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Info-graphic Research:
Put your info-graphic research here. Use this space to collate information and write notes. If you prefer to write notes on
paper, then scan those notes and add them here.
You will need to copy and paste this slide several times. Different media roles
• Art director
• Sound engineer
• Screen writer
• Production designer
• Director of
• Lighting technician
• Second Assistant
• What they do, what
qualifications you need; work
experience, best places to
study, what genre of media,
free lance, role models,
qualifications, how much
they get paid, gender
Art director
An art director creates the scenes in a movie and with the layout of the scenes they
can describe a character, creative vision for all the sets and locations that
eventually give productions their unique visual identity
The art director is responsible for the film's settings: the buildings, landscapes and
interiors that provide the physical context for the characters. This person is
responsible for acquiring props, decorating sets and making the setting believable.
To be an Art director
You have to be able to visualize and be initiative and innovative ideas so that you
can bring life to a set. You need to be prepared to work from home and work
irregular hours and always e looking for inspiration. Also, to be aware of and
sensitive towards different working practices and cultures when working in other
Other related jobs
Prop maker; plan and create different props among the scene, from guidance from
the Production Designer, Art Director or Property Master. Armourer; Making sure
that weapons used in a film set are used professionally and appropriately. dressing
props; someone who transforms and puts the sets together.
Students who are interested in a career as an art director should be studying one of
these courses to start in the right direction; art, architecture, theatre, interior or 3D
design courses or a higher-level courses in film and/or theatre production design.
Also, to further chances of getting a successful job you would need to have work
experience in the field to show potential managers that you already know what
your doing.
Although I cant find any data to show the ratio of men to women Art
Directors I could find an article which included figures showing that only
11% of creative directors are women even though women make up for 46%
of the advertising industry.
Examples of famous Art directors
• Roland Anderson, he was the Art Director for famous films in the 1920s +,
for example for Breakfast At Tiffany’s
• Stuart Craig, art director and producer of The Harry Potter series.
An Art Directors average salary in America is between $81,937 and
$115,382. In the UK it can average from £18,000 to £100,000 per year, And
the hours are usually 35-40 hours a week.
To become an Art Director studying in a big city would give you more
opportunities as there is more likely to be low budget films, that could be
produced by small production teams or students but even amateur roles
mean that you gain experience and through small roles you gain contacts
who might want to use you again for bigger productions in the future.
Different Paths for Art Directors
There are a lot of different branches for art directors depending on what
they’re interested in. Art Directors can work in advertising agencies, in book
and magazine production, or newspaper publishers to create designs and
layouts. They also work with producers and directors of theater, television,
or movie productions to oversee set designs.
Sound engineers
A Sound Engineer is the member of a film/television crew responsible
for recording all sound recording on set, the sound engineer is a vital
part of the film production because music and sound effects can tie
together a scene and add the appropriate tension or emotion which
can make the audience relate or sympathize with the character and
therefore the audience feels more connected with the film/ TV
show/music video.
There are a lot of branches that come from sound engineers, e.g;
sound operator, boom operator, sound technician and recordist, so a
sound engineer doesn't’t work alone there are a lot of people working
together to make the sound most effective.
To become a Sound Engineer
To be a sound engineer you must have qualifications to have a basis
knowledge, you don’t need a degree, but to become a successful sound
engineer you must have understanding of the job and have the
capability to stand out with new ideas to bring to different jobs. You
also need work experience to be taken seriously, as not many
productions world give responsibilities to an amateur to start work on
the production.
Depending on the production and what role you have, In an
established studio or in television and radio, starting salaries may be in
the region of £17,000 to £19,000. However, if you are an experienced
technician then rise to salaries upward of £30,000.
As a sound technician, you'll frequently have to work long days and
unsocial hours, the average working day is ten hours, including
evenings, nights and weekends.
Info-graphic Bibliography:
Put your info-graphic bibliography here.
Art Directors
JACLYN BELL. (2018). The Roles of the Film Production Team. Available:
Production-Team.html. Last accessed 12th Sept 2018.
Anon. (2018). Careers and jobs - Art director. Available: Last accessed
13th Sept 2018.
David Cohen. (2017). Only 11 Percent of Creative Directors Are Women
and Pinterest Wants to Right the Ratio. Available: Last
accessed 13 sept 2018.
Anon. (2018). Advertising art director. Available:
director. Last accessed 13 Sept 2018.
anon. (.). Sound technician, broadcasting/film/video. Available:
video. Last accessed 13 Sept 2018.
Put your info-graphic design work here.
Client research: Irn Bru
Put your client research here.
Irn Bru is a Scottish soft drink which is very popular in Scotland, it was created in 1901 by an A G Barr. One way Irn Bru is currently advertised is through a
string of risky adverts usually, inappropriate or very irrelevant, making them memorable and therefore effective to the audience as they will associate the
randomness of the advert with the product. One of the strap lines for the brand is ‘don’t be a cant be a can’ which is an obviously a play on words as it can
mean, don’t be a person who says cant, but also is obviously a play on the swear word.
The usual story line of the adverts are set in a uncomfortable/awkward situation where the situation is solved by a character having a sip of the Irn Bru, with
the underlying message that Irn Bru will solve an awkward situation.
