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Interactive Engagement Strategies
For large and diverse classes
(a choose-your-adventure workshop)
14-15 JUNE 2017
Choose your own adventure
Lectures as 2-way conversations
Interaction (in / out of class)
Assessments (student-generated)
Assessments (exams)
Context - class time (specifically lectures)
CC BY-NC 2.0!
Derek Bruff: Class time reconsidered!!!
Source	ar)cle	:	Poh,	M.Z.,	Swenson,	N.C.,	Picard,	R.W.,	"A	Wearable	Sensor	for	Unobtrusive,	Long-term	Assessment	of	Electrodermal	Ac)vity,"	IEEE	Transac)ons	on	Biomedical	Engineering,		
vol.57,	no.5,	pp.1243-1252,	May	2010.	doi:	10.1109/TBME.2009.2038487	
Ac)vity:	Jared	Stang,	UBC	Physics
Weekly rhythm for our 1A class!
Poh,	M.Z.,	Swenson,	N.C.,	Picard,	R.W.,	"A	Wearable	Sensor	for	Unobtrusive,	Long-term	Assessment	of	Electrodermal	Ac)vity,"	IEEE	Transac)ons	on	Biomedical	Engineering,	vol.57,	no.5,	pp.1243-1252,		
May	2010.	doi:	10.1109/TBME.2009.2038487
Weekly rhythm for our 1A class!
Learning gains on PI !
1. Pre class material!
© Jorge Royan / / CC-BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia Commons!
1. Pre class material - DIY media!
1. Pre class material - DIY media!
Learning gains on PI !
Reproduced from Eric Mazur
(search “Confessions of a converted lecturer” on YouTube)
A ball initially at rest is!
thrown upwards, comes !
back down & is caught!
Which of the following is a!
plausible graph of the!
acceleration of the ball !
with time?!
Source activity: Simon Lancaster (UEA, UK) Ross Galloway (Edinburgh, UK)
A large truck collides head on with a
small compact car.
Which of the following statements is true?
1. The forces on the car is greater
2. The force on the truck is greater
3. The force on the car and truck are
4. Can’t specify without knowing mass
and speed of vehicles
R R Hake !
American Journal of Physics: Volume 66, Issue 1, Pages 64-74!!
Freeman et al PNAS
Wieman commentary PNAS !
“This meta-analysis makes a powerful case that any college or university that is teaching 
its STEM courses by traditional lectures is providing an inferior education to its students”
1.  Real (and perceived) workloads!
2.  Dealing with resistance !
3.  Suitability of teaching spaces!
4.  About ‘covering content’!
5.  Loss of (total) control !
… and the upsides too. !
Interaction /
a case study
Simon Bates
Senior Advisor, Teaching and Learning
Academic Director, CTLT
Professor of Teaching, Department of Physics and Astronomy
  Landscape of LT tools and applications
  My course context
  Tools matter!
