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          // JULY 2011

   07// FOCUS
03// NEWS BRIEFS                            05 // DECRYPTION   10 // INITIATIVES
                                                               INNOVATIVE PROJECTS
CONTENTS                                                                                                    EDITOR’S
  Round-up of the latest digital science news.
                                                                                                              SMES, DRIVING
  Cloud Computing: The New El Dorado for SMEs?
                                                                                                              DAVID MONTEAU, DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF TECHNOLOGY
                                                                                                              TRANSFER AND INNOVATION AT INRIA
                                                                                                              In recent years, all major players, whether established
                                                                                                              or recently emerged, have been focusing on innovation as
                                                                                                              a key factor in company growth. Although innovation
                                                                                                              is a core business process, companies also need to have
                                                                                                              the capacity to quickly and effectively identify and leverage
                                                                                                              prospects in this regard, for example, the potential offerings
                                                                                                              of public research. The public research and innovation
                                                                                                              system in France has been undergoing a major
                                                                                                              transformation in this area as demonstrated by numerous
                                                                                                              recent changes. For one, the government implemented its
                                                                                                              “Investissements d’Avenir” (“Future Investments”) program
                                                                                                              (the “Great Loan”); besides the sheer scope of investment

                                                                                                              involved, this program also seeks to effect structural
                                                                                                              changes. Actors in technology transfer are uniting on
                                                                                                              the regional and national levels, competitive clusters
                                                                                                              are seeing the preliminary results of their efforts and
                                                                                                              setting their priorities for the next five years, and the second
  Digital Science Supporting Home Care.                                                                       call for Carnot Institutes was recently completed. Beyond
                                                                                                              the apparent multiplicity of these transformations, one
  10_INITIATIVES                                                                                              aspect of these initiatives is clear and new in terms of
  OSEO Supports Businesses with                                                                               its amplitude: the priority assigned to growing our SMEs.
  Innovative Projects.                                                                                        This constitutes recognition of the driving role played
                                                                                                              by these businesses in innovation both within the French
                                                                                                              economy and worldwide. Public research is consequently
  11_USEFUL INFO                                                                                              called upon to fulfill its role through
  Calendar, Events, New Products, More                                                                        the transfer of expertise
                                                                                                              and technology with a view
  12_PARTNERSHIPS                                                                                             to increasing the competitiveness
  The Demar research team and Neurelec:                                                                       of these companies in
  An Innovative Alliance.                                                                                     international markets.
                                                                                                              Connect is proud to be part
                                                                                                              of this exciting new dynamic.

 Connect is the magazine co-designed by OSEO and Inria, the National Institute for Computer Science and Control.
 Connect_N°02 // July 2011. DIRECTOR OF PUBLICATION: Michel Cosnard. MANAGING EDITOR: Laurent Stencel. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Marie Gallas-Amblard. EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: Céline Acharian,
 Marie Gallas-Amblard, Jean-Christophe Gougeon, David Monteau. PHOTO CREDITS: Inria, Inria/J.M. Droisy, Inria/C. Lebedinsky, Inria/C. Tourniaire, Atomic Imagery/Digital Vision/Getty Images,
 Fotolia/F. Peters, Sindya N. Bhanoo/The New York Times-REDUX-REA, S. Jayet, Thinkstock 2011. DESIGN AND PRODUCTION                            . PRINTING: Bergame, paper PEFC-certified.
                                        INRIA Déploiement identité                         61269
                                                INRIA CORPO BASELINE CMJN

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  02_Connect_ Issue 02 // July 2011
Logotype   Equivalence   Tons directs
NEWS                                                                                        DIGITAL SCIENCE NEWS

                                                                                     KEY FIGURES
Subsequent to the second call
for applications for Carnot Institutes,
                                          This second generation of Carnot
                                          Institutes, which retain their
                                                                                     +32%             : the increase in research
                                                                                     revenue over the last five years among
34 research laboratories were             designation for a five-year period,        Carnot Institutes. This dramatic increase
awarded this prestigious designation.     explore new areas (humanities              is evidence of highly positive progress.
Five institutes currently specialize      and social sciences, etc.) in keeping      Institutes filed for 21% more patents
in digital science and software:          with the national research and             over the same period.
CEA LIST; Télécom & Société               innovation strategy under the auspices
Numérique; LAAS; LSI; and Inria           of a consolidated budget of €1.9 billion

Carnot Institute. This recognition        (provided by the French National
of excellence is granted by the French    Research Agency). For businesses,
Ministry of Higher Education and          this designation provides additional
Research to research organizations        assurance as they strive to develop
in France working to bring research       high value-added projects with public
actors from the public and socio-         research.
economic domains closer together.                                                       in INNOVATION AID was granted by OSEO
                                                                                        in 2010 to SMEs and mid-cap companies
                                                                                        with significant support from
                                                                                        government. This is up 16% over 2009.
                                                                                        “In supporting the growth of French SMEs,
                                                                                        if there is one aspect where we have
                                                                                        maintained continuous commitment,
                                                                                        it is innovation,” stated Prime Minister
                                                                                        François Fillon at the Planète PME trade
EUROPEAN PORTAL                                                                         fair organized by CGPME (French General
                                                                                        Confederation of small and medium
PROMOTING GROWTH                                                                        sized enterprises) this past June 16.
                                                                                        “By tripling the research tax credit,
OF SMES IN EUROPE                                                                       we provided a powerful impetus
                                                                                        for businesses to innovate.”
Recently enhanced (new                    and managing a business’s presence
functionalities, look and feel,           in other member states of the
content, etc.), the European SME          European Union.
portal is a website administered          Available in 21 languages, it also
by the European Commission’s              features local contact and networking
Directorate-General for Enterprise
and Industry. Financed through
the Competitiveness and Innovation
                                          information for those interested.
                                          This data is provided under four main
                                          headings: “Money, Partners and Public
                                                                                     62%            or nearly two-thirds of small
                                                                                     enterprises in France do not have an online
Framework Program (CIP), it brings        Contracts,” “Making the Most of the        presence, according to a nationwide study
together a broad range of information     Market,” “EU SME Policy & Statistics”      conducted in February 2011 by
                                                                                     the Fédération des centres de gestion
provided by the European Union            and “Support.” Visitors can also read
                                                                                     agréés. 15 years after the emergence
with the objective of promoting           the success story of the month             of the Web, this finding is surprising,
SME creation and expansion across         and view a calendar of events.             particularly in light of the fact that companies
Europe and around the world.                                                         with an Internet presence are in a better
The website’s highly interactive               MORE INFORMATION:                     position to control their image and attract
offerings include practical tips               HTTP://EC.EUROPA.EU/SMALL-BUSINESS/   customers through the content
and legal advice on expanding                  INDEX_EN.HTM                          they distribute.

