely believes he or she has made a casting mistake is asked to live with that mistake as long as the person involved is trying his or her best. Who knows they may surprise you! No Romance in the Wings The fact remains that romance — and more — has been known to blossom in the intimacy of producing a play. In most cases, it’s nobody’s business but the parties involved. Times have changed, though, and yesterday’s flirtation can be today’s accusation of sexual harassment. Although there’s a fine line between being nosy and looking out for your show, Directors should be alert to personal relationships developing among cast and crew, and should be especially careful not to put themselves in situations which might be misconstrued. It is also our responsibility to be aware and to halt any such relationship between Minors and Adults. A Note About Children 37   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 38. JCCT is proud to count many young people among its theater family. We’ve watched a lot of kids grow up right before our eyes and assume increasing positions of responsibility, on stage and off. Their presence, though, gives us a special responsibility to look out for their safety and well-being both for their own sakes, and to protect the theater from liability. It is up to each Director to decide whether to permit non cast children to attend rehearsals or work parties. Directors should make their policies known early, even at auditions. If children are brought to the theater, they must be under direct adult supervision at all times. If Cast members need to bring their children to rehearsals or work parties, please recruit someone to keep an eye on them. Small children must not be allowed on or near the stage during construction or set strike; instead, set up a supervised play area for them in one of the safer parts of the theatre. Even older children must not be permitted to use power tools, climb ladders or take on other risky tasks. Older teens may take on some of these tasks, but only with proper training and supervision. Assorted Other Information Taking Care of JCCT JCCT is getting better all the time, thanks to the hard work of our volunteers and the generosity of our donors. That makes it more important than ever that we all do what we can to keep our reputation good and protect the considerable investment in money and volunteer effort that is continually being put into 38   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 39. our productions. Cleaning the backstage areas (including the greenroom) is the responsibility of the show that occupies those areas. It is recommended that the Stage Manager or their designate sweep the stage floor before each performance. Clean up our own messes. Don’t assume that somebody else will take care of it. If you spill something, mop it up right away. If you bring food into the theater, dispose of leftovers in the dumpster Food left in waste baskets attracts bugs and mice. Smoking If there are smokers in your cast, please try to provide them with sufficient break time to go outside. Smokers should pick up after themselves and dispose of butts appropriately. The law does permit smoking on stage when the action of the play demands it, although we urge Directors to seek other options. Tickets and Seating If your set design would remove or change seating (with a thrust, for example), you must get permission from the Board no later than the month before tickets go on sale. If anything about your show (i.e., signing for the hearing impaired) might appeal to audiences with special seating needs, confer with the Publicity Coordinator in advance. JCCT will reserve a seat for you and your assistant every night. Please leave a note in the box office indicating which two back-row seats you prefer. These are yours to sit in. If your show is selling out, you may wish to tell the box office to sell your seats. If someone donates something extraordinary to your show, the Director 39   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 40. should ask the Board Secretary to send them a letter which they may exchange at the box office for two free tickets to the show. Please do so early enough so they can get their letter in time to reserve tickets! Cast members are responsible for getting their own tickets, in advance, just like other patrons. They should not wait till the last minute and expect to get seats for their families and friends. Staying involved with JCCT and Membership JCCT encourages cast and crew to stay involved with the theatre. The JCCT bylaws consider all Volunteers whether on stage of off JCCT members. Members have a vote in theatre business, elect our Board of Directors, serve on committees and, are encouraged to attend Board Meetings. They may also serve as Crew and become eligible to run for the Board. We hope the people involved in a production will want to remain part of our theatre family. Much of the work of running our theater is done by our all-volunteer Board of Directors and their Committees. Dozens of tasks need to be done regularly. If you are interested in helping, contact the JCCT Volunteer Coordinator and ask to be put to work. Cast members will be called once their shows have closed (as long as the Volunteer Coordinator has received copies of their tryout forms from you!) to ask if they would like to volunteer for upcoming shows. This is a great way for casts to get together again after their shows close. There are usually Board positions up for reelection every May, and nominations are open to any Theatre member who has served as an on or off stage volunteer for JCCT any time in the previous season. 