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Info Graphic Research.
Screenwriting requires a huge amount of patience and persistence. It takes a lot of work and
effort to get a screenplay published, and even then, it may not be successful. Every screenwriter
needs to consider how they can set their story and characters apart from previous works. This
requires a good deal of research, as it is important to keep your work fresh and relevant. There is
no point to simply re-hashing a previous screenplay and disguising it as your own.
Most screenwriters are freelance and work from home, though some work for media
companies, like radio, TV, film, etcetera. Being a screenwriter can often mean you will find
yourself isolated from others, as it does not require more than one person to produce a good
screenplay. However, some writers choose to work together on a project and often come up
with a stronger final story because of it.
Overall. Screenwriters need to be dedicated fully to their work, as not every good screenplay
gets noticed and many are not even read. Therefore, those who are easily insulted when facing
rejection should avoid screenwriting as a craft. Only those with a huge amount of perseverance
have what it takes to be successful.
Infographic research on Journalism.
Journalism covers a wide range of jobs, from TV to print. A typical journalist is hardworking,
independent, dedicated and passionate about their work. This attributes might vary, depending
on the genre of the work. A journalist can be investigative, freelance, online or even center all of
their work around video games.
One of the most consistent things about being a journalist is deadlines; almost every brand of
journalist has to be used to working towards a strict deadline. For some, this can be too stressful
for journalism to be a sensible career choice. Others excel under the pressure.
Some journalists become famous for their investigative work, such as Nellie Bly who did an
expose on the outdated methods of a local asylum and also made a name for herself by traveling
around the world in eighty days, in a tribute to Jules Vern’s most famous work.
Every up and coming journalist should have a unique and fresh aspect about their work. Or
progressing will be difficult career wise.
Info-graphic Research facts (Screenwriting) :
Info from
* Being a screenwriter requires an extensive
knowledge of how a plot is developed.
* Any new screenwriter should have
a unique aspect to their work.
* Frequent rejection should be
something a screenwriter is prepared
* A Screenwriter should be able to write
visually. i.e. Using sound or dialogue to
support an action.
Info from
* Odds of a screenplay actually
getting published are 5000:1.
* Your writing might never be
filmed or even read.
* In order for people to really
connect with your story, make
sure it’s relatable.
Info from
* Successful writers can be male or
female, but males typically earn a
larger income.
* Writing can be a solitary job
and there isn’t a lot of job
* Choosing writing as a profession
allows for a lot of free time.
Info graphic research facts (Journalism.) :
Journalists must have a snappy and
engaging writing style.
They should be excellent at working
towards and meeting deadlines.
Be a capable researcher, quickly able to find
new info on a subject.
Have good editing and proofreading skills.
Be comfortable working late or erratic
Be able to quickly write down any new
information they come across.
Facts from Facts from
A journalist should be prepared to interview
a wide range of individuals.
Be able to work on their initiative and find
information from their own sources.
A journalist does not always have a
consistent salary, due to the varied nature of
the work.
Should be able to type fast and have good
punctuation and grammar.
Info-graphic Bibliography:
Put your info-graphic bibliography here.
* Anon (2017). Screenwriter. Available:
Last accessed 12th September 2017.
* Anon. (.). Screenwriting:script to screen. Available:
y#v=onepage&q=screenwriting&f=false. Last accessed 13th
September 2017.
*Anon. (2017). Writer job profile. Available: Last
accessed 13th September 2017.
* Anon. (2017). Journalist. Available: Last
accessed 15th September 2017
IRN-BRU bibliography.
1. Anon. (2017). IRN-BRU. Available: http://www.irn- Last accessed 19th September 2017.
2. Anon. (2017). Soft drink brands. Available: Last accessed 19th
September 2017.
3. Anon. (2016). IRN-BRU. Available: Last
accessed 19th September 2017.
4. Anon. (2017). Irn-Bru courts controversy with MILF ad.
courts-controversy-milf-ad/1180159. Last accessed 19th
September 2017.
Research: comparison of research tools, methods and techniques
The strength of using a website to gather information is simple; there is a whole world of information at your
fingertips and all you have to do is click on the right link. Colossal amounts of information can be discovered
without even having to go off the first page of results. The major downside is that you can never really be sure of
the authenticity of a website as it could have been written by anyone for any reason. And is never guaranteed to
be truthful.
Reading a book for research is considerably more reliable than using a website as books cannot be edited nearly
as easily. The disadvantage is that you can never really know if the book you’ve chosen holds exactly the
information you are looking for. Which can waste a lot of time. And there is also a chance that the book may be
out of date, whereas websites are much more often updated.
Videos have the advantage of presenting data to the watcher in a visual medium, often making it easier to retain.
Though like a website; a video is not always accurate and is probably far easier to fake than a website.
How I located, stored and retrieved my information
I located all of my information exclusively
online, usually through information sites
like Wikipedia. I retrieved all my
information via marginally different
rewrites, to make sure the work was my
own, then I stored any relevant
information on a 1GB memory stick, to be
used on my pro forma if necessary.
Client research:
For this project, my client is IRN-BRU; a company that makes soft drinks.
Most of their advertising is done via television adverts. Seen here:
Though the company also makes use of posters:
Most of their advertisements revolve around comedy.
The joke usually being a person is confronted with
something they don’t like, but overcoming it by
drinking IRN-BRU. These adverts are very popular, if
somewhat controversial.
The drink is advertised as the national drink of
Scotland, which shows in the adverts; compromised
almost entirely of Scottish people.
Client research:
Most of the adverts on television follow the same basic formula: The main character is introduced and their motivations
are quickly established. Another character gives them information they do not approve of. In order to calm themselves
down, the characters invariably drink a can of IRN-BRU, which allows them to let any of their reservations go.
The adverts are mostly rooted in realism, though it is stretched in certain places. Such as any problem being able to be
solved with the consumption of IRN-BRU. This is however, a clever marketing strategy as it follows the philosophy of
“Show don’t tell.” Instead of a character using dialogue to show how they feel and what their motivations are, They use
actions to establish themselves. Showing the audience what they want and how they feel instead of telling them.
This is presented in the adverts by a character, instead of voicing their inner monologue, simply drinks a can of IRN-BRU
and allows their body language to show how they feel afterwards. In this respect, the adverts can be surprisingly subtle.
