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Is Web Self-Service
Right for You?
Published by IntelliResponse
6 Tell-Tale Signs That Your Organization –
And Your Customers – Are Ready For Next
Generation Web Self-Ser vice

        of, for, or pertaining to something designed to be used
        or enjoyed without the aid of an attendant.

       “Next Generation Web Self-Service”
        of, for or pertaining to technology designed to allow
        customers and employees to receive ANSWERS to their
        questions over the desktop, mobile and social web,
        without requiring any interaction with a representative
        of an enterprise.
Is Web Self-Service Right for You?                                                       2

According to Forrester Research, 72% of U.S.
online consumers prefer to use a company’s
Web site to get answers to their questions
                                                         To help you better understand
rather than contact companies via telephone              whether or not your
or email. Clearly, the web (and this term now            organization and customers
firmly includes the increasingly important mobile
and social media channels) has become the primary
                                                         would benefit from deploying
first point of contact between many organizations        next generation self-service,
and their stakeholders. Despite this fact, frustration   we’ve pulled together our
and inefficiency abounds online, resulting in
                                                         knowledge of industry best
unsatisfied customers and increases in escalations to
expensive contact center mainstays like phone calls      practices and research
and e-mails.                                             conclusions from the likes of
                                                         Forrester, Jupiter Research,
For many organizations, the “answer” to next
generation customer service includes deploying the       Gartner and others, and
latest multi-channel self-service tools now available.   compiled this list – six
Often described as answer agents, virtual assistants
                                                         telltale signs that your
or “smart FAQ’s”, this new breed of technology,
when delivered effectively – has significant impact      organization, and your
on key business measurements such as:                    customers, are poised
• Customer Satisfaction
                                                         to benefit from next
                                                         generation self-service.
• Inbound Call Volumes

• Inbound e-Mail Volumes

• Corporate Brand Identity

But how do you know when you and your
organization are ready for web self-service? Where
do you begin, in terms of diagnosing whether or
not it makes sense for you to explore a web self-
service strategy for your organization?

Read on to find out…
Is Web Self-Service Right for You?                                                                              3

Telltale Sign #1:                                      when the available mountains of data are drastically
The primary customer service features                  reduced after a keyword relevancy search, still,
on your web site are FAQ and help pages                customers are offered tens, hundreds or even
and/or a site search tool.                             thousands of results to search through.

For companies in virtually any industry, traditional   A more streamlined FAQ section, one that has been
online answer tools like FAQ pages, HELP and           heavily edited to reduce the volume of data, may be
SEARCH technologies are antiquated resources           slightly easier to navigate; however, what is gained
that no longer do a good job of giving self-service    in navigation ease is lost in the comprehensiveness
customers the information they need in the form of     and accuracy of available answers, leaving the visitor
ANSWERS to their questions.                            unsatisfied despite best efforts.

According to Forrester, “Help sections, frequently     Forrester points to self-service technologies as a
asked questions (FAQs), and site search often fall     means to provide better customer service, but
short of customers’ expectations.” 1 Conceptually,     explains that these technologies are not yet widely
FAQ pages are a great idea and, in fact, they can      used by many of the organizations that could most
be rather helpful for very small companies or          benefit by their deployment.2 By and large, most
organizations that sell a single or simple product     organizations rely on FAQ, help and site search
line or are espousing a simple concept or value        to quarterback the web customer service effort,
proposition – but how many organizations fall          despite the negative impact on the
under those categories these days? For a company       customer experience.
with a web-site and numerous social media and
mobile touch-points, the limitations of these          The opportunity that modern web self-service
primitive web tools become evident quite quickly.      affords is not only the ability to enhance the
                                                       customer experience online, but to also enjoy a
Take the typical FAQ page as an example, and           competitive advantage by doing so, as a company
consider this dilemma:                                 that provides this superior self-service experience
                                                       earlier than its competitors.
Even the most well-written and comprehensive
FAQ sections remain difficult to navigate due to
the sheer volume of information that is to be sifted
through (and this assumes that you have, by some
miracle selected the absolute best list of FAQ’s for
the majority of your customers to begin with). Even
Is Web Self-Service Right for You?                                                                            4

