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Introduction to the
Practical Use of Social

             Presented by
         Andrew McAvinchey
      For Screen Training Ireland

Andrew McAvinchey
Twitter: @amcavinchey
Skype: amcavinchey

                2               04/11/2012
The Goal
My goal today:

To provide the some of the social media skills necessary for
you to tailor a particular solution to a particular problem in the
production of content for distribution to mass global

Note: I do not intend to provide a generic solution to social
media use… Because there is none… unfortunately!

                                3                             04/11/2012

      Start with what does social media mean for you?

do you have a twitter account?

do you have a Facebook account?

do you have a LinkedIn account?

do you have a blog?

                             4                          04/11/2012
What to expect from the
This course will focus on:

   The Zen guide to social media use
   The snapshot: avoiding the use of everything, and finding focus for social
   Popular social media platforms: Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogs and Facebook
   Social Media 101: setting up accounts
   Social Media 102: building a following
   Production Tools 1: Social Media for Research
   Production Tools 2: Social Media for Storytelling
   Targeting audiences and collaboration
   Case Studies
   Transmedia production: what is it and how can it help me?
   Social Media Strategy: Introduction
   Measurement and continuous engagement
   New Social Media platforms for storytellers

                                        5                                       04/11/2012
Plus some surprises…

         6             04/11/2012
The Challenge of Social Media
   and Content Production
Fragmented markets


Disruptions to the value chain

Variety of business models - Linear distribution models are
sometimes no longer valid

Expected price point of zero for many forms of digital
content including web and mobile
services, films, music, games, entertainment and even
applications & software products

                             7                           04/11/2012
Practice, Practice, All is

          99% Practice, 1% Theory

   - Sri K Pattabhi Jois, Founder of Ashtanga Yoga Institute

                      8                                04/11/2012
Digital Technology

        9            04/11/2012
10   04/11/2012
Digital habits are

        11           04/11/2012
Experiments in Social

          12            04/11/2012
The best social media work is done with a
             scientific approach.

Experiments in digital marketing are useful for:

• Audience development

• Audience identification

• Niche audience marketing

• Brand development

• Story development

• Research

Twitter is an organic process that happens over time, so
DON‟T give up if it's not working immediately.

FACEBOOK and other social media platforms cannot be
measured by LIKES alone. There are more important
things in the world than to be LIKED.

One person sharing one link with two of their friends is
VIRAL. That‟s all.



    Data    GOLD
The Snapshot
Good overview
Mashable guide to social media filmmaking:

       Take a guess…
But make sure it‟s informed…


Social Media Landscape

The Opportunity
There are no limits!

You create the opportunities.

Connect for value
Connect clients with customers

Connect people with value

Connect markets with products

Connect markets with services

Connect data with value

Connect data with cash

Connect business with revenue

Connect communities with brands

Blurred lines:
           Ads, PR and Marketing…

“People influence people. Nothing
influences people more than a
recommendation from a trusted friend.
A trusted referral influences people
more than the best broadcast
message. A trusted referral is the Holy
Grail of advertising.” - Mark
Zuckerber, Facebook

The integrated
digital agency model






The correct mindset for Social
         Media Communication
Reputation:                   IMAGE:
What others say about         What you say about
You, your content,            Yourself as a
your brand                    brand or service

Old vs. New

The Message

Old vs. New

   Changes in          Changes in        Changes in
   technology          media             trust

                 ONE WAY Message Monologue +

                  DIALOGUE, FEEDBACK AND
                  CONSUMER INTERACTION

Conversations                 Relationships    Connections

Create Conversations
 The new role for content creators is to create
 Conversations not Messages

 As well as building a story, you are also building your

 You can consider your brand the public face of your

 Your brand‟s reputation is developed by creating and
 maintaining conversations that engage and build your

Conversations create community

Communities surrender Data

Data means value.

VALUE: data, brand reputation, being involved in the
conversation about your content

Create TRIBES – see Seth Godin…

  In Social Media

We‟re all looking for the truth in one form or another.

“our” truth is who we are

Truth doesn‟t necessarily mean facts

Narrative is how we keep the truth intact. Narrative is how
we put order on the chaos and keep ourselves from going
The term „narrative‟ has been used interchangeably with

narrative does not include view point.