Despite outward appearances;
Client research:
The IRN-BRU soft drinks are advertised in bright, contrasting oranges and blues. This is done to make an ordinary can of
IRN-BRU look visually appealing and subconsciously make the target consumer want to buy it.
The drink is produced by a company known as AG Barr, which has produced a number of other soft drinks, though IRN-
BRU is by far the most popular.
Client research:
IRN-BRU is Scotland's most popular soft drink, beating Coca-Cola and Pepsi. It is seen as the national drink of Scotland,
therefore a lot of advertising around the drink tends to be very patriotic. Which makes the largest target consumers of the
drink younger to middle aged Scottish men and to a lesser extent, women. Seen in this advert most prominently-
Client research:
IRN-BRU is obviously centred towards Scottish nationality in a lot of it’s advertising. Though it doesn’t seem to cater to any
specific age. A lot of the media caters towards children, teenagers, middle aged and OAP’s.
Client research: Advert breakdown.
To date, perhaps the most popular IRN-BRU advert is ‘IRN-BRU snowman.’ a parody of the famous British TV short ’The
Snowman’ Which aired in 1982 and continues to air on UK television every year around Christmastime. The advert features
a small boy building a snow man, whilst drinking a can of IRN-BRU. The snowman comes to life and takes the boy’s hand,
together, they fly up into the air. This is when a parody of the famous song ‘Walking in the air.’ plays. The lyrics of the
original song have been changed in the advert. They now outline how the snowman wants a sip of the young boy’s IRN-
BRU, the boy refuses, so the snowman takes his drink and drops the boy out of the air. The boy lands in a snowbank and
sings about how the snowman took his IRN-BRU and dropped him. The advert was extremely popular with UK audiences.
The advert is very nostalgic in its format, It’s art style is almost identical to the original
TV short, despite being made several decades later. This is also reinforced by the music,
as despite the lyrics being substantially different. The tune and singing remain very
similar. The advert is clearly designed to tap into the viewers’ nostalgia. Though it does
have a modern twist. In that The child featured is wearing modern clothes and talks
about IRN-BRU, which didn’t reach the height of it’s popularity until the 2000’s. Another
aspect of the advert is the humor. While the original short was quite reserved and
somber in its tone. The advert is played mostly for comedic effect. Showing the extreme
lengths the Snowman will go to to take the child’s IRN-BRU, including endangering the
child’s life. The advert is designed to make the viewer want an IRN-BRU, by showing
how far the Snowman would go to get it. This makes the drink look desirable. All in all,
it is a very well-thought out ad.
Market research:
The main competition against IRN-BRU is Coca–Cola, though Pepsi is also a popular
contender with the drink. Scotland is The only country in the world that favours IRN-BRU
over Coca-Cola. Because of this IRN-BRU is advertised very heavily towards Scottish people.
And a lot of the advertising plays towards their nationality. Marketing the drink as a symbol
of Scottish pride and culture.
Market research:
There has been some controversy in the marketing campaigns of IRN-IRU. They have been declared as ‘Anti English’ after
depicting a negative English stereotype in one of their adverts. They have also being accused of promoting crime in one of
their adverts, where an old woman uses the basket on her mobility scooter to steal several cans of IRN-BRU. Controversy
has also been met over the use of sexualisation on one of the characters in their adverts in order to sell the drink.
None of these scandals have been particularly damaging to the marketing campaign of IRN-BRU. If anything, they have
become more popular since.
Audience research:
According to, the most popular demographic that enjoy IRN BRU are males between the ages of 25 and 39.
Living in central Scotland. Along with generally favouring a left wing political view.
Audience research:
Irn Bru is very popular with both Scottish and English audiences, though much more popular with the former. It’s
popularity is not as pronounced outside of the UK. The US especially do not heavily favour the drink, instead prefering
more mainstream brands like PepsiCo and Coca-Cola.
Audience research:
In order to gather some primary research, I took out a survey with the website Kahoot! on a class of 15 British
students. 10 males and 5 females. I asked questions such as “Which fizzy drink do you prefer.” Below are the results
I received
14-16 17-19 20-24
Age range
Age range of those who took the survey.
Based on the results. The majority of the consumers of IRN-BRU are
aged 17-19, though these are only the results of one survey of young
adults. So thy may not be accurate.
Drink preferences of those who took the survey.
Coca-Cola Fanta IRN-BRU Other
Drink preferences
Based on these results. Coca-Cola and Fanta are more popular
with young adults than IRN-BRU in this region of the UK.
Did the surveyors prefer the sugar free versions of their favorite drinks?
Do you prefer sugar free?
According to these results full-Sugar fizzy drinks are much
more popular with young adults than the alternative.
Most people attribute this the the decline in taste
How many of the surveyors had tried IRN-BRU?
Have you tried IRN-BRU?
A third of the surveyors had not even tried IRN-BRU. This
calls to question whether it can be considered a popular
drink. At least in this part of the UK.
Have the surveyors ever seen an advert for IRN-BRU?
This result shows that even if they have not tried it. The
majority of the surveyors have at least seen an IRN-BRU
advert. It shows how widespread the marketing for the drink
has become. Possibly because of its controversial Adverts.
What sort of media do the surveyors see the most?
Social media Posters Television Radio
Which media do you see the most?
This results shows that a huge amount of the surveyors are connected and
often interact with, social media. Only one of the surveyors claimed to
often interact with the radio. This might show why IRN-BRU has had such
a large amount of success with their online marketing campaigns.
Idea Generation:
Which scenario best suits poster?
Student run?
School escape for IRN-BRU?
Caption: It was worth it for my IRN BRU?
Grandma chugging IRN-BRU to get over Satanist wed locked granddaughter?
Caption: IRN-BRU gets you through.
Mother saying goodnight to son while father steals his IRN-BRU from bag.
Caption: Never be without a BRU? Irresistibly good?
IRN-BRU dash! –
Student takes an IRN BRU and has to escape the school with it. Platformer, with a hoard of students slowly picking up
speed behind the player.
Mum ‘N’ Dad’s BRU hunt-
Stealth game. Playing as pair of parents searching their son’s room for his secret IRN BRU stash. Play as both parents? CO-
OP elements? Distraction tactics?
