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Foreign PolicyForeign Policy
the Khilafahthe Khilafah
Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy: Khilafah Vs Capitalist Foreign PolicyKhilafah Vs Capitalist Foreign Policy
 Fundamentals
 Protecting the entity of the State and the Ummah
◦ Allah’s Ahkam vs National Interest
 Facilitating the Call of Islam to other people
◦ Conveying the Call of Islam Internally
◦ Conveying the Call of Islam Externally
 Conveying Da’wah
 Manner of Conveying the Da’wah
 Conveying the Call of Islam through Jihad
 Organizing relationships with other Nations/States
◦ States in the Muslim World
◦ non belligerent States
◦ potentially Belligerent States
◦ Belligerent States
 Who deals with the Foreign Affairs
 Military pacts and Political treaties with other Countries
 State’s Relationship with Organizations
 Judicial rights of non Muslim citizens (Zimmi) & Foreigners
 Only Khilafah can provide Justice
1. The foreign policy is the State’s relationship with other states. This relationship entails looking after the foreign affairs of the
Ummah. The Islamic State’s foreign policy is based on a fixed concept that does not change. This is the propagation of Islam
and the conveyance of the Message to every nation and every society. What actually makes the conveyance and spreading
of Islam the basis of the foreign policy is the fact that the Message is addressed to the whole of mankind. Allah (SWT) says:
“And we have not sent you (O Muhammad) except as a giver of glad tidings and a warner to all mankind, but most of
men know not.” [Saba’, 34:28] Allah (SWT) also says, “O mankind! There has come to you a good advice from your
Lord.” [Yunus,10:57] He (SWT) says,“Say, O mankind! Verily, I am sent to you all as the Messenger of Allah.” [Al A’raf,
7:158] And He (SWT) says, “This Qur’an has been revealed to me that I may warn therewith you and whomsoever it
may reach.” [Al-An’am, 6:19] He (SWT) also says, “O Messenger (Muhammad r)! Proclaim (the Message) which has
been sent to you from your Lord. And if you do not, then you have not conveyed His Message.” [Al-Ma’idah, 5:67].
The Messenger of Allah (saw) conveyed the Message to mankind, and when he (saw) died Islam continued to be carried by
the Muslims. The conveyance of the Islamic Message is in fact the continuation of the work that the Messenger of Allah
(saw) had initiated.
Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy:
The FundamentalsThe Fundamentals
Khilafah Capitalism
The Islamic foreign policy serves three
major functions:
 To protect the entity of the State and
Ummah (nation)
 To facilitate the Call (Da'wah) to other
 To organize the relationships of the
Islamic State with other nations
Today’s capitalist nation are bound by
 UN resolutions & International Law
 Nation State theory & Co-existence
 National Interest
Conveying the Islamic da’wah is the
core around which the foreign policy
revolves, and upon which relations with
other states are built 1
Pakistani foreign policy revolves around
protecting the interests of America and
convincing the masses that the same is
in their best “National Interest”.
Pakistan lost $10 billion during Afghan
war to facilitate US occupation
US dictated foreign policy has completely eroded Pakistan’s sovereignty
Khilafah will be a major player in world politics since it will be actively
pursuing its primary goal of carrying Islamic Ideology to the whole world
1. Allah says in Qur’an: “Allah has forbid your friendship with those who fight you because of your deen, and drive you
from your homelands, or aid others to do so: and as for those who turn to them in friendship they are oppressors”
[TMQ 60:9]. “In truth the disbelievers are an open enemy to you.” [an-Nisa:101] It is narrated by Ahmad and Nisai from
Anas that Muhammad (SAW) said "Don't take the light from the fire of the disbeliever" In Arabic in this sense fire means
their own weapons and military as a state or tribe. It is haram for Muslims to ask for defence by the kafr, because that will
allow defending of Muslims and Muslim countries by the hand of kufr and it is not allowed for the kafr to have authority over
Muslims. Allah (SWT) refers to this prohibition: “And Allah will never give the unbelievers any way (of authority)
against the believers.” [TMQ; 4: 141] Hence Islamic State is not allowed to ask for protection from any kafir state.
2. Allah says in Qur’an: “O you who believe! Take not the Jews and Christians for friends. They are friends one to
another. He among you who takes them for friends is (one) of them.” [TMQ; 5:51] “. Abu Hamid As-Saeeda related that
Muhammad (SAW) left Madinah until he arrived at Thaee-et al-Wada and a regiment was there and he said: "Who are
they ?" The tribe of Bani Qaynuqa, the relative of Abdullah bin Salam. He said: "Do you accept Islam ?" They said "No"
He said: "Leave, we don't take assistance from disbelievers". It is narrated by Ahmad and Nisai from Anas that
Muhammad (SAW) said "Don't take the light from the fire of the disbeliever" In Arabic in this sense fire means their own
weapons and military as a state or tribe. There other reported Ahadith which in which the Messenger (saw) did allow kafirs to
fight along side Muslims as individuals or groups but only under the banner of Islam. Hence from all these Ahadith the
Hukam is derived that, it is absolutely haram to enter into military pacts that allow kufar to protect Muslims or Muslim armies
fighting under the command of the Kafirs. Similarly it is not allowed for kafir armies to fight along side Muslims with their own
independent command and banner. Whereas other nations can only fight along with the Muslim armies if they are under the
authority and command of the Islamic State without having their own banner i.e. separate independent entity.
Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy:
Protecting the entity of the State and theProtecting the entity of the State and the
Khilafah Capitalism
It is forbidden for the State to be under
the authority or protection of any other
nation or state 1
Allying with super or regional
powers for protection
US nevercame to rescue Pakistan during ’71 waragainst theirkafirbrethren
It is forbidden to form a confederation or
enter into a military pact or political block
where kuffar has the upper hand 2
Other nations can fight under the banner
and leadership of Khilafah. They are not
allowed to have their own separate
banner in the battle field
Forming a block and
confederation with Kafir states for
Pakistani Prime Minster recently
called for forming a “Compact
Block” with India
Jamali’s “Compact Block” or Advani’s call for a confederation with India will lead
to “Akhand Bharat”
1. The messenger of Allah made a no-war pact with Qureish-e-Makkah known as “Sulah Al-Hudaybiyah” which was for ten
years. Islamic State cannot enter into a pact with a kafir state which doesn’t have any time limitation.
2. The Muslim army has always been feared and respected. For centuries, Europe always held that the Muslim army could
never be defeated. However, political maneuvers are essential, especially those which help to spread the Islamic concepts
and demonstrate the power of the State before resorting to armed struggle. Although Jihad is the fixed method that never
changes in the spreading of Islam, the political maneuvers and other deliberate moves are all part of preparation, and is
essential prior to actual combat. It is an important matter designed at determining the relationship of the State with other
states, people and nations, whether these were economic or based on good neighborly relations or any other basis that may
help to spread Islam.
Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy:
Protecting the entity of the State and theProtecting the entity of the State and the
Khilafah Capitalism
State can make no-war pacts for
limited time without eroding its
sovereignty 1
State has to rely on its own military
strength and political manoeuvring
for the protection of its territories
Reliance on the “Composite Block” to
protect Pakistan
This self reliance would force the state to work even harder to gain required
Military and technological skills
Reliance on India to protect Pakistan would pave the way for de-nuclearization,
which Musharraf is already calling for
1. Allah (SWT) said: “The believers are nothing else than brothers” [TMQ 49:10]. The Messenger of Allah said (to the
nearest meaning): “The Muslim is the brother of another Muslim, he does not do injustice to him nor desert him.” And
he said : “The Muslim is the brother of another Muslim, he does not oppress him, forsake him nor hate him.” He
said: “The believers to one another are like one solid structure where one part strengthens another.” And he said:
“The similitude of the believers in their mutual love, compassion and sympathy is like that of a body: when one part
hurts then the rest of the body calls out in sleeplessness and fever.” And he said: “The blood of the Muslims is one.
The nearest as well as the furthest of them gives pledge of protection (to anyone) in their name. And they are one
hand against the rest.” The Messenger of Allah wrote the constitution of Madinah shortly after the Hijrah which describes
the state of the Muslims: “They are one Ummah to the exclusion of other people...the believers are helpers to each
other to the exclusion of other people...the peace of the believers is one, a believer does not make peace excluding
another believer in (the process of) fighting in the path of Allah.”
2. Allah (SWT) says: “And make ready against them all you can of power, including steeds of war to put fear into the
hearts of the enemy of Allah and your enemy.” [TMQ 8:60].
Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy:
Protecting the entity of the State and theProtecting the entity of the State and the
Khilafah Capitalism
Muslim Ummah being one body,
Khilafah is obliged to extend help and
protection as much as she can to the
Muslims living outside its frontiers 1
To protect Muslims around the world the
State must work to gather political and
military strength
Islam requires the State to be strong
enough so that the enemy is terrified
by it 2
Muslim rulers consider UN Charter and
its resolutions more sacred than Allah’s
Musharraf’s doctrine of “Pakistan First”
not only allows colonialist to kill Muslims
but he is even provide them help to do so
The idea of de-nuclearization and
minimum deterrence stems from inward
looking nation state mind set
Pakistani forces are sent to fight in Sierra Leone, East Timor under UN instruction
but kept in barracks during massacres in Bosnia, Iraq and Palestine
During Ummavi Khilafah Muhammad bin Qasim came to India to rescue Muslims
fromWilaya of Iraq
The idea of De-nuclearization and minimum deterrence is a product of inward
looking, weak foreign policy. Khilafah has to protect the Ummah hence it can never
be satisfied by capability which would only protect its own frontiers
1. Human perception of benefit could be faulty but Ahkam Shari’ah are from the Creator Himself and can never lead to misery
or destruction. In reality it is in mans own benefit in this world as well as hereafter to submit to the Ahkam of Allah and leave
his opinion. Allah says in Qur’an “But it may happen that you hate a thing which is good for you, and it may happen
that you love a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows and you know not.” (TMQ: 216)
Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy:
Allah’s Ahkam vs NationalAllah’s Ahkam vs National
Khilafah Capitalism
Khilafah’s foreign policy is dictated
by Ahkam and principles laid down
by Shari’ah, not perceived “benefits”
or “Interests” 1
The ends doesn’t justify the means.
The state must honour all legitimate
pacts and contracts with other states
as laid down in the Shari’ah
The vague concept of “National
Interest” provides the treacherous
rulers the back door to help the enemy
 U-turn on Afghan and Kashmir policy
The end justifies the means
Machiavellian politics have no morals
or principles
“Pakistan First” cost Pakistan its sovereignty, loss of $10 billion, FBI storming
houses, losing Shebaz AirBase and not to mention thousands of Muslimlives
Even a weak Khaleefah would not be able facilitate the Kafirs because Islam has
given very clear and distinct foreign policy laws which nobody can violate. Hence
protecting the State and the citizens fromcolonial manoeuvring
1. When the Messenger of Allah (saw) sensed the strength of the State and her ability to carry the Da'awah internationally, he
dispatched twelve envoys simultaneously to twelve monarchs inviting them to Islam. When he (saw) was satisfied about the
might of the State within the Arabic peninsula, and about the spread of the Da'awah among the Arabs and people started to
embrace the Deen of Allah (swt) in droves, he (saw) looked towards conquering the Romans, hence the battles of Mu’ta and
Tabuk. This also serves as evidence that carrying the Da’awah is an obligation upon the State and that it is her main task.
2. Evidence about the fact that carrying the Da'awah is an obligation is reflected in Allah's (swt) saying: "And this Qur'an has
been revealed to so that I may warn you and with it and those whom it reaches." [T.M.Q; 6-19]. Besides, the
Messenger of Allah (saw) was in a constant state of Jihad ever since he settled in Madinah until he (saw) departed this
world; Jihad to him (saw) was the main activity. The rightly guided Khulafa’ came after him and followed on his footsteps,
assuming Jihad as their main duty. Therefore, the evidence stipulating that carrying the Islamic Da'awah is the State’s main
task is derived from the Sunnah and the Ijma'a of the Sahaba. Besides, the Messenger of Allah (saw) used to convey the
Da'awah since Allah (swt) sent him as a Prophet until he departed this world. He (saw) was in Madinah the Head of State;
since he settled in there, he made his foreign policy as the main activity and the State’s focus of attention and preoccupation;
the activities undertaken ranged from raids, expeditions, intelligence gathering, signing treaties and the like. All these
activities were for the sake of conveying Islam and carrying its Da'awah to all people.
