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The way of business solutions
Most Trusted
Solution Provider
Editor’s Pick
Growing Dilemma Over
Enterprise Network
Network Security
Threats & Solutions
Info Network
Redesigning Network
In The ERA of
Are you staying in
secure zone?
Connecting Dark
Data With IOT
Technology & Network
Forging a path to smart
grid, smart cities and
Internrtof things
IT and Communicatio
Trends for Critical
November 2017
owadays most of the world relies completely on the
Ncommunication systems. However, amongst all these users,
one can easily assume that only around 50 percent is well
prepared to handle any threat from cyber criminals. Thanks to the
rising adoption of cloud technology, it can be easily considered that
future businesses would be completely data-driven. So, a society
which is severely dependent on networking, must protect the
networks in order to function properly. However, many of the people
still gets confused when it comes to cyber security and network
security. But there’s a basic difference between these two. For an
example if one assumes a company as a castle, then cyber helps to
protect the castle from any outside threats, whereas the network
security works to maintain much needed peace and harmony inside
the castle.
Network security is nothing but a subset of cyber security, that aims
to protect any data that is being sent through devices in a network to
make sure that the information is not changed or intercepted. The
main role of network security is to safeguard an organizations’ IT
infrastructure from any kind of cyber threats that include: viruses,
Denial of service attacks, Zero day attacks, hacker attacks, Spyware
and adware, worms and Trojan horses.
Normally, a network security team implements the necessary
hardware and software to guard a security infrastructure. By placing
proper network security, a system can detect potential threats even
before they infiltrate and compromise valuable data. If still a
network security gets compromised, then the first priority must be to
get the attackers out of the network aka castle. The more time an
attacker spends time in the network, the more time it gets to steal
valuable data. As per a recent study, excluding any mega data
breaches, any average data breach costs around $188 per
compromised data, due to which the average total cost to an
organization in U.S shoots up to $5.4 million.
the Security Aspect
Kaustav Roy
November, 2017
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10 20
28 36
Info Network
Editor’s Pick
Editor’s Perspectives
22 32 40
Mentor’s View In Trend
Expert’s Insight
AvaLAN Wireless:
Technologies, Inc.:
Ensuring Optimal Network
Efciency and Security
he importance of security is vital for any business, especially when we talk about network systems.
TOrganizations, irrespective of their industry of operation, need an efficient security system to meet their
business goals and objectives. This has proliferated the importance and demand of networking solutions
and services tenfold. It is immensely essential for organizations to boast a quality network that brings-forward
minimal issues to ensure smooth functioning of business operations and optimal efficiency.
Keeping in mind the need to safeguard an organizations’ IT infrastructure from any kind of cyber threats or
lagging issues, Insights Success Magazine has shortlisted, “The 10 Most Trusted Networking Solution Provider
Companies” that are ensuring optimal network efficiency and security.
Our shortlist of companies includes, PeerApp, which cuts network costs and boosts customer satisfaction for
Communication Service Providers (CSPs) and enterprise networks; Ennetix, which is a provider of Cloud-based
Network Performance Analytics, singularly focused on accurately finding performance issues in complex
networks, and providing tools to Network Operation teams for proactively managing such issues; AvaLAN, a
company which continues to innovate with wired and wireless solutions for commercial and retail fueling stations,
digital signage, retail point-of-sale and other industrial automation applications; Netranom, which provides
professional IT Support and Network Services for Businesses; Turn-key Technologies, Inc., which is one of the
leading networking integrator and wireless communications provider; and AVSystem, which provides its
customers with solutions that enable a highly effective, secure and flexible provisioning and management of their
connected devices.
In addition to these, don’t forget to flip through the pages of our Editorial Articles; Redesigning Network in the
New Era of Security — Info Network; Network Security Threats & Solutions — Editor’s Perspectives; and
Growing Dilemma over Enterprise Security — Editor’s Pick.
Also, expand your knowledge base about the industry with our CXO articles; Technology and Network
Convergence: Forging a Path to Smart Grid, Smart Cities and Internet of Things; IT and Communication Trends
for Critical Infrastructure; Connecting Dark Data with IoT; and Are You Staying in Network Secure Zone?
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BriefManagementCompany Name
Accuris Networks helps service providers monetise the
connectivity between networks. Accuris solutions enable
subscribers to move seamlessly and securely between LTE, GSM,
Wi-Fi, IPX and fixed networks while ensuring a superior quality of
AvaLAN continues to innovate with wired and wireless solutions for
commercial and retail fueling stations, digital signage, retail point-of-
sale and other industrial automation applications. While Wireless
technology innovation and manufacturing is at AvaLAN’s core,
AvaLAN continues to focus on solving customer’s problems with
complete solutions.
Our mission is to help leading global brands deliver a faster,
safer and more profitable digital experience
AVSystem provides its customers with solutions that enable a
highly effective, secure and flexible provisioning and
management of their connected devices.
Ennetix, is a provider of Cloud-based Network Performance
Analytics, singularly focused on accurately finding performance
issues in complex networks, and providing tools to Network
Operation teams for proactively managing such issues.
Big Switch enables data center transformation and accelerate
business velocity by delivering a responsive, automated, and
programmable software-defined networking (SDN) fabric-based
networking solution.
Netranom provides professional IT Support and Network
Services for Businesses
Aiming for most efficient project management so that you don’t
wait one day too long
PeerApp cuts network costs and boosts customer satisfaction
for communication service providers (CSPs) and enterprise
Established in 1991, Turn-key Technologies, Inc. is one of the
leading networking integrator and wireless communications
Accuris Networks
AvaLan Wireless
Instart Logic
Larry Quinn
Chairman & CEO
Matt Nelson
CEO & President
Manav Ratan Mital
CEO & founder
Slawomir Wolf
Biswanath Mukherjee
Founder & President
Big Switch Networks
Douglas Murray
Scott Edwards
President & CEO
Pantheon Technologies
Tomas Janco
Marisa E. Goldenberg
Turn-Key Technologies
Craig Badrick
President & CEO
One word can sum up the most common strategy for
network defense - “boxy.” Building and
maintaining a strong perimeter has a long and
storied history. Consider a castle with its moat, high walls
and drawbridge. That is how most networks are defended. In
a box. Currently, the mentality is: “Do you want to protect a
new system?” Put it inside the box. “Processing personal
information?” Put it inside the box.
While the “box” approach was successful in the past, it’s an
antiquated model. And, while the conventional approach has
been occupied with defending the castle from a ground
attack, adversaries have deployed an air assault with the
latest modern weapons.
User’s choice
Over the past decade, there has been a quiet revolution with
how IT systems and services are used within organizations.
Fed up with a lack of options, viable solutions and a general
disconnect with the business, users have taken matters into
their own hands.
This evolution started with the rise in mobile usage. Early
on, traditional security teams focused efforts on stopping
mobile usage. Eventually, they acquiesced and accepted
mobile devices, but only those that were “approved.”
Ultimately, reason triumphed and mobile is now treated in a
more logical fashion. While still four letters, “BYOD” is no
longer a bad word. Unfortunately, we are now seeing the
same cycle with cloud services.
Consumer is the new business
Consumer-focused services are making significant inroads
into enterprises around the world. It is fairly common to see
large volumes of outbound network traffic utilizing services
such as Dropbox, Google Apps, Github or any number of
other cloud-based applications. In fact, these services have
begun to incorporate features and functionality specifically
targeted to the size and scope of various business operations.
Think of this as a “bottom-up” approach. It is a sign that
users in organizations are pushing technology adoption just
as much - if not more - than a traditional “top-down”
approach. Overall, this should be seen as a positive. The
shift is now aligning IT with the actual focus of the
organization. It is a move toward technology that works in
the “real world,” instead of simply looking good “on paper.”
However, it’s not all unicorns and rainbows.
Crumbling walls
While productivity might be up, it is extremely difficult to
maintain a strong perimeter around this new blend of
traditional, mobile and cloud infrastructure. There action to
this is: “Then why try? Isn’t there a better approach?” This
response is rational, but not the sentiment of a vast majority
of the security industry.
Just as with mobile adoption, the common security response
to cloud services is to attempt to block user’s access and,
instead, guide them toward an “approved” (and typically
less usable) server. That isn’t embracing reality and, quite
simply, is no longer feasible.
The architecture diagram for current networks no longer fits
cleanly into a simple box. Trying to wedge it into one is
counterproductive and can lead to frustration among
employees. It is imperative to accept the fact that the
perimeter as it has been known is now gone. Which leads to
the core of the issue -what strategies can be adopted to
defend today’s networks?
Are you staying in network
secure zone?
Mentor’s View
Mark Nunnikhoven
|November 2017 |10
Level up
First, it is important to understand that traditional controls
still have a place in modern defense. There is a need for
firewalls, intrusion prevention, anti-malware, filtering, etc.
These traditional elements serve as a strong component, but
they play a smaller role and cannot be considered the end-
all, be-all of security. Instead of focusing on individual
components of the network, it should be viewed according
to the way specific data flows.
Security in isolation
Take a typical e-commerce transaction, for example:
In a traditional approach, each of these systems would reside
in relative isolation. First, there must be a firewall on the site
and anti-malware so it is “secure.” Second, the shopping cart
is delivered to the user via HTTPS so it is “secure.” Third,
the payment information is encrypted, thus it is “secure.”
Finally, the shipping system is only internal so it is “secure”
through access control.
While none of these controls are bad, they do not take into
account the realities of today’s networks. Now, shopping
carts are provided via PaaS, payments are provided via SaaS
ans all shipping is done through a third-party API. These
providers inherently change over time cteating more
variables and avenues for breaches.
Data flow
In addition to adding basic security to each system or
service, it is critical to examine how data flows. When a
high-level view of data flow is incorporated into the typical
e-commerce transaction, the following occurs:
It is immediately apparent that there is a variety of
information shared across multiple systems. Some of the
systems are controlled by the enterprise, some are not. With
this view, the real challenge comes to the forefront - how
can the safety of orders (items purchased, quantities,
shipping info, etc.) and processing data be ensured by at
least three different entities? In addition, payment
information resides on at least two systems. How does that
affect Payment Card Industry compliance? This is the level
where security should be applied - and it must be acted upon
Next steps
The top priority for security must be monitoring. It is clear
that controlling every element of the network can be
overwhelming. With the variety of services, endpoints and
connections, the aforementioned “box” model has been
demolished. Thus, the traditional perimeter is gone. What
takes place in networks requires more transparency to read
and react accordingly.
A modern monitoring practice not only pulls in log data
from network devices and application servers (as has
traditionally occurred), but also logs and reports from IaaS,
PaaS, SaaS and mobile systems. This in itself cteates a new
challenge with an immense amount of diverse data needing
to be processed. Fortunately, “big data” analytics can be
applied to resolve this issue.
There is very little value in denying where network
infrastructure design, and access, is headed. The soundest
strategy is to welcome this reality and work to increase
security of the current network to focus on monitoring. It is
essential to be cognizant of data workflows within the
overall enterprise. Once that is established, taking steps to
protect data, regardless of where it is stored and processed,
is far less daunting.
Mevtors View
| November 2017 | 11
With the number of connected devices in
the world surging ahead of the human
population, survival in the coming
decade for organizations will depend upon their
ability to adapt to the changing technological
landscape. As connected devices, connected
phones, and connected logistics become
ubiquitous, they bring-forward value as well as
complexity for organizations.
To steer ahead of this complex management of
connected devices and focus on the core business,
organizations need an expert solution provider for
the same. Standing tall amongst its crowd of
competitors, AVSystem is one such company with
a resolute vision of creating technology and
products which help companies handle their
connected devices. The company seeks to
automate what can and should be effortless to save
costs and labor, and allows companies to fully
focus on their business development.
An Expert in Large-Scale Solutions
Being an expert in large-scale solutions for Telco
operators and Enterprise Markets, AVSystem’s
product portfolio is primarily focused on device
management and monitoring solutions (TR-069,
LwM2M). The constantly evolving company
currently boasts M2M and IoT service delivery
platforms, WiFi value-added service platform,
WiFI location engine and other systems for SDN
and NFV. By delivering predictive maintenance,
AVSystem aims to eliminate most of the network
problems in advance; thereby increasing the end-
customer satisfaction.
It is also worth noting that AVSystem is an active
member of the leading industry organizations,
such as Open Mobile Alliance and Broadband
World Forum.