Telltale Sign #2:                                     operations of the call center, for example, may have
Higher-cost customer service channels like            a reasonably accurate idea of what this percentage
phone, email or chat are handling your low-           might be. Talking to that person is a good first
complexity customer service questions.                step and, if your company is like most, will likely
                                                      reveal that far more low-complexity questions are
If your organization collects metrics on types and    sneaking in to your higher cost channels than
categories of incoming service inquiries to call      is desirable.
centre, email and chat channels, identifying the
percentage of “low-complexity” calls that end up in   If this is indeed a cause for concern, modern web-
higher-cost service channels will be easy.            self service is an excellent candidate to resolve the
                                                      problem. As illustrated in the Customer Service
Even if reliable metrics aren’t in place however,     Complexity Continuum in Figure 1, web self-service
a director or manager close enough to the             shines in resolving low-complexity calls for service.

                            FIG 1: The Customer Service Complexity Continuum

                      SWEET SPOT

             LOW-COMPLEXITY                              HIGH-COMPLEXITY
             • No human intervention                     • High human intervention
             • Common, repeated questions                • Detailed sku lookup
             • Questions with one right answer           • Current inventory status

                     Web self-service technology
                    is most effective in handling
                  low-complexity service requests.
Is Web Self-Service Right for You?                                                                              5

Telltale Sign #3:                                       deployed to answer the bulk of the “informational”
A significant number of customer                        questions that originate online. These common,
ser vice inquiries regularly originate                  repetitive questions can often represent between
from your web site.                                     40% and 60% of the total questions posed to
                                                        customer service.
While looking at contact center metrics, identify
what percentage of calls, for example, originate        If effective, your web-site should provide customers
from your web site. When queries that originate         with timely, accurate, easy-to-access answers and,
from your site are routinely entering your higher-      as such, effectively pre-empt or “filter” a large
cost channels, it’s a sure sign that your web site is   percentage of those service inquiries. Instead, as
missing an opportunity to resolve basic customer        the industry research and our own experience
service issues at the first point of contact.           indicates, most web-sites and their antiquated
                                                        search and FAQ tools are terribly ineffective
When a customer encounters a web site that fails to     at filtering out the lower-complexity questions
satisfy his or her quest for answers, the impact on     and result in many of the inquiries passing right
downstream customer service operations is costly to     through to higher-cost channels, as this
the bottom line.                                        visual illustrates:

                          Fig 2: Web Site As An Ineffective Cost-Reduction “Filter”

            Inquiries Hit The Site                           Inquiries Escalate, Costs Rise

When considering the many ways your web site can        Don’t have metrics on where calls at your call center
contribute to corporate value, include its potential    originate? Forrester says, “You can use a benchmark
value as a filter or, in other words, its ability to    of an average of 10% to 20% of your phone volume
reduce customer service costs.                          coming through your Web site.” 3

Traditional web based customer service tools (i.e.
web FAQ, help and site search) were originally
Is Web Self-Service Right for You?                                                                         6

                                                      TABLE 1
                     Downstream Cost Impact in the Call Center Channel

	     Annual Contact	            Percentage of Calls 	 Cost Per Call 	                Total Cost of Web-
	    Center Call Volume	         Originating from Web		                                Originating Calls

	      1,000,000	                      15%	                          $10	               $1,500,000

Using a conservative estimate that 15% of your
phone volume is coming directly through your
Web site, it’s easy to see how even a small
percentage of calls that pass through this “filter”
creates considerable costs downstream:

With only 15% of calls originating from the web, in
this example the downstream cost to the customer
service is $1, 500,000.

Instituting an effective, next generation web
self-service technology like the IntelliResponse
Answer Suite has a track record of reducing
call volume by 15-30%, which often equates to
hundreds of thousands of dollars in annual savings              The IntellliResponse Answer Suite
from call deflection alone.                                     enhances the multi-channel service
                                                                capabilities of hundreds of enterprise
For a more complete snapshot of the potential                   businesses and educational
cost savings available through next generation web              institutions. Its patented question and
self-service, go to             answer technology delivers “One Right
ROI-Calculators/                                                Answer” to customer questions across
                                                                a wide array of channels that include
This tool will give you some real-world assumptive              corporate web sites, mobile devices,
data to estimate cost savings potential by using web            customer service desktops and social
self-service to reduce the proportion of questions              media platforms.
posed to higher-cost channels.
Is Web Self-Service Right for You?                                                                               7