3. Allah (SWT) has addressed all people with Islam in their quality as humans and nothing else. He (SWT) says; “O you
people, a proof has come to you from your Lord, and we have revealed to you a shining light.” [TMQ An-Nisa’: 174]
And He (SWT) also says; “O you people, I am the Messenger of Allah sent to all of you.” [TMQ Al- A’raf: 158]
4. Islam came to supperceed all Ideologies (deens). “It is He Who has sent His Messenger with Guidance and the Deen of
Truth (Islam),to make it superior over all deens even though the Mushrikun hate it.” [TMQ 9:33]
Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy:
Facilitating the Call of Islam to otherFacilitating the Call of Islam to other
Khilafah Capitalism
Islam doesn’t believe in boarders
being sacred which the Islamic
thoughts or armies cannot cross 1
The state’s primary responsibility2
is to convey the Islamic Call to all
non-Muslims which includes:
Non-Muslims living within the
Khilafah State
Non-Muslims living outside the
boundaries of the Khilafah State
International Law & UN resolutions
are to keep Muslims divided in
statelets to make them weak
On the contrary UN gives US the
mandate to wage a war, as
happened in Afghanistan; or grants
legitimacy after the invasion, as
was done in Iraq crisis
Islam is an Ideology for the whole humanity3
and is the sole system which
brings satisfaction and tranquillity to Muslimand Non-Muslims
Islam doesn’t accept co-existence or compromise with falsehood and
1. Whilst other nations must be subjugated to the rule of Islam, the individual residing in a land opened by Islam must not be
forced t o become Muslim. Allah (SWT) says in the Qur'an “Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth stands out
clear from error; who ever rejects evil and believes in God hath grasped the most trustworthy hand - hold, that never
breaks. And God heareth and knoweth all things”. (TMQ 2:256)
Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy:
Conveying the Call of Islam InternallyConveying the Call of Islam Internally
Khilafah Capitalism
The practical way of conveying da’wa
internally to non-Muslim citizens is to
provide them with the opportunity of a
prosperous life in an Islamic society
so that they could experience the
fruits of the just system
There is no compulsion for them to
accept Islam. They can stay non-
Muslims if they chose to1
Western nations implement
capitalism on its Muslim subjects as
well. In public and private a Muslim
is obliged to follow the same laws
as any other citizen.
Christians of Roman Empire and polytheists of the Persian Empire
accepted Islam very rapidly with free will once Islamic system was
implemented overthem
It was because of the tolerance of Islam that we still find thousands of
Christians living in the Arab world even today after Muslims ruled that
land for approximately 1300 years, whereas on the contrary we don’t
find native Spanish Muslims whilst Muslims ruled it for800 years
1. The colonized countries without exception have their rights violated, resources plundered, and their will taken away. This
situation is constant. It is enough just to indicate how people of backward nations drown at sea and die in containers trying
to come to the capitalist countries in order to be servants and labourers for the colonizers. Did this exist in the history of the
Islamic conquests? Was anyone prevented from moving about within the state? Was a conquered land deprived of industry,
agriculture and trade? Was an Indian prevented from living in Damascus or was a Turk prevented from living in Baghdad or
an Armenian from opening a factory in Istanbul?
Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy:
Conveying the Call of Islam ExternallyConveying the Call of Islam Externally
Khilafah Capitalism
Islam is conveyed to the World
West propagates Capitalism
through media propaganda as well
as colonization; as recently seen in
Afghanistan and Iraq
They install people like, Al-Saud,
Hamid Karzai and Gen. Musharraf
for the continuity of their colonial
Jihad is Mercy and Colonialismis Punishment 1
1. The scholars have stressed that it is unlawful for us to fight those who have not received the Islamic call. Thus, public
opinion about Islam, and the conveyance of a true image of Islam, together with attempts to allow the Islamic laws to reach
the people in order to enable them to realize that Islam offers them a true salvation should precede any fighting. The Islamic
State should undertake political work such as giving a clear picture of Islam and explaining its concepts, campaigning and
advertising Islam.
Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy:
Conveying Da’wahConveying Da’wah
Khilafah Capitalism
Fighting the enemy would not
become lawful until the call to Islam
had been delivered to the people1
Islam must be conveyed as an
Ideology (Deen) not as a religion
This is demonstrated by showing
them a practical and workable
example in the form of a model
state i.e. Khilafah
The west projects its value system
using its media, cultural exchange
programs, diplomatic means etc.
UN and its subsidies are also used
to propagate Capitalist value
system such as freedoms,
democracy, human rights etc
Islam should be conveyed
politically, connected with issues
and problems faced by various
societies and the world at large
Anti-Capitalist and anti-
Globalization demos show how
miserably Capitalism has failed to
solve peoples’ problems
Today Capitalism is still accepted to a certain extent as a system because
there isn’t any alternative systemimplemented today
Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy:
Manner of Conveying the Da’wahManner of Conveying the Da’wah
One of the most important political methods is the manifestation of the greatness of
the Islamic thoughts in taking care of the affairs of individuals, nations and states
 Disclosing the crimes of other states
 Demonstrating the danger of erroneous politics
 Exposing harmful conspiracies
 Destroying misleading personalities
Various means and styles of Da’wah include:
 High level debates and forums among the intellectuals
 Projecting Islam through the media using TV, Cable, DVDs, internet etc
 Diplomatic exchange
 Allowing foreign students for studies
 Promoting tourism
1. Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) said: “Fight them until there is no more persecution (fitna), and the deen is (only) for Allah”
[TMQ 2:193]. Hence Allah is ordering us to fight until there is fitna
2. As man is not the Creator, his understanding of needs and instincts of the human being is limited and subject to error. As a
result he would never be able to devise a system which would ensures complete satisfaction of human needs and instincts.
Therefore inevitably all man-made system would be inherently oppressive (Zulm) as they would either burden man which he
cannot bear or privilege him which he cannot handle. Allah (SWT) says in Qur’an: “Whosoever doesn't rule by what Allah
has revealed, they are the Oppressors (Zalimoon).” [TMQ; 5:45] Jihad is a practical way of liberating people from the
oppressive man-made system to the tranquillity of the system of the Creator.
3. The Messenger of Allah said (to the nearest meaning): “The head of the matter is Islam, its pillar is the prayer and its
highest peak is Jihad.”
Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy:
Conveying the Call of Islam throughConveying the Call of Islam through
Khilafah Capitalism
Jihad is physically removing the
political and military obstacle in the
face of conveying the call of Islam 1
 Women, children and elderly are not
harmed unless they are engaging in armed
Jihad is the practical way of helping
non-Muslim experience Islam.
Colonization is the method of
expanding their domination and the
domination of their companies
Jihad allows the State to practically
secure their rights of the people
through the implementation of “just”
laws of Islam
There is no dignity for a woman.
She is nothing but a symbol of sex
Non-white individuals generally
experience racism in America
Through Jihad people are liberated
from the oppression of man-made
systems 2
to the tranquillity of Islamic
Today a common man is robbed off
of his 30-35% of pay check under
the name of taxes
Jihad is the pinnacle of Islam3
and most effective way of securing “Hukuk
al-Ibad” by holding the hand of the oppressor
1. The Messenger of Allah (saw) in which he was reported to have said: “I have been ordered to fight people until they
profess that there is no god but Allah. If they said it, their lives and their wealth would be inviolable to me, except
that which is by right and Allah (swt) will hold them accountable.” Abu Dawood also reported on the authority of Anas
Ibnu Malik who said: “The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “..and Jihad has been ongoing since Allah sent me and will
continue until the last generation of my Ummah fight the Dajjal; it shall not be disrupted by the tyranny of a tyrant
nor by the justice of a just.” Hence tyrants like Musharraf would never be able to terminate Jihad or convince the Ummah
to abandon it.
Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy:
Conveying the Call of Islam throughConveying the Call of Islam through
Khilafah Capitalism
Roman Christians and Persian
polytheists accepted Islam with free
will once they were exposed to the
system of Islam which was only
made possible once their lands
were opened through Jihad and the
existing brutal regimes where
Jihad will continue until the day of
Judgment 1
Colonialists ruled some parts of the
Muslim world for more than a
century but they were thrown out by
the Muslims.
In order to perpetuate our slavery
they left their system and agents
who deceived the common man in
believing that Capitalism doesn’t
contradict Islam and freedoms and
democracy are part of Islam
Now the time has come to throw away the colonial system and their
agents and liberate Muslims fromCapitalist oppression
Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy:
Organizing relationships with otherOrganizing relationships with other
The Khilafah will have to organize her relationships with:
States in the Muslim World
non belligerent States
potentially Belligerent States
Belligerent States
1. The Islamic Ummah is one Ummah to the exclusion of all other people. Allah (swt) has made the sons of the Ummah as
brothers to each other linked together by the Islamic Aqeeda. He (swt) said: "The believers are nothing else than
brothers." [TMQ 49:10] He (swt) made it obligatory upon them to be one unite as one entity which is the entity of the
Khilafah state. The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: "If a Bay’a has been taken for two Khulafa, kill the latter of them." He
forbade them to be torn into many entities. He (saw) said: "Whoever comes to you, when your affairs are united under
one man, and he wishes to break your power or divide your community, then kill him."This is tantamount to the
prohibition of dividing the State or allowing more than one state. Islam views those who don’t give bay’a to the Khaleefah as
buga’ (rebels) and it would be the responsibility of the state to bring them under its authority either by diplomacy or by sowrd.
Hence the relationship with them would come under “Internal Affairs” of the state rather than “foreign affairs”.
Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy:
Relationship with States in the MuslimRelationship with States in the Muslim
Khilafah Capitalism
Muslim States who may not come under the
authority of the Khilafah in the initial period of its
establishment are dealt differently than the Non-
Muslim States
States in the current Islamic world are considered
to belong to one state and, therefore, relationship
with these countries are not included within the
sphere of foreign affairs
Khilafah will not have embassies in these states
Every effort should be expended to unify all these
countries into one state, which include:
 Inviting the rulers to give Baya’ of allegiance
 Persuading the masses and influential among those
states to uproot these puppet regimes and join with
the Khilafah State
 Undertaking low risk military operations after gaining
the support of the masses of those states
Pakistan believes in Nation
State hence recognize all
other Muslim states as
This policy of unification under one political entity gives Ummah the
strength which she is lacking since the destruction of Khilafah in 1924
Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy:
Relationship with non belligerentRelationship with non belligerent
Treaties such as economic, commercial, friendly or cultural are allowed with States
such as Switzerland, Iceland, Holland, Panama etc.
If the treaty states so, their subjects have the right to enter the State with an identity
card without the need for a passport provided our citizens are treated in a likewise
The economic and commercial relations with such states must be restricted to
specific items and specific characters which are deemed necessary
Trade should be designed in such a way that it doesn’t result in strengthening of
these states
These laws allow the Khilafah to establish relationship with non-belligerent states
and forge strong political blocks to isolate international hooligans such as the US
and the UK etc
1. Islam divides the whole world into two spheres; Dar al-Islam and Daral-Kufr. Dar al-Islam (land of Islam) constitutes the
Islamic State (Khilafah) where the whole Islam is implemented and the authority is for Islam. Whereas all the land out of the
authority of the Islamic State is Dar al-Kufr also know to be Dar al-Harb (Land of kufr) Dar al Harb (Land of war). Dar al Harb
is divided into two categories; Dar al Harb Hukman (States which are virtually in war) and Dar al Harb Fa’lan (States which
are actually in war). Dar al Harb Hukman (state virtually in war) are further divided into those who are non-belligerent states
such as Greenland and potentially belligerent states. The imperial states which have practised exploiting domination over
any part of the Islamic world and are still looking and planning to wage war if situation permit are seen as potentially
belligerent states. Whereas Dar al Harb Fa’lan are the belligerent states, which are in actual war with the Muslims such as
Israel, US, UK etc as they are physically fighting Muslims in Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq etc.
Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy:
Relationship with potentially BelligerentRelationship with potentially Belligerent
Khilafah Capitalism
States that have designs on the Islamic
State, are considered to be potentially
belligerent states 1
Khilafah will not have treaties with
belligerent and potentially belligerent
states but she can have a no-war pact.
All precautions must be taken towards
them and it would be wrong to establish
diplomatic relations with them
The subjects of the potentially
belligerent states may enter the Islamic
State only with a passport and a visa
specific to every individual and for every
No such restriction on potentially
belligerent states
Pakistan is building two gas pipelines
to strengthen Indian industry, as US
wants contain China by making India
the front line sate.
Secures an Islamic State frompotential enemies
There tourists/traders can take home memories of powerful Islamic civilization
as happened with the Europeans when they used to visit Qurtaba (Spain)
1. Before “Sulah al-Hudaibiya” the Islamic State was at war with the state of Makkah. Their trade routs were targeted and their
life and property were not protected. During this state of war there were no diplomatic, economic, cultural relationship with
Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy:
Relationship with BelligerentRelationship with Belligerent
Khilafah Capitalism
For actually belligerent states, such
as Israel, US, Britain etc state of war
would be taken as the basis for all
dispositions with them
They will be dealt with as if a real
war existed between us
No diplomatic, economic, cultural
relationship would be allowed 1
All their subjects are prevented from
entering the State
Pakistan calls US a friendly state:
Who offered us Soyabean Oil instead of F-16s
Her 7th
fleet got lost in the Arabian Sea during
’71 war
She has strategic partnership with India and
Pakistan government has reduced Pak
Army to a watchdog for American interests
All the above was done under the vague
pretext of “National Interest” which is the
corner stone of the Capitalist foreign policy
In a Khilafah state even a traitorous Khaleefah cannot work for the interest of a
belligerent state since the systemforbids any relationship with it
The current system allows the rulers to sell the whole Ummah forcolonial interests
Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy:
Who deals with the Foreign AffairsWho deals with the Foreign Affairs
Khilafah Capitalism
Relations with foreign countries are
restricted only to the State,
because the State has the sole
right to practice taking care of the
Ummah affairs
The Ummah is to question and
account the State in connection
with undertaking of this task
It is absolutely forbidden for any
individual, party, group or
association to have relations with a
foreign state directly or through
their embassies
US ambassador and visiting
diplomats meet freely with any
politician they like
Opens door for the colonialist to
recruit/buy politicians who would
work for their interests
Khilafah systemprotects its political mediumfrominfiltration
Current systemis devised to give free hand to the colonialists
1. Abu Hamid As-Saeeda related that Muhammad (SAW) left Madinah until he arrived at Thaee-et al-Wada and a regiment
was there and he said: "Who are they ?" The tribe of Bani Qaynuqa, the relative of Abdullah bin Salam. He said: "Do
you accept Islam ?" They said "No" He said: "Leave, we don't take assistance from disbelievers". It is narrated by
Ahmad and Nisai from Anas that Muhammad (SAW) said "Don't take the light from the fire of the disbeliever" In
Arabic in this sense fire means their own weapons and military as a state or tribe. There other reported Ahadith which in
which the Messenger (saw) did allow kafirs to fight along side Muslims as individuals or groups but only under the banner
of Islam. Hence from all these Ahadith the Hukam is derived that, it is absolutely haram to enter into military pacts that
allow kufar to protect Muslims or Muslim armies fighting under the command of the Kafirs. Similarly it is not allowed for
kafir armies to fight along side Muslims with their own independent command and banner. Whereas other nations can
only fight along with the Muslim armies if they are under the authority and command of the Islamic State without having
their own banner i.e. separate independent entity.
2. Allah says in Qur’an: “In truth the disbelievers are an open enemy to you.” [an-Nisa:101] It is narrated by Ahmad and
Nisai from Anas that Muhammad (SAW) said "Don't take the light from the fire of the disbeliever" It is haram for
Muslims to ask for defence by the kafr or grant them bases because this will allow the kafr to have an authority over
Muslims which is forbidden in Islam. Allah (SWT) refers to this prohibition: “And Allah will never give the unbelievers
any way (of authority) against the believers.” [TMQ; 4: 141].
Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy:
Military pacts and Political treaties with otherMilitary pacts and Political treaties with other
Khilafah Capitalism
All military treaties and pacts, of
whatever source, are absolutely
This includes
political treaties
agreements covering the leasing
of military bases and airfields 2
It is permitted to conclude good-
neighbouring, economic,
commercial, financial, cultural
and armistice (peace) treaties
Pakistan was part of SEATO & CENTO
pact yet US never came to rescue us
against their kafir brethren during ’71 war
Pakistan brags to be the frontline state in
the “Crusade against Islam”
During Afghan war Pakistan allowed
 57 thousand sorties from its air space
 5 Air bases were handed over to US
 Suffered a loss of $10 billion
 Handed over more than 500 Muslims to the
Shahbaz Airbase is under US control
FBI can raid homes at will
Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy:
Military pacts and Political treaties with otherMilitary pacts and Political treaties with other
Afghan and Iraq war could have been avoided if there were no political and military
treaties with the US
Through military treaties and joint exercises the US not only learns our strategy of
fighting rathershe recruits and infiltrates into the military top brass. Milton Bearden, the
formerCIA chief in Sudan and Pakistan recalled before a congressional committee:
“Gen Pervez Musharraf is a member of the last generation of Pakistani army officers who
remember the military partnerships of the past with the US. He was trained at Fort Bragg… Gen
Musharraf may represent a last good chance to bring the powerful force of US values to bear on
the course Pakistan will choose for the new millennium… I cannot stress how the ranks of the
Pakistan army below general officer level have changed in the decade since military- to-military
contact between the US and Pakistan was terminated…”
1. Soon after the treaty of Hudaybiyah was signed between the Messenger of Allah (saw) and the Quraysh, the tribe of
Khuza’ah came under the protection of Allah’s Messenger (saw).
2. He (saw) signed treaties with the tribes encamped between Madinah and the Red Sea coast, such as Banu Damrah,
Banu Mudlaj and others to form and enforce a blockade on the caravans of the Quraysh on their way to al-Sham.
Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy:
State’s Relationship withState’s Relationship with
Khilafah Capitalism
The State cannot be a part of any
organisation which is based on
something other than Islam or which
applies non-Islamic rules e.g.
 UN & International Court of Justice
 International Monetary Fund & World Bank
 Arab League & OIC
The State will work to expose these
organizations as tools of the
Khilafah will sign treaties1
and extend
to other non-belligerent
states to form a block under its
Colonialist implement their agenda
through these organizations as was seen
in Iraq and Afghanistan
Pakistani Rulers hide their treason behind
UN resolutions
 Pakistan supported US in Afghan war
 Pakistan is ready to send “Peace keeping”
troops to Iraq if UN asks them to do so
UN resolutions were implemented with
force in Iraq, East Timor but are totally
neglected in Palestine, Kashmir etc
By leaving these colonial bodies Khilafah will not isolate itself from the world community
ratherit will establish relationship with othercountries on its own terms.
This will protect the Islamic State from political pressure which the colonialists exert using
these bodies.
Institutions like OIC and Arab League de-track people from real unification and serve to
legitimize US policies and demoralize the Ummah

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  • 1. Foreign PolicyForeign Policy ofof the Khilafahthe Khilafah StateState
  • 2. Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy: Khilafah Vs Capitalist Foreign PolicyKhilafah Vs Capitalist Foreign Policy  Fundamentals  Protecting the entity of the State and the Ummah ◦ Allah’s Ahkam vs National Interest  Facilitating the Call of Islam to other people ◦ Conveying the Call of Islam Internally ◦ Conveying the Call of Islam Externally  Conveying Da’wah  Manner of Conveying the Da’wah  Conveying the Call of Islam through Jihad  Organizing relationships with other Nations/States ◦ States in the Muslim World ◦ non belligerent States ◦ potentially Belligerent States ◦ Belligerent States  Who deals with the Foreign Affairs  Military pacts and Political treaties with other Countries  State’s Relationship with Organizations  Judicial rights of non Muslim citizens (Zimmi) & Foreigners  Only Khilafah can provide Justice
  • 3. EvidencesEvidences 1. The foreign policy is the State’s relationship with other states. This relationship entails looking after the foreign affairs of the Ummah. The Islamic State’s foreign policy is based on a fixed concept that does not change. This is the propagation of Islam and the conveyance of the Message to every nation and every society. What actually makes the conveyance and spreading of Islam the basis of the foreign policy is the fact that the Message is addressed to the whole of mankind. Allah (SWT) says: “And we have not sent you (O Muhammad) except as a giver of glad tidings and a warner to all mankind, but most of men know not.” [Saba’, 34:28] Allah (SWT) also says, “O mankind! There has come to you a good advice from your Lord.” [Yunus,10:57] He (SWT) says,“Say, O mankind! Verily, I am sent to you all as the Messenger of Allah.” [Al A’raf, 7:158] And He (SWT) says, “This Qur’an has been revealed to me that I may warn therewith you and whomsoever it may reach.” [Al-An’am, 6:19] He (SWT) also says, “O Messenger (Muhammad r)! Proclaim (the Message) which has been sent to you from your Lord. And if you do not, then you have not conveyed His Message.” [Al-Ma’idah, 5:67]. The Messenger of Allah (saw) conveyed the Message to mankind, and when he (saw) died Islam continued to be carried by the Muslims. The conveyance of the Islamic Message is in fact the continuation of the work that the Messenger of Allah (saw) had initiated.
  • 4. Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy: The FundamentalsThe Fundamentals Khilafah Capitalism The Islamic foreign policy serves three major functions:  To protect the entity of the State and Ummah (nation)  To facilitate the Call (Da'wah) to other people  To organize the relationships of the Islamic State with other nations Today’s capitalist nation are bound by  UN resolutions & International Law  Nation State theory & Co-existence  National Interest Conveying the Islamic da’wah is the core around which the foreign policy revolves, and upon which relations with other states are built 1 Pakistani foreign policy revolves around protecting the interests of America and convincing the masses that the same is in their best “National Interest”. Pakistan lost $10 billion during Afghan war to facilitate US occupation US dictated foreign policy has completely eroded Pakistan’s sovereignty Khilafah will be a major player in world politics since it will be actively pursuing its primary goal of carrying Islamic Ideology to the whole world
  • 5. EvidencesEvidences 1. Allah says in Qur’an: “Allah has forbid your friendship with those who fight you because of your deen, and drive you from your homelands, or aid others to do so: and as for those who turn to them in friendship they are oppressors” [TMQ 60:9]. “In truth the disbelievers are an open enemy to you.” [an-Nisa:101] It is narrated by Ahmad and Nisai from Anas that Muhammad (SAW) said "Don't take the light from the fire of the disbeliever" In Arabic in this sense fire means their own weapons and military as a state or tribe. It is haram for Muslims to ask for defence by the kafr, because that will allow defending of Muslims and Muslim countries by the hand of kufr and it is not allowed for the kafr to have authority over Muslims. Allah (SWT) refers to this prohibition: “And Allah will never give the unbelievers any way (of authority) against the believers.” [TMQ; 4: 141] Hence Islamic State is not allowed to ask for protection from any kafir state. 2. Allah says in Qur’an: “O you who believe! Take not the Jews and Christians for friends. They are friends one to another. He among you who takes them for friends is (one) of them.” [TMQ; 5:51] “. Abu Hamid As-Saeeda related that Muhammad (SAW) left Madinah until he arrived at Thaee-et al-Wada and a regiment was there and he said: "Who are they ?" The tribe of Bani Qaynuqa, the relative of Abdullah bin Salam. He said: "Do you accept Islam ?" They said "No" He said: "Leave, we don't take assistance from disbelievers". It is narrated by Ahmad and Nisai from Anas that Muhammad (SAW) said "Don't take the light from the fire of the disbeliever" In Arabic in this sense fire means their own weapons and military as a state or tribe. There other reported Ahadith which in which the Messenger (saw) did allow kafirs to fight along side Muslims as individuals or groups but only under the banner of Islam. Hence from all these Ahadith the Hukam is derived that, it is absolutely haram to enter into military pacts that allow kufar to protect Muslims or Muslim armies fighting under the command of the Kafirs. Similarly it is not allowed for kafir armies to fight along side Muslims with their own independent command and banner. Whereas other nations can only fight along with the Muslim armies if they are under the authority and command of the Islamic State without having their own banner i.e. separate independent entity.
