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Growth Marketing Trends
The World is driven around
basic Human Needs.
That leads to innovation in products and
services....and in marketing & advertising too.
Cheaper, Better & Easier
The latter two will be best
differentiators and will end being
growth drivers in the next year.
Copyright BSC Triad
Eco-Status to Eco-
The Rise of Virtual
Economy Kicks In
Data Driven
Meaningful Social
Sustainable consumerism has been a status play for a decade now
with people buying brands and products which were niche,
exciting & unusual eco-solutions to them being affordable,
mainstream & ubiquitous these days. So, it is not really the case
of opting in but the shame that comes with opting out. Brands and
businesses have a great opportunity to grow if they can help their
consumers cope with this new world of eco-shame and green
KLM recently ran a great campaign called "Fly
Responsibly" that essentially encourages people to
question seriously whether they need to fly as often as
they do do. Could you take a train instead, or even dial
in to a meeting via video conference? Even if you had
to fly, you could offset your carbon footprint a bit by
packing light and lowering the weight of the plane.
Catch it on YouTube:
In the 1980s Mastercard was a global consumerism
driver, glorifying a the global consumer who could fly
anywhere and buy any stuff they wanted. The days of
carefree consumerism are now over. Mastercard
adapts by partnering with a fin-tech company
DOCONOMY to launch a new credit card that allows
users set themeselves a personal carbon budget. So,
whenever you are making a purchase it is calculating
how much of personal carbon budget you are using up
and when you reach your limit it will come and say
"No, Purchase denied".
The Pulse of the Fashion Industry report published by the Global
Fashion Agenda highlights wool as one of the “materials with the
overall highest environmental impact” with ethical concerns about
animal welfare also listed as a concern in its use.
This October, UK-based clothing brand Sheep Inc. announced it was
planning to become carbon negative by investing 5% of revenues into
several biodiversity projects to offset the carbon impact of its sweater
production... tenfold! Its sole item, a unisex Merino wool sweater,
retails online in three sizes and five colors for GBP 190 (INR 17,000).
Customers who buy a sweater also get to adopt one of the sheep
living at the farm the wool comes from. Updates on the sheep's daily
life (such as its health, when it is sheared or gives birth) are shared
regularly with the purchaser.
While you don’t have to always give customers a sheep to be
sustainable, there are plenty of other ways brands are getting on this
journey. A few weeks ago Gucci went carbon neutral.
Humans by nature are social animals and they build relationships
with each other and brands or businesses they engage with.
Brands are now taking these human connections to the virtual
platforms to satisfy their need to connect where they are most
comfortable. The rising popularity of virtual influencers -
computer-generated models that are gaining popularity, especially
on Instagram tells something is rapidly changing. According to
HypeAuditor's report: "Virtual Influencers have almost three
times more engagement than real influencers."
Calvin Klien has been always know for their boundary
pushing campaigns. They have used virtual influencer
Lil Miquela who has 1.6 Million followers on Instagram
strategically across campaigns and live events like
Coachella this year. One of the best and edgy
campaigns this year was when she starred alongside
supermodel Bella Hadid in May.
In the last few years there has been a explosion of
digital channels which means different demands with
different set of consumers that brands have to be in
tune with. Consumers are going to look to brands to
bring themselves to life through virtual avatars across
all kinds of interesting digital channels.
Gaming is powerful new channel to reach consumers
and Wendy recently put a brand avatar of their own into
Fortnite in a very interesting way to grow brand salience
for their campaign against frozen beef. They created a
girl with red pigtails but instead of killing other players
then went about destroying freezers within the game for
straight night hours which was in midst of a Fortnite
event called food fight between Team Pizza and Team
Burger. How often can you play alongside consumers,
cooperate with them or having them invite you in their
Watch it on YouTube here:
in Manila, Philippines this year Nike used accurate
RFID tech to help one compete against themselves.
After setting an initial lap time, a sensor is attached to
each athlete’s shoe, with their competing avatar
running alongside them on the continuous LED screen.
the avatars become larger the further and faster they
run, encouraging runners to keep pace with their
digital selves.
Watch it on YouTube here:
Like it or not, your consumers have expectations of you -
Expectations of your brand, expectations of service, expectations
of technology offerings, and more. The list keeps going and
growing!In the expectation economy, what is expected today is
quickly replaced by a new expectation tomorrow. Today’s
consumers are not interested in the status quo. To grow, brands
are reaching out to their customer segments through innovative
channels which did not exist before.
Automaker BMW Group partnered with restaurant
tech firm Olo to trial in-car food ordering in the US.
While on the road, drivers in the US can order a
preconfigured or previously-ordered meal from two
restaurant partners across the country: Nektar Juice
Bar and Portillo’s Hot Dogs. The navigation system
then guides drivers to the relevant drive-thru to pick
up their orders.
Watch the YouTube video:
Amazon now delivers your packages to wherever your
car is parked. Prime users can download the KEY app
and setup with their car so the delivery guy will have
access to open the boot and leave the package there
securely. A Bluetooth connection allows delivery
people to access a van without a key, and GPS lets
them locate the vehicle even if it isn't parked in its
normal spot. It is currently available in the US and
working across 50 Auto brands.
Watch the YouTube video:
Cargo, has partnered with Uber to provide qualified
ridesharing drivers with free boxes filled with the kinds
of goods you might find in a convenience store,
including snacks and phone chargers. Riders can use
Cargo’s mobile web menu on their smartphones
(without downloading an app) to buy what they need.
Watch the YouTube video:
Reebok's giveaway of limited-edition Club C sneakers
marks the first time that the maker of athletic apparel
has used voice-powered platforms for a product drop.
The campaign was designed to appeal to younger
consumers who are more likely to be tuned into
mobile and voice technology than older generations.
Reebook is the latest brand to offer a product drop —
a popular marketing strategy among makers of
sneakers and streetwear to drive demand for exclusive,
limited-edition merchandise — through voice-powered
assistants. In February, Nike released its Adapt BB
self-lacing shoes with a real-time sale during an NBA
UK-based startup bank Monzo launched a new feature
in August that allows customers to ‘get paid a day
early’. Under the new scheme, Monzo customers can
pull forward their salary to 4 pm on the day before
they would have been due to receive it. The scheme
covers all BACS payments, so can also be used to pull
forward pension, student loan and tax credit
payments. Get Paid Early is free for all Monzo
When it comes to customer experience, consumer
expectations have been primed by an online world of
constant upgrades and seamless adaptation – now,
they’ll expect the same of you.