 Narrative survives the narrator because it appeals to
shared core beliefs between the storyteller and listener

Narrative encourages „retelling‟ -
communication, collaboration and reflection
Correspondence of truth to coherence rather than facts
remains as attractive in the virtual world as it is in the real
Belief in narrative
Belief systems (narrative) lower the fear of loss of control
and chaos.

Loss of identity vs. Survival

In a narrative, all knowledge is tempered with beliefs and
values of the listener. All knowledge is tacit

A narrator can control belief.
Shared understanding of what is coherent in the narrative
creates communities

Self identification with archetypes and belief in a narrative
is a psychological need- a survival mechanism

This links straight to the heart.

If you control narrative you control community
The Fall of The Egyptian
Inside- Out                            Outside-
                          BRIEF        In
What can I produce                     What are people
and what do I want to                  interested in?
say?                    Production
                                       Develop relevant
Construct a message                    content or products
                        Distribution   that give me a role
Buy Media
                                       Earn Media
Tell your story         OUTCOME        Be part of the story

Think about…
The media channels you use

Is this new news?

Will my audience care?

Is it true or credible?

The consumer- who are they?

What are the audience talking about already?

What will the experts and Key Influencers think?

Will there be a backlash?

Why should they care?

Can I capture data and permissions?

Keep going…
Once you have started the conversation, keep
going, change and adapt. Evolve with the conversation.

Predicting the future

Being Informed

The Blurred lines of PR &

Your message vs. your

Working from the Outside

The importance of
continuous engagement

The long tail

                11/4/2012   11/4/2012
Youtube and Storyful collaborate to curate reliable content (with reliable journalists)

   possible-futures-for-storytelling/                               11/4/2012
Niche and Global
                                  NICHE: reaching a global community
                                  with a global village mentality. WATCH

                                  In three years, The Guild, a homemade
                                  comedy series about gamers playing a
                                  World of Warcraft-like virtual role-playing
                                  game, has gone from cute one-off to full-
                                  fledged phenomenon. The show's run so
 FELICIA DAY:                     far has garnered an estimated 65 million
 THE GUILD                        views, and has even spawned its own
                                  comic book.
“in the world of the web, even a niche audience could be millions of
people. Felicia Day engaged her cult following and created The
Guild‟s 5+ minute episodes herself, her way, marketing it organically
by cultivating an accessible, honest brand, and tapping in to her
enormous social media network.” Fast Company Magazine

Social Media 101
    Setting Up Accounts


          FOLLOW YOUR
Twitter Overview
     Courtesy of @stephspiro
“Start thinking about Twitter as a new form of online
communication in a new shape, and also a platform
for listening to the communication of others in new
ways.”             -Mashable Twitter Guide
Why Twitter?

Twitter is a micro-blogging tool that allows you to communicate in 140
characters or less.

It‟s an easy-access way to interact with anyone around the world in real-time.

On Twitter you can follow your interests, cultivate new relationships, connect
and speak with anyone, spread the news, share links, etc.
Just sign in and follow your interests at
Simple Twitter Definitions:

Handle    - This is the name you choose to identify yourself on Twitter.    For example, my Twitter handle is @amcavinchey

Following      -   You can choose to follow people on Twitter by visiting their profile and clicking “follow.” This is how you customize your

Twitterfeed -        Although we‟re all on the same site, everyone‟s Twitterfeed looks different. We customize our real-time newsfeed (or
Twitterfeed) by choosing who to follow so their tweets turn up in our „feed. Our „feed becomes visible when we log on to the site and click
“home.” You can see a collection of your own tweets by clicking on “profile.”

Hashtags       -Hashtags look like this (#) and they‟re used to tag themes in a tweet, to make them easier to find, highlighting the word
with the #hashtag. If you click on a highlighted hashtag, you‟ll see a newsfeed, in real-time, of that theme or word. For example: A
common hashtag theme is #FollowFriday. Another example: If you‟re tweeting about movies, you may want to use the hashtag, #film.

