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Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                          Effective Date November 27, 2010

       LSR Tech Solutions E-mail and usage
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                          Effective Date November 27, 2010

                      LSR Tech Solutions E-mail and usage Policy

                                      Lisa Wessel

                                          Prepared by
                                          Lisa Wessel

                                  Rick Kramer President
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                                    Effective Date November 27, 2010

LSR Tech Solutions has strict e-mail policies and believes in keeping its customers and
employee up to date and safe from e-mail scams, fraud, privacy, and to provide guidelines to a
acceptable use policy. It is essential for LSR Tech Solutions employees, staff, customer,
contractors by providing guidance, support, and technical expertise in the proper use of its e-

This particular document, LSR Tech Solutions Policy guidelines, is a supporting document
designed to help employees, staff, customers, and contractors to understand the policies and
standards required to use LSR Tech Solutions any and all e-mail servers including e-mail set-up
processes. Understanding these policies and standards is an ongoing process, so we encourage
customers, employees, and contractors to contact the IT department in order to ensure their
successful use of LSR Tech Solutions E-mail Servers.
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                                                                                            Effective Date November 27, 2010

                                                             TABLE OF CONTENTS

Table of Contents
DOCUMENT HISTORY LOG.................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
PREFACE ................................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
   1.0 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
   1.1 PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
   1.2 SCOPE .................................................................................................................................................................... 5
   1.3 ACCOUNT ACTIVATION/TERMINATION ................................................................................................................. 5
   DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS ..................................................................................................................................... 6
   2.0 DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
   2.1 ACRONYMS ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
   2.2 GENERAL EXPECTATIONS OF END USERS ............................................................................................................. 7
   2.3 APPROPRIATE USE ................................................................................................................................................. 7
   2.4 INAPPROPRIATE USE .............................................................................................................................................. 7
   2.5 MONITORING AND CONFIDENTIALITY ................................................................................................................... 8
   2.6 RETENTION POLICY............................................................................................................................................... 9
   3.2 REPORTING MISUSE .............................................................................................................................................. 9
   3.3 FLOW CHART APPROPRIATE USE OR INAPPROPRIATE ........................................................................................ 10
   3.4 Disclaimer ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
      LSR Tech Solution assumes no liability for direct and/or indirect damages arising from the user’s use of LSR Tech
      Solutions e-mail system and services. Users are solely responsible for the content they disseminate. LSR Tech Solutions
      is not responsible for any third-party claim, demand, or damage arising out of use the LSR Tech Solution’s e-mail
      systems or services. .............................................................................................................................................. 11
   3.5 FAILURE TO COMPLY .......................................................................................................................................... 11
   3.6 E-MAIL USER AGREEMENT.................................................................................................................................. 12
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                                    Effective Date November 27, 2010

E-mail Acceptable Use Policy
1.0 Introduction

In order to protect its customer’s and its employees and staff and all other suppliers LSR Tech
Solutions e-mail is perhaps the most commonly used application in our companies workplace. It
is essential business tool for LSR Tech Solutions, but a potentially dangerous one if
mismanaged. Conscientious management by way of a clear and comprehensive policy is
essential. This policy provides a structure for defining our organization’s e-mail Acceptable Use

1.1 Purpose

E-mail is a critical mechanism for business communications at LSR Tech Solutions. However,
use of LSR Tech Solution’s electronic mail systems and services are a privilege, not a right, and
therefore must be used with respect and in accordance with the goals of LSR Tech Solutions.
The objectives of this policy are to outline appropriate and inappropriate use of LSR Tech
Solutions e-mail systems and services in order to minimize disruptions to services and activities,
as well as comply with applicable policies and laws.

1.2 Scope

This policy applies to all e-mail systems and services owned by LSR Tech Solutions all e-mail
account users/holders at LSR Tech Solutions (both temporary and permanent), and all company
e-mail records.

1.3 Account Activation/Termination

E-mail access at LSR Tech Solutions is controlled through individual accounts and passwords.
Each user of LSR Tech Solutions e-mail system is required to read and sign a copy of this E-mail
Acceptable Use Policy prior to receiving an e-mail access account and password. It is the
responsibility of the employee to protect the confidentiality of their account and password
information. All employees of LSR Tech Solutions will receive an e-mail account. E-mail
accounts will be granted to third-party non-employees on a case-by-case basis. Possible non-
employees that may be eligible for access include:

Outside Sales Staff.
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                                      Effective Date November 27, 2010

Applications for these temporary accounts must be submitted to management or e-mail for all terms, conditions, and restrictions governing e-mail use must be in a
written and signed agreement. E-mail access will be terminated when the employee or third party
terminates their association with LSR Tech Solutions unless other arrangements are made. LSR
Tech Solutions is under no obligation to store or forward the contents of an individual’s e-mail
inbox/outbox after the term of their employment has ceased.

Definitions and Acronyms

2.0 Definitions

    Term          Definition

                    Communicating with fellow employees, business partners of LSR Tech
 Appropriate        Solutions, and clients within the context of an individual’s assigned
    Use             responsibilities.

                     Excessive personal use of LSR Tech Solutions e-mail resources. LSR Tech
Inappropriate       Solutions allows limited personal use for communication with family and
    Use             friends, independent learning, and public service so long as it does not
                    interfere with staff productivity, pre-empt any business activity, or consume
                    more than a trivial amount of resources.

 Monitoring         The e-mail systems and services used at LSR Tech Solutions are owned by the
     and            company, and are therefore its property. This gives LSR Tech Solutions the
Confidentiality     right to monitor any and all e-mail traffic passing through its e-mail system.

                    A company, corporation, firm, enterprise or institution, or part thereof
 Organization       (whether incorporated or not, public or private) that has its own function(s)
                    and administration.

     Policy         E-mail Acceptable use policy is intended to provide a safe and enjoyable e-
                    mail service to LSR Tech Solutions e-mail use.
Expectations of E-mail users are responsible for mailbox management, including organization
  end users     and cleaning.
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                                      Effective Date November 27, 2010

2.1 Acronyms

Acronym Description

  CEO        chief executive officer

2.2 General Expectations of End Users

The enterprise often delivers official communications via e-mail. As a result, employees of LSR
Tech Solutions with e-mail accounts are expected to check their e-mail in a consistent and timely
manner so that they are aware of important company announcements and updates, as well as for
fulfilling business and role-oriented tasks. E-mail users are responsible for mailbox management,
including organization and cleaning. If a user subscribes to a mailing list, he or she must be
aware of how to unsubscribe from the list, and is responsible for doing so in the event that their
current e-mail addresses changes. E-mail users are expected to remember that e-mail sent from
the company’s e-mail accounts reflects on the company. Please comply with normal standards of
professional and personal courtesy and conduct.

