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History of oil and gas production from shale
in pictures and charts
Why American shale is heading for a crash and
fracking in the UK is doomed to costly failure
Jeremy Leggett
Updated 16th October 2018
The slides are from the Future Today chronology
of selected developments in climate, energy, tech
and the future of civilization:
The powerpoint version of this summary includes source urls
as notes, and is available free for any use in this folder:
I know something about this subject not just because of my fear of climate
change and passion for the energy transition, but from the research work
I did for more than a decade in my first career….
A paper in the Journal of The Geological Society
analyses widespread shale rocks in the UK
7th Jan
I researched shale and related rocks while on the faculty at Imperial
College (1978 – 1989), funded among others by BP and Shell.
At first pass, the reversal of US gas and oil production
after fracking of shale began in earnest around 2007-8
looks like a modern industrial miracle
7th Jan
Fracking of shale from c. 2006 pushes US gas
production steeply up after 5 years of decline
Source: EIA Annual Energy Outlook 2016
US dry natural gas production by resource type
1940: 6 in 7 barrels used by Allies
in WW2 come from the US
1950: Car use and oil imports soar
Nov 1970
Alaska comes
in shale
2014 Price
7th Jan
31st Jan
Fracking of shale from 2008 pushes US oil
production above 10 mbd: heights last seen in 1970
7th Jan
This “game changer” for oil & gas triggers euphoria,
including in the political, media and analyst worlds
Tar sands
US shale oil
Conventional crude oil
Global crude oil production 2005–2014
2005 2007 2009 2011 2013
US shale is propping up global crude oil production,
and has derailed / deferred fears of a supply peak
7th Jan
But meanwhile there are some inconvenient truths
concerning the economics
The US shale oil and gas business hasn’t funded
itself at any oil price in any year since the beginning
7th Jan
27th Dec
Even at $100 oil prices in 2012 and 2013, the 33 companies spent more
money producing shale energy than they made from operations.
33 shale-weighted E&P companies in the 4 main shale oil plays:
Free cash flow
Source: Bloomberg
Even at the relatively high oil prices of 2017 fracked
shale oil is a marginally profitable business at best
7th Jan
3rd Mar
Capex v cash from operations based on 10K full 2017 filings
Accounts of the main US exploration & production
companies show 73% of them are losing money
7th Jan
3rd Mar
Capex v cash from operations based on 10K full 2017 filings
7th Jan
13th Feb
A summary of the finances of fracked gas in the USA
since the dawn of the shale gas boom
Prof David Smythe for TEDx: income has been half costs plus borrowing
…and rapid production declines won’t allow bonds to be repaid.
Unconventional well finances 2007 – 2016 inclusive
Historic income (gas sales) 1
Drilling / completion cost 2
Royalties, leases, interest etc 3
Issuance of debt – junk bonds 4
$ billion
7th Jan
6th Feb
The US shale boom has been “a Ponzi scheme since
day one”, doomed to collapse as fast as it has grown
So argues @SRSroccoReport, based on the buildup of debt as evidenced
in data collated e.g. by the Financial Times as above.
And even if somehow the majority of companies
fracking shale could find their way to profitability
they would face another problem of economics
coming fast at them down the tracks….
7th Jan
12th Feb
“A Powerful Mix of Solar and Batteries Is Beating
Natural Gas”
e.g. Arizona PS Co. opts for a solar-battery project cheaper than gas.
California PURC requires PG&E to use batteries over gas.
The Way Humans Get Electricity Is About To Change Forever
Case for coal and gas plants is “crumbling” as wind,
solar and battery costs plunge
7th Jan
28th Mar
Bloomberg New Energy Finance says its latest conclusions
have “chilling” implications for fossil generators.
• Global LCOE falls 18% YOY for
both onshore wind and PV in
first six months of 2018
…to $55/MWh and $70MWh
• Offshore wind down 5% to
• 79% fall in lithium-ion battery
costs since 2010
There have been clear warnings about the debt mountain
from early on in the shale story, and all the way through it
….in this respect the shale debt bubble is unlike the
mortgage-backed securities debt bubble that built up
before the credit crunch of 2007 and financial crisis of 2008
(In some of the pictures and charts that follow,
the oil price of the day [Brent crude] is in yellow)
1 mile
© Hughes GSR Inc, 2014 (data from Drillinginfo, February, 2014)
“Is the U.S. Shale Boom Going Bust?”
(…even at $100 oil)
22nd Apr
Another Bloomberg report, on 30th April, digs further. Its headline:
“Shale Drillers Feast on Junk Debt to Stay on Treadmill.”
“The Shale Industry Could Be Swallowed
By Its Own Debt”
17th Jun
“Drillers’ debt ballooned to $235 billion at the end of the first quarter, a
16 percent increase in the past year, even as revenue shrank.”
“Oil price plunge sparks bankruptcy concerns”
11th Jan
Long-term debt for 134 public oil exploration and production companies
in the US and Canada. 2015 figure is through December 17th.
Both trains and drillers are
increasingly getting burned
in the shale boom
“BHP writes down US shale assets by $7.2bn”
15th Jan
7th Jan
29th Jun
After $13bn of writedowns, BHP chairman says
$20bn US shale investment in 2011 was “a mistake”
Jacques Nasser: “If we knew (in 2011) what we knew today,
we wouldn't do it, of course we wouldn't do it.”
“It will take more than an oil price rally
to restart the US shale boom”
10th Feb
"It’s not really like just turning on
the light switch."
Bill Thomas, chief executive
EOG Resources
Reasons include cannibalization and degradation of idled equipment,
workers relocating to growth sectors such as solar.
“Oil industry faces huge worker shortage”7th Jan
8th July
The average age of the oil
industry worker is 49
c. 350,000 workers laid off industry-wide, c. 60% of fracking workforce
laid off, c. 70% fracking equipment idled, >70 companies bankrupt
The industry is innovating its costs down constantly:
global average oil breakeven cost is now at $51
7th Jan
13th July
This is down $19 since 2014, and shale costs are among the lowest. But
it is not enough to reverse the buildup of the debt mountain.
“Energy companies buy time by paying debt
interest with more debt”
7th Jan
25th July
W&T Offshore, for example: they are offering bondholders 45% of
equity plus more debt notes deferring cash payments due.
7th Jan
25th July
7th Jan
24th Oct
“Bankruptcy bust: How zombie companies are killing
the oil rally”
c.70 bankrupt companies are producing fully 1.1 mbd, restricting the oil
price rise that can offer at least some hope of profitability.
7th Jan
1st June
Michael Bloomberg: US cities, states and businesses
will still meet Paris targets
“The Global Oil & Gas Industry Is Cannibalizing Itself
To Stay Alive”
75% of operating
cash flow just to
pay interest
The Debt Wall
Amount of bonds below investment grade that the US
energy companies need to pay back each year
Oil and gas extraction has been the least profitable
US industry over the last year
7th Jan
24th Sep
Negative net profit averaging almost 7% over the 12 months to end July.
“Has the US shale drilling revolution peaked?”
7th Jan
18th Oct
Rather inconvenient if so, because production must be maintained for a
long time, at high oil prices, in order to service / reduce the debt wall.
Shale gas represents 64% of US dry gas production:
the US economy can ill afford any kind of collapse
7th Jan
2nd Mar
Much depends on the Marcellus Shale (mostly in Pennsylvania), which
provides 38% of shale gas production and 24% of US gas production.
