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For Rebecca, Morgan & Teagan
Thank you for never letting me give up.
Special Thanks
Geoff Livingston
John Stevens
Angie Meeker
Table of Contents
Introduction...................................................................... 1
This Isn’t A Coincidence..................................................... 2
Why Instagram?................................................................. 3-4
Build Your Following........................................................... 5-8
Rules of Ettiquette.............................................................. 9
Quick Photography Composition Tips................................. 10-11
Think Like A Photojournalist............................................... 12
Recommended Apps.......................................................... 13-20
Hardcore Hardware............................................................ 21
Case Studies....................................................................... 22-30
Conclusion......................................................................... 31-32
Resources........................................................................... 33
About The Author............................................................... 34
2012 was the year of Pinterest. 2013 will be a breakout year for visual content marketing and Instagram is leading the way. Why has it
become so popular and why should marketers and brands care? Simply put it enhances the brand experience. Imagine if brands gave a more
transparent view of their inner workings instead of just saying they did. Customers want a true and intimate personal tour from a brand.
Some top brands are already giving viewers and raving fans backstage passes to everyday life. They take you with them into the office, behind
the scenes at photo shoots, concerts, on the runway, and into interviews with your favorite celebrities. We call this opening the kimono. Don’t
get me wrong, this is not a new concept ala Flickr et al, but mobile platforms like Instagram are making it more accessible and consumable than
Before we get into the obvious bullet points on accessibility we have to dig deeper and view it with a psychological lens. For brands and
marketers to understand Instagram I like to focus on the why first. To do so we need to go back to the day we were born. We were born
laying on our backs, crying for food and attention. We were appeased by lights, sounds, and colorful objects that seemed to magically move
above our heads. “Our brain is designed for pattern recognition, which is one of the reasons why symbols have been around since caveman
days. Cartoons capitalize on that unexpectedly,” says Jeffrey Sass, co-founder of Social Object Factory. Whether it was our parents following
the advice of baby experts for raising the next Nobel Peace Prize winner or they just needed us to be distracted enough to have a moment of
silence, it worked.
Gaping Void CEO Jason Korman agrees, saying: “We’re overwhelmed by data and info, we want things that make communications more
simple, less complex.” Christopher Frank and Paul Magnone have written an entire book about it called, Drinking From The Fire Hose. Jesse
Thomas, co-founder of JESS3, a creative interactive agency that specializes in social media data visualization has capitalized on dumbing down
the numbers. He led the infographic trend to reach wider audiences quicker and reframing corporate boardroom conversations. When I was
a multimedia specialist for NHTSA I sent automobile test videos to lawmakers who didn’t have time to read a thick engineer’s report, even
though it would keep people on our public highways safe. What is seen as supplemental to many has now come back to the forefront as a
necessity. MailChimp CEO Ben Chestnut gives us further social proof, through simple A/B testing, putting visual storytelling first as part of
your social strategy will see higher response rates over marketing automation and encourage higher engagement. Admittedly, I have been
guilty of this on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn using services such as Buffer and IFTTT, but it is currently necessary wearing many hats as a
solopreneur. This is not an excuse for brands with bigger budgets and a dedicated member(s) assigned to social media best practices.
As kids we watched shows that indulged our curiosity and discovery like The Muppets and Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. As young adults we’re
overwhelmed by ratings/review talent judging shows, popularity contests of reality shows and the overall marginalization of our audio visual
experience. Shows like these foster an attitude of appearance over substance, but isn’t that what statistics basically boils down to in the end?
Ok maybe I am getting ahead of myself and being a little extreme about how some never seem to leave high school, but we are in the keeping
up with the Joneses or Kardashians appearance of success game.
As a Type B creative first I believe that statistics only tells half the story for big picture long term strategies and objectives. I understand Type
A types who are under pressure from stakeholders, but I think something is missing. Sales Lion Marcus Sheridan posted about how Klout
has essentially won in that Bank of America has announced a partnership with the U.S. Government and the National Business Stimulus
Association (NBSA). The program will allow businesses small and large to use their social media “currency” as a substitute for actual dollars. If
only I could cash in my Empire Avenue value. Look out, Mark Zuckerberg.
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“Our brain is designed for
pattern recognition, which
is one of the reasons why
symbols have been around
since caveman days.”
- Jeffrey Sass
Photo: @HBKids
InstaBRAND: The Ultimate Guide To Visual Storytelling Through Instagram
This Isn’t A Coincidence 2
Before Gutenberg’s printing press and the development of language
we had symbols that represented concepts, ideas, and storytelling.
Aesthetics help deliver content to the public. Visuals allow the brain
to take shortcuts. It helps satisfy the appetite of immediacy. The
most popular posts on your favorite blog or social media channel
that go viral often involve relatable photos or videos because they
tell a story quicker than 250 words. You know the cliche of a picture
is worth a thousand words? Even before the social age in the MTV
generation *cough* when they actually played music videos the
rule of thumb was the average attention span of the view was seven
seconds. SEVEN SECONDS! Can you imagine how that statistic has
changed with the evolution of the online medium? So the question
for marketers, “How do extend the experience past seven seconds?”
Chris Pirillo who most would say is the King of The Internet Meme
understands this fundamental equation. LOLCats = Funny. While
he initially posted in
quantity over quality
he successfully built
up a network again
over on Google+
before transitioning to
more quality content.
If you haven’t noticed
yet the posts and
status updates with
photos or video
tend to get the most
engagement and
Facebook’s EdgeRank.
It is the ultimate in
consumable and tasty
bite size morsel of
shareable content.
The problem is that
most marketers focus
on volume of content
rather than context of
content. Sometimes
less is more. One
thing that technology
has provided is
responsive design,
microblogging and the infinite scroll. This is why hybrid websites/
mobile apps like Tumblr, Pinterest and Instagram use these methods
to help lower bounce rates and to gain momentum as startups in
a rich media driven society. It plays into our innate curiosity to dig
deeper. Companies are starting to take notice and you have started
to see brands like Facebook, eBay, and Myspace with new mobile
strategies that are focusing on the visual and responsiveness as an
answer to the success of Pinterest.
Nir Eyal, author of the forthcoming book, Hooked: How To Drive
Engagement By Creating User Habits, touched on this recently in an
article for TechCrunch saying, “And nothing holds our attention better
than the unknown. The things that captivate, engross, and entertain
us, all have an element of surprise. Our brains can’t get enough of
trying to predict what’s next and our dopamine system kicks into high-
gear when we’re waiting to know if our team will make the field goal,
how the dice will land, or how the movie plot ends. Like a loose slot
machine, the infinite scroll gives users fast access to variable rewards.”
Gary Vaynerchuk warned us about this when he said, “Content is
not king, but context. Brands that connect with clients in a real way
win.” When Social Media became a buzzword back in 2007 and went
mainstream you saw two industries and a bunch of verticals get
caught off guard. One of the industries that was caught off guard was
public relations and the other was the TV and radio advertising. Social
Media up until recent years was ruled by bloggers, internet affiliate
marketers, and technology writers. The public relations industry was
the first to adapt and since then our online experience has mostly
been the written word, but the problem is we’ve gone from Social
Media being the buzzword to Content Marketing being the word.
The public relations
industry has done a
good job convincing
CMOs that copywriting
for SEO is where
they should spend
all of their marketing
budget. Keywords and
the written word are
great, but that doesn’t
equate to sales and
lead generation if a
copywriter or public
relations firm doesn’t
understand buyer
For a lot of marketers
context is still missing
and social has become
push marketing like
its predecessor. More
importantly our
frenemy Google has
gone from a narrow
focused keyword
results strategy to
flattening their platform to a verified and validated authorship
approach. This makes it harder for SEO copywriters to game the
system. Content marketers not only have to be diligent about writing,
they need to focus on the other mediums like photography and
video to be included in their marketing budget for online distribution
to create a more balanced user experience. Fast Company blogger
Ekaterina Walter supports this statement by saying, “Search engines
now rank content based on social conversations and sharing, not just
websites alone. Brands can use visual content on their social media to
increase engagement and inspire sharing and viral marketing.” Always
consistent with its overarching brand strategy of joy and happiness,
Coca-Cola recently revamped its website to marry its social and
mobile strategy. Even mimicking Instagram with its own version of the
“Search engines now rank content based on social
conversations and sharing, not just websites
alone. Brands can use visual content to increase
engagement and inspire sharing and viral
marketing.” - Ekaterina Walter
InstaBRAND: The Ultimate Guide To Visual Storytelling Through Instagram
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Why Instagram? 3
So Christian, get to the point. Where are you going with this? Where are the pictures!?! I thought this was supposed to be about brands,
photography, and visual storytelling. Too often as marketers we often jump into doing without enough research and create strategies around
the thought process of the consumers we are trying to reach. AKA - Wasting a lot of money and not being smart about marketing budget cost
effectiveness, but I digress. Here are some current mind-blowing statistics and the reason Zuckerberg was quick to snap Instagram up:
General Online Visual Media Stats
•	 3,000+ photos are uploaded to Flickr every minute. - Flickr
•	 20 million photos on Flickr are viewed every minute. - Flickr
•	 136,000 photos are uploaded to Facebook every minute. - Facebook
•	 3 Billion + photos are uploaded to Facebook every month. - Facebook
•	 Facebook’s photo collection has a staggering 140 billion photos, that’s over 10,000 times larger than the
Library of Congress - TechCrunch
•	 10% of all photos ever taken were taken last year. -
•	 56% of internet users do at least one of these creating or curating activities and 32% of internet users do
both creating and curating activities. - Pew Research
Quick Instagram Stats:
•	 Currently 100 Million Users. Adds 5 million new users each and every week with the release of the Android
version of the app. - AppData & Instagram
•	 Put in perspective, that is 1179% growth in six months. - Business Insider
•	 12% of online adults say they use Instagram, which is dominated by young adults. Some 27% of the Internet
users between ages 18-29 use Instagram - Pew Research
•	 2012 Summer Olympics - 100k pictures were shared in two weeks and gave never before seen access to
behind the scenes to the most important sporting event in human history. -VenueSeen
•	 Of the Top 100 brands, 40% are now on Instagram. Of the top 100 brands 26% post one or more photos on
Instagram a week, 17% have over 10,000 followers, 14% have 20,000 followers and 8% have over 100,000
followers. Marketers are also selective about their sharing. Only 32% of Instagram photos are shared to
Twitter or Facebook. -SimplyMeasured
•	 Instagram is the No. 1 photo site among 12-to-17-year-olds, with “1 million teens visiting the site during July,”
beating out Flickr, the No. 1 photo site overall. - Nielsen
•	 7.3 million U.S. smartphone users accessing the application every day. The average Instagram user spent 257
minutes accessing Instagram in August, compared to 169.9 minutes spent on Twitter.- Comscore
•	 Instagram regularly records more than 100,000 new installs every day. - FierceMobileContent
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Current Statistical Projections:
•	 Of those who have a profile, 61% have used it in the past 24 hours, an adoption level only surpassed by
Facebook (at 84%). By comparison, Twitter stands at 55%, Google Plus 44% and Pinterest 52%. So those
currently using Instagram are pretty voracious users by comparison.
•	 Of ALL those social media users surveyed, 48% declared they are using Instagram more often. This blows the
other major platforms out of the water. Facebook was the next-closest platform in terms of expressed growth.
•	 Of those who have an Instagram profile, 83% use it at work, again surpassing even Facebook and YouTube by
a long shot. One reason could be that sharing on Instagram requires no typing. You just snap a photo and post
in seconds.
•	 Today, 67% of Instagram’s users are under the age of 34. It is projected that there could be a huge upside across
demographics because everybody loves sharing photos and it’s so easy to use even the non-tech savvy can
master it in minutes. In fact, Instagram is the most user-friendly of all platforms.
*Note- All current statistical projections listed were taken from a 2012 research report put together by Edison Research and The Social Habit.
You will always have trolls that like to poke the bear and get the online community’s attention by creating headlines like, “Is Instagram the next
Facebook?” for clickthrough rates. I call it Mashable Journalism 101. I’m not a fan because there is little value added and just adds noise to
the information overload the Internet is currently experiencing. I love Pete and admire him for what he has created, but a few years ago the
Mashable brand changed its strategy and has lost some credibility in the eyes of its loyal readers because of it. It is an SEO based hyper first
to market get the scoop social strategy. In a way all the channel options has been journalism’s best and worst enemy. Olivier Blanchard points
out in a recent blog article, Stop Writing (and Publishing) Crap, Tom Webster talks about the dark side, and Matt Ingram writes about what is
happening because of it. However, this has been something that has been going on throughout human history. There is a difference between
having artistic influences and just copying. Don’t even get me started on plagiarism or the phenomenon known as ‘newsjacking’.
Much like political campaigns, technology rags, brand managers get lazy and get caught. A publicist’s nightmare that can quickly turn into costly
crisis management scenario. Just because you have an opinion on something doesn’t mean you should share it. Good thing CEOs with big egos
keep that industry in business. Instead, have due diligence and do your research first or build a better mousetrap. Brands such as Social Media
Examiner led by Michael Stelzner grab some of that market share by consistently providing fluff-free quality content. We’ve got to stop trying
to be first and focus on being consistent. Brands and content marketers must realize that Instagram is a supplemental tool and community. It
will not replace Facebook because it is Facebook without the deluge of ad space. Only time will tell if that changes.
Some tools, networks, platforms, ecosystems, etc. have existed just fine without being monetized to death. You don’t want to alienate your fan
base before you start looking at long-term sustainability strategies. Two examples of not having the right balance are Path and PicPlz. Both are
perfect examples of the shiny object syndrome hype machine that everybody thought would replace Facebook, but had yet to see the success
of Instagram. They made brief appearances, but have since fizzled mostly due to the popularity of an existing network in Instagram.
One of the reasons Facebook decided to acquire Instagram is that it made more sense to
avoid court costs and work with a talented team rather than work on a competing app in
Facebook Camera. The other reason was AppData’s DAU (Daily App Usage) chart when
Instagram made an Android version of the mobile app available. With an investment like
this expect Facebook to turn Instagram from just being a mobile based app to also being a
web based application where they can monetize and run ads. You are already starting to
see this with Instagram’s web based vanity profiles. Facebook’s ad units called “Sponsored
Stories” go right into the News Feed in Facebook’s mobile app, and could easily fit into
the Instagram home screen. These units bring in about $500,000 for Facebook each day.
Matt Dickman, EVP, Social Business Innovation at Weber Shandwick puts the Facebook
purchase in perspective by saying, “It’s not about technology. Facebook bought an existing community.”
Big names like Spotify are taking notice and working with Instagram to integrate product offerings to extend brand influence. This is a testament
to Spotify’s partnership with Facebook for strengthening their ecosystem. Going one step further in pushing the social mobile commerce
strategy is Chirpify which made its name on Twitter is now bringing it’s platform to Instagram. I fully expect Facebook, Google or Pinterest to
acquire Chirpify if there isn’t already a bidding war going on behind the scenes. If anything I see Instagram replacing Twitter and Foursquare.
An evolution of microblogging that Jack Dorsey might agree with. I would say Google+, but they hang on as the kings of SEO with Google
Authorship and a new results strategy that puts a greater value on social media over keyword manipulation.
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Build Your Following 5
While I could go on and on in the cases studies because there are many other great brands out there. My goal was to highlight some lesser
known brands because of two reasons. The most obvious reason is as a community and industry marketers tend to focus only the big retail
and CPG brands like MTV, Starbucks, Burberry or Nike. The second reason was to show how these relatively unknown brands are succeeding
at carving out a piece of the pie using known best practices by adding their own unique style and flavor to their viual storytelling. So, what are
some of these best practices? Here are some simple tips to keep in mind when documenting and capturing your brand’s story.
#1 Have A Content Plan
Any knowledgeable content marketer worth their salt will have a content plan that integrates with an overarching content strategy. Brand
building in social is about frequency, reach, yield across all invested channels. Purchase decisions are rarely influenced by the first, second, or
third impression.
#2 Show Your Products
I’ve talked about and will continue to talk about, the importance of visual storytelling for purposes of brand messaging consistency. Remember
you are a brand or you work for a brand and your photos are a representation of you or your brand. Great marketing finds a balance between
the visual storytelling side of things and realizing that you have to pepper your social stream with your current and future products. We
sometimes forget the ultimate purpose of marketing is to help drive the lead generation process further into the sales funnel otherwise it
is just a hobby. This is an opportunity to engage new customers that may not be aware of your full product line or re-engage your current
customers. If you’re a service based business this can seem like more of a challenge, but it comes down to reframing the perspective. I.e. -
Show off the tools of the trade or a current work in process.
#3 Show How It’s Made
“See a need. Fill a need.” - Rodney Copperbottom Products and services are created to fill a need and in that spirit it starts with a concept or
idea. As humans we’re are naturally curious and if we fancy something enough we want to learn more about how something works. Again,
it goes back to shows like Mr. Rogers Neighborhood where we had a factory tour and saw how Crayola crayons were made. How It’s Made
has been a successful Discovery Channel series that has been in production since 2001. Apply this best practice and you can easily diversify
your content marketing strategy implementation. Involve your customers in the process. They might surprise you by giving feedback on
improvements that could help with cost effectiveness. In either case it helps deepen the relationship when creating raving fans. In some cases
creating tastemakers who like to focus on quality products/services and share it with their community.
#4 Go Behind The Scenes
The best example of behind the scenes visual storytelling is Victoria’s Secret. They aren’t just shooting beautiful models in lingerie. They are
photographing the photographer, the makeup artist, etc. Content marketing is hard work. Why not document every aspect of the process?
While this sounds a lot like tip #3 it covers a broader area. It can include special events like the previous example of 2012 Special Olympics,
but from a brand perspective rather than a user-generated one. Whether it is the red carpet, a product shoot, a client meeting, an employee
appreciation day, etc. give your followers an exclusive backstage pass view into everyday life.
#5 Show What Your Products Can Do
We’ve talked about documenting the process and all the hard work. Now it is time to show the fruits of your labor or have your followers do
it for you. After all they can be your best spokespeople for customer testimonials and brand advocacy. This can be creating a contest like in
tip #12 or promoting and featuring an Instagram user. It will only make them more engaged and willing to post more brand related pictures.
Before and after side by side comparison shots help verify the quality of a product or service. I like to refer to this as the Billy Mays Oxiclean
infomercial affect. How does it improve your followers wants or needs?
#6 Give A Sneak Peek
We can all learn something from the burlesque industry and I don’t mean from a literal standpoint, but from a figurative one. In the broader
sense of the word the movie and film industry calls them teasers. Take pictures that announces big news about the brand or exclusive
previews of a new product or service. Again, curiosity. We like to be the first to know. Great Internet Marketers do this by getting people
to opt-in through email to get a beta invite. A good example for a visual standpoint can be as simple as a sign, construction work of a new
location, or a partial picture of the final reveal.
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#7 Show The Office
If you have a clean office space you simply aren’t trying hard enough. People want to see the real brand. Not just the crafted to perfection
image manufactured by a marketing agency. It can mean the difference between a consumer picking one company over another. It makes
your brand real and more believable. It means you believe what you say from a company culture standpoint internally as well as externally.
You could probably fake it, but it is a lot of work and in that case why even bother. Discerning viewers can tell the difference and will call you
out on it. As an added bonus some of your followers will want to become your employees because of it. If you have a position open for a
qualified person that already knows and loves the brand you potentially have a loyal employee that wants to brag even more about how great
your product or service is.
#8 Take Us With You
B2B is still B2C, but really is all P2P in that we all have free will in the decision making process. We have hopes, dreams and aspirations. We
also have weaknesses like reality TV or the Travel Channel. We live vicariously through our favorite brands as they go on business trips. It
also gets back to tradeshow type response rates. Your followers will be watching your feed to see if you will be in town so they can meet in
person or know about the event. Sometimes nothing beats in-person conversations to really get to know your passions when it comes to your
business. A great example of this can be any brand heavily invested in launching a new product, new location or an entertainment brand like a
sports team, a band or a movie.
#9 Introduce Your Employees
Besides giving them 15 minutes of fame you are giving a face to your brand. Yes, your employees are the face to your brand as much as
a highly paid spokes model, which in my opinion is a dying breed, in the age of social. Leave that to late night television talk shows and
traditional media to pimp products the old fashioned way. If you’re a brand that cares about customer service it helps put faces to a name,
but be careful to ask your employee permission before posting information about them. They shouldn’t have to feel obligated to participate
if they feel insecure about sharing personal information. You have to respect their privacy because you never know which customer could act
inappropriately online or off.
#10 Share Your Product Placement
You’ve arrived. Don’t let it go to your head. It just means your hard work is just starting to be noticed by a larger audience. SWAG is an ok
route, but it is even better if you don’t have to pay a celebrity a big pile of bones in the process and besides it isn’t authentic. You want to try
and shoot for a more organic approach. This is why public relations with traditional media still matters in the age of social. It is the middle
ground between your brand and celebrity status. However, if you’ve done a good job building an engaged community one or more of your
followers will let you know of a celebrity endorsement they may come across. You’ll want to share it using your channels.
#11 Make your followers stars
Who are your best marketers and biggest brand advocates? People relate to the average joe because he is the ultimate spokesperson for your
brand and who to better show using your product or service? While you ultimately have control over your brand channel for public relations
and crisis management reasons you want to feature the talent of your followers using your products. One such great example is Sharpie.
There are only so many pictures you could take of colored markers. You might be pleasantly surprised by their imaginative creations.
#12 Use #Hashtags and @Mentions
One of the advantages that Instagram, Twitter, and Google+ have over Facebook is specific user generated hashtags that filter subject
relevancy. This can help with brand specific identification and is good for proactive event organizers who promote the hashtag prior to the
event on other channels. This is also a quick and easy way for channel managers to spot and engage brand ambassadors for future, more
organic word of mouth marketing. Hashtags are also good for building a fan base from those looking for relevant content. A great example of
a company that is using hashtags that involve the community is 614 Magazine in Columbus, Ohio. It is a relatively new print lifestyle magazine
that is making waves to compete with the big boys in town by focusing on a younger audience interested in buying local over big brands.
Some popular Hashtags on Instagram include:
#love #instagood #photooftheday #instamood #igers #beautiful #nofilter
You can find a live ranking of the most popular hashtags on Justin Soo’s website.
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#13 Think About Doing A Contest
Some of the most successful brands I see on Instagram get a lot of attention by running contests it is virtually a free ad for them. This could be
daily, weekly or monthly. It might involve creative ways of displaying or interacting with one of your products. Think Coca-Cola. However, it
doesn’t always have to involve your products. Think seasonally. Then reward the winners with prizes. Just be sure that like any social channel
you run a contest on you are clear about the rules, and legalities. Also, make sure to use a unique hashtag which has never been used before
to filter the participants. This is another opportunity to cross promote your brand and gain followers on Instagram. One thing some brands
also do is take one of their products, leave it in a public place, and post a photo of it for followers to find. A photo hunt if you will.
#14 Partner Internally & Externally
Instagram is a one user per phone app which can mean a single POV. Depending on how overworked your social media manager or team is
working on content for various channels, it is always good to tap fellow employees you can trust and empower to share the burden.
You can also hire a trusted influencer to be your brand ambassador and document, cover, and report on an event. A great example of this is
when local Ohio Vlogger, Amy Schmittauer covered the 2012 Ohio Growth Summit. Here is a nice shot of Gini Dietrich of Spin Sucks and Joe
Pulizzi of Junta42/Content Marketing Institute.
#15 Use Third Party Websites To Measure & Optimize
When Instagram first started there wasn’t a way to view and follow users without being first logged into a mobile app. Third party developers
created solutions to solve the problem. Even though Instagram has since fixed this issue, some of the websites are still good for promotion
like Webstagram, Instagrid, Followgram, Ink361, and my personal favorite Statigram. Statigram is great because it addresses a community
manager’s needs for engaging the brand’s followers and statistical reporting and insight on when is the best time to post. An alternative to
Statigram with regards to account statistics is Simply Measured’s free analytics report or newcomer Nitrogram.
One thing I like about Instagrid is that it does what the other third party websites haven’t considered in creating a real-time user experience
at events by displaying hashtagged photos much like event organizers have done for hashtagged Twitter streams. The thing to keep in mind
is that your event stream can always be hijacked unless closely monitored. If you are concerned with that then you can also use a desktop
slideshow app like Carousel.
If you are a brand looking for an all-in-one management and CRM tool used to run Instagram campaigns Columbus, Ohio based startup
Venueseen is the first of its kind to focus on helping brands utilize visual marketing to build relationships with their customers.
#16 Print Services
Usually when people think of print services they see it from a personal brand perspective, but try to think outside the box a little. Social is
about user generated and crowdsourced community involvement. Ask your community for photos they think represent the brand much like a
contest and send them printed collateral as a thank you. Vermont ice cream giant Ben & Jerry’s did this in a recent campaign while this books
was still being written. This only helps to reinforce transparency and commitment from brand to consumer. Just be sure to get documented
permission because loyalists don’t like to be taken advantage of. If you ask for permission nine times out of ten they will be more than happy
to be included. A sort of permission based marketing, if you will.
Some popular printing services include; Statigram, Printstagram, Casetagram,, Keepsy, Snapstagram and Stickygram which focuses
on Instagram magnets. Postagram is actually a separate app that connects to your Instagram and Facebook accounts to send anybody a post
card. MoPho and PostalPix are separate apps that allow you to order products directly from your phone. For quality canvas prints check out
Instacanvas , CanvasPop, BumbleJax, and InstaPrints. Instacanvas and Instaprints are monetized so you can sell your Instagram photos.
If you’re an event marketer looking for a the fun of a Photobooth/Polaroid interactive experience make sure to check out Instaprint. Instant
Lab and Projecteo are Kickstarter projects that re-engineers what we loved about analog and mashes it up with the with help from your phone.
#17 Using Call To Actions
•	 Email Lists
•	 Company Newsletters
•	 Website (Icons and Aggregation Feeds) eg - SnapWidget and InstaPress
•	 Traditional Media Collateral
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#18 Distribution/Aggregate To Social Networks For Top Of Mind Awareness
•	 Existing Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr and Foursquare Integration
•	 Update your Facebook Brand Page Timeline Cover Photo regularly
• Recipes to post to Google+ and, etc.
#19 Create Images That Feature Promotional Codes
A quick and easy social media multi-channel strategy to drive and retain traffic is to create exclusivity on one channel. This way your audience
uses the trackable promotional code associated with that channel, but also makes them think about following that channel if they like and use
your product enough to not want to miss another promotion for discounts or new product launches.
#20 Just Get Creative
Photography is not a perfect medium or art form for that matter. Think outside the box when it comes to integrating a brand mark or logotype
into an image. Sometimes you don’t need it at all. The more you experiment the more looks you are going to be able to present to your
viewing audience. Sometimes the imperfect or unexpected shots get more response than the predictable versions usually associated with high
end photography. Whatever you do just keep shooting, editing and refining.
* A Quick Note For Brand Managers On Reputation Managment - Your customers decide the channel they want to engage you on and
Instagram is no different to any other platform or network in that regard. Be available to them. See below:
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Rules of Etiquette 9
For the love of God ... ... fill it out. I’m not necessarily trying to encourage popularity contests and some people like their privacy and only want
to share with friends and family, but again people are naturally curious. If you are a personal or company brand you want to leverage every
opportunity to drive inbound traffic to your website. It also helps build authority and credibility if you have consistent and quickly accessible
information across all of your social networks. This includes your avatar.
Date, Time, Place
I was never a big fan of those time stamps on print cameras, but some people are into that kind of thing. This is especially useful for brands
that participate in event marketing or the tourism industry. The most important thing people want to know is the place ... ... just in case they
decide to visit sometime.
Apps Used
I have mentioned this before, but it is worth mentioning again. Nobody is born a great photographer and even the good ones are constantly
honing their skills. Build your community by sharing the apps you use to educate other budding photographers and brand advocates. Yes this
means even for company brands. It creates transparency so long as you create some sort of disclaimer that you aren’t being paid to endorse
one app developer over another. Some companies worry about opening themselves up to legal issues, but lawyers and sue happy customers
have stifled true efforts by customer-centric to have more of a conversational approach and style to their marketing. Make sure you research
whether this is beneficial or detrimental to your social strategy before implementing it and make sure you have it in your social media policy on
your website or corporate policy that states every effort of being objective in order to eliminate favoritism for one over another.
There are two ways to approach posting event photos. You can take your best photos and create a collage or for a longer tail drip marketing
(aka - content marketing) create a content calendar that spreads out the pictures. The one thing you will want to do is start promoting the
event through traditional channels a couple months beforehand and through social a couple weeks before the event to garner interest. This
way you can find and engage brand advocates to create conversations and new discovery. The one thing you don’t want to do is overshare
your photos all at the same time. It is highly likely that you will be seen as a spammer. Give yourself some time between updates for
consistency purposes. Remember you want to try and find your balance in frequency as it will affect reach and yield.
Food Photos, Cloud Porn and Pictures Of Yourself Or Others
Also known as #me, #foodporn, and #cloudporn. While food and pictures of yourself are awesome they get old real quick. This would
probably never happen from a brand perspective, but the challenge you will face as a brand or product manager is to create a desirable
storyline. Books, music, other material things, and yes other brands that people can identify with to create engaging conversations unless you
like the boring, vapid, and routine comments about things that are superficial. The number of likes you receive does not equate to qualified
leads and conversion. The exception to the rule is restaurateurs, bakeries, and the Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) industry. Unless you are a
company whose main product offering is food or makeup don’t do it just because it’s what others are doing. Define your goals and objectives,
develop contextual visual storytelling, implement it, and then refine it.
Be Your Own Editor/Curator
Anybody who has created a portfolio of work knows to only show their best work. While you’re always taught not to judge a book by the cover
it is inevitable, especially as a brand. This is especially true in the rise of responsive design, mobile strategies, and user experience that very
much mimics file management or an art exhibition at your local fine arts gallery. At first it isn’t always easy to notice because a consumer’s
attention span is focused on real-time updates, but what if you do a great job and they want to find out more? It is important to be self-
critical of your brand imagery in order to maintain a level of quality and consistency that lends itself to being a trusted subject matter expert.
This shouldn’t be confused with my previous comments about photography being imperfect and thinking outside the box with regards to
experimentation, but rather being selective about what makes sense within the bigger scheme of the brands overall style guidelines.
Ask For Likes, To Be Followed, Or For A Shoutout
Just don’t. I shouldn’t have to say this, but begging and assuming are colors that are very unbecoming. You aren’t going to win friends or
influence people by not having the confidence to believe in your social strategy. Desperate is not a social strategy. Have a professional
demeanor and direct potential leads to “click here”, “find out more” among many other calls to action through text apps or organic text
You want to know the dirty little secret to success in social regardless of the channel? It takes hard work, training, consistency and strategy
over time. There is no such thing as a magic bullet or an overnight success. You either decide to be fully committed to social or you don’t.
There isn’t a grey area.
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Quick Photography Composition Tips 10
“The so-called rules of photographic composition are, in my opinion, invalid, irrelevant and immaterial.” – Ansel Adams In other words the
following rules are more of guidelines because often they contradict each other many scenarios. The most important rule of composition is to
Don’t Use The Zoom
DSLR photographers can breathe a sigh of relief. The biggest limitation is a quick decrease in photo quality when you use the zoom especially
in low light situations. You are the zoom. “Use what yo mamma gave ya” by using your legs. You want to frame your shot keeping the ratio of
your final result in mind.
Never Shoot Straight On
Photography is about experimenting. Don’t get me wrong some pictures taken straight on work, but if I had to guess the ratio of straight on to
shooting from an angle is 10 to 1 in favor of angles. Anybody can take subject matter straight on. It is the ability to give a different perspective
that gives a photographer his or her style.
Shoot Early. Shoot Often.
One of the limitations of film that isn’t as much as an issue in digital is you virtually have limitless storage. Any professional photographer will
tell you to take multiple exposures for a couple of reasons. You focal length will always change especially when using a mobile phone unless
you lock it down with an app other than the default camera app. If you’re using natural light it will more than likely change in a matter of
seconds. Finally shots involving elements out of your control only happen once and then they are gone.
Focus, Daniel-san
This should be fairly self-explanatory. Focus can make or break a great picture. Don’t always trust tapping on where you want your camera to
focus. You will want to follow my previous tip just in case. Also, consider focusing on something other than what is expected. Experiment on
what the focal point typically would be.
Choose Your Light Wisely
What is your end result going to look like? Try to envision what kind of light you are going to use whether it be artificial or natural. It can give
a very different feel and convey a very different emotion which also happens to be the beauty of photography. Just make sure people can see
what the subject matter is and that it isn’t underexposed or overexposed.
Rule of Thirds
Never center your subject matter unless you are shooting for symmetrical or a portrait. The rule of thirds is one of the most important
fundamentals in photography and becomes second nature after a while. The idea of the rule is to divide your shot into thirds both vertically
and horizontally and placing points of interest in the intersections or along the lines. By doing this your photo becomes more balanced and will
enable a viewer of the image to interact with it more naturally. Studies have shown that when viewing images that people’s eyes usually go to
one of the intersection points most naturally rather than the center of the shot – using the rule of thirds works with this natural way of viewing
an image rather than working against it. Some camera apps come with an option to turn a Rule of Thirds grid own for quick reference.
Watch The Background
Your background should not be the center of attention unless you are shooting a landscape. Anytime you are shooting subject matter you
want to make sure there aren’t random objects sticking out so as to be a distraction. In very rare cases photographer’s can get cheeky by
incorporating the background, but it takes a lot of timing and vision to get the right angle. I wouldn’t suggest this be the norm because the
final result comes off gimmicky rather than telling a story.
Don’t Cut The Limbs
Cropping is good, but you don’t want to crop too much. When you cut off the limbs a photo can appear incomplete and often is. The
exception to the rule: If you are going to cut off the parts of the body make sure you are going to do it in whole sections (eg - headshot, bust,
upper body and lower body). I sound like Dexter, but keeping this in mind makes for some of the most popular fashion photography online and
in print today.
Do you remember your kaleidoscope as a kid? You could make endless amounts of parallel lines, reflections, equal spaces and shapes.There is
beauty in keeping pictures simple when opportunity presents itself. Symmetry is one way of creating balance while keeping it simple. Really
good symmetry is typically found in architecture, but can be found anywhere from the abstract to the concrete.
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Nose Room
Nose room is a perfect example of asymmetry. With the exception of a portrait you will always want to give your subject matter some room to
breath. Finding the right amount of space between the subject matter and the edge of the picture gives a certain balance and harmony. Feng
Shui, if you will.
Leading Lines
Leading lines are used to draw the viewer’s eye through a photograph. They are intentional or unintentional, natural lines created in the space
of the photograph and are used to create a visual narrative in the composition. They are great for creating depth and often entice the viewer
to look deeper into the details.
Like a lot of the rules in composing a good photograph they don’t all necessarily apply. At least not at the same time. Framing typically
happens when an opportunity presents itself. Framing is when you take an object that that acts as a border or frame for your subject. The
frame directs the viewer’s attention to a particular subject or point of interest within the photograph. AKA - Perspective. Frames also create
perspective and show depth. Some examples include branches, windows, tunnels, doorways, and archways. Anything that lets you look
through one thing at another thing will make a good frame.
A simple rule that can make the difference between making a photograph good and making it great. Cropping is useful for several reasons
including distracting background elements, framing mistakes, unbalanced images, etc. The greatest thing about cropping is that it allows for
flexibility and control of your final output. It is easier to take away then add on after the moment has already passed which is why I refer back
to the tip about shooting early and shooting often.
Color vs. Black & White
Everybody loves vibrant colors of a photograph, but something often overlooked by many photographers is the power of a black and white
photograph. I will often take a picture and switch it to a black and white to manipulate the contrast to see if it makes sense versus its full color
version. A great black and white photo will have a wide range of grays that move from full black all the way to pure white. You will know a
great black and white photo vs a great color photo when you see it.
For more detail and specific examples on composing a great photograph I highly suggest checking out Darren Rowse’s (aka - Problogger)
website: Digital Photography School
Photography Style
Challenge yourself to work in different photography styles because while you might become great at a certain style of photography you have to
keep in mind your audience and their changing tastes. Remember we’re talking about storytelling, short attention spans, driving engagement
and audience participation for WOMM.
Some popular styles of photography for brands to consider include; Portrait, Environmental Portrait, Candid Portrait aka Photojournalism,
Event, Glamour, Advertising, Fashion, Lifestyle, Black & White.
Photography doesn’t always have to make sense. Experiment with different styles and apply them to fit your needs. Instagram might have
been the last bastion for so called hipsters, but there is something we can learn from making something old new again whether it is high tech
and old style or low tech and new style. The lyrics in Macklemore’s Thrift Shop would be a good summation. To steal from Anthony Bourdain’s
kerouacian style of food and travel writing true perfectionism in photography is somewhere between high fashion and the unrefined guilty
pleasure that makes for a unique and transparent brand authenticity.
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Think Like A Photojournalist. 12
I gave this point its own section for one specific reason. There are commercial photographers. Then there are photojournalists. In my opinion,
anybody can take a photo of a product in a well lit studio or in the field, but not everybody can capture a candid moment in time without the
right lighting. When Alvin Toffler wrote, Future Shock in 1970 everybody probably said he was crazy about the paperless society. They were
half right. Instagram photos are not a good resource for printing. In my opinion no photo from a mobile phone really is, but then again we live
in a digital world. We can access it when we want, anytime, anywhere. We have the power of choice and convenience more than ever before.
I really didn’t have much of a choice when picking career fields as a kid. Aside from my family’s long history in the picture industry and growing
up in an affluent suburb of Washington, D.C. I credit most of my career influence to; my uncle who taught photography and video production,
National Geographic Photographer/Photo Editor Louis Mazzatenta who was my father’s fraternity brother at Kent State, famed celebrity
photographer/paparazzo Felice Quinto whose wife worked with my father at the local high school, and a popular Canon ad campaign starring
tennis star Andre Agassi, with his business in the front and party in the rear epic mullet for my love of photography. Only to later find out years
later the wig was a sham. “Oh the tangled web we weave.” Some pun intended. I also realized I was horrible at drawing the simplest of stick
figures. I have a lot of respect for freehand artists and a few pixel pushers. Photography became an alternative way for me to tell my story by
shooting subject matter that I was passionate about or telling other people’s stories that resonate through photojournalism.
As a participant in the era of film where the SLR camera photographer was respected more than he or she is today, it seems as though
professions like photography are simply seen as a dime a dozen creative service. It required more skill and a degree of understanding the
medium compared to the photography profession we know today. As Maria Bustillos writes, “Not so many years ago, taking a photograph was
a painstaking business; film was expensive, and there were no do-overs.” It was an investment and a workout. Don’t get me wrong. There
are some incredible photographers doing great work in digital, but they have the help of software suites like Photoshop. “Back in my day”
the lighting, composition, aperture, and film speed had to be perfect. Sure you could tweak the fix in the darkroom to get the print the way
you wanted it, but the real point I am trying to get at is the lost art of composing the perfect shot. It wasn’t about taking the best picture,
but evoking emotion and telling the story without touching pen to paper and it wasn’t photoshopped to death. A great example of this
photojournalism on Instagram comes to us from New York Times photographer, Ben Lowy in a series of called, Capturing Libya: Through A
Hipstamatic Lens. Another great example is Time magazine coverage of Hurricane Sandy and the 2012 Presidential Election.
Instagram isn’t necessarily meant to be an online art gallery and you won’t see Annie Leibovitz or David LaChapelle posting on it anytime
soon. It reintroduces the masses to wanting to learn proper photography composition techniques like the rule of thirds, framing, depth of
field, cropping, lead room, background objects, etc. A phone is a tool that is with you all the time. Today technology and lower price points
have allowed for even the average shooter to become a decent photographer, but without any thought put towards storytelling or context.
The democratization of photography and mobile: It was called the point-and-shoot revolution. This is where today’s marketers and digital
strategists have an opportunity to learn photojournalism from the old pros and apply it to their Instagram channel.
Once you get a handle on storytelling through the written word and photography the next step is to evolve your brands storytelling to include
video, but be careful with video. It is a whole different animal than photography with linear and non-linear dynamics. It takes much longer
to pickup video from an internal brand standpoint then it does photography. Remember when Social Media went mainstream and everybody
was talking about user-generated content? I would cringe because brands would and still try to do it themselves, but it usually looks and/or
sounds horrible. As my old undergrad professor use to say, “Great video without great audio is nothing more than a closed-circuit television.
Great audio without great video is just a radio show.” While I applaud them for their efforts a majority of the time it actually does a disservice
to their overall brand messaging and strategy. There is a disconnect. This rush towards the shiny object called YouTube is the reason I feel that
many companies, especially B2B, actually shied away from photography and video early on. They wanted to make all of their videos instantly
go viral and there were marketers out their convincing people you can plan for viral. It left a bad taste in their mouth. Again, you don’t get to
choose. Your audience does. That is why you want to invest in your time focusing on other business objectives by hiring video storytellers like
my friend Eric Leslie and his company OnScene Productions. If you’re a marketer that has been to Society Of Consumer Affairs Professionals
(SOCAP) Conference or Joe Pulizzi’s Content Marketing World chances are you’ve seen his work. Watching Eric’s videos makes me miss field
production because of the raw emotion and passion that comes with capturing a interviewee’s words and facial expressions. Then to take
that raw footage and make some semblance of a bigger picture storyline so it flows naturally for the average viewer in order to evoke specific
emotions whether it be curiosity, anger, sadness, joy, etc.
This is where the consistency in brand storyelling starts to build influence. As the always timely, Chris Brogan puts it, “Use the magazine
approach for your platform.” in that you want to always have your brands mission in mind when developing content for your viewing audience,
have a balanced approach in mediums used, make sure it is of value, and that you are planning your content marketing far enough in advance
that you are saving yourself a lot of headache in the long run. I would suggest following accounts like Time and National Geographic. While
both magazines have the budget to spend on hiring photographers and videographers to handle the real-time of Social Media consumption it
doesn’t mean it should be an excuse for not delivering value to your audience. The one thing I’ve learned about over the years being a creative
services type is that you have to constantly be building your brand be it personal or company. Just like your grade school teacher said, “Show
your work.” There is no such thing as an overnight success. You’re remembered for what you’re going to do tomorrow. Not what you did
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Recommended Apps 13
Contrary to falsities perpetuated by popular shows like CSI, getting beautifully clear and composed photograph is not as easy as saying,
“Enhance!” Damn you, Grissom! If you want to set yourself up for success in photography - whether it is the DSLR or the iPhone make sure
you know the basics before using software as a crutch.
Apps are great for brands and content marketers for a couple of reasons. First is the most obvious and that is the real-time immediacy for
publishing to multiple channels, but also it is a cheap and easy to use resource for community manager who doesn’t have time learn Adobe’s
Creative Suite or the budget to hire someone that does.
I have put together a list of some of the most popular and some unknown apps currently on the market that appeal to mobile photographers
of all levels. Most of the apps are iPhone/iPad only, but some developers have made apps for all operating systems. Hopefully, I have given my
unbiased opinion and some insight on the following apps because I have not been paid by any of the companies to give a favorable or less than
favorable review of their competitors. There are 230 apps listed when you search for the word Instagram alone. Use what works best for you.
645 Pro by
645 Pro is a camera replacement app for serious iPhone photographers who are concerned about compression no matter what device they are
shooting on. While the iPhone doesn’t shoot in RAW format the 645 Pro app currently is the only app that has the unique option for saving
as a TIFF file. While it has other features that most other camera apps have like spot metering, exposure, focus and white balance lock, aspect
ratio, and a series of film simulation options, I like that the developers of the app made the user interface with professional photographers in
mind. The one thing I’m not a fan of is easy access to the iPhone Camera Roll through the app, but really that is a minor inconvenience. While
it is one of the more expensive compared to apps in the same category, at $2.99 it is worth the investment.
For a more in-depth review of 645 Pro by Charlie Sorrel be sure to visit: Cult of Mac
Camera + by tap tap tap
If you’re not so concerned with being a stickler for compression and for a lower price point then Camera+ is a camera replacement app for you.
It has all the features most of the camera replacement apps have, but their graphic user interface (GUI) and workflow process is more intuitive
for even novice users with the session lightbox. In my opinion the exposure and focus lock feature for that depth of field look is my favorite so
For a more in-depth review of Camera+ by Federico Viticci be sure to visit: MacStories
Camera Awesome by SmugMug
This app is as advertised. It is awesome. The first thing that sticks out is that the user interface is pleasing to the eye and the intuitive
workflow is similar to that of Camera +. The one thing that I think SmugMug did very well compared to the other camera replacement
apps is that they focused on the options for subtle fixes to make an average picture “awesome” without throwing a bunch of filters on it by
slightly adjusting sharpness, temperature, vibrance, and contrast. Camera Awesome does have the standard preset filters, but for classic
photographers who strictly want to keep their photos simplistic so as to focus on the subject matter and composition this would be the app to
For a more in-depth review of Camera Awesome by Jaron Schneider visit: FStoppers
Hipstamatic by Hipstamatic
If you’re serious about being an iPhonographer or into experimental pre-production results this app is for you. Because Hipstamatic has
been around as long as the iPhone has had a camera they have created a number of filters and looks with endless possibilities to suit any
photographers’ taste. The company’s focus is to recapture what my generation grew up on and something I think digital hardware still
hasn’t been able to truly replicate and that is the natural temperature of traditional film and processing. Hipstamatic prides itself in being
the analog filter app that you can “swap gear” to get a desired outcome. Also known as “Coarse Photography”, “LoFidelity Photography” or
“Lomography.” They are designed to replicate the output of popular camera brands like Kodak Brownie, Holga, Leica, Agfa, Rolleiflex, Minox,
Imperial, and yes even Polaroid. My very first camera was an Agfa Sport.
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While I’m not a big fan of the Kodak Brownie viewfinder this app has a seemingly endless number of filter combinations that you can make
into favorites should you decide to like a certain look and feel. One thing to be aware of is the cost associated with each HipstaPak can add up
quick. This app would be higher on my list if the developers allowed you to easily import photos with other camera replacement apps, but I
understand and appreciate their dedication to the love of film. I also put this app in the camera replacement section because of this reason as
well. They have addressed this issue by creating another app called SwankoLabs that acts like a dark room with plenty of processing options.
To find out more information about Hipstamatic by Hipstamatic, LLC visit:
Slow Shutter Cam by Cogitap
The one thing I am really surprised by the camera replacement apps is the exclusion of manual shutter speed. While that might be something
that is in the works for future releases of 645 Pro and Camera+ niche apps like Slow Shutter Cam are filling the void. Slow Shutter Cam is not
a true shutter speed function as in the traditional sense, but it does the intended job in that it creates whimsical light trail motion results in
the photos. The most popular shots have been the somewhat cliche night time cityscapes and county fair fun rides. Still, this is a fun app for
experimenting with even during the daytime.
For a more in-depth review of Slow Shutter Cam by Chris Maxcer be sure to visit: TechNewsWorld
Fast Camera by i4Software
Fast Camera is an absolute must have camera app in my opinion. As a photographer interested in sports, whether it is professional soccer or
my kids playing it in the local rec league, it can be tough to capture great action shots on the iPhone for sharing with friends and family. Fast
Camera takes the guessing out of whether or not you got the shot. As long as you have the subject matter framed right Fast Camera gives you
frame by frame captures of the action so you can take your time making a decision on a split second moment that comes and goes in the blink
of an eye.
To find out more information about Fast Camera by i4software visit:
Photo Editing: Color Correction
Photogene by Mobile Pond
I call this Photoshop in an app. In my opinion it is even better than what Adobe has released with Photoshop Express.. Photogene2 gives the
photographer the ultimate control over the photograph with the ability to adjust; white balance, color balance, channel mixer, curves, levels,
clarify, etc. as well as making spot adjustments to specific areas rather than the whole photo. Photogene2 would be in my arsenal of apps that
enhances the iPhonography experience.
PhotoForge2 by Ghostbird Software
PhotoForge2 basically offers the same suite as Photogene2, but from what I can tell it doesn’t have the spot correction options like
Photogene2. However, that being said I wouldn’t discount PhotoForge2. I still think it is worth trying out because everybody’s preferences
are different. As much as I talk about keeping it simple this would be a case in point for doing just that. Sometimes we can get overly self-
critical and over analyze our photography with all the advanced color photo editing options. The problem with that is any trace of the original
exposure is lost. The one thing that is native to this app that I am surprised a lot of other apps don’t have is the ability to flip a photo vertically
or horizontally. PhotoForge2 also has a great add-on called Camera Pop that takes a note from Hipstamatic and is worth the investment.
For a more in-depth review of PhotoForge2 visit: Appotography
Aviary by Aviary, Inc.
Aviary gets a mention because the simplicity of the workflow and it helps that it is free on all current mobile operating systems. While it
doesn’t have spot adjustments it is still good app for quick photo edits for the hobby photographer. I would call this a “fun” app because it
comes with stickers to apply to photos and a meme creator to share with friends. I would say it was more geared towards the college age
group that is more apt to post party pics on their social networks.
For a more in-depth review of Aviary by Jennifer Ward visit: AppSafari
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Similar to Aviary: BeFunky by BeFunky, LLC and LINE Camera by NAVER Japan
Honorable Mentions: While these photo editing apps are great for the overall look and feel of a photo, the one thing I like to keep specifically
separate is masking techniques. It can be kind of a pain in the butt to create fun masking effects on your phone. There are three great apps
for masking color or subject matter and they are; Masque, ColorSplash, and Color Effects. They pretty much do the same thing, but making a
decision on which one to get is based on an individual’s preferences.
Photo Editing: Filters & Presets
Snapseed by Nik Software
Recently making headlines for being acquired by Google, Nik Software is no stranger to the photo filter game. Nik Software’s filters have been
a necessary staple for any post production for Adobe Photoshop users around the world. Their latest foray into mobile color correction photo
apps has been on par with the quality that is synonymous with Nik Software’s other products. Snapseed has the basic correction tools that
you would find in Photoshop as well as the preset filters that you can adjust on the fly. One of my favorite filters in this app is called “Drama.”
It takes the guesswork out of combining contrast with brightness and tone. While the preset can be a little heavy you have the option to
decrease the overall effect and still make it look like an HDR picture. This would be on the top of my list as far as must have filter apps.
For a more in-depth review of Snapseed by Nik Software visit: iPhoneArt
Dramatic Black & White by JixiPix
While I am excited to see photography making sort of a comeback in mainstream storytelling, a lot of digital brand and content marketers
don’t have what comes with a traditional film background: A good understanding of black and white photography. Sometimes choosing to use
black and white photography over color is the best way to go when telling a story. It creates more drama and romanticizes the subject matter
in a way that color can’t by focusing on the details and contrast in shades of gray. Dramatic Black & White gives you more control over black
and white editing compared to the all-in-one style photo editing apps in this category. I highly recommend adding a black and white standalone
For a more in-depth comparison of Dramatic Black & White vs. Noir Photo visit: Appotography
Filterstorm Pro for IPad by Tai Shimizu
It is what it says it is - a filterstorm. If I had to compare Filterstorm to other filter apps I would say it would be in the same genre or category as
Nik Software’s Snapseed. It was developed to make subtle filter enhancements to a color or black and white photo by adjusting temperature
changes based on the lighting and exposure in the existing photo. What I like most about Filterstorm compared to other Filter apps is the
layout is similar to Adobe’s Lightbox. While it is a little pricey at $14.99 it I would recommend it as the top filter app for photographers who are
comfortable editing on their iPad.
For a more in-depth review of Filterstorm Pro by Derrick Story visit: The Digital Story
100 Cameras in 1
Trey Ratcliffe is a travel blogger and photographer best known for his blog which offers great photography tips and HDR
tutorials. He is the Pete Scoble of the photography world. He has come out with his own app called 100 Cameras in 1. It is worth mentioning
because of its unapologetic stance on filtering photos. Some purists and well known film photographers would probably be rolling over in their
grave with this app, but Trey is not only an excellent photographer, he is an excellent marketer. What it boils down to its he realizes in a global
community the Ansel Adams’ of the world are far and few between. The natural beauty of this world has been covered many times over and
featured in magazines and books produced by National Geographic. If you like a lot of filters without having to do a lot of thinking then this
app is for you.
For a more in-depth review of 100 Cameras in 1 by James Brandon visit: Digital Photography School
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Vintique is a fairly new app, but one that is getting a lot of buzz in Apple’s New & Noteworthy marketplace. I am really liking it because it gives
you the option of Hipstamatic and 100 Cameras in 1 minus the guess work. You can pick from a bunch of analog filter presets and then tweak
them based on color temperature, brightness, etc. It also gives you more control than any other app I’ve seen with regards to vignettes and
textures. The developers at Vintique have really done a great job with this app right out of the gate. I highly recommend it for giving your pho-
tos that nostalgic look and feel.
For a more in-depth review of Vintique by Leanna Lofte visit: iMore
Honorable Mention: Camerabag by Nevercenter, LTD. CO.
Pro HDR by eyeApps
There are quite a few HDR apps in the iTunes store, but only two have really good reviews and one of them is Pro HDR. I like Pro HDR because
of its no frills simplicity in taking a good HDR picture. For those who don’t know what HDR is it stands for High Dynamic Range imaging. While
it has been around for a while, it had a rebirth of sorts in 2005 when Adobe introduced a merge function in its latest release of Photoshop CS2.
In the film age you would take a bracketed photo that was under exposed and combine it with the same overexposed photo. Basically stretch-
ing the limits of a regular exposure which typically resulted in a highly detailed and surreal looking color photo. Unlike other HDR apps Pro
HDR gives you the option of Automatic or Manual image capture and adjusting brightness, contrast, saturation, warmth, and tint.
For a more in-depth review of Pro HDR by Jim Nix visit: Nomadic Pursuits
Honorable Mentions: Three other HDR apps worth checking out are HDR EFX by Nik Software , TrueHDR, and Fotor by Fotor, Inc. which is more
of an All-In-One app.
Text and Add-Ons
Over/Overgram by GoPotluck, Inc.
As a photographer who sees himself as a minimalist in adding anything to a photograph, but in the same breath a marketer who loves a good
font, I am a big fan of Over. Aaron Marshall and company have done a great job in keeping it simple. Over is free and comes with a standard
set of fonts. You can change color, tint, size, and alignment. Then you can buy an in-app purchase to buy a secondary font pack. This is great
for brand managers who want a quick way to create calls to action on photos and upload them to social networks. The ultimate in balance of
content and context for a brand. Right now you can only use one font at a time without having to double dip on the process, but Aaron has
said they are working to change that for the next release of Over.
To find out more information about Over by GoPotluck, Inc. visit:
Phonto by YouthHHR
Phonto is pretty much like Over with the fonts and configuration. However, one advantage of Phonto currently has over... ...Over is each font
can have a gradient and an outside stroke. It is available on Android phones as well. The only thing I don’t like about it compared to Over is
the user interface and the ads, but nothing beats free.
To find out more information about Phonto by YouthHHR visit:
Typic would fall in the same category as Over and Phonto. The app has more style options than Over and has a transparency option that none
of the other text apps have, but it doesn’t have as many font choices.
To find out more information about Typic by Hi Mom visit:
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Text Here by DahaBaska
Everybody wants to be in a comic strip no matter how old they get. Text Here is a fun bubble conversation text app that takes you back to
being a kid again. I can see brands using this as an engagement tool for event photo booths with the oversized sunglasses, fake feather boas
and goofy hats. It is another opportunity for adding calls to action.
To find out more information about Text Here by DahaBaska visit: iTunes
Comic Strip by Sketch & Scotch
Take your brand’s internal transparency storytelling to a different creative level with Comic Strip. As a creative this is basically known as
storyboarding for video, but what if as a brand or community manager you can easily create storylines of internal happenings to show the
human side to a brand. This can be fun with organizational culture team building events or corporate social responsibility (CSR) events.
To find out more information about Comic Strip by Sketch & Scotch visit:
WordFoto by bitCycle
This is a cool app that has many applicable uses. WordFoto is an app that takes your photo and creates a mosaic effect using words of your
choosing. I could see brands partnering with bitCycle and ambassadors getting really creative using this app for extending brand imagery.
Much like Adobe’s InDesign word wrap function this app aligns the text based on the shape or image. Again, simple in its implementation, but
highly impactful if used the right way.
To find out more information about WordFoto by bitCycle visit:
Phoster by BucketLabs
Who said print was dead? Phoster is like Over and Phonto in that it is a text tool, but I wanted to include it separately because it comes with
some clean stylized templates that any graphic designer would love. I always believe the cleaner a design is the more it lends to a brand’s
credibility. Phoster puts an interesting twist on its approach to visual text based calls to action for marketing event reminders or, for fashion or
retail, limited time only discount campaigns by season or product focus.
To find out more informations about Phoster by BucketLabs visit:
Labelbox by Stepcase
Do you remember finding your mom’s analog ribbon punch label maker and thinking it was a fun toy just to see the newly printed white letters
against the red or blue background only to get yelled at for wasting the roll? No? Just me? Labelbox gives the user this retro feel to your
pictures with a default number of ribbons and the option to purchase the upgrade ribbon pack.
To find out more informations about Labelbox by Stepcase visit: iTunes
Honorable Mentions: Versagram,Pictory, Fauxto, Mustache Me, LINECamera, Lensflare, Lenslight, Bokehful, Tiny Planets, Waycooler
Panorama - For Those Of Us Without An iPhone 5
360 Panorama by Occipital
You might think, “How could I fit a panorama into my brand messaging?” You would be surprised. Typically you need a fancy camera,
expensive stitching software, and a ladder. Panorama apps like 360 Panorama can be your go to solution whether it is an outdoor event or
you’re partying in a convention center. Either way they can make for great Facebook Timeline and Google+ profile photos. Expansive photos
create the illusion of something with immense proportions which translates into a bigger impact on the viewer’s eye forcing their curiosity into
paying attention to the details. We call it the Where’s Waldo effect. 360 Panorama is a better than your average panorama app because not
only has the standard flat image output, it also has an interactive 360 view that you can share with anybody. It is also available on both the
iPhone and Android markets.
For more information about 360 Panorama by Occipital visit:
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Photosynth by Microsoft
Yes, you read right. Microsoft. Photosynth is a program I’ve known about since the swearing in of Barack Obama because it was the first real
test of the software. Microsoft labels the app as the first 3D panorama app. I like this app for the most part, but the only problem is that you
sometimes have ghosting effects and alignment issues when people move around in the frame. I’m not sure if this is because of the 3D stitch-
ing, but still worth an app checking out.
For more information about Photosynth by Microsoft visit:
Honorable Mentions: Pano, Autostitch, Photaf
Frames and Collages
If you’re going to use Instagram as a brand channel you want to make sure you don’t overpost. In reality you shouldn’t do the overshare of any
kind on any channel. One way to fix that is with frames and collages. It is a quick way to tell a story in a small area in a short amount of time.
PicFrame gets my top pick because of its versatility. While it has your standard layouts it also has some other options that the other apps don’t
have including changing the shape of a single frame section. Borders can have patterns applied to them instead of just colors. PicFrame is a
great all-around app for brand and content marketers to compose their story.
For more information about PicFrame by Active Development visit:
Fuzel by Not A Basement Studio
I’m giving Fuzel some more air time over Diptic and Frametastic only because of their ability to not only “think outside the box,” but rather
change the box to look differently to the end user. Fuzel takes high school geometry collages to the next level. There are 12 standard collage
layouts, and 18 funky ones to choose from, but when you upgrade to the pro version the possibilities are endless because it comes with an op-
tion for you to create your own layouts.
For more information about Fuzel by Not A Basement Studio visit:
Honorable Mentions: Diptic, Frametastic
Other/Utility Apps
Groupshot by Macadamia
We all have that group shot of all our family or friends where there is one or two persons that shall not be named conspire to screw up a photo
no matter how hard you try to make a beautiful memory that will last forever. Ok. It’s probably your eccentric cousin Chelsea, little brat of a
brother Jason, or your weird uncle Doug who has had a little too much to drink. The developers at Macadamia know these people and decided
to do something about it. They realize with the beauty of digital photography you can take as many photos as you want and still not get the
one desired result you are looking for. Groupshot is a fantastic facial replacement app that can take the best shot and replace someone’s worst
expression and replace it with their best. Usually I am critical of these apps because it involves manual correction that ends up with a halo ef-
fect or artifacting as part of the final result, but Macadamia has figured out a way so it isn’t noticeable.
For more information about Groupshot by Macadamia visit:
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Photo Transfer by ERCLab
I’m a guy. I’ve got fat fingers and a small phone which means editing photos taken on my phone take entirely too long. Photo Transfer is a
great product because it can take your mobile phone snaps and transfer them wirelessly to your tablet or PC without having to use a USB port
to connect. This way you can quickly push your photos to storage for editing on a larger screen. Did I mention I am a guy? I also hate having
to deal with looking for the right cord, download the software, etc. It is an unnecessary and tedious process. Photo Transfer is a great utility
app for any mobile photographer.
For more information about Photo Transfer by ERCLab visit:
This is a great utility app because it is a cloud based backup software. While most have iCloud the difference is that Everpix syncs all the
photos you’ve ever taken to the most popular social networking sites. It is like Evernote, but for photos. Unlike Evernote this is a paid service.
Keep in mind you are paying for convenience and unlimited gigabyte space of your photos synced across all your devices and networks. When
we’re talking mobile photography your photos can add up quickly.
For more information about Everpix by 33cube visit:
When people talk about photography and online sharing inevitably Terms of Service agreements and copyright arguments come up. My advice
to people is if you really don’t want people stealing your photographs and post them as their own for a profit then don’t post them on the
Internet. In the case of Instagram this is called a #regram. Impression is the first app that is specifically marketed towards photographers who
want to protect their photos by creating a watermark. While I am from the school that you ruin the integrity of the photo and possibly turn off
building your community I understand a photographer’s want to protect his or her property.
For more information about Impression by Blue Crowbar visit:
Like any social network with a meteoric rise due to increased popularity there are many things to like and a few things that can be annoying.
One such thing is the spammers and Instagram is no exception. IGExorcist helps figure out which of your followers are the most engaging and
which followers are not active. A good if you are interested in quality over quantity.
For more information about IGExorcist visit:
Instagram does a good job of listing your followers, who you are following, and who likes your followers, but it doesn’t give anymore account
insights to your fanbase. Instrack does all of the previously mentioned, but also filters by new followers, new unfollowers, non-followers (users
that don’t follow you back), mutual friends (followers you follow back), and fans (followers you don’t follow back). This app gives you control
of your community and make corrections on the fly so you optimize your brand engagement.
For more information about Instrack by Innovatty visit: iTunes
Photorights by Zuco
While this really doesn’t matter with regards to posting your pictures to social networks like Instagram, Facebook, Google+, et al because you
give up your rights when you agree to the terms of service, it is important to understand and know your rights as a photographer whether that
is taking pictures of public and private property, etc. It also comes with model releases that you can print off as well as a copyrights guide for
photo sharing sites like Flickr.
For more information about Photorights by Zuco visit:
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Instagram has an discovery function that looks up users by name and pictures by hashtag, but it doesn’t drill down to filter by brands,
celebrities, or individuals that are popular. InstaWho is a curated directory that lists users by subject matter. While some might say that
it isn’t a popularity contest the flip side of the coin is that brands can engage unofficially verified celebrity account and engage potential
photographers with large followings as part of a outreach program like in the Johnnie Walker case study.
For more information about InstaWho by Magnet1c:
Make Your Own Photo App by Conduit
Conduit is the a mobile and social development company behind the wildly successful and popular Wibiya social toolbar has a make your own
photo app of sorts. Really it is a photo aggregation feed of your photos, but has an app and a mobile website with various calls to action for
brands to extend their reach or to grow their online presence. However, I would advise any brand marketer to first make sure this kind of
mobile strategy aligns with the overarching integrated marketing strategy. Does it make sense to invest? That being said this option to make
your own photo app is a great opportunity for small business marketers to use as a cost effective alternative. Like a lot of popular Software as
a Service (SaaS) freemium model offerings, Conduit offers a free version and a white labeled premium version.
For more information on Conduit Mobile visit:
*Update - Two apps I discovered that I like and think are worth mentioning since started writing this book include:
This is a very simple to use camera app because of its user interface. As you can tell by my previous app reviews I’m a big fan of keeping things
simple. Another great thing I like about this app is that there is no lag time from when you tap the screen to take a picture like you find in
other camera apps where there almost always seems to be a bit of a delay. The next thing you will notice is the simplified presets it gives you
on color (7 choices) or black and white (3 choices). What I really like about this app compared to other camera/photo editors is that instead
of a slider it gives you a limited number of presets to choose from. It pays homage to the traditional film photography technique known as
For a more in-depth review of VSCO Cam by Ryan Gould visit: Culture Milk
The biggest reason I want to highlight Afterglow is because it combines strong features of previous apps I’ve mentioned into one. More
specifically it has some unique color filters compared to the Instagram app. It also has some unique analog film overlays that are very realistic
looking and some unique frames like Fuzel. Once again like the VSCO Cam app Afterglow’s user experience is simplified, intuitive, and super
fast. Unlike the bracketing experience in VSCO Cam the filter presets act more like a layer in Photoshop and have a slider so you can manage
the percentage you want to fill with a cancel or check button. A lot faster than picking a filter preset and having to go back and forth when
trying to make a decision. The filter presets are very suble and warm hence the name Afterglow.
For a more in-depth review of Afterglow by Christine Chan visit: AppAdvice
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Hardcore Hardware 21
Every photographer knows it isn’t about the tools, but having an eye for composing, great timing, and exposing the subject matter right the
first time. That being said lighting and different lenses help a photographer capture the an optimal frame without having to resort to post
production smoke and mirrors. For those mobile photographers that are serious, this pre-production preparedness by investing in the right
hardware is something to consider. The good news is there isn’t a big market for mobile photography hardware, but I wanted to highlight
some products I feel are worthy of mentioning.
Probably the most well known and popular lens on the market today this lens is great because it is a 3-in-1 lens that gives the photographer
a wide angle, macro and fisheye lens. While it is priced at $70 on Amazon and may seem steep to some, remember you are getting three
different looks to expand your photography portfolio.
For a more in-depth review of Olloclip by Jeremy Horwitz visit: iLounge
Schneider Lens
I have a little bias to Schneider’s iPro Lens System because I used to use their lenses when working as a contractor to the National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration. Schneider produces some of the highest quality glass in the market today. All hand machined in Germany which
also explains the the high price at $199. It is considered a luxury brand. In any event this is a great system, but my only criticism that I would
give is that it doesn’t have a macro lens like the Olloclip.
For a more in-depth review of Schneider iPro Lens by Alexandra Change visit: Macworld
AGPTek 4 in 1 Lens Kit
As a third option AGPTek offers a the same lenses as the Olloclip plus an additional telephoto lens at a lower price point. The only downside to
this setup is you are carrying around a lot of accessories and if you are going to get that serious about photography you might want to consider
a DSLR or Mirrorless camera as an alternative. What makes this lens kit appealing is its low price point.
For a more information on the AGPTek Lens Kit visit: Newegg
Note- The best place to find a lot of other mobile photography hardware as well as other fun accessories is at
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Case Studies 22
How awesome would it be if a picture was sponsored by Vera Wang and Armani? I’m not saying it needs to be cheesy and they need to wear
1-800-Flowers across their chests like a professional soccer player, but we often associate style and image with brand as context. Some brands
are already doing this on Instagram with the help of Instagrammer collectives. High fashion photography, if you will, that appears in bridal,
fashion, and lifestyle rags. This is how Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMM), New Public Relations, and effective social media strategies work.
It is subtle and brand mention happens after instead of before. This way raving fans and even non raving fans feel less like they are being told
what to do and instead are sharing a great story. Combine that with a multi-pronged press and pitch approach through traditional and digital
channels to get the attention of daytime and news media outlets. Most media outlets are tired of being pitched and reporting on the same old
thing. When a producer at a local or national outlet sees a unique twist to a story it gets their attention. Think of media outlets as part of your
market in so much as purchase decisions are rarely made on impressions 1-10, but if you have a chorus of fans sharing images that have con-
text the higher the percentage you will have of getting that desired conversion.
This is just one example and it isn’t just limited to fashion, retail, and Pinterest. B2B companies have to move away from just saying, “This is
the solution.” to something more like, “Our clients are like you, this is how they’ve loved our solution, but we’ll let you do the talking.” Even
a seemingly boring engineering company like GE can make storytelling and channel engagement interesting via Instagram. The point that
some circles are trying to make is that the picture doesn’t have to be perfect and in a lot of ways can seem unnatural, less organic, cold, over
polished and sterile. It isn’t reality. So much so that some brand managers are taking the opposite approach and dumbing down the high
fashion look and instead focus on the story being told in the photo or video. The only problem I see is some decision makers will take this
advice and go the opposite direction towards dumbing down their photographs. There still has to be a balance because otherwise you will
pigeonhole your brands imagery to a certain style. It is ok to do high fashion photography and lofi photography. Ultimately it is about the story
you are trying to portray (aka - context).
Virgin America
Incentivize your fan base. Nobody knows this better than John Colucci and the Social Media Marketing Team at Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin
America airline. It is the one of the easiest and cheapest way to get WOMM implemented. As humans we’re suckers for contests, discounts
and free stuff even if it means we have regret afterwards until the next carrot shows itself. Virgin America Airlines who has always been ahead
of the social curve thanks to tech driven leader, Richard Branson, did a simple campaign promotion on Instagram using the hashtag #MyVX-
Experience for a chance to win 30% off a round trip flight. While that not seem like much I’ve seen people do more for less. What I really like
about this case study is that it is permission based marketing. Virgin America partnered with NASDAQ and had the pictures from the hashtag
live streamed to the NASDAQ board in prime real estate in the biggest travel destinations in the world, Times Square, New York City, NY. It was
a beautiful example of repurposing content without the normal costs associated with it. Other airlines are starting to implement their own
visual storytelling strategies as well.
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Johnnie Walker
The well known spirit maker is a sponsor for the Formula 1 racing circuit and as part of their sponsorship they partnered with well known
Edelman Digital to do a three part Instagram campaign to launch the Johnnie Walker brand on Instagram using three mobile photographers
each with over 100k followers to document the experience.
The first part of the campaign started with a photo tour of the Johnnie Walker distillery and bottling plant in Kilmarnock, Scotland with guest
photographer Chris Ozer. Again, as kids we are fascinated by how some of our favorite things are made. I remember one of my favorite Mr.
Rogers shows was when they toured a Crayola crayon factory. Thirty some odd years later I like many my age still like to see how things are
made, but don’t necessarily have the money to travel to Scotland to take a tour.
The second part of the campaign took place in Monza, Italy as part of the Formula 1 Grand Prix. Here guest mobile photographer, Phillip
Gonzales was given unprecedented access to the Vodafone Mercedes McLaren racing team which is sponsored by Johnnie Walker. This
part is important because unlike Chris, Phil didn’t take any pictures of the product and hardly took any pictures of the Johnnie Walker brand
mark or logotype. Instead he took a series of dramatic black and white photos that told a story of a race day that resonates with Johnnie
Walker’s market and fits perfectly into a bigger strategy. Indirect storytelling can be more effective without brand mention as much as direct
The third part of the campaign took place as Athipan Wongsuebyut, a graphic designer and mobile photographer from Thailand documented
his journey to the Johnnie Walker House in Shanghai, China. Athipan takes some beautiful shots that mix historic old world charm of China
with contemporary geometric design reminiscent of Hugh Hefner and James Bond inspired Playboy style of the 70’s.
Chris Ozer, Phillip Gonzalez, Athipan Wongsuebyut and Johnnie Walker help bring three different stories with three different points of view
which in some way influence me to possibly do a couple things along the way: follow them on Instagram (for more great photos and be aware
of possible contests); like them on Facebook; and follow them on Twitter because I might miss something of my favorite brand of scotch.
Finally all this makes me think about putting adding a tour of the Kilmarnock plant as part of my visit to Scotland, Monza or Shanghai as a item
to check off my bucket list. An experience Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman would be proud of.
Ironically, at the time of writing this book my favorite distillery, Maker’s Mark does not have an Instagram account. In my opinion they are
missing out because they are not leveraging their highly successful direct mail brand ambassador program for multi-channel effectiveness.
Another example would be Jones Soda. This is the difference between a low barrier of entry and not optimizing a channel for new discovery
where your competitors are thriving. Not to mention engaging your community through hashtags and @mentions.
InstaBRAND: The Ultimate Guide To Visual Storytelling Through Instagram
Instabrand: The Rise of Visual Storytelling In A Content Marketing World
Instabrand: The Rise of Visual Storytelling In A Content Marketing World
Instabrand: The Rise of Visual Storytelling In A Content Marketing World
Instabrand: The Rise of Visual Storytelling In A Content Marketing World
Instabrand: The Rise of Visual Storytelling In A Content Marketing World
Instabrand: The Rise of Visual Storytelling In A Content Marketing World
Instabrand: The Rise of Visual Storytelling In A Content Marketing World
Instabrand: The Rise of Visual Storytelling In A Content Marketing World
Instabrand: The Rise of Visual Storytelling In A Content Marketing World
Instabrand: The Rise of Visual Storytelling In A Content Marketing World
Instabrand: The Rise of Visual Storytelling In A Content Marketing World

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Instabrand: The Rise of Visual Storytelling In A Content Marketing World

  • 1.
  • 2. For Rebecca, Morgan & Teagan Thank you for never letting me give up. Special Thanks Geoff Livingston John Stevens Angie Meeker
  • 3. Table of Contents Introduction...................................................................... 1 This Isn’t A Coincidence..................................................... 2 Why Instagram?................................................................. 3-4 Build Your Following........................................................... 5-8 Rules of Ettiquette.............................................................. 9 Quick Photography Composition Tips................................. 10-11 Think Like A Photojournalist............................................... 12 Recommended Apps.......................................................... 13-20 Hardcore Hardware............................................................ 21 Case Studies....................................................................... 22-30 Conclusion......................................................................... 31-32 Resources........................................................................... 33 About The Author............................................................... 34
  • 4. 2012 was the year of Pinterest. 2013 will be a breakout year for visual content marketing and Instagram is leading the way. Why has it become so popular and why should marketers and brands care? Simply put it enhances the brand experience. Imagine if brands gave a more transparent view of their inner workings instead of just saying they did. Customers want a true and intimate personal tour from a brand. Some top brands are already giving viewers and raving fans backstage passes to everyday life. They take you with them into the office, behind the scenes at photo shoots, concerts, on the runway, and into interviews with your favorite celebrities. We call this opening the kimono. Don’t get me wrong, this is not a new concept ala Flickr et al, but mobile platforms like Instagram are making it more accessible and consumable than ever. Before we get into the obvious bullet points on accessibility we have to dig deeper and view it with a psychological lens. For brands and marketers to understand Instagram I like to focus on the why first. To do so we need to go back to the day we were born. We were born laying on our backs, crying for food and attention. We were appeased by lights, sounds, and colorful objects that seemed to magically move above our heads. “Our brain is designed for pattern recognition, which is one of the reasons why symbols have been around since caveman days. Cartoons capitalize on that unexpectedly,” says Jeffrey Sass, co-founder of Social Object Factory. Whether it was our parents following the advice of baby experts for raising the next Nobel Peace Prize winner or they just needed us to be distracted enough to have a moment of silence, it worked. Gaping Void CEO Jason Korman agrees, saying: “We’re overwhelmed by data and info, we want things that make communications more simple, less complex.” Christopher Frank and Paul Magnone have written an entire book about it called, Drinking From The Fire Hose. Jesse Thomas, co-founder of JESS3, a creative interactive agency that specializes in social media data visualization has capitalized on dumbing down the numbers. He led the infographic trend to reach wider audiences quicker and reframing corporate boardroom conversations. When I was a multimedia specialist for NHTSA I sent automobile test videos to lawmakers who didn’t have time to read a thick engineer’s report, even though it would keep people on our public highways safe. What is seen as supplemental to many has now come back to the forefront as a necessity. MailChimp CEO Ben Chestnut gives us further social proof, through simple A/B testing, putting visual storytelling first as part of your social strategy will see higher response rates over marketing automation and encourage higher engagement. Admittedly, I have been guilty of this on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn using services such as Buffer and IFTTT, but it is currently necessary wearing many hats as a solopreneur. This is not an excuse for brands with bigger budgets and a dedicated member(s) assigned to social media best practices. As kids we watched shows that indulged our curiosity and discovery like The Muppets and Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. As young adults we’re overwhelmed by ratings/review talent judging shows, popularity contests of reality shows and the overall marginalization of our audio visual experience. Shows like these foster an attitude of appearance over substance, but isn’t that what statistics basically boils down to in the end? Ok maybe I am getting ahead of myself and being a little extreme about how some never seem to leave high school, but we are in the keeping up with the Joneses or Kardashians appearance of success game. As a Type B creative first I believe that statistics only tells half the story for big picture long term strategies and objectives. I understand Type A types who are under pressure from stakeholders, but I think something is missing. Sales Lion Marcus Sheridan posted about how Klout has essentially won in that Bank of America has announced a partnership with the U.S. Government and the National Business Stimulus Association (NBSA). The program will allow businesses small and large to use their social media “currency” as a substitute for actual dollars. If only I could cash in my Empire Avenue value. Look out, Mark Zuckerberg. Share This eBook! Introduction “Our brain is designed for pattern recognition, which is one of the reasons why symbols have been around since caveman days.” - Jeffrey Sass Photo: @HBKids 1 InstaBRAND: The Ultimate Guide To Visual Storytelling Through Instagram
  • 5. This Isn’t A Coincidence 2 Before Gutenberg’s printing press and the development of language we had symbols that represented concepts, ideas, and storytelling. Aesthetics help deliver content to the public. Visuals allow the brain to take shortcuts. It helps satisfy the appetite of immediacy. The most popular posts on your favorite blog or social media channel that go viral often involve relatable photos or videos because they tell a story quicker than 250 words. You know the cliche of a picture is worth a thousand words? Even before the social age in the MTV generation *cough* when they actually played music videos the rule of thumb was the average attention span of the view was seven seconds. SEVEN SECONDS! Can you imagine how that statistic has changed with the evolution of the online medium? So the question for marketers, “How do extend the experience past seven seconds?” Chris Pirillo who most would say is the King of The Internet Meme understands this fundamental equation. LOLCats = Funny. While he initially posted in quantity over quality he successfully built up a network again over on Google+ before transitioning to more quality content. If you haven’t noticed yet the posts and status updates with photos or video tend to get the most engagement and Facebook’s EdgeRank. It is the ultimate in consumable and tasty bite size morsel of shareable content. The problem is that most marketers focus on volume of content rather than context of content. Sometimes less is more. One thing that technology has provided is responsive design, microblogging and the infinite scroll. This is why hybrid websites/ mobile apps like Tumblr, Pinterest and Instagram use these methods to help lower bounce rates and to gain momentum as startups in a rich media driven society. It plays into our innate curiosity to dig deeper. Companies are starting to take notice and you have started to see brands like Facebook, eBay, and Myspace with new mobile strategies that are focusing on the visual and responsiveness as an answer to the success of Pinterest. Nir Eyal, author of the forthcoming book, Hooked: How To Drive Engagement By Creating User Habits, touched on this recently in an article for TechCrunch saying, “And nothing holds our attention better than the unknown. The things that captivate, engross, and entertain us, all have an element of surprise. Our brains can’t get enough of trying to predict what’s next and our dopamine system kicks into high- gear when we’re waiting to know if our team will make the field goal, how the dice will land, or how the movie plot ends. Like a loose slot machine, the infinite scroll gives users fast access to variable rewards.” Gary Vaynerchuk warned us about this when he said, “Content is not king, but context. Brands that connect with clients in a real way win.” When Social Media became a buzzword back in 2007 and went mainstream you saw two industries and a bunch of verticals get caught off guard. One of the industries that was caught off guard was public relations and the other was the TV and radio advertising. Social Media up until recent years was ruled by bloggers, internet affiliate marketers, and technology writers. The public relations industry was the first to adapt and since then our online experience has mostly been the written word, but the problem is we’ve gone from Social Media being the buzzword to Content Marketing being the word. The public relations industry has done a good job convincing CMOs that copywriting for SEO is where they should spend all of their marketing budget. Keywords and the written word are great, but that doesn’t equate to sales and lead generation if a copywriter or public relations firm doesn’t understand buyer personas. For a lot of marketers context is still missing and social has become push marketing like its predecessor. More importantly our frenemy Google has gone from a narrow focused keyword results strategy to flattening their platform to a verified and validated authorship approach. This makes it harder for SEO copywriters to game the system. Content marketers not only have to be diligent about writing, they need to focus on the other mediums like photography and video to be included in their marketing budget for online distribution to create a more balanced user experience. Fast Company blogger Ekaterina Walter supports this statement by saying, “Search engines now rank content based on social conversations and sharing, not just websites alone. Brands can use visual content on their social media to increase engagement and inspire sharing and viral marketing.” Always consistent with its overarching brand strategy of joy and happiness, Coca-Cola recently revamped its website to marry its social and mobile strategy. Even mimicking Instagram with its own version of the app. “Search engines now rank content based on social conversations and sharing, not just websites alone. Brands can use visual content to increase engagement and inspire sharing and viral marketing.” - Ekaterina Walter InstaBRAND: The Ultimate Guide To Visual Storytelling Through Instagram
  • 6. Share This eBook! Why Instagram? 3 So Christian, get to the point. Where are you going with this? Where are the pictures!?! I thought this was supposed to be about brands, photography, and visual storytelling. Too often as marketers we often jump into doing without enough research and create strategies around the thought process of the consumers we are trying to reach. AKA - Wasting a lot of money and not being smart about marketing budget cost effectiveness, but I digress. Here are some current mind-blowing statistics and the reason Zuckerberg was quick to snap Instagram up: General Online Visual Media Stats • 3,000+ photos are uploaded to Flickr every minute. - Flickr • 20 million photos on Flickr are viewed every minute. - Flickr • 136,000 photos are uploaded to Facebook every minute. - Facebook • 3 Billion + photos are uploaded to Facebook every month. - Facebook • Facebook’s photo collection has a staggering 140 billion photos, that’s over 10,000 times larger than the Library of Congress - TechCrunch • 10% of all photos ever taken were taken last year. - • 56% of internet users do at least one of these creating or curating activities and 32% of internet users do both creating and curating activities. - Pew Research Quick Instagram Stats: • Currently 100 Million Users. Adds 5 million new users each and every week with the release of the Android version of the app. - AppData & Instagram • Put in perspective, that is 1179% growth in six months. - Business Insider • 12% of online adults say they use Instagram, which is dominated by young adults. Some 27% of the Internet users between ages 18-29 use Instagram - Pew Research • 2012 Summer Olympics - 100k pictures were shared in two weeks and gave never before seen access to behind the scenes to the most important sporting event in human history. -VenueSeen • Of the Top 100 brands, 40% are now on Instagram. Of the top 100 brands 26% post one or more photos on Instagram a week, 17% have over 10,000 followers, 14% have 20,000 followers and 8% have over 100,000 followers. Marketers are also selective about their sharing. Only 32% of Instagram photos are shared to Twitter or Facebook. -SimplyMeasured • Instagram is the No. 1 photo site among 12-to-17-year-olds, with “1 million teens visiting the site during July,” beating out Flickr, the No. 1 photo site overall. - Nielsen • 7.3 million U.S. smartphone users accessing the application every day. The average Instagram user spent 257 minutes accessing Instagram in August, compared to 169.9 minutes spent on Twitter.- Comscore • Instagram regularly records more than 100,000 new installs every day. - FierceMobileContent InstaBRAND: The Ultimate Guide To Visual Storytelling Through Instagram
  • 7. Share This eBook! 4 Current Statistical Projections: • Of those who have a profile, 61% have used it in the past 24 hours, an adoption level only surpassed by Facebook (at 84%). By comparison, Twitter stands at 55%, Google Plus 44% and Pinterest 52%. So those currently using Instagram are pretty voracious users by comparison. • Of ALL those social media users surveyed, 48% declared they are using Instagram more often. This blows the other major platforms out of the water. Facebook was the next-closest platform in terms of expressed growth. • Of those who have an Instagram profile, 83% use it at work, again surpassing even Facebook and YouTube by a long shot. One reason could be that sharing on Instagram requires no typing. You just snap a photo and post in seconds. • Today, 67% of Instagram’s users are under the age of 34. It is projected that there could be a huge upside across demographics because everybody loves sharing photos and it’s so easy to use even the non-tech savvy can master it in minutes. In fact, Instagram is the most user-friendly of all platforms. *Note- All current statistical projections listed were taken from a 2012 research report put together by Edison Research and The Social Habit. You will always have trolls that like to poke the bear and get the online community’s attention by creating headlines like, “Is Instagram the next Facebook?” for clickthrough rates. I call it Mashable Journalism 101. I’m not a fan because there is little value added and just adds noise to the information overload the Internet is currently experiencing. I love Pete and admire him for what he has created, but a few years ago the Mashable brand changed its strategy and has lost some credibility in the eyes of its loyal readers because of it. It is an SEO based hyper first to market get the scoop social strategy. In a way all the channel options has been journalism’s best and worst enemy. Olivier Blanchard points out in a recent blog article, Stop Writing (and Publishing) Crap, Tom Webster talks about the dark side, and Matt Ingram writes about what is happening because of it. However, this has been something that has been going on throughout human history. There is a difference between having artistic influences and just copying. Don’t even get me started on plagiarism or the phenomenon known as ‘newsjacking’. Much like political campaigns, technology rags, brand managers get lazy and get caught. A publicist’s nightmare that can quickly turn into costly crisis management scenario. Just because you have an opinion on something doesn’t mean you should share it. Good thing CEOs with big egos keep that industry in business. Instead, have due diligence and do your research first or build a better mousetrap. Brands such as Social Media Examiner led by Michael Stelzner grab some of that market share by consistently providing fluff-free quality content. We’ve got to stop trying to be first and focus on being consistent. Brands and content marketers must realize that Instagram is a supplemental tool and community. It will not replace Facebook because it is Facebook without the deluge of ad space. Only time will tell if that changes. Some tools, networks, platforms, ecosystems, etc. have existed just fine without being monetized to death. You don’t want to alienate your fan base before you start looking at long-term sustainability strategies. Two examples of not having the right balance are Path and PicPlz. Both are perfect examples of the shiny object syndrome hype machine that everybody thought would replace Facebook, but had yet to see the success of Instagram. They made brief appearances, but have since fizzled mostly due to the popularity of an existing network in Instagram. One of the reasons Facebook decided to acquire Instagram is that it made more sense to avoid court costs and work with a talented team rather than work on a competing app in Facebook Camera. The other reason was AppData’s DAU (Daily App Usage) chart when Instagram made an Android version of the mobile app available. With an investment like this expect Facebook to turn Instagram from just being a mobile based app to also being a web based application where they can monetize and run ads. You are already starting to see this with Instagram’s web based vanity profiles. Facebook’s ad units called “Sponsored Stories” go right into the News Feed in Facebook’s mobile app, and could easily fit into the Instagram home screen. These units bring in about $500,000 for Facebook each day. Matt Dickman, EVP, Social Business Innovation at Weber Shandwick puts the Facebook purchase in perspective by saying, “It’s not about technology. Facebook bought an existing community.” Big names like Spotify are taking notice and working with Instagram to integrate product offerings to extend brand influence. This is a testament to Spotify’s partnership with Facebook for strengthening their ecosystem. Going one step further in pushing the social mobile commerce strategy is Chirpify which made its name on Twitter is now bringing it’s platform to Instagram. I fully expect Facebook, Google or Pinterest to acquire Chirpify if there isn’t already a bidding war going on behind the scenes. If anything I see Instagram replacing Twitter and Foursquare. An evolution of microblogging that Jack Dorsey might agree with. I would say Google+, but they hang on as the kings of SEO with Google Authorship and a new results strategy that puts a greater value on social media over keyword manipulation. InstaBRAND: The Ultimate Guide To Visual Storytelling Through Instagram
  • 8. Share This eBook! Build Your Following 5 While I could go on and on in the cases studies because there are many other great brands out there. My goal was to highlight some lesser known brands because of two reasons. The most obvious reason is as a community and industry marketers tend to focus only the big retail and CPG brands like MTV, Starbucks, Burberry or Nike. The second reason was to show how these relatively unknown brands are succeeding at carving out a piece of the pie using known best practices by adding their own unique style and flavor to their viual storytelling. So, what are some of these best practices? Here are some simple tips to keep in mind when documenting and capturing your brand’s story. #1 Have A Content Plan Any knowledgeable content marketer worth their salt will have a content plan that integrates with an overarching content strategy. Brand building in social is about frequency, reach, yield across all invested channels. Purchase decisions are rarely influenced by the first, second, or third impression. #2 Show Your Products I’ve talked about and will continue to talk about, the importance of visual storytelling for purposes of brand messaging consistency. Remember you are a brand or you work for a brand and your photos are a representation of you or your brand. Great marketing finds a balance between the visual storytelling side of things and realizing that you have to pepper your social stream with your current and future products. We sometimes forget the ultimate purpose of marketing is to help drive the lead generation process further into the sales funnel otherwise it is just a hobby. This is an opportunity to engage new customers that may not be aware of your full product line or re-engage your current customers. If you’re a service based business this can seem like more of a challenge, but it comes down to reframing the perspective. I.e. - Show off the tools of the trade or a current work in process. #3 Show How It’s Made “See a need. Fill a need.” - Rodney Copperbottom Products and services are created to fill a need and in that spirit it starts with a concept or idea. As humans we’re are naturally curious and if we fancy something enough we want to learn more about how something works. Again, it goes back to shows like Mr. Rogers Neighborhood where we had a factory tour and saw how Crayola crayons were made. How It’s Made has been a successful Discovery Channel series that has been in production since 2001. Apply this best practice and you can easily diversify your content marketing strategy implementation. Involve your customers in the process. They might surprise you by giving feedback on improvements that could help with cost effectiveness. In either case it helps deepen the relationship when creating raving fans. In some cases creating tastemakers who like to focus on quality products/services and share it with their community. #4 Go Behind The Scenes The best example of behind the scenes visual storytelling is Victoria’s Secret. They aren’t just shooting beautiful models in lingerie. They are photographing the photographer, the makeup artist, etc. Content marketing is hard work. Why not document every aspect of the process? While this sounds a lot like tip #3 it covers a broader area. It can include special events like the previous example of 2012 Special Olympics, but from a brand perspective rather than a user-generated one. Whether it is the red carpet, a product shoot, a client meeting, an employee appreciation day, etc. give your followers an exclusive backstage pass view into everyday life. #5 Show What Your Products Can Do We’ve talked about documenting the process and all the hard work. Now it is time to show the fruits of your labor or have your followers do it for you. After all they can be your best spokespeople for customer testimonials and brand advocacy. This can be creating a contest like in tip #12 or promoting and featuring an Instagram user. It will only make them more engaged and willing to post more brand related pictures. Before and after side by side comparison shots help verify the quality of a product or service. I like to refer to this as the Billy Mays Oxiclean infomercial affect. How does it improve your followers wants or needs? #6 Give A Sneak Peek We can all learn something from the burlesque industry and I don’t mean from a literal standpoint, but from a figurative one. In the broader sense of the word the movie and film industry calls them teasers. Take pictures that announces big news about the brand or exclusive previews of a new product or service. Again, curiosity. We like to be the first to know. Great Internet Marketers do this by getting people to opt-in through email to get a beta invite. A good example for a visual standpoint can be as simple as a sign, construction work of a new location, or a partial picture of the final reveal. InstaBRAND: The Ultimate Guide To Visual Storytelling Through Instagram
  • 9. Share This eBook! 6 #7 Show The Office If you have a clean office space you simply aren’t trying hard enough. People want to see the real brand. Not just the crafted to perfection image manufactured by a marketing agency. It can mean the difference between a consumer picking one company over another. It makes your brand real and more believable. It means you believe what you say from a company culture standpoint internally as well as externally. You could probably fake it, but it is a lot of work and in that case why even bother. Discerning viewers can tell the difference and will call you out on it. As an added bonus some of your followers will want to become your employees because of it. If you have a position open for a qualified person that already knows and loves the brand you potentially have a loyal employee that wants to brag even more about how great your product or service is. #8 Take Us With You B2B is still B2C, but really is all P2P in that we all have free will in the decision making process. We have hopes, dreams and aspirations. We also have weaknesses like reality TV or the Travel Channel. We live vicariously through our favorite brands as they go on business trips. It also gets back to tradeshow type response rates. Your followers will be watching your feed to see if you will be in town so they can meet in person or know about the event. Sometimes nothing beats in-person conversations to really get to know your passions when it comes to your business. A great example of this can be any brand heavily invested in launching a new product, new location or an entertainment brand like a sports team, a band or a movie. #9 Introduce Your Employees Besides giving them 15 minutes of fame you are giving a face to your brand. Yes, your employees are the face to your brand as much as a highly paid spokes model, which in my opinion is a dying breed, in the age of social. Leave that to late night television talk shows and traditional media to pimp products the old fashioned way. If you’re a brand that cares about customer service it helps put faces to a name, but be careful to ask your employee permission before posting information about them. They shouldn’t have to feel obligated to participate if they feel insecure about sharing personal information. You have to respect their privacy because you never know which customer could act inappropriately online or off. #10 Share Your Product Placement You’ve arrived. Don’t let it go to your head. It just means your hard work is just starting to be noticed by a larger audience. SWAG is an ok route, but it is even better if you don’t have to pay a celebrity a big pile of bones in the process and besides it isn’t authentic. You want to try and shoot for a more organic approach. This is why public relations with traditional media still matters in the age of social. It is the middle ground between your brand and celebrity status. However, if you’ve done a good job building an engaged community one or more of your followers will let you know of a celebrity endorsement they may come across. You’ll want to share it using your channels. #11 Make your followers stars Who are your best marketers and biggest brand advocates? People relate to the average joe because he is the ultimate spokesperson for your brand and who to better show using your product or service? While you ultimately have control over your brand channel for public relations and crisis management reasons you want to feature the talent of your followers using your products. One such great example is Sharpie. There are only so many pictures you could take of colored markers. You might be pleasantly surprised by their imaginative creations. #12 Use #Hashtags and @Mentions One of the advantages that Instagram, Twitter, and Google+ have over Facebook is specific user generated hashtags that filter subject relevancy. This can help with brand specific identification and is good for proactive event organizers who promote the hashtag prior to the event on other channels. This is also a quick and easy way for channel managers to spot and engage brand ambassadors for future, more organic word of mouth marketing. Hashtags are also good for building a fan base from those looking for relevant content. A great example of a company that is using hashtags that involve the community is 614 Magazine in Columbus, Ohio. It is a relatively new print lifestyle magazine that is making waves to compete with the big boys in town by focusing on a younger audience interested in buying local over big brands. Some popular Hashtags on Instagram include: #love #instagood #photooftheday #instamood #igers #beautiful #nofilter You can find a live ranking of the most popular hashtags on Justin Soo’s website. InstaBRAND: The Ultimate Guide To Visual Storytelling Through Instagram
  • 10. Share This eBook! 7 #13 Think About Doing A Contest Some of the most successful brands I see on Instagram get a lot of attention by running contests it is virtually a free ad for them. This could be daily, weekly or monthly. It might involve creative ways of displaying or interacting with one of your products. Think Coca-Cola. However, it doesn’t always have to involve your products. Think seasonally. Then reward the winners with prizes. Just be sure that like any social channel you run a contest on you are clear about the rules, and legalities. Also, make sure to use a unique hashtag which has never been used before to filter the participants. This is another opportunity to cross promote your brand and gain followers on Instagram. One thing some brands also do is take one of their products, leave it in a public place, and post a photo of it for followers to find. A photo hunt if you will. #14 Partner Internally & Externally Instagram is a one user per phone app which can mean a single POV. Depending on how overworked your social media manager or team is working on content for various channels, it is always good to tap fellow employees you can trust and empower to share the burden. You can also hire a trusted influencer to be your brand ambassador and document, cover, and report on an event. A great example of this is when local Ohio Vlogger, Amy Schmittauer covered the 2012 Ohio Growth Summit. Here is a nice shot of Gini Dietrich of Spin Sucks and Joe Pulizzi of Junta42/Content Marketing Institute. #15 Use Third Party Websites To Measure & Optimize When Instagram first started there wasn’t a way to view and follow users without being first logged into a mobile app. Third party developers created solutions to solve the problem. Even though Instagram has since fixed this issue, some of the websites are still good for promotion like Webstagram, Instagrid, Followgram, Ink361, and my personal favorite Statigram. Statigram is great because it addresses a community manager’s needs for engaging the brand’s followers and statistical reporting and insight on when is the best time to post. An alternative to Statigram with regards to account statistics is Simply Measured’s free analytics report or newcomer Nitrogram. One thing I like about Instagrid is that it does what the other third party websites haven’t considered in creating a real-time user experience at events by displaying hashtagged photos much like event organizers have done for hashtagged Twitter streams. The thing to keep in mind is that your event stream can always be hijacked unless closely monitored. If you are concerned with that then you can also use a desktop slideshow app like Carousel. If you are a brand looking for an all-in-one management and CRM tool used to run Instagram campaigns Columbus, Ohio based startup Venueseen is the first of its kind to focus on helping brands utilize visual marketing to build relationships with their customers. #16 Print Services Usually when people think of print services they see it from a personal brand perspective, but try to think outside the box a little. Social is about user generated and crowdsourced community involvement. Ask your community for photos they think represent the brand much like a contest and send them printed collateral as a thank you. Vermont ice cream giant Ben & Jerry’s did this in a recent campaign while this books was still being written. This only helps to reinforce transparency and commitment from brand to consumer. Just be sure to get documented permission because loyalists don’t like to be taken advantage of. If you ask for permission nine times out of ten they will be more than happy to be included. A sort of permission based marketing, if you will. Some popular printing services include; Statigram, Printstagram, Casetagram,, Keepsy, Snapstagram and Stickygram which focuses on Instagram magnets. Postagram is actually a separate app that connects to your Instagram and Facebook accounts to send anybody a post card. MoPho and PostalPix are separate apps that allow you to order products directly from your phone. For quality canvas prints check out Instacanvas , CanvasPop, BumbleJax, and InstaPrints. Instacanvas and Instaprints are monetized so you can sell your Instagram photos. If you’re an event marketer looking for a the fun of a Photobooth/Polaroid interactive experience make sure to check out Instaprint. Instant Lab and Projecteo are Kickstarter projects that re-engineers what we loved about analog and mashes it up with the with help from your phone. #17 Using Call To Actions • Email Lists • Company Newsletters • Website (Icons and Aggregation Feeds) eg - SnapWidget and InstaPress • Traditional Media Collateral InstaBRAND: The Ultimate Guide To Visual Storytelling Through Instagram
  • 11. Share This eBook! 8 #18 Distribution/Aggregate To Social Networks For Top Of Mind Awareness • Existing Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr and Foursquare Integration • Update your Facebook Brand Page Timeline Cover Photo regularly • Recipes to post to Google+ and, etc. #19 Create Images That Feature Promotional Codes A quick and easy social media multi-channel strategy to drive and retain traffic is to create exclusivity on one channel. This way your audience uses the trackable promotional code associated with that channel, but also makes them think about following that channel if they like and use your product enough to not want to miss another promotion for discounts or new product launches. #20 Just Get Creative Photography is not a perfect medium or art form for that matter. Think outside the box when it comes to integrating a brand mark or logotype into an image. Sometimes you don’t need it at all. The more you experiment the more looks you are going to be able to present to your viewing audience. Sometimes the imperfect or unexpected shots get more response than the predictable versions usually associated with high end photography. Whatever you do just keep shooting, editing and refining. * A Quick Note For Brand Managers On Reputation Managment - Your customers decide the channel they want to engage you on and Instagram is no different to any other platform or network in that regard. Be available to them. See below: InstaBRAND: The Ultimate Guide To Visual Storytelling Through Instagram
  • 12. Share This eBook! Rules of Etiquette 9 Bio For the love of God ... ... fill it out. I’m not necessarily trying to encourage popularity contests and some people like their privacy and only want to share with friends and family, but again people are naturally curious. If you are a personal or company brand you want to leverage every opportunity to drive inbound traffic to your website. It also helps build authority and credibility if you have consistent and quickly accessible information across all of your social networks. This includes your avatar. Date, Time, Place I was never a big fan of those time stamps on print cameras, but some people are into that kind of thing. This is especially useful for brands that participate in event marketing or the tourism industry. The most important thing people want to know is the place ... ... just in case they decide to visit sometime. Apps Used I have mentioned this before, but it is worth mentioning again. Nobody is born a great photographer and even the good ones are constantly honing their skills. Build your community by sharing the apps you use to educate other budding photographers and brand advocates. Yes this means even for company brands. It creates transparency so long as you create some sort of disclaimer that you aren’t being paid to endorse one app developer over another. Some companies worry about opening themselves up to legal issues, but lawyers and sue happy customers have stifled true efforts by customer-centric to have more of a conversational approach and style to their marketing. Make sure you research whether this is beneficial or detrimental to your social strategy before implementing it and make sure you have it in your social media policy on your website or corporate policy that states every effort of being objective in order to eliminate favoritism for one over another. Events There are two ways to approach posting event photos. You can take your best photos and create a collage or for a longer tail drip marketing (aka - content marketing) create a content calendar that spreads out the pictures. The one thing you will want to do is start promoting the event through traditional channels a couple months beforehand and through social a couple weeks before the event to garner interest. This way you can find and engage brand advocates to create conversations and new discovery. The one thing you don’t want to do is overshare your photos all at the same time. It is highly likely that you will be seen as a spammer. Give yourself some time between updates for consistency purposes. Remember you want to try and find your balance in frequency as it will affect reach and yield. Food Photos, Cloud Porn and Pictures Of Yourself Or Others Also known as #me, #foodporn, and #cloudporn. While food and pictures of yourself are awesome they get old real quick. This would probably never happen from a brand perspective, but the challenge you will face as a brand or product manager is to create a desirable storyline. Books, music, other material things, and yes other brands that people can identify with to create engaging conversations unless you like the boring, vapid, and routine comments about things that are superficial. The number of likes you receive does not equate to qualified leads and conversion. The exception to the rule is restaurateurs, bakeries, and the Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) industry. Unless you are a company whose main product offering is food or makeup don’t do it just because it’s what others are doing. Define your goals and objectives, develop contextual visual storytelling, implement it, and then refine it. Be Your Own Editor/Curator Anybody who has created a portfolio of work knows to only show their best work. While you’re always taught not to judge a book by the cover it is inevitable, especially as a brand. This is especially true in the rise of responsive design, mobile strategies, and user experience that very much mimics file management or an art exhibition at your local fine arts gallery. At first it isn’t always easy to notice because a consumer’s attention span is focused on real-time updates, but what if you do a great job and they want to find out more? It is important to be self- critical of your brand imagery in order to maintain a level of quality and consistency that lends itself to being a trusted subject matter expert. This shouldn’t be confused with my previous comments about photography being imperfect and thinking outside the box with regards to experimentation, but rather being selective about what makes sense within the bigger scheme of the brands overall style guidelines. Ask For Likes, To Be Followed, Or For A Shoutout Just don’t. I shouldn’t have to say this, but begging and assuming are colors that are very unbecoming. You aren’t going to win friends or influence people by not having the confidence to believe in your social strategy. Desperate is not a social strategy. Have a professional demeanor and direct potential leads to “click here”, “find out more” among many other calls to action through text apps or organic text scenarios. You want to know the dirty little secret to success in social regardless of the channel? It takes hard work, training, consistency and strategy over time. There is no such thing as a magic bullet or an overnight success. You either decide to be fully committed to social or you don’t. There isn’t a grey area. InstaBRAND: The Ultimate Guide To Visual Storytelling Through Instagram
  • 13. Share This eBook! Quick Photography Composition Tips 10 “The so-called rules of photographic composition are, in my opinion, invalid, irrelevant and immaterial.” – Ansel Adams In other words the following rules are more of guidelines because often they contradict each other many scenarios. The most important rule of composition is to experiment. Don’t Use The Zoom DSLR photographers can breathe a sigh of relief. The biggest limitation is a quick decrease in photo quality when you use the zoom especially in low light situations. You are the zoom. “Use what yo mamma gave ya” by using your legs. You want to frame your shot keeping the ratio of your final result in mind. Never Shoot Straight On Photography is about experimenting. Don’t get me wrong some pictures taken straight on work, but if I had to guess the ratio of straight on to shooting from an angle is 10 to 1 in favor of angles. Anybody can take subject matter straight on. It is the ability to give a different perspective that gives a photographer his or her style. Shoot Early. Shoot Often. One of the limitations of film that isn’t as much as an issue in digital is you virtually have limitless storage. Any professional photographer will tell you to take multiple exposures for a couple of reasons. You focal length will always change especially when using a mobile phone unless you lock it down with an app other than the default camera app. If you’re using natural light it will more than likely change in a matter of seconds. Finally shots involving elements out of your control only happen once and then they are gone. Focus, Daniel-san This should be fairly self-explanatory. Focus can make or break a great picture. Don’t always trust tapping on where you want your camera to focus. You will want to follow my previous tip just in case. Also, consider focusing on something other than what is expected. Experiment on what the focal point typically would be. Choose Your Light Wisely What is your end result going to look like? Try to envision what kind of light you are going to use whether it be artificial or natural. It can give a very different feel and convey a very different emotion which also happens to be the beauty of photography. Just make sure people can see what the subject matter is and that it isn’t underexposed or overexposed. Rule of Thirds Never center your subject matter unless you are shooting for symmetrical or a portrait. The rule of thirds is one of the most important fundamentals in photography and becomes second nature after a while. The idea of the rule is to divide your shot into thirds both vertically and horizontally and placing points of interest in the intersections or along the lines. By doing this your photo becomes more balanced and will enable a viewer of the image to interact with it more naturally. Studies have shown that when viewing images that people’s eyes usually go to one of the intersection points most naturally rather than the center of the shot – using the rule of thirds works with this natural way of viewing an image rather than working against it. Some camera apps come with an option to turn a Rule of Thirds grid own for quick reference. Watch The Background Your background should not be the center of attention unless you are shooting a landscape. Anytime you are shooting subject matter you want to make sure there aren’t random objects sticking out so as to be a distraction. In very rare cases photographer’s can get cheeky by incorporating the background, but it takes a lot of timing and vision to get the right angle. I wouldn’t suggest this be the norm because the final result comes off gimmicky rather than telling a story. Don’t Cut The Limbs Cropping is good, but you don’t want to crop too much. When you cut off the limbs a photo can appear incomplete and often is. The exception to the rule: If you are going to cut off the parts of the body make sure you are going to do it in whole sections (eg - headshot, bust, upper body and lower body). I sound like Dexter, but keeping this in mind makes for some of the most popular fashion photography online and in print today. Symmetry Do you remember your kaleidoscope as a kid? You could make endless amounts of parallel lines, reflections, equal spaces and shapes.There is beauty in keeping pictures simple when opportunity presents itself. Symmetry is one way of creating balance while keeping it simple. Really good symmetry is typically found in architecture, but can be found anywhere from the abstract to the concrete. InstaBRAND: The Ultimate Guide To Visual Storytelling Through Instagram
  • 14. Share This eBook! 11 Nose Room Nose room is a perfect example of asymmetry. With the exception of a portrait you will always want to give your subject matter some room to breath. Finding the right amount of space between the subject matter and the edge of the picture gives a certain balance and harmony. Feng Shui, if you will. Leading Lines Leading lines are used to draw the viewer’s eye through a photograph. They are intentional or unintentional, natural lines created in the space of the photograph and are used to create a visual narrative in the composition. They are great for creating depth and often entice the viewer to look deeper into the details. Framing Like a lot of the rules in composing a good photograph they don’t all necessarily apply. At least not at the same time. Framing typically happens when an opportunity presents itself. Framing is when you take an object that that acts as a border or frame for your subject. The frame directs the viewer’s attention to a particular subject or point of interest within the photograph. AKA - Perspective. Frames also create perspective and show depth. Some examples include branches, windows, tunnels, doorways, and archways. Anything that lets you look through one thing at another thing will make a good frame. Cropping A simple rule that can make the difference between making a photograph good and making it great. Cropping is useful for several reasons including distracting background elements, framing mistakes, unbalanced images, etc. The greatest thing about cropping is that it allows for flexibility and control of your final output. It is easier to take away then add on after the moment has already passed which is why I refer back to the tip about shooting early and shooting often. Color vs. Black & White Everybody loves vibrant colors of a photograph, but something often overlooked by many photographers is the power of a black and white photograph. I will often take a picture and switch it to a black and white to manipulate the contrast to see if it makes sense versus its full color version. A great black and white photo will have a wide range of grays that move from full black all the way to pure white. You will know a great black and white photo vs a great color photo when you see it. For more detail and specific examples on composing a great photograph I highly suggest checking out Darren Rowse’s (aka - Problogger) website: Digital Photography School Photography Style Challenge yourself to work in different photography styles because while you might become great at a certain style of photography you have to keep in mind your audience and their changing tastes. Remember we’re talking about storytelling, short attention spans, driving engagement and audience participation for WOMM. Some popular styles of photography for brands to consider include; Portrait, Environmental Portrait, Candid Portrait aka Photojournalism, Event, Glamour, Advertising, Fashion, Lifestyle, Black & White. Photography doesn’t always have to make sense. Experiment with different styles and apply them to fit your needs. Instagram might have been the last bastion for so called hipsters, but there is something we can learn from making something old new again whether it is high tech and old style or low tech and new style. The lyrics in Macklemore’s Thrift Shop would be a good summation. To steal from Anthony Bourdain’s kerouacian style of food and travel writing true perfectionism in photography is somewhere between high fashion and the unrefined guilty pleasure that makes for a unique and transparent brand authenticity. InstaBRAND: The Ultimate Guide To Visual Storytelling Through Instagram
  • 15. Share This eBook! Think Like A Photojournalist. 12 I gave this point its own section for one specific reason. There are commercial photographers. Then there are photojournalists. In my opinion, anybody can take a photo of a product in a well lit studio or in the field, but not everybody can capture a candid moment in time without the right lighting. When Alvin Toffler wrote, Future Shock in 1970 everybody probably said he was crazy about the paperless society. They were half right. Instagram photos are not a good resource for printing. In my opinion no photo from a mobile phone really is, but then again we live in a digital world. We can access it when we want, anytime, anywhere. We have the power of choice and convenience more than ever before. I really didn’t have much of a choice when picking career fields as a kid. Aside from my family’s long history in the picture industry and growing up in an affluent suburb of Washington, D.C. I credit most of my career influence to; my uncle who taught photography and video production, National Geographic Photographer/Photo Editor Louis Mazzatenta who was my father’s fraternity brother at Kent State, famed celebrity photographer/paparazzo Felice Quinto whose wife worked with my father at the local high school, and a popular Canon ad campaign starring tennis star Andre Agassi, with his business in the front and party in the rear epic mullet for my love of photography. Only to later find out years later the wig was a sham. “Oh the tangled web we weave.” Some pun intended. I also realized I was horrible at drawing the simplest of stick figures. I have a lot of respect for freehand artists and a few pixel pushers. Photography became an alternative way for me to tell my story by shooting subject matter that I was passionate about or telling other people’s stories that resonate through photojournalism. As a participant in the era of film where the SLR camera photographer was respected more than he or she is today, it seems as though professions like photography are simply seen as a dime a dozen creative service. It required more skill and a degree of understanding the medium compared to the photography profession we know today. As Maria Bustillos writes, “Not so many years ago, taking a photograph was a painstaking business; film was expensive, and there were no do-overs.” It was an investment and a workout. Don’t get me wrong. There are some incredible photographers doing great work in digital, but they have the help of software suites like Photoshop. “Back in my day” the lighting, composition, aperture, and film speed had to be perfect. Sure you could tweak the fix in the darkroom to get the print the way you wanted it, but the real point I am trying to get at is the lost art of composing the perfect shot. It wasn’t about taking the best picture, but evoking emotion and telling the story without touching pen to paper and it wasn’t photoshopped to death. A great example of this photojournalism on Instagram comes to us from New York Times photographer, Ben Lowy in a series of called, Capturing Libya: Through A Hipstamatic Lens. Another great example is Time magazine coverage of Hurricane Sandy and the 2012 Presidential Election. Instagram isn’t necessarily meant to be an online art gallery and you won’t see Annie Leibovitz or David LaChapelle posting on it anytime soon. It reintroduces the masses to wanting to learn proper photography composition techniques like the rule of thirds, framing, depth of field, cropping, lead room, background objects, etc. A phone is a tool that is with you all the time. Today technology and lower price points have allowed for even the average shooter to become a decent photographer, but without any thought put towards storytelling or context. The democratization of photography and mobile: It was called the point-and-shoot revolution. This is where today’s marketers and digital strategists have an opportunity to learn photojournalism from the old pros and apply it to their Instagram channel. Once you get a handle on storytelling through the written word and photography the next step is to evolve your brands storytelling to include video, but be careful with video. It is a whole different animal than photography with linear and non-linear dynamics. It takes much longer to pickup video from an internal brand standpoint then it does photography. Remember when Social Media went mainstream and everybody was talking about user-generated content? I would cringe because brands would and still try to do it themselves, but it usually looks and/or sounds horrible. As my old undergrad professor use to say, “Great video without great audio is nothing more than a closed-circuit television. Great audio without great video is just a radio show.” While I applaud them for their efforts a majority of the time it actually does a disservice to their overall brand messaging and strategy. There is a disconnect. This rush towards the shiny object called YouTube is the reason I feel that many companies, especially B2B, actually shied away from photography and video early on. They wanted to make all of their videos instantly go viral and there were marketers out their convincing people you can plan for viral. It left a bad taste in their mouth. Again, you don’t get to choose. Your audience does. That is why you want to invest in your time focusing on other business objectives by hiring video storytellers like my friend Eric Leslie and his company OnScene Productions. If you’re a marketer that has been to Society Of Consumer Affairs Professionals (SOCAP) Conference or Joe Pulizzi’s Content Marketing World chances are you’ve seen his work. Watching Eric’s videos makes me miss field production because of the raw emotion and passion that comes with capturing a interviewee’s words and facial expressions. Then to take that raw footage and make some semblance of a bigger picture storyline so it flows naturally for the average viewer in order to evoke specific emotions whether it be curiosity, anger, sadness, joy, etc. This is where the consistency in brand storyelling starts to build influence. As the always timely, Chris Brogan puts it, “Use the magazine approach for your platform.” in that you want to always have your brands mission in mind when developing content for your viewing audience, have a balanced approach in mediums used, make sure it is of value, and that you are planning your content marketing far enough in advance that you are saving yourself a lot of headache in the long run. I would suggest following accounts like Time and National Geographic. While both magazines have the budget to spend on hiring photographers and videographers to handle the real-time of Social Media consumption it doesn’t mean it should be an excuse for not delivering value to your audience. The one thing I’ve learned about over the years being a creative services type is that you have to constantly be building your brand be it personal or company. Just like your grade school teacher said, “Show your work.” There is no such thing as an overnight success. You’re remembered for what you’re going to do tomorrow. Not what you did today. InstaBRAND: The Ultimate Guide To Visual Storytelling Through Instagram
  • 16. Share This eBook! Recommended Apps 13 Contrary to falsities perpetuated by popular shows like CSI, getting beautifully clear and composed photograph is not as easy as saying, “Enhance!” Damn you, Grissom! If you want to set yourself up for success in photography - whether it is the DSLR or the iPhone make sure you know the basics before using software as a crutch. Apps are great for brands and content marketers for a couple of reasons. First is the most obvious and that is the real-time immediacy for publishing to multiple channels, but also it is a cheap and easy to use resource for community manager who doesn’t have time learn Adobe’s Creative Suite or the budget to hire someone that does. I have put together a list of some of the most popular and some unknown apps currently on the market that appeal to mobile photographers of all levels. Most of the apps are iPhone/iPad only, but some developers have made apps for all operating systems. Hopefully, I have given my unbiased opinion and some insight on the following apps because I have not been paid by any of the companies to give a favorable or less than favorable review of their competitors. There are 230 apps listed when you search for the word Instagram alone. Use what works best for you. Cameras 645 Pro by 645 Pro is a camera replacement app for serious iPhone photographers who are concerned about compression no matter what device they are shooting on. While the iPhone doesn’t shoot in RAW format the 645 Pro app currently is the only app that has the unique option for saving as a TIFF file. While it has other features that most other camera apps have like spot metering, exposure, focus and white balance lock, aspect ratio, and a series of film simulation options, I like that the developers of the app made the user interface with professional photographers in mind. The one thing I’m not a fan of is easy access to the iPhone Camera Roll through the app, but really that is a minor inconvenience. While it is one of the more expensive compared to apps in the same category, at $2.99 it is worth the investment. For a more in-depth review of 645 Pro by Charlie Sorrel be sure to visit: Cult of Mac Camera + by tap tap tap If you’re not so concerned with being a stickler for compression and for a lower price point then Camera+ is a camera replacement app for you. It has all the features most of the camera replacement apps have, but their graphic user interface (GUI) and workflow process is more intuitive for even novice users with the session lightbox. In my opinion the exposure and focus lock feature for that depth of field look is my favorite so far. For a more in-depth review of Camera+ by Federico Viticci be sure to visit: MacStories Camera Awesome by SmugMug This app is as advertised. It is awesome. The first thing that sticks out is that the user interface is pleasing to the eye and the intuitive workflow is similar to that of Camera +. The one thing that I think SmugMug did very well compared to the other camera replacement apps is that they focused on the options for subtle fixes to make an average picture “awesome” without throwing a bunch of filters on it by slightly adjusting sharpness, temperature, vibrance, and contrast. Camera Awesome does have the standard preset filters, but for classic photographers who strictly want to keep their photos simplistic so as to focus on the subject matter and composition this would be the app to have. For a more in-depth review of Camera Awesome by Jaron Schneider visit: FStoppers Hipstamatic by Hipstamatic If you’re serious about being an iPhonographer or into experimental pre-production results this app is for you. Because Hipstamatic has been around as long as the iPhone has had a camera they have created a number of filters and looks with endless possibilities to suit any photographers’ taste. The company’s focus is to recapture what my generation grew up on and something I think digital hardware still hasn’t been able to truly replicate and that is the natural temperature of traditional film and processing. Hipstamatic prides itself in being the analog filter app that you can “swap gear” to get a desired outcome. Also known as “Coarse Photography”, “LoFidelity Photography” or “Lomography.” They are designed to replicate the output of popular camera brands like Kodak Brownie, Holga, Leica, Agfa, Rolleiflex, Minox, Imperial, and yes even Polaroid. My very first camera was an Agfa Sport. InstaBRAND: The Ultimate Guide To Visual Storytelling Through Instagram
  • 17. Share This eBook! 14 While I’m not a big fan of the Kodak Brownie viewfinder this app has a seemingly endless number of filter combinations that you can make into favorites should you decide to like a certain look and feel. One thing to be aware of is the cost associated with each HipstaPak can add up quick. This app would be higher on my list if the developers allowed you to easily import photos with other camera replacement apps, but I understand and appreciate their dedication to the love of film. I also put this app in the camera replacement section because of this reason as well. They have addressed this issue by creating another app called SwankoLabs that acts like a dark room with plenty of processing options. To find out more information about Hipstamatic by Hipstamatic, LLC visit: Slow Shutter Cam by Cogitap The one thing I am really surprised by the camera replacement apps is the exclusion of manual shutter speed. While that might be something that is in the works for future releases of 645 Pro and Camera+ niche apps like Slow Shutter Cam are filling the void. Slow Shutter Cam is not a true shutter speed function as in the traditional sense, but it does the intended job in that it creates whimsical light trail motion results in the photos. The most popular shots have been the somewhat cliche night time cityscapes and county fair fun rides. Still, this is a fun app for experimenting with even during the daytime. For a more in-depth review of Slow Shutter Cam by Chris Maxcer be sure to visit: TechNewsWorld Fast Camera by i4Software Fast Camera is an absolute must have camera app in my opinion. As a photographer interested in sports, whether it is professional soccer or my kids playing it in the local rec league, it can be tough to capture great action shots on the iPhone for sharing with friends and family. Fast Camera takes the guessing out of whether or not you got the shot. As long as you have the subject matter framed right Fast Camera gives you frame by frame captures of the action so you can take your time making a decision on a split second moment that comes and goes in the blink of an eye. To find out more information about Fast Camera by i4software visit: Photo Editing: Color Correction Photogene by Mobile Pond I call this Photoshop in an app. In my opinion it is even better than what Adobe has released with Photoshop Express.. Photogene2 gives the photographer the ultimate control over the photograph with the ability to adjust; white balance, color balance, channel mixer, curves, levels, clarify, etc. as well as making spot adjustments to specific areas rather than the whole photo. Photogene2 would be in my arsenal of apps that enhances the iPhonography experience. PhotoForge2 by Ghostbird Software PhotoForge2 basically offers the same suite as Photogene2, but from what I can tell it doesn’t have the spot correction options like Photogene2. However, that being said I wouldn’t discount PhotoForge2. I still think it is worth trying out because everybody’s preferences are different. As much as I talk about keeping it simple this would be a case in point for doing just that. Sometimes we can get overly self- critical and over analyze our photography with all the advanced color photo editing options. The problem with that is any trace of the original exposure is lost. The one thing that is native to this app that I am surprised a lot of other apps don’t have is the ability to flip a photo vertically or horizontally. PhotoForge2 also has a great add-on called Camera Pop that takes a note from Hipstamatic and is worth the investment. For a more in-depth review of PhotoForge2 visit: Appotography Aviary by Aviary, Inc. Aviary gets a mention because the simplicity of the workflow and it helps that it is free on all current mobile operating systems. While it doesn’t have spot adjustments it is still good app for quick photo edits for the hobby photographer. I would call this a “fun” app because it comes with stickers to apply to photos and a meme creator to share with friends. I would say it was more geared towards the college age group that is more apt to post party pics on their social networks. For a more in-depth review of Aviary by Jennifer Ward visit: AppSafari InstaBRAND: The Ultimate Guide To Visual Storytelling Through Instagram
  • 18. Share This eBook! 15 Similar to Aviary: BeFunky by BeFunky, LLC and LINE Camera by NAVER Japan Honorable Mentions: While these photo editing apps are great for the overall look and feel of a photo, the one thing I like to keep specifically separate is masking techniques. It can be kind of a pain in the butt to create fun masking effects on your phone. There are three great apps for masking color or subject matter and they are; Masque, ColorSplash, and Color Effects. They pretty much do the same thing, but making a decision on which one to get is based on an individual’s preferences. Photo Editing: Filters & Presets Snapseed by Nik Software Recently making headlines for being acquired by Google, Nik Software is no stranger to the photo filter game. Nik Software’s filters have been a necessary staple for any post production for Adobe Photoshop users around the world. Their latest foray into mobile color correction photo apps has been on par with the quality that is synonymous with Nik Software’s other products. Snapseed has the basic correction tools that you would find in Photoshop as well as the preset filters that you can adjust on the fly. One of my favorite filters in this app is called “Drama.” It takes the guesswork out of combining contrast with brightness and tone. While the preset can be a little heavy you have the option to decrease the overall effect and still make it look like an HDR picture. This would be on the top of my list as far as must have filter apps. For a more in-depth review of Snapseed by Nik Software visit: iPhoneArt Dramatic Black & White by JixiPix While I am excited to see photography making sort of a comeback in mainstream storytelling, a lot of digital brand and content marketers don’t have what comes with a traditional film background: A good understanding of black and white photography. Sometimes choosing to use black and white photography over color is the best way to go when telling a story. It creates more drama and romanticizes the subject matter in a way that color can’t by focusing on the details and contrast in shades of gray. Dramatic Black & White gives you more control over black and white editing compared to the all-in-one style photo editing apps in this category. I highly recommend adding a black and white standalone app. For a more in-depth comparison of Dramatic Black & White vs. Noir Photo visit: Appotography Filterstorm Pro for IPad by Tai Shimizu It is what it says it is - a filterstorm. If I had to compare Filterstorm to other filter apps I would say it would be in the same genre or category as Nik Software’s Snapseed. It was developed to make subtle filter enhancements to a color or black and white photo by adjusting temperature changes based on the lighting and exposure in the existing photo. What I like most about Filterstorm compared to other Filter apps is the layout is similar to Adobe’s Lightbox. While it is a little pricey at $14.99 it I would recommend it as the top filter app for photographers who are comfortable editing on their iPad. For a more in-depth review of Filterstorm Pro by Derrick Story visit: The Digital Story 100 Cameras in 1 Trey Ratcliffe is a travel blogger and photographer best known for his blog which offers great photography tips and HDR tutorials. He is the Pete Scoble of the photography world. He has come out with his own app called 100 Cameras in 1. It is worth mentioning because of its unapologetic stance on filtering photos. Some purists and well known film photographers would probably be rolling over in their grave with this app, but Trey is not only an excellent photographer, he is an excellent marketer. What it boils down to its he realizes in a global community the Ansel Adams’ of the world are far and few between. The natural beauty of this world has been covered many times over and featured in magazines and books produced by National Geographic. If you like a lot of filters without having to do a lot of thinking then this app is for you. For a more in-depth review of 100 Cameras in 1 by James Brandon visit: Digital Photography School InstaBRAND: The Ultimate Guide To Visual Storytelling Through Instagram
  • 19. Share This eBook! 16 Vintique Vintique is a fairly new app, but one that is getting a lot of buzz in Apple’s New & Noteworthy marketplace. I am really liking it because it gives you the option of Hipstamatic and 100 Cameras in 1 minus the guess work. You can pick from a bunch of analog filter presets and then tweak them based on color temperature, brightness, etc. It also gives you more control than any other app I’ve seen with regards to vignettes and textures. The developers at Vintique have really done a great job with this app right out of the gate. I highly recommend it for giving your pho- tos that nostalgic look and feel. For a more in-depth review of Vintique by Leanna Lofte visit: iMore Honorable Mention: Camerabag by Nevercenter, LTD. CO. HDR Pro HDR by eyeApps There are quite a few HDR apps in the iTunes store, but only two have really good reviews and one of them is Pro HDR. I like Pro HDR because of its no frills simplicity in taking a good HDR picture. For those who don’t know what HDR is it stands for High Dynamic Range imaging. While it has been around for a while, it had a rebirth of sorts in 2005 when Adobe introduced a merge function in its latest release of Photoshop CS2. In the film age you would take a bracketed photo that was under exposed and combine it with the same overexposed photo. Basically stretch- ing the limits of a regular exposure which typically resulted in a highly detailed and surreal looking color photo. Unlike other HDR apps Pro HDR gives you the option of Automatic or Manual image capture and adjusting brightness, contrast, saturation, warmth, and tint. For a more in-depth review of Pro HDR by Jim Nix visit: Nomadic Pursuits Honorable Mentions: Three other HDR apps worth checking out are HDR EFX by Nik Software , TrueHDR, and Fotor by Fotor, Inc. which is more of an All-In-One app. Text and Add-Ons Over/Overgram by GoPotluck, Inc. As a photographer who sees himself as a minimalist in adding anything to a photograph, but in the same breath a marketer who loves a good font, I am a big fan of Over. Aaron Marshall and company have done a great job in keeping it simple. Over is free and comes with a standard set of fonts. You can change color, tint, size, and alignment. Then you can buy an in-app purchase to buy a secondary font pack. This is great for brand managers who want a quick way to create calls to action on photos and upload them to social networks. The ultimate in balance of content and context for a brand. Right now you can only use one font at a time without having to double dip on the process, but Aaron has said they are working to change that for the next release of Over. To find out more information about Over by GoPotluck, Inc. visit: Phonto by YouthHHR Phonto is pretty much like Over with the fonts and configuration. However, one advantage of Phonto currently has over... ...Over is each font can have a gradient and an outside stroke. It is available on Android phones as well. The only thing I don’t like about it compared to Over is the user interface and the ads, but nothing beats free. To find out more information about Phonto by YouthHHR visit: Typic Typic would fall in the same category as Over and Phonto. The app has more style options than Over and has a transparency option that none of the other text apps have, but it doesn’t have as many font choices. To find out more information about Typic by Hi Mom visit: InstaBRAND: The Ultimate Guide To Visual Storytelling Through Instagram
  • 20. Share This eBook! 17 Text Here by DahaBaska Everybody wants to be in a comic strip no matter how old they get. Text Here is a fun bubble conversation text app that takes you back to being a kid again. I can see brands using this as an engagement tool for event photo booths with the oversized sunglasses, fake feather boas and goofy hats. It is another opportunity for adding calls to action. To find out more information about Text Here by DahaBaska visit: iTunes Comic Strip by Sketch & Scotch Take your brand’s internal transparency storytelling to a different creative level with Comic Strip. As a creative this is basically known as storyboarding for video, but what if as a brand or community manager you can easily create storylines of internal happenings to show the human side to a brand. This can be fun with organizational culture team building events or corporate social responsibility (CSR) events. To find out more information about Comic Strip by Sketch & Scotch visit: WordFoto by bitCycle This is a cool app that has many applicable uses. WordFoto is an app that takes your photo and creates a mosaic effect using words of your choosing. I could see brands partnering with bitCycle and ambassadors getting really creative using this app for extending brand imagery. Much like Adobe’s InDesign word wrap function this app aligns the text based on the shape or image. Again, simple in its implementation, but highly impactful if used the right way. To find out more information about WordFoto by bitCycle visit: Phoster by BucketLabs Who said print was dead? Phoster is like Over and Phonto in that it is a text tool, but I wanted to include it separately because it comes with some clean stylized templates that any graphic designer would love. I always believe the cleaner a design is the more it lends to a brand’s credibility. Phoster puts an interesting twist on its approach to visual text based calls to action for marketing event reminders or, for fashion or retail, limited time only discount campaigns by season or product focus. To find out more informations about Phoster by BucketLabs visit: Labelbox by Stepcase Do you remember finding your mom’s analog ribbon punch label maker and thinking it was a fun toy just to see the newly printed white letters against the red or blue background only to get yelled at for wasting the roll? No? Just me? Labelbox gives the user this retro feel to your pictures with a default number of ribbons and the option to purchase the upgrade ribbon pack. To find out more informations about Labelbox by Stepcase visit: iTunes Honorable Mentions: Versagram,Pictory, Fauxto, Mustache Me, LINECamera, Lensflare, Lenslight, Bokehful, Tiny Planets, Waycooler Panorama - For Those Of Us Without An iPhone 5 360 Panorama by Occipital You might think, “How could I fit a panorama into my brand messaging?” You would be surprised. Typically you need a fancy camera, expensive stitching software, and a ladder. Panorama apps like 360 Panorama can be your go to solution whether it is an outdoor event or you’re partying in a convention center. Either way they can make for great Facebook Timeline and Google+ profile photos. Expansive photos create the illusion of something with immense proportions which translates into a bigger impact on the viewer’s eye forcing their curiosity into paying attention to the details. We call it the Where’s Waldo effect. 360 Panorama is a better than your average panorama app because not only has the standard flat image output, it also has an interactive 360 view that you can share with anybody. It is also available on both the iPhone and Android markets. For more information about 360 Panorama by Occipital visit: InstaBRAND: The Ultimate Guide To Visual Storytelling Through Instagram
  • 21. Share This eBook! 18 Photosynth by Microsoft Yes, you read right. Microsoft. Photosynth is a program I’ve known about since the swearing in of Barack Obama because it was the first real test of the software. Microsoft labels the app as the first 3D panorama app. I like this app for the most part, but the only problem is that you sometimes have ghosting effects and alignment issues when people move around in the frame. I’m not sure if this is because of the 3D stitch- ing, but still worth an app checking out. For more information about Photosynth by Microsoft visit: Honorable Mentions: Pano, Autostitch, Photaf Frames and Collages If you’re going to use Instagram as a brand channel you want to make sure you don’t overpost. In reality you shouldn’t do the overshare of any kind on any channel. One way to fix that is with frames and collages. It is a quick way to tell a story in a small area in a short amount of time. PicFrame PicFrame gets my top pick because of its versatility. While it has your standard layouts it also has some other options that the other apps don’t have including changing the shape of a single frame section. Borders can have patterns applied to them instead of just colors. PicFrame is a great all-around app for brand and content marketers to compose their story. For more information about PicFrame by Active Development visit: Fuzel by Not A Basement Studio I’m giving Fuzel some more air time over Diptic and Frametastic only because of their ability to not only “think outside the box,” but rather change the box to look differently to the end user. Fuzel takes high school geometry collages to the next level. There are 12 standard collage layouts, and 18 funky ones to choose from, but when you upgrade to the pro version the possibilities are endless because it comes with an op- tion for you to create your own layouts. For more information about Fuzel by Not A Basement Studio visit: Honorable Mentions: Diptic, Frametastic Other/Utility Apps Groupshot by Macadamia We all have that group shot of all our family or friends where there is one or two persons that shall not be named conspire to screw up a photo no matter how hard you try to make a beautiful memory that will last forever. Ok. It’s probably your eccentric cousin Chelsea, little brat of a brother Jason, or your weird uncle Doug who has had a little too much to drink. The developers at Macadamia know these people and decided to do something about it. They realize with the beauty of digital photography you can take as many photos as you want and still not get the one desired result you are looking for. Groupshot is a fantastic facial replacement app that can take the best shot and replace someone’s worst expression and replace it with their best. Usually I am critical of these apps because it involves manual correction that ends up with a halo ef- fect or artifacting as part of the final result, but Macadamia has figured out a way so it isn’t noticeable. For more information about Groupshot by Macadamia visit: InstaBRAND: The Ultimate Guide To Visual Storytelling Through Instagram
  • 22. Share This eBook! 19 Photo Transfer by ERCLab I’m a guy. I’ve got fat fingers and a small phone which means editing photos taken on my phone take entirely too long. Photo Transfer is a great product because it can take your mobile phone snaps and transfer them wirelessly to your tablet or PC without having to use a USB port to connect. This way you can quickly push your photos to storage for editing on a larger screen. Did I mention I am a guy? I also hate having to deal with looking for the right cord, download the software, etc. It is an unnecessary and tedious process. Photo Transfer is a great utility app for any mobile photographer. For more information about Photo Transfer by ERCLab visit: Everpix This is a great utility app because it is a cloud based backup software. While most have iCloud the difference is that Everpix syncs all the photos you’ve ever taken to the most popular social networking sites. It is like Evernote, but for photos. Unlike Evernote this is a paid service. Keep in mind you are paying for convenience and unlimited gigabyte space of your photos synced across all your devices and networks. When we’re talking mobile photography your photos can add up quickly. For more information about Everpix by 33cube visit: Impression When people talk about photography and online sharing inevitably Terms of Service agreements and copyright arguments come up. My advice to people is if you really don’t want people stealing your photographs and post them as their own for a profit then don’t post them on the Internet. In the case of Instagram this is called a #regram. Impression is the first app that is specifically marketed towards photographers who want to protect their photos by creating a watermark. While I am from the school that you ruin the integrity of the photo and possibly turn off building your community I understand a photographer’s want to protect his or her property. For more information about Impression by Blue Crowbar visit: IGExorcist Like any social network with a meteoric rise due to increased popularity there are many things to like and a few things that can be annoying. One such thing is the spammers and Instagram is no exception. IGExorcist helps figure out which of your followers are the most engaging and which followers are not active. A good if you are interested in quality over quantity. For more information about IGExorcist visit: Instrack Instagram does a good job of listing your followers, who you are following, and who likes your followers, but it doesn’t give anymore account insights to your fanbase. Instrack does all of the previously mentioned, but also filters by new followers, new unfollowers, non-followers (users that don’t follow you back), mutual friends (followers you follow back), and fans (followers you don’t follow back). This app gives you control of your community and make corrections on the fly so you optimize your brand engagement. For more information about Instrack by Innovatty visit: iTunes Photorights by Zuco While this really doesn’t matter with regards to posting your pictures to social networks like Instagram, Facebook, Google+, et al because you give up your rights when you agree to the terms of service, it is important to understand and know your rights as a photographer whether that is taking pictures of public and private property, etc. It also comes with model releases that you can print off as well as a copyrights guide for photo sharing sites like Flickr. For more information about Photorights by Zuco visit: InstaBRAND: The Ultimate Guide To Visual Storytelling Through Instagram
  • 23. Share This eBook! 20 InstaWho Instagram has an discovery function that looks up users by name and pictures by hashtag, but it doesn’t drill down to filter by brands, celebrities, or individuals that are popular. InstaWho is a curated directory that lists users by subject matter. While some might say that it isn’t a popularity contest the flip side of the coin is that brands can engage unofficially verified celebrity account and engage potential photographers with large followings as part of a outreach program like in the Johnnie Walker case study. For more information about InstaWho by Magnet1c: Make Your Own Photo App by Conduit Conduit is the a mobile and social development company behind the wildly successful and popular Wibiya social toolbar has a make your own photo app of sorts. Really it is a photo aggregation feed of your photos, but has an app and a mobile website with various calls to action for brands to extend their reach or to grow their online presence. However, I would advise any brand marketer to first make sure this kind of mobile strategy aligns with the overarching integrated marketing strategy. Does it make sense to invest? That being said this option to make your own photo app is a great opportunity for small business marketers to use as a cost effective alternative. Like a lot of popular Software as a Service (SaaS) freemium model offerings, Conduit offers a free version and a white labeled premium version. For more information on Conduit Mobile visit: *Update - Two apps I discovered that I like and think are worth mentioning since started writing this book include: VSCO Cam This is a very simple to use camera app because of its user interface. As you can tell by my previous app reviews I’m a big fan of keeping things simple. Another great thing I like about this app is that there is no lag time from when you tap the screen to take a picture like you find in other camera apps where there almost always seems to be a bit of a delay. The next thing you will notice is the simplified presets it gives you on color (7 choices) or black and white (3 choices). What I really like about this app compared to other camera/photo editors is that instead of a slider it gives you a limited number of presets to choose from. It pays homage to the traditional film photography technique known as bracketing. For a more in-depth review of VSCO Cam by Ryan Gould visit: Culture Milk Afterglow The biggest reason I want to highlight Afterglow is because it combines strong features of previous apps I’ve mentioned into one. More specifically it has some unique color filters compared to the Instagram app. It also has some unique analog film overlays that are very realistic looking and some unique frames like Fuzel. Once again like the VSCO Cam app Afterglow’s user experience is simplified, intuitive, and super fast. Unlike the bracketing experience in VSCO Cam the filter presets act more like a layer in Photoshop and have a slider so you can manage the percentage you want to fill with a cancel or check button. A lot faster than picking a filter preset and having to go back and forth when trying to make a decision. The filter presets are very suble and warm hence the name Afterglow. For a more in-depth review of Afterglow by Christine Chan visit: AppAdvice InstaBRAND: The Ultimate Guide To Visual Storytelling Through Instagram
  • 24. Share This eBook! Hardcore Hardware 21 Every photographer knows it isn’t about the tools, but having an eye for composing, great timing, and exposing the subject matter right the first time. That being said lighting and different lenses help a photographer capture the an optimal frame without having to resort to post production smoke and mirrors. For those mobile photographers that are serious, this pre-production preparedness by investing in the right hardware is something to consider. The good news is there isn’t a big market for mobile photography hardware, but I wanted to highlight some products I feel are worthy of mentioning. Olloclip Probably the most well known and popular lens on the market today this lens is great because it is a 3-in-1 lens that gives the photographer a wide angle, macro and fisheye lens. While it is priced at $70 on Amazon and may seem steep to some, remember you are getting three different looks to expand your photography portfolio. For a more in-depth review of Olloclip by Jeremy Horwitz visit: iLounge Schneider Lens I have a little bias to Schneider’s iPro Lens System because I used to use their lenses when working as a contractor to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Schneider produces some of the highest quality glass in the market today. All hand machined in Germany which also explains the the high price at $199. It is considered a luxury brand. In any event this is a great system, but my only criticism that I would give is that it doesn’t have a macro lens like the Olloclip. For a more in-depth review of Schneider iPro Lens by Alexandra Change visit: Macworld AGPTek 4 in 1 Lens Kit As a third option AGPTek offers a the same lenses as the Olloclip plus an additional telephoto lens at a lower price point. The only downside to this setup is you are carrying around a lot of accessories and if you are going to get that serious about photography you might want to consider a DSLR or Mirrorless camera as an alternative. What makes this lens kit appealing is its low price point. For a more information on the AGPTek Lens Kit visit: Newegg Note- The best place to find a lot of other mobile photography hardware as well as other fun accessories is at InstaBRAND: The Ultimate Guide To Visual Storytelling Through Instagram
  • 25. Share This eBook! Case Studies 22 How awesome would it be if a picture was sponsored by Vera Wang and Armani? I’m not saying it needs to be cheesy and they need to wear 1-800-Flowers across their chests like a professional soccer player, but we often associate style and image with brand as context. Some brands are already doing this on Instagram with the help of Instagrammer collectives. High fashion photography, if you will, that appears in bridal, fashion, and lifestyle rags. This is how Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMM), New Public Relations, and effective social media strategies work. It is subtle and brand mention happens after instead of before. This way raving fans and even non raving fans feel less like they are being told what to do and instead are sharing a great story. Combine that with a multi-pronged press and pitch approach through traditional and digital channels to get the attention of daytime and news media outlets. Most media outlets are tired of being pitched and reporting on the same old thing. When a producer at a local or national outlet sees a unique twist to a story it gets their attention. Think of media outlets as part of your market in so much as purchase decisions are rarely made on impressions 1-10, but if you have a chorus of fans sharing images that have con- text the higher the percentage you will have of getting that desired conversion. This is just one example and it isn’t just limited to fashion, retail, and Pinterest. B2B companies have to move away from just saying, “This is the solution.” to something more like, “Our clients are like you, this is how they’ve loved our solution, but we’ll let you do the talking.” Even a seemingly boring engineering company like GE can make storytelling and channel engagement interesting via Instagram. The point that some circles are trying to make is that the picture doesn’t have to be perfect and in a lot of ways can seem unnatural, less organic, cold, over polished and sterile. It isn’t reality. So much so that some brand managers are taking the opposite approach and dumbing down the high fashion look and instead focus on the story being told in the photo or video. The only problem I see is some decision makers will take this advice and go the opposite direction towards dumbing down their photographs. There still has to be a balance because otherwise you will pigeonhole your brands imagery to a certain style. It is ok to do high fashion photography and lofi photography. Ultimately it is about the story you are trying to portray (aka - context). Virgin America Incentivize your fan base. Nobody knows this better than John Colucci and the Social Media Marketing Team at Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin America airline. It is the one of the easiest and cheapest way to get WOMM implemented. As humans we’re suckers for contests, discounts and free stuff even if it means we have regret afterwards until the next carrot shows itself. Virgin America Airlines who has always been ahead of the social curve thanks to tech driven leader, Richard Branson, did a simple campaign promotion on Instagram using the hashtag #MyVX- Experience for a chance to win 30% off a round trip flight. While that not seem like much I’ve seen people do more for less. What I really like about this case study is that it is permission based marketing. Virgin America partnered with NASDAQ and had the pictures from the hashtag live streamed to the NASDAQ board in prime real estate in the biggest travel destinations in the world, Times Square, New York City, NY. It was a beautiful example of repurposing content without the normal costs associated with it. Other airlines are starting to implement their own visual storytelling strategies as well. InstaBRAND: The Ultimate Guide To Visual Storytelling Through Instagram
  • 26. Share This eBook! 23 Johnnie Walker The well known spirit maker is a sponsor for the Formula 1 racing circuit and as part of their sponsorship they partnered with well known Edelman Digital to do a three part Instagram campaign to launch the Johnnie Walker brand on Instagram using three mobile photographers each with over 100k followers to document the experience. The first part of the campaign started with a photo tour of the Johnnie Walker distillery and bottling plant in Kilmarnock, Scotland with guest photographer Chris Ozer. Again, as kids we are fascinated by how some of our favorite things are made. I remember one of my favorite Mr. Rogers shows was when they toured a Crayola crayon factory. Thirty some odd years later I like many my age still like to see how things are made, but don’t necessarily have the money to travel to Scotland to take a tour. The second part of the campaign took place in Monza, Italy as part of the Formula 1 Grand Prix. Here guest mobile photographer, Phillip Gonzales was given unprecedented access to the Vodafone Mercedes McLaren racing team which is sponsored by Johnnie Walker. This part is important because unlike Chris, Phil didn’t take any pictures of the product and hardly took any pictures of the Johnnie Walker brand mark or logotype. Instead he took a series of dramatic black and white photos that told a story of a race day that resonates with Johnnie Walker’s market and fits perfectly into a bigger strategy. Indirect storytelling can be more effective without brand mention as much as direct storytelling. The third part of the campaign took place as Athipan Wongsuebyut, a graphic designer and mobile photographer from Thailand documented his journey to the Johnnie Walker House in Shanghai, China. Athipan takes some beautiful shots that mix historic old world charm of China with contemporary geometric design reminiscent of Hugh Hefner and James Bond inspired Playboy style of the 70’s. Chris Ozer, Phillip Gonzalez, Athipan Wongsuebyut and Johnnie Walker help bring three different stories with three different points of view which in some way influence me to possibly do a couple things along the way: follow them on Instagram (for more great photos and be aware of possible contests); like them on Facebook; and follow them on Twitter because I might miss something of my favorite brand of scotch. Finally all this makes me think about putting adding a tour of the Kilmarnock plant as part of my visit to Scotland, Monza or Shanghai as a item to check off my bucket list. An experience Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman would be proud of. Ironically, at the time of writing this book my favorite distillery, Maker’s Mark does not have an Instagram account. In my opinion they are missing out because they are not leveraging their highly successful direct mail brand ambassador program for multi-channel effectiveness. Another example would be Jones Soda. This is the difference between a low barrier of entry and not optimizing a channel for new discovery where your competitors are thriving. Not to mention engaging your community through hashtags and @mentions. InstaBRAND: The Ultimate Guide To Visual Storytelling Through Instagram