40   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 41. Those who aren’t interested in, or ready to audition again right away may want to turn up at auditions anyway and find out of the next show needs any backstage help. Even if you only have one free weekend, you may be able to help build or paint a set, sew costumes or otherwise be involved. If your time is limited, contact the Volunteer Coordinator about serving as an usher, ticket taker or refreshment server or working in the box office during a performance. Our never-ending remodeling efforts may mean periodic work parties at our warehouse to tear out old stuff, install new stuff and generally spruce the place up. The Production Supervisor can tell you if any work parties are coming up or check the JCCT Web site at: The theatre also has an electronic mailing list for informal, theatre-related communication among our volunteers and supporters. If you would like to subscribe, contact the Board Secretary at Taking Care of Our People The Stage Manager is responsible for learning and making others aware of the location of fire extinguishers, fire alarms and emergency exits, and should also make sure safety guidelines are observed backstage. Safe Scenery Safety must be the No. 1 concern during set construction. Minors are not to use power tools under any circumstances (and should not be sent up ladders); untrained adults should use them only under 41   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 42. supervision. Those who use tools must follow proper safety procedures (wearing goggles or respiration masks, using safety guards on saws, etc.). Be especially careful when lifting or moving lumber, platforms, large set pieces, heavy furniture, etc., both to avoid back injuries and to keep from running into, or over, other volunteers. Sets themselves must be designed with safety in mind. Among other things, that means adequate railings on stairs and platforms (on stage and backstage, adequately braced platforms and sufficient blue light or glow tape behind sets so Actors can see where they’re going. The Production Supervisor can help if you have questions about set safety. The Technical Director and Production Supervisor have the final word on safety issues. Accidents If an injury occurs, first see that it is treated either on site, with supplies which you will find in the scene shop and backstage restroom First Aid kits, or at the hospital emergency room, if the injury is serious. Don’t hesitate to call 911 for an ambulance if someone is bleeding, unconscious or appears to have broken a bone. Then immediately report the injury to your Production Supervisor, who will let the Board know what happened. Stage Managers should check First Aid supplies periodically and make sure they are restocked (we will reimburse them). The theatre has limited insurance coverage for uninsured volunteers who are hurt on the job. Contact the Treasurer about filing claims. Cast and Crew Security Guidelines 42   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 43. Lock your car, and make sure you don’t leave valuables visible inside. Use the buddy system when leaving the building at night. Always walk each other to cars. If someone (especially a minor) has to wait for a ride, a Production Staff member should wait with them. Do not allow people (including patrons) to wait for rides outside the building, alone, in the dark! Stage Managers are usually responsible for locking up each night. Someone else should stay with them until they’re ready to leave. Assign someone to make sure all theatre-owned tools are gathered up and accounted for at the end of every construction party. If tools go missing, report it immediately to the Production Supervisor. Retreats It is suggested that JCCT productions hold a day-long retreat on a Saturday or Sunday one or two weeks before opening. Retreats are extremely useful for polishing the show and completing technical tasks, they are not mandatory; it is up to each Director to decide whether to hold one. JCCT does not routinely hold previews. It is entirely up to you whether to close your final rehearsal or allow your cast to invite a few friends and relations. You may be asked to add a preview or performance for benefit or marketing purposes, but please do not invite large groups without asking the Board first (we may have to pay royalties). Remember: JCCT relies on box office revenues; we would rather not give away more seats than we have to. 43   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 44. Complimentary Tickets JCCT does not routinely provide “comp tickets” to cast, crew or anyone else — although if someone provides extraordinary support to your show (see also: Tickets and Seating, above), you may ask the Production Supervisor (well in advance, please) to provide them with a letter they can exchange for one or two complimentary tickets. As Director, you are generally entitled to 2 seats each night for yourself and a key assistants; if you do not need them, let the box office know so they can be sold.   