2.3 Appropriate Use

Individuals at LSR Tech Solutions are encouraged to use e-mail to further the goals and
objectives of LSR Tech Solutions. The types of activities that are encouraged include:
2.4 Inappropriate Use

Communicating with fellow employees, business partners of LSR Tech Solutions, and clients
within the context of an individual’s assigned responsibilities. Acquiring or sharing information
necessary or related to the performance of an individual’s assigned responsibilities. Participating
in educational or professional development activities.

LSR Tech Solutions e-mail systems and services are not to be used for purposes that could be
reasonably expected to strain storage or bandwidth (e.g. e-mailing large attachments instead of
pointing to a location on a shared drive). Individual e-mail use will not interfere with others’ use
and enjoyment of LSR Tech Solutions e-mail system and services. E-mail use at LSR Tech
Solutions will comply with all applicable laws, all LSR Tech Solutions policies, and all LSR
Tech Solutions contracts. The following activities are deemed inappropriate uses of LSR Tech
Solutions e-mail systems and services, and are strictly prohibited:
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                                       Effective Date November 27, 2010

2.5 Monitoring and Confidentiality

Use of e-mail for illegal or unlawful purposes, including copyright infringement, obscenity, libel,
slander, fraud, defamation, plagiarism, harassment, intimidation, forgery, impersonation,
soliciting for illegal pyramid schemes, and computer tampering (e.g. spreading of computer
viruses). Use of e-mail in any way that violates LSR Tech Solutions policies, rules, or
administrative orders, including, but not limited to, to the laws put in place by the federal or local
State agency. Viewing, copying, altering, or deletion of e-mail accounts or files belonging to
LSR Tech Solutions or another individual without authorized permission. Sending of
unreasonably large e-mail attachments. The total size of an individual e-mail message sent
(including attachment) should be 10MB or less. Opening e-mail attachments from unknown or
unsigned sources. Attachments are the primary source of computer viruses and should be treated
with utmost caution. Sharing e-mail account passwords with another person, or attempting to
obtain another person’s e-mail account password. E-mail accounts are only to be used by the
registered user. Excessive personal use of LSR Tech Solutions e-mail resources. LSR Tech
Solutions allows limited personal use for communication with family and friends, independent
learning, and public service so long as it does not interfere with staff productivity, pre-empt any
business activity, or consume more than a trivial amount of resources. LSR Tech Solutions
prohibits personal use of its e-mail systems and services for unsolicited mass mailings, non-LSR
Tech Solutions commercial activity, political campaigning, dissemination of chain letters, and
use by non-employees.

The e-mail systems and services used at LSR Tech Solutions are owned by the company, and are
therefore its property. This gives LSR Tech Solutions the right to monitor any and all e-mail
traffic passing through its e-mail system. This monitoring may include, but is not limited to,
inadvertent reading by IT staff during the normal course of managing the e-mail system, review
by the legal team during the e-mail discovery phase of litigation, observation by management in
cases of suspected abuse or to monitor employee efficiency. In addition, archival and backup
copies of e-mail messages may exist, despite end-user deletion, in compliance with LSR Tech
Solutions records retention policy. The goals of these backup and archiving procedures are to
ensure system reliability, prevent business data loss, meet regulatory and litigation needs, and to
provide business intelligence. Backup copies exist primarily to restore service in case of failure.
Archival copies are designed for quick and accurate access by company delegates for a variety of
management and legal needs. Both backups and archives are governed by the company’s
document retention policies. These policies indicate that e-mail must be kept for up to 1 year.
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                                    Effective Date November 27, 2010

2.6 Retention Policy

The records of LSR Tech Solutions and e-mail records are important assets. Corporate record
includes essentially all records documents you produce as an employee whether paper or
electronic. A record may be as a memorandum, an e-mail, a contract or a case study, or
something not as obvious, such as computerized desk calendar, an appointment book or an
expense record. If LSR Tech Solutions discovers or has good reason to suspect activities that do
not comply with applicable laws or this policy, e-mail records may be retrieved and used to
document the activity in accordance with due process. All reasonable efforts will be made to
notify an employee if his or her e-mail records are to be reviewed. Notification may not be
possible, however, if the employee cannot be contacted, as in the case of employee absence due
to vacation. Use extreme caution when communicating confidential or sensitive information via
e-mail. Keep in mind that all e-mail messages sent outside of LSR Tech Solutions become the
property of the receiver. A good rule is to not communicate anything that you wouldn’t feel
comfortable being made public. Demonstrate particular care when using the “Reply” command
during e-mail correspondence to ensure the resulting message is not delivered to unintended

3.2 Reporting Misuse
Any allegations of misuse should be promptly reported to admin or Henry Cookie . If you receive an offensive e-mail, do not forward, delete, or reply to the
message. Instead, report it directly to the individual named above.
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                                                              Effective Date November 27, 2010

                          3.3 Flow Chart Appropriate use or Inappropriate
                                              LSR Tech Solutions
                                              Appropriate Usage

                                          Communicating with fellow
                                          employees, business
                                          partners of LSR Tech
                                          Solutions, and clients within
                                          the context of an
                                          individual’s assigned

                                          Acquiring or sharing
                                          information necessary or
                                          related to the performed
                                          of an individual’s
                                          assigned responsibilities.

                                     Participating in educational or
                                     professional development

                   What is the process
                  for Inappropriate Use
                  of the e-mail system?
                                                                 Use of e-mail for illegal or unlawful
                                                                 purposes, including copyright infringement,
                                                                 obscenity. These could be considered
                                                                 improper use of LSR Tech Solutions mail
                                                                 server or service, and will start the process
                                                                 of monitoring the e-mail account.

              Use of LSR Tech Solutions to send
              unreasonably large e-mail attachments.
              The total size of an individual e-mail
              message sent (including attachment)                         Opening e-mail attachments form
              should be 10MB or less.                                     unknown or unsigned sources.
                                                                          Attachments are the primary source of
                                                                          computer viruses and should be treated
                                                                          with utmost caution.

                                                  Inappropriate Complete
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                                   Effective Date November 27, 2010

3.4 Disclaimer

LSR Tech Solutions assumes no liability for direct and/or indirect damages arising from the
user’s use of LSR Tech Solutions e-mail system and services. Users are solely responsible for the
content they disseminate. LSR Tech Solution is not responsible for any third-party claim,
demand, or damage arising out of use the LSR Tech Solutions e-mail systems or services.

3.5 Failure to Comply

Violations of this policy will be treated like other allegations of wrong doing at LSR Tech
Solutions. Allegations of misconduct will be adjudicated according to established procedures.
Sanctions for inappropriate use on LSR Tech Solutions e-mail systems and services may include,
but are not limited to, one or more of the following:

    1. Temporary or permanent revocation of e-mail access;

    2. Disciplinary action according to applicable LSR Tech Solutions policies;

    3. Termination of employment; and/or Discipline

    4. Legal action according to applicable laws and contractual agreements.
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions

                       E-mail User Agreement
                                                                         Effective Date November 27, 2010

3.6 E-mail User Agreement

I have read and understand the E-mail Acceptable Use Policy. I understand if I violate the rules explained
herein, I may face legal or disciplinary action according to applicable laws or company policy.