Granny’s quest for IRN-BRU.-
Time trial run through house to find enough IRN-BRU to recover from shock. Play as Granny. Power ups? Enemies? Action
Idea Generation:
STUDENT RUN- Student is introduced. Motivations are established: Student is craving an IRN-BRU. All other students
around are drinking it. A few intense shots showing the students overdramatically enjoying the drink. Original student
becomes more desperate and sees a small child with a can of IRN-BRU sticking out of his bag. Student hesitates for a
moment then reaches out to grab it. Student is then caught by big-tough looking guy. Who’s bag it actually was. The
original student freezes for a moment. Then takes a deep drink of the IRN-BRU.
Next shot is of the student easily and gleefully running away from a hoard of students chasing him.
Advert ends as student escapes.
Caption could read: Some people will do anything for IRN-BRU?
Idea Generation:
MUM AND DAD’S HUNT FOR IRN-BRU- Advert opens with Mother tucking her child in. Camera then pans out to show the
Father desperately searching through the child’s room for IRN-BRU while the Mother distracts the child in a variety of
comedic ways. When the father finally finds and pockets the IRN-BRU the child catches him at it. Before he can react. The
mother chloroforms him. This is to show the extreme lengths both parents will go to for IRN-BRU. The advert ends as the
parents leave the room and start to fight over the IRN-BRU.
The advert ends with the caption: SOME PEOPLE WILL DO ANYTHING FOR IRN BRU…
Idea generation:
GRANNY’S IRN-BRU- Advert opens with a grandmother relaxing in her home. Her faith in Christianity is shown through
multiple crucifixes and pictures of religious symbols in her home. Her teenage granddaughter enters, clearly pregnant
and wearing a shirt with a satanic pentagram on it. Before any words are exchanged, the grandmother, clearly
distressed, reaches for a can of IRN-BRU and takes a big gulp. She then kindly greets her granddaughter and asks who
the father is. The Granddaughter responds with “we’re not sure.” And two Satanic teenage boys walk in after her. The
grandmother quickly finishes her can of IRN-BRU and then cheerfully leaves to put the kettle on.
The advert ends with the common slogan: “IRN BRU GETS YOU THROUGH.”
Individual Idea:
Write down and overview of your idea here. What is your is that you want to take to the rest of the group?
You can also add some visual elements to help explain your idea.
GRANNY’S IRN-BRU- Advert opens with a grandmother relaxing in her home. Her faith in Christianity is shown
through multiple crucifixes and pictures of religious symbols in her home. Her teenage granddaughter enters, clearly
pregnant and wearing a shirt with a satanic pentagram on it. Before any words are exchanged, the grandmother,
clearly distressed, reaches for a can of IRN-BRU and takes a big gulp. She then kindly greets her granddaughter and
asks who the father is. The Granddaughter responds with “we’re not sure.” And two Satanic teenage boys walk in
after her. The grandmother quickly finishes her can of IRN-BRU and then cheerfully leaves to put the kettle on.
The advert ends with the common slogan: “IRN BRU GETS YOU THROUGH.”
Group Idea:
Put your groups idea here. Agree on what you are doing. You need to work to this concept from here on.
Two news presenters are fighting during the commercial break, the director of the
show gives them both an Irn-Bru to calm them down. After drinking it, the two
become friendly and amicable towards each other. The advert pans out to show a
can of IRN-BRU next to a TV. The caption reads something along the lines of ‘Irn-
Bru, you can’t do that on television. Or something to that effect.
Call sheet
Export Format:
Unless I create a product that is not compatible (unlikely.) I will export all of the files containing my
product as JPEG’s
Size of Project
My project will consist of an Advergame an Advert and a Poster, centred around the promotion of the
soft drink; Irn-Bru
The pre and post production of the advert is expected to take around 4 days, the Advergame is
expected to be completed in 2-3 days and the poster should only take a day or so
The production of the ad campaign is expected to be very cost effective and should not require any
more than £5
 4-8 cans Irn-Bru
 A desk/table
 2 chairs
 Camera equipment
 1 small stack of paper
 2 pens
 2 mugs
Brief Fulfilment
How does your product fulfil the brief requirements
Storyboard for advert
Planning Docs (TV Advert):
Working Title:
Irn-Bru’s the news
Product’s Purpose:
The purpose of the game is to be entertaining and challenging for the player. I hope to achieve this by making it a time trial game, with platformer
The Poster will emphasize getting over arguments through a shared love of Irn-Bru
The Advert will show how Irn-Bru can help settle a dispute between two parties.
Platforming/time trial (Game)
Comedy (Advert, poster)
The Game will feature the director of a news team rushing to give the presenters some Irn-Bru before the end of the commercial break. The game will
feature static, comic-esque cut scenes. With words and pictures illustrating the story.
The Advert follows much of the same story, but from a different perspective. The advert is shown mostly from the POV of the News presenters and
highlights an argument between them. The director appears only very briefly to give the pair a can of Irn-Bru. The two drink and make up. The end of
the advert focuses on a can of Irn-Bru, clearly illustrating how it solved the dispute between the presenters.
The poster will be shown in three frames, each illustrating the different stages of an argument before and after the parties drink Irn-Bru. The first frame
shows them fighting, the second shows them drinking Irn-Bru, the third shows them acting friendly towards each other. The tagline reads ‘Irn-Bru; you
can’t do that on television!’
Planning docs
The target audience are fans and potential consumers of Irn-Bru. The popular demographic are males from ages 16-39, with a working or middle
class upbringing. Though the advert will not specify any particular age of social group. This is done to show how the product can be consumed by
a huge range of individuals. Though the consumers featured in the advert do fit the demographic.
Legal & Ethical Considerations:
The products will not include any swearing or harsh language, or any depictions of religion. This makes it an ideal family friendly ad campaign,
that consumers of all ages and races should be able to enjoy. The campaign features the use of Irn-Bru as a sedative towards a fight; while some
players may find this unrealistic, it is unlikely they will find it offensive. The products will not contain any logos or advertisements from any other
product except Irn-Bru. This will not be an issue as Irn-Bru is what the campaign is producing.