                                                                                                       Connect_ Issue 02 // July 2011 _03
NEWS                                                                                     DIGITAL SCIENCE NEWS

                                                                                      INCREASED VISIBILITY OF PUBLIC
                                                                                      RESEARCH-BASED PROJECTS
                                          Engineering Task Force (IETF) later         IN THE NATIONAL COMPETITION
                                          established the IPv6 protocol based         FOR START-UP AID FOR INNOVATIVE
                                          on a 128-bit system supporting the use      ENTERPRISES
                                          of a much greater number of addresses.      The jury at the 13th national
                                          However, the new protocol has only          competition for start-up aid
                                          been adopted by 1% of the Web to date!      for innovative enterprises named
                                                                                      149 award winners in a ceremony
                                          The Internet Society recently celebrated    held on Tuesday 28 June, 2011,
                                          IPv6 Jump Day to encourage businesses       at the Ministry of Higher Education
                                          to make the transition. During the          and Research. The recipients “will get
                                          event, which took place on June 8, 2011,    the support they need to carry
                                          two online giants, Google                   through with their ideas and bring
                                          and Facebook, set an example by             their emerging hopes to fruition,”
                                          testing IPv6 for 24 hours. “Native IPv6     stated Valérie Pécresse, former Higher
                                                                                      Education and Research minister.
Development of the Internet in            networks are already in place in Asia and   This support takes the form of grants
the early 1980s was accompanied           the United States, but companies            to the winning enterprises to fund
by adoption of the IPv4 protocol          in Europe have been dragging their feet     their innovation programs.
supporting the attribution of more        somewhat,” explains César Viho,             Among this year’s winners,
than 4 billion IP addresses. People       professor at the University of Rennes       63% were associated with public
then could hardly imagine the digital     1 and member of Inria’s Dionysos            research, 38% universities, 21%
revolution that would ensue over          research team specializing in protocol      the CNRS, 12% Inserm, 10% Inria and
                                                                                      7% the CEA. In addition to financial
the years to come. To prevent the stock   testing. “IPv6 Jump Day provided            support, the enterprises are also
of IP addresses available worldwide       the perfect reminder of the need            offered support services, including
from running out, the Internet            to make this transition.”                   customized training under
                                                                                      the “Challenge +” program of
                                                                                      the HEC Entrepreneurship and
                                                                                      Innovation Center.
NEXT-GENERATION DATA                                                                  NATIONAL DIGITAL COUNCIL (CNN)
EXCHANGE AND PROCESSING                                                               This past April 27, Nicolas Sarkozy
                                                                                      officially founded a new advisory
                                                                                      body with a view to “enlightening”
                                          of data exchange and processing while
                                                                                      the French government on
Working closely with Inria since 2008,                                                Internet-related issues and
Innovimax provides advice and             also taking data storage requirements       expressing opinions on prospective
assistance to businesses seeking          into account.                               legislation and regulations
to industrialize their documentary                                                    with potential impact on the digital
processes. Inria’s Mostrare research           MORE INFORMATION:                      economy. Made up of 18 members,
team, in conjunction with the CNRS,            WWW.INNOVIMAX.FR                       primarily representatives of telecom
the Universities of Lille 1 and 3 and                                                 operators, e-commerce firms
                                                                                      and software publishers, and chaired
Innovimax, has developed the                                                          by Gilles Babinet, founder of the
QuiXProc technology enabling rapid                                                    start-ups eYeka, MXP4 and Captain
compilation and retrieval of data                                                     Dash, the CNN is expected to meet
exchanged on the Web via the XML                                                      with the French president three
standard.                                                                             to four times a year.
This solution generates considerable
time savings for businesses in the area

04_Connect_ Issue 02 // July 2011


SMES CREATING CLOUD-COMPUTING-BASED SOLUTIONS        Growing rapidly since its emergence just
                                                     two years ago, cloud computing (CC) ena-
HAVE A PROMISING FUTURE: THIS MARKET IS EXPECTED     bles users and businesses to access their
TO GROW AT AN ANNUAL RATE OF 33% THROUGH 2015.       personal information from any location
PUBLIC RESEARCH CAN HELP TO MAXIMIZE THEIR CHANCES   or operating system via the Internet. First,
                                                     they can take advantage of supplemen-
OF SUCCESS.                                          tary resources (storage, computing capac-
                                                     ity) through use of IaaS (Infrastructure as
                                                     a Service) services. Those seeking a devel-
                                                     opment environment with design and
                                                     testing tools can then move on to a PaaS
                                                     (Platform as a Service) offering. Finally,
                                                     users looking for software (CRM(1), e-mail,
                                                     etc.) can make use of SaaS (Software as
                                                     a Service) systems.
                                                     Businesses can fulfill their requirements
                                                     with any of three different physical con-
                                                     figurations: public, by sharing capacity
                                                     with a third-party operator (e.g., Amazon,
                                                     Google, Microsoft); privately, with an
                                                     internally developed architecture (e.g.,
                                                     eBay); or through use of a combined sys-
                                                     tem. SMEs have demonstrated particu-
                                                     lar interest in public cloud computing

                                                     FAST-GROWING MARKET
                                                     FOR INVESTMENT
                                                     CC combines performance, efficiency,
                                                     effectiveness, flexibility and reduced cost.
                                                     It minimizes start-up investments while
                                                     also maximizing cost control. CC sup-
                                                     ports the transition from capital expendi-
                                                     tures (CAPEX) to operating expenditures
                                                     (OPEX). These advantages are collectively
                                                     driving its growth: in 2012, it is expected
                                                     to capture 10% of total global spending in
                                                     digital science, or $44 billion. “France is
                                                     following the same path,” explains Jean-
                                                     Christophe Gougeon, OSEO’s software
   Thierry Priol, Assistant                          technology sector manager. “28% of enter-
   Scientific Director at Inria.
                                                     prise organizations and public administra-
                                                     tions are already using it.” With an annual

                                                                    Connect_ Issue 02 // July 2011 _05

                                                                                                           CLOUD COMPUTING:
                                                                                                           DRIVING RESEARCH
                                                                                                           Research teams in France have been
                                                                                                           busy contributing to large-scale projects
                                                                                                           at the European level with the objective
                                                                                                           of enhancing platform effectiveness in
                                                                                                           terms of both performance and reduced
                                                                                                           energy consumption, achieving greater
                                                                                                           interoperability of various cloud types,
                                                                                                           improving data and access security and
                                                                                                           preventing virus propagation. Lastly,
                                                                                                           researchers are already looking forward
                                                                                                           to the next generation of CC, which will
                                                                                                           be freestanding and mass-distributed.

                                                                                                           PERSONAL COMPUTERS
                                                                                                           SOON OBSOLETE?
                                                                                                           Google has moved on from seeking to
                                                                                                           reinvent Windows or come out with
                                                                                                           the next super-computer to developing
                                                                                                           remote services. “Within the next three
growth rate expected to hit 33% through               as privacy, not to mention what hap-                 to four years, it’s possible that people will
2015, CC is the fastest-evolving market               pens when it crashes. However, SMEs                  no longer need local space for data storage
in France, across Europe and world-                   equipped to develop new services could               but instead just a keyboard, monitor and
wide(2). CC has consequently been the                 have much to gain from this fast-growing             mouse and will be able to store everything
subject of great attention, with the French           market. “Before taking the plunge, they              from music to photos on outside servers,”
government planning to allocate some                  should take a hard look at their position-           anticipates Thierry Priol.
€780 million of the Great Loan toward                 ing,” comments Thierry Priol, Assistant
development in this area.                             Scientific Director at Inria. “They may
The cloud is also associated with certain             also be able to benefit from use of public
risks in relation to the security and con-            research-based technologies in the develop-          (1) Customer relationship management.
fidentiality of data exchanged as well                ment of innovative solutions.”                       (2) Source: OSEO.

