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Internet sex addiction
 Clinical experience

 Walid Sarhan F.R.C.Psych
Google search
 Sex: 3,810,000,000
 Free sex:1,200,000,00
 Group sex:761,000,000
 Child sex:402,000,000
 Anal sex:281,000,000
 Oral sex:140,000,000
 Arab sex:98,500,000
Internet Sex
 70% of porn traffic between 9am-5pm
 US porno revenue exceeds 6 billion
  currently (3rd)
 12-17 year olds largest consumers of
  internet porn
 Average first time contact is 11 years of
 Gender:
    – 60-70% males
What is Going on
with These People?
Etiology of Sexual
 Anyone, BUT:
More from families
    multiple addictions
    rigid, disengaged families
Psychological trauma common
Propensity for high-risk behavior
Onset due triggered around high stress
Trouble with accountability, authority
 Epidemiological estimates vary
 Inconsistent criteria for defining sexual
  compulsive behaviors
    – Lack of funding
    – Lack of committed researchers
 Most information comes from clinical
  treatment programs specialized in sexual
 Best estimates are approximately 5% of
  general population       Fong TW. (2006). Understanding and managing
                           compulsive sexual behaviors. Psychiatry, November, 51-58.
 3: 1 ratio of men to women
 Younger and older persons in cybersex
 65% of sex addicts run the risk of
  contracting STDs
 79% have lost work productivity
 70% severe marital or relationship due to
 65% report sleep disorder due to shame,
  fear, despair
Pornographic internet
   Everything is possible
   „soft pornography“
   „hard pornography“
    – „sexually explicit in the extreme, and devoid of any other
      apparent content or purpose“ – including violence, sado-
      maso, electroshocks, urine, feces, very fat women, pregnant
      women etc., „gang-bang“, animals; even „snuff-videos“ –
      killing victims in front of the camera.
   pedophile content (often with sadistic torture)
   Chat with explicit sex talk – often leading to real-life
   Live-Video
   Mobile telephones: growing industry of short films,
    pictures, explicit sounds.
Some statistics
   Sex Industry Statistics (2003)
     – $57.0 billion revenue world-wide
     – $12.0 billion of this is US revenue, more than all combined revenues of all
       professional football, baseball and basketball franchises or the combined
       revenues of ABC, CBS, and NBC (6.2 billion). $2.5 of the $12 billion is
       related to internet porn.

   Porn on the Web
     – 25% of total search engine requests are porn-related.
     – 8% of total emails are porn-related. Average daily pornographic emails are
       4.5 per internet user
     – 12% of total websites are pornographic

   Affecting Children
     – 100,000 websites offer illegal child pornography.
     – Child pornography generates $3 billion annually.
     – 90% of 8-16 year olds have viewed porn online (most while doing
     – Average age of first internet exposure to pornography is 11 years old.
     – Largest consumer of internet pornography 12-17 age group.
Statistics II
   Affecting Adults
     – 20% of men admit accessing pornography at work
     – 13% of women admit accessing pornography at work
     – 53% of Promise Keeper men viewed pornography the previous week in one
     – 10% of adults admit having internet sexual addiction.

   Business Productivity
     – 70 percent of all internet porn traffic occurs during the 9-to-5 workday.2
     – Nearly one out of three companies has terminated an employee for
       inappropriate web use.2 (Some of this could be for liability reasons
       discussed below.)
     – According to Internet Data Center research 30 to 40 percent of employee
       internet activity is non business-related, costing millions of dollars in
       productivity.2 This does not mean all the activity is porn related. For
       example, the cost to businesses in lost employee productivity from the
       internet broadcasts of the Starr report and the Clinton grand-jury video was
       in excess of $450 million, according to a study reported by ZDNet.2

   Tracking data from 2010 by Nielsen
    Online, showed that more than 25% of
    those with Internet access at work
    viewed pornography during working
    hours. This is an increase from 2007
   As of May, 2010, Alexa research, which
    tracks Internet usage, includes two porn
    sites in the top 503 for worldwide traffic.
    This may not seem that impressive until
    you realize that almost all of the top 50
    sites are social networking sites and
    that ranks 57th
   25 million Americans visit cyber-sex
    sites between 1-10 hours per week.
    Another 4.7 million in excess of 11
    hours per week.
    (MSNBC/Stanford/Duquesne Study,
    Washington Times, 1/26/2000
 everysecond $3,075.64 is being spent on
 pornography. Every second 28,258
 internet users are viewing
 pornography. In that same second 372
 internet users are typing adult search
 terms into search engines. Every 39
 minutes a new pornographic video is
 being created in the U.S.
   It‟s big business. The pornography
    industry has larger revenues than
    Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay,
    Yahoo, Apple and Netflix combined.
    2006 Worldwide Pornography
    Revenues ballooned to $97.06 billion.
    2006 & 2005 U.S. Pornography Industry
    Revenue Statistics, 2006 Top Adult
2006 Worldwide Pornography Revenues
Pornography in the
   More than 75% of people at work have
    accidentally visited a pornographic
    website, and 15% have visited such sites
    more than 10 times
    Fifty Percent of Workers Spend Nine days a
    Year on Personal Surfing at Work.
   63 percent of employees are concerned
    about the ease of access to objectionable
    content at work
    Fifty Percent of Workers Spend Nine days a
    Year on Personal Surfing at
    Work. Cerberian Inc. and SonicWALL,
    20 July 2004.
   Twenty percent of men and 13% of
    women admitted to accessing
    pornography at work
    Internet Pornography Statistics. Internet
    Filter Review, 2004
   Out of all countries, the United States is
    the top producer of both pornographic
    websites and pornographic videos. In
    fact, the United States has produced
    89% (244,661,900) of the pornographic
    web pages in the entire world. The
    average age of first exposure to Internet
    pornography is 11
Impact on the Marriage
 47% of families said pornography is a
  problem in their home
 42% of surveyed adults indicated that
  their partner's use of pornography
  made them feel insecure
 41% of surveyed adults admitted they
  felt less attractive due to their partner's
  pornography use
 30% of surveyed adults said their
  partner's use of pornography made
  them feel more like a sexual object
   350 members of the American Academy
    of Matrimonial Lawyers, the nation‟s
    top 1,600 divorce attorneys, met in 2002
    for an annual conference. Almost two
    thirds of these lawyers said that the
    Internet had played a significant role in
    divorces they had handled during the
    last year. The problems most cited by
    the attorneys were:
   1) Met new love interest over the
    Internet - 68 percent
    2) Obsessive interest in pornographic
    sites - 56 percent
    3) Excessive time on computer - 47
    4) Excessive time communicating in
    chat rooms - 33 percent
School children
   In 2008, a Catholic high school in the
    Midwest –USA. surveyed the
    pornography use of 175 of their 350
    senior boys, who were taking a class on
    relationships. The results of the survey
    indicated that 48% were viewing
    pornography one or more times each
    week. Out of the boys who had viewed
    pornography, 36% had feelings of
    addiction to pornography, and 68% said
   The high school also surveyed their
    entire freshman class, and 29% of the
    freshman boys were viewing
    pornography one or more times each
    week. Out of the freshman boys who
    had viewed pornography, 12% had
    feelings of addiction, and 74% said that
    their parents were unaware of their
    pornography use
    Almost 90% of these students were
    from Catholic families, and the school
    has conducted other surveys on
    pornography over the last three years,
    and found results that were quite
    similar. Of the boys that were viewing
    pornography, between 80-85%
    indicated that they were accessing
    pornography through the Internet.
Impact on Society