However, with Irn Bru’s adverts although they effectively attract a wide audience they also create a lot of controversy. Some controversy lies with the ‘Parents’
advert, which I’ve analysed in another slide including the risqué play on words with the ‘c-word’. Adrian Troy, marketing director replied to criticisms with ‘Our
research highlighted that young people lived in a very serious world, but that sometimes they just wanted to escape it, be a bit less 'adult' and have a bit of
fun.” And carried on to say "We are turning a negative situation into a positive one, encouraging our consumers to think positive and be positive”. Also, Ed
Brooke, head of Leith “It’s full of the Irn Bru personality that drinkers young and old have come to expect and is rooted firmly in a truth that our target
audience like to take a break from the serious stuff now and then.”
A.G.Barr is constantly under criticism for its taste in humour. For example, in 2013 over 100 viewers complained about an advert that was aired with a mum
wearing a revealing top, another advert that got a lot of complaints was the ‘Fanny Family’ advert, again customers thought it was offensive and
inappropriate, and that I should’ve been played after 9 o clock, ‘the watershed’ so children didn’t see it. Although Bar has received a lot of controversy and
had to issue apologies to offended audiences they still car yon making these adverts.
Who is your client, what do they make, how do they advertise their products?
The client is a well known Brand that contains lots of different types of popular drinks, but the most popular is the Irn Bru soft drink, and it is the most
publicised out of all of its other products as it is the most successful and the adverts are more likely to increase sales.
Remember the key things we looked at earlier in the project such as narrative, lines of appeal and persuasion.
The advert has a linear story line and is in chronological order usually based in a dull scene, and it is also anti-realist because realistically a drink wouldn't be
able to change a situation. In the Irn Bru adverts they use lines of appeal such as, comedy and humour. They use real life situations so that the audience can
relate. Irn Bru adverts use reward power to try and entice customers, they do this by assuring the customer that when you have Irn Bru your having a good
time. Also, it can be interpreted as having coercive powers as if you don’t have Irn Bru then you feel uncomfortable or out of place. Also, Irn Bru adverts fall
into the category of Parody.
Client research: History
The History of the Barr family
The Barr company was created in 1875, Robert Barr was the creator of the whole brand and created his first soft drink in Burnfoot Lane in Falkirk. Even
though Robert Barr and this his son, Robert Fulton Barr, were running the business before Andrew Greig Barr (Robert Barr’s son) the brand takes it’s name
from A.G.Barr. Through out the years the ownership of Barr has been passed
down the family through the men and is currently owned by chairman Robin Barr since joining the company in 1960.
The family tree
A Timeline of Irn Bru
From 1901 – 1953 Irn Bru was born as a brand and it was able to be made so successful through the popularity of
Barr, almost immediately it became one of Scotland's most popular drinks. Barr built the reputation of the unique
drink with adverts including famous athletes of the day and then through the years creating memorable, stand out
Before the second World War Irn Bru’s brand name was originally Iron Brew but the company had to change the
name because they didn't want customers to think that in the time of the war they were waiting valuable iron just to
make soft drinks, so they changed the name to the phonetic spelling which was ‘Irn Bru’. N the mid 50’s Irn Bru
introduced cartoon animations as an attempt to gain attention from new potential customers, with characters Ba-
Bru and Sandy.
In 1974 a new design was made for the bottles and the new 330ml can was introduced for the first time. In the 1979 PET (Polyethylene
Terephthalate) packaging was introduced and replaced glass bottles since 2/3 litre, bottles could be used with no safety issues.
1985 Irn Bru first distributed the ‘diet Irn Bru’.
In 1995 Irn Br first introduced a poster which contained the dry type of humour that has ever since became the definition of IRnBRu, it
was rewarded with an award and since then Irn Bru has earnt more awards like; prestigious Scottish Advertising Awards 2007 ‘Best
Poster of the last 21 years’.
Client research: Advert 1, Evil Butcher
how do they advertise their products?
Irn Bru like most brands use a lot of advertising to show customers a new type of drink or just to boost sales for old products. They do this by showing their
labelled ‘risky’ advertisements on television, through posters on buses and through social media ads.
One of the adverts that stuck out was an advert about an ‘evil butcher’, where there’s a fairy tale like storyline about a man with animated animals walking
through the woods. But at the end of the advert he leads tem into a butchers, taking an abrupt and sinister turn.
The advert uses standard magical characteristics to portray a happy atmosphere. When the video starts it’s a dark rainy day but as soon as the farmer has Irn
Bru the rain clears and the sun comes out. Also, there is a whistling in the background emphasising the calm and breezy atmosphere.
Remember the key things we looked at earlier in the project such as narrative, lines of appeal and persuasion.
This particular advert still runs with Irn Bru’s theme, relating to the other adverts by being strange and containing a comedic side. But with other adverts
although they contain risky language and can be rude, this advert seems particularly dark and may not be as effective for all customers. It will attract a
certain type of audience but it could repel a number of audiences, for example, parents will complain if children watch the advert because it can be upsetting
for young audiences, and then that will leave an existing stigma with the brand in the future. However, Irn Bru’s target audience, according to YouGov, is a
male, aged 25-39 with the social grade of C2 to E, and this type of audience would find this dark humour funny so for Irn Bru although it will get complaints it
will work for their sales.
The ’evil butcher’ advert has a linear narrative as the storyline is in chronological order, it also is anti- realist because it contains animations. All Irn Bru
adverts contain elements of anti-realism, that is what makes them so effective and memorable to the audience. I think the only lines of narrative used are
humour comedy because the whole advert relies on whether the audience finds it funny, there are no other compelling aspects of the advert, for example
there's not a sense of belonging, or a sense of knowledge and understanding.