Stage Manager’s Responsibilities From opening night on your Stage Manager will be responsible for the Rehearsal Space/Stage and many other tasks. He or she may delegate some of those responsibilities. Sometime during the week before closing, the Stage Manager is to contact the Director and together you need coordinate your set strike. They are responsible for helping with the duties which will allow for the smooth and efficient running of rehearsals and performances. It is up to you to decide with your Stage Manager who is responsible for keeping the master prompt script, setting up rehearsal space prior to each rehearsal and striking rehearsal furniture and props as necessary, running and calling show, posting Cast/Crew Sign-in sheets, taking and posting Production Meeting notes, Daily Rehearsal notes, and coordinating the production run crews. Rehearsal duties, to be negotiated with Director, include recording blocking, prompting, taking Line Notes, contacting absent or tardy actors/crew 44   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 45. members, calling cast/crew members in from breaks, etc. The Stage Manager should be aware of the location of telephones and fire extinguishers for use during an emergency, and be well-versed in all safety procedures, especially fire evacuation and tornado procedures. Pre-Production 1. Reads and studies the play; discusses duties and responsibilities with the Director. 2. Attends all production meetings. 3. Assists the Director at auditions. 4. Distributes and collects Audition Forms and Crew Call Forms, emphasizes to auditionees the need to list all conflicts, takes a Digital photo of auditionees (which is then stapled to the form) as needed, keeps track of the order of auditionees, keeps audition flowing smoothly, ushers auditionees into theatre, and announces them as per the Director's instructions. 5. Assists the Scenic Designer in taping out the ground plan on floor of stage and/or rehearsal hall as needed. 6. If the Director requests, the Stage Manager generates a rehearsal schedule and makes copies for all cast, and crew. Rehearsal Period: 1. Generates sign in/ sign out sheet. 2. Places and spikes furniture, rugs, etc. as established by the Director. 3. Obtains and maintains any rehearsal props 45   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 46. called for by the Director by the "Rehearsal Props Due" deadline on the Production Calendar. Rehearsal props are substitutes of comparable size and weight used by actors until the final props are available. 4. The Stage Manager runs weekly Production Meetings, and takes Production Meeting Report notes. The Stage Manager will then generate Production Meeting Reports. 5. At first read through, the Stage Manager obtains the cast's names, addresses, and telephone numbers, and then generates a contact sheet which is distributed to cast and production team. 6. Stage Manager makes sure that every actor receives a rehearsal schedule and keeps cast advised of any changes. 7. Takes Daily Rehearsal Reports at each rehearsal and posts them daily. These reports will include all changes, additions, or deletions that arise during daily rehearsals. These changes could include the addition of a prop, a question to a designer, a change in rehearsal schedule, etc. This will be a written record of such requests and changes to facilitate the timely completion of tasks and to insure that all members of cast and crew receive notification of schedule changes and so on. 8. Arrives at least ten minutes early for every rehearsal to set stage furniture and any rehearsal. Stage Manager insures that ALL stage furniture and rehearsal props are struck and stored after each rehearsal. 9. Walks through scenes for any absent actor or assigns a delegate to do so. 10. Attempts to contact any missing or unexcused 46   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 47. actors. 11. The Stage Manager insures that all actors are in place prior to the beginning of each scene. 12. Records in Stage Manager's book all blocking, intentional pauses, stage business, and all light, sound, music, special effects, and curtain cues, etc. 13. Prompts the actors precisely and corrects mistakes to the extent that the Director wishes. It is important for the Stage Manager to keep up with the script during rehearsals and is ready to prompt an actor immediately upon receiving a "Line" request. Takes Line Notes of dropped lines, jumped lines, etc. and distributes to the cast. 14. Taking down blocking OR prompting actors/taking line notes may be delegated to the Assistant Stage Manager at the Stage Manager's discretion. 