@reply    -  This is how you respond to someone directly, mention, or credit them in a tweet. You should check your @replies to see if
people are mentioning you. (A direct message, or “DM” is a private message that you can send to a person who is following you.)
Additional Resources
*ESSENTIAL READING: Mashable‟s Twitter Guide
provides comprehensive and easy-to-follow
Twitter in Plain English (a video):

Follow Your Interests. Discover Your World. Twitter.
Remember: Twitter is intuitive, but it takes some time
to get the hang of it. Don‟t give up. Explore! You
never know who you might connect with. Start by
following people with similar interests. Then look at
who they‟re following and see if you want to follow
them too. Twitter is social and interactive, so you
should contribute to the conversation, retweet, thank
others for retweeting you, share links and ideas, and
enjoy the flow of news, tidbits, talks, and real “tweets”
in real-time.
Social Media 102

       Building a Following
Twitter Demo Account

•   @burlosocial
•   20+ people to follow
•   More lists...
More lists...
•   GREAT LIST (Flavorwire's Top 10 People to follow in

•   Best Film people to follow (another AWESOME

•   Another great list:
Now set up your own
Practical Exercise:
•    Research the following
     using only TWITTER:
1.    Transmedia Definition
2.    Top 5 transmedia
3.    Audience numbers
      following HUNGER
      GAMES on twitter
The Hunger Games
•   According to Danielle
    DePalma, social media
    strategist for The Hunger
    Games: between
    Facebook, Twitter, YouT
    ube and Tumbler, The
    Hunger Games has
    more than 6-and-a-half-
    million followers.
    •   SEE THIS LINK:
The Hunger Games Social

e.g. Facebook Fan invites, Twitter partnerships for poster puzzles, fansites



appeared on Good Morning America to introduce the first trailer.






•   4 million viewers in
    Season 1 in U.S.
    market and growing
•   How do they use
    social media?
•   Watch video>>

•   Using Facebook and Twitter effectively in Ireland
Other great Case Studies
•   Undroppable
•   Felicia Day's The Guild
•   Louis C.K.
•   Connected the Movie: TIFFANY SHLAIN
•   (& Let It Ripple) ... CLOUD FILMMAKING....see article
•   Four Eyed Monsters
Sundance Social Media

•   Do use Facebook, Twitter, Fansites and blogs to promote
•   Don't autopost from one to the other!
•   More tips... click here...
Twitter summary
•   Twitter is for NETWORKING and engaging
•   No two Twitter 'feeds are alike but we're all jacked in
    to the same global network.
•    You find and create your niche community out of this
    larger community.
•   Twitter is for poking around and it provides incredible
    access to all kinds of like-minded people all over the
•   For more resources:
Social Media 103
Over 500 Million Active Users
Worldwide                                    2010



  Open Registration

      2007                  2008
Over 1.64m Active users in
•   Over 2/3 of the Irish online population now using Facebook

                            2008                                                       2009
                                                                                 Source: Facebook internal data, june 2010
                         Note: Active users are registered users who have logged on to Facebook at least once in the last 30
Over 1.64m Active users in


      176 minutes                           17 visits                           58% daily

       Average minutes per user              Average visits per user            Active users log in
       (monthly)                             (monthly)                          (daily)

Source: ComScore November 2009 & Facebook Internal Data, Worldwide, June 2010
Facebook Demographics Ireland

                           Gender                            Age

Source: Total active audience Facebook internal data March
Facebook Today - Ireland
                    Huge Growth and Engagement

                      1.64m monthly active Users in Ireland

     Over 2.325 billion monthly page
                    Over 73% penetration of the online population
 Over 58% of users return to the site daily

                119 Average number of friends on Facebook in
   Over 378k users access Facebook on mobile in
             83% of users come back to Facebook every week
Target your audience
Target specific audiences
             Country                 Age

             School    Interests

                  Music    Celebrities

                       Political View
                  Movies                   Gender
      City                    Books

              College TV Shows

Reaching mass & targeted audiences

   All Irish       18-45                             Married
   Women         Women in                            Women
                  Ireland                            16-44 in

  709,000        577,000                         105,000

                      *Facebook Ad Platform data Jan 2010, subject to market fluctuations
2 dedicated Ad positions

                     e Ad
                             Ad Space
Premium Ad formats
Encourage users to interact & share your advertising

 Like ad                       Event ad

                               Polling ad
 Video Commenting ad
Premium Ad formats
 Encourage users to interact & share your advertising