The Leader who Sowed Vision and Reaped
Slawomir Wolf, Founder and CEO of
AVSystem, is the leader who sowed the seeds of
success and led the company to what it is known
as today. He is the main individual responsible for
the company's constant evolvement – from being a
Slawomir Wolf
Founder and CEO
12 |November 2017 |
small business to becoming an
innovative and rapidly growing mid-
size company. Presently, Mr. Wolf
shoulders the responsibility to look
after the company’s strategic
development and management of each
and every one of its branch worldwide.
Delivering Excellence with Unified
Device Management Platform
AVSystem has been a part of the
networking industry for over a decade.
Initially, the company’s focus was to
help its clients efficiently manage,
provision, and monitor their networks
of end-user devices of any size via the
TR-069 protocol. This prompted the
development of its Unified Device
Management Platform (UMP), which
is capable of managing all kinds of
CPEs via all kinds of protocols.
Today, UMP helps over 100 companies
worldwide, including global operators
and local service providers, to improve
their processes and reduce operational
costs by providing unrivaled features
such as auto-configuration, mass
operations, remote diagnostics 
troubleshooting and advanced
Meeting and Exceeding the Needs of
AVSystem believes in technology; its
strong scientific and technical
background allows it to constantly look
for improvements to create solutions
that answer even the most complex
needs of its clients.
“During the last 10 years, we’ve
managed to build a team of highly-
qualified engineers from around the
world and that provides us with
experience and knowledge of how to
design products that are secure,
reliable and deep-rooted in
technology,” mentions Slawomir.
AVSystem works at the edge of
technology, constantly improving what
it has today, while concurrently
anticipating the needs of its customers.
Being Part of the IoT Revolution
Taking into consideration the vast
experience in device management and
cooperation with various types of
customers—when the idea of Internet
of Things began to evolve—being part
of the evolution and developing adept
IoT solutions was the most natural step
for AVSystem to partake. The company
strongly believes that most of the
problems faced by IoT environments
can be solved by an effective
introduction of device management-
related solutions. Hence, leading
towards the development of Coiote, a
comprehensive IoT platform which
covers everything from device
management and monitoring to
connectivity management, application
management, SIM card management,
and finally, service enablement
including service activation. The
distinctive features of the platform are
useful for various verticals as well as
CPS, in order to enable B2B and B2C
The Future of Continual Success
Presently, AVSystem’s area of focus
goes far beyond the standard solutions
for device management. “Considering
the pace of the IoT industry
development, we foresee that in the
upcoming years, our Coiote IoT
Platform will continuously be used by
companies worldwide to create a vast
ecosystem of connected assets,” asserts
“We expect that the biggest challenge
in building truly smart and secure
environments will be maintaining and
managing millions or even billions of
connected devices,” adds Slawomir.
Meeting and exceeding the needs of
end-customers, AVSystem also
provides top-class solutions in the area
of WiFI Value Added Services. Its
Linkyfi Platform is currently used by
many Telco and enterprise customers,
to manage their WiFi access and
provide insight into their customers’
behavior. In the near future, AVSystem
expects to grow rapidly, especially in
the area of WiFi-based indoor location
We shape
the world
of connected
13| November 2017 |
The burgeoning growth of companies, in
every vertical, as well as widespread
geographical operations and continual
addition of complex new technologies has
escalated the importance of network efficiency and
availability. AvaLAN Wireless, an industry
leading developer and manufacturer of secure
industrial networking devices, understands this
prevalent need among organizations. AvaLAN
doesn’t merely connect cell phones or laptops,
rather it connects everything else.
Originating from the heart of the world’s leading
start-up hub, Silicon Valley in 2004, AvaLAN's
innovative technology roots stemmed right from
its early functioning days. Its approach to any
customer has always been to listen and understand
what device networking challenges its customers
are facing and respond with innovative networking
solutions that addresses – Security, Reliability, and
Complexity. It is the unmatched ability of AvaLAN
to listen, respond, execute and provide a secure
industrial networking solution that has propelled
them to the top of this industry.
Delivering Continued Innovation
AvaLAN possesses a creative and energetic team
that works together in a quick and efficient manner
to take optimal care of their customers. AvaLAN
considers ‘listening to its customers’ to be one of
its core competencies. Thanks in part to AvaLAN’s
continued innovation in network security, creative
network segmentation, data encryption, and
proprietary protocols, AvaLAN can successfully
respond to its customers, and the industry. The
competent team at AvaLAN gets needed energy by
solving its customer’s various problems related to
networking. As per the company, the proof of a
successful industrial device network is when the
user never loses the connectivity and never faces
any data integrity issues. With ground-breaking
products and solutions, AvaLAN works round-the-
clock to make its clients’ products successful by
not letting them down and by making sure that
their devices never face any issue with network
connectivity or network security.
A CEO Serving the High Technology Industry
Matt Nelson, CEO, and President of AvaLAN
Wireless has been serving in this highly-
demanding technology industry since its heydays.
He started programming at a very young age and
began attending technology tradeshows during his
teen years. Since then, he always wanted to form a
company, one which can later go ahead and lead
the industry. During his early days, he got all the
Matt Nelson
CEO  President
16 |November 2017 |
necessary exposure, by helping and
supporting customers, which resulted
in brilliant customer focus that has
never left him till date. Throughout his
entire career, Matt oscillated back and
forth between engineering, product
management, marketing, sales, finance,
and operations. Matt leads through
servant leadership which means that
one can never take anyone for granted,
and as a leader one should always put
his own people first and cannot say
‘thank you’ enough. Additionally, after
taking more and more responsibilities
throughout his career, Matt has found
his greatest joy in life by serving
others. For Matt, the team of AvaLAN
is the best group of people he has ever
worked with, and the team never
ceases to amaze him with their
accomplishments. He believes he
cannot thank the team enough for
making AvaLAN, such an amazing and
great organization.
Entering an Intriguing Area of
Data networking has been a key area of
interest for Matt since the late 80’s.
Communicating with others through a
computer, PDA, or a mobile phone has
always been like magic to him, and he
has working in both the wireless and
wired technology industry for more
than twenty-five years yet it never gets
old thanks to the ever-growing need of
going faster and further. According to
AvaLAN, the new frontier of data
networking is slowly improving the
effectiveness and efficiency of a
multitude of devices, the non-
computing industrial device
connectivity market is vast and
exciting new world. AvaLAN’s
products have connected digital signs,
gas pumps, smart grid sensors,
surveillance cameras, POS systems,
and HVAC systems to name a few
areas where the organization has
delivered secure and reliable wireless
networking technology.
Providing Efficient and Responsive
Networking Solutions
Till date, AvaLAN has shipped more
than 100,000 industrial wireless
network devices; many of the
consumers of the devices are repeat
purchasers of the products and
technology due to the reliability and
performance of the products. Most of
the clients either embed AvaLAN’s
technology into their devices or use
AvaLAN’s fully assembled products in
order to make better products or
solutions and to extract better
productivity. Over the years, the
organization has built a reputation for
reliable and secure connectivity.
Starting from AvaLAN’s hardware
clear through to the interface it creates,
all the products are easy to install and
use. The organization takes all the
worries and complexities out of the
industrial wireless networking and
provides software and hardware that
just plain works.
Solving Difficult Networking Needs
and Future Planning
AvaLAN believes the industrial wired
and wireless data networking market
has numerous growth opportunities.
Typically, the company solves difficult
networking needs or adds additional
value through custom engineering
solutions. The ability to provide fully
customized solutions typically gives
the AvaLAN an advantage over the
other networking equipment
Recently, the company has combined
two areas of expertise to solve a major
industry need in the retail fueling
industry. Combining AvaLAN’s
success with the secure point of sale
connectivity and fuel pump
connectivity, AvaLAN is actively
deploying various products in retail
fueling market. This new generation of
products from AvaLAN has the much-
needed capability to be monitored and
managed remotely through a custom
developed cloud based system. The
organization is excited about
continuing to build out its cloud
software in addition to AvaLAN’s new
wired and wireless networking
products. AvaLAN has a completely
unique technology that has the
capabilities to segment and track data
traffic, ensuring secure PCI
compliance. Securing credit card
information through encryption,
proprietary protocols, and secure data
segmentation is changing the way
credit card data is being handled and
AvaLAN is leading the change in the
market. Moreover, AvaLAN is looking
forward to innovating on hardware,
software, and cloud based technology
while continuing to solve industry
device networking challenges.
Making the Networking Industry a
Better Place
According to AvaLAN, no one should
have to worry about their credit card
information being stolen. Currently
wired and wireless networking
solutions from AvaLAN are changing
the way gas pumps are connected.
EMV upgrades on gas pumps are
needed to support the new secure chips
in everyone’s credit cards and AvaLAN
is working with a multitude of vendors
to keep data safe and making electronic
transaction more secure and reliable.
From digital signs to delivering
electricity to homes to protecting user’s
credit cards, AvaLAN is the
connectivity behind the scenes making
it all work.
AvaLAN continues to
be inspired everyday by
the improvements we
can make in people’s
lives through the network
connectivity of devices
17| November 2017 |
loud providers typically offer different
service levels, and associated prices, for
different sizes of virtual machine,
memory, and disk storage. However, while all
cloud providers provide network connectivity to
tenant VMs, they occasionally make promises
about network performance, but cloud tenants can
also severely suffer from highly-variable, erratic
network performance.
Ennetix, a leading provider of Cloud-based
Network Performance Analytics, is singularly
focused on accurately finding performance issues
in complex networks, and providing solutions to
Network Operation teams for proactively
managing such issues. Based on its interaction
with clients, Ennetix founders observed that there
is no lack of network data or methods to extract
that data from a network’s infrastructure. There is,
however, a shortage of scalable processes that can
effectively extract actionable insights from all that
data. Yet, this process is manual, mundane, and
time consuming. In many organizations, network
data is readily available for only a short period of
time, leading to guesswork and finger pointing. In
all cases, effective management relies too heavily
on human factors, such as the network
administrator’s depth and breadth of technical
expertise, experience, and familiarity with the
network infrastructure.
The Visionary Leader
Biswanath Mukherjee aka Bis, is a world leader
and visionary in the area of networking, and the
Founder  President of Ennetix. Over the past
three decades, he has pioneered several ground-
breaking solutions for worldwide telecom
networks, which underpin today’s Internet.
Additionally, Bis was the co-founder of a telecom
startup and has served on boards of numerous
startups. He is also a distinguished professor of
Computer Science at University of California,
Davis and holds a Ph.D. degree from the
University of Washington, Seattle, and B.Tech
degree from Indian Institute of Technology,
Kharagpur, India. He has also served on eight
journal editorial boards, most notably IEEE/ACM
Transactions on Networking and IEEE Network.
Mukherjee is an energetic entrepreneur and is
excited about solving the networking challenges of
the next decade.
Biswanath Mukherjee
Founder  President
18 |November 2017 |
A Research-Based Organization
The Ennetix solution is an off-shoot of
the research conducted by its founder
Bis at UC Davis, which was very
interesting academically, Bis said, but
did not address real-world problems
people would be willing to pay to
solve. As a result, he adopted his work
to develop Ennetix. In fact, Ennetix
was the first entity that was nurtured
through a new UC Davis incubator, the
Engineering Translational Technology
Center, and has received $2.3M in
grants from the US Department of
Energy’s Small Business Innovation
Program (SBIR).
Hindsight, Insight, and Foresight
As businesses migrate data centers and
applications to the cloud, managing the
underlying network infrastructure has
become increasingly complex. With a
distributed network infrastructure, a
significant part of the network is now
under the administrative control of
third-party service providers.
Monitoring network performance and
identifying the root cause of
performance-related issues have grown
even more challenging. Businesses
implement new ways to deliver service
to their customers; and the growth in
application traffic and the
unpredictability of the demand for
network resources further compound
this issue.
Consequently, network infrastructure
planning proves to be a huge
challenge. Today, network performance
management involves wading through
large amounts of network data,
assuming such historical data is readily
available. In most organizations today,
network administrators are constantly
“fire-fighting,” jumping from issue to
issue, triaging them as quickly as
possible, and applying “band-aid”
solutions without proper root-cause
The information that Ennetix provides
enable network operations teams to
meet the challenges inherent in
managing the performance of today’s
networks, both on-premise and in the
cloud. The Ennetix solution combines
continuous monitoring, advanced
analytics based on proprietary machine
learning algorithms, and interactive
visualizations to provide customers a
holistic set of analytics. Ennetix helps
its clients to get a better handle on
managing a hybrid infrastructure and
determine exactly what happened
(hindsight), predict what is going to
happen (insight), and assess how it
would need to address severe
problems, after the occurrence
Planning for the Road Ahead
Currently, Ennetix solution is deployed
at several organizations, including mid
to large size companies, very large-
sized universities, and talks with
several other organizations are in
progress. Looking ahead, Ennetix is
pursuing a global expansion strategy
and has contracts signed up in
international markets.