Use screen shots, images and links to help show your research. Throughout the
video the
look very
happy up until
the end where
they are in the
Client research: Advert 2, Meeting Parents
This adverts begins with no background noise, it just has the ticking of a clock, setting the scene and this purposefully emphasising how awkward the
atmosphere is in the room as no one is speaking. With no music, we can hear all noises, so when the wife sighs, we can hear it, purposefully adding tension
to the room. Therefore, making it funnier for the audience. So throughout the advert we can feel the stiffness of the 4 characters but when the brands
controversial strap line appears and immediately as the girlfriend has a sip of the Irn Bru the set is now a room filled with people dancing and enjoying
themselves, with lights and bubbles. Again showing how a sip of Irn Bru will change any situation from good to bad.
This is one of the adverts that received complaints due to its unnecessary use of the reference to the ‘c-word’ , however Irn Bru fought back saying that the
spin on the word was to introduce positive thinking and lifestyle instead of saying no to things, they apologised for offending anyone and reassured that it
wasn’t the intention to be offensive it was just another marketing technique to attract more customers.
Remember the key things we looked at earlier in the project such as narrative, lines of appeal and persuasion.
As usual the advert has a linear narrative without any flashbacks, the advert is anti-realist because that’s what Irn Bru relies on to create the weirdness of
the advert which makes it funny to such a wide audience. The anti-realist features it contains are; the boyfriend being standoffish with his girlfriends parents,
and the change of scene to a party, which is so unexpected and would never happen in a real life situation.
The lines of appeal it uses are a constant throughout all the adverts, so this advert continues to use comedy and humour to try and relate to the audience.
The line of persuasion used is still the same as any other advert from Irn Bru, it can be interpreted as using the power of coercive threatening viewers with
the ide of being awkward.
The characters always show all their
emotion n their face to show what they
think about the situation and they use
exaggerated expressions for more humour.
Before and after the Irn Bru
Client research: Advert 3, Irn Bru Gets You Through
Irn Bru also had a chain of adverts where the slogan was ‘Irn Bru gets you through’ and the story line is a particular character
being in a inconvenient situation that they want to leave, but instead taking a sip of Irn Bru and being over come with
patience, but as the advert goes on the situation gets worse and worse for the character but the Irn Bru gets them through it.
The ‘ New Fella’ advert from Irn Bru in 2013 is an example of one of these adverts, it contains an elderly man sat in his living
room and then his daughter and her new boyfriend enter the scene. The first off-putting factor for the father in the scene is
that the boyfriend is English, this if funny for the audience because the father has a strong Scottish accent and isn’t approving
of him immediately. Also, due to the massive fan base of Irn Bru primarily based in Scotland for an English character to
threaten the adverts that are stereotypically overtly is a big deal. As the dad drinks Irn Bru to try and ignore the fact that he’s
English the daughters boyfriends keeps throwing curve balls but with Irn Bru the dad ‘can get through’.
There are a few adverts with the same slogan and the same storyline, for example ‘Train’ where a series of embarrassing
events happen to a man on a train but with Irn Bru he isn’t embarrassed anymore, and the ‘mum’ advert which is a son and
his friends sat around a dining room table and his mum is wearing a revealing top and therefore embarrassing him, but with
Irn Bru he doesn’t mind.
Remember the key things we looked at earlier in the project such as narrative, lines of appeal and
This advert has a linear narrative because it is in the moment, and it’s a anti-realist storyline as in the real world Irn Bru
wouldn’t have the ability to completely calm someone in a matter of seconds. The lines of appeal used are humour and
comedy like all Irn Bru’s other adverts. The persuasion tools used are, referent powers, which is relating to the viewers value
system and we could say that the viewer wants an Irn Bru, also reward power as it offers to remove any uncomfortable
Client research: Advert 4
Who is your client, what do they make, how do they advertise their products?
Remember the key things we looked at earlier in the project such as narrative, lines of appeal and persuasion.
Irn Bru’s adverts stand out for being quirky and using a risqué humour not used in
many other adverts, however Vimto adverts use similar techniques to attract
their audience.
Vimto adverts are produced using only animation. The thread of adverts have a
constant character that viewers now associate with the brand, a lot of brands
use a character of story so that the audience engages with the brand. Like Irn
Bru, instead of going for a stereotypical advert with stand alone scenes that stay
with the viewer for a minute after they’ve watched it, Vimto’s adverts are aimed
towards a younger audience. It uses loud, vibrant colours to grab the viewers
In the 2016 advert ’Toadoff’ there are two frogs, yellow and purple representing
the two different flavours of the drink. The advert is set out like a boxing match,
and throughout the ad the two frogs ‘box’ by throwing pieces of fruit at each
other, the pieces of fruit used are from the different drink flavours. This is set in a
white room, consequently this ruins the clean room. By throwing the fruit and
ruining the room Vimto is presenting the new flavours in a fun,exciting way. Also
to show that Vimto is playful and energetic and doesn't care about making a
mess. By creating a fight between the two dinks it encourages viewers to try each
drink to try and setle the ‘argument’.
Market research:
The soft drink industry is a highly competitive industry, in Scotland Irn Bru has always been the most popular soft drink however in every other country the
most bought soft drink is from the brand Coca Cola, Coca Cola had a global revenue in 2016 of around $42bn. However competition between the two brands
has brought their sales to roughly equal levels.