Like ad                          Polling ad
ASU’s deliver targeted response
Multiple advertisers drive responses & conversions
Know Facebook
•   Get to know the Edgerank Algorithm that Facebook
    uses to decide which of your posts will appear in fans'
    newsfeeds. That means going heavy on the photos &
    video, posting new content when fans are most likely
    to see it (not just when it's most convenient for you--
    use Hootsuite's message scheduler for
    scheduling), and asking friends & family to
    "like, share, comment" on new content in order to
    seed the affinity score.
More tips
•   Create a Facebook page
•   Fill out info tab
•   Share the page
•   Consider ads
•   Like other similar pages
•   Advertise your Facebook page on posters etc
•   Post content!
Facebook Pages
Facebook Pages – content ‘Hub’ for FMCG brands
  •   Create unique dialogue between brand & audience

      Drive Fans & Post      Develop deeper
                                                Create a 2-way
      directly into their   relationship with
         Newsfeeds             consumers
Community and Social Media

             Listening &
                Getting                              Talking

             Connecting                              Selling

                      Andrew McAvinchey WebElevate
04/11/2012                                                     89
Social Media 104

•   LinkedIn
•   Tumblr
The 6 Golden Rules
1. Be a person.
2. Join the conversation.
3. Try transmedia (expanding your stories over
   multiple platforms.)
4. Fish where the fish are (especially for marketing
   and distribution)
5. Don’t sell something people can’t buy. e.g “3
   weeks till our film is on iTunes!,” - give them
   something to do while they wait!
6. Ask your audience. locations, screenings,
   character development, story development....

Analytical tools:
•   Facebook Insights
•   Google Analytics
• (Salesforce)
Handy tools
•   Desktop: Tweetdeck
•   Android phone: Twitter app
•   iPad: Tweetbot (it's a paid for app - but is the

•   Also use Hootsuite for the craic. Very like
    Tweetdeck, but looks prettier. Good for combining
    Facebook and multiple twitter accounts
The future
•   search: social: syndication - the three s's
•   outside in vs. inside out advertising- ads contain apps
•   Cowbird
•   Pinterest
•   Diigo/Delicious
•   Web video platforms
•   Collaborative/Cloud Filmmaking :
•   Amazon!?

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Introduction to Social Media for filmmakers