 Approximately 40 million people in the
  United States are sexually involved
  with the Internet
 25% of all search engine requests are
  pornography related
 Sex is the number 1 topic searched on
  the Internet
   15% of online porn habitués develop
    sexual behavior that disrupts their lives

   38% of adults believe it is 'morally
    acceptable' to look at pictures of nudity
    or explicit sexual behavior
American Society of
        Addiction Medicine

   On August , 2011 the statement
    defining all addiction (including sex
    addiction) in terms of brain changes.
    "Addiction is a primary, chronic disease
    of brain reward, motivation, memory
    and related circuitry
Internet Addiction Disorder
     (IAD) - Diagnostic Criteria
 A maladaptive pattern of Internet use,
  leading to clinically significant
 impairment or distress as manifested by
  three (or more) of the following,
 occurring at any time in the same 12-
  month period:
 (I) tolerance, as defined by either of the
    – (A) A need for markedly increased amounts of time on Internet to achieve
                                                 Author: Ivan Goldberg, M.D.
    – (B) markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of
      time on Internet.
Criteria – IAD II
   (II) withdrawal, as manifested by either
    of the following:
    – (A) the characteristic withdrawal syndrome
           (1) Cessation of (or reduction) in Internet use that has been heavy and
            (2) Two (or more) of the following, developing within several days to a
            month after Criterion 1: (a) psychomotor agitation - (b) anxiety - (c)
            obsessive thinking about what is happening on Internet - (d) fantasies
            or dreams about Internet - (e) voluntary or involuntary typing
            movements of the fingers.
           (3) The symptoms in Criterion B cause distress or impairment in social,
            occupational or other important other area of functioning

    – (B) Use of Internet or a similar on-line service is engaged in to
      relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms

   (III) Internet is often accessed more
    often or for longer periods of time than
   (IV) There is a persistent desire or
    unsuccessful efforts to cut down or
    control Internet use.

   (V) A great deal of time is spent in
    activities related to Internet use
          (e.g. organizing files of downloaded materials;
           researching Internet vendors, trying new

   (VI) Important social, occupational, or
    recreational activities are given up or
    reduced because of Internet use.
Destructive consequences
   (VII) Internet use is continued despite
    knowledge of having a persistent or
    recurrent physical, social, occupational,
    or psychological problem that is likely
    to been caused or exacerbated by
    Internet use
    – sleep deprivation, marital difficulties,
      lateness for early morning appointments,
      neglect of occupational duties, or feelings
      of abandonment in significant others.
    – Isolation
Disease or behavioral
   Diagnostic Category following ICD-10
    / DSM-IV unclear
    – Disorders of sexual preference
    – OCD?
    – Disorders of Impulse control?
    – Non-substance Addiction?
 Internet addiction disorder – IAD
  (Ivan Goldberg 1995)
 Pathological Internet Use − PIU
  (Kimberly S. Young)
   The DSM-IV-TR still includes a
    miscellaneous diagnosis called Sexual
    Disorders Not Otherwise Specified

    which is not limited to mental
    disorders. The most recent version of
    that document, ICD-10, includes
    "Excessive sexual drive" as a diagnosis
    (code F52.7), subdividing it into
    satyriasis (for males) and nymphomania
    (for females)
10 Criteria for Addiction
1-Loss of Control
Clear behavior in which you do
more than you intend or want.
2-Compulsive Behavior
  A pattern of out of control
     behavior over time.
3-Efforts to Stop
Repeated specific attempts to
stop the behavior which fail.
4-Loss of Time
 Significant amounts of time
lost doing and/or recovering
      from the behavior.
Obsessing about or because of
        the behavior.
6-Inability to Fulfill
The behavior interferes with
 work, school, family, and
7-Continuation Despite
 Failure to stop the behavior even
though you have problems because
    of it (social, legal, financial,
 Need to make behavior more
intense, more frequent, or more
 Losing, limiting, or sacrificing
  valued parts of life such as
hobbies, family, relationships, an
            d work.
    Stopping behavior causes
distress, anxiety, restlessness, irri
 tability, or physical discomfort.
The Addictive Cycle

         Unmanageability             Impaired


        Despair                         Ritualizatio
Cycle of Psychological Addiction

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
 Impulse control disorders
 Bipolar mood disorder
 Substance induced disorders
 Dissociative disorders
 Gender identity disorder
 Dementia or other cognitive disorders
Role of the Primary Care
   Most trusted relationship in healthcare
    – If relationship warm and supportive, Pt
      will often disclose
 Provide complete physical
 Assess, treat comorbidities
    –   Major depressive episode
    –   Sleep disorder
    –   Irritability
    –   Difficulty concentrating
The Ten Types
of Sex Addiction