Advertising techniques
Irn Bru advertises using its irreverent and comedic adverts which have earnt it a strong following. Irn Bru’s advertisements are affective and has gained them
increased income, they are effective because they are unlike other adverts that use different manipulating methods to entice customers to buy the product, I
think that’s what has helped sustained Irn Bru’s popularity amongst it’s rival Coca-Cola. Like Irn Bru Coca-Cola has a range of advertising with different
slogans, but the tone of the posters are very contrasting. Coca-Cola addresses advertising in a very different way from Barr, Coca-Cola has a wider varied
audience so needs to cater it’s advertisement to a range of different people. Coca-Cola relies on their ‘sweet’ style adverts to create a reaction from audiences
by stirring emotion. Coca-Cola reaches out to viewers sense of love and belonging by including in the adverts, friends together, relationships or family to show
that Coca-Cola brings people together. It also plays on viewers feeling of safety and security, Cola-Cola promises closeness and stability through it’s adverts,
showing that with Coca-Cola you’ll be surrounded by important people you love. Coca-Cola usually follows a short storyline with a linear narrative and varies to
each advert whether anti-realism, in Coca-Cola’s most important adverts, for example Christmas they will often create a character or story that stands out to
the viewer.
Coca-Cola also performs a lot of publicity stunts to attract more perspective buyers. For example, the Coca-Cola ‘Share a Coke’ limited edition sales technique
was very successful and the Coca-Cola Facebook community grew by 3.5% and its hashtag ‘shareacoke’ was used 29,000 times on Twitter. In attempt to win
back customers, Irn Bru also brought out their own personalized limited edition bottles with more immature names on 'Fanny', 'Senga', 'Rab' and 'Tam’ this
caters for Irn Bru’s audience and also shows customers that Irn Bru doesn't take itself as seriously as Coca-Cola does.
Irn Bru vs. Competition (Coca-Cola)
Irn Bru is a popular brand from Barr, it was created in 1901, The soft drink contains 32
different flavours and the recipe is a ‘secret’.
Barr sells a wide range of drinks for example, Barr Flavours, described by the company as
young and energetic drinks, including your substantial flavours like, cola, lemonade and the a
few abstract flavours, like limeade, cream soda, red kola, and bubble gum. The brand has a lot
of other successful soft drinks such as; OMJ, Rockstar, Snapple, Rubicon, and Tizer. However,
even though Barr has a lot of drinks, Coca Cola has a wider variety of more popular drinks, for
example look at this chart of Coca Cola’s drink brands.
Barr brands; Coca-Cola brands;
Audience research:
The results of any primary research you conducted about this brand.
Information you found on this audience from secondary sources.
Statistics show (statistics from YouGov) that the main Irn Bru customer is located in Scotland, this is because it was made in Scotland, and Irn Bru always uses
overtly Scottish features in their adverts to emphasise its Scottish background. For example more often then not they use gloomy weather and stereotypically
Scotland has a stigma attached to it for having bad weather so even that is included in the advert. Also, using a obvious strong Scottish accent for the actors.
We know that the demographics for Irn Bru are a 25-39 year old men, with the social grade from C2 down to E, which means he is most likely to have a job
like engineering, Government and Civil services, or telecommunications. According to YouGov this means that monthly they have £125 - £499 to spare, not
including bills. A Irn Bru is priced in Tesco’s at £1.15 whereas Coke is priced at £1.25, although this is only a 0.10p difference it could mean that it attracts
different audiences.
The demographics and target audience is obviously male as the product is clearly forwarded to a male audience. For example, the label on the bottle is
created to attract a male attention. We can interrupt that the primary blue colour is used because it is stereotypically associated
with men, also with the label the font of ‘Irn Bru’ is a tall, bold font with firm lettering, this is stereotypically a ‘manly’ font where
as if they were creating the brand for women they might use a softer font. Finally, there is a muscly man on the bottle, this is using
the power of reward, as it’s showing someone with muscle and power and the message is interpreted by customers as if you drink
Irn Bru you’ll look like this.
With the advertisements they are specifically catered for their target audience, by picking apart the adverts you see features that
will stand out effectively for the target audience. For example, the target audience is men and usually in the advert the main
character is male, and the Irn Bru reaches out to average people, it doesn’t try to make itself look glamour or sell a lifestyle in the
adverts that people envy. It portrays this in the adverts by always using a realistic setting with a dull day or with a easily relatable
Audience research:
Put your audience research here.
Things to consider:
The results of any primary research you conducted about this brand.
Information you found on this audience from secondary sources.
Idea Generation:
Use this space to record your idea generation. Whatever method(s) you use, get it all together here. Remember you are
making three different but linked products.
Idea Generation:
Use this space to record your idea generation. Whatever method(s) you use, get it all together here. Remember you are
making three different but linked products.
Individual Idea:
Write down an overview of your idea here. What is your is that you want to take to the rest of the group?
You can also add some visual elements to help explain your idea.
Planning Docs (TV Advert):
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning.
You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
4. He walks out of the shop
5. Then he walks away from the shop leaving the Irn Bru behind and the rest of the scenes are
Oscar running through corridors and round corners.
Planning Docs (Advergame):
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning.
You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
For my advergame, I want the aim of my game to be a simple, addictive game, like Pac-
Man or Crossy Road and these games.
I want to use a
background theme like
one of these two,
including a calming
scene, nothing too
chaotic with vivid,
distracting colors.