The information that
Ennetix provides
enables Network
Operation teams to
meet the challenges
inherent in managing
the performance of
today’s networks,
both on premise and
in the Cloud
19| November 2017 |
In Trend
20 |November 2017 |
In Trend
21| November 2017 |
ovember 3, 1988, is considered as a turning point
Nin the world of Internet. 25 Years ago a Cornell
University graduate student created first computer
worm on the Internet, “Morris Worm.” The Morris worm
was not a destructive worm, but it permanently changed the
culture of the Internet. Before Morris unleashed his worm,
the Internet was like a small town where people thought
little of leaving their doors unlocked. Internet security was
seen as a mostly theoretical problem, and software vendors
treated security flaws as a low priority.
Today, there is a paradigm shift, Morris worm was
motivated more by intellectual curiosity than malice, but it
is not the case today. According to a 2015 Report, 71% of
represented organizations experienced, at least, one
successful cyber attack in the preceding 12 months (up
from 62% the year prior).
According to survey report, discloses that, among 5500
companies in 26 countries around the world, 90% of
businesses admitted a security incident. Additionally, 46%
of the firms lost sensitive data due to an internal or external
security threat. On average enterprises pay US$551,000 to
recover from a security breach. Small and Medium business
spend 38K.
Incidents involving the security failure of a third-party
contractor, fraud by employees, cyber espionage, and
network intrusion appear to be the most damaging for large
enterprises, with average total losses significantly above
other types of the security incident.
Let’s Take a Look at Recurrent Security Threats Types-
Denial of Service Attacks
A denial of service (DoS) attack is an incident in which a
user or organization is deprived of the services of a resource
they would normally expect to have. These attacks are very
common, accounting for more than one-third of all network
attacks reviewed in the report. A standard approach is to
overload the resource with illegitimate requests for service.
Brute Force Attacks
Brute force attack tries to kick down the front door. It’s a
trial-and-error attempt to guess a system’s password. The
Brute Force Attack password cracker software simply uses
all possible combinations to figure out passwords for a
computer or a network server. It is simple and does not
employ any inventive techniques.
Identity Spoofing
IP spoofing, also known as IP address forgery. The hijacker
obtains the IP address of a legitimate host and alters packet
headers so that the regular host appears to be the source. An
attacker might also use special programs to construct IP
packets that seem to originate from valid addresses inside
the corporate intranet.
Browser Attacks
Browser-based attacks target end users who are browsing

Editor’s Perspectives
22 |November 2017 |
the internet which in turn can spread in the whole enterprise
network. The attacks may encourage them to unwittingly
download malware disguised as a fake software update or
application. Malicious and compromised websites can also
force malware onto visitors’ systems.
SSL/TLS Attacks
Transport layer security (TLS) ensures the integrity of data
transmitted between two parties (server and client) and also
provides strong authentication for both sides. SSL/TLS
attacks aim to intercept data that is sent over an encrypted
connection. A successful attack enables access to the
unencrypted information. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
attacks were more widespread in late 2014, but they remain
prominent today, accounting for 6% of all network attacks
Network Security is an essential element in any
organization’s network infrastructure. Companies are
boosting their investments in proactive control and threat
intelligence services, along with better wireless security,
next-generation firewalls and increasingly advanced
malware detection. The U.S. Federal Government has
spent $100 billion on cyber security over the past decade,
$14 billion budgeted for 2016.
Increased use of technology helps enterprises to maintain
the competitive edge, most businesses are required to
employ IT security personnel full-time to ensure networks
are shielded from the rapidly growing industry of cyber
crime. Following are the methods used by security
specialists to full proof enterprise network system-
Penetration Testing
Penetration testing is a form of hacking which network
security professionals use as a tool to test a network for any
vulnerabilities. During penetration testing IT professionals
use the same methods that hackers use to exploit a network
to identify network security breaches.
Intrusion Detection
Intrusion detection systems are capable of identifying
suspicious activities or acts of unauthorized access over an
enterprise network. The examination includes a malware
scan, review of general network activity, system
vulnerability check, illegal program check, file settings
monitoring, and any other activities that are out of the
Network Access Control
Network Access Controls are delivered using different
methods to control network access by the end user. NACs
offer a defined security policy which is supported by a
network access server that provides the necessary access
authentication and authorization.
Network Security is a race against threats, and many
organizations are a part of this race to help enterprises to
Editor’s Perspectives
| November 2017 |
secure their network systems. Organizations like IBM, Symantec, Microsoft have created solutions to counter the global
problem of network security threat. These cutting-edge products show genuine promise and are already being used by
enlightened companies.
Good Network Security Solutions Traits
A real security solution should have four major characteristics;
Detect Threats
Targeted attacks are multi-faceted and specially designed to evade many point technologies attempting to identify and
block them. Once they are inside, the only way to find these cyber threats is to understand the behavior of the individual
attack components and use analytics to understand their relationships.
Respond Continuously
Today it is not important that an organization will be attacked, but important and more crucial is to identify when and
how much they can limit the impact and contain their exposure. This means having the capability to respond quickly
once the initial incident has been discovered.
Prevent Attacks
Malware is gettings quick-witted day by day. They utilize heuristics to change their code dynamically. A capable
solution should have an adaptive architecture that evolves with the changing environment, and threats today’s business
Today’s threats have multiple facets, and a single software or solution is not sufficient. Protection system should have
the capability to integrate with other security tools from different vendors to work together as a single protection system,
acting as connective tissue for today’s disjointed cyber security infrastructure.
Solutions In Market
Like infectious diseases, cyber threats will never be eradicated entirely, but they can be better contained and understood,
and their effects minimized. How can this be achieved? IBM has built an enterprise-level “immune system,” an adaptive
security architecture to battle today’s cyber pathogens. IBM has developed a vast fleet of products, QRadar, X-Force
Threat Intelligence, Trusteer Pinpoint Malware Detection, IBM Threat Protection System a dynamic, integrated system
to meddle the lifecycle of advanced attacks and prevent loss.
The IBM Threat Protection System integrates with 450 security tools from over 100 vendors acting as connective tissue
for today’s disjointed cyber security infrastructure.
Symantec is another major player in catering enterprise network security systems with Symantec Advanced Threat
Protection. Symantec ATP operates via a single console and works across endpoints, networks, and emails, integrating
with Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP), and Symantec Email Security cloud, which means organizations do not need
to deploy any new endpoint agents. Symantec says, ATP is the only threat protection appliance that can work with all
three sensors without requiring additional endpoint agents. With ATP, Symantec’s goal is to deliver end-to-end threat
protection, prevention, detection, and response in a single pane of glass, offering more value to businesses than
individual point products can provide. Symantec Advanced Threat Protection combines multiple layers of prevention,
detection, and response.
Editor’s Perspectives
|November 2017 |
Just like any other complex technologies,
there’s not one size that fits all solutions
when it comes to networking. The needs and
resources of every organization differ completely
from each other. Enters, Hurricane, WV based
Managed Services IT Company, Netranom that
has been serving the WV/KY/OH area since 1999.
It has been providing IT Support such as Managed
IT Services, Managed Telephone Systems as well
as Security and Surveillance services to small and
medium-sized businesses.
It has always been Netranom’s goal to provide
enterprise-level IT practices and solutions to the
small and medium business sector, with small
business prices. Its rich experience has allowed
Netranom to build and develop the infrastructure
needed to keep its prices affordable and clients up
and running. Netranom partners with many types
of businesses in the area, and strive to eliminate IT
issues before they cause expensive downtime, so
clients can continue to drive their business
The Man of Action behind Netranom
Scott Edwards is the CEO and President of
Netranom. He is also the Mayor of City of
Hurricane for more than ten years. He was elected
back on 1 July 2007. Additionally, he is the owner
and managing member of Teays Properties, which
is a rental company with residential properties in
Putnam and Western Kanawha County in WV.
Teays Properties continues to purchase homes,
which is the main source of its growth.
Scott was born and raised in Hurricane, WV where
he still lives with his wife Danielle and four
children; Justin, Karlee, Chayce, and Peyton.
Connected to Managed Service Clients at All
Netranom has a state of art Network Operations
Center with a brilliant ticketing and remote
monitoring system that helps it to be connected
with its clients all the time. This helps the
company work remotely and provide quick
responses that all the clients love. Another great
point about Netranom is that all the urgent tickets
are responded in the same day itself. Not only does
Scott Edwards
CEO  President
26 |November 2017 |
he system allow the organization
tremote access to its clients, it also
gives Netranom the ability to take a
proactive approach to their network by
keeping their servers and workstations
up-to-date on their critical updates and
Netranom’s Managed Service Plan
Proactive Care: Dedication to the
prevention of data loss and other
business technology disasters before
they happen.
Round the Clock Maintenance: 24/7
access to remote  on-site server
remediation services at a flat monthly
Live Help Desk Support: Fast and
reliable IT solutions provided for your
business users.
Testimonials that Complements
Their Solutions
“It is always a pleasant experience to
do business with Netranom. If you ever
need an IT company that delivers on
all of their promises, this company is
it!” – Sandy Underwood (Owner of
The Printing Press).
“We subcontract over 25 phone system
installations per month throughout the
U.S. and Netranom is by far the best
company we have worked with in over
16 years of selling phone systems. They
are courteous, professional and on top
of everything they do. I look forward to
working with them again in all of our
future projects,” – Brian Helmke
(President of Interface Technologies,
“Netranom has been great to work
with. They are quick in their response
time and they get it fixed correctly the
first time around. I do not have repeat
issues of the same problem. Their
pricing was also amazing – they
reduced my IT cost by half,” – Tanya
Thomas (Firm Administrator Bucci
Bailey  Javins).
Standing Tall in the Crowd and
Future Roadmap
Most of the people try to compare IT
companies by an “apple to apple”
comparison, but Netranom always
works differently. Starting from the
sales process, through onboarding and
beyond, the company always
establishes lasting relationship with its
clients. Netranom wants them to think
of the company as its “fulltime IT
guy”. Also, the company's knowledge
is not limited to just computer
networking or cameras. And, instead of
an “apple to apple” comparison,
Netranom additionally likes to think of
itself as the whole fruit basket!
When it comes to future, Netranom is
anticipating a steady growth over the
next few years, allowing the company
to open multiple satellite offices
throughout West Virginia, Kentucky
and Ohio.
is our
and as
you grow,
we grow
27| November 2017 |
Expert’s Insight
|November 2017 |
Expert’s Insight
29| November 2017 |
Expert’s Insight
|November 2017 |
In theERAof
With the increasing rate of real time cyber-attacks in recent days on the rise, involvement in Network Security is
becoming a more significant factor to secure computer networks and business data safe. The new and extremely
virulent strain of malicious ransom softwares that is crippling the computers globally appears to be badly hobbled
much of the government and the private sector.
Nowadays, there seem to be constant reminders in the news about the latest hack or newest type of cyber-attack. As a result,
the security market experienced a significant amount of growth. Recent reports expect the network security market to cross
$100 billion in 2019 from $76 billion in 2015. To take advantage of this, numerous point products and solutions flooded the
market and everyone seemed to talk about the network and how it needs to be secure. However, even with all the talk,
security was still getting in the way of networking, adding too many controls, or slowing the network down.
Network Security is the important prerequisite of securing information
Data is the most precious aspect of today’s businesses. Top business organizations spend billions of dollars every year to
secure their computer networks and keep their business data safe. Even the common people are dependent on computers
today for controlling large money transfers between banks, insurance, markets, telecommunication, electrical power
distribution, health and medical fields. Security is not negotiable in these critical and crucial areas, wherein the world is
looking forward to increase the usage of systems and the networks. Vulnerabilities in these systems are increasing and the
task of securing the networks is becoming more complex, making Network Security an essential part of today's businesses.
Network Security is effective in preventing DoS (Denial of Service) attacks and assuring continuous service for legitimate
network users. Network Security involves proactive defense methods and mechanisms to protect data, network and network
devices from external and internal threats.
By gaining physical access to network devices, a user can extract important information from the company's servers or even
the storage devices. External attackers gain access to these network resources through the internet and are able to fetch the
data successfully. Here, the information security management comes into play to ensure business continuity and reduce
business damage by preventing and minimizing the impact of security incidents. An Information Security Management
System (ISMS) enables information to be shared, whilst ensuring the protection of information and computing assets.