Planning docs
Export Format:
Unless I create a product that is not compatible (unlikely.) I will export all of the files containing my product as JPEG’s
Size of Project
My project will consist of an Advergame an Advert and a Poster, centred around the promotion of the soft drink; Irn-Bru
The pre and post production of the advert is expected to take around 4 days, the Advergame is expected to be completed in 2-3 days and the poster should only take a day or
The production of the ad campaign is expected to be very cost effective and should not require any more than £5
 4-8 cans Irn-Bru
 A desk/table
 2 chairs
 Camera equipment
 1 small stack of paper
 2 pens
 2 mugs
Brief Fulfilment
How does your product fulfil the brief requirements
Planning docs
Dramatic news
(green screen)
Video ideas
- Beef between presenters then they drink irn bru and are
110% friendly
- passive aggressive comments from one news presenter
to another.
2 male news presenters are sat at the desk discussing
news. The say passive aggressive comments at each
other until they are both angry, then the drink Irn Bru and
are very nice to each other. At least 5-7 seconds at the
end for Irn Bru still plus Tagline.
Poster ideas
- one person has/is drinking Irn Bru and is happy and
calm. The other person hasn’t drunk it yet and is angry.
- Bridget and Drew need some Irn Bru (poster line).
-Take poster images in studio while/after filming.
Game Ideas
- A run through the studio as director
- Irn Bru’s the News.
- Irn Bru; keeping friendships true.
- Irn Bru, for me and you.
- What a difference an Irn Bru makes.
- Irn bru, you can’t do that on television.
Group Info
Roles- Two News presenters, two male.
Script writer: Rhys
Camera operator: James
Actors: Rhys and Patrick and Sam
Lighting: Sam
Responsibilities- looking after equipment, Respecting the
studio and other people around. Leave studio as you
found it. And personal responsibilities such as coming in
on time, bringing props, hiring the equipment’s/rooms.
Visual Planning
Story Board-
Planning docs.
Shot list-
1st shot: Medium shot of news presenters wrapping up a news
2nd shot: Close up of news presenter saying “Join us after the break,
where we’ll discuss the philosophical meaning, of a potato”
3rd shot: Establishing shot of set from behind the scenes to break the
fourth wall (it is now advert brake) they start giving each other
passive aggressive comments and being mean/rude.
4th shot: Medium shot of the news presenters arguing
5th shot: Team’s reaction to verbal fight
6th shot: Director intervenes by giving each presenter an irn bru.
7th shot: Close up of each presenter taking a can.
8th shot: Presenters open their cans.
9th shot: They each take a swig.
10th shot: Shot from behind the set he news presenters are kind to
each other while reporting the news.
11th shot: Medium shot of news presenters, in news style.
12th shot: Zooming out on a TV with presenters happily presenting
the news, left of the TV is an Irn bru with Tagline below it. 5-7
Concept/mood boards-
Organisational planning
Resources required- Mug, Irn Bru,
Papers and pens to make it look
news presenter like, Formal wear
(such as ties and shirts)
Contingency plan-
Call sheets-
Planning docs, script.
Script Draft 1 –
(Scene opens as two newscasters are wrapping up.)
NEWSCASTER 1: “(Cheerfully)…And there were no survivors.”
NEWSCASTER 2: “Join us after the break, where we’ll discuss the philosophy, of a potato”
(Both newscasters smile brightly.)
DIRECTOR: “Aaaand cut to commercial.”
(The camera angle switches as the main camera is turned off for break. Camera focuses on the newscasters, who are no
longer smiling.)
NEWSCASTER 1: “That was a great performance you gave today, for a second I almost believed you were a real Anchor.”
NEWSCASTER 2: “Thank you. And I really admire how you have the confidence to wear women’s clothes to work.”
NEWSCASTER 1: “(Laughs falsely) How’s your wife doing? Still married to a wrinkled old gremlin?”
NEWSCASTER 2: “(Laughs falsely) How are the kids? Still stuck with a half-baked weather man as a father?”
DIRECTOR: “-Lads, have an IRN-BRU.”
(Director hands them both a can of IRN-BRU.” Newscaster’s drink. Scene smash cuts to halfway through next
broadcast where newscasters are cheerfully doing the news.)
NEWSCASTOR 1: “-And the firefighter was able to save the basket of puppies. What a stand-up guy huh? Like my
partner here.”
(Newscaster motions to the other newscaster. Who smiles.)
NEWSCASTER 2: “Well I’m sure he was just following your example.”
(Newscasters laugh as camera pans out to show Television screen on table with a can of IRN-BRU next to it. Slogan
reads FIGHT! BRU! LOVE!. Advert ends.)
Planning docs, advergame.
My Advergame will feature the director of an Irn-Bru advert
(The player character) rushing through a TV studio, collecting
Irn-Bru to give to his fighting presenters.
The more Irn bru he collects and the faster he makes it to the
presenters, the more pacified they will be.
The game will be a time trial platformer.
The enemies will be sentient film equipment, like boom mics,
cameras etc etc
The director will only be able to fight the enemies by drinking
Irn-Bru to make him strong, but this will decrease the amount
of IRN BRU he can give to the news presenters, which means
players will have to be careful with their supply.
The game will be on a time trial. Depending on the difficulty,
the trial will be shorter or longer.
Potential colour schemes
Potential font choices
Arial rounded MT bold
Blackoak STD
Cooper Std Black
Poplar Std
Rockwell Extra Bold
Showcard Gothic
Wide Latin
Planning Docs (Advergame):
Basic outline of Advergame.
Director Dash!!! –
Players control the Director of the Irn-Bru advert. Who has to race through the studio to get the Irn-Bru to the fighting
presenters, before the commercial break ends. Game plays like a platformer/racing game on a time trial. Director must jump
and slide under obstacles. Such as boom mics and camera gear to avoid getting knocked out. He must also get to the
presenters before the time runs out. High scores (fastest times will be listed on a scoreboard, possibly in the background.
Visuals will be cartoony and basic, with bright colours to keep players interested. The visual style will be similar the the
already existing Irn-Bru games, see below.
Planning Docs (Print Advert):
First draft of print advert
Mood concept board.
Finished Stuff:
Finished pieces to be displayed on your blog.