“Wary shale investors warn against drilling
at all costs”
7th Jan
1st Apr
Says one: “If you outspend cash flow on stupid investments & destroy
capital, I’m not just going to be mad at you, I’m going to punish you…”
7th Jan
29th Apr
“More Rigs Don't Mean More U.S. Gas …producers
are running hard to stand still.”
Rigs double since August…
…and production drops
Fast shale-well depletion means “the oil and gas
infrastructure bubble is over”: John Dizard in the FT
7th Jan
13th Apr
Investors’ dilemma: “No matter how many years’ service the pipes and
plants could provide, there will not be the production to fill them.”
“Shale Industry Drills More Debt Than Profit”:
DeSmogBlog launches series on $280 bn debt pile
7th Jan
18th Apr
“The American oil and gas boom spurred by fracking innovations may be
one of the largest money-losing endeavors in the nation's history.”
e.g. EOG Resources: $1.1 bn loss in 2016. Would have lost $0.7 bn in
2017 but for GOP tax handout of $2.2 bn. It is still $6bn in debt.
US fracking companies tipped from yet more debt
to profit by Trump tax law change at end of 2016
7th Jan
26th Apr
“The US shale industry has been a money pit”: FT. Chart shows free cash
flow per barrel produced for a sample of leading companies.
As the oil price rises, some US shale drillers finally
just about recoup the cost of their drilling
7th Jan
22nd Apr
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Source: FT
Unprofitability of fracking means the industry must keep borrowing new
debt to pay back existing debt: “…the very definition of a Ponzi Scheme.”
“How Lousy Shale Economics Will Pull Down The
U.S. Economy”: SRSrocco Report
7th Jan
18th May
Future Today
• Plotting production decline by year
of first flow shows just how fast the
decline rates are
• This plot is of the Permian, the
biggest oil basin, showing e.g. 60%
decline in 2 years from beginning
2016 to end 2017 (red circles)
• Replacing that decline requires
taking on another massive
increment of debt to bankroll new
million barrels / day
To keep production ahead of such decline, most companies are piling on
debt even at current oil prices. Cash flow in top 10 Q1 2018: - $455 m.
7th Jan
25th July
Decline rate in the top US shale oilfields has steadily
increased to half a million barrels per day now
“The U.S. Shale Industry is in serious trouble. Most of the shale fields
have reached a peak …I forecast a rapid disintegration of the industry.”
7th Jan
16th Aug
“Big Trouble Brewing At The Bakken: Rapid Rise In
Water Production Signals Red Flag Warning”
“The Next Financial Crisis Lurks Underground”
…in shale
7th Jan
1st Sep
Bethany McLean, author of famous book on Enron's collapse:
“the Federal Reserve is responsible for the fracking boom.”
As though this state of play were not bad enough,
some shale players have demonstrably inflated
share prices fraudulently. If this tendency proves
to be as widespread as some fear, the shale-debt
crisis could end up worse than summarized here
2nd Mar
2nd Mar
1st Mar
xEx Chesapeake boss indicted for conspiracy
Anti-trust investigations of other drillers ongoing
2nd Mar
2nd Mar
2nd Mar
Ex Chesapeake boss dies in fiery car crash
2nd Mar
2nd Mar
4th Mar
x“McClendon's Actions Aren't Uncommon
Across U.S. Shale Patch”
7th Jan
15th June
“Why Billions in Proven Shale Oil Reserves
Suddenly Became Unproven”
2016 deletions: = 9.2 bn barrels across 59 U.S. oil and gas companies -
more than 20 % of their inventories. The SEC is investigating.
The track record of resource exaggeration
is not encouraging
EIA revises down its estimate of oil recoverable in
the Monterrey Shale of California by, ahem, 96%
7th Jan
21st May
Monterrey lauded in 2011 as a 13 bn barrel resource: 66% of US shale
oil supply. Rather more media coverage of that story than this one.
7th Jan
5th Feb
EIA 2017 shale oil projection “highly to extremely
optimistic, and are very unlikely to be realized”: PCI
$ hundreds of billions in
debt to do this much
$7.7 trillion needed to drill 1.29 million wells
in EIA’s projected production
As the debts have built up, so have
environmental problems
An increasing flow of worrying environmental
reports on water, waste, frack fluids, & emissions
7th Jan
City where the shale industry began - Denton, Texas
- votes to ban fracking on environmental concerns
7th Jan
5th Nov
Response: Texas Legislature bans fracking bans
7th Jan
16th Jun
Long awaited EPA study concludes that fracking
does contaminate US drinking water
7th Jan
5th June
Both the oil and gas industry and the Environmental Protection Agency
had insisted that it did not until this report.
7th Jan
1st Aug
“As the oil patch demands more water, West Texas
fights over a scarce resource”
Water companies are mining aquifers
Farmers and others are preparing to sue
So a Duke University study finds. Total produced water is “more on a per
day basis than Niagara Falls has going over it in an hour,” says a lawyer.
7th Jan
15th Aug
Fracking wastewater volume rose 1,440% in 5 years,
water use 770%, adding to tension in dry regions
Current wells use 10 to 30 million gallons. A million more wells are
planned in the next 20 years. That means trillions of gallons!
7th Jan
16th Aug
Cornell Professor Anthony Ingraffea explains why
frackers’ plans threaten America’s water supply
Exposure to intense shale gas operations correlates
with higher risk of asthma attacks, researchers find
7th Jan
18th July
Study began in 2012 on medical records of >400,000 residents. Finds
increase in severity of asthma in those exposed to most active wells.
7th Jan
27th Jan
So much gas is being flared from US shale fracking
for oil that it can easily be seen from space
Bakken Shale
Minnesota St Paul
Enough gas wasted to power all the homes
in Chicago and Washington DC combined
7th Jan
18th July
If the the gas burnt globally in flares were captured and used for power
generation, it could supply 90% of Africa’s electricity consumption.
Global gas flaring dropped slightly in 2017, but
rose 7% in the US because of fracked shale oil
“Trump Administration Wants to Make It Easier to
Release Methane Into Air”
7th Jan
10th Sep
Oil & gas lobbyist group the Western Energy Alliance “praised the Trump
administration for turning the oil companies’ requests into policy.”
A new first for the US shale gas industry: some of its
product is being sold with ‘responsible’ branding
7th Jan
9th Sep
Utility New Jersey Resources is to buy gas produced ‘responsibly’ from
Southwestern Energy wells in W Virginia, at an undisclosed premium.
The core oil and gas climate argument is that burning
gas is less bad for global warming than burning coal
on leakage
7th Jan
28th Jun
The Paris climate emissions budget is tiny, meaning
all existing gas reserves cannot be safely burned
by 2040
As set out by Christiana Figueres + long list of climate experts. “3 years
to safeguard our climate.” And if methane leakage is significant ….
“Future of natural gas hinges on staunching
methane leaks”
7th Jan
11th July
EPA data collection programme underway on 10s of 1000s of oil and
gas operations. Some drillers have committed to <1% emissions.
Methane leaks from the US oil & gas industry c.60%
higher than government estimates: new study
7th Jan
21st Jun
9-basin estimate incorporating aerial data suggests 2.3% leakage well-
to-power plant. EPA suggested 1.4%. 2.7% makes gas worse than coal.
“The data confirm that we can and must
do more on methane.”