15. After all rehearsals and performances the Stage Manager insures that all debris is picked up. 16. Stage Manager collaborates with the Lighting Designer, Light Board Operator, Sound Designer, Costume Designer, Director, Technical Director in holding a Paper Tech prior to tech week. 17. Stage Manager is responsible for penciling in all light, sound, fly, actor, and scene shift cues. The Stage Manager is responsible for obtaining cue sheets from the Lighting and Sound Designers in enough time to prepare the prompt book. 18. The Stage Manager prepares for Cue to Cue Rehearsal in order to facilitate the efficient and smooth running of the rehearsal. 19. The Stage Manager is the primary person 47   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 48. responsible for communication among production staff, cast and crew. Dress Rehearsal/Performance Period: 1. Once performances begin, the prompt book containing blocking notes, lighting cues and sound cues should be locked in the booth or another safe place so that it is accessible in the event that the Director cannot run a performance. The Stage Manager should create a second book to be kept with him/her that contains any information that may be needed during the day, such as contact lists, schedules etc. 2. The Stage Manager must be familiar with all Emergency Policies such as tornado warnings, fire, smoke, etc. The Stage Manager will contact the Faculty/Staff on Duty/Call for any emergency situations (equipment failure, smell of smoke, severe weather). In the case of life threatening emergency, the Stage Manager notifies Security and takes charge of implementing proper procedures. The Stage Manager should obtain a copy of the safety procedures. 3. The Stage Manager should generate a Run List for crew members that lists specific duties before, during and after each performance. 4. Stage Manager should hold scene Shift Rehearsals with Crew Chief and Run Crew. 5. Takes note of any problems, unfinished details, painting touch ups, and/or changes and communicates these to the proper crew chief, Technical Director. 6. Stage Manager (or delegate) insures the safety and sanitation of all props and consumables. 48   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 49. 7. Stage Manager or Assistant Stage Manager or delegate is responsible for setting up and labeling any and all prop tables necessary for a production. 8. The Stage Manager (or delegate) should generate a Prop Cue Sheet and diagrams for Run Crew members. These should indicate where every prop is preset on stage (a photo is often helpful) and/or where every prop is moved on or off stage during the run of the show. 9. Stage Manager is responsible for presetting all props both on and backstage prior to each Technical and Dress Rehearsal, and every Performance. These duties may be delegated to the Assistant Stage Manager or a member of the Run Crew, but the Stage Manager should confirm that all props are properly preset and that hand props are dealt with. Performers are responsible for checking their own individual props prior to each performance and the Stage Manager is ultimately responsible that all props and furniture are correctly preset. 10. Performers should pick up props from the props table(s) or designated area backstage and return them there, and are responsible for presetting any personal props in pockets, etc. If an actor wants to assume responsibility for keeping such personal props between rehearsals and performances, this should be negotiated with the Stage Manager or Prop Master/Mistress. 11. Performers are responsible for bringing to the attention of the Stage Manager any items needing repair. 12. The Stage Manager insures that all equipment and personnel are ready for performance. The Stage 49   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 50. Manager should establish a check off list of duties including those that must be accomplished prior to opening the house and those that must be accomplished prior to curtain. 13. Stage Manager insures that all work lights are turned off, front exit doors are unlocked If the stage is to be swept and/or mopped, the Stage Manager assigns this task to a Run Crew member and insures it’s completion prior to the house opening. 14. The Stage Manager has the ultimate responsibility that the stage is set correctly and that all elements and members of the production team are ready for the performance. This typically requires a walkthrough of the entire stage and backstage area prior to the house opening. The Stage Manager should generate a checklist. 15. The Stage Manager gives the following calls to cast and crew: one hour; half hour; house open (after House Manager notifies SM); fifteen minutes; ten minutes; five minutes; and places (at two minutes). The Stage Manager cannot give the "places" call until given the go-ahead by the House Manager at three minutes. 16. During Dry Tech, Cue to Cue and Tech/Run Rehearsals, the Stage Manager may stop rehearsal if necessary. The Stage Manager merely says "stop." The cast and run crews should hold quietly in place while the Stage Manager and the production team address the reason for stopping. The Stage Manager is responsible for choosing an appropriate restarting point in the script and restarting the rehearsal. The Stage Manager will inform the cast and crew where the rehearsal will restart (a line or cue) on the 50   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 51. Stage Manager's command. The Stage Manager restarts the rehearsal by simply saying "Go please”. 