  • 1. Introduction to the Practical Use of Social Media Presented by Andrew McAvinchey For Screen Training Ireland 11/4/2012
  • 2. Andrew McAvinchey Twitter: @amcavinchey Skype: amcavinchey 2 04/11/2012
  • 3. The Goal My goal today: To provide the some of the social media skills necessary for you to tailor a particular solution to a particular problem in the production of content for distribution to mass global audiences. Note: I do not intend to provide a generic solution to social media use… Because there is none… unfortunately! 3 04/11/2012
  • 4. WHAT ARE YOUR GOALS FOR SOCIAL MEDIA? Start with what does social media mean for you? do you have a twitter account? do you have a Facebook account? do you have a LinkedIn account? do you have a blog? 4 04/11/2012
  • 5. What to expect from the course… This course will focus on: The Zen guide to social media use The snapshot: avoiding the use of everything, and finding focus for social media Popular social media platforms: Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogs and Facebook Social Media 101: setting up accounts Social Media 102: building a following Production Tools 1: Social Media for Research Production Tools 2: Social Media for Storytelling Targeting audiences and collaboration Case Studies Transmedia production: what is it and how can it help me? Social Media Strategy: Introduction Measurement and continuous engagement New Social Media platforms for storytellers 5 04/11/2012
  • 6. Plus some surprises… 6 04/11/2012
  • 7. The Challenge of Social Media and Content Production Fragmented markets Piracy Disruptions to the value chain Variety of business models - Linear distribution models are sometimes no longer valid Expected price point of zero for many forms of digital content including web and mobile services, films, music, games, entertainment and even applications & software products 7 04/11/2012
  • 8. Practice, Practice, All is Coming 99% Practice, 1% Theory - Sri K Pattabhi Jois, Founder of Ashtanga Yoga Institute 8 04/11/2012
  • 9. Digital Technology 9 04/11/2012
  • 10. 10 04/11/2012
  • 11. Digital habits are changing… 11 04/11/2012
  • 12. Experiments in Social Media 12 04/11/2012
  • 13. The best social media work is done with a scientific approach. Experiments in digital marketing are useful for: • Audience development • Audience identification • Niche audience marketing • Brand development • Story development • Research 11/4/2012
  • 14. SOCIAL MEDIA IS AN EVOLVING PROCESS Twitter is an organic process that happens over time, so DON‟T give up if it's not working immediately. FACEBOOK and other social media platforms cannot be measured by LIKES alone. There are more important things in the world than to be LIKED. One person sharing one link with two of their friends is VIRAL. That‟s all. 11/4/2012
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19. Narrative Community Data GOLD
  • 20.
  • 22. Good overview Mashable guide to social media filmmaking: 11/4/2012
  • 23. WHERE TO START? Take a guess… But make sure it‟s informed… 11/4/2012
  • 24. Social Media Landscape 2012 11/4/2012
  • 25. The Opportunity There are no limits! You create the opportunities. 11/4/2012
  • 26. Connect for value Connect clients with customers Connect people with value Connect markets with products Connect markets with services Connect data with value Connect data with cash Connect business with revenue Connect communities with brands 11/4/2012
  • 27. Blurred lines: Ads, PR and Marketing… “People influence people. Nothing influences people more than a recommendation from a trusted friend. A trusted referral influences people more than the best broadcast message. A trusted referral is the Holy Grail of advertising.” - Mark Zuckerber, Facebook 11/4/2012
  • 28. The integrated digital agency model PR Promotions Advertising Direct Marketing Digital 11/4/2012
  • 29. The correct mindset for Social Media Communication Reputation: IMAGE: What others say about What you say about You, your content, Yourself as a your brand brand or service Reputatio n 11/4/2012
  • 30. Old vs. New The Message 11/4/2012
  • 31. Old vs. New 11/4/2012
  • 32. Changes Changes in Changes in Changes in technology media trust ONE WAY Message Monologue + CONTROL DIALOGUE, FEEDBACK AND CONSUMER INTERACTION Authentic Conversations Relationships Connections Engagement 11/4/2012
  • 33. Create Conversations The new role for content creators is to create Conversations not Messages As well as building a story, you are also building your brand You can consider your brand the public face of your narrative Your brand‟s reputation is developed by creating and maintaining conversations that engage and build your brand 11/4/2012
  • 34. Why? Conversations create community Communities surrender Data Data means value. VALUE: data, brand reputation, being involved in the conversation about your content Create TRIBES – see Seth Godin… 11/4/2012
  • 35. Storytelling In Social Media 11/4/2012
  • 36. truth We‟re all looking for the truth in one form or another. “our” truth is who we are Truth doesn‟t necessarily mean facts Narrative is how we keep the truth intact. Narrative is how we put order on the chaos and keep ourselves from going nuts.
  • 37. narrative The term „narrative‟ has been used interchangeably with „storytelling‟. narrative does not include view point. Narrative survives the narrator because it appeals to shared core beliefs between the storyteller and listener Narrative encourages „retelling‟ - communication, collaboration and reflection