Employee Name (print)

___________________________________________              __________________________

Employee Signature                                       Date

Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                          Effective Date November 27, 2010

    LSR Tech Solutions Employee Access to
              IPhone and IPad
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                          Effective Date November 27, 2010

               LSR Tech Solutions Employee Access IPhone and IPad

                                      Lisa Wessel

                                          Prepared by
                                          Lisa Wessel

                                  Rick Kramer President
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                                    Effective Date November 27, 2010

A centralized LSR Tech Solutions Employee Access for iphone and ipad approval policy will
help the IT department run efficiently and cost effectively. Absence of a well defined policy
leaves the company open to numerous vulnerabilities, including employees having access to the
appropriate systems for their job duties and responsibilities to keep LSR Tech Solutions against
competitive competition. This policy will help the employees do their job and have the necessary
access to the proper system to do their job accurately and stay competitive. Opening up access to
the system will allow employees proper assistance to our customers.
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                                                                                           Effective Date November 27, 2010

                                                            TABLE OF CONTENTS

PREFACE .................................................................................................................................................................. 13
    1.0 SCOPE & PURPOSE ......................................................................................................................................5
       1.1 Scope ..............................................................................................................................................................5
       1.2 Purpose ..........................................................................................................................................................5
    2.0 JOB TITLES, REFERENCES, DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS ...............................................................5
       2.1 Job Titles Workflow
       2.2 References ......................................................................................................................................................5
       2.3 Definitions ......................................................................................................................................................6
       2.4 Acronyms........................................................................................................................................................6
PROCESS .....................................................................................................................................................................7
PROCESS FLOWCHART ...........................................................................................................................................
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                                                                    Effective Date November 27, 2010


1.1 Scope
This document applies to all employees that have access to IPhones and IPad and software
programs to be able to perform their job duties to the fullest.

1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to address issues related to authorization and installation of any
software that has yet to be approved by the IT department. The responsible party to authorize any
access on LSR Tech Solutions systems will be the Network Administrator.


2.1 Job Titles

                                                     LSR Tech Solutions

              Executive Vice President
                       (CLO)                                                          Vice President
                                                        President                     Internal Audit

                                  Customer Service          VP/Human Resources                                 Network Admin
                                                                                      Accounting Manager

   Sales Manager

 Sales Assistant       Sales Assistant       Sales Assistant        Sales Assistant    Sales Assistant     Sales Assistant     Sales Assistant
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                                     Effective Date November 27, 2010

2.2 References
    1. Policy – “All software to be installed must be approved by the IT department prior to
       installation and the designated supervisor.”If there is new software installed all templates
       will have to be updated according to job descriptions. All employees with the job
       description will have the same access on all of the LSR Tech Solutions software systems.
    2. Level 3 Documents – LSR Tech Solutions Employee Access Authorization Request
       Form. All templates are stored in the G: Information Systems/Reports/Authorization
       Forms for ipad and iphone. All the templates have been developed and marked for all the
       systems that the employee will need access to. All of the templates have been approved
       by management and are reviewed on an annual basis.
       The management that reviews the templates are as follows: President, Executive Vice
       President, and Vice President.
    3. Management will make the decision on employees who will have the the ability to have
       access to the iphone and ipad. The iphone will be rotated for the sales, customer service,
       warehouse and administration departments.

2.3 Definitions

  Software       Definition
   Iphone        Phone with the ability to have internet access and Ipod into one package
    Ipad         A mobile device bigger than smart phone and smaller than a laptop. Also a
                 mobile device to have the ability to access the internet.

2.4 Acronyms

Acronym Description
IT      Information Technology
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                                    Effective Date November 27, 2010

Employee who would like the opportunity to learn the dynamics of the IPhone or IPad can
request the option of trying out the IPhone or IPad. LSR Tech Solutions would like the
employees and staff to be able to use the IPhone or IPad for selling and troubleshooting the

    1. E-mail the help desk with the request of the access for IPhone or IPad. The e-mail
       address is

    2. The IT department will e-mail the appropriate employee access form for IPhone or
       IPhone. The forms are stored in the G: Information System/Reports/Authorization Forms

    3. The management will review the appropriate template, sign and return to the department
       to the Network Administration.

    4. The Network Administrator will then issue the appropriate IPhone or IPad and create the
       phone number, user id and password depending on the IPad or IPhone access. The
       Network Administrator will give the IPhone or IPad to the employee and demonstrate
       how to use the IPhone or IPad works.

    5. The IPhone and IPad should be used for business purposes only with limited personal
       usage. The IPhone and IPad usage will be monitored on a monthly basis. If the Network
       Administrator recognizes any illegal activity on the system the IPhone or IPad usage will
       be terminated immediately. Illegal activity includes any gambling, viewing any
       pornographic material or any other inappropriate materials.

    6. Once the employee either terminates their position or no longer would like the IPhone or
       IPad the IPhone or IPad will have to be turned in to the Network Administration and
       passwords and authority and systems will have to be changed on the devices.
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                                                          Effective Date November 27, 2010

                                                      Set Up User for Iphone or Ipad

                                                          Is the employee granted
                                                        access for the iphone by one
                                                          of the management team


              The Network
         Administrator will setup                     Is the employee graned access for
             the iphone and                          the ipad by one of the management
         demonstrate and review                                     team
           the rules and policy

                                        The Network
                                      Administrator will
                                    setup and review the                                  No
                                    ipad rules and policy

                                                                         End of Process
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                                                              Effective Date November 27, 2010


                                              Employee Name:

                                        Supervisor Signature: __________________________

                                      Management Approval: __________________________

                            Position and Location (Branch):
                                              Date Needed By:


                             Termination Date: (if applicable)

                       Time Restrictions Signon
                         Times during the week                          2:00 am - 03:00 am.
                           Times on Saturday                            2:00 am - 03:00 am.
                            Times on Sunday                             2:00 am - 03:00 am.

        Application/Service or support systems
        Place an X in the box next to each system you have access to.

                                              All Employees
                           Access to System                             Acct Maintenance
                                Iphone                                          x
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                          Effective Date November 27, 2010

       LSR Tech Solutions Employee Access
            Authorization on Systems
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                          Effective Date November 27, 2010

         LSR Tech Solutions Employee Access Authorization on Systems

                                      Lisa Wessel

                                          Prepared by
                                          Lisa Wessel

                                  Rick Kramer President
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                                  Effective Date November 27, 2010

A centralized LSR Tech Solutions Employee Access authorization approval policy will help the
IT department run efficiently and cost effectively. Absence of a well defined policy leaves the
company open to numerous vulnerabilities, including employees having access to the appropriate
systems for their job duties and responsibilities to keep LSR Tech Solutions against any
inhabited systems restrictions. This policy will help the employees do their job and have the
necessary system to do their job accurately.
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                                                                                           Effective Date November 27, 2010

                                                            TABLE OF CONTENTS

PREFACE .................................................................................................................................................................. 13
    1.0 SCOPE & PURPOSE ......................................................................................................................................5
       1.1 Scope ..............................................................................................................................................................5
       1.2 Purpose ..........................................................................................................................................................5
    2.0 JOB TITLES, REFERENCES, DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS ...............................................................5
       2.1 Job Titles Workflow
       2.2 References ......................................................................................................................................................5
       2.3 Definitions ......................................................................................................................................................6
       2.4 Acronyms........................................................................................................................................................6
PROCESS .....................................................................................................................................................................7
PROCESS FLOWCHART ...........................................................................................................................................
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                                                                    Effective Date November 27, 2010


1.1 Scope
This document applies to all employees that have access to all the companies systems and
computers and all the companies owned computers and related software programs.