Content	Authoring	 Content	Delivery	 Publisher Simula4ons	
Adobe	Crea)ve	Suite	 Livescribe	 Arts	File	Share	 Kaltura	(*)	
UBC	Blogs	/	WordPress	
(Content)	(*)	
Cengage	(PIC)	(*)	 Google	Cardboard	
Ar)culate	Studio	 MediaSite	(*)	 Cengage	iLrn	
(WordPress)	(*)	
Macmillan	(PIC)	(*)	 Layar	
Audacity	 Microso]	Excel	
Connect	(Content	
Management)	(*)	
Library	Online	
Course	Reserves	
(LOCR)	(*)	
UBC	iTunes	(*)	 McGraw-Hill	(PIC)	(*)	 Mannequin	Simula)ons	
Bb	Collaborate	Voice	
Authoring	(*)	
Microso]	PowerPoint	 Document	Cameras	 Lyryx	 UBC	Wiki	(*)	 Pearson	(PIC)	(*)	 Mo)on	Control	
Camtasia	(*)	 One	bucon	Studio	(*)	 DropBox	
Modern	Digital	
Image	Database	
UBC	YouTube	(*)	 Sapling	Learning	(PIC)	(*)	 NeoReality	
Collabora)ve	Learning		
(*)	Annota)on	System	
Panopto	 Drupal	(*)	 Moodle	(*)	 Vimeo	 Wiley	(PIC)	(*)	 Phet	Simula)ons	
Explain	Everything	 Dspace	 Omeka	 Vitalsource	 		 Praxis	
Final	Cut	Pro	 Prezi	 edX	(*)	 Owncloud	 WebAssign	 		 VCER	
Entrada	 Perusall	 Wikipedia	 		 		
Hot	Potatoes	
Respondus	Studymate	
Evernote	 Piazza	(*)	 Wis)a	 		 		
Jing	 Snagit	
Exam	Prep	
Database	(*)	
Plone	 Workspace	(*)	 		 PorLolios	
Keynote	 Timeline	JS	 Github	 Podcasts	 Zimbra	 		 Chalk	and	Wire	
Lectora	 Google	Docs	 Reflector	 Zoomify	 		 Connect	(ePorLolio)	(*)	
Lightboard	(*)	 VideoScribe	(*)	 HTML	5	Flash	Cards	 SourceTree	 		 Pep	
		 iBooks	 SugarSync	 		 		 		
Assessment	 Response	System	
Adap)ve	Compara)ve	
Judgement	(ACJ)	(*)	
Mechanical	TA	 Aplia	
Auto	Mul)ple	Choice	
Moodle	(*)	 iClicker	(*)	
Calibrated	Peer	Review	
(CPR)	(*)	
Open	Badges	UBC	(*)	 Kahoot!	
Cengage	iLrn	 Pearson	MyTest	 Learning	Cataly)cs	
Crowdmark	 PeerScholar	 Poll	Everywhere	
Entrada	 PeerWise	(*)	 REEF	polling	(*)	
Exam	Prep	DB	(*)	 Remark	 	Top	Hat	
ExamSo]	 Respondus	Quiz	(*)	 		
Form	Builder	(*)	 Scantron	 		
Grade	Grinder	 Turni)n	(*)	 		
iPeer	(*)	 WebAssign	 		
LearnDash	(WordPress)	
(*)	 Webwork	(*)	 		
Analy4cs	 Course	Evalua4on	 Course	Admin	 Other	
Arts	Datamart	
Blackboard	Outcomes	
Assessment	(*)	
Cengage	iLrn	 3D	prin)ng	
Blackboard	Outcomes	
Assessment	(*)	
CoursEval	(*)	 Connect	(Grade	Center)	(*)	 Google	Earth	
Connect	(Performance	Center)	
SEoT	Datamart	(*)	 Doodle	 iStudiez	Pro	
Google	Analy)cs	 TeachEval	(*)	 Entrada	 SCORM	(*)	
IBM	SPSS	 		 Google	Calendar	
Tin	Can	API	(Experience	
JMP	 		 LearnDash	(WordPress)	(*)	 		
Microso]	Excel	 		 Moodle	(*)	 		
SEoT	Datamart	(*)	 		 One45	 		
Stata	 		 Turni)n	(*)	 		
Tableau	 		 UBC	Blogs	/	WordPress	(*)	 		
Discussion	 Survey	Tool	 Social	Media	 VC	
Connect	(Discussions)	(*)	
Connect	(Enterprise	Surveys)	
Facebook	 Adobe	Connect	
Piazza	(*)	 Connect	(Surveys)	(*)	 Figure	1	 Bb	Collaborate	Web	Conf.	(*)	
PulsePress	(*)	 FluidSurveys	(*)	 Google+	 BlueJeans	(*)	
Slack	 Gravity	Forms	(WordPress)		 LinkedIn	 Google	Hangouts	
UBC	Blogs	/	WordPress	
(Discussion)	(*)	
LimeSurvey	 Twicer	 Lifesize	
		 Qualtrics	 		 Skype	
		 Survey	Monkey	 		 VC	(MedIT)	
		 Vovici	 		 WebEx	
		 		 		 		Bold = Integrated Tool
(*) = Supported by LT Hub
  First year intro Physics courses
  P101 / P117
  Flipped class design
  Heterogeneous cohort
  Connect discussions vs Piazza
  Connect discussions vs Piazza
  “No email” policy
  Give reasons to engage
  Support TA: to monitor and respond
Assessment: student
Generated material
Selected results & analysis
Engagement - how do students use the system?
