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Serving the fanciers worldwide
Racing Pigeon
Racing Pigeon
Issue 1 April 2018
International Racing Pigeon Magazine
For sale
International Racing Pigeon issue nr.1
Calendar of the month
Champion RED ALERT
1st National Barcelona 2009 UK
Natural Remedies
The use of cinnamon in our pigeons diet
Video included
Beginners guide
Problem diseases and parasites
Breaking the cycle of infection
A quick look into Breeding
Diseases and Treatments
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South Africa Million Dollar
Pigeon Race
Welcome to the first edition of
International Racing Pigeon
Articles , Videos , Pigeons for sale ,
Health products, Tips for beginners
and advanced fanciers ...all in one
Show your support for your favorite
magazine by sharing it o social
media .
Let us know how we are doing
We hope you will enjoy it .
We live in a troubled world
full of hate ,
Let us change it
the answer is simple
Pigeon Racing
* * *
Racing Pigeons for sale !!!
On the first edition of this magazine
the following fanciers and studs have
presented their birds. for sale
Tumley Lofts Stud
Machiel Buijk - Jan Aardens ( De Dolle )
Black & White Pigeons
America's Dream Loft
Busecan Dacian - 3 Direct sons of 1st National
Barcelona Champion Red Alert
Advertisements placements and rates
We welcome everyone with good intentions on board.
Please feel free to choose from the following advertising placements:
Front cover...............125 Euro ...........21 cm wide / 15 cm height
Back cover.............60 Euro...........21 cm wide/15 cm height
Inside front cover.............75 Euro..........21 cm wide ./ 29/7 height
Monthly Calendar......... 100 Euro.........21 cm wide / 29,7 cm height
Full double page ......100 Euro .........42 cm wide / 29,7 cm height
Half double page ...... 60 Euro ..........42 cm wide / 15 cm height
1 Full page .....................60 Euro ........21 cm wide / 29,7 cm height
1/2 page.......................35 Euro............. 21 cm wide / 15 cm height
Full column ........................25 Euro .............7 cm wide / 29,7 height
1/2 column .................15 euro .................7 cm wide / 15 cm height
Footer front page ..........50 Euro................ 21 cm wide / 5 cm height
Footer inside front cover ...........30 Euro .......21 cm wide / 5 cm height
Footer .....................................25 Euro.............21 cm wide / 5 cm height
Simple text .. ( your website .com ).........9.99 Euro 9 ( Only on the Useful links page )
YES is true ! , you can now have your ad video on our magazine
1/2 page .........75 Euro
1/4 page.........35 Euro
Selling pigeons !!!
Have a bird for sale ? We can help you out
Here are the advertisements placements and rates
Full double page .............35 Euro ...........42 cm wide / 29,7 cm height
Full page ...............25 Euro 21 cm wide / 29,7 cm height
1/2 page .........15 Euro.........21 cm wide / 15 cm height
For the moment we can accept jpeg images files ,PDF, You Tube video link
Send your files at :
Our Team
Chief editor - Dacian Busecan
Photography and design - Erika Busecan
Editing and design - James Redford
You can contact us at :
email :
or phone us at :
RO ; 0040764170868
UK ; 00447598577870
Copyright Notice
The content of this publication may not be reproduced, and / or copied ,translated
modified without prior approval of the International Racing Pigeon magazine.
Harkers is part of Petlife International Ltd
Petlife International Ltd, Unit 2, Cavendish Road, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 3TE,
T: 01284 761131 F: 01284 761139 E: W:
…for all year round
			 Pigeon healthcare
For more information please contact us using the details below
Adenoplus – for stress
in racing pigeons
including young bird
Adenocaps – a capsule
to treat and prevent
young bird sickness
3 in 1 liquid and
tabs – individual and
flock treatments for
coccidiosis, canker and
Coxoid – Flock
treatment for coccidiosis
Broncholin – clears
mucus congestion
Coxitabs – single tablet
treatment for coccidiosis
4 in 1 Soluble – liquid
treatment for canker,
cocci, worms and
external parasites via
the drinker
Loft Treatment –
A dry powder
disinfectant for
sprinkling around
the loft
…available all year round from all good pigeon retailers
Harkanker – A flock
treatment for canker via
the drinking water
Hormoform –
the leading feed
supplement for racing
pigeons for more than
60 years
Harka-Dip – a general
purpose dip to treat and
prevent infection from
flies, lice and mites
Vykil – A general
purpose loft disinfectant
Wonder Pigeon – Feed
supplement designed
to correct any problems
with the digestion
Spartrix – Single tablet
treatment for canker
Ridmite – A dual action
formula to eradicate red
mite whilst sanitising the
treated area
Harkamitex –
Concentrated solution
for the eradication of
red mite
Duramitex Plus 500ml
Trigger Spray – pesticide
free spray to eradicate
red mite in the loft,
coop or aviary
Harkavit Super Plus –
a combination of
multivitamins, glucose
and electrolytes
4 in 1 – Tablet and
spot on treatments for
canker, coccidiosis,
worms and external
Harkamectin – Spot on
treatment for external
and internal parasites
Harkaverm liquid – a
flock treatment for
round and hair worm
Iinternational Racing Pigeon
Free Subscription
to the
Racing Pigeon
Click here
Welcome to the first edition of the
International Racing Pigeon
Magazine. First i would like to
thank you all for your support
over the years, especially on social
media platforms where you all
have been very responsive to my
posts and videos . It is been an
incredible journey for me so far
and i hope you feel the same way
too . .
The International Racing Pigeon
Magazine is the result of
countless e-mails i have received
from you, where you have asked
me about many aspects of this
beautiful sport .I did my best in
answering them in the shortest
time, although many times i felt
completely overwhelmed . This
magazine will be i hope, another
beautiful experience
Iinternational Racing Pigeon
in our fancier career .You will have the
chance to learn more about pigeons but also
to share your personal experience on these
very pages of this magazine. You will have
the chance to make friends all over the
world ,to buy or sell pigeons ,to find about
the latest pigeons products on the market
and many more. This magazine will contain
writings from experienced fanciers,
methods and teachings for beginners and
advanced people of this sport,, but also the
feature that makes us different ...videos.
Yes you have read this perfectly right. On
this magazine you will have the chance to
watch videos from this very first edition .
.As i said we wanted to offer our readers the
chance of a beautiful and enjoyable
Reading an article about a certain topic i
feel like a job half done ...on the other hand,
having read an article and then watching a
live video about how things must be done
takes the reader - viewer on a different
level ,it takes him / her closer to the truth.
I personally believe that this is the right
way in learning something . You read and
then you watch how it is done. i hope you
will enjoy this magazine and we are waiting
your feedback at
International Racing Pigeon magazine is a
tribute to the wonder we call
the Racing Pigeon
We welcome writers from all over the world to publish their articles on our magazine .
Races Results , news, future events are all part of the pigeon racing sport can publish
them now on this magazine .
Want to find out more about my writings , you can check them here:
Facebook page :
You tube Channel ;
while the sky above it will be
always gray. In order for us to
obtain top results in each and
every single race we must make
sure that our birds are equipped
with an extremely powerful well
developed immune system.
Their entire being is in a
continuous process of changing
in their first year of life muscles,
skeleton, wings but first of all
their immune system.
By Dacian Busecan
Photography Erika Busecan
Video by Dacian Busecan
We live in a world literally
flooded from the health point
of view with antibiotics,
supplements, vitamines,
vaccines and all kind of
bizarre chemically produced
medicines. The world of our
pigeons health is not much
different .New products with
very appealing names and
labels fill the over saturated
market reassuring and kind
of leading the puzzled fancier
towards the usage of them.
The use of antibiotics seems
to be the first ,the last and of
course always the best option
for any minor change in our
birds droppings .Have we
really forget entirely The
Natural Ways ?Can we really
not see with how much
disgust our birds drink that
bad ,hard smell yellow liquid?
I personally believe that a lot
of people do it because other
people do it ,just like a
domino effect .
It is enough for one person to
do it and the others will follow
suit. The question is " What are
the consequences of using
antibiotics for short and long
term ? The answer is: damage
of the liver and kidneys,
damage of the intestines, bad
moulting with twisted, pierced
and deformed primary flights ,
loss of vitality, loss of fertility,
weakened immune system,the
birds body will develop in time
immunity to this antibiotics
and the next option will be an
even stronger antibiotic .
Should we not use at all
antibiotics ? We are forced to ,
but only as the last and only
option for the reasons i have
just mentioned above. The
future of every loft lies on the
quality of the young birds we
produce each and every single
year. If these birds are not
kept free or to a minimum
usage of antibiotics for their
First year of life the future of
that loft will have on its path
many question marks while
Natural Remedies
Iinternational Racing Pigeon
This goal can be achieved with
100 % Natural Products and i
intend to guide fanciers through
this process starting with this
article. .So today you will learn
something that you can apply
right after you finished reading
these lines and i guarantee you
that from now on you will see
this sport with different eyes ,
but what is more important is
that you will enjoy
it more .In all my books that i
have published so far on
amazon site (and they are about
12 of them), i have said that
knowledge is power on this
sport, and i feel like i have left
something really important out
of the context ,i think is more
than power i think is happiness
and joy above all
A fancier that has healthy birds is
a happy fancier. I know that
because i am one of them ,I know
that because very close friends of
mine that have followed my
advice are happy people, I know
that because my You Tube
channel counts over 100.000
views in less than 3 months and
people that have watched my
videos about
* * *
Note ! The right color of a natural
tea must always be light ;
Example; Light green , light
yellow, light brown .
certain antibiotic to treat a bird we w
post treatment products for liver and
antibiotics contain substances that a
kidneys during a treatment. On the o
natural product that even if by mista
stored in the liver and kidneys and ve
body without any post treatment aid
firts Natural Product i will always rec
of the dosage prresented and gradua
presentation i will describe the use o
diet, here we go: Cinnamon is a spice
bark of several trees from the genus
both sweet and savoury foods. In the
cinnamon in the form of oil (leaf oil )
bark ). In humans cinnamon has ove
pigeons diet we are going to use it fo
Antimicrobial properties. Antioxidant
and Salmonella preventer and fighte
days of antibiotics this natural produ
prevent and fight against Young Bird
E.coli .
these Natural Remedies have learned so much from them .
My dear friends - When we have healthy birds in our loft ,
The Sky is the limit in regards to what results we can achieve in
races, but also at the same time in the breeding sections of our
lofts, because we all know that healthy youngsters are produced
only from 100 % healthy parents.
The natural remedies that i will present further ,are not risky
alternative therapies practiced against your doctor's suggestions
,but rather they are safe, and it will guide you through practical
actions that you can utilize to help prevent and treat all kind of
pigeons health problems. Just remember that these natural
remedies do not provide miracle cures and are not meant to
take the place of the advice and treatments prescribed by your
vet specialist . You should continue to work and consult with
your vet doctor about your pigeons health problems in
diagnosing the presence of a disease if this is the case and the
right treatment for it, nevertheless, the information i will
present can enhance your pigeons overall health by :
Increasing their lifespan.
Increasing fertility .
Optimum growth.
Immune system enhancement.
Healthier ofsprings with less deformities and increased
survival rate.
Improved feather growth, color and condition.
Prevention and treatment of parasites.
Protection against mycotoxins.
Prevention of bacterial and viral infections, and much more.
This presentation will offer you detailed, easy-to-follow steps,
using plants and other products straight from the nature and
even items you probably already have in your kitchen .The use
of plants and other products from the mother nature goes way
back in time when these were used successfully as the only cure
against all sorts of diseases and conditions but also to maintain
and boost their immune system in humans and animals alike .
The natural treatments will not have an -next hour- effect in
fighting different conditions like the antibiotics and other
pharmaceutical medicines have .Their effect will take a little
longer to show ,but will also last longer than the effect of
antibiotics , besides we all know that when we decide to use a
Iinternational Racing Pigeon
will also need to use other
d kidneys purification as most
are deposited in the liver and
other side we have a complete
ake is overdosed will not be
ery soon eliminated from the
d. Before i start describing the
commend everyone to use half
ally increase it . On these
of Cinnamon in our pigeons
e obtained from the inner
Cinnamomum that is used in
e pigeons diet we can use
)and powder (made out of
er 26 beneficial properties , in
or its : Antibacterial and
t properties. Anti fungal. E.coli
er . Viruses fighter. Before the
uct was used by the fanciers to
d Sickness ,Salmonella, Canker
Dosage :
As a preventive medicine i recommend to be used as a powder - 1
Tablespoon per 1 kilogram of food 2 times per week ,before you add
it to the actual food it is good to squeeze half lemon on the food ,mix
it well ,and then apply the cinnamon powder and mix it again, let it
dry for couple of hours and then serve it to pigeons. As a treatment
for the diseases presented above you must use a little bit of
cinnamon powder and little bit of water ,mould it it with your fingers
in the shape and size of a corn grain and administrate it to the sick
bird down the throat 2- 3 times per day . We can find cinnamon
powder in almost any shops and supermarkets .
* * *
Watch live how you can use Cinnamon in our pigeons
48,211 views 89 Comments
Did you know !!!
Propolis KILLS 25 types of viruses
20 types of harmful bacterias
7 types of parasite fungus
if not ........
you might want to check out this book !
Natural Products
that will help us
treat and prevent
a wide spectrum
of pigeons
Check it here
Iinternational Racing Pigeon
Dacian Busecan is also Author of 12 books published and sold on or
sites including 5 ( #1 Best Sellers)
1). “Racing Pigeons Natural Remedies Vol. I “ Full color and Black & White Paperback
Edition..................................#1 Best Seller
2).“Racing Pigeons Natural Remedies Vol. I “ Full color and Black & White Paperback
Edition..................................#1 Best Seller
3). “Racing Pigeons Advanced Techniques The Ultimate Guide” . Black & White Paperback
4). “Racing Pigeons Advanced Techniques The Ultimate Guide Vol.II” . Full color and Black &
White Paperback Edition.
5). “Racing Pigeons Advanced Techniques Young Birds Training” . Full color Paperback
Edition..............#1 Best Sellers
6).“Racing Pigeons Advanced Techniques Young Birds Racing” .Full color Paperback Edition
................#1 Best Seller
7).“Racing Pigeons Advanced Techniques Old Birds Training and Racing Systems ” Full
color Paperback Edition.......................................#1 Best Seller
8). “Racing Pigeons Advanced Techniques Breeding and Pairing” .Full color Paperback
9). “Racing Pigeons Advanced Techniques Feeding Secrets” .Full color Paperback Edition.
10). “Pigeon Racing- Deep into Sport Diseases and Treatment “ .Full color Paperback Edition.
11). “Deep into Sport- Hand Bird Selection” . Full color Paperback Edition
12). “Over 100 Top Tips in Pigeon Racing “ . Black &White Paperback Edition .
Amazon author page :
Check them all here
First i would like to congratulate you in
taking this beautiful sport and welcome
you in the world of pigeon racing. Some
people say that once you are in, you will
never want to get out of it and i totally
agree with this statement.
Pigeon racing is a sport spread world wide
and has absolutely no age limit . Young or
old men or women they have all been
conquered for life by this majestic one of
kind creatures we call racing pigeons. Their
intelligence and capabilities to return home
from short or extreme long distances made
them favorite animals for millions of people
around the globe. Kings and queens,
wealthy or hard working men along the
history enjoyed their presence and called
them friends, companions and heroes. The
beauty of this sport is that everything can
be learned about it ,we do not have to be
born with a phenomenal talent to achieve
the highest performances .
This unique sport will bring in the life of
any fancier the thrill and pleasure he/she
has never experienced before - the joy of
winning a race. The many aspects of this
sport will offer unique and beautiful
experiences to the new fancier and also the
chance to make friends all over the world ,
which is by far the most important one.
After more then 30 years on this beautiful
sport, there is one very important thing that
i have learned :
“It is important to win the first place, but
more important is with how many people
do you enjoy it ,as he, who won the first
place and has no friends around him, will
be just a lonely winner ''
Dacian Busecan
I can only hope that this advice will always
guide you in your racing pigeons career and
i welcome you in the beautiful world of
pigeon racers.
by Dacian Busecan
Photography by Erika Busecan
Bird Description
From the racing pigeons history we learn that the rock dove ( Columbia Livia) is the ancestor of
our today`s pigeons. Its physical form and shape has been moulded by the pigeon fanciers
through different crosses and rigorous selections more then 300 years ago ,a process that is still
carried out today by fanciers who are aiming to obtain a type of bird that will be able to perform
on any weather conditions, terrain, and on any distances.
From the ancient times people tried to figure out how this little bird find its way home and what
body parts help him the most in completing the task that it is been imposed to him. From the 22
body parts presented above the ones that have always draw attention of the fancier and science
people, are the eyes and the wings of the bird .To these two body parts have been dedicated
extended searches where the eyes have a very close relation with the breeding capabilities and
on the other side the studies about the wing formation will tell the fancier whether the bird can
fly a short distance race or a long distance race..
Just like for all the other concepts and theories in life there are as many believers as nonbelievers
and i will advice the young fancier to believe in only what is proven and what he can experiment
himself with his own birds .
Iinternational Racing Pigeon
1- Frontal
2- Lore
3- Wattles
4- Beak
5- Crop
6- Wing wrist
7- Small coverts
8- Middle toe
9- Claw
10- Inner toe
11- Outer toe
12- Hind toe
13- Heel
14- Alula
15- Tail
16- Primary flights
17- Secondary flights
18- Rump
19- Back
20- Eye
21- Eye cere
22- Breast
3- Neck
Any concept or theory that can not be put into practice it is just a waste of time for the
people reading or listening about it, especially in this sport. Regarding the two body parts
of the bird, the eye of a good bird must be shiny full of color with a pupil that will constrict
in the light and will dilate in the dark surrounded by an eye cere of pure white color.
The wing on the other side is the main body part of the bird that will help the bird to glide
and propel through the air, but it is good to know when we study it that we must look at it
as part of a whole which is called the balance of the bird and not separately.
Time will pass, and along with it the new fancier will gather experience which will help him
to make a right judgement when assessing a bird in the hand . Through a selective breeding
carried out year after year, the young fancier will learn that all these body characteristics of
the bird can be modified and improved. Knowledge and experience will help the fancier in
obtaining the type of birds that he believes that will be able to pass successfully the tests in
the racing season.
Cock or Hen
To determine the sex of a bird can be
sometimes quite a challenge especially for the
young birds .My recommendation for the new
fancier is to let the nature follow its course and
let the birds to reach maturity which means a
complete moult of the young birds in the first
year of their life. It is also good to know that
only the birds that were born at the beginning
of the year March-April will pass through a
complete moult at the end of the year. The late
breeds which were born in the months of June
and July and later will not moult completely at
the end of the year and their complete moult
will happen at the end of the next year.