1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to address issues related to authorization and installation of any
software that has yet to be approved by the IT department. The responsible party to authorize any
access on LSR Tech Solutions systems will be the Technical Analyst.


2.1 Job Titles

                                                     LSR Tech Solutions

              Executive Vice President
                       (CLO)                                                          Vice President
                                                        President                     Internal Audit

                                  Customer Service          VP/Human Resources                                 Network Admin
                                                                                      Accounting Manager

   Sales Manager

 Sales Assistant       Sales Assistant       Sales Assistant        Sales Assistant    Sales Assistant     Sales Assistant     Sales Assistant
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                                     Effective Date November 27, 2010

2.2 References
    1. Policy – “All software to be installed must be approved by the IT department prior to
       installation and the designated supervisor.”If there is new software installed all templates
       will have to be updated according to job descriptions. All employees with the job
       description will have the same access on all of the LSR Tech Solutions software systems.
    2. Level 3 Documents – LSR Tech Solutions Employee Access Authorization Request
       Form. All templates are stored in the G: Information Systems/Reports/Authorization
       Forms. All the templates have been developed and marked for all the systems that the
       employee will need access to. All of the templates have been approved by management
       and are reviewed on an annual basis.
       The management that review the templates are as follows: President, Executive Vice
       President, and Vice President

2.3 Definitions

  Software       Definition
   Remote        Electronic Banking of statement deposit to the bank through electronic scanning
   Deposit       of checks received from our customers
   Online        Viewing transactions and statement through the internet connections
Pay Expert       Payroll System to use to generate direct deposit for employees

2.4 Acronyms

Acronym Description
IT      Information Technology
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                                   Effective Date November 27, 2010

New employee hires or employees who change their job titles or job description will need the
employee system access form.

    1. E-mail the help desk on the with the new employees name and job title. E-mail

    2. The IT department will e-mail the appropriate employee system access form. The forms
       are stored in the G: Information System/Reports/Authorization Forms

    3. The management will review the appropriate template, sign and return to the department
       to the Technical Analyst.

    4. The Technical Analyst will then issue the appropriate system and create the user ID and
       password. The Technical Analyst will e-mail the department supervisor with the user ID
       and password for the system the employee will be granted access to.

    5. The department supervisor or employee in that designated department will train the
       employee on the appropriate system.
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                                                      Effective Date November 27, 2010

                                           Set Up User in
                                             LSR Tech

                                           Is Internet

                                  Yes Go to
                                 Internet and
                                 grant Access

                                                Is Accounting

                             Yes Go to Accounts                 No
                               Payable, Online
                             banking and General

                                                            Is Orders

                                                      Yes Go to
                                                     Internet and
                                                     grant Access

                                                                     End of Process
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                                                                           Effective Date November 27, 2010


                                 Employee Name:
                            Supervisor Signature:          _____________________________________________________
                  Position and Location (Branch):
                                 Date Needed By:

              Time Restrictions Signon
                Times during the week                  2:00 am - 01:00 am.
                  Times on Saturday                    2:00 am - 01:00 am.
                   Times on Sunday                     2:00 am - 01:00 am.

Application/Service or support systems
Place an X in the box next to each system you have access to.

                                                         All Employees
              Computer Core System                     Acct Maintenance      New Accounts   Parameter   Transaction Input
                       Inquiry                                 x                  x                             x
                   General Ledger
                       Orders                                   x                 x                             x
                  Customer Service                              x                 x                             x
                       Payroll                                  x                 x                             x
               End of Year Processing                           x                 x                             x
        Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable
                                                                x                 x                             x
                                                                x                 x                             x

                   Application/Service or support systems
Place an X in the box next to each system you have access to.

All Employees/Human Resources
                     Payroll                              ADP/Ezlabor
                     Payroll                                   x
                   Pay Expert

                   Internet Systems
Place X in the box next to system
                  LSR website design
                    Online Banking
            Remote Deposit Capture Account
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                          Effective Date November 27, 2010

        LSR Tech Solutions Password Policy
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                          Effective Date November 27, 2010

                           LSR Tech Solutions Password Policy

                                      Lisa Wessel

                                          Prepared by
                                          Lisa Wessel

                                  Rick Kramer President
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                                 Effective Date November 27, 2010

LSR Tech Solutions passwords are designed to secure LSR Tech Solutions computer systems. A
poor password makeup may result in easy access and can compromise the entire computer
network. Absence of a well defined policy leaves the company open to numerous vulnerabilities,
including employees having access to the appropriate systems for their job duties and
responsibilities to keep LSR Tech Solutions against any inhabited systems restrictions.
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                                                                                          Effective Date November 27, 2010

                                                            TABLE OF CONTENTS

PREFACE .................................................................................................................................................................. 13
    1.0 SCOPE & PURPOSE ......................................................................................................................................5
       1.1 Scope ..............................................................................................................................................................5
       1.2 Purpose ..........................................................................................................................................................5
    2.0 JOB TITLES, REFERENCES, DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS ...............................................................5
       2.1 Job Titles Workflow........................................................................................................................................5
       2.2 Definitions ......................................................................................................................................................5
       2.3 Acronyms........................................................................................................................................................6
PROCESS .....................................................................................................................................................................7
PROCESS FLOWCHART ...........................................................................................................................................
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                                                                   Effective Date November 27, 2010


1.1 Scope
This document is designed for all personnel of LSR Tech Solutions who have or responsible for
access that requires a password.

1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to establish a standard for strong password and protection of
password and the changing of passwords. This is all set to protect LSR Tech Solutions systems.


2.1 Job Titles

                                                     LSR Tech Solutions

              Executive Vice President
                       (CLO)                                                          Vice President
                                                        President                     Internal Audit

                                  Customer Service          VP/Human Resources                                 Network Admin
                                                                                      Accounting Manager

   Sales Manager

 Sales Assistant       Sales Assistant       Sales Assistant        Sales Assistant    Sales Assistant     Sales Assistant     Sales Assistant

2.2 Definitions
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                                   Effective Date November 27, 2010

  Software       Definition
    Web          Any sign on or membership on the internet.
 Voicemail       Telephone security for messages left over the phone
   Email         Communication electronically through computer

2.3 Acronyms

Acronym Description
IT      Information Technology
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                                   Effective Date November 27, 2010

All employees are required to have passwords to gain access to all computer systems that are
available on the LSR Tech Solutions systems.