Telltale Sign #4:
Your Customer Satisfaction Scores                         1.  roviding consumers with advanced ways to serve
Aren’t Where They Should Be                                 themselves online, without having to interact with
                                                            any member of the customer service group until
Lower-than-acceptable customer satisfaction scores          the time is right.
are an obvious indicator that steps should be taken
to improve the customer experience. What some             2.  ncreasing the number and quality of service
companies miss, however, is spotting the right path         options offered to customers.
to an effective solution.
                                                          3.  ight-channeling, where you use your variety
Resolution begins with the understanding that one           of service options to help contain and drive
must look at the customer service landscape – as an         interaction to most appropriate channel, while
integrated, multi-channel system – and identify ways        providing a clear and easy escalation path
to improve the system as a whole, from first point of
contact onward.
                                                          The above areas are co-related and, as Forrester
In the example described above, where a                   points out, these are often areas where many online
percentage of inquiries from the web site are             and customer experience executives are tripped up
escalating to the call center, it would be a mistake to   in the quest to improve customer experience and
assume that any significant ground could be gained        reduce costs: “Too few customer service options
by focusing on service level improvement practices        often challenge business professionals’ ability to
within the call center silo exclusively.                  successfully right-channel...” 4

Indeed, focusing resources for improvement in one
channel may actually raise scores in that channel
only, while the underlying challenges remain.

With so many companies offering a sub-par
experience online, this is where the majority of
companies will discover the root of their problems
and, in many cases, the path to improvement. As
a result, the web is the primary location where
organizations should look closely at resolution
possibilities and ways to streamline the accurate,
rapid and easy flow of information to the
customer. Three major enhancement strategies
that often result in big increases in customer
satisfaction include:
Is Web Self-Service Right for You?                                                                    8

                                              Telltale Sign #5:
                                              Your online marketing budget continues
                                              to grow year over year – as you expand
Customer                                      to new channels such as social media
Satisfaction Scores                           and mobile.
Can Be Misleading
                                              Most companies are facing an increase in online
Customer satisfaction is often measured       marketing spend year after year. Consumer
at the tail end of a phone call, with the     preferences to explore and purchase online,
phone rep asking if the caller’s needs        combined with increasing effectiveness and
were met, if the information provided         ubiquity of web-based tools such as social media,
was satisfactory, or some variation           mobile commerce, search engine optimization,
of that question. There is an inherent        affiliate marketing and email marketing will only
flaw in this collection process, in that it   continue to fuel this trend. In addition, customers
isolates the question to the experience       are now more technology savvy than ever, turning
of the phone call. In other words,            toward the multi-channel, mobile and social web to
customers who respond saying that the         interact with your organization.
call was satisfactory may have actually
had an unsatisfactory experience on the       If your marketing efforts are driving more people
web site. (Perhaps they spent a long          to your web site, Facebook fanpage, iPhone
time surfing around hunting for answers       application, or Twitter feed, it stands to reason
and grew frustrated before giving up          that not only should your web-site, but all of these
and phoning in.) When poor pre-call           channels, be equipped to offer an optimal user
experiences are left out of the scoring,      experience when customers arrive there.
CSAT scores are overinflated and, as a        The restaurant that is not equipped to handle
result, less reliable as a true indicator     a large crowd due to physical space limitations,
of satisfaction.                              lack of properly skilled kitchen and service staff,
                                              ultimately suffers by delivering poor customer
                                              experiences. Likewise, organizations that funnel
                                              more resources to drive customers to their online
                                              destinations but fail to deliver on the service
                                              experiences there run the risk of wasting their
                                              marketing spend and damaging reputation.