  • 38. coherence Correspondence of truth to coherence rather than facts remains as attractive in the virtual world as it is in the real world.
  • 39. Belief in narrative Belief systems (narrative) lower the fear of loss of control and chaos. Loss of identity vs. Survival In a narrative, all knowledge is tempered with beliefs and values of the listener. All knowledge is tacit A narrator can control belief.
  • 40. community Shared understanding of what is coherent in the narrative creates communities Self identification with archetypes and belief in a narrative is a psychological need- a survival mechanism This links straight to the heart. If you control narrative you control community
  • 41. The Fall of The Egyptian Empire
  • 42. How? Inside- Out Outside- BRIEF In What can I produce What are people and what do I want to interested in? say? Production Develop relevant Construct a message content or products Distribution that give me a role Buy Media Earn Media Tell your story OUTCOME Be part of the story 11/4/2012
  • 43. Think about… The media channels you use Is this new news? Will my audience care? Is it true or credible? The consumer- who are they? What are the audience talking about already? What will the experts and Key Influencers think? Will there be a backlash? Why should they care? Can I capture data and permissions? 11/4/2012
  • 44. Keep going… Once you have started the conversation, keep going, change and adapt. Evolve with the conversation. ALWAYS MEASURE! 11/4/2012
  • 45. Summary Predicting the future Being Informed The Blurred lines of PR & Digital Your message vs. your reputation Working from the Outside In The importance of continuous engagement 11/4/2012
  • 46. The long tail 11/4/2012
  • 48. Youtube and Storyful collaborate to curate reliable content (with reliable journalists) 11/4/2012
  • 49. THE FUTURE OF STORYTELLING possible-futures-for-storytelling/ 11/4/2012
  • 50. Niche and Global NICHE: reaching a global community with a global village mentality. WATCH VIDEO>>> In three years, The Guild, a homemade comedy series about gamers playing a World of Warcraft-like virtual role-playing game, has gone from cute one-off to full- fledged phenomenon. The show's run so FELICIA DAY: far has garnered an estimated 65 million THE GUILD views, and has even spawned its own comic book. “in the world of the web, even a niche audience could be millions of people. Felicia Day engaged her cult following and created The Guild‟s 5+ minute episodes herself, her way, marketing it organically by cultivating an accessible, honest brand, and tapping in to her enormous social media network.” Fast Company Magazine 11/4/2012
  • 51. Social Media 101 Setting Up Accounts 11/4/2012
  • 53. Twitter Overview Courtesy of @stephspiro
  • 54. “Start thinking about Twitter as a new form of online communication in a new shape, and also a platform for listening to the communication of others in new ways.” -Mashable Twitter Guide
  • 55. Why Twitter? Twitter is a micro-blogging tool that allows you to communicate in 140 characters or less. It‟s an easy-access way to interact with anyone around the world in real-time. On Twitter you can follow your interests, cultivate new relationships, connect and speak with anyone, spread the news, share links, etc.
  • 56. Just sign in and follow your interests at
  • 57. Simple Twitter Definitions: Handle - This is the name you choose to identify yourself on Twitter. For example, my Twitter handle is @amcavinchey Following - You can choose to follow people on Twitter by visiting their profile and clicking “follow.” This is how you customize your Twitterfeed. Twitterfeed - Although we‟re all on the same site, everyone‟s Twitterfeed looks different. We customize our real-time newsfeed (or Twitterfeed) by choosing who to follow so their tweets turn up in our „feed. Our „feed becomes visible when we log on to the site and click “home.” You can see a collection of your own tweets by clicking on “profile.” Hashtags -Hashtags look like this (#) and they‟re used to tag themes in a tweet, to make them easier to find, highlighting the word with the #hashtag. If you click on a highlighted hashtag, you‟ll see a newsfeed, in real-time, of that theme or word. For example: A common hashtag theme is #FollowFriday. Another example: If you‟re tweeting about movies, you may want to use the hashtag, #film. @reply - This is how you respond to someone directly, mention, or credit them in a tweet. You should check your @replies to see if people are mentioning you. (A direct message, or “DM” is a private message that you can send to a person who is following you.)
  • 58. Additional Resources *ESSENTIAL READING: Mashable‟s Twitter Guide provides comprehensive and easy-to-follow instructions: Twitter in Plain English (a video): Follow Your Interests. Discover Your World. Twitter.
  • 59. Remember: Twitter is intuitive, but it takes some time to get the hang of it. Don‟t give up. Explore! You never know who you might connect with. Start by following people with similar interests. Then look at who they‟re following and see if you want to follow them too. Twitter is social and interactive, so you should contribute to the conversation, retweet, thank others for retweeting you, share links and ideas, and enjoy the flow of news, tidbits, talks, and real “tweets” in real-time.
  • 60. Social Media 102 Building a Following
  • 61. Twitter Demo Account • @burlosocial • 20+ people to follow • More lists...
