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This is the revised draft of my report to the the NSA of the Baha'is of Canada, sent
28/11/'14, and to the NSA of the Baha'is of Australia sent 24/11/'14 and the UHJ
also in that last week of November some time.
Part 1:
In addition to my professional resume found below, my Baha’i resume is also
found here(Appendix C), as is a list of subjects I taught while teaching and
tutoring, lecturing and delivering adult education programs in post-secondary
schools, colleges and universities(Appendix B). A basic bio-data sheet(Appendix
A) is also included. Finally, I have attached, in an Appendix D, a general
perspective on my personal career, a perspective that an employing authority
would have found relevant in the latter years of my paid-employment life and now,
in cyberspace, some readers will find useful in describing my life-narrative in
relation to the world of paid employment.
I no longer apply for jobs, as I did from 1950 to 2005, and the above set of
evolving documents, altered more times over the 55 years of my paid-employment
life, is now found in an electronic archive in my computer directory. I update these
documents occasionally for internet use in this first decade of my full retirement
from FT, PT and casual employment in these last years of my late adulthood, a
period used by developmental psychologists for the years 60 to 80 in the lifespan.
I have come to use this package of information for a multitude of purposes on the
internet in the last several years. I forward it to you for your use in whatever way
it has value in the years ahead.
Part 2:
My professional resume and the statement of my Baha’i experience has gradually
come to take the form it now has as an integrated document. I once utilized my
resume, my curriculum vitae(CV), along with a brief statement of my lifeline, life-
story, personal-life narrative to provide a broader perspective for employing
authorities to assist them in assessing the relevance of my particular application for
the position in question. Each person writes “their story” and outlines their
“resume” in their own way. With a whole industry that has now grown-up around
this process of job applications, I tried to provide employing authorities with what
I hoped they would find a refreshing and distinctive approach to this job
application process.
What follows is not so much a model, for there are dozens of models now and
readers of this statement are in no need of yet another model for the job application
industry or some employing institution. What follows is, rather, an integration of a
professional, a Baha’i and a more personal resume in these the retirement years of
my life which I utilize on the internet for all sorts of professional, public and
personal reasons suited to my purposes. I now utilize this resume, this still
evolving document, in many ways, in many formats, at many internet sites in their
various sections and sub-section. I hope you find what follows, some 10,000 words
and 32 A-4 pages, of some practical use, for it is intended to be useful to the
recipient. Feel free to write to me directly at my email address if you would like to
discuss this statement for any reason. –Ron Price, George Town, Tasmania,
Australia, 28 November 2014. My email address is:
1.0 My Roles In Life:
A. The Ascribed Roles I have had in life: grandson, son, nephew, cousin, half-
brother, father, step-father, uncle, step-grandfather, step-father, husband,
male, among a long list of other possibilities used by developmental
B. My Achieved Roles in life: writer, poet, essayist, author, journalist, teacher,
tutor, lecturer, adult educator, student and many other roles found in section 4
below at different times since beginning my employment life in 1950.
1.1 Academic Qualifications
* Bachelor of Arts(Sociology)
McMaster University
Hamilton Ontario Canada 1966
*B. Ed.(Primary School Training)
Windsor Teachers’ College
(Now University of Windsor)
Windsor Ontario Canada 1967
* MA(Qualifying Thesis)
University of Queensland
St Lucia Queensland
Australia 1988
1.2 Professional Qualifications
* Post Graduate Diploma in Education
Windsor University
Windsor Ontario Canada 1967
* Certificate of Integrated Studies
Education Department of Ontario
Toronto Ontario Canada 1970
1.3 Further Studies(Qualifications Incomplete)
* Advanced Diploma in Education
University of Adelaide
Adelaide South Australia 1973
-comparative education unit
* Master of Educational Administration
University of New England
Armadale NSW 1975 to 1978
-comparative education, organization theory and practice, educational
administration, open education and history of education units
* Diploma in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations
Tasmanian College of Advanced Education
Launceston Tasmania 1980
-organizational behaviour-3 units
* Graduate Diploma in Multicultural Education
Armadale College of Advanced Education
Armadale NSW 1983
-language and society unit; presented paper at residential school.
* Graduate Diploma in Religious Education
South Australian College of Advanced Education
Adelaide South Australia 1984 to 1986
-religious symbols and symbolism, sociology of education, the Bible
as literature, moral education, Islam and principles of religious education units.
1.4 Transcripts and Grades
* Transcripts are available on request, originals or copies.
* A summary of my academic record would read:
Matriculation(B), BA(C), Dip. Ed.(B), Post-Graduate Studies(2 distinctions, 5
credits, 1 pass(B) and 10 pass(C) grades
1.5 Teaching Qualifications and Registrations
* Teaching Certificate(Primary) Windsor Teachers’ College 1967
* Registered with the Primary, Secondary and Technical Teachers
Registration Boards of Victoria in the mid-to-late 1970s, respectively
* Granted permanency with the Department of Employment, Vocational Education
and Training(Devet) in WA. Devet is now known as the Dept of Training in
Western Australia as of 1993.
1.6 Professional Memberships and Eligibility
* Secondary School Teachers Union of Western Australia: 1987 to 1999
Branch secretary for four of those years first at Hedland College in the Pilbara, and
then at the Thornlie Campus of the Southeast Metropolitan College of Tafe now
known as Polytechnic West--Thornlie Campus in Perth, Western Australia
* Australian Association of Educational Administration: 1975 to 1976
* Australian Institute of Welfare Workers(eligible)
2.1 Articles and Reviews: Journals/Websites
1.*Essays, Interviews and Articles on the Internet at:
1.1 The Baha'i Academic Resource Library/Baha’i Library Online has many
categories of my writing and over a million words posted there from 2002 to
2014; and at
1.2 An estimated 8000 other sites containing several million words, 2001-2014
2. * "A History of the Baha'i Faith in the Northern Territory: 1947-1997,"
Northern Lights, 32 Instalments, 2000-2003.
3. * Periodic Articles in "Newsletters," Regional Teaching Committees and Baha'i
Councils of the NSA of the Baha'is of Australia Inc., 1971-2014.
4. * Periodic Articles/Letters, Baha'i Canada and The Australian Baha'i Bulletin
now The Australian Baha’i: 1971-2009.
5. * "Memorials of the Faithful," Baha'i Studies Review, September 2001.
6. * "Review of Two Chapbooks: The Poetry of Tony Lee," Arts Dialogue, June
7. * "Asia and the Lost Poems: The Poetry of Anthony Lee," Art 'n Soul, a
Website for Poets and Poetry, January 2000.
8. * "The Passionate Artist," Australian Baha'i Studies, Vol.2, 2000.
9. * "Memorials of the Faithful," Australian Baha'i Studies, Vol.1, No.2, 1999,
p.102 and uplifting, 2005-6.
10. * "Poetry of Ron Price: An Overview," ABS Newsletter, No.38, September
11. * "Thomas a Kempis, Taherzadeh and the Day of Judgement," Forum, Vol.3,
No 1, 1994, pp.1-3.
12. * "Forward", An Introduction to Occasions of Grace: Poems and Portrayals,
Roger White, George Ronald, Oxford, 1993.
13. * "The Inner Life and the Environment", Paper presented at a Baha’i Studies
Conference at Murdoch University in April 1990 and published in The
Environment: Our Common Heritage, Monograph No.5, 1994, pp.118-131.
14. * "The History of a Dream: A Tribute to Persistence", Office of Tafe
Publication in Western Australia, 1988, pp.5-6.
15. * "Response", Dialogue, Vol.2, No.1, 1986, pp.3-4.
16. * "Homeward Bound", Dialogue, Vol.1, No. 1, 1985, pp.37-38.
17. * "Happiness", Herald of the South, Vol.11, 1985, pp.26-27.
18. * "Perspectives on Multiculturalism", Residential School Papers: May to
July 1983, Centre for Multicultural Studies, Armidale CAE, pp.24-28.
19. * "Who Plays the Music in Your Dreams?", Dream International, 1983, Vol.1,
No.3, p.31.
20. * "Consultative Decision Making", Northern News, Darwin, December, 1983.
21. *"The Baha'i Faith: A Series of 5 Articles," Student Magazine, Ballarat
College of Advanced Education, 1977-78.
22. *“The Baha’i Faith: 4 Articles,” Tasmanian CAE Publication, Launceston,
23. My website is found at:
2.2. Articles and Reviews: Newspapers
1. 150 articles of 800 words each(on average) have appeared in the following
newspapers and magazines in 1983-1986.
Katherine Advertiser.....150,000 words
Katherine Times................2,000 words
Barkley Regional..................300 words
Launceston Examiner...........300 words
The Tasmanian.................... 300 words
The Northern News .............300 words
Cosmos.................................500 words
Zirius.....................................500 words
Ballarat CAE......................2,500 words(5 articles)
Tasmanian CAE..................1,500 words(4 articles)
Newspapers on Internet.....20,000 words
2. In 2005 I began posting items at online newspapers and journals now have
postings at:
2.3 Online Newspapers and Journals
1. The New York Times
2. Nashuatelegraph
3. International Viewpoint
4. Persian Journal
5. The Australian
6. Career Journal
7. The Canadian Poetry Association
8. World Chronicle
9. Contemporary Literature
10. European History
11. Medieval History
12. Writers in Touch
13. Arkansas Poets Society
14. Dream Journal
15. Many other newspaper and journals listed in a separate compilation of internet
sites available from the author on request
2.4 Prose At: 2.4.1 Online Message Boards; 2.4.2 Blogs, and 2.4.3 Forums:
Approximately 2000 online sites listed in that same document sited above in 2.3.15
contain: (a) essays, (b) articles, (c) book reviews, (d) contributions/postings of
various lengths(1000 to 5000 words) to discussions on innumerable topics, (e)
shorter contributions/postings (100 to 250 words) and (f) uncountable postings of
fewer words in lengthy exchanges of views, comments and ideas, often serious and
often trivial.
2.5 Poetry
Poetry published in the following publications:
1. Artgender
2. The Southern Gazette
3. Herald of the South
4. Katherine Advertiser
5. four W No.6: Selected Works-Charles Sturt University
6. The Southern Gazette
7. Australian Baha’i Bulletin
8. The Liquid Mirror
9. Baha'i Canada
10. Australian Bahá’í Studies Newsletter
11. Australian Baha'i Studies Journal
12. World Order: Anthology
13. An estimated forty magazines on the internet listed in the above document
sited at 2.3.15 above
2.6 Online Poetry at: 2.6.1 Poetry Sites, and 2.6.2 Other Topic Sites
Approximately 2000 sites: forums, blogs, message boards, poetry sites and other
topic sites have poetry that I have written in one or more of the several sub-
sections that occupy each of these sites. I have listed them under separate cover at
2.3.15 above and they can be obtained from this author by writing to me at my
email address: Readers here may prefer to Google some of
my material and readers can do this easily by typing the following words and word
sequences into the respective search engines: Ron Price Poetry, Ron Price Bahá’í,
Ron Price Literature( and/or history, media studies, philosophy, psychology,
sociology, religion, Launceston, Australia, Canada, inter alia)
2.7 Manuals
* 25 in-house training manuals in the management studies program for Hedland
College and the Open College of Tafe in Katherine in the Northern Territory.(70
page average length of each manual: 1982-1986)
* 60 study guides for the Perth Campus, Central Metropolitan College of
Tafe and the Thornlie Campus, Southeast Metropolitan College of Tafe, in Perth
Western Australia in a wide range of General Studies and Human Service subjects.
(40 page average length: 1988-1999)
* 6 study guides for classes at The School for Seniors in George Town: 1999-
(see the list of subjects taught in Appendix B below)
2.8 Books, Essays and Letters
2.8.1 Books Complete: Published:
* The Emergence of a Baha'i Consciousness in World Literature: The
Poetry of Roger White. This is a collection of essays written from 1988 to
2002: 100,000 words.
* Published by Juxta Publications and is available at The Baha'i Academics
Resource Library online at:
* Pioneering Over Five Epochs: An Autobiographical Study and a Study
in Autobiography, 6th edition, BWCL, 2600 pages: 5 volumes in hard copy at
(1) Reviewed by NSA of the Baha’is of the USA for publication in cyberspace;
(2) eBookMall has an 1800 page abridged version for $2.98 and (3) many
parts of this work are found at innumerable sites on the internet.
2.8.2 Books Incomplete: Unpublished:
12 attempts at a novel in the years 1988 to 1991. Longest single attempt 30,000
2.8.3 Essays Complete: Unpublished:
* 1979-2014—a collection of over 200(circa) autobiographical and other essays.
2.8.4 Essays Complete: Published:
* Essays 1977-2014: A collection of over 300 essays(circa) published in many
locations in (1) newspapers, (2) magazines, (3) journals and (4) on the internet.
2.8.5 Letters Complete: Unpublished:
* 1957-2014: A collection of 50 volumes(arch-lever files and 2-ring binders) of
letters, emails and posts on the internet, an estimated 10,000 items. An extended
discussion of these 50 volumes can be found at: Bahá’í Library Online> Personal
2.6 Booklets
2.6.1 Complete: Unpublished:
75 booklets of poetry: 100-120 poems per booklet, written from 1980 to 2014,
over 7000 poems in total. An extensive portion of the contents of these
booklets can also be found at: Baha’i Library Online> Poetry.
2.7 Websites
Several million words in several genres: essays, narrative, interviews, book
reviews, poetry, letters, emails and a wide range of postings and responses to
the writing of others are located at over 8000 websites on the internet. See the
edition of my website( the hyperlink
‘Endgame', for a list of some of these sites. An outline of the developmental
process that led to this slowly acquired internet publishing outlet and a list of
some 8000 sites is available, as I have indicated above, under separate cover at: .The latest, the 4th, edition of my website is found at:
2.8 Collections of My Poetry in Libraries:
1. Baha'i World Centre Library, Baha'i World Centre, PO Box 31 001, Haifa Israel:
5000 poems.
2. Canadian National Baha'i Centre Library, 7200 Leslie Street, Thornhill, Ontario,
L#T 6L8 Canada, 300 poems.
3. Australian National Baha'i Centre Library, Sydney, Australia, 300 poems.
4. Regional Baha'i Council of Tasmania, PO Box 1126, GPO Hobart, Tasmania,
7001, Baha'i State Library of Tasmania, Hobart, 300 poems.