Benefits - what is the impact on learning?
Question quality - how good is what students produce?
Relevant publications:
Scaffolding student engagement via online peer learning - European Journal of Physics 35 (4), 045002
Student-Generated Content: Enhancing learning through sharing multiple-choice questions. International
Journal of Science Education, 1-15 (2014).
Assessing the quality of a student-generated question repository - Phys Rev ST PER (2014) 10, 020105
Student-generated assessment - Education in Chemistry (2013) 13 1
Typical implementation
Minimum participation requirements for
each of two assessment exercises (PW1,
Write 1 Answer 5 Rate / comment 3
5% course credit
Physics 101, Energy & Waves
Winter Semester: 3 sections, ~800 students
Not so typical implementation
Writing original questions is a
demanding activity
Extensive scaffolding exercises
Revisited in subsequent tutorials
Engagement with PeerWise
Number Multiplier Number Multiplier
Questions 1105 [1.7] 998 [1.6]
Answers 11393 [17.2] 11807 [18.7]
Comments 4901 [7.4] 5509 [8.7]
PW 1 PW 2
Engagement with PeerWise
Engagement with PeerWise
Engagement with PeerWise
Engagement with PeerWise
Generally, students did
•  Participate beyond minimum requirements
•  Engage in community learning, correcting errors
•  Create problems, not exercises
•  Provide positive feedback
Generally, students did not
•  Contribute trivial or irrelevant questions
•  Obviously plagiarize
•  Participate much beyond assessment periods
•  Leave it to the last minute (sort of….)
Correlation with learning
Correlation with learning
Correlation with learning
Question/Explanation Quality
Bloom’s Taxonomy of levels in the cognitive domain
Score Level Description
1 Remember Factual knowledge, trivial plugging in of numbers
2 Understand Basic understanding of content
3 Apply Implement, calculate / determine. Typically one-stage problem
4 Analyze Typical multi-step problem; requires identification of strategy
Evaluate Compare & assess various option possibilities; often conceptual
Ideas and topics from disparate course sections combined.
Significantly challenging problem.
Textp>0.05, NS
Question/Explanation Quality
Score Level Description
0 Missing No explanation provided or explanation incoherent/irrelevant
1 Inadequate Wrong reasoning and/or answer; trivial or flippant
2 Minimal
Correct answer but with insufficient explanation/justification/ Some
aspects may be unclear/incorrect/confused.
3 Good Clear and detailed exposition of correct method & answer.
4 Excellent
Thorough description of relevant physics and solution strategy.
Plausibility of all answers considered. Beyond normal expectation for
a correct solution
Results (UoE 2010-11)
2 successive years of the same course (N=150, 350)!
‘High quality’ questions: 78%, 79%!
Over 90% (most likely) correct, and 3/5 of those wrong were !
identified by students. !
69% (2010) and 55% (2011) rated 3 or 4 for explanations!
Only 2% (2010) and 4% (2011) rated 1/ 6 for taxonomic level. !
Bottomley & Denny Biochem and Mol Biol Educ. 39(5)
352-361 (2011)
107 Year 2 biochem students
56 / 35 / 9 % of questions in lowest 3 levels.