                                              One of the biggest threats to an enhanced
                                              customer experience is the use of customer
                                              information tools that fail – almost universally – to
                                              meet the needs of today’s multi-channel,
                                              self-service consumer.
Is Web Self-Service Right for You?                                                                             9

Telltale Sign #6:                                      Companies who are committed, to any reasonable
Customer ser vice and the customer                     degree, to increasing their focus on customer
experience are integral to the future                  service will like the practical accessibility of next
growth and dif ferentiation of                         generation web-self service technologies.
your organization
                                                       Taking time to examine the realities of your
For organizations where customer service is a true     organizational environment by looking for
differentiator, continuous enhancement of the          evidence of any of the six telltale signs explained
process is a non-debatable issue. Many of these        here can reveal the need for action. The advantages
leading companies are already examining or are         of responding to these signs now come in the form
close to implementing next generation web-self-        of downstream cost reductions in your customer
service technology.                                    service operation and enhanced customer
                                                       experiences in your online channels. The latter,
However, as consumers grow more skeptical,             of course, can contribute greatly to your customer
become increasingly web savvy and are faced with       retention and loyalty efforts.
an ever-increasing amount of options, offering
excellent customer service online has quickly          Companies who act now in response to this
become a baseline requirement of doing business.       opportunity can also only enjoy competitive
Most companies are aware that “service” now            advantage, differentiating themselves as one of the
trumps price as the number one reason why              few companies who are meeting their customers’
customers purchase from one company                    desire for effective next generation customer self-
versus another.   5
                                                       service experiences on the web.

For many companies, the economic realities of
serving millions of customers interrupts the best
intentions to get everyone from the CEO to the
call center agent aligned to deliver unparalleled
customer service at every interaction.

But this is where web self-service enjoys somewhat
ubiquitous appeal. Web self-service shines as a
customer experience-enhancing technology,
because it is accessible and deployable by virtually
every organization, regardless of whether or not a
company is perfectly aligned in principle and in
process, to execute with precision on the singular
mission of enhanced customer service.
Is Web Self-Service Right for You?                                                                     10

                                     For More Information

                                     For more information on cost effective ways to
                                     deploy next generation web self-service at your
                                     organization, contact us at info@intelliresponse.
                                     com, visit, or visit us on
                                     Twitter, Facebook, or via our new Blog.

                                     About IntelliResponse
                                     IntelliResponse enhances the multi-channel customer
                                     service capabilities of hundreds of enterprise businesses
                                     and educational institutions. The company’s patented
                                     question and answer technology delivers “One Right
                                     Answer” 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, across a wide array
                                     of assisted and self-service customer interaction channels
                                     that include corporate and institutional web sites, mobile
                                     devices, customer service desktops, and social media
                                     platforms. With more than 200 live customer-facing
                                     implementations answering 60 million+ questions with
                                     One Right Answer, IntelliResponse is the gold standard in
                                     first line customer experience management.

                                     Some of the world’s most recognized corporate brands
                                     and higher education institutions trust their customer
                                     experience management needs to IntelliResponse
                                     - including ING Direct, TD Canada Trust, Charter
                                     Communications, Computer Associates, Penn State
                                     University, The Ohio State University and Harvard
                                     University Extension School.

                                     1 2 3 4
                                                orrester Report Selecting Online Customer Service
                                               Channels To Satisfy Customers And Reduce Costs,
                                               June 25, 2010, by Diane Clarkson

                                         Harris Interactive, Customer Experience Report, March 2006.

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Is Web Self-Service Right for Your Organization