I’m going to do a game like Pac-man because in my music
video the storyline revolves around an Irn Bru chasing
the character so it makes most sense to have a
advergame were the main avatar is being chased.

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Irn bru pro forma finished
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Irn bru pro format hannah

  • 2. Info-graphic Research: Put your info-graphic research here. Use this space to collate information and write notes. If you prefer to write notes on paper, then scan those notes and add them here. You will need to copy and paste this slide several times. Different media roles • Art director • Sound engineer • Screen writer • Production designer • Director of Photography • Lighting technician • Second Assistant Director • What they do, what qualifications you need; work experience, best places to study, what genre of media, free lance, role models, qualifications, how much they get paid, gender balance
  • 3. Art director An art director creates the scenes in a movie and with the layout of the scenes they can describe a character, creative vision for all the sets and locations that eventually give productions their unique visual identity The art director is responsible for the film's settings: the buildings, landscapes and interiors that provide the physical context for the characters. This person is responsible for acquiring props, decorating sets and making the setting believable. To be an Art director You have to be able to visualize and be initiative and innovative ideas so that you can bring life to a set. You need to be prepared to work from home and work irregular hours and always e looking for inspiration. Also, to be aware of and sensitive towards different working practices and cultures when working in other countries Other related jobs Prop maker; plan and create different props among the scene, from guidance from the Production Designer, Art Director or Property Master. Armourer; Making sure that weapons used in a film set are used professionally and appropriately. dressing props; someone who transforms and puts the sets together. Qualifications Students who are interested in a career as an art director should be studying one of these courses to start in the right direction; art, architecture, theatre, interior or 3D design courses or a higher-level courses in film and/or theatre production design. Also, to further chances of getting a successful job you would need to have work experience in the field to show potential managers that you already know what your doing. Although I cant find any data to show the ratio of men to women Art Directors I could find an article which included figures showing that only 11% of creative directors are women even though women make up for 46% of the advertising industry. Examples of famous Art directors • Roland Anderson, he was the Art Director for famous films in the 1920s +, for example for Breakfast At Tiffany’s • Stuart Craig, art director and producer of The Harry Potter series. An Art Directors average salary in America is between $81,937 and $115,382. In the UK it can average from £18,000 to £100,000 per year, And the hours are usually 35-40 hours a week. To become an Art Director studying in a big city would give you more opportunities as there is more likely to be low budget films, that could be produced by small production teams or students but even amateur roles mean that you gain experience and through small roles you gain contacts who might want to use you again for bigger productions in the future. Different Paths for Art Directors There are a lot of different branches for art directors depending on what they’re interested in. Art Directors can work in advertising agencies, in book and magazine production, or newspaper publishers to create designs and layouts. They also work with producers and directors of theater, television, or movie productions to oversee set designs.
  • 4. Sound engineers A Sound Engineer is the member of a film/television crew responsible for recording all sound recording on set, the sound engineer is a vital part of the film production because music and sound effects can tie together a scene and add the appropriate tension or emotion which can make the audience relate or sympathize with the character and therefore the audience feels more connected with the film/ TV show/music video. There are a lot of branches that come from sound engineers, e.g; sound operator, boom operator, sound technician and recordist, so a sound engineer doesn't’t work alone there are a lot of people working together to make the sound most effective. To become a Sound Engineer To be a sound engineer you must have qualifications to have a basis knowledge, you don’t need a degree, but to become a successful sound engineer you must have understanding of the job and have the capability to stand out with new ideas to bring to different jobs. You also need work experience to be taken seriously, as not many productions world give responsibilities to an amateur to start work on the production. Salary Depending on the production and what role you have, In an established studio or in television and radio, starting salaries may be in the region of £17,000 to £19,000. However, if you are an experienced technician then rise to salaries upward of £30,000. As a sound technician, you'll frequently have to work long days and unsocial hours, the average working day is ten hours, including evenings, nights and weekends.
  • 5. Info-graphic Bibliography: Put your info-graphic bibliography here. Art Directors JACLYN BELL. (2018). The Roles of the Film Production Team. Available: Production-Team.html. Last accessed 12th Sept 2018. Anon. (2018). Careers and jobs - Art director. Available: Last accessed 13th Sept 2018. David Cohen. (2017). Only 11 Percent of Creative Directors Are Women and Pinterest Wants to Right the Ratio. Available: Last accessed 13 sept 2018. Anon. (2018). Advertising art director. Available: director. Last accessed 13 Sept 2018. anon. (.). Sound technician, broadcasting/film/video. Available: video. Last accessed 13 Sept 2018.