              Patrick Carnes
1-Fantasy Sex
Sexually charged fantasies, relationships,
and situations.
Arousal depends on sexual possibility.
2-Seductive Role Sex
Seduction of partners.
Arousal is based on conquest and
diminishes rapidly after initial contact.
3-Voyeuristic Sex
Visual arousal.
The use of visual stimulation to escape
into obsessive trance.
4-Exhibitionistic Sex
Attracting attention to body or sexual
parts of the body.
Sexual arousal stems from reaction of
viewer whether shock or interest.
5-Paying for Sex
Purchasing of sexual services.
Arousal is connected to payment for sex,
and with time the arousal actually
becomes connected to the money itself.
6-Trading Sex
Selling or bartering sex for power.
Arousal is based on gaining control of
others by using sex as leverage.
7-Intrusive Sex
Boundary violation without discovery.
Sexual arousal occurs by violating
boundaries with no repercussions.
8-Anonymous Sex
High-risk sex with unknown
Arousal involves no seduction or
cost and is immediate.
9-Pain Exchange Sex
Being humiliated or hurt as part of sexual
arousal; or sadistic hurting or degrading
another sexually, or both.
10-Exploitive Sex
Exploitation of the vulnerable.
Arousal patterns are based on target
“types” of vulnerability.
Signs and Symptoms:
 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
 Dry Eyes
 Migraine Headaches
 Back Aches
 Eating irregularities (skipping meals)
 Sleep disturbances
 Failure to attend to personal hygiene
Signs and Symptoms:
 Inability to stop the activity
 Craving more and more time at the
 Neglect of family and friends
 Feeling empty, depressed, irritable
  when not at the computer
 Lying to employers and family about
Signs and Symptoms:
        Psychological con’t.
 Problems with school or job
 Having a sense of well-being or
  euphoria while at the computer

 But   above all:
    – A loss of control over use!!!!!
Why so Compelling?

       In an on-line world… you can
 1. be anyone you want to be.
 2. be part of a group and play a role not
  possible in “real life.”
 3. have social connections with other
  gamers/chatters is highly reinforcing
 4. maintain a relationship not possible
  in “real world” (romantic/sexual)
Associated Difficulties
   Social Anxiety Disorder
    – Fear of social or performance situations that evoke
   Avoidant Personality Disorder
    – Avoidance/reluctance in interpersonal
   Depression
    – Loss of interest in external world, feelings of
      sadness, lethargy, appetite changes, sleep
Complications - Comorbidity
   Alcoholism: Alcohol is being used to get calmer but also to
    enhance the sexual excitement.
   Substance abuse (from Cocain to Viagra)
   Depressive Episodes: caused by negative psychosocial
    consequences of the cyber-addiction or the break-up of
   Suicidal thoughts: out of despair and hopelessness.
   Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior: Online addicts develop
    complex rituals to conceal their dependency and to make sure
    their family, colleagues or company cannot access their “hidden
   Paranoid Thinking: Fear of being discovered and being
    ashamed lets them associate even marginal observations with
    personal threats. (Examples: If a police car passes: “I hope they
    do not come to confiscate my computer!” – If the boss asks for a
    meeting: “Does he want to confront me with my Internet
    activities during last week?”)
Differences between men
           and women
   MEN
    –   „Kick“ through visual material
    –   Sexual excitement with masturbation.
    –   collecting mania.
    –   tendency towards violent and abasing

   WOMEN:
    – „Kick“ through communication (Chat).
    – Romantic stories and images
Brain functions in sexual
                                4         5

                                      3         frontal

1. Visual Stimulus
2. Sexual Excitement
3. Dopamin – „Happiness“
4. Adaptation – Desire for more and
stronger stimuli
5. Loss of control                    Genital Stimulation   2
Biopsychosocial Model
   Why (bio), what (psycho), where (social)
   Interactionism and cycle of pain: pain and
    suffering  loss  pain, stress and drinking
    more pain
   Family as a system, roles
   Why need to know about addiction? 80%
    behind bars, child welfare, alcoholics at work.
   Headlines:
      -“Hooked on the net”
      -“Girl died at poker Binge”
   Relevant movies: 28 days, Traffic
Prevalence, Severity, and Correlates of
  Problematic Sexual Internet Use in
      Swedish Men and Women

     Archives of Sexual Behavior
    The Official Publication of the
International Academy of Sex Research

Michael W. Ross , Sven-Axel Månsson
      and Kristian Daneback

Table Percent endorsing items on Internet sexual
problems scale (n = 1,913)
None            Few             Some            Big

Has sexually-related Internet use caused problems for you?

Male           79.1            15.8            3.7             1.4
Female         86.7            9.2             3.4             0.7

Do you have difficulties controlling your sexually-related Internet use?

Male           49.1            31.5            13.0            6.5
Female         74.8            17.5            5.8             1.9
I feel bad about my sexually-related Internet use?
Male           51.9            34.9            8.5             4.7
Female         60.4            28.7            7.9             3.0

I feel that I have become addicted to the Internet for love- and sexual

Male           44.0            34.9            15.6            5.5
Female         68.2            21.8            6.4             3.6
Mr. M.H. is 28 years old Jordanian Muslim
single man; he is graduate of computer
He presented in October 2007 with s of
Anxiety Depression with panic attacks, and
obsessional treats of personality was treated
successfully until Feb. 2009.
 Mr. M.H. is 28 years old Jordanian
  Muslim single man; he is a computer
 He presented in October 2007 with
  symptoms of Anxiety Depression with
  panic attacks, and obsessional
  personality,was treated successfully
  with SSRIs and cognitive therapyuntil
  Feb. 2009.
On Jun 2011 he presented again with
relapse and revealed that he is spending
few hours at work watching
pornographic websites, and
masturbating , with religious guilt
feelings, as he prays regularly and was
very ashamed of the whole matter, was
once seen by his father and stopped
using the internet at home
   As he started that since the age of 18
    he used the internet for sex sites but it
    was only after he graduated and
    started working when the use became
    too much, even before his first visit in
    2007 he was overusing it, but he
    thought he could handle it, which
    didn’t happen he got worse especially
    in the last 3 years, following his first
   Mr. M. never had relationship with
    girls as he has been shy and religious.
    He feels that not having sexual outlet
    and good knowledge of using the
    internet without paying money were
    pushing him towards the overuse, he
    was expecting the problem to be
    solved after marriage,
 but when some of this friends couldn’t
  stop even after marriage, he got scared
  and realized that the problem is
 Mr. M. prefers the category of lesbians
  although he has been looking at all
  other categories. He is preoccupied
  with the matter, on the weekends he
  doesn’t use the internet but he cannot
  stop thinking about it.
 Over the last period he has been
  improving in all aspects but he was
  slipping into the use every few days at
  the beginning and then every few
 He feels that he missed a lot of chances
  to develop himself and his career.
Mr. B. M.
   23 years old who has been addicted to
    internet pornography sine the puberty
    at age 13 with excessive masturbation,
    he is an Arab American Muslim, who is
    not having any relationship with girls
    he developed severe generalized
    anxiety and OCD, in a background of
    obsessional personality disorder. His
    obsessions are mainly violent sexual
    thoughts and images that he picked up
    from the sex websites,
Mr. B. M.
 he is a graduate of biochemistry
  planning to join the medical school ,
 he has been advised to get married, and
  not to join the medical school, he is not
  using the computer or internet now
  except occasionally he has been
  improving, able to control his addictive
  be behavior,
Mr. B. M.
   but he is preoccupied with sex and
    masturbates daily although paroxetine
    is a effecting his desire and delayed the
    ejaculation he is in a crisis at home, as
    the father can‟t see where is the
    problem, and the mother is reading
    Quran for him his mobile phone. He
    has been.
   He wrote: I have been experiencing
    anxiety, panic attacks, depression, and
    irrational/delusional thoughts. Ever
    since I was thirteen years old, I was
    exposed to Internet pornography. I
    became addicted to it on and off for
    almost a decade. One day in college, I
    woke up and started getting racing
    thoughts, my heart beat so fast, and I
    felt like I could not make it to the

