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Monday, June 10, 2013
The Mead Center for American Theater
Washington, DC
Sustaining Political Commitments to Scaling Up Nutrition
June 10, 2013
The Mead Center - 1101 6th St SW - Washington, DC
8.00 – 8.30 Breakfast and Registration
8.30 – 9.30 Opening Plenary: Sustaining Political Commitments to Scaling Up Nutrition
 Master of Ceremonies: Roger Thurow
 Welcome: David Beckmann, President, Bread for the World and Joe Cahalan, CEO, Concern US
 Key Note Address: Raj Shah, Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development
 Key Note Address: Joe Costello, Minister of State, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade,
9.30 – 10.20 Panel Discussion: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead to the Next 1,000 Days—Global
Facilitator - Lucy Sullivan, Executive Director 1000 Days Partnership
 Robert Black, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, The Lancet Series on Maternal and Child
Nutrition author
 Keith Hansen, Acting Vice President and Network Head, Human Development, The World Bank
 Rajul Pandya-Lorch, Head 2020 Vision Initiative and Chief of Staff, International Food Policy
Research Institute
 Martin Bloem, Senior Nutrition Advisor, World Food Programme
10.20 – 10.50 Second Morning Plenary
 Introduction: Carolyn Miles, CEO, Save the Children
 Key Note Address: Wilbald Lorri, Office of President Jakaya Kikwete, Republic of Tanzania
 Key Note Address: Philip Barton, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of the United Kingdom
10.50 – 11.10 InterAction Nutrition Pledge
 Sam Worthington, CEO, InterAction
11.10 – 12.00 Panel Discussion: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead to the Next 1,000 Days—Country-
level Perspectives
Facilitator – Kathy Spahn, CEO, Helen Keller International
 Kaosar Afsana, BRAC, Bangladesh
 Nina Sardjunani, National Development Planning Agency, Indonesia (invited)
 Rose Ndolo, National Nutrition Coordinator, World Vision International, Kenya
 Joyce Ngegba, Partnership for Nutrition in Tanzania, PANITA, Tanzania
 Juan Carlos Paiz, Presidential Commissioner for Competitiveness, Investment and Millennium
Challenge Corporation, Guatemala
12.00– 1.00 Lunch
1.15 – 3.15 Afternoon Plenary: Taking SUN to Scale
Facilitator – Tom Arnold, SUN Lead Group
Panel Discussion: Perspectives from Zambia
o William Chilufya, Civil Society Scaling Up Nutrition Alliance
o Cassim Masi, National Food and Nutrition Commission
Sustaining Political Commitments to Scaling Up Nutrition
June 10, 2013
The Mead Center - 1101 6th St SW - Washington, DC
o Highvie H. Hamududu, Member of Parliament and Chairperson of the Parliamentary
Committee on Estimates
 Panel Discussion: SUN Country Experiences on Scaling Up
o Rigobert Oladiran Ladikpo, Professional Association of Vegetable Oil Industries for the
West Africa Economic Monetary Union (WAEMU/ UEMOA )
o Dr. Ivan Mendoza, SESAN, Guatemala
o Emergency Nutrition Network Study, ACF Campaign on Community-based Management
of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM)
3.15 – 3.30 Mid-Afternoon Break (Instructions Given About Breakout Group Sessions)
3.30 – 5.00 Breakout Sessions
 Workshop 1: Capacity Development in Nutrition
o Facilitator – Manisha Tharaney, SPRING
o Facilitator – Paul Amuna, African Nutrition Society, University of Greenwich
o Rapporteur – Anu Narayan, SPRING
 Workshop 2: Best Practices – Nutrition-Specific Interventions
o Facilitator – Karin Lapping, Save the Children
o Facilitator – Francis Zotor, African Nutrition Society
o Rapporteur – Karen Leban, CORE (suggested)
 Workshop 3: Best Practices – Nutrition-Sensitive Development
o Facilitator – Charlotte Dufour
o Sharing SUN Country Experiences -
o Rapporteur – Anna Herforth
 Workshop 4: Civil Society’s Role in Advocacy and Monitoring Progress at National and Global
o Facilitator – Connell Foley, Concern Worldwide
o Facilitator – Buba Khan, ActionAid, the Gambia
o Rapporteur – Lisa Bos, WorldVision-US (suggested)
5.00 – 5.15 Breakout Rapporteurs and Facilitators collect workshop outcomes
 Coffee break for other participants
5.15 – 5.45 Breakout Group Readouts
Facilitator – Tom Arnold, SUN Lead Group
 Reports from each breakout session
5.45 – 6.15 Session Takeaways, Concluding Remarks and Looking Forward
 Layla McCay, GAIN; Josh Lozman, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; David Beckmann
6.15 – 8.00 Reception for all participants
 Remarks by Mayor Vincent Gray, District of Columbia, 7.00
Social Media Cheat Sheet:
Sustaining Political Commitments to
Scaling up Nutrition
June 10, 2013 | Washington, DC
Thank you for attending the international meeting for civil society leaders on maternal and
child nutrition, “Sustaining Political Commitments to Scaling up Nutrition.” If you are
active on social media, we invite you to join delegates from around the world in exploring,
celebrating, and strengthening the movement to scale up nutrition for mothers and children in
the critical 1,000-day window from pregnancy to age 2.
Join today’s conversation on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media channels and use your
networks to spread the world about maternal and child nutrition, and the important work that
is being done to renew and strengthen the call to action for the Next 1,000 Days.
If you are unable to join us in-person, please tune in to the meeting remotely. The live broadcast
of the meeting will be hosted on beginning at 8:30 am EDT on
Monday, June 10.
TWITTER. We encourage you to tweet during the international meeting. For live updates,
follow the Twitter accounts of Bread for the World Institute (@breadinstitute), Bread for the
World (@bread4theworld), and Concern Worldwide U.S. (@concern). Other related twitter
accounts can be found in the column on the left, including those of keynote speaker Rajiv
Shah (@rajshah), administrator for the U.S. Agency for International Development
(@USAID); David Beckmann (@davidbeckmann), president of Bread for the World and
Bread for the World Institute; Joseph Cahalan, CEO Concern Worldwide US
(@JoeConcern); Sam Worthington, CEO of Interaction (@interactionorg); and more!
At the meeting, you will have an opportunity to have your photograph taken holding a sign with
a message pledging your support for the next 1,000 days. The photos will be shared on Twitter
using the official hashtags. Look for Bread for the World and Concern Worldwide U.S. staff
holding the signs if you would like to participate.
Some sample tweets include:
• The #Next1000Days until 2016 represent an entire generation of children yet to be born.
#Nutrition can make the difference!
• What can we achieve in #Next1000Days? Save lives AND change the world!
• Malnutrition is responsible for 1 out of every three deaths of children under 5 yrs old.
• I’m live tweeting the international mtg with @Bread4theWorld and @Concern Follow
#Next1000Days for the latest on child nutrition.
FACEBOOK. Bread for the World ( and
Concern Worldwide U.S. ( will post
Facebook updates and photos during the event. We invite you to share these updates with your
Facebook friends, and post your own.
Some Sample posts include:
• Today I’m with @Bread for the World and @Concern Worldwide US celebrating the
movement to scale up nutrition for mothers and children in the critical 1000days from
pregnancy to age 2. (photo)
• Inspired by the fact that 40 countries with high levels of hunger are taking further action to
scale up nutrition during the next 1,000 days.
The event’s
primary hashtag is
Use the hashtags
as you live tweet
the event and join
in conversation
with organizations
and individuals
impacting maternal
and child nutrition.
For more information, please contact:
Kristen Y. Archer
Media Relations Manager, Bread for the World
Office (202) 688-1118 | Mobile (202) 812-2223
Crystal Wells
Communications Officer, Concern Worldwide U.S.
Office (212) 557-8000 | Mobile (617) 913-0794
Global Leaders Push to Sustain Political Commitment for
Maternal and Child Nutrition Efforts
WASHINGTON, DC, May 22, 2013 — Bread for the World Institute and Concern Worldwide U.S. will host an
international meeting for civil society leaders on maternal and child nutrition on Monday, June 10, 2013 in
Washington, D.C. This meeting will garner political support for commitments made at “Nutrition for Growth,” a
pledge conference to be held in London on June 8. Rajiv Shah, administrator for the U.S. Agency for
International Development (USAID), will serve as the keynote speaker for the international meeting.
“Malnutrition during this critical stage has irreversible and damaging effects on a child’s growth and
development,” said Rev. David Beckmann, president of Bread for the World. “We are thrilled that USAID
Administrator Rajiv Shah will join us in reaffirming our commitment to defeating this scourge.”
The call to action “1,000 Days: Change a Life, Change the Future” was launched by the governments of the
United States and Ireland during the General Assembly of the United Nations in September 2010. The launch of
the 1,000 Days Partnership coincided with that of the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement, a global effort to
mobilize collective action on nutrition. Nine months after the launch, in June 2011, Bread for the World and
Concern Worldwide U.S. hosted an international meeting to build on the political momentum and to elevate
maternal and child nutrition on the global agenda. That meeting focused on the crucial role of civil society within
countries with high malnutrition rates.
“This is a moment to renew the call first made by the U.S. and Ireland 1,000 days ago,” said Dr. Joseph Cahalan,
CEO of Concern Worldwide U.S. “The challenge now is the 1,000 days ahead of us. We have the knowledge,
resources, and political and grassroots momentum to make an even greater impact, but to do so, the
international community must continue to prioritize and work together in the fight against child hunger and this
summit is an important part of that process.”
Bread for the World and Concern Worldwide U.S. are joining resources again to host the June 10, 2013,
international meeting, “Sustaining Political Commitment to Scaling Up Nutrition,” near the culmination of the
first 1,000 Days.
The meeting will increase political momentum around commitments made at the June 8 event in London. It will
also serve to renew and strengthen the call to action for the Next 1,000 Days, encouraging the continued
involvement of civil society in eliminating malnutrition.
“It speaks volumes that 35 countries have joined the movement to Scale Up Nutrition thus far—countries that
are home to 71 million stunted children, representing 42 percent of the world’s stunted population,” said Asma
Lateef, director of Bread for the World Institute. “The Next 1,000 Days offer a tremendous opportunity to map
out a sustainable plan to ensure women and children around the world receive the proper nutrition during the
first thousand days of life.”
Leaders from nongovernmental organizations, nutrition experts, and decision makers from developing countries
have been invited to share strategies, success stories, and challenges in eliminating malnutrition in their
countries. High-level leaders from the U.S. government and international development organizations are also
expected to participate. Partners to date include the 1,000 Days Partnership, Helen Keller International,
RESULTS, Save the Children, World Food Program USA, and World Vision.
For more information on the International Meeting please visit
Bread for the World ( is a collective Christian voice urging our nation’s decision makers to end
hunger at home and abroad. It is based in Washington, DC.
Concern Worldwide U.S. ( is an international non-governmental organization dedicated to
reducing extreme poverty, with nearly 3,000 personnel working in 25 of the world’s poorest countries in Africa,
Asia, and the Caribbean. Concern Worldwide targets the root causes of extreme poverty through programs in
health, education, livelihoods and microfinance, HIV and AIDS, and emergency response, directly reaching more
than 6.9 million people.
New knowledge and leadership at the highest levels present an extraordinary
opportunity, right now, to make dramatic progress against the devastation caused by
malnutrition among children. Over the last three years, spurred by groundbreaking
evidence in the British medical journal The Lancet on the impact of maternal and child
malnutrition and cost-effective approaches to reducing it, a global multi-stakeholder
effort developed a Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Framework for Action and Roadmap.
In September 2010, on the occasion of the United Nations Millennium Development
Goals Summit, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and then-Irish Foreign Minister Micheál Martin launched
the “1,000 Days: Change a Life, Change the Future Call to Action.” The “1,000 Days Call to Action” draws attention to the
irreversible damage caused by maternal and child undernutrition during the 1,000-day critical “window of opportunity”
from pregnancy to the age of 2, and lays out the priority actions and interventions needed to scale up nutrition. At the
event, David Beckmann, president of Bread for the World, and Tom Arnold, CEO of Concern Worldwide, committed to
convening a follow-up meeting of 1,000 Days /SUN stakeholders in June 2011.
Meeting Goals and Objectives
•	 Build political commitment and energy to address the issue of maternal and child malnutrition in the run-up
to a September 2011 meeting of governments that endorsed and supported the “1,000 Days Call to Action” in
September 2010.
•	 Carry out a common assessment of progress to date in scaling up nutrition at the country level.
•	 Develop a shared advocacy agenda and strategy for the September follow-up meeting at the U.N. General Assembly
and the G-20 Summit.
•	 Strengthen the voice of civil society in the global effort to scale up nutrition for children during the critical period
between pregnancy and age 2, including a consensus statement or declaration.
The meeting is designed to provide an opportunity for SUN stakeholders and potential stakeholders to share
experiences and perspectives on progress in SUN implementation and the opportunities and challenges to scaling up
nutrition efforts in their countries. It is envisaged that participants will leave feeling inspired and also better informed
about the SUN movement and their central role within it. The joint declaration will serve both to articulate the passion
and commitment of civil society to see progress against undernutrition and to make constructive recommendations as
to what needs to be done. In addition, the declaration will be used as an advocacy tool to raise awareness and engage
other civil society partners in the SUN movement.
Bread for the World is a collective Christian voice urging our nation’s decision makers to end hunger at home and
abroad. By changing policies, programs, and conditions that allow hunger and poverty to persist, we provide help
and opportunity far beyond the communities where we live.
God’s grace in Jesus Christ moves us to help our neighbors, whether they live in the next house, the next state, or
the next continent. Food is a basic need, and it is unjust that so many people do not have enough to eat.
We can end hunger in our time. Everyone, including our government, must do their part. With the stroke of a
pen, policies are made that redirect millions of dollars and affect millions of lives. By making our voices heard in
Congress, we make our nation’s laws more fair and compassionate to people in need.
Bread for the World members write personal letters, personal emails, and call their representatives in Congress.
We also meet with our representatives, either in their local offices or in Congress. Working through our churches,
campuses, and other organizations, we engage more people in advocacy. Each year, Bread for the World invites
churches across the country to take up a nationwide Offering of Letters to Congress on an issue that is important
to hungry people.
Bread for the World has two affiliate organizations: Bread for the World Institute provides policy analysis on
hunger and strategies to end it. The Alliance to End Hunger engages diverse institutions in building the political
commitment needed to end hunger at home and abroad.
Hunger is not a partisan issue and Bread for the World works in a non-partisan way. It enjoys the support of
many different Christian denominations, church agencies, and local congregations. Bread for the World also
collaborates with other organizations to build the political commitment needed to overcome hunger and poverty.
Bread for the World has a remarkable record of success in Congress, often winning far-reaching changes for
hungry and poor people. In 2010, for example, Congress renewed and increased funding for national child
nutrition programs after two years of Bread’s advocacy. Bread members also convinced Congress to extend tax
credits for low-income people in 2010.
Bread for the World is now urging Congress to protect from budget cuts the vital programs needed by hungry and
poor people. Bread is also campaigning to push Congress and the administration to reform U.S. foreign assistance
to make it more effective in reducing hunger and poverty.
Bread for the World
Sustaining U.S. Leadership and Investments
in Scaling Up Maternal and Child Nutrition
March 2013, No. 224
Nutrition creates a foundation for sustainable economic
growth and good health. There is solid evidence that dem-
onstrates that improving nutrition—particularly early in
life, in the 1,000 days between a woman’s pregnancy and
a child’s second birthday­—can have a profound impact on
a country’s long-term economic development and stability.
Each year 3 million children die from causes related to mal-
nutrition and more than 165 million children suffer from its
consequences. Most live in just 36 countries. Because of the
role that early nutrition plays in accelerating development
and in the success of global food security, agricultural devel-
opment, and health efforts, it is vital that the United States
continues to show global leadership.
Over the last four years, U.S. leadership in the global
movement to scale up nutrition has led to increased invest-
ments in U.S. health, food security, and nutrition programs.
President Obama demonstrated his administration’s com-
mitment to food security and nutrition in the L’Aquila Food
Security Initiative and in subsequent high-level G-8 meet-
ings. Secretary of State Clinton has been a powerful voice
for women and nutrition, launching the “1,000 Days Call to
Action,” and USAID has integrated nutrition programming
in the Global Health and Feed the Future initiatives and
has improved the quality of U.S. food aid. Congress has sup-
ported increased funding for maternal and child nutrition.
These efforts are encouraging action by other donors and
by countries most affected by the burden of malnutrition
through the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement. USAID
Administrator Rajiv Shah is on the SUN Lead Group. The
world is finally paying attention to the importance of good
nutrition for mothers and young children in the 1,000-day
window for long-term health and development outcomes.