Jyske Bank, Denmark’s third largest, has begun
offering borrowers a 10-year deal at -0.5%, while
another Danish bank, Nordea, says it will begin
offering 20-year fixed-rate deals at 0% and a 30-year
mortgage at 0.5%.Under its negative mortgage, Jyske
said borrowers will make a monthly repayment as
usual – but the amount still outstanding will be
reduced each month by more than the borrower has
Our fundamental job as marketers is to drive stronger and more
meaningful connections between customers and brands. Everything we do
must start with the customer. So actually… it’s all about them.Today’s
customers lead fundamentally digital lives. They’re freely engaging and
transacting with brands via multiple devices and touchpoints in real time.
They expect their desires to be met and their questions answered with no
more than a click – whenever and wherever they want. To succeed, every
business should reevaluate itself and ask, “Are we truly building more
meaningful connections with our customers?”
Well, data just helps you do that if used in an innovative way as we see in
the case of following brands.
In Nov, Japan Airlines (JAL) launched a hyper-personalized
video campaign for five markets across Southeast Asia. There
are at least 24 different versions of the ‘Fly Once, Fly Always’
campaign, which leverages 3,000 unique creative assets. The
video content displayed is chosen according to the viewer’s
persona, location, language, desired destination, and
platform relevance. For example, the version of the video
served to viewers in Indonesia features a woman wearing
hijab, to illustrate that JAL serves halal food. Each version of
the video delivered the same core message: that Japan
Airlines promises to recreate the special ‘first-time feelings’
that travelers felt on their first flight.
YouTube Video here:
Alaska Airlines appealed to surfers by offering discounts
on flights to Hawaii based on the size of ocean waves.
The airline teamed up with wave forecasting site to determine the discount amounts (which
ranged from 10-30% off); bigger swells resulted in
bigger discounts. Alaska Airlines updated the prices
twice per day, as they received the latest wave updates
from Alaska Airlines’ limited-time
promotion, from November 4-8, reached surfers during
a popular surfing season. The company has marketed to
surfers previously by offering a surfboard luggage charge
of only USD 30 (the same price most airlines offer to
bring a standard suitcase).
We all know how social media has morphed into a sort of monstrous
bashing ground where thousands are harassed, trolled and bullied
every second. There are a few brands who have seized this problem
and turned it around as a growth opportunity and building their
businesses around it. Consumers are looking for deeper meaningful
connections and brands enabling these bound to have deeper affinity
and organic growth in the marketplace. So in 2020, brands will have
to think how they can partner with existing platforms to create social
conversations that are genuine and authentic than that is happening
around nowadays.
Sprite partnered with Reddit in Latin America to establish
communities where people could come and discuss
issues they had on their mind in a very civilized manner.
Sprite used Google trends to identify issues that were
concerning teenagers in Latin America.
Each Reddit community was moderated by an influencer
where teens could come and share anxieties around
body image, relationships with parents or anything that
bothered them.
Watch the YouTube video:
Quilt connects professional women to meetups in
real life. As a host of a meetup you can set a topic
like "Paying Equality" or "Work-life Balance" and
declare how serious the tonality is going to be so that
other women can join at that place and time to create
meaningful connections around something that they
are really interested in.It's about opening hundreds
of homes every month and
gathering women together for fun and real talk.
Another similar idea but works on a real-time concept
is "The Night Feed". This is a new social platform for
new moms who are up late in the night or in the early
hours of the morning breastfeeding. It actually makes a
very solitary and exhausting activity into a connection
point where one can find solace with other mothers
who are up at the same time doing the very same thing.
The app is also peppered with content as well as talks
from pediatricians, Q&As with midwives and stylists'
guides to the best breastfeeding-friendly clothes on the
market. Think about creating pop-up communities
based on a shared interest or activity which no one has
tapped before and is very close to your consumers.
Men’s subscription skin-care brand Tiege Hanley has
35,000 monthly subscribers, with a retention rate of
approximately 90% after just three months. Tiege
Hanley began producing weekly videos behind-the-
scenes a year before launching in 2016. It is currently
up to 206 videos, which on average are 20 minutes in
length and see between 3,000 and 7,000 views.
Acquiring a customer is not the hard part, but it’s
figuring out how to retain them. It’s critical for brands
to be honest with their customers. A brand that is
willing to own its positioning or mistakes will be a
A great example of how a brand can take a boring uninspiring
activity like recruitment and make it a platform of social
connect to attract young talent. The Finnish capital Helsinki
launched a lighthearted campaign called City as a Service in
an attempt to attract new tech talent. A platform and video
pitches the CaaS to viewers, explaining that Helsinki has ‘over
640,000 daily active users’ and boasts an ‘API’ that supports
excellent healthcare and public transport. Meanwhile, the
city’s Mayor – billed as the CEO – explains that the winter
darkness and flat skyline are not technical bugs but ‘carefully
considered features’. Visitors to the platform are encouraged
to apply for a ‘free demo trip’; 15 people were chosen for a
free trip to Helsinki in November.
Watch the video here:
In May this year, the WHO officially recognized "Occupational burnout"
as a workplace health phenomenon. It's has been accentuated in the last
decade by iconic leaders like Jack Ma advocating the 996 working culture
and #hustleculture glorifies working 24 hours a day and never resting.
This looks like crisis moment right now and smart brands and
compassionate brands in 2020 will rush to lend a hand to consumers who
are feeling burned by pressures of modern life.
We live in a glass box world which means people can see
deep inside your business and that means they can see your
internal culture which is an integral part of your public facing
brand. E&Y Australia has launched a new initiative that gives
12 weeks of unpaid leave which they call "Life Leave". This is
an organisation which is known to long stressful working
culture and it is interesting that they are taking burnout very
seriously. It shifts the way customers and outsiders look at
business and makes them feel good while engaging in future.
The Trust Revolution:
The Other Bar is a new chocolate brand that gives consumers an
easy way to donate to cocoa farmers in Ecuador. Inside each
pack is a blockchain token; consumers can scan the token to
donate it back to the farmers. Each token is worth the
equivalent of one-quarter of a cocoa-producing tree.
Alternatively, customers can choose to use the token to get a
discount on their next purchase, thereby sending more business
to the farmers. The Other Bar is the result of a partnership
between the United Nations Development Programme and
Dutch organization FairChain Foundation, who call the product
an ‘experiment in radical equality’. The pilot saw 20,000
chocolate bars go on sale online on October 14.