5. Baha'i Centre of Learning Library, C/-LSA of the Baha'is of Melville, PO Box
628, Applecross, Western Australia, 6153, 200 poems.
6. Local Spiritual Assembly Library of the Baha'is of Burlington, Ontario, Canada,
300 poems.
7. International Pioneer Committee of the National Spiritual Assembly of the
Baha'is of Canada, 7200 Leslie Street, Thornhill, Ontario, L3T 6L8, Canada, 120
8. Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Brighton, PO Box 553, Brighton,
South Australia, 5048, State Baha'i Centre Library, Brighton, S.A., 120 poems.
9. Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Canberra, 18 Hichey Court, ACT,
2611, Baha'i Centre Library, 120 poems.
10. Baha'i Council of the Northern Territory, PO Box 2055, Humpty Doo, NT,
0836, 100 poems
11. Baha'i Council of Victoria, Knoxfield, Victoria, 3182, 100 poems.
12. LSAs of Belmont, Launceston and Darwin hold 'some of my poetry' in their
archives, some 100 poems in total.
13. The Afnan Library, c/-George Ronald Publishers, 24 Gardiner Close,
Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 3YA, England has a CD of some 200,000 words.
14. LSA of the Baha’is of Toronto Ontario, 288 Bloor Street West, Toronto
Ontario, M5S 1V8, Canada, 100 poems.
15. The Baha’i Community of Iqaluit, Iqaluit, NWT, Canada, 100 poems.
16. The Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Hamilton, PO Box 57009, Jackson
Station, Hamilton, Ontario, L8P 4W9, 300 poems.
17. The Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Ballarat, PO Box 136, Ballarat,
Victoria, 3350, 100 poems.
18. The last dozen of my Booklets of Poetry were now kept in my study in George
Town, Tasmania. By my late 60s(circa 2011-12) I no longer had any plans to
send booklets of my poetry to other individuals and Baha'i communities except,
of course, in cyberspace.
2.9 Books in Traditional and Cyberspace Libraries:
1. The Emergence of a Baha'i Consciousness in World Literature: The Poetry
of Roger White, in the Afnan Library, a 'deposit library' Administered by the
National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United Kingdom, April 2003.
2. The same book is in the Baha'i Academics Resource Library/Baha’i Library
Online>Books and at Juxta Publications. See
3. I have been given approval to publish the above book by the National Literature
Committee of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Canada. Juxta
Publications has put this book on their site at: and it can be
downloaded free of charge.
4. Pioneering Over Four Epochs: An Autobiographical Study and a Study in
Autobiography, BWCL, 5th
edition; eBookMall and other websites have portions
of this work at their sites.
2.10 Essays in Libraries:
1. The Baha'i World Centre Library, 50 essays-1994.
2. At least 50 internet libraries and sites, especially Baha’i Library Online at: (a)>
Essays and Internet Postings; (b)>Histories, Memoirs and Interviews, (c) > Articles
and Papers Unpublished and (d) Compilations Prepared by Individuals.
3. Radio Programs and Interviews:
3.1 Interviews: Interviewed on eight occasions in eight cities and towns in
Australia from 1974 to 1995 on the subjects of (i) education and/or (ii) the Baha'i
Faith. Each interview 15 to 25 minutes.
3.2 Programs: Presented 150 half hour programs on City Park Radio in
Launceston for the Launceston Baha'i Community: 2000-2005.
4.1 Pre-Apprentice, Apprentice, Educational Programs for Unemployed
Youth(EPUY), Preparatory Educational Programs(PEP) and Youth Training
Programs(YTP) to 15 to 25 year old students:
* Wide range of programs in these areas beginning in 1982 at:
-Open College of Tafe in Katherine 1982-1986
-Hedland College 1986-1987
-Perth Campus/Balga Campus 1988
-Thornlie Campus 1989-1999
4.2 Other Post-Secondary Institutions: FullTime(FT), PartTime(PT) &
*George Town School for Seniors Inc 1999-2005(V)
*Charles Sturt University 1995(July to October)(FT)
* Tasmanian CAE 1974(FT) and 1979(PT)
* Ballarat CAE 1976-1978(FT)
* Deakin University 1977(C)
* Whitehorse Technical College 1975(FT)
* University of Tasmania 1974(C)
4.3 Courses Taught
During the years 1980-1981 I did not teach due to illness. Of the thirty-one years
from 1974 to 2005, I taught full-time for 22 years and part-time as a tutor/lecturer
for 7. I taught in the post-secondary institutions listed above; I taught some ninety
different units of study in the humanities and social sciences. The list is too long to
sight here; I have included it in Appendix B below. The list includes the following
general categories:
* communication studies
* social sciences
* welfare studies/human services
* education studies
* matriculation studies
* public relations/media studies
* creative and business writing
* special education programs for
* (a) indigenous people, (b) adult education and (c) seniors
(See Appendix B below for list of subjects taught)
4.4 Primary and Secondary School Teaching Experience:
A. Primary:
1. Sir Martin Frobisher School, Frobisher Bay, NWT, Canada,1967/8.
2. Cherry Valley Primary School, Cherry Valley, Ontario, 1969/70.
3. Picton Primary School, Picton, Ontario, Canada, 1970/1.
4. West Whyalla Primary School, Whyalla, South Australia, 1971/2.
B. Secondary:
1. Eyre High School, Whyalla, South Australia, 1972/3.
2. Para Hills Secondary School, Para Hills, South Australia, 1973/4
3. Oakwood Education Trust, Launceston Campus, 2001.
(non-teaching experience)
A. Summer &/or Short Term Jobs: (each job 5 months max.; average 3 months)
* Self-Employed: Gardening-&-Odd-Jobs, Burlington, Ontario, 1950 to 1959.
* Kitchen-Assistant, A&W Root Beer Co., Aldershot, Ontario, 1960.
* Packer, Shell Oil Company, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 1961.
* Driver-Assistant, Dundas Slot-Machine Company, Dundas, Ontario, Canada,
* Data Processing/Cleaner/Storeman & Packer, Firestone Tire and Rubber
Corporation, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 1963/64
* Cash-Register Clearance, T. Eaton Company of Canada, 1964
* Repairman/Assistant, Bell Telephone Co of Canada Ltd., Hamilton, Ontario,
* Abstractor, Canadian Peace Research Institute, Dundas, Ontario, Canada, 1965
* Electrician's Assistant, Stelco of Canada, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 1965
* Driver/Salesman, Good Humour Company, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 1966
* Clerk, Motor Vehicle License Branch, Dept of Transport, Brantford, Ontario,
* Systems Analyst, Bad Boy Company, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1969
* Security Work, International Security, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1969
* Youth Worker, Resource Centre Association Inc., Launceston, Tasmania, 1979
* Journalist, ABC Radio, Launceston, Tasmania, 1979
* Editor, External Studies Unit, Tasmanian C.A.E., Launceston, Tasmania, 1979
B. Full Time Jobs:(average 2.5 years each)
* Maintenance Scheduler, Renison Goldfields P/L, Zeehan, Tasmania, 1981-1982
* Adult Educator, Tafe, Katherine, Northern Territory, 1982-1986(some teaching
* Public Relations Officer, Hedland College, South Hedland, WA, 1986-
1987(some teaching involved)
C. Casual/Volunteer Work:(Recent--1997 to 2005)
* Research Assistant, Recreation Network Inc(disability services) Subiaco, WA,
* Presenter of Programs, City Park Radio, Launceston, 2000-2003.
* Tutor/President, George Town School for Seniors, Inc., George Town, Tasmania,
* Several positions in at the local and regional levels of Baha’i Administration in
Perth WA and in Tasmania from 1997 to 2005.
* Writing: see section 2 above for details: 1962-2014
* Reading and music : 1962-2014, separate statements available if desired.
* The social sciences and humanities: have more than 300 files/notebooks/resource
manuals, circa 20 million words, collected over 52 years(1962-2014). A summary
statement is available, if requested.
* Exercise and fitness: separate statement available on request, if desired.
* Member of a singing group in George Town(2001-2005)
* Public Speaking Assessor, Rostrum, Katherine, NT(1984/6)
* Member of the Lions Club, Zeehan Tasmania(1981/2)
* Member of fitness centres in Melbourne(1975-6), Ballarat(1977-78),
Perth(1989-99) and Launceston(1999-2003)
* Member of baseball and hockey teams in Burlington Ontario(1953-1962)
* Member of the Baha’i Faith(1959-2014)
(see Baha’i Resume below for details)
* I have been a member of many other groups during the fifty year period 1957-
2014, the age of 13 to 70. I was associated with or worked as a volunteer in: (a)
The George Town School for Seniors, (b) City Park Radio in Launceston and (c)
several other clubs and associations like: (I) Cubs, (II) formal discussion groups in
educational institutions as a student and (III) unnumbered groups as a teacher.
8.1 1 am never required to supply transcripts, references and testimonials in
relation to positions since I never apply for jobs of any kind. I do keep an archive-
file for nostalgia purposes, as well as a form of concrete/official evidence, of many
of the references and documents in connection with my working life and my
community participation as a citizen.
This archive also contains evidence of my volunteer work and individual initiative
in relation to the many interest groups I was involved with in the communities
where I lived over the last 60 years, 1953 to 2014. As I say, I have not been
required to present any of these documents in the last decade, the years 2006 to
2014, years of what has been my retirement from all FT, PT and C/V work.
8.2 Samples of my writing are also available in a separate portfolio, if requested.
This portfolio of my writing is available in its many forms and genres as suited and
relevant to the needs of the groups and individuals making the requests. Virtually
all of the requests now come from locations on the world-wide-web.
8.3 In July 1999 I ceased full-time employment as a lecturer-teacher, although still
continued on a casual, volunteer and part-time basis until 2005. In May 2001 I
went onto an Australian Disability Pension due to my bipolar disorder and in July
2009 I went on to the Australian Old Age Pension. Now at the age of 70 I devote
myself full-time to writing, although my wife ensures that I keep my-end-up, so to
speak, on the domestic front and in the volunteer/social world where she plays an
active role .
* a personal & bio-data sheet can be found below in Appendix A.
* a covering letter was supplied until 2005 specifically related to some position in
* a list of subjects taught can be found in Appendix B below.
* a Bahá’í resume is found in Appendix C below; and
* a general perspective on my career and lifeline in Appendix D
Ron Price
George Town Tasmania Australia
Last Updated On: 28 November 2014 at age: 70.3
GIVEN NAMES Ronald Frederick
ADDRESS 6 Reece Street George Town Tasmania Australia 7253
TELEPHONE 61-03-63824790(“61” is for international calls)
The approximately 4000 word statement which can be accessed at this link
describes my transition out of paid-employment and the job-hunting process. My
life-narrative was involved in job-hunting and paid-employment from 1957 to
2007, 1953 to 2003, or 1954 to 2004 depending on my definitions of job-hunting
on the one hand, and paid-employment on the other. It was a transition to a full
retirement from all FT paid-employment, and to the pursuit of a leisure life devoted
to being a writer and author, poet and publisher, online blogger and journalist,
editor and researcher, reader and scholar. The years 1999 to 2007 marked these
years of transition. During those 8 years I also gave up PT work and most casual-
volunteer work. Go to this link for that statement:
Manic-depression or bi-polar disorder: treated--separate statement
AGE 70.3
REFEREES Have not required any referees in the last 8 years:2007-2014,
but they can be provided if required.
VOLUNTEER/ See lists above in sections 3,4, and 5 of resume.
VALUE BASE Member of the Baha’i Faith for 55 years, 1959-2014.
COMPUTER Extensive use of computer to: (a) write, (b) send emails,
LITERACY (c) do topic searches and (d) keep a large personal
archive of documents.
PHOTO Digital photos available on electronic transfer, if desired.
PORTFOLIO I have a large portfolio of my writing available under separate
cover, if desired.
hair colour:greying quickly; eye colour: hazel; weight 238
lbs(17 stone) & increasing slowly; height: 6 feet(183 cms);
full medical details/statement is also available, if required.
MARITAL STATUS married twice: 1967-1975 and 1975 -2014
CHILDREN three: one from my second marriage(son age 37 in 2014),
and two from my second wife’s first marriage( two girls,
my step-daughters, ages in 2014 are:48 & 43).
The list below outlines the ‘subjects’ taught and the institutions where I taught
them between 1974 and 2005: 31 years. As I mentioned above, though, (i) I did
not teach in the years 1980-1981 and (ii) from July 1999 to May 2005 my teaching
was PT, casual and/or volunteer giving an actual total of only 21 years of full-time
post-secondary teaching. Some teachers have a highly specialized teaching
function and others are generalists. My role was as a generalist and this is why
there is such a variety of subjects which I taught and which are listed below.