Network security is not only providing security in a single network rather in any network or network of networks. Network
Security includes two basic securities. The first is the security of data information i.e., to protect the information from
unauthorized access and loss. And second is computer security i.e., to protect data and to thwart hackers. The need for
information security is important to protect these secret information users on the net only. Here, on internet, or any network
of an organization, thousands of important information is exchanged daily which can be misused by the attackers. The needs
of computer security from hackers are that it should be protected from replicating and capturing viruses from infected files. It
needs proper protection from worms and bombs such as Trojan Horses, which are immensely dangerous.
Info Network
32 |November 2017 |
The innovative days of network security
Looking forward to the future, the number of opportunities and challenges will
increase when it comes to securing the enterprise. With the importance of network
security, what organizations can look for to make sure that security is in their
DNA that are as follows:
Ÿ Integrated security: With the exponential increase in devices and applications,
the surface area for an organization has expanded beyond traditional means. To
reduce risk and complexity, security will need to be embedded within hardware
and software solutions. It should also have flexible deployment options and
work with each other to provide integrated multilayered protection.
Expectations from security architectures is meant to be simple, open, and
automated so that the network has better performance, works with other
solutions, and is easier to manage.
Ÿ Need for improved visibility: Network Security Trends Infographic plan
for getting the facts on endpoint security and stay current on the
trends. This Infographic compiles relevant data from Gartner, IDC,
The Ponemon Institute, Symantec and others, on the current
state of network security threats from mobile, IoT and other
endpoints. As a result of the amount of growth experienced
by digital organizations, 76% of IT professionals say a lack
of visibility is their biggest challenge in addressing
network threats. It is becoming more and more important
to know what is going on within the network at all times –
across all applications, users, and devices. Expect
networking and security teams to work more closely and
leverage network infrastructure to extend visibility everywhere.
Ÿ Emphasis on analytics: Based on recent reports, organizations
are using analytics more across the board as part of their
security strategy. The type of information and the amount of
information is critically lowering the time to detection. Sampling data
may have helped identify and react to threats in the past, but when looked for
contextual awareness and other proactive and more intelligent ways of
gathering deeper insights and data, leading to more accurate detection of
anomalous network and user behaviors across the network.
Ÿ Move towards cloud: Cloud security often refers to user authentication and
data protection, typically through encryption. Among the many issues is the
ability to authenticate employees, to control the cloud services and data they
have access to. In addition, managing cloud security so that policies and
compliance standards enforced within an internal network are extended to the
cloud remains a challenge for many organizations. As organizations look to the
cloud to enable their business with benefits like flexibility, simplicity, and
scale, cloud security adoption will follow closely behind. This year, expect to
see increasing interest in protecting data and applications in the cloud. Cloud-
delivered and cloud-administered security solutions are gaining in popularity
also. These solutions offer ease and speed of deployment and consistency,
simple administration to provide an initial layer of defense.
Info Network
| November 2017 |
With the advent of video streaming
services like Youtube, Netflix,
Amazon Prime Video, etc., the rate of
video consumption is exploding daily, which is
severely straining operators’ networks. College,
university and K-12 networks face the same
quality and cost issues as students, faculty and
staff use the Internet to consume video and media
content of longer length and at very large volumes
– for both academic and entertainment purposes.
So, with solutions that can be deployed at the core
or the edge of the network, enters PeerApp. It cuts
costs and boosts customer satisfaction for
communication service providers (CSPs) and
enterprise networks. The unique content delivery
platform of PeerApp offers a range of network
optimization solutions – content localization and
caching, live streaming delivery, application and
data acceleration, smart traffic management and
QoE enhancement for all networks. The award-
winning content delivery platform is deployed to
more than 550 clients in over 100 countries.
Additionally, it helps to improve the quality of
experience with traffic acceleration, achieve up to
20 percent cost cutting, capacity and congestion
management, and handle all content, including
Dynamic Leader of PeerApp
PeerApp is led by Marisa E. Goldenberg, CEO.
Her experience includes more than 20 years in the
technology industry, including positions at ESW
Capital, Trilogy, and Dell. Goldenberg is a
respected strategic leader and versatile executive,
who has an exceptional ability to drive both long-
term strategic business transformations and
immediate organizational improvements.
With a track record of integrity and dedication to
excellence and customer success, Goldenberg is
adept at expanding and strengthening enterprise
software products and companies. Additionally,
she has delivered value and results to
organizations from start-ups to Fortune 100
At RideAustin, a non-profit ride share company,
Goldenberg launched company operations and
scaled the business for fast growth and long-term
sustainability. Within the first year of operations,
the platform grossed over $30 million in revenue
Marisa E. Goldenberg
34 |November 2017 |
and raised over $250,000 for local
Her general management capabilities
were honed in a variety of functions at
Dell. As a strategy analyst in the Office
of the Chairman’s Corporate Strategy
Group, she recommended product
opportunities to the CEO and assisted
the Board of Directors in setting 3-year
financial targets. Goldenberg
subsequently managed strategic
planning for Dell's Enterprise Product
Group and served as Chief of Staff for
the Vice President of Marketing. She
also held roles at Dell as a Financial
Controller for a $10 billion
organization and Director of Global
Goldenberg earned a bachelor’s degree
in computer science, cum laude, from
Princeton University and an MBA
from Harvard Business School.
Network Optimization Solutions that
Reduce Network Costs
The content delivery platform of
PeerApp offers a range of network
optimization solutions that
dramatically reduce network costs and
improves subscriber’s Internet quality
of experience. Products like PARapid
helps to improve subscriber experience
while lowering costs and accelerating
download speed X20. PAQoE
Controller is a smart QoE management
for optimal bandwidth usage and
slashes bandwidth costs by 20 percent.
PACache helps to speed up content
delivery up to X18. And PALive helps
to stream live events and achieves
offloads up to 20 percent.
PeerApp's solution is deployed at the
core or the edge of network to deliver
extra dimension of customer delight.
PeerApp and its Bright Future
In addition to providing major savings
on the network, showing 50% offloads
of network traffic, reducing IP transit
costs and infrastructure upgrades are
the standout from PeerApp. Many of
PeerApp’s customers are now
upgrading their systems since the
HTTP traffic is continuously growing
and there is a true need for the caching
solution. Thanks to its rapid growth,
driven by increased content
availability, user appetite, broadband
access speeds and connected devices,
at home and on-the-go internet content
consumption, especially long-form
video, has grown by a few folds in
recent days. Nowadays, users expect
internet content and applications to be
available all the time and on any
device, and they won't tolerate any
buffering. So, to improve the quality,
most of the operators are investing in
network upgrades.
The content delivery platform from
PeerApp helps operators to deliver
globally originated content from a
local source close to the subscriber,
improving QoE and reducing
bandwidth consumption throughout the
network. The company redefines QoE
and accelerates the delivery of content
and encrypted content by up to 20
times. The best part is that the
impressive delivery rate is achieved
over existing infrastructures, and
operators can promote OTT bundles as
new service offerings by using the
platform to satisfy a customer’s
appetite for data. The organization’s
new content delivery platform offers as
much as four different solutions to
handle content delivery from different
aspects, including encrypted traffic.
This new enhancement provides
PeerApp with unique leverage in the
market by handling all types of content
in the network, creating major savings,
improving the quality of experience
and offloading the network congestion.
Standing Tall Amongst the Crowd
PeerApp provides a best-of-breed local
content delivery solution, 550
deployments worldwide, track-proven
acceleration, network savings with
assured QoE, while managing ALL
traffic and video, including encryption,
dynamic congestion management,
capacity control, and COTS-based
virtualized solutions. Eventually, these
solutions help the company to cut costs
and to boost customer satisfaction for
communication service providers
(CSPs) and enterprise networks.
Additionally, the content delivery
platform of PeerApp spans content
localization and caching, live
streaming delivery, application and
data acceleration, smart traffic
management for all networks, which
can be deployed at the core of the
network and improve customer
satisfaction. These differentiators help
the company stay ahead of the
PeerApp continues to lead the market
with various new and innovative
solutions, expanding its content
delivery platform to handle all traffic,
including encryption, and helping
customers to grow their business.
network for
35| November 2017 |
Tech Talk
36 |November 2017 |
Tech Talk
| November 2017 |
Tech Talk
|November 2017 |
Editor Pick
|November 2017 |
Editor Pick
| November 2017 |
Nowadays, our beloved planet is
completely tied up by the world-wide-
web, and we cannot even execute our
daily tasks without the usage of internet. With this
increase in usage of internet, wireless networks
have become a necessity for every organization
across the globe, and solution providers are
challenged to meet the ever-increasing needs of
professionals and enterprises. Like all other
industries; knowledge, expertise, and innovation
are some of the most critical components in the
networking industry, and some of the providers are
standing out among the crowd, by delivering
solutions to transform businesses, healthcare,
education and other fields in a highly valuable
way. Turn-key Technologies, Inc. isn’t any
exception, it is one of the leading networking
integrator and wireless communication providers
established in 1991. TTI helps in providing
network design, configuration, installation, and
support services to clients in all 50 states and
around the globe. Additionally, the company has
already invested heavily in its engineers. The
engineers hold certifications from the
manufacturers whom TTI represents, and they all
hold industry agnostic certifications that help them
understand and troubleshoot beyond manufacturer
best practices. Since inception, TTI has always
been a “customer first and customer last”
organization, the company even provides its
clients with one year of unlimited access to their
24x7x365 Technical Assistance Center upon
completion of an installation.
The Undisputed Leader
Craig Badrick is the CEO and President of
Turn-key Technologies, Inc. He joined the
company back in 1992 and rose to the position of
President and CEO in 1999. With a background in
business and sales, he took over a sales roll in
Pennsylvania and New Jersey and quickly
established himself as an asset to Turn-key
Technologies. Craig quickly expanded upon the
core business of wireless communications by
adding Wi-Fi to the solutions that TTI provides.
Thanks to the expertise in wireless technologies
that engineers already possessed, Turn-key
Technologies quickly became a go-to partner for
the manufacturers that were struggling to find
competent partners to design, install, and support
their products. From the early successes in Wi-Fi,
Craig Badrick
CEO  President
42 |November 2017 |
TTI quickly expanded their capabilities
to include all aspects of networking
from core, to edge, to security and
peripherals. Craig has been
instrumental in growing the business of
TTI over 1400 percent under his
leadership and the company was also
recognized as one of Inc. Magazine’s
5000 Fastest Growing Privately Held
Businesses in America. Craig
continues to look into emerging
technologies and business strategies to
ensure Turn-key Technologies stays at
the forefront of the Information
Technology and continues to provide
its customers with best breed of
solutions, along with its best-in-class
Being Nimble is the Key
Being nimble is one of the key
requirements that Mr. Badrick implants
throughout his business. The main goal
of TTI is to consult with a customer,
design the network, tweak the design
based on consultation with the
customer and then provide a final
design and bill of materials within two
weeks. Experienced project managers
oversee each installation with the goal
of eliminating any unforeseen delays
and minimizing any network
disruptions or downtime. By
eliminating the unknown, and by
properly planning, staging and pre-
configuring the equipment, the
customer faces very little disruption to
their operations, even when they are
providing a complete network
Tackling the Competition
Turn-key Technologies is so customer-
focused that it has garnered extreme
loyalty from its customers, as well as
providing a great source of
recommendations and referrals. All
thanks to the company’s hyper focus
on customer satisfaction and the fact
that it guarantees all its work
contributes to its client’s success.
Additionally, the company is also very
aware of budgets and the need to
provide the best bang for the buck for
their customers. Lastly, the company
maintains a very small line card with a
handful of manufacturers, so that the
clients can be assured that they are
truly getting experts in the solutions
Turn-key provides.
Future Roadmap
When it comes to the future, Turn-key
Technologies will continue to invest
heavily in its engineers. According to
the company, ongoing training is a
necessity in order to stay on top of the
latest technologies and how they
impact the network. Emerging trends
like the IoT, Software Defined
Networks, Hyper convergence,
802.11ax, Augmented Reality, and
Virtual Reality, network analytics and
more are all becoming more prominent
in the company’s conversations, so
providing answers on how technology
can assist in the adoption of these
trends is very important.