Momsen et al CBE-Life Sci Educ 9, 436-440 (2010)
“9,713 assessment items submitted by 50 instructors in the
United States reported that 93% of the questions asked on
examinations in introductory biology courses were at the
lowest two levels of the revised Bloom’s taxonomy”
Comparison with literature
Assessment: exams
IAD Course Organisers Forum – Edinburgh, Oct 2015
Two-stage exams!
assessments of, for and as learning !
•  Not ours; not new
•  Similar to elements of well-established pedagogy e.g. TBL
•  But….. Significant due to ease, effectiveness and take-up
•  Define two-stage exams (UBC style)
•  Discuss advantages and disadvantages of two-stage exams
•  Take your questions on logistics of administering them
•  Describe some research done with two-stage exams at UBC
Two-stage	Exams	
The basics:
Summative assessments
During the exam (midterms / final / in-class test)
– Students complete then hand in individual exam
– Get into groups of 4 to work on a group exam (for about ½
the time of the individual portion)
What they look (and sound!) like
Two-stage	exams	
•  The Group Exam is identical to the individual exam
(+/- one or two “difficult” questions)
•  Students work on the group exam collaboratively
•  The group only gets one exam sheet!
Two-stage	exams	at	UBC	
At UBC: now well over 100 courses
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Math, Statistics, Earth, Ocean,
and Atmospheric Sciences, Computer Science, Forestry,
Pharmacy, Psychology, and Land and Food Systems
Many class formats / assessment types
900 student final exams (that was me J )
450 student 1st year lectures
20 person laboratories
20 student 4th year seminars
5 student graduate classes
•  Immediate feedback
•  Models classroom behaviour
•  Engaged students
•  Teaching!
Your list:
•  Nearly instant feedback / reflection
•  More collaboration
•  Engagement
•  Responsibility
•  Different perspectives
•  Happier students learn better
•  Develops group work skills
•  Lower achieving students get extra explanation
•  Reduces anxiety
•  Higher achieving students benefit from explaining and
reinforcing knowledge
•  ALL students participate!
•  Quieter students get a chance to contribute even in large
•  Students like it and believe it helps their learning
Some	Student	Comments	Phys	250	
and	EOSC	114	
“Some problems, its a good way to find out
what you did wrong on the individual exam
almost immediately.”
“Great idea! The group exams give you a
chance to go over your answers to the exam
while you still care about the questions.”
Some	Student	Comments	Phys	250	
and	EOSC	114	
“Discussion over tricky questions facilitate
learning immediately and the answer/
concept is stuck in your brain FOREVER!”
“You actually learn what you got
wrong right away from a student
Your list
Compressing the grades
Group composition
Loud students
No agreement
Possible	Disadvantages	
•  “Only certain subjects”
•  Social loafing
•  Dominant group members
•  Sidetracked by process
•  Assigning marks
•  A & D
•  Student inexperience with groups!
•  Time! Shorter exams
•  Getting “convinced” of wrong answers
•  Incompatible with curving as standard
Some	Student	Comments	Phys	250	
and	EOSC	114	
“… That said, there was the issue of excessive
discussion in the group exam. That is, there were
several times where a part of a question was
contentious within our group and the ensuing
debate, frequently ended only by calling over
<instructor>, often took up so much time that doing
the last few questions was hurried and messy.”
Feedback	from	EOSC	114	
“Group Exams are…”
Posi)ve	‘because…’	comments		
Discussion 48
Learn why you were wrong 37
New perspectives 29
Better grades 21
Instant feedback 16
Review 10
Build confidence 8
Understand questions better 6
Learn techniques from others 6
Other 27
Total 208
Nega)ve	‘because…’	comments	
Coming to consensus 21
Time consuming 13
Unbalanced knowledge in group 6
Convinced of wrong answer 3
Realize did poorly individually 3
Worth too much 2
Other 8
Total 56
How	Groups	Choose	(EOSC	111)
Research	evidence	for	effec)veness	
Gilley, B.H. and Clarkston, B. (2014) Collaborative Testing: Evidence of Learning in a Controlled In-Class Study of Undergraduate Students
Journal of College Science Teaching Vol. 43 No. 3
•  Journal articles:
– Gilley & Clarkston (2014) Journal of College Science
Teaching Vol. 43 No. 3
– Rieger & Heiner (2014) Journal of College Science
Teaching Vol. 43 No. 4
– Wieman, Rieger & Heiner (2014) Phys. Teach. Vol 52
•  For more information and videos visit:
•  Misc articles:
Resources! !!!