  • 62. More lists... • GREAT LIST (Flavorwire's Top 10 People to follow in FILM): follow-on-twitter • Best Film people to follow (another AWESOME LIST): film/15_Twitter_Feeds_Every_Documentary_Filmmaker_Should_Follow.html#.UJKZ YkIrzww • Another great list: 20110312-170700-009.html
  • 63. Now set up your own
  • 64. Practical Exercise: RESEARCH • Research the following using only TWITTER: 1. Transmedia Definition 2. Top 5 transmedia producers 3. Audience numbers following HUNGER GAMES on twitter
  • 65. The Hunger Games • According to Danielle DePalma, social media strategist for The Hunger Games: between Facebook, Twitter, YouT ube and Tumbler, The Hunger Games has more than 6-and-a-half- million followers. • SEE THIS LINK:
  • 67. GIRLS • 4 million viewers in Season 1 in U.S. market and growing rapidly • How do they use social media? @hannahHorvath • Watch video>> 7582 followers
  • 68. OPERATION TRANSFORMATION • Using Facebook and Twitter effectively in Ireland
  • 69. Other great Case Studies • Undroppable • Felicia Day's The Guild • Louis C.K. • Connected the Movie: TIFFANY SHLAIN • (& Let It Ripple) ... CLOUD FILMMAKING....see article • Four Eyed Monsters
  • 70. Sundance Social Media 2012 • Do use Facebook, Twitter, Fansites and blogs to promote • Don't autopost from one to the other! • More tips... click here...
  • 71. Twitter summary • Twitter is for NETWORKING and engaging • No two Twitter 'feeds are alike but we're all jacked in to the same global network. • You find and create your niche community out of this larger community. • Twitter is for poking around and it provides incredible access to all kinds of like-minded people all over the world • For more resources: tutorial/
  • 73. Over 500 Million Active Users July Worldwide 2010 500 M Internationalisation Open Registration 2007 2008
  • 74. Over 1.64m Active users in Ireland • Over 2/3 of the Irish online population now using Facebook regularly 1.64+ 2008 2009 Source: Facebook internal data, june 2010 Note: Active users are registered users who have logged on to Facebook at least once in the last 30
  • 75. Over 1.64m Active users in Ireland Daily 176 minutes 17 visits 58% daily Average minutes per user Average visits per user Active users log in (monthly) (monthly) (daily) Source: ComScore November 2009 & Facebook Internal Data, Worldwide, June 2010
  • 76. Facebook Demographics Ireland Gender Age Source: Total active audience Facebook internal data March 2009
  • 77. Facebook Today - Ireland Huge Growth and Engagement 1.64m monthly active Users in Ireland Over 2.325 billion monthly page views Over 73% penetration of the online population Over 58% of users return to the site daily 119 Average number of friends on Facebook in Ireland Over 378k users access Facebook on mobile in Ireland 83% of users come back to Facebook every week
  • 79. Target specific audiences Country Age Workplace School Interests Music Celebrities Political View Movies Gender City Books College TV Shows Relationship Town
  • 80. Reaching mass & targeted audiences All Irish 18-45 Married Women Women in Women Ireland 16-44 in Ireland 709,000 577,000 105,000 *Facebook Ad Platform data Jan 2010, subject to market fluctuations
  • 81. 2 dedicated Ad positions Homepag e Ad Ad Space Unit
  • 82. Premium Ad formats Encourage users to interact & share your advertising Like ad Event ad Polling ad Video Commenting ad
  • 83. Premium Ad formats Encourage users to interact & share your advertising Like ad Polling ad
  • 84. ASU’s deliver targeted response Multiple advertisers drive responses & conversions
  • 85. Know Facebook • Get to know the Edgerank Algorithm that Facebook uses to decide which of your posts will appear in fans' newsfeeds. That means going heavy on the photos & video, posting new content when fans are most likely to see it (not just when it's most convenient for you-- use Hootsuite's message scheduler for scheduling), and asking friends & family to "like, share, comment" on new content in order to seed the affinity score.
  • 86. More tips • Create a Facebook page • Fill out info tab • Share the page • Consider ads • Like other similar pages • Advertise your Facebook page on posters etc • Post content!
  • 88. Facebook Pages – content ‘Hub’ for FMCG brands • Create unique dialogue between brand & audience Drive Fans & Post Develop deeper Create a 2-way directly into their relationship with dialogue Newsfeeds consumers
  • 89. Community and Social Media Listening & Getting Talking Feedback Connecting Selling Andrew McAvinchey WebElevate 04/11/2012 89 Programme
  • 90. Social Media 104 • LinkedIn • Tumblr
  • 91. The 6 Golden Rules 1. Be a person. 2. Join the conversation. 3. Try transmedia (expanding your stories over multiple platforms.) 4. Fish where the fish are (especially for marketing and distribution) 5. Don’t sell something people can’t buy. e.g “3 weeks till our film is on iTunes!,” - give them something to do while they wait! 6. Ask your audience. locations, screenings, character development, story development....
  • 92. MEASUREMENT AND FEEDBACK Analytical tools: • Facebook Insights • Google Analytics • (Salesforce)
  • 93. Handy tools • Desktop: Tweetdeck • Android phone: Twitter app • iPad: Tweetbot (it's a paid for app - but is the business) • Also use Hootsuite for the craic. Very like Tweetdeck, but looks prettier. Good for combining Facebook and multiple twitter accounts
  • 94. The future • search: social: syndication - the three s's • outside in vs. inside out advertising- ads contain apps • Cowbird • Pinterest • Diigo/Delicious • Web video platforms • Collaborative/Cloud Filmmaking : • Amazon!?