In both cases the determination of the sex
will be possible anyway at the end of their
first year of life .The cocks regardless of
their body aspect will continuously look for
a partner and try to claim a nest box or
boxes in the loft. They will display many
times during the day by dragging their tail
on the ground, puffing their chest out and
flapping their wings with noise .Although
not always the case as soon as they have
moulted the fourth primary feather their
sexual instinct will kick in. In most of the
cases their appearances are bigger in size, a
bigger head with larger wattles then the
hens. When two birds are in the process of
mating the cock will always be the one
Iinternational Racing Pigeon
who will keep its beak wide open and will
always circle around the hen .The hen with a
smaller head and wattles will always place its
beak inside the cock`s beak in the process of
mating and at the end of it she will lower her
body to the ground to facilitate the mating
process .The hens will not display too much
with their tail on the ground and their
territorial instinct will resume to a simple
resting perch
* * *
Bottom left and right ; cock and hen
Top corner - cock bird , close up
Top corner descending - hen bird ; close up
The loft
Whoever decide to take on this sport must ask
himself a simple question:” Where will the birds
live ?” We all do what we can in life, some of us
have the possibility of starting with a big loft
while others only with a small one, what is
important here is to offer the pigeons a house
where they will feel safe and will keep them
healthy throughout their life . Below i am
gonna list the things that everyone should take
in consideration when deciding to build a
pigeon loft. It is good to know that the biggest
enemy in a pigeon`s life are not the prey birds
or other animal predators, but rather the
humidity from inside the loft .A humid loft will
never be able to host healthy birds, diseases
like: coccidiosis, trichomoniasis, salmonella,
hexamitiasis and lots more others will always
be present in such lofts. So here it is the most
important rule of loft building and positioning -
a loft must be dry, and for this we must always
build it at minimum 50 cm from the ground
level facing the sun .
The second big rule is the loft ventilation ,or
the way the air comes in and gets out from
the loft and what path must follow to create
a nice dry but yet fresh temperature inside
the loft. The best advice i can give to all
fanciers here is that the openings made in
the wall of the loft through which the air
comes and get out the loft , must be made
on the opposite side from where the birds
are resting e.g. nest boxes. To be even more
precise and for a better understanding , if
the nest boxes are placed on the south wall
of the loft ,then the openings must be made
on the north wall of the loft .Once this rule is
followed and applied, all the other little
holes that occur during the loft building
process, must be completely sealed , the air
should come and exit the loft only through
the two openings specially made and
nothing else.
Iinternational Racing Pigeon
The floor
The main rule in the floor building of the loft is to be
continuous and where the two pieces of plywood are
joined together should have no gap in between them
to prevent droppings to be retained that can be mixed
with food that pigeons are throwing out from the
feeders while they are eating. A nice even floor will
also allow an easy maintenance and cleaning that
must be performed by the fancier minimum twice per
week. Wooden ,plastic or metal flooring grills can be
placed and installed over the main loft floor to keep
the pigeons plumage as clean as possible and to help
the fancier with a longer periods of time in between
the cleaning sessions.
* * *
Bottom left - a new loft
Top - basic lofts
Bottom - Wooden floor grills
The walls
If we are to build our loft, these walls must be
together with screws, so in the event of an cert
relocation we can easy dismantle them with no
temperature inside the loft ,the outside walls m
inside with a 1 cm thick plywood sheets.
The compartments inside the loft
It is ideally where possible to build a loft with m
breeders ,one compartment for the racing bird
The walls in between the compartments do no
single sheet of plywood of 0.8 cm can be used
access door in the loft on a side wall which will
must have a width of 90- 100 cm for an easy m
have on one side the access for the two compa
and at the end of it will give direct access at the
These wooden floor grills have a height of 10 cm ,the
droppings are falling through the gaps in between
the wooden grills on the floor from where the fancier
can collect them when the cleaning takes place.
Heated flooring
In wetter and colder month of the year the floor will
not be dry enough and the humidity in the loft will
rise which will stop the droppings to get dry faster .
To avoid this situation the floor may be heated
through adequate heating installations that can be
placed either on the floor itself or under it. This will
automatically lead to a quick dry of the droppings
and the air inside the loft will be much healthier for
the birds
Iinternational Racing Pigeon
made of prefab panels that will be joined
tain modification inside the loft or even
o big effort. To create an adequate
must be insulated or doubled on the
minimum three compartments: one for
ds ,and the last one for the young birds.
ot demand to be doubled up in thickness ,a
and will work perfectly .We can place the
l lead in the main corridor .This corridor
movement of the fancier . This corridor will
artments: young birds and racing birds
e last compartment, the breeders
These three compartments will provide enough space
for the birds to be separated in the winter time but also
to isolate birds that need special treatment and care.
The access corridor must be used on his entirety by the
fancier .Here the fancier can deposit and place the food
for the birds cleaning tools and medicines that do not
require a low specific temperature to be preserved .
A tap of clean water can also be placed in this corridor
that will help the fancier to change and refill the drinkers
as often as possible .One of the most annoying thing for
the fancier is to go up and down from the loft in the
house to access the things he needs for his pigeons care
in the daily routine.
The closer he will have everything he needs for his
birds and easy access to them, the more enjoyable
this sport will become for him and his family or
The nest boxes
An very important thing for each loft is to ensure that
every bird will have its own place inside it, where it
can rest and feel safe. The nest boxes are the most
important thing for each pair especially for breeders.
A well settled pair will occupy a nest box and will
defend it from the intruders that will try to overtake it
.The nest box must be big enough in size to host a
pair of birds comfortably but also for when the
second round of eggs will be laid by the breeding hen
which will happen before the first pair of youngsters
will reach 3 weeks of age . A second nest bowl must
be place inside the nest box or otherwise the
breeding hen will lay the eggs on the same nest bowl
which can lead to broken eggs .To avoid this a little
dividing plywood wall can be placed in between the
two nest bowls which will ensure a calm sitting period
on the second pair of eggs by both parents. A good
size of these nest boxes would be 35 cm deep by 40
cm in height by 70 cm in length. I will always advice
fanciers to buy these nest boxes rather then
manufacture them themselves . Where this is not
possible the nest boxes must be made that way so it
can allow the fancier an easy access for checking and
cleaning of them. When the pairings takes place the
nest boxes must be provided with fronts that will
keep the birds inside them until the pair has settled.
The placement of the nest boxes inside the loft must
be made from 40 cm up from the floor level . This way
the pairs that have occupied the low level nest boxes
will not be disturbed by the over territorial cocks that
are continuously looking for new places .
The nest bowls
The nest bowls are little plates that have a diameter of
22- 25 cm and a depth of 5- 10 cm .When these are
placed inside the nest boxes the pigeons will occupy
them immediately and the birds will sit inside them
together or one after another .The nest bowls are
specially made so they do not turn over when the
birds will sit on one side of them. The nest will be
build in these nest bowls with the hen sitting and
carefully arranging the nest materials that have been
brought in by the cock. The main nest materials that
pigeons love are dried tobacco leaves ,oak t
( primaries and tail) feathers .
Also we must provide for the birds inside th
especially in the young birds section where
. These individual resting perches may have
out of the two the first category is to be pre
dropping to fall on the bird beneath it .
Iinternational Racing Pigeon
* * *
Example of a nest box that can be separated at the second
round of eggs . The 2 weeks youngster is mainly reared by
the father while the mother hen sits confortable on the
tree leaves, their own moulted
he loft individual perches
the birds can rest with confidence
e a v shape or straight ones and
eferred because it will avoid the
The roof
To avoid as much as possible the rain hitting the
walls of our loft, the roof must be that way
made so it will pass 40 cm on all sides the walls
line of the loft. Water collecting installations
must be placed where needed to avoid the
formation of little ponds around the loft and
humid air that may come inside the loft through
the ventilation system.
The aviary
The aviary is an extension of the loft and will
have the side walls made of net wire. The roof
can be made of transparent or non transparent
plastic that will keep the birds dry in the rainy
days . The aviary is extremely beneficial to any
loft and it will allow birds to enjoy the good
weather and refreshing baths, which must be
offered to pigeons twice per week.
Another beneficial aspect of the aviary is to keep
away predators from our birds and so the net
wire must be carefully chosen and built that way
so it will not allow any predators or non
predators (sparrows) to have access through it.
The size of the aviary is also important : the
bigger - the better, and must be placed that way
so it will collect the energy of the sun for the
entire day length .
It is good to know that the sun will provide the
Vitamin D for the birds only by exposing
themselves to it. A concreted floor would be the
ideal solution in the aviary if a suspended floor
will not be possible to be installed .I do not
recommend the presence of sand in the aviary
or inside the loft as this material is a humidity
retainer and will be an excellent environment
for bacteria developing which must be avoided
at all costs. Another positive aspect of the
concrete floor is that is very easy to clean by
simply using a pressure water hose. Once this is
done the concrete floor will attract the heat of
the sun and it will dry in no time.
Pigeons entry
Another important aspect of the loft building
and positioning is where are we gonna place the
pigeons entry . The first thing we must have in
mind when doing this is an easy access for the
birds .We certainly do not want to position the
loft that way so it will have in front of the entry
obstacles like trees or high buildings,
and the main reason for this is that when pigeons w
There are several types of entry systems on the mark
system of trapping which means that the birds will b
pigeon racing sport is called Sputnik .This system con
When we can not afford to buy such entry systems fo
First we will need to make a frame for the opening w
place it to the roof the easier will be for the birds to
should be in the middle of each compartment to offe
entry, the landing board 60 cm long by 40 cm wide.
An very important aspect of the landing board is to b
will be fixed into the first frame with two hinges .The
be towards the ceiling of the loft .The last step is to a
have to do for when we let the birds out, is to lift the
down and the birds will have to access the loft from
Iinternational Racing Pigeon
will return from the race they need an easy access to the entry of the loft.
ket and they all have the same principle, an easy exit from the loft, a well fixed landing board and a
be able to get inside the loft but will not be able to get out of it. A very well known entry system in the
ntains all the three aspects mentioned above and we can see it in nearly every loft around the globe
or our loft and we must come with a solution ourselves here is a few tips of how we can go about it.
which can have the following measurements : 60 cm in length by 30 cm in height. The closer we will
access it especially the young ones in their first week of liberation. The optimum position of the entry
er the birds enough space to access it from any corner of the loft. Further we can fix outside of the
be well fixed and made from an anti slippery material. The next step is to build the second frame that
e hinges must be placed on the inside face of the loft as the main movement of this second frame will
attach a set of bob wires by the second frame on the inside face. The entry is now done and all we
e inside frame up and attach it to the ceiling ,after the birds have left the loft we can let the frame
the landing board through the bob wires without being able to get out the loft again.
Another mild winter and yet again precious
little snow or cold weather. Well, there was a
week or was it two when it seemed to stay
cold. The problem is that we rely on some hot
summers and cold winters to keep the general
level of infection down. Most infectious
organisms cannot withstand being desiccated,
bombarded with UV, frozen and thawed!
However, with mild winters and dismal
summers, then expect a slow and steady build
up of problems. Nothing stays the same. The
current outbreak of H5N8 strain of Avian
Influenza is the culmination of slow spread
globally for the last 10 years. During this time
the virus has also changed and mutated, so
that it now kills waterfowl rather than merely
use them as a means of global spread.
It is not just ‘Flu’, other diseases and
ectoparasites (parasites that live on the skin or
feathers of birds and other animals) are also
spreading. The freedom to take your dog on
holiday to Europe and the failure of owners to
check for ticks or apply tick treatments prior to
returning to the UK. Is believed to be the
reason that a new species of tick has been
introduced into the UK. Our generally warmer
climate is allowing it to settle in the UK.
Unfortunately, this tick also carries the
infection of canine babesiosis (Lyme Disease)
which can be a killer.
Your pigeon loft with its multiple age groups
and pigeon racing provide an ideal setting for
new infections to be introduced, build up and
then spread when racing or at shows. If blood
sucking mites, biting flies and beetles become
infected. Then they can both maintain and
spread infection within your loft.
Ectoparasites require warmth and moisture
to reproduce. If it is too hot or too cold, then
reproduction is impaired and some will die.
Of course, for the last few years that really
has not happened at least in the south of
England. The result is that more parasites
remain dormant through the winter months
waiting for warmer weather and a new supply
of suitable hosts to feed on.
This is not a new phenomenon. I have said it
before when discussing the benefits of using
Interkokask RTU to inactivate and prevent the
build up of diseases and coccidial oocysts
within your loft. The same will apply to mites,
flies and beetles within your loft. They can
find all the difficult to get at nooks and
crannies where they can exist through the
winter months.
If mother nature is not going to come to our
aid, then we must use alternative methods to
reduce the population of these ectoparasites
CBM8 MV is a new persistent combination
product that both knocks down and kills .
Problem diseases and parasites
Breaking the cycle of infection
Iinternational Racing Pigeon
mites (including red mites), nuisance flies/
biting flies, midges, litter beetles, grain weevils,
beetles, cockroaches, mosquitoes/bed bugs
CBM8 MV is a long acting, microencapsulated
combination of ingredients that is applied
directly to surfaces within the loft. The
microencapsulation ensures that the active
ingredients are released slowly for a period of
up to 8 weeks. To get the best results read the
directions carefully, remove all the gross dust,
dirt and debris from the surfaces to be
sprayed. Your birds should not be present in
the section that is being sprayed. Treat the
whole loft at the same time or within a day or
two. Remove all drinkers, feeders, grit pots
and nest bowls, so that they cannot
inadvertently be sprayed.
An ideal time to treat perches, floors, nest
boxes is when the birds are out exercising or
have been confined to the aviary. Spray all
surfaces, top, bottom and sides of nest boxes,
the top side and underneath of perches and
sputnik floor. When it has dried replace the
drinkers, feeders and grit pots. Then allow
your birds back in.
Routine control, every 8 weeks, throughout
the warmer months will reduce the irritation
caused by mites, biting flies and beetles and
lower the risk of infections such as
paratyphoid being maintained within your
Of course, if you are a brilliant flyer and do
not suffer from flies, mite or beetle problems.
Then you probably will not notice much
D.G.Parsons MRCVS
Long Acting Insecticide
Featuring Micro-encapsulation Technology
MV is distributed by Hysolv Animal Health UK Limited
Hysolv Animal Health UK Limited • PO Box 78 • Llandysul • SA44 9AB • T. 0800 028 0780 • F. 0709 287 2234 • E.
Manufactured in Germany by Interhygiene GmbH. Neufelder Strasse 30 • D-27472 • Cuxhaven.
© Copyright Hysolv Animal Health UK Limited 2018. Mite photographs kindly supplied by Aleksandar Pavlicevic / AVES Serbia.
Problems caused by mites include:
	 • Sucking blood in the evening/night - can result in anaemia
	 • Spread and transmit diseases between birds e.g pigeon pox
	 • Restless birds, irritation, skin, scaliness
	 • Heavy infestations are known to have caused death of squabs
CBM8 MV is a slow release insecticide highly affective against red mite, Northern Fowl Mite, flies, and
other flying insects. It is simple to apply using a hand held sprayer to surfaces around the loft and nest
boxes, especially around cracks and crevices. An environmental application of the micro-encapsulated
active ingredients allows the slow release action of insecticide for approximately 2 months to control
these problem pests.
CBM8 MV has proven highly and is a leading product effective in the UK’s poultry industry.
Break the cycle
of re-infection
CBM8 MV (500ml) - £65*
Offer price is £65 including VAT and delivery
– Usual price £90..... a saving of £25*
To order: Send your name and delivery address (with postcode) together with a cheque payable to:
Hysolv Animal Health UK Limited, P.O. Box 78, Llandysul, SA44 9AB. 					
To order, phone us on FREEPHONE 0800 028 0780 with card details or for more information. Email: info@hysolvuk.comFreephone: 0800 028 0780
*Offer available while stocks last
Interkokask RTUInterkokask RTU
A Broad Spectrum Veterinary Disinfectant available in
a convenient ready to use 500 ml spray bottle. Ideal for
treating pigeon lofts, housing and dove cotes and cages.
(1kg Concentrate packs also available for larger areas)
Break the
cycle of
Interkokask RTU is a convenient ready-to-use 4% solution of Interkokask Concentrate which is DEFRA approved.
Bacteria (e.g.: Salmonella, E.coli)
Bacterial Spores
Viruses - Enveloped & non-enveloped	
(including influenza)
(including Cryptosporidium & Coccidia)
DEFRA Approved
Offer price is £32.40 including VAT and delivery
– Usual price £48.60..... a saving of £16.20*
To order: Send your name and delivery address (with postcode) together with a cheque payable to:
Hysolv Animal Health UK Limited, P.O. Box 78, Llandysul, SA44 9AB. 					
To order, phone us on FREEPHONE 0800 028 0780 with card details or for more information.
*Offer available while stocks last Email: info@hysolvuk.comFreephone: 0800 028 0780
The young birds we produce each
will inherit their parents body fea
and hopefully their homing instin
above all will have our name writ
over them, and this is why quality
be our main goal in the breeding
Pedigrees with fancy names shou
absolutely nothing to us .The bird
decide to bring in our loft to be te
the breeding section must be equ
with phenomenal body character
while the pedigree for that partic
By Dacian Busecan
Photography Erika Busecan
We find ourselves in the
beginning of the year and a new
breeding season is about to
begin. The future of every loft
depends on the quality of every
youngster our breeding birds
will produce . There is a lot at
stake in regards of how skilful
we are on this aspect of the
sport, because these young birds
will not only represent ourselves
in the racing season but also
other fanciers that have
acquired these birds from us.
For this reason only i consider
breeding of a greater
importance than the actual
racing. For those of us who
embraced this aspect of the
sport will realize that we will
never be able to increase the
homing capabilities on our birds,
But, we can produce birds of a
phenomenal body
characteristics and features ,and
these would be:
It takes time and patience until
we will be able to see the
overall results .It takes will and
experimenting trials, because
we all know that bringing two
birds together with excellent
results in racing, does not
necessary means that those
birds will produce excellent
offsprings .
The way i see it is that a fancier
breeder must have a lot of
knowledge and on the same
time a lot of patience .Quality
must always be the first priority
in the breeding aspect of this
sport and not quantity. Fifty
young birds produced each
year of an exceptional quality,
sounds more appealing to me
than one hundred and fifty
youngsters of good quality.