  • 7. Client research: Irn Bru Put your client research here. Irn Bru is a Scottish soft drink which is very popular in Scotland, it was created in 1901 by an A G Barr. One way Irn Bru is currently advertised is through a string of risky adverts usually, inappropriate or very irrelevant, making them memorable and therefore effective to the audience as they will associate the randomness of the advert with the product. One of the strap lines for the brand is ‘don’t be a cant be a can’ which is an obviously a play on words as it can mean, don’t be a person who says cant, but also is obviously a play on the swear word. The usual story line of the adverts are set in a uncomfortable/awkward situation where the situation is solved by a character having a sip of the Irn Bru, with the underlying message that Irn Bru will solve an awkward situation. However, with Irn Bru’s adverts although they effectively attract a wide audience they also create a lot of controversy. Some controversy lies with the ‘Parents’ advert, which I’ve analysed in another slide including the risqué play on words with the ‘c-word’. Adrian Troy, marketing director replied to criticisms with ‘Our research highlighted that young people lived in a very serious world, but that sometimes they just wanted to escape it, be a bit less 'adult' and have a bit of fun.” And carried on to say "We are turning a negative situation into a positive one, encouraging our consumers to think positive and be positive”. Also, Ed Brooke, head of Leith “It’s full of the Irn Bru personality that drinkers young and old have come to expect and is rooted firmly in a truth that our target audience like to take a break from the serious stuff now and then.” A.G.Barr is constantly under criticism for its taste in humour. For example, in 2013 over 100 viewers complained about an advert that was aired with a mum wearing a revealing top, another advert that got a lot of complaints was the ‘Fanny Family’ advert, again customers thought it was offensive and inappropriate, and that I should’ve been played after 9 o clock, ‘the watershed’ so children didn’t see it. Although Bar has received a lot of controversy and had to issue apologies to offended audiences they still car yon making these adverts. Who is your client, what do they make, how do they advertise their products? The client is a well known Brand that contains lots of different types of popular drinks, but the most popular is the Irn Bru soft drink, and it is the most publicised out of all of its other products as it is the most successful and the adverts are more likely to increase sales. Remember the key things we looked at earlier in the project such as narrative, lines of appeal and persuasion. The advert has a linear story line and is in chronological order usually based in a dull scene, and it is also anti-realist because realistically a drink wouldn't be able to change a situation. In the Irn Bru adverts they use lines of appeal such as, comedy and humour. They use real life situations so that the audience can relate. Irn Bru adverts use reward power to try and entice customers, they do this by assuring the customer that when you have Irn Bru your having a good time. Also, it can be interpreted as having coercive powers as if you don’t have Irn Bru then you feel uncomfortable or out of place. Also, Irn Bru adverts fall into the category of Parody.
  • 8. Client research: History The History of the Barr family The Barr company was created in 1875, Robert Barr was the creator of the whole brand and created his first soft drink in Burnfoot Lane in Falkirk. Even though Robert Barr and this his son, Robert Fulton Barr, were running the business before Andrew Greig Barr (Robert Barr’s son) the brand takes it’s name from A.G.Barr. Through out the years the ownership of Barr has been passed down the family through the men and is currently owned by chairman Robin Barr since joining the company in 1960. The family tree A Timeline of Irn Bru From 1901 – 1953 Irn Bru was born as a brand and it was able to be made so successful through the popularity of Barr, almost immediately it became one of Scotland's most popular drinks. Barr built the reputation of the unique drink with adverts including famous athletes of the day and then through the years creating memorable, stand out adverts. Before the second World War Irn Bru’s brand name was originally Iron Brew but the company had to change the name because they didn't want customers to think that in the time of the war they were waiting valuable iron just to make soft drinks, so they changed the name to the phonetic spelling which was ‘Irn Bru’. N the mid 50’s Irn Bru introduced cartoon animations as an attempt to gain attention from new potential customers, with characters Ba- Bru and Sandy. In 1974 a new design was made for the bottles and the new 330ml can was introduced for the first time. In the 1979 PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) packaging was introduced and replaced glass bottles since 2/3 litre, bottles could be used with no safety issues. 1985 Irn Bru first distributed the ‘diet Irn Bru’. In 1995 Irn Br first introduced a poster which contained the dry type of humour that has ever since became the definition of IRnBRu, it was rewarded with an award and since then Irn Bru has earnt more awards like; prestigious Scottish Advertising Awards 2007 ‘Best Poster of the last 21 years’.
  • 9. Client research: Advert 1, Evil Butcher how do they advertise their products? Irn Bru like most brands use a lot of advertising to show customers a new type of drink or just to boost sales for old products. They do this by showing their labelled ‘risky’ advertisements on television, through posters on buses and through social media ads. One of the adverts that stuck out was an advert about an ‘evil butcher’, where there’s a fairy tale like storyline about a man with animated animals walking through the woods. But at the end of the advert he leads tem into a butchers, taking an abrupt and sinister turn. The advert uses standard magical characteristics to portray a happy atmosphere. When the video starts it’s a dark rainy day but as soon as the farmer has Irn Bru the rain clears and the sun comes out. Also, there is a whistling in the background emphasising the calm and breezy atmosphere. Remember the key things we looked at earlier in the project such as narrative, lines of appeal and persuasion. This particular advert still runs with Irn Bru’s theme, relating to the other adverts by being strange and containing a comedic side. But with other adverts although they contain risky language and can be rude, this advert seems particularly dark and may not be as effective for all customers. It will attract a certain type of audience but it could repel a number of audiences, for example, parents will complain if children watch the advert because it can be upsetting for young audiences, and then that will leave an existing stigma with the brand in the future. However, Irn Bru’s target audience, according to YouGov, is a male, aged 25-39 with the social grade of C2 to E, and this type of audience would find this dark humour funny so for Irn Bru although it will get complaints it will work for their sales. The ’evil butcher’ advert has a linear narrative as the storyline is in chronological order, it also is anti- realist because it contains animations. All Irn Bru adverts contain elements of anti-realism, that is what makes them so effective and memorable to the audience. I think the only lines of narrative used are humour comedy because the whole advert relies on whether the audience finds it funny, there are no other compelling aspects of the advert, for example there's not a sense of belonging, or a sense of knowledge and understanding. Use screen shots, images and links to help show your research. Throughout the video the animations look very happy up until the end where they are in the butchers