Editor's Notes

  1. Make a list of 5 objectives in the next 5 minutes… break…
  2. Once again you’ll be working as digital agencies to fulfil a brief. You’ll be rewarded for innovation, teamwork and originality. It’s an opportunity to explore the material we’ll cover in the lectures, but more importantly, it will be an opportunity to apply in practice the opportunities that you will find yourself in your research. These are the technologies available today that may not have been available last month, as well as the tried and trusted techniques well established in Digital Marketing. You’ll also be able to become familiar with some of the approaches that are now old hat, such as Facebook pages and Google Adwords. But please, stay current and use your imagination!
  3. Technology is evolving at a rapid pace. We’re all familiar with Facebook, but how many of us know about Open Graph, Facebook Connect and it’s uses?How about Facebook marketplaces? aims to become largest marketplace on the web. Facebook’s top ecommerce platform, Payvment, has launched its latest version that “includes an array of new features designed to meet the needs of larger retailers, brands and agencies.”What about Mobile? Mobile payments and NFC are set to change the way commerce is conducted in a fundamental way. With that comes new business models and opportunities, but also the challenge of getting your head around the technology in time to take advantage.There are exciting emerging technologies, such as immersive 3D environments, gaming technologies, cloud computing, semantic web…. That’s not the point. The important thing to remember is that people don’t really change, what they want doesn’t really change, and if you keep it about people, you’ll find the technology to suit your purpose, and not the other way around.Don’t worry- embrace it! A change is as good as a rest!
  4. Fragmented marketsPiracyDisruptions to the value chainVariety of business models - Linear distribution models are sometimes no longer validExpected price point of zero for many forms of digital content including web and mobile services, films, music, games, entertainment and even applications & software products
  5. Digital marketing presents an unprecedented opportunity for creative marketing. Our lives are dominated today by technology and there seems no end to how it will continue to dominate us, how we live, communicate, shop and make decisionsAccording the Irish Internet Association:The Irish search advertising market is worth 48 million euroIn March 2011, broadband access in Ireland had risen to 1.62 million households, 10.4% up from the previous year. 36% of those are mobile subscriptions
  6. More than half of Irish adults own a smartphoneWith the launch of cheap Android and Blackberry devices, this number is increasing exponentially on both prepay and postpayAlmost 98% of iPhone users download apps on a regular basis, and 77% of the rest75% of smartphone users are willing to share their location with a brand under the right conditions, with trust and reward being the main factors We are also producers of content… in the UK, 18% of the population say they participate in grading and creating online content.
  7. Every demographic is using the internet for more things every day:• Playing games• Downloading movies, music and video clips• Watching TV• Listening to the radio• Watching webcasts• Uploading content• Making comments#40% of UK adults participate in online games73% of Europeans use social network sites16% of Europeans use Twitter16% of Facebook users are over 5536% of iPad users in the USA are between 35-44.
  8. The best social media work is done with a scientific approach. Experiments in digital marketing are useful for:Audience developmentAudience identificationNiche audience marketingBrand developmentStory developmentResearch
  9. Read Seth Godin. Subscribe to his blog.
  10. Become an expert on finding solution’s to your client’s problemsDon’t try to become an expert on the technologyEnjoy the creative challenges presented by digital marketingSpend your money wisely and make sure your client knows what they’re spending their money onAlways work to an outcomeTake a snapshot and work from there….
  11. What is marketing for?Marketing is connecting your product or service with people.Those people are an audience, or they are customers, or they are clients, or they are friends. They may be all of those things.Digital marketing means that you can connect with a limitless amount of people.There are no limits to how many people you can connect, there are no limits to what kinds of people they can be, there are no limits to how much money or value you can create.There are no limits to the changes you can make in the world.Think big.
  12. The old linear model has been replaced by a new, always on virtuous circle
  13. 4 Social Media Areas of Interest: Listening and getting feedback - measuring & analytics Talking - How can we get our own messages out get messages back in and how do we get people talking (the way we want them to...) Connecting - can we create communities, get people connecting on our behalf, and spreading our narrative through communities and friends? Selling by recommendation and education