2nd Mar
2nd Mar
29th Feb
xEPA Chief: Methane emissions from oil and gas
“substantially higher than we thought”
2nd Mar
2nd Mar
11th Mar
xUS and Canada to cut methane emissions from
oil and gas industry by 40-45%
2nd Mar
2nd Mar
11th Mar
xAPI says it will take legal action because emissions
cuts will “threaten the shale revolution”
Jack Gerard
7th Jan
28th Apr
The U.S. oil and gas boom is having global
atmospheric consequences, NOAA reports
Fully 2% of rising global ethane concentrations (which can only
come from fossil fuels) are from the Bakken Shale.
7th Jan
16th Aug
In US methane hot spot, researchers pinpoint
sources of 250 leaks using airborne sensors
c. 600,000 metric tons. Major coal bed methane production region.
More than 50% emissions from 10% of leaks.
NASA-led team shows oil & gas industry responsible
for largest share of recent rising methane emissions
7th Jan
20th Dec
New measurements reconciling isotopic data suggest fossil fuels
contributed 12–19 Tg CH4 per year of c. 25 Tg CH4 per year since 2006.
Methane leakage at 1,000 gas production sites in 8
US shale basins is more than double EPA’s results
7th Jan
26th Sep
So a Carnegie Mellon University team finds. Total production leakage
varies by basin from 0.9% to >4.5% ….worse than coal.
Top 50% of sites
= 50% of emissions
As much as 5% of gas produced in Argentina’s Vaca
Muerta shale drilling is leaking to the atmosphere
7th Jan
24th Sep
So investigator Jorge Talliant finds. “There is a history of abuse as no one
is controlling the sector ….there is no credible environmental authority.”
The oil industry is betting its survival on gas,
with US shale as a centerpiece
The O&G industry is trying to rebrand itself as a
clean energy industry based on natural gas vs coal
7th Jan
9th Jun
World gas conference, 2015
Oil and Gas Climate Initiative: 10 CEOs …majoring on
oil companies morphing to gas companies
7th Jan
16th Oct
7th Jan
16th Aug
“Shell takes $14bn gas gamble with world’s biggest
floating structure”
Floating Liquified Natural Gas vessel Prelude
Length 488 metres
7th Jan
20th June
Shell puts revamped shale arm
at heart of future growth strategy
7th Jan
7th Jan
Growth of Shell’s oil and gas operations in the next
decade will depend on shale production: CEO
With “a little bit of help from the oil price going up, we now see that we
can significantly accelerate investment into this opportunity.”
Shell to bet billions on US shale by bidding for
retreating loss maker BHP's shale division
7th Jan
8th Mar
The Charge of The Light Brigade
A $10 billion offer, jointly with US private equity group Blackstone.
7th Jan
1st Aug
2013 Shell writes off $2 billion in shale
The idea of a shale revolution spreading from the US across the world
is “a little bit overhyped,” says CEO Peter Voser.
7th Jan
3rd Oct
“Big oil should exercise capital discipline as prices
rise” …& appoint a Head of Memory
So says Paul Spedding, ex Global Co-Head of Oil And Gas Research
at HSBC, now an advisor to Carbon Tracker
Beating Shell and Chevron to the 4.5 billion barrels of oil-equivalent
resources, BP CEO Bob Dudley calls it a “transformational acquisition.”
7th Jan
26th July
BP heads into US shale oil and gas by buying BHP's
assets - up for sale nearly a year - for $10.5bn
7th Jan
12th Feb
“Oil and gas discoveries dry up to lowest total
for 60 years”
174 discoveries totaling only 8.2 bb oil and gas equivalent in 2016. This
dismal record pressures oil majors to seek quick wins in US shale.
7th Jan
31st Oct
Gas firms spend €104m on lobbying in 2016
to keep Europe hooked on fossil fuel
30x more than groups lobbying for a fossil-fuel-free future.
460 meetings with just two relevant EU Commissioners in 2.5 years.
With one exception, it looks as though
the rest of the world fears the downsides of shale
enough not try and copy the Americans
7th Jan
2nd June
2016 Scottish parliament bans fracking
7th Jan
24th June
2016 Germany bans fracking
7th Jan
30th Aug
Victoria becomes first Australian state to
permanently ban fracking and coal seam gas
“It is clear that the Victorian community has spoken. They simply don’t
support fracking”: State government spokesperson
France bans fracking and oil extraction
in all of its territories
7th Jan
20th Dec
• President Macron says
he wants to lead the
world in race for
• Lawmakers hope the ban
will be “contagious”
New Zealand bans future offshore oil and gas
drilling in support of Paris targets
7th Jan
12th Apr
NZ currently has 5 operating offshore fields, and 22 active offshore
exploration licences. Oil lobby expresses surprise and disappointment.
7th Jan
9th Nov
Monterey county, a significant drilling target, votes
to ban fracking despite oil industry lobbying blitz
The exception is England, a country with a
government seemingly intent on allowing
the fracking of shale at any cost
7th Jan
US shale drillers hit hurdles going international
UK backs gas including domestic shale
“Vast areas” of southern England “discovered”
to hold “billions of barrels” of oil in shale
7th Jan
23rd May
A single pre-frack exploration well drilled by
Caudrilla at Balcombe in Sussex faces huge protests
7th Jan
UK Secretary of State for Energy and Climate:
“Our country needs shale gas, so let’s go get it”
7th Jan
9th Aug
Amber Rudd: “A responsible, long-term energy policy demands a
willingness to take decisions today for the good of tomorrow.”
“Britain's shale fracking revolution comes
with big risks”
7th Jan
18th Aug
Andrew Critchlow: “Get it wrong and fracking in Britain…will become
too politically toxic for any future government to consider. “
There would be rather a lot of these
on English country lanes, carrying water,
sand, and toxic frack fluids in to well pads,
and waste fluid plus (maybe) oil and gas out
Fracking gets go-ahead in UK for first time since
2011, despite 4,000 objections to planning enquiry
7th Jan
23rd May
FT Lex: “The cult following still believes that fracking in the UK could be
profitable. Investors should allow market forces to finally kill it off.”
7th Jan
8th Aug
UK shale: “All households near fracking sites
set to get money paid straight into banks”
7th Jan
27th Oct
Latest UK poll suggests only 17% support fracking
(while 79% support renewables)
These companies are joined by the Conservative government in running
the gauntlet of such huge public opposition, which must be multi-party.
7th Jan
13th Feb
UK government accused of dishonesty
in regulation of fracking by eminent geophysicist
Prof David Smythe: risk in fault leakage covered up, & definitions of
“conventional” & water volume bent to misclassify fracked wells.
Ineos shale drilling application rejected: that makes
7 out of 8 shale drilling plans rejected in 2018
7th Jan
8th Mar
It now takes on average 58 weeks to (maybe) get a planning decision
on the drilling of a vertical well, up from 13 weeks 5 years ago.
UK's first horizontal well completed
in Lancashire shale, Caudrilla reports
7th Jan
3rd Apr
The driller now waits for government approval to conduct what would
be the first frack since 2011. (The one that led to an earthquake).
7th Jan
19th July
…and no payments for solar electricity exports – a huge blow to the
homeowner and community solar that competes with shale gas.
HMG proposes, on the same day, no need for
frackers to seek planning permission henceforth….