    1. All system levels passwords must be changed every 90 days.

    2. All user level passwords must be changed every 90 days.

    3. User accounts accessed through websites must have unique password and should be
       changed periodically.

    4. Passwords must not be sent in an email

    5. All passwords us be use the preferred guidelines.


Common usage of password include: user, web, email and voicemails.

    1. Passwords should contain eight to fifteen characters both upper and lowercase characters
       along with a symbol ($, #, !).

    2. Passwords should not use words in the dictionary.

    3. Do not use personal information in your password.

    4. Password should never be written down.

    5. Do not user the remember password option when prompted.

If your password is compromised please report to Network Administrator and they can reset your
password to change to new secure password.
Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst
Subject: LSR Tech Solutions
                                                                             Effective Date November 27, 2010

                                                Password for LSR
                                                 Tech Solutions

                                                Do you have a
                                                password: See


                         End of                    Change the password
                        Process                      to be secure. Is it
                                                     secure password


                                                            End of Process

                                                                                  LSR Tech Solutions

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  • 1. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 LSR Tech Solutions E-mail and usage Policy
  • 2. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 LSR Tech Solutions E-mail and usage Policy ______________________________________________________ Lisa Wessel Prepared by Lisa Wessel ______________________________________________________ Rick Kramer President
  • 3. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 PREFACE LSR Tech Solutions has strict e-mail policies and believes in keeping its customers and employee up to date and safe from e-mail scams, fraud, privacy, and to provide guidelines to a acceptable use policy. It is essential for LSR Tech Solutions employees, staff, customer, contractors by providing guidance, support, and technical expertise in the proper use of its e- mail. This particular document, LSR Tech Solutions Policy guidelines, is a supporting document designed to help employees, staff, customers, and contractors to understand the policies and standards required to use LSR Tech Solutions any and all e-mail servers including e-mail set-up processes. Understanding these policies and standards is an ongoing process, so we encourage customers, employees, and contractors to contact the IT department in order to ensure their successful use of LSR Tech Solutions E-mail Servers.
  • 4. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents DOCUMENT HISTORY LOG.................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. LSR TECH SOLUTION E-MAIL ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY .................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. PREFACE ................................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 1.0 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 1.2 SCOPE .................................................................................................................................................................... 5 1.3 ACCOUNT ACTIVATION/TERMINATION ................................................................................................................. 5 DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS ..................................................................................................................................... 6 2.0 DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 ACRONYMS ............................................................................................................................................................ 7 2.2 GENERAL EXPECTATIONS OF END USERS ............................................................................................................. 7 2.3 APPROPRIATE USE ................................................................................................................................................. 7 2.4 INAPPROPRIATE USE .............................................................................................................................................. 7 2.5 MONITORING AND CONFIDENTIALITY ................................................................................................................... 8 2.6 RETENTION POLICY............................................................................................................................................... 9 3.2 REPORTING MISUSE .............................................................................................................................................. 9 3.3 FLOW CHART APPROPRIATE USE OR INAPPROPRIATE ........................................................................................ 10 3.4 Disclaimer ........................................................................................................................................................... 11 LSR Tech Solution assumes no liability for direct and/or indirect damages arising from the user’s use of LSR Tech Solutions e-mail system and services. Users are solely responsible for the content they disseminate. LSR Tech Solutions is not responsible for any third-party claim, demand, or damage arising out of use the LSR Tech Solution’s e-mail systems or services. .............................................................................................................................................. 11 3.5 FAILURE TO COMPLY .......................................................................................................................................... 11 3.6 E-MAIL USER AGREEMENT.................................................................................................................................. 12
  • 5. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 E-mail Acceptable Use Policy 1.0 Introduction In order to protect its customer’s and its employees and staff and all other suppliers LSR Tech Solutions e-mail is perhaps the most commonly used application in our companies workplace. It is essential business tool for LSR Tech Solutions, but a potentially dangerous one if mismanaged. Conscientious management by way of a clear and comprehensive policy is essential. This policy provides a structure for defining our organization’s e-mail Acceptable Use Policy. 1.1 Purpose E-mail is a critical mechanism for business communications at LSR Tech Solutions. However, use of LSR Tech Solution’s electronic mail systems and services are a privilege, not a right, and therefore must be used with respect and in accordance with the goals of LSR Tech Solutions. The objectives of this policy are to outline appropriate and inappropriate use of LSR Tech Solutions e-mail systems and services in order to minimize disruptions to services and activities, as well as comply with applicable policies and laws. 1.2 Scope This policy applies to all e-mail systems and services owned by LSR Tech Solutions all e-mail account users/holders at LSR Tech Solutions (both temporary and permanent), and all company e-mail records. 1.3 Account Activation/Termination E-mail access at LSR Tech Solutions is controlled through individual accounts and passwords. Each user of LSR Tech Solutions e-mail system is required to read and sign a copy of this E-mail Acceptable Use Policy prior to receiving an e-mail access account and password. It is the responsibility of the employee to protect the confidentiality of their account and password information. All employees of LSR Tech Solutions will receive an e-mail account. E-mail accounts will be granted to third-party non-employees on a case-by-case basis. Possible non- employees that may be eligible for access include: Contractors. Customers. Outside Sales Staff.
  • 6. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 Applications for these temporary accounts must be submitted to management or e-mail for all terms, conditions, and restrictions governing e-mail use must be in a written and signed agreement. E-mail access will be terminated when the employee or third party terminates their association with LSR Tech Solutions unless other arrangements are made. LSR Tech Solutions is under no obligation to store or forward the contents of an individual’s e-mail inbox/outbox after the term of their employment has ceased. Definitions and Acronyms 2.0 Definitions Term Definition Communicating with fellow employees, business partners of LSR Tech Appropriate Solutions, and clients within the context of an individual’s assigned Use responsibilities. Excessive personal use of LSR Tech Solutions e-mail resources. LSR Tech Inappropriate Solutions allows limited personal use for communication with family and Use friends, independent learning, and public service so long as it does not interfere with staff productivity, pre-empt any business activity, or consume more than a trivial amount of resources. Monitoring The e-mail systems and services used at LSR Tech Solutions are owned by the and company, and are therefore its property. This gives LSR Tech Solutions the Confidentiality right to monitor any and all e-mail traffic passing through its e-mail system. A company, corporation, firm, enterprise or institution, or part thereof Organization (whether incorporated or not, public or private) that has its own function(s) and administration. Policy E-mail Acceptable use policy is intended to provide a safe and enjoyable e- mail service to LSR Tech Solutions e-mail use. General Expectations of E-mail users are responsible for mailbox management, including organization end users and cleaning.
  • 7. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 2.1 Acronyms Acronym Description CEO chief executive officer 2.2 General Expectations of End Users The enterprise often delivers official communications via e-mail. As a result, employees of LSR Tech Solutions with e-mail accounts are expected to check their e-mail in a consistent and timely manner so that they are aware of important company announcements and updates, as well as for fulfilling business and role-oriented tasks. E-mail users are responsible for mailbox management, including organization and cleaning. If a user subscribes to a mailing list, he or she must be aware of how to unsubscribe from the list, and is responsible for doing so in the event that their current e-mail addresses changes. E-mail users are expected to remember that e-mail sent from the company’s e-mail accounts reflects on the company. Please comply with normal standards of professional and personal courtesy and conduct. 2.3 Appropriate Use Individuals at LSR Tech Solutions are encouraged to use e-mail to further the goals and objectives of LSR Tech Solutions. The types of activities that are encouraged include: 2.4 Inappropriate Use Communicating with fellow employees, business partners of LSR Tech Solutions, and clients within the context of an individual’s assigned responsibilities. Acquiring or sharing information necessary or related to the performance of an individual’s assigned responsibilities. Participating in educational or professional development activities. LSR Tech Solutions e-mail systems and services are not to be used for purposes that could be reasonably expected to strain storage or bandwidth (e.g. e-mailing large attachments instead of pointing to a location on a shared drive). Individual e-mail use will not interfere with others’ use and enjoyment of LSR Tech Solutions e-mail system and services. E-mail use at LSR Tech Solutions will comply with all applicable laws, all LSR Tech Solutions policies, and all LSR Tech Solutions contracts. The following activities are deemed inappropriate uses of LSR Tech Solutions e-mail systems and services, and are strictly prohibited:
  • 8. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 2.5 Monitoring and Confidentiality Use of e-mail for illegal or unlawful purposes, including copyright infringement, obscenity, libel, slander, fraud, defamation, plagiarism, harassment, intimidation, forgery, impersonation, soliciting for illegal pyramid schemes, and computer tampering (e.g. spreading of computer viruses). Use of e-mail in any way that violates LSR Tech Solutions policies, rules, or administrative orders, including, but not limited to, to the laws put in place by the federal or local State agency. Viewing, copying, altering, or deletion of e-mail accounts or files belonging to LSR Tech Solutions or another individual without authorized permission. Sending of unreasonably large e-mail attachments. The total size of an individual e-mail message sent (including attachment) should be 10MB or less. Opening e-mail attachments from unknown or unsigned sources. Attachments are the primary source of computer viruses and should be treated with utmost caution. Sharing e-mail account passwords with another person, or attempting to obtain another person’s e-mail account password. E-mail accounts are only to be used by the registered user. Excessive personal use of LSR Tech Solutions e-mail resources. LSR Tech Solutions allows limited personal use for communication with family and friends, independent learning, and public service so long as it does not interfere with staff productivity, pre-empt any business activity, or consume more than a trivial amount of resources. LSR Tech Solutions prohibits personal use of its e-mail systems and services for unsolicited mass mailings, non-LSR Tech Solutions commercial activity, political campaigning, dissemination of chain letters, and use by non-employees. The e-mail systems and services used at LSR Tech Solutions are owned by the company, and are therefore its property. This gives LSR Tech Solutions the right to monitor any and all e-mail traffic passing through its e-mail system. This monitoring may include, but is not limited to, inadvertent reading by IT staff during the normal course of managing the e-mail system, review by the legal team during the e-mail discovery phase of litigation, observation by management in cases of suspected abuse or to monitor employee efficiency. In addition, archival and backup copies of e-mail messages may exist, despite end-user deletion, in compliance with LSR Tech Solutions records retention policy. The goals of these backup and archiving procedures are to ensure system reliability, prevent business data loss, meet regulatory and litigation needs, and to provide business intelligence. Backup copies exist primarily to restore service in case of failure. Archival copies are designed for quick and accurate access by company delegates for a variety of management and legal needs. Both backups and archives are governed by the company’s document retention policies. These policies indicate that e-mail must be kept for up to 1 year.
  • 9. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 2.6 Retention Policy The records of LSR Tech Solutions and e-mail records are important assets. Corporate record includes essentially all records documents you produce as an employee whether paper or electronic. A record may be as a memorandum, an e-mail, a contract or a case study, or something not as obvious, such as computerized desk calendar, an appointment book or an expense record. If LSR Tech Solutions discovers or has good reason to suspect activities that do not comply with applicable laws or this policy, e-mail records may be retrieved and used to document the activity in accordance with due process. All reasonable efforts will be made to notify an employee if his or her e-mail records are to be reviewed. Notification may not be possible, however, if the employee cannot be contacted, as in the case of employee absence due to vacation. Use extreme caution when communicating confidential or sensitive information via e-mail. Keep in mind that all e-mail messages sent outside of LSR Tech Solutions become the property of the receiver. A good rule is to not communicate anything that you wouldn’t feel comfortable being made public. Demonstrate particular care when using the “Reply” command during e-mail correspondence to ensure the resulting message is not delivered to unintended recipients. 3.2 Reporting Misuse Any allegations of misuse should be promptly reported to admin or Henry Cookie . If you receive an offensive e-mail, do not forward, delete, or reply to the message. Instead, report it directly to the individual named above.
  • 10. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 3.3 Flow Chart Appropriate use or Inappropriate LSR Tech Solutions Appropriate Usage Communicating with fellow employees, business partners of LSR Tech Solutions, and clients within the context of an individual’s assigned responsibilities. Acquiring or sharing information necessary or related to the performed of an individual’s assigned responsibilities. Participating in educational or professional development activities What is the process for Inappropriate Use of the e-mail system? Use of e-mail for illegal or unlawful purposes, including copyright infringement, obscenity. These could be considered improper use of LSR Tech Solutions mail server or service, and will start the process of monitoring the e-mail account. Use of LSR Tech Solutions to send unreasonably large e-mail attachments. The total size of an individual e-mail message sent (including attachment) Opening e-mail attachments form should be 10MB or less. unknown or unsigned sources. Attachments are the primary source of computer viruses and should be treated with utmost caution. Inappropriate Complete
  • 11. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 3.4 Disclaimer LSR Tech Solutions assumes no liability for direct and/or indirect damages arising from the user’s use of LSR Tech Solutions e-mail system and services. Users are solely responsible for the content they disseminate. LSR Tech Solution is not responsible for any third-party claim, demand, or damage arising out of use the LSR Tech Solutions e-mail systems or services. 3.5 Failure to Comply Violations of this policy will be treated like other allegations of wrong doing at LSR Tech Solutions. Allegations of misconduct will be adjudicated according to established procedures. Sanctions for inappropriate use on LSR Tech Solutions e-mail systems and services may include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following: 1. Temporary or permanent revocation of e-mail access; 2. Disciplinary action according to applicable LSR Tech Solutions policies; 3. Termination of employment; and/or Discipline 4. Legal action according to applicable laws and contractual agreements.
  • 12. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions E-mail User Agreement Effective Date November 27, 2010 3.6 E-mail User Agreement I have read and understand the E-mail Acceptable Use Policy. I understand if I violate the rules explained herein, I may face legal or disciplinary action according to applicable laws or company policy. ___________________________________________ Employee Name (print) ___________________________________________ __________________________ Employee Signature Date _____________________________________________________
  • 13. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 LSR Tech Solutions Employee Access to IPhone and IPad
  • 14. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 LSR Tech Solutions Employee Access IPhone and IPad ______________________________________________________ Lisa Wessel Prepared by Lisa Wessel ______________________________________________________ Rick Kramer President
  • 15. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 PREFACE A centralized LSR Tech Solutions Employee Access for iphone and ipad approval policy will help the IT department run efficiently and cost effectively. Absence of a well defined policy leaves the company open to numerous vulnerabilities, including employees having access to the appropriate systems for their job duties and responsibilities to keep LSR Tech Solutions against competitive competition. This policy will help the employees do their job and have the necessary access to the proper system to do their job accurately and stay competitive. Opening up access to the system will allow employees proper assistance to our customers.
  • 16. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE .................................................................................................................................................................. 13 1.0 SCOPE & PURPOSE ......................................................................................................................................5 1.1 Scope ..............................................................................................................................................................5 1.2 Purpose ..........................................................................................................................................................5 2.0 JOB TITLES, REFERENCES, DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS ...............................................................5 2.1 Job Titles Workflow 2.2 References ......................................................................................................................................................5 2.3 Definitions ......................................................................................................................................................6 2.4 Acronyms........................................................................................................................................................6 PROCESS .....................................................................................................................................................................7 PROCESS FLOWCHART ...........................................................................................................................................
  • 17. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 1.0 SCOPE & PURPOSE 1.1 Scope This document applies to all employees that have access to IPhones and IPad and software programs to be able to perform their job duties to the fullest. 1.2 Purpose The purpose of this policy is to address issues related to authorization and installation of any software that has yet to be approved by the IT department. The responsible party to authorize any access on LSR Tech Solutions systems will be the Network Administrator. 2.0 JOB TITLES, REFERENCES, DEFINITIONS and ACRONYMS 2.1 Job Titles LSR Tech Solutions Executive Vice President (CLO) Vice President President Internal Audit Customer Service VP/Human Resources Network Admin Accounting Manager Manager Sales Manager Customer Receptionist Service Assistant Sales Assistant Sales Assistant Sales Assistant Sales Assistant Sales Assistant Sales Assistant Sales Assistant
  • 18. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 2.2 References 1. Policy – “All software to be installed must be approved by the IT department prior to installation and the designated supervisor.”If there is new software installed all templates will have to be updated according to job descriptions. All employees with the job description will have the same access on all of the LSR Tech Solutions software systems. 2. Level 3 Documents – LSR Tech Solutions Employee Access Authorization Request Form. All templates are stored in the G: Information Systems/Reports/Authorization Forms for ipad and iphone. All the templates have been developed and marked for all the systems that the employee will need access to. All of the templates have been approved by management and are reviewed on an annual basis. The management that reviews the templates are as follows: President, Executive Vice President, and Vice President. 3. Management will make the decision on employees who will have the the ability to have access to the iphone and ipad. The iphone will be rotated for the sales, customer service, warehouse and administration departments. 2.3 Definitions Software Definition Systems Iphone Phone with the ability to have internet access and Ipod into one package Ipad A mobile device bigger than smart phone and smaller than a laptop. Also a mobile device to have the ability to access the internet. 2.4 Acronyms Acronym Description IT Information Technology
  • 19. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 Process Employee who would like the opportunity to learn the dynamics of the IPhone or IPad can request the option of trying out the IPhone or IPad. LSR Tech Solutions would like the employees and staff to be able to use the IPhone or IPad for selling and troubleshooting the product. 1. E-mail the help desk with the request of the access for IPhone or IPad. The e-mail address is 2. The IT department will e-mail the appropriate employee access form for IPhone or IPhone. The forms are stored in the G: Information System/Reports/Authorization Forms 3. The management will review the appropriate template, sign and return to the department to the Network Administration. 4. The Network Administrator will then issue the appropriate IPhone or IPad and create the phone number, user id and password depending on the IPad or IPhone access. The Network Administrator will give the IPhone or IPad to the employee and demonstrate how to use the IPhone or IPad works. 5. The IPhone and IPad should be used for business purposes only with limited personal usage. The IPhone and IPad usage will be monitored on a monthly basis. If the Network Administrator recognizes any illegal activity on the system the IPhone or IPad usage will be terminated immediately. Illegal activity includes any gambling, viewing any pornographic material or any other inappropriate materials. 6. Once the employee either terminates their position or no longer would like the IPhone or IPad the IPhone or IPad will have to be turned in to the Network Administration and passwords and authority and systems will have to be changed on the devices.
  • 20. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 Set Up User for Iphone or Ipad Is the employee granted access for the iphone by one of the management team No Yes The Network Administrator will setup Is the employee graned access for the iphone and the ipad by one of the management demonstrate and review team the rules and policy The Network Administrator will setup and review the No ipad rules and policy End of Process
  • 21. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 EMPLOYEE SYSTEM ACCESS FORM IPHONE OR IPAD Employee Name: Supervisor Signature: __________________________ Management Approval: __________________________ Position and Location (Branch): Date Needed By: Date: Termination Date: (if applicable) Time Restrictions Signon Times during the week 2:00 am - 03:00 am. Times on Saturday 2:00 am - 03:00 am. Times on Sunday 2:00 am - 03:00 am. Application/Service or support systems Place an X in the box next to each system you have access to. All Employees Access to System Acct Maintenance Iphone x Ipad
  • 22. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 LSR Tech Solutions Employee Access Authorization on Systems
  • 23. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 LSR Tech Solutions Employee Access Authorization on Systems ______________________________________________________ Lisa Wessel Prepared by Lisa Wessel ______________________________________________________ Rick Kramer President
  • 24. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 PREFACE A centralized LSR Tech Solutions Employee Access authorization approval policy will help the IT department run efficiently and cost effectively. Absence of a well defined policy leaves the company open to numerous vulnerabilities, including employees having access to the appropriate systems for their job duties and responsibilities to keep LSR Tech Solutions against any inhabited systems restrictions. This policy will help the employees do their job and have the necessary system to do their job accurately.
  • 25. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE .................................................................................................................................................................. 13 1.0 SCOPE & PURPOSE ......................................................................................................................................5 1.1 Scope ..............................................................................................................................................................5 1.2 Purpose ..........................................................................................................................................................5 2.0 JOB TITLES, REFERENCES, DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS ...............................................................5 2.1 Job Titles Workflow 2.2 References ......................................................................................................................................................5 2.3 Definitions ......................................................................................................................................................6 2.4 Acronyms........................................................................................................................................................6 PROCESS .....................................................................................................................................................................7 PROCESS FLOWCHART ...........................................................................................................................................