                  OPEN SOURCE                         LYATISS, OR THE NEXT GENERATION OF THE CLOUD
                  CLOUDWARE                           LYATISS IS THE FIRST START-UP to market              founding member and CEO of LYaTISS. “Our model
                  INITIATIVE (OSCI)                   virtualization and optimization services for         has the capacity to remove many barriers, such
                                                      information processing and transmission              as inadequate data security, inconsistent quality
LAUNCHED BY THE OW2 COMMUNITY, OSCi is                infrastructures to support effective adaptation      of service, absence of an internal clock and lack of
a project to develop an integrated portfolio of       of the distribution network, or the Internet, to     coordination leading to wasted resources. Using
open-source software components for CC. Its           CC applications. “It’s possible to push back the     our software, companies will be able to adapt their
focus is the development of cloud middleware          limits of the current Internet, which were never     online service offerings highly effectively in order
to support interoperability at the IaaS level along   designed to serve as a universal infrastructure      to remain competitive.”
with open and customizable PaaS and SaaS              to begin with,” says Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet,
architecture solutions.                               Research Director of Inria’s Reso team – based out   CONTACT: PASCALE VICAT-BLANC PRIMET, CEO, LYATISS.
                                                      of the École normale supérieure de Lyon – and        E-MAIL: PVB@LYATISS.COM

06_Connect_ Issue 02 // July 2011

                                                                                                     HOME CARE
                                            HEALTH ENTERPRISES SEEKING TO INNOVATE.

                  ith lengthening life expectancies and       2040 (1). Moreover, as noted by Philippe Gesnouin,
                  the ageing of the population, demand in     Technology transfer Associate for Health at Inria,
                  the home care care sector is high and       “Whether pregnant women, children with asthma or sub-
                  steadily increasing. This observation is    jects recovering at home from surgery, home care is a new
                  indisputable: the proportion of seniors     approach to medical care that can apply to everyone
is rising, and, for the first time, we are seeing the emer-   regardless of age. It also encompasses the notions of
gence of five-generation families. With this increase in      wellness and prevention with patients receiving quality
the number of seniors comes a corresponding increase          follow-up care while also remaining in their own environ-
in the number of people with limited autonomy: in 2010,       ment.” At a time when France is tackling medical demo-
there were more than 1.1 million dependent seniors, a         graphic issues and insofar as home care covers a broad
figure expected to increase by 1 to 2% annually through       range of interventions of varying degrees of technical

                                                                                                       Connect_ Issue 02 // July 2011 _07
Scene interpretation
                                                       for activity recognition:
                                                       sensors installed
                                                       throughout this
                                                       apartment (with
                                                       assistance from CSTB,
                                                       Centre scientifique et
                                                       technique du bâtiment)
                                                       enable remote analysis
                                                       of behavior among
                                                       seniors (Pulsar research
                                                       team).                       INTEROPERABILITY CHALLENGES
                                                                                    Another factor influencing development of home care
                                                                                    services is the evolution of debilitating (e.g., Alzheimer’s
                                                                                    disease), critical (cancer) and chronic (diabetes) condi-
                                                                                    tions in younger subjects. In these situations, enhanced
                 or social complexity, digital science creates valuable             health care takes on its full meaning and includes the
                 opportunities for more effectively leveraging medical              option to receive care and to age at home. One recent
                 data, developing new diagnostic and prescription tools             innovation has supported awareness in this regard:
                 and streamlining patient assistance applications. “This            creation of the “dossier médical personnel” (personal
                 is why we’ve been involved in developing solutions in the          health record), or DMP, by ASIP Santé, the shared
                 areas of telemedicine, home care and, in some cases, home          healthcare information systems agency. At its annual
                 support services,” continues Philippe Gesnouin. “At the            conference on January 5, 2011, this agency announced
                 same time, we’re deploying tools to promote closer collabo-        the nationwide launch of the DMP service, which is to
                 ration with SMEs such as the I-Lab joint laboratories.” In         provide for the interoperability of healthcare informa-
                 2010 a total of 27 projects in the telehealth domain               tion systems to support qualitative coordination of care.
                 brought forward by 23 companies also received sup-                 This will be based increasingly on the electronic
                 port from OSEO, a public enterprise financing and sup-             exchange of medical information valuable to practition-
                 porting SME innovation and growth, for a total of                  ers for ensuring proper management of patient care.
                 €2 million. The objective: to provide support to enter-            The IHE (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise) initia-
                 prises seeking to expand into this market.                         tive also plays a role in this regard. The purpose of this

                                                            What is the story                           studies on home health and autonomy.
                                                            behind the founding                         At the same time, we offer training
                                                                                                        workshops and support to enterprises
                                                            of CNR-Santé?                               seeking to implement or develop
                                                            CNR-Santé was established at the            projects relating to digital science.
                                                            initiative of the Ministry of the           We play the role of consultant and
                                                            Economy, Industry and Employment            assistant to the contracting authority
                                                            (MINEFE) with the objective of              throughout the project cycle.
                                                            supporting development and optimal
                                                            use of digital science as part of
                                                            managing home health and assisted
                                                            living. This mission encompasses
                                                                                                        How do Inria and
                                                            the creation and promotion of new           CNR-Santé work
                                                            applications for associated technologies    together?
                                                            and services to improve patients’           Inria has been with us since
                                                            quality of life, facilitate the emergence   our founding in 2009. The institute
                                                            of more efficient organizations and         provides us support and critical
                                                            increase competitiveness in the digital     advice based on its in-depth
                                                            science economic sector. An “Act of         knowledge of the ecosystem and
INTERVIEW WITH BRUNO CHARRAT,                               1901” (not-for-profit) association,         industrial environment. Together
MANAGING DIRECTOR OF THE CENTRE                             CNR-Santé seeks to unite and support        we are successfully bringing together
NATIONAL DE RÉFÉRENCE SANTÉ À                               other actors in its intended role of
                                                            reference body in its industry.
                                                                                                        and fostering cooperation among
                                                                                                        funding bodies, experts, users
DOMICILE ET AUTONOMIE (CNR-SANTÉ).                                                                      and industrial players to facilitate
ESTABLISHED IN 2009, THIS CENTER                                                                        the emergence of innovative projects
EDUCATES ECONOMIC PLAYERS ABOUT What work does it perform?                                              in the fields of home care and
THE IMPORTANCE OF DIGITAL SCIENCE The network of experts at CNR-Santé
                                   performs monitoring tasks, provides
IN MANAGING HOME CARE.             information and conducts targeted

   08_Connect_ Issue 02 // July 2011

initiative is to facilitate the interoperability of health-                 “The growth of the home care industry in terms of deploy-
care equipment and information systems. A founding                          ment of digital science has strategic importance,” adds
IHE member in Europe, Inria is involved in aspects of                       Bruno Charrat, Managing Director of CNR-Santé. “These
this international project including testing platform                       tools offer significant potential with respect to leveraging
development and takes part each year in Connectathon,                       the benefits of the digital revolution. Through this alliance,
a unique forum for testing software and hardware                            we’re expanding our knowledge about this ecosystem and
interoperability that brings together development                           the associated industrial interests.”
engineers and innovative companies in the health and
other sectors.                                                              (1) Source: Le Figaro, February 18, 2010.
                                                                            (2) Inria’s large-scale initiatives provide a foundation for launching
STRENGTHENING TIES WITH PARTNERS                                            ambitious research projects linked directly to the institute’s strategic
                                                                            plan and the milestones defined therein. These initiatives frequently cross
Inria is concurrently deploying systems adapted to                          multiple disciplines and draw on a variety of expertise. More information
the evolution of societal issues through a research                         (in French): recherches/domaines-de-recherche/
team in Sophia Antipolis: Pulsar studies two areas of                       actions-d-envergure
application, video surveillance and home care for sen-
iors. “We’re experimenting with new techniques in the                       CONTACTS: BRUNO CHARRAT (LEFT), MANAGING DIRECTOR
                                                                            OF CENTRE NATIONAL DE RÉFÉRENCE SANTÉ À DOMICILE ET AUTONOMIE
fields of cognitive vision, cognitive systems for physical                  (CNR-SANTÉ), AND PHILIPPE GESNOUIN, TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER
object recognition, activity interpretation, activity                       ASSOCIATE FOR HEALTH AT INRIA
learning and system design and evaluation. The Pulsar                       E-MAIL: BRUNO.CHARRAT@CNR-SANTE.FR – PHILIPPE.GESNOUIN@INRIA.FR
team focuses on two research streams: scene interpreta-
tion and software architecture for activity recognition.”
Inria has created a research infrastructure around
the theme of autonomy of frail individuals and provi-
sion of home care to them. Four main themes are
guiding applications in relation to this Personally
Assisted Living large-scale initiative (2): assessment of
patient fragility, mobility, rehabilitation and social
interaction. Lastly, to drive its activities in this sector,
Inria has fostered strategic partnerships with CNR-
Santé (Centre national de référence santé à domicile
et autonomie), which seeks to promote the incorpora-
tion of digital science into care and assisted living
management (see inset). “We decided to be proactive in
the fields of telehealth, autonomy and home care and to
contribute in this regard to the efforts of CNR-Santé, a
national structuring initiative supported by the
Ministry of Industry,” explains Philippe Gesnouin.