Good ,is simply not enough
especially when we decide to
compete on National and
International races
Iinternational Racing Pigeon
h year,
ncts, but
tten all
y should
g season.
uld mean
d we
ested in
bird should confirm us that we have made
the perfect choice. When my busy life
allows me to compete i find great joy
taking part on the long and marathon
distance races, and fanciers competing in
these kind of races should be able to
confirm the fact that perfection in body is
demanded from our birds if we aim to
achieve top results .Such races demand
power, endurance, stamina,and will.
Good birds are simply not enough when
competing against a large number of birds
over such great distances.
I will always advice the long and marathon
distance fanciers one thing :
"If you decided to take on this path ,well
baby, you better be prepared with the
best birds you have got because the good
birds will simply not be able to win."
Whatever bird we decide to bring in must
be minimum of the same quality in body
and performances as our best birds, if not
To be even better understood, let us think
about the possibilities here when coupling
such birds together, and see what exactly
the young birds will actually inherit from their
parents - their body features:
- a large bird in size ( inherited from the
father) with small wings (inherited from the
mother), the result is an off balance bird
- a small bird in size ( inherited from the
mother) with large wings (inherited from the
father), the result is an off balance bird.
We can continue with these realistic
possibilities and fill up an entire A4 page by
making combinations in between the two
different sized birds with the following:
-their feet, and these could be - thin , thick,
medium, short, long, medium, light, heavy,
-their tails - long, short, medium
-their neck - long, short, medium,thin ,thick,
-their weight - light, heavy, medium
So as we can see the variables and the
combinations between these variables are
just too many and my question would be:
Why risk it?
So instead ot this type of pairing i strongly
recommend the following pairings:
Small x Small
Medium x Medium
Large x Large
Medium x Small
Medium x Large
From this little scheme we can easily see that
the most preferred bird in size for pairing will
be the medium bird
To conclude my ways into breeding, the
young birds we must breed in order to
achieve top results are birds with a perfect
balance regardless of their body size.
This is the way of going forward and succeed in
this sport.
Mathematics don`t work
I could talk for quite a while about breeding and
perhaps i will do it on a future article of your
favorite sport magazine, but before i conclude,
i would like to give fanciers a tip like on all my
past and future articles, that can be
implemented straight away in their lofts,
something that can be successfully used and
can guarantee better results.
To be successful in breeding, when we make the
pairings with our birds a situation we must
always avoid is to bring two birds together
that are of a different size.
If we are to write down on a sheet of paper the
differences between their body features, they
just simply pile up .Simple straight forward
mathematics tells us that:
3 + 1 = 4 ; 4 : 2 = 2 ...well, we will be amazed
how in pigeons breeding 4 : 2 can actually equal
1,3 ( one point three), meaning that a large size
cock coupled with a small size hen in most cases
will Not breed a medium size bird but rather an
off balance bird .
So, What is balance ? I do not intend to treat the
Hand Bird Selection topic now so i will be short
and to the point: The balance of a bird can be
expressed by comparing, on one side the size of
its wings, while on the other side we will have its
weight and the length of the bird. In other
words: Has the bird the right wings size to propel
itself through the air in the fastest time possible,
because after all my dear fellow friends ,
this sport is extremely related to speed isn`t it ?
Balance must never be mistaken with the
posture or stance of the bird, which can also be
expressed as leaning backwards, straight or
leaning forward .
Iinternational Racing Pigeon
Prevent , Recognize ,Cure….
On this article I intend to present you a
common disease that our racing pigeons might
have to fight against during their lifetime.
The basic rule here is always to prevent ,
recognize the disease ,and in the case of the
presence of it ,to cure it.
The health of our birds must be top priority if
we want to achieve the best results in the
racing seasons and breeding alike. No matter
how hard we try to bring the best birds in our
lofts, if we are not prepared with knowledge
and open mind for when an disease will strike,
our expectations from our pigeons will not be
met ,even worst ,big losses will occur in young
birds and old ones as well .
One of the biggest mistake most pigeons
fanciers are doing is bringing new birds in the
loft without checking on them first, and mixing
them up with the existing birds in the loft.
It does not matter from where you got the
birds and how much you've paid for them,i
know you are anxious to see them in action
whatever that may be,but do yourself a big
favor check them first and most of all put them
separately for about 10 days and keep eye on
them ...
the health of your existing birds should be
first priority rather than a quick settling in
your loft of a new bird.
Coccidiosis is an intestinal disease that is
widely distributed among pigeons throughout
the world. Coccidia inhabit the small intestine
of nearly all pigeons.
Pathogen: Along with trichomonads, coccidia
are the most commonly found protozoa in
pigeons, occurring in the form of two eimeria
species: E.labbeana and E.columbarum.
Both species only infest pigeons. Coccidia
form permanent stages (oocysts), which only
become infective after maturing in the
Course of disease:
Following ingestion of the oocysts, their
subsequent developmental stages damage the
intestinal wall. Within 4-7 days of infection,
the pigeon starts to excrete oocysts again.
There are two forms of coccidiosis: The
asymptomatic (or subclinical) form occurs
most frequently. After ingesting small
quantities of oocysts for the first time, pigeons
develop an immunity to infection due to
by Dacian Busecan
stimulation of endogenous defence
mechanisms, without visibly succumbing
to the disease. With this protection, which is
reinforced by constant ingestion of low levels
of oocysts, the birds live in a kind of
equilibrium with the parasites, which also
protects them against severe intestinal
disease. .
Symptoms of Coccidiosis :
Very quick loss of weight
Slimy dark green droppings
Loss of desire to fly
Pigeons infected with cocci manifest an
increase desire to drink water
Asymptomatic form:
Infested birds appear healthy, albeit
rather less lively. The droppings are
sometimes rather soft.
Acute course:
Visibly affected pigeons produce malodorous,
muco-aqueous, greenish and sometimes
bloody diarrhoea.
They are listless, have puffed-up plumage and
drink profusely, with reduced feed intake
We can find this disease in humid dirty lofts .
Products for treatment :
Dacoxine 4 in 1 (DAC)
Trimethoprim/Sulfa (DAC)
Cocci Mix (Pantex)
Cocci-Geel (Pantex)
Cocci-Mix 1 (Travipharma)
Cocci- Tricho - Tab ( Travipharma)
How to treat a
wide variety
(22 types)
of pigeons
Check it here
Iinternational Racing Pigeon
Dacian Busecan is also Author of 12 books published and sold on or
sites including 5 ( #1 Best Sellers)
1). “Racing Pigeons Natural Remedies Vol. I “ Full color and Black & White Paperback
Edition..................................#1 Best Seller
2).“Racing Pigeons Natural Remedies Vol. I “ Full color and Black & White Paperback
Edition..................................#1 Best Seller
3). “Racing Pigeons Advanced Techniques The Ultimate Guide” . Black & White Paperback
4). “Racing Pigeons Advanced Techniques The Ultimate Guide Vol.II” . Full color and Black &
White Paperback Edition.
5). “Racing Pigeons Advanced Techniques Young Birds Training” . Full color Paperback
Edition..............#1 Best Sellers
6).“Racing Pigeons Advanced Techniques Young Birds Racing” .Full color Paperback Edition
................#1 Best Seller
7).“Racing Pigeons Advanced Techniques Old Birds Training and Racing Systems ” Full
color Paperback Edition.......................................#1 Best Seller
8). “Racing Pigeons Advanced Techniques Breeding and Pairing” .Full color Paperback
9). “Racing Pigeons Advanced Techniques Feeding Secrets” .Full color Paperback Edition.
10). “Pigeon Racing- Deep into Sport Diseases and Treatment “ .Full color Paperback Edition.
11). “Deep into Sport- Hand Bird Selection” . Full color Paperback Edition
12). “Over 100 Top Tips in Pigeon Racing “ . Black &White Paperback Edition .
Amazon author page :
Check them all here
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Iinternational Racing Pigeon
Iinternational Racing Pigeon
Iinternational Racing Pigeon
Iinternational Racing Pigeon
Iinternational Racing Pigeon
Iinternational Racing Pigeon
Iinternational Racing Pigeon
Iinternational Racing Pigeon
Iinternational Racing Pigeon
Iinternational Racing Pigeon
Iinternational Racing Pigeon
Iinternational Racing Pigeon
James & Vicky Cook
Millstone Cottage,
Devon. UK
EX21 5AT
Winner of 1st
Open Scottish National Flying Club Ancenis 534 miles 1274 ypm 47 ypm
in front of the next pigeon. 4th
Sec 226th
SNFC Maidstone 304 miles 1101 ypm 4,484
birds. Both results in 2014 as a 2 year old. Now at stock with us. Another great addition
to our high performance lofts.
Double G.G.Son of Morning Joy (1st
Sec 13th
SNFC Alencon) who’s a G.G.Dau of 645, our
foundation Aarden cock. Solwayview Boy’s dam was bred by us & is a G.Dau of 645.
Phone 01409-220098
Mobile 07969365322
Established 1984
One of the best, if not the best, 500 mile pigeon in Europe! 1st
Open Nat Bergerac 506
miles, 2nd
Sec 2nd
Nat Bergerac, 1st
Sec 3rd
Nat Saintes 433 miles, 6th
Sec 6th
Nat Messac 279
miles, 8th
Sec 24th
Nat Tours 347 miles, 18th
Sec 33rd
Nat Messac, 35th
Open Nat Fougeres
251 miles, 8th
Sec 66th
BICC Nat Poitiers 391 miles, 2nd
Sec 17th
CSCFC Bergerac, 6th
Sec 44th
CSCFC Bergerac. Winner of the Gold Cup. Sire of 8th
Open BICC National. G.Sire of 1st
Federation winners, 2nd
Section BICC National, 1st
Section 14th
Open NRCC Thurso 477
miles, longest flyer to clock on the day. Dennis Ford, Van Geel Aarden.
All the families we hold at stock have bred 1st
Open National winners in very recent years. The families we house are Leen Boers
(Sprint), Janssens (Middle distance), Van Loons (Middle distance), Dennis Ford (Middle to long distance), Aardens (Long distance)
and Dai Evans (true all rounders 60 – 600+ miles).
*** Loft visits welcome by appointment, groups or individuals ***
Tumley pigeons are responsible for 10 x 1st
Open Nationals, 18 x 1st
Section Nationals, 2nd
International OLR, double National Ace
pigeon + many more since 2013, in the UK and abroad
These are the type of pigeon we hold in our stock loft, we are all about performance pigeons of the highest quality. Visit our
website to see many more, including lots of information pedigrees, pictures.
Winner of 1st
Open National Bordeaux 483 miles, 3rd
Sec 6th
Nat Saintes 426
miles, flying 900+ miles in 9 days!!! 5th
Sec 9th
Nat Lillers 260 miles, 7th
Sec 19th
Nat Le
Mans 295 miles, 14th
Sec 28th
Nat Cholet 334 miles, 11th
Sec 34th
Nat Lessay 185 miles
(only 40 birds on the day), 25th
Sec 60th
Nat Carentan 184 miles, 28th
Sec 76th
Messac 273 miles, 28th
Sec 92nd
Nat Pont-A-Mousson 453 miles, 16th
Sec 125th
Lillers. Winner of 3 x RPRA Awards in one season never done before in Wales!!!
G.Dam of 1st
Open National.
Zilvervoske Dolle
1. Nat. Montauban	 1995	 Jan Ouwerkerk
1. Nat. Champion	 1995	 Kurvers - De Weerd
1. Nat. St. Vincent	 1994	 Cees Hartog
1. Nat. Perpignan	 1994	 Bernd Morsnowski
1. Int. Bordeauc	 1993	 Wilfried Stiel
1. Nat. St. Vincent	 1993	 Combinatie van Beers
1. Nat. St. Vincent	 1993	 Combinatie van Beers
1. Nat. Bergerac	 1992	 Jan Kooistra
1. Nat. Perpignan	 1992	 Germany
1. Int. Barcelona	 1991	 Jean-Luc Van Roy
1. Nat. Barcelona	 1991	 Jomp Kleen
1. Nat. Pau	 1991	 Duisland
1. Nat. Perpignan	 1990	 Gert-Jan Braam
1. Nat. Dax	 1990	 Felix Rozendaal
1. Nat. Dax	 1989	 Gebroeders Kuypers
1. Int. Pau	 1989	 Paul ten Have
1. Nat. Barcelona	 1989	 Jan Theelen
1. Nat. St. Vincent	 1988	 Gebroeders Kuypers
1. Nat. Dax	 1988	 Ad Venmans
1. Nat. Champion	 1988	 Jean Steijns
1. Nat. Barcelona	 1987	 Laban van Noordenne
1. Int. Barcelona	 1987	 Wim van Leeuwen
1. Nat. Bergerac	 1986	 Gebroeders Van Zelderen
1. Int. Barcelona	 1984	 Wim van Leeuwen
1. Int. Marseille	 1983	 Heinz Seegmuller
1. Nat. St. Vincent	 1983	 Gebroeders Van Zelderen
1. Nat. Barcelona	 1982	 Gebroeders Van Zelderen
1. Nat. St. Vincent	 1981	 Wim Versendaal
1. Nat. Pau	 1978	 Mevrouw Sprenkels
1. Nat. Narbonne	 1975	 Heinz Seegmuller
1. Nat. St. Vincent	 1975	 Willem van de Burgh
National and International
winners with 'Dolle'-Blood
Before 1996
Machiel Buijk Zandfort 96, 4631 RR Hoogerheide (NL) Phone +31 (0)164 614 685 E-mail:
No man in pigeon racing owns a colony of Jan Aarden pigeons so
close to the absolute base - that is what makes Machiel Buijk so
special in the International pigeon world … and that is why so many
fanciers worldwide know the way to Machiel Buijk’s homeground
Hoogerheide; because very inbred pigeons are so important to built
up a strong colony of good racing pigeons. At his fantastic breeding
lofts there are only pure Jan Aarden pigeons of a quality never seen
before; all bred from the best lines of the world famous Jan Aarden
long distance strain.
Machiel Buijk has always been very impressed by the ‘Dolle’ of Marijn
van Geel, not only for its perfect results on the long distance races,
but even more by the unique breeding eyes of this bird. He proved to
be one of the best breeding birds of the Jan Aarden strain. ‘Dolle’ is
without any doubt the best long distance pigeon ever; he
participated in 17 long distance races and won 17 prizes with a/o
1. prov. St. Vincent 1,684 b. (3. Nat. 6,844 b.), 1. prov. Dax 1,032 b.
(3. Nat. 3,649 b.), 9. prov. Limoges - 1,610 b., 12. Nat. St. Vincent -
6,917 b., etc. The ‘Dolle’-strain of Marijn van Geel has produced many
National and International winners since and therefore his his value
for the pigeon sport became immense.
Machiel Buijk has had 13 direct children of ‘Dolle’ and 18 direct
children of ‘Vlekje’ (top grandson to ‘Dolle’) in his breeding loft.
Those pigeons were the basis for his unique Jan Aarden strain. In
2014, fifteen descendants of the legendary ‘Dolle’ won a National or
International long distance race and the list of victories is growing.
The Jan Aarden strain still lives in all its glory thanks to the passion
of Machiel Buijk for the best long distance strain in the world.
MachielBuijkThe house of Jan Aarden
The ancient Jan Aarden strain is preserved in
an outstanding way by Dutch Machiel Buijk
The most important pigeon strain in the history of marathon racing is that of Jan
Aarden … the late super champion with a strain of pigeons that stands out in the
toughest battles! That ancient strain is preserved in an outstanding way by Dutch
Machiel Buijk, the house of Jan Aarden. He owned 13 direct children of ‘Dolle’ and
18 direct children of ‘Vlekje’ the base for his unique Jan Aarden strain. Many pigeon
fanciers, all over the world, succeeded with pigeons from Machiel Buijk.