  • 10. Client research: Advert 2, Meeting Parents This adverts begins with no background noise, it just has the ticking of a clock, setting the scene and this purposefully emphasising how awkward the atmosphere is in the room as no one is speaking. With no music, we can hear all noises, so when the wife sighs, we can hear it, purposefully adding tension to the room. Therefore, making it funnier for the audience. So throughout the advert we can feel the stiffness of the 4 characters but when the brands controversial strap line appears and immediately as the girlfriend has a sip of the Irn Bru the set is now a room filled with people dancing and enjoying themselves, with lights and bubbles. Again showing how a sip of Irn Bru will change any situation from good to bad. This is one of the adverts that received complaints due to its unnecessary use of the reference to the ‘c-word’ , however Irn Bru fought back saying that the spin on the word was to introduce positive thinking and lifestyle instead of saying no to things, they apologised for offending anyone and reassured that it wasn’t the intention to be offensive it was just another marketing technique to attract more customers. Remember the key things we looked at earlier in the project such as narrative, lines of appeal and persuasion. As usual the advert has a linear narrative without any flashbacks, the advert is anti-realist because that’s what Irn Bru relies on to create the weirdness of the advert which makes it funny to such a wide audience. The anti-realist features it contains are; the boyfriend being standoffish with his girlfriends parents, and the change of scene to a party, which is so unexpected and would never happen in a real life situation. The lines of appeal it uses are a constant throughout all the adverts, so this advert continues to use comedy and humour to try and relate to the audience. The line of persuasion used is still the same as any other advert from Irn Bru, it can be interpreted as using the power of coercive threatening viewers with the ide of being awkward. The characters always show all their emotion n their face to show what they think about the situation and they use exaggerated expressions for more humour. Before and after the Irn Bru
  • 11. Client research: Advert 3, Irn Bru Gets You Through Irn Bru also had a chain of adverts where the slogan was ‘Irn Bru gets you through’ and the story line is a particular character being in a inconvenient situation that they want to leave, but instead taking a sip of Irn Bru and being over come with patience, but as the advert goes on the situation gets worse and worse for the character but the Irn Bru gets them through it. The ‘ New Fella’ advert from Irn Bru in 2013 is an example of one of these adverts, it contains an elderly man sat in his living room and then his daughter and her new boyfriend enter the scene. The first off-putting factor for the father in the scene is that the boyfriend is English, this if funny for the audience because the father has a strong Scottish accent and isn’t approving of him immediately. Also, due to the massive fan base of Irn Bru primarily based in Scotland for an English character to threaten the adverts that are stereotypically overtly is a big deal. As the dad drinks Irn Bru to try and ignore the fact that he’s English the daughters boyfriends keeps throwing curve balls but with Irn Bru the dad ‘can get through’. There are a few adverts with the same slogan and the same storyline, for example ‘Train’ where a series of embarrassing events happen to a man on a train but with Irn Bru he isn’t embarrassed anymore, and the ‘mum’ advert which is a son and his friends sat around a dining room table and his mum is wearing a revealing top and therefore embarrassing him, but with Irn Bru he doesn’t mind. Remember the key things we looked at earlier in the project such as narrative, lines of appeal and persuasion. This advert has a linear narrative because it is in the moment, and it’s a anti-realist storyline as in the real world Irn Bru wouldn’t have the ability to completely calm someone in a matter of seconds. The lines of appeal used are humour and comedy like all Irn Bru’s other adverts. The persuasion tools used are, referent powers, which is relating to the viewers value system and we could say that the viewer wants an Irn Bru, also reward power as it offers to remove any uncomfortable situation.
  • 12. Client research: Advert 4 Who is your client, what do they make, how do they advertise their products? Remember the key things we looked at earlier in the project such as narrative, lines of appeal and persuasion. Irn Bru’s adverts stand out for being quirky and using a risqué humour not used in many other adverts, however Vimto adverts use similar techniques to attract their audience. Vimto adverts are produced using only animation. The thread of adverts have a constant character that viewers now associate with the brand, a lot of brands use a character of story so that the audience engages with the brand. Like Irn Bru, instead of going for a stereotypical advert with stand alone scenes that stay with the viewer for a minute after they’ve watched it, Vimto’s adverts are aimed towards a younger audience. It uses loud, vibrant colours to grab the viewers attention. In the 2016 advert ’Toadoff’ there are two frogs, yellow and purple representing the two different flavours of the drink. The advert is set out like a boxing match, and throughout the ad the two frogs ‘box’ by throwing pieces of fruit at each other, the pieces of fruit used are from the different drink flavours. This is set in a white room, consequently this ruins the clean room. By throwing the fruit and ruining the room Vimto is presenting the new flavours in a fun,exciting way. Also to show that Vimto is playful and energetic and doesn't care about making a mess. By creating a fight between the two dinks it encourages viewers to try each drink to try and setle the ‘argument’.