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Workshop at 2016 NTU Learning and Teaching Seminar - Students as Partners in ...
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Interactive engagement strategies for large classes

  • 1. Interactive Engagement Strategies For large and diverse classes (a choose-your-adventure workshop) 14-15 JUNE 2017 LIVERPOOL JMU TEACHING & LEARNING CONFERENCE “VISIONS FOR LEARNING”
  • 2. Choose your own adventure Lectures as 2-way conversations Interaction (in / out of class) Assessments (student-generated) Assessments (exams)
  • 4. Context - class time (specifically lectures) CC BY-NC 2.0! Derek Bruff: Class time reconsidered!!!
  • 6. Weekly rhythm for our 1A class! Poh, M.Z., Swenson, N.C., Picard, R.W., "A Wearable Sensor for Unobtrusive, Long-term Assessment of Electrodermal Ac)vity," IEEE Transac)ons on Biomedical Engineering, vol.57, no.5, pp.1243-1252, May 2010. doi: 10.1109/TBME.2009.2038487
  • 7. Weekly rhythm for our 1A class!
  • 9. 1. Pre class material! © Jorge Royan / / CC-BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia Commons!
  • 10. 1. Pre class material - DIY media!
  • 11. 1. Pre class material - DIY media!
  • 13. Reproduced from Eric Mazur (search “Confessions of a converted lecturer” on YouTube)
  • 14. 1! 2! 3! A ball initially at rest is! thrown upwards, comes ! back down & is caught! ! Which of the following is a! plausible graph of the! acceleration of the ball ! with time?!
  • 15. Source activity: Simon Lancaster (UEA, UK) Ross Galloway (Edinburgh, UK)
  • 16. A large truck collides head on with a small compact car. Which of the following statements is true? 1. The forces on the car is greater 2. The force on the truck is greater 3. The force on the car and truck are equal 4. Can’t specify without knowing mass and speed of vehicles
  • 17.
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  • 20.
  • 21. R R Hake ! American Journal of Physics: Volume 66, Issue 1, Pages 64-74!!
  • 22. Freeman et al PNAS Wieman commentary PNAS ! “This meta-analysis makes a powerful case that any college or university that is teaching its STEM courses by traditional lectures is providing an inferior education to its students”
  • 23. 1.  Real (and perceived) workloads! 2.  Dealing with resistance ! 3.  Suitability of teaching spaces! 4.  About ‘covering content’! 5.  Loss of (total) control ! ! … and the upsides too. !