  • 6. Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy: Protecting the entity of the State and theProtecting the entity of the State and the UmmahUmmah Khilafah Capitalism It is forbidden for the State to be under the authority or protection of any other nation or state 1 Allying with super or regional powers for protection  SEATO & CENTO US nevercame to rescue Pakistan during ’71 waragainst theirkafirbrethren It is forbidden to form a confederation or enter into a military pact or political block where kuffar has the upper hand 2 Other nations can fight under the banner and leadership of Khilafah. They are not allowed to have their own separate banner in the battle field Forming a block and confederation with Kafir states for protection. Pakistani Prime Minster recently called for forming a “Compact Block” with India Jamali’s “Compact Block” or Advani’s call for a confederation with India will lead to “Akhand Bharat”
  • 7. EvidencesEvidences 1. The messenger of Allah made a no-war pact with Qureish-e-Makkah known as “Sulah Al-Hudaybiyah” which was for ten years. Islamic State cannot enter into a pact with a kafir state which doesn’t have any time limitation. 2. The Muslim army has always been feared and respected. For centuries, Europe always held that the Muslim army could never be defeated. However, political maneuvers are essential, especially those which help to spread the Islamic concepts and demonstrate the power of the State before resorting to armed struggle. Although Jihad is the fixed method that never changes in the spreading of Islam, the political maneuvers and other deliberate moves are all part of preparation, and is essential prior to actual combat. It is an important matter designed at determining the relationship of the State with other states, people and nations, whether these were economic or based on good neighborly relations or any other basis that may help to spread Islam.
  • 8. Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy: Protecting the entity of the State and theProtecting the entity of the State and the UmmahUmmah Khilafah Capitalism State can make no-war pacts for limited time without eroding its sovereignty 1 State has to rely on its own military strength and political manoeuvring for the protection of its territories Reliance on the “Composite Block” to protect Pakistan This self reliance would force the state to work even harder to gain required Military and technological skills Reliance on India to protect Pakistan would pave the way for de-nuclearization, which Musharraf is already calling for
  • 9. EvidencesEvidences 1. Allah (SWT) said: “The believers are nothing else than brothers” [TMQ 49:10]. The Messenger of Allah said (to the nearest meaning): “The Muslim is the brother of another Muslim, he does not do injustice to him nor desert him.” And he said : “The Muslim is the brother of another Muslim, he does not oppress him, forsake him nor hate him.” He said: “The believers to one another are like one solid structure where one part strengthens another.” And he said: “The similitude of the believers in their mutual love, compassion and sympathy is like that of a body: when one part hurts then the rest of the body calls out in sleeplessness and fever.” And he said: “The blood of the Muslims is one. The nearest as well as the furthest of them gives pledge of protection (to anyone) in their name. And they are one hand against the rest.” The Messenger of Allah wrote the constitution of Madinah shortly after the Hijrah which describes the state of the Muslims: “They are one Ummah to the exclusion of other people...the believers are helpers to each other to the exclusion of other people...the peace of the believers is one, a believer does not make peace excluding another believer in (the process of) fighting in the path of Allah.” 2. Allah (SWT) says: “And make ready against them all you can of power, including steeds of war to put fear into the hearts of the enemy of Allah and your enemy.” [TMQ 8:60].
  • 10. Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy: Protecting the entity of the State and theProtecting the entity of the State and the UmmahUmmah Khilafah Capitalism Muslim Ummah being one body, Khilafah is obliged to extend help and protection as much as she can to the Muslims living outside its frontiers 1 To protect Muslims around the world the State must work to gather political and military strength Islam requires the State to be strong enough so that the enemy is terrified by it 2 Muslim rulers consider UN Charter and its resolutions more sacred than Allah’s commands Musharraf’s doctrine of “Pakistan First” not only allows colonialist to kill Muslims but he is even provide them help to do so The idea of de-nuclearization and minimum deterrence stems from inward looking nation state mind set Pakistani forces are sent to fight in Sierra Leone, East Timor under UN instruction but kept in barracks during massacres in Bosnia, Iraq and Palestine During Ummavi Khilafah Muhammad bin Qasim came to India to rescue Muslims fromWilaya of Iraq The idea of De-nuclearization and minimum deterrence is a product of inward looking, weak foreign policy. Khilafah has to protect the Ummah hence it can never be satisfied by capability which would only protect its own frontiers
  • 11. EvidencesEvidences 1. Human perception of benefit could be faulty but Ahkam Shari’ah are from the Creator Himself and can never lead to misery or destruction. In reality it is in mans own benefit in this world as well as hereafter to submit to the Ahkam of Allah and leave his opinion. Allah says in Qur’an “But it may happen that you hate a thing which is good for you, and it may happen that you love a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows and you know not.” (TMQ: 216)
  • 12. Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy: Allah’s Ahkam vs NationalAllah’s Ahkam vs National InterestInterest Khilafah Capitalism Khilafah’s foreign policy is dictated by Ahkam and principles laid down by Shari’ah, not perceived “benefits” or “Interests” 1 The ends doesn’t justify the means. The state must honour all legitimate pacts and contracts with other states as laid down in the Shari’ah The vague concept of “National Interest” provides the treacherous rulers the back door to help the enemy  U-turn on Afghan and Kashmir policy The end justifies the means Machiavellian politics have no morals or principles “Pakistan First” cost Pakistan its sovereignty, loss of $10 billion, FBI storming houses, losing Shebaz AirBase and not to mention thousands of Muslimlives Even a weak Khaleefah would not be able facilitate the Kafirs because Islam has given very clear and distinct foreign policy laws which nobody can violate. Hence protecting the State and the citizens fromcolonial manoeuvring
  • 13. EvidencesEvidences 1. When the Messenger of Allah (saw) sensed the strength of the State and her ability to carry the Da'awah internationally, he dispatched twelve envoys simultaneously to twelve monarchs inviting them to Islam. When he (saw) was satisfied about the might of the State within the Arabic peninsula, and about the spread of the Da'awah among the Arabs and people started to embrace the Deen of Allah (swt) in droves, he (saw) looked towards conquering the Romans, hence the battles of Mu’ta and Tabuk. This also serves as evidence that carrying the Da’awah is an obligation upon the State and that it is her main task. 2. Evidence about the fact that carrying the Da'awah is an obligation is reflected in Allah's (swt) saying: "And this Qur'an has been revealed to so that I may warn you and with it and those whom it reaches." [T.M.Q; 6-19]. Besides, the Messenger of Allah (saw) was in a constant state of Jihad ever since he settled in Madinah until he (saw) departed this world; Jihad to him (saw) was the main activity. The rightly guided Khulafa’ came after him and followed on his footsteps, assuming Jihad as their main duty. Therefore, the evidence stipulating that carrying the Islamic Da'awah is the State’s main task is derived from the Sunnah and the Ijma'a of the Sahaba. Besides, the Messenger of Allah (saw) used to convey the Da'awah since Allah (swt) sent him as a Prophet until he departed this world. He (saw) was in Madinah the Head of State; since he settled in there, he made his foreign policy as the main activity and the State’s focus of attention and preoccupation; the activities undertaken ranged from raids, expeditions, intelligence gathering, signing treaties and the like. All these activities were for the sake of conveying Islam and carrying its Da'awah to all people. 3. Allah (SWT) has addressed all people with Islam in their quality as humans and nothing else. He (SWT) says; “O you people, a proof has come to you from your Lord, and we have revealed to you a shining light.” [TMQ An-Nisa’: 174] And He (SWT) also says; “O you people, I am the Messenger of Allah sent to all of you.” [TMQ Al- A’raf: 158] 4. Islam came to supperceed all Ideologies (deens). “It is He Who has sent His Messenger with Guidance and the Deen of Truth (Islam),to make it superior over all deens even though the Mushrikun hate it.” [TMQ 9:33]
  • 14. Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy: Facilitating the Call of Islam to otherFacilitating the Call of Islam to other peoplepeople Khilafah Capitalism Islam doesn’t believe in boarders being sacred which the Islamic thoughts or armies cannot cross 1 The state’s primary responsibility2 is to convey the Islamic Call to all non-Muslims which includes: Non-Muslims living within the Khilafah State Non-Muslims living outside the boundaries of the Khilafah State International Law & UN resolutions are to keep Muslims divided in statelets to make them weak On the contrary UN gives US the mandate to wage a war, as happened in Afghanistan; or grants legitimacy after the invasion, as was done in Iraq crisis Islam is an Ideology for the whole humanity3 and is the sole system which brings satisfaction and tranquillity to Muslimand Non-Muslims Islam doesn’t accept co-existence or compromise with falsehood and oppression4
  • 15. EvidencesEvidences 1. Whilst other nations must be subjugated to the rule of Islam, the individual residing in a land opened by Islam must not be forced t o become Muslim. Allah (SWT) says in the Qur'an “Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth stands out clear from error; who ever rejects evil and believes in God hath grasped the most trustworthy hand - hold, that never breaks. And God heareth and knoweth all things”. (TMQ 2:256)
  • 16. Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy: Conveying the Call of Islam InternallyConveying the Call of Islam Internally Khilafah Capitalism The practical way of conveying da’wa internally to non-Muslim citizens is to provide them with the opportunity of a prosperous life in an Islamic society so that they could experience the fruits of the just system There is no compulsion for them to accept Islam. They can stay non- Muslims if they chose to1 Western nations implement capitalism on its Muslim subjects as well. In public and private a Muslim is obliged to follow the same laws as any other citizen. Christians of Roman Empire and polytheists of the Persian Empire accepted Islam very rapidly with free will once Islamic system was implemented overthem It was because of the tolerance of Islam that we still find thousands of Christians living in the Arab world even today after Muslims ruled that land for approximately 1300 years, whereas on the contrary we don’t find native Spanish Muslims whilst Muslims ruled it for800 years
  • 17. EvidencesEvidences 1. The colonized countries without exception have their rights violated, resources plundered, and their will taken away. This situation is constant. It is enough just to indicate how people of backward nations drown at sea and die in containers trying to come to the capitalist countries in order to be servants and labourers for the colonizers. Did this exist in the history of the Islamic conquests? Was anyone prevented from moving about within the state? Was a conquered land deprived of industry, agriculture and trade? Was an Indian prevented from living in Damascus or was a Turk prevented from living in Baghdad or an Armenian from opening a factory in Istanbul?
  • 18. Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy: Conveying the Call of Islam ExternallyConveying the Call of Islam Externally Khilafah Capitalism Islam is conveyed to the World through Da’wah Jihad West propagates Capitalism through media propaganda as well as colonization; as recently seen in Afghanistan and Iraq They install people like, Al-Saud, Hamid Karzai and Gen. Musharraf for the continuity of their colonial system Jihad is Mercy and Colonialismis Punishment 1
  • 19. EvidencesEvidences 1. The scholars have stressed that it is unlawful for us to fight those who have not received the Islamic call. Thus, public opinion about Islam, and the conveyance of a true image of Islam, together with attempts to allow the Islamic laws to reach the people in order to enable them to realize that Islam offers them a true salvation should precede any fighting. The Islamic State should undertake political work such as giving a clear picture of Islam and explaining its concepts, campaigning and advertising Islam.