17. At intermission, the Stage Manager insures that any necessary work-lights are turned on backstage, that no visitors are allowed backstage, and that any changes are accomplished. 18. During intermission, the Stage Manager informs the House Manager to signal the patrons back into the theatre for the next act five minute prior to the end of the intermission as determined by the Director. The SM follows the calling procedure from the top of the show including the following calls: ten minutes; five minutes; places (at two minutes). The Stage Manager cannot give the "places" call until given the go-ahead by the House Manager at three minutes. 19. The Stage Manager is responsible for keeping any times requested by the Director which could include total running time, running time of each act, and running time of scene changes.   Set Strike: Leave the theatre in at least as good condition as you found it — or better! Make it clear from Day One that your entire cast and crew are expected to help. Your strike goes beyond just taking down the set: It includes returning borrowed items immediately, cleaning the backstage area (and the dressing room restrooms), sending costumes to be cleaned. Your strike is not finished — and your cast should not leave — until you have toured the building with the Production Supervisor and they agree that everything is OK. A checklist will be provided to help you make sure everything necessary gets done. 51   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 52. Other Post-Show Responsibilities: Collect (and erase) musical scores so they can be mailed back to the company that rented them to us. The Production Supervisor is responsible for returning the scores and scripts the week after closing. Turn in all receipts and attend the Board meeting after your show to give a final report. Be sure your costumer picks up clothes after they have been cleaned and returns them to the warehouse. One final note for Directors who also act: Please do not plan to try out for a show that overlaps with yours, unless you first get Board permission as Director, your show must be your first priority. 52   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 53. Handouts • An Actors Handbook • JCCT Drug and Alcohol Policies • Cast Responsibilities • Stage Manager’s Responsibilities • Costumes • Lights and Sound • Sets • Properties • Make-Up and Hair • Artwork Requirements Please copy the following pages as needed. Distribute them appropriately to your cast and crew. 53   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 54. Forms and Worksheets Remove the following pages from this manual and photocopy as many as you need. Distribute them to the appropriate people, or use them to keep track of your deadlines, budget and publicity materials. It’s always a good idea to keep a copy of completed forms in case they get lost or anyone has questions. Box Office Report Deadline Worksheet Audition Checklist Publicity Form 1 Publicity Form 2 Publicity Form 3 Script Sign Out Log Hair & Make-Up Worksheets Property Log Photo Call Sound Cues Lighting Track Sheet Dressing Notes JCCT Audition Form 2011 JCCT Bio Form Budget Worksheet Costume Measurement Worksheets Arts Place, Inc. Stage Ground Plan (simple) Arts Place, Inc. Stage Ground Plan Dimensions Arts Place, Inc. House Seating Chart 54   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 55. Deadline Worksheet Please fill in your own deadlines, give a copy to your Assistant Director and put this somewhere you’ll see it every day.   Meet with Production Supervisor: ___________________________________________ (To discuss crew and tech needs tentative budget, etc.) Board meeting #1: Advance planning ___________________________________________ Special needs reported ___________________________________________ Meet with production crew (at least once a week during production) __________________________________ Prepare for auditions; lay out expectations PR Form 1 _________________________________ (Includes material for audition notices) Board meeting #2: Pre-audition report _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ (Submit names of key crew people, approval from Set, Lighting, Costume Designers due) Auditions ____________________________________________________ Don’t forget to give copy of cast list to Production Supervisor. Board meeting #3: Progress report ____________________________________________________ (Lighting Manager’s approval due) (Additional Board meetings, if applicable): ____________________________________________________ 55   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 56. PR Form 2 due ____________________________________________________ (information about opening, for newsletter and releases) Poster art to Publicity Coordinator ____________________________________________________ Take stage ____________________________________________________ Program art to Publicity Coordinator _________________________________________ Contact newspapers ___________________________________________________ T-shirt orders in ____________________________________________________ PR Form 3 due ____________________________________________________ Bio forms due ____________________________________________________ Final program changes due ____________________________________________________ Opening night! ____________________________________________________ Set strike ____________________________________________________ Final Board report ____________________________________________________ 56   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 57. Budget Worksheet     Scenery:   Costumes:   Properties:   Other:   Miscellaneous:   TOTAL: Notes about unusual expenses: 57   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 58. Jay County Civic Theatre, Inc. – AUDITION FORM Production: ___________________________________ Directed by: _______________________________ ROLE CONCIDERED for - Director’s USE ONLY: ___________________________________________________________ Name: ______________________________________________ Sex: ______ Age: ________ AUDITION #__________ (as you would like it to appear in the Program) Home Address: _____________________________________ City: _____________________ State: _____ Zip: __________ Home Phone: ________________________ Cell Phone:_______________________ Work Phone:__________________ Do you have an answering machine? (Yes or No) Do you accept TEXTS? (Yes or No) Do you FACEBOOK? (Yes or No) E-mail Address: (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY)_________________________________________________________________ • Height:________ Weight:________ Hair Color:__________ Eye Color:____________ • Vocal Range: (circle one) SOPRANO MEZZO ALTO TENOR BARITONE BASS NOT SURE • Do you sing Harmony? (Yes or No) Do you read Music? (Yes or No) Do you Play an Instrument? ( Yes or No)_________ • Dance Experience: Style of Dance________________________________________________YearsStudied______________ • Special Skills: (Juggling, gymnastics etc..)___________________________________________________________________ Role(s) Auditioning for: _______________________________________________________________________________ Will you accept any role, including chorus? (Yes or No) PAST THEATRE EXPERIENCE: YEAR THEATRE COMPANY SHOW TITLE ROLE IF NOT CAST in the show, or if cast and have time, would you be willing to be on a CREW? (Yes or No) If “Yes”, please circle the crew(s) that you interested in: LIGHTING SOUND MAKE-UP FUNDRAISING SET CONSTRUCTION PROPS PUBLICITY PARADE COSTUMES FRONT of HOUSE FUNDRAISING List ALL CONFLICTS on BACK - BOTTOM ½ of this FORM. Now through end of production. (Work, Vacation etc..) NOTICE: The rehearsals will be closed to the public. Rehearsals “typically” run Monday – Thursday 6:30pm – 9:00pm, until the last few weeks then the weekends may be used and should be marked on calendars as TBD (To Be Determined). Show dates are _______________________. There will be a “3 strike policy.” Your name and photos will be used for marketing and archival purposes. I have read the entire form and understand the commitment that I am making if I am cast. I also commit that I will be available for rehearsals and show dates as explained above. Signature: ________________________________________________________________Date:______________________ Parent or Guardian Signature:(for those under 18 years of age) ____________________________________________________ 58   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 59. Publicity Form 1 (Due by deadline provided by Board Secretary, due about 81 days before opening)   Director: ____________________________________________________   Director’s E-Mail: ____________________________________________________   Director’s Phone: Day: ___________________Evening:________________________ Play Title: ____________________________________________________ Playwright: ____________________________________________________   (For Musicals:) Book by: ________________________________________________   (For Musicals:) Lyrics by: ________________________________________________   (For Musicals:) Music by: ________________________________________________ Auditions Dates: ____________________________________________________ Time: _______________________ Callbacks? __________ 59   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 60. Casting Needs: Men: __________ Women: ____________ Children: ___________   Special Information: (separate auditions for kids, prepared audition pieces or songs, etc.) _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Publicity Form 2 Information for production publicity (Due by deadline provided by Publicity Coordinator, due about 56 days before you open)   Your name: _____________________________ Phone number: _________________ Email address _____________________________________________________ Play Title: _____________________________________________________ Playwright (Lyricist, etc.): ________________________________________________ Script Service: _____________________________________________________ 60   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 61. Director & Designers (as appropriate, and as they wish to be listed in the program): • Director: ___________________________________ • Set Design: ___________________________________ • Lighting Design: ______________________________ • Costume Design: ________________________________ • Poster and program art: _______________________ • Musical Director: _____________________________ • Choreographer: ________________________________ • Original music composed by: ___________________ Attachments (These are due now. Make sure the appropriate people get them turned in.)   