  • 25. FOSTERING INTERACTION a case study Simon Bates Senior Advisor, Teaching and Learning Academic Director, CTLT Professor of Teaching, Department of Physics and Astronomy
  • 26. OVERVIEW   Landscape of LT tools and applications   My course context   Tools matter!   Implementation   Features
  • 27. Content Authoring Content Delivery Publisher Simula4ons Adobe Crea)ve Suite Livescribe Arts File Share Kaltura (*) UBC Blogs / WordPress (Content) (*) Cengage (PIC) (*) Google Cardboard Ar)culate Studio MediaSite (*) Cengage iLrn LearnDash (WordPress) (*) Macmillan (PIC) (*) Layar Audacity Microso] Excel Connect (Content Management) (*) Library Online Course Reserves (LOCR) (*) UBC iTunes (*) McGraw-Hill (PIC) (*) Mannequin Simula)ons Bb Collaborate Voice Authoring (*) Microso] PowerPoint Document Cameras Lyryx UBC Wiki (*) Pearson (PIC) (*) Mo)on Control Camtasia (*) One bucon Studio (*) DropBox Modern Digital Image Database (MDID) UBC YouTube (*) Sapling Learning (PIC) (*) NeoReality Collabora)ve Learning (*) Annota)on System (CLAS) Panopto Drupal (*) Moodle (*) Vimeo Wiley (PIC) (*) Phet Simula)ons Explain Everything Dspace Omeka Vitalsource Praxis Final Cut Pro Prezi edX (*) Owncloud WebAssign VCER Entrada Perusall Wikipedia Hot Potatoes Respondus Studymate (*) Evernote Piazza (*) Wis)a Jing Snagit Exam Prep Database (*) Plone Workspace (*) PorLolios Keynote Timeline JS Github Podcasts Zimbra Chalk and Wire Lectora Google Docs Reflector Zoomify Connect (ePorLolio) (*) Lightboard (*) VideoScribe (*) HTML 5 Flash Cards SourceTree Pep iBooks SugarSync Assessment Response System Adap)ve Compara)ve Judgement (ACJ) (*) Mechanical TA Aplia Auto Mul)ple Choice (AMC) Moodle (*) iClicker (*) Calibrated Peer Review (CPR) (*) Open Badges UBC (*) Kahoot! Cengage iLrn Pearson MyTest Learning Cataly)cs Crowdmark PeerScholar Poll Everywhere Entrada PeerWise (*) REEF polling (*) Exam Prep DB (*) Remark Top Hat ExamSo] Respondus Quiz (*) Form Builder (*) Scantron Grade Grinder Turni)n (*) iPeer (*) WebAssign LearnDash (WordPress) (*) Webwork (*) Analy4cs Course Evalua4on Course Admin Other Arts Datamart Blackboard Outcomes Assessment (*) Cengage iLrn 3D prin)ng Blackboard Outcomes Assessment (*) CoursEval (*) Connect (Grade Center) (*) Google Earth Connect (Performance Center) (*) SEoT Datamart (*) Doodle iStudiez Pro Google Analy)cs TeachEval (*) Entrada SCORM (*) IBM SPSS Google Calendar Tin Can API (Experience API) JMP LearnDash (WordPress) (*) Microso] Excel Moodle (*) SEoT Datamart (*) One45 Stata Turni)n (*) Tableau UBC Blogs / WordPress (*) WebAssign LEARNING TECHNOLOGY TOOLS - FUNCTIONAL MAP CONTENT ASSESSMENT COURSE MANAGEMENT & EVALUATIONINTERACTIONS Discussion Survey Tool Social Media VC Connect (Discussions) (*) Connect (Enterprise Surveys) (*) Facebook Adobe Connect Piazza (*) Connect (Surveys) (*) Figure 1 Bb Collaborate Web Conf. (*) PulsePress (*) FluidSurveys (*) Google+ BlueJeans (*) Slack Gravity Forms (WordPress) LinkedIn Google Hangouts UBC Blogs / WordPress (Discussion) (*) LimeSurvey Twicer Lifesize Qualtrics Skype Survey Monkey VC (MedIT) Vovici WebEx Bold = Integrated Tool (*) = Supported by LT Hub
  • 28. CONTEXT   First year intro Physics courses   P101 / P117   Non-majors   Flipped class design   Heterogeneous cohort
  • 29. TOOLS MATTER   Connect discussions vs Piazza
  • 30. TOOLS MATTER   Connect discussions vs Piazza
  • 31.
  • 32. IMPLEMENTATION   “No email” policy   Give reasons to engage   Support TA: to monitor and respond
  • 34.
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  • 36.
  • 37.
  • 38.
  • 39.
  • 40.