  • 13. Market research: The soft drink industry is a highly competitive industry, in Scotland Irn Bru has always been the most popular soft drink however in every other country the most bought soft drink is from the brand Coca Cola, Coca Cola had a global revenue in 2016 of around $42bn. However competition between the two brands has brought their sales to roughly equal levels. Advertising techniques Irn Bru advertises using its irreverent and comedic adverts which have earnt it a strong following. Irn Bru’s advertisements are affective and has gained them increased income, they are effective because they are unlike other adverts that use different manipulating methods to entice customers to buy the product, I think that’s what has helped sustained Irn Bru’s popularity amongst it’s rival Coca-Cola. Like Irn Bru Coca-Cola has a range of advertising with different slogans, but the tone of the posters are very contrasting. Coca-Cola addresses advertising in a very different way from Barr, Coca-Cola has a wider varied audience so needs to cater it’s advertisement to a range of different people. Coca-Cola relies on their ‘sweet’ style adverts to create a reaction from audiences by stirring emotion. Coca-Cola reaches out to viewers sense of love and belonging by including in the adverts, friends together, relationships or family to show that Coca-Cola brings people together. It also plays on viewers feeling of safety and security, Cola-Cola promises closeness and stability through it’s adverts, showing that with Coca-Cola you’ll be surrounded by important people you love. Coca-Cola usually follows a short storyline with a linear narrative and varies to each advert whether anti-realism, in Coca-Cola’s most important adverts, for example Christmas they will often create a character or story that stands out to the viewer. Coca-Cola also performs a lot of publicity stunts to attract more perspective buyers. For example, the Coca-Cola ‘Share a Coke’ limited edition sales technique was very successful and the Coca-Cola Facebook community grew by 3.5% and its hashtag ‘shareacoke’ was used 29,000 times on Twitter. In attempt to win back customers, Irn Bru also brought out their own personalized limited edition bottles with more immature names on 'Fanny', 'Senga', 'Rab' and 'Tam’ this caters for Irn Bru’s audience and also shows customers that Irn Bru doesn't take itself as seriously as Coca-Cola does. Irn Bru vs. Competition (Coca-Cola) Irn Bru is a popular brand from Barr, it was created in 1901, The soft drink contains 32 different flavours and the recipe is a ‘secret’. Barr sells a wide range of drinks for example, Barr Flavours, described by the company as young and energetic drinks, including your substantial flavours like, cola, lemonade and the a few abstract flavours, like limeade, cream soda, red kola, and bubble gum. The brand has a lot of other successful soft drinks such as; OMJ, Rockstar, Snapple, Rubicon, and Tizer. However, even though Barr has a lot of drinks, Coca Cola has a wider variety of more popular drinks, for example look at this chart of Coca Cola’s drink brands. Barr brands; Coca-Cola brands;
  • 14. Audience research: The results of any primary research you conducted about this brand. Information you found on this audience from secondary sources. Statistics show (statistics from YouGov) that the main Irn Bru customer is located in Scotland, this is because it was made in Scotland, and Irn Bru always uses overtly Scottish features in their adverts to emphasise its Scottish background. For example more often then not they use gloomy weather and stereotypically Scotland has a stigma attached to it for having bad weather so even that is included in the advert. Also, using a obvious strong Scottish accent for the actors. We know that the demographics for Irn Bru are a 25-39 year old men, with the social grade from C2 down to E, which means he is most likely to have a job like engineering, Government and Civil services, or telecommunications. According to YouGov this means that monthly they have £125 - £499 to spare, not including bills. A Irn Bru is priced in Tesco’s at £1.15 whereas Coke is priced at £1.25, although this is only a 0.10p difference it could mean that it attracts different audiences. The demographics and target audience is obviously male as the product is clearly forwarded to a male audience. For example, the label on the bottle is created to attract a male attention. We can interrupt that the primary blue colour is used because it is stereotypically associated with men, also with the label the font of ‘Irn Bru’ is a tall, bold font with firm lettering, this is stereotypically a ‘manly’ font where as if they were creating the brand for women they might use a softer font. Finally, there is a muscly man on the bottle, this is using the power of reward, as it’s showing someone with muscle and power and the message is interpreted by customers as if you drink Irn Bru you’ll look like this. With the advertisements they are specifically catered for their target audience, by picking apart the adverts you see features that will stand out effectively for the target audience. For example, the target audience is men and usually in the advert the main character is male, and the Irn Bru reaches out to average people, it doesn’t try to make itself look glamour or sell a lifestyle in the adverts that people envy. It portrays this in the adverts by always using a realistic setting with a dull day or with a easily relatable scenario.
  • 15. Audience research: Put your audience research here. Things to consider: The results of any primary research you conducted about this brand. Information you found on this audience from secondary sources.
  • 16. Idea Generation: Use this space to record your idea generation. Whatever method(s) you use, get it all together here. Remember you are making three different but linked products.
  • 17. Idea Generation: Use this space to record your idea generation. Whatever method(s) you use, get it all together here. Remember you are making three different but linked products.
  • 18. Individual Idea: Write down an overview of your idea here. What is your is that you want to take to the rest of the group? You can also add some visual elements to help explain your idea.
  • 19. Planning Docs (TV Advert): Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
  • 20. 4. He walks out of the shop 5. Then he walks away from the shop leaving the Irn Bru behind and the rest of the scenes are Oscar running through corridors and round corners.
  • 21. Planning Docs (Advergame): Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here. For my advergame, I want the aim of my game to be a simple, addictive game, like Pac- Man or Crossy Road and these games. I want to use a background theme like one of these two, including a calming scene, nothing too chaotic with vivid, distracting colors. I’m going to do a game like Pac-man because in my music video the storyline revolves around an Irn Bru chasing the character so it makes most sense to have a advergame were the main avatar is being chased.