Additionally, Turn-key is also working
endlessly to make the industry a better
place, and according to the company
the key is to be a trusted advisor to its
customers. Providing honest answers,
designing right-sized solutions,
listening to the customer’s challenges
and providing cost-effective solutions
in a timely manner are all vitally
important. Turn-key is also seeing a
huge trend for all aspects of IT being
offered as a service. Lastly, being able
to provide meaningful managed
services to augment the customers in-
house expertise is an area where Turn-
key’s experience, business ethics, and
customer focus is sure to grow and
make the IT services another part of
the business that does not require
constant worry and concern.
Uncover the
and security
issues hiding
in your
network, and
learn the most
effective ways
to overcome
43| November 2017 |
Insights success the 10 most trusted networking solution provider companies 20th nov 2017
Insights success the 10 most trusted networking solution provider companies 20th nov 2017
Insights success the 10 most trusted networking solution provider companies 20th nov 2017

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Insights success the 10 most trusted networking solution provider companies 20th nov 2017

  • 1. The way of business solutions Most Trusted NETWORKING Solution Provider Companies 10 The Editor’s Pick Growing Dilemma Over Enterprise Network Security Editor’s Perspective Network Security Threats & Solutions Info Network Redesigning Network In The ERA of Security Are you staying in network secure zone? Connecting Dark Data With IOT Technology & Network Convergence: Forging a path to smart grid, smart cities and Internrtof things IT and Communicatio Trends for Critical Infrastructure CXO STANDPOINT November 2017
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  • 4. Editorial owadays most of the world relies completely on the Ncommunication systems. However, amongst all these users, one can easily assume that only around 50 percent is well prepared to handle any threat from cyber criminals. Thanks to the rising adoption of cloud technology, it can be easily considered that future businesses would be completely data-driven. So, a society which is severely dependent on networking, must protect the networks in order to function properly. However, many of the people still gets confused when it comes to cyber security and network security. But there’s a basic difference between these two. For an example if one assumes a company as a castle, then cyber helps to protect the castle from any outside threats, whereas the network security works to maintain much needed peace and harmony inside the castle. Network security is nothing but a subset of cyber security, that aims to protect any data that is being sent through devices in a network to make sure that the information is not changed or intercepted. The main role of network security is to safeguard an organizations’ IT infrastructure from any kind of cyber threats that include: viruses, Denial of service attacks, Zero day attacks, hacker attacks, Spyware and adware, worms and Trojan horses. Normally, a network security team implements the necessary hardware and software to guard a security infrastructure. By placing proper network security, a system can detect potential threats even before they infiltrate and compromise valuable data. If still a network security gets compromised, then the first priority must be to get the attackers out of the network aka castle. The more time an attacker spends time in the network, the more time it gets to steal valuable data. As per a recent study, excluding any mega data breaches, any average data breach costs around $188 per compromised data, due to which the average total cost to an organization in U.S shoots up to $5.4 million. Networking: Understanding the Security Aspect Kaustav Roy
  • 5. November, 2017 Database Management Steve Technology Consultant Swapnil Patil Circulation Manager Robert Research Analyst Jennifer Sophie,Joseph, John,Mary Editor-in-Chief Pooja M. Bansal Ariana LawrenceSenior Editor Co-Editors Co-designer Alex Noel Visualiser David King Business Development Executive Vinod AlhatPicture Editor Marketing Manager Chris Art Editor Rahul Kavanekar Sourav Mukherjee David Smith Managing Editor Kaustav Roy Business Development Manager Karen Holland Steve Smith Art & Design Director Amol Kamble Abhijeet Parade Debasmita Dutta Insights Success Media Tech LLC 555 Metro Place North, Suite 100, Dublin, OH 43017, United States Phone - (614)-602-1754 Email: For Subscription: Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd. Ofce No. 513, 5th Floor, Rainbow Plaza, Shivar Chowk, Pimple Saudagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411017 Phone - India: 020-69400110, 111, 112 Email: For Subscription: Corporate Ofces: Copyright © 2017 Insights Success, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from Insights Success. Reprint rights remain solely with Insights Success. Printed and Published by Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd.
  • 8. Ensuring Optimal Network Efciency and Security he importance of security is vital for any business, especially when we talk about network systems. TOrganizations, irrespective of their industry of operation, need an efficient security system to meet their business goals and objectives. This has proliferated the importance and demand of networking solutions and services tenfold. It is immensely essential for organizations to boast a quality network that brings-forward minimal issues to ensure smooth functioning of business operations and optimal efficiency. Keeping in mind the need to safeguard an organizations’ IT infrastructure from any kind of cyber threats or lagging issues, Insights Success Magazine has shortlisted, “The 10 Most Trusted Networking Solution Provider Companies” that are ensuring optimal network efficiency and security. Our shortlist of companies includes, PeerApp, which cuts network costs and boosts customer satisfaction for Communication Service Providers (CSPs) and enterprise networks; Ennetix, which is a provider of Cloud-based Network Performance Analytics, singularly focused on accurately finding performance issues in complex networks, and providing tools to Network Operation teams for proactively managing such issues; AvaLAN, a company which continues to innovate with wired and wireless solutions for commercial and retail fueling stations, digital signage, retail point-of-sale and other industrial automation applications; Netranom, which provides professional IT Support and Network Services for Businesses; Turn-key Technologies, Inc., which is one of the leading networking integrator and wireless communications provider; and AVSystem, which provides its customers with solutions that enable a highly effective, secure and flexible provisioning and management of their connected devices. In addition to these, don’t forget to flip through the pages of our Editorial Articles; Redesigning Network in the New Era of Security — Info Network; Network Security Threats & Solutions — Editor’s Perspectives; and Growing Dilemma over Enterprise Security — Editor’s Pick. Also, expand your knowledge base about the industry with our CXO articles; Technology and Network Convergence: Forging a Path to Smart Grid, Smart Cities and Internet of Things; IT and Communication Trends for Critical Infrastructure; Connecting Dark Data with IoT; and Are You Staying in Network Secure Zone? Let’s start reading!
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  • 11. BriefManagementCompany Name Accuris Networks helps service providers monetise the connectivity between networks. Accuris solutions enable subscribers to move seamlessly and securely between LTE, GSM, Wi-Fi, IPX and fixed networks while ensuring a superior quality of experience. AvaLAN continues to innovate with wired and wireless solutions for commercial and retail fueling stations, digital signage, retail point-of- sale and other industrial automation applications. While Wireless technology innovation and manufacturing is at AvaLAN’s core, AvaLAN continues to focus on solving customer’s problems with complete solutions. Our mission is to help leading global brands deliver a faster, safer and more profitable digital experience AVSystem provides its customers with solutions that enable a highly effective, secure and flexible provisioning and management of their connected devices. Ennetix, is a provider of Cloud-based Network Performance Analytics, singularly focused on accurately finding performance issues in complex networks, and providing tools to Network Operation teams for proactively managing such issues. Big Switch enables data center transformation and accelerate business velocity by delivering a responsive, automated, and programmable software-defined networking (SDN) fabric-based networking solution. Netranom provides professional IT Support and Network Services for Businesses Aiming for most efficient project management so that you don’t wait one day too long PeerApp cuts network costs and boosts customer satisfaction for communication service providers (CSPs) and enterprise networks. Established in 1991, Turn-key Technologies, Inc. is one of the leading networking integrator and wireless communications provider. Accuris Networks AvaLan Wireless Instart Logic AVSystem Larry Quinn Chairman & CEO Matt Nelson CEO & President Manav Ratan Mital CEO & founder Slawomir Wolf Founder&CEO Ennetix Biswanath Mukherjee Founder & President Big Switch Networks Douglas Murray CEO Netranom Scott Edwards President & CEO Pantheon Technologies Tomas Janco CEO PeerApp Marisa E. Goldenberg CEO Turn-Key Technologies Craig Badrick President & CEO
  • 12. One word can sum up the most common strategy for network defense - “boxy.” Building and maintaining a strong perimeter has a long and storied history. Consider a castle with its moat, high walls and drawbridge. That is how most networks are defended. In a box. Currently, the mentality is: “Do you want to protect a new system?” Put it inside the box. “Processing personal information?” Put it inside the box. While the “box” approach was successful in the past, it’s an antiquated model. And, while the conventional approach has been occupied with defending the castle from a ground attack, adversaries have deployed an air assault with the latest modern weapons. User’s choice Over the past decade, there has been a quiet revolution with how IT systems and services are used within organizations. Fed up with a lack of options, viable solutions and a general disconnect with the business, users have taken matters into their own hands. This evolution started with the rise in mobile usage. Early on, traditional security teams focused efforts on stopping mobile usage. Eventually, they acquiesced and accepted mobile devices, but only those that were “approved.” Ultimately, reason triumphed and mobile is now treated in a more logical fashion. While still four letters, “BYOD” is no longer a bad word. Unfortunately, we are now seeing the same cycle with cloud services. Consumer is the new business Consumer-focused services are making significant inroads into enterprises around the world. It is fairly common to see large volumes of outbound network traffic utilizing services such as Dropbox, Google Apps, Github or any number of other cloud-based applications. In fact, these services have begun to incorporate features and functionality specifically targeted to the size and scope of various business operations. Think of this as a “bottom-up” approach. It is a sign that users in organizations are pushing technology adoption just as much - if not more - than a traditional “top-down” approach. Overall, this should be seen as a positive. The shift is now aligning IT with the actual focus of the organization. It is a move toward technology that works in the “real world,” instead of simply looking good “on paper.” However, it’s not all unicorns and rainbows. Crumbling walls While productivity might be up, it is extremely difficult to maintain a strong perimeter around this new blend of traditional, mobile and cloud infrastructure. There action to this is: “Then why try? Isn’t there a better approach?” This response is rational, but not the sentiment of a vast majority of the security industry. Just as with mobile adoption, the common security response to cloud services is to attempt to block user’s access and, instead, guide them toward an “approved” (and typically less usable) server. That isn’t embracing reality and, quite simply, is no longer feasible. The architecture diagram for current networks no longer fits cleanly into a simple box. Trying to wedge it into one is counterproductive and can lead to frustration among employees. It is imperative to accept the fact that the perimeter as it has been known is now gone. Which leads to the core of the issue -what strategies can be adopted to defend today’s networks? Are you staying in network secure zone? Mentor’s View Mark Nunnikhoven |November 2017 |10
  • 13. Level up First, it is important to understand that traditional controls still have a place in modern defense. There is a need for firewalls, intrusion prevention, anti-malware, filtering, etc. These traditional elements serve as a strong component, but they play a smaller role and cannot be considered the end- all, be-all of security. Instead of focusing on individual components of the network, it should be viewed according to the way specific data flows. Security in isolation Take a typical e-commerce transaction, for example: In a traditional approach, each of these systems would reside in relative isolation. First, there must be a firewall on the site and anti-malware so it is “secure.” Second, the shopping cart is delivered to the user via HTTPS so it is “secure.” Third, the payment information is encrypted, thus it is “secure.” Finally, the shipping system is only internal so it is “secure” through access control. While none of these controls are bad, they do not take into account the realities of today’s networks. Now, shopping carts are provided via PaaS, payments are provided via SaaS ans all shipping is done through a third-party API. These providers inherently change over time cteating more variables and avenues for breaches. Data flow In addition to adding basic security to each system or service, it is critical to examine how data flows. When a high-level view of data flow is incorporated into the typical e-commerce transaction, the following occurs: It is immediately apparent that there is a variety of information shared across multiple systems. Some of the systems are controlled by the enterprise, some are not. With this view, the real challenge comes to the forefront - how can the safety of orders (items purchased, quantities, shipping info, etc.) and processing data be ensured by at least three different entities? In addition, payment information resides on at least two systems. How does that affect Payment Card Industry compliance? This is the level where security should be applied - and it must be acted upon holistically. Next steps The top priority for security must be monitoring. It is clear that controlling every element of the network can be overwhelming. With the variety of services, endpoints and connections, the aforementioned “box” model has been demolished. Thus, the traditional perimeter is gone. What takes place in networks requires more transparency to read and react accordingly. A modern monitoring practice not only pulls in log data from network devices and application servers (as has traditionally occurred), but also logs and reports from IaaS, PaaS, SaaS and mobile systems. This in itself cteates a new challenge with an immense amount of diverse data needing to be processed. Fortunately, “big data” analytics can be applied to resolve this issue. There is very little value in denying where network infrastructure design, and access, is headed. The soundest strategy is to welcome this reality and work to increase security of the current network to focus on monitoring. It is essential to be cognizant of data workflows within the overall enterprise. Once that is established, taking steps to protect data, regardless of where it is stored and processed, is far less daunting. Mevtors View | November 2017 | 11