Watch on YouTube -
Shachihata, a Japanese stamp company, launched an anti-
groping stamp. The product was developed in response to viral
discussion on social media about how to discourage groping –
known as ‘chikan’ – on crowded trains. The device allows
victims to shame their assailants by marking them with invisible
ink, which can be revealed with a portable blacklight. A limited
run of 500 stamps, which retailed at USD 24 each, sold out in
less than 30 minutes. The stamp also comes in a small yellow
case with a reel cord that can be attached to a visible area —
such as bags or pockets — to show that the owner carries it and
consequently discourage anyone from groping or committing
other forms of harassment.
Watch here:
Butter for Growth Automation
Social &
Relevance as a
Unmanned Micro-
“Makhan or Butter” is the term we use to describe interactions &
experiences that are just so smooth. Rich, easy, delicious. Hard to define
formally, but you know it when you see it / feel it.
This is imperative to drive growth across both B2B and B2C categories,
unfortunately, many companies fail to do so. In fact, 90% of companies
try to win by making themselves cheaper than competition, 9% win by
making themselves better. Only a few have done the "Butter for Growth"
model very well. We look at some incredible frictionless examples here.
Butter for Healthcare
It is known as the Uber of birth control. They prescribe and
deliver birth control (50+ brands), PrEP for HIV prevention
(along with home testing), emergency contraception, and home
STI and HPV testing—safely, securely, and on your schedule.
Nurx promises to deliver a three-month supply of the birth
control of your choice (not an IUD of course) right to your
doorstep in 2 days. No doctor visit needed. The best part is its
free if you have insurance. And if you don’t only $15.
Watch here:
Butter for Ecommerce.
This is a very obvious and glaring example but I think it
merits a closer look. It is the "butter for ecommerce"
where millions of prime users across the world
transact everyday in very frictionless ecosystem. Fast
delivery, access to great content and value added
services has made prime the growth engine for
Amazon in the last few years. We also see value added
technologies like Amazon go and Amazon Pay being
added every now and then making this a glue in every
consumer's life.
Butter for Learning
Before Duolingo, there was a huge cost barrier
associated with learning a new language. Software like
Rosetta Stone and Open English allowed users around
the world to learn over 30 languages from their
homes. The catch was that they had to pay a few
hundred dollars for even the most basic courses.
Duolingo did something that no one in the translation
and language education space would have ever thought
was possible. They created a free language learning
app that has tens of millions of users hooked around
the world, and grew a successful business along the
Butter for Apparel Shopping
A digital fitting experience that works both offline and
online! The fantastic team at Passen created this
much-needed retail connector. In 14 days, they
measured 700 people, driving $7,000 in new sales to
collocated retailers, and most importantly, they
delivered a new way for consumers to find clothing
that fits!
Watch the YouTube video:
This is another area which has evolved in the last few years with couple of
great brands using automation to make transactions with consumers
easier. Automation already is and will be a major turning point in the
coming years and brands will need to think deep on how they can
automate current transactions with consumers making their lives easier.
The winning brands will no doubt make it super easy and intuitive with a
minimum of fuss.
Amazon announced it will release the Amazon Dash
Smart Shelf, a shelf that automatically reorders office
supplies, in 2020. The shelf features a smart weighing
scale that detects when the items placed on it – such as
paper, pens or seletape – are running low, and auto-
orders more. The shelf is designed for small US
businesses (at launch users will need a US business
license to purchase one) and Amazon will offer 15% off
selected items that are auto-ordered via the shelf. A
great way to target a segment specifically through a
service enabled through hardware.
Watch the YouTube video:
UK based digital banking company Revolut introduced
an automated travel insurance app based on geo-
location. The app automatically initiates travel
insurance when it detects the user is in a different
country, and will also keep updating as the user moves
between countries. Users pay by days and a grace
period allows cancellation of the cover if it is not
required. A cap ensures users don't pay more than the
annual fee of 30 GBP.
Watch the YouTube video:
In many markets, such as China, Southeast Asia and India, which happens
to be one of biggest upcoming markets, social commerce is increasingly
becoming popular and beginning to pose a challenge to “traditional” e-
commerce players such as Amazon. We look at a couple of examples how
businesses are using it to disrupt the way consumers discover and shop
products online.
Tik-Tok tests social commerce!
In the video, we also see TikTok is permitting users to add a
URL in their profile bio. Instagram has long allowed this
functionality, which is used by a large number of accounts for a
variety of reasons. While influencers usually direct their fans to
merchandise stores, some news publishers use it to drive people
to news articles, for instance. The current set of restrictions on
Instagram, however, leaves a lot to be desired.
If TikTok, which has amassed over a billion users, retains these
features, it could disrupt what many industry figures call “social
commerce.” Social media companies and messaging apps in
recent years have lured customers through their core services
and introduced shopping features.
Watch the video:
Livestream shopping generated $4.4 billion in Chinese sales as customers
took to products they could inspect live and in 3D. Some Western brands
have partnered with livestream providers to allow Chinese audiences to
shop their products.
In a fitting room next to a rail of clothing, two women discussed fashion
trends and their favourite pieces of the season, as well as their outfit
choices that day. It could have been two friends sharing tips while
shopping, but Monki editor-in-chief Eleonore Nygårds and buyer Nina
Gomes were being filmed and broadcast to users across the H&M-owned
brand’s 19 markets, who had tuned in for the label’s first-ever livestream
shopping experience.
Fans watching the livestream, which was hosted on Monki’s website
instead of a third-party app, were able to interact with Gomes and
Nygårds, along with other viewers, and shop the products, which are
added to an online basket. To complete checkout, shoppers leave the
video to key in their payment details.
Watch the video:
Customers evolve all the time as organic beings and more so in the digital
world where the expectation economy expects you to constantly upgrade
and be relevant at all times. Expectation around constant upgradation,
personalization and adaptation are only going to increase in 2020. View
"Relevance as a Service" as a layer on top of subscription economy and
access economy which helps brands win and grow exponentially against
the competition. We see a few brands who are killing it with such product
and service innovations.
Layered on Subscription Economy
Baze is nutrition supplement subscription service that
changes and evolves and you do over the course of
time. How it works is that you take a blood test using a
proprietary device and they analyze it to decide your
nutritional needs and send you the perfect
supplements to cater to those needs of your body. This
is repeated every quarter to change and upgrade your
supplements as you change physiologically.