    I tried listening to Quran, being around
    people, but the cerebral electricity
    would not stop. It went on for many
    months during the last semester of my
    premedical course work in college. All
    of my thoughts are extreme, like for
    example, I can get AIDS from
    something that is not considered a risk
    factor. The "What if" questions never
   It's like my brain is always on
    emergency mode, where I have to use
    all my coping mechanisms to keep an
    outside appearance of calm. These
    mechanisms break down, and I feel
    physically tired. It's like a hamster on a
    wheel. I work as a research assistant at
    a company . I got accepted to medical
    school, but I cannot continue so long as
    I am experiencing these symptoms..
   My compulsions are Prayer and
    Du3aa.he says that I am extremely
    intelligent, and that backfires
    chemically in the form of excess
    dopamine and low serotonin
   My psychiatrist diagnosed me with
    Obsessive Personality Disorder has
    been treating me since December 2009,
    when all of this started. I have
    fasciculation all throughout my body,
    and they become more frequent when I
    try to achieve a mental state where I am
    at peace of mind.
   It always switches from thought to
    thought, where I get stuck, and can only
    get out of one horrible thought by
    thinking about something that is
    equally or even more
    even though I know a little spit on to
    my face from somebody's conversation
    is not a risk factor. I've spoken to
    infectious disease experts, and they tell
    me to deal with this as an emotional
   Right now, I am taking Paroxetine
    Hydrochloride at 40mg, so I do not feel
    anxiety attacks, and I do experience
    decreased libido and weight gain. I am
    trying to continue my studies in
    medical school, but I cannot get past
    these intrusive thoughts on my own.
   My parents, especially my mother, are
    worried about me. I have put them
    through so much psychological trouble.
    At one time, Dr. N. suggested that I get
    married. But I don't know. Will that
    improve my situation, or will it make
    me worse? I beg you in earnest to help
    me as if I am your son. Also, when I
    decreased the Paxil, and stopped it for a
    few days, the pornographic
Addiction requires
 The biological component of sexual
  addiction is not to be underestimated. It
  can be compared to substance abuse.
 „A Sex-Addict is like an alcoholic, but it
  is his own the brain which is his bar.“
 This makes decisive withdrawal
 In contrast to substance abuse, here a
  return to „controlled sex“ would be the
Risk factors for compulsive
Lessons from Addiction Research:
 Personality: impulse control, self
  esteem, introversion, patterns of tension
 Disposition for addictive behavior upon
  stimuli (Award-Dependence).
 Inner emptiness, isolation, emotional
  burnout, neglect of rewarding
  interpersonal relationships.
 Presence of harmful material (just a click
Risk factors II
 Dealing with hidden emotional pain.
 History of childhood trauma / neglect
 Pathological search for new Stimulation.
 Lack of inner discipline / behavioral
 Rationalising negative behavior: „This
  helps me to relax“ – „ I owe myself a
  treat“ – „It„s only pictures“ etc.
 Unrealistic expectations towards others,
  sexual partners, emotional immaturity.
Treatment Factors
   Addiction oriented primary therapist
    – 3-5 years involvement
    – 1st 2 years most intensive
 12 Step sex addiction group to prevent
 12 Step for other co-morbid addictions
 Work the program, not just attend
    – Find sponsor, step work, service
   Early family involvement
What about medication?
   Serotonin: produced as a side effect of addiction process.
    Antidepressants are also elevating serotonin levels.
     – Could Serotonin reduce Craving? – possibly reduce feelings of
       emptiness and underlying depression.

   Dopamin (increases desire in addiction)
     – No proven strategies in this area without severe side effects

   Opiates: central in addiction, creating the feeling of being
     – Although there are opioid blockers there is no indication that they
       reduce non-substance addiction.

   Conclusion:
     – Medication (unfortunately) is not a solution; perhaps partially a
       support for behavior therapy, where a person is additionally
       suffering from depression.
Psychotropic Medication
   Treat for Mood, Anxiety Disorders

   “Start low, go slow” may NOT work in
    most cases

   Need to target as more treatment
    – Major depressive illness
    – Anxiety disorders
Learning from Addiction
 The diverse evaluation of sexual
  behavior in our society makes life hard
  for the addicted person.
 Cybersex Dependency requires
  consequent strategies of addiction
 Detoxification: complete withdrawal.
 Removal of access to addiction.
 Working at immature expectations and
Eight Tipps for addicts
 Admit the fact that you are addicted.
 Realize the fact that you support sexual
  abuse with your behavior.
 Use filter software (
 Be transparent towards your partner /
 Be accountable to a person you trust.
 Keep your computer in an open room.
 Choose to live without a computer or
  internet access for some time.
Psychotherapy Factors