Cuadrilla given the go-ahead to start fracking in
Lancashire by energy minister
7th Jan
24th July
Claire Perry: “Our world-class regulations will ensure that shale
exploration will maintain robust environmental standards and meet the
expectations of local communities.”
be derided
Letter to O&G companies: major hydrocarbon releases “remain a
concern because of their greater potential to lead to fires, explosions
and multiple losses of life. There have been several such releases in
recent years that have come perilously close to disaster.”
Offshore UK OGI “perilously close to disasters” as a
result of neglected gas leakage, HSE warns
7th Jan
26th Apr
The Air Quality Expert Group (AQEG) report is eventually quietly
published 3 days after Caudrilla gets clearance to frack in Lancashire.
7th Jan
2nd Aug
Report finding that fracking increases air pollution
buried for 3 years by UK government
40,000 premature deaths a year linked to air pollution
HMG has just decided its OK for that figure to be higher
University of London cardiologists find exposure to nitrogen dioxide and
PM2.5 and PM10 particles linked to an increase in the size of ventricles.
7th Jan
3rd Aug
Air pollution linked to changes in structure of the
heart of the sort seen in early stages of heart failure
The latest survey had only 16% in support. The first fracking for seven
years is due to start in a few weeks. HMG says the Q will be back in 2019.
7th Jan
16th Aug
UK government drops the question about fracking
from their regular public-attitude survey on energy
UK local government pension funds invest £9bn in
fracking companies ….including Lancashire County
7th Jan
2nd Sep
Dumfries and Galloway Council: “non-financial factors should not drive
the investment process at the cost of financial return.”
Emma Thompson on
a UK fracking protest
UK government blocks oil drilling at Surrey Hills site,
citing impact on woodland and water
7th Jan
4th Sep
DEFRA: “The nation’s woods and forests are cherished natural assets
and we want to ensure they are protected now and into the future.”
Two directors quit UK fracking firm as Tory MPs tell
of a rebellion in their ranks on planning for fracking
7th Jan
18th Sep
Third Energy is / was due to frack in Yorkshire, subject to government
checks on its financial health. Meanwhile around 20 Tory MPs plan to
vote against fast-tracking planning for fracking, according to reports.
And there is no reason to expect the
economics of shale drilling in the UK
to be any less disastrous than in the US
In fact, drilling costs should be higher in the
UK, because we have “world class regulations”
and the Americans have virtually none
under a Trump EPA
Subsidy-free renewable energy projects set to soar
in UK, analysts say, largely killing off new gas plants
7th Jan
20th Mar
Aurora Energy Research: Onshore wind and solar both viable without
subsidies by 2025, unlocking £20bn of investment by 2030.
Solarcentury roof for Sainsbury
Offshore wind will provide most of the growth from 2017 to 2025, WWF
suggest, but HMG could & should also use onshore wind and solar.
UK on track to phase-out coal by 2025 without the
need for any new large gas plants: WWF report
7th Jan
13th May
Masayoshi Son, Softbank founder and CEO
But nonetheless…..
7th Jan
14th Oct
Fracking allowed once again in UK after 7 year
abeyance following failure of last minute injunction
Claire Perry,
Energy Minister:
who oppose
fracking are
peddling “wild
Some conclusions
In the USA, the sadly numerous
real-life oil-train wrecks are an
allegory for the entire shale
story: the debt mountain
means this train is going
to come off the tracks
It’s impossible
to foresee when
…but unlikely to
be more than
a few years
In the UK, the train is most
unlikely to make it properly on to
the tracks: polls, disruption, and
mad economics suggest that too
many conservative rural voters
will be prepared to fight very
hard indeed to stop it happening
In the UK, the train is most
unlikely to make it properly
onto the tracks: too many rural
Conservative voters will be
prepared to die in a ditch to
stop it happening
The energy-policy, economic,
environmental and societal
implications of these conclusions
will be examined further in
forthcoming blog-slideshows on
the Future Today website:

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Similar to History of oil and gas production from shale in pictures and charts: Why American shale is heading for a crash and fracking in the UK is doomed to costly failure. 16th October 2018 update

Why the UK government finally gave up on fracking shale for oil and gas. And ...
Why the UK government finally gave up on fracking shale for oil and gas. And ...Why the UK government finally gave up on fracking shale for oil and gas. And ...
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Jeremy Leggett
A chronology in pictures and charts of selected developments in climate, ener...
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Jeremy Leggett
2018 Q1: An eclectic chronology in pictures and charts of developments in cl...
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Jeremy Leggett
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Similar to History of oil and gas production from shale in pictures and charts: Why American shale is heading for a crash and fracking in the UK is doomed to costly failure. 16th October 2018 update (20)

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History of oil and gas production from shale in pictures and charts: Why American shale is heading for a crash and fracking in the UK is doomed to costly failure. 16th October 2018 update

  • 1. History of oil and gas production from shale in pictures and charts Why American shale is heading for a crash and fracking in the UK is doomed to costly failure Jeremy Leggett Updated 16th October 2018
  • 2. Preface The slides are from the Future Today chronology of selected developments in climate, energy, tech and the future of civilization: The powerpoint version of this summary includes source urls as notes, and is available free for any use in this folder: I know something about this subject not just because of my fear of climate change and passion for the energy transition, but from the research work I did for more than a decade in my first career….
  • 3. A paper in the Journal of The Geological Society analyses widespread shale rocks in the UK 7th Jan 2016 Apr 1980 I researched shale and related rocks while on the faculty at Imperial College (1978 – 1989), funded among others by BP and Shell.
  • 4. At first pass, the reversal of US gas and oil production after fracking of shale began in earnest around 2007-8 looks like a modern industrial miracle
  • 5. 7th Jan 2016 2015 Fracking of shale from c. 2006 pushes US gas production steeply up after 5 years of decline Trillioncubicfeet Source: EIA Annual Energy Outlook 2016 US dry natural gas production by resource type
  • 6. 1940: 6 in 7 barrels used by Allies in WW2 come from the US 1950: Car use and oil imports soar Nov 1970 Peak 1977 Alaska comes onstream 2008: Fracking in shale 2014 Price collapse …recovery 7th Jan 2016 31st Jan 2018 Fracking of shale from 2008 pushes US oil production above 10 mbd: heights last seen in 1970 millionbarrelsperday
  • 7. 7th Jan 2016 2011 This “game changer” for oil & gas triggers euphoria, including in the political, media and analyst worlds
  • 8. Tar sands US shale oil Conventional crude oil Global crude oil production 2005–2014 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 80,000 68,000 70,000 72,000 74,000 76,000 78,000 66,000 64,000 62,000 60,000 Thousandbarrelsperday Source:IEA US shale is propping up global crude oil production, and has derailed / deferred fears of a supply peak 7th Jan 20162014
  • 9. But meanwhile there are some inconvenient truths concerning the economics
  • 10. The US shale oil and gas business hasn’t funded itself at any oil price in any year since the beginning 7th Jan 2016 27th Dec 2017 Even at $100 oil prices in 2012 and 2013, the 33 companies spent more money producing shale energy than they made from operations. 33 shale-weighted E&P companies in the 4 main shale oil plays: Free cash flow Source: Bloomberg
  • 11. Even at the relatively high oil prices of 2017 fracked shale oil is a marginally profitable business at best 7th Jan 2016 3rd Mar 2018 Capex v cash from operations based on 10K full 2017 filings
  • 12. Accounts of the main US exploration & production companies show 73% of them are losing money 7th Jan 2016 3rd Mar 2018 Capex v cash from operations based on 10K full 2017 filings
  • 13. 7th Jan 2016 13th Feb 2018 A summary of the finances of fracked gas in the USA since the dawn of the shale gas boom Prof David Smythe for TEDx: income has been half costs plus borrowing …and rapid production declines won’t allow bonds to be repaid. Unconventional well finances 2007 – 2016 inclusive 350 70 227 647 Historic income (gas sales) 1 Drilling / completion cost 2 Royalties, leases, interest etc 3 Issuance of debt – junk bonds 4 324 $ billion
  • 14. 7th Jan 2016 6th Feb 2018 The US shale boom has been “a Ponzi scheme since day one”, doomed to collapse as fast as it has grown So argues @SRSroccoReport, based on the buildup of debt as evidenced in data collated e.g. by the Financial Times as above.