  • 26. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 1.0 SCOPE & PURPOSE 1.1 Scope This document applies to all employees that have access to all the companies systems and computers and all the companies owned computers and related software programs. 1.2 Purpose The purpose of this policy is to address issues related to authorization and installation of any software that has yet to be approved by the IT department. The responsible party to authorize any access on LSR Tech Solutions systems will be the Technical Analyst. 2.0 JOB TITLES, REFERENCES, DEFINITIONS and ACRONYMS 2.1 Job Titles LSR Tech Solutions Executive Vice President (CLO) Vice President President Internal Audit Customer Service VP/Human Resources Network Admin Accounting Manager Manager Sales Manager Customer Receptionist Service Assistant Sales Assistant Sales Assistant Sales Assistant Sales Assistant Sales Assistant Sales Assistant Sales Assistant
  • 27. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 2.2 References 1. Policy – “All software to be installed must be approved by the IT department prior to installation and the designated supervisor.”If there is new software installed all templates will have to be updated according to job descriptions. All employees with the job description will have the same access on all of the LSR Tech Solutions software systems. 2. Level 3 Documents – LSR Tech Solutions Employee Access Authorization Request Form. All templates are stored in the G: Information Systems/Reports/Authorization Forms. All the templates have been developed and marked for all the systems that the employee will need access to. All of the templates have been approved by management and are reviewed on an annual basis. The management that review the templates are as follows: President, Executive Vice President, and Vice President 2.3 Definitions Software Definition Systems Remote Electronic Banking of statement deposit to the bank through electronic scanning Deposit of checks received from our customers Capture Online Viewing transactions and statement through the internet connections Banking Pay Expert Payroll System to use to generate direct deposit for employees 2.4 Acronyms Acronym Description IT Information Technology
  • 28. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 Process New employee hires or employees who change their job titles or job description will need the employee system access form. 1. E-mail the help desk on the with the new employees name and job title. E-mail 2. The IT department will e-mail the appropriate employee system access form. The forms are stored in the G: Information System/Reports/Authorization Forms 3. The management will review the appropriate template, sign and return to the department to the Technical Analyst. 4. The Technical Analyst will then issue the appropriate system and create the user ID and password. The Technical Analyst will e-mail the department supervisor with the user ID and password for the system the employee will be granted access to. 5. The department supervisor or employee in that designated department will train the employee on the appropriate system.
  • 29. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 Set Up User in LSR Tech Solutions Is Internet Access requested Yes Go to No Internet and grant Access Is Accounting systems requested Yes Go to Accounts No Payable, Online banking and General Ledgers Is Orders systems requested No Yes Go to Internet and grant Access End of Process
  • 30. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 EMPLOYEE SYSTEM ACCESS FORM PRESIDENT Employee Name: Supervisor Signature: _____________________________________________________ Position and Location (Branch): Date Needed By: Date: Time Restrictions Signon Times during the week 2:00 am - 01:00 am. Times on Saturday 2:00 am - 01:00 am. Times on Sunday 2:00 am - 01:00 am. Application/Service or support systems Place an X in the box next to each system you have access to. All Employees Computer Core System Acct Maintenance New Accounts Parameter Transaction Input Inquiry x x x General Ledger Orders x x x Customer Service x x x Payroll x x x Sales Accounting End of Year Processing x x x Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable x x x x x x Application/Service or support systems Place an X in the box next to each system you have access to. All Employees/Human Resources Payroll ADP/Ezlabor Payroll x Superviory Pay Expert Internet Systems Place X in the box next to system LSR website design Online Banking Remote Deposit Capture Account
  • 31. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 LSR Tech Solutions Password Policy
  • 32. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 LSR Tech Solutions Password Policy ______________________________________________________ Lisa Wessel Prepared by Lisa Wessel ______________________________________________________ Rick Kramer President
  • 33. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 PREFACE LSR Tech Solutions passwords are designed to secure LSR Tech Solutions computer systems. A poor password makeup may result in easy access and can compromise the entire computer network. Absence of a well defined policy leaves the company open to numerous vulnerabilities, including employees having access to the appropriate systems for their job duties and responsibilities to keep LSR Tech Solutions against any inhabited systems restrictions.
  • 34. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE .................................................................................................................................................................. 13 1.0 SCOPE & PURPOSE ......................................................................................................................................5 1.1 Scope ..............................................................................................................................................................5 1.2 Purpose ..........................................................................................................................................................5 2.0 JOB TITLES, REFERENCES, DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS ...............................................................5 2.1 Job Titles Workflow........................................................................................................................................5 2.2 Definitions ......................................................................................................................................................5 2.3 Acronyms........................................................................................................................................................6 PROCESS .....................................................................................................................................................................7 PROCESS FLOWCHART ...........................................................................................................................................
  • 35. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 1.0 SCOPE & PURPOSE 1.1 Scope This document is designed for all personnel of LSR Tech Solutions who have or responsible for access that requires a password. 1.2 Purpose The purpose of this policy is to establish a standard for strong password and protection of password and the changing of passwords. This is all set to protect LSR Tech Solutions systems. 2.0 JOB TITLES, REFERENCES, DEFINITIONS and ACRONYMS 2.1 Job Titles LSR Tech Solutions Executive Vice President (CLO) Vice President President Internal Audit Customer Service VP/Human Resources Network Admin Accounting Manager Manager Sales Manager Customer Receptionist Service Assistant Sales Assistant Sales Assistant Sales Assistant Sales Assistant Sales Assistant Sales Assistant Sales Assistant 2.2 Definitions
  • 36. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 Software Definition Systems Web Any sign on or membership on the internet. Passwords Voicemail Telephone security for messages left over the phone Email Communication electronically through computer 2.3 Acronyms Acronym Description IT Information Technology
  • 37. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 Process All employees are required to have passwords to gain access to all computer systems that are available on the LSR Tech Solutions systems. 1. All system levels passwords must be changed every 90 days. 2. All user level passwords must be changed every 90 days. 3. User accounts accessed through websites must have unique password and should be changed periodically. 4. Passwords must not be sent in an email 5. All passwords us be use the preferred guidelines. Guidelines Common usage of password include: user, web, email and voicemails. 1. Passwords should contain eight to fifteen characters both upper and lowercase characters along with a symbol ($, #, !). 2. Passwords should not use words in the dictionary. 3. Do not use personal information in your password. 4. Password should never be written down. 5. Do not user the remember password option when prompted. If your password is compromised please report to Network Administrator and they can reset your password to change to new secure password.
  • 38. Responsible Employee: Technical Analyst Subject: LSR Tech Solutions Effective Date November 27, 2010 Password for LSR Tech Solutions Do you have a strong password: See guideline No Yes End of Change the password Process to be secure. Is it secure password No Yes End of Process LSR Tech Solutions