Multi-disciplinary approach crucial!
Inpatient vs. outpatient?
Is 12 step sexual addiction group enough?
Other modalities?
      Individual psychotherapy
      Family therapy
      Couples therapy
Goal of therapy: relationship
 Not secular vs. Christian
 BUT: individually centered vs.
  stabilizing relationships.
 Short term satisfaction vs. long-term
 Individual lust vs. an ecology of
 Double moral standards vs. dignity,
  respect and empathy.
The End

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Internet sex addiction

  • 1. Internet sex addiction Clinical experience Walid Sarhan F.R.C.Psych
  • 2. Google search  Sex: 3,810,000,000  Free sex:1,200,000,00  Group sex:761,000,000  Child sex:402,000,000  Anal sex:281,000,000  Oral sex:140,000,000  Arab sex:98,500,000
  • 3. Internet Sex  70% of porn traffic between 9am-5pm  US porno revenue exceeds 6 billion currently (3rd)  12-17 year olds largest consumers of internet porn  Average first time contact is 11 years of age  Gender: – 60-70% males
  • 4. What is Going on with These People?
  • 5. Etiology of Sexual Addiction  Anyone, BUT: More from families multiple addictions rigid, disengaged families Psychological trauma common Propensity for high-risk behavior Onset due triggered around high stress events Trouble with accountability, authority
  • 6.
  • 7. Prevalence  Epidemiological estimates vary  Inconsistent criteria for defining sexual compulsive behaviors – Lack of funding – Lack of committed researchers  Most information comes from clinical treatment programs specialized in sexual addictions  Best estimates are approximately 5% of general population Fong TW. (2006). Understanding and managing compulsive sexual behaviors. Psychiatry, November, 51-58.
  • 8. Demographics  3: 1 ratio of men to women  Younger and older persons in cybersex  65% of sex addicts run the risk of contracting STDs  79% have lost work productivity  70% severe marital or relationship due to behavior  65% report sleep disorder due to shame, fear, despair
  • 9. Pornographic internet content  Everything is possible  „soft pornography“  „hard pornography“ – „sexually explicit in the extreme, and devoid of any other apparent content or purpose“ – including violence, sado- maso, electroshocks, urine, feces, very fat women, pregnant women etc., „gang-bang“, animals; even „snuff-videos“ – killing victims in front of the camera.  pedophile content (often with sadistic torture)  Chat with explicit sex talk – often leading to real-life encounters.  Live-Video  Mobile telephones: growing industry of short films, pictures, explicit sounds.
  • 10. Some statistics  Sex Industry Statistics (2003) – $57.0 billion revenue world-wide – $12.0 billion of this is US revenue, more than all combined revenues of all professional football, baseball and basketball franchises or the combined revenues of ABC, CBS, and NBC (6.2 billion). $2.5 of the $12 billion is related to internet porn.  Porn on the Web – 25% of total search engine requests are porn-related. – 8% of total emails are porn-related. Average daily pornographic emails are 4.5 per internet user – 12% of total websites are pornographic  Affecting Children – 100,000 websites offer illegal child pornography. – Child pornography generates $3 billion annually. – 90% of 8-16 year olds have viewed porn online (most while doing homework). – Average age of first internet exposure to pornography is 11 years old. – Largest consumer of internet pornography 12-17 age group.
  • 11. Statistics II  Affecting Adults – 20% of men admit accessing pornography at work – 13% of women admit accessing pornography at work – 53% of Promise Keeper men viewed pornography the previous week in one study – 10% of adults admit having internet sexual addiction.  Business Productivity – 70 percent of all internet porn traffic occurs during the 9-to-5 workday.2 – Nearly one out of three companies has terminated an employee for inappropriate web use.2 (Some of this could be for liability reasons discussed below.) – According to Internet Data Center research 30 to 40 percent of employee internet activity is non business-related, costing millions of dollars in productivity.2 This does not mean all the activity is porn related. For example, the cost to businesses in lost employee productivity from the internet broadcasts of the Starr report and the Clinton grand-jury video was in excess of $450 million, according to a study reported by ZDNet.2
  • 12. Statistics  Tracking data from 2010 by Nielsen Online, showed that more than 25% of those with Internet access at work viewed pornography during working hours. This is an increase from 2007 figures
  • 13. As of May, 2010, Alexa research, which tracks Internet usage, includes two porn sites in the top 503 for worldwide traffic. This may not seem that impressive until you realize that almost all of the top 50 sites are social networking sites and that ranks 57th
  • 14. 25 million Americans visit cyber-sex sites between 1-10 hours per week. Another 4.7 million in excess of 11 hours per week. (MSNBC/Stanford/Duquesne Study, Washington Times, 1/26/2000
  • 15.  everysecond $3,075.64 is being spent on pornography. Every second 28,258 internet users are viewing pornography. In that same second 372 internet users are typing adult search terms into search engines. Every 39 minutes a new pornographic video is being created in the U.S.
  • 16. It‟s big business. The pornography industry has larger revenues than Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo, Apple and Netflix combined. 2006 Worldwide Pornography Revenues ballooned to $97.06 billion. 2006 & 2005 U.S. Pornography Industry Revenue Statistics, 2006 Top Adult Search
  • 18. Pornography in the Workplace  More than 75% of people at work have accidentally visited a pornographic website, and 15% have visited such sites more than 10 times Fifty Percent of Workers Spend Nine days a Year on Personal Surfing at Work.
  • 19. 63 percent of employees are concerned about the ease of access to objectionable content at work Fifty Percent of Workers Spend Nine days a Year on Personal Surfing at Work. Cerberian Inc. and SonicWALL, 20 July 2004.
  • 20. Twenty percent of men and 13% of women admitted to accessing pornography at work Internet Pornography Statistics. Internet Filter Review, 2004
  • 21. USA  Out of all countries, the United States is the top producer of both pornographic websites and pornographic videos. In fact, the United States has produced 89% (244,661,900) of the pornographic web pages in the entire world. The average age of first exposure to Internet pornography is 11
  • 22. Impact on the Marriage  47% of families said pornography is a problem in their home  42% of surveyed adults indicated that their partner's use of pornography made them feel insecure  41% of surveyed adults admitted they felt less attractive due to their partner's pornography use  30% of surveyed adults said their partner's use of pornography made them feel more like a sexual object