  • 14. With the number of connected devices in the world surging ahead of the human population, survival in the coming decade for organizations will depend upon their ability to adapt to the changing technological landscape. As connected devices, connected phones, and connected logistics become ubiquitous, they bring-forward value as well as complexity for organizations. To steer ahead of this complex management of connected devices and focus on the core business, organizations need an expert solution provider for the same. Standing tall amongst its crowd of competitors, AVSystem is one such company with a resolute vision of creating technology and products which help companies handle their connected devices. The company seeks to automate what can and should be effortless to save costs and labor, and allows companies to fully focus on their business development. An Expert in Large-Scale Solutions Being an expert in large-scale solutions for Telco operators and Enterprise Markets, AVSystem’s product portfolio is primarily focused on device management and monitoring solutions (TR-069, LwM2M). The constantly evolving company currently boasts M2M and IoT service delivery platforms, WiFi value-added service platform, WiFI location engine and other systems for SDN and NFV. By delivering predictive maintenance, AVSystem aims to eliminate most of the network problems in advance; thereby increasing the end- customer satisfaction. It is also worth noting that AVSystem is an active member of the leading industry organizations, such as Open Mobile Alliance and Broadband World Forum. The Leader who Sowed Vision and Reaped Success Slawomir Wolf, Founder and CEO of AVSystem, is the leader who sowed the seeds of success and led the company to what it is known as today. He is the main individual responsible for the company's constant evolvement – from being a Slawomir Wolf Founder and CEO EfficientlyManaging ConnectedDevices AVSystem: 12 |November 2017 |
  • 15. small business to becoming an innovative and rapidly growing mid- size company. Presently, Mr. Wolf shoulders the responsibility to look after the company’s strategic development and management of each and every one of its branch worldwide. Delivering Excellence with Unified Device Management Platform (UMP) AVSystem has been a part of the networking industry for over a decade. Initially, the company’s focus was to help its clients efficiently manage, provision, and monitor their networks of end-user devices of any size via the TR-069 protocol. This prompted the development of its Unified Device Management Platform (UMP), which is capable of managing all kinds of CPEs via all kinds of protocols. Today, UMP helps over 100 companies worldwide, including global operators and local service providers, to improve their processes and reduce operational costs by providing unrivaled features such as auto-configuration, mass operations, remote diagnostics troubleshooting and advanced monitoring. Meeting and Exceeding the Needs of Customers AVSystem believes in technology; its strong scientific and technical background allows it to constantly look for improvements to create solutions that answer even the most complex needs of its clients. “During the last 10 years, we’ve managed to build a team of highly- qualified engineers from around the world and that provides us with experience and knowledge of how to design products that are secure, reliable and deep-rooted in technology,” mentions Slawomir. AVSystem works at the edge of technology, constantly improving what it has today, while concurrently anticipating the needs of its customers. Being Part of the IoT Revolution Taking into consideration the vast experience in device management and cooperation with various types of customers—when the idea of Internet of Things began to evolve—being part of the evolution and developing adept IoT solutions was the most natural step for AVSystem to partake. The company strongly believes that most of the problems faced by IoT environments can be solved by an effective introduction of device management- related solutions. Hence, leading towards the development of Coiote, a comprehensive IoT platform which covers everything from device management and monitoring to connectivity management, application management, SIM card management, and finally, service enablement including service activation. The distinctive features of the platform are useful for various verticals as well as CPS, in order to enable B2B and B2C services. The Future of Continual Success Presently, AVSystem’s area of focus goes far beyond the standard solutions for device management. “Considering the pace of the IoT industry development, we foresee that in the upcoming years, our Coiote IoT Platform will continuously be used by companies worldwide to create a vast ecosystem of connected assets,” asserts Slawomir. “We expect that the biggest challenge in building truly smart and secure environments will be maintaining and managing millions or even billions of connected devices,” adds Slawomir. Meeting and exceeding the needs of end-customers, AVSystem also provides top-class solutions in the area of WiFI Value Added Services. Its Linkyfi Platform is currently used by many Telco and enterprise customers, to manage their WiFi access and provide insight into their customers’ behavior. In the near future, AVSystem expects to grow rapidly, especially in the area of WiFi-based indoor location services. ‘‘ ‘‘ We shape the world of connected devices 13| November 2017 |
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  • 18. The burgeoning growth of companies, in every vertical, as well as widespread geographical operations and continual addition of complex new technologies has escalated the importance of network efficiency and availability. AvaLAN Wireless, an industry leading developer and manufacturer of secure industrial networking devices, understands this prevalent need among organizations. AvaLAN doesn’t merely connect cell phones or laptops, rather it connects everything else. Originating from the heart of the world’s leading start-up hub, Silicon Valley in 2004, AvaLAN's innovative technology roots stemmed right from its early functioning days. Its approach to any customer has always been to listen and understand what device networking challenges its customers are facing and respond with innovative networking solutions that addresses – Security, Reliability, and Complexity. It is the unmatched ability of AvaLAN to listen, respond, execute and provide a secure industrial networking solution that has propelled them to the top of this industry. Delivering Continued Innovation AvaLAN possesses a creative and energetic team that works together in a quick and efficient manner to take optimal care of their customers. AvaLAN considers ‘listening to its customers’ to be one of its core competencies. Thanks in part to AvaLAN’s continued innovation in network security, creative network segmentation, data encryption, and proprietary protocols, AvaLAN can successfully respond to its customers, and the industry. The competent team at AvaLAN gets needed energy by solving its customer’s various problems related to networking. As per the company, the proof of a successful industrial device network is when the user never loses the connectivity and never faces any data integrity issues. With ground-breaking products and solutions, AvaLAN works round-the- clock to make its clients’ products successful by not letting them down and by making sure that their devices never face any issue with network connectivity or network security. A CEO Serving the High Technology Industry Matt Nelson, CEO, and President of AvaLAN Wireless has been serving in this highly- demanding technology industry since its heydays. He started programming at a very young age and began attending technology tradeshows during his teen years. Since then, he always wanted to form a company, one which can later go ahead and lead the industry. During his early days, he got all the Matt Nelson CEO President ProvidingSecure WirelessSolutions AvaLAN Wireless: 16 |November 2017 |
  • 19. necessary exposure, by helping and supporting customers, which resulted in brilliant customer focus that has never left him till date. Throughout his entire career, Matt oscillated back and forth between engineering, product management, marketing, sales, finance, and operations. Matt leads through servant leadership which means that one can never take anyone for granted, and as a leader one should always put his own people first and cannot say ‘thank you’ enough. Additionally, after taking more and more responsibilities throughout his career, Matt has found his greatest joy in life by serving others. For Matt, the team of AvaLAN is the best group of people he has ever worked with, and the team never ceases to amaze him with their accomplishments. He believes he cannot thank the team enough for making AvaLAN, such an amazing and great organization. Entering an Intriguing Area of Interest Data networking has been a key area of interest for Matt since the late 80’s. Communicating with others through a computer, PDA, or a mobile phone has always been like magic to him, and he has working in both the wireless and wired technology industry for more than twenty-five years yet it never gets old thanks to the ever-growing need of going faster and further. According to AvaLAN, the new frontier of data networking is slowly improving the effectiveness and efficiency of a multitude of devices, the non- computing industrial device connectivity market is vast and exciting new world. AvaLAN’s products have connected digital signs, gas pumps, smart grid sensors, surveillance cameras, POS systems, and HVAC systems to name a few areas where the organization has delivered secure and reliable wireless networking technology. Providing Efficient and Responsive Networking Solutions Till date, AvaLAN has shipped more than 100,000 industrial wireless network devices; many of the consumers of the devices are repeat purchasers of the products and technology due to the reliability and performance of the products. Most of the clients either embed AvaLAN’s technology into their devices or use AvaLAN’s fully assembled products in order to make better products or solutions and to extract better productivity. Over the years, the organization has built a reputation for reliable and secure connectivity. Starting from AvaLAN’s hardware clear through to the interface it creates, all the products are easy to install and use. The organization takes all the worries and complexities out of the industrial wireless networking and provides software and hardware that just plain works. Solving Difficult Networking Needs and Future Planning AvaLAN believes the industrial wired and wireless data networking market has numerous growth opportunities. Typically, the company solves difficult networking needs or adds additional value through custom engineering solutions. The ability to provide fully customized solutions typically gives the AvaLAN an advantage over the other networking equipment manufacturers. Recently, the company has combined two areas of expertise to solve a major industry need in the retail fueling industry. Combining AvaLAN’s success with the secure point of sale connectivity and fuel pump connectivity, AvaLAN is actively deploying various products in retail fueling market. This new generation of products from AvaLAN has the much- needed capability to be monitored and managed remotely through a custom developed cloud based system. The organization is excited about continuing to build out its cloud software in addition to AvaLAN’s new wired and wireless networking products. AvaLAN has a completely unique technology that has the capabilities to segment and track data traffic, ensuring secure PCI compliance. Securing credit card information through encryption, proprietary protocols, and secure data segmentation is changing the way credit card data is being handled and AvaLAN is leading the change in the market. Moreover, AvaLAN is looking forward to innovating on hardware, software, and cloud based technology while continuing to solve industry device networking challenges. Making the Networking Industry a Better Place According to AvaLAN, no one should have to worry about their credit card information being stolen. Currently wired and wireless networking solutions from AvaLAN are changing the way gas pumps are connected. EMV upgrades on gas pumps are needed to support the new secure chips in everyone’s credit cards and AvaLAN is working with a multitude of vendors to keep data safe and making electronic transaction more secure and reliable. From digital signs to delivering electricity to homes to protecting user’s credit cards, AvaLAN is the connectivity behind the scenes making it all work. Ava ANW I R E L E S S ‘‘ ‘‘ AvaLAN continues to be inspired everyday by the improvements we can make in people’s lives through the network connectivity of devices 17| November 2017 |
  • 20. C loud providers typically offer different service levels, and associated prices, for different sizes of virtual machine, memory, and disk storage. However, while all cloud providers provide network connectivity to tenant VMs, they occasionally make promises about network performance, but cloud tenants can also severely suffer from highly-variable, erratic network performance. Ennetix, a leading provider of Cloud-based Network Performance Analytics, is singularly focused on accurately finding performance issues in complex networks, and providing solutions to Network Operation teams for proactively managing such issues. Based on its interaction with clients, Ennetix founders observed that there is no lack of network data or methods to extract that data from a network’s infrastructure. There is, however, a shortage of scalable processes that can effectively extract actionable insights from all that data. Yet, this process is manual, mundane, and time consuming. In many organizations, network data is readily available for only a short period of time, leading to guesswork and finger pointing. In all cases, effective management relies too heavily on human factors, such as the network administrator’s depth and breadth of technical expertise, experience, and familiarity with the network infrastructure. The Visionary Leader Biswanath Mukherjee aka Bis, is a world leader and visionary in the area of networking, and the Founder President of Ennetix. Over the past three decades, he has pioneered several ground- breaking solutions for worldwide telecom networks, which underpin today’s Internet. Additionally, Bis was the co-founder of a telecom startup and has served on boards of numerous startups. He is also a distinguished professor of Computer Science at University of California, Davis and holds a Ph.D. degree from the University of Washington, Seattle, and B.Tech degree from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India. He has also served on eight journal editorial boards, most notably IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking and IEEE Network. Mukherjee is an energetic entrepreneur and is excited about solving the networking challenges of the next decade. Biswanath Mukherjee Founder President HolisticCloud-based NetworkPerformance AnalyticsatScale Ennetix: 18 |November 2017 |
  • 21. A Research-Based Organization The Ennetix solution is an off-shoot of the research conducted by its founder Bis at UC Davis, which was very interesting academically, Bis said, but did not address real-world problems people would be willing to pay to solve. As a result, he adopted his work to develop Ennetix. In fact, Ennetix was the first entity that was nurtured through a new UC Davis incubator, the Engineering Translational Technology Center, and has received $2.3M in grants from the US Department of Energy’s Small Business Innovation Program (SBIR). Hindsight, Insight, and Foresight As businesses migrate data centers and applications to the cloud, managing the underlying network infrastructure has become increasingly complex. With a distributed network infrastructure, a significant part of the network is now under the administrative control of third-party service providers. Monitoring network performance and identifying the root cause of performance-related issues have grown even more challenging. Businesses implement new ways to deliver service to their customers; and the growth in application traffic and the unpredictability of the demand for network resources further compound this issue. Consequently, network infrastructure planning proves to be a huge challenge. Today, network performance management involves wading through large amounts of network data, assuming such historical data is readily available. In most organizations today, network administrators are constantly “fire-fighting,” jumping from issue to issue, triaging them as quickly as possible, and applying “band-aid” solutions without proper root-cause identification. The information that Ennetix provides enable network operations teams to meet the challenges inherent in managing the performance of today’s networks, both on-premise and in the cloud. The Ennetix solution combines continuous monitoring, advanced analytics based on proprietary machine learning algorithms, and interactive visualizations to provide customers a holistic set of analytics. Ennetix helps its clients to get a better handle on managing a hybrid infrastructure and determine exactly what happened (hindsight), predict what is going to happen (insight), and assess how it would need to address severe problems, after the occurrence (foresight). Planning for the Road Ahead Currently, Ennetix solution is deployed at several organizations, including mid to large size companies, very large- sized universities, and talks with several other organizations are in progress. Looking ahead, Ennetix is pursuing a global expansion strategy and has contracts signed up in international markets. ‘‘ ‘‘ The information that Ennetix provides enables Network Operation teams to meet the challenges inherent in managing the performance of today’s networks, both on premise and in the Cloud 19| November 2017 |
  • 24. ovember 3, 1988, is considered as a turning point Nin the world of Internet. 25 Years ago a Cornell University graduate student created first computer worm on the Internet, “Morris Worm.” The Morris worm was not a destructive worm, but it permanently changed the culture of the Internet. Before Morris unleashed his worm, the Internet was like a small town where people thought little of leaving their doors unlocked. Internet security was seen as a mostly theoretical problem, and software vendors treated security flaws as a low priority. Today, there is a paradigm shift, Morris worm was motivated more by intellectual curiosity than malice, but it is not the case today. According to a 2015 Report, 71% of represented organizations experienced, at least, one successful cyber attack in the preceding 12 months (up from 62% the year prior). According to survey report, discloses that, among 5500 companies in 26 countries around the world, 90% of businesses admitted a security incident. Additionally, 46% of the firms lost sensitive data due to an internal or external security threat. On average enterprises pay US$551,000 to recover from a security breach. Small and Medium business spend 38K. Incidents involving the security failure of a third-party contractor, fraud by employees, cyber espionage, and network intrusion appear to be the most damaging for large enterprises, with average total losses significantly above other types of the security incident. Let’s Take a Look at Recurrent Security Threats Types- Denial of Service Attacks A denial of service (DoS) attack is an incident in which a user or organization is deprived of the services of a resource they would normally expect to have. These attacks are very common, accounting for more than one-third of all network attacks reviewed in the report. A standard approach is to overload the resource with illegitimate requests for service. Brute Force Attacks Brute force attack tries to kick down the front door. It’s a trial-and-error attempt to guess a system’s password. The Brute Force Attack password cracker software simply uses all possible combinations to figure out passwords for a computer or a network server. It is simple and does not employ any inventive techniques. Identity Spoofing IP spoofing, also known as IP address forgery. The hijacker obtains the IP address of a legitimate host and alters packet headers so that the regular host appears to be the source. An attacker might also use special programs to construct IP packets that seem to originate from valid addresses inside the corporate intranet. Browser Attacks Browser-based attacks target end users who are browsing Threats NETWORK SECURITY Threats SolutionsSolutions Editor’s Perspectives 22 |November 2017 |
  • 25. the internet which in turn can spread in the whole enterprise network. The attacks may encourage them to unwittingly download malware disguised as a fake software update or application. Malicious and compromised websites can also force malware onto visitors’ systems. SSL/TLS Attacks Transport layer security (TLS) ensures the integrity of data transmitted between two parties (server and client) and also provides strong authentication for both sides. SSL/TLS attacks aim to intercept data that is sent over an encrypted connection. A successful attack enables access to the unencrypted information. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) attacks were more widespread in late 2014, but they remain prominent today, accounting for 6% of all network attacks analyzed. Network Security is an essential element in any organization’s network infrastructure. Companies are boosting their investments in proactive control and threat intelligence services, along with better wireless security, next-generation firewalls and increasingly advanced malware detection. The U.S. Federal Government has spent $100 billion on cyber security over the past decade, $14 billion budgeted for 2016. Increased use of technology helps enterprises to maintain the competitive edge, most businesses are required to employ IT security personnel full-time to ensure networks are shielded from the rapidly growing industry of cyber crime. Following are the methods used by security specialists to full proof enterprise network system- Penetration Testing Penetration testing is a form of hacking which network security professionals use as a tool to test a network for any vulnerabilities. During penetration testing IT professionals use the same methods that hackers use to exploit a network to identify network security breaches. Intrusion Detection Intrusion detection systems are capable of identifying suspicious activities or acts of unauthorized access over an enterprise network. The examination includes a malware scan, review of general network activity, system vulnerability check, illegal program check, file settings monitoring, and any other activities that are out of the ordinary. Network Access Control Network Access Controls are delivered using different methods to control network access by the end user. NACs offer a defined security policy which is supported by a network access server that provides the necessary access authentication and authorization. Network Security is a race against threats, and many organizations are a part of this race to help enterprises to 23 Editor’s Perspectives | November 2017 |
  • 26. secure their network systems. Organizations like IBM, Symantec, Microsoft have created solutions to counter the global problem of network security threat. These cutting-edge products show genuine promise and are already being used by enlightened companies. Good Network Security Solutions Traits A real security solution should have four major characteristics; Detect Threats Targeted attacks are multi-faceted and specially designed to evade many point technologies attempting to identify and block them. Once they are inside, the only way to find these cyber threats is to understand the behavior of the individual attack components and use analytics to understand their relationships. Respond Continuously Today it is not important that an organization will be attacked, but important and more crucial is to identify when and how much they can limit the impact and contain their exposure. This means having the capability to respond quickly once the initial incident has been discovered. Prevent Attacks Malware is gettings quick-witted day by day. They utilize heuristics to change their code dynamically. A capable solution should have an adaptive architecture that evolves with the changing environment, and threats today’s business faces. Integration Today’s threats have multiple facets, and a single software or solution is not sufficient. Protection system should have the capability to integrate with other security tools from different vendors to work together as a single protection system, acting as connective tissue for today’s disjointed cyber security infrastructure. Solutions In Market Like infectious diseases, cyber threats will never be eradicated entirely, but they can be better contained and understood, and their effects minimized. How can this be achieved? IBM has built an enterprise-level “immune system,” an adaptive security architecture to battle today’s cyber pathogens. IBM has developed a vast fleet of products, QRadar, X-Force Threat Intelligence, Trusteer Pinpoint Malware Detection, IBM Threat Protection System a dynamic, integrated system to meddle the lifecycle of advanced attacks and prevent loss. The IBM Threat Protection System integrates with 450 security tools from over 100 vendors acting as connective tissue for today’s disjointed cyber security infrastructure. Symantec is another major player in catering enterprise network security systems with Symantec Advanced Threat Protection. Symantec ATP operates via a single console and works across endpoints, networks, and emails, integrating with Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP), and Symantec Email Security cloud, which means organizations do not need to deploy any new endpoint agents. Symantec says, ATP is the only threat protection appliance that can work with all three sensors without requiring additional endpoint agents. With ATP, Symantec’s goal is to deliver end-to-end threat protection, prevention, detection, and response in a single pane of glass, offering more value to businesses than individual point products can provide. Symantec Advanced Threat Protection combines multiple layers of prevention, detection, and response. 24 Editor’s Perspectives |November 2017 |
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  • 28. Just like any other complex technologies, there’s not one size that fits all solutions when it comes to networking. The needs and resources of every organization differ completely from each other. Enters, Hurricane, WV based Managed Services IT Company, Netranom that has been serving the WV/KY/OH area since 1999. It has been providing IT Support such as Managed IT Services, Managed Telephone Systems as well as Security and Surveillance services to small and medium-sized businesses. It has always been Netranom’s goal to provide enterprise-level IT practices and solutions to the small and medium business sector, with small business prices. Its rich experience has allowed Netranom to build and develop the infrastructure needed to keep its prices affordable and clients up and running. Netranom partners with many types of businesses in the area, and strive to eliminate IT issues before they cause expensive downtime, so clients can continue to drive their business forward. The Man of Action behind Netranom Scott Edwards is the CEO and President of Netranom. He is also the Mayor of City of Hurricane for more than ten years. He was elected st back on 1 July 2007. Additionally, he is the owner and managing member of Teays Properties, which is a rental company with residential properties in Putnam and Western Kanawha County in WV. Teays Properties continues to purchase homes, which is the main source of its growth. Scott was born and raised in Hurricane, WV where he still lives with his wife Danielle and four children; Justin, Karlee, Chayce, and Peyton. Connected to Managed Service Clients at All Times Netranom has a state of art Network Operations Center with a brilliant ticketing and remote monitoring system that helps it to be connected with its clients all the time. This helps the company work remotely and provide quick responses that all the clients love. Another great point about Netranom is that all the urgent tickets are responded in the same day itself. Not only does Scott Edwards CEO President Netranom: ALeadingProvider ofManaged ServicesIT Support 26 |November 2017 |
  • 29. he system allow the organization tremote access to its clients, it also gives Netranom the ability to take a proactive approach to their network by keeping their servers and workstations up-to-date on their critical updates and patches. Netranom’s Managed Service Plan ensures: Proactive Care: Dedication to the prevention of data loss and other business technology disasters before they happen. Round the Clock Maintenance: 24/7 access to remote on-site server remediation services at a flat monthly rate. Live Help Desk Support: Fast and reliable IT solutions provided for your business users. Testimonials that Complements Their Solutions “It is always a pleasant experience to do business with Netranom. If you ever need an IT company that delivers on all of their promises, this company is it!” – Sandy Underwood (Owner of The Printing Press). “We subcontract over 25 phone system installations per month throughout the U.S. and Netranom is by far the best company we have worked with in over 16 years of selling phone systems. They are courteous, professional and on top of everything they do. I look forward to working with them again in all of our future projects,” – Brian Helmke (President of Interface Technologies, Inc.). “Netranom has been great to work with. They are quick in their response time and they get it fixed correctly the first time around. I do not have repeat issues of the same problem. Their pricing was also amazing – they reduced my IT cost by half,” – Tanya Thomas (Firm Administrator Bucci Bailey Javins). Standing Tall in the Crowd and Future Roadmap Most of the people try to compare IT companies by an “apple to apple” comparison, but Netranom always works differently. Starting from the sales process, through onboarding and beyond, the company always establishes lasting relationship with its clients. Netranom wants them to think of the company as its “fulltime IT guy”. Also, the company's knowledge is not limited to just computer networking or cameras. And, instead of an “apple to apple” comparison, Netranom additionally likes to think of itself as the whole fruit basket! When it comes to future, Netranom is anticipating a steady growth over the next few years, allowing the company to open multiple satellite offices throughout West Virginia, Kentucky and Ohio. ‘‘ ‘‘ Your success is our success, and as you grow, we grow 27| November 2017 |
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  • 34. Redesigning S CURITY N TWORK In theERAof With the increasing rate of real time cyber-attacks in recent days on the rise, involvement in Network Security is becoming a more significant factor to secure computer networks and business data safe. The new and extremely virulent strain of malicious ransom softwares that is crippling the computers globally appears to be badly hobbled much of the government and the private sector. Nowadays, there seem to be constant reminders in the news about the latest hack or newest type of cyber-attack. As a result, the security market experienced a significant amount of growth. Recent reports expect the network security market to cross $100 billion in 2019 from $76 billion in 2015. To take advantage of this, numerous point products and solutions flooded the market and everyone seemed to talk about the network and how it needs to be secure. However, even with all the talk, security was still getting in the way of networking, adding too many controls, or slowing the network down. Network Security is the important prerequisite of securing information Data is the most precious aspect of today’s businesses. Top business organizations spend billions of dollars every year to secure their computer networks and keep their business data safe. Even the common people are dependent on computers today for controlling large money transfers between banks, insurance, markets, telecommunication, electrical power distribution, health and medical fields. Security is not negotiable in these critical and crucial areas, wherein the world is looking forward to increase the usage of systems and the networks. Vulnerabilities in these systems are increasing and the task of securing the networks is becoming more complex, making Network Security an essential part of today's businesses. Network Security is effective in preventing DoS (Denial of Service) attacks and assuring continuous service for legitimate network users. Network Security involves proactive defense methods and mechanisms to protect data, network and network devices from external and internal threats. By gaining physical access to network devices, a user can extract important information from the company's servers or even the storage devices. External attackers gain access to these network resources through the internet and are able to fetch the data successfully. Here, the information security management comes into play to ensure business continuity and reduce business damage by preventing and minimizing the impact of security incidents. An Information Security Management System (ISMS) enables information to be shared, whilst ensuring the protection of information and computing assets. Network security is not only providing security in a single network rather in any network or network of networks. Network Security includes two basic securities. The first is the security of data information i.e., to protect the information from unauthorized access and loss. And second is computer security i.e., to protect data and to thwart hackers. The need for information security is important to protect these secret information users on the net only. Here, on internet, or any network of an organization, thousands of important information is exchanged daily which can be misused by the attackers. The needs of computer security from hackers are that it should be protected from replicating and capturing viruses from infected files. It needs proper protection from worms and bombs such as Trojan Horses, which are immensely dangerous. Info Network 32 |November 2017 |