It's relevant as a service on top of convenience of
Layered on Subscription Economy
The beauty industry has always looked at the promise of the
perfect formula for it's consumers. But sadly there is no
perfect formula for you as you change over time. Sheseido
has created a cream that iterates and changes on a daily
basis. The user takes a selfie through an app and it is
analyzes your skin conditions that day along with other data
like time and date of the month, menstrual cycle,
environmental data, pollution etc. and a cartridge driven
proprietary device mixes you the perfect formula for that day.
Again not just convenience of skin cream as service but
YouTube Video:
Layered on Subscription Economy
Freda is an AI powered organic tampon delivery
service. Using an algorithm similar to that of fertility
apps, deliveries are synced to the user's monthly cycle
and tampons are ordered to ensure they arrive as few
days before they will be needed.
YouTube Video:
Layered on Access Economy
Nura makes very unique type of headphones: the ones
that offer a customized audio experience. Basically,
before you use the device, you take a listening test in
order to create your own specific sound profile. This
means the headphones are literally tuned to your ears.
Their subscription service NURANOW means the
barrier to owning a pair of high-quality headphones is
lower than ever. You pay monthly for the headphones
and you get a new device from the company every two
years. There is no lock-in and worry-free warranty
which means if it's broken or lost they will get
Layered on Access Economy
Grover allows you to experience 2000+ tech products
with the freedom of renting. At the end of the flexible
rental period, you can keep renting, send it back for
free, or buy at any time. There is damage coverage of
90% and no deposit or any hidden costs. Tech
products get quickly outdated and Grover takes care of
it by allowing you to upgrade it at any point of time.
There are already 400,000+ users on this platform and
it is growing at a fast pace. It also gives a sustainability
spin to it's business through re-use.
Layered on Access Economy
Peloton has created 2 access models - with equipment
and without equipment (only app access). There are
20+ live classes daily and thousands on demand along
with curated training programs tailored for your need.
You can have playlists of your favorite artists while you
workout and new features to keep you challenged all
the time while rewarding with badges and tangible
rewards. You can even count more than a few famous
faces among the Peloton community, including
actor Hugh Jackman, Olympic champion
sprinter Usain Bolt and even billionaire Virgin Group
founder Richard Branson.
Layered on Access Economy
SNOO helps babies sleep better, cry less and stay safer
through the early months of life. It smooths over the
problems that commonly disrupt a baby’s sleep: colds,
teething, growth spurts and the dreaded 4-month
sleep regression. Sleep deprived parents can now rent
this on a monthly basis until their baby is ready to
transition to a crib, which is usually around 6 months.
Mla Kunis and Ashton Kutcher as very happy Snoo
The opportunity presented by vending machines offers brands and
retailers an easy way of introducing unmanned convenience retail. As
shoppers are increasingly time-pressed, brands and retailers need to
tailor their offer to meet this need and vending machines offer an easier
way to implement unmanned retail, giving shoppers 24-hour access.
Vending machines are being used in myriad ways and some of these
ingenious uses are allowing enabling brands and retailers to compete in
the age of Amazon Go and the increasing numbers of unmanned retail
The Chinese store, which consumers enter by scanning a QR
code at the door, has already been installed in more than 300
locations in 30 cities in China. Once inside the store,
consumers can shop for hundreds of convenience items
and pay for selected items via their mobile phone. Shoppers
place the items for purchase on a checkout counter that uses
image recognition and machine learning to calculate the
purchase. To exit the store, the customer scans a QR code. A
camera checks to ensure that all items have been paid for
before allowing the door to unlock. Although the 24-hour
store is unmanned, a customer support video call system
allows customers to speak to support staff virtually.
Watch on YouTube:
The omnipresent internet is reshaping the fitness industry and
pushing it to become more accessible, affordable and
customized. Supermonkey, a very young gym brand that uses
a mobile app to do everything−entry permit, class-booking
and body-condition assessment, etc−and it's an example of
where the fitness industry is heading to in the era of internet.
Supermonkey doesn't require yearly memberships, allowing
consumers to pay their personal trainer for each class,
individually. The gym charges its members on a pay-as-you-
go basis for 50 yuan ($7.57) per entry. Its team classes with
trainers cost around 100 yuan.
Watch on YouTube:
Chile-based sustainable household goods startup @Algramo
makes mobile vending machines that dispense staple
household goods – such as washing powder and grains – ‘by
the gram’. It couples this with smart reusable containers,
which are fitted with RFID chips: each time a customer reuses
one of the containers during a purchase, they earn credit that
can be used next time around. They also seem to have a
social side by eliminating "poverty tax" where the poor pay
40% extra on smaller SKUs in comparison to larger packs
which they cannot afford.
Watch on YouTube:
All these are very powerful stories you
tell outsiders and consumers about
who you are as a brand which is far
more powerful than any marketing
campaign created to drive growth.
Something to Remember:
1) By 2020, 7 of the world's 10 tallest buildings will be in Asia
2) By 2030, 2/3rds of world's middle classes will be living in Asia
3) By 2040, 4 of the world top 5 economies will be Asian
4) Asia has 3 of the world's 5 largest democracies - India, Indonesia and Japan
5) Asia now does more trade with itself than it does with the rest of the world
6) In 2000, Indonesia economy was 1/3 size of the UK. By 2040 it will pass UK to enter the “Big 5” world economies
7) 51% of Koreans said they listened to podcasts within last month, the highest in the world
8) The ASEAN (Southeast Asian) region is a fast growing market of 630 million people. That’s 2X US or 10X The UK. 
9) Asia will change. India alone has 850 million people aged under 35
10) Draw a red circle around Asia on a world map. More people live inside that red circle than outside it
of the Tiger
Growth Marketing
We are a growth marketing agency that
specializes in creating growth models for
your business and augmenting it through
digital media and content.

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Driving growth in 2020

  • 2. The World is driven around basic Human Needs. That leads to innovation in products and services....and in marketing & advertising too. THE EXPECTATION ECONOMY
  • 3. WINNING BRANDS WILL BE... Cheaper, Better & Easier The latter two will be best differentiators and will end being growth drivers in the next year. Copyright BSC Triad
  • 4. GROWTH BY "BETTER" Eco-Status to Eco- Shame The Rise of Virtual Brands Expectation Economy Kicks In Data Driven messaging Meaningful Social Connections Well-Being
  • 5. ECO-STATUS TO ECO-SHAME Sustainable consumerism has been a status play for a decade now with people buying brands and products which were niche, exciting & unusual eco-solutions to them being affordable, mainstream & ubiquitous these days. So, it is not really the case of opting in but the shame that comes with opting out. Brands and businesses have a great opportunity to grow if they can help their consumers cope with this new world of eco-shame and green pressure.
