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Unified Communications
The rising demand for UC and
the 5 essential benefits that have
businesses talking

Unified Communications (UC)
                                                                                                     communications being integrated in order to
Companies of all sizes are increasingly                                                              optimize business processes
being challenged to beat tight operational
schedules and meet customer demands - all
while walking that tightrope of diminishing
IT budgets and limited staffing resources. As
much as technology has advanced in the last
few decades, there are still only 24 hours in a
day. That’s where Unified Communications (UC)
comes into play.

Businesses are discovering the appeal of a
communications solution that extends the
power of their business phone system far
beyond dial tone. UC can be a competitive                                 What is Unified Communications?
advantage for businesses that need a single
system to manage multiple tools and platforms,                            When considering the definition of Unified communications (UC),
making their business more productive and                                 industry leaders typically describe it as communications being
helping smaller companies take advantage of                               integrated in order to optimize business processes. This means that
features that make them appear larger and                                 an organization is able to seamlessly integrate, or unify, its typical
more competitive. Think of it as the Swiss Army                           business processes with both real-time communications (such as
knife of communications. But, more than being                             instant messaging/chat, presence information, telephony/VoIP, call
all things to all people, there are five essential                        control, and video conferencing) and non real-time communications
benefits that are driving a healthy adoption                              (such as unified messaging - integrated voicemail, e-mail, SMS and fax).
rate of UC by businesses, today.
                                                                          It is often assumed that UC is a single product. UC is actually made up
This white paper includes an overview of                                  of a set of products that provides a consistent, unified user interface
Unified Communications, answering the                                     and user experience across multiple devices and media types. In
question, “What is Unified Communications?”                               its broadest sense UC can encompass all forms of communications
and it offers a high-level look at mission-critical                       that are exchanged via the TCP/IP network. Note: for the purpose of
features of UC driving demand by small and                                discussing UC as a way to replace a traditional business phone system,
medium sized businesses (SMBs).                                           an analog or key system, the singular term “UC solution” is used.
                                                                          It’s important to remember that any UC solution involves multiple
                                                                          elements within the solution.

                                                                          In reality, organizations are often already using the various,
                                                                          independent elements of a UC solution, such as VoIP (Voice over IP)
                                                                          or specific features like find me/follow me. Each of these elements
                                                                          help contribute to the efficiency of an organization. By combining a
                                                                          broader range of communications and features into a more complete
                                                                          UC solution and integrating it with other business processes, an
                                                                          organization is able to substantially increase its effectiveness – and
                                                                          cost savings.

                                                                          These tangible benefits certainly contribute to the rise of UC solutions
                                                                          being adopted by organizations.

              Copyright © 2012 Digium, Inc. All rights reserved. Digium, Asterisk, and Switchvox are trademarks of Digium, Inc.
              All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Version 1.0 / 14 June 2012
                                                                                                                                      Page 2 of 12
In fact, interest in UC strategies continues to rise. Results from the Second Annual
                                              Unified Communications Market Trends study, from CompTIA, showed that “four out of
                                              five businesses perceive additional value in the proposition of Unified Communications.
                                              Large and medium sized companies and those with a higher proportion of telecommuting
                                              workers are most bullish.” Similarly, 85 percent of those surveyed indicated that UC, or
                                              communications and collaboration solutions, are getting equal, if not more, dollars from
                                              annual IT budgets compared to other technology priorities. Seth Robinson, director,
                                              technology analysis, CompTIA summarized the findings:

                                            “Organizations have a clear vision of what they expect to gain from unified
                                             communications - greater employee productivity, reduced costs and a means
                                             to improve customer engagement.”

                                              Robinson further noted that even with UC being valued, there are still “significant barriers
                                              (that) must be overcome.” He cites some of the specific challenges as: being able to integrate
                                              new UC tools with existing technologies; calculating return on investment; and incorporating
                                              social networking, collaboration and video conferencing.