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Irn bru pro forma

  • 2. Info Graphic Research. Screenwriting requires a huge amount of patience and persistence. It takes a lot of work and effort to get a screenplay published, and even then, it may not be successful. Every screenwriter needs to consider how they can set their story and characters apart from previous works. This requires a good deal of research, as it is important to keep your work fresh and relevant. There is no point to simply re-hashing a previous screenplay and disguising it as your own. Most screenwriters are freelance and work from home, though some work for media companies, like radio, TV, film, etcetera. Being a screenwriter can often mean you will find yourself isolated from others, as it does not require more than one person to produce a good screenplay. However, some writers choose to work together on a project and often come up with a stronger final story because of it. Overall. Screenwriters need to be dedicated fully to their work, as not every good screenplay gets noticed and many are not even read. Therefore, those who are easily insulted when facing rejection should avoid screenwriting as a craft. Only those with a huge amount of perseverance have what it takes to be successful.
  • 3. Infographic research on Journalism. Journalism covers a wide range of jobs, from TV to print. A typical journalist is hardworking, independent, dedicated and passionate about their work. This attributes might vary, depending on the genre of the work. A journalist can be investigative, freelance, online or even center all of their work around video games. One of the most consistent things about being a journalist is deadlines; almost every brand of journalist has to be used to working towards a strict deadline. For some, this can be too stressful for journalism to be a sensible career choice. Others excel under the pressure. Some journalists become famous for their investigative work, such as Nellie Bly who did an expose on the outdated methods of a local asylum and also made a name for herself by traveling around the world in eighty days, in a tribute to Jules Vern’s most famous work. Every up and coming journalist should have a unique and fresh aspect about their work. Or progressing will be difficult career wise.
  • 4. Info-graphic Research facts (Screenwriting) : Info from * Being a screenwriter requires an extensive knowledge of how a plot is developed. * Any new screenwriter should have a unique aspect to their work. * Frequent rejection should be something a screenwriter is prepared for. * A Screenwriter should be able to write visually. i.e. Using sound or dialogue to support an action. Info from * Odds of a screenplay actually getting published are 5000:1. * Your writing might never be filmed or even read. * In order for people to really connect with your story, make sure it’s relatable.
  • 5. Info from * Successful writers can be male or female, but males typically earn a larger income. * Writing can be a solitary job and there isn’t a lot of job security. * Choosing writing as a profession allows for a lot of free time.
  • 6. Info graphic research facts (Journalism.) : Journalists must have a snappy and engaging writing style. They should be excellent at working towards and meeting deadlines. Be a capable researcher, quickly able to find new info on a subject. Have good editing and proofreading skills. Be comfortable working late or erratic hours. Be able to quickly write down any new information they come across. Facts from Facts from A journalist should be prepared to interview a wide range of individuals. Be able to work on their initiative and find information from their own sources. A journalist does not always have a consistent salary, due to the varied nature of the work. Should be able to type fast and have good punctuation and grammar.
  • 7. Info-graphic Bibliography: Put your info-graphic bibliography here. * Anon (2017). Screenwriter. Available: Last accessed 12th September 2017. * Anon. (.). Screenwriting:script to screen. Available: YC&printsec=frontcover&dq=screenwriting&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc= y#v=onepage&q=screenwriting&f=false. Last accessed 13th September 2017. *Anon. (2017). Writer job profile. Available: Last accessed 13th September 2017. * Anon. (2017). Journalist. Available: Last accessed 15th September 2017
  • 9. IRN-BRU bibliography. 1. Anon. (2017). IRN-BRU. Available: http://www.irn- Last accessed 19th September 2017. 2. Anon. (2017). Soft drink brands. Available: Last accessed 19th September 2017. 3. Anon. (2016). IRN-BRU. Available: Last accessed 19th September 2017. 4. Anon. (2017). Irn-Bru courts controversy with MILF ad. Available: courts-controversy-milf-ad/1180159. Last accessed 19th September 2017. 5.
  • 10. Research: comparison of research tools, methods and techniques The strength of using a website to gather information is simple; there is a whole world of information at your fingertips and all you have to do is click on the right link. Colossal amounts of information can be discovered without even having to go off the first page of results. The major downside is that you can never really be sure of the authenticity of a website as it could have been written by anyone for any reason. And is never guaranteed to be truthful. Reading a book for research is considerably more reliable than using a website as books cannot be edited nearly as easily. The disadvantage is that you can never really know if the book you’ve chosen holds exactly the information you are looking for. Which can waste a lot of time. And there is also a chance that the book may be out of date, whereas websites are much more often updated. Videos have the advantage of presenting data to the watcher in a visual medium, often making it easier to retain. Though like a website; a video is not always accurate and is probably far easier to fake than a website.
  • 11. How I located, stored and retrieved my information I located all of my information exclusively online, usually through information sites like Wikipedia. I retrieved all my information via marginally different rewrites, to make sure the work was my own, then I stored any relevant information on a 1GB memory stick, to be used on my pro forma if necessary.
  • 12. Client research: For this project, my client is IRN-BRU; a company that makes soft drinks. Most of their advertising is done via television adverts. Seen here: Though the company also makes use of posters: Most of their advertisements revolve around comedy. The joke usually being a person is confronted with something they don’t like, but overcoming it by drinking IRN-BRU. These adverts are very popular, if somewhat controversial. The drink is advertised as the national drink of Scotland, which shows in the adverts; compromised almost entirely of Scottish people.
  • 13. Client research: Most of the adverts on television follow the same basic formula: The main character is introduced and their motivations are quickly established. Another character gives them information they do not approve of. In order to calm themselves down, the characters invariably drink a can of IRN-BRU, which allows them to let any of their reservations go. The adverts are mostly rooted in realism, though it is stretched in certain places. Such as any problem being able to be solved with the consumption of IRN-BRU. This is however, a clever marketing strategy as it follows the philosophy of “Show don’t tell.” Instead of a character using dialogue to show how they feel and what their motivations are, They use actions to establish themselves. Showing the audience what they want and how they feel instead of telling them. This is presented in the adverts by a character, instead of voicing their inner monologue, simply drinks a can of IRN-BRU and allows their body language to show how they feel afterwards. In this respect, the adverts can be surprisingly subtle. Despite outward appearances;
  • 14. Client research: The IRN-BRU soft drinks are advertised in bright, contrasting oranges and blues. This is done to make an ordinary can of IRN-BRU look visually appealing and subconsciously make the target consumer want to buy it. The drink is produced by a company known as AG Barr, which has produced a number of other soft drinks, though IRN- BRU is by far the most popular.