A. Hedland College: Acting Lecturer in Management Studies 1986-1987:
Katherine Open College of Tafe 1982-1986:
Interpersonal Skills A
Interpersonal Skills B
Performance Appraisal
Negotiating Skills A
Negotiating Skills B
Conflict Resolution A
Conflict Resolution B
Introduction to Management
Club Management
Time Management
Interview Techniques
Public Speaking
Interview Techniques
Consultation Skills
Letter Writing and Report Writing A
Letter Writing and Report Writing B
Supervision Skills
Aboriginal Administrator Training Officer Skills
Creative Writing(Adult Education)
Sociology(Adult Education)
B. Thornlie Campus of the SEMC and Perth Campus of CMC 1988-1999:
Communication Core(Certificate 3)
Communication 1(Diploma)
Business Communication 1A(Diploma)
Business Communication 1B(Diploma)
Ancient Greek History TEE
Ancient Roman History TEE
Modern History TEE
Politics TEE
English Literature TEE
English TEE
Traditional Culture and Modern Society(Anthropology)
Framework of Australian Society(Economics)
History of Ideas
Australian Government and Legal Systems
Philosophy 1 A
Philosophy 1B
General Psychology
Commercial and Civic Principles
Interpersonal Study and Work Skills 001
Interpersonal Study and Work Skills 002
Society and Culture(Sociology)
Life Skills 1B(guitar)
Recreation 2(Certificate 2)
Social Science Introduction
Welfare Practice 1A
Welfare Practice 1B
Welfare Practice 2A
Welfare Practice 2B
C. Thornlie Campus: 1994-1999
In these three programs: Human Services Certificate 3
Welfare Studies Certificate 4
Human Services Diploma(5)
I taught the following subjects:
Welfare Communication (4)
Introduction to Human Services(3)
Dealing With Conflict(3)
Family and Community(3)
Workteam Communication(3)
Service Provision and Practice(3)
Study Skills(3)
Recognition of Prior Learning(3)
Human Development 001(3)
Human Development 002(3)
Field Placement(3), (4) and (5)
Field Tutorial(3) and (5)
Managing People: Training and Development(5)
Managing Group Problem Solving and Decision Making(5)
Sociology for Human Service Workers(5)
D. Thornlie Campus of the SEMC: General Studies: 1989-1998:
Writing Plain English
Writing Workplace Documents
Presenting Information
Presenting Reports
Workplace Communication
Quality Team Management
Job Seeking Skills
Communication and Industrial Relations
Managing Effective Working Relationships
Managing and Developing Teams
Field Experience in Community Services
Work Experience in Job Train Programs
E. Engineering, Applied Science and Social Science Students
at the Ballarat College of Advanced Education 1976-1978:
(now the University of Ballarat)
Social Science(Applied Science: Engineering)(BSc)
Social Science(Applied Science: Geology)(BSc)
Social Science(Social Science)(BA)
Australian Media(Social Science)(BA)
Sociological Theory(Teacher Trainees: Secondary)
F. Whitehorse Technical College: 1975-1976
Behavioural Studies(Library Technician Trainees)(Cert.3)
G. Tasmanian College of Advanced Education
(now the University of Tasmania): 1974:
Language in Use(Linguistics)
Introductory Psychology
Human Relations
Sociology of Art
Individualized Learning
H. The George Town School of Seniors Inc: 1999-2005
Creative Writing
Social Sciences
Media Studies
The outline below is a brief sketch only. No attempt is made to list all the activities
in the 61 years(1953-2014) of my association with and membership/service in the
Baha’i community. In outlining what follows I have tended to generalize rather
than specify the particular tasks in terms of place, length of time, specific programs
and their respective purposes. Some specificity is required, though, and I think I
have provided a good balance between specificity and generality.
I would think, in the vast majority of cases, the information is correct and accurate.
This statement was once used when applying for positions somewhere in what has
become a vast network of service situations/institutions around the globe both
within and outside the Baha'i community. In the last decade, 2003 to 2014, in
these early years of my retirement and late adulthood, I have not applied for
positions using this document or some variation of it.
A. PRE-YOUTH : 1953-1959
B. YOUTH : 1959-1963
C. ADULT : 1963-2014
LSA of the Baha’is of Windsor : 1966/7: vice-chairman
LSA of the Baha’is of Toronto : 1969
LSA of the Baha’is of Whyalla : 1972: secretary
LSA of the Baha’is of Gawler : 1973: chairman
LSA of the Baha’is of Ballarat : 1976-78: chairman/secretary
LSA of the Baha’is of Launceston: 1979: publicity officer
LSA of the Baha’is of Stirling : 1988: secretary
LSA of the Baha’is of Belmont : 1989-1999: chairman/secretary for 7 years
Frobisher Bay NWT : 1967-68
King City Ontario : 1969
Picton Ontario : 1970-71
Whyalla South Aust : 1971
Launceston Tasmania : 1974
Kew Victoria : 1975
Smithton Tasmania : 1979
Zeehan Tasmania : 1980-82
Katherine NT : 1982-86
South Hedland WA : 1986-87
George Town Tas : 1999-2014
See my resume above for details in these two categories of my writing.
1. LSA and Group Committees:
The list of committees during the 19 years of service on LSAs and another 31 years
in Registered and Unregistered Groups is partly too long to recount and partly
beyond the scope of my memory after all these years. I do not recall serving on
any committees in the five year period 1959 to 1964. Since May of 2005 I have
been the publicity officer of the George Town Baha’i Group, and the secretary.
1. Regional and National Teaching Committees:(RTCs and NTCs)
1. RTC of Northern Tasmania : 1974
2. RTC of the Northern Territory : 1984-86
3. National Community Development Committee : 1976-77
In the Northern Territory in 1986 for a few months before moving interstate.
1. Homefront : Canada : 1962-1971
2. International : Australia : 1971-2014
It is very difficult to quantify one’s teaching work and the accomplishments and
developments of some 52 years of teaching as a pioneer(1962-2014), as a new
Baha’i in my home town for three years(1959-1962) before pioneering, and the
several years of early contact(1953-1959) as a result of my mother and father's
involvement in this new Faith. But, given the importance of this part of Baha’i
life, the following activities could be listed as areas of contribution relevant to the
teaching work during a period of often unrealistically high expectations, with the
consequent measure of inevitable disappointments and discouragements. These
contributions also took place during the succession of the Cause’s developments
and triumphs in the face of opposition in the land of its birth and indifference in
many other countries, as well as triumphs that have encouraged and inspired its
It should also be emphasized, as a preamble to this list, that since the mid-1990s
there has been an important shift in the field of Baha’i public information and the
focus of Baha’i activity, what has amounted to a new paradigm, a new culture of
learning and growth in the Baha'i community. The former preoccupation with
“conversion” and the inevitable sense of “us and them” that necessarily and
unavoidably intruded for so many years; what had become a somewhat parochial
view of focusing the Baha’i message in religious categories has been slowly
replaced with a more inclusive approach or philosophy and my own teaching work
has reflected this shift.
It should also be emphasized that this teaching work has been part of Canada's
glorious mission overseas and the extension of the teaching work to the
northernmost part of Canada as the Guardian has described various aspects of the
global teaching work of the Canadian Baha'i community in his letters to Canada.
7.1 Working on LSAs, Groups and Committees
7.2 Writing: (see my resume above)
7.2.1 essays and poetry for magazines, journals, newspapers and websites in and
out of the Baha’i community
7.2.2 essays and poetry given to individuals, groups and LSAs in the Baha’i
note: -some of this poetry is kept at the Baha’i World Centre Library(BWCL)
-the rest I have on file in hard copy or in my computer directory at home
7.2.3 Giving talks/presentations/interviews
7.2.4 Working as a teacher in educational institutions
7.2.5 Moving to many towns and states where few or no Baha’is have lived
7.2.6 Moving to another country at crucial point in a Plan as a pioneer: 1971
7.2.7 Entering into various forms of activity and interest groups in local
communities Taking part in festivals and other public events, social programs and
musical events Taking part in media programs and local organizations in a list too long to
7.2.8 Promoting the Baha’i Faith through various forms of advertising such as:
- putting up posters, an estimated.......10,000.
-doing letterbox drops, an estimated....7,000
-placing ads in newspapers, radio stations, TV stations and magazines,
an estimated 1000, and
-being interviewed on radio, eight radio appearances
(one on cassette tape; one on mini-disc and sent to the BWCL).
7.2.9 Going on unnumbered travel teaching trips from home communities/localities
to extension goals, to towns which were not goals & overseas as a
pioneer; and
7.2.10 Giving poetry readings in both Baha’i and other interest group settings
7.2.11 Held monthly devotional meeting from 2003 to 2014 in the locality where I
live in Tasmania
It is also difficult to define one’s contributions to the consolidation work over this
same time period of some 61 years. Again, some attempt is made below, given the
importance of consolidation during these years of the ninth and the tenth stage of
Baha’i history: 1953-2014. There has been a major shift in the nature of
consolidation in Baha’i communities as there has been in the teaching domain. I
would like to list the following as part of my contribution to the consolidation
work in its several forms:
1. Work on the Baha’i institutions listed above taking many forms—too
extensive to list here;
2. Writing, as listed above and requiring no more description;
3. Writing booklets of poetry which I have had, and will have, a consolidation
potential in the years ahead since they provide a rich base of comment on the
several decades of Baha’i experience in these epochs; and
4. Several of the activities listed above under ‘teaching’ which also had a
consolidation function.
9.1 Letter Writing
Go to this link:
9.2 Essay Writing:
Go to this link:
9.3 Internet Work:
1. Everything I do with other people online is part of my particular type of social
networking. My social networking is associated with three basic activities: (a) the
creation of a personal webpage that serves as a home base, a central hub, for my
writing, for teaching and consolidation, that is, community building, for service
and social activism, as well as for feedback from others---should they wish; (b) the
creation of a detailed personal profile(see Appendix 1 below) which I post at over
8000 internet sites which readers at these sites can access, again, if they wish; and
finally (c) posting my writing at these 8000+ sites, and interacting with others
about my posts and theirs. In the process I promote my website, and my writing, at
these 8000+ internet sites.
2. In the last decade, 2004 to 2014, I have created an extensive audience or
readership. I address myself to a circle, a crowd or single individuals. I try to make
of my interactions more than the typical ones found at sites
like Facebook and twitter. The interactions or connections at such popular social
networking sites often reduce friendship to a feeling or an image, a sense of
connection to faraway or nearby friends about everyday things based, for the most
part, on very short, pithy posts. Such connections involve posts that often contain
little about one’s true difficulties in life. A world of privacy and an image is
created. There is nothing wrong with that, with this type of site and networking
style, but it is not my style, not my approach, not my MO, modus operandi, to use
a who-dun-it term.
3. I post a great deal about what I think in the form of prose and poetry, generally
more extended pieces of writing than the posts found in the Facebook and twitter
world. My posts are far beyond the one-liners, the jokes, what I did today, what I
ate for dinner, I poke you, I like this and I don’t like that, the ‘here are some photos
of this’ and ‘here are some pictures of that’, ‘here is a video of this’ and ‘here is a
piece of music,’etc.
1. My website has been on the internet for the last 18 years: 1997-2014. It is part
of a tapestry, or perhaps a jig-saw puzzle is a more accurate word, for all my poetry
and prose both at my website and elsewhere in cyberspace at those 8000+ sites
mentioned above. I have dozens of links at my site, some linked to my writing at
other internet sites, and some linked to resources created by others. I have created
a large thread of words across the internet since leaving the world of jobs in the
late 1990s and taking a sea-change at the age of 55.
2. My cyberspace creation is made by a now self-employed individual: a retired
teacher and lecturer, tutor and adult educator, taxi-driver and ice-cream salesman. I
am now a writer and author, poet and publisher, editor and scholar, researcher and
editor,online blogger and online journalist, scribbler and sampler within the
immense commentariat and bloggosphere that is the world-wide-web.
3. I am now 70.3(28/11/'14) and I attempt to endow various themes and a wide
range of subjects in the arts and sciences with many layers of meaning. In these
last 18 years on the world-wide-web I have evoked a complex range of responses
in readers who come upon my work, responses which range from lavish
enthusiasm to utter indifference and quite intense criticism. The solitary work of
literary creation requires a type of talent, some earned ability or unearned gift of
grace which is almost never collaborative. Social networking may expose readers
to this or that book, this or that video or piece of music, this or that restaurant, food
dish or pleasurable activity, this or that idea or cause.
3.1 The solitude I require to create an essay, a poem or a book requires my ability
to draw on the globally interrelated, interdependent and interlocked system of the
WWW to market my wares. Until my work is ready to be placed in cyberspace the
activity is intensely private, although I often draw on the work of other writers in
composing my own literary creations. The marketing of my work is also private,
and then the feedback comes in or it does not as the case may be. Not everything I
write in cyberspace is commented on by others.
I will continue to use my website as the central hub for my literary work, for my
internet teaching and learning activity, for my now several million words and many
books on the internet in this 2nd
decade of the 21st
century. My writing is found in
the form of: essays and blogs, poems and articles, ebooks and message boards,
threads and special topic sites, indeed a myriad types of discussions. I do not
engage, though, in any sort of aggressive proselytising or heated exchange at those
8000 websites that are part of this personal and industrious exercise. When what I
write produces vehemence and invective, heated criticism at some site, I simply
leave if I am unable to cool the emotional climate at the site. Sometimes I am
banned from a site before this occurs for a variety of reasons: Christians only,
Muslims only or some other form of exclusivist site-policy. Sometimes what I
write is considered spam and, even after I defend my case, I am sometimes
excluded from some site. In cyberspace as in any real space, one cannot win all the
1.I have tried over the last several decades of my life, looking back as far as my
own junior youth in the 1950s, to develop a writing style which, while fusing
together material from many academic disciplines, from my own life as well as
from my value, belief and attitude base, aims to be both provocative and
intellectually stimulating on the one hand and light and entertaining on the other.
In writing, as in daily life though, one wins sometimes and one loses at other times;
one’s writing appeals to some and not to others. One’s value, belief and attitude
base is a set of assumptions around which one places one’s emotions and then
proceeds to act and argue one’s case before the court of life.
2. I possess an obvious enthusiasm for my evolving values, beliefs and attitudes as
well as the several causes I promote or I would not have been associated with some
of them in their overt form---for more than 60 years; nor would I be promoting my
ideas in a multitude of forms, subtle and not-so-subtle, on the internet as I do and
have done since retiring from FT work in 1999, PT in 2003 and most casual-
volunteer work in 2005.
1. I now have several million readers on the internet. It is difficult to guesstimate
readership precisely in cyberspace when there are now at least 1 billion sites and
some 3 billion users, and when one writes at as many sites as I do. Many of the
sites at which I post my writing and interact with others keep me informed about
how many people click-on to what I have written.
2. I am engaged in varying degrees of frequency and intensity, in parts of this
tapestry, this jig-saw puzzle, this literary product, this creation, this immense pile
of words with hundreds of people with whom I correspond on occasion as a result.
I keep most of this correspondence as infrequent as possible or I would drown in
this new form of letter writing: the email and the internet post.
1.This amazing technical facility, the world wide web, has made this literary
success, this form of publishing, possible. This teaching and learning exercise, this
form of service and often social activism, among the many other functions of my
writing in the now wide and extensive dialogue I now have with diverse publics is
an enriching one. If my writing had been left in the hands of the traditional hard
and soft-cover publishers, where it had been without success for the most part from
1981 to 2001, these publishing results with my now extensive readership would
never have been achieved.
2.It is my hope that what I write as a result of this self-employment, this literary
vocation and avocation, this pleasurable occupation of my leisure time, resonates
with both the novitiate and the veteran on the one hand and the great diversity of
people who are on a multitude of paths in their journey through life.
When accessing what I write in cyberspace you can Google: Ron Price, but be
aware that there are 4000 to 5000 other Ron Prices now on the web. Some of them
are men of fame and others of notoriety. You can also Google: Pioneering Over
Five Epochs or Ron Price forums/blogs or Ron Price followed by…..many other
words and phrases literally several 1000 possibilities to access what I have written.
My website, to reiterate, is found at: My email
address is you want to write to me.
2010-2014-Retired and on an old-age pension in George Town, Tasmania
1999-2009-Writer & Author, Poet & Publisher, Editor & Researcher, Reader and
Scholar, Online Blogger and Journalist, Retired Teacher & Tutor, Lecturer & Adult
Educator, Taxi-Driver & Ice-Cream Salesman, George Town Tasmania Australia
2002-2005-Program Presenter City Park Radio Launceston
1999-2004-Tutor &/or President George Town School for Seniors Inc
1988-1999 -Lecturer in General Studies & Human Services West Australian
Department of Training
1986-1987 -Acting Lecturer in Management Studies & Co-ordinator of Further
Education Unit at Hedland College in South Hedland WA
1982-1985 -Adult Educator Open College of Tafe Katherine NT
1981 -Maintenance Scheduler Renison Bell Zeehan Tasmania
1980-Unemployed due to illness and recovery
1979-Editor External Studies Unit Tasmanian CAE; Youth Worker Resource
Centre Association; Lecturer in Organizational Behaviour Tasmanian CAE;
Radio Journalist ABC---all in Launceston Tasmania
1976-1978 -Lecturer in Social Sciences & Humanities Ballarat CAE Ballarat,
1975 - Lecturer in Behavioural Studies Whitehorse Technical College, Box Hill
1974 -Senior Tutor in Education Studies Tasmanian CAE Launceston, Tasmania
1972-1973 -High School Teacher South Australian Education Department
1971-Primary School Teacher Whyalla South Australia
1969-1971 Primary School Teacher Prince Edward County Board of Education
Picton Ontario Canada
1969-Systems Analyst Bad Boy Co Ltd Toronto Ontario
1967-68 -Community Teacher Department of Indian Affairs & Northern
Development Frobisher Bay NWT Canada
1959-67 -Summer jobs-1 to 4 months each- from grade 10 to end of university
1949-1967--Attended 2 primary schools, 2 high schools and 2 universities in
Canada: McMaster Uni-1963-1966, Windsor Teachers’ College-1966/7
1944-1963 -Childhood(1944-57) and adolescence(1957-63) in and around
Hamilton Ontario
1943 to 1944-Conception in October 1943 to birth in July 1944 in Hamilton
I have been married twice for a total of 47 years. My second wife is a
Tasmanian, aged 68. We’ve had one child: age 37. I have two step-children:
ages: 48 and 43, three step-grandchildren, ages 21, 18 and 4, as well as one
grandchild aged 3 years. All of the above applies in November 2014. I am 70,
am a Canadian who moved to Australia in 1971 and have written several
books--all available on the internet. I retired from full-time teaching in 1999,
part-time teaching in 2003 and volunteer teaching/work in 2005 after 32 years
in classrooms as a teacher and another 18 as a student. In addition, I have been
a member of the Baha’i Faith for 55 years. Bio-data: 6ft, 238 lbs, eyes-
brown/hair-grey, Caucasian.
My website is found at: You can also go to any
search engine and type: Ron Price followed by any one of a number of words in
addition to: poetry, forums, blogs, literature, history, bipolar disorder,
psychology, sociology, media studies, inter alia, to access my
In a lifetime, some 6 decades now, of service in this emerging world religion one
does a great deal. This section has been opened to include items not covered in the
above. More details will be elaborated upon in the years ahead as my life continues
through this last decade(70-80) of late adulthood(60 to 80) and old age(80++), if I
last that long, and as this Cause goes through transformations that cannot, as yet,
be anticipated.
11.1 The above sketch, or Baha’i resume as I call it, has been written to provide an
outline of my activity in the Baha’i community since 1953 when my mother joined
this new world Faith, and I was still a child and, since 1959, when I joined the
Baha'i Faith at the age of 15. The approximately 200 thousand Baha’is in 1953 are
now 5 to 8 million and the Baha’i community has gone through several
transformations in this time as has the focus and direction of the teaching efforts.
This sketch above is concerned more specially with the years since 1962 when my
pioneering life began in Dundas Ontario, and since 1966 when my service in
Baha'i Administration started in Windsor Ontario. The decades of struggle in
implementing the global Plans of the Universal House of Justice also began in
these years and what seems now like an endless series of creative and not-so-
creative experiments, brief periods of activity, greater periods of growth and then,
at times, crises and disintegration with often inconspicuous events offering
widening dimensions of possibility.
This sketch of mine, this statement, also needs to be read in conjunction with: (a)
my professional resume above--which I used for many years in a multitude of
forms when applying for general employment positions; and with (b) my more
than 7000 poems--which is part of a larger autobiographical work entitled
Pioneering Over Four Epochs containing: journals, poetry, letters, book reviews,
photographs, tapes, notes and narrative written and collected over 50 years: from
1957 to 2014—an estimated five million words.
11.2 Some 5000 of my poems were sent as a gift to the BWCL in the dozen years
from 1988 to 2000 in celebration of the wondrous efflorescence that is the Baha’i
Project and the Terraces on Mount Carmel. An 800 page autobiography(5th
by the same title was also sent to the BWCL in 2004. This statement, like my
professional resume, was once used when applying for positions in the embryonic
global Baha’i Administrative Order. Now it is only used on the internet, when
relevant, at various websites in connection with a host of subjects.
I trust the above statement is useful to readers who chance upon it and helps
Baha’is in their efforts to serve the Cause and establish it among their
contemporaries more firmly than it already is---as “the axis of the oneness of the
world of humanity”
Ron Price 25 November 2014
JOB HUNTING 1961-2007
Part 1:
The information and details in the above resume, a resume I rarely use in the job-
hunting world anymore, should help anyone wanting to know something about my
personal and professional background, my writing and my life. This resume might
be useful for the few who want to assess my suitability for some advertised or
unadvertised employment position which, I must emphasize again, I rarely apply
for anymore, but which I might seriously consider given the right circumstances.
I ceased making regular efforts to apply for full-time jobs more than a dozen years
ago in 2001 and part-time ones in 2003. I also left the world of volunteer activity,
except for work in one international organization, the Baha’i Faith, in May 2005.
The age of 70 sees me, then, self-employed as a writer-poet. I gradually came to
this role in the years after I left full-time employment in 1999, fifteen years ago.
Not being occupied with earning a living and giving myself to 60++ hours a week
in a FT job, as I had done for many years before taking an early retirement at the
age of 55 in 1999; and not giving myself to many other hours of community
activity from 1999 to 2014, marked a turning point in my life so that I could devote
my time to a much more extensive involvement in writing.
Part 2:
Writing is for most of its votaries a solitary, hopefully stimulating but not always
pleasurable leisure-time-part-time-full-time pursuit. In my case in these early
years of my late adulthood, writing is full-time about 60 hours a week.1
I have
replaced paid employment and activity with people in community with a form of
work which is also a form of leisure, namely, writing and reading.
Inevitably the style of one's writing and what one reads is a reflection of the
person, their experience and their philosophy. Occasionally I attach my resume
with its summary of my experience and qualifications this experience to this brief
essay, this introductory statement on the history of my job application process.2
1 This involves reading, posting on the internet, developing my own website and
writing in several genres.
2 My resume is only included with this statement when it seems appropriate, on
request, in my autobiography/memoirs or on the internet for some other purpose.
as Carl Jung writes, we are what we do, then some of what I was and what I am
can be found in that attachment. That document may seem over-the-top, as they
say, to some readers since it now goes on for nearly 30 pages, but after nearly half
a century of various forms of employment, years in the professional and not-so-
professional job world, a great pile of experience was produced, a pile that still
surprises me when I read it occasionally. As I say, I make it available to readers
when appropriate and virtually entirely on the world-wide-web now. I update it to
include many of the writing projects I have taken on during these first years of my
retirement from full-time, part-time and volunteer activity.
The resume has always been the piece of writing, the statement, the document, the
entry ticket which has opened up the possibilities of another adventure, another
pioneering move to another town, another state or country, another location, work
in another organization, another portion of my life. I'm sure that will also be the
case in the years of my late adulthood(60-80) and old age(80++) should, for some
reason, movement to yet another place or, indeed, from place to place be necessary
or desired. As I go through these early years of my late adulthood(60-80) and
head into the last stage of my life, 80++, a stage usually called old age, I like to
keep my options open, as they say.
Part 3:
In the last ten years which are the first(60 to 70) of my late adulthood(60 to 80) and
in these early years of my retirement(2004 to 2014), I have been able to write to a
much greater extent than I had ever been able to do in those years of my early and
middle adulthood from 1965 to 2003 when job, family and the demands of various
community projects kept my nose to the grindstone as they say colloquially. With
the final unloading of much of the volunteer work I took on over many decades
and more recently in Tasmania from 1999-2004, with my last child having left
home in 2005, and with a more settled home environment than I’ve ever had, the
remaining years of late adulthood(70-80) beckon bright with promise. My resume
reflects this shift in my roles and my activity-base.
The process of frequent moves and frequent jobs which was my pattern for forty
years is not everyone's style, modus operandi or modus vivendi. Many millions of
people live and die in the same town, city or state and their life's adventure takes
place within that physical region, the confines of a relatively small place and,
perhaps, a very few jobs in their lifetime. Physical movement is not essential to
psychological and spiritual growth, nor is a long list of jobs, although some degree
of inner change, some inner shifting is just about inevitable, or so it seems to me,
especially in these recent decades. For many millions of people during the years
1961-2005, my years of being jobbed, the world was their oyster, not so much in
the manner of a tourist, although there was plenty of that, but rather in terms of
working lives which came to be seen increasingly in a global context.
This was true for me during those years when I was looking for amusement,
education and experience, some stimulating vocation and avocation, some
employment security and comfort, my adventurous years of pioneering, my
applying-for-job days, the more than forty years from 1961 to 2005. My resume
altered many times, of course, during those forty plus years is now for the most
part, as I indicated above, rarely used in these years of my retirement, except as an
information and bio-data vehicle for interested readers, 99% of whom are on the
internet at its plethora of sites.
Part 4:
This document, what I used to call a curriculum vitae or CV, is a useful backdrop,
though, for those examining my writing, both my prose and my poetry, although
some writers and, more so, poets regard their CV, resume, bio-data, lifeline, life-
story, personal background as irrelevant to their work. For they take the position,
assume the philosophical stance, that a person is not what he does or, to put it a
little differently and a little more succinctly, "we are not our jobs." I frequently use
this resume at various website locations on the Internet when I want to provide
some introductory background on myself, indeed, I could list many new uses after
forty years of only one use--to help me get a job, make more money, enrich my
experience add some enrichment to my life, etcetera.
For decades this resume saved me from having to reinvent the wheel, so to speak.
I did not have to say it all again in resume after resume to the point of utter tedium
as I did so frequently when applying for jobs, especially in the days before the
email and the internet. A few clicks of one’s personal electronic-computer system
and some aspect of life’s game goes on or comes to a quick end at the other end of
the electronic set of wires, as the case may be. During those job-hunting years
1961-2007 I applied for some four thousand jobs, an average of one-to-two a week
for each of all those years! This is a guesstimation, of course, as accurate a
guesstimation as I can calculate for this forty year period. The great bulk of those
thousands of letters involved in this vast, detailed and, from time to time, quite
exhausting and frustrating a process, I did not keep. I did keep a small handful of
perhaps half a dozen of all those letters in a file in the Letters: Section VII, Sub-
Section X of my autobiographical work, Pioneering Over Four Epochs. Given the
thousands of hours over those forty years devoted to the job-hunting process; given
the importance of this key to the pioneering venture that is my life; given the
amount of paper produced and energy expended; given the amount of writing done
in the context of those various jobs,3
some of the correspondence seemed to
warrant a corner in the written story of my life.4
It seemed appropriate, at least it was my desire, to write this short statement fitting
all those thousands of resumes into a larger context. The things we do when we
3 Beginning with the summer job I had in the Canadian Peace Research Institute in
1964, I wrote an unnumbered quantity of: summaries, reports, essays, evaluations,
subject notes, inter alia, in my many jobs. None of that material has been kept in
any of my files and, over 40 years, it amounted to literally millions, an uncountable
number, of words.
4 The Letters section of my autobiography/memoirs now occupies some 25 arch-
lever files and two-ring binders and covers the period 1960 to 2007. I guesstimate
the collection contains about 3000 letters. This does not include these thousands of
job applications and their replies, thousands of emails now and an unnumbered
quantity of in-house letters at places where I was employed. I have kept, as I say
above, about half a dozen to a dozen of these letters and none of the approximately
10,000 documents I wrote in the years 1961 to 2005.
5 From 1994 to 2014 thousands of emails have been sent to me and replies have
been written but, like the job application, most have been deleted from any
potential archive. For the most part these deleted emails seem to have no long
term value in an archive of letters. They were deleted as quickly as they came in.
Of course there are other emails, nearly all of the correspondence I have sent and
received since about 1990 to 1995 which would once have been in the form of
letters, is now in the form of emails. They are kept in my letter-files along with
internet site postings and, together, they occupy another 25 arch-lever files and
two-ring binders.

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Integrated Resumes-for secular (1)

  • 1. A.1.3 This is the revised draft of my report to the the NSA of the Baha'is of Canada, sent 28/11/'14, and to the NSA of the Baha'is of Australia sent 24/11/'14 and the UHJ also in that last week of November some time. THE RESUME OF RON PRICE Preamble: Part 1: In addition to my professional resume found below, my Baha’i resume is also found here(Appendix C), as is a list of subjects I taught while teaching and tutoring, lecturing and delivering adult education programs in post-secondary schools, colleges and universities(Appendix B). A basic bio-data sheet(Appendix A) is also included. Finally, I have attached, in an Appendix D, a general perspective on my personal career, a perspective that an employing authority would have found relevant in the latter years of my paid-employment life and now, in cyberspace, some readers will find useful in describing my life-narrative in relation to the world of paid employment. I no longer apply for jobs, as I did from 1950 to 2005, and the above set of evolving documents, altered more times over the 55 years of my paid-employment life, is now found in an electronic archive in my computer directory. I update these documents occasionally for internet use in this first decade of my full retirement from FT, PT and casual employment in these last years of my late adulthood, a period used by developmental psychologists for the years 60 to 80 in the lifespan. I have come to use this package of information for a multitude of purposes on the internet in the last several years. I forward it to you for your use in whatever way it has value in the years ahead. Part 2: My professional resume and the statement of my Baha’i experience has gradually come to take the form it now has as an integrated document. I once utilized my resume, my curriculum vitae(CV), along with a brief statement of my lifeline, life- story, personal-life narrative to provide a broader perspective for employing authorities to assist them in assessing the relevance of my particular application for the position in question. Each person writes “their story” and outlines their “resume” in their own way. With a whole industry that has now grown-up around
  • 2. this process of job applications, I tried to provide employing authorities with what I hoped they would find a refreshing and distinctive approach to this job application process. What follows is not so much a model, for there are dozens of models now and readers of this statement are in no need of yet another model for the job application industry or some employing institution. What follows is, rather, an integration of a professional, a Baha’i and a more personal resume in these the retirement years of my life which I utilize on the internet for all sorts of professional, public and personal reasons suited to my purposes. I now utilize this resume, this still evolving document, in many ways, in many formats, at many internet sites in their various sections and sub-section. I hope you find what follows, some 10,000 words and 32 A-4 pages, of some practical use, for it is intended to be useful to the recipient. Feel free to write to me directly at my email address if you would like to discuss this statement for any reason. –Ron Price, George Town, Tasmania, Australia, 28 November 2014. My email address is: __________________________________________________________________ RESUMES & RELEVANT APPENDICES PROFESSIONAL RESUME: 1.0 My Roles In Life: A. The Ascribed Roles I have had in life: grandson, son, nephew, cousin, half- brother, father, step-father, uncle, step-grandfather, step-father, husband, male, among a long list of other possibilities used by developmental psychologists. B. My Achieved Roles in life: writer, poet, essayist, author, journalist, teacher, tutor, lecturer, adult educator, student and many other roles found in section 4 below at different times since beginning my employment life in 1950. 1.1 Academic Qualifications * Bachelor of Arts(Sociology) McMaster University Hamilton Ontario Canada 1966 *B. Ed.(Primary School Training) Windsor Teachers’ College (Now University of Windsor) Windsor Ontario Canada 1967 * MA(Qualifying Thesis)
  • 3. University of Queensland St Lucia Queensland Australia 1988 1.2 Professional Qualifications * Post Graduate Diploma in Education Windsor University Windsor Ontario Canada 1967 * Certificate of Integrated Studies Education Department of Ontario Toronto Ontario Canada 1970 1.3 Further Studies(Qualifications Incomplete) * Advanced Diploma in Education University of Adelaide Adelaide South Australia 1973 -comparative education unit * Master of Educational Administration University of New England Armadale NSW 1975 to 1978 -comparative education, organization theory and practice, educational administration, open education and history of education units * Diploma in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations Tasmanian College of Advanced Education Launceston Tasmania 1980 -organizational behaviour-3 units * Graduate Diploma in Multicultural Education Armadale College of Advanced Education Armadale NSW 1983 -language and society unit; presented paper at residential school. * Graduate Diploma in Religious Education South Australian College of Advanced Education Adelaide South Australia 1984 to 1986 -religious symbols and symbolism, sociology of education, the Bible as literature, moral education, Islam and principles of religious education units. 1.4 Transcripts and Grades
  • 4. * Transcripts are available on request, originals or copies. * A summary of my academic record would read: Matriculation(B), BA(C), Dip. Ed.(B), Post-Graduate Studies(2 distinctions, 5 credits, 1 pass(B) and 10 pass(C) grades 1.5 Teaching Qualifications and Registrations * Teaching Certificate(Primary) Windsor Teachers’ College 1967 * Registered with the Primary, Secondary and Technical Teachers Registration Boards of Victoria in the mid-to-late 1970s, respectively * Granted permanency with the Department of Employment, Vocational Education and Training(Devet) in WA. Devet is now known as the Dept of Training in Western Australia as of 1993. 1.6 Professional Memberships and Eligibility * Secondary School Teachers Union of Western Australia: 1987 to 1999 Branch secretary for four of those years first at Hedland College in the Pilbara, and then at the Thornlie Campus of the Southeast Metropolitan College of Tafe now known as Polytechnic West--Thornlie Campus in Perth, Western Australia * Australian Association of Educational Administration: 1975 to 1976 * Australian Institute of Welfare Workers(eligible) 2. PUBLICATIONS: 2.1 Articles and Reviews: Journals/Websites 1.*Essays, Interviews and Articles on the Internet at: 1.1 The Baha'i Academic Resource Library/Baha’i Library Online has many categories of my writing and over a million words posted there from 2002 to 2014; and at 1.2 An estimated 8000 other sites containing several million words, 2001-2014 2. * "A History of the Baha'i Faith in the Northern Territory: 1947-1997," Northern Lights, 32 Instalments, 2000-2003. 3. * Periodic Articles in "Newsletters," Regional Teaching Committees and Baha'i Councils of the NSA of the Baha'is of Australia Inc., 1971-2014. 4. * Periodic Articles/Letters, Baha'i Canada and The Australian Baha'i Bulletin now The Australian Baha’i: 1971-2009. 5. * "Memorials of the Faithful," Baha'i Studies Review, September 2001. 6. * "Review of Two Chapbooks: The Poetry of Tony Lee," Arts Dialogue, June 2001. 7. * "Asia and the Lost Poems: The Poetry of Anthony Lee," Art 'n Soul, a Website for Poets and Poetry, January 2000.
  • 5. 8. * "The Passionate Artist," Australian Baha'i Studies, Vol.2, 2000. 9. * "Memorials of the Faithful," Australian Baha'i Studies, Vol.1, No.2, 1999, p.102 and uplifting, 2005-6. 10. * "Poetry of Ron Price: An Overview," ABS Newsletter, No.38, September 1997. 11. * "Thomas a Kempis, Taherzadeh and the Day of Judgement," Forum, Vol.3, No 1, 1994, pp.1-3. 12. * "Forward", An Introduction to Occasions of Grace: Poems and Portrayals, Roger White, George Ronald, Oxford, 1993. 13. * "The Inner Life and the Environment", Paper presented at a Baha’i Studies Conference at Murdoch University in April 1990 and published in The Environment: Our Common Heritage, Monograph No.5, 1994, pp.118-131. 14. * "The History of a Dream: A Tribute to Persistence", Office of Tafe Publication in Western Australia, 1988, pp.5-6. 15. * "Response", Dialogue, Vol.2, No.1, 1986, pp.3-4. 16. * "Homeward Bound", Dialogue, Vol.1, No. 1, 1985, pp.37-38. 17. * "Happiness", Herald of the South, Vol.11, 1985, pp.26-27. 18. * "Perspectives on Multiculturalism", Residential School Papers: May to July 1983, Centre for Multicultural Studies, Armidale CAE, pp.24-28. 19. * "Who Plays the Music in Your Dreams?", Dream International, 1983, Vol.1, No.3, p.31. 20. * "Consultative Decision Making", Northern News, Darwin, December, 1983. 21. *"The Baha'i Faith: A Series of 5 Articles," Student Magazine, Ballarat College of Advanced Education, 1977-78. 22. *“The Baha’i Faith: 4 Articles,” Tasmanian CAE Publication, Launceston, 1974. 23. My website is found at: 2.2. Articles and Reviews: Newspapers 1. 150 articles of 800 words each(on average) have appeared in the following newspapers and magazines in 1983-1986. Katherine Advertiser.....150,000 words Katherine Times................2,000 words Barkley Regional..................300 words Launceston Examiner...........300 words The Tasmanian.................... 300 words The Northern News .............300 words Cosmos.................................500 words Zirius.....................................500 words Ballarat CAE......................2,500 words(5 articles) Tasmanian CAE..................1,500 words(4 articles)
  • 6. Newspapers on Internet.....20,000 words 2. In 2005 I began posting items at online newspapers and journals now have postings at: 2.3 Online Newspapers and Journals 1. The New York Times 2. Nashuatelegraph 3. International Viewpoint 4. Persian Journal 5. The Australian 6. Career Journal 7. The Canadian Poetry Association 8. World Chronicle 9. Contemporary Literature 10. European History 11. Medieval History 12. Writers in Touch 13. Arkansas Poets Society 14. Dream Journal 15. Many other newspaper and journals listed in a separate compilation of internet sites available from the author on request 2.4 Prose At: 2.4.1 Online Message Boards; 2.4.2 Blogs, and 2.4.3 Forums: Approximately 2000 online sites listed in that same document sited above in 2.3.15 contain: (a) essays, (b) articles, (c) book reviews, (d) contributions/postings of various lengths(1000 to 5000 words) to discussions on innumerable topics, (e) shorter contributions/postings (100 to 250 words) and (f) uncountable postings of fewer words in lengthy exchanges of views, comments and ideas, often serious and often trivial. 2.5 Poetry Poetry published in the following publications: 1. Artgender 2. The Southern Gazette 3. Herald of the South 4. Katherine Advertiser 5. four W No.6: Selected Works-Charles Sturt University 6. The Southern Gazette 7. Australian Baha’i Bulletin 8. The Liquid Mirror
  • 7. 9. Baha'i Canada 10. Australian Bahá’í Studies Newsletter 11. Australian Baha'i Studies Journal 12. World Order: Anthology 13. An estimated forty magazines on the internet listed in the above document sited at 2.3.15 above 2.6 Online Poetry at: 2.6.1 Poetry Sites, and 2.6.2 Other Topic Sites Approximately 2000 sites: forums, blogs, message boards, poetry sites and other topic sites have poetry that I have written in one or more of the several sub- sections that occupy each of these sites. I have listed them under separate cover at 2.3.15 above and they can be obtained from this author by writing to me at my email address: Readers here may prefer to Google some of my material and readers can do this easily by typing the following words and word sequences into the respective search engines: Ron Price Poetry, Ron Price Bahá’í, Ron Price Literature( and/or history, media studies, philosophy, psychology, sociology, religion, Launceston, Australia, Canada, inter alia) 2.7 Manuals * 25 in-house training manuals in the management studies program for Hedland College and the Open College of Tafe in Katherine in the Northern Territory.(70 page average length of each manual: 1982-1986) * 60 study guides for the Perth Campus, Central Metropolitan College of Tafe and the Thornlie Campus, Southeast Metropolitan College of Tafe, in Perth Western Australia in a wide range of General Studies and Human Service subjects. (40 page average length: 1988-1999) * 6 study guides for classes at The School for Seniors in George Town: 1999- 2005. (see the list of subjects taught in Appendix B below) 2.8 Books, Essays and Letters 2.8.1 Books Complete: Published: * The Emergence of a Baha'i Consciousness in World Literature: The Poetry of Roger White. This is a collection of essays written from 1988 to 2002: 100,000 words. * Published by Juxta Publications and is available at The Baha'i Academics Resource Library online at: * Pioneering Over Five Epochs: An Autobiographical Study and a Study in Autobiography, 6th edition, BWCL, 2600 pages: 5 volumes in hard copy at
  • 8. (1) Reviewed by NSA of the Baha’is of the USA for publication in cyberspace; (2) eBookMall has an 1800 page abridged version for $2.98 and (3) many parts of this work are found at innumerable sites on the internet. 2.8.2 Books Incomplete: Unpublished: 12 attempts at a novel in the years 1988 to 1991. Longest single attempt 30,000 words. 2.8.3 Essays Complete: Unpublished: * 1979-2014—a collection of over 200(circa) autobiographical and other essays. 2.8.4 Essays Complete: Published: * Essays 1977-2014: A collection of over 300 essays(circa) published in many locations in (1) newspapers, (2) magazines, (3) journals and (4) on the internet. 2.8.5 Letters Complete: Unpublished: * 1957-2014: A collection of 50 volumes(arch-lever files and 2-ring binders) of letters, emails and posts on the internet, an estimated 10,000 items. An extended discussion of these 50 volumes can be found at: Bahá’í Library Online> Personal Letters. 2.6 Booklets 2.6.1 Complete: Unpublished: 75 booklets of poetry: 100-120 poems per booklet, written from 1980 to 2014, over 7000 poems in total. An extensive portion of the contents of these booklets can also be found at: Baha’i Library Online> Poetry. 2.7 Websites Several million words in several genres: essays, narrative, interviews, book reviews, poetry, letters, emails and a wide range of postings and responses to the writing of others are located at over 8000 websites on the internet. See the 2nd edition of my website( the hyperlink ‘Endgame', for a list of some of these sites. An outline of the developmental process that led to this slowly acquired internet publishing outlet and a list of some 8000 sites is available, as I have indicated above, under separate cover at: .The latest, the 4th, edition of my website is found at:
  • 9. 2.8 Collections of My Poetry in Libraries: 1. Baha'i World Centre Library, Baha'i World Centre, PO Box 31 001, Haifa Israel: 5000 poems. 2. Canadian National Baha'i Centre Library, 7200 Leslie Street, Thornhill, Ontario, L#T 6L8 Canada, 300 poems. 3. Australian National Baha'i Centre Library, Sydney, Australia, 300 poems. 4. Regional Baha'i Council of Tasmania, PO Box 1126, GPO Hobart, Tasmania, 7001, Baha'i State Library of Tasmania, Hobart, 300 poems. 5. Baha'i Centre of Learning Library, C/-LSA of the Baha'is of Melville, PO Box 628, Applecross, Western Australia, 6153, 200 poems. 6. Local Spiritual Assembly Library of the Baha'is of Burlington, Ontario, Canada, 300 poems. 7. International Pioneer Committee of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Canada, 7200 Leslie Street, Thornhill, Ontario, L3T 6L8, Canada, 120 poems. 8. Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Brighton, PO Box 553, Brighton, South Australia, 5048, State Baha'i Centre Library, Brighton, S.A., 120 poems. 9. Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Canberra, 18 Hichey Court, ACT, 2611, Baha'i Centre Library, 120 poems. 10. Baha'i Council of the Northern Territory, PO Box 2055, Humpty Doo, NT, 0836, 100 poems 11. Baha'i Council of Victoria, Knoxfield, Victoria, 3182, 100 poems. 12. LSAs of Belmont, Launceston and Darwin hold 'some of my poetry' in their archives, some 100 poems in total. 13. The Afnan Library, c/-George Ronald Publishers, 24 Gardiner Close, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 3YA, England has a CD of some 200,000 words. 14. LSA of the Baha’is of Toronto Ontario, 288 Bloor Street West, Toronto Ontario, M5S 1V8, Canada, 100 poems. 15. The Baha’i Community of Iqaluit, Iqaluit, NWT, Canada, 100 poems. 16. The Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Hamilton, PO Box 57009, Jackson Station, Hamilton, Ontario, L8P 4W9, 300 poems. 17. The Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Ballarat, PO Box 136, Ballarat, Victoria, 3350, 100 poems. 18. The last dozen of my Booklets of Poetry were now kept in my study in George Town, Tasmania. By my late 60s(circa 2011-12) I no longer had any plans to send booklets of my poetry to other individuals and Baha'i communities except, of course, in cyberspace. 2.9 Books in Traditional and Cyberspace Libraries: 1. The Emergence of a Baha'i Consciousness in World Literature: The Poetry of Roger White, in the Afnan Library, a 'deposit library' Administered by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United Kingdom, April 2003.
  • 10. 2. The same book is in the Baha'i Academics Resource Library/Baha’i Library Online>Books and at Juxta Publications. See 3. I have been given approval to publish the above book by the National Literature Committee of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Canada. Juxta Publications has put this book on their site at: and it can be downloaded free of charge. 4. Pioneering Over Four Epochs: An Autobiographical Study and a Study in Autobiography, BWCL, 5th edition; eBookMall and other websites have portions of this work at their sites. 2.10 Essays in Libraries: 1. The Baha'i World Centre Library, 50 essays-1994. 2. At least 50 internet libraries and sites, especially Baha’i Library Online at: (a)> Essays and Internet Postings; (b)>Histories, Memoirs and Interviews, (c) > Articles and Papers Unpublished and (d) Compilations Prepared by Individuals. 3. Radio Programs and Interviews: 3.1 Interviews: Interviewed on eight occasions in eight cities and towns in Australia from 1974 to 1995 on the subjects of (i) education and/or (ii) the Baha'i Faith. Each interview 15 to 25 minutes. 3.2 Programs: Presented 150 half hour programs on City Park Radio in Launceston for the Launceston Baha'i Community: 2000-2005. 4. COURSES AND LEVELS TAUGHT 4.1 Pre-Apprentice, Apprentice, Educational Programs for Unemployed Youth(EPUY), Preparatory Educational Programs(PEP) and Youth Training Programs(YTP) to 15 to 25 year old students: * Wide range of programs in these areas beginning in 1982 at: -Open College of Tafe in Katherine 1982-1986 -Hedland College 1986-1987 -Perth Campus/Balga Campus 1988 -Thornlie Campus 1989-1999 4.2 Other Post-Secondary Institutions: FullTime(FT), PartTime(PT) & Volunteer/Casual(V/C) *George Town School for Seniors Inc 1999-2005(V) *Charles Sturt University 1995(July to October)(FT) * Tasmanian CAE 1974(FT) and 1979(PT) * Ballarat CAE 1976-1978(FT) * Deakin University 1977(C)
  • 11. * Whitehorse Technical College 1975(FT) * University of Tasmania 1974(C) 4.3 Courses Taught During the years 1980-1981 I did not teach due to illness. Of the thirty-one years from 1974 to 2005, I taught full-time for 22 years and part-time as a tutor/lecturer for 7. I taught in the post-secondary institutions listed above; I taught some ninety different units of study in the humanities and social sciences. The list is too long to sight here; I have included it in Appendix B below. The list includes the following general categories: * communication studies * social sciences * welfare studies/human services * education studies * matriculation studies * public relations/media studies * creative and business writing * special education programs for * (a) indigenous people, (b) adult education and (c) seniors (See Appendix B below for list of subjects taught) 4.4 Primary and Secondary School Teaching Experience: A. Primary: 1. Sir Martin Frobisher School, Frobisher Bay, NWT, Canada,1967/8. 2. Cherry Valley Primary School, Cherry Valley, Ontario, 1969/70. 3. Picton Primary School, Picton, Ontario, Canada, 1970/1. 4. West Whyalla Primary School, Whyalla, South Australia, 1971/2. B. Secondary: 1. Eyre High School, Whyalla, South Australia, 1972/3. 2. Para Hills Secondary School, Para Hills, South Australia, 1973/4 3. Oakwood Education Trust, Launceston Campus, 2001. 5. INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL & HUMAN SERVICE EMPLOYMENT 1961-2005 (non-teaching experience) A. Summer &/or Short Term Jobs: (each job 5 months max.; average 3 months) * Self-Employed: Gardening-&-Odd-Jobs, Burlington, Ontario, 1950 to 1959.
  • 12. * Kitchen-Assistant, A&W Root Beer Co., Aldershot, Ontario, 1960. * Packer, Shell Oil Company, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 1961. * Driver-Assistant, Dundas Slot-Machine Company, Dundas, Ontario, Canada, 1962. * Data Processing/Cleaner/Storeman & Packer, Firestone Tire and Rubber Corporation, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 1963/64 * Cash-Register Clearance, T. Eaton Company of Canada, 1964 * Repairman/Assistant, Bell Telephone Co of Canada Ltd., Hamilton, Ontario, 1964 * Abstractor, Canadian Peace Research Institute, Dundas, Ontario, Canada, 1965 * Electrician's Assistant, Stelco of Canada, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 1965 * Driver/Salesman, Good Humour Company, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 1966 * Clerk, Motor Vehicle License Branch, Dept of Transport, Brantford, Ontario, 1967 * Systems Analyst, Bad Boy Company, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1969 * Security Work, International Security, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1969 * Youth Worker, Resource Centre Association Inc., Launceston, Tasmania, 1979 * Journalist, ABC Radio, Launceston, Tasmania, 1979 * Editor, External Studies Unit, Tasmanian C.A.E., Launceston, Tasmania, 1979 B. Full Time Jobs:(average 2.5 years each) * Maintenance Scheduler, Renison Goldfields P/L, Zeehan, Tasmania, 1981-1982 * Adult Educator, Tafe, Katherine, Northern Territory, 1982-1986(some teaching involved) * Public Relations Officer, Hedland College, South Hedland, WA, 1986- 1987(some teaching involved) C. Casual/Volunteer Work:(Recent--1997 to 2005) * Research Assistant, Recreation Network Inc(disability services) Subiaco, WA, 1997 * Presenter of Programs, City Park Radio, Launceston, 2000-2003. * Tutor/President, George Town School for Seniors, Inc., George Town, Tasmania, 1999-2005. * Several positions in at the local and regional levels of Baha’i Administration in Perth WA and in Tasmania from 1997 to 2005. 6. PERSONAL INTERESTS * Writing: see section 2 above for details: 1962-2014 * Reading and music : 1962-2014, separate statements available if desired.
  • 13. * The social sciences and humanities: have more than 300 files/notebooks/resource manuals, circa 20 million words, collected over 52 years(1962-2014). A summary statement is available, if requested. * Exercise and fitness: separate statement available on request, if desired. 7. CLUBS, ASSOCIATIONS AND FORMAL GROUPS: * Member of a singing group in George Town(2001-2005) * Public Speaking Assessor, Rostrum, Katherine, NT(1984/6) * Member of the Lions Club, Zeehan Tasmania(1981/2) * Member of fitness centres in Melbourne(1975-6), Ballarat(1977-78), Perth(1989-99) and Launceston(1999-2003) * Member of baseball and hockey teams in Burlington Ontario(1953-1962) * Member of the Baha’i Faith(1959-2014) (see Baha’i Resume below for details) * I have been a member of many other groups during the fifty year period 1957- 2014, the age of 13 to 70. I was associated with or worked as a volunteer in: (a) The George Town School for Seniors, (b) City Park Radio in Launceston and (c) several other clubs and associations like: (I) Cubs, (II) formal discussion groups in educational institutions as a student and (III) unnumbered groups as a teacher. 8. REFERENCES, REFEREES AND PORTFOLIO OF MY WORK: 8.1 1 am never required to supply transcripts, references and testimonials in relation to positions since I never apply for jobs of any kind. I do keep an archive- file for nostalgia purposes, as well as a form of concrete/official evidence, of many of the references and documents in connection with my working life and my community participation as a citizen. This archive also contains evidence of my volunteer work and individual initiative in relation to the many interest groups I was involved with in the communities where I lived over the last 60 years, 1953 to 2014. As I say, I have not been required to present any of these documents in the last decade, the years 2006 to 2014, years of what has been my retirement from all FT, PT and C/V work. 8.2 Samples of my writing are also available in a separate portfolio, if requested. This portfolio of my writing is available in its many forms and genres as suited and relevant to the needs of the groups and individuals making the requests. Virtually all of the requests now come from locations on the world-wide-web. 8.3 In July 1999 I ceased full-time employment as a lecturer-teacher, although still continued on a casual, volunteer and part-time basis until 2005. In May 2001 I went onto an Australian Disability Pension due to my bipolar disorder and in July 2009 I went on to the Australian Old Age Pension. Now at the age of 70 I devote myself full-time to writing, although my wife ensures that I keep my-end-up, so to
  • 14. speak, on the domestic front and in the volunteer/social world where she plays an active role . 9. GENERAL * a personal & bio-data sheet can be found below in Appendix A. * a covering letter was supplied until 2005 specifically related to some position in question. * a list of subjects taught can be found in Appendix B below. * a Bahá’í resume is found in Appendix C below; and * a general perspective on my career and lifeline in Appendix D Ron Price George Town Tasmania Australia Last Updated On: 28 November 2014 at age: 70.3 __________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX A: PERSONAL & BIO-DATA SURNAME Price GIVEN NAMES Ronald Frederick ADDRESS 6 Reece Street George Town Tasmania Australia 7253 AUSTRALIAN CITIZEN Yes CANADIAN CITIZEN Yes CONTACT DETAILS TELEPHONE 61-03-63824790(“61” is for international calls) POSITIONS APPLIED FOR: The approximately 4000 word statement which can be accessed at this link describes my transition out of paid-employment and the job-hunting process. My life-narrative was involved in job-hunting and paid-employment from 1957 to 2007, 1953 to 2003, or 1954 to 2004 depending on my definitions of job-hunting
  • 15. on the one hand, and paid-employment on the other. It was a transition to a full retirement from all FT paid-employment, and to the pursuit of a leisure life devoted to being a writer and author, poet and publisher, online blogger and journalist, editor and researcher, reader and scholar. The years 1999 to 2007 marked these years of transition. During those 8 years I also gave up PT work and most casual- volunteer work. Go to this link for that statement: the-job-hunting-gauntlet-persistence HEALTH Manic-depression or bi-polar disorder: treated--separate statement available: AGE 70.3 REFEREES Have not required any referees in the last 8 years:2007-2014, but they can be provided if required. FT/PT WORK/CASUAL VOLUNTEER/ See lists above in sections 3,4, and 5 of resume. VALUE BASE Member of the Baha’i Faith for 55 years, 1959-2014. COMPUTER Extensive use of computer to: (a) write, (b) send emails, LITERACY (c) do topic searches and (d) keep a large personal archive of documents. DRIVER’S LICENCE Yes PHOTO Digital photos available on electronic transfer, if desired. PORTFOLIO I have a large portfolio of my writing available under separate cover, if desired. PERSONAL STATS
  • 16. hair colour:greying quickly; eye colour: hazel; weight 238 lbs(17 stone) & increasing slowly; height: 6 feet(183 cms); full medical details/statement is also available, if required. MARITAL STATUS married twice: 1967-1975 and 1975 -2014 CHILDREN three: one from my second marriage(son age 37 in 2014), and two from my second wife’s first marriage( two girls, my step-daughters, ages in 2014 are:48 & 43). __________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX B: COURSES, UNITS, MODULES, SYLLABI, SUBJECTS AND/OR PROGRAMS TAUGHT IN POST-SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN AUSTRALIA: 1974-2005 The list below outlines the ‘subjects’ taught and the institutions where I taught them between 1974 and 2005: 31 years. As I mentioned above, though, (i) I did not teach in the years 1980-1981 and (ii) from July 1999 to May 2005 my teaching was PT, casual and/or volunteer giving an actual total of only 21 years of full-time post-secondary teaching. Some teachers have a highly specialized teaching function and others are generalists. My role was as a generalist and this is why there is such a variety of subjects which I taught and which are listed below. __________________________________________________________________ A. Hedland College: Acting Lecturer in Management Studies 1986-1987: Katherine Open College of Tafe 1982-1986: Interpersonal Skills A Interpersonal Skills B Performance Appraisal Negotiating Skills A Negotiating Skills B Conflict Resolution A Conflict Resolution B Introduction to Management Club Management Time Management
  • 17. Counselling Interview Techniques Public Speaking Interview Techniques Consultation Skills Letter Writing and Report Writing A Letter Writing and Report Writing B Supervision Skills Aboriginal Administrator Training Officer Skills Creative Writing(Adult Education) Sociology(Adult Education) B. Thornlie Campus of the SEMC and Perth Campus of CMC 1988-1999: Communication Core(Certificate 3) Communication 1(Diploma) Business Communication 1A(Diploma) Business Communication 1B(Diploma) Ancient Greek History TEE Ancient Roman History TEE Modern History TEE Politics TEE English Literature TEE English TEE Traditional Culture and Modern Society(Anthropology) Framework of Australian Society(Economics) History of Ideas Australian Government and Legal Systems Philosophy 1 A Philosophy 1B General Psychology Commercial and Civic Principles Interpersonal Study and Work Skills 001 Interpersonal Study and Work Skills 002 Society and Culture(Sociology) Life Skills 1B(guitar) Recreation 2(Certificate 2) Social Science Introduction Welfare Practice 1A Welfare Practice 1B Welfare Practice 2A Welfare Practice 2B C. Thornlie Campus: 1994-1999
  • 18. In these three programs: Human Services Certificate 3 Welfare Studies Certificate 4 Human Services Diploma(5) I taught the following subjects: Welfare Communication (4) Introduction to Human Services(3) Dealing With Conflict(3) Family and Community(3) Workteam Communication(3) Service Provision and Practice(3) Study Skills(3) Recognition of Prior Learning(3) Human Development 001(3) Human Development 002(3) Field Placement(3), (4) and (5) Field Tutorial(3) and (5) Managing People: Training and Development(5) Managing Group Problem Solving and Decision Making(5) Sociology for Human Service Workers(5) D. Thornlie Campus of the SEMC: General Studies: 1989-1998: Writing Plain English Writing Workplace Documents Presenting Information Presenting Reports Workplace Communication Quality Team Management Job Seeking Skills Communication and Industrial Relations Managing Effective Working Relationships Managing and Developing Teams Field Experience in Community Services Work Experience in Job Train Programs E. Engineering, Applied Science and Social Science Students at the Ballarat College of Advanced Education 1976-1978: (now the University of Ballarat) Social Science(Applied Science: Engineering)(BSc) Social Science(Applied Science: Geology)(BSc) Social Science(Social Science)(BA)
  • 19. Australian Media(Social Science)(BA) Sociological Theory(Teacher Trainees: Secondary) F. Whitehorse Technical College: 1975-1976 Behavioural Studies(Library Technician Trainees)(Cert.3) G. Tasmanian College of Advanced Education (now the University of Tasmania): 1974: Language in Use(Linguistics) Introductory Psychology Human Relations Sociology of Art Individualized Learning Sociology H. The George Town School of Seniors Inc: 1999-2005 Autobiography Creative Writing Philosophy Social Sciences Media Studies __________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX C: RESUME OF BAHA’I ACTIVITY Preamble: The outline below is a brief sketch only. No attempt is made to list all the activities in the 61 years(1953-2014) of my association with and membership/service in the Baha’i community. In outlining what follows I have tended to generalize rather than specify the particular tasks in terms of place, length of time, specific programs and their respective purposes. Some specificity is required, though, and I think I have provided a good balance between specificity and generality. I would think, in the vast majority of cases, the information is correct and accurate. This statement was once used when applying for positions somewhere in what has become a vast network of service situations/institutions around the globe both within and outside the Baha'i community. In the last decade, 2003 to 2014, in