  • 23. Divorce  350 members of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, the nation‟s top 1,600 divorce attorneys, met in 2002 for an annual conference. Almost two thirds of these lawyers said that the Internet had played a significant role in divorces they had handled during the last year. The problems most cited by the attorneys were:
  • 24. 1) Met new love interest over the Internet - 68 percent 2) Obsessive interest in pornographic sites - 56 percent 3) Excessive time on computer - 47 percent 4) Excessive time communicating in chat rooms - 33 percent
  • 25. School children  In 2008, a Catholic high school in the Midwest –USA. surveyed the pornography use of 175 of their 350 senior boys, who were taking a class on relationships. The results of the survey indicated that 48% were viewing pornography one or more times each week. Out of the boys who had viewed pornography, 36% had feelings of addiction to pornography, and 68% said
  • 26. The high school also surveyed their entire freshman class, and 29% of the freshman boys were viewing pornography one or more times each week. Out of the freshman boys who had viewed pornography, 12% had feelings of addiction, and 74% said that their parents were unaware of their pornography use
  • 27. Almost 90% of these students were from Catholic families, and the school has conducted other surveys on pornography over the last three years, and found results that were quite similar. Of the boys that were viewing pornography, between 80-85% indicated that they were accessing pornography through the Internet.
  • 28. Impact on Society  Approximately 40 million people in the United States are sexually involved with the Internet  25% of all search engine requests are pornography related  Sex is the number 1 topic searched on the Internet
  • 29. 15% of online porn habitués develop sexual behavior that disrupts their lives 4  38% of adults believe it is 'morally acceptable' to look at pictures of nudity or explicit sexual behavior
  • 30. American Society of Addiction Medicine  On August , 2011 the statement defining all addiction (including sex addiction) in terms of brain changes. "Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry
  • 31. Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) - Diagnostic Criteria  A maladaptive pattern of Internet use, leading to clinically significant  impairment or distress as manifested by three (or more) of the following,  occurring at any time in the same 12- month period:  (I) tolerance, as defined by either of the following: – (A) A need for markedly increased amounts of time on Internet to achieve satisfaction Author: Ivan Goldberg, M.D. – (B) markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of time on Internet.
  • 32. Criteria – IAD II  (II) withdrawal, as manifested by either of the following: – (A) the characteristic withdrawal syndrome  (1) Cessation of (or reduction) in Internet use that has been heavy and prolonged.  (2) Two (or more) of the following, developing within several days to a month after Criterion 1: (a) psychomotor agitation - (b) anxiety - (c) obsessive thinking about what is happening on Internet - (d) fantasies or dreams about Internet - (e) voluntary or involuntary typing movements of the fingers.  (3) The symptoms in Criterion B cause distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important other area of functioning – (B) Use of Internet or a similar on-line service is engaged in to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms  (III) Internet is often accessed more often or for longer periods of time than
  • 33. (IV) There is a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control Internet use.  (V) A great deal of time is spent in activities related to Internet use  (e.g. organizing files of downloaded materials; researching Internet vendors, trying new browsers.)  (VI) Important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or reduced because of Internet use.
  • 34. Destructive consequences  (VII) Internet use is continued despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent physical, social, occupational, or psychological problem that is likely to been caused or exacerbated by Internet use – sleep deprivation, marital difficulties, lateness for early morning appointments, neglect of occupational duties, or feelings of abandonment in significant others. – Isolation
  • 35. Disease or behavioral problem?  Diagnostic Category following ICD-10 / DSM-IV unclear – Disorders of sexual preference (Paraphilia)? – OCD? – Disorders of Impulse control? – Non-substance Addiction?  Internet addiction disorder – IAD (Ivan Goldberg 1995)  Pathological Internet Use − PIU (Kimberly S. Young)
  • 36. DSM  The DSM-IV-TR still includes a miscellaneous diagnosis called Sexual Disorders Not Otherwise Specified
  • 37. (ICD)  which is not limited to mental disorders. The most recent version of that document, ICD-10, includes "Excessive sexual drive" as a diagnosis (code F52.7), subdividing it into satyriasis (for males) and nymphomania (for females)
  • 38. 10 Criteria for Addiction
  • 39. 1-Loss of Control Clear behavior in which you do more than you intend or want.
  • 40. 2-Compulsive Behavior A pattern of out of control behavior over time.
  • 41. 3-Efforts to Stop Repeated specific attempts to stop the behavior which fail.
  • 42. 4-Loss of Time Significant amounts of time lost doing and/or recovering from the behavior.
  • 43. 5-Preoccupation Obsessing about or because of the behavior.
  • 44. 6-Inability to Fulfill Obligations The behavior interferes with work, school, family, and friends.
  • 45. 7-Continuation Despite Consequences Failure to stop the behavior even though you have problems because of it (social, legal, financial, physical).
  • 46. 8-Escalation Need to make behavior more intense, more frequent, or more risky.
  • 47. 9-Losses Losing, limiting, or sacrificing valued parts of life such as hobbies, family, relationships, an d work.
  • 48. 10-Withdrawal Stopping behavior causes considerable distress, anxiety, restlessness, irri tability, or physical discomfort.
  • 49. The Addictive Cycle Belief System Unmanageability Impaired Thinking Addictive Cycle Preoccupation Shame Despair Ritualizatio n Guilt Compulsive Behavior
  • 50. Cycle of Psychological Addiction Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
  • 51. Differential  Impulse control disorders  Bipolar mood disorder  PTSD  Substance induced disorders  Dissociative disorders  OCD  Gender identity disorder  Dementia or other cognitive disorders
  • 52. Role of the Primary Care Physician  Most trusted relationship in healthcare – If relationship warm and supportive, Pt will often disclose  Provide complete physical  Assess, treat comorbidities – Major depressive episode – Sleep disorder – Irritability – Difficulty concentrating
  • 53. The Ten Types of Sex Addiction Patrick Carnes
  • 54. 1-Fantasy Sex Sexually charged fantasies, relationships, and situations. Arousal depends on sexual possibility.
  • 55. 2-Seductive Role Sex Seduction of partners. Arousal is based on conquest and diminishes rapidly after initial contact.