  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 44.
  • 45.
  • 46.
  • 47. Selected results & analysis Engagement - how do students use the system? Benefits - what is the impact on learning? Question quality - how good is what students produce? Relevant publications: Scaffolding student engagement via online peer learning - European Journal of Physics 35 (4), 045002 (2014) Student-Generated Content: Enhancing learning through sharing multiple-choice questions. International Journal of Science Education, 1-15 (2014). Assessing the quality of a student-generated question repository - Phys Rev ST PER (2014) 10, 020105 Student-generated assessment - Education in Chemistry (2013) 13 1
  • 48. Typical implementation Minimum participation requirements for each of two assessment exercises (PW1, PW2) Write 1 Answer 5 Rate / comment 3 5% course credit Physics 101, Energy & Waves Winter Semester: 3 sections, ~800 students
  • 49. Not so typical implementation Writing original questions is a demanding activity Extensive scaffolding exercises Revisited in subsequent tutorials
  • 50.
  • 51. Engagement with PeerWise Number Multiplier Number Multiplier Questions 1105 [1.7] 998 [1.6] Answers 11393 [17.2] 11807 [18.7] Comments 4901 [7.4] 5509 [8.7] PW 1 PW 2
  • 53.
  • 56. Engagement with PeerWise Generally, students did •  Participate beyond minimum requirements •  Engage in community learning, correcting errors •  Create problems, not exercises •  Provide positive feedback Generally, students did not •  Contribute trivial or irrelevant questions •  Obviously plagiarize •  Participate much beyond assessment periods •  Leave it to the last minute (sort of….)
  • 57.
  • 61. 61
  • 62. 62 Question/Explanation Quality Bloom’s Taxonomy of levels in the cognitive domain Score Level Description 1 Remember Factual knowledge, trivial plugging in of numbers 2 Understand Basic understanding of content 3 Apply Implement, calculate / determine. Typically one-stage problem 4 Analyze Typical multi-step problem; requires identification of strategy Evaluate Compare & assess various option possibilities; often conceptual Synthesize Ideas and topics from disparate course sections combined. Significantly challenging problem.
  • 64. 64 Question/Explanation Quality Score Level Description 0 Missing No explanation provided or explanation incoherent/irrelevant 1 Inadequate Wrong reasoning and/or answer; trivial or flippant 2 Minimal Correct answer but with insufficient explanation/justification/ Some aspects may be unclear/incorrect/confused. 3 Good Clear and detailed exposition of correct method & answer. 4 Excellent Thorough description of relevant physics and solution strategy. Plausibility of all answers considered. Beyond normal expectation for a correct solution
  • 65. 65
  • 66. 66 Results (UoE 2010-11) 2 successive years of the same course (N=150, 350)! ‘High quality’ questions: 78%, 79%! Over 90% (most likely) correct, and 3/5 of those wrong were ! identified by students. ! 69% (2010) and 55% (2011) rated 3 or 4 for explanations! Only 2% (2010) and 4% (2011) rated 1/ 6 for taxonomic level. !
  • 67. 67 Bottomley & Denny Biochem and Mol Biol Educ. 39(5) 352-361 (2011) 107 Year 2 biochem students 56 / 35 / 9 % of questions in lowest 3 levels. Momsen et al CBE-Life Sci Educ 9, 436-440 (2010) “9,713 assessment items submitted by 50 instructors in the United States reported that 93% of the questions asked on examinations in introductory biology courses were at the lowest two levels of the revised Bloom’s taxonomy” Comparison with literature
  • 68. 68
  • 69. 69
  • 71. IAD Course Organisers Forum – Edinburgh, Oct 2015 Two-stage exams! assessments of, for and as learning ! @simonpbates
  • 72. Disclaimers! •  Not ours; not new •  Similar to elements of well-established pedagogy e.g. TBL •  But….. Significant due to ease, effectiveness and take-up
  • 73.