• The Pulsar research team is focused on two         • The Phoenix research team creates the                  Laboratoire bordelais de recherche en informatique,
research areas: scene interpretation for activity    development environment for coordinating entity          Laboratoire lorrain de recherche en informatique et
recognition and software architecture development.   (sensor, device, alarm) integration and                  ses applications and the University of Versailles
Its efforts involve working with researchers at      programming and home automation management               Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines.
the CSTB (3) and an enterprise providing support     interfaces for non-technical operators.
to caregivers of Alzheimer’s disease patients.       • The Maia research team develops freestanding           (3) Centre scientifique et technique du bâtiment
• The Smis research team designs new techniques      smart systems with the capacity to perceive,             (center for building science and technology).
in embedded data management in secure                interpret and act on the environment. Applications
computing devices and is developing, among           for its efforts include the provision of medical         MARK YOUR CALENDARS for the Rencontres
other projects, a portable medical-social            care to home dialysis patients.                          Inria Industrie sur la santé à domicile (Inria/industry
record currently undergoing experimentation          These Inria teams work in conjunction with one           conference on home care) on October 20, 2011
in the French department of Yvelines.                or more other French partners, including CNRS,           (see event program p. 11).

                                                                                                                                   Connect_ Issue 02 // July 2011 _09


_How does OSEO support enterprises in                – financing for investment, the operat-                   final project plan in place before apply-
moving forward with innovation projects?             ing cycle and internationalization.                       ing to OSEO, but that said, they should
Baptiste Hamel: OSEO assists entrepre-                                                                         feel free to contact us at any time. We’re
neurs initiating projects or creating or             What advice would you offer to a SME                      here to help! Whether you are creating
taking over businesses with risk man-                seeking to get involved in research and                   or expanding your business or under-
agement and raising financing required               development or innovation activities?                     taking a dramatic diversification pro-
for innovative R&D projects with a view              B. H.: I would advise it to position its pro-             ject, we have products and services for
to gaining or maintaining a competi-                 ject very carefully in terms of its degree                you. The time frame for application
tive advantage. OSEO’s actions focus on              of technical and economic maturity, as                    review is typically quite short.
three complementary areas to provide                 we finance new technologies, processes
comprehensive support to enterprises                 and services with the potential to create
throughout all development phases                    value over the short to medium term.                      CONTACT: BAPTISTE HAMEL, BUSINESS ANALYST,
                                                                                                               OSEO. E-MAIL: BAPTISTE.HAMEL@OSEO.FR.
from creation through succession,                                                                              TEL.: 0619016011
including:                                           For which project phases can
– support for innovation                             entrepreneurs get assistance from OSEO?                         MORE INFORMATION:
– bank financing guarantees                          B. H.: Ideally, businesses should have a                        WWW.OSEO.FR

                Research and                                                                         Development contracts
          development phase                                                                               Actor: OSEO
                   Actor: ANR
                                      Innovation phase*
                                         Actor: OSEO                                                                               OSEO’s services are
                                                                             Equity loans                                          available to you at any
                                                                              Actor: OSEO                                          phase of your enterprise’s
                                                                                                                                   life cycle:
                                                                                                                                   – state of the art phase
                                                                                                                                   – innovation phase
                                                                                                                                   (financial support,
                                                                                                                                   repayable advances
                                                                                                                                   or interest-free loans
                                                                                                                                   for innovation)
                                    *Two possible areas of intervention:                                                           – investment
                                    – Feasibility, subsidization - Aima, MESR                                                      or internationalization
                                    (Ministry of Higher Education and Research) Competition                                        (through equity loans,
                                    – Debt development                                                                             development contracts
                                    (potential coverage of technology transfer costs)                                              or bank co-financing)
                                    • repayable advances (sharing of technical and economic risks)
                                    • interest-free loans for innovation
                                    • equity loans or development contracts

10_Connect_ Issue 02 // July 2011

                                                                                                EVENT PROGRAM
INCREASED CONFIDENCE                                                                            12-13 OCTOBER, 2011
                                                                                                LES R…NDEZ-VOUS CAR-
FOR MAXIMUM IMPACT                                                                              NOT 2011 IN PARIS AND LYON
                                                                                                Les rendez-vous Carnot brings
                                              for this distrust, improve software               together all actors dedicated
                                              credibility and professionalize transfer          to supporting research and
                                              practices, Inria has created the                  innovation (members of Carnot
                                              “Logiciel qualifié pour le transfert”             Institutes, public laboratories,
                                              (“software qualified for transfer”)               research organizations, national
                                              designation. Based on a legal analysis            and regional agencies)
Generally developed by multiple               and assessment methodology                        at the enterprise level.
contributors based on existing                applied to software (identification
components, software has become               of the software’s authors and right                    REGISTER AT:
a complex tool from a legal                   holders, third-party components                        WWW.RDV-CARNOT.COM
perspective. Industrial interests             incorporated into the software and                     to plan qualified business
and innovative SMEs can consequently          any issues relating to infringement or                 meetings.
display a lack of confidence                  defense), this designation is awarded
in transferred software stemming              to specific versions or transfer schemes
from research, particularly open              (for example, a given license in
source software. To compensate                the case of open-source distribution).            OCTOBER 20, 2011
                                                                                                INRIA INDUSTRY MEETINGS
                                                                                                ON HOME CARE
                                                                                                Organized in Paris in
                                                                                                conjunction with CNR-Santé
                                                                                                under the theme of digital
                                                                                                science supporting home care,
  SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT                                                                       this event provides an excellent
  LAUNCH OF THIRD DIGITAL                                                                       opportunity to interact with
                                                                                                institutional and economic
  GREEN GROWTH PRIZE COMPETITION                                                                leaders in the industry as well
                                                                                                as Inria researchers.

                                              experimentation and development of digital              MORE INFORMATION:
                                              technologies in support of sustainable                  WWW.INRIA.FR/
                                              development (low-carbon economics, intelligent          CENTRE-DE-RECHERCHE-INRIA/
                                              building, sustainable mobility, localized               PARIS-ROCQUENCOURT/
                                              economy, smart grids, etc.).                            PRESENTATION
                                              The objective: to raise awareness about best
                                              practices and new technologies to promote
                                              the establishment of new markets in digital       NOVEMBER 17, 2011
                                              science and other fields.                         INRIA/INDUSTRY CONFERENCE
                                              To be eligible, a company must be headquartered   ON TELEVISION OF THE FUTURE
                                              in France or a French subsidiary of a foreign     IN RENNES
                                              corporation. Nominations remain open through      Attend to learn more about
  NOMINATIONS FOR THE 2011 EDITION            September 30, 2011.
                                                                                                Inria’s research efforts
  OPENED ON JUNE 9. Awarded to five                                                             and the products of innovative
  outstanding actors in sustainable digital                                                     enterprises in this sector.
  growth, this prize is bestowed in                 MORE INFORMATION:
  recognition of innovation, creation,              WWW.PRIXDELACROISSANCEVERTENUMERIQUE.EU

                                                                                                     Connect_ Issue 02 // July 2011 _11
PARTNERSHIPS                                                                LIFE SCIENCES