Sustaining U.S. leadership and funding for nutrition is criti-
cal to capitalize and build on this momentum and to meet
global nutrition targets.
There has been notable progress on raising the visibility
of maternal and child nutrition (MCN) issues in Congress
and within administration policies and programs. The Unit-
ed States is a leader among the world’s donors with respect
by Scott Bleggi
Background Paper
Tohomina Akter’s 17-month-old daughter Adia licks her fingers
while eating a fried egg for breakfast in Char Baria village, Barisal,
to MCN. The administration has taken bold steps to inte-
grate nutrition programs and policies, especially those tar-
geted to the 1,000-day window of opportunity, through US-
AID’s Feed the Future and Global Health initiatives. Finally,
33 countries have made political and budget commitments
to improve nutrition and are developing their own MCN
strategies as part of the Scaling Up Nutrition2 Movement, to
be supported by international donors, including the United
States, through integrated, cross-sector nutrition programs.
Despite a modest improvement in federal funding for
MCN programs—a very positive development in the con-
text of past and current budget pressures—nutrition funding
levels remain very low relative to the needs. The approved
House Committee nutrition funding for FY 2013 is $95 mil-
lion. The extra $27 million approved in Senate Committee
funding (bringing the total to $122 million) will support
an additional 3,370,000 children and their mothers in their fight
against malnutrition.3
Further building the case for increased U.S. investment in
nutrition, a group of 11 originating organizations drafted a
document entitled A Roadmap for Continued U.S. Leadership to
End Global Hunger4 for administration and congressional offi-
cials, highlighting improving nutrition as both a top priority
and a high-return investment for federal funding. Fifty orga-
nizations dedicated to food security and nutrition endorsed
the Roadmap document.
Nutrition is Integral to Global Health
and Development Outcomes
Adequate nutrition serves as a foundation for lifelong
health and development. Research indicates that it is critical
to improve nutrition during the 1,000 days from pregnancy to
a child’s second birthday. During these 1,000 days, adequate
nutrition has the greatest impact on a child’s cognitive and
physical development. Malnutrition during this period limits
cognitive abilities, stunts growth, and increases susceptibility
to both chronic and infectious disease. These consequences
of poor nutrition have ramifications throughout adulthood,
and they are passed on to the next generation when malnour-
ished girls and women have their own children.
In addition, undernutrition costs billions of dollars in
lost productivity annually and significantly increases spend-
ing on health care to treat both undernutrition itself and its
consequences. The World Bank estimates that undernutri-
tion costs individuals more than 10 percent of their lifetime
earnings, and many countries lose 2 percent to 3 percent of
their gross domestic product (GDP) to undernutrition.5 A
study by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP)
and its Economic Commission for Latin America and the
Caribbean found that the cost of undernutrition amounts to
as much as 11 percent of GDP—due to productivity losses,
losses due to higher mortality, health costs, and education
costs—in Guatemala and Honduras.6 Malnutrition alone ac-
counts for 17 percent of the total global burden of disease,7
with resulting costs for treatment that are far higher than the
estimated amounts needed for preventative investments.
Nutrition programs ensure that the most vulnerable peo-
ple have adequate access to the calories and nutrients needed
for proper development. Strong nutrition programs embrace
a lifecycle approach—meeting the special needs of those most
vulnerable to the impacts of malnutrition through maternal
and child health, child and adolescent health, and disease
control interventions. They focus on children in the most
critical window of human development—the 1,000 days from
pregnancy to age 28—and on specific interventions aimed
at meeting the increased nutritional needs of people living
with HIV/AIDS. Nutrition programs include vitamin and
mineral fortification, mother and child health and nutrition
programs, nutrition education, sanitation/hygiene, and im-
proved access to clean water.
Nutrition programs also focus on educating people about
healthy eating habits. At present, obesity—a form of mal-
nutrition—is on the rise in developing as well as developed
countries. Recent studies show links between adult obesity
and childhood malnutrition.9 If investments are not made in
preventative programs, the rise in health problems directly
linked to obesity, such as cardiovascular disease and diabe-
tes, will place an increasing strain on the already overbur-
dened public health systems of many developing countries.
Despite the proven efficacy and cost effectiveness
of nutrition interventions, the World Bank notes that
historically, global investments in nutrition have been
	Investment	 Return
Research shows that $1 invested in nutrition generates as much as
$138 in better health and increased productivity.1
“miniscule given the magnitude of the problem.”
This is true even though five of the 10 most cost-effective
solutions for development assistance focus on nutrition
Vital Need to Sustain Nutrition Funding
Malnutrition is responsible for more than one-third of all
deaths among children younger than 5 each year—almost 3
million children. For the more than 165 million children who
live with chronic malnutrition throughout their young lives,
the damage can include severe limitations or impairment of
their ability to grow, learn, earn a living, become self-suffi-
cient, and ultimately rise out of poverty. As previously noted,
child malnutrition costs as much as 11 percent of a country’s
GDP and imposes staggering health costs on already finan-
cially burdened countries.11
There are highly cost-effective solutions to avert, treat, and
mitigate malnutrition. Despite the vast scale of child malnu-
trition and its long-term implications for economic growth
and human development, nutrition remains a low funding
priority on the global health and development agendas. Nu-
trition funding is less than 3 percent of total Overseas De-
velopment Assistance from all donor countries.12 Within
the U.S. international affairs and foreign assistance budget
(known as the “150 account”), nutrition investments repre-
sent only 1.2 percent of total global health spending.
Research shows that $1 invested in nutrition generates as
much as $138 in better health and increased productivity.13
U.S. government investment in proven and highly cost-effec-
tive nutrition interventions designed to prevent malnutrition
among women and children in the 1,000-day window of op-
portunity is critical to achieving significant, sustainable, and
lasting impact.
Evidence shows investments in improved nutrition can:
•	 save more than 1 million lives each year;14
•	 boost a country’s GDP by at least 2-3 percent annually;15
•	 build self-sufficiency: well-nourished children are more
likely to continue their education, have better-developed
cognitive skills, and earn up to 46 percent more over
their lifetimes;16
•	 significantly reduce the human and economic burden
of infectious diseases, such as malaria and HIV/AIDS,
and chronic diseases, such as diabetes; and
•	 help end hunger and break the cycle of poverty.
Nutrition as Part of a Multisectoral Approach
Nutrition connects many types of development assis-
tance, so it is often referred to as multi-sectoral.17 Nutri-
tion interventions can address poverty, gender inequality,
food insecurity, and lack of access to education, health,
clean water, and other basic services. Nutrition can be
incorporated into a range of development sectors, such
as health, environment, food security and agriculture,
gender, social protection, economic development (e.g.,
microfinance and credit schemes to benefit women or
agricultural value-chain improvements), education, and
water, sanitation, and hygiene.
The nutritional impact of agriculture, food security,
and social protection interventions is improved when
the intended nutrition outcomes of programs are well-
defined. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
of the United Nations concluded that the ultimate goal
of programs that provide food to subsistence farmers and
consumers and increase the income of producers should
be to improve nutritional well-being.18
Nutrition in Food Aid
During hunger emergencies, pregnant and lactating
women and very young children are most at risk of
malnutrition. Even short bouts of malnutrition in early
childhood can have lasting consequences. Because of the
urgency of preventing malnutrition during the 1,000-day
window, food aid is an important tool to ensure that this
vulnerable group receives sufficient nutrients. Food aid
may be the primary source of sustenance for large num-
bers of people in chronically food-deficit countries. The
types of food aid provided by the United States and other
1 in 3
Malnutrition is responsible
for more than one-third
of all deaths among children
younger than 5 each year—
almost 3 million children.
by providing needed calories. Ensuring good nutrition to
vulnerable populations has not been a high priority, at
least partly because programs are designed for short-term
food emergencies. In order to address nutritional needs
in longer-term, chronic food deficit situations, specialized
food aid products containing both calories and a balance
of micronutrients could be scaled up to treat and prevent
malnutrition in vulnerable populations.
Good nutrition is a basic building block of life. Nutri-
tion is an important element of many U.S. government
development assistance initiatives, including Feed the
Future and the Global Health Initiative. The importance
of nutrition is well documented by a growing body of
scientific data and supporting analysis. The success and
sustainability of many different development assistance
programs depend on improving nutritional outcomes in
women and young children. Food aid is an essential tool
in this effort.
Strengthen and Institutionalize the Focus
on Nutrition
This is a critical time to build on the progress made
to date on integrating nutrition into development and
health programs, as well as investing in significant reduc-
tions in child malnutrition. Because nutrition is a vital
This paper may be reprinted at no charge or ordered at a rate of $1 each. Contact Bread for the World for bulk rates.
Bread for the World Institute / 425 3rd Street SW, Suite 1200 / Washington, DC 20024 / Phone: 800.822.7323 / Fax: 202.639.9401 /
component of food security and global health programs,
coordination and integration is critical. To this end, three
actions are needed:
•	 Develop an overarching global nutrition strategy to
for coordination, funding, nutrition impact targets, and
field guidance on nutrition, including monitoring and
•	 Establish a high-level focal point for global nutrition,
a senior-level official housed within the USAID
Administrator’s office with authority across relevant
government departments, agencies, and bureaus. Each
SUN country has committed to doing this. This would
improve accountability for tracking progress against
set objectives and targets and ensure that nutrition is
a core component of U.S. humanitarian, health, and
development programs.
•	 Develop a detailed and publicly available nutrition
Future, the Global Health Initiative, Food for Peace, the
President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR),
the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), and the
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Scott Bleggi is senior international policy analyst at Bread for the
World Institute.
1 Challenge Paper: Hunger and Malnutrition, Hoddinott, et al. Co-
penhagen Consensus 2012.
2 Scaling Up Nutrition, home page accessed at
3 Based on the costing of five interventions--Vitamin A supplementa-
tion, therapeutic zinc for the management of diarrhea, micronutrient
powders, deworming, and adequate iron and folic acid for pregnant
women--using data provided by the World Bank and accessed at:
4 The Roadmap for Continued U.S. Leadership to End Global Hun-
ger, accessed at
5 Scaling Up Nutrition, the World Bank, 2010.
6 The Cost of Hunger: Social and economic impact of child undernu-
trition in Central America and the Dominican Republic, The United
Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Carib-
bean and World Food Programme, 2008.
7, WHO.
8 Thousand Days Partnership, home page accessed at www.thousand-
9 The nutrition puzzle: Why so many people in poor countries eat
so badly-and what can be done about it?, The Economist, 2/18/2012
10 Copenhagen Consensus Results, 2008.
11 ibid.
12 Aid for Food and Nutrition Security 2012, OECD.
13 op. cit.
14 Scaling Up Nutrition: What will it cost?, Horton, Susan, et al. The
World Bank.
15 Repositioning Nutrition as Central to Development, The World
16 Effect of a nutrition intervention during early childhood on eco-
nomic productivity in Guatemalan adults, Hoddinott, Maluccio, et
al., The Lancet 371, 2008.
17 Drawn from the CORE Group’s multi-sectoral platform workshop,
“Collaboration Between Sectors to Achieve More Effective Out-
comes,” 2004.
18 Global Forum on Food Security & Nutrition, Discussion number
76, February 6-March 2, 2012.
WhoWe Are
WhoWe Are
Concern Worldwide U.S. is an affiliate of Concern Worldwide, a non-governmental,
international, humanitarian organization dedicated to the reduction of suffering
and working towards the ultimate elimination of extreme poverty in the world’s
poorest countries.
Our History: Fighting Hunger for Nearly Half a Century
Concern Worldwide was founded in Ireland in 1968 by a small group of people who joined together to respond
to the devastating famine in Biafra. Among these people were two young brothers, Fathers Aengus and Jack
Finucane. After working on the ground in Biafra, the two turned to Ireland and asked for support to send a
ship filled relief items to help those most affected by the famine. The response was extraordinary. Within three
months, they were able to purchase a ship and, eventually, deliver shipments of life-saving relief nightly via airlift.
As the situation in Biafra improved in 1970, a cyclone in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) compounded by a
civil war and displacement crisis prompted what was known as “Concern Africa” to expand its work into other
countries and become known as “Concern Worldwide.”
Concern expanded into the U.S. in 1993 as an independent affiliate, Concern Worldwide U.S. With offices in
New York City and Chicago, the U.S. organization has grown steadily, now with over 50 employees, providing in
excess of $30 million annually to support Concern’s programs overseas. Concern Worldwide U.S. also recruits
staff, provides technical support to field operations, and raises awareness of humanitarian issues among the
general public.
After 45 years, we are implementing programs in 25 of the poorest countries in the world. In 2012, we reached
more than 6.9 million of the world’s poorest people, saving lives through effective emergency response while
working to address root causes of poverty through long-term development. The core values of Concern remain
constant: targeting extreme poverty through the delivery of high-quality, effective programs that work hand-in-
hand with the people we serve to break the cycle of poverty.
We envision a world in which no-one lives in poverty, fear, or oppression; in which all have access to a decent
standard of living and the opportunities and choices essential to a long, healthy, and creative life; and in which
everyone is treated with dignity and respect.
Our Mission
Our mission is to help people living in extreme poverty achieve major improvements in their lives that last and
spread without ongoing support from Concern.
WhoWe Are
Quick Facts
Concern Worldwide founded in Ireland in 1968; Concern Worldwide U.S. founded in New
York City in 1993
Recognized internationally for leadership and innovation in emergency response, child
survival, and nutrition
Working in 25 of the world’s poorest countries
Targeting extreme poverty through five key program areas: education, emergency response,
health, HIV/AIDS, and livelihoods
Concern Worldwide U.S. offices in New York City and Chicago; Concern Worldwide offices
in Dublin, London, Glasgow, and Belfast
Reached more than 6.9 million people in 2012
Has a team of nearly 3,000 staff across the globe
Concern in Action: Fighting Hunger
Since our founding in 1968 in response to the famine in Biafra (now Nigeria), Concern Worldwide has pursued
its mission to help people living in absolute poverty achieve major, sustainable improvements in their lives. Now,
45 years later, Concern remains steadfastly committed to working with the world’s poorest people to transform
their lives. Hunger is often the most visible manifestation of extreme poverty, and in the midst of increasingly
volatile food price increases and natural disasters, Concern is more determined than ever before to empower
the poorest to effectively produce and manage their own food supplies, and to eradicate malnutrition and child
hunger and their root causes.
Adequate nutrition, particularly during the 1,000 days between a woman’s pregnancy and her child’s second
birthday can lead to higher IQ, higher educational performance, and improved immune systems, and can lift
children and their families out of the cycle of poverty. It is during the critical 1,000-day window that a child’s brain
and body develop most, and it is good nutrition will allow them to thrive throughout their lives.
Concern believes that the loss and suffering caused by hunger are utterly unacceptable in our time, especially
because we know that solutions exist. Ensuring adequate nutrition in the first years of life is essential to improving
health and saving the lives of millions of children.
Concern’s commitment to the fight against malnutrition is twofold:
Improving the food security, nutrition security, and health of extremely poor people: Concern reached
nearly 900,000 people in 2012 with lifesaving nutrition services and helped more than 1.5 million people
improve their food security and income through investments in natural resource management, food
production and processing, and improving access to markets
Eliminating hunger and poverty through partnerships and advocacy: Concern is partnering with key
stakeholders in the fight against malnutrition to support, encourage and mobilize robust action to scale
up nutrition for mothers and children.
PHOTO: MALAWI, Pieternella Pieterse
Crystal Wells
Communications Officer
Office: 212-557-8000
Cell: 617-913-0794
In 1,000 Days,
Why 1,000 days
The 1,000 days between a woman’s pregnancy and her
child’s 2nd birthday offer a unique window of opportunity
to shape healthier and more prosperous futures. The right
nutrition during this 1,000-day window can have a life-
changing impact on a child’s ability to grow, learn, and
rise out of poverty—providing the foundation for long-term
economic growth and stability.
Good nutrition is essential for growth,
yet poor nutrition is pervasive
Malnutrition is one of the world’s most insidious, yet least
addressed, health and development challenges. Globally,
it contributes to almost half of all deaths of young children.
Close to 200 million children suffer from chronic nutritional
deprivation that leaves them permanently stunted—unable
to fulfill their genetic potential to grow and thrive—and
keeps families, communities, and countries locked in a
cycle of hunger and poverty.
The impact of malnutrition during the critical 1,000 days between a
woman’s pregnancy and a child’s 2nd birthday lasts a lifetime. Malnutrition
early in life can cause irreversible damage to a child’s brain development,
immune system, and physical growth. This can result in a diminished
capacity to learn, poorer performance in school, greater susceptibility to
infection and disease, and a lifetime of lost earning potential. In turn, the
damage done by malnutrition translates into a huge economic burden
for countries, costing billions of dollars in lost productivity and avoidable
health care costs.