  • 20. Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy: Conveying Da’wahConveying Da’wah Khilafah Capitalism Fighting the enemy would not become lawful until the call to Islam had been delivered to the people1 Islam must be conveyed as an Ideology (Deen) not as a religion This is demonstrated by showing them a practical and workable example in the form of a model state i.e. Khilafah The west projects its value system using its media, cultural exchange programs, diplomatic means etc. UN and its subsidies are also used to propagate Capitalist value system such as freedoms, democracy, human rights etc Islam should be conveyed politically, connected with issues and problems faced by various societies and the world at large Anti-Capitalist and anti- Globalization demos show how miserably Capitalism has failed to solve peoples’ problems Today Capitalism is still accepted to a certain extent as a system because there isn’t any alternative systemimplemented today
  • 21. Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy: Manner of Conveying the Da’wahManner of Conveying the Da’wah Khilafah One of the most important political methods is the manifestation of the greatness of the Islamic thoughts in taking care of the affairs of individuals, nations and states  Disclosing the crimes of other states  Demonstrating the danger of erroneous politics  Exposing harmful conspiracies  Destroying misleading personalities Various means and styles of Da’wah include:  High level debates and forums among the intellectuals  Projecting Islam through the media using TV, Cable, DVDs, internet etc  Diplomatic exchange  Allowing foreign students for studies  Promoting tourism
  • 22. EvidencesEvidences 1. Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) said: “Fight them until there is no more persecution (fitna), and the deen is (only) for Allah” [TMQ 2:193]. Hence Allah is ordering us to fight until there is fitna 2. As man is not the Creator, his understanding of needs and instincts of the human being is limited and subject to error. As a result he would never be able to devise a system which would ensures complete satisfaction of human needs and instincts. Therefore inevitably all man-made system would be inherently oppressive (Zulm) as they would either burden man which he cannot bear or privilege him which he cannot handle. Allah (SWT) says in Qur’an: “Whosoever doesn't rule by what Allah has revealed, they are the Oppressors (Zalimoon).” [TMQ; 5:45] Jihad is a practical way of liberating people from the oppressive man-made system to the tranquillity of the system of the Creator. 3. The Messenger of Allah said (to the nearest meaning): “The head of the matter is Islam, its pillar is the prayer and its highest peak is Jihad.”
  • 23. Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy: Conveying the Call of Islam throughConveying the Call of Islam through JihadJihad Khilafah Capitalism Jihad is physically removing the political and military obstacle in the face of conveying the call of Islam 1  Women, children and elderly are not harmed unless they are engaging in armed resistance Jihad is the practical way of helping non-Muslim experience Islam. Colonization is the method of expanding their domination and the domination of their companies Jihad allows the State to practically secure their rights of the people through the implementation of “just” laws of Islam There is no dignity for a woman. She is nothing but a symbol of sex Non-white individuals generally experience racism in America Through Jihad people are liberated from the oppression of man-made systems 2 to the tranquillity of Islamic society Today a common man is robbed off of his 30-35% of pay check under the name of taxes Jihad is the pinnacle of Islam3 and most effective way of securing “Hukuk al-Ibad” by holding the hand of the oppressor
  • 24. EvidencesEvidences 1. The Messenger of Allah (saw) in which he was reported to have said: “I have been ordered to fight people until they profess that there is no god but Allah. If they said it, their lives and their wealth would be inviolable to me, except that which is by right and Allah (swt) will hold them accountable.” Abu Dawood also reported on the authority of Anas Ibnu Malik who said: “The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “..and Jihad has been ongoing since Allah sent me and will continue until the last generation of my Ummah fight the Dajjal; it shall not be disrupted by the tyranny of a tyrant nor by the justice of a just.” Hence tyrants like Musharraf would never be able to terminate Jihad or convince the Ummah to abandon it.
  • 25. Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy: Conveying the Call of Islam throughConveying the Call of Islam through JihadJihad Khilafah Capitalism Roman Christians and Persian polytheists accepted Islam with free will once they were exposed to the system of Islam which was only made possible once their lands were opened through Jihad and the existing brutal regimes where eradicated Jihad will continue until the day of Judgment 1 Colonialists ruled some parts of the Muslim world for more than a century but they were thrown out by the Muslims. In order to perpetuate our slavery they left their system and agents who deceived the common man in believing that Capitalism doesn’t contradict Islam and freedoms and democracy are part of Islam Now the time has come to throw away the colonial system and their agents and liberate Muslims fromCapitalist oppression
  • 26. Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy: Organizing relationships with otherOrganizing relationships with other Nations/SatesNations/Sates Khilafah The Khilafah will have to organize her relationships with: States in the Muslim World non belligerent States potentially Belligerent States Belligerent States
  • 27. EvidencesEvidences 1. The Islamic Ummah is one Ummah to the exclusion of all other people. Allah (swt) has made the sons of the Ummah as brothers to each other linked together by the Islamic Aqeeda. He (swt) said: "The believers are nothing else than brothers." [TMQ 49:10] He (swt) made it obligatory upon them to be one unite as one entity which is the entity of the Khilafah state. The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: "If a Bay’a has been taken for two Khulafa, kill the latter of them." He forbade them to be torn into many entities. He (saw) said: "Whoever comes to you, when your affairs are united under one man, and he wishes to break your power or divide your community, then kill him."This is tantamount to the prohibition of dividing the State or allowing more than one state. Islam views those who don’t give bay’a to the Khaleefah as buga’ (rebels) and it would be the responsibility of the state to bring them under its authority either by diplomacy or by sowrd. Hence the relationship with them would come under “Internal Affairs” of the state rather than “foreign affairs”.
  • 28. Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy: Relationship with States in the MuslimRelationship with States in the Muslim WorldWorld Khilafah Capitalism Muslim States who may not come under the authority of the Khilafah in the initial period of its establishment are dealt differently than the Non- Muslim States States in the current Islamic world are considered to belong to one state and, therefore, relationship with these countries are not included within the sphere of foreign affairs Khilafah will not have embassies in these states Every effort should be expended to unify all these countries into one state, which include:  Inviting the rulers to give Baya’ of allegiance  Persuading the masses and influential among those states to uproot these puppet regimes and join with the Khilafah State  Undertaking low risk military operations after gaining the support of the masses of those states Pakistan believes in Nation State hence recognize all other Muslim states as legitimate This policy of unification under one political entity gives Ummah the strength which she is lacking since the destruction of Khilafah in 1924
  • 29. Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy: Relationship with non belligerentRelationship with non belligerent StatesStates Khilafah Treaties such as economic, commercial, friendly or cultural are allowed with States such as Switzerland, Iceland, Holland, Panama etc. If the treaty states so, their subjects have the right to enter the State with an identity card without the need for a passport provided our citizens are treated in a likewise manner. The economic and commercial relations with such states must be restricted to specific items and specific characters which are deemed necessary Trade should be designed in such a way that it doesn’t result in strengthening of these states These laws allow the Khilafah to establish relationship with non-belligerent states and forge strong political blocks to isolate international hooligans such as the US and the UK etc
  • 30. EvidencesEvidences 1. Islam divides the whole world into two spheres; Dar al-Islam and Daral-Kufr. Dar al-Islam (land of Islam) constitutes the Islamic State (Khilafah) where the whole Islam is implemented and the authority is for Islam. Whereas all the land out of the authority of the Islamic State is Dar al-Kufr also know to be Dar al-Harb (Land of kufr) Dar al Harb (Land of war). Dar al Harb is divided into two categories; Dar al Harb Hukman (States which are virtually in war) and Dar al Harb Fa’lan (States which are actually in war). Dar al Harb Hukman (state virtually in war) are further divided into those who are non-belligerent states such as Greenland and potentially belligerent states. The imperial states which have practised exploiting domination over any part of the Islamic world and are still looking and planning to wage war if situation permit are seen as potentially belligerent states. Whereas Dar al Harb Fa’lan are the belligerent states, which are in actual war with the Muslims such as Israel, US, UK etc as they are physically fighting Muslims in Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq etc.
  • 31. Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy: Relationship with potentially BelligerentRelationship with potentially Belligerent StatesStates Khilafah Capitalism States that have designs on the Islamic State, are considered to be potentially belligerent states 1 Khilafah will not have treaties with belligerent and potentially belligerent states but she can have a no-war pact. All precautions must be taken towards them and it would be wrong to establish diplomatic relations with them The subjects of the potentially belligerent states may enter the Islamic State only with a passport and a visa specific to every individual and for every visit No such restriction on potentially belligerent states Pakistan is building two gas pipelines to strengthen Indian industry, as US wants contain China by making India the front line sate. Secures an Islamic State frompotential enemies There tourists/traders can take home memories of powerful Islamic civilization as happened with the Europeans when they used to visit Qurtaba (Spain)
  • 32. EvidencesEvidences 1. Before “Sulah al-Hudaibiya” the Islamic State was at war with the state of Makkah. Their trade routs were targeted and their life and property were not protected. During this state of war there were no diplomatic, economic, cultural relationship with Quriesh.
  • 33. Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy: Relationship with BelligerentRelationship with Belligerent StatesStates Khilafah Capitalism For actually belligerent states, such as Israel, US, Britain etc state of war would be taken as the basis for all dispositions with them They will be dealt with as if a real war existed between us No diplomatic, economic, cultural relationship would be allowed 1 All their subjects are prevented from entering the State Pakistan calls US a friendly state: Who offered us Soyabean Oil instead of F-16s Her 7th fleet got lost in the Arabian Sea during ’71 war She has strategic partnership with India and Israel Pakistan government has reduced Pak Army to a watchdog for American interests All the above was done under the vague pretext of “National Interest” which is the corner stone of the Capitalist foreign policy In a Khilafah state even a traitorous Khaleefah cannot work for the interest of a belligerent state since the systemforbids any relationship with it The current system allows the rulers to sell the whole Ummah forcolonial interests
  • 34. Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy: Who deals with the Foreign AffairsWho deals with the Foreign Affairs Khilafah Capitalism Relations with foreign countries are restricted only to the State, because the State has the sole right to practice taking care of the Ummah affairs The Ummah is to question and account the State in connection with undertaking of this task It is absolutely forbidden for any individual, party, group or association to have relations with a foreign state directly or through their embassies US ambassador and visiting diplomats meet freely with any politician they like Opens door for the colonialist to recruit/buy politicians who would work for their interests Khilafah systemprotects its political mediumfrominfiltration Current systemis devised to give free hand to the colonialists
  • 35. EvidencesEvidences 1. Abu Hamid As-Saeeda related that Muhammad (SAW) left Madinah until he arrived at Thaee-et al-Wada and a regiment was there and he said: "Who are they ?" The tribe of Bani Qaynuqa, the relative of Abdullah bin Salam. He said: "Do you accept Islam ?" They said "No" He said: "Leave, we don't take assistance from disbelievers". It is narrated by Ahmad and Nisai from Anas that Muhammad (SAW) said "Don't take the light from the fire of the disbeliever" In Arabic in this sense fire means their own weapons and military as a state or tribe. There other reported Ahadith which in which the Messenger (saw) did allow kafirs to fight along side Muslims as individuals or groups but only under the banner of Islam. Hence from all these Ahadith the Hukam is derived that, it is absolutely haram to enter into military pacts that allow kufar to protect Muslims or Muslim armies fighting under the command of the Kafirs. Similarly it is not allowed for kafir armies to fight along side Muslims with their own independent command and banner. Whereas other nations can only fight along with the Muslim armies if they are under the authority and command of the Islamic State without having their own banner i.e. separate independent entity. 2. Allah says in Qur’an: “In truth the disbelievers are an open enemy to you.” [an-Nisa:101] It is narrated by Ahmad and Nisai from Anas that Muhammad (SAW) said "Don't take the light from the fire of the disbeliever" It is haram for Muslims to ask for defence by the kafr or grant them bases because this will allow the kafr to have an authority over Muslims which is forbidden in Islam. Allah (SWT) refers to this prohibition: “And Allah will never give the unbelievers any way (of authority) against the believers.” [TMQ; 4: 141].