  • 15. And even if somehow the majority of companies fracking shale could find their way to profitability they would face another problem of economics coming fast at them down the tracks….
  • 16. 7th Jan 2016 12th Feb 2018 “A Powerful Mix of Solar and Batteries Is Beating Natural Gas” e.g. Arizona PS Co. opts for a solar-battery project cheaper than gas. California PURC requires PG&E to use batteries over gas. The Way Humans Get Electricity Is About To Change Forever
  • 17. Case for coal and gas plants is “crumbling” as wind, solar and battery costs plunge 7th Jan 2016 28th Mar 2018 Bloomberg New Energy Finance says its latest conclusions have “chilling” implications for fossil generators. • Global LCOE falls 18% YOY for both onshore wind and PV in first six months of 2018 …to $55/MWh and $70MWh respectively • Offshore wind down 5% to $118/MWh • 79% fall in lithium-ion battery costs since 2010
  • 18. There have been clear warnings about the debt mountain from early on in the shale story, and all the way through it ….in this respect the shale debt bubble is unlike the mortgage-backed securities debt bubble that built up before the credit crunch of 2007 and financial crisis of 2008 (In some of the pictures and charts that follow, the oil price of the day [Brent crude] is in yellow)
  • 19. 1 mile © Hughes GSR Inc, 2014 (data from Drillinginfo, February, 2014) “Is the U.S. Shale Boom Going Bust?” (…even at $100 oil) 22nd Apr 2014 $108 Another Bloomberg report, on 30th April, digs further. Its headline: “Shale Drillers Feast on Junk Debt to Stay on Treadmill.”
  • 20. “The Shale Industry Could Be Swallowed By Its Own Debt” 17th Jun 2015 $60 “Drillers’ debt ballooned to $235 billion at the end of the first quarter, a 16 percent increase in the past year, even as revenue shrank.”
  • 21. “Oil price plunge sparks bankruptcy concerns” 11th Jan 2016 $29 Long-term debt for 134 public oil exploration and production companies in the US and Canada. 2015 figure is through December 17th.
  • 22. Both trains and drillers are increasingly getting burned in the shale boom “BHP writes down US shale assets by $7.2bn” 15th Jan 2016 $28
  • 23. 7th Jan 2016 29th Jun 2017 After $13bn of writedowns, BHP chairman says $20bn US shale investment in 2011 was “a mistake” Jacques Nasser: “If we knew (in 2011) what we knew today, we wouldn't do it, of course we wouldn't do it.”
  • 24. “It will take more than an oil price rally to restart the US shale boom” 10th Feb 2016 $30 "It’s not really like just turning on the light switch." Bill Thomas, chief executive EOG Resources Reasons include cannibalization and degradation of idled equipment, workers relocating to growth sectors such as solar.
  • 25. “Oil industry faces huge worker shortage”7th Jan 2016 8th July 2016 $44 The average age of the oil industry worker is 49 c. 350,000 workers laid off industry-wide, c. 60% of fracking workforce laid off, c. 70% fracking equipment idled, >70 companies bankrupt
  • 26. The industry is innovating its costs down constantly: global average oil breakeven cost is now at $51 7th Jan 2016 13th July 2016 $44 This is down $19 since 2014, and shale costs are among the lowest. But it is not enough to reverse the buildup of the debt mountain.
  • 27. “Energy companies buy time by paying debt interest with more debt” 7th Jan 2016 25th July 2016 W&T Offshore, for example: they are offering bondholders 45% of equity plus more debt notes deferring cash payments due. 7th Jan 2016 25th July 2016 $43
  • 28. 7th Jan 2016 24th Oct 2016 $49 “Bankruptcy bust: How zombie companies are killing the oil rally” c.70 bankrupt companies are producing fully 1.1 mbd, restricting the oil price rise that can offer at least some hope of profitability.
  • 29. 7th Jan 2016 1st June 2017 $50 Michael Bloomberg: US cities, states and businesses will still meet Paris targets “The Global Oil & Gas Industry Is Cannibalizing Itself To Stay Alive” 75% of operating cash flow just to pay interest The Debt Wall Amount of bonds below investment grade that the US energy companies need to pay back each year
  • 30. Oil and gas extraction has been the least profitable US industry over the last year 7th Jan 2016 24th Sep 2017 $58 Negative net profit averaging almost 7% over the 12 months to end July.
  • 31. “Has the US shale drilling revolution peaked?” 7th Jan 2016 18th Oct 2017 $58 Rather inconvenient if so, because production must be maintained for a long time, at high oil prices, in order to service / reduce the debt wall.
  • 32. Shale gas represents 64% of US dry gas production: the US economy can ill afford any kind of collapse 7th Jan 2016 2nd Mar 2018 $64 Much depends on the Marcellus Shale (mostly in Pennsylvania), which provides 38% of shale gas production and 24% of US gas production.
  • 33. “Wary shale investors warn against drilling at all costs” 7th Jan 2016 1st Apr 2018 $69 Says one: “If you outspend cash flow on stupid investments & destroy capital, I’m not just going to be mad at you, I’m going to punish you…”
  • 34. 7th Jan 2016 29th Apr 2017 $75 “More Rigs Don't Mean More U.S. Gas …producers are running hard to stand still.” Rigs double since August… …and production drops
  • 35. Fast shale-well depletion means “the oil and gas infrastructure bubble is over”: John Dizard in the FT 7th Jan 2016 13th Apr 2018 Investors’ dilemma: “No matter how many years’ service the pipes and plants could provide, there will not be the production to fill them.”
  • 36. “Shale Industry Drills More Debt Than Profit”: DeSmogBlog launches series on $280 bn debt pile 7th Jan 2016 18th Apr 2018 “The American oil and gas boom spurred by fracking innovations may be one of the largest money-losing endeavors in the nation's history.”