Nutrition is the most cost-effective investment
to drive global health and prosperity
Research has shown that $1 invested in nutrition generates as much
as $138 in economic benefits. Yet despite the extraordinary returns on
investment, the world spends less than 1% of development aid on life-
saving, basic nutrition solutions that have been proven to save lives.
Focusing on improving
nutrition during the
1,000-day window can:
•	Save millions of lives
each year.
•	Reduce the human
suffering and economic
strain caused by infectious
diseases such as HIV/AIDS
and chronic diseases such
as diabetes and obesity.
•	Build self-sufficiency—well-
nourished children grow
up to earn up to 46% more
over their lifetimes.
•	Boost a country’s GDP by
as much as 11% annually.
•	Help break the cycle of
hunger and poverty.
@ThousandDays n
UN Photo/John Issac
Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine
Action Against Hunger
ActionAid USA
African Medical and Research
Foundation USA
Agency for Technical Cooperation
and Development
Alliance to End Hunger
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Bread for the World
BreedLove Foods Inc.
Catholic Medical Mission Board
Centre for Development and Population
ChildFund International
Children’s Nutrition Program Haiti
Church World Service
Coalition for Improving Maternity Services
Concern Worldwide
Congressional Hunger Center
CORE Group
The Consultative Group on Early Childhood
Care and Development
Edesia Global Nutrition Solutions
Fabretto Children’s Foundation
Food for the Hungry
Freedom from Hunger
Future Generations Peru
GAIN - Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition
Global Health Action
Government of Ireland
Haitian Health Foundation
Heifer International
Helen Keller International
The Hunger Project
Heartland Alliance
International Center for Research on Women
International Medical Corps
International MotherBaby Childbirth
International Relief & Development
International Rescue Committee
IntraHealth International
Irish Aid
John Snow, Inc.
Land O’Lakes, Inc. International Development
Lutheran World Relief
Mercy Corps
Micronutrient Initiative
Millennium Water Alliance
Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty
in Africa
Plan USA
Plan International
Planet Aid
Project Concern International
RegioDev Africa
Salvation Army World Service Office
Save the Children
Self Help Africa
Stop Hunger Now
Trickle Up
University Research Co., LLC
U.S. Coalition for Child Survival
U.S. Fund for UNICEF
U.S. Government
Valid Nutrition
Vitamin Angels
Walmart Foundation
WASH Advocates
WellShare International
Wellstart International
Winrock International
World Concern
World Food Program USA
World Initiative for Soy in Human Health
World Relief
World Renew
World Vision
1,000 Days Partners
Margaret W. Nea
What We Do
The 1,000 Days partnership promotes targeted action and
investment to improve nutrition for mothers and children in
the 1,000 days between a woman’s pregnancy and her child’s 2nd birthday,
when better nutrition can have a life-changing impact on a child’s future and
help break the cycle of poverty.
1,000 Days works to:
•Advocate for greater action and investment in maternal and child nutrition;
•Communicate the importance of the 1,000-day window for impact;
•Catalyze partnerships among different sectors to scale up efforts to reduce
malnutrition; and
country-led efforts to combat malnutrition.
Join us
1,000 Days is a partnership that brings together governments, the private sector and civil society organizations to
improve nutrition for women and children during the critical 1,000-day window. To learn more about our work and
how you can partner with 1,000 Days, contact us at, and sign up for news and updates
by visiting n @ThousandDays n
JUNE 2013
About Action Against Hunger
At Action Against Hunger, we’re dedicated to saving the lives of malnourished children. We also provide
communities with access to safe water and sustainable solutions to hunger. We have:
• Lifesaving programs in over 40 countries around the globe
• 5,000+ field staff assisting more than seven million people each year
• Over 30 years of expertise in emergency contexts of conflict, natural disasters, and food crises
Our Mission: Saving Millions of Young Lives
Global hunger is a daunting challenge, but deadly hunger—or acute malnutrition—is something we can
actually address. Deadly malnutrition causes nearly 3 million childhood deaths each year, but it’s treatable.
In fact, deadly malnutrition is:
1. PREDICTABLE: We know where and when acute malnutrition is likely to strike.
2. PREVENTABLE: We know how to keep children from becoming malnourished.
3. TREATABLE: New tools like therapeutic ready-to-use foods can save millions of young lives.
4. INEXPENSIVE: It costs just $45 to save a life by providing a malnourished child with treatment.
Highly Rated: You Can Trust Action Against Hunger:
• A four-star charity rated by Charity Navigator (seven years in a row – a distinction shared by only
2% of U.S. nonprofits).
• Selected as a 2011 “Top Nonprofit” by Philanthropedia.
• An “A”-rated organization by CharityWatch.
• Meets all 20 of the Better Business Bureau’s rigorous accountability standards.
• 93 cents of every donated dollar directly supports lifesaving programs.
For More Information:
Elisabeth Anderson Rapport
Communications Officer
212.967.7800 x134 | @acfusa |
GAIN is an organization driven by the
vision of a world without malnutrition.
GAIN’s mission is to improve the lives of
vulnerable populations through access
to affordable, high quality and nutritious
We work to reduce malnutrition by
improving the efficiency and effectiveness
of markets to reach consumers at the
Base of the Pyramid. We mobilise
public-private partnerships to implement
innovative and sustainable market-based
solutions at scale.
After ten years of operation GAIN
programs are reaching 667 million people,
including 321 million women and children.
They are demonstrating public health
• 30 % reduction in anemia among
women of child bearing age in sentinel
sites in China;
• 30 % reduction in neural tube defects in
new borns in South Africa;
• 14 % reduction in micronutrient
defiencies in young children in Kenya.
GAIN was launched in 2002; its initial
program focused largely on food
fortification - adding vitamins and minerals
to staple foods and condiments including
wheat flour, maize meal, salt, sugar,
vegetable oil, soy sauce and fish sauce.
Projects targeted the population at large
with market-based approaches that relied
on governments to establish appropriate
legislation and regulation and on business
to fortify food products.
In 2007 GAIN expanded its portfolio with
Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
activities in response to the growing
recognition of the thousand day window
of opportunity from conception to age two
when children are most vulnerable to poor
GAIN supports exclusive breastfeeding
for the first six months of a child’s life; we
work with public-private partnerships to
reach mothers and infants in low-income
families with multinutrient supplements
and high quality and affordable nutritious
foods; these complement breast milk
for infants from six months and beyond.
Projects involve a range of partners:
local businesses, governments, non-
governmental organizations, non-
profit global venture funds, and UN
GAIN’s newest initiative – Agriculture
and Nutrition – identifies ways to improve
the nutritional quality of food through
innovative, market-based solutions. The
program aims to modify the agricultural
supply chain while also increasing the
access of vulnerable populations to
affordable nutritious foods. This initiative
must build the missing evidence-base to
support the efficacy of linking agriculture
and nutrition.
> GAIN is working with the Ministry of
Health, local millers, edible oil producers
and other national stakeholders in
Uganda to fortify wheat flour and
vegetable oil. The government has
recently passed legislation to make
mandatory the fortification of both these
staples - a necessary condition for
ensuring the sustainability of the program.
> In the India, GAIN is working with AP
Foods to expand its capacity to produce
a powder made up of cereals, pulses,
oil and sugar and fortified with vitamins
and minerals. The powder is distributed
through the Integrated Child Development
Services to millions of mothers and
About GAIN
Greg Garrett, Director
Dominic Schofield, Director
Marti van Liere, Director
Bonnie McClafferty, Director
> The GAIN Premix Facility (GPF) tackles
the challenges faced by producers of
fortified foods in accessing high quality
premix blends of vitamins and minerals
to add to their food products. The GPF
has reached an estimated 242 million
consumers in 34 countries.
> The GAIN/UNICEF Universal Salt
Iodization Partnership Project aims
to increase coverage of iodized salt
to 90 percent in 13 countries with the
lowest coverage of iodized salt and the
highest levels of iodine deficiency. Iodine
deficiency is the most prevalent cause of
brain damage worldwide.
GAIN works with diverse partners in
over thirty countries the world over –
governments, international organizations,
non-governmental organizations, civil
society and over 600 private sector
The partnership model that we pioneered
has been recognised by the Stanford
Social Innovation Review as a model of
collaboration that achieves large scale
progress in the face of the urgent and
complex problems of our time.
GAIN receives strategic direction from its
Board – a 14 member body made up of
key donors and experts serving in their
individual capacity. The Board is advised
by a Partnership Council of 17 members
from key organizations working with
GAIN. The Partnership Council is able to
draw on the extensive experience of its
members to explore the big challenges
that need to be addressed by GAIN and
the nutrition community at large. Jay
Naidoo is Chairman of the GAIN Board
and the Partnership Council.
GAIN acknowledges the support for our
projects from our donors:
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
(BMGF); the Children’s Investment
Fund Foundation (CIFF); the Khalifa Bin
Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation (KBZF);
Department for International Development
(DFID); the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID); Irish
Aid; Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
Netherlands; Dubai Cares; the Wellcome
Trust; and the Goldsmith Foundation.
GAIN - Global Alliance
for Improved Nutrition
Rue de Vermont 37-39
CH-1202 Geneva
T +41 22 749 1850
F +41 22 749 1851
Two enabling units, and Country
Managers in Afghanistan, Bangladesh,
Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Indonesia,
Kenya, Nigeria and Mozambique, support
program implementation.
John Fairhurst, Director and COO
Identifies and builds capacity in country to execute
Steve Godfrey, Director
Drives action on nutrition by key global and national
policy and decision-makers and influences the
private sector to take on a greater role in fighting
The Business Alliance is a partnership
platform for networking and knowledge
sharing aimed at identifying new business
models to address malnutrition at the
base of the pyramid. The BA members
are: Ajinomoto Group, AkzoNobel,
Amway, BASF, Bel Group, Britannia
Industries Ltd, Cargill Incorporated, The
Coca-Cola Company, Dal Group, Groupe
Danone, DSM, Firmenich, Fortitech,
GlaxoSmithKline, Hershey, Hexagon
Nutrition, Indofood, Kemin, Kraft,
Mars Inc, Mana, Nutriset, Pepsico Inc,
Pronutria, Tetra Pak and Unilever.
AIM – the Amsterdam Initiative against
Malnutrition – is a coalition of Dutch public
and private sector organizations which
joined with GAIN to end malnutrition for
100 million people in Africa. The coalition
includes AkzoNobel, DSM, GAIN,
the Government of the Netherlands,
Interchurch Organization for Development
Cooperation, Unilever and Wageningen
University. The first AIM project in Kenya
will explore a number of options for
fortifying the milk consumed by Kenyan
This is a unique moment in history: Advances in science
and learning are making it possible to solve complex
problems like never before. If we focus these advances
on helping people improve their lives, then within this
century billions of people will be healthier, get better
educations, and have the power to lift themselves out of
hunger and poverty.
We set clear priorities because we can have the greatest
impact by staying focused. Certain problems affect
millions of people—diseases in developing countries, low
high school graduation rates in the United States, low crop
yields in Africa. In our priority areas, we work on long-
term solutions for people with the most urgent needs.
We make grants in three program areas: Global
Development, Global Health, and the United States. Each
program area has a policy and advocacy team dedicated to
raising awareness of problems—and solutions—to motivate
change. Their work includes public affairs, to increase
interest in the issues and strengthen the voice of the public;
grantmaking to organizations that support our mission;
and public education, to provide policymakers and others
with information on issues.
Our grantmaking process involves four key steps:
developing strategy, making grants, measuring progress,
and adjusting strategy. Our approach emphasizes
partnership, innovation, risk, and, most importantly,
results. Achieving the results we want requires the
flexibility to learn from mistakes.
We form partnerships and make grants to organizations
that we think can get solutions to the people who need
them, bring about systemic change, and achieve lasting
results. Then we search for ways we can make unique
contributions, using our resources, expertise, and ability
to bring people together.
We believe in the power of innovation. By applying new
thinking to big problems, we can help people improve their
lives. Sometimes, to promote innovation, we take calculated
risks on promising ideas. Some of these risks will pay off;
others won’t. But we expect to learn from all of them—and
as we learn, we will adjust our strategies accordingly.
We share what we’re learning because we want to expand
the body of information available about the issues we work
on and encourage others to continue striving for solutions.
Our resources are small compared to the scope of the
challenges we are trying to address. In 2008, the United
States National Institutes of Health spent about 15 times
more than the foundation’s budget for global health. Or, to
take another example, our entire endowment would not be
enough to fund public schools in the state of California for
even one year.
We have offices in Seattle, Washington; Washington, D.C.;
New Delhi, India; Beijing, China; and London, United
Kingdom. As of December 31, 2010, we had 927 employees
and an endowment of $37.1 billion and had made $24.81
billion in total grant commitments. The foundation
supports grantees in all 50 states and the District of
Columbia. Internationally, we support work in more than
100 countries.
Bill and Melinda Gates started the foundation because they believe every person
should have the chance to live a healthy, productive life. All of the foundation’s
grantmaking and advocacy efforts support this mission.
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Helen Keller International
352 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010
(212) 532-0544
© HKI / Public Domain
Helen Keller International
Who We Are
HKI currently has more than 180 programs that reach 100 million people in 21 African and Asian
countries each year. Part of the work is focused on preventing blindness for millions of vulnerable
people through cataract surgery, vision correction, vitamin A supplementation, screening and treatment for
diabetic retinopathy, and distribution of treatments and cures for Neglected Tropical Diseases. HKI is also
dedicated to reducing malnutrition through vitamin A supplementation, fortification of staple foods with
essential nutrients, homestead food production, and community based management of acute
malnutrition. HKI also reaches thousands of underserved youth in the United States each year through
ChildSight®. This unique program provides free vision screenings and prescription eyeglasses to students
living in poverty in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Ohio, New Mexico and California.
Our Mission and Vision
 The mission of Helen Keller International is to save the sight
and lives of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged. We combat
the causes and consequences of blindness and malnutrition by
establishing programs based on evidence and research in vision,
health and nutrition.
 We envision a world where:
o No one suffers from preventable or treatable blindness or
low vision.
o No one suffers from undernutrition.
o Fewer people suffer from loss of their productive years due
to disability or premature death.
Helen Keller and HKI
Helen Keller was born on June 27, 1880 in Tuscumbia, Alabama. At 19 months she contracted a fever that left her deaf and
blind. Thanks to her own perseverance and the commitment of her teacher and companion Annie Sullivan, she learned to
communicate. During her lifetime, Helen Keller dedicated herself to the service of humanity. She championed women's
and workers’ rights and became a world crusader for the underprivileged, especially the blind. She also received
scores of distinguished awards, including the Congressional Medal of Honor.
In 1915, Helen Keller joined George Kessler, a survivor of the sinking of the Lusitania, to establish an organization to help
soldiers blinded in World War I. This organization has evolved over the last century to become Helen Keller
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Helen Keller International
352 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010
(212) 532-0544
© HKI / Trevor Snapp
Our Work in Nutrition
Malnutrition: The Global Problem
 Two billion people currently suffer from malnutrition.
 As many as one third of the world’s people cannot achieve
their physical and intellectual potential due to vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
 Each year, nearly 11 million children die before their fifth birthday. Poor nutrition is implicated in
nearly half of these deaths.
Micronutrient Deficiency
 A lack of essential nutrients including vitamin A, iron and zinc in the diet can result in micronutrient
deficiency. A person deficient in one micronutrient is likely to be deficient in others.
 Vitamin A deficiency results in blindness and impairs growth, development and the immune system.
 Iron deficiency is the major cause of anemia and can have irreversible effects on cognitive and
physical development.
HKI Solutions
 Vitamin A supplementation is the single most cost-effective
health intervention. It takes only two doses a year to prevent
Vitamin A deficiency at the cost of only US $1.
 HKI leads initiatives to fortify commonly-used foods such
as cooking oil, soy sauce and wheat flour, strengthening the
immune systems of those who consume the products.
 Homestead Food Production enables households and
schools to produce their own micro-nutrient rich foods and
earn additional income.
About Helen Keller International
HKI currently has more than 180 active programs in 21 African and Asian countries. Part of the work is focused
on preventing blindness for millions of vulnerable people through cataract surgery, vision correction, vitamin A
supplementation, screening and treatment for diabetic retinopathy, and distribution of treatments and cures for
Neglected Tropical Diseases. HKI is also dedicated to reducing malnutrition through vitamin A supplementation,
fortification of staple foods with essential nutrients, homestead food production, and community based
management of acute malnutrition. HKI also reaches thousands of underserved youth in the United States each
year through ChildSight®. This unique program provides free vision screenings and prescription eyeglasses to
students living in poverty in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Ohio, New Mexico and California.
1919 Santa Monica Blvd. ∙ Suite 400 ∙ Santa Monica, CA 90404 ∙ (310) 826-7800
Our Mission:
International Medical Corps relieves the suffering of those impacted by war, natural disaster, and disease by
delivering vital health care services that focus on training. This approach of helping people help themselves is
critical to returning devastated populations to self-reliance.
Our Work:
Since our founding in 1984, International Medical Corps has delivered $1.4 billion in lifesaving medical care and
training to tens of millions of people across 70 countries. Headquartered in Los Angeles and on the frontlines
globally, International Medical Corps has been a first-responder to the most devastating man-made and natural
disasters, while simultaneously strengthening the capacity of local communities to recover over the long-term.
With a dedicated staff of 4,500 and a network of thousands of volunteers, International Medical Corps works in
the world’s most challenging and remote places, including Darfur, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Syria,
Afghanistan, Somalia, South Sudan, Haiti, and Libya, among others.
International Medical Corps’ unique approach has revolutionized emergency health care in insecure and
dangerous environments by integrating training into the provision of immediate medical services. We hire 96%
of our field-based staff and health professionals from local communities to ensure that skills, knowledge and
local leadership remain long after our programs have ended. Our efforts save lives, prevent the spread of
disease, reestablish basic coping mechanisms and begin the process of restoring communities to self-reliance.
Our Health Priority Areas:
• Emergency response and preparedness
• Training local health workers
• Providing lifesaving care for women and children
• Integrating mental health into primary health care settings
• Promoting the use of clean water, sanitation and hygiene
• Nutrition services
International Medical Corps
relieves the suffering of those
impacted by war,
delivering emergency
medical relief and
This approach
help themselves
devastated communities
to self-reliance.
natural disaster
and disease by
health care training.
of helping people
is critical to returning
From Relief to Self-Reliance
1919 Santa Monica Blvd.,
Suite 400
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone: 310-826-7800
Fax: 310-442-6622
1313 L St. NW, Suite 220
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-828-5155
Fax: 202-828-5156
1st Floor
254-258 Goswell Road
London EC1V 7EB
Great Britain
Phone: +44 (0) 207 253 0001
Fax: +44 (0) 207 250 3269
Over the years, in so many
places I’ve been, I’ve seen
International Medical Corps
right on the front lines with
their sleeves rolled up,
working in conditions that
are hard to imagine.”
CNN’s Anderson Cooper
for more information or to donate, please visit
89cents of every dollar you contribute
directly supports programs
• Emergency Response and Preparedness
• Training local health workers
• Providing lifesaving care to women and children
• Integrating mental health into primary
health care settings
• Providing the use of clean water,
sanitation and hygiene
Established in 1984 by volunteer doctors and nurses,
International Medical Corps is a humanitarian organization
with 4,500 staff and a network of more than 24,000
medical volunteers. With headquarters in Los Angeles,
96% of our field-based staff and health professionals are
recruited from the local community to ensure that skills and
knowledge remain long after our programs have ended.
With an annual budget of $180 million, International
Medical Corps has delivered $1.4 billion in emergency
relief and health care services to tens of millions
of people in 70 countries.
Afghanistan Albania Angola Armenia Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bosnia-
Herzegovina Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Central African Republic
Chad Chile China Colombia Croatia Darfur Democratic Republic of
Congo East Timor Egypt Eritrea Ethiopia Gaza Georgia Ghana Haiti
Honduras Indonesia Iraq Japan Jordan Kenya Kosovo Kyrgyzstan
Laos Lebanon Liberia Libya Macedonia Mali Moldova Mozambique
Myanmar Namibia Nepal Nicaragua Pakistan Peru Philippines
Russian Federation Rwanda Serbia Sierra Leone Somalia South
Sudan Sri Lanka St. Lucia Syria Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand
Tunisia Turkey Uganda Ukraine USA Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe
* Countries & regions we’re currently operating in are highlighted BLUE
Each year, 250 million people
worldwide are devastated by armed
conflict and natural disaster and
eight million children under five die
from preventable diseases.
International Medical Corps delivers health services
to communities impacted by war, natural disaster
and disease while simultaneously focusing on
strengthening local capacity to ensure sustainable
care. Our work saves lives, prevents the spread of
disease, re-establishes basic coping mechanisms and
helps restore communities to self-reliance.
About ONE
Co-founded by Bono and strictly non-partisan, The ONE Campaign is more than three
million people taking action to end extreme poverty...because we believe where you
live shouldn’t determine whether you live.
ONE members around the globe call, write, rally and raise their voices as ONE to push
for progress—on global funding, expanded efforts to treat and stop the spread of
AIDS and other preventable diseases, critical investments in agriculture and nutrition,
and greater transparency.
Our teams in Washington, D.C., London, Johannesburg, Brussels, Berlin, and Paris
educate, advocate, lobby and collaborate to shape solutions. We’re halfway home:
extreme poverty has been cut in half…and as ONE, we’re redoubling our actions to
bring its end ever closer.
To learn more about ONE, please visit
From 1990–2000, global extreme poverty dropped from 43% of the
world’s population to 33%.
From 2000 to 2010, extreme poverty worldwide went down again to
21%—cutting extreme poverty in half.
If this trajectory is continued into the future we get to the zero zone
before 2030.
As the world’s leading independent organization for children, Save the Children is made up of 29
national member organizations raising funds and running programs domestically and/or
internationally. By working closely together as a single force for change, Save the Children is making
a difference in the lives of children in a way that builds on and exceeds what individual members can
accomplish alone.
At the end of 2009 all 29 Save the Children member organizations, with combined revenues of more
than US$1.4 billion, agreed on an ambitious new strategy for the next 5 years, committing to working
even more closely together in the future as one Save the Children to achieve even more for children.
A major element of the 2010–15 strategy is the development of a single structure to deliver
international programs, enabling us to work more efficiently together. Save the Children’s collective
voice can also do much to further children’s rights at the international level. To achieve this, Save the
Children has four Advocacy Offices working for policy change to benefit children, targeting the United
Nations, European Union and the African Union. In addition, these offices provide information to
members and coordinate with them on areas of common interest affecting children.
The Save the Children International center supports members and the Save the Children International
Board. The center coordinates major joint initiatives to ensure we achieve the greatest possible
impact for children, and also provides legal, communications and governance support.
Save the Children’s Vision, Mission and Values
OUR VISION is a world in which every child
attains the right to survival, protection,
development and participation.
OUR MISSION is to inspire breakthroughs in
the way the world treats children, and to
achieve immediate and lasting change in their
ACCOUNTABILITY: We take personal
responsibility for using our resources efficiently,
achieving measurable results, and being
accountable to supporters, partners and most of
all children.
AMBITION: We are demanding of ourselves
and our colleagues, set high goals and are
committed to improving the quality of everything
we do for children.
COLLABORATION: We respect and value
each other, thrive on our diversity, and work
with partners to leverage our global strength in
making a difference for children.
CREATIVITY: We are open to new ideas,
embrace change and take disciplined risks to
develop sustainable solutions for and with
INTEGRITY: We aspire to live to the highest
standards of personal honesty and behavior; we
never compromise our reputation and always act
in the best interests of children.
1730 M Street NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036
Our Vision
Share Our Strength’s vision is to end hunger and poverty in the United States and abroad. We believe we can do this
by mobilizing industries and individuals, and creating community wealth, to promote lasting change.
Around the World
Since the founding of Share Our Strength in 1984 in response to the Ethiopian famine, Share Our Strength has
granted more than $11 million to organizations around the world searching for sustainable solutions to
underdevelopment, malnutrition, poverty, and hunger. Today, Share Our Strength provides support for sustainable
agriculture, food security, economic development, and child nutrition programs in Haiti, Ethiopia, Mexico and El
Ending Childhood Hunger in America
Share Our Strength’s current priority is ending childhood hunger in America by connecting children with the
nutritious food they need to lead healthy, active lives. Through its No Kid Hungry®
Campaign—a national effort to
end childhood hunger in America by 2015—Share Our Strength ensures children in need are enrolled in effective
federal nutrition programs; invests in community organizations that fight hunger; teaches needy families how to
cook healthy, affordable meals; and builds public-private partnerships to end childhood hunger, at the state and city
level. Share Our Strength engages the culinary, business and media communities; consumers and citizen-activists;
foundations; nonprofits; and policymakers to support No Kid Hungry.
Nutrition for Women and Children
	Malnutrition early in a child’s life causes irreversible
damage and contributes to the deaths of 2.6 million
children every year. WFP provides nutritional support
to women and young children during the most critical
window of a child’s development — the first 1,000
days of life, from pregnancy to age two.
		School Meals
	School meals have the power to break the cycle of
poverty, by giving children the chance to learn, grow
and reach their full potential. Just 25 cents provides a
nutritious meal for a child in need. WFP provides school
meals to 20 million children on average each year. School
meals give families an incentive to send children to
school—especially girls.
		Support for Small-Scale Farmers
	Half of the world’s hungry are small-scale farmers, most
of whom are women. WFP works to improve the food
security of local communities by helping farmers access
markets, providing agricultural training and offering
food in exchange for work on local development projects.
	Tonight, 870 million people
around the world will go to
bed hungry.That’s one in
eight people on the planet.
World Food Program USA (WFP USA) works to
solve global hunger, building a world where everyone has
the food and nutrition needed to lead healthy, productive
lives. WFP USA raises support for these efforts in the
United States by engaging individuals, organizations and
businesses, shaping public policy and generating resources
for the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP).
As the largest humanitarian agency in the world, WFP
delivered food assistance to nearly 100 million people in
75 countries in 2012. WFP works to improve global food
security through a comprehensive strategy that addresses
the immediate needs and underlying causes of hunger:
Emergency food relief
Emergency food relief is essential for meeting basic
human needs in the wake of natural disasters, conflict
and humanitarian crises. By working closely with
governments, local partners and the international
community, WFP is able to quickly deploy emergency
assistance to those in need.
1 in 8people
Hunger is the world’s
most solvable problem.
World Food Program USA
1725 Eye Street NW, Suite 510
Washington, DC 20006
Tel: (202) 627-3737
The First 1000 Days: Maternal and Childhood Nutrition
Malnutrition is responsible for the deaths of 2.6 million children each year
The right nutrition in early childhood gives children the foundation they need for a healthy and
prosperous life. Malnutrition during the first 1,000 days of life, from pregnancy to a child’s
second birthday, can cause irreversible damage to cognitive and physical development and is
responsible for the deaths of 2.6 million children each year. Malnutrition can stunt children for
life, raise the risk of disease and infection, and negatively impact future generations.
The UN World Food Programme (WFP) provides nutritional support to mothers and children
during the first 1,000 days – the most critical window of a child’s development. WFP reaches
nearly 10 million children and 3 million women each year. Supporting the nutrition of mothers
and children during this timeframe has a life-long impact on a child’s ability to learn, grow up
healthy and become a successful adult. For this reason, focusing on the youngest children is
one of the smartest investments a country can make.
The international community recently placed early childhood nutrition at the top of the global
agenda. In 2010, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Irish Foreign Minister
Micheál Martin launched Scaling Up Nutrition, an unprecedented global movement to improve
nutrition for pregnant women and young children during the first 1,000 days of life.
Global consensus has identified a powerful set of cost-effective interventions that together can
make a dramatic impact in reducing early childhood malnutrition. In places like Guatemala,
WFP is supporting national efforts to scale up this comprehensive approach—which includes
providing supplementary food and micronutrients, as well as encouraging healthy behaviors.
Nutritional super-products also help to prevent and combat malnutrition during emergencies.
WFP is working closely with partners to scale up global efforts to improve early childhood
nutrition, creating a ripple effect on a wide range of personal, social and economic outcomes.
World Food Program USA (WFP USA) works to solve global hunger, building a world where
everyone has the food and nutrition needed to lead healthy, productive lives.
The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) works in over 75 countries, saving lives in
emergencies, providing school meals to hungry children, improving nutrition of the most
vulnerable people at critical times in their lives and helping build the self-reliance of people and
WFP USA works together with the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) to solve
hunger globally through fundraising, advocacy and education in the United States.
North America • Latin America/Caribbean • Asia-Pacific • Europe/Middle East
Indonesia: Photo by Paul Jeffrey CWS/ACT Alliance
“I’m able to feed and clothe my family. My husband
is supportive, we are growing stronger together, and
I’m able to take care of my children. I want to thank
CWS for changing the lives of communities... and
empowering me to be where I am.”
Jennifer Sindiri, Naivasha, Kenya, who learned
livelihood skills in a CWS program
My children love trying all these new foods. They enjoy
Cielo, of the Guarani community in South America's
Gran Chaco
I can never say ‘thank you’ enough to CWS for allowing
our program to offer the help and supplies during the
times of disaster. I want to say ‘thank you’ for every
person whom we were able to help in some way due to
the supplies offered by CWS.”
Sandy Gunnell, Kentucky
“Thanks to CWS, who works to help lift my family as
well as other poor people from vulnerability. I am happy
to share my knowledge, experience and success with
other villagers.”
Ngoun Meng, Cambodia
I can’t imagine my life now without the (CWS-
supported) youth house and its programs, without my
new family and friends. But what’s more important, I
believe now that there are people in this world who
love, who help, who care.
Ucha Giguashvili, Republic of Georgia, who survived a
land mine explosion at age 16
When I started working, I feel like it changed my
life, because I work full time, five days a week and
sometimes overtime, six days a week. That's good,
because I can pay my bills, my food, clothing. I
have a lot of friends from church sponsors who have
encouraged me to buy a house and then I can choose
where I want to live.
Capitoline Capi Nduwimana, from Burundi, resettled
by Church World Service affiliate Bethany Refugee
Services in Grand Rapids, Michigan
CWS works with partners to
eradicate hunger and poverty
and to promote peace and
justice around the world.
a memeber of
CWS Corporate Center
475 Riverside Dr., Suite 700
New York, N.Y. 10015
For more information,
or to offer your support:
Church World Service
P.O. Box 968
Elkhart IN 46515
Hear more voices from our work:
Our mandate is to protect the world's most vulnerable.
Children suffer an increasing burden from poverty and
misery in the world.
But not if we can help it.
Our work with children starts in the first 1,000 days of
life, when a lack of proper nutrition can mean lifelong
consequences like stunting, visual and learning
impairments, even death.
Our work to support schools fights poverty in the long
term. Because today's student is tomorrow's visionary.
Since 1946, CWS has helped to find new homes for
some of the millions of families who have lost their
homes to violence, disaster and prejudice.
We support refugees in Africa and Asia. CWS also
resettles refugees in the U.S. with the assistance of
our network of welcoming communities who provide a
new chance at life for thousands each year. We help
refugees to learn basic English, assist with new trade
skills and setting up a new home.
CWS provides communities in need with
emergency food help when situations are
desperate. We can provide food assistance in
more than 40 countries where we work, and
through our partnership with ACT Alliance, our
reach more than doubles.
We've been on a mission to end hunger and
poverty for more than six decades. Our approach is
different: to work with communities, hand in hand,
as partners in their development. Our history brings
experience to communities that are forgotten,
addressing their hunger, together.
Reaching hungry kids in their first 1,000 days can
prevent a lifetime of problems. Help us spread the
word! More at
The backbone of our resettlement work is caring
people who want to help. To give the gift of hospitality
while meeting a new friend, check out
CROP Hunger Walks fight
hunger at home and around
the world. End hunger with
us at
Emergencies are frequently only the beginning of a
chronic and complex problem. When a community
doesn't have enough to eat sustainably, it's called
food insecurity. We help communities examine all of
the issues that keep it from achieving food security
— from the availability of clean water to land rights,
problems that may take longer to address than may
be convenient for many other groups.
Clean water is the glue that holds healthy communities
together. So we help communities find clean sources
of water that quenches thirst, irrigates crops and
promotes sanitation.
When clean water flows, women and children spend
less time carrying water miles from the source to home.
That's more time for girls to be in school, or for women
to build a business.
Clean water. A game changer on tap.
Pay tribute to someone you admire by providing clean
water to those in need. Buy a well for a family, or a dam
for thousands. Learn more at
Disasters and calamities are inevitable. We provide
immediate assistance with resources for vulnerable
communities in need, such as food, shelter, potable
water and CWS Kits.
We also use disaster as a chance to reduce
vulnerability. It's laying the groundwork of preparedness
in a community that saves lives. And, frequently, disaster
provides an opportunity to improve food, water and
educational supplies.
CWS Kits are made from everyday items available in
any department store. Communities assemble kits, and
we provide them to people in need following disasters.
Be part of our first response:

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International meeting-media-kit

  • 1. Monday, June 10, 2013 The Mead Center for American Theater Washington, DC MEDIA KIT
  • 2. Sustaining Political Commitments to Scaling Up Nutrition June 10, 2013 The Mead Center - 1101 6th St SW - Washington, DC 8.00 – 8.30 Breakfast and Registration 8.30 – 9.30 Opening Plenary: Sustaining Political Commitments to Scaling Up Nutrition  Master of Ceremonies: Roger Thurow  Welcome: David Beckmann, President, Bread for the World and Joe Cahalan, CEO, Concern US  Key Note Address: Raj Shah, Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development  Key Note Address: Joe Costello, Minister of State, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Ireland 9.30 – 10.20 Panel Discussion: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead to the Next 1,000 Days—Global Perspectives Facilitator - Lucy Sullivan, Executive Director 1000 Days Partnership  Robert Black, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, The Lancet Series on Maternal and Child Nutrition author  Keith Hansen, Acting Vice President and Network Head, Human Development, The World Bank  Rajul Pandya-Lorch, Head 2020 Vision Initiative and Chief of Staff, International Food Policy Research Institute  Martin Bloem, Senior Nutrition Advisor, World Food Programme 10.20 – 10.50 Second Morning Plenary  Introduction: Carolyn Miles, CEO, Save the Children  Key Note Address: Wilbald Lorri, Office of President Jakaya Kikwete, Republic of Tanzania  Key Note Address: Philip Barton, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of the United Kingdom 10.50 – 11.10 InterAction Nutrition Pledge  Sam Worthington, CEO, InterAction 11.10 – 12.00 Panel Discussion: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead to the Next 1,000 Days—Country- level Perspectives Facilitator – Kathy Spahn, CEO, Helen Keller International  Kaosar Afsana, BRAC, Bangladesh  Nina Sardjunani, National Development Planning Agency, Indonesia (invited)  Rose Ndolo, National Nutrition Coordinator, World Vision International, Kenya  Joyce Ngegba, Partnership for Nutrition in Tanzania, PANITA, Tanzania  Juan Carlos Paiz, Presidential Commissioner for Competitiveness, Investment and Millennium Challenge Corporation, Guatemala 12.00– 1.00 Lunch 1.15 – 3.15 Afternoon Plenary: Taking SUN to Scale Facilitator – Tom Arnold, SUN Lead Group Panel Discussion: Perspectives from Zambia o William Chilufya, Civil Society Scaling Up Nutrition Alliance o Cassim Masi, National Food and Nutrition Commission
  • 3. Sustaining Political Commitments to Scaling Up Nutrition June 10, 2013 The Mead Center - 1101 6th St SW - Washington, DC o Highvie H. Hamududu, Member of Parliament and Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee on Estimates  Panel Discussion: SUN Country Experiences on Scaling Up o Rigobert Oladiran Ladikpo, Professional Association of Vegetable Oil Industries for the West Africa Economic Monetary Union (WAEMU/ UEMOA ) o Dr. Ivan Mendoza, SESAN, Guatemala o Emergency Nutrition Network Study, ACF Campaign on Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) 3.15 – 3.30 Mid-Afternoon Break (Instructions Given About Breakout Group Sessions) 3.30 – 5.00 Breakout Sessions  Workshop 1: Capacity Development in Nutrition o Facilitator – Manisha Tharaney, SPRING o Facilitator – Paul Amuna, African Nutrition Society, University of Greenwich o Rapporteur – Anu Narayan, SPRING  Workshop 2: Best Practices – Nutrition-Specific Interventions o Facilitator – Karin Lapping, Save the Children o Facilitator – Francis Zotor, African Nutrition Society o Rapporteur – Karen Leban, CORE (suggested)  Workshop 3: Best Practices – Nutrition-Sensitive Development o Facilitator – Charlotte Dufour o Sharing SUN Country Experiences - o Rapporteur – Anna Herforth  Workshop 4: Civil Society’s Role in Advocacy and Monitoring Progress at National and Global Levels o Facilitator – Connell Foley, Concern Worldwide o Facilitator – Buba Khan, ActionAid, the Gambia o Rapporteur – Lisa Bos, WorldVision-US (suggested) 5.00 – 5.15 Breakout Rapporteurs and Facilitators collect workshop outcomes  Coffee break for other participants 5.15 – 5.45 Breakout Group Readouts Facilitator – Tom Arnold, SUN Lead Group  Reports from each breakout session 5.45 – 6.15 Session Takeaways, Concluding Remarks and Looking Forward  Layla McCay, GAIN; Josh Lozman, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; David Beckmann 6.15 – 8.00 Reception for all participants  Remarks by Mayor Vincent Gray, District of Columbia, 7.00
  • 4. Social Media Cheat Sheet: Sustaining Political Commitments to Scaling up Nutrition June 10, 2013 | Washington, DC Thank you for attending the international meeting for civil society leaders on maternal and child nutrition, “Sustaining Political Commitments to Scaling up Nutrition.” If you are active on social media, we invite you to join delegates from around the world in exploring, celebrating, and strengthening the movement to scale up nutrition for mothers and children in the critical 1,000-day window from pregnancy to age 2. Join today’s conversation on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media channels and use your networks to spread the world about maternal and child nutrition, and the important work that is being done to renew and strengthen the call to action for the Next 1,000 Days. If you are unable to join us in-person, please tune in to the meeting remotely. The live broadcast of the meeting will be hosted on beginning at 8:30 am EDT on Monday, June 10. TWITTER. We encourage you to tweet during the international meeting. For live updates, follow the Twitter accounts of Bread for the World Institute (@breadinstitute), Bread for the World (@bread4theworld), and Concern Worldwide U.S. (@concern). Other related twitter accounts can be found in the column on the left, including those of keynote speaker Rajiv Shah (@rajshah), administrator for the U.S. Agency for International Development (@USAID); David Beckmann (@davidbeckmann), president of Bread for the World and Bread for the World Institute; Joseph Cahalan, CEO Concern Worldwide US (@JoeConcern); Sam Worthington, CEO of Interaction (@interactionorg); and more! At the meeting, you will have an opportunity to have your photograph taken holding a sign with a message pledging your support for the next 1,000 days. The photos will be shared on Twitter using the official hashtags. Look for Bread for the World and Concern Worldwide U.S. staff holding the signs if you would like to participate. Some sample tweets include: • The #Next1000Days until 2016 represent an entire generation of children yet to be born. #Nutrition can make the difference! • What can we achieve in #Next1000Days? Save lives AND change the world! • Malnutrition is responsible for 1 out of every three deaths of children under 5 yrs old. #Next1000Days • I’m live tweeting the international mtg with @Bread4theWorld and @Concern Follow #Next1000Days for the latest on child nutrition. FACEBOOK. Bread for the World ( and Concern Worldwide U.S. ( will post Facebook updates and photos during the event. We invite you to share these updates with your Facebook friends, and post your own. Some Sample posts include: • Today I’m with @Bread for the World and @Concern Worldwide US celebrating the movement to scale up nutrition for mothers and children in the critical 1000days from pregnancy to age 2. (photo) • Inspired by the fact that 40 countries with high levels of hunger are taking further action to scale up nutrition during the next 1,000 days. Twitter Helper The event’s primary hashtag is #Next1000Days. Use the hashtags as you live tweet the event and join in conversation with organizations and individuals impacting maternal and child nutrition. Primary Accounts: @bread4theworld @breadinstitute @concern Related Accounts: @DavidBeckmann @JoeConcern @USAID @rajshah @GatesFoundation @ONECampaign @ThousandDays @lucymsullivan @SavetheChildren @HelenKellerIntl @Results_Tweets @WFPUSA @WorldVision @futurefortified @GAINalliance @acfusa @SUN_Movement @IMC_Worldwide @interactionorg @ChildFund @CWS_global @mauricebloem Related Hashtags: #1000Days #Im4nutrition #DoubleDown #Nutrition
  • 5. For more information, please contact: Kristen Y. Archer Media Relations Manager, Bread for the World Office (202) 688-1118 | Mobile (202) 812-2223 Crystal Wells Communications Officer, Concern Worldwide U.S. Office (212) 557-8000 | Mobile (617) 913-0794 Global Leaders Push to Sustain Political Commitment for Maternal and Child Nutrition Efforts WASHINGTON, DC, May 22, 2013 — Bread for the World Institute and Concern Worldwide U.S. will host an international meeting for civil society leaders on maternal and child nutrition on Monday, June 10, 2013 in Washington, D.C. This meeting will garner political support for commitments made at “Nutrition for Growth,” a pledge conference to be held in London on June 8. Rajiv Shah, administrator for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), will serve as the keynote speaker for the international meeting. “Malnutrition during this critical stage has irreversible and damaging effects on a child’s growth and development,” said Rev. David Beckmann, president of Bread for the World. “We are thrilled that USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah will join us in reaffirming our commitment to defeating this scourge.” The call to action “1,000 Days: Change a Life, Change the Future” was launched by the governments of the United States and Ireland during the General Assembly of the United Nations in September 2010. The launch of the 1,000 Days Partnership coincided with that of the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement, a global effort to mobilize collective action on nutrition. Nine months after the launch, in June 2011, Bread for the World and Concern Worldwide U.S. hosted an international meeting to build on the political momentum and to elevate maternal and child nutrition on the global agenda. That meeting focused on the crucial role of civil society within countries with high malnutrition rates. “This is a moment to renew the call first made by the U.S. and Ireland 1,000 days ago,” said Dr. Joseph Cahalan, CEO of Concern Worldwide U.S. “The challenge now is the 1,000 days ahead of us. We have the knowledge, resources, and political and grassroots momentum to make an even greater impact, but to do so, the international community must continue to prioritize and work together in the fight against child hunger and this summit is an important part of that process.” Bread for the World and Concern Worldwide U.S. are joining resources again to host the June 10, 2013, international meeting, “Sustaining Political Commitment to Scaling Up Nutrition,” near the culmination of the first 1,000 Days. The meeting will increase political momentum around commitments made at the June 8 event in London. It will also serve to renew and strengthen the call to action for the Next 1,000 Days, encouraging the continued involvement of civil society in eliminating malnutrition.
  • 6. “It speaks volumes that 35 countries have joined the movement to Scale Up Nutrition thus far—countries that are home to 71 million stunted children, representing 42 percent of the world’s stunted population,” said Asma Lateef, director of Bread for the World Institute. “The Next 1,000 Days offer a tremendous opportunity to map out a sustainable plan to ensure women and children around the world receive the proper nutrition during the first thousand days of life.” Leaders from nongovernmental organizations, nutrition experts, and decision makers from developing countries have been invited to share strategies, success stories, and challenges in eliminating malnutrition in their countries. High-level leaders from the U.S. government and international development organizations are also expected to participate. Partners to date include the 1,000 Days Partnership, Helen Keller International, RESULTS, Save the Children, World Food Program USA, and World Vision. For more information on the International Meeting please visit 2013/international-meeting/. ### Bread for the World ( is a collective Christian voice urging our nation’s decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad. It is based in Washington, DC. Concern Worldwide U.S. ( is an international non-governmental organization dedicated to reducing extreme poverty, with nearly 3,000 personnel working in 25 of the world’s poorest countries in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean. Concern Worldwide targets the root causes of extreme poverty through programs in health, education, livelihoods and microfinance, HIV and AIDS, and emergency response, directly reaching more than 6.9 million people.
  • 7. 5 Background New knowledge and leadership at the highest levels present an extraordinary opportunity, right now, to make dramatic progress against the devastation caused by malnutrition among children. Over the last three years, spurred by groundbreaking evidence in the British medical journal The Lancet on the impact of maternal and child malnutrition and cost-effective approaches to reducing it, a global multi-stakeholder effort developed a Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Framework for Action and Roadmap. In September 2010, on the occasion of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals Summit, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and then-Irish Foreign Minister Micheál Martin launched the “1,000 Days: Change a Life, Change the Future Call to Action.” The “1,000 Days Call to Action” draws attention to the irreversible damage caused by maternal and child undernutrition during the 1,000-day critical “window of opportunity” from pregnancy to the age of 2, and lays out the priority actions and interventions needed to scale up nutrition. At the event, David Beckmann, president of Bread for the World, and Tom Arnold, CEO of Concern Worldwide, committed to convening a follow-up meeting of 1,000 Days /SUN stakeholders in June 2011. Meeting Goals and Objectives • Build political commitment and energy to address the issue of maternal and child malnutrition in the run-up to a September 2011 meeting of governments that endorsed and supported the “1,000 Days Call to Action” in September 2010. • Carry out a common assessment of progress to date in scaling up nutrition at the country level. • Develop a shared advocacy agenda and strategy for the September follow-up meeting at the U.N. General Assembly and the G-20 Summit. • Strengthen the voice of civil society in the global effort to scale up nutrition for children during the critical period between pregnancy and age 2, including a consensus statement or declaration. The meeting is designed to provide an opportunity for SUN stakeholders and potential stakeholders to share experiences and perspectives on progress in SUN implementation and the opportunities and challenges to scaling up nutrition efforts in their countries. It is envisaged that participants will leave feeling inspired and also better informed about the SUN movement and their central role within it. The joint declaration will serve both to articulate the passion and commitment of civil society to see progress against undernutrition and to make constructive recommendations as to what needs to be done. In addition, the declaration will be used as an advocacy tool to raise awareness and engage other civil society partners in the SUN movement.  
  • 8. 14 WHO Bread for the World is a collective Christian voice urging our nation’s decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad. By changing policies, programs, and conditions that allow hunger and poverty to persist, we provide help and opportunity far beyond the communities where we live. WHY God’s grace in Jesus Christ moves us to help our neighbors, whether they live in the next house, the next state, or the next continent. Food is a basic need, and it is unjust that so many people do not have enough to eat. We can end hunger in our time. Everyone, including our government, must do their part. With the stroke of a pen, policies are made that redirect millions of dollars and affect millions of lives. By making our voices heard in Congress, we make our nation’s laws more fair and compassionate to people in need. HOW Bread for the World members write personal letters, personal emails, and call their representatives in Congress. We also meet with our representatives, either in their local offices or in Congress. Working through our churches, campuses, and other organizations, we engage more people in advocacy. Each year, Bread for the World invites churches across the country to take up a nationwide Offering of Letters to Congress on an issue that is important to hungry people. Bread for the World has two affiliate organizations: Bread for the World Institute provides policy analysis on hunger and strategies to end it. The Alliance to End Hunger engages diverse institutions in building the political commitment needed to end hunger at home and abroad. Hunger is not a partisan issue and Bread for the World works in a non-partisan way. It enjoys the support of many different Christian denominations, church agencies, and local congregations. Bread for the World also collaborates with other organizations to build the political commitment needed to overcome hunger and poverty. WHAT Bread for the World has a remarkable record of success in Congress, often winning far-reaching changes for hungry and poor people. In 2010, for example, Congress renewed and increased funding for national child nutrition programs after two years of Bread’s advocacy. Bread members also convinced Congress to extend tax credits for low-income people in 2010. Bread for the World is now urging Congress to protect from budget cuts the vital programs needed by hungry and poor people. Bread is also campaigning to push Congress and the administration to reform U.S. foreign assistance to make it more effective in reducing hunger and poverty. Bread for the World
  • 9. Sustaining U.S. Leadership and Investments in Scaling Up Maternal and Child Nutrition March 2013, No. 224 Abstract Nutrition creates a foundation for sustainable economic growth and good health. There is solid evidence that dem- onstrates that improving nutrition—particularly early in life, in the 1,000 days between a woman’s pregnancy and a child’s second birthday­—can have a profound impact on a country’s long-term economic development and stability. Each year 3 million children die from causes related to mal- nutrition and more than 165 million children suffer from its consequences. Most live in just 36 countries. Because of the role that early nutrition plays in accelerating development and in the success of global food security, agricultural devel- opment, and health efforts, it is vital that the United States continues to show global leadership. Over the last four years, U.S. leadership in the global movement to scale up nutrition has led to increased invest- ments in U.S. health, food security, and nutrition programs. President Obama demonstrated his administration’s com- mitment to food security and nutrition in the L’Aquila Food Security Initiative and in subsequent high-level G-8 meet- ings. Secretary of State Clinton has been a powerful voice for women and nutrition, launching the “1,000 Days Call to Action,” and USAID has integrated nutrition programming in the Global Health and Feed the Future initiatives and has improved the quality of U.S. food aid. Congress has sup- ported increased funding for maternal and child nutrition. These efforts are encouraging action by other donors and by countries most affected by the burden of malnutrition through the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement. USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah is on the SUN Lead Group. The world is finally paying attention to the importance of good nutrition for mothers and young children in the 1,000-day window for long-term health and development outcomes. Sustaining U.S. leadership and funding for nutrition is criti- cal to capitalize and build on this momentum and to meet global nutrition targets. Introduction There has been notable progress on raising the visibility of maternal and child nutrition (MCN) issues in Congress and within administration policies and programs. The Unit- ed States is a leader among the world’s donors with respect by Scott Bleggi Background Paper Tohomina Akter’s 17-month-old daughter Adia licks her fingers while eating a fried egg for breakfast in Char Baria village, Barisal, Bangladesh. LauraElizabethPohl/BreadfortheWorld
  • 10. to MCN. The administration has taken bold steps to inte- grate nutrition programs and policies, especially those tar- geted to the 1,000-day window of opportunity, through US- AID’s Feed the Future and Global Health initiatives. Finally, 33 countries have made political and budget commitments to improve nutrition and are developing their own MCN strategies as part of the Scaling Up Nutrition2 Movement, to be supported by international donors, including the United States, through integrated, cross-sector nutrition programs. Despite a modest improvement in federal funding for MCN programs—a very positive development in the con- text of past and current budget pressures—nutrition funding levels remain very low relative to the needs. The approved House Committee nutrition funding for FY 2013 is $95 mil- lion. The extra $27 million approved in Senate Committee funding (bringing the total to $122 million) will support an additional 3,370,000 children and their mothers in their fight against malnutrition.3 Further building the case for increased U.S. investment in nutrition, a group of 11 originating organizations drafted a document entitled A Roadmap for Continued U.S. Leadership to End Global Hunger4 for administration and congressional offi- cials, highlighting improving nutrition as both a top priority and a high-return investment for federal funding. Fifty orga- nizations dedicated to food security and nutrition endorsed the Roadmap document. Nutrition is Integral to Global Health and Development Outcomes Adequate nutrition serves as a foundation for lifelong health and development. Research indicates that it is critical to improve nutrition during the 1,000 days from pregnancy to a child’s second birthday. During these 1,000 days, adequate nutrition has the greatest impact on a child’s cognitive and physical development. Malnutrition during this period limits cognitive abilities, stunts growth, and increases susceptibility to both chronic and infectious disease. These consequences of poor nutrition have ramifications throughout adulthood, and they are passed on to the next generation when malnour- ished girls and women have their own children. In addition, undernutrition costs billions of dollars in lost productivity annually and significantly increases spend- ing on health care to treat both undernutrition itself and its consequences. The World Bank estimates that undernutri- tion costs individuals more than 10 percent of their lifetime earnings, and many countries lose 2 percent to 3 percent of their gross domestic product (GDP) to undernutrition.5 A study by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and its Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean found that the cost of undernutrition amounts to as much as 11 percent of GDP—due to productivity losses, losses due to higher mortality, health costs, and education costs—in Guatemala and Honduras.6 Malnutrition alone ac- counts for 17 percent of the total global burden of disease,7 with resulting costs for treatment that are far higher than the estimated amounts needed for preventative investments. Nutrition programs ensure that the most vulnerable peo- ple have adequate access to the calories and nutrients needed for proper development. Strong nutrition programs embrace a lifecycle approach—meeting the special needs of those most vulnerable to the impacts of malnutrition through maternal and child health, child and adolescent health, and disease control interventions. They focus on children in the most critical window of human development—the 1,000 days from pregnancy to age 28—and on specific interventions aimed at meeting the increased nutritional needs of people living with HIV/AIDS. Nutrition programs include vitamin and mineral fortification, mother and child health and nutrition programs, nutrition education, sanitation/hygiene, and im- proved access to clean water. Nutrition programs also focus on educating people about healthy eating habits. At present, obesity—a form of mal- nutrition—is on the rise in developing as well as developed countries. Recent studies show links between adult obesity and childhood malnutrition.9 If investments are not made in preventative programs, the rise in health problems directly linked to obesity, such as cardiovascular disease and diabe- tes, will place an increasing strain on the already overbur- dened public health systems of many developing countries. Despite the proven efficacy and cost effectiveness of nutrition interventions, the World Bank notes that historically, global investments in nutrition have been $1 $138 Investment Return Research shows that $1 invested in nutrition generates as much as $138 in better health and increased productivity.1
  • 11. “miniscule given the magnitude of the problem.” This is true even though five of the 10 most cost-effective solutions for development assistance focus on nutrition interventions.10 Vital Need to Sustain Nutrition Funding Malnutrition is responsible for more than one-third of all deaths among children younger than 5 each year—almost 3 million children. For the more than 165 million children who live with chronic malnutrition throughout their young lives, the damage can include severe limitations or impairment of their ability to grow, learn, earn a living, become self-suffi- cient, and ultimately rise out of poverty. As previously noted, child malnutrition costs as much as 11 percent of a country’s GDP and imposes staggering health costs on already finan- cially burdened countries.11 There are highly cost-effective solutions to avert, treat, and mitigate malnutrition. Despite the vast scale of child malnu- trition and its long-term implications for economic growth and human development, nutrition remains a low funding priority on the global health and development agendas. Nu- trition funding is less than 3 percent of total Overseas De- velopment Assistance from all donor countries.12 Within the U.S. international affairs and foreign assistance budget (known as the “150 account”), nutrition investments repre- sent only 1.2 percent of total global health spending. Research shows that $1 invested in nutrition generates as much as $138 in better health and increased productivity.13 U.S. government investment in proven and highly cost-effec- tive nutrition interventions designed to prevent malnutrition among women and children in the 1,000-day window of op- portunity is critical to achieving significant, sustainable, and lasting impact. Evidence shows investments in improved nutrition can: • save more than 1 million lives each year;14 • boost a country’s GDP by at least 2-3 percent annually;15 • build self-sufficiency: well-nourished children are more likely to continue their education, have better-developed cognitive skills, and earn up to 46 percent more over their lifetimes;16 • significantly reduce the human and economic burden of infectious diseases, such as malaria and HIV/AIDS, and chronic diseases, such as diabetes; and • help end hunger and break the cycle of poverty. Nutrition as Part of a Multisectoral Approach Nutrition connects many types of development assis- tance, so it is often referred to as multi-sectoral.17 Nutri- tion interventions can address poverty, gender inequality, food insecurity, and lack of access to education, health, clean water, and other basic services. Nutrition can be incorporated into a range of development sectors, such as health, environment, food security and agriculture, gender, social protection, economic development (e.g., microfinance and credit schemes to benefit women or agricultural value-chain improvements), education, and water, sanitation, and hygiene. The nutritional impact of agriculture, food security, and social protection interventions is improved when the intended nutrition outcomes of programs are well- defined. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations concluded that the ultimate goal of programs that provide food to subsistence farmers and consumers and increase the income of producers should be to improve nutritional well-being.18 Nutrition in Food Aid During hunger emergencies, pregnant and lactating women and very young children are most at risk of malnutrition. Even short bouts of malnutrition in early childhood can have lasting consequences. Because of the urgency of preventing malnutrition during the 1,000-day window, food aid is an important tool to ensure that this vulnerable group receives sufficient nutrients. Food aid may be the primary source of sustenance for large num- bers of people in chronically food-deficit countries. The types of food aid provided by the United States and other LauraSheahen/CatholicReliefServices 1 in 3 Malnutrition is responsible for more than one-third of all deaths among children younger than 5 each year— almost 3 million children.
  • 12. donorsingeneraldistributionscenariosrespondtohunger by providing needed calories. Ensuring good nutrition to vulnerable populations has not been a high priority, at least partly because programs are designed for short-term food emergencies. In order to address nutritional needs in longer-term, chronic food deficit situations, specialized food aid products containing both calories and a balance of micronutrients could be scaled up to treat and prevent malnutrition in vulnerable populations. Good nutrition is a basic building block of life. Nutri- tion is an important element of many U.S. government development assistance initiatives, including Feed the Future and the Global Health Initiative. The importance of nutrition is well documented by a growing body of scientific data and supporting analysis. The success and sustainability of many different development assistance programs depend on improving nutritional outcomes in women and young children. Food aid is an essential tool in this effort. Strengthen and Institutionalize the Focus on Nutrition This is a critical time to build on the progress made to date on integrating nutrition into development and health programs, as well as investing in significant reduc- tions in child malnutrition. Because nutrition is a vital This paper may be reprinted at no charge or ordered at a rate of $1 each. Contact Bread for the World for bulk rates. Bread for the World Institute / 425 3rd Street SW, Suite 1200 / Washington, DC 20024 / Phone: 800.822.7323 / Fax: 202.639.9401 / component of food security and global health programs, coordination and integration is critical. To this end, three actions are needed: • Develop an overarching global nutrition strategy to defineinteragencyandinter-initiativeroles,mechanisms for coordination, funding, nutrition impact targets, and field guidance on nutrition, including monitoring and evaluation. • Establish a high-level focal point for global nutrition, a senior-level official housed within the USAID Administrator’s office with authority across relevant government departments, agencies, and bureaus. Each SUN country has committed to doing this. This would improve accountability for tracking progress against set objectives and targets and ensure that nutrition is a core component of U.S. humanitarian, health, and development programs. • Develop a detailed and publicly available nutrition budgetacrossinitiativesandaccounts,includingFeedthe Future, the Global Health Initiative, Food for Peace, the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Scott Bleggi is senior international policy analyst at Bread for the World Institute. Endnotes 1 Challenge Paper: Hunger and Malnutrition, Hoddinott, et al. Co- penhagen Consensus 2012. 2 Scaling Up Nutrition, home page accessed at 3 Based on the costing of five interventions--Vitamin A supplementa- tion, therapeutic zinc for the management of diarrhea, micronutrient powders, deworming, and adequate iron and folic acid for pregnant women--using data provided by the World Bank and accessed at: 4 The Roadmap for Continued U.S. Leadership to End Global Hun- ger, accessed at 5 Scaling Up Nutrition, the World Bank, 2010. 6 The Cost of Hunger: Social and economic impact of child undernu- trition in Central America and the Dominican Republic, The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Carib- bean and World Food Programme, 2008. 7, WHO. 8 Thousand Days Partnership, home page accessed at www.thousand- 9 The nutrition puzzle: Why so many people in poor countries eat so badly-and what can be done about it?, The Economist, 2/18/2012 10 Copenhagen Consensus Results, 2008. 11 ibid. 12 Aid for Food and Nutrition Security 2012, OECD. 13 op. cit. 14 Scaling Up Nutrition: What will it cost?, Horton, Susan, et al. The World Bank. 15 Repositioning Nutrition as Central to Development, The World 16 Effect of a nutrition intervention during early childhood on eco- nomic productivity in Guatemalan adults, Hoddinott, Maluccio, et al., The Lancet 371, 2008. 17 Drawn from the CORE Group’s multi-sectoral platform workshop, “Collaboration Between Sectors to Achieve More Effective Out- comes,” 2004. 18 Global Forum on Food Security & Nutrition, Discussion number 76, February 6-March 2, 2012.
  • 13. WhoWe Are WhoWe Are Concern Worldwide U.S. is an affiliate of Concern Worldwide, a non-governmental, international, humanitarian organization dedicated to the reduction of suffering and working towards the ultimate elimination of extreme poverty in the world’s poorest countries. Our History: Fighting Hunger for Nearly Half a Century Concern Worldwide was founded in Ireland in 1968 by a small group of people who joined together to respond to the devastating famine in Biafra. Among these people were two young brothers, Fathers Aengus and Jack Finucane. After working on the ground in Biafra, the two turned to Ireland and asked for support to send a ship filled relief items to help those most affected by the famine. The response was extraordinary. Within three months, they were able to purchase a ship and, eventually, deliver shipments of life-saving relief nightly via airlift. As the situation in Biafra improved in 1970, a cyclone in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) compounded by a civil war and displacement crisis prompted what was known as “Concern Africa” to expand its work into other countries and become known as “Concern Worldwide.” Concern expanded into the U.S. in 1993 as an independent affiliate, Concern Worldwide U.S. With offices in New York City and Chicago, the U.S. organization has grown steadily, now with over 50 employees, providing in excess of $30 million annually to support Concern’s programs overseas. Concern Worldwide U.S. also recruits staff, provides technical support to field operations, and raises awareness of humanitarian issues among the general public. After 45 years, we are implementing programs in 25 of the poorest countries in the world. In 2012, we reached more than 6.9 million of the world’s poorest people, saving lives through effective emergency response while working to address root causes of poverty through long-term development. The core values of Concern remain constant: targeting extreme poverty through the delivery of high-quality, effective programs that work hand-in- hand with the people we serve to break the cycle of poverty. OurVision We envision a world in which no-one lives in poverty, fear, or oppression; in which all have access to a decent standard of living and the opportunities and choices essential to a long, healthy, and creative life; and in which everyone is treated with dignity and respect. Our Mission Our mission is to help people living in extreme poverty achieve major improvements in their lives that last and spread without ongoing support from Concern.
  • 14. WhoWe Are Quick Facts Concern Worldwide founded in Ireland in 1968; Concern Worldwide U.S. founded in New York City in 1993 Recognized internationally for leadership and innovation in emergency response, child survival, and nutrition Working in 25 of the world’s poorest countries Targeting extreme poverty through five key program areas: education, emergency response, health, HIV/AIDS, and livelihoods Concern Worldwide U.S. offices in New York City and Chicago; Concern Worldwide offices in Dublin, London, Glasgow, and Belfast Reached more than 6.9 million people in 2012 Has a team of nearly 3,000 staff across the globe PHOTO: LIBERIA, ESTHER HAVENS PHOTOGRAPHY
  • 15. Concern in Action: Fighting Hunger Since our founding in 1968 in response to the famine in Biafra (now Nigeria), Concern Worldwide has pursued its mission to help people living in absolute poverty achieve major, sustainable improvements in their lives. Now, 45 years later, Concern remains steadfastly committed to working with the world’s poorest people to transform their lives. Hunger is often the most visible manifestation of extreme poverty, and in the midst of increasingly volatile food price increases and natural disasters, Concern is more determined than ever before to empower the poorest to effectively produce and manage their own food supplies, and to eradicate malnutrition and child hunger and their root causes. Adequate nutrition, particularly during the 1,000 days between a woman’s pregnancy and her child’s second birthday can lead to higher IQ, higher educational performance, and improved immune systems, and can lift children and their families out of the cycle of poverty. It is during the critical 1,000-day window that a child’s brain and body develop most, and it is good nutrition will allow them to thrive throughout their lives. Concern believes that the loss and suffering caused by hunger are utterly unacceptable in our time, especially because we know that solutions exist. Ensuring adequate nutrition in the first years of life is essential to improving health and saving the lives of millions of children. Concern’s commitment to the fight against malnutrition is twofold: Improving the food security, nutrition security, and health of extremely poor people: Concern reached nearly 900,000 people in 2012 with lifesaving nutrition services and helped more than 1.5 million people improve their food security and income through investments in natural resource management, food production and processing, and improving access to markets Eliminating hunger and poverty through partnerships and advocacy: Concern is partnering with key stakeholders in the fight against malnutrition to support, encourage and mobilize robust action to scale up nutrition for mothers and children. PHOTO: MALAWI, Pieternella Pieterse Crystal Wells Communications Officer Office: 212-557-8000 Cell: 617-913-0794 Contact:
  • 16. In 1,000 Days, WE CAN CHANGE THE FUTURE Why 1,000 days The 1,000 days between a woman’s pregnancy and her child’s 2nd birthday offer a unique window of opportunity to shape healthier and more prosperous futures. The right nutrition during this 1,000-day window can have a life- changing impact on a child’s ability to grow, learn, and rise out of poverty—providing the foundation for long-term economic growth and stability. Good nutrition is essential for growth, yet poor nutrition is pervasive Malnutrition is one of the world’s most insidious, yet least addressed, health and development challenges. Globally, it contributes to almost half of all deaths of young children. Close to 200 million children suffer from chronic nutritional deprivation that leaves them permanently stunted—unable to fulfill their genetic potential to grow and thrive—and keeps families, communities, and countries locked in a cycle of hunger and poverty. The impact of malnutrition during the critical 1,000 days between a woman’s pregnancy and a child’s 2nd birthday lasts a lifetime. Malnutrition early in life can cause irreversible damage to a child’s brain development, immune system, and physical growth. This can result in a diminished capacity to learn, poorer performance in school, greater susceptibility to infection and disease, and a lifetime of lost earning potential. In turn, the damage done by malnutrition translates into a huge economic burden for countries, costing billions of dollars in lost productivity and avoidable health care costs. Nutrition is the most cost-effective investment to drive global health and prosperity Research has shown that $1 invested in nutrition generates as much as $138 in economic benefits. Yet despite the extraordinary returns on investment, the world spends less than 1% of development aid on life- saving, basic nutrition solutions that have been proven to save lives. Focusing on improving nutrition during the 1,000-day window can: • Save millions of lives each year. • Reduce the human suffering and economic strain caused by infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS and chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity. • Build self-sufficiency—well- nourished children grow up to earn up to 46% more over their lifetimes. • Boost a country’s GDP by as much as 11% annually. • Help break the cycle of hunger and poverty. @ThousandDays n UN Photo/John Issac
  • 17. Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine ACDI/VOCA Action Against Hunger ActionAid USA African Medical and Research Foundation USA Africare Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development ALAS Alliance to End Hunger The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Bread for the World BreedLove Foods Inc. CARE USA Catholic Medical Mission Board Centre for Development and Population Activities ChildFund International Children’s Nutrition Program Haiti Church World Service Coalition for Improving Maternity Services Concern Worldwide Congressional Hunger Center CORE Group The Consultative Group on Early Childhood Care and Development DAI Edesia Global Nutrition Solutions Fabretto Children’s Foundation Food for the Hungry Freedom from Hunger Future Generations Peru GAIN - Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition Global Health Action Government of Ireland Haitian Health Foundation Heifer International Helen Keller International The Hunger Project Heartland Alliance InterAction International Center for Research on Women International Medical Corps International MotherBaby Childbirth Organization International Relief & Development International Rescue Committee IntraHealth International Irish Aid John Snow, Inc. Land O’Lakes, Inc. International Development Lutheran World Relief Mercy Corps Micronutrient Initiative Millennium Water Alliance NepalNUTrition ONE Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa PATH PCI Pesinet PhotoPhilanthropy Plan USA Plan International Planet Aid Project Concern International PSI RegioDev Africa RESULTS Salvation Army World Service Office Save the Children Self Help Africa Stop Hunger Now Trickle Up University Research Co., LLC U.S. Coalition for Child Survival U.S. Fund for UNICEF U.S. Government Valid Nutrition Vitamin Angels Walmart Foundation WASH Advocates WaterAid WellShare International Wellstart International Winrock International World Concern World Food Program USA World Initiative for Soy in Human Health World Relief World Renew World Vision 1,000 Days Partners Margaret W. Nea What We Do The 1,000 Days partnership promotes targeted action and investment to improve nutrition for mothers and children in the 1,000 days between a woman’s pregnancy and her child’s 2nd birthday, when better nutrition can have a life-changing impact on a child’s future and help break the cycle of poverty. 1,000 Days works to: •Advocate for greater action and investment in maternal and child nutrition; •Communicate the importance of the 1,000-day window for impact; •Catalyze partnerships among different sectors to scale up efforts to reduce malnutrition; and •SupporttheScalingUpNutrition(SUN)movement,whichseekstoaccelerate country-led efforts to combat malnutrition. Join us 1,000 Days is a partnership that brings together governments, the private sector and civil society organizations to improve nutrition for women and children during the critical 1,000-day window. To learn more about our work and how you can partner with 1,000 Days, contact us at, and sign up for news and updates by visiting n @ThousandDays n
  • 18.
  • 19. FACT SHEET JUNE 2013 About Action Against Hunger At Action Against Hunger, we’re dedicated to saving the lives of malnourished children. We also provide communities with access to safe water and sustainable solutions to hunger. We have: • Lifesaving programs in over 40 countries around the globe • 5,000+ field staff assisting more than seven million people each year • Over 30 years of expertise in emergency contexts of conflict, natural disasters, and food crises Our Mission: Saving Millions of Young Lives Global hunger is a daunting challenge, but deadly hunger—or acute malnutrition—is something we can actually address. Deadly malnutrition causes nearly 3 million childhood deaths each year, but it’s treatable. In fact, deadly malnutrition is: 1. PREDICTABLE: We know where and when acute malnutrition is likely to strike. 2. PREVENTABLE: We know how to keep children from becoming malnourished. 3. TREATABLE: New tools like therapeutic ready-to-use foods can save millions of young lives. 4. INEXPENSIVE: It costs just $45 to save a life by providing a malnourished child with treatment. Highly Rated: You Can Trust Action Against Hunger: • A four-star charity rated by Charity Navigator (seven years in a row – a distinction shared by only 2% of U.S. nonprofits). • Selected as a 2011 “Top Nonprofit” by Philanthropedia. • An “A”-rated organization by CharityWatch. • Meets all 20 of the Better Business Bureau’s rigorous accountability standards. • 93 cents of every donated dollar directly supports lifesaving programs. For More Information: Contact: Elisabeth Anderson Rapport Communications Officer 212.967.7800 x134 | @acfusa |
  • 20. GAIN is an organization driven by the vision of a world without malnutrition. GAIN’s mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable populations through access to affordable, high quality and nutritious foods. We work to reduce malnutrition by improving the efficiency and effectiveness of markets to reach consumers at the Base of the Pyramid. We mobilise public-private partnerships to implement innovative and sustainable market-based solutions at scale. After ten years of operation GAIN programs are reaching 667 million people, including 321 million women and children. They are demonstrating public health impact: • 30 % reduction in anemia among women of child bearing age in sentinel sites in China; • 30 % reduction in neural tube defects in new borns in South Africa; • 14 % reduction in micronutrient defiencies in young children in Kenya. DELIVERING NUTRITION GAIN was launched in 2002; its initial program focused largely on food fortification - adding vitamins and minerals to staple foods and condiments including wheat flour, maize meal, salt, sugar, vegetable oil, soy sauce and fish sauce. Projects targeted the population at large with market-based approaches that relied on governments to establish appropriate legislation and regulation and on business to fortify food products. In 2007 GAIN expanded its portfolio with Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition activities in response to the growing recognition of the thousand day window of opportunity from conception to age two when children are most vulnerable to poor nutrition. GAIN supports exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of a child’s life; we work with public-private partnerships to reach mothers and infants in low-income families with multinutrient supplements and high quality and affordable nutritious foods; these complement breast milk for infants from six months and beyond. Projects involve a range of partners: local businesses, governments, non- governmental organizations, non- profit global venture funds, and UN organizations. GAIN’s newest initiative – Agriculture and Nutrition – identifies ways to improve the nutritional quality of food through innovative, market-based solutions. The program aims to modify the agricultural supply chain while also increasing the access of vulnerable populations to affordable nutritious foods. This initiative must build the missing evidence-base to support the efficacy of linking agriculture and nutrition. EXAMPLES FROM GAIN’S PROJECT PORTFOLIO > GAIN is working with the Ministry of Health, local millers, edible oil producers and other national stakeholders in Uganda to fortify wheat flour and vegetable oil. The government has recently passed legislation to make mandatory the fortification of both these staples - a necessary condition for ensuring the sustainability of the program. > In the India, GAIN is working with AP Foods to expand its capacity to produce a powder made up of cereals, pulses, oil and sugar and fortified with vitamins and minerals. The powder is distributed through the Integrated Child Development Services to millions of mothers and children. About GAIN GAIN INITIATIVES LARGE SCALE FOOD FORTIFICATION Greg Garrett, Director MULTINUTRIENT SUPPLEMENTS Dominic Schofield, Director NUTRITIOUS FOODS FOR CHILDREN AND MOTHERS Marti van Liere, Director AGRICULTURE AND NUTRITION Bonnie McClafferty, Director
  • 21. > The GAIN Premix Facility (GPF) tackles the challenges faced by producers of fortified foods in accessing high quality premix blends of vitamins and minerals to add to their food products. The GPF has reached an estimated 242 million consumers in 34 countries. > The GAIN/UNICEF Universal Salt Iodization Partnership Project aims to increase coverage of iodized salt to 90 percent in 13 countries with the lowest coverage of iodized salt and the highest levels of iodine deficiency. Iodine deficiency is the most prevalent cause of brain damage worldwide. MOBILIZING INNOVATIVE PARTNERSHIPS IN THE FIGHT AGAINST MALNUTRITION GAIN works with diverse partners in over thirty countries the world over – governments, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, civil society and over 600 private sector companies. The partnership model that we pioneered has been recognised by the Stanford Social Innovation Review as a model of collaboration that achieves large scale progress in the face of the urgent and complex problems of our time. GAIN GOVERNANCE GAIN receives strategic direction from its Board – a 14 member body made up of key donors and experts serving in their individual capacity. The Board is advised by a Partnership Council of 17 members from key organizations working with GAIN. The Partnership Council is able to draw on the extensive experience of its members to explore the big challenges that need to be addressed by GAIN and the nutrition community at large. Jay Naidoo is Chairman of the GAIN Board and the Partnership Council. GAIN acknowledges the support for our projects from our donors: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF); the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF); the Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation (KBZF); Department for International Development (DFID); the United States Agency for International Development (USAID); Irish Aid; Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands; Dubai Cares; the Wellcome Trust; and the Goldsmith Foundation. GAIN - Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition Rue de Vermont 37-39 CH-1202 Geneva Switzerland T +41 22 749 1850 F +41 22 749 1851 E ENABLING UNITS Two enabling units, and Country Managers in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Nigeria and Mozambique, support program implementation. PROGRAM DELIVERY John Fairhurst, Director and COO Identifies and builds capacity in country to execute programs. INVESTMENT, PARTNERSHIPS AND ADVOCACY Steve Godfrey, Director Drives action on nutrition by key global and national policy and decision-makers and influences the private sector to take on a greater role in fighting malnutrition. The Business Alliance is a partnership platform for networking and knowledge sharing aimed at identifying new business models to address malnutrition at the base of the pyramid. The BA members are: Ajinomoto Group, AkzoNobel, Amway, BASF, Bel Group, Britannia Industries Ltd, Cargill Incorporated, The Coca-Cola Company, Dal Group, Groupe Danone, DSM, Firmenich, Fortitech, GlaxoSmithKline, Hershey, Hexagon Nutrition, Indofood, Kemin, Kraft, Mars Inc, Mana, Nutriset, Pepsico Inc, Pronutria, Tetra Pak and Unilever. AIM – the Amsterdam Initiative against Malnutrition – is a coalition of Dutch public and private sector organizations which joined with GAIN to end malnutrition for 100 million people in Africa. The coalition includes AkzoNobel, DSM, GAIN, the Government of the Netherlands, Interchurch Organization for Development Cooperation, Unilever and Wageningen University. The first AIM project in Kenya will explore a number of options for fortifying the milk consumed by Kenyan children.
  • 22. 16 BILL & MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION | May 2011 | 1 OVERVIEW This is a unique moment in history: Advances in science and learning are making it possible to solve complex problems like never before. If we focus these advances on helping people improve their lives, then within this century billions of people will be healthier, get better educations, and have the power to lift themselves out of hunger and poverty. We set clear priorities because we can have the greatest impact by staying focused. Certain problems affect millions of people—diseases in developing countries, low high school graduation rates in the United States, low crop yields in Africa. In our priority areas, we work on long- term solutions for people with the most urgent needs. We make grants in three program areas: Global Development, Global Health, and the United States. Each program area has a policy and advocacy team dedicated to raising awareness of problems—and solutions—to motivate change. Their work includes public affairs, to increase interest in the issues and strengthen the voice of the public; grantmaking to organizations that support our mission; and public education, to provide policymakers and others with information on issues. Our grantmaking process involves four key steps: developing strategy, making grants, measuring progress, and adjusting strategy. Our approach emphasizes partnership, innovation, risk, and, most importantly, results. Achieving the results we want requires the flexibility to learn from mistakes. We form partnerships and make grants to organizations that we think can get solutions to the people who need them, bring about systemic change, and achieve lasting results. Then we search for ways we can make unique contributions, using our resources, expertise, and ability to bring people together. We believe in the power of innovation. By applying new thinking to big problems, we can help people improve their lives. Sometimes, to promote innovation, we take calculated risks on promising ideas. Some of these risks will pay off; others won’t. But we expect to learn from all of them—and as we learn, we will adjust our strategies accordingly. We share what we’re learning because we want to expand the body of information available about the issues we work on and encourage others to continue striving for solutions. Our resources are small compared to the scope of the challenges we are trying to address. In 2008, the United States National Institutes of Health spent about 15 times more than the foundation’s budget for global health. Or, to take another example, our entire endowment would not be enough to fund public schools in the state of California for even one year. We have offices in Seattle, Washington; Washington, D.C.; New Delhi, India; Beijing, China; and London, United Kingdom. As of December 31, 2010, we had 927 employees and an endowment of $37.1 billion and had made $24.81 billion in total grant commitments. The foundation supports grantees in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Internationally, we support work in more than 100 countries. Bill and Melinda Gates started the foundation because they believe every person should have the chance to live a healthy, productive life. All of the foundation’s grantmaking and advocacy efforts support this mission. +1.206.709.3400
  • 23. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Helen Keller International 352 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010 (212) 532-0544 © HKI / Public Domain Helen Keller International Who We Are HKI currently has more than 180 programs that reach 100 million people in 21 African and Asian countries each year. Part of the work is focused on preventing blindness for millions of vulnerable people through cataract surgery, vision correction, vitamin A supplementation, screening and treatment for diabetic retinopathy, and distribution of treatments and cures for Neglected Tropical Diseases. HKI is also dedicated to reducing malnutrition through vitamin A supplementation, fortification of staple foods with essential nutrients, homestead food production, and community based management of acute malnutrition. HKI also reaches thousands of underserved youth in the United States each year through ChildSight®. This unique program provides free vision screenings and prescription eyeglasses to students living in poverty in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Ohio, New Mexico and California. Our Mission and Vision  The mission of Helen Keller International is to save the sight and lives of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged. We combat the causes and consequences of blindness and malnutrition by establishing programs based on evidence and research in vision, health and nutrition.  We envision a world where: o No one suffers from preventable or treatable blindness or low vision. o No one suffers from undernutrition. o Fewer people suffer from loss of their productive years due to disability or premature death. Helen Keller and HKI Helen Keller was born on June 27, 1880 in Tuscumbia, Alabama. At 19 months she contracted a fever that left her deaf and blind. Thanks to her own perseverance and the commitment of her teacher and companion Annie Sullivan, she learned to communicate. During her lifetime, Helen Keller dedicated herself to the service of humanity. She championed women's and workers’ rights and became a world crusader for the underprivileged, especially the blind. She also received scores of distinguished awards, including the Congressional Medal of Honor. In 1915, Helen Keller joined George Kessler, a survivor of the sinking of the Lusitania, to establish an organization to help soldiers blinded in World War I. This organization has evolved over the last century to become Helen Keller International.
  • 24. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Helen Keller International 352 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010 (212) 532-0544 © HKI / Trevor Snapp Our Work in Nutrition Malnutrition: The Global Problem  Two billion people currently suffer from malnutrition.  As many as one third of the world’s people cannot achieve their physical and intellectual potential due to vitamin and mineral deficiencies.  Each year, nearly 11 million children die before their fifth birthday. Poor nutrition is implicated in nearly half of these deaths. Micronutrient Deficiency  A lack of essential nutrients including vitamin A, iron and zinc in the diet can result in micronutrient deficiency. A person deficient in one micronutrient is likely to be deficient in others.  Vitamin A deficiency results in blindness and impairs growth, development and the immune system.  Iron deficiency is the major cause of anemia and can have irreversible effects on cognitive and physical development. HKI Solutions  Vitamin A supplementation is the single most cost-effective health intervention. It takes only two doses a year to prevent Vitamin A deficiency at the cost of only US $1.  HKI leads initiatives to fortify commonly-used foods such as cooking oil, soy sauce and wheat flour, strengthening the immune systems of those who consume the products.  Homestead Food Production enables households and schools to produce their own micro-nutrient rich foods and earn additional income. About Helen Keller International HKI currently has more than 180 active programs in 21 African and Asian countries. Part of the work is focused on preventing blindness for millions of vulnerable people through cataract surgery, vision correction, vitamin A supplementation, screening and treatment for diabetic retinopathy, and distribution of treatments and cures for Neglected Tropical Diseases. HKI is also dedicated to reducing malnutrition through vitamin A supplementation, fortification of staple foods with essential nutrients, homestead food production, and community based management of acute malnutrition. HKI also reaches thousands of underserved youth in the United States each year through ChildSight®. This unique program provides free vision screenings and prescription eyeglasses to students living in poverty in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Ohio, New Mexico and California.
  • 25. 1919 Santa Monica Blvd. ∙ Suite 400 ∙ Santa Monica, CA 90404 ∙ (310) 826-7800 Our Mission: International Medical Corps relieves the suffering of those impacted by war, natural disaster, and disease by delivering vital health care services that focus on training. This approach of helping people help themselves is critical to returning devastated populations to self-reliance. Our Work: Since our founding in 1984, International Medical Corps has delivered $1.4 billion in lifesaving medical care and training to tens of millions of people across 70 countries. Headquartered in Los Angeles and on the frontlines globally, International Medical Corps has been a first-responder to the most devastating man-made and natural disasters, while simultaneously strengthening the capacity of local communities to recover over the long-term. With a dedicated staff of 4,500 and a network of thousands of volunteers, International Medical Corps works in the world’s most challenging and remote places, including Darfur, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, South Sudan, Haiti, and Libya, among others. International Medical Corps’ unique approach has revolutionized emergency health care in insecure and dangerous environments by integrating training into the provision of immediate medical services. We hire 96% of our field-based staff and health professionals from local communities to ensure that skills, knowledge and local leadership remain long after our programs have ended. Our efforts save lives, prevent the spread of disease, reestablish basic coping mechanisms and begin the process of restoring communities to self-reliance. Our Health Priority Areas: • Emergency response and preparedness • Training local health workers • Providing lifesaving care for women and children • Integrating mental health into primary health care settings • Promoting the use of clean water, sanitation and hygiene • Nutrition services
  • 26. International Medical Corps relieves the suffering of those impacted by war, delivering emergency medical relief and This approach help themselves devastated communities to self-reliance. natural disaster and disease by health care training. of helping people is critical to returning From Relief to Self-Reliance HEADQUARTERS INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CORPS 1919 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 400 Santa Monica, CA 90404 Phone: 310-826-7800 Fax: 310-442-6622 WASHINGTON, DC INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CORPS 1313 L St. NW, Suite 220 Washington, DC 20005 Phone: 202-828-5155 Fax: 202-828-5156 UNITED KINGDOM INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CORPS-UK 1st Floor 254-258 Goswell Road London EC1V 7EB Great Britain Phone: +44 (0) 207 253 0001 Fax: +44 (0) 207 250 3269 Over the years, in so many places I’ve been, I’ve seen International Medical Corps right on the front lines with their sleeves rolled up, working in conditions that are hard to imagine.” CNN’s Anderson Cooper for more information or to donate, please visit 89cents of every dollar you contribute directly supports programs EFFICIENCY LEVERAGE:Becauseoftheinvestmentfromour institutionaldonors,everydollarincontributions frompeoplelikeyougeneratesonaveragemore than$30inadditionalgrantsfrominstitutional donors,anddonatedmedicinesandsupplies. “
  • 27. OUR AREAS OF FOCUS INCLUDE • Emergency Response and Preparedness • Training local health workers • Providing lifesaving care to women and children • Integrating mental health into primary health care settings • Providing the use of clean water, sanitation and hygiene Established in 1984 by volunteer doctors and nurses, International Medical Corps is a humanitarian organization with 4,500 staff and a network of more than 24,000 medical volunteers. With headquarters in Los Angeles, 96% of our field-based staff and health professionals are recruited from the local community to ensure that skills and knowledge remain long after our programs have ended. With an annual budget of $180 million, International Medical Corps has delivered $1.4 billion in emergency relief and health care services to tens of millions of people in 70 countries. Afghanistan Albania Angola Armenia Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bosnia- Herzegovina Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Croatia Darfur Democratic Republic of Congo East Timor Egypt Eritrea Ethiopia Gaza Georgia Ghana Haiti Honduras Indonesia Iraq Japan Jordan Kenya Kosovo Kyrgyzstan Laos Lebanon Liberia Libya Macedonia Mali Moldova Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nepal Nicaragua Pakistan Peru Philippines Russian Federation Rwanda Serbia Sierra Leone Somalia South Sudan Sri Lanka St. Lucia Syria Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Tunisia Turkey Uganda Ukraine USA Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe * Countries & regions we’re currently operating in are highlighted BLUE Each year, 250 million people worldwide are devastated by armed conflict and natural disaster and eight million children under five die from preventable diseases. WHO WE ARE OUR APPROACH International Medical Corps delivers health services to communities impacted by war, natural disaster and disease while simultaneously focusing on strengthening local capacity to ensure sustainable care. Our work saves lives, prevents the spread of disease, re-establishes basic coping mechanisms and helps restore communities to self-reliance. SAVING LIVES EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND LONG-TERM RECOVERY TRAINING LOCAL HEALTH CARE WORKERS REBUILDING COMMUNITIES WITH DIGNITY AND HOPE BUILDING SELF-RELIANCE RELIEF THAT LASTS
  • 28. About ONE Co-founded by Bono and strictly non-partisan, The ONE Campaign is more than three million people taking action to end extreme poverty...because we believe where you live shouldn’t determine whether you live. ONE members around the globe call, write, rally and raise their voices as ONE to push for progress—on global funding, expanded efforts to treat and stop the spread of AIDS and other preventable diseases, critical investments in agriculture and nutrition, and greater transparency. Our teams in Washington, D.C., London, Johannesburg, Brussels, Berlin, and Paris educate, advocate, lobby and collaborate to shape solutions. We’re halfway home: extreme poverty has been cut in half…and as ONE, we’re redoubling our actions to bring its end ever closer. To learn more about ONE, please visit From 1990–2000, global extreme poverty dropped from 43% of the world’s population to 33%. From 2000 to 2010, extreme poverty worldwide went down again to 21%—cutting extreme poverty in half. If this trajectory is continued into the future we get to the zero zone before 2030. 21% ZERO ZONE
  • 29. 22 As the world’s leading independent organization for children, Save the Children is made up of 29 national member organizations raising funds and running programs domestically and/or internationally. By working closely together as a single force for change, Save the Children is making a difference in the lives of children in a way that builds on and exceeds what individual members can accomplish alone. At the end of 2009 all 29 Save the Children member organizations, with combined revenues of more than US$1.4 billion, agreed on an ambitious new strategy for the next 5 years, committing to working even more closely together in the future as one Save the Children to achieve even more for children. A major element of the 2010–15 strategy is the development of a single structure to deliver international programs, enabling us to work more efficiently together. Save the Children’s collective voice can also do much to further children’s rights at the international level. To achieve this, Save the Children has four Advocacy Offices working for policy change to benefit children, targeting the United Nations, European Union and the African Union. In addition, these offices provide information to members and coordinate with them on areas of common interest affecting children. The Save the Children International center supports members and the Save the Children International Board. The center coordinates major joint initiatives to ensure we achieve the greatest possible impact for children, and also provides legal, communications and governance support. Save the Children’s Vision, Mission and Values WE ARE THE WORLD’S LEADING INDEPENDENT ORGANIZATION FOR CHILDREN OUR VISION is a world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection, development and participation. OUR MISSION is to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children, and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives. OUR VALUES: ACCOUNTABILITY: We take personal responsibility for using our resources efficiently, achieving measurable results, and being accountable to supporters, partners and most of all children. AMBITION: We are demanding of ourselves and our colleagues, set high goals and are committed to improving the quality of everything we do for children. COLLABORATION: We respect and value each other, thrive on our diversity, and work with partners to leverage our global strength in making a difference for children. CREATIVITY: We are open to new ideas, embrace change and take disciplined risks to develop sustainable solutions for and with children. INTEGRITY: We aspire to live to the highest standards of personal honesty and behavior; we never compromise our reputation and always act in the best interests of children.
  • 30. 19 1730 M Street NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036 Our Vision Share Our Strength’s vision is to end hunger and poverty in the United States and abroad. We believe we can do this by mobilizing industries and individuals, and creating community wealth, to promote lasting change. Around the World Since the founding of Share Our Strength in 1984 in response to the Ethiopian famine, Share Our Strength has granted more than $11 million to organizations around the world searching for sustainable solutions to underdevelopment, malnutrition, poverty, and hunger. Today, Share Our Strength provides support for sustainable agriculture, food security, economic development, and child nutrition programs in Haiti, Ethiopia, Mexico and El Salvador. Ending Childhood Hunger in America Share Our Strength’s current priority is ending childhood hunger in America by connecting children with the nutritious food they need to lead healthy, active lives. Through its No Kid Hungry® Campaign—a national effort to end childhood hunger in America by 2015—Share Our Strength ensures children in need are enrolled in effective federal nutrition programs; invests in community organizations that fight hunger; teaches needy families how to cook healthy, affordable meals; and builds public-private partnerships to end childhood hunger, at the state and city level. Share Our Strength engages the culinary, business and media communities; consumers and citizen-activists; foundations; nonprofits; and policymakers to support No Kid Hungry.
  • 31. Nutrition for Women and Children Malnutrition early in a child’s life causes irreversible damage and contributes to the deaths of 2.6 million children every year. WFP provides nutritional support to women and young children during the most critical window of a child’s development — the first 1,000 days of life, from pregnancy to age two. School Meals School meals have the power to break the cycle of poverty, by giving children the chance to learn, grow and reach their full potential. Just 25 cents provides a nutritious meal for a child in need. WFP provides school meals to 20 million children on average each year. School meals give families an incentive to send children to school—especially girls. Support for Small-Scale Farmers Half of the world’s hungry are small-scale farmers, most of whom are women. WFP works to improve the food security of local communities by helping farmers access markets, providing agricultural training and offering food in exchange for work on local development projects. Tonight, 870 million people around the world will go to bed hungry.That’s one in eight people on the planet. World Food Program USA (WFP USA) works to solve global hunger, building a world where everyone has the food and nutrition needed to lead healthy, productive lives. WFP USA raises support for these efforts in the United States by engaging individuals, organizations and businesses, shaping public policy and generating resources for the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP). As the largest humanitarian agency in the world, WFP delivered food assistance to nearly 100 million people in 75 countries in 2012. WFP works to improve global food security through a comprehensive strategy that addresses the immediate needs and underlying causes of hunger: Emergency food relief Emergency food relief is essential for meeting basic human needs in the wake of natural disasters, conflict and humanitarian crises. By working closely with governments, local partners and the international community, WFP is able to quickly deploy emergency assistance to those in need. 1 in 8people Hunger is the world’s most solvable problem. World Food Program USA 1725 Eye Street NW, Suite 510 Washington, DC 20006 Tel: (202) 627-3737 @WFPUSA
  • 32. The First 1000 Days: Maternal and Childhood Nutrition Malnutrition is responsible for the deaths of 2.6 million children each year The right nutrition in early childhood gives children the foundation they need for a healthy and prosperous life. Malnutrition during the first 1,000 days of life, from pregnancy to a child’s second birthday, can cause irreversible damage to cognitive and physical development and is responsible for the deaths of 2.6 million children each year. Malnutrition can stunt children for life, raise the risk of disease and infection, and negatively impact future generations. The UN World Food Programme (WFP) provides nutritional support to mothers and children during the first 1,000 days – the most critical window of a child’s development. WFP reaches nearly 10 million children and 3 million women each year. Supporting the nutrition of mothers and children during this timeframe has a life-long impact on a child’s ability to learn, grow up healthy and become a successful adult. For this reason, focusing on the youngest children is one of the smartest investments a country can make. The international community recently placed early childhood nutrition at the top of the global agenda. In 2010, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Irish Foreign Minister Micheál Martin launched Scaling Up Nutrition, an unprecedented global movement to improve nutrition for pregnant women and young children during the first 1,000 days of life. Global consensus has identified a powerful set of cost-effective interventions that together can make a dramatic impact in reducing early childhood malnutrition. In places like Guatemala, WFP is supporting national efforts to scale up this comprehensive approach—which includes providing supplementary food and micronutrients, as well as encouraging healthy behaviors. Nutritional super-products also help to prevent and combat malnutrition during emergencies. WFP is working closely with partners to scale up global efforts to improve early childhood nutrition, creating a ripple effect on a wide range of personal, social and economic outcomes. World Food Program USA (WFP USA) works to solve global hunger, building a world where everyone has the food and nutrition needed to lead healthy, productive lives. The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) works in over 75 countries, saving lives in emergencies, providing school meals to hungry children, improving nutrition of the most vulnerable people at critical times in their lives and helping build the self-reliance of people and communities.
  • 33. WFP USA works together with the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) to solve hunger globally through fundraising, advocacy and education in the United States.
  • 34. PaulKelly North America • Latin America/Caribbean • Asia-Pacific • Europe/Middle East Indonesia: Photo by Paul Jeffrey CWS/ACT Alliance “I’m able to feed and clothe my family. My husband is supportive, we are growing stronger together, and I’m able to take care of my children. I want to thank CWS for changing the lives of communities... and empowering me to be where I am.” Jennifer Sindiri, Naivasha, Kenya, who learned livelihood skills in a CWS program My children love trying all these new foods. They enjoy everything! Cielo, of the Guarani community in South America's Gran Chaco I can never say ‘thank you’ enough to CWS for allowing our program to offer the help and supplies during the times of disaster. I want to say ‘thank you’ for every person whom we were able to help in some way due to the supplies offered by CWS.” Sandy Gunnell, Kentucky “Thanks to CWS, who works to help lift my family as well as other poor people from vulnerability. I am happy to share my knowledge, experience and success with other villagers.” Ngoun Meng, Cambodia I can’t imagine my life now without the (CWS- supported) youth house and its programs, without my new family and friends. But what’s more important, I believe now that there are people in this world who love, who help, who care. Ucha Giguashvili, Republic of Georgia, who survived a land mine explosion at age 16 When I started working, I feel like it changed my life, because I work full time, five days a week and sometimes overtime, six days a week. That's good, because I can pay my bills, my food, clothing. I have a lot of friends from church sponsors who have encouraged me to buy a house and then I can choose where I want to live. Capitoline Capi Nduwimana, from Burundi, resettled by Church World Service affiliate Bethany Refugee Services in Grand Rapids, Michigan TomHampson/CWS PaulJeffrey/ACTAlliance CWS works with partners to eradicate hunger and poverty and to promote peace and justice around the world. a memeber of CWS Corporate Center 475 Riverside Dr., Suite 700 New York, N.Y. 10015 For more information, or to offer your support: Church World Service P.O. Box 968 Elkhart IN 46515 800.297.1516 PaulJeffrey/ACT-Caritas Hear more voices from our work:
  • 35. Our mandate is to protect the world's most vulnerable. Children suffer an increasing burden from poverty and misery in the world. But not if we can help it. Our work with children starts in the first 1,000 days of life, when a lack of proper nutrition can mean lifelong consequences like stunting, visual and learning impairments, even death. Our work to support schools fights poverty in the long term. Because today's student is tomorrow's visionary. Since 1946, CWS has helped to find new homes for some of the millions of families who have lost their homes to violence, disaster and prejudice. We support refugees in Africa and Asia. CWS also resettles refugees in the U.S. with the assistance of our network of welcoming communities who provide a new chance at life for thousands each year. We help refugees to learn basic English, assist with new trade skills and setting up a new home. AmeliaVolger JuliaSuryantan PaulJeffrey CarolFouke/CWS FOOD ASSISTANCE CWS provides communities in need with emergency food help when situations are desperate. We can provide food assistance in more than 40 countries where we work, and through our partnership with ACT Alliance, our reach more than doubles. WE FIGHT HUNGER. HERE'S HOW. EXPERTISE AND PARTNERSHIP We've been on a mission to end hunger and poverty for more than six decades. Our approach is different: to work with communities, hand in hand, as partners in their development. Our history brings experience to communities that are forgotten, addressing their hunger, together. CHECK THE FACTS Reaching hungry kids in their first 1,000 days can prevent a lifetime of problems. Help us spread the word! More at MEET A FRIEND The backbone of our resettlement work is caring people who want to help. To give the gift of hospitality while meeting a new friend, check out refugees. TELL HUNGER TO TAKE A HIKE CROP Hunger Walks fight hunger at home and around the world. End hunger with us at LONG-TERM HELP Emergencies are frequently only the beginning of a chronic and complex problem. When a community doesn't have enough to eat sustainably, it's called food insecurity. We help communities examine all of the issues that keep it from achieving food security — from the availability of clean water to land rights, problems that may take longer to address than may be convenient for many other groups. Clean water is the glue that holds healthy communities together. So we help communities find clean sources of water that quenches thirst, irrigates crops and promotes sanitation. When clean water flows, women and children spend less time carrying water miles from the source to home. That's more time for girls to be in school, or for women to build a business. Clean water. A game changer on tap. THE GIFT OF WATER Pay tribute to someone you admire by providing clean water to those in need. Buy a well for a family, or a dam for thousands. Learn more at WE PROVIDE CLEAN WATER WE HELP VULNERABLE CHILDREN Disasters and calamities are inevitable. We provide immediate assistance with resources for vulnerable communities in need, such as food, shelter, potable water and CWS Kits. We also use disaster as a chance to reduce vulnerability. It's laying the groundwork of preparedness in a community that saves lives. And, frequently, disaster provides an opportunity to improve food, water and educational supplies. HELP BEGINS ON AISLE 9 CWS Kits are made from everyday items available in any department store. Communities assemble kits, and we provide them to people in need following disasters. Be part of our first response: WE RESPOND TO EMERGENCIES WE FIND NEW HOMES FOR THOSE WHO CAN'T