  • 36. Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy: Military pacts and Political treaties with otherMilitary pacts and Political treaties with other CountriesCountries Khilafah Capitalism All military treaties and pacts, of whatever source, are absolutely forbidden.1 This includes political treaties agreements covering the leasing of military bases and airfields 2 It is permitted to conclude good- neighbouring, economic, commercial, financial, cultural and armistice (peace) treaties Pakistan was part of SEATO & CENTO pact yet US never came to rescue us against their kafir brethren during ’71 war Pakistan brags to be the frontline state in the “Crusade against Islam” During Afghan war Pakistan allowed  57 thousand sorties from its air space  5 Air bases were handed over to US  Suffered a loss of $10 billion  Handed over more than 500 Muslims to the US Shahbaz Airbase is under US control FBI can raid homes at will
  • 37. Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy: Military pacts and Political treaties with otherMilitary pacts and Political treaties with other CountriesCountries Afghan and Iraq war could have been avoided if there were no political and military treaties with the US Through military treaties and joint exercises the US not only learns our strategy of fighting rathershe recruits and infiltrates into the military top brass. Milton Bearden, the formerCIA chief in Sudan and Pakistan recalled before a congressional committee: “Gen Pervez Musharraf is a member of the last generation of Pakistani army officers who remember the military partnerships of the past with the US. He was trained at Fort Bragg… Gen Musharraf may represent a last good chance to bring the powerful force of US values to bear on the course Pakistan will choose for the new millennium… I cannot stress how the ranks of the Pakistan army below general officer level have changed in the decade since military- to-military contact between the US and Pakistan was terminated…”
  • 38. EvidencesEvidences 1. Soon after the treaty of Hudaybiyah was signed between the Messenger of Allah (saw) and the Quraysh, the tribe of Khuza’ah came under the protection of Allah’s Messenger (saw). 2. He (saw) signed treaties with the tribes encamped between Madinah and the Red Sea coast, such as Banu Damrah, Banu Mudlaj and others to form and enforce a blockade on the caravans of the Quraysh on their way to al-Sham.
  • 39. Foreign Policy:Foreign Policy: State’s Relationship withState’s Relationship with OrganizationsOrganizations Khilafah Capitalism The State cannot be a part of any organisation which is based on something other than Islam or which applies non-Islamic rules e.g.  UN & International Court of Justice  International Monetary Fund & World Bank  Arab League & OIC The State will work to expose these organizations as tools of the colonialists Khilafah will sign treaties1 and extend protection2 to other non-belligerent states to form a block under its leadership Colonialist implement their agenda through these organizations as was seen in Iraq and Afghanistan Pakistani Rulers hide their treason behind UN resolutions  Pakistan supported US in Afghan war  Pakistan is ready to send “Peace keeping” troops to Iraq if UN asks them to do so UN resolutions were implemented with force in Iraq, East Timor but are totally neglected in Palestine, Kashmir etc By leaving these colonial bodies Khilafah will not isolate itself from the world community ratherit will establish relationship with othercountries on its own terms. This will protect the Islamic State from political pressure which the colonialists exert using these bodies. Institutions like OIC and Arab League de-track people from real unification and serve to legitimize US policies and demoralize the Ummah

Editor's Notes

  1. What actually makes the conveyance and spreading of Islam the basis of the foreign policy is the fact that the Message is addressed to the whole of mankind. Allah I says, “And we have not sent you (O Muhammad) except as a giver of glad tidings and a warner to all mankind, but most of men know not.” [Saba’, 34:28] Allah I also says, “O mankind! There has come to you a good advice from your Lord.” [Yunus,10:57] He says,“Say, O mankind! Verily, I am sent to you all as the Messenger of Allah.” [Al A’raf, 7:158] And He says, “This Qur’an has been revealed to me that I may warn therewith you and whomsoever it may reach.” [Al-An’am, 6:19] He also says, “O Messenger (Muhammad r)! Proclaim (the Message) which has been sent to you from your Lord. And if you do not, then you have not conveyed His Message.” [Al-Ma’idah, 5:67]. The Messenger of Allah r conveyed the Message to mankind, and when he r died Islam continued to be carried by the Muslims. The conveyance of the Islamic Message is in fact the continuation of the work that the Messenger of Allah r had initiated.
  2. It is haram ! to request help from the U.S. and Britain and Russia or any other kufr state: Abu Hamid As-Saeeda related that Muhammad (SAW) left Madinah until he arrived at Thaee-et al-Wada and a regiment was there and he said: "Who are they ?" The tribe of Bani Qaynuqa, the relative of Abdullah bin Salam. He said: "Do you accept Islam ?" They said "No" He said: "Leave, we don't take assistance from disbelievers". It is narrated by Ahmad an Nisai from Anas that Muhammad (SAW) said "Don't take the light from the fire of the disbeliever" In Arabic in this sense fire means their own weapons and military as a state or tribe. It is haram for Muslims to ask for defence by the kafr, because that will allow defending of Muslims and Muslim countries by the hand of kufr and it is not allowed for the kafr to have authority over Muslims. Allah (SWT) in An-Nisai :141 refers to this prohibition: "and Allah will not give the disbelievers any way (of success) against the believers" This means that it is not allowed for the kafir to have authority or ruling over Muslims and Muslim countries. Ibn Taimiyah said: "Dar-al-Islam (the land of Islam) is any land where Islam is implemented as a whole and where security is in the hands of the believer not the kafr. These two conditions are very important, so if the security comes to the hand of kafr the land becomes Dar-al-kufr (the land of kufr) immediately." Islam forbids any military alliances or agreements of defence with the kafir because it leads Muslims either to have kufr authority over them or leads to fighting in the way of the kafr. And the Muslim is not allowed to fight and die except in the way of Allah. So any military or any hiring or lending of airports, ports, and bases will be batil (invalid) and the Muslims should not accept it either from the leaders or Muslims themselves. ------------- Allah (swt) has commanded us in the Quran: “O you who believe: do not ally with my enemy and your enemy, do not grant them your gratitude because they rejected the truth you believe in” ... [TMQ 60:1] And in regard to direct support from a disbelieving military force Muhammad (saw) said clearly: "Do not seek power from the fire of the pagans ..." and as reported by Abu Hameed Al-Saidi: "We do not accept the assistance of the Mushriks". ------------
  3. "And whosoever seeks a Deen other than Islam it will not be accepted from him”
  4. Social System in Islam The Social System in Islam (Nizam al ijtimaa') organizes all the relationships and interactions between men and women in the public and private sectors of life. Because of Islam's interconnectivity, the Social System depends upon the intrinsic interaction among all the other systems of Islam. The implementation of the Social System in isolation would have disastrous consequences that currently prevail in countries such as Pakistan and the Gulf Region. The implementation of the verse that states, "And those who accuse honorable women but do not bring four witnesses, flog them with eighty stripes and never again accept their testimony. They are indeed evil-doers..." [An-Nur: 4-5] has a profound effect on the functioning of the Social System. The verse builds the value of the woman's honor ('Ird) in society by addressing the punishment of falsely accusing women unchastity (al-qadhf). The "liberated" societies have no concept of protecting the honor of women, and strip the woman of all her value, save her commercial worth as the dignity of women is bought and sold in the screens of the Western media. Although some aspects of the Social System still remain in Muslim countries despite the demise of the Khilafah, they have failed because of their existence in a Non-Islamic framework. In such a mutated context, Islam's call for the honor of women (Ird) is drowned out by the exploitation of women beamed into the houses of Muslims through the satellite media monster, leading to either sexual frustration or excesses of liberation as the Muslim mentality is blotched with the corrupted values of the West. Society today has a corrupt social system stemming from the absence or fragmented implementation of Islam, resulting in the disorganization of man-women relationships. "Social ills" in most sociology text books refers to the decaying social fabric precipitated by the diseases of Freedom, Individualism, and other man-made ideals. Because of the limited nature of human beings, man-made systems and ideologies that attempt to organize social relations fall miserably short of addressing humanity in the correct context and providing a comprehensive system that would effectively ensure the progress and procreation of the human race. The Islamic Social System addresses gender relationships in the correct framework and provides the correct structure for men and women to organize their lives according to the laws of the Creator who correctly understands the human being and the needs of humanity. Today's societies have created a state of constant confusion and turmoil by generating a mutated social structure through TV soaps, films, magazines, and literature. In the absence of the correct ideology to provide a correct foundation to address the social issues facing the world, the contemporary systems rely on the frailties, contradictions, and imperfections of human intellect. The failed attempts by the current world order to provide a correct system for humanity have led to conflicting values that increasingly degenerate to lower standards, skyrocketing crime rates, and social aberrations that wreak havoc on the rapidly deteriorating social fabric. The Status and Role of Women and Men Throughout history, the world has scorned women as subhuman and, at best, second-class citizens. Under today's secular societies, the status of women has degenerated to the level of merchandise that is manufactured by the sensationalist tide of beauty, fitness, and everlasting youth, and plastered onto the magazines and screens in the name of profit. Islam perceives women as an honor and elevates the status of women to a level of respect and dignity that no social structure can attain. The Islamic Society functions to protect the woman's honor from all slander, exploitation and attack and ensure the elevated status of women. The main role of the woman as a wife and mother obligates her to look after the children and provide comfort for her husband. By no means do the woman's responsibilities negate the role of the husband to care for the children or restrict the wife to pursue a societal role and a career. When Europe was busy debating whether or not women had souls, Islam encouraged the woman to hold a career, establish her business, engage in commerce, and participate in the political spheres of society. Though the woman looks after the family and can finance herself, the actual obligation of providing food, shelter and clothing on the woman and the family falls on the father and husband. Women and Men in Political Life Islam has mandated upon women and men the responsibility to participate in the political life to account those responsible for running the affairs of the state. In the current absence of the Islamic State, the Muslim Woman is obliged to work to establish the Deen and to participate in the Islamic Call (Da'wah) by inviting Non-Muslims to Islam and bringing the Muslims resume the Islamic personality and character. Throughout the Islamic history, many women served as prominent scholars, judges, and advisors to the rulers, and the Pledge of War (Bayat al-Aqaba At-Thaany) that Muhammad (saaw) took from the Ansar in Medina witnessed the presence of two women. Aside from their enormous responsibilities as politicians, Islam has forbidden women from assuming a ruling position because of the hadith narrated by Bukhari on the authority of Abi Bakra: "When the news reached the Prophet (saaw) about the Persians electing the daughter of the King (Kisra) as their ruler, He (saaw) said, 'Any people who are ruled by a woman will never prosper.'" Women and Men are not the Same Islam's prohibition of women in the affairs of ruling and certain other positions have led many shortsighted observers to use this aspect as a confirmation of Islam's sexist nature. Such attacks perpetuated by the West demonstrate the ignorance of Orientalists and Western intellectuals as they preach the fallacy of equality. Islam neither reserves an inferior or derogatory status on women that exists in religions as Christianity, nor places a low price tag on her dignity and honor like the ideologies emanating from the West. Allah (swt) created men and women as clearly distinct in their physiology, and such a distinction has mandated certain responsibilities specific to each. Any person can clearly perceive such a distinction, and only a fool would attempt to design a system under the facade of equality that ignores such a reality. In Islam, both the man and the woman have obligations and roles that are similar and other specific obligations legislated by the Creator to each. For instance, Islam obliges the man to fight in Jihad and finance the family but excuses the woman from these responsibilities. In Islam, both men and women conduct their lives according to the Commandments of Allah (swt) in their general and specific responsibilities, and the equality stems from the reward and punishment that they will receive from Allah (swt) for fulfilling or neglecting their responsibilities. The Laws of Gathering (Private and Public Space)Unlike the unrestricted and chaotic mixing that the West champions, Islam ensures modesty between men and women. In the public life, men and women (unless they are Mahrem, or unable to marry each other) are forbidden to gather in both the public and the private life, unless the Shariah has stipulated and permitted otherwise. Islam permitted mixed gathering for educational purposes, business, trading, and Hajj, but socializing, and gathering for entertainment purposes, whether in schools or at work, are completely forbidden. Also, both men and women are obliged to lower their gaze (Ref: Qur'an, Al-Nur, 30-31), and a man and woman cannot be alone without a Mahrem because Muhammad (saaw) said, "A woman should not meet and mix with a man alone unless she has a mahrem with her." Such values would dramatically alter the face of society. Within the Islamic State the public transport system. The workplace, and the educational institutions would manifest the segregation of men and women to ensure the protection and dignity of the social fabric. The West has endeavored with all of its financial and political avenues to curtail the emergence of Islam because the tranquillity and stability that the Islamic Social System provides would seal the fate of the billion-dollar industries that thrive on the vices and corruption of the prevailing decadence in Islam's absence. Marriage Allah (swt) has endowed human beings with the instincts of love and procreation. Unlike the perverted corruption of the West that puts no restrictions on the manifestations of these instincts, Islam has given mankind a system to control and express them through the institution of marriage. Allah (swt) says in the Qur'an: And among His signs is this: that He created mates for you from yourselves, that you may find rest and peace of mind in them, and he ordained between you love and mercy. Verily, in that are signs for those who reflect. [Ar-Rum: 21] Contrary to the slanderous image portrayed by the West, the woman cannot be forced into a marriage. Islam does give the man a degree over the woman, but solely to protect the woman and not as a liaison for the man to have a master-servant relationship. Obeying the husband constitutes part of obeying the laws of Allah (swt), and Islam emphasizes the principle of having good relationships, as Muhammad (saaw) said, "The best amongst you is the one who is best to his wife." In Islam, the husband has the role of pleasing, caring for, and respecting the wife. If the husband commands the wife to go against Allah (swt) and one of her obligations, the wife must disobey the husband. By establishing specific responsibilities and laws to govern the marriage life, Islam ensures that both husband and wife remain as slaves to Allah (swt) and protects them from slavery to one another. Islamic and Western Perspective on Love The current society has defined love on purely physical and emotional dimensions. Love has become the most popular word in all languages, but no one has a clear understanding of its meaning. The results establishing such a central concept in relationships upon vague, ambiguous criteria are clear in the rising statistics of broken relationships, failed marriages, and widespread social misery. Islam recognizes the importance of this relationship, and unlike the West, gives clear guidelines to the duties and responsibilities of the husband and wife, removing the confusion and allowing both to work in harmony and for love to flourish between them. Conclusion The Islamic Social System contains many more laws that clearly define the various social relationships and issues arising from the interaction of men and woman. The Ummah must begin digesting the Islamic culture to protect itself from the erroneous and corrupted practices that exist in the West and the regional cultures and traditions prevalent in the Muslim lands. The contemporary social order has no future for humanity, and the establishment maintains the sustenance and proliferation of degenerate ideas and values only to safeguard the multi-billion dollar businesses that derive their existence from the ailments of society. Islam provides the only solution to the problems and plights generated by man-made systems mottled with the frailties and contradictions that reflect the limited minds that engineered them. The responsibility for guiding humanity towards the justice of Islam and the Pleasure of Allah (swt) falls upon the Muslim Ummah, and the fulfillment of such a responsibility cannot materialize without the establishment of Islam as a complete system.