  • 56. 3-Voyeuristic Sex Visual arousal. The use of visual stimulation to escape into obsessive trance.
  • 57. 4-Exhibitionistic Sex Attracting attention to body or sexual parts of the body. Sexual arousal stems from reaction of viewer whether shock or interest.
  • 58. 5-Paying for Sex Purchasing of sexual services. Arousal is connected to payment for sex, and with time the arousal actually becomes connected to the money itself.
  • 59. 6-Trading Sex Selling or bartering sex for power. Arousal is based on gaining control of others by using sex as leverage.
  • 60. 7-Intrusive Sex Boundary violation without discovery. Sexual arousal occurs by violating boundaries with no repercussions.
  • 61. 8-Anonymous Sex High-risk sex with unknown persons. Arousal involves no seduction or cost and is immediate.
  • 62. 9-Pain Exchange Sex Being humiliated or hurt as part of sexual arousal; or sadistic hurting or degrading another sexually, or both.
  • 63. 10-Exploitive Sex Exploitation of the vulnerable. Arousal patterns are based on target “types” of vulnerability.
  • 64. Signs and Symptoms: Physical  Carpal Tunnel Syndrome  Dry Eyes  Migraine Headaches  Back Aches  Eating irregularities (skipping meals)  Sleep disturbances  Failure to attend to personal hygiene
  • 65. Signs and Symptoms: Psychological  Inability to stop the activity  Craving more and more time at the computer  Neglect of family and friends  Feeling empty, depressed, irritable when not at the computer  Lying to employers and family about activities
  • 66. Signs and Symptoms: Psychological con’t.  Problems with school or job  Having a sense of well-being or euphoria while at the computer  But above all: – A loss of control over use!!!!!
  • 67. Why so Compelling? In an on-line world… you can  1. be anyone you want to be.  2. be part of a group and play a role not possible in “real life.”  3. have social connections with other gamers/chatters is highly reinforcing  4. maintain a relationship not possible in “real world” (romantic/sexual)
  • 68. Associated Difficulties  Social Anxiety Disorder – Fear of social or performance situations that evoke anxiety  Avoidant Personality Disorder – Avoidance/reluctance in interpersonal relationships  Depression – Loss of interest in external world, feelings of sadness, lethargy, appetite changes, sleep disturbance.
  • 69. Complications - Comorbidity  Alcoholism: Alcohol is being used to get calmer but also to enhance the sexual excitement.  Substance abuse (from Cocain to Viagra)  Depressive Episodes: caused by negative psychosocial consequences of the cyber-addiction or the break-up of relationships.  Suicidal thoughts: out of despair and hopelessness.  Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior: Online addicts develop complex rituals to conceal their dependency and to make sure their family, colleagues or company cannot access their “hidden area”.  Paranoid Thinking: Fear of being discovered and being ashamed lets them associate even marginal observations with personal threats. (Examples: If a police car passes: “I hope they do not come to confiscate my computer!” – If the boss asks for a meeting: “Does he want to confront me with my Internet activities during last week?”)
  • 70. Differences between men and women  MEN – „Kick“ through visual material – Sexual excitement with masturbation. – collecting mania. – tendency towards violent and abasing content.  WOMEN: – „Kick“ through communication (Chat). – Romantic stories and images
  • 71. Brain functions in sexual addiction 4 5 3 frontal brain 2 1 Limbic System 1. Visual Stimulus 2. Sexual Excitement 3. Dopamin – „Happiness“ 4. Adaptation – Desire for more and stronger stimuli 5. Loss of control Genital Stimulation 2
  • 72. Biopsychosocial Model  Why (bio), what (psycho), where (social)  Interactionism and cycle of pain: pain and suffering  loss  pain, stress and drinking more pain  Family as a system, roles  Why need to know about addiction? 80% behind bars, child welfare, alcoholics at work.  Headlines: -“Hooked on the net” -“Girl died at poker Binge”  Relevant movies: 28 days, Traffic
  • 73.
  • 74. Prevalence, Severity, and Correlates of Problematic Sexual Internet Use in Swedish Men and Women Archives of Sexual Behavior The Official Publication of the International Academy of Sex Research Michael W. Ross , Sven-Axel Månsson and Kristian Daneback Table Percent endorsing items on Internet sexual problems scale (n = 1,913)
  • 75. None Few Some Big Has sexually-related Internet use caused problems for you? Male 79.1 15.8 3.7 1.4 Female 86.7 9.2 3.4 0.7 Do you have difficulties controlling your sexually-related Internet use? Male 49.1 31.5 13.0 6.5 Female 74.8 17.5 5.8 1.9 I feel bad about my sexually-related Internet use? Male 51.9 34.9 8.5 4.7 Female 60.4 28.7 7.9 3.0 I feel that I have become addicted to the Internet for love- and sexual purposes? Male 44.0 34.9 15.6 5.5 Female 68.2 21.8 6.4 3.6
  • 76. Mr. M.H. is 28 years old Jordanian Muslim single man; he is graduate of computer science. He presented in October 2007 with s of Anxiety Depression with panic attacks, and obsessional treats of personality was treated successfully until Feb. 2009.
  • 77. CASE M.H.  Mr. M.H. is 28 years old Jordanian Muslim single man; he is a computer engineer.  He presented in October 2007 with symptoms of Anxiety Depression with panic attacks, and obsessional personality,was treated successfully with SSRIs and cognitive therapyuntil Feb. 2009.
  • 78. On Jun 2011 he presented again with relapse and revealed that he is spending few hours at work watching pornographic websites, and masturbating , with religious guilt feelings, as he prays regularly and was very ashamed of the whole matter, was once seen by his father and stopped using the internet at home
  • 79. As he started that since the age of 18 he used the internet for sex sites but it was only after he graduated and started working when the use became too much, even before his first visit in 2007 he was overusing it, but he thought he could handle it, which didn’t happen he got worse especially in the last 3 years, following his first consultation.
  • 80. Mr. M. never had relationship with girls as he has been shy and religious. He feels that not having sexual outlet and good knowledge of using the internet without paying money were pushing him towards the overuse, he was expecting the problem to be solved after marriage,
  • 81.  but when some of this friends couldn’t stop even after marriage, he got scared and realized that the problem is serious.  Mr. M. prefers the category of lesbians although he has been looking at all other categories. He is preoccupied with the matter, on the weekends he doesn’t use the internet but he cannot stop thinking about it.
  • 82.  Over the last period he has been improving in all aspects but he was slipping into the use every few days at the beginning and then every few moments.  He feels that he missed a lot of chances to develop himself and his career.