  • 1. 1 IR K nowled ge Se ries Is Web Self-Service Right for You? Published by IntelliResponse 6 Tell-Tale Signs That Your Organization – And Your Customers – Are Ready For Next Generation Web Self-Ser vice “Self-Service” –adjective of, for, or pertaining to something designed to be used or enjoyed without the aid of an attendant. “Next Generation Web Self-Service” –adjective of, for or pertaining to technology designed to allow customers and employees to receive ANSWERS to their questions over the desktop, mobile and social web, without requiring any interaction with a representative of an enterprise.
  • 2. Is Web Self-Service Right for You? 2 According to Forrester Research, 72% of U.S. online consumers prefer to use a company’s Web site to get answers to their questions To help you better understand rather than contact companies via telephone whether or not your or email. Clearly, the web (and this term now organization and customers firmly includes the increasingly important mobile and social media channels) has become the primary would benefit from deploying first point of contact between many organizations next generation self-service, and their stakeholders. Despite this fact, frustration we’ve pulled together our and inefficiency abounds online, resulting in knowledge of industry best unsatisfied customers and increases in escalations to expensive contact center mainstays like phone calls practices and research and e-mails. conclusions from the likes of Forrester, Jupiter Research, For many organizations, the “answer” to next generation customer service includes deploying the Gartner and others, and latest multi-channel self-service tools now available. compiled this list – six Often described as answer agents, virtual assistants telltale signs that your or “smart FAQ’s”, this new breed of technology, when delivered effectively – has significant impact organization, and your on key business measurements such as: customers, are poised • Customer Satisfaction to benefit from next generation self-service. • Inbound Call Volumes • Inbound e-Mail Volumes • Corporate Brand Identity But how do you know when you and your organization are ready for web self-service? Where do you begin, in terms of diagnosing whether or not it makes sense for you to explore a web self- service strategy for your organization? Read on to find out…
  • 3. Is Web Self-Service Right for You? 3 Telltale Sign #1: when the available mountains of data are drastically The primary customer service features reduced after a keyword relevancy search, still, on your web site are FAQ and help pages customers are offered tens, hundreds or even and/or a site search tool. thousands of results to search through. For companies in virtually any industry, traditional A more streamlined FAQ section, one that has been online answer tools like FAQ pages, HELP and heavily edited to reduce the volume of data, may be SEARCH technologies are antiquated resources slightly easier to navigate; however, what is gained that no longer do a good job of giving self-service in navigation ease is lost in the comprehensiveness customers the information they need in the form of and accuracy of available answers, leaving the visitor ANSWERS to their questions. unsatisfied despite best efforts. According to Forrester, “Help sections, frequently Forrester points to self-service technologies as a asked questions (FAQs), and site search often fall means to provide better customer service, but short of customers’ expectations.” 1 Conceptually, explains that these technologies are not yet widely FAQ pages are a great idea and, in fact, they can used by many of the organizations that could most be rather helpful for very small companies or benefit by their deployment.2 By and large, most organizations that sell a single or simple product organizations rely on FAQ, help and site search line or are espousing a simple concept or value to quarterback the web customer service effort, proposition – but how many organizations fall despite the negative impact on the under those categories these days? For a company customer experience. with a web-site and numerous social media and mobile touch-points, the limitations of these The opportunity that modern web self-service primitive web tools become evident quite quickly. affords is not only the ability to enhance the customer experience online, but to also enjoy a Take the typical FAQ page as an example, and competitive advantage by doing so, as a company consider this dilemma: that provides this superior self-service experience earlier than its competitors. Even the most well-written and comprehensive FAQ sections remain difficult to navigate due to the sheer volume of information that is to be sifted through (and this assumes that you have, by some miracle selected the absolute best list of FAQ’s for the majority of your customers to begin with). Even
  • 4. Is Web Self-Service Right for You? 4 Telltale Sign #2: operations of the call center, for example, may have Higher-cost customer service channels like a reasonably accurate idea of what this percentage phone, email or chat are handling your low- might be. Talking to that person is a good first complexity customer service questions. step and, if your company is like most, will likely reveal that far more low-complexity questions are If your organization collects metrics on types and sneaking in to your higher cost channels than categories of incoming service inquiries to call is desirable. centre, email and chat channels, identifying the percentage of “low-complexity” calls that end up in If this is indeed a cause for concern, modern web- higher-cost service channels will be easy. self service is an excellent candidate to resolve the problem. As illustrated in the Customer Service Even if reliable metrics aren’t in place however, Complexity Continuum in Figure 1, web self-service a director or manager close enough to the shines in resolving low-complexity calls for service. FIG 1: The Customer Service Complexity Continuum Self-Service SWEET SPOT LOW-COMPLEXITY HIGH-COMPLEXITY • No human intervention • High human intervention • Common, repeated questions • Detailed sku lookup • Questions with one right answer • Current inventory status Web self-service technology is most effective in handling low-complexity service requests.