  • 37. e.g. EOG Resources: $1.1 bn loss in 2016. Would have lost $0.7 bn in 2017 but for GOP tax handout of $2.2 bn. It is still $6bn in debt. US fracking companies tipped from yet more debt to profit by Trump tax law change at end of 2016 7th Jan 2016 26th Apr 2018
  • 38. “The US shale industry has been a money pit”: FT. Chart shows free cash flow per barrel produced for a sample of leading companies. As the oil price rises, some US shale drillers finally just about recoup the cost of their drilling 7th Jan 2016 22nd Apr 2018 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Source: FT $2 0 -2 -4 -6
  • 39. Unprofitability of fracking means the industry must keep borrowing new debt to pay back existing debt: “…the very definition of a Ponzi Scheme.” “How Lousy Shale Economics Will Pull Down The U.S. Economy”: SRSrocco Report 7th Jan 2016 18th May 2018 $78 Future Today 2015 2016 2017 • Plotting production decline by year of first flow shows just how fast the decline rates are • This plot is of the Permian, the biggest oil basin, showing e.g. 60% decline in 2 years from beginning 2016 to end 2017 (red circles) • Replacing that decline requires taking on another massive increment of debt to bankroll new production 1 2 million barrels / day 1.5 0.5
  • 40. To keep production ahead of such decline, most companies are piling on debt even at current oil prices. Cash flow in top 10 Q1 2018: - $455 m. 7th Jan 2016 25th July 2018 $73 Decline rate in the top US shale oilfields has steadily increased to half a million barrels per day now
  • 41. “The U.S. Shale Industry is in serious trouble. Most of the shale fields have reached a peak …I forecast a rapid disintegration of the industry.” 7th Jan 2016 16th Aug 2018 “Big Trouble Brewing At The Bakken: Rapid Rise In Water Production Signals Red Flag Warning”
  • 42. “The Next Financial Crisis Lurks Underground” …in shale 7th Jan 2016 1st Sep 2018 Bethany McLean, author of famous book on Enron's collapse: “the Federal Reserve is responsible for the fracking boom.”
  • 43. As though this state of play were not bad enough, some shale players have demonstrably inflated share prices fraudulently. If this tendency proves to be as widespread as some fear, the shale-debt crisis could end up worse than summarized here
  • 44. 2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 1st Mar 2016 xEx Chesapeake boss indicted for conspiracy Anti-trust investigations of other drillers ongoing
  • 45. 2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 x Ex Chesapeake boss dies in fiery car crash
  • 46. 2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 4th Mar 2016 x“McClendon's Actions Aren't Uncommon Across U.S. Shale Patch”
  • 47. 7th Jan 2016 15th June 2016 “Why Billions in Proven Shale Oil Reserves Suddenly Became Unproven” 2016 deletions: = 9.2 bn barrels across 59 U.S. oil and gas companies - more than 20 % of their inventories. The SEC is investigating.
  • 48. The track record of resource exaggeration is not encouraging
  • 49. EIA revises down its estimate of oil recoverable in the Monterrey Shale of California by, ahem, 96% 7th Jan 2016 21st May 2014 Monterrey lauded in 2011 as a 13 bn barrel resource: 66% of US shale oil supply. Rather more media coverage of that story than this one.
  • 50. 7th Jan 2016 5th Feb 2018 EIA 2017 shale oil projection “highly to extremely optimistic, and are very unlikely to be realized”: PCI $ hundreds of billions in debt to do this much $7.7 trillion needed to drill 1.29 million wells in EIA’s projected production Source:DavidHughes,PostCarbonInstitute
  • 51. As the debts have built up, so have environmental problems
  • 52. An increasing flow of worrying environmental reports on water, waste, frack fluids, & emissions 7th Jan 2016 2007 to 2014
  • 53. City where the shale industry began - Denton, Texas - votes to ban fracking on environmental concerns 7th Jan 2016 5th Nov 2014
  • 54. Response: Texas Legislature bans fracking bans 7th Jan 2016 16th Jun 2015
  • 55. Long awaited EPA study concludes that fracking does contaminate US drinking water 7th Jan 2016 5th June 2016 Both the oil and gas industry and the Environmental Protection Agency had insisted that it did not until this report.
  • 56. 7th Jan 2016 1st Aug 2017 “As the oil patch demands more water, West Texas fights over a scarce resource” Water companies are mining aquifers Farmers and others are preparing to sue
  • 57. So a Duke University study finds. Total produced water is “more on a per day basis than Niagara Falls has going over it in an hour,” says a lawyer. 7th Jan 2016 15th Aug 2018 Fracking wastewater volume rose 1,440% in 5 years, water use 770%, adding to tension in dry regions
  • 58. Current wells use 10 to 30 million gallons. A million more wells are planned in the next 20 years. That means trillions of gallons! 7th Jan 2016 16th Aug 2018 Cornell Professor Anthony Ingraffea explains why frackers’ plans threaten America’s water supply
  • 59. Exposure to intense shale gas operations correlates with higher risk of asthma attacks, researchers find 7th Jan 2016 18th July 2016 Study began in 2012 on medical records of >400,000 residents. Finds increase in severity of asthma in those exposed to most active wells.
  • 60. 7th Jan 2016 27th Jan 2013 So much gas is being flared from US shale fracking for oil that it can easily be seen from space Bakken Shale Minnesota St Paul `Chicago Enough gas wasted to power all the homes in Chicago and Washington DC combined
  • 61. 7th Jan 2016 18th July 2018 If the the gas burnt globally in flares were captured and used for power generation, it could supply 90% of Africa’s electricity consumption. Global gas flaring dropped slightly in 2017, but rose 7% in the US because of fracked shale oil
  • 62. “Trump Administration Wants to Make It Easier to Release Methane Into Air” 7th Jan 2016 10th Sep 2018 Oil & gas lobbyist group the Western Energy Alliance “praised the Trump administration for turning the oil companies’ requests into policy.”
  • 63. A new first for the US shale gas industry: some of its product is being sold with ‘responsible’ branding 7th Jan 2016 9th Sep 2018 Utility New Jersey Resources is to buy gas produced ‘responsibly’ from Southwestern Energy wells in W Virginia, at an undisclosed premium.
  • 64. The core oil and gas climate argument is that burning gas is less bad for global warming than burning coal
  • 66. 7th Jan 2016 28th Jun 2017 The Paris climate emissions budget is tiny, meaning all existing gas reserves cannot be safely burned Decarbonisation by 2040 As set out by Christiana Figueres + long list of climate experts. “3 years to safeguard our climate.” And if methane leakage is significant ….
  • 67. “Future of natural gas hinges on staunching methane leaks” 7th Jan 2016 11th July 2016 EPA data collection programme underway on 10s of 1000s of oil and gas operations. Some drillers have committed to <1% emissions.
  • 68. Methane leaks from the US oil & gas industry c.60% higher than government estimates: new study 7th Jan 2016 21st Jun 2018 9-basin estimate incorporating aerial data suggests 2.3% leakage well- to-power plant. EPA suggested 1.4%. 2.7% makes gas worse than coal.
  • 69. “The data confirm that we can and must do more on methane.” 2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 29th Feb 2016 xEPA Chief: Methane emissions from oil and gas “substantially higher than we thought”
  • 70. 2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 11th Mar 2016 xUS and Canada to cut methane emissions from oil and gas industry by 40-45%
  • 71. 2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 11th Mar 2016 xAPI says it will take legal action because emissions cuts will “threaten the shale revolution” Jack Gerard CEO
  • 72. 7th Jan 2016 28th Apr 2016 The U.S. oil and gas boom is having global atmospheric consequences, NOAA reports Fully 2% of rising global ethane concentrations (which can only come from fossil fuels) are from the Bakken Shale.
  • 73. 7th Jan 2016 16th Aug 2016 In US methane hot spot, researchers pinpoint sources of 250 leaks using airborne sensors c. 600,000 metric tons. Major coal bed methane production region. More than 50% emissions from 10% of leaks.