  5. "And whosoever seeks a Deen other than Islam it will not be accepted from him”
  6. Allah knows what is good and what is bad
  7. "And whosoever seeks a Deen other than Islam it will not be accepted from him”
  8. 1 Example of offensive Jihad 2 get from the initial articles of the constitution 3. No other deen will be acceptable from people 4. To supperceed all deens
  9. "And whosoever seeks a Deen other than Islam it will not be accepted from him”
  10. "And whosoever seeks a Deen other than Islam it will not be accepted from him”
  11. the Messenger of Allah (saw) in which he was reported to have said: “I have been ordered to fight people until they profess that there is no god but Allah. If they said it, their lives and their wealth would be inviolable to me, except that which is by right and Allah (swt) will hold them accountable.” Abu Dawood also reported on the authority of Anas Ibnu Malik who said: “The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “..and Jihad has been ongoing since Allah sent me and will continue until the last generation of my Ummah fight the Dajjal; it shall not be disrupted by the tyranny of a tyrant nor by the justice of a just.”
  12. "And whosoever seeks a Deen other than Islam it will not be accepted from him”
  13. 144
  14. The sound ruling system is a system of unity and nothing else; because Shari'ah has decreed such a system and forbidden any other system. It has been reported on the authority of Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Al-A’as that he heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say: “Whoever pledged allegiance to an Imam, giving him the clasp of his hand and the fruit of his heart shall obey him as long as he can, and if another comes to dispute with him, you must strike the neck of that man.” It has also been reported on the authority of Abu Said Al-Khudri that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “If a pledge of allegiance (Baya'a) has been taken for two Khalifahs kill the latter of them.” These Ahadith reflect the obligation of obeying the one with whom the Khilafah has been contracted, and if another came to dispute this Khilafah with him, he then should be fought and killed if he did not retract. Hence, this is the daleel of Khaleefah being one for all the Muslims.
  15. The sound ruling system is a system of unity and nothing else; because Shari'ah has decreed such a system and forbidden any other system. It has been reported on the authority of Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Al-A’as that he heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say: “Whoever pledged allegiance to an Imam, giving him the clasp of his hand and the fruit of his heart shall obey him as long as he can, and if another comes to dispute with him, you must strike the neck of that man.” It has also been reported on the authority of Abu Said Al-Khudri that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “If a pledge of allegiance (Baya'a) has been taken for two Khalifahs kill the latter of them.” These Ahadith reflect the obligation of obeying the one with whom the Khilafah has been contracted, and if another came to dispute this Khilafah with him, he then should be fought and killed if he did not retract. Hence, this is the daleel of Khaleefah being one for all the Muslims. The Islamic Ummah is one Ummah to the exclusion of all other people. Allah (swt) has made the sons of the Ummah as brothers to each other linked together by the Islamic Aqeeda. He (swt) said: "The believers are nothing else than brothers." [TMQ 49:10] He (swt) made it obligatory upon them to be one unity in one entity which is the entity of the Khilafah state. The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: "If a Bay’a has been taken for two Khulafa, kill the latter of them." He forbade them to be torn into many entities. He (saw) said: "Whoever comes to you, when your affairs are united under one man, and he wishes to break your power or divide your community, then kill him."This is tantamount to the prohibition of dividing the State. It stipulates the prohibition of turning the State into states. It should rather be one single state. Hence, the ruling system in Islam is a system of unity and not a federalist system. Any other than the system of unity is categorically and conclusively forbidden.
  16. The UN a tool of exploitation by the Colonialists March 15, 2003 Let us be in no doubt that the Capitalist world with the US and UK at its helm are colonialist countries; right from the very top colonialism runs through their veins and blinkers their relationship with all and sundry. Hence it came as not shock to the aware Muslim politicians when Tony Blair’s foreign policy adviser Robert Cooper said, ‘The challenge to the postmodern world is to get used to the idea of double standards...when dealing with more old-fashioned kinds of states outside the postmodern continent of Europe (Muslim world no-doubt included), we need to revert to the rougher methods of an earlier era - force, preemptive attack, deception, whatever is necessary to deal with those who still live in the nineteenth century world of every state for itself...when we are operating in the jungle, we must also use the laws of the jungle…What is needed then is a new kind of imperialism...’[Robert Cooper, ‘The New Liberal Imperialism’, 2002]. Indeed this view is hardly a recent development, even when Britain had lost most of her colonies, she still fanatically refused to denounce colonialism and, with dreams of a future resurrection of her colonialist empire, voted against a general assembly UN resolution 2326 (16/2/1967) which called for colonialism to be denounced as a ‘Crime against humanity’. The Capitalist world has been legitimising her brutality by using the United Nations, therefore the astute Muslim politician should appreciate the reality of the United Nations and the subsequent Islamic verdict. The United Nations is a colonialist tool, created by them, used by them and eventually will be discarded by them once it has outlived its use-by date. In this article we shall focus on the United Nations which is the contemporary bastion of the concept of international law. We shall elaborate with meticulous precision the mechanics of how the UN is a colonialist tool and present some pertinent case studies. Structure of United Nations There exists a spectrum of views on the colonialist nature of the UN, on one extreme the sycophants suggesting that the UN is a non-biased internationally represented institution boasting a membership of 191 members, whereas on the other extreme there is the view of the conspiracy theorists who suggest that the entire corpus of the UN comprises of spies and agents all subservient to the whims of the colonialist US. The UN is structured in a way, deliberately by it’s founders, such that it used as a tool which legitimises neo-colonialism. By examining the various organs of the UN ( the two bodies charged with adopting resolutions (ie laws/edicts) are the ‘General Assembly’ and the so-called ‘Security Council’. As for the General Assembly the UN describes its remit as follows, “The General Assembly is the main deliberative organ of the United Nations. It is composed of representatives of all member states, each of which has one vote. Decisions on important questions, such as those on peace and security, admission of new members and budgetary matters, require a two-thirds majority. Decisions on other questions are reached by a simple majority. These decisions may be adopted without a vote, or with a vote, which may be recorded, non-recorded or by roll-call.” Then comes the sting in the tail, the text continues, “While the decisions of the Assembly have no legally binding force for Governments, they carry the weight of world opinion on major international issues, as well as the moral authority of the world community.”[source: [] This poses a great problem for advocates of the UN route as a practical method for solving problems. The views of 176 out of 191 members of the United Nations who are part of the General assembly carry absolutely “no legal binding force for governments”. As for the functions of the General Assembly, the aforementioned source mentions 9 bullet points, extracting the all-important initial verbs, the text reads as follows: “- to consider and make recommendations, - to discuss, - to discuss, - to initiate studies and make recommendations, - to make recommendations, -to receive and consider reports”. A more realistic (compound)noun for the ‘General Assembly’ would be ‘Talk-Shop’ since not a single function denotes any form of firm action! The most authoritative task of the ‘General Assembly’ is to approve the UN budget and elect the non-permanent members of the ‘Security Council’! Hence we can see how the views of 176 out of 191 (92%) of UN members are automatically irrelevant since all they can do is discuss and debate and even the conclusions of their perpetual discussions have “no legal binding force for governments”. A good example of this was how the UK treated UN General Assembly resolution 1810 adopted on 17/12/1962 setting up the ‘UN committee on Decolonisation’ which consisted of 24 primarily third world countries. Britain withdrew from the committee on 11/01/1971 stating, “In the case of resolution 1810, the UK did not accept the right of the United Nations to interfere in the administration of territories [ie colonies] for which the UK was responsible”. Britain hence refused to co-operate with this UN resolution and blocked all attempts of the committee to visit British colonies in Seychelles and St. Helena. The justification for the effective snub? “...the UK did not accept the right of the United Nations to interfere in the administration of territories [ie colonies] for which the UK was responsible”. A good example of what the Colonialist UN means by the phrase “the decisions of the Assembly [92% of members] have no legally binding force for Governments”! As for the second body charged with the responsibility of adopting resolutions, it is the ‘Security Council’. “The Council has 15 members-- five permanent members and 10 elected by the General Assembly for two-year terms”. Unlike the ‘General Assembly’, the Security Council is where real power is vested since its resolutions are binding on all member states. Furthermore amongst the powers of the security council are, “ - to take military action against an aggressor” and “- to call on Members to apply economic sanctions and other measures not involving the use of force to prevent or stop aggression” []. Thus, as with the current case with Iraq, the Security Council can authorise military action. Clearly, therefore, power lies within this Security Council so what is the nature of this Body? 15 members, 5 of whom are ‘Permanent Members’. The five Permanent Members hold an exclusive veto allowing them veto absolutely any resolution even if every other member votes for it! Who are the permanent five? US, UK, France, Russia, and China. Hence it is manifestly apparent from the inherent structure of this institution that it legitimises whole scale abuse by the 5 exclusive-club ‘Permanent Members’. Given this, what is to stop the US from invading another sovereign country and then using its veto to block any resolution forwarded containing denouncement for her belligerence? Hyper-convoluted fiction? No. Reality. In 1989 The US vetoed a Security Council resolution condemning her own belligerence! How convenient, indeed the US has exclusively vetoed no fewer than 20 resolutions since 1983. Robin Theurkauf, Visiting Fellow at Yale University and wife of one of the September 11 victims, was correct when she stated that, ‘We in the US like international law, specifically we like other nations to obey. However it is the height of hypocrisy to demand that others live up to their obligations while we aggressively reject the notion that we should submit to a legitimate international system of laws as part of a community of nations’ [Milan Rai, ‘War Plan Iraq’ p.205]. And the UN is what legitimises this shameful neo-colonialism. Attempts to Ratify Charter Thwarted by Colonialists The exclusive five, at its helm the US and UK, actively work to sabotage any attempts to ratify the UN charter which would threaten their colonialist ambitions. In 1972, the Secretary General (incidentally, approved by the ‘Security Council’) requested