  • 5. Is Web Self-Service Right for You? 5 Telltale Sign #3: deployed to answer the bulk of the “informational” A significant number of customer questions that originate online. These common, ser vice inquiries regularly originate repetitive questions can often represent between from your web site. 40% and 60% of the total questions posed to customer service. While looking at contact center metrics, identify what percentage of calls, for example, originate If effective, your web-site should provide customers from your web site. When queries that originate with timely, accurate, easy-to-access answers and, from your site are routinely entering your higher- as such, effectively pre-empt or “filter” a large cost channels, it’s a sure sign that your web site is percentage of those service inquiries. Instead, as missing an opportunity to resolve basic customer the industry research and our own experience service issues at the first point of contact. indicates, most web-sites and their antiquated search and FAQ tools are terribly ineffective When a customer encounters a web site that fails to at filtering out the lower-complexity questions satisfy his or her quest for answers, the impact on and result in many of the inquiries passing right downstream customer service operations is costly to through to higher-cost channels, as this the bottom line. visual illustrates: Fig 2: Web Site As An Ineffective Cost-Reduction “Filter” Inquiries Hit The Site Inquiries Escalate, Costs Rise When considering the many ways your web site can Don’t have metrics on where calls at your call center contribute to corporate value, include its potential originate? Forrester says, “You can use a benchmark value as a filter or, in other words, its ability to of an average of 10% to 20% of your phone volume reduce customer service costs. coming through your Web site.” 3 Traditional web based customer service tools (i.e. web FAQ, help and site search) were originally
  • 6. Is Web Self-Service Right for You? 6 TABLE 1 Downstream Cost Impact in the Call Center Channel Annual Contact Percentage of Calls Cost Per Call Total Cost of Web- Center Call Volume Originating from Web Originating Calls 1,000,000 15% $10 $1,500,000 Using a conservative estimate that 15% of your phone volume is coming directly through your Web site, it’s easy to see how even a small percentage of calls that pass through this “filter” creates considerable costs downstream: With only 15% of calls originating from the web, in this example the downstream cost to the customer service is $1, 500,000. Instituting an effective, next generation web self-service technology like the IntelliResponse Answer Suite has a track record of reducing call volume by 15-30%, which often equates to hundreds of thousands of dollars in annual savings The IntellliResponse Answer Suite from call deflection alone. enhances the multi-channel service capabilities of hundreds of enterprise For a more complete snapshot of the potential businesses and educational cost savings available through next generation web institutions. Its patented question and self-service, go to answer technology delivers “One Right ROI-Calculators/ Answer” to customer questions across a wide array of channels that include This tool will give you some real-world assumptive corporate web sites, mobile devices, data to estimate cost savings potential by using web customer service desktops and social self-service to reduce the proportion of questions media platforms. posed to higher-cost channels.
  • 7. Is Web Self-Service Right for You? 7 Telltale Sign #4: Your Customer Satisfaction Scores 1. roviding consumers with advanced ways to serve P Aren’t Where They Should Be themselves online, without having to interact with any member of the customer service group until Lower-than-acceptable customer satisfaction scores the time is right. are an obvious indicator that steps should be taken to improve the customer experience. What some 2. ncreasing the number and quality of service I companies miss, however, is spotting the right path options offered to customers. to an effective solution. 3. ight-channeling, where you use your variety R Resolution begins with the understanding that one of service options to help contain and drive must look at the customer service landscape – as an interaction to most appropriate channel, while integrated, multi-channel system – and identify ways providing a clear and easy escalation path to improve the system as a whole, from first point of contact onward. The above areas are co-related and, as Forrester In the example described above, where a points out, these are often areas where many online percentage of inquiries from the web site are and customer experience executives are tripped up escalating to the call center, it would be a mistake to in the quest to improve customer experience and assume that any significant ground could be gained reduce costs: “Too few customer service options by focusing on service level improvement practices often challenge business professionals’ ability to within the call center silo exclusively. successfully right-channel...” 4 Indeed, focusing resources for improvement in one channel may actually raise scores in that channel only, while the underlying challenges remain. With so many companies offering a sub-par experience online, this is where the majority of companies will discover the root of their problems and, in many cases, the path to improvement. As a result, the web is the primary location where organizations should look closely at resolution possibilities and ways to streamline the accurate, rapid and easy flow of information to the customer. Three major enhancement strategies that often result in big increases in customer satisfaction include:
  • 8. Is Web Self-Service Right for You? 8 Telltale Sign #5: Your online marketing budget continues to grow year over year – as you expand Customer to new channels such as social media Satisfaction Scores and mobile. Can Be Misleading Most companies are facing an increase in online Customer satisfaction is often measured marketing spend year after year. Consumer at the tail end of a phone call, with the preferences to explore and purchase online, phone rep asking if the caller’s needs combined with increasing effectiveness and were met, if the information provided ubiquity of web-based tools such as social media, was satisfactory, or some variation mobile commerce, search engine optimization, of that question. There is an inherent affiliate marketing and email marketing will only flaw in this collection process, in that it continue to fuel this trend. In addition, customers isolates the question to the experience are now more technology savvy than ever, turning of the phone call. In other words, toward the multi-channel, mobile and social web to customers who respond saying that the interact with your organization. call was satisfactory may have actually had an unsatisfactory experience on the If your marketing efforts are driving more people web site. (Perhaps they spent a long to your web site, Facebook fanpage, iPhone time surfing around hunting for answers application, or Twitter feed, it stands to reason and grew frustrated before giving up that not only should your web-site, but all of these and phoning in.) When poor pre-call channels, be equipped to offer an optimal user experiences are left out of the scoring, experience when customers arrive there. CSAT scores are overinflated and, as a The restaurant that is not equipped to handle result, less reliable as a true indicator a large crowd due to physical space limitations, of satisfaction. lack of properly skilled kitchen and service staff, ultimately suffers by delivering poor customer experiences. Likewise, organizations that funnel more resources to drive customers to their online destinations but fail to deliver on the service experiences there run the risk of wasting their marketing spend and damaging reputation. One of the biggest threats to an enhanced customer experience is the use of customer information tools that fail – almost universally – to meet the needs of today’s multi-channel, self-service consumer.
  • 9. Is Web Self-Service Right for You? 9 Telltale Sign #6: Companies who are committed, to any reasonable Customer ser vice and the customer degree, to increasing their focus on customer experience are integral to the future service will like the practical accessibility of next growth and dif ferentiation of generation web-self service technologies. your organization Taking time to examine the realities of your For organizations where customer service is a true organizational environment by looking for differentiator, continuous enhancement of the evidence of any of the six telltale signs explained process is a non-debatable issue. Many of these here can reveal the need for action. The advantages leading companies are already examining or are of responding to these signs now come in the form close to implementing next generation web-self- of downstream cost reductions in your customer service technology. service operation and enhanced customer experiences in your online channels. The latter, However, as consumers grow more skeptical, of course, can contribute greatly to your customer become increasingly web savvy and are faced with retention and loyalty efforts. an ever-increasing amount of options, offering excellent customer service online has quickly Companies who act now in response to this become a baseline requirement of doing business. opportunity can also only enjoy competitive Most companies are aware that “service” now advantage, differentiating themselves as one of the trumps price as the number one reason why few companies who are meeting their customers’ customers purchase from one company desire for effective next generation customer self- versus another. 5 service experiences on the web. For many companies, the economic realities of serving millions of customers interrupts the best intentions to get everyone from the CEO to the call center agent aligned to deliver unparalleled customer service at every interaction. But this is where web self-service enjoys somewhat ubiquitous appeal. Web self-service shines as a customer experience-enhancing technology, because it is accessible and deployable by virtually every organization, regardless of whether or not a company is perfectly aligned in principle and in process, to execute with precision on the singular mission of enhanced customer service.
  • 10. Is Web Self-Service Right for You? 10 For More Information For more information on cost effective ways to deploy next generation web self-service at your organization, contact us at info@intelliresponse. com, visit, or visit us on Twitter, Facebook, or via our new Blog. About IntelliResponse IntelliResponse enhances the multi-channel customer service capabilities of hundreds of enterprise businesses and educational institutions. The company’s patented question and answer technology delivers “One Right Answer” 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, across a wide array of assisted and self-service customer interaction channels that include corporate and institutional web sites, mobile devices, customer service desktops, and social media platforms. With more than 200 live customer-facing implementations answering 60 million+ questions with One Right Answer, IntelliResponse is the gold standard in first line customer experience management. Some of the world’s most recognized corporate brands and higher education institutions trust their customer experience management needs to IntelliResponse - including ING Direct, TD Canada Trust, Charter Communications, Computer Associates, Penn State University, The Ohio State University and Harvard University Extension School. 1 2 3 4 F orrester Report Selecting Online Customer Service Channels To Satisfy Customers And Reduce Costs, June 25, 2010, by Diane Clarkson 5 Harris Interactive, Customer Experience Report, March 2006.