  • 74. NASA-led team shows oil & gas industry responsible for largest share of recent rising methane emissions 7th Jan 2016 20th Dec 2017 New measurements reconciling isotopic data suggest fossil fuels contributed 12–19 Tg CH4 per year of c. 25 Tg CH4 per year since 2006.
  • 75. Methane leakage at 1,000 gas production sites in 8 US shale basins is more than double EPA’s results 7th Jan 2016 26th Sep 2018 So a Carnegie Mellon University team finds. Total production leakage varies by basin from 0.9% to >4.5% ….worse than coal. Top 50% of sites = 50% of emissions This study EPA
  • 76. As much as 5% of gas produced in Argentina’s Vaca Muerta shale drilling is leaking to the atmosphere 7th Jan 2016 24th Sep 2018 So investigator Jorge Talliant finds. “There is a history of abuse as no one is controlling the sector ….there is no credible environmental authority.”
  • 77. The oil industry is betting its survival on gas, with US shale as a centerpiece
  • 78. The O&G industry is trying to rebrand itself as a clean energy industry based on natural gas vs coal 7th Jan 2016 9th Jun 2015 World gas conference, 2015
  • 79. Oil and Gas Climate Initiative: 10 CEOs …majoring on oil companies morphing to gas companies 7th Jan 2016 16th Oct 2015
  • 80. 7th Jan 2016 16th Aug 2017 “Shell takes $14bn gas gamble with world’s biggest floating structure” Floating Liquified Natural Gas vessel Prelude Length 488 metres
  • 81. 7th Jan 2016 20th June 2016 Shell puts revamped shale arm at heart of future growth strategy
  • 82. 7th Jan 2016 7th Jan 2018 Growth of Shell’s oil and gas operations in the next decade will depend on shale production: CEO With “a little bit of help from the oil price going up, we now see that we can significantly accelerate investment into this opportunity.”
  • 83. Shell to bet billions on US shale by bidding for retreating loss maker BHP's shale division 7th Jan 2016 8th Mar 2018 The Charge of The Light Brigade A $10 billion offer, jointly with US private equity group Blackstone.
  • 84. 7th Jan 2016 1st Aug 2013 Shell writes off $2 billion in shale The idea of a shale revolution spreading from the US across the world is “a little bit overhyped,” says CEO Peter Voser.
  • 85. 7th Jan 2016 3rd Oct 2016 “Big oil should exercise capital discipline as prices rise” …& appoint a Head of Memory So says Paul Spedding, ex Global Co-Head of Oil And Gas Research at HSBC, now an advisor to Carbon Tracker
  • 86. Beating Shell and Chevron to the 4.5 billion barrels of oil-equivalent resources, BP CEO Bob Dudley calls it a “transformational acquisition.” 7th Jan 2016 26th July 2018 BP heads into US shale oil and gas by buying BHP's assets - up for sale nearly a year - for $10.5bn
  • 87. 7th Jan 2016 12th Feb 2017 “Oil and gas discoveries dry up to lowest total for 60 years” 174 discoveries totaling only 8.2 bb oil and gas equivalent in 2016. This dismal record pressures oil majors to seek quick wins in US shale.
  • 88. 7th Jan 2016 31st Oct 2017 Gas firms spend €104m on lobbying in 2016 to keep Europe hooked on fossil fuel 30x more than groups lobbying for a fossil-fuel-free future. 460 meetings with just two relevant EU Commissioners in 2.5 years.
  • 89. With one exception, it looks as though the rest of the world fears the downsides of shale enough not try and copy the Americans
  • 90. 7th Jan 2016 2nd June 2016 Scottish parliament bans fracking
  • 91. 7th Jan 2016 24th June 2016 Germany bans fracking
  • 92. 7th Jan 2016 30th Aug 2016 Victoria becomes first Australian state to permanently ban fracking and coal seam gas “It is clear that the Victorian community has spoken. They simply don’t support fracking”: State government spokesperson
  • 93. France bans fracking and oil extraction in all of its territories 7th Jan 2016 20th Dec 2017 • President Macron says he wants to lead the world in race for renewables • Lawmakers hope the ban will be “contagious”
  • 94. New Zealand bans future offshore oil and gas drilling in support of Paris targets 7th Jan 2016 12th Apr 2018 NZ currently has 5 operating offshore fields, and 22 active offshore exploration licences. Oil lobby expresses surprise and disappointment.
  • 95. 7th Jan 2016 9th Nov 2016 Monterey county, a significant drilling target, votes to ban fracking despite oil industry lobbying blitz
  • 96. The exception is England, a country with a government seemingly intent on allowing the fracking of shale at any cost
  • 97. 7th Jan 2016 Dec 2012 US shale drillers hit hurdles going international UK backs gas including domestic shale
  • 98. “Vast areas” of southern England “discovered” to hold “billions of barrels” of oil in shale 7th Jan 2016 23rd May 2014
  • 99. A single pre-frack exploration well drilled by Caudrilla at Balcombe in Sussex faces huge protests 7th Jan 2016 Aug 2014
  • 100. UK Secretary of State for Energy and Climate: “Our country needs shale gas, so let’s go get it” 7th Jan 2016 9th Aug 2015 Amber Rudd: “A responsible, long-term energy policy demands a willingness to take decisions today for the good of tomorrow.”
  • 101. “Britain's shale fracking revolution comes with big risks” 7th Jan 2016 18th Aug 2015 Andrew Critchlow: “Get it wrong and fracking in Britain…will become too politically toxic for any future government to consider. “ There would be rather a lot of these on English country lanes, carrying water, sand, and toxic frack fluids in to well pads, and waste fluid plus (maybe) oil and gas out
  • 102. Fracking gets go-ahead in UK for first time since 2011, despite 4,000 objections to planning enquiry 7th Jan 2016 23rd May 2016 FT Lex: “The cult following still believes that fracking in the UK could be profitable. Investors should allow market forces to finally kill it off.”
  • 103. 7th Jan 2016 8th Aug 2016 UK shale: “All households near fracking sites set to get money paid straight into banks”
  • 104. 7th Jan 2016 27th Oct 2016 Latest UK poll suggests only 17% support fracking (while 79% support renewables) These companies are joined by the Conservative government in running the gauntlet of such huge public opposition, which must be multi-party.
  • 105. 7th Jan 2016 13th Feb 2018 UK government accused of dishonesty in regulation of fracking by eminent geophysicist Prof David Smythe: risk in fault leakage covered up, & definitions of “conventional” & water volume bent to misclassify fracked wells.
  • 106. Ineos shale drilling application rejected: that makes 7 out of 8 shale drilling plans rejected in 2018 7th Jan 2016 8th Mar 2018 It now takes on average 58 weeks to (maybe) get a planning decision on the drilling of a vertical well, up from 13 weeks 5 years ago.
  • 107. UK's first horizontal well completed in Lancashire shale, Caudrilla reports 7th Jan 2016 3rd Apr 2018 The driller now waits for government approval to conduct what would be the first frack since 2011. (The one that led to an earthquake).
  • 108. 7th Jan 2016 19th July 2018 …and no payments for solar electricity exports – a huge blow to the homeowner and community solar that competes with shale gas. HMG proposes, on the same day, no need for frackers to seek planning permission henceforth….