        The Demar research team seeks                company specializes in cochlear
        to compensate for severe motor and           implants, which electrically stimulate
        sensory impairment through use               the auditory nerve. These two teams
        of functional electrical stimulation (FES)   were surely destined to work together!
        working closely with medical                 “In 2006, we presented a generic
        institutions. Meanwhile, Neurelec,           stimulator concept to them, which
        a 140-employee subsidiary of MXM,            they found interesting,” explains
        develops implantable neurostimulation        David Guiraud, head of the Demar
        devices that restore hearing. This           research team. “All that was left was
                                                     to adapt it to the specific auditory
                                                     constraints.” A microelectronic engineer
                                                     from the Demar team was assigned
                                                     to Neurelec, based out of Sophia
                                                     Antipolis in the Alpes-Maritimes
                                                     department in France.
                                                     “The motivation and interest in
                                                     working together were definitely there,”
                                                     enthusiastically reports Guillaume
                                                     Rosanis, R&D manager at Neurelec.
                                                     “The Demar research team transferred
                                                     their concept, expertise and technology
                                                     to us, and then we moved forward
                                                     with designing a product for motor
                                                     impairments that could be marketed.”
                                                     Innovation was apparent at all levels
                                                     of the joint effort, from production
                                                     techniques to work methods.
                                                     And this pooling of discipline
                                                     and confidence was successful,
                                                     with Neurelec developing a 24-channel
                                                     chip whose industrial version will be
                                                     ready before the end of this year.
                                                     A success story indeed!
                                                     GUILLAUME ROSANIS / GROSANIS@NEURELEC.COM
                                                     DAVID GUIRAUD / DAVID.GUIRAUD@LIRMM.FR

                                                     David Guiraud, head of the Demar
                                                     research team (left), and Guillaume
                                                     Rosanis, R&D manager at Neurelec.