  • 6. KLM KLM recently ran a great campaign called "Fly Responsibly" that essentially encourages people to question seriously whether they need to fly as often as they do do. Could you take a train instead, or even dial in to a meeting via video conference? Even if you had to fly, you could offset your carbon footprint a bit by packing light and lowering the weight of the plane. Catch it on YouTube:
  • 7. MASTERCARD In the 1980s Mastercard was a global consumerism driver, glorifying a the global consumer who could fly anywhere and buy any stuff they wanted. The days of carefree consumerism are now over. Mastercard adapts by partnering with a fin-tech company DOCONOMY to launch a new credit card that allows users set themeselves a personal carbon budget. So, whenever you are making a purchase it is calculating how much of personal carbon budget you are using up and when you reach your limit it will come and say "No, Purchase denied".
  • 8. SHEEP INC. The Pulse of the Fashion Industry report published by the Global Fashion Agenda highlights wool as one of the “materials with the overall highest environmental impact” with ethical concerns about animal welfare also listed as a concern in its use. This October, UK-based clothing brand Sheep Inc. announced it was planning to become carbon negative by investing 5% of revenues into several biodiversity projects to offset the carbon impact of its sweater production... tenfold! Its sole item, a unisex Merino wool sweater, retails online in three sizes and five colors for GBP 190 (INR 17,000). Customers who buy a sweater also get to adopt one of the sheep living at the farm the wool comes from. Updates on the sheep's daily life (such as its health, when it is sheared or gives birth) are shared regularly with the purchaser. While you don’t have to always give customers a sheep to be sustainable, there are plenty of other ways brands are getting on this journey. A few weeks ago Gucci went carbon neutral.
  • 9. THE RISE OF VIRTUAL BRANDS Humans by nature are social animals and they build relationships with each other and brands or businesses they engage with. Brands are now taking these human connections to the virtual platforms to satisfy their need to connect where they are most comfortable. The rising popularity of virtual influencers - computer-generated models that are gaining popularity, especially on Instagram tells something is rapidly changing. According to HypeAuditor's report: "Virtual Influencers have almost three times more engagement than real influencers."
  • 10. CALVIN KLIEN Calvin Klien has been always know for their boundary pushing campaigns. They have used virtual influencer Lil Miquela who has 1.6 Million followers on Instagram strategically across campaigns and live events like Coachella this year. One of the best and edgy campaigns this year was when she starred alongside supermodel Bella Hadid in May. In the last few years there has been a explosion of digital channels which means different demands with different set of consumers that brands have to be in tune with. Consumers are going to look to brands to bring themselves to life through virtual avatars across all kinds of interesting digital channels.
  • 11. WENDY Gaming is powerful new channel to reach consumers and Wendy recently put a brand avatar of their own into Fortnite in a very interesting way to grow brand salience for their campaign against frozen beef. They created a girl with red pigtails but instead of killing other players then went about destroying freezers within the game for straight night hours which was in midst of a Fortnite event called food fight between Team Pizza and Team Burger. How often can you play alongside consumers, cooperate with them or having them invite you in their world. Watch it on YouTube here:
  • 12. NIKE UNLIMITED in Manila, Philippines this year Nike used accurate RFID tech to help one compete against themselves. After setting an initial lap time, a sensor is attached to each athlete’s shoe, with their competing avatar running alongside them on the continuous LED screen. the avatars become larger the further and faster they run, encouraging runners to keep pace with their digital selves. Watch it on YouTube here:
  • 13. EXPECTATION ECONOMY Like it or not, your consumers have expectations of you - Expectations of your brand, expectations of service, expectations of technology offerings, and more. The list keeps going and growing!In the expectation economy, what is expected today is quickly replaced by a new expectation tomorrow. Today’s consumers are not interested in the status quo. To grow, brands are reaching out to their customer segments through innovative channels which did not exist before.
  • 14. BMW - OLO Automaker BMW Group partnered with restaurant tech firm Olo to trial in-car food ordering in the US. While on the road, drivers in the US can order a preconfigured or previously-ordered meal from two restaurant partners across the country: Nektar Juice Bar and Portillo’s Hot Dogs. The navigation system then guides drivers to the relevant drive-thru to pick up their orders. Watch the YouTube video:
  • 15. AMAZON KEY Amazon now delivers your packages to wherever your car is parked. Prime users can download the KEY app and setup with their car so the delivery guy will have access to open the boot and leave the package there securely. A Bluetooth connection allows delivery people to access a van without a key, and GPS lets them locate the vehicle even if it isn't parked in its normal spot. It is currently available in the US and working across 50 Auto brands. Watch the YouTube video:
  • 16. CARGO - UBER Cargo, has partnered with Uber to provide qualified ridesharing drivers with free boxes filled with the kinds of goods you might find in a convenience store, including snacks and phone chargers. Riders can use Cargo’s mobile web menu on their smartphones (without downloading an app) to buy what they need. Watch the YouTube video:
  • 17. REEBOK Reebok's giveaway of limited-edition Club C sneakers marks the first time that the maker of athletic apparel has used voice-powered platforms for a product drop. The campaign was designed to appeal to younger consumers who are more likely to be tuned into mobile and voice technology than older generations. Reebook is the latest brand to offer a product drop — a popular marketing strategy among makers of sneakers and streetwear to drive demand for exclusive, limited-edition merchandise — through voice-powered assistants. In February, Nike released its Adapt BB self-lacing shoes with a real-time sale during an NBA game.
  • 18. MONZO UK-based startup bank Monzo launched a new feature in August that allows customers to ‘get paid a day early’. Under the new scheme, Monzo customers can pull forward their salary to 4 pm on the day before they would have been due to receive it. The scheme covers all BACS payments, so can also be used to pull forward pension, student loan and tax credit payments. Get Paid Early is free for all Monzo customers. When it comes to customer experience, consumer expectations have been primed by an online world of constant upgrades and seamless adaptation – now, they’ll expect the same of you.