Machiel Buijk Zandfort 96, 4631 RR Hoogerheide (NL) Phone +31 (0)164 614 685 E-mail:
1. Int. Narbonne	 2014	 Michael Grunholz
1. Nat. Perpignan	 2014	 Freialdenhofen & Sohne
1. Nat. Barcelona	 2014	 Emmerich & Heinz
1. Nat. Barcelona	 2014	 Heath & Peter Archibald
1. Nat. Argenton	 2014	 Guy & Michael Regnier
1. Nat. St. Vincent	 2014	 Francis Franssen
1. Int. Agen	 2014	 Karl-Heinz Kanski
1. Nat. Brive	 2014	 Arjan Beens
1. Nat. Pau	 2014	 Etienne Meirlaen
1. Nat. St. Vincent	 2014	 Cor de Heijde
1. Nat. Tours	 2014	 Christopher Hunt
1. Nat. Limoges	 2014	 Dekens Wilson
1. Nat. Carentan	 2014	 Richard Goodier and Sons
1. Nat. Agen	 2014	 Henk Curvers
1. Nat. Perpignan	 2014	 Arjan Beens
1. Int. St. Vincent	 2013	 Karl-Heinz Koers
1. Nat. Barcelona	 2013	 Wim van der Velden
1. Nat. Orange	 2013	 Mulder & Zoon
1. Nat. Pau	 2013	 Freialdenhofen & Sohne
1. Nat. Perpignan	 2013	 Dickie Pearmain
1. Nat. Narbonne	 2013	 Adri van der Bijl
1. Nat. Champion	 2013	 Dekens Wilson
1. Nat. Barcelona	 2013	 Freialdenhofen & Sohn
1. Nat. Ace Pigeon	 2013	 Sweden
1. Nat. St. Vincent	 2013	 Aad Kuijt
1. Nat. Barcelona	 2013	 Lepuch Leknica
1. Internat. Krasnodon	 2013	 Vasile Cristinel
1. Nat. Agen	 2013	 Freialdenhofen & Sohne
1. Nat. Montelimar	 2013	 Dekens Wilson
1. Nat. Agen	 2013	 Rutger Rittersma
National and International
winners with 'Dolle'-Blood
Between 2013-2014
Golden Breeder
Machiel Buijk Zandfort 96, 4631 RR Hoogerheide (NL) Phone +31 (0)164 614 685 E-mail:
Golden Lady
1. Nat. Narbonne	 2012	 Cees van Aaart
1. Nat. Cahors	 2012	 Etienne Meirlaen
1. Nat. Barcelona	 2012	 Ferdy De Scheemaeker
1. Nat. St. Vincent	 2012	 Gebroeders Limburg
1. Nat. Alecon	 2012	 Frey-Hoddinett
1. Nat. Pau	 2012	 John Chipperfield
1. Int. Pau	 2012	 Freialdenhofen & Sohne
1. Nat. Bergerac	 2012	 Jan van Ekeren
1. Nat. Bordeaux	 2012	 Jo Heuts
1. Nat. Ace Pigeon	 2012	 Jean-Luc Lambert
1. Nat. Champion	 2012	 Dekens Wilson
1. Nat. Tarbes	 2012	 Ernst Hodel
1. Nat. Albi	 2012	 Peter van de Wulp
1. Nat. Champion	 2012	 Jan Ceusters
1. Nat. St. Vincent	 2012	 Bauhaus-Devers
1. Nat. Barcelona	 2011	 Willy Verbruggen	
1. Nat. Barcelona	 2011	 Crowley & Green
1. Int. Narbonne	 2011	 Etienne Meirlaen	
1. Nat. Ace Pigeon	 2011	 Kipp und Sohne
1. Nat. Limoges	 2011	 Gerrit Vedder
1. Nat. Bergerac	 2011	 Jan Bullens
1. Nat. Narbonne	 2011	 Freialdenhofen & Sohne
1. Nat. Tarbes	 2011	 Van de Pol - Verhoeven
1. Nat. Perpignan	 2011	 John Chipperfield
1. Nat. Streyregg	 2011	 Henry Visser
1. Int. Ace Pigeon	 2011	 Kipp und Sohne
1. Nat. Barcelona	 2010	 Cees Luykx
1. Nat. St. Vincent	 2010	 Combinatie Bosman
1. Nat. Pau	 2010	 Combinatie Hoogendam
1. Nat. Bergerac	 2010	 Ron Gerrits
1. Int. Bordeaux	 2010	 Herman van Helmond
1. Nat. Ace Pigeon	 2010	 Gebroeders van de Kieboom
1. Nat. Champion	 2010	 Cees Luijkx
1. Nat. Ace Pigeon	 2010	 Etienne Meirlaen	
1. Nat. Bordeaux	 2010	 Crowley & Green
1. Nat. Ace Pigeon	 2010	 Gebroeders van de Kieboom
1. Nat. Cahors	 2010	 Cees van Meel
1. Nat. Champion	 2010	 Geert van de Matten
National and International
winners with 'Dolle'-Blood
Between 2010-2012
Machiel Buijk Zandfort 96, 4631 RR Hoogerheide (NL) Phone +31 (0)164 614 685 E-mail:
Super Witpen Dolle
1. Int. Barcelona	 2009	 W. & M. van Houten
1. Int. Bordeaux	 2009	 Tonny van Dam
1. Nat. Barcelona	 2009	 Freialdenhofen & Sohne
1. Nat. Perpignan	 2009	 Mark van den Berg
1. Int. Ace Pigeon	 2009	 Etienne Meirlaen	
1. Int. Perpignan	 2008	 Jan Roobol
1. Nat. Champion	 2008	 Combinatie Verbeek
1. Nat. St. Vincent	 2008	 Doctor Delhove	
1. Int. Limoges	 2008	 Gebroeders Limburg
1. Int. Sebastian	 2008	 Ferdy De Scheemaeker
1. Nat. Perigeux	 2008	 Gebroeders Limburg
1. Nat. Marseille	 2008	 Fons van Ophuizen
1. Nat. Champion	 2007	 Combinatie Verbeek
1. Nat. St. Vincent	 2007	 Gerard Koopman
1. Nat. Limoges	 2007	 Gebroeders Limburg
1. Nat. Irun	 2007	 Freialdenhofen & Sohne
1. Nat. Brive	 2007	 Ton Bollebakker
1. Nat. Ace Pigeon	 2007	 Combinatie Verbeek
1. Nat. Mont Marsan	 2006	 Marti Beset & Son	
1. Nat. Champion	 2006	 Gradje Roeffen
1. Nationaal Dax	 2006	 Winny van Ooijen
1. Nat. Barcelona	 2005	 Frans Bungeneers
1. Nat. Bergerac	 2005	 Marti Beset & Son	
1. Nat. St. Vincent	 2005	 Combinatie van Beers
1. Nat. Tarbes	 2005	 Combinatie Houtekamer	
1. Nat. Brive	 2005	 Gebroeders Beens
1. Int. Biarritz	 2005	 Ferdy De Scheemaeker
1. Nat. St. Vincent	 2004	 Gerard Koopman
1. Int. Perpignan	 2004	 Kurvers - De Weerd
1. Nat. Barcelona	 2004	 Ben Robert	
1. Nat. St. Vincent	 2004	 Ria Tieleman
1. Nat. St. Vincent	 2004	 Van Seeters & Son
1. Nat. Ruffec	 2004	 Gerard Koopman
1. Nat. Ablis	 2004	 Gebroeders Limburg
1. Nat. Ace Pigeon	 2004	 Gerard Koopman
1. Nat. St. Vincent	 2004	 Henk Vermeulen
National and International
winners with 'Dolle'-Blood
Between 2004-2009
Machiel Buijk Zandfort 96, 4631 RR Hoogerheide (NL) Phone +31 (0)164 614 685 E-mail:
Unbelievable Dolle
1. Int. Barcelon	 2003	 Gebroeders Hagens
1. Nat. St. Vincent	 2003	 Raymond Moleveld
1. Nat. Perpignan	 2003	 John van Klink
1. Nat. St. Vincent	 2002	 Combinatie van Beers
1. Nat. Perpignan	 2002	 Freialdenhofen & Sohne
1. Nat. Brive	 2002	 Raymond Moleveld
1. Nat. St. Vincent	 2002	 Maria Kerkhofs
1. Nat. Dax	 2002	 Bauhaus-Devers
1. Nat. Bergerac	 2002	 Wim de Leeuw
1. Nat. St. Vincent	 2001	 Michel Schuurmans
1. Nat. Munchen	 2001	 Gebroeders Limburg
1. Nat. Mont Marsan	 2001	 Gebroeders Maas
1. Nat. Champion	 2001	 Sjouke Duinstra
1. Nat. St. Vincent	 2000	 Combinatie Van Boxtel
1. Nat. Barcelona	 2000	 Combinatie Houtekamer	
1. Nat. St. Vincent	 2000	 A. Houweling
1. Nat. Champion	 2000	 Piet van Alphen
1. Nat. St. Vincent	 2000	 Gebroeders Keekstra
1. Nat. Limoges	 2000	 J. Verschuren
1. Int. Barcelona	 1999	 Jan Dons
1. Nat. St. Vincent	 1998	 Bennie Homma
1. Nat. Champion	 1998	 Gebroeders Limburg
1. Nat. Bergerac	 1998	 Amanuel Oz	
1. Nat. St. Vincent	 1998	 Rudi Philips	
1. Nat. Perpignan	 1998	 Helmut Grun
1. Nat. Barcelona	 1997	 Willy Looijmans
1. Nat. Perpignan	 1997	 Cor de Heijde
1. Nat. Limoges	 1997	 Gebroeders Limburg
1. Nat. St. Vincent	 1997	 Bennie Hovenkamp
1. Nat. Barcelona	 1996	 Rick Stevens
1. Nat. Barcelona	 1996	 Cees Brok
National and International
winners with 'Dolle'-Blood
Between 1996-2003
Machiel Buijk Zandfort 96, 4631 RR Hoogerheide (NL) Phone +31 (0)164 614 685 E-mail:
17 - 035144
Direct son 1 st National Barcelona 2009 United Kingdom
7 th National Barcelona 2008 United Kingdom
Best Barcelona pigeon 08 , 09 United Kingdom
750 Euro
( dark chq )
GB 09 L 03440
(Jan Aarden)
is full brother to
`Miss Wilson` she won:
4th Monthrose
3rd Rotherham
4th Newark 2007
8th Section
181 st Open SNFC Falaise
( Red )
GB O3 J 62376
Champion `Red Alert`
she won ;
1st Nat. Barcelona 09
7th Nat. Barcelona 08
Best Barcelona pigeon
08 , 09 United Kingdom
Tel : 0040764170868
Category ; Marathon
Breeder : Dacian Busecan
Owner: Dacian Busecan
Sex : Cock
Colour : Red checkuer
Size ; small to medium
Category ; Marathon
Breeder : Dacian Busecan
Owner: Dacian Busecan
Sex : Cock
Colour : Red checkuer
Size ; medium
13 - 28651
Direct son 1 st National Barcelona 2009 United Kingdom
7 th National Barcelona 2008 United Kingdom
Best Barcelona pigeon 08 , 09 United Kingdom
( Red chq )
GB 06 - 21736
Red Jan Aarden
-100% Ron Elliott
( Red )
GB O3 J 62376
Champion `Red Alert`
she won ;
1st Nat. Barcelona 09
7th Nat. Barcelona 08
Best Barcelona pigeon
08 , 09 United Kingdom
Tel : 0040764170868
750 Euro
11 - 28215
Direct son 1 st National Barcelona 2009 United Kingdom
7 th National Barcelona 2008 United Kingdom
Best Barcelona pigeon 08 , 09 United Kingdom
750 Euro
( Red chq )
GB 06 - 21736
Red Jan Aarden
-100% Ron Elliott
( Red )
GB O3 J 62376
Champion `Red Alert`
she won ;
1st Nat. Barcelona 09
7th Nat. Barcelona 08
Best Barcelona pigeon
08 , 09 United Kingdom
Tel : 0040764170868
Category ; Marathon
Breeder : Dacian Busecan
Owner: Dacian Busecan
Sex : Cock
Colour : Red checkuer
Size ; large
Category ; Marathon
Breeder : Dacian Busecan
Owner: Dacian Busecan
Sex : Cock
Colour : Dark checkuer
Size ; medium
17 - 035111
Direct son Wittebek - 100% Stichelbaut ( Frans Labeeuw)
Lazerom Hen - 100% Jan Aarden
( dark chq )
B 09 - 3031626
100% Stichelbaut
( Frans Labeeuw )
Full Brother Montauban
( dark chq pied
) NL 07 - 1469880
100% Jan Aarden
Tel : 0040764170868
500 Euro
17 - 035153
Direct son Full brotther to `Miss Wilson`she won:, 4th Monthrose,
3rd Rotherham, 4th Newark 2007 8th Section ,181 st Open SNFC Falaise
Jan Aarden via Ko Nipius ( Ron Elliott )
450 Euro
GB 09 L 03440
(Jan Aarden)
is full brother to
`Miss Wilson`
she won:
4th Monthrose
3rd Rotherham
4th Newark 2007
8th Section
181 st Open SNFC Falaise
GB 11-23961
Jan Aarden
via Ko Nipius
( Ron Elliott )
Tel : 0040764170868
Category ; Marathon
Breeder : Dacian Busecan
Owner: Dacian Busecan
Sex : Cock
Colour : checkuer w.f
Size ; medium
Category ; Marathon
Breeder : Dacian Busecan
Owner: Dacian Busecan
Sex : Cock
Colour : Red checkuer
Size ; medium
17 - 035107
Double grd. son 1 st National Barcelona 2009 United Kingdom
7 th National Barcelona 2008 United Kingdom
Best Barcelona pigeon 08, 09 United Kingdom
( Red chq )
GB 11 -28215
1st Nat. Barcelona 09
7th Nat. Barcelona 08
Best Barcelona pigeon
08, 09 United Kingdom
( Mealy )
GB 08 - 67572
1st Nat. Barcelona 09
7th Nat. Barcelona 08
Best Barcelona pigeon
08, 09 United Kingdom
Tel : 0040764170868
400 Euro
17 - 035152
Grd.son '' Den Dax '' 1 st National Dax (Jos Thone )
400 Euro
( Dark chq )
BE 05 - 5059413
Son '' Den Dax ''
1st Nat. Dax
( Jos Thone )
M other
( Blue chq )
GB 11-23961
Jan Aarden
via Ko Nipius
( Ron Elliott )
Tel : 0040764170868
Category ; Marathon
Breeder : Dacian Busecan
Owner: Dacian Busecan
Sex : Cock
Colour : Blue
Size ; medium
Category ; Marathon
Breeder : Dacian Busecan
Owner: Dacian Busecan
Sex : Cock
Colour : Red checkuer
Size ; medium
17 - 035170
Direct son Red Jan Aarden - Main breeder of Ron Elliot
100 % Jan Aarden hen
( Red chq )
GB 06 - 21736
Red Jan Aarden
-100% Ron Elliott
( Dark chq w.f )
NL 12 - 1947928
100 % Jan Aarden
Tel : 0040764170868
500 Euro
17 - 035176
Grd. son '' Den Dax '' 1 st National Dax (Jos Thone )
400 Euro
( Dark chq )
BE 05 - 5059413
'' Den Dax ''
1st Nat. Dax
( Jos Thone )
( Dark chq. pied)
NL 07 - 1469880
100% Jan Aarden
Tel : 0040764170868
Category ; Marathon
Breeder : Dacian Busecan
Owner: Dacian Busecan
Sex : Cock
Colour : Dark checkuer pied
Size ; medium
Category ; Marathon
Breeder : Dacian Busecan
Owner: Dacian Busecan
Sex : Cock
Colour : Red w.f
Size ; medium
17 - 035119
Direct son Red Jan Aarden Main Breeder for Ron Elliott 100% Ron Elliott
( Inbbred ) &
Daughter 20 th National Barcelona 2009 United Kingdom
( Red chq )
GB 06 - 21736
Red Jan Aarden
Main Breeder for Ron Elliott
100% Ron Elliott
( Red w.f )
GB 10 - 42851
Dght .
20 Nat. Barcelona
2009 United Kingdom
Tel : 0040764170868
250 Euro
17 - 035113
Double grd. son 1 st National Barcelona 2009 United Kingdom
7 th National Barcelona 2008 United Kingdom
Best Barcelona pigeon 08, 09 United Kingdom
200 Euro
( Red chq )
GB 11 - 28215
1st Nat. Barcelona 09
7th Nat. Barcelona 08
Best Barcelona pigeon 08,
09 United Kingdom
( Mealy )
GB O8 - 67572
1st Nat. Barcelona 09
7th Nat. Barcelona 08
Best Barcelona pigeon 08,
09 United Kingdom
Tel : 0040764170868
Category ; Marathon
Breeder : Dacian Busecan
Owner: Dacian Busecan
Sex :unknown
Colour : Mealy
Size ; small
Category ; Marathon
Breeder : Dacian Busecan
Owner: Dacian Busecan
Sex : Cock
Colour : Red chequer
Size ; medium
17 - 035129
Grd. son 1 st National Barcelona 2009 United Kingdom
7 th National Barcelona 2008 United Kingdom
Best Barcelona pigeon 08, 09 United Kingdom
( Red chq )
GB 13 - 28651
1st Nat. Barcelona 09
7th Nat. Barcelona 08
Best Barcelona pigeon 08,
09 United Kingdom
( Blue bar )
GB O9 - 01842
1st Nat. Barcelona 09
7th Nat. Barcelona 08
Best Barcelona pigeon 08,
09 United Kingdom
Tel : 0040764170868
300 Euro
17 - 035142
Grd. son '' Den Dax '' 1 st National Dax ( Jos Thone )
400 Euro
( Dark chq )
BE 05 - 5059413
'' Den Dax ''
1st National Dax
( Jos Thone )
( Dark chq pied )
NL 07 - 1469880
100% Jan Aarden
Tel : 0040764170868
Category ; Marathon
Breeder : Dacian Busecan
Owner: Dacian Busecan
Sex : Cock
Colour : Dark checquer w.f
Size ; medium
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Very Informative Good price
Iinternational Racing Pigeon
Fast Delivery
fantastic. got this for my dad who knows everything but he said the
great thing is it has the quantity of the products needed to be used which he is sometimes
unsure of.
This was brought for a friend he is very pleased with it as very
difficult to buy.
A must have book for all Pigeon Fanciers.
A very valuable book for those involved in pigeon racing.
Presently there are many medicines and injections for prevention of diseases in birds. But
this book shows how via natural remedies you can keep your pigeons racing healthy and
disease free.
Full of brilliant helpful tips
One of the best books for racing pigeons. Recommended to all!
Pleased with all books.
I have a deep interest in Pigeons and found this book to be greatly
informative and interesting. Mr Busecan has once again proven himself the consummate
expert on all things pigeon! This book is really great all round and good value really helps
with problem solving.
Iinternational Racing Pigeon
all about:
2. teaching your parrot to talk
3. feeding,
4. what steps you must
follow if your bird is escaping
and you want to bring it back
5. how to hand feed a baby
and much more, then this
book could be interesting for
Check it here
Iinternational Racing Pigeon
Erika Busecan is also Author of 26 books published and sold on
or sites including 11 ( #1 Best Sellers )
1.Citron - Crested Cockatoos: All About Nutrition, Training, Care, Diseases And Treatments
2.Bird Care: Keeping Happy And Healthy Citron - Crested Cockatoos
3.Bird Care: Citron - Crested Cockatoos: Diseases and Treatments
4.Senegal parrots: All About Nutrition, Training, Care, Diseases and Treatments
5.Bird Care: Keeping Happy And Healthy Senegal parrots
6.Bird Care: Senegal Parrots: Diseases and Treatments
Related ad
7.Ringneck Parakeets: All About Nutrition, Training, Care, Diseases And Treatment
8.Bird Care: Ringneck Parakeets: Diseases and Treatments
9.Bird Care: Keeping Happy And Healthy Ringneck Parakeets
10.Bird Care: Backyard Chickens: Diseases and Treatments
11.Natural Remedies For Men's Health Problems
12. African Grey Parrots: All About Nutrition, Training, Care, Diseases And Treatments
13. Bird Care African Grey Parrots: Diseases and Treatments
14. Bird Care: Keeping Happy and Healthy Congo African Grey Parrots
15. Zebra Finches: The Complete Guide to Keeping Happy and Healthy Finches
16. Bird Care Zebra Finches: Diseases & Treatments
17. Natural Remedies - How to prevent and cure any diseases with plants from A-Z
18.Cooking for parrots
19.Cockatiels: All About Nutrition, Training, Care, Diseases And Treatments
20.Bird Care: Keeping Healthy And Happy Cockatiels
21.Bird Care: Cockatiels: Diseases and Treatments
22.Lovebirds: All About Nutrition, Training, Care, Diseases and Treatments
23.Bird Care: Keeping Happy And Healthy Lovebirds
24.Bird Care Lovebirds: Diseases And Treatments
25.Natural remedies for African Grey parrots: Herbal Teas
26.Natural remedies for Zebra Finches: Herbal Teas
Check them all here
Related ad
Check them all here
C o p y r i g h t
I n t e r n a t i o n a l R a c i n g P i g e o n m a g a z i n e

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International Racing Pigeon Magazine

  • 1. THE BEST PIGEON RACING MAGAZINE Serving the fanciers worldwide Free edition ! International Racing Pigeon International Racing Pigeon Issue 1 April 2018 International Racing Pigeon Magazine Articles Videos For sale Products Health
  • 2. International Racing Pigeon issue nr.1 cont ents #1 Calendar of the month Champion RED ALERT 1st National Barcelona 2009 UK 04 Natural Remedies The use of cinnamon in our pigeons diet Video included 12 Beginners guide 18 Problem diseases and parasites Breaking the cycle of infection 30 A quick look into Breeding 34 Diseases and Treatments Coccidiossis 37 Lorem ipsum dolor Sit amet integer nec dui enim. Mollis minima leo pariatur facilisis convallis. Iaculis mattis adipiscing. Adipiscing libero egestas vestibulum nunc felis. 04 3­ South Africa Million Dollar Pigeon Race 40 2
  • 3. *editor Welcome to the first edition of International Racing Pigeon magazine. Articles , Videos , Pigeons for sale , Health products, Tips for beginners and advanced fanciers ...all in one place. Show your support for your favorite magazine by sharing it o social media . Let us know how we are doing We hope you will enjoy it . We live in a troubled world full of hate , Let us change it the answer is simple Pigeon Racing * * * 10 Racing Pigeons for sale !!! On the first edition of this magazine the following fanciers and studs have presented their birds. for sale Tumley Lofts Stud Machiel Buijk - Jan Aardens ( De Dolle ) Black & White Pigeons America's Dream Loft Busecan Dacian - 3 Direct sons of 1st National Barcelona Champion Red Alert 3 65 62
  • 4. 4
  • 5. Advertisements placements and rates We welcome everyone with good intentions on board. Please feel free to choose from the following advertising placements: Front cover...............125 Euro ...........21 cm wide / 15 cm height Back cover.............60 Euro...........21 cm wide/15 cm height Inside front cover.............75 Euro..........21 cm wide ./ 29/7 height Monthly Calendar......... 100 Euro.........21 cm wide / 29,7 cm height Full double page ......100 Euro .........42 cm wide / 29,7 cm height Half double page ...... 60 Euro ..........42 cm wide / 15 cm height 1 Full page .....................60 Euro ........21 cm wide / 29,7 cm height 1/2 page.......................35 Euro............. 21 cm wide / 15 cm height Full column ........................25 Euro .............7 cm wide / 29,7 height 1/2 column .................15 euro .................7 cm wide / 15 cm height Footer front page ..........50 Euro................ 21 cm wide / 5 cm height Footer inside front cover ...........30 Euro .......21 cm wide / 5 cm height Footer .....................................25 Euro.............21 cm wide / 5 cm height Simple text .. ( your website .com ).........9.99 Euro 9 ( Only on the Useful links page ) Videos: YES is true ! , you can now have your ad video on our magazine 1/2 page .........75 Euro 1/4 page.........35 Euro Selling pigeons !!! Have a bird for sale ? We can help you out Here are the advertisements placements and rates Full double page .............35 Euro ...........42 cm wide / 29,7 cm height Full page ...............25 Euro 21 cm wide / 29,7 cm height 1/2 page .........15 Euro.........21 cm wide / 15 cm height For the moment we can accept jpeg images files ,PDF, You Tube video link Send your files at : Our Team Chief editor - Dacian Busecan Photography and design - Erika Busecan Editing and design - James Redford You can contact us at : email : or phone us at : RO ; 0040764170868 UK ; 00447598577870 Copyright Notice The content of this publication may not be reproduced, and / or copied ,translated modified without prior approval of the International Racing Pigeon magazine. 5
  • 6.
  • 7. Harkers is part of Petlife International Ltd Petlife International Ltd, Unit 2, Cavendish Road, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 3TE, T: 01284 761131 F: 01284 761139 E: W: …for all year round Pigeon healthcare For more information please contact us using the details below Adenoplus – for stress in racing pigeons including young bird sickness Adenocaps – a capsule to treat and prevent young bird sickness 3 in 1 liquid and tabs – individual and flock treatments for coccidiosis, canker and worms Coxoid – Flock treatment for coccidiosis Broncholin – clears mucus congestion Coxitabs – single tablet treatment for coccidiosis 4 in 1 Soluble – liquid treatment for canker, cocci, worms and external parasites via the drinker Loft Treatment – A dry powder disinfectant for sprinkling around the loft …available all year round from all good pigeon retailers Harkanker – A flock treatment for canker via the drinking water Hormoform – the leading feed supplement for racing pigeons for more than 60 years Harka-Dip – a general purpose dip to treat and prevent infection from flies, lice and mites Vykil – A general purpose loft disinfectant Wonder Pigeon – Feed supplement designed to correct any problems with the digestion Spartrix – Single tablet treatment for canker Ridmite – A dual action formula to eradicate red mite whilst sanitising the treated area Harkamitex – Concentrated solution for the eradication of red mite Duramitex Plus 500ml Trigger Spray – pesticide free spray to eradicate red mite in the loft, coop or aviary Harkavit Super Plus – a combination of multivitamins, glucose and electrolytes 4 in 1 – Tablet and spot on treatments for canker, coccidiosis, worms and external parasites Harkamectin – Spot on treatment for external and internal parasites Harkaverm liquid – a flock treatment for round and hair worm NEW NEW
  • 9. Free Subscription to the International Racing Pigeon magazine Click here 9
  • 10. Welcome to the first edition of the International Racing Pigeon Magazine. First i would like to thank you all for your support over the years, especially on social media platforms where you all have been very responsive to my posts and videos . It is been an incredible journey for me so far and i hope you feel the same way too . . The International Racing Pigeon Magazine is the result of countless e-mails i have received from you, where you have asked me about many aspects of this beautiful sport .I did my best in answering them in the shortest time, although many times i felt completely overwhelmed . This magazine will be i hope, another beautiful experience EDITOR`S NOTE Iinternational Racing Pigeon 10
  • 11. in our fancier career .You will have the chance to learn more about pigeons but also to share your personal experience on these very pages of this magazine. You will have the chance to make friends all over the world ,to buy or sell pigeons ,to find about the latest pigeons products on the market and many more. This magazine will contain writings from experienced fanciers, methods and teachings for beginners and advanced people of this sport,, but also the feature that makes us different ...videos. Yes you have read this perfectly right. On this magazine you will have the chance to watch videos from this very first edition . .As i said we wanted to offer our readers the chance of a beautiful and enjoyable experience. Reading an article about a certain topic i feel like a job half done ...on the other hand, having read an article and then watching a live video about how things must be done takes the reader - viewer on a different level ,it takes him / her closer to the truth. I personally believe that this is the right way in learning something . You read and then you watch how it is done. i hope you will enjoy this magazine and we are waiting your feedback at International Racing Pigeon magazine is a tribute to the wonder we call the Racing Pigeon We welcome writers from all over the world to publish their articles on our magazine . Races Results , news, future events are all part of the pigeon racing sport can publish them now on this magazine . Want to find out more about my writings , you can check them here: Facebook page : You tube Channel ; 11
  • 12. while the sky above it will be always gray. In order for us to obtain top results in each and every single race we must make sure that our birds are equipped with an extremely powerful well developed immune system. Their entire being is in a continuous process of changing in their first year of life muscles, skeleton, wings but first of all their immune system. By Dacian Busecan Photography Erika Busecan Video by Dacian Busecan We live in a world literally flooded from the health point of view with antibiotics, supplements, vitamines, vaccines and all kind of bizarre chemically produced medicines. The world of our pigeons health is not much different .New products with very appealing names and labels fill the over saturated market reassuring and kind of leading the puzzled fancier towards the usage of them. The use of antibiotics seems to be the first ,the last and of course always the best option for any minor change in our birds droppings .Have we really forget entirely The Natural Ways ?Can we really not see with how much disgust our birds drink that bad ,hard smell yellow liquid? I personally believe that a lot of people do it because other people do it ,just like a domino effect . It is enough for one person to do it and the others will follow suit. The question is " What are the consequences of using antibiotics for short and long term ? The answer is: damage of the liver and kidneys, damage of the intestines, bad moulting with twisted, pierced and deformed primary flights , loss of vitality, loss of fertility, weakened immune system,the birds body will develop in time immunity to this antibiotics and the next option will be an even stronger antibiotic . Should we not use at all antibiotics ? We are forced to , but only as the last and only option for the reasons i have just mentioned above. The future of every loft lies on the quality of the young birds we produce each and every single year. If these birds are not kept free or to a minimum usage of antibiotics for their First year of life the future of that loft will have on its path many question marks while THE USE OF CINNAMON IN OUR PIGEONS DIET Natural Remedies Iinternational Racing Pigeon 12
  • 13. This goal can be achieved with 100 % Natural Products and i intend to guide fanciers through this process starting with this article. .So today you will learn something that you can apply right after you finished reading these lines and i guarantee you that from now on you will see this sport with different eyes , but what is more important is that you will enjoy it more .In all my books that i have published so far on amazon site (and they are about 12 of them), i have said that knowledge is power on this sport, and i feel like i have left something really important out of the context ,i think is more than power i think is happiness and joy above all A fancier that has healthy birds is a happy fancier. I know that because i am one of them ,I know that because very close friends of mine that have followed my advice are happy people, I know that because my You Tube channel counts over 100.000 views in less than 3 months and people that have watched my videos about * * * Note ! The right color of a natural tea must always be light ; Example; Light green , light yellow, light brown . 13
  • 14. certain antibiotic to treat a bird we w post treatment products for liver and antibiotics contain substances that a kidneys during a treatment. On the o natural product that even if by mista stored in the liver and kidneys and ve body without any post treatment aid firts Natural Product i will always rec of the dosage prresented and gradua presentation i will describe the use o diet, here we go: Cinnamon is a spice bark of several trees from the genus both sweet and savoury foods. In the cinnamon in the form of oil (leaf oil ) bark ). In humans cinnamon has ove pigeons diet we are going to use it fo Antimicrobial properties. Antioxidant and Salmonella preventer and fighte days of antibiotics this natural produ prevent and fight against Young Bird E.coli . these Natural Remedies have learned so much from them . My dear friends - When we have healthy birds in our loft , The Sky is the limit in regards to what results we can achieve in races, but also at the same time in the breeding sections of our lofts, because we all know that healthy youngsters are produced only from 100 % healthy parents. The natural remedies that i will present further ,are not risky alternative therapies practiced against your doctor's suggestions ,but rather they are safe, and it will guide you through practical actions that you can utilize to help prevent and treat all kind of pigeons health problems. Just remember that these natural remedies do not provide miracle cures and are not meant to take the place of the advice and treatments prescribed by your vet specialist . You should continue to work and consult with your vet doctor about your pigeons health problems in diagnosing the presence of a disease if this is the case and the right treatment for it, nevertheless, the information i will present can enhance your pigeons overall health by : Increasing their lifespan. Increasing fertility . Optimum growth. Immune system enhancement. Healthier ofsprings with less deformities and increased survival rate. Improved feather growth, color and condition. Prevention and treatment of parasites. Protection against mycotoxins. Prevention of bacterial and viral infections, and much more. This presentation will offer you detailed, easy-to-follow steps, using plants and other products straight from the nature and even items you probably already have in your kitchen .The use of plants and other products from the mother nature goes way back in time when these were used successfully as the only cure against all sorts of diseases and conditions but also to maintain and boost their immune system in humans and animals alike . The natural treatments will not have an -next hour- effect in fighting different conditions like the antibiotics and other pharmaceutical medicines have .Their effect will take a little longer to show ,but will also last longer than the effect of antibiotics , besides we all know that when we decide to use a Iinternational Racing Pigeon 14
  • 15. will also need to use other d kidneys purification as most are deposited in the liver and other side we have a complete ake is overdosed will not be ery soon eliminated from the d. Before i start describing the commend everyone to use half ally increase it . On these of Cinnamon in our pigeons e obtained from the inner Cinnamomum that is used in e pigeons diet we can use )and powder (made out of er 26 beneficial properties , in or its : Antibacterial and t properties. Anti fungal. E.coli er . Viruses fighter. Before the uct was used by the fanciers to d Sickness ,Salmonella, Canker Dosage : As a preventive medicine i recommend to be used as a powder - 1 Tablespoon per 1 kilogram of food 2 times per week ,before you add it to the actual food it is good to squeeze half lemon on the food ,mix it well ,and then apply the cinnamon powder and mix it again, let it dry for couple of hours and then serve it to pigeons. As a treatment for the diseases presented above you must use a little bit of cinnamon powder and little bit of water ,mould it it with your fingers in the shape and size of a corn grain and administrate it to the sick bird down the throat 2- 3 times per day . We can find cinnamon powder in almost any shops and supermarkets . * * * Watch live how you can use Cinnamon in our pigeons diet; 48,211 views 89 Comments 15
  • 16. Did you know !!! Propolis KILLS 25 types of viruses 20 types of harmful bacterias 7 types of parasite fungus if not ........ you might want to check out this book ! Discover 27 Natural Products that will help us treat and prevent a wide spectrum of pigeons diseases Check it here Iinternational Racing Pigeon 16
  • 17. Dacian Busecan is also Author of 12 books published and sold on or sites including 5 ( #1 Best Sellers) 1). “Racing Pigeons Natural Remedies Vol. I “ Full color and Black & White Paperback Edition..................................#1 Best Seller 2).“Racing Pigeons Natural Remedies Vol. I “ Full color and Black & White Paperback Edition..................................#1 Best Seller 3). “Racing Pigeons Advanced Techniques The Ultimate Guide” . Black & White Paperback Edition. 4). “Racing Pigeons Advanced Techniques The Ultimate Guide Vol.II” . Full color and Black & White Paperback Edition. 5). “Racing Pigeons Advanced Techniques Young Birds Training” . Full color Paperback Edition..............#1 Best Sellers 6).“Racing Pigeons Advanced Techniques Young Birds Racing” .Full color Paperback Edition ................#1 Best Seller 7).“Racing Pigeons Advanced Techniques Old Birds Training and Racing Systems ” Full color Paperback Edition.......................................#1 Best Seller 8). “Racing Pigeons Advanced Techniques Breeding and Pairing” .Full color Paperback Edition. 9). “Racing Pigeons Advanced Techniques Feeding Secrets” .Full color Paperback Edition. 10). “Pigeon Racing- Deep into Sport Diseases and Treatment “ .Full color Paperback Edition. 11). “Deep into Sport- Hand Bird Selection” . Full color Paperback Edition 12). “Over 100 Top Tips in Pigeon Racing “ . Black &White Paperback Edition . Amazon author page : Check them all here 17