Audition Forms: If you have not already done so send legible copy of your audition forms to your Production Supervisor. Yes | No   Completed Bio Forms: If you have not already done so, give your completed bio forms (for cast, Director, assistant(s), Stage Manager, musical Director, conductor and Choreographer) to your Production Supervisor. Yes | No Content Notice and Director’s Notes. 61   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 62. Content notice: • This play is (check all that apply): □ Suitable for all ages □ Suitable for older children □ Not suitable for children • This play contains (check all that apply): □ Profanity □ Vulgarity □ Strong language □ Extreme language □ Bawdy or risqué humor □ Sexual situations □ Partial nudity/Nudity □ Violence □ Smoking   Director’s Notes: A brief (no more than two paragraphs) note to go in the program; designed to add to the audience’s enjoyment or understanding of the show. Keep it short and sweet. (Attach to this form.) 62   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 63. Publicity Form 3   (Due by deadline provided by Publicity Coordinator, usually 18 days before opening.)   Director:___________________________________________   Phone: ________________ E-mail:_____________________ Play Title & Author: __________________________________________________ Setting (optional): ____________________________________________________ Scenes (optional): ____________________________________________________ Intermission: _______minutes between ___________ and _________ (Standard: 15 minutes) Crew List: Complete the crew list below. Fill out or add only those positions which apply to your show. Do not list your designers here — you gave them to us on PR Form 2. Only note changes to your design team here. Regarding those who have filled multiple backstage roles during the course of your production (i.e.: set dressing, props construction and shift crew), the Program Editor may choose to list that person’s contributions on a single line if space constraints require.   Note: We do not expect you to have all crew and acknowledgments at this time. You will be able to add 63   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 64. more when your program is brought to you for proofreading the week before you open.   Special Thanks for this production go to…: Please list all individuals, businesses and organizations who have made a material contribution to your production. Please do not list anyone already noted in the crew list, or family members unless they actually worked on the show.   Publicity Form 3 continued CREW LIST Production Supervisor: ____________________________ Assistant Director: _______________________________ Production Assistant(s): __________________________ Orchestra/Vocal Conductor__________________________ Stage Manager: ____________________________________ Head of Set Construction (if different from Set Designer): ________________________________________ Set Construction (+cast and crew): ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Set Dresser (if different from Set Designer): ____________________________________________________ Scenic Painter (if different from Set Designer): ____________________________________________________ Master Electrician (if different from Light Designer):__________________________________________ Lighting Board Operator: ___________________________ 64   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012  
  • 65. Lighting Hang and Focus: __________________________ Sound Designer: ___________________________________ Sound Operator (if different from Sound Designer): ___________________________________________________ Sound Recording (if different from Sound Designer):_________________________________________ Live Sound Effects:________________________________ Special Effects: __________________________________ Costume Assistant: ________________________________ Wardrobe Mistress (if different from Costume Designer): ________________________________________ Additional Costumes by (rented/borrowed):_________________________________ Sewing (if different from Costume Designer):_________________________________________ Dresser(s): _______________________________________ Property Master/Mistress:__________________________ Property Construction (if different from Property Master/Mistress): _________________________________ Makeup Designer: __________________________________ Makeup Assistant(s):_______________________________ Hair Stylist: _____________________________________ Lobby Photos: _____________________________________ Production Photos: ________________________________ Poster and Program Printing: ______________________ Other (list):   65   JCCT, INC. PRODUCTION MANUAL 2011-2012