  • 19. JYSKE Jyske Bank, Denmark’s third largest, has begun offering borrowers a 10-year deal at -0.5%, while another Danish bank, Nordea, says it will begin offering 20-year fixed-rate deals at 0% and a 30-year mortgage at 0.5%.Under its negative mortgage, Jyske said borrowers will make a monthly repayment as usual – but the amount still outstanding will be reduced each month by more than the borrower has paid.
  • 20. DATA DRIVEN MESSAGING Our fundamental job as marketers is to drive stronger and more meaningful connections between customers and brands. Everything we do must start with the customer. So actually… it’s all about them.Today’s customers lead fundamentally digital lives. They’re freely engaging and transacting with brands via multiple devices and touchpoints in real time. They expect their desires to be met and their questions answered with no more than a click – whenever and wherever they want. To succeed, every business should reevaluate itself and ask, “Are we truly building more meaningful connections with our customers?” Well, data just helps you do that if used in an innovative way as we see in the case of following brands.
  • 21. In Nov, Japan Airlines (JAL) launched a hyper-personalized video campaign for five markets across Southeast Asia. There are at least 24 different versions of the ‘Fly Once, Fly Always’ campaign, which leverages 3,000 unique creative assets. The video content displayed is chosen according to the viewer’s persona, location, language, desired destination, and platform relevance. For example, the version of the video served to viewers in Indonesia features a woman wearing hijab, to illustrate that JAL serves halal food. Each version of the video delivered the same core message: that Japan Airlines promises to recreate the special ‘first-time feelings’ that travelers felt on their first flight. YouTube Video here: JAL
  • 22. Alaska Airlines appealed to surfers by offering discounts on flights to Hawaii based on the size of ocean waves. The airline teamed up with wave forecasting site to determine the discount amounts (which ranged from 10-30% off); bigger swells resulted in bigger discounts. Alaska Airlines updated the prices twice per day, as they received the latest wave updates from Alaska Airlines’ limited-time promotion, from November 4-8, reached surfers during a popular surfing season. The company has marketed to surfers previously by offering a surfboard luggage charge of only USD 30 (the same price most airlines offer to bring a standard suitcase). ALASKA AIRLINES
  • 23. MEANINGFUL SOCIAL CONNECTIONS We all know how social media has morphed into a sort of monstrous bashing ground where thousands are harassed, trolled and bullied every second. There are a few brands who have seized this problem and turned it around as a growth opportunity and building their businesses around it. Consumers are looking for deeper meaningful connections and brands enabling these bound to have deeper affinity and organic growth in the marketplace. So in 2020, brands will have to think how they can partner with existing platforms to create social conversations that are genuine and authentic than that is happening around nowadays.
  • 24. YOU ARE NOT ALONE Sprite partnered with Reddit in Latin America to establish communities where people could come and discuss issues they had on their mind in a very civilized manner. Sprite used Google trends to identify issues that were concerning teenagers in Latin America. Each Reddit community was moderated by an influencer where teens could come and share anxieties around body image, relationships with parents or anything that bothered them. Watch the YouTube video: SPRITE - REDDIT
  • 25. Quilt connects professional women to meetups in real life. As a host of a meetup you can set a topic like "Paying Equality" or "Work-life Balance" and declare how serious the tonality is going to be so that other women can join at that place and time to create meaningful connections around something that they are really interested in.It's about opening hundreds of homes every month and gathering women together for fun and real talk. QUILT
  • 26. Another similar idea but works on a real-time concept is "The Night Feed". This is a new social platform for new moms who are up late in the night or in the early hours of the morning breastfeeding. It actually makes a very solitary and exhausting activity into a connection point where one can find solace with other mothers who are up at the same time doing the very same thing. The app is also peppered with content as well as talks from pediatricians, Q&As with midwives and stylists' guides to the best breastfeeding-friendly clothes on the market. Think about creating pop-up communities based on a shared interest or activity which no one has tapped before and is very close to your consumers. THE NIGHT FEED
  • 27. Men’s subscription skin-care brand Tiege Hanley has 35,000 monthly subscribers, with a retention rate of approximately 90% after just three months. Tiege Hanley began producing weekly videos behind-the- scenes a year before launching in 2016. It is currently up to 206 videos, which on average are 20 minutes in length and see between 3,000 and 7,000 views. Acquiring a customer is not the hard part, but it’s figuring out how to retain them. It’s critical for brands to be honest with their customers. A brand that is willing to own its positioning or mistakes will be a winner. TIEGE HANLEY
  • 28. A great example of how a brand can take a boring uninspiring activity like recruitment and make it a platform of social connect to attract young talent. The Finnish capital Helsinki launched a lighthearted campaign called City as a Service in an attempt to attract new tech talent. A platform and video pitches the CaaS to viewers, explaining that Helsinki has ‘over 640,000 daily active users’ and boasts an ‘API’ that supports excellent healthcare and public transport. Meanwhile, the city’s Mayor – billed as the CEO – explains that the winter darkness and flat skyline are not technical bugs but ‘carefully considered features’. Visitors to the platform are encouraged to apply for a ‘free demo trip’; 15 people were chosen for a free trip to Helsinki in November. Watch the video here: HELSINKI
  • 29. WELL BEING In May this year, the WHO officially recognized "Occupational burnout" as a workplace health phenomenon. It's has been accentuated in the last decade by iconic leaders like Jack Ma advocating the 996 working culture and #hustleculture glorifies working 24 hours a day and never resting. This looks like crisis moment right now and smart brands and compassionate brands in 2020 will rush to lend a hand to consumers who are feeling burned by pressures of modern life.