  • 18. First i would like to congratulate you in taking this beautiful sport and welcome you in the world of pigeon racing. Some people say that once you are in, you will never want to get out of it and i totally agree with this statement. Pigeon racing is a sport spread world wide and has absolutely no age limit . Young or old men or women they have all been conquered for life by this majestic one of kind creatures we call racing pigeons. Their intelligence and capabilities to return home from short or extreme long distances made them favorite animals for millions of people around the globe. Kings and queens, wealthy or hard working men along the history enjoyed their presence and called them friends, companions and heroes. The beauty of this sport is that everything can be learned about it ,we do not have to be born with a phenomenal talent to achieve the highest performances . This unique sport will bring in the life of any fancier the thrill and pleasure he/she has never experienced before - the joy of winning a race. The many aspects of this sport will offer unique and beautiful experiences to the new fancier and also the chance to make friends all over the world , which is by far the most important one. After more then 30 years on this beautiful sport, there is one very important thing that i have learned : “It is important to win the first place, but more important is with how many people do you enjoy it ,as he, who won the first place and has no friends around him, will be just a lonely winner '' Dacian Busecan I can only hope that this advice will always guide you in your racing pigeons career and i welcome you in the beautiful world of pigeon racers. . by Dacian Busecan Photography by Erika Busecan BEGINNERS GUIDE Bird Description From the racing pigeons history we learn that the rock dove ( Columbia Livia) is the ancestor of our today`s pigeons. Its physical form and shape has been moulded by the pigeon fanciers through different crosses and rigorous selections more then 300 years ago ,a process that is still carried out today by fanciers who are aiming to obtain a type of bird that will be able to perform on any weather conditions, terrain, and on any distances. From the ancient times people tried to figure out how this little bird find its way home and what body parts help him the most in completing the task that it is been imposed to him. From the 22 body parts presented above the ones that have always draw attention of the fancier and science people, are the eyes and the wings of the bird .To these two body parts have been dedicated extended searches where the eyes have a very close relation with the breeding capabilities and on the other side the studies about the wing formation will tell the fancier whether the bird can fly a short distance race or a long distance race.. Just like for all the other concepts and theories in life there are as many believers as nonbelievers and i will advice the young fancier to believe in only what is proven and what he can experiment himself with his own birds . Iinternational Racing Pigeon 18
  • 19. 1- Frontal 2- Lore 3- Wattles 4- Beak 5- Crop 6- Wing wrist 7- Small coverts 8- Middle toe 9- Claw 10- Inner toe 11- Outer toe 12- Hind toe 13- Heel 14- Alula 15- Tail 16- Primary flights 17- Secondary flights 18- Rump 19- Back 20- Eye 21- Eye cere 22- Breast 3- Neck Any concept or theory that can not be put into practice it is just a waste of time for the people reading or listening about it, especially in this sport. Regarding the two body parts of the bird, the eye of a good bird must be shiny full of color with a pupil that will constrict in the light and will dilate in the dark surrounded by an eye cere of pure white color. The wing on the other side is the main body part of the bird that will help the bird to glide and propel through the air, but it is good to know when we study it that we must look at it as part of a whole which is called the balance of the bird and not separately. Time will pass, and along with it the new fancier will gather experience which will help him to make a right judgement when assessing a bird in the hand . Through a selective breeding carried out year after year, the young fancier will learn that all these body characteristics of the bird can be modified and improved. Knowledge and experience will help the fancier in obtaining the type of birds that he believes that will be able to pass successfully the tests in the racing season. 19
  • 20. Cock or Hen To determine the sex of a bird can be sometimes quite a challenge especially for the young birds .My recommendation for the new fancier is to let the nature follow its course and let the birds to reach maturity which means a complete moult of the young birds in the first year of their life. It is also good to know that only the birds that were born at the beginning of the year March-April will pass through a complete moult at the end of the year. The late breeds which were born in the months of June and July and later will not moult completely at the end of the year and their complete moult will happen at the end of the next year. In both cases the determination of the sex will be possible anyway at the end of their first year of life .The cocks regardless of their body aspect will continuously look for a partner and try to claim a nest box or boxes in the loft. They will display many times during the day by dragging their tail on the ground, puffing their chest out and flapping their wings with noise .Although not always the case as soon as they have moulted the fourth primary feather their sexual instinct will kick in. In most of the cases their appearances are bigger in size, a bigger head with larger wattles then the hens. When two birds are in the process of mating the cock will always be the one Iinternational Racing Pigeon 20
  • 21. who will keep its beak wide open and will always circle around the hen .The hen with a smaller head and wattles will always place its beak inside the cock`s beak in the process of mating and at the end of it she will lower her body to the ground to facilitate the mating process .The hens will not display too much with their tail on the ground and their territorial instinct will resume to a simple resting perch * * * Bottom left and right ; cock and hen Top corner - cock bird , close up Top corner descending - hen bird ; close up 21
  • 22. The loft Whoever decide to take on this sport must ask himself a simple question:” Where will the birds live ?” We all do what we can in life, some of us have the possibility of starting with a big loft while others only with a small one, what is important here is to offer the pigeons a house where they will feel safe and will keep them healthy throughout their life . Below i am gonna list the things that everyone should take in consideration when deciding to build a pigeon loft. It is good to know that the biggest enemy in a pigeon`s life are not the prey birds or other animal predators, but rather the humidity from inside the loft .A humid loft will never be able to host healthy birds, diseases like: coccidiosis, trichomoniasis, salmonella, hexamitiasis and lots more others will always be present in such lofts. So here it is the most important rule of loft building and positioning - a loft must be dry, and for this we must always build it at minimum 50 cm from the ground level facing the sun . The second big rule is the loft ventilation ,or the way the air comes in and gets out from the loft and what path must follow to create a nice dry but yet fresh temperature inside the loft. The best advice i can give to all fanciers here is that the openings made in the wall of the loft through which the air comes and get out the loft , must be made on the opposite side from where the birds are resting e.g. nest boxes. To be even more precise and for a better understanding , if the nest boxes are placed on the south wall of the loft ,then the openings must be made on the north wall of the loft .Once this rule is followed and applied, all the other little holes that occur during the loft building process, must be completely sealed , the air should come and exit the loft only through the two openings specially made and nothing else. Iinternational Racing Pigeon 22
  • 23. The floor The main rule in the floor building of the loft is to be continuous and where the two pieces of plywood are joined together should have no gap in between them to prevent droppings to be retained that can be mixed with food that pigeons are throwing out from the feeders while they are eating. A nice even floor will also allow an easy maintenance and cleaning that must be performed by the fancier minimum twice per week. Wooden ,plastic or metal flooring grills can be placed and installed over the main loft floor to keep the pigeons plumage as clean as possible and to help the fancier with a longer periods of time in between the cleaning sessions. * * * Bottom left - a new loft Top - basic lofts Bottom - Wooden floor grills 23
  • 24. The walls If we are to build our loft, these walls must be together with screws, so in the event of an cert relocation we can easy dismantle them with no temperature inside the loft ,the outside walls m inside with a 1 cm thick plywood sheets. The compartments inside the loft It is ideally where possible to build a loft with m breeders ,one compartment for the racing bird The walls in between the compartments do no single sheet of plywood of 0.8 cm can be used access door in the loft on a side wall which will must have a width of 90- 100 cm for an easy m have on one side the access for the two compa and at the end of it will give direct access at the compartment. These wooden floor grills have a height of 10 cm ,the droppings are falling through the gaps in between the wooden grills on the floor from where the fancier can collect them when the cleaning takes place. Heated flooring In wetter and colder month of the year the floor will not be dry enough and the humidity in the loft will rise which will stop the droppings to get dry faster . To avoid this situation the floor may be heated through adequate heating installations that can be placed either on the floor itself or under it. This will automatically lead to a quick dry of the droppings and the air inside the loft will be much healthier for the birds Iinternational Racing Pigeon 24
  • 25. made of prefab panels that will be joined tain modification inside the loft or even o big effort. To create an adequate must be insulated or doubled on the minimum three compartments: one for ds ,and the last one for the young birds. ot demand to be doubled up in thickness ,a and will work perfectly .We can place the l lead in the main corridor .This corridor movement of the fancier . This corridor will artments: young birds and racing birds e last compartment, the breeders These three compartments will provide enough space for the birds to be separated in the winter time but also to isolate birds that need special treatment and care. The access corridor must be used on his entirety by the fancier .Here the fancier can deposit and place the food for the birds cleaning tools and medicines that do not require a low specific temperature to be preserved . A tap of clean water can also be placed in this corridor that will help the fancier to change and refill the drinkers as often as possible .One of the most annoying thing for the fancier is to go up and down from the loft in the house to access the things he needs for his pigeons care in the daily routine. 25
  • 26. The closer he will have everything he needs for his birds and easy access to them, the more enjoyable this sport will become for him and his family or friends. The nest boxes An very important thing for each loft is to ensure that every bird will have its own place inside it, where it can rest and feel safe. The nest boxes are the most important thing for each pair especially for breeders. A well settled pair will occupy a nest box and will defend it from the intruders that will try to overtake it .The nest box must be big enough in size to host a pair of birds comfortably but also for when the second round of eggs will be laid by the breeding hen which will happen before the first pair of youngsters will reach 3 weeks of age . A second nest bowl must be place inside the nest box or otherwise the breeding hen will lay the eggs on the same nest bowl which can lead to broken eggs .To avoid this a little dividing plywood wall can be placed in between the two nest bowls which will ensure a calm sitting period on the second pair of eggs by both parents. A good size of these nest boxes would be 35 cm deep by 40 cm in height by 70 cm in length. I will always advice fanciers to buy these nest boxes rather then manufacture them themselves . Where this is not possible the nest boxes must be made that way so it can allow the fancier an easy access for checking and cleaning of them. When the pairings takes place the nest boxes must be provided with fronts that will keep the birds inside them until the pair has settled. The placement of the nest boxes inside the loft must be made from 40 cm up from the floor level . This way the pairs that have occupied the low level nest boxes will not be disturbed by the over territorial cocks that are continuously looking for new places . The nest bowls The nest bowls are little plates that have a diameter of 22- 25 cm and a depth of 5- 10 cm .When these are placed inside the nest boxes the pigeons will occupy them immediately and the birds will sit inside them together or one after another .The nest bowls are specially made so they do not turn over when the birds will sit on one side of them. The nest will be build in these nest bowls with the hen sitting and carefully arranging the nest materials that have been brought in by the cock. The main nest materials that pigeons love are dried tobacco leaves ,oak t ( primaries and tail) feathers . Also we must provide for the birds inside th especially in the young birds section where . These individual resting perches may have out of the two the first category is to be pre dropping to fall on the bird beneath it . Iinternational Racing Pigeon 26
  • 27. * * * Example of a nest box that can be separated at the second round of eggs . The 2 weeks youngster is mainly reared by the father while the mother hen sits confortable on the eggs. tree leaves, their own moulted he loft individual perches the birds can rest with confidence e a v shape or straight ones and eferred because it will avoid the 27
  • 28. The roof To avoid as much as possible the rain hitting the walls of our loft, the roof must be that way made so it will pass 40 cm on all sides the walls line of the loft. Water collecting installations must be placed where needed to avoid the formation of little ponds around the loft and humid air that may come inside the loft through the ventilation system. The aviary The aviary is an extension of the loft and will have the side walls made of net wire. The roof can be made of transparent or non transparent plastic that will keep the birds dry in the rainy days . The aviary is extremely beneficial to any loft and it will allow birds to enjoy the good weather and refreshing baths, which must be offered to pigeons twice per week. Another beneficial aspect of the aviary is to keep away predators from our birds and so the net wire must be carefully chosen and built that way so it will not allow any predators or non predators (sparrows) to have access through it. The size of the aviary is also important : the bigger - the better, and must be placed that way so it will collect the energy of the sun for the entire day length . It is good to know that the sun will provide the Vitamin D for the birds only by exposing themselves to it. A concreted floor would be the ideal solution in the aviary if a suspended floor will not be possible to be installed .I do not recommend the presence of sand in the aviary or inside the loft as this material is a humidity retainer and will be an excellent environment for bacteria developing which must be avoided at all costs. Another positive aspect of the concrete floor is that is very easy to clean by simply using a pressure water hose. Once this is done the concrete floor will attract the heat of the sun and it will dry in no time. Pigeons entry Another important aspect of the loft building and positioning is where are we gonna place the pigeons entry . The first thing we must have in mind when doing this is an easy access for the birds .We certainly do not want to position the loft that way so it will have in front of the entry obstacles like trees or high buildings, and the main reason for this is that when pigeons w There are several types of entry systems on the mark system of trapping which means that the birds will b pigeon racing sport is called Sputnik .This system con When we can not afford to buy such entry systems fo First we will need to make a frame for the opening w place it to the roof the easier will be for the birds to should be in the middle of each compartment to offe entry, the landing board 60 cm long by 40 cm wide. An very important aspect of the landing board is to b will be fixed into the first frame with two hinges .The be towards the ceiling of the loft .The last step is to a have to do for when we let the birds out, is to lift the down and the birds will have to access the loft from Iinternational Racing Pigeon 28
  • 29. will return from the race they need an easy access to the entry of the loft. ket and they all have the same principle, an easy exit from the loft, a well fixed landing board and a be able to get inside the loft but will not be able to get out of it. A very well known entry system in the ntains all the three aspects mentioned above and we can see it in nearly every loft around the globe or our loft and we must come with a solution ourselves here is a few tips of how we can go about it. which can have the following measurements : 60 cm in length by 30 cm in height. The closer we will access it especially the young ones in their first week of liberation. The optimum position of the entry er the birds enough space to access it from any corner of the loft. Further we can fix outside of the be well fixed and made from an anti slippery material. The next step is to build the second frame that e hinges must be placed on the inside face of the loft as the main movement of this second frame will attach a set of bob wires by the second frame on the inside face. The entry is now done and all we e inside frame up and attach it to the ceiling ,after the birds have left the loft we can let the frame the landing board through the bob wires without being able to get out the loft again. 29
  • 30. Another mild winter and yet again precious little snow or cold weather. Well, there was a week or was it two when it seemed to stay cold. The problem is that we rely on some hot summers and cold winters to keep the general level of infection down. Most infectious organisms cannot withstand being desiccated, bombarded with UV, frozen and thawed! However, with mild winters and dismal summers, then expect a slow and steady build up of problems. Nothing stays the same. The current outbreak of H5N8 strain of Avian Influenza is the culmination of slow spread globally for the last 10 years. During this time the virus has also changed and mutated, so that it now kills waterfowl rather than merely use them as a means of global spread. It is not just ‘Flu’, other diseases and ectoparasites (parasites that live on the skin or feathers of birds and other animals) are also spreading. The freedom to take your dog on holiday to Europe and the failure of owners to check for ticks or apply tick treatments prior to returning to the UK. Is believed to be the reason that a new species of tick has been introduced into the UK. Our generally warmer climate is allowing it to settle in the UK. Unfortunately, this tick also carries the infection of canine babesiosis (Lyme Disease) which can be a killer. Your pigeon loft with its multiple age groups and pigeon racing provide an ideal setting for new infections to be introduced, build up and then spread when racing or at shows. If blood sucking mites, biting flies and beetles become infected. Then they can both maintain and spread infection within your loft. Ectoparasites require warmth and moisture to reproduce. If it is too hot or too cold, then reproduction is impaired and some will die. Of course, for the last few years that really has not happened at least in the south of England. The result is that more parasites remain dormant through the winter months waiting for warmer weather and a new supply of suitable hosts to feed on. This is not a new phenomenon. I have said it before when discussing the benefits of using Interkokask RTU to inactivate and prevent the build up of diseases and coccidial oocysts within your loft. The same will apply to mites, flies and beetles within your loft. They can find all the difficult to get at nooks and crannies where they can exist through the winter months. If mother nature is not going to come to our aid, then we must use alternative methods to reduce the population of these ectoparasites CBM8 MV is a new persistent combination product that both knocks down and kills . Problem diseases and parasites Breaking the cycle of infection Iinternational Racing Pigeon 30
  • 31. mites (including red mites), nuisance flies/ biting flies, midges, litter beetles, grain weevils, beetles, cockroaches, mosquitoes/bed bugs silverfish. CBM8 MV is a long acting, microencapsulated combination of ingredients that is applied directly to surfaces within the loft. The microencapsulation ensures that the active ingredients are released slowly for a period of up to 8 weeks. To get the best results read the directions carefully, remove all the gross dust, dirt and debris from the surfaces to be sprayed. Your birds should not be present in the section that is being sprayed. Treat the whole loft at the same time or within a day or two. Remove all drinkers, feeders, grit pots and nest bowls, so that they cannot inadvertently be sprayed. 31 An ideal time to treat perches, floors, nest boxes is when the birds are out exercising or have been confined to the aviary. Spray all surfaces, top, bottom and sides of nest boxes, the top side and underneath of perches and sputnik floor. When it has dried replace the drinkers, feeders and grit pots. Then allow your birds back in. Routine control, every 8 weeks, throughout the warmer months will reduce the irritation caused by mites, biting flies and beetles and lower the risk of infections such as paratyphoid being maintained within your loft. Of course, if you are a brilliant flyer and do not suffer from flies, mite or beetle problems. Then you probably will not notice much difference! D.G.Parsons MRCVS
  • 32. CBM8 MVCBM8 MV ® Long Acting Insecticide Featuring Micro-encapsulation Technology CBM8® MV is distributed by Hysolv Animal Health UK Limited Hysolv Animal Health UK Limited • PO Box 78 • Llandysul • SA44 9AB • T. 0800 028 0780 • F. 0709 287 2234 • E. Manufactured in Germany by Interhygiene GmbH. Neufelder Strasse 30 • D-27472 • Cuxhaven. © Copyright Hysolv Animal Health UK Limited 2018. Mite photographs kindly supplied by Aleksandar Pavlicevic / AVES Serbia. Problems caused by mites include: • Sucking blood in the evening/night - can result in anaemia • Spread and transmit diseases between birds e.g pigeon pox • Restless birds, irritation, skin, scaliness • Heavy infestations are known to have caused death of squabs CBM8 MV is a slow release insecticide highly affective against red mite, Northern Fowl Mite, flies, and other flying insects. It is simple to apply using a hand held sprayer to surfaces around the loft and nest boxes, especially around cracks and crevices. An environmental application of the micro-encapsulated active ingredients allows the slow release action of insecticide for approximately 2 months to control these problem pests. CBM8 MV has proven highly and is a leading product effective in the UK’s poultry industry. A MAJOR ADVANCE IN MITE AND LICE CONTROL Break the cycle of re-infection “ ” SPECIAL OFFER FOR APRIL & MAY 2018 CBM8 MV (500ml) - £65* Offer price is £65 including VAT and delivery – Usual price £90..... a saving of £25* To order: Send your name and delivery address (with postcode) together with a cheque payable to: Hysolv Animal Health UK Limited, P.O. Box 78, Llandysul, SA44 9AB. To order, phone us on FREEPHONE 0800 028 0780 with card details or for more information. Email: info@hysolvuk.comFreephone: 0800 028 0780 *Offer available while stocks last
  • 33. Interkokask RTUInterkokask RTU A Broad Spectrum Veterinary Disinfectant available in a convenient ready to use 500 ml spray bottle. Ideal for treating pigeon lofts, housing and dove cotes and cages. (1kg Concentrate packs also available for larger areas) Break the cycle of re-infection “ ” Interkokask RTU is a convenient ready-to-use 4% solution of Interkokask Concentrate which is DEFRA approved. ® EFFECTIVE AGAINST: Bacteria (e.g.: Salmonella, E.coli) Bacterial Spores Viruses - Enveloped & non-enveloped (including influenza) Fungi Protozoa (including Cryptosporidium & Coccidia) Mycobacterium DEFRA Approved SPECIAL OFFER BUY 2 GET 1 FREE OF CHARGE* INTERKOKASK RTU (500ml) Offer price is £32.40 including VAT and delivery – Usual price £48.60..... a saving of £16.20* To order: Send your name and delivery address (with postcode) together with a cheque payable to: Hysolv Animal Health UK Limited, P.O. Box 78, Llandysul, SA44 9AB. To order, phone us on FREEPHONE 0800 028 0780 with card details or for more information. *Offer available while stocks last Email: info@hysolvuk.comFreephone: 0800 028 0780
  • 34. The young birds we produce each will inherit their parents body fea and hopefully their homing instin above all will have our name writ over them, and this is why quality be our main goal in the breeding Pedigrees with fancy names shou absolutely nothing to us .The bird decide to bring in our loft to be te the breeding section must be equ with phenomenal body character while the pedigree for that partic By Dacian Busecan Photography Erika Busecan We find ourselves in the beginning of the year and a new breeding season is about to begin. The future of every loft depends on the quality of every youngster our breeding birds will produce . There is a lot at stake in regards of how skilful we are on this aspect of the sport, because these young birds will not only represent ourselves in the racing season but also other fanciers that have acquired these birds from us. For this reason only i consider breeding of a greater importance than the actual racing. For those of us who embraced this aspect of the sport will realize that we will never be able to increase the homing capabilities on our birds, But, we can produce birds of a phenomenal body characteristics and features ,and these would be: -skeleton -feathering -size -shape -weight -color It takes time and patience until we will be able to see the overall results .It takes will and experimenting trials, because we all know that bringing two birds together with excellent results in racing, does not necessary means that those birds will produce excellent offsprings . The way i see it is that a fancier breeder must have a lot of knowledge and on the same time a lot of patience .Quality must always be the first priority in the breeding aspect of this sport and not quantity. Fifty young birds produced each year of an exceptional quality, sounds more appealing to me than one hundred and fifty youngsters of good quality. Good ,is simply not enough especially when we decide to compete on National and International races A QUICK LOOK INTO BREEDING Iinternational Racing Pigeon 34
  • 35. h year, atures ncts, but tten all y should g season. uld mean d we ested in uipped ristics cular bird should confirm us that we have made the perfect choice. When my busy life allows me to compete i find great joy taking part on the long and marathon distance races, and fanciers competing in these kind of races should be able to confirm the fact that perfection in body is demanded from our birds if we aim to achieve top results .Such races demand power, endurance, stamina,and will. Good birds are simply not enough when competing against a large number of birds over such great distances. I will always advice the long and marathon distance fanciers one thing : "If you decided to take on this path ,well baby, you better be prepared with the best birds you have got because the good birds will simply not be able to win." Whatever bird we decide to bring in must be minimum of the same quality in body and performances as our best birds, if not better. 35
  • 36. To be even better understood, let us think about the possibilities here when coupling such birds together, and see what exactly the young birds will actually inherit from their parents - their body features: - a large bird in size ( inherited from the father) with small wings (inherited from the mother), the result is an off balance bird - a small bird in size ( inherited from the mother) with large wings (inherited from the father), the result is an off balance bird. We can continue with these realistic possibilities and fill up an entire A4 page by making combinations in between the two different sized birds with the following: -their feet, and these could be - thin , thick, medium, short, long, medium, light, heavy, medium -their tails - long, short, medium -their neck - long, short, medium,thin ,thick, medium -their weight - light, heavy, medium So as we can see the variables and the combinations between these variables are just too many and my question would be: Why risk it? So instead ot this type of pairing i strongly recommend the following pairings: Small x Small Medium x Medium Large x Large Medium x Small Medium x Large From this little scheme we can easily see that the most preferred bird in size for pairing will be the medium bird To conclude my ways into breeding, the young birds we must breed in order to achieve top results are birds with a perfect balance regardless of their body size. This is the way of going forward and succeed in this sport. Mathematics don`t work I could talk for quite a while about breeding and perhaps i will do it on a future article of your favorite sport magazine, but before i conclude, i would like to give fanciers a tip like on all my past and future articles, that can be implemented straight away in their lofts, something that can be successfully used and can guarantee better results. To be successful in breeding, when we make the pairings with our birds a situation we must always avoid is to bring two birds together that are of a different size. If we are to write down on a sheet of paper the differences between their body features, they just simply pile up .Simple straight forward mathematics tells us that: 3 + 1 = 4 ; 4 : 2 = 2 ...well, we will be amazed how in pigeons breeding 4 : 2 can actually equal 1,3 ( one point three), meaning that a large size cock coupled with a small size hen in most cases will Not breed a medium size bird but rather an off balance bird . So, What is balance ? I do not intend to treat the Hand Bird Selection topic now so i will be short and to the point: The balance of a bird can be expressed by comparing, on one side the size of its wings, while on the other side we will have its weight and the length of the bird. In other words: Has the bird the right wings size to propel itself through the air in the fastest time possible, because after all my dear fellow friends , this sport is extremely related to speed isn`t it ? Balance must never be mistaken with the posture or stance of the bird, which can also be expressed as leaning backwards, straight or leaning forward . Iinternational Racing Pigeon 36
  • 37. Prevent , Recognize ,Cure…. On this article I intend to present you a common disease that our racing pigeons might have to fight against during their lifetime. The basic rule here is always to prevent , recognize the disease ,and in the case of the presence of it ,to cure it. The health of our birds must be top priority if we want to achieve the best results in the racing seasons and breeding alike. No matter how hard we try to bring the best birds in our lofts, if we are not prepared with knowledge and open mind for when an disease will strike, our expectations from our pigeons will not be met ,even worst ,big losses will occur in young birds and old ones as well . One of the biggest mistake most pigeons fanciers are doing is bringing new birds in the loft without checking on them first, and mixing them up with the existing birds in the loft. It does not matter from where you got the birds and how much you've paid for them,i know you are anxious to see them in action whatever that may be,but do yourself a big favor check them first and most of all put them separately for about 10 days and keep eye on them ... the health of your existing birds should be first priority rather than a quick settling in your loft of a new bird. Coccidiosis Coccidiosis is an intestinal disease that is widely distributed among pigeons throughout the world. Coccidia inhabit the small intestine of nearly all pigeons. Pathogen: Along with trichomonads, coccidia are the most commonly found protozoa in pigeons, occurring in the form of two eimeria species: E.labbeana and E.columbarum. Both species only infest pigeons. Coccidia form permanent stages (oocysts), which only become infective after maturing in the environment. Course of disease: Following ingestion of the oocysts, their subsequent developmental stages damage the intestinal wall. Within 4-7 days of infection, the pigeon starts to excrete oocysts again. There are two forms of coccidiosis: The asymptomatic (or subclinical) form occurs most frequently. After ingesting small quantities of oocysts for the first time, pigeons develop an immunity to infection due to . by Dacian Busecan COCCIDIOSIS DISEASES AND TREATMENTS 37
  • 38. stimulation of endogenous defence mechanisms, without visibly succumbing to the disease. With this protection, which is reinforced by constant ingestion of low levels of oocysts, the birds live in a kind of equilibrium with the parasites, which also protects them against severe intestinal disease. . Symptoms of Coccidiosis : Very quick loss of weight Slimy dark green droppings Lethargic Loss of desire to fly Pigeons infected with cocci manifest an increase desire to drink water Asymptomatic form: Infested birds appear healthy, albeit rather less lively. The droppings are sometimes rather soft. Acute course: Visibly affected pigeons produce malodorous, muco-aqueous, greenish and sometimes bloody diarrhoea. They are listless, have puffed-up plumage and drink profusely, with reduced feed intake We can find this disease in humid dirty lofts . Products for treatment : DAC T-K-S MIX (DAC) Coccistop Dacoxine 4 in 1 (DAC) Trimethoprim/Sulfa (DAC) Cocci Mix (Pantex) Cocci-Geel (Pantex) Cocci-Mix 1 (Travipharma) Cocci- Tricho - Tab ( Travipharma) Learn How to treat a wide variety (22 types) of pigeons diseases Check it here Iinternational Racing Pigeon 38
  • 39. Dacian Busecan is also Author of 12 books published and sold on or sites including 5 ( #1 Best Sellers) 1). “Racing Pigeons Natural Remedies Vol. I “ Full color and Black & White Paperback Edition..................................#1 Best Seller 2).“Racing Pigeons Natural Remedies Vol. I “ Full color and Black & White Paperback Edition..................................#1 Best Seller 3). “Racing Pigeons Advanced Techniques The Ultimate Guide” . Black & White Paperback Edition. 4). “Racing Pigeons Advanced Techniques The Ultimate Guide Vol.II” . Full color and Black & White Paperback Edition. 5). “Racing Pigeons Advanced Techniques Young Birds Training” . Full color Paperback Edition..............#1 Best Sellers 6).“Racing Pigeons Advanced Techniques Young Birds Racing” .Full color Paperback Edition ................#1 Best Seller 7).“Racing Pigeons Advanced Techniques Old Birds Training and Racing Systems ” Full color Paperback Edition.......................................#1 Best Seller 8). “Racing Pigeons Advanced Techniques Breeding and Pairing” .Full color Paperback Edition. 9). “Racing Pigeons Advanced Techniques Feeding Secrets” .Full color Paperback Edition. 10). “Pigeon Racing- Deep into Sport Diseases and Treatment “ .Full color Paperback Edition. 11). “Deep into Sport- Hand Bird Selection” . Full color Paperback Edition 12). “Over 100 Top Tips in Pigeon Racing “ . Black &White Paperback Edition . Amazon author page : Check them all here 39
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  • 65. James & Vicky Cook Millstone Cottage, Polehayes, Beaworthy, Devon. UK EX21 5AT SOLWAYVIEW BOY Winner of 1st Open Scottish National Flying Club Ancenis 534 miles 1274 ypm 47 ypm in front of the next pigeon. 4th Sec 226th SNFC Maidstone 304 miles 1101 ypm 4,484 birds. Both results in 2014 as a 2 year old. Now at stock with us. Another great addition to our high performance lofts. Double G.G.Son of Morning Joy (1st Sec 13th SNFC Alencon) who’s a G.G.Dau of 645, our foundation Aarden cock. Solwayview Boy’s dam was bred by us & is a G.Dau of 645. Phone 01409-220098 Mobile 07969365322 Established 1984 CHAMPION SEREN ELEVEN One of the best, if not the best, 500 mile pigeon in Europe! 1st Open Nat Bergerac 506 miles, 2nd Sec 2nd Nat Bergerac, 1st Sec 3rd Nat Saintes 433 miles, 6th Sec 6th Nat Messac 279 miles, 8th Sec 24th Nat Tours 347 miles, 18th Sec 33rd Nat Messac, 35th Open Nat Fougeres 251 miles, 8th Sec 66th BICC Nat Poitiers 391 miles, 2nd Sec 17th CSCFC Bergerac, 6th Sec 44th CSCFC Bergerac. Winner of the Gold Cup. Sire of 8th Open BICC National. G.Sire of 1st Federation winners, 2nd Section BICC National, 1st Section 14th Open NRCC Thurso 477 miles, longest flyer to clock on the day. Dennis Ford, Van Geel Aarden. All the families we hold at stock have bred 1st Open National winners in very recent years. The families we house are Leen Boers (Sprint), Janssens (Middle distance), Van Loons (Middle distance), Dennis Ford (Middle to long distance), Aardens (Long distance) and Dai Evans (true all rounders 60 – 600+ miles). *** Loft visits welcome by appointment, groups or individuals *** Tumley pigeons are responsible for 10 x 1st Open Nationals, 18 x 1st Section Nationals, 2nd International OLR, double National Ace pigeon + many more since 2013, in the UK and abroad These are the type of pigeon we hold in our stock loft, we are all about performance pigeons of the highest quality. Visit our website to see many more, including lots of information pedigrees, pictures. CHANNEL QUEEN Winner of 1st Open National Bordeaux 483 miles, 3rd Sec 6th Nat Saintes 426 miles, flying 900+ miles in 9 days!!! 5th Sec 9th Nat Lillers 260 miles, 7th Sec 19th Nat Le Mans 295 miles, 14th Sec 28th Nat Cholet 334 miles, 11th Sec 34th Nat Lessay 185 miles (only 40 birds on the day), 25th Sec 60th Nat Carentan 184 miles, 28th Sec 76th Nat Messac 273 miles, 28th Sec 92nd Nat Pont-A-Mousson 453 miles, 16th Sec 125th Nat Lillers. Winner of 3 x RPRA Awards in one season never done before in Wales!!! G.Dam of 1st Open National.
  • 66. Zilvervoske Dolle NL09-1331143 1. Nat. Montauban 1995 Jan Ouwerkerk 1. Nat. Champion 1995 Kurvers - De Weerd 1. Nat. St. Vincent 1994 Cees Hartog 1. Nat. Perpignan 1994 Bernd Morsnowski 1. Int. Bordeauc 1993 Wilfried Stiel 1. Nat. St. Vincent 1993 Combinatie van Beers 1. Nat. St. Vincent 1993 Combinatie van Beers 1. Nat. Bergerac 1992 Jan Kooistra 1. Nat. Perpignan 1992 Germany 1. Int. Barcelona 1991 Jean-Luc Van Roy 1. Nat. Barcelona 1991 Jomp Kleen 1. Nat. Pau 1991 Duisland 1. Nat. Perpignan 1990 Gert-Jan Braam 1. Nat. Dax 1990 Felix Rozendaal 1. Nat. Dax 1989 Gebroeders Kuypers 1. Int. Pau 1989 Paul ten Have 1. Nat. Barcelona 1989 Jan Theelen 1. Nat. St. Vincent 1988 Gebroeders Kuypers 1. Nat. Dax 1988 Ad Venmans 1. Nat. Champion 1988 Jean Steijns 1. Nat. Barcelona 1987 Laban van Noordenne 1. Int. Barcelona 1987 Wim van Leeuwen 1. Nat. Bergerac 1986 Gebroeders Van Zelderen 1. Int. Barcelona 1984 Wim van Leeuwen 1. Int. Marseille 1983 Heinz Seegmuller 1. Nat. St. Vincent 1983 Gebroeders Van Zelderen 1. Nat. Barcelona 1982 Gebroeders Van Zelderen 1. Nat. St. Vincent 1981 Wim Versendaal 1. Nat. Pau 1978 Mevrouw Sprenkels 1. Nat. Narbonne 1975 Heinz Seegmuller 1. Nat. St. Vincent 1975 Willem van de Burgh National and International winners with 'Dolle'-Blood Before 1996 Machiel Buijk Zandfort 96, 4631 RR Hoogerheide (NL) Phone +31 (0)164 614 685 E-mail: 35 No man in pigeon racing owns a colony of Jan Aarden pigeons so close to the absolute base - that is what makes Machiel Buijk so special in the International pigeon world … and that is why so many fanciers worldwide know the way to Machiel Buijk’s homeground Hoogerheide; because very inbred pigeons are so important to built up a strong colony of good racing pigeons. At his fantastic breeding lofts there are only pure Jan Aarden pigeons of a quality never seen before; all bred from the best lines of the world famous Jan Aarden long distance strain. Machiel Buijk has always been very impressed by the ‘Dolle’ of Marijn van Geel, not only for its perfect results on the long distance races, but even more by the unique breeding eyes of this bird. He proved to be one of the best breeding birds of the Jan Aarden strain. ‘Dolle’ is without any doubt the best long distance pigeon ever; he participated in 17 long distance races and won 17 prizes with a/o 1. prov. St. Vincent 1,684 b. (3. Nat. 6,844 b.), 1. prov. Dax 1,032 b. (3. Nat. 3,649 b.), 9. prov. Limoges - 1,610 b., 12. Nat. St. Vincent - 6,917 b., etc. The ‘Dolle’-strain of Marijn van Geel has produced many National and International winners since and therefore his his value for the pigeon sport became immense. Machiel Buijk has had 13 direct children of ‘Dolle’ and 18 direct children of ‘Vlekje’ (top grandson to ‘Dolle’) in his breeding loft. Those pigeons were the basis for his unique Jan Aarden strain. In 2014, fifteen descendants of the legendary ‘Dolle’ won a National or International long distance race and the list of victories is growing. The Jan Aarden strain still lives in all its glory thanks to the passion of Machiel Buijk for the best long distance strain in the world. MachielBuijkThe house of Jan Aarden The ancient Jan Aarden strain is preserved in an outstanding way by Dutch Machiel Buijk The most important pigeon strain in the history of marathon racing is that of Jan Aarden … the late super champion with a strain of pigeons that stands out in the toughest battles! That ancient strain is preserved in an outstanding way by Dutch Machiel Buijk, the house of Jan Aarden. He owned 13 direct children of ‘Dolle’ and 18 direct children of ‘Vlekje’ the base for his unique Jan Aarden strain. Many pigeon fanciers, all over the world, succeeded with pigeons from Machiel Buijk. Machiel Buijk Zandfort 96, 4631 RR Hoogerheide (NL) Phone +31 (0)164 614 685 E-mail: 30
  • 67. 1. Int. Narbonne 2014 Michael Grunholz 1. Nat. Perpignan 2014 Freialdenhofen & Sohne 1. Nat. Barcelona 2014 Emmerich & Heinz 1. Nat. Barcelona 2014 Heath & Peter Archibald 1. Nat. Argenton 2014 Guy & Michael Regnier 1. Nat. St. Vincent 2014 Francis Franssen 1. Int. Agen 2014 Karl-Heinz Kanski 1. Nat. Brive 2014 Arjan Beens 1. Nat. Pau 2014 Etienne Meirlaen 1. Nat. St. Vincent 2014 Cor de Heijde 1. Nat. Tours 2014 Christopher Hunt 1. Nat. Limoges 2014 Dekens Wilson 1. Nat. Carentan 2014 Richard Goodier and Sons 1. Nat. Agen 2014 Henk Curvers 1. Nat. Perpignan 2014 Arjan Beens 1. Int. St. Vincent 2013 Karl-Heinz Koers 1. Nat. Barcelona 2013 Wim van der Velden 1. Nat. Orange 2013 Mulder & Zoon 1. Nat. Pau 2013 Freialdenhofen & Sohne 1. Nat. Perpignan 2013 Dickie Pearmain 1. Nat. Narbonne 2013 Adri van der Bijl 1. Nat. Champion 2013 Dekens Wilson 1. Nat. Barcelona 2013 Freialdenhofen & Sohn 1. Nat. Ace Pigeon 2013 Sweden 1. Nat. St. Vincent 2013 Aad Kuijt 1. Nat. Barcelona 2013 Lepuch Leknica 1. Internat. Krasnodon 2013 Vasile Cristinel 1. Nat. Agen 2013 Freialdenhofen & Sohne 1. Nat. Montelimar 2013 Dekens Wilson 1. Nat. Agen 2013 Rutger Rittersma National and International winners with 'Dolle'-Blood Between 2013-2014 Golden Breeder NL05-1554224 Machiel Buijk Zandfort 96, 4631 RR Hoogerheide (NL) Phone +31 (0)164 614 685 E-mail: 31 Golden Lady NL09-1331235 1. Nat. Narbonne 2012 Cees van Aaart 1. Nat. Cahors 2012 Etienne Meirlaen 1. Nat. Barcelona 2012 Ferdy De Scheemaeker 1. Nat. St. Vincent 2012 Gebroeders Limburg 1. Nat. Alecon 2012 Frey-Hoddinett 1. Nat. Pau 2012 John Chipperfield 1. Int. Pau 2012 Freialdenhofen & Sohne 1. Nat. Bergerac 2012 Jan van Ekeren 1. Nat. Bordeaux 2012 Jo Heuts 1. Nat. Ace Pigeon 2012 Jean-Luc Lambert 1. Nat. Champion 2012 Dekens Wilson 1. Nat. Tarbes 2012 Ernst Hodel 1. Nat. Albi 2012 Peter van de Wulp 1. Nat. Champion 2012 Jan Ceusters 1. Nat. St. Vincent 2012 Bauhaus-Devers 1. Nat. Barcelona 2011 Willy Verbruggen 1. Nat. Barcelona 2011 Crowley & Green 1. Int. Narbonne 2011 Etienne Meirlaen 1. Nat. Ace Pigeon 2011 Kipp und Sohne 1. Nat. Limoges 2011 Gerrit Vedder 1. Nat. Bergerac 2011 Jan Bullens 1. Nat. Narbonne 2011 Freialdenhofen & Sohne 1. Nat. Tarbes 2011 Van de Pol - Verhoeven 1. Nat. Perpignan 2011 John Chipperfield 1. Nat. Streyregg 2011 Henry Visser 1. Int. Ace Pigeon 2011 Kipp und Sohne 1. Nat. Barcelona 2010 Cees Luykx 1. Nat. St. Vincent 2010 Combinatie Bosman 1. Nat. Pau 2010 Combinatie Hoogendam 1. Nat. Bergerac 2010 Ron Gerrits 1. Int. Bordeaux 2010 Herman van Helmond 1. Nat. Ace Pigeon 2010 Gebroeders van de Kieboom 1. Nat. Champion 2010 Cees Luijkx 1. Nat. Ace Pigeon 2010 Etienne Meirlaen 1. Nat. Bordeaux 2010 Crowley & Green 1. Nat. Ace Pigeon 2010 Gebroeders van de Kieboom 1. Nat. Cahors 2010 Cees van Meel 1. Nat. Champion 2010 Geert van de Matten National and International winners with 'Dolle'-Blood Between 2010-2012 Machiel Buijk Zandfort 96, 4631 RR Hoogerheide (NL) Phone +31 (0)164 614 685 E-mail: 32
  • 68. Super Witpen Dolle NL08-1683775 1. Int. Barcelona 2009 W. & M. van Houten 1. Int. Bordeaux 2009 Tonny van Dam 1. Nat. Barcelona 2009 Freialdenhofen & Sohne 1. Nat. Perpignan 2009 Mark van den Berg 1. Int. Ace Pigeon 2009 Etienne Meirlaen 1. Int. Perpignan 2008 Jan Roobol 1. Nat. Champion 2008 Combinatie Verbeek 1. Nat. St. Vincent 2008 Doctor Delhove 1. Int. Limoges 2008 Gebroeders Limburg 1. Int. Sebastian 2008 Ferdy De Scheemaeker 1. Nat. Perigeux 2008 Gebroeders Limburg 1. Nat. Marseille 2008 Fons van Ophuizen 1. Nat. Champion 2007 Combinatie Verbeek 1. Nat. St. Vincent 2007 Gerard Koopman 1. Nat. Limoges 2007 Gebroeders Limburg 1. Nat. Irun 2007 Freialdenhofen & Sohne 1. Nat. Brive 2007 Ton Bollebakker 1. Nat. Ace Pigeon 2007 Combinatie Verbeek 1. Nat. Mont Marsan 2006 Marti Beset & Son 1. Nat. Champion 2006 Gradje Roeffen 1. Nationaal Dax 2006 Winny van Ooijen 1. Nat. Barcelona 2005 Frans Bungeneers 1. Nat. Bergerac 2005 Marti Beset & Son 1. Nat. St. Vincent 2005 Combinatie van Beers 1. Nat. Tarbes 2005 Combinatie Houtekamer 1. Nat. Brive 2005 Gebroeders Beens 1. Int. Biarritz 2005 Ferdy De Scheemaeker 1. Nat. St. Vincent 2004 Gerard Koopman 1. Int. Perpignan 2004 Kurvers - De Weerd 1. Nat. Barcelona 2004 Ben Robert 1. Nat. St. Vincent 2004 Ria Tieleman 1. Nat. St. Vincent 2004 Van Seeters & Son 1. Nat. Ruffec 2004 Gerard Koopman 1. Nat. Ablis 2004 Gebroeders Limburg 1. Nat. Ace Pigeon 2004 Gerard Koopman 1. Nat. St. Vincent 2004 Henk Vermeulen National and International winners with 'Dolle'-Blood Between 2004-2009 Machiel Buijk Zandfort 96, 4631 RR Hoogerheide (NL) Phone +31 (0)164 614 685 E-mail: 33 Unbelievable Dolle NL08-1683809 1. Int. Barcelon 2003 Gebroeders Hagens 1. Nat. St. Vincent 2003 Raymond Moleveld 1. Nat. Perpignan 2003 John van Klink 1. Nat. St. Vincent 2002 Combinatie van Beers 1. Nat. Perpignan 2002 Freialdenhofen & Sohne 1. Nat. Brive 2002 Raymond Moleveld 1. Nat. St. Vincent 2002 Maria Kerkhofs 1. Nat. Dax 2002 Bauhaus-Devers 1. Nat. Bergerac 2002 Wim de Leeuw 1. Nat. St. Vincent 2001 Michel Schuurmans 1. Nat. Munchen 2001 Gebroeders Limburg 1. Nat. Mont Marsan 2001 Gebroeders Maas 1. Nat. Champion 2001 Sjouke Duinstra 1. Nat. St. Vincent 2000 Combinatie Van Boxtel 1. Nat. Barcelona 2000 Combinatie Houtekamer 1. Nat. St. Vincent 2000 A. Houweling 1. Nat. Champion 2000 Piet van Alphen 1. Nat. St. Vincent 2000 Gebroeders Keekstra 1. Nat. Limoges 2000 J. Verschuren 1. Int. Barcelona 1999 Jan Dons 1. Nat. St. Vincent 1998 Bennie Homma 1. Nat. Champion 1998 Gebroeders Limburg 1. Nat. Bergerac 1998 Amanuel Oz 1. Nat. St. Vincent 1998 Rudi Philips 1. Nat. Perpignan 1998 Helmut Grun 1. Nat. Barcelona 1997 Willy Looijmans 1. Nat. Perpignan 1997 Cor de Heijde 1. Nat. Limoges 1997 Gebroeders Limburg 1. Nat. St. Vincent 1997 Bennie Hovenkamp 1. Nat. Barcelona 1996 Rick Stevens 1. Nat. Barcelona 1996 Cees Brok National and International winners with 'Dolle'-Blood Between 1996-2003 Machiel Buijk Zandfort 96, 4631 RR Hoogerheide (NL) Phone +31 (0)164 614 685 E-mail: 34
  • 69. 17 - 035144 Direct son 1 st National Barcelona 2009 United Kingdom 7 th National Barcelona 2008 United Kingdom Best Barcelona pigeon 08 , 09 United Kingdom 750 Euro Father ( dark chq ) GB 09 L 03440 (Jan Aarden) is full brother to `Miss Wilson` she won: 4th Monthrose 3rd Rotherham 4th Newark 2007 8th Section 181 st Open SNFC Falaise Mother ( Red ) GB O3 J 62376 Champion `Red Alert` she won ; 1st Nat. Barcelona 09 7th Nat. Barcelona 08 Best Barcelona pigeon 08 , 09 United Kingdom Contact Tel : 0040764170868 00447598577870 email: Category ; Marathon Breeder : Dacian Busecan Owner: Dacian Busecan Sex : Cock Colour : Red checkuer Size ; small to medium 69
  • 70. Category ; Marathon Breeder : Dacian Busecan Owner: Dacian Busecan Sex : Cock Colour : Red checkuer Size ; medium 13 - 28651 Direct son 1 st National Barcelona 2009 United Kingdom 7 th National Barcelona 2008 United Kingdom Best Barcelona pigeon 08 , 09 United Kingdom Father ( Red chq ) GB 06 - 21736 Red Jan Aarden -100% Ron Elliott Mother ( Red ) GB O3 J 62376 Champion `Red Alert` she won ; 1st Nat. Barcelona 09 7th Nat. Barcelona 08 Best Barcelona pigeon 08 , 09 United Kingdom Contact Tel : 0040764170868 00447598577870 email: 750 Euro 70
  • 71. 11 - 28215 Direct son 1 st National Barcelona 2009 United Kingdom 7 th National Barcelona 2008 United Kingdom Best Barcelona pigeon 08 , 09 United Kingdom 750 Euro Father ( Red chq ) GB 06 - 21736 Red Jan Aarden -100% Ron Elliott Mother ( Red ) GB O3 J 62376 Champion `Red Alert` she won ; 1st Nat. Barcelona 09 7th Nat. Barcelona 08 Best Barcelona pigeon 08 , 09 United Kingdom Contact Tel : 0040764170868 00447598577870 email: Category ; Marathon Breeder : Dacian Busecan Owner: Dacian Busecan Sex : Cock Colour : Red checkuer Size ; large 71
  • 72. Category ; Marathon Breeder : Dacian Busecan Owner: Dacian Busecan Sex : Cock Colour : Dark checkuer Size ; medium 17 - 035111 Direct son Wittebek - 100% Stichelbaut ( Frans Labeeuw) & Lazerom Hen - 100% Jan Aarden Father ( dark chq ) B 09 - 3031626 Wittebek 100% Stichelbaut ( Frans Labeeuw ) Full Brother Montauban Mother ( dark chq pied ) NL 07 - 1469880 100% Jan Aarden Contact Tel : 0040764170868 00447598577870 email: 500 Euro 72
  • 73. 17 - 035153 Direct son Full brotther to `Miss Wilson`she won:, 4th Monthrose, 3rd Rotherham, 4th Newark 2007 8th Section ,181 st Open SNFC Falaise & Jan Aarden via Ko Nipius ( Ron Elliott ) 450 Euro Father GB 09 L 03440 (Jan Aarden) is full brother to `Miss Wilson` she won: 4th Monthrose 3rd Rotherham 4th Newark 2007 8th Section 181 st Open SNFC Falaise Mother GB 11-23961 Jan Aarden via Ko Nipius ( Ron Elliott ) Contact Tel : 0040764170868 00447598577870 email: Category ; Marathon Breeder : Dacian Busecan Owner: Dacian Busecan Sex : Cock Colour : checkuer w.f Size ; medium 73
  • 74. Category ; Marathon Breeder : Dacian Busecan Owner: Dacian Busecan Sex : Cock Colour : Red checkuer Size ; medium 17 - 035107 Double grd. son 1 st National Barcelona 2009 United Kingdom 7 th National Barcelona 2008 United Kingdom Best Barcelona pigeon 08, 09 United Kingdom Father ( Red chq ) GB 11 -28215 Son 1st Nat. Barcelona 09 7th Nat. Barcelona 08 Best Barcelona pigeon 08, 09 United Kingdom Mother ( Mealy ) GB 08 - 67572 Dght 1st Nat. Barcelona 09 7th Nat. Barcelona 08 Best Barcelona pigeon 08, 09 United Kingdom Contact Tel : 0040764170868 00447598577870 email: 400 Euro 74
  • 75. 17 - 035152 Grd.son '' Den Dax '' 1 st National Dax (Jos Thone ) 400 Euro Father ( Dark chq ) BE 05 - 5059413 Son '' Den Dax '' 1st Nat. Dax ( Jos Thone ) M other ( Blue chq ) GB 11-23961 Jan Aarden via Ko Nipius ( Ron Elliott ) Contact Tel : 0040764170868 00447598577870 email: Category ; Marathon Breeder : Dacian Busecan Owner: Dacian Busecan Sex : Cock Colour : Blue Size ; medium 75
  • 76. Category ; Marathon Breeder : Dacian Busecan Owner: Dacian Busecan Sex : Cock Colour : Red checkuer Size ; medium 17 - 035170 Direct son Red Jan Aarden - Main breeder of Ron Elliot & 100 % Jan Aarden hen Father ( Red chq ) GB 06 - 21736 Red Jan Aarden -100% Ron Elliott Mother ( Dark chq w.f ) NL 12 - 1947928 100 % Jan Aarden Contact Tel : 0040764170868 00447598577870 email: 500 Euro 76
  • 77. 17 - 035176 Grd. son '' Den Dax '' 1 st National Dax (Jos Thone ) 400 Euro Father ( Dark chq ) BE 05 - 5059413 Son '' Den Dax '' 1st Nat. Dax ( Jos Thone ) Mother ( Dark chq. pied) NL 07 - 1469880 100% Jan Aarden Contact Tel : 0040764170868 00447598577870 email: Category ; Marathon Breeder : Dacian Busecan Owner: Dacian Busecan Sex : Cock Colour : Dark checkuer pied Size ; medium 77
  • 78. Category ; Marathon Breeder : Dacian Busecan Owner: Dacian Busecan Sex : Cock Colour : Red w.f Size ; medium 17 - 035119 Direct son Red Jan Aarden Main Breeder for Ron Elliott 100% Ron Elliott ( Inbbred ) & Daughter 20 th National Barcelona 2009 United Kingdom Father ( Red chq ) GB 06 - 21736 Red Jan Aarden Main Breeder for Ron Elliott 100% Ron Elliott Mother ( Red w.f ) GB 10 - 42851 Dght . 20 Nat. Barcelona 2009 United Kingdom Contact Tel : 0040764170868 00447598577870 email: 250 Euro 78
  • 79. 17 - 035113 Double grd. son 1 st National Barcelona 2009 United Kingdom 7 th National Barcelona 2008 United Kingdom Best Barcelona pigeon 08, 09 United Kingdom 200 Euro Father ( Red chq ) GB 11 - 28215 Son 1st Nat. Barcelona 09 7th Nat. Barcelona 08 Best Barcelona pigeon 08, 09 United Kingdom Mother ( Mealy ) GB O8 - 67572 Dght 1st Nat. Barcelona 09 7th Nat. Barcelona 08 Best Barcelona pigeon 08, 09 United Kingdom Contact Tel : 0040764170868 00447598577870 email: Category ; Marathon Breeder : Dacian Busecan Owner: Dacian Busecan Sex :unknown Colour : Mealy Size ; small 79
  • 80. Category ; Marathon Breeder : Dacian Busecan Owner: Dacian Busecan Sex : Cock Colour : Red chequer Size ; medium 17 - 035129 Grd. son 1 st National Barcelona 2009 United Kingdom 7 th National Barcelona 2008 United Kingdom Best Barcelona pigeon 08, 09 United Kingdom Father ( Red chq ) GB 13 - 28651 Son 1st Nat. Barcelona 09 7th Nat. Barcelona 08 Best Barcelona pigeon 08, 09 United Kingdom Mother ( Blue bar ) GB O9 - 01842 Grd.dght 1st Nat. Barcelona 09 7th Nat. Barcelona 08 Best Barcelona pigeon 08, 09 United Kingdom Contact Tel : 0040764170868 00447598577870 email: 300 Euro 80
  • 81. 17 - 035142 Grd. son '' Den Dax '' 1 st National Dax ( Jos Thone ) 400 Euro Father ( Dark chq ) BE 05 - 5059413 Son '' Den Dax '' 1st National Dax ( Jos Thone ) Mother ( Dark chq pied ) NL 07 - 1469880 100% Jan Aarden Contact Tel : 0040764170868 00447598577870 email: Category ; Marathon Breeder : Dacian Busecan Owner: Dacian Busecan Sex : Cock Colour : Dark checquer w.f Size ; medium 81
  • 82. MULTIVITAMIN VITAFLIGHT F1 Vitamins & Minerals STAMINA FORCE 13 Endurance TOTAL HEALTH AVIFORM ULTIMATE 11 Products in 1 | order and advice line 01953 528008 | FREE UK delivery if ordered online or over £50. Otherwise + £2.95. E&OE. RECOVERY ELECTROFORM Soluble Electrolytes Flying the Flag for Pigeon Success RECOVERY PROLYTE EU approved Probiotic The ultimate in pigeon healthcare for 40 years PRE-RACE FORCE 12 + DMG Pre Race Booster PERFORMANCE DIMETHYLFORM DMG CALCIUM CALCIFORM Liquid Calcium + D3 ENERGY MCT Energy Oil RESPIRATORY MYCOFORM-T High Potency Liquid UK, Europe and Worldwide
  • 83.
  • 84.
  • 85. ® The TauRIS WORLD terminal !Impressively powerful! · Capacity: 1000 pigeons · Indication of average speed · SMS-transmission of the pigeon arrival times to your smart phone or mobile phone (option GSM-Set) · Status request of your system from your smart phone (option GSM-Set) · Indication of liberation points in plaintext · Sensor test – test the functionality of your sensors · Race data overview: Overview about all current races · Big event memory · Upgrade to Remote Strike possible · 10 races at the same time possible with race data overview · Autoconnect – automatic PC connection without [Start][3] · International foot ring version · Perfectly adjusted to the new electronic TauRIS-S2 rings · Big illuminated graphic display · Loud signal tone · Transmission of the software version number to the PC in your club The TauRIS High Speed quadruple sensors! · High Speed Clocking - fastest clocking! · Each sensor has an own unique device number · Quality made in Germany Ask also for our complete systems and benefit several times! We are happy to help! Visit us also on our exhibition stands! Your TauRIS Team © Oktober 2017 Rüter EPV-Systeme GmbH Software dependent functions can deviate from above indications according to country specific regulations Rüter EPV-Systeme GmbH • Große Heide 39-41 • 32425 Minden • Deutschland Tel.: 0571 646900 • Fax: 0571 6469020 • E-Mail: • Internet:
  • 86. Very Informative Good price Iinternational Racing Pigeon 86
  • 87. Fast Delivery REVIEWS fantastic. got this for my dad who knows everything but he said the great thing is it has the quantity of the products needed to be used which he is sometimes unsure of. This was brought for a friend he is very pleased with it as very difficult to buy. A must have book for all Pigeon Fanciers. A very valuable book for those involved in pigeon racing. Presently there are many medicines and injections for prevention of diseases in birds. But this book shows how via natural remedies you can keep your pigeons racing healthy and disease free. Full of brilliant helpful tips One of the best books for racing pigeons. Recommended to all! Pleased with all books. I have a deep interest in Pigeons and found this book to be greatly informative and interesting. Mr Busecan has once again proven himself the consummate expert on all things pigeon! This book is really great all round and good value really helps with problem solving. 87
  • 88. Iinternational Racing Pigeon I Learn all about: 1.taming 2. teaching your parrot to talk 3. feeding, 4. what steps you must follow if your bird is escaping and you want to bring it back 5. how to hand feed a baby parrot and much more, then this book could be interesting for you. Check it here Iinternational Racing Pigeon Erika Busecan is also Author of 26 books published and sold on or sites including 11 ( #1 Best Sellers ) 1.Citron - Crested Cockatoos: All About Nutrition, Training, Care, Diseases And Treatments 2.Bird Care: Keeping Happy And Healthy Citron - Crested Cockatoos 3.Bird Care: Citron - Crested Cockatoos: Diseases and Treatments 4.Senegal parrots: All About Nutrition, Training, Care, Diseases and Treatments 5.Bird Care: Keeping Happy And Healthy Senegal parrots 6.Bird Care: Senegal Parrots: Diseases and Treatments Related ad 88
  • 89. 7.Ringneck Parakeets: All About Nutrition, Training, Care, Diseases And Treatment 8.Bird Care: Ringneck Parakeets: Diseases and Treatments 9.Bird Care: Keeping Happy And Healthy Ringneck Parakeets 10.Bird Care: Backyard Chickens: Diseases and Treatments 11.Natural Remedies For Men's Health Problems 12. African Grey Parrots: All About Nutrition, Training, Care, Diseases And Treatments 13. Bird Care African Grey Parrots: Diseases and Treatments 14. Bird Care: Keeping Happy and Healthy Congo African Grey Parrots 15. Zebra Finches: The Complete Guide to Keeping Happy and Healthy Finches 16. Bird Care Zebra Finches: Diseases & Treatments 17. Natural Remedies - How to prevent and cure any diseases with plants from A-Z 18.Cooking for parrots 19.Cockatiels: All About Nutrition, Training, Care, Diseases And Treatments 20.Bird Care: Keeping Healthy And Happy Cockatiels 21.Bird Care: Cockatiels: Diseases and Treatments 22.Lovebirds: All About Nutrition, Training, Care, Diseases and Treatments 23.Bird Care: Keeping Happy And Healthy Lovebirds 24.Bird Care Lovebirds: Diseases And Treatments 25.Natural remedies for African Grey parrots: Herbal Teas 26.Natural remedies for Zebra Finches: Herbal Teas Check them all here 89
  • 90.
  • 92. C o p y r i g h t I n t e r n a t i o n a l R a c i n g P i g e o n m a g a z i n e E V E R Y O N E T A L K S A B O U T I T