all members of the UN to submit ideas for updating the charter. Suggestions forwarded included increasing the permanent members of the Security Council (who wield the all-important veto), potential candidates being India and Japan, and limiting the scope of the veto. The British worked to sabotage this plan to limit the ability of the colonialists and were prepared to veto any resolution calling for ratification of the UN charter. On this occasion, it was the USSR (Russia) who led the charge for the exclusive five with British secret documents from 1972 stating, “This effective...Soviet Veto has suited us very well. While the last thing [we want] is any general review which would call into question our own and the French status as permanent members, we have been able to appear less flatly negative...” With breathtaking impertinence in a letter to the Secretary General on 30/6/1972 the British stated “Our real reason for opposing the charter review is a fear that it may threaten our position as permanent members of the security council” [source: Public Records Office (PRO): FCO 58/677]. The Muslims are correct when they state that the UN was created and maintained by the Kuffar to subjugate the Ummah and the third world. With an open heart we request the sincere in the Ummah to take heed of these glaring realities and desist from aiding the colonialist by calling for UN resolutions. Case Study: UN in Palestine The UN being the colonialists’ tool as highlighted has caused millions of Muslims to die and presides over the massacres of the innocent. It was the UN who created Israel with UN General Assembly Resolution 181 (Partition Plan) 29/11/1947. Furthermore it is the UN who sat by as a spectator when men and women, young and old, weak and strong were being massacred by their creation – Israel. Indeed the UN has failed to act and is inherently biased and favours the United States’ interests. Amongst incidents that the UN has refused to pass as resolutions are those that: Condemn Israeli action in southern Lebanon. S/16732 Deplore ‘repressive measures’ by Israel against Arab population. S/19459. Condemn Israeli practices against civilians in southern Lebanon. S/17000. Calls upon Israel to respect Muslim holy places. S/17769/Rev. 1 Draft strongly deplored repeated Israeli attacks against Lebanese territory and other measures and practices against the civilian population; [S/19434] Strongly deplored Israeli policies and practices in the occupied territories, and strongly deplored also Israel's continued disregard of relevant Security Council decisions. Call for UN Observers Force in West Bank, Gaza [27/3/2001] Condemned acts of terror, demanded an end to violence and the establishment of a monitoring mechanism to bring in observers. [15/12/2001] Not only did the UN create Israel but it refuses to condemn its barbaric activities. It cannot even agree to send non-military observers to merely observe the situation! Compare this scenario to Iraq, and how they swiftly the UN mobilised to attack. Case study: UN in Bosnia Let us reacquaint ourselves with the events in Bosnia during the 90s. The UN placed an arms embargo over Bosnia leaving the aggressor Serbs (backed by Serbia) with tanks, heavy artillery, mortars and ammunition and the Muslims with mere machineguns thus denying them the basic right to defend themselves. During the natural subsequent massacres and gang-rapes of Muslims, the UN set up “safe havens” in an attempt to appease world opinion demanding the lifting of sanctions to allow the Muslims to defend themselves. In one such UN “safe haven” the UN French general famously reassured “You are now under the protection of the UN forces”, the few guns the Muslims did have, were taken away from the Muslims by the UN. The result: Serbs came and bombed, shelled, overran the enclave, “peace keepers” did nothing, mass gang rape ensued, at least 8,000 Muslims massacred and mutilated. Serb “captors at one point complained that they were not getting a good choice of the Muslim women from Srebrenica” [David Rohde] Worse still, the UN not only created circumstances which facilitated the gang-rape of Muslim women but actually directly facilitated the Serbs, a summary of the UN “peace keepers”’ actions is presented in outlines: A secret deal was made between General Janvier [head of UN forces] and General Mladic [Serb] in Zvornik on June 4, 1995, prior to the massacre; The intrigue and collaboration among Akashi [UN], Mladic, and Milosevic as the massacre was occurring; The handing over by the Dutch Battalion [UN] of unarmed Muslims to Mladic as Dutch commanders drank champagne with General Mladic; “General Van der Wind's [UN] debriefing specifies that on the second day of the handover of the Muslims, 13 July , ‘Dutchbat transferred 30,000 litres of fuel to the BSA [Bosnian Serb Army] in accordance with Mladic's demands’" “Professor Mark Almond wrote: ‘At the same time, the Dutch ministry of defence was busy shredding evidence of its dealings with the Serb general to get its men away, vital video evidence went 'missing' -- thought Serb television showed enough pictures of Dutch officers drinking champagne with Mladic to make one despair at their subsequent promotion in the Nato hierarchy’." [ (B.Jagger’s report)] With such overwhelming evidence proving the United Nation’s accessory to murder and gang-rape, the Secretary General Kofi Annan, in a cheap PR stunt, was forced to ‘apologise’ for the behaviour of the UN stating that the UN ''gave the Security Council the impression that the situation was under control. ... The day before Srebrenica fell, we reported that the Serbs were not attacking, when they were. We reported that the Bosnians had fired on Unprofor blocking positions, when it was the Serbs. We failed to mention urgent requests for airpower.'' So the colonialists disarm the Muslims guaranteeing protection their security, sip champagne with the Gang-rapists and murderers, hand over Muslim women and children for execution, supply fuel to the Serbs to drive the trucks which shipped the Muslims to their mass-graves, write letters advising against the use of air strikes against the Serbs and then offer apologies later on as if it were a moments rash decision! The Ummah must desist from calling for UN resolutions With such a shocking expose of the reality of this tool, it is bamboozling to still hear some fringe elements calling for its application! ‘Maslaha’ (Benefit) they cry, where there is nothing even remotely resembling benefit. From its charter to its structure to its policies it smacks of colonialism, hegemony, domination and humiliation. Furthermore the concept of acting on the basis of benefit is from the Sunnah of Nicolo Machiavelli who expounded in his treatise on statecraft, ‘The Prince’ that expediency should be the basis of actions: “In the actions of all men…we must look to the end. Let a prince, therefore win victories and uphold his state; his methods will always be considered worthy”, hence the dictum, ‘the ends justifies the means’. The ‘Ulema of the past were very strong in rebuking the ignorant who called for benefit in place of the revealed sources. One of the great Islamic Jurists of the past, Imam Shatibi (ra), stated in his treatise, “Al-Muwaffaqat fee Al-Usul al-akham” on page 25 that, “The objective behind the Shari’ah is to liberate the individuals from his desires in order to be a true slave of Allah and that is the legitimate maslaha (benefit)…Violating the Shari’ah under the pretext of following the basic objectives/values (maqaasid) of the Shari’ah is like the one who cares about the spirit without the body, and since the body without the spirit is useless, therefore the spirit without the body is useless too”. Furthermore Rafi’ bin Khadij nartated that, ((نهى رسول الله عن أمر كان لنا نافعا وطواعية الله ورسوله أنفع لنا وأنفع)) “The Messenger of Allah forbade us from something which was beneficial (naafi’) for us but Obedience to Allah and his Messenger is more beneficial (anfa’)” [Sahih al-Muslim]. Even the few scholars who did except that maslaha is a legitimate source of law were fervent in shackling the principle lest it be used as a carte-blanche to justify absolutely anything (as is happening today). They laid down conditions, 1) It must not contradict anything in the Qur’an, Sunnah, Ijmaa as Sahaba or Qiyas and 2) The benefit must be Haqiqi (real). Therefore from its basis Maslaha is invalid, even those scholars in the past who did accept maslaha, would reject the UN because definitely it is not in the interest of the Muslims (!) and it definitely contradicts established texts. (For further evidences refer to Khilafah Magazine Jan 2003, article “The astute Comprehension of International law”) Our Conduct vis-à-vis the UN The United Nations is a weak institution which would easily collapse in the face of an intellectual exposé by a determined state. The British themselves fully appreciate this when they acknowledged that, “The UN is such a fragile organisation that any contentious dispute over its structure might weaken it further”.(PRO: FCO 58/677) We Muslims should have the courage to declare the Truth and not be intimidated or acquiesce at the scoff of the sycophants. Indeed anything else would be cowardice and a severe negligence of our duty since Allah (swt) states: ثُمَّ جَعَلْنَاكَ عَلَى شَرِيعَةٍ مِنْ الأَمْرِ فَاتَّبِعْهَا وَلاَ تَتَّبِعْ أَهْوَاءَ الَّذِينَ لاَ يَعْلَمُونَ “Then We have put you (O Muhammad SAW) on a plain way of (Our) commandment (Shari’ah). So follow you that, and follow not the desires of those who know not” [TMQ Al-Jathiya:18] It should not come as a surprise to us when we see some, even amongst the Muslims, rushing to the colonialists urging Muslims to support them since the Qur’an has warned mankind of the occurrence of such wretched people who appear deaf to reality and Guidance (al-Hudaa): قُلْ إِنَّمَا أُنذِرُكُمْ بِالْوَحْيِ وَلاَ يَسْمَعُ الصُّمُّ الدُّعَاءَ إِذَا مَا يُنذَرُونَ “Say: ‘I warn you only by the revelation. But the deaf will not hear the call, (even) when they are warned” [TMQ Al-Anbiya:45] Conduct of those able to destroy the colonialist UN As for those who have the ability to destroy this “fragile organisation” and return the Glory to Al-Islam, they are the commanders of the Muslim armies ie the rulers. We read that they cannot even agree to convene a summit, yet alone expel US bases from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain amongst others - such is their slavish compliance! Writing in the NY times (19/2/2003), Stephen Myers notes that, “Saudi Arabia's foreign minister, Saud al-Faisal, said in remarks published today that he saw no need for an emergency summit meeting, expressing concern that the divisions among Arab states might not be surmountable. Officials in Lebanon, which currently holds the league's rotating chairmanship, were also reported to oppose the summit meeting.” These coward rulers have no intention of marching out and defending the honour of the Muslims, they have afforded the colonialists every last service, they only mobilise their armies to spread sedition amongst the Ummah, imprisoning them and intimidating them: “And if they had intended to march out, certainly, they would have made some preparation for it, but Allah was averse to their being sent forth, so He made them lag behind, and it was said (to them), ‘Sit you among those who sit (at home).Had they marched out with you, they would have added to you nothing except disorder, and they would have hurried about in your midst (spreading corruption) and sowing sedition among you, and there are some among you who would have listened to them…” [TMQ at-Taubah:46-47] Let us not be those who listen to them, and let us not be the idle spectators who silently witness the massacre of our Brothers in Iraq. We Muslims in the UK, can take a lead in exposing the fallacy of the UN, and showing how it is a tool for the colonialists. In conclusion, the fact that the UN is a colonialist tool is well-known, but we have elucidated the detailed mechanics of the process by which it enforces hegemony, humiliation and oppression. From its structuring to its charter to its policies, all are geared to furthering the cause of colonialism. Let us, therefore, discharge our Islamic duty and renounce the UN, expose it, and rally the Ummah together to create an alternative – the Shari’ah law – the Khilafah! Sabure Malik