  • 30. We live in a glass box world which means people can see deep inside your business and that means they can see your internal culture which is an integral part of your public facing brand. E&Y Australia has launched a new initiative that gives 12 weeks of unpaid leave which they call "Life Leave". This is an organisation which is known to long stressful working culture and it is interesting that they are taking burnout very seriously. It shifts the way customers and outsiders look at business and makes them feel good while engaging in future. E&Y
  • 31. The Trust Revolution: The Other Bar is a new chocolate brand that gives consumers an easy way to donate to cocoa farmers in Ecuador. Inside each pack is a blockchain token; consumers can scan the token to donate it back to the farmers. Each token is worth the equivalent of one-quarter of a cocoa-producing tree. Alternatively, customers can choose to use the token to get a discount on their next purchase, thereby sending more business to the farmers. The Other Bar is the result of a partnership between the United Nations Development Programme and Dutch organization FairChain Foundation, who call the product an ‘experiment in radical equality’. The pilot saw 20,000 chocolate bars go on sale online on October 14. Watch on YouTube - THE OTHER BAR
  • 32. Shachihata, a Japanese stamp company, launched an anti- groping stamp. The product was developed in response to viral discussion on social media about how to discourage groping – known as ‘chikan’ – on crowded trains. The device allows victims to shame their assailants by marking them with invisible ink, which can be revealed with a portable blacklight. A limited run of 500 stamps, which retailed at USD 24 each, sold out in less than 30 minutes. The stamp also comes in a small yellow case with a reel cord that can be attached to a visible area — such as bags or pockets — to show that the owner carries it and consequently discourage anyone from groping or committing other forms of harassment. Watch here: shachihata-invents-anti-groping-stamp?jwsource=cl SHACHIHATA
  • 33. GROWTH BY "EASIER" Butter for Growth Automation Commerce Social & Livestream Commerce Relevance as a Service Unmanned Micro- Retail
  • 34. BUTTER FOR GROWTH “Makhan or Butter” is the term we use to describe interactions & experiences that are just so smooth. Rich, easy, delicious. Hard to define formally, but you know it when you see it / feel it. This is imperative to drive growth across both B2B and B2C categories, unfortunately, many companies fail to do so. In fact, 90% of companies try to win by making themselves cheaper than competition, 9% win by making themselves better. Only a few have done the "Butter for Growth" model very well. We look at some incredible frictionless examples here.
  • 35. Butter for Healthcare It is known as the Uber of birth control. They prescribe and deliver birth control (50+ brands), PrEP for HIV prevention (along with home testing), emergency contraception, and home STI and HPV testing—safely, securely, and on your schedule. Nurx promises to deliver a three-month supply of the birth control of your choice (not an IUD of course) right to your doorstep in 2 days. No doctor visit needed. The best part is its free if you have insurance. And if you don’t only $15. Watch here: NURX
  • 36. Butter for Ecommerce. This is a very obvious and glaring example but I think it merits a closer look. It is the "butter for ecommerce" where millions of prime users across the world transact everyday in very frictionless ecosystem. Fast delivery, access to great content and value added services has made prime the growth engine for Amazon in the last few years. We also see value added technologies like Amazon go and Amazon Pay being added every now and then making this a glue in every consumer's life. AMAZON PRIME
  • 37. Butter for Learning Before Duolingo, there was a huge cost barrier associated with learning a new language. Software like Rosetta Stone and Open English allowed users around the world to learn over 30 languages from their homes. The catch was that they had to pay a few hundred dollars for even the most basic courses. Duolingo did something that no one in the translation and language education space would have ever thought was possible. They created a free language learning app that has tens of millions of users hooked around the world, and grew a successful business along the way. DUOLINGO
  • 38. Butter for Apparel Shopping A digital fitting experience that works both offline and online! The fantastic team at Passen created this much-needed retail connector. In 14 days, they measured 700 people, driving $7,000 in new sales to collocated retailers, and most importantly, they delivered a new way for consumers to find clothing that fits! Watch the YouTube video: PASSEN
  • 39. AUTOMATION ECOMMERCE This is another area which has evolved in the last few years with couple of great brands using automation to make transactions with consumers easier. Automation already is and will be a major turning point in the coming years and brands will need to think deep on how they can automate current transactions with consumers making their lives easier. The winning brands will no doubt make it super easy and intuitive with a minimum of fuss.
  • 40. Amazon announced it will release the Amazon Dash Smart Shelf, a shelf that automatically reorders office supplies, in 2020. The shelf features a smart weighing scale that detects when the items placed on it – such as paper, pens or seletape – are running low, and auto- orders more. The shelf is designed for small US businesses (at launch users will need a US business license to purchase one) and Amazon will offer 15% off selected items that are auto-ordered via the shelf. A great way to target a segment specifically through a service enabled through hardware. Watch the YouTube video: AMAZON SHELF
  • 41. UK based digital banking company Revolut introduced an automated travel insurance app based on geo- location. The app automatically initiates travel insurance when it detects the user is in a different country, and will also keep updating as the user moves between countries. Users pay by days and a grace period allows cancellation of the cover if it is not required. A cap ensures users don't pay more than the annual fee of 30 GBP. Watch the YouTube video: REVOLUT
  • 42. SOCIAL & LIVESTREAM In many markets, such as China, Southeast Asia and India, which happens to be one of biggest upcoming markets, social commerce is increasingly becoming popular and beginning to pose a challenge to “traditional” e- commerce players such as Amazon. We look at a couple of examples how businesses are using it to disrupt the way consumers discover and shop products online.
  • 43. Tik-Tok tests social commerce! In the video, we also see TikTok is permitting users to add a URL in their profile bio. Instagram has long allowed this functionality, which is used by a large number of accounts for a variety of reasons. While influencers usually direct their fans to merchandise stores, some news publishers use it to drive people to news articles, for instance. The current set of restrictions on Instagram, however, leaves a lot to be desired. If TikTok, which has amassed over a billion users, retains these features, it could disrupt what many industry figures call “social commerce.” Social media companies and messaging apps in recent years have lured customers through their core services and introduced shopping features. Watch the video: TIK-TOK
  • 44. Livestream shopping generated $4.4 billion in Chinese sales as customers took to products they could inspect live and in 3D. Some Western brands have partnered with livestream providers to allow Chinese audiences to shop their products. In a fitting room next to a rail of clothing, two women discussed fashion trends and their favourite pieces of the season, as well as their outfit choices that day. It could have been two friends sharing tips while shopping, but Monki editor-in-chief Eleonore Nygårds and buyer Nina Gomes were being filmed and broadcast to users across the H&M-owned brand’s 19 markets, who had tuned in for the label’s first-ever livestream shopping experience. Fans watching the livestream, which was hosted on Monki’s website instead of a third-party app, were able to interact with Gomes and Nygårds, along with other viewers, and shop the products, which are added to an online basket. To complete checkout, shoppers leave the video to key in their payment details. Watch the video: MONKI
  • 45. RELEVANCE AS A SERVICE Customers evolve all the time as organic beings and more so in the digital world where the expectation economy expects you to constantly upgrade and be relevant at all times. Expectation around constant upgradation, personalization and adaptation are only going to increase in 2020. View "Relevance as a Service" as a layer on top of subscription economy and access economy which helps brands win and grow exponentially against the competition. We see a few brands who are killing it with such product and service innovations.