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Inria Connect 2

  • 2. CONTENTS EDITOR’S DESK 03_NEWS BRIEFS Round-up of the latest digital science news. SMES, DRIVING 05_DECRYPTION Cloud Computing: The New El Dorado for SMEs? INNOVATION DAVID MONTEAU, DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND INNOVATION AT INRIA In recent years, all major players, whether established or recently emerged, have been focusing on innovation as a key factor in company growth. Although innovation is a core business process, companies also need to have the capacity to quickly and effectively identify and leverage prospects in this regard, for example, the potential offerings of public research. The public research and innovation system in France has been undergoing a major transformation in this area as demonstrated by numerous recent changes. For one, the government implemented its “Investissements d’Avenir” (“Future Investments”) program (the “Great Loan”); besides the sheer scope of investment 07 _FOCUS involved, this program also seeks to effect structural changes. Actors in technology transfer are uniting on the regional and national levels, competitive clusters are seeing the preliminary results of their efforts and setting their priorities for the next five years, and the second Digital Science Supporting Home Care. call for Carnot Institutes was recently completed. Beyond the apparent multiplicity of these transformations, one 10_INITIATIVES aspect of these initiatives is clear and new in terms of OSEO Supports Businesses with its amplitude: the priority assigned to growing our SMEs. Innovative Projects. This constitutes recognition of the driving role played by these businesses in innovation both within the French economy and worldwide. Public research is consequently 11_USEFUL INFO called upon to fulfill its role through Calendar, Events, New Products, More the transfer of expertise and technology with a view 12_PARTNERSHIPS to increasing the competitiveness The Demar research team and Neurelec: of these companies in An Innovative Alliance. international markets. Connect is proud to be part of this exciting new dynamic. Connect is the magazine co-designed by OSEO and Inria, the National Institute for Computer Science and Control. Connect_N°02 // July 2011. DIRECTOR OF PUBLICATION: Michel Cosnard. MANAGING EDITOR: Laurent Stencel. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Marie Gallas-Amblard. EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: Céline Acharian, Marie Gallas-Amblard, Jean-Christophe Gougeon, David Monteau. PHOTO CREDITS: Inria, Inria/J.M. Droisy, Inria/C. Lebedinsky, Inria/C. Tourniaire, Atomic Imagery/Digital Vision/Getty Images, Fotolia/F. Peters, Sindya N. Bhanoo/The New York Times-REDUX-REA, S. Jayet, Thinkstock 2011. DESIGN AND PRODUCTION . PRINTING: Bergame, paper PEFC-certified. INRIA Déploiement identité 61269 INRIA CORPO BASELINE CMJN DRAGON 100% Baseline C0 C0 C0 M20 M100 M100 J90 J90 J100 - - N0 N0 N0 - - - - - - - - - R1-21/04/11 02_Connect_ Issue 02 // July 2011 Logotype Equivalence Tons directs
  • 3. NEWS DIGITAL SCIENCE NEWS BRIEFS CARNOT 2 DESIGNATION KEY FIGURES 5 CARNOT INSTITUTES FOCUSING ON SOFTWARE Subsequent to the second call for applications for Carnot Institutes, This second generation of Carnot Institutes, which retain their +32% : the increase in research revenue over the last five years among 34 research laboratories were designation for a five-year period, Carnot Institutes. This dramatic increase awarded this prestigious designation. explore new areas (humanities is evidence of highly positive progress. Five institutes currently specialize and social sciences, etc.) in keeping Institutes filed for 21% more patents in digital science and software: with the national research and over the same period. CEA LIST; Télécom & Société innovation strategy under the auspices Numérique; LAAS; LSI; and Inria of a consolidated budget of €1.9 billion E650M Carnot Institute. This recognition (provided by the French National of excellence is granted by the French Research Agency). For businesses, Ministry of Higher Education and this designation provides additional Research to research organizations assurance as they strive to develop in France working to bring research high value-added projects with public actors from the public and socio- research. economic domains closer together. in INNOVATION AID was granted by OSEO in 2010 to SMEs and mid-cap companies with significant support from government. This is up 16% over 2009. “In supporting the growth of French SMEs, if there is one aspect where we have maintained continuous commitment, it is innovation,” stated Prime Minister François Fillon at the Planète PME trade EUROPEAN PORTAL fair organized by CGPME (French General Confederation of small and medium PROMOTING GROWTH sized enterprises) this past June 16. “By tripling the research tax credit, OF SMES IN EUROPE we provided a powerful impetus for businesses to innovate.” Recently enhanced (new and managing a business’s presence functionalities, look and feel, in other member states of the content, etc.), the European SME European Union. portal is a website administered Available in 21 languages, it also by the European Commission’s features local contact and networking Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry. Financed through the Competitiveness and Innovation information for those interested. This data is provided under four main headings: “Money, Partners and Public 62% or nearly two-thirds of small enterprises in France do not have an online Framework Program (CIP), it brings Contracts,” “Making the Most of the presence, according to a nationwide study together a broad range of information Market,” “EU SME Policy & Statistics” conducted in February 2011 by the Fédération des centres de gestion provided by the European Union and “Support.” Visitors can also read agréés. 15 years after the emergence with the objective of promoting the success story of the month of the Web, this finding is surprising, SME creation and expansion across and view a calendar of events. particularly in light of the fact that companies Europe and around the world. with an Internet presence are in a better The website’s highly interactive MORE INFORMATION: position to control their image and attract offerings include practical tips HTTP://EC.EUROPA.EU/SMALL-BUSINESS/ customers through the content and legal advice on expanding INDEX_EN.HTM they distribute. Connect_ Issue 02 // July 2011 _03
  • 4. NEWS DIGITAL SCIENCE NEWS BRIEFS INITIATIVE IPV6 JUMP DAY telex INCREASED VISIBILITY OF PUBLIC RESEARCH-BASED PROJECTS Engineering Task Force (IETF) later IN THE NATIONAL COMPETITION established the IPv6 protocol based FOR START-UP AID FOR INNOVATIVE on a 128-bit system supporting the use ENTERPRISES of a much greater number of addresses. The jury at the 13th national However, the new protocol has only competition for start-up aid been adopted by 1% of the Web to date! for innovative enterprises named 149 award winners in a ceremony The Internet Society recently celebrated held on Tuesday 28 June, 2011, IPv6 Jump Day to encourage businesses at the Ministry of Higher Education to make the transition. During the and Research. The recipients “will get event, which took place on June 8, 2011, the support they need to carry two online giants, Google through with their ideas and bring and Facebook, set an example by their emerging hopes to fruition,” testing IPv6 for 24 hours. “Native IPv6 stated Valérie Pécresse, former Higher Education and Research minister. Development of the Internet in networks are already in place in Asia and This support takes the form of grants the early 1980s was accompanied the United States, but companies to the winning enterprises to fund by adoption of the IPv4 protocol in Europe have been dragging their feet their innovation programs. supporting the attribution of more somewhat,” explains César Viho, Among this year’s winners, than 4 billion IP addresses. People professor at the University of Rennes 63% were associated with public then could hardly imagine the digital 1 and member of Inria’s Dionysos research, 38% universities, 21% revolution that would ensue over research team specializing in protocol the CNRS, 12% Inserm, 10% Inria and 7% the CEA. In addition to financial the years to come. To prevent the stock testing. “IPv6 Jump Day provided support, the enterprises are also of IP addresses available worldwide the perfect reminder of the need offered support services, including from running out, the Internet to make this transition.” customized training under the “Challenge +” program of the HEC Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center. QUIXPROC TECHNOLOGY NEXT-GENERATION DATA NATIONAL DIGITAL COUNCIL (CNN) FOUNDED EXCHANGE AND PROCESSING This past April 27, Nicolas Sarkozy officially founded a new advisory body with a view to “enlightening” of data exchange and processing while the French government on Working closely with Inria since 2008, Internet-related issues and Innovimax provides advice and also taking data storage requirements expressing opinions on prospective assistance to businesses seeking into account. legislation and regulations to industrialize their documentary with potential impact on the digital processes. Inria’s Mostrare research MORE INFORMATION: economy. Made up of 18 members, team, in conjunction with the CNRS, WWW.INNOVIMAX.FR primarily representatives of telecom the Universities of Lille 1 and 3 and operators, e-commerce firms and software publishers, and chaired Innovimax, has developed the by Gilles Babinet, founder of the QuiXProc technology enabling rapid start-ups eYeka, MXP4 and Captain compilation and retrieval of data Dash, the CNN is expected to meet exchanged on the Web via the XML with the French president three standard. to four times a year. This solution generates considerable time savings for businesses in the area 04_Connect_ Issue 02 // July 2011
  • 5. DECRYPTION CLOUD COMPUTING CLOUD COMPUTING: THE NEW EL DORADO FOR SMES? SMES CREATING CLOUD-COMPUTING-BASED SOLUTIONS Growing rapidly since its emergence just two years ago, cloud computing (CC) ena- HAVE A PROMISING FUTURE: THIS MARKET IS EXPECTED bles users and businesses to access their TO GROW AT AN ANNUAL RATE OF 33% THROUGH 2015. personal information from any location PUBLIC RESEARCH CAN HELP TO MAXIMIZE THEIR CHANCES or operating system via the Internet. First, they can take advantage of supplemen- OF SUCCESS. tary resources (storage, computing capac- ity) through use of IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) services. Those seeking a devel- opment environment with design and testing tools can then move on to a PaaS (Platform as a Service) offering. Finally, users looking for software (CRM(1), e-mail, etc.) can make use of SaaS (Software as a Service) systems. Businesses can fulfill their requirements with any of three different physical con- figurations: public, by sharing capacity with a third-party operator (e.g., Amazon, Google, Microsoft); privately, with an internally developed architecture (e.g., eBay); or through use of a combined sys- tem. SMEs have demonstrated particu- lar interest in public cloud computing applications. FAST-GROWING MARKET FOR INVESTMENT CC combines performance, efficiency, effectiveness, flexibility and reduced cost. It minimizes start-up investments while also maximizing cost control. CC sup- ports the transition from capital expendi- tures (CAPEX) to operating expenditures (OPEX). These advantages are collectively driving its growth: in 2012, it is expected to capture 10% of total global spending in digital science, or $44 billion. “France is following the same path,” explains Jean- Christophe Gougeon, OSEO’s software Thierry Priol, Assistant technology sector manager. “28% of enter- Scientific Director at Inria. prise organizations and public administra- tions are already using it.” With an annual Connect_ Issue 02 // July 2011 _05
  • 6. DECRYPTION CLOUD COMPUTING: DRIVING RESEARCH Research teams in France have been busy contributing to large-scale projects at the European level with the objective of enhancing platform effectiveness in terms of both performance and reduced energy consumption, achieving greater interoperability of various cloud types, improving data and access security and preventing virus propagation. Lastly, researchers are already looking forward to the next generation of CC, which will be freestanding and mass-distributed. PERSONAL COMPUTERS SOON OBSOLETE? Google has moved on from seeking to reinvent Windows or come out with the next super-computer to developing remote services. “Within the next three growth rate expected to hit 33% through as privacy, not to mention what hap- to four years, it’s possible that people will 2015, CC is the fastest-evolving market pens when it crashes. However, SMEs no longer need local space for data storage in France, across Europe and world- equipped to develop new services could but instead just a keyboard, monitor and wide(2). CC has consequently been the have much to gain from this fast-growing mouse and will be able to store everything subject of great attention, with the French market. “Before taking the plunge, they from music to photos on outside servers,” government planning to allocate some should take a hard look at their position- anticipates Thierry Priol. €780 million of the Great Loan toward ing,” comments Thierry Priol, Assistant development in this area. Scientific Director at Inria. “They may The cloud is also associated with certain also be able to benefit from use of public risks in relation to the security and con- research-based technologies in the develop- (1) Customer relationship management. fidentiality of data exchanged as well ment of innovative solutions.” (2) Source: OSEO. OPEN SOURCE LYATISS, OR THE NEXT GENERATION OF THE CLOUD CLOUDWARE LYATISS IS THE FIRST START-UP to market founding member and CEO of LYaTISS. “Our model INITIATIVE (OSCI) virtualization and optimization services for has the capacity to remove many barriers, such information processing and transmission as inadequate data security, inconsistent quality LAUNCHED BY THE OW2 COMMUNITY, OSCi is infrastructures to support effective adaptation of service, absence of an internal clock and lack of a project to develop an integrated portfolio of of the distribution network, or the Internet, to coordination leading to wasted resources. Using open-source software components for CC. Its CC applications. “It’s possible to push back the our software, companies will be able to adapt their focus is the development of cloud middleware limits of the current Internet, which were never online service offerings highly effectively in order to support interoperability at the IaaS level along designed to serve as a universal infrastructure to remain competitive.” with open and customizable PaaS and SaaS to begin with,” says Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet, architecture solutions. Research Director of Inria’s Reso team – based out CONTACT: PASCALE VICAT-BLANC PRIMET, CEO, LYATISS. of the École normale supérieure de Lyon – and E-MAIL: PVB@LYATISS.COM 06_Connect_ Issue 02 // July 2011
  • 7. FOCUS HOME CARE WHEN TECHNOLOGY EQUALS INDEPENDENCE MAINTAINING ACCESS TO CARE AND INNOVATING IN THE CREATION OF NEW TOOLS TO PROVIDE EVERYONE THE OPTION TO RECEIVE CARE AT HOME UNDER OPTIMAL CONDITIONS: HOME CARE HAS BECOME A SOCIETAL CHALLENGE AND MARKET IN ITS OWN RIGHT. INRIA AND ITS PARTNERS, INCLUDING CNR-SANTÉ, HAVE POSITIONED THEMSELVES BY DEPLOYING EFFECTIVE SERVICES AND PROVIDING SUPPORT TO HEALTH ENTERPRISES SEEKING TO INNOVATE. W ith lengthening life expectancies and 2040 (1). Moreover, as noted by Philippe Gesnouin, the ageing of the population, demand in Technology transfer Associate for Health at Inria, the home care care sector is high and “Whether pregnant women, children with asthma or sub- steadily increasing. This observation is jects recovering at home from surgery, home care is a new indisputable: the proportion of seniors approach to medical care that can apply to everyone is rising, and, for the first time, we are seeing the emer- regardless of age. It also encompasses the notions of gence of five-generation families. With this increase in wellness and prevention with patients receiving quality the number of seniors comes a corresponding increase follow-up care while also remaining in their own environ- in the number of people with limited autonomy: in 2010, ment.” At a time when France is tackling medical demo- there were more than 1.1 million dependent seniors, a graphic issues and insofar as home care covers a broad figure expected to increase by 1 to 2% annually through range of interventions of varying degrees of technical Connect_ Issue 02 // July 2011 _07
  • 8. Scene interpretation for activity recognition: sensors installed throughout this apartment (with assistance from CSTB, Centre scientifique et technique du bâtiment) enable remote analysis of behavior among seniors (Pulsar research team). INTEROPERABILITY CHALLENGES Another factor influencing development of home care services is the evolution of debilitating (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease), critical (cancer) and chronic (diabetes) condi- tions in younger subjects. In these situations, enhanced or social complexity, digital science creates valuable health care takes on its full meaning and includes the opportunities for more effectively leveraging medical option to receive care and to age at home. One recent data, developing new diagnostic and prescription tools innovation has supported awareness in this regard: and streamlining patient assistance applications. “This creation of the “dossier médical personnel” (personal is why we’ve been involved in developing solutions in the health record), or DMP, by ASIP Santé, the shared areas of telemedicine, home care and, in some cases, home healthcare information systems agency. At its annual support services,” continues Philippe Gesnouin. “At the conference on January 5, 2011, this agency announced same time, we’re deploying tools to promote closer collabo- the nationwide launch of the DMP service, which is to ration with SMEs such as the I-Lab joint laboratories.” In provide for the interoperability of healthcare informa- 2010 a total of 27 projects in the telehealth domain tion systems to support qualitative coordination of care. brought forward by 23 companies also received sup- This will be based increasingly on the electronic port from OSEO, a public enterprise financing and sup- exchange of medical information valuable to practition- porting SME innovation and growth, for a total of ers for ensuring proper management of patient care. €2 million. The objective: to provide support to enter- The IHE (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise) initia- prises seeking to expand into this market. tive also plays a role in this regard. The purpose of this What is the story studies on home health and autonomy. behind the founding At the same time, we offer training workshops and support to enterprises of CNR-Santé? seeking to implement or develop CNR-Santé was established at the projects relating to digital science. initiative of the Ministry of the We play the role of consultant and Economy, Industry and Employment assistant to the contracting authority (MINEFE) with the objective of throughout the project cycle. supporting development and optimal use of digital science as part of managing home health and assisted living. This mission encompasses How do Inria and the creation and promotion of new CNR-Santé work applications for associated technologies together? and services to improve patients’ Inria has been with us since quality of life, facilitate the emergence our founding in 2009. The institute of more efficient organizations and provides us support and critical increase competitiveness in the digital advice based on its in-depth science economic sector. An “Act of knowledge of the ecosystem and INTERVIEW WITH BRUNO CHARRAT, 1901” (not-for-profit) association, industrial environment. Together MANAGING DIRECTOR OF THE CENTRE CNR-Santé seeks to unite and support we are successfully bringing together NATIONAL DE RÉFÉRENCE SANTÉ À other actors in its intended role of reference body in its industry. and fostering cooperation among funding bodies, experts, users DOMICILE ET AUTONOMIE (CNR-SANTÉ). and industrial players to facilitate ESTABLISHED IN 2009, THIS CENTER the emergence of innovative projects EDUCATES ECONOMIC PLAYERS ABOUT What work does it perform? in the fields of home care and autonomy. THE IMPORTANCE OF DIGITAL SCIENCE The network of experts at CNR-Santé performs monitoring tasks, provides IN MANAGING HOME CARE. information and conducts targeted 08_Connect_ Issue 02 // July 2011
  • 9. HEALTH, LIFE SCIENCE, BIOTECHNOLOGY initiative is to facilitate the interoperability of health- “The growth of the home care industry in terms of deploy- care equipment and information systems. A founding ment of digital science has strategic importance,” adds IHE member in Europe, Inria is involved in aspects of Bruno Charrat, Managing Director of CNR-Santé. “These this international project including testing platform tools offer significant potential with respect to leveraging development and takes part each year in Connectathon, the benefits of the digital revolution. Through this alliance, a unique forum for testing software and hardware we’re expanding our knowledge about this ecosystem and interoperability that brings together development the associated industrial interests.” engineers and innovative companies in the health and other sectors. (1) Source: Le Figaro, February 18, 2010. (2) Inria’s large-scale initiatives provide a foundation for launching STRENGTHENING TIES WITH PARTNERS ambitious research projects linked directly to the institute’s strategic plan and the milestones defined therein. These initiatives frequently cross Inria is concurrently deploying systems adapted to multiple disciplines and draw on a variety of expertise. More information the evolution of societal issues through a research (in French): recherches/domaines-de-recherche/ team in Sophia Antipolis: Pulsar studies two areas of actions-d-envergure application, video surveillance and home care for sen- iors. “We’re experimenting with new techniques in the CONTACTS: BRUNO CHARRAT (LEFT), MANAGING DIRECTOR OF CENTRE NATIONAL DE RÉFÉRENCE SANTÉ À DOMICILE ET AUTONOMIE fields of cognitive vision, cognitive systems for physical (CNR-SANTÉ), AND PHILIPPE GESNOUIN, TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER object recognition, activity interpretation, activity ASSOCIATE FOR HEALTH AT INRIA learning and system design and evaluation. The Pulsar E-MAIL: BRUNO.CHARRAT@CNR-SANTE.FR – PHILIPPE.GESNOUIN@INRIA.FR team focuses on two research streams: scene interpreta- tion and software architecture for activity recognition.” Inria has created a research infrastructure around the theme of autonomy of frail individuals and provi- sion of home care to them. Four main themes are guiding applications in relation to this Personally Assisted Living large-scale initiative (2): assessment of patient fragility, mobility, rehabilitation and social interaction. Lastly, to drive its activities in this sector, Inria has fostered strategic partnerships with CNR- Santé (Centre national de référence santé à domicile et autonomie), which seeks to promote the incorpora- tion of digital science into care and assisted living management (see inset). “We decided to be proactive in the fields of telehealth, autonomy and home care and to contribute in this regard to the efforts of CNR-Santé, a national structuring initiative supported by the Ministry of Industry,” explains Philippe Gesnouin. HOME CARE INSPIRING PUBLIC RESEARCH EFFORTS • The Pulsar research team is focused on two • The Phoenix research team creates the Laboratoire bordelais de recherche en informatique, research areas: scene interpretation for activity development environment for coordinating entity Laboratoire lorrain de recherche en informatique et recognition and software architecture development. (sensor, device, alarm) integration and ses applications and the University of Versailles Its efforts involve working with researchers at programming and home automation management Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines. the CSTB (3) and an enterprise providing support interfaces for non-technical operators. to caregivers of Alzheimer’s disease patients. • The Maia research team develops freestanding (3) Centre scientifique et technique du bâtiment • The Smis research team designs new techniques smart systems with the capacity to perceive, (center for building science and technology). in embedded data management in secure interpret and act on the environment. Applications computing devices and is developing, among for its efforts include the provision of medical MARK YOUR CALENDARS for the Rencontres other projects, a portable medical-social care to home dialysis patients. Inria Industrie sur la santé à domicile (Inria/industry record currently undergoing experimentation These Inria teams work in conjunction with one conference on home care) on October 20, 2011 in the French department of Yvelines. or more other French partners, including CNRS, (see event program p. 11). Connect_ Issue 02 // July 2011 _09
  • 10. INITIATIVES OSEO EXPERTISE SUPPORTING INNOVATIVE PROJECTS A PUBLIC AGENCY, OSEO HAS BEEN SUPPORTING SMES WITH THEIR INNOVATION PROJECTS FOR NEARLY 30 YEARS, FINANCING AND PROMOTING THEIR GROWTH THROUGH ALL CRUCIAL LIFE CYCLE PHASES. INTERVIEW WITH BAPTISTE HAMEL, BUSINESS ANALYST AT OSEO. _How does OSEO support enterprises in – financing for investment, the operat- final project plan in place before apply- moving forward with innovation projects? ing cycle and internationalization. ing to OSEO, but that said, they should Baptiste Hamel: OSEO assists entrepre- feel free to contact us at any time. We’re neurs initiating projects or creating or What advice would you offer to a SME here to help! Whether you are creating taking over businesses with risk man- seeking to get involved in research and or expanding your business or under- agement and raising financing required development or innovation activities? taking a dramatic diversification pro- for innovative R&D projects with a view B. H.: I would advise it to position its pro- ject, we have products and services for to gaining or maintaining a competi- ject very carefully in terms of its degree you. The time frame for application tive advantage. OSEO’s actions focus on of technical and economic maturity, as review is typically quite short. three complementary areas to provide we finance new technologies, processes comprehensive support to enterprises and services with the potential to create throughout all development phases value over the short to medium term. CONTACT: BAPTISTE HAMEL, BUSINESS ANALYST, OSEO. E-MAIL: BAPTISTE.HAMEL@OSEO.FR. from creation through succession, TEL.: 0619016011 including: For which project phases can – support for innovation entrepreneurs get assistance from OSEO? MORE INFORMATION: – bank financing guarantees B. H.: Ideally, businesses should have a WWW.OSEO.FR OSEO SUPPORT PHASES DURING PROJECT GROWTH Research and Development contracts development phase Actor: OSEO Actor: ANR Innovation phase* Actor: OSEO OSEO’s services are Equity loans available to you at any Actor: OSEO phase of your enterprise’s life cycle: – state of the art phase – innovation phase Time (financial support, repayable advances or interest-free loans for innovation) *Two possible areas of intervention: – investment – Feasibility, subsidization - Aima, MESR or internationalization (Ministry of Higher Education and Research) Competition (through equity loans, – Debt development development contracts (potential coverage of technology transfer costs) or bank co-financing) • repayable advances (sharing of technical and economic risks) • interest-free loans for innovation • equity loans or development contracts 10_Connect_ Issue 02 // July 2011
  • 11. USEFUL INFO EVENT PROGRAM “LOGICI…L QUALIFI… POUR L… TRANSF…RT” LABEL INCREASED CONFIDENCE 12-13 OCTOBER, 2011 LES R…NDEZ-VOUS CAR- FOR MAXIMUM IMPACT NOT 2011 IN PARIS AND LYON Les rendez-vous Carnot brings for this distrust, improve software together all actors dedicated credibility and professionalize transfer to supporting research and practices, Inria has created the innovation (members of Carnot “Logiciel qualifié pour le transfert” Institutes, public laboratories, (“software qualified for transfer”) research organizations, national designation. Based on a legal analysis and regional agencies) Generally developed by multiple and assessment methodology at the enterprise level. contributors based on existing applied to software (identification components, software has become of the software’s authors and right REGISTER AT: a complex tool from a legal holders, third-party components WWW.RDV-CARNOT.COM perspective. Industrial interests incorporated into the software and to plan qualified business and innovative SMEs can consequently any issues relating to infringement or meetings. display a lack of confidence defense), this designation is awarded in transferred software stemming to specific versions or transfer schemes from research, particularly open (for example, a given license in source software. To compensate the case of open-source distribution). OCTOBER 20, 2011 INRIA INDUSTRY MEETINGS ON HOME CARE Organized in Paris in conjunction with CNR-Santé under the theme of digital science supporting home care, SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT this event provides an excellent LAUNCH OF THIRD DIGITAL opportunity to interact with institutional and economic GREEN GROWTH PRIZE COMPETITION leaders in the industry as well as Inria researchers. experimentation and development of digital MORE INFORMATION: technologies in support of sustainable WWW.INRIA.FR/ development (low-carbon economics, intelligent CENTRE-DE-RECHERCHE-INRIA/ building, sustainable mobility, localized PARIS-ROCQUENCOURT/ INNOVATION/RII-SDA-IDF/ economy, smart grids, etc.). PRESENTATION The objective: to raise awareness about best practices and new technologies to promote the establishment of new markets in digital NOVEMBER 17, 2011 science and other fields. INRIA/INDUSTRY CONFERENCE To be eligible, a company must be headquartered ON TELEVISION OF THE FUTURE in France or a French subsidiary of a foreign IN RENNES corporation. Nominations remain open through Attend to learn more about NOMINATIONS FOR THE 2011 EDITION September 30, 2011. Inria’s research efforts OF THE DIGITAL GREEN GROWTH PRIZE OPENED ON JUNE 9. Awarded to five and the products of innovative outstanding actors in sustainable digital enterprises in this sector. growth, this prize is bestowed in MORE INFORMATION: recognition of innovation, creation, WWW.PRIXDELACROISSANCEVERTENUMERIQUE.EU Connect_ Issue 02 // July 2011 _11
  • 12. PARTNERSHIPS LIFE SCIENCES PLEDGING TO MOVE FORWARD TOGETHER WHAT DO AUDITORY REHABILITATION AND MOTOR COMPENSATION HAVE IN COMMON? A CHIP DEVELOPED JOINTLY BY THE DEMAR RESEARCH TEAM – UNDER INRIA, THE UNIVERSITIES OF MONTPELLIER 1 AND 2 AND THE CNRS – AND NEURELEC. READ ON FOR DETAILS. The Demar research team seeks company specializes in cochlear to compensate for severe motor and implants, which electrically stimulate sensory impairment through use the auditory nerve. These two teams of functional electrical stimulation (FES) were surely destined to work together! working closely with medical “In 2006, we presented a generic institutions. Meanwhile, Neurelec, stimulator concept to them, which a 140-employee subsidiary of MXM, they found interesting,” explains develops implantable neurostimulation David Guiraud, head of the Demar devices that restore hearing. This research team. “All that was left was to adapt it to the specific auditory constraints.” A microelectronic engineer from the Demar team was assigned to Neurelec, based out of Sophia Antipolis in the Alpes-Maritimes department in France. “The motivation and interest in working together were definitely there,” enthusiastically reports Guillaume Rosanis, R&D manager at Neurelec. “The Demar research team transferred their concept, expertise and technology to us, and then we moved forward with designing a product for motor impairments that could be marketed.” Innovation was apparent at all levels of the joint effort, from production techniques to work methods. And this pooling of discipline and confidence was successful, with Neurelec developing a 24-channel chip whose industrial version will be ready before the end of this year. A success story indeed! CONTACTS: GUILLAUME ROSANIS / GROSANIS@NEURELEC.COM DAVID GUIRAUD / DAVID.GUIRAUD@LIRMM.FR David Guiraud, head of the Demar research team (left), and Guillaume Rosanis, R&D manager at Neurelec.