  • 74. Overview •  Define two-stage exams (UBC style) •  Discuss advantages and disadvantages of two-stage exams •  Take your questions on logistics of administering them •  Describe some research done with two-stage exams at UBC
  • 75. Two-stage Exams The basics: Summative assessments During the exam (midterms / final / in-class test) – Students complete then hand in individual exam – Get into groups of 4 to work on a group exam (for about ½ the time of the individual portion) What they look (and sound!) like
  • 76. Two-stage exams •  The Group Exam is identical to the individual exam (+/- one or two “difficult” questions) •  Students work on the group exam collaboratively Consensus •  The group only gets one exam sheet!
  • 77. Two-stage exams at UBC At UBC: now well over 100 courses Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Math, Statistics, Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Computer Science, Forestry, Pharmacy, Psychology, and Land and Food Systems Many class formats / assessment types 900 student final exams (that was me J ) 450 student 1st year lectures 20 person laboratories 20 student 4th year seminars 5 student graduate classes
  • 78. Advantages •  Immediate feedback •  Models classroom behaviour •  Engaged students •  Teaching!
  • 79. Advantages Your list: •  Nearly instant feedback / reflection •  More collaboration •  Engagement •  Responsibility •  Different perspectives •  Happier students learn better •  Develops group work skills •  Lower achieving students get extra explanation •  Reduces anxiety
  • 80. Advantages •  Higher achieving students benefit from explaining and reinforcing knowledge •  ALL students participate! •  Quieter students get a chance to contribute even in large classes •  Students like it and believe it helps their learning
  • 81. Some Student Comments Phys 250 and EOSC 114 “Some problems, its a good way to find out what you did wrong on the individual exam almost immediately.” “Great idea! The group exams give you a chance to go over your answers to the exam while you still care about the questions.”
  • 82. Some Student Comments Phys 250 and EOSC 114 “Discussion over tricky questions facilitate learning immediately and the answer/ concept is stuck in your brain FOREVER!” “You actually learn what you got wrong right away from a student perspective”
  • 83. Disadvantages Your list Compressing the grades Group composition Loud students No agreement
  • 84. Possible Disadvantages •  “Only certain subjects” •  Social loafing •  Dominant group members •  Sidetracked by process •  Assigning marks •  A & D •  Student inexperience with groups! •  Time! Shorter exams •  Getting “convinced” of wrong answers •  Incompatible with curving as standard
  • 85. Some Student Comments Phys 250 and EOSC 114 “… That said, there was the issue of excessive discussion in the group exam. That is, there were several times where a part of a question was contentious within our group and the ensuing debate, frequently ended only by calling over <instructor>, often took up so much time that doing the last few questions was hurried and messy.”
  • 87. Posi)ve ‘because…’ comments Discussion 48 Learn why you were wrong 37 New perspectives 29 Better grades 21 Instant feedback 16 Review 10 Build confidence 8 Understand questions better 6 Learn techniques from others 6 Other 27 Total 208
  • 88. Nega)ve ‘because…’ comments Coming to consensus 21 Time consuming 13 Unbalanced knowledge in group 6 Convinced of wrong answer 3 Realize did poorly individually 3 Worth too much 2 Other 8 Total 56
  • 90.
  • 91.
  • 92. Research evidence for effec)veness Gilley, B.H. and Clarkston, B. (2014) Collaborative Testing: Evidence of Learning in a Controlled In-Class Study of Undergraduate Students Journal of College Science Teaching Vol. 43 No. 3
  • 93.
  • 94.
  • 95.
  • 96. Resources •  Journal articles: – Gilley & Clarkston (2014) Journal of College Science Teaching Vol. 43 No. 3 – Rieger & Heiner (2014) Journal of College Science Teaching Vol. 43 No. 4 – Wieman, Rieger & Heiner (2014) Phys. Teach. Vol 52 •  For more information and videos visit: •  Misc articles: