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Inspiring Innovations
Photo: Wonderlane
As we welcome 2015 and with it possibilities for a new era of marketing
communications, a few questions become more relevant today than ever
• What is the next big idea that can redefine brand-consumer
• How can businesses create more lasting value for their consumers?
• Why should brands and corporations focus their energies on being more
socially relevant with their businesses?
With increasing interconnectedness and shrinking global boundaries, it’s an
exciting time for businesses to evolve and innovate.
In this issue of the People’s Insights monthly brief, we look at 10 inspiring
innovations in the space of Mobile, Citizenship and Personalization.
Reaching the Evolving Mobile Audience
While active presence on the web is high on every brand’s communication
agenda, an increasing number of companies are now waking up to the next
big platform of advertising –mobile.
Making brand communication mobile-friendly has become essential in order
to reach the tech-savvy, on-the-go and very busy consumer of today.
Photo: Ed Yourdon on Flickr
Here are five companies that are tapping the mobile and app market
1. Under Armour - Sports apparel giant Under Armour acquires apps in
the health and fitness market, giving it an enviable edge of being in
the possession of large amounts of relevant data from its target
2. SAP’s TwoGo - With its carpooling app for working professionals, SAP
takes a strategic step towards more meaningful relations with its
3. Bellabeat - There are more pregnancy-related apps in use today than
from any other category. Launching aesthetically pleasing pregnancy
monitoring products with mobile apps, Bellabeat aims to redefine
prenatal care.
4. UberChopper - A case study in reputation rebuilding as international
car service company Uber launches chopper services via its app in its
city of shame, New Delhi.
5. Snapchat’s Literally Can’t Even - This young app, with its innovative
original video series on the mobile, sets the ball rolling for newer
ways of content marketing.
Despite all its benefits, the mobile, due to its association with the selfie
stick – the gadget of the hour – is currently in trouble with museums across
the USA. An increasing number of museums are banning the use of selfie
sticks in their premises. Will this move affect visitor footfall?
Photo: Intel Free Press on Flickr
Doing Good
It isn’t enough today to talk to audiences about your brand; they want their
brands to be more than the products and services they represent.
Millennials, especially, demand sustainable and responsible growth from
In the People’s Insights report The Future of Business Citizenship, we found
that 83% of the 8,000 Millennials surveyed expect businesses to be at the
forefront in addressing social issues and being active agents of social change.
72% of them want businesses to place as much importance on their social
impact as on internal profits.
Here are three examples of organizations that are going beyond traditional
CSR to make a bigger impact.
1. Carlsberg’s ‘Green’ Beer Bottles – Beverage giant Carlsberg ups its
green quotient with its plans to create a fully biodegradable wood-
fibre bottle for its beverages, moving towards a circular economy.
2. The UAE Government’s Drones Project – The UAE Government
establishes itself as a thought leader with its Drones For Good Award –
an initiative to change the perception of drones and find more positive
use cases, by inviting ideas from across the world.
3. United Nations and Their 805 Million Names – The UN’s World Food
Programme gets its message across with its thought-provoking new
campaign – the 805 Million Names Project. A well-executed and
innovative collaboration with soccer star Zlatan Ibrahimović makes it
one of the WFP’s most buzz-creating campaigns.
Photo: Alan on Flickr
Making Customization a Priority
Not every consumer is alike; needs, expectations and attitudes differ from
one consumer to the next. More and more brands are customizing services to
meet individual requirements:
1. Health information in Google’s search results - With medical
information so freely available on the Internet, self-diagnosis and self-
medication is a rising trend. To help people diagnose themselves
better and take the necessary treatment measures, Google plans to
introduce superior, more accurate and customized medical
information in its search results.
2. Workspring by Marriott – White-cubicled offices are not the norm
anymore. New-age workspaces with cutting-edge designs are what
Millennials desire, and Marriott with its customized workspace
‘Workspring’ caters to this new and powerful workforce.
Let us know what you think at @PeoplesLab on Twitter. We look forward to
your feedback and comments, and hope you enjoy this issue.
Nidhi Makhija-Chimnani
Director – Research and Insights, MSLGROUP
Melanie Joe
Consultant – Research and Insights, MSLGROUP
• Under Armour’s Tech Acquisitions
• TwoGo by SAP
• Bellabeat
• #UberChopper
• Snapchat’s ‘Literally Can’t Even’ Series
• US Museums Ban the Selfie Stick
• Carlsberg’s Green Fiber Bottle
• Drones for Good
• World Food Programme’s 805 Million Names Project
• Google adds Health Knowledge to Search Results
• Marriott’s Workspring
Under Armour’s Tech Acquisitions
Sports apparel giant Under Armour
has been on an acquisition spree –
buying three Health and Fitness
communities in the past two
In November 2013, Under Armour
acquired Texas-based app
MapMyFitness. Now with the
acquisitions of Copenhagen-based
connected fitness firm Endomondo
and San Francisco-based
MyFitnessPal, the athletic apparel
company has established itself as
the player with the world’s largest
digital health and fitness
The three apps individually have
been growing exponentially.
Combined, they grew 46% in 2014
and added 100,000 users per day,
bringing it a total of 40 million
members for the year.
What do these numbers mean for Under Armour and its acquisitions of these
successful companies?
Valuable Data to shape its Business Strategy
These apps and their websites thrive on real-time data – making them a
combined repository of big chunks of data from Under Armour’s prime target
audience – athletes, coaches and fitness enthusiasts. Analysis of this data can
enable the brand to create customized offerings for its audience.
This plays to Under Armour’s favour as it looks to transform the way athletes
train, perform and live.
What This Means for the Competition
Under Armour may not be the sole player in the booming fitness apps market,
and it isn’t the first sports apparel brand to invest in apps or wearables. But
with its acquisition of the three major fitness communities – all with their
established user base and data - it has a significant advantage over its
Nike has invested heavily in its own family of fitness apps and achieved quite
some scale: the Nike+ community is 30 million strong, and individual apps
like Nike Soccer are available in 46 counties and 19 languages.
Women's apparel giant Tory Burch tied up with Fitbit to create its own line of
bracelets that fit over Fitbit devices. The North Face has two very popular
apps in the sporting category – Mountain Athletics and Snow Report.
Such apps will only flourish in the future – at present, about 50% of mobile health
related data traffic comes from personal fitness apps.
At a time when marketers are experimenting with connected devices to innovate
and enhance user experience, Under Armour’s strategic acquisitions are well-
 How effective are gamified fitness apps? Read here
 Click here to read more about the growing popularity of mobile health and fitness
TwoGo By Sap
Carpooling – also known as ride-
sharing, car-sharing and lift-sharing
– is a World War II practice from the
United States that has become
widely popular across the globe.
While carpooling has been around
for a while, the number of websites
and mobile apps offering ways to
search for and book ride-sharing
options have risen in the past
couple of years.
The latest in the market is the
TwoGo app by SAP. Available as an
app as well as on a website, it’s an
interesting consumer-focused move
from an otherwise enterprise-
centric corporation.
 Learn how TwoGo works here
Photo: TwoGo
Several corporations register with carpool services for the benefit of their
employees. At present, there are dozens of carpooling apps on Android and iOS.
Why Carpooling ?
• A Green Practice
Carpooling is highly fuel-efficient – fuel-wise, 85 million gallons are saved yearly
by carpooling - and co-workers sharing a ride eliminates the need of a parking
space for every employee, thus leading to a more efficient utilization of land.
This also directly translates to a lesser carbon footprint for the organization,
promoting growing through sustainable practices.
• Conducive to Employee Productivity
While carpooling has been known to be fuel and cost-efficient, it also provides
opportunities for increasing employee productivity through better internal
Co-workers who carpool together get that much more time to get acquainted
with each other. This communication outside of the workplace can lead to them
being more receptive to each other, which can result in a better exchange of
ideas while working as a team.
 Read here why carpooling is good for the environment
Photo: TwoGo
Photos: Bellabeat
The market of health and fitness apps is
huge, and pregnancy-related apps are
one of the most popular categories.
On average, 47% of subscribers using
one or more health apps use a
pregnancy-related app.
Bellabeat entered the market with a
fetal monitor. In 2014, Bellabeat
unveiled its cutting-edge collection of
three new products for expecting
Called Balance, Leaf and Shell,
Bellabeat’s new products are aimed at
making pregnancy and motherhood a
trackable journey.
Balance is a smart scale, Leaf is a smart
health tracker and Shell is a smart
pregnancy and baby monitor.
Photo: anuncios mexico on Flickr
All three products are connected to corresponding apps which monitor the
activity of the wearable/useable products.
There are similar pregnancy-related apps in the market, though none with an
interactive app-and-product feature like Bellabeat.
What makes Bellabeat unique is their aesthetic quality – both with the app as
well as the products. The products have been designed to look chic and
appealing. So much so that one of the products – the Leaf monitor – can be
worn as a bracelet, necklace or brooch.
Bellabeat’s strategy is a good example in how seemingly ‘techie’ products –
like health monitoring devices – can be made more appealing to consumers
(a) engaging them with the product (interactive apps)
(b) implementing innovative product design
 Pregnancy guide apps for the dads. Click here to know more
As a brand, international car
service company Uber is known to
be innovative in its communication
efforts, and it has been pushing
the boundaries with each
Teaming up with EuroCopter, Uber
provided chopper services for
couples on Valentine’s Day, in New
Delhi, India. This comes on the tail
of its hugely successful chopper
service to the Hamptons in the
Though a first in New Delhi, Uber
had similar services in Mumbai
and Bengaluru over Father’s Day in
 Read Uber’s announcement of the
offering here
 Click here for the promo video
The US-based taxi service has been in the news recently for the alleged
misconduct with a female passenger in New Delhi.
The brand’s new offering, in the wake of this incident might seem like a
gamble, but it seems to be working in Uber’s favour. Consumers (men and
women) are beginning to welcome back the brand:
Banned on the roads, Uber has taken to the skies in New Delhi to win its
consumers back, and it’s a bold move that may help repair its reputation.
It’ll be interesting to watch how this affects the brand’s long-term image
with old as well as potential consumers.
Snapchat’s ‘Literally Can’t Even’ Series
Consumer attention spans are getting
shorter and shorter, and Snapchat’s
latest venture into video content drives
home this very point.
Called ‘Literally Can’t Even’, the social
networking site’s new original web
series is a part of Snapchat Discover – a
digital property set up for creative
content promotion.
What makes it unique is the length of
each episode (4 and a half minutes) and
that they self-delete 24 hours after
their release.
The scripted show, written by and
starring Sasha Spielberg and Emily
Goldwyn, daughters of legendary
filmmakers Steven Spielberg and John
Goldwyn, follows the lives of the two
protagonists around Los Angeles.
 Click here for a how-to on Snapchat
Photo: Maurizio Pesce on Flickr
Only two episodes into its release, the series is already a topic of discussion.
While reviews range from applause to disappointment, Snapchat seems to be
confident in its content marketing venture.
Most of the active Snapchat community is made up of teenagers and women,
and the brand is targeting their content directly to them. Its split-screen
presentation, meanwhile, is an unprecedented step in mobile content
marketing, giving it an almost pioneer status.
Negative reviews notwithstanding, this attempt at in-house content creation
is a smart step by Snapchat, making it future competition for bigwigs like
Hulu, Netflix and Amazon.
2015 will see several apps revolutionizing content marketing, and Snapchat
seems to have set it in motion.
 Click here to know more how major organizations are changing their approach
to Snapchat
 Read reviews for ‘Literally Can’t Even’, or click here for a video review
US Museums Ban the Selfie Stick
The list of dos and don’ts have a latest
addition in the museums of the USA – No
Selfie Sticks.
An increasing number of museums
across the country are banning the
ever-present photography aid that
consumers have taken a particular liking
While photography (including selfies) is
encouraged in these museums, it’s the
use of the selfie stick that has museum
management worried.
As users of the selfie stick wave around
their phones with gusto, it’s the
potential damage to exhibits that
museums fear.
“I’m worried about visitor safety and
protecting our art”, says Sree
Srinivasan, Chief Digital Officer at the
 How ‘selfie’ became the Word of the
Year in 2013. Read here
Photo: Floris Oosterveld on Flickr
With good reason too – in January 2015 alone, the camera equipment
company iStabilizer claims to have sold over 15,000 selfie sticks. And that’s a
conservative figure considering the number of companies who sell this
accessory worldwide. The actual figure could be closer to hundreds of
Waving goodbye to free word-of-mouth?
While visitor and exhibit safety is a valid concern, it raises one question – are
museums saying no to instant and free advertising, as people upload their
selfies to their social networks?
Selfies have taken over popular culture, and equipment that lets people take
clearer and more defined selfies is here to stay.
It rings true especially for museums as more and more tourists carry selfie
sticks to capture their moments at tourist attractions. Selfies tend to spill
over to multiple platforms. A quick search on Instagram shows more than 200
million photographs with the #selfie hashtag.
With the reach of user-generated content today, the selfie has the potential
to be a free advertising tool with a lot of power. Such voluntary endorsement
by people carries more value for the general public.
Instead, a middle-ground that lets visitors use their selfie sticks with some
boundaries could be advantageous for museums in the long run.
 Read here about how brands on Facebook are using selfies as a marketing tool
 Read Why Millennials Take Selfies
Carlsberg’s Green Fiber Bottle
Carlsberg, as a participant on Wasteless
Supply at the World Economic Forum in
Davos, announced that it will be
developing the first ever fully
biodegradable bottle for its beverages.
Partnering with packaging specialists
ecoXpac, Innovation Fund Denmark and
the Technical University of Denmark,
Carlsberg hopes to bring the product to
the market in the next three years.
This is a significant step for the
company towards a commitment to
sustainable development.
Called the ‘Green Fiber Bottle’, it is
proposed to be made from sustainably
sourced wood-fiber.
 Click here to learn about Carlsberg’s
Circular Community
Photo: 8#X on Flickr
One of the largest brewery groups in the
world with 500 beer brands to its name,
it makes sense for Carlsberg to adopt a
greener production technique.
Especially since packaging accounts for
45% of the group’s CO2 emissions,
according to its annual report.
Moving towards a circular economy is a
trend that’s picking up amongst
corporations. In addition to contributing
to a more eco-friendly economy,
sustainable innovation also helps in
gaining consumer trust and loyalty in
the long run.
If Carlsberg’s Green Fiber Bottle proves
successful, it has the potential to
become the next economically viable
trend that could change the FMCG
Drones For Good
Since their invention, drones have been
associated with warfare, espionage and
other undercover military operations.
People – the common man and those in
the government alike – have been wary
of drones.
While drones, also known as Unmanned
Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), are most used in
combat today, they also have the
potential for making human lives less
complex and more efficient.
There’s a need to bring about a shift in
the current perception about drones.
And that’s what the UAE Government
attempted to do with its Drones For
Good Award.
Launched in October 2014, The UAE Drones For Good Award was a contest
run by the UAE Government, calling innovators to submit working prototypes
of drones that could be developed into fully functional systems within the
next three years.
This social innovation campaign initiated by the UAE Government aims to
raise awareness about the positive benefits of this cutting-edge technology,
and to collaborate with the brightest minds for groundbreaking innovation.
“We want to reach to people before they reach us. We want to save time, to
shorten distances, to increase effectiveness and to make services easier.”,
said Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime
Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai while launching the award.
Participation was open to International and National audiences and those
employed with the UAE Government. With a prize money of US $1 million
and AED 1 million (for the National participants), the contest saw
participation from across the globe.
The winners from each of the categories were announced on February 8th,
2015 at the final event.
 Read more about the Drones For Good Award here
 Click here to view the winners
View the full infographic: The Big
Business of Consumer Drones by Jabil
The mention of drones usually raises red flags – concerns about privacy and
safety of civilians and governments. There’s no denying though that these
machines in the sky will become a common sight in the coming years.
According to one estimate, there could be as many as 30,000 drones (small
and big) in the American airspace by 2020.
Drones can be used to provide real-time aid to areas affected by
international crisis. It can also benefit daily human lives in unprecedented
E-commerce giant Amazon, for example, is looking into ways to use drones
for quicker deliveries to customers – an astounding 30 minutes from placing
the order!
This initiative by the UAE Government is noteworthy for its effort at
rebuilding the image of drones in the public mind. More awareness of the
good these machines are capable of can lead to more minds coming together
to facilitate that good.
The Drones for Good Awards is seen as a social and scientific initiative for the
larger benefit of humanity - a step that positions the UAE Government as a
supporter of tech innovation.
 See: Zephyr – the drone that broke records for the longest high-altitude flight
 Click here for an infographic on the future of drone delivery
 See how farmers are using drones for agriculture here
WFP’s 805 Million Names Project
Photo: World Food Programme website
‘805 million people are suffering from
hunger today. Make sure the world
With a call-to-action like that, the
United Nations World Food Programme
(WFP) strikes the right chord in its
brilliant new 805 Million Names Project.
Partnering with soccer star Zlatan
Ibrahimović, striker for Paris-Saint-
Germaine and captain of the Swedish
national team, the WFP unveiled the
campaign during a match Ibrahimović
was a part of, which also happened to
be on Valentine’s Day.
What’s made the campaign stand out is
the advertising medium – Ibrahimović’s
body which was tattooed with 50 names
– a symbolical representative of the
estimated 805 million people affected
by hunger globally. And his Twitter
account which is followed by 2.47
million people.
 Watch WFP’s video about the campaign
While advertising on human bodies –
what came to be known as
‘skinvertising’ – is not new, the scale on
which this has been executed has the
potential to create a lasting impact.
Ibrahimović revealed the temporary
tattoos on his body to a wave of
applause from the audience. With the
fan base he has, his endorsement of the
cause will not go unnoticed.
“Each one of the 805 million people
suffering from hunger in the world has
a name, a voice, a story to share,” says
Marina Catena, WFP Director for France
and the Principality of Monaco.
“Zlatan accepted the challenge and
wished to carry their stories on his own
skin so that the world does not forget
 Read Japan’s version of ‘skinvertising’
- advertising on women’s thighs, here
 Meet the people who’ve been ‘branded
for life’ with body advertising. Read
more here
With this campaign, the WFP hopes to
highlight the work it has been doing in
crisis-affected regions of the world, and
also encourage more people to join the
fight against hunger.
The campaign does not end with the
tattoos though. Ibrahimović, on his
Twitter account, posted a photograph of
the shoe he’ll be wearing for his next
match, with ‘805 Million Names’
engraved on it. He has received an
outpouring of positive response from his
fans on the social networking site.
Such innovative approaches to reaching
people are essential for organizations
that typically struggle for a share of
attention on the common man’s several
 For an interesting look at how
unconventional modes of advertising
have been used, click here
Google Adds Health Knowledge to Search Results
The data shows it – more and
more, people are going online to
learn about their health, sickness,
symptoms, treatments and so on.
1 in 20 searches on Google are
related to health - that’s about 175
million searches on health every
It’s easy to understand why – it’s
quick, convenient and cheaper
than visiting the doctor, and there
are millions of web pages offering
The trend is continuing, but raises
worries about the quality of
information people are using to
self-diagnose and self-treat.
 See: Are you a Google
To address this problem, Google will
soon offer higher quality information
about symptoms and treatment
alongside search results.
This information will be vetted by its
own doctors and doctors from
MayoClinic, and will be accompanied by
illustrations commission from licensed
medical illustrators. A disclaimer
reminds people to consult doctors for
It’s an interesting move, and pits
Google against the likes of search giant
Wikipedia and medical website WebMD.
 Read Google’s blog post announcement
 For more about Google’s knowledge
graph efforts, click here or watch a
Photos: Search Engine Land blog
Marriott’s Workspring
‘A day at the office’ today looks a whole
lot different than it did decades ago. As
professional lives see shifts from the
mundane to the more interesting,
workspaces aren’t left behind.
As the trend is veering towards
alternative workspaces, cubicles are
being replaced by more innovative
Catching up to the need for workspaces
that offer more flexibility, Marriott
Hotels & Resorts, the signature brand of
Marriott International, has introduced
‘Workspring’ - a new-age meeting space
for small and large business groups as
well as individuals.
 Watch a video about Workspring
Photo: Marriott website
Collaborating with workspace design expert Steelcase, Marriott provides
integrated spaces and common areas in Workspring. With features like
ergonomic seating, natural light and individual as well as community spaces,
the aim is to create a work environment that’s highly conducive to creative
A combined survey by WIRED and Marriott Hotels & Resorts says that 48% of
the people they polled feel they are more productive when they work
remotely, while others felt they have unmet needs when working remotely.
The New-Age Workspace
The survey results clearly show that more and more people are embracing
the working-without-boundaries style, and expect workspaces that facilitate
a transformation in how they meet, collaborate and innovate. This holds true
especially for Millennials, who come with a different set of work ethics than
previous generations.
The demand for the inspired workspace will continue to rise, and Marriott’s
offering with Workspring couldn’t have come at a better time. Adapting
workspaces that have the potential to lead to better employee productivity
and wellness is a priority corporations need to make.
 Have a look at the 12 coolest offices in the world, here
 See: What Millennials Want in a Workspace here
People’s Insights is a collection of inspiring initiatives, insights and foresights
shared by MSLGROUP’s SPRINTers – our global team of 100+ strategic
planners, researchers and insights experts.
People’s Insights covers the latest trends in engagement on both consumer
and corporate sides.
We feature the best of these initiatives as People’s Insights monthly briefs,
and original insights and foresights – from our SPRINTers and other MSLGROUP
experts - in our People’s Insights reports. We share these on our social
platforms and distribute freely to inspire more engaging campaigns.
Check out our latest report, The Future of Creativity:15 drivers for engaging
creatively in 2015.
People’s Insights is available as a blog, powerpoint decks, infographics, white
papers and magazines, a Kindle eBook and even an iPad app.
Follow us on Twitter at @PeoplesLab or subscribe to our newsletter to receive
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People’s Insights – The Voice of SPRINT
People’s Lab is MSLGROUP’s proprietary crowdsourcing platform and
approach that helps organizations tap into people’s insights for innovation,
storytelling and change.
People’s Lab helps organizations build and nurture public or private, web or
mobile, hosted or white label communities around four pre-configured
application areas:
1. Expertise Request Network
2. Innovation Challenge Network
3. Research & Insights Network
4. Contest & Activation Network
Our community and gaming features encourage people to share rich content,
vote/ comment on other people’s content and collaborate to find innovative
People’s Lab forms the core of our insights and foresight approach, which
consists of four elements: organic conversation analysis, MSLGROUP’s own
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deep dives into these communities. The People’s Insights reports showcase
our capability in crowdsourcing and analyzing insights from conversations and
People’s Lab
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  • 2. As we welcome 2015 and with it possibilities for a new era of marketing communications, a few questions become more relevant today than ever before: • What is the next big idea that can redefine brand-consumer interaction? • How can businesses create more lasting value for their consumers? • Why should brands and corporations focus their energies on being more socially relevant with their businesses? With increasing interconnectedness and shrinking global boundaries, it’s an exciting time for businesses to evolve and innovate. In this issue of the People’s Insights monthly brief, we look at 10 inspiring innovations in the space of Mobile, Citizenship and Personalization. Reaching the Evolving Mobile Audience While active presence on the web is high on every brand’s communication agenda, an increasing number of companies are now waking up to the next big platform of advertising –mobile. Making brand communication mobile-friendly has become essential in order to reach the tech-savvy, on-the-go and very busy consumer of today. Introduction Photo: Ed Yourdon on Flickr
  • 3. Here are five companies that are tapping the mobile and app market cleverly: 1. Under Armour - Sports apparel giant Under Armour acquires apps in the health and fitness market, giving it an enviable edge of being in the possession of large amounts of relevant data from its target audience. 2. SAP’s TwoGo - With its carpooling app for working professionals, SAP takes a strategic step towards more meaningful relations with its customers. 3. Bellabeat - There are more pregnancy-related apps in use today than from any other category. Launching aesthetically pleasing pregnancy monitoring products with mobile apps, Bellabeat aims to redefine prenatal care. 4. UberChopper - A case study in reputation rebuilding as international car service company Uber launches chopper services via its app in its city of shame, New Delhi. 5. Snapchat’s Literally Can’t Even - This young app, with its innovative original video series on the mobile, sets the ball rolling for newer ways of content marketing. Despite all its benefits, the mobile, due to its association with the selfie stick – the gadget of the hour – is currently in trouble with museums across the USA. An increasing number of museums are banning the use of selfie sticks in their premises. Will this move affect visitor footfall?
  • 4. Photo: Intel Free Press on Flickr Doing Good It isn’t enough today to talk to audiences about your brand; they want their brands to be more than the products and services they represent. Millennials, especially, demand sustainable and responsible growth from organizations. In the People’s Insights report The Future of Business Citizenship, we found that 83% of the 8,000 Millennials surveyed expect businesses to be at the forefront in addressing social issues and being active agents of social change. 72% of them want businesses to place as much importance on their social impact as on internal profits. Here are three examples of organizations that are going beyond traditional CSR to make a bigger impact. 1. Carlsberg’s ‘Green’ Beer Bottles – Beverage giant Carlsberg ups its green quotient with its plans to create a fully biodegradable wood- fibre bottle for its beverages, moving towards a circular economy. 2. The UAE Government’s Drones Project – The UAE Government establishes itself as a thought leader with its Drones For Good Award – an initiative to change the perception of drones and find more positive use cases, by inviting ideas from across the world. 3. United Nations and Their 805 Million Names – The UN’s World Food Programme gets its message across with its thought-provoking new campaign – the 805 Million Names Project. A well-executed and innovative collaboration with soccer star Zlatan Ibrahimović makes it one of the WFP’s most buzz-creating campaigns.
  • 5. Photo: Alan on Flickr Making Customization a Priority Not every consumer is alike; needs, expectations and attitudes differ from one consumer to the next. More and more brands are customizing services to meet individual requirements: 1. Health information in Google’s search results - With medical information so freely available on the Internet, self-diagnosis and self- medication is a rising trend. To help people diagnose themselves better and take the necessary treatment measures, Google plans to introduce superior, more accurate and customized medical information in its search results. 2. Workspring by Marriott – White-cubicled offices are not the norm anymore. New-age workspaces with cutting-edge designs are what Millennials desire, and Marriott with its customized workspace ‘Workspring’ caters to this new and powerful workforce. Let us know what you think at @PeoplesLab on Twitter. We look forward to your feedback and comments, and hope you enjoy this issue. Nidhi Makhija-Chimnani Director – Research and Insights, MSLGROUP Melanie Joe Consultant – Research and Insights, MSLGROUP
  • 6. • Under Armour’s Tech Acquisitions • TwoGo by SAP • Bellabeat • #UberChopper • Snapchat’s ‘Literally Can’t Even’ Series • US Museums Ban the Selfie Stick • Carlsberg’s Green Fiber Bottle • Drones for Good • World Food Programme’s 805 Million Names Project • Google adds Health Knowledge to Search Results • Marriott’s Workspring Inside 7 10 13 15 17 19 21 23 26 29 31
  • 7. Under Armour’s Tech Acquisitions Sports apparel giant Under Armour has been on an acquisition spree – buying three Health and Fitness communities in the past two years. In November 2013, Under Armour acquired Texas-based app MapMyFitness. Now with the acquisitions of Copenhagen-based connected fitness firm Endomondo and San Francisco-based MyFitnessPal, the athletic apparel company has established itself as the player with the world’s largest digital health and fitness community. The three apps individually have been growing exponentially. Combined, they grew 46% in 2014 and added 100,000 users per day, bringing it a total of 40 million members for the year. #MobileHealth
  • 8. What do these numbers mean for Under Armour and its acquisitions of these successful companies? Valuable Data to shape its Business Strategy These apps and their websites thrive on real-time data – making them a combined repository of big chunks of data from Under Armour’s prime target audience – athletes, coaches and fitness enthusiasts. Analysis of this data can enable the brand to create customized offerings for its audience. This plays to Under Armour’s favour as it looks to transform the way athletes train, perform and live. What This Means for the Competition Under Armour may not be the sole player in the booming fitness apps market, and it isn’t the first sports apparel brand to invest in apps or wearables. But with its acquisition of the three major fitness communities – all with their established user base and data - it has a significant advantage over its competition. Nike has invested heavily in its own family of fitness apps and achieved quite some scale: the Nike+ community is 30 million strong, and individual apps like Nike Soccer are available in 46 counties and 19 languages. Women's apparel giant Tory Burch tied up with Fitbit to create its own line of bracelets that fit over Fitbit devices. The North Face has two very popular apps in the sporting category – Mountain Athletics and Snow Report.
  • 9. Such apps will only flourish in the future – at present, about 50% of mobile health related data traffic comes from personal fitness apps. At a time when marketers are experimenting with connected devices to innovate and enhance user experience, Under Armour’s strategic acquisitions are well- timed.  How effective are gamified fitness apps? Read here  Click here to read more about the growing popularity of mobile health and fitness apps
  • 10. TwoGo By Sap Carpooling – also known as ride- sharing, car-sharing and lift-sharing – is a World War II practice from the United States that has become widely popular across the globe. While carpooling has been around for a while, the number of websites and mobile apps offering ways to search for and book ride-sharing options have risen in the past couple of years. The latest in the market is the TwoGo app by SAP. Available as an app as well as on a website, it’s an interesting consumer-focused move from an otherwise enterprise- centric corporation.  Learn how TwoGo works here Photo: TwoGo #MobileCarpooling
  • 11. Several corporations register with carpool services for the benefit of their employees. At present, there are dozens of carpooling apps on Android and iOS. Why Carpooling ? • A Green Practice Carpooling is highly fuel-efficient – fuel-wise, 85 million gallons are saved yearly by carpooling - and co-workers sharing a ride eliminates the need of a parking space for every employee, thus leading to a more efficient utilization of land. This also directly translates to a lesser carbon footprint for the organization, promoting growing through sustainable practices. • Conducive to Employee Productivity While carpooling has been known to be fuel and cost-efficient, it also provides opportunities for increasing employee productivity through better internal communication. Co-workers who carpool together get that much more time to get acquainted with each other. This communication outside of the workplace can lead to them being more receptive to each other, which can result in a better exchange of ideas while working as a team.  Read here why carpooling is good for the environment
  • 13. Bellabeat Photos: Bellabeat The market of health and fitness apps is huge, and pregnancy-related apps are one of the most popular categories. On average, 47% of subscribers using one or more health apps use a pregnancy-related app. Bellabeat entered the market with a fetal monitor. In 2014, Bellabeat unveiled its cutting-edge collection of three new products for expecting women. Called Balance, Leaf and Shell, Bellabeat’s new products are aimed at making pregnancy and motherhood a trackable journey. Balance is a smart scale, Leaf is a smart health tracker and Shell is a smart pregnancy and baby monitor. #MobileNursing
  • 14. Photo: anuncios mexico on Flickr All three products are connected to corresponding apps which monitor the activity of the wearable/useable products. There are similar pregnancy-related apps in the market, though none with an interactive app-and-product feature like Bellabeat. What makes Bellabeat unique is their aesthetic quality – both with the app as well as the products. The products have been designed to look chic and appealing. So much so that one of the products – the Leaf monitor – can be worn as a bracelet, necklace or brooch. Bellabeat’s strategy is a good example in how seemingly ‘techie’ products – like health monitoring devices – can be made more appealing to consumers by (a) engaging them with the product (interactive apps) (b) implementing innovative product design  Pregnancy guide apps for the dads. Click here to know more
  • 15. #UberChopper As a brand, international car service company Uber is known to be innovative in its communication efforts, and it has been pushing the boundaries with each campaign. Teaming up with EuroCopter, Uber provided chopper services for couples on Valentine’s Day, in New Delhi, India. This comes on the tail of its hugely successful chopper service to the Hamptons in the U.S. Though a first in New Delhi, Uber had similar services in Mumbai and Bengaluru over Father’s Day in 2014.  Read Uber’s announcement of the offering here  Click here for the promo video #UberChopper
  • 16. The US-based taxi service has been in the news recently for the alleged misconduct with a female passenger in New Delhi. The brand’s new offering, in the wake of this incident might seem like a gamble, but it seems to be working in Uber’s favour. Consumers (men and women) are beginning to welcome back the brand: Banned on the roads, Uber has taken to the skies in New Delhi to win its consumers back, and it’s a bold move that may help repair its reputation. It’ll be interesting to watch how this affects the brand’s long-term image with old as well as potential consumers.
  • 17. Snapchat’s ‘Literally Can’t Even’ Series Consumer attention spans are getting shorter and shorter, and Snapchat’s latest venture into video content drives home this very point. Called ‘Literally Can’t Even’, the social networking site’s new original web series is a part of Snapchat Discover – a digital property set up for creative content promotion. What makes it unique is the length of each episode (4 and a half minutes) and that they self-delete 24 hours after their release. The scripted show, written by and starring Sasha Spielberg and Emily Goldwyn, daughters of legendary filmmakers Steven Spielberg and John Goldwyn, follows the lives of the two protagonists around Los Angeles.  Click here for a how-to on Snapchat Discover #SnapchatDiscover
  • 18. Photo: Maurizio Pesce on Flickr Only two episodes into its release, the series is already a topic of discussion. While reviews range from applause to disappointment, Snapchat seems to be confident in its content marketing venture. Most of the active Snapchat community is made up of teenagers and women, and the brand is targeting their content directly to them. Its split-screen presentation, meanwhile, is an unprecedented step in mobile content marketing, giving it an almost pioneer status. Negative reviews notwithstanding, this attempt at in-house content creation is a smart step by Snapchat, making it future competition for bigwigs like Hulu, Netflix and Amazon. 2015 will see several apps revolutionizing content marketing, and Snapchat seems to have set it in motion.  Click here to know more how major organizations are changing their approach to Snapchat  Read reviews for ‘Literally Can’t Even’, or click here for a video review
  • 19. US Museums Ban the Selfie Stick The list of dos and don’ts have a latest addition in the museums of the USA – No Selfie Sticks. An increasing number of museums across the country are banning the ever-present photography aid that consumers have taken a particular liking to. While photography (including selfies) is encouraged in these museums, it’s the use of the selfie stick that has museum management worried. As users of the selfie stick wave around their phones with gusto, it’s the potential damage to exhibits that museums fear. “I’m worried about visitor safety and protecting our art”, says Sree Srinivasan, Chief Digital Officer at the Met.  How ‘selfie’ became the Word of the Year in 2013. Read here #MuseumSelfies
  • 20. Photo: Floris Oosterveld on Flickr With good reason too – in January 2015 alone, the camera equipment company iStabilizer claims to have sold over 15,000 selfie sticks. And that’s a conservative figure considering the number of companies who sell this accessory worldwide. The actual figure could be closer to hundreds of thousands. Waving goodbye to free word-of-mouth? While visitor and exhibit safety is a valid concern, it raises one question – are museums saying no to instant and free advertising, as people upload their selfies to their social networks? Selfies have taken over popular culture, and equipment that lets people take clearer and more defined selfies is here to stay. It rings true especially for museums as more and more tourists carry selfie sticks to capture their moments at tourist attractions. Selfies tend to spill over to multiple platforms. A quick search on Instagram shows more than 200 million photographs with the #selfie hashtag. With the reach of user-generated content today, the selfie has the potential to be a free advertising tool with a lot of power. Such voluntary endorsement by people carries more value for the general public. Instead, a middle-ground that lets visitors use their selfie sticks with some boundaries could be advantageous for museums in the long run.  Read here about how brands on Facebook are using selfies as a marketing tool  Read Why Millennials Take Selfies
  • 21. Carlsberg’s Green Fiber Bottle Carlsberg, as a participant on Wasteless Supply at the World Economic Forum in Davos, announced that it will be developing the first ever fully biodegradable bottle for its beverages. Partnering with packaging specialists ecoXpac, Innovation Fund Denmark and the Technical University of Denmark, Carlsberg hopes to bring the product to the market in the next three years. This is a significant step for the company towards a commitment to sustainable development. Called the ‘Green Fiber Bottle’, it is proposed to be made from sustainably sourced wood-fiber.  Click here to learn about Carlsberg’s Circular Community #SustainableInnovation
  • 22. Photo: 8#X on Flickr One of the largest brewery groups in the world with 500 beer brands to its name, it makes sense for Carlsberg to adopt a greener production technique. Especially since packaging accounts for 45% of the group’s CO2 emissions, according to its annual report. Moving towards a circular economy is a trend that’s picking up amongst corporations. In addition to contributing to a more eco-friendly economy, sustainable innovation also helps in gaining consumer trust and loyalty in the long run. If Carlsberg’s Green Fiber Bottle proves successful, it has the potential to become the next economically viable trend that could change the FMCG industry.  
  • 23. Drones For Good Since their invention, drones have been associated with warfare, espionage and other undercover military operations. People – the common man and those in the government alike – have been wary of drones. While drones, also known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), are most used in combat today, they also have the potential for making human lives less complex and more efficient. There’s a need to bring about a shift in the current perception about drones. And that’s what the UAE Government attempted to do with its Drones For Good Award. #DronesForGood
  • 24. Launched in October 2014, The UAE Drones For Good Award was a contest run by the UAE Government, calling innovators to submit working prototypes of drones that could be developed into fully functional systems within the next three years. This social innovation campaign initiated by the UAE Government aims to raise awareness about the positive benefits of this cutting-edge technology, and to collaborate with the brightest minds for groundbreaking innovation. “We want to reach to people before they reach us. We want to save time, to shorten distances, to increase effectiveness and to make services easier.”, said Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai while launching the award. Participation was open to International and National audiences and those employed with the UAE Government. With a prize money of US $1 million and AED 1 million (for the National participants), the contest saw participation from across the globe. The winners from each of the categories were announced on February 8th, 2015 at the final event.  Read more about the Drones For Good Award here  Click here to view the winners
  • 25. View the full infographic: The Big Business of Consumer Drones by Jabil The mention of drones usually raises red flags – concerns about privacy and safety of civilians and governments. There’s no denying though that these machines in the sky will become a common sight in the coming years. According to one estimate, there could be as many as 30,000 drones (small and big) in the American airspace by 2020. Drones can be used to provide real-time aid to areas affected by international crisis. It can also benefit daily human lives in unprecedented ways. E-commerce giant Amazon, for example, is looking into ways to use drones for quicker deliveries to customers – an astounding 30 minutes from placing the order! This initiative by the UAE Government is noteworthy for its effort at rebuilding the image of drones in the public mind. More awareness of the good these machines are capable of can lead to more minds coming together to facilitate that good. The Drones for Good Awards is seen as a social and scientific initiative for the larger benefit of humanity - a step that positions the UAE Government as a supporter of tech innovation.  See: Zephyr – the drone that broke records for the longest high-altitude flight  Click here for an infographic on the future of drone delivery  See how farmers are using drones for agriculture here
  • 26. WFP’s 805 Million Names Project Photo: World Food Programme website ‘805 million people are suffering from hunger today. Make sure the world knows.’ With a call-to-action like that, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) strikes the right chord in its brilliant new 805 Million Names Project. Partnering with soccer star Zlatan Ibrahimović, striker for Paris-Saint- Germaine and captain of the Swedish national team, the WFP unveiled the campaign during a match Ibrahimović was a part of, which also happened to be on Valentine’s Day. What’s made the campaign stand out is the advertising medium – Ibrahimović’s body which was tattooed with 50 names – a symbolical representative of the estimated 805 million people affected by hunger globally. And his Twitter account which is followed by 2.47 million people.  Watch WFP’s video about the campaign #805MillionNames
  • 27. While advertising on human bodies – what came to be known as ‘skinvertising’ – is not new, the scale on which this has been executed has the potential to create a lasting impact. Ibrahimović revealed the temporary tattoos on his body to a wave of applause from the audience. With the fan base he has, his endorsement of the cause will not go unnoticed. “Each one of the 805 million people suffering from hunger in the world has a name, a voice, a story to share,” says Marina Catena, WFP Director for France and the Principality of Monaco. “Zlatan accepted the challenge and wished to carry their stories on his own skin so that the world does not forget them.”  Read Japan’s version of ‘skinvertising’ - advertising on women’s thighs, here  Meet the people who’ve been ‘branded for life’ with body advertising. Read more here
  • 28. ć With this campaign, the WFP hopes to highlight the work it has been doing in crisis-affected regions of the world, and also encourage more people to join the fight against hunger. The campaign does not end with the tattoos though. Ibrahimović, on his Twitter account, posted a photograph of the shoe he’ll be wearing for his next match, with ‘805 Million Names’ engraved on it. He has received an outpouring of positive response from his fans on the social networking site. Such innovative approaches to reaching people are essential for organizations that typically struggle for a share of attention on the common man’s several screens.  For an interesting look at how unconventional modes of advertising have been used, click here
  • 29. Google Adds Health Knowledge to Search Results The data shows it – more and more, people are going online to learn about their health, sickness, symptoms, treatments and so on. 1 in 20 searches on Google are related to health - that’s about 175 million searches on health every day. It’s easy to understand why – it’s quick, convenient and cheaper than visiting the doctor, and there are millions of web pages offering answers. The trend is continuing, but raises worries about the quality of information people are using to self-diagnose and self-treat.  See: Are you a Google hypochondriac? #EvolutionofSearch
  • 30. To address this problem, Google will soon offer higher quality information about symptoms and treatment alongside search results. This information will be vetted by its own doctors and doctors from MayoClinic, and will be accompanied by illustrations commission from licensed medical illustrators. A disclaimer reminds people to consult doctors for advice. It’s an interesting move, and pits Google against the likes of search giant Wikipedia and medical website WebMD.  Read Google’s blog post announcement here  For more about Google’s knowledge graph efforts, click here or watch a video Photos: Search Engine Land blog
  • 31. Marriott’s Workspring ‘A day at the office’ today looks a whole lot different than it did decades ago. As professional lives see shifts from the mundane to the more interesting, workspaces aren’t left behind. As the trend is veering towards alternative workspaces, cubicles are being replaced by more innovative designs. Catching up to the need for workspaces that offer more flexibility, Marriott Hotels & Resorts, the signature brand of Marriott International, has introduced ‘Workspring’ - a new-age meeting space for small and large business groups as well as individuals.  Watch a video about Workspring #InspiredWorkspace
  • 32. Photo: Marriott website Collaborating with workspace design expert Steelcase, Marriott provides integrated spaces and common areas in Workspring. With features like ergonomic seating, natural light and individual as well as community spaces, the aim is to create a work environment that’s highly conducive to creative productivity. A combined survey by WIRED and Marriott Hotels & Resorts says that 48% of the people they polled feel they are more productive when they work remotely, while others felt they have unmet needs when working remotely. The New-Age Workspace The survey results clearly show that more and more people are embracing the working-without-boundaries style, and expect workspaces that facilitate a transformation in how they meet, collaborate and innovate. This holds true especially for Millennials, who come with a different set of work ethics than previous generations. The demand for the inspired workspace will continue to rise, and Marriott’s offering with Workspring couldn’t have come at a better time. Adapting workspaces that have the potential to lead to better employee productivity and wellness is a priority corporations need to make.  Have a look at the 12 coolest offices in the world, here  See: What Millennials Want in a Workspace here
  • 33. People’s Insights is a collection of inspiring initiatives, insights and foresights shared by MSLGROUP’s SPRINTers – our global team of 100+ strategic planners, researchers and insights experts. People’s Insights covers the latest trends in engagement on both consumer and corporate sides. We feature the best of these initiatives as People’s Insights monthly briefs, and original insights and foresights – from our SPRINTers and other MSLGROUP experts - in our People’s Insights reports. We share these on our social platforms and distribute freely to inspire more engaging campaigns. Check out our latest report, The Future of Creativity:15 drivers for engaging creatively in 2015. * People’s Insights is available as a blog, powerpoint decks, infographics, white papers and magazines, a Kindle eBook and even an iPad app. Follow us on Twitter at @PeoplesLab or subscribe to our newsletter to receive our monthly briefs and quarterly magazines. People’s Insights – The Voice of SPRINT
  • 34. People’s Lab is MSLGROUP’s proprietary crowdsourcing platform and approach that helps organizations tap into people’s insights for innovation, storytelling and change. People’s Lab helps organizations build and nurture public or private, web or mobile, hosted or white label communities around four pre-configured application areas: 1. Expertise Request Network 2. Innovation Challenge Network 3. Research & Insights Network 4. Contest & Activation Network Our community and gaming features encourage people to share rich content, vote/ comment on other people’s content and collaborate to find innovative solutions. People’s Lab forms the core of our insights and foresight approach, which consists of four elements: organic conversation analysis, MSLGROUP’s own insight communities, client specific insights communities, and ethnographic deep dives into these communities. The People’s Insights reports showcase our capability in crowdsourcing and analyzing insights from conversations and communities. People’s Lab
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