  • 20. these early years of my retirement and late adulthood, I have not applied for positions using this document or some variation of it. __________________________________________________________________ A. PRE-YOUTH : 1953-1959 B. YOUTH : 1959-1963 C. ADULT : 1963-2014 1. LOCALASSEMBLY SERVICE: LSA of the Baha’is of Windsor : 1966/7: vice-chairman LSA of the Baha’is of Toronto : 1969 LSA of the Baha’is of Whyalla : 1972: secretary LSA of the Baha’is of Gawler : 1973: chairman LSA of the Baha’is of Ballarat : 1976-78: chairman/secretary LSA of the Baha’is of Launceston: 1979: publicity officer LSA of the Baha’is of Stirling : 1988: secretary LSA of the Baha’is of Belmont : 1989-1999: chairman/secretary for 7 years 2. REGISTERED and UNREGISTERED GROUP SERVICE: Frobisher Bay NWT : 1967-68 King City Ontario : 1969 Picton Ontario : 1970-71 Whyalla South Aust : 1971 Launceston Tasmania : 1974 Kew Victoria : 1975 Smithton Tasmania : 1979 Zeehan Tasmania : 1980-82 Katherine NT : 1982-86 South Hedland WA : 1986-87 George Town Tas : 1999-2014 3. PUBLISHED AND UNPUBLISHED WORK: See my resume above for details in these two categories of my writing. 4. COMMITTEE WORK: 1. LSA and Group Committees: The list of committees during the 19 years of service on LSAs and another 31 years in Registered and Unregistered Groups is partly too long to recount and partly beyond the scope of my memory after all these years. I do not recall serving on
  • 21. any committees in the five year period 1959 to 1964. Since May of 2005 I have been the publicity officer of the George Town Baha’i Group, and the secretary. 1. Regional and National Teaching Committees:(RTCs and NTCs) 1. RTC of Northern Tasmania : 1974 2. RTC of the Northern Territory : 1984-86 3. National Community Development Committee : 1976-77 5. ASSISTANT TO THE AUXILIARY BOARD : 1986 In the Northern Territory in 1986 for a few months before moving interstate. 6. PIONEER SERVICE: 1. Homefront : Canada : 1962-1971 2. International : Australia : 1971-2014 7. TEACHING WORK: It is very difficult to quantify one’s teaching work and the accomplishments and developments of some 52 years of teaching as a pioneer(1962-2014), as a new Baha’i in my home town for three years(1959-1962) before pioneering, and the several years of early contact(1953-1959) as a result of my mother and father's involvement in this new Faith. But, given the importance of this part of Baha’i life, the following activities could be listed as areas of contribution relevant to the teaching work during a period of often unrealistically high expectations, with the consequent measure of inevitable disappointments and discouragements. These contributions also took place during the succession of the Cause’s developments and triumphs in the face of opposition in the land of its birth and indifference in many other countries, as well as triumphs that have encouraged and inspired its adherents. It should also be emphasized, as a preamble to this list, that since the mid-1990s there has been an important shift in the field of Baha’i public information and the focus of Baha’i activity, what has amounted to a new paradigm, a new culture of learning and growth in the Baha'i community. The former preoccupation with “conversion” and the inevitable sense of “us and them” that necessarily and unavoidably intruded for so many years; what had become a somewhat parochial view of focusing the Baha’i message in religious categories has been slowly replaced with a more inclusive approach or philosophy and my own teaching work has reflected this shift.
  • 22. It should also be emphasized that this teaching work has been part of Canada's glorious mission overseas and the extension of the teaching work to the northernmost part of Canada as the Guardian has described various aspects of the global teaching work of the Canadian Baha'i community in his letters to Canada. 7.1 Working on LSAs, Groups and Committees 7.2 Writing: (see my resume above) 7.2.1 essays and poetry for magazines, journals, newspapers and websites in and out of the Baha’i community 7.2.2 essays and poetry given to individuals, groups and LSAs in the Baha’i community note: -some of this poetry is kept at the Baha’i World Centre Library(BWCL) -the rest I have on file in hard copy or in my computer directory at home 7.2.3 Giving talks/presentations/interviews 7.2.4 Working as a teacher in educational institutions 7.2.5 Moving to many towns and states where few or no Baha’is have lived 7.2.6 Moving to another country at crucial point in a Plan as a pioneer: 1971 7.2.7 Entering into various forms of activity and interest groups in local communities Taking part in festivals and other public events, social programs and musical events Taking part in media programs and local organizations in a list too long to mention 7.2.8 Promoting the Baha’i Faith through various forms of advertising such as: - putting up posters, an estimated.......10,000. -doing letterbox drops, an estimated....7,000 -placing ads in newspapers, radio stations, TV stations and magazines, an estimated 1000, and -being interviewed on radio, eight radio appearances (one on cassette tape; one on mini-disc and sent to the BWCL). 7.2.9 Going on unnumbered travel teaching trips from home communities/localities to extension goals, to towns which were not goals & overseas as a pioneer; and 7.2.10 Giving poetry readings in both Baha’i and other interest group settings 7.2.11 Held monthly devotional meeting from 2003 to 2014 in the locality where I live in Tasmania 8. CONSOLIDATION WORK: It is also difficult to define one’s contributions to the consolidation work over this same time period of some 61 years. Again, some attempt is made below, given the importance of consolidation during these years of the ninth and the tenth stage of Baha’i history: 1953-2014. There has been a major shift in the nature of consolidation in Baha’i communities as there has been in the teaching domain. I
  • 23. would like to list the following as part of my contribution to the consolidation work in its several forms: 1. Work on the Baha’i institutions listed above taking many forms—too extensive to list here; 2. Writing, as listed above and requiring no more description; 3. Writing booklets of poetry which I have had, and will have, a consolidation potential in the years ahead since they provide a rich base of comment on the several decades of Baha’i experience in these epochs; and 4. Several of the activities listed above under ‘teaching’ which also had a consolidation function. 9. TRAVEL TEACHING, SERVICE AND SOCIALACTIVISM: 9.1 Letter Writing Go to this link: 9.2 Essay Writing: Go to this link: 9.3 Internet Work: A. MY TYPE OF SOCIAL NETWORKING 1. Everything I do with other people online is part of my particular type of social networking. My social networking is associated with three basic activities: (a) the creation of a personal webpage that serves as a home base, a central hub, for my writing, for teaching and consolidation, that is, community building, for service and social activism, as well as for feedback from others---should they wish; (b) the creation of a detailed personal profile(see Appendix 1 below) which I post at over 8000 internet sites which readers at these sites can access, again, if they wish; and finally (c) posting my writing at these 8000+ sites, and interacting with others about my posts and theirs. In the process I promote my website, and my writing, at these 8000+ internet sites. 2. In the last decade, 2004 to 2014, I have created an extensive audience or readership. I address myself to a circle, a crowd or single individuals. I try to make of my interactions more than the typical ones found at sites like Facebook and twitter. The interactions or connections at such popular social networking sites often reduce friendship to a feeling or an image, a sense of connection to faraway or nearby friends about everyday things based, for the most part, on very short, pithy posts. Such connections involve posts that often contain little about one’s true difficulties in life. A world of privacy and an image is
  • 24. created. There is nothing wrong with that, with this type of site and networking style, but it is not my style, not my approach, not my MO, modus operandi, to use a who-dun-it term. 3. I post a great deal about what I think in the form of prose and poetry, generally more extended pieces of writing than the posts found in the Facebook and twitter world. My posts are far beyond the one-liners, the jokes, what I did today, what I ate for dinner, I poke you, I like this and I don’t like that, the ‘here are some photos of this’ and ‘here are some pictures of that’, ‘here is a video of this’ and ‘here is a piece of music,’etc. B. MY WEBSITE 1. My website has been on the internet for the last 18 years: 1997-2014. It is part of a tapestry, or perhaps a jig-saw puzzle is a more accurate word, for all my poetry and prose both at my website and elsewhere in cyberspace at those 8000+ sites mentioned above. I have dozens of links at my site, some linked to my writing at other internet sites, and some linked to resources created by others. I have created a large thread of words across the internet since leaving the world of jobs in the late 1990s and taking a sea-change at the age of 55. 2. My cyberspace creation is made by a now self-employed individual: a retired teacher and lecturer, tutor and adult educator, taxi-driver and ice-cream salesman. I am now a writer and author, poet and publisher, editor and scholar, researcher and editor,online blogger and online journalist, scribbler and sampler within the immense commentariat and bloggosphere that is the world-wide-web. 3. I am now 70.3(28/11/'14) and I attempt to endow various themes and a wide range of subjects in the arts and sciences with many layers of meaning. In these last 18 years on the world-wide-web I have evoked a complex range of responses in readers who come upon my work, responses which range from lavish enthusiasm to utter indifference and quite intense criticism. The solitary work of literary creation requires a type of talent, some earned ability or unearned gift of grace which is almost never collaborative. Social networking may expose readers to this or that book, this or that video or piece of music, this or that restaurant, food dish or pleasurable activity, this or that idea or cause. 3.1 The solitude I require to create an essay, a poem or a book requires my ability to draw on the globally interrelated, interdependent and interlocked system of the WWW to market my wares. Until my work is ready to be placed in cyberspace the activity is intensely private, although I often draw on the work of other writers in composing my own literary creations. The marketing of my work is also private, and then the feedback comes in or it does not as the case may be. Not everything I write in cyberspace is commented on by others. B.1 MY WEBSITE AND OTHER INTERNET SITES I will continue to use my website as the central hub for my literary work, for my internet teaching and learning activity, for my now several million words and many
  • 25. books on the internet in this 2nd decade of the 21st century. My writing is found in the form of: essays and blogs, poems and articles, ebooks and message boards, threads and special topic sites, indeed a myriad types of discussions. I do not engage, though, in any sort of aggressive proselytising or heated exchange at those 8000 websites that are part of this personal and industrious exercise. When what I write produces vehemence and invective, heated criticism at some site, I simply leave if I am unable to cool the emotional climate at the site. Sometimes I am banned from a site before this occurs for a variety of reasons: Christians only, Muslims only or some other form of exclusivist site-policy. Sometimes what I write is considered spam and, even after I defend my case, I am sometimes excluded from some site. In cyberspace as in any real space, one cannot win all the time. C. MY WRITING STYLE AND MY VALUES 1.I have tried over the last several decades of my life, looking back as far as my own junior youth in the 1950s, to develop a writing style which, while fusing together material from many academic disciplines, from my own life as well as from my value, belief and attitude base, aims to be both provocative and intellectually stimulating on the one hand and light and entertaining on the other. In writing, as in daily life though, one wins sometimes and one loses at other times; one’s writing appeals to some and not to others. One’s value, belief and attitude base is a set of assumptions around which one places one’s emotions and then proceeds to act and argue one’s case before the court of life. 2. I possess an obvious enthusiasm for my evolving values, beliefs and attitudes as well as the several causes I promote or I would not have been associated with some of them in their overt form---for more than 60 years; nor would I be promoting my ideas in a multitude of forms, subtle and not-so-subtle, on the internet as I do and have done since retiring from FT work in 1999, PT in 2003 and most casual- volunteer work in 2005. D. MY READERSHIP 1. I now have several million readers on the internet. It is difficult to guesstimate readership precisely in cyberspace when there are now at least 1 billion sites and some 3 billion users, and when one writes at as many sites as I do. Many of the sites at which I post my writing and interact with others keep me informed about how many people click-on to what I have written. 2. I am engaged in varying degrees of frequency and intensity, in parts of this tapestry, this jig-saw puzzle, this literary product, this creation, this immense pile of words with hundreds of people with whom I correspond on occasion as a result. I keep most of this correspondence as infrequent as possible or I would drown in this new form of letter writing: the email and the internet post. E. THE WWW AND PUBLISHING
  • 26. 1.This amazing technical facility, the world wide web, has made this literary success, this form of publishing, possible. This teaching and learning exercise, this form of service and often social activism, among the many other functions of my writing in the now wide and extensive dialogue I now have with diverse publics is an enriching one. If my writing had been left in the hands of the traditional hard and soft-cover publishers, where it had been without success for the most part from 1981 to 2001, these publishing results with my now extensive readership would never have been achieved. 2.It is my hope that what I write as a result of this self-employment, this literary vocation and avocation, this pleasurable occupation of my leisure time, resonates with both the novitiate and the veteran on the one hand and the great diversity of people who are on a multitude of paths in their journey through life. F. NOTE When accessing what I write in cyberspace you can Google: Ron Price, but be aware that there are 4000 to 5000 other Ron Prices now on the web. Some of them are men of fame and others of notoriety. You can also Google: Pioneering Over Five Epochs or Ron Price forums/blogs or Ron Price followed by…..many other words and phrases literally several 1000 possibilities to access what I have written. My website, to reiterate, is found at: My email address is you want to write to me. APPENDIX 1: EMPLOYMENT-SOCIAL-ROLE POSITIONS: 1943-2014 2010-2014-Retired and on an old-age pension in George Town, Tasmania 1999-2009-Writer & Author, Poet & Publisher, Editor & Researcher, Reader and Scholar, Online Blogger and Journalist, Retired Teacher & Tutor, Lecturer & Adult Educator, Taxi-Driver & Ice-Cream Salesman, George Town Tasmania Australia 2002-2005-Program Presenter City Park Radio Launceston 1999-2004-Tutor &/or President George Town School for Seniors Inc --------ABOVE THIS LINE ARE MY YEARS OF RETIREMENT------------- 1988-1999 -Lecturer in General Studies & Human Services West Australian Department of Training 1986-1987 -Acting Lecturer in Management Studies & Co-ordinator of Further Education Unit at Hedland College in South Hedland WA 1982-1985 -Adult Educator Open College of Tafe Katherine NT 1981 -Maintenance Scheduler Renison Bell Zeehan Tasmania 1980-Unemployed due to illness and recovery 1979-Editor External Studies Unit Tasmanian CAE; Youth Worker Resource Centre Association; Lecturer in Organizational Behaviour Tasmanian CAE; Radio Journalist ABC---all in Launceston Tasmania
  • 27. 1976-1978 -Lecturer in Social Sciences & Humanities Ballarat CAE Ballarat, Victoria 1975 - Lecturer in Behavioural Studies Whitehorse Technical College, Box Hill Victoria 1974 -Senior Tutor in Education Studies Tasmanian CAE Launceston, Tasmania 1972-1973 -High School Teacher South Australian Education Department 1971-Primary School Teacher Whyalla South Australia ---ABOVE THIS LINE ARE MY YEARS LIVING IN AUSTRALIA AND BELOW THIS LINE ARE MY YEARS LIVING IN CANADA------------------- 1969-1971 Primary School Teacher Prince Edward County Board of Education Picton Ontario Canada 1969-Systems Analyst Bad Boy Co Ltd Toronto Ontario 1967-68 -Community Teacher Department of Indian Affairs & Northern Development Frobisher Bay NWT Canada 1959-67 -Summer jobs-1 to 4 months each- from grade 10 to end of university 1949-1967--Attended 2 primary schools, 2 high schools and 2 universities in Canada: McMaster Uni-1963-1966, Windsor Teachers’ College-1966/7 1944-1963 -Childhood(1944-57) and adolescence(1957-63) in and around Hamilton Ontario 1943 to 1944-Conception in October 1943 to birth in July 1944 in Hamilton Ontario 2. SOME SOCIO-BIO-DATA TO 2014 I have been married twice for a total of 47 years. My second wife is a Tasmanian, aged 68. We’ve had one child: age 37. I have two step-children: ages: 48 and 43, three step-grandchildren, ages 21, 18 and 4, as well as one grandchild aged 3 years. All of the above applies in November 2014. I am 70, am a Canadian who moved to Australia in 1971 and have written several books--all available on the internet. I retired from full-time teaching in 1999, part-time teaching in 2003 and volunteer teaching/work in 2005 after 32 years in classrooms as a teacher and another 18 as a student. In addition, I have been a member of the Baha’i Faith for 55 years. Bio-data: 6ft, 238 lbs, eyes- brown/hair-grey, Caucasian. My website is found at: You can also go to any search engine and type: Ron Price followed by any one of a number of words in addition to: poetry, forums, blogs, literature, history, bipolar disorder, psychology, sociology, media studies, inter alia, to access my writing________________________ 10. OTHER FORMS OF WORK IN THE BAHA’I COMMUNITY:
  • 28. In a lifetime, some 6 decades now, of service in this emerging world religion one does a great deal. This section has been opened to include items not covered in the above. More details will be elaborated upon in the years ahead as my life continues through this last decade(70-80) of late adulthood(60 to 80) and old age(80++), if I last that long, and as this Cause goes through transformations that cannot, as yet, be anticipated. 11. CONCLUDING STATEMENT: 11.1 The above sketch, or Baha’i resume as I call it, has been written to provide an outline of my activity in the Baha’i community since 1953 when my mother joined this new world Faith, and I was still a child and, since 1959, when I joined the Baha'i Faith at the age of 15. The approximately 200 thousand Baha’is in 1953 are now 5 to 8 million and the Baha’i community has gone through several transformations in this time as has the focus and direction of the teaching efforts. This sketch above is concerned more specially with the years since 1962 when my pioneering life began in Dundas Ontario, and since 1966 when my service in Baha'i Administration started in Windsor Ontario. The decades of struggle in implementing the global Plans of the Universal House of Justice also began in these years and what seems now like an endless series of creative and not-so- creative experiments, brief periods of activity, greater periods of growth and then, at times, crises and disintegration with often inconspicuous events offering widening dimensions of possibility. This sketch of mine, this statement, also needs to be read in conjunction with: (a) my professional resume above--which I used for many years in a multitude of forms when applying for general employment positions; and with (b) my more than 7000 poems--which is part of a larger autobiographical work entitled Pioneering Over Four Epochs containing: journals, poetry, letters, book reviews, photographs, tapes, notes and narrative written and collected over 50 years: from 1957 to 2014—an estimated five million words. 11.2 Some 5000 of my poems were sent as a gift to the BWCL in the dozen years from 1988 to 2000 in celebration of the wondrous efflorescence that is the Baha’i Project and the Terraces on Mount Carmel. An 800 page autobiography(5th edition) by the same title was also sent to the BWCL in 2004. This statement, like my professional resume, was once used when applying for positions in the embryonic global Baha’i Administrative Order. Now it is only used on the internet, when relevant, at various websites in connection with a host of subjects. I trust the above statement is useful to readers who chance upon it and helps Baha’is in their efforts to serve the Cause and establish it among their contemporaries more firmly than it already is---as “the axis of the oneness of the world of humanity”
  • 29. Ron Price 25 November 2014 APPENDIX D: LETTER WRITING 1-2 JOB APPLICATIONS A WEEK FOR 44 YEARS JOB HUNTING 1961-2007 Part 1: The information and details in the above resume, a resume I rarely use in the job- hunting world anymore, should help anyone wanting to know something about my personal and professional background, my writing and my life. This resume might be useful for the few who want to assess my suitability for some advertised or unadvertised employment position which, I must emphasize again, I rarely apply for anymore, but which I might seriously consider given the right circumstances. I ceased making regular efforts to apply for full-time jobs more than a dozen years ago in 2001 and part-time ones in 2003. I also left the world of volunteer activity, except for work in one international organization, the Baha’i Faith, in May 2005. The age of 70 sees me, then, self-employed as a writer-poet. I gradually came to this role in the years after I left full-time employment in 1999, fifteen years ago. Not being occupied with earning a living and giving myself to 60++ hours a week in a FT job, as I had done for many years before taking an early retirement at the age of 55 in 1999; and not giving myself to many other hours of community activity from 1999 to 2014, marked a turning point in my life so that I could devote my time to a much more extensive involvement in writing. Part 2: Writing is for most of its votaries a solitary, hopefully stimulating but not always pleasurable leisure-time-part-time-full-time pursuit. In my case in these early years of my late adulthood, writing is full-time about 60 hours a week.1 I have replaced paid employment and activity with people in community with a form of work which is also a form of leisure, namely, writing and reading. Inevitably the style of one's writing and what one reads is a reflection of the person, their experience and their philosophy. Occasionally I attach my resume with its summary of my experience and qualifications this experience to this brief essay, this introductory statement on the history of my job application process.2 If, 1 This involves reading, posting on the internet, developing my own website and writing in several genres. 2 My resume is only included with this statement when it seems appropriate, on request, in my autobiography/memoirs or on the internet for some other purpose.
  • 30. as Carl Jung writes, we are what we do, then some of what I was and what I am can be found in that attachment. That document may seem over-the-top, as they say, to some readers since it now goes on for nearly 30 pages, but after nearly half a century of various forms of employment, years in the professional and not-so- professional job world, a great pile of experience was produced, a pile that still surprises me when I read it occasionally. As I say, I make it available to readers when appropriate and virtually entirely on the world-wide-web now. I update it to include many of the writing projects I have taken on during these first years of my retirement from full-time, part-time and volunteer activity. The resume has always been the piece of writing, the statement, the document, the entry ticket which has opened up the possibilities of another adventure, another pioneering move to another town, another state or country, another location, work in another organization, another portion of my life. I'm sure that will also be the case in the years of my late adulthood(60-80) and old age(80++) should, for some reason, movement to yet another place or, indeed, from place to place be necessary or desired. As I go through these early years of my late adulthood(60-80) and head into the last stage of my life, 80++, a stage usually called old age, I like to keep my options open, as they say. Part 3: In the last ten years which are the first(60 to 70) of my late adulthood(60 to 80) and in these early years of my retirement(2004 to 2014), I have been able to write to a much greater extent than I had ever been able to do in those years of my early and middle adulthood from 1965 to 2003 when job, family and the demands of various community projects kept my nose to the grindstone as they say colloquially. With the final unloading of much of the volunteer work I took on over many decades and more recently in Tasmania from 1999-2004, with my last child having left home in 2005, and with a more settled home environment than I’ve ever had, the remaining years of late adulthood(70-80) beckon bright with promise. My resume reflects this shift in my roles and my activity-base. The process of frequent moves and frequent jobs which was my pattern for forty years is not everyone's style, modus operandi or modus vivendi. Many millions of people live and die in the same town, city or state and their life's adventure takes place within that physical region, the confines of a relatively small place and, perhaps, a very few jobs in their lifetime. Physical movement is not essential to psychological and spiritual growth, nor is a long list of jobs, although some degree of inner change, some inner shifting is just about inevitable, or so it seems to me, especially in these recent decades. For many millions of people during the years 1961-2005, my years of being jobbed, the world was their oyster, not so much in the manner of a tourist, although there was plenty of that, but rather in terms of working lives which came to be seen increasingly in a global context.
  • 31. This was true for me during those years when I was looking for amusement, education and experience, some stimulating vocation and avocation, some employment security and comfort, my adventurous years of pioneering, my applying-for-job days, the more than forty years from 1961 to 2005. My resume altered many times, of course, during those forty plus years is now for the most part, as I indicated above, rarely used in these years of my retirement, except as an information and bio-data vehicle for interested readers, 99% of whom are on the internet at its plethora of sites. Part 4: This document, what I used to call a curriculum vitae or CV, is a useful backdrop, though, for those examining my writing, both my prose and my poetry, although some writers and, more so, poets regard their CV, resume, bio-data, lifeline, life- story, personal background as irrelevant to their work. For they take the position, assume the philosophical stance, that a person is not what he does or, to put it a little differently and a little more succinctly, "we are not our jobs." I frequently use this resume at various website locations on the Internet when I want to provide some introductory background on myself, indeed, I could list many new uses after forty years of only one use--to help me get a job, make more money, enrich my experience add some enrichment to my life, etcetera. For decades this resume saved me from having to reinvent the wheel, so to speak. I did not have to say it all again in resume after resume to the point of utter tedium as I did so frequently when applying for jobs, especially in the days before the email and the internet. A few clicks of one’s personal electronic-computer system and some aspect of life’s game goes on or comes to a quick end at the other end of the electronic set of wires, as the case may be. During those job-hunting years 1961-2007 I applied for some four thousand jobs, an average of one-to-two a week for each of all those years! This is a guesstimation, of course, as accurate a guesstimation as I can calculate for this forty year period. The great bulk of those thousands of letters involved in this vast, detailed and, from time to time, quite exhausting and frustrating a process, I did not keep. I did keep a small handful of perhaps half a dozen of all those letters in a file in the Letters: Section VII, Sub- Section X of my autobiographical work, Pioneering Over Four Epochs. Given the thousands of hours over those forty years devoted to the job-hunting process; given the importance of this key to the pioneering venture that is my life; given the amount of paper produced and energy expended; given the amount of writing done
  • 32. in the context of those various jobs,3 some of the correspondence seemed to warrant a corner in the written story of my life.4 It seemed appropriate, at least it was my desire, to write this short statement fitting all those thousands of resumes into a larger context. The things we do when we retire!5 3 Beginning with the summer job I had in the Canadian Peace Research Institute in 1964, I wrote an unnumbered quantity of: summaries, reports, essays, evaluations, subject notes, inter alia, in my many jobs. None of that material has been kept in any of my files and, over 40 years, it amounted to literally millions, an uncountable number, of words. 4 The Letters section of my autobiography/memoirs now occupies some 25 arch- lever files and two-ring binders and covers the period 1960 to 2007. I guesstimate the collection contains about 3000 letters. This does not include these thousands of job applications and their replies, thousands of emails now and an unnumbered quantity of in-house letters at places where I was employed. I have kept, as I say above, about half a dozen to a dozen of these letters and none of the approximately 10,000 documents I wrote in the years 1961 to 2005. 5 From 1994 to 2014 thousands of emails have been sent to me and replies have been written but, like the job application, most have been deleted from any potential archive. For the most part these deleted emails seem to have no long term value in an archive of letters. They were deleted as quickly as they came in. Of course there are other emails, nearly all of the correspondence I have sent and received since about 1990 to 1995 which would once have been in the form of letters, is now in the form of emails. They are kept in my letter-files along with internet site postings and, together, they occupy another 25 arch-lever files and two-ring binders.