  • 109. Cuadrilla given the go-ahead to start fracking in Lancashire by energy minister 7th Jan 2016 24th July 2018 Claire Perry: “Our world-class regulations will ensure that shale exploration will maintain robust environmental standards and meet the expectations of local communities.” be derided
  • 110. Letter to O&G companies: major hydrocarbon releases “remain a concern because of their greater potential to lead to fires, explosions and multiple losses of life. There have been several such releases in recent years that have come perilously close to disaster.” Offshore UK OGI “perilously close to disasters” as a result of neglected gas leakage, HSE warns 7th Jan 2016 26th Apr 2018
  • 111. The Air Quality Expert Group (AQEG) report is eventually quietly published 3 days after Caudrilla gets clearance to frack in Lancashire. 7th Jan 2016 2nd Aug 2018 Report finding that fracking increases air pollution buried for 3 years by UK government 40,000 premature deaths a year linked to air pollution HMG has just decided its OK for that figure to be higher
  • 112. University of London cardiologists find exposure to nitrogen dioxide and PM2.5 and PM10 particles linked to an increase in the size of ventricles. 7th Jan 2016 3rd Aug 2018 Air pollution linked to changes in structure of the heart of the sort seen in early stages of heart failure
  • 113. The latest survey had only 16% in support. The first fracking for seven years is due to start in a few weeks. HMG says the Q will be back in 2019. 7th Jan 2016 16th Aug 2018 UK government drops the question about fracking from their regular public-attitude survey on energy
  • 114. UK local government pension funds invest £9bn in fracking companies ….including Lancashire County 7th Jan 2016 2nd Sep 2018 Dumfries and Galloway Council: “non-financial factors should not drive the investment process at the cost of financial return.” Emma Thompson on a UK fracking protest
  • 115. UK government blocks oil drilling at Surrey Hills site, citing impact on woodland and water 7th Jan 2016 4th Sep 2018 DEFRA: “The nation’s woods and forests are cherished natural assets and we want to ensure they are protected now and into the future.”
  • 116. Two directors quit UK fracking firm as Tory MPs tell of a rebellion in their ranks on planning for fracking 7th Jan 2016 18th Sep 2018 Third Energy is / was due to frack in Yorkshire, subject to government checks on its financial health. Meanwhile around 20 Tory MPs plan to vote against fast-tracking planning for fracking, according to reports.
  • 117. And there is no reason to expect the economics of shale drilling in the UK to be any less disastrous than in the US In fact, drilling costs should be higher in the UK, because we have “world class regulations” and the Americans have virtually none under a Trump EPA Plus….
  • 118. Subsidy-free renewable energy projects set to soar in UK, analysts say, largely killing off new gas plants 7th Jan 2016 20th Mar 2018 Aurora Energy Research: Onshore wind and solar both viable without subsidies by 2025, unlocking £20bn of investment by 2030. Solarcentury roof for Sainsbury
  • 119. Offshore wind will provide most of the growth from 2017 to 2025, WWF suggest, but HMG could & should also use onshore wind and solar. UK on track to phase-out coal by 2025 without the need for any new large gas plants: WWF report 7th Jan 2016 13th May 2018 Masayoshi Son, Softbank founder and CEO
  • 121. 7th Jan 2016 14th Oct 2018 Fracking allowed once again in UK after 7 year abeyance following failure of last minute injunction Claire Perry, Energy Minister: Environmentalists who oppose fracking are peddling “wild myths”
  • 123. In the USA, the sadly numerous real-life oil-train wrecks are an allegory for the entire shale story: the debt mountain means this train is going to come off the tracks
  • 124. It’s impossible to foresee when …but unlikely to be more than a few years
  • 125. In the UK, the train is most unlikely to make it properly on to the tracks: polls, disruption, and mad economics suggest that too many conservative rural voters will be prepared to fight very hard indeed to stop it happening
  • 126. In the UK, the train is most unlikely to make it properly onto the tracks: too many rural Conservative voters will be prepared to die in a ditch to stop it happening The energy-policy, economic, environmental and societal implications of these conclusions will be examined further in forthcoming blog-slideshows on the Future Today website:

Editor's Notes

  1. Image: Learning Geology …..
  2. Image: from report, adapted
  3. Image: from article, annotated
  4. Image: Bloomberg chart
  5. Pers.comm. From Art Berman of Labyrinth Consulting
  6. Pers.comm. From Art Berman of Labyrinth Consulting
  7. Image: Data from screenshot from TEDx talk
  8. Image: Chart from FT article cited in article
  9. Image: screenshot from Bloomberg video
  10. Image: Depositphotos
  12. Image: Google Maps, via David Hughes, Global Sustainability Research Inc
  13. Image: Grist, Bruce Gordon
  14. Image: from article
  15. Image: BHP website screenshot
  16. Image:
  17. Image: IREMCO
  18. Image: Panorama Offshore
  19. Image: from article
  20. Image: W&T Offshore website screenshot
  21. Image: from article
  22. Image: from article, with JL annotations
  23. Image: Houston Press
  24. Image: from article
  25. Pers.comm. From Art Berman of Labyrinth Consulting
  26. Image: from article
  27. Image: from report
  28. Image: Natural Gas Now (Marcellus)
  29. Image: Screenshot of website
  31. Image: from article
  32. Image: from article, adapted
  33. Image: from article
  34. Image: YouTube screenshot
  35. Image: Reuters video screenshot
  40. Image: Ventana.Sierra.Club
  41. Image: from report, with JL annotation in red
  42. Images: Pinterest, Greenpeace
  43. Image: KERA News
  44. Image: EcoWatch
  45. Image:
  46. Image: from article
  47. Image: from article
  48. Image: YouTube screenshot
  49. Image: Manchester Evening News
  50. Image: NASA
  51. Image: Modern Diplomacy
  52. Image: screenshots from Western Energy Alliance website
  53. Image: screenshot from Atmos Energy video
  54. Image: From report
  55. Image:
  56. Image:
  57. Image: C-Span
  58. Image: Rainforest Partnership
  59. Image: C-Span
  60. Image: NSF
  61. Image: San Juan Basin in New Mexico via EcoFlight
  62. Image: Stanford University
  63. Image: adapted from paper
  64. Image: Misiones Online
  65. Image: Yahoo
  66. Image: Shell
  67. Image: screenshot from Shell website
  68. Image: Screenshot from FT website
  69. Image: On This Day
  70. Image: Screenshot from FT website
  72. Image: Crude Oil Peak
  73. Image:
  74. Image: The Maritime Executive
  75. Image: Holyrood magazine
  76. Image: Oktoberfest
  77. Image:
  78. Image: The Hill on Twitter
  79. Image: Radio NZ
  80. Image:
  81. Images: clockwise Drill or Drop, screenshot from video on Guardian website, Guardian website, Artists Project Earth
  82. Image: Hacker Noon
  83. Image: ITV news
  84. Image: Northern Echo
  86. Image: Birigend’s Green Leftie
  87. Image: Screenshot from TEDx talk
  88. Image: Screenshot from Ineos video
  89. Image: screenshot from Caudrilla website.
  91. Image FoE website screenshot
  92. Image: screenshot of HSE website, with text added
  93. Screenshot of FoE website, with text added based on their figures
  94. Image: viendong daily
  95. Image: Drill Or Drop
  96. Image: Greenpeace video screenshot
  97. Image: Leith Hill Blues Band
  98. Image: screenshot of Third Energy website
  99. Image: Solarcentury
  100. Image: from report
  101. Image: from BBC website
  102. Image: Portland Rising Tide
  103. Image: ahem, Press TV