  • 15. Client research: IRN-BRU is Scotland's most popular soft drink, beating Coca-Cola and Pepsi. It is seen as the national drink of Scotland, therefore a lot of advertising around the drink tends to be very patriotic. Which makes the largest target consumers of the drink younger to middle aged Scottish men and to a lesser extent, women. Seen in this advert most prominently-
  • 16. Client research: IRN-BRU is obviously centred towards Scottish nationality in a lot of it’s advertising. Though it doesn’t seem to cater to any specific age. A lot of the media caters towards children, teenagers, middle aged and OAP’s.
  • 17. Client research: Advert breakdown. To date, perhaps the most popular IRN-BRU advert is ‘IRN-BRU snowman.’ a parody of the famous British TV short ’The Snowman’ Which aired in 1982 and continues to air on UK television every year around Christmastime. The advert features a small boy building a snow man, whilst drinking a can of IRN-BRU. The snowman comes to life and takes the boy’s hand, together, they fly up into the air. This is when a parody of the famous song ‘Walking in the air.’ plays. The lyrics of the original song have been changed in the advert. They now outline how the snowman wants a sip of the young boy’s IRN- BRU, the boy refuses, so the snowman takes his drink and drops the boy out of the air. The boy lands in a snowbank and sings about how the snowman took his IRN-BRU and dropped him. The advert was extremely popular with UK audiences. The advert is very nostalgic in its format, It’s art style is almost identical to the original TV short, despite being made several decades later. This is also reinforced by the music, as despite the lyrics being substantially different. The tune and singing remain very similar. The advert is clearly designed to tap into the viewers’ nostalgia. Though it does have a modern twist. In that The child featured is wearing modern clothes and talks about IRN-BRU, which didn’t reach the height of it’s popularity until the 2000’s. Another aspect of the advert is the humor. While the original short was quite reserved and somber in its tone. The advert is played mostly for comedic effect. Showing the extreme lengths the Snowman will go to to take the child’s IRN-BRU, including endangering the child’s life. The advert is designed to make the viewer want an IRN-BRU, by showing how far the Snowman would go to get it. This makes the drink look desirable. All in all, it is a very well-thought out ad.
  • 18. Market research: The main competition against IRN-BRU is Coca–Cola, though Pepsi is also a popular contender with the drink. Scotland is The only country in the world that favours IRN-BRU over Coca-Cola. Because of this IRN-BRU is advertised very heavily towards Scottish people. And a lot of the advertising plays towards their nationality. Marketing the drink as a symbol of Scottish pride and culture.
  • 19. Market research: There has been some controversy in the marketing campaigns of IRN-IRU. They have been declared as ‘Anti English’ after depicting a negative English stereotype in one of their adverts. They have also being accused of promoting crime in one of their adverts, where an old woman uses the basket on her mobility scooter to steal several cans of IRN-BRU. Controversy has also been met over the use of sexualisation on one of the characters in their adverts in order to sell the drink. None of these scandals have been particularly damaging to the marketing campaign of IRN-BRU. If anything, they have become more popular since.
  • 20. Audience research: According to, the most popular demographic that enjoy IRN BRU are males between the ages of 25 and 39. Living in central Scotland. Along with generally favouring a left wing political view.
  • 21. Audience research: Irn Bru is very popular with both Scottish and English audiences, though much more popular with the former. It’s popularity is not as pronounced outside of the UK. The US especially do not heavily favour the drink, instead prefering more mainstream brands like PepsiCo and Coca-Cola.
  • 22. Audience research: In order to gather some primary research, I took out a survey with the website Kahoot! on a class of 15 British students. 10 males and 5 females. I asked questions such as “Which fizzy drink do you prefer.” Below are the results I received
  • 23. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14-16 17-19 20-24 Age range Age range of those who took the survey. Based on the results. The majority of the consumers of IRN-BRU are aged 17-19, though these are only the results of one survey of young adults. So thy may not be accurate.
  • 24. Drink preferences of those who took the survey. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Coca-Cola Fanta IRN-BRU Other Drink preferences Based on these results. Coca-Cola and Fanta are more popular with young adults than IRN-BRU in this region of the UK.
  • 25. Did the surveyors prefer the sugar free versions of their favorite drinks? 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 YES NO Do you prefer sugar free? According to these results full-Sugar fizzy drinks are much more popular with young adults than the alternative. Most people attribute this the the decline in taste
  • 26. How many of the surveyors had tried IRN-BRU? 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 YES NO Have you tried IRN-BRU? A third of the surveyors had not even tried IRN-BRU. This calls to question whether it can be considered a popular drink. At least in this part of the UK.
  • 27. Have the surveyors ever seen an advert for IRN-BRU? 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 YES NO Column1 This result shows that even if they have not tried it. The majority of the surveyors have at least seen an IRN-BRU advert. It shows how widespread the marketing for the drink has become. Possibly because of its controversial Adverts.
  • 28. What sort of media do the surveyors see the most? 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Social media Posters Television Radio Which media do you see the most? This results shows that a huge amount of the surveyors are connected and often interact with, social media. Only one of the surveyors claimed to often interact with the radio. This might show why IRN-BRU has had such a large amount of success with their online marketing campaigns.
  • 29.
  • 30. Idea Generation: POSTER Which scenario best suits poster? Student run? School escape for IRN-BRU? Caption: It was worth it for my IRN BRU? Grandma chugging IRN-BRU to get over Satanist wed locked granddaughter? Caption: IRN-BRU gets you through. Mother saying goodnight to son while father steals his IRN-BRU from bag. Caption: Never be without a BRU? Irresistibly good? GAME IRN-BRU dash! – Student takes an IRN BRU and has to escape the school with it. Platformer, with a hoard of students slowly picking up speed behind the player. Mum ‘N’ Dad’s BRU hunt- Stealth game. Playing as pair of parents searching their son’s room for his secret IRN BRU stash. Play as both parents? CO- OP elements? Distraction tactics? Granny’s quest for IRN-BRU.- Time trial run through house to find enough IRN-BRU to recover from shock. Play as Granny. Power ups? Enemies? Action platformer?
  • 31. Idea Generation: ADVERT. STUDENT RUN- Student is introduced. Motivations are established: Student is craving an IRN-BRU. All other students around are drinking it. A few intense shots showing the students overdramatically enjoying the drink. Original student becomes more desperate and sees a small child with a can of IRN-BRU sticking out of his bag. Student hesitates for a moment then reaches out to grab it. Student is then caught by big-tough looking guy. Who’s bag it actually was. The original student freezes for a moment. Then takes a deep drink of the IRN-BRU. Next shot is of the student easily and gleefully running away from a hoard of students chasing him. Advert ends as student escapes. Caption could read: Some people will do anything for IRN-BRU?
  • 32. Idea Generation: ADVERT. MUM AND DAD’S HUNT FOR IRN-BRU- Advert opens with Mother tucking her child in. Camera then pans out to show the Father desperately searching through the child’s room for IRN-BRU while the Mother distracts the child in a variety of comedic ways. When the father finally finds and pockets the IRN-BRU the child catches him at it. Before he can react. The mother chloroforms him. This is to show the extreme lengths both parents will go to for IRN-BRU. The advert ends as the parents leave the room and start to fight over the IRN-BRU. The advert ends with the caption: SOME PEOPLE WILL DO ANYTHING FOR IRN BRU…
  • 33. Idea generation: ADVERT. GRANNY’S IRN-BRU- Advert opens with a grandmother relaxing in her home. Her faith in Christianity is shown through multiple crucifixes and pictures of religious symbols in her home. Her teenage granddaughter enters, clearly pregnant and wearing a shirt with a satanic pentagram on it. Before any words are exchanged, the grandmother, clearly distressed, reaches for a can of IRN-BRU and takes a big gulp. She then kindly greets her granddaughter and asks who the father is. The Granddaughter responds with “we’re not sure.” And two Satanic teenage boys walk in after her. The grandmother quickly finishes her can of IRN-BRU and then cheerfully leaves to put the kettle on. The advert ends with the common slogan: “IRN BRU GETS YOU THROUGH.”
  • 34. Individual Idea: Write down and overview of your idea here. What is your is that you want to take to the rest of the group? You can also add some visual elements to help explain your idea. ADVERT. GRANNY’S IRN-BRU- Advert opens with a grandmother relaxing in her home. Her faith in Christianity is shown through multiple crucifixes and pictures of religious symbols in her home. Her teenage granddaughter enters, clearly pregnant and wearing a shirt with a satanic pentagram on it. Before any words are exchanged, the grandmother, clearly distressed, reaches for a can of IRN-BRU and takes a big gulp. She then kindly greets her granddaughter and asks who the father is. The Granddaughter responds with “we’re not sure.” And two Satanic teenage boys walk in after her. The grandmother quickly finishes her can of IRN-BRU and then cheerfully leaves to put the kettle on. The advert ends with the common slogan: “IRN BRU GETS YOU THROUGH.”
  • 35. Group Idea: Put your groups idea here. Agree on what you are doing. You need to work to this concept from here on. Two news presenters are fighting during the commercial break, the director of the show gives them both an Irn-Bru to calm them down. After drinking it, the two become friendly and amicable towards each other. The advert pans out to show a can of IRN-BRU next to a TV. The caption reads something along the lines of ‘Irn- Bru, you can’t do that on television. Or something to that effect.
  • 38. Export Format: Unless I create a product that is not compatible (unlikely.) I will export all of the files containing my product as JPEG’s Size of Project My project will consist of an Advergame an Advert and a Poster, centred around the promotion of the soft drink; Irn-Bru Schedule The pre and post production of the advert is expected to take around 4 days, the Advergame is expected to be completed in 2-3 days and the poster should only take a day or so Budget The production of the ad campaign is expected to be very cost effective and should not require any more than £5 Resources  4-8 cans Irn-Bru  A desk/table  2 chairs  Camera equipment  1 small stack of paper  2 pens  2 mugs Brief Fulfilment How does your product fulfil the brief requirements
  • 40. Planning Docs (TV Advert): Working Title: Irn-Bru’s the news Product’s Purpose: The purpose of the game is to be entertaining and challenging for the player. I hope to achieve this by making it a time trial game, with platformer elements. The Poster will emphasize getting over arguments through a shared love of Irn-Bru The Advert will show how Irn-Bru can help settle a dispute between two parties. Genre: Platforming/time trial (Game) Comedy (Advert, poster) Content The Game will feature the director of a news team rushing to give the presenters some Irn-Bru before the end of the commercial break. The game will feature static, comic-esque cut scenes. With words and pictures illustrating the story. The Advert follows much of the same story, but from a different perspective. The advert is shown mostly from the POV of the News presenters and highlights an argument between them. The director appears only very briefly to give the pair a can of Irn-Bru. The two drink and make up. The end of the advert focuses on a can of Irn-Bru, clearly illustrating how it solved the dispute between the presenters. The poster will be shown in three frames, each illustrating the different stages of an argument before and after the parties drink Irn-Bru. The first frame shows them fighting, the second shows them drinking Irn-Bru, the third shows them acting friendly towards each other. The tagline reads ‘Irn-Bru; you can’t do that on television!’
  • 41. Planning docs Audience: The target audience are fans and potential consumers of Irn-Bru. The popular demographic are males from ages 16-39, with a working or middle class upbringing. Though the advert will not specify any particular age of social group. This is done to show how the product can be consumed by a huge range of individuals. Though the consumers featured in the advert do fit the demographic. Legal & Ethical Considerations: The products will not include any swearing or harsh language, or any depictions of religion. This makes it an ideal family friendly ad campaign, that consumers of all ages and races should be able to enjoy. The campaign features the use of Irn-Bru as a sedative towards a fight; while some players may find this unrealistic, it is unlikely they will find it offensive. The products will not contain any logos or advertisements from any other product except Irn-Bru. This will not be an issue as Irn-Bru is what the campaign is producing.
  • 42. Planning docs Export Format: Unless I create a product that is not compatible (unlikely.) I will export all of the files containing my product as JPEG’s Size of Project My project will consist of an Advergame an Advert and a Poster, centred around the promotion of the soft drink; Irn-Bru Schedule The pre and post production of the advert is expected to take around 4 days, the Advergame is expected to be completed in 2-3 days and the poster should only take a day or so Budget The production of the ad campaign is expected to be very cost effective and should not require any more than £5 Resources  4-8 cans Irn-Bru  A desk/table  2 chairs  Camera equipment  1 small stack of paper  2 pens  2 mugs Brief Fulfilment How does your product fulfil the brief requirements
  • 43. Planning docs Idea Dramatic news (green screen) Video ideas - Beef between presenters then they drink irn bru and are 110% friendly - passive aggressive comments from one news presenter to another. Plot 2 male news presenters are sat at the desk discussing news. The say passive aggressive comments at each other until they are both angry, then the drink Irn Bru and are very nice to each other. At least 5-7 seconds at the end for Irn Bru still plus Tagline. Poster ideas - one person has/is drinking Irn Bru and is happy and calm. The other person hasn’t drunk it yet and is angry. - Bridget and Drew need some Irn Bru (poster line). -Take poster images in studio while/after filming. Game Ideas - A run through the studio as director Tagline/Jingle - Irn Bru’s the News. - Irn Bru; keeping friendships true. - Irn Bru, for me and you. - What a difference an Irn Bru makes. - Irn bru, you can’t do that on television. Group Info Roles- Two News presenters, two male. Jobs- Script writer: Rhys Camera operator: James Actors: Rhys and Patrick and Sam Lighting: Sam Responsibilities- looking after equipment, Respecting the studio and other people around. Leave studio as you found it. And personal responsibilities such as coming in on time, bringing props, hiring the equipment’s/rooms. Visual Planning Story Board-
  • 44. Planning docs. Shot list- 1st shot: Medium shot of news presenters wrapping up a news broadcast. 2nd shot: Close up of news presenter saying “Join us after the break, where we’ll discuss the philosophical meaning, of a potato” 3rd shot: Establishing shot of set from behind the scenes to break the fourth wall (it is now advert brake) they start giving each other passive aggressive comments and being mean/rude. 4th shot: Medium shot of the news presenters arguing 5th shot: Team’s reaction to verbal fight 6th shot: Director intervenes by giving each presenter an irn bru. 7th shot: Close up of each presenter taking a can. 8th shot: Presenters open their cans. 9th shot: They each take a swig. 10th shot: Shot from behind the set he news presenters are kind to each other while reporting the news. 11th shot: Medium shot of news presenters, in news style. 12th shot: Zooming out on a TV with presenters happily presenting the news, left of the TV is an Irn bru with Tagline below it. 5-7 seconds Concept/mood boards- Organisational planning Schedule- Resources required- Mug, Irn Bru, Papers and pens to make it look news presenter like, Formal wear (such as ties and shirts) Contingency plan- Call sheets-
  • 45. Planning docs, script. Script Draft 1 – (Scene opens as two newscasters are wrapping up.) NEWSCASTER 1: “(Cheerfully)…And there were no survivors.” NEWSCASTER 2: “Join us after the break, where we’ll discuss the philosophy, of a potato” (Both newscasters smile brightly.) DIRECTOR: “Aaaand cut to commercial.” (The camera angle switches as the main camera is turned off for break. Camera focuses on the newscasters, who are no longer smiling.) NEWSCASTER 1: “That was a great performance you gave today, for a second I almost believed you were a real Anchor.” NEWSCASTER 2: “Thank you. And I really admire how you have the confidence to wear women’s clothes to work.” NEWSCASTER 1: “(Laughs falsely) How’s your wife doing? Still married to a wrinkled old gremlin?” NEWSCASTER 2: “(Laughs falsely) How are the kids? Still stuck with a half-baked weather man as a father?”
  • 46. NEWSCASTER 1: “YOU-“ DIRECTOR: “-Lads, have an IRN-BRU.” (Director hands them both a can of IRN-BRU.” Newscaster’s drink. Scene smash cuts to halfway through next broadcast where newscasters are cheerfully doing the news.) NEWSCASTOR 1: “-And the firefighter was able to save the basket of puppies. What a stand-up guy huh? Like my partner here.” (Newscaster motions to the other newscaster. Who smiles.) NEWSCASTER 2: “Well I’m sure he was just following your example.” (Newscasters laugh as camera pans out to show Television screen on table with a can of IRN-BRU next to it. Slogan reads FIGHT! BRU! LOVE!. Advert ends.)
  • 47. Planning docs, advergame. Advergame. My Advergame will feature the director of an Irn-Bru advert (The player character) rushing through a TV studio, collecting Irn-Bru to give to his fighting presenters. The more Irn bru he collects and the faster he makes it to the presenters, the more pacified they will be. The game will be a time trial platformer. The enemies will be sentient film equipment, like boom mics, cameras etc etc The director will only be able to fight the enemies by drinking Irn-Bru to make him strong, but this will decrease the amount of IRN BRU he can give to the news presenters, which means players will have to be careful with their supply. The game will be on a time trial. Depending on the difficulty, the trial will be shorter or longer.
  • 49. Potential font choices Arial rounded MT bold Blackoak STD Broadway Cooper Std Black Forte LCD5x8H Poplar Std Impact Rockwell Extra Bold Showcard Gothic Wide Latin
  • 50. Planning Docs (Advergame): Basic outline of Advergame. Director Dash!!! – Players control the Director of the Irn-Bru advert. Who has to race through the studio to get the Irn-Bru to the fighting presenters, before the commercial break ends. Game plays like a platformer/racing game on a time trial. Director must jump and slide under obstacles. Such as boom mics and camera gear to avoid getting knocked out. He must also get to the presenters before the time runs out. High scores (fastest times will be listed on a scoreboard, possibly in the background. Visuals will be cartoony and basic, with bright colours to keep players interested. The visual style will be similar the the already existing Irn-Bru games, see below.
  • 51. Planning Docs (Print Advert): First draft of print advert
  • 53. Finished Stuff: Finished pieces to be displayed on your blog.