  • 46. Layered on Subscription Economy Baze is nutrition supplement subscription service that changes and evolves and you do over the course of time. How it works is that you take a blood test using a proprietary device and they analyze it to decide your nutritional needs and send you the perfect supplements to cater to those needs of your body. This is repeated every quarter to change and upgrade your supplements as you change physiologically. It's relevant as a service on top of convenience of subscription. BAZE
  • 47. Layered on Subscription Economy The beauty industry has always looked at the promise of the perfect formula for it's consumers. But sadly there is no perfect formula for you as you change over time. Sheseido has created a cream that iterates and changes on a daily basis. The user takes a selfie through an app and it is analyzes your skin conditions that day along with other data like time and date of the month, menstrual cycle, environmental data, pollution etc. and a cartridge driven proprietary device mixes you the perfect formula for that day. Again not just convenience of skin cream as service but relevance. YouTube Video: SHESEIDO
  • 48. Layered on Subscription Economy Freda is an AI powered organic tampon delivery service. Using an algorithm similar to that of fertility apps, deliveries are synced to the user's monthly cycle and tampons are ordered to ensure they arrive as few days before they will be needed. YouTube Video: FREDA
  • 49. Layered on Access Economy Nura makes very unique type of headphones: the ones that offer a customized audio experience. Basically, before you use the device, you take a listening test in order to create your own specific sound profile. This means the headphones are literally tuned to your ears. Their subscription service NURANOW means the barrier to owning a pair of high-quality headphones is lower than ever. You pay monthly for the headphones and you get a new device from the company every two years. There is no lock-in and worry-free warranty which means if it's broken or lost they will get replaced. NURA
  • 50. Layered on Access Economy Grover allows you to experience 2000+ tech products with the freedom of renting. At the end of the flexible rental period, you can keep renting, send it back for free, or buy at any time. There is damage coverage of 90% and no deposit or any hidden costs. Tech products get quickly outdated and Grover takes care of it by allowing you to upgrade it at any point of time. There are already 400,000+ users on this platform and it is growing at a fast pace. It also gives a sustainability spin to it's business through re-use. GROVER
  • 51. Layered on Access Economy Peloton has created 2 access models - with equipment and without equipment (only app access). There are 20+ live classes daily and thousands on demand along with curated training programs tailored for your need. You can have playlists of your favorite artists while you workout and new features to keep you challenged all the time while rewarding with badges and tangible rewards. You can even count more than a few famous faces among the Peloton community, including actor Hugh Jackman, Olympic champion sprinter Usain Bolt and even billionaire Virgin Group founder Richard Branson. PELOTON
  • 52. Layered on Access Economy SNOO helps babies sleep better, cry less and stay safer through the early months of life. It smooths over the problems that commonly disrupt a baby’s sleep: colds, teething, growth spurts and the dreaded 4-month sleep regression. Sleep deprived parents can now rent this on a monthly basis until their baby is ready to transition to a crib, which is usually around 6 months. Mla Kunis and Ashton Kutcher as very happy Snoo parents. SNOO
  • 53. UNMANNED MICRO-RETAIL The opportunity presented by vending machines offers brands and retailers an easy way of introducing unmanned convenience retail. As shoppers are increasingly time-pressed, brands and retailers need to tailor their offer to meet this need and vending machines offer an easier way to implement unmanned retail, giving shoppers 24-hour access. Vending machines are being used in myriad ways and some of these ingenious uses are allowing enabling brands and retailers to compete in the age of Amazon Go and the increasing numbers of unmanned retail solutions.
  • 54. The Chinese store, which consumers enter by scanning a QR code at the door, has already been installed in more than 300 locations in 30 cities in China. Once inside the store, consumers can shop for hundreds of convenience items and pay for selected items via their mobile phone. Shoppers place the items for purchase on a checkout counter that uses image recognition and machine learning to calculate the purchase. To exit the store, the customer scans a QR code. A camera checks to ensure that all items have been paid for before allowing the door to unlock. Although the 24-hour store is unmanned, a customer support video call system allows customers to speak to support staff virtually. Watch on YouTube: BINGOBOX
  • 55. The omnipresent internet is reshaping the fitness industry and pushing it to become more accessible, affordable and customized. Supermonkey, a very young gym brand that uses a mobile app to do everything−entry permit, class-booking and body-condition assessment, etc−and it's an example of where the fitness industry is heading to in the era of internet. Supermonkey doesn't require yearly memberships, allowing consumers to pay their personal trainer for each class, individually. The gym charges its members on a pay-as-you- go basis for 50 yuan ($7.57) per entry. Its team classes with trainers cost around 100 yuan. Watch on YouTube: SUPERMONKEY
  • 56. Chile-based sustainable household goods startup @Algramo makes mobile vending machines that dispense staple household goods – such as washing powder and grains – ‘by the gram’. It couples this with smart reusable containers, which are fitted with RFID chips: each time a customer reuses one of the containers during a purchase, they earn credit that can be used next time around. They also seem to have a social side by eliminating "poverty tax" where the poor pay 40% extra on smaller SKUs in comparison to larger packs which they cannot afford. Watch on YouTube: ALGRAMO
  • 57. All these are very powerful stories you tell outsiders and consumers about who you are as a brand which is far more powerful than any marketing campaign created to drive growth. WHAT IS YOUR GROWTH STORY IN 2020? Something to Remember:
  • 58. THE ASIAN CENTURY 1) By 2020, 7 of the world's 10 tallest buildings will be in Asia 2) By 2030, 2/3rds of world's middle classes will be living in Asia 3) By 2040, 4 of the world top 5 economies will be Asian 4) Asia has 3 of the world's 5 largest democracies - India, Indonesia and Japan 5) Asia now does more trade with itself than it does with the rest of the world 6) In 2000, Indonesia economy was 1/3 size of the UK. By 2040 it will pass UK to enter the “Big 5” world economies 7) 51% of Koreans said they listened to podcasts within last month, the highest in the world 8) The ASEAN (Southeast Asian) region is a fast growing market of 630 million people. That’s 2X US or 10X The UK.  9) Asia will change. India alone has 850 million people aged under 35 10) Draw a red circle around Asia on a world map. More people live inside that red circle than outside it R O A R of the Tiger
  • 59. ABOUT BEERAJAAH SSWAIN CONSULTING Growth Marketing We are a growth marketing agency that specializes in creating growth models for your business and augmenting it through digital media and content.