  • 83. Mr. B. M.  23 years old who has been addicted to internet pornography sine the puberty at age 13 with excessive masturbation, he is an Arab American Muslim, who is not having any relationship with girls he developed severe generalized anxiety and OCD, in a background of obsessional personality disorder. His obsessions are mainly violent sexual thoughts and images that he picked up from the sex websites,
  • 84. Mr. B. M.  he is a graduate of biochemistry planning to join the medical school ,  he has been advised to get married, and not to join the medical school, he is not using the computer or internet now except occasionally he has been improving, able to control his addictive be behavior,
  • 85. Mr. B. M.  but he is preoccupied with sex and masturbates daily although paroxetine is a effecting his desire and delayed the ejaculation he is in a crisis at home, as the father can‟t see where is the problem, and the mother is reading Quran for him his mobile phone. He has been.
  • 86. Assalamualaikum  He wrote: I have been experiencing anxiety, panic attacks, depression, and irrational/delusional thoughts. Ever since I was thirteen years old, I was exposed to Internet pornography. I became addicted to it on and off for almost a decade. One day in college, I woke up and started getting racing thoughts, my heart beat so fast, and I felt like I could not make it to the
  • 87. Assalamualaikum,  I tried listening to Quran, being around people, but the cerebral electricity would not stop. It went on for many months during the last semester of my premedical course work in college. All of my thoughts are extreme, like for example, I can get AIDS from something that is not considered a risk factor. The "What if" questions never stop.
  • 88. It's like my brain is always on emergency mode, where I have to use all my coping mechanisms to keep an outside appearance of calm. These mechanisms break down, and I feel physically tired. It's like a hamster on a wheel. I work as a research assistant at a company . I got accepted to medical school, but I cannot continue so long as I am experiencing these symptoms..
  • 89. My compulsions are Prayer and Du3aa.he says that I am extremely intelligent, and that backfires chemically in the form of excess dopamine and low serotonin
  • 90. My psychiatrist diagnosed me with Obsessive Personality Disorder has been treating me since December 2009, when all of this started. I have fasciculation all throughout my body, and they become more frequent when I try to achieve a mental state where I am at peace of mind.
  • 91. It always switches from thought to thought, where I get stuck, and can only get out of one horrible thought by thinking about something that is equally or even more
  • 92. even though I know a little spit on to my face from somebody's conversation is not a risk factor. I've spoken to infectious disease experts, and they tell me to deal with this as an emotional issue.
  • 93. Right now, I am taking Paroxetine Hydrochloride at 40mg, so I do not feel anxiety attacks, and I do experience decreased libido and weight gain. I am trying to continue my studies in medical school, but I cannot get past these intrusive thoughts on my own.
  • 94. My parents, especially my mother, are worried about me. I have put them through so much psychological trouble. At one time, Dr. N. suggested that I get married. But I don't know. Will that improve my situation, or will it make me worse? I beg you in earnest to help me as if I am your son. Also, when I decreased the Paxil, and stopped it for a few days, the pornographic
  • 95. Addiction requires Detoxification  The biological component of sexual addiction is not to be underestimated. It can be compared to substance abuse.  „A Sex-Addict is like an alcoholic, but it is his own the brain which is his bar.“  This makes decisive withdrawal necessary.  In contrast to substance abuse, here a return to „controlled sex“ would be the
  • 96. Risk factors for compulsive sexuality Lessons from Addiction Research:  Personality: impulse control, self esteem, introversion, patterns of tension reduction,  Disposition for addictive behavior upon stimuli (Award-Dependence).  Inner emptiness, isolation, emotional burnout, neglect of rewarding interpersonal relationships.  Presence of harmful material (just a click
  • 97. Risk factors II  Dealing with hidden emotional pain.  History of childhood trauma / neglect  Pathological search for new Stimulation.  Lack of inner discipline / behavioral control  Rationalising negative behavior: „This helps me to relax“ – „ I owe myself a treat“ – „It„s only pictures“ etc.  Unrealistic expectations towards others, sexual partners, emotional immaturity.
  • 98. Treatment Factors  Addiction oriented primary therapist – 3-5 years involvement – 1st 2 years most intensive  12 Step sex addiction group to prevent relapse  12 Step for other co-morbid addictions  Work the program, not just attend – Find sponsor, step work, service  Early family involvement
  • 99. What about medication?  Serotonin: produced as a side effect of addiction process. Antidepressants are also elevating serotonin levels. – Could Serotonin reduce Craving? – possibly reduce feelings of emptiness and underlying depression.  Dopamin (increases desire in addiction) – No proven strategies in this area without severe side effects (neuroleptics).  Opiates: central in addiction, creating the feeling of being „high“. – Although there are opioid blockers there is no indication that they reduce non-substance addiction.  Conclusion: – Medication (unfortunately) is not a solution; perhaps partially a support for behavior therapy, where a person is additionally suffering from depression.
  • 100. Psychotropic Medication  Treat for Mood, Anxiety Disorders  “Start low, go slow” may NOT work in most cases  Need to target as more treatment resistant: – Major depressive illness – Anxiety disorders
  • 101. Learning from Addiction Therapy  The diverse evaluation of sexual behavior in our society makes life hard for the addicted person.  Cybersex Dependency requires consequent strategies of addiction therapy.  Detoxification: complete withdrawal.  Removal of access to addiction.  Working at immature expectations and
  • 102. Eight Tipps for addicts  Admit the fact that you are addicted.  Realize the fact that you support sexual abuse with your behavior.  Use filter software (  Be transparent towards your partner / counselor.  Be accountable to a person you trust.  Keep your computer in an open room.  Choose to live without a computer or internet access for some time.
  • 103. Psychotherapy Factors Multi-disciplinary approach crucial! Inpatient vs. outpatient? Is 12 step sexual addiction group enough? Other modalities? Individual psychotherapy Family therapy Couples therapy
  • 104. Goal of therapy: relationship orientation  Not secular vs. Christian  BUT: individually centered vs. stabilizing relationships.  Short term satisfaction vs. long-term integrity.  Individual lust vs. an ecology of relations.  Double moral standards vs. dignity, respect and empathy.