  • 35. The innovative days of network security Looking forward to the future, the number of opportunities and challenges will increase when it comes to securing the enterprise. With the importance of network security, what organizations can look for to make sure that security is in their DNA that are as follows: Ÿ Integrated security: With the exponential increase in devices and applications, the surface area for an organization has expanded beyond traditional means. To reduce risk and complexity, security will need to be embedded within hardware and software solutions. It should also have flexible deployment options and work with each other to provide integrated multilayered protection. Expectations from security architectures is meant to be simple, open, and automated so that the network has better performance, works with other solutions, and is easier to manage. Ÿ Need for improved visibility: Network Security Trends Infographic plan for getting the facts on endpoint security and stay current on the trends. This Infographic compiles relevant data from Gartner, IDC, The Ponemon Institute, Symantec and others, on the current state of network security threats from mobile, IoT and other endpoints. As a result of the amount of growth experienced by digital organizations, 76% of IT professionals say a lack of visibility is their biggest challenge in addressing network threats. It is becoming more and more important to know what is going on within the network at all times – across all applications, users, and devices. Expect networking and security teams to work more closely and leverage network infrastructure to extend visibility everywhere. Ÿ Emphasis on analytics: Based on recent reports, organizations are using analytics more across the board as part of their security strategy. The type of information and the amount of information is critically lowering the time to detection. Sampling data may have helped identify and react to threats in the past, but when looked for contextual awareness and other proactive and more intelligent ways of gathering deeper insights and data, leading to more accurate detection of anomalous network and user behaviors across the network. Ÿ Move towards cloud: Cloud security often refers to user authentication and data protection, typically through encryption. Among the many issues is the ability to authenticate employees, to control the cloud services and data they have access to. In addition, managing cloud security so that policies and compliance standards enforced within an internal network are extended to the cloud remains a challenge for many organizations. As organizations look to the cloud to enable their business with benefits like flexibility, simplicity, and scale, cloud security adoption will follow closely behind. This year, expect to see increasing interest in protecting data and applications in the cloud. Cloud- delivered and cloud-administered security solutions are gaining in popularity also. These solutions offer ease and speed of deployment and consistency, simple administration to provide an initial layer of defense. 33 Info Network | November 2017 |
  • 36. With the advent of video streaming services like Youtube, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, etc., the rate of video consumption is exploding daily, which is severely straining operators’ networks. College, university and K-12 networks face the same quality and cost issues as students, faculty and staff use the Internet to consume video and media content of longer length and at very large volumes – for both academic and entertainment purposes. So, with solutions that can be deployed at the core or the edge of the network, enters PeerApp. It cuts costs and boosts customer satisfaction for communication service providers (CSPs) and enterprise networks. The unique content delivery platform of PeerApp offers a range of network optimization solutions – content localization and caching, live streaming delivery, application and data acceleration, smart traffic management and QoE enhancement for all networks. The award- winning content delivery platform is deployed to more than 550 clients in over 100 countries. Additionally, it helps to improve the quality of experience with traffic acceleration, achieve up to 20 percent cost cutting, capacity and congestion management, and handle all content, including encryption. Dynamic Leader of PeerApp PeerApp is led by Marisa E. Goldenberg, CEO. Her experience includes more than 20 years in the technology industry, including positions at ESW Capital, Trilogy, and Dell. Goldenberg is a respected strategic leader and versatile executive, who has an exceptional ability to drive both long- term strategic business transformations and immediate organizational improvements. With a track record of integrity and dedication to excellence and customer success, Goldenberg is adept at expanding and strengthening enterprise software products and companies. Additionally, she has delivered value and results to organizations from start-ups to Fortune 100 companies. At RideAustin, a non-profit ride share company, Goldenberg launched company operations and scaled the business for fast growth and long-term sustainability. Within the first year of operations, the platform grossed over $30 million in revenue Marisa E. Goldenberg CEO PeerApp: Enhancing Networks Reliably 34 |November 2017 |
  • 37. and raised over $250,000 for local charities. Her general management capabilities were honed in a variety of functions at Dell. As a strategy analyst in the Office of the Chairman’s Corporate Strategy Group, she recommended product opportunities to the CEO and assisted the Board of Directors in setting 3-year financial targets. Goldenberg subsequently managed strategic planning for Dell's Enterprise Product Group and served as Chief of Staff for the Vice President of Marketing. She also held roles at Dell as a Financial Controller for a $10 billion organization and Director of Global Operations. Goldenberg earned a bachelor’s degree in computer science, cum laude, from Princeton University and an MBA from Harvard Business School. Network Optimization Solutions that Reduce Network Costs The content delivery platform of PeerApp offers a range of network optimization solutions that dramatically reduce network costs and improves subscriber’s Internet quality of experience. Products like PARapid helps to improve subscriber experience while lowering costs and accelerating download speed X20. PAQoE Controller is a smart QoE management for optimal bandwidth usage and slashes bandwidth costs by 20 percent. PACache helps to speed up content delivery up to X18. And PALive helps to stream live events and achieves offloads up to 20 percent. PeerApp's solution is deployed at the core or the edge of network to deliver extra dimension of customer delight. PeerApp and its Bright Future In addition to providing major savings on the network, showing 50% offloads of network traffic, reducing IP transit costs and infrastructure upgrades are the standout from PeerApp. Many of PeerApp’s customers are now upgrading their systems since the HTTP traffic is continuously growing and there is a true need for the caching solution. Thanks to its rapid growth, driven by increased content availability, user appetite, broadband access speeds and connected devices, at home and on-the-go internet content consumption, especially long-form video, has grown by a few folds in recent days. Nowadays, users expect internet content and applications to be available all the time and on any device, and they won't tolerate any buffering. So, to improve the quality, most of the operators are investing in network upgrades. The content delivery platform from PeerApp helps operators to deliver globally originated content from a local source close to the subscriber, improving QoE and reducing bandwidth consumption throughout the network. The company redefines QoE and accelerates the delivery of content and encrypted content by up to 20 times. The best part is that the impressive delivery rate is achieved over existing infrastructures, and operators can promote OTT bundles as new service offerings by using the platform to satisfy a customer’s appetite for data. The organization’s new content delivery platform offers as much as four different solutions to handle content delivery from different aspects, including encrypted traffic. This new enhancement provides PeerApp with unique leverage in the market by handling all types of content in the network, creating major savings, improving the quality of experience and offloading the network congestion. Standing Tall Amongst the Crowd PeerApp provides a best-of-breed local content delivery solution, 550 deployments worldwide, track-proven acceleration, network savings with assured QoE, while managing ALL traffic and video, including encryption, dynamic congestion management, capacity control, and COTS-based virtualized solutions. Eventually, these solutions help the company to cut costs and to boost customer satisfaction for communication service providers (CSPs) and enterprise networks. Additionally, the content delivery platform of PeerApp spans content localization and caching, live streaming delivery, application and data acceleration, smart traffic management for all networks, which can be deployed at the core of the network and improve customer satisfaction. These differentiators help the company stay ahead of the competition. PeerApp continues to lead the market with various new and innovative solutions, expanding its content delivery platform to handle all traffic, including encryption, and helping customers to grow their business. ‘‘ ‘‘ Enhancing your network for tomorrow 35| November 2017 |
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  • 44. Nowadays, our beloved planet is completely tied up by the world-wide- web, and we cannot even execute our daily tasks without the usage of internet. With this increase in usage of internet, wireless networks have become a necessity for every organization across the globe, and solution providers are challenged to meet the ever-increasing needs of professionals and enterprises. Like all other industries; knowledge, expertise, and innovation are some of the most critical components in the networking industry, and some of the providers are standing out among the crowd, by delivering solutions to transform businesses, healthcare, education and other fields in a highly valuable way. Turn-key Technologies, Inc. isn’t any exception, it is one of the leading networking integrator and wireless communication providers established in 1991. TTI helps in providing network design, configuration, installation, and support services to clients in all 50 states and around the globe. Additionally, the company has already invested heavily in its engineers. The engineers hold certifications from the manufacturers whom TTI represents, and they all hold industry agnostic certifications that help them understand and troubleshoot beyond manufacturer best practices. Since inception, TTI has always been a “customer first and customer last” organization, the company even provides its clients with one year of unlimited access to their 24x7x365 Technical Assistance Center upon completion of an installation. The Undisputed Leader Craig Badrick is the CEO and President of Turn-key Technologies, Inc. He joined the company back in 1992 and rose to the position of President and CEO in 1999. With a background in business and sales, he took over a sales roll in Pennsylvania and New Jersey and quickly established himself as an asset to Turn-key Technologies. Craig quickly expanded upon the core business of wireless communications by adding Wi-Fi to the solutions that TTI provides. Thanks to the expertise in wireless technologies that engineers already possessed, Turn-key Technologies quickly became a go-to partner for the manufacturers that were struggling to find competent partners to design, install, and support their products. From the early successes in Wi-Fi, Craig Badrick CEO President Turn-key Technologies, Inc.: SheddingLight onNetworking Problems 42 |November 2017 |
  • 45. TTI quickly expanded their capabilities to include all aspects of networking from core, to edge, to security and peripherals. Craig has been instrumental in growing the business of TTI over 1400 percent under his leadership and the company was also recognized as one of Inc. Magazine’s 5000 Fastest Growing Privately Held Businesses in America. Craig continues to look into emerging technologies and business strategies to ensure Turn-key Technologies stays at the forefront of the Information Technology and continues to provide its customers with best breed of solutions, along with its best-in-class services . Being Nimble is the Key Being nimble is one of the key requirements that Mr. Badrick implants throughout his business. The main goal of TTI is to consult with a customer, design the network, tweak the design based on consultation with the customer and then provide a final design and bill of materials within two weeks. Experienced project managers oversee each installation with the goal of eliminating any unforeseen delays and minimizing any network disruptions or downtime. By eliminating the unknown, and by properly planning, staging and pre- configuring the equipment, the customer faces very little disruption to their operations, even when they are providing a complete network replacement. Tackling the Competition Turn-key Technologies is so customer- focused that it has garnered extreme loyalty from its customers, as well as providing a great source of recommendations and referrals. All thanks to the company’s hyper focus on customer satisfaction and the fact that it guarantees all its work contributes to its client’s success. Additionally, the company is also very aware of budgets and the need to provide the best bang for the buck for their customers. Lastly, the company maintains a very small line card with a handful of manufacturers, so that the clients can be assured that they are truly getting experts in the solutions Turn-key provides. Future Roadmap When it comes to the future, Turn-key Technologies will continue to invest heavily in its engineers. According to the company, ongoing training is a necessity in order to stay on top of the latest technologies and how they impact the network. Emerging trends like the IoT, Software Defined Networks, Hyper convergence, 802.11ax, Augmented Reality, and Virtual Reality, network analytics and more are all becoming more prominent in the company’s conversations, so providing answers on how technology can assist in the adoption of these trends is very important. Additionally, Turn-key is also working endlessly to make the industry a better place, and according to the company the key is to be a trusted advisor to its customers. Providing honest answers, designing right-sized solutions, listening to the customer’s challenges and providing cost-effective solutions in a timely manner are all vitally important. Turn-key is also seeing a huge trend for all aspects of IT being offered as a service. Lastly, being able to provide meaningful managed services to augment the customers in- house expertise is an area where Turn- key’s experience, business ethics, and customer focus is sure to grow and make the IT services another part of the business that does not require constant worry and concern. ‘‘ ‘‘ Uncover the performance and security issues hiding in your network, and learn the most effective ways to overcome them 43| November 2017 |