                                             There are solutions in the marketplace today that are already successfully addressing these
                                             challenges - and at a cost that is particularly appealing to the budgets of
                                             SMBs, schools and governments, and Not for Profit organizations. Industry analyst,
                                             Frost & Sullivan, named Digium’s UC solution, Switchvox, as the Best Value in Unified
                                             Communications for SMBs. The solution is based on Asterisk, the world’s leading open
It is anticipated that by                    source telecommunications platform, and is used by both Fortune 1000 companies and very
mid-2013, according to                       small businesses. Currently, Asterisk is deployed in more than 107 countries. As noted in UC
a report from Info-Tech                      research from Frost & Sullivan:

Research Group, 35
                                            “Digium designs its solutions for sophisticated functionality without complex
percent of the workforce                     ownership responsibilities. Switchvox is designed to be cost-effective over the
will use personal                            lifecycle of the system, including ongoing support and maintenance costs as
devices for work-related                     well as upgrades.”
tasks, and 89 percent of                      Analysts are tracking other trends in the workplace that are prompting the increased need
organizations will allow                      for UC. Especially considering that having a nimble UC solution makes integration and ease
the use of personal                           of use possible for SMBs to manage trends that were once considered to only apply to larger
                                              organizations. Specifically, the two most recent trends driving UC adoptions include:
device for email.
                                                   Mobility – the requirement for a communications system to more seamlessly integrate a
                                                   corporate office with its mobile or remote workers; and
                                                   BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) – the need for an organization’s communications
                                                   system to work with employees’ personal devices that are being used with or in place
                                                   of standard, IT-approved, corporate devices (smart phones and tablets being the most
                                                   common devices).

                                              It is anticipated that by mid-2013, according to a report from Info-Tech Research
                                              Group, 35 percent of the workforce will use personal devices for work-related tasks,
                                              and 89 percent of organizations will allow the use of personal device for email. For
                                              that reason, Info-Tech Research Group’s analysts say that BYOD programs and the general rise
                                              in mobile device usage are driving the need for UC vendors to support a variety of devices.

               Copyright © 2012 Digium, Inc. All rights reserved. Digium, Asterisk, and Switchvox are trademarks of Digium, Inc.
               All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Version 1.0 / 14 June 2012
                                                                                                                                   Page 3 of 12
What SMBs Expect
To better understand the specific role of UC within
any organization, but in particular that of an SMB,
consider this list of “must-haves” for most business
owners seeking a new telecommunications
solution. A telephony solution must:

    Be reliable                                                                             Satisfy a basic set of flexible and
                                                                                            customizable priorities. These will vary
    Accommodate current, unalterable means                                                  from business to business, but some of
    of operation, i.e. it should integrate with                                             the more popular requests include:
    and support current software packages and
                                                                                                  Enable implementation of a mobile strategy
    workflow processes to complement or make                                                      than includes seamless UC using mobile
    easier, not hinder, current operations                                                        devices, tablets, IM, VM, social media, follow-
                                                                                                  me technology, and email
    Save money in the long-term
                                                                                                  Provide programmable call routing, call
                                                                                                  queues, and ring groups so calls can be
    Provide seamless, worldwide unified                                                           directed to designated departments or call
    communications throughout the company                                                         centers rather than bombarding a busy
    regardless of industry type, company size,                                                    receptionist
    and number of locations                                                                       Accommodate a live operator during business
                                                                                                  hours, but utilizing an auto-attendant after
    Support x-number of users currently, and                                                      hours and on holidays
    be expandable in terms of company growth
                                                                                                  Support video conferencing and/or
    potential                                                                                     teleconferencing

                                                                                                  Provide reporting functionality for call

                                                                                                  Save money on long distance calling

             Copyright © 2012 Digium, Inc. All rights reserved. Digium, Asterisk, and Switchvox are trademarks of Digium, Inc.
             All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Version 1.0 / 14 June 2012
                                                                                                                                             Page 4 of 12
While there is a succinct list of features and benefits that
organizations seek from any advanced telephony solution, there
is also a fear among SMBs of sacrificing the status quo for a more
sophisticated UC solution. “Every company, no matter what type or
size of your business, is reluctant to change or lose a capability,” says
Dan Ribar, CIO of 1st Guard Corporation, a specialty truck insurer
based out of Venice, Florida.

Like many SMBs, Ribar expected everything from substantial
downtime during the transition to increased training costs for both
the IT department and the end users of a new system. He sums up
the concerns he had while searching for a new telecommunications

“You just expect when you turn something as centralized as your telephony system on its
 head, you are going to lose something, or something is going to change so drastically, you
 will be looking at a huge learning curve.”

In contrast, there is a significant upside to an organization when
implementing a UC solution, and most of the common fears
are unrealized when identifying the right solution. If executed
properly, the primary benefits of implementing UC as a total
telecommunications solution include improved efficiency, reduced
costs, increased revenue, and better customer service.

                Copyright © 2012 Digium, Inc. All rights reserved. Digium, Asterisk, and Switchvox are trademarks of Digium, Inc.
                All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Version 1.0 / 14 June 2012
                                                                                                                                    Page 5 of 12
Five essential benefits driving UC adoption by SMBs

There are critical advantages that
                                                             Ability to do more with less - with a solution that is
SMBs can (and should) expect
when implementing the right                                  easily managed
UC solution – and these five key
benefits are helping drive the                               Incorporating mobility to connect the growing
strong adoption rate of UC by                                mobile and remote workforce
businesses, today.
                                                             Savings money on overall operating costs

                                                             Gaining uplift in customer service capabilities

                                                             Moving beyond basic functionality

                                                                Keep reading to learn more about these essential benefits.

      Copyright © 2012 Digium, Inc. All rights reserved. Digium, Asterisk, and Switchvox are trademarks of Digium, Inc.
      All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Version 1.0 / 14 June 2012
                                                                                                                             Page 6 of 12
Ability to do more with less -
 with a solution that is easily managed.
 Particularly important to smaller businesses is the ability to implement
 any technology that provides enhanced functionality while also being
 both affordable and relatively simple to manage. As expected, smaller
 organizations typically have fewer or more limited resources, from
 budgets to staffing, and a technology, as is the case with a UC solution,
 is especially appealing if it enables the organization to operate as
 a bigger business, but without the same costs. UC is increasingly
 recognized as a technology that allows SMBs to take advantage of
 proven increases in productivity and functionality while realizing
 significant savings. As industry analyst, Gartner points out in its Gartner,
 Marketescope Report: Magic Quadrant for Corporate Telephony,

“SMB buyers require simplicity and intuitive use in their UC solutions. Simplicity requirements extend
through multiple stages (or touchpoints) of the UC acquisition — from initial consideration through
ongoing maintenance and management of the UC environment. SMBs will favor working with providers
(typically via their channel partners) that can demonstrate the solutions’ ease of use early on in the sales
cycle. Full-featured UC functionality can be positioned, but solutions that require complex integrations
will be less favored than solutions that can easily be deployed with a minimal cutover time.”*

 *Gartner, Marketscope Report Magic Quadrant for Corporate Telephony, 9/15/11
 Written by: Jay Lassman, Steve Blood, Geoff Johnson
 Digium, ShoreTel and Microsoft are positioned in the Visionaries Quadrant of Gartner, Inc.’s 2011 Magic Quadrant for Corporate Telephony report.)

              Copyright © 2012 Digium, Inc. All rights reserved. Digium, Asterisk, and Switchvox are trademarks of Digium, Inc.
              All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Version 1.0 / 14 June 2012
                                                                                                                                        Page 7 of 12
Incorporating mobility to connect the
                                                              growing mobile and remote workforce
                                                              An office is just about anywhere you need it to be, today, and it is
                                                              increasingly important for remote and mobile workers to access the same
                                                              phone system features, whether working form a desktop or a mobile
                                                              device. By implementing a UC solution, it makes it easy to stay connected
                                                              to customers and prospects, from any location, from any device. It also
                                                              provides flexibility in managing off-site employees, using features like
                                                              presence and conferencing, and having additional monitoring capabilities.

                                                              Important elements of a mobility feature in a UC solution include:
                                                                    fixed mobile convergence and find me/follow me call capabilities
                                                                    mobile applications for iPhone, Blackberry and Android
By implementing a UC
                                                                    having access to company directories from any device
solution, it makes it easy
                                                                    the ability to make calls from your mobile device
to stay connected to                                                as if it is from your office extension
customers and prospects,                                            the capability to transfer and record calls from your
                                                                    mobile phone to another number or extension too.
from any location, from
any device.                                                   Look for UC solutions that offer this as an included basic feature;
                                                              you should not have to pay extra for the capability.

       Copyright © 2012 Digium, Inc. All rights reserved. Digium, Asterisk, and Switchvox are trademarks of Digium, Inc.
       All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Version 1.0 / 14 June 2012
                                                                                                                              Page 8 of 12
Saving money on overall operating costs.
One of the greatest benefits of implementing the right UC                                         Avoid getting locked into using a
solution is taking advantage of the cost savings it provides. This                                specific vendor solution; check for true
includes both savings on the initial cost of the system, as well                                  interoperability of the UC solution
as savings on the long-term costs that leads to a good Return
                                                                                                  Confirm which features are included in the base cost
on Investment (ROI). To achieve the greatest opportunities for
                                                                                                  of the system without additional fees or licenses
savings, it’s important to understand how to accurately compare
vendor quotes. It’s easy to look at multiple quotes from UC                                       Look for solutions with low maintenance costs,
vendors and assume that the final cost quoted includes the                                        particularly when updates are software-based;
same parameters. But not all UC solutions are created equal,                                      always ask vendor for details about maintenance
and not all UC vendors can offer the same cost savings.                                           contracts and how updates are handled –
                                                                                                  especially if the updates require new hardware.
To get a true “apples-to-apples” comparison of vendor quotes,
SMBs need to be aware of key differences in quotes that                                           Calculate not only initial savings, but long-
can add thousands of dollars to the cost of implementing                                          term ROI; productivity and staffing savings
UC solutions – both in near-term and long-term costs, and in                                      can add up to thousands of dollars, annually.
both hard and soft costs. For example, many vendors offer                                         A vendor should be able to show how to
a quote for base features, but the business-critical features                                     calculate these savings and provide examples
that an SMB needs, and the the features that make UC so                                           of common savings from the UC solution
useful – like mobility and third-party integration, require an
                                                                                                  Beyond IT budgets, consider how the savings
additional fee. Licensing fees also often drive up costs, as well
                                                                                                  extends across departments, in areas such as admin,
as maintenance and upgrade costs, down the road. To avoid
                                                                                                  sales, and marketing. Ask the vendor to provide
these expensive add-ons, compare across vendors for biggest
                                                                                                  specific case studies or customer testimonials
savings potential on overall operating costs in these key areas:
                                                                                                  that provide examples of each of these.

            Copyright © 2012 Digium, Inc. All rights reserved. Digium, Asterisk, and Switchvox are trademarks of Digium, Inc.
            All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Version 1.0 / 14 June 2012
                                                                                                                                             Page 9 of 12
Gaining uplift in customer service capabilities
The right UC solution should be more than a phone                                    Specifically, when a call from a priority customer comes
system, it should be a better communications system                                  through the switchboard, JPW wanted that call promptly
that provides improved operational efficiency. A                                     routed to a select customer service representative, taking
quality UC solution allows SMBs to serve customers                                   precedence over lower priority calls circulating through
more effectively using features such as call queues                                  the system. The UC solution that JPW selected offered
and IVRs, for example. SMBs should be able to use a                                  intuitive, user-friendly web interface that allows the
UC solution to know more about every incoming call,                                  operator to drag-and-drop calls while chatting online
in order to route each call appropriately, ensuring                                  with co-workers, conferring over calls, reciprocating
there are no more missed calls or lack of visibility.                                requests, and assigning instructions. Several phonebooks,
                                                                                     a Salesforce panel, Google news and maps, a “parking
For example, Jobbers Warehouse Supply (JPW) is a leader                              lot” for on-hold calls, and access to proprietary
in the automotive aftermarket, selling engine parts to                               software are also available to the administrator.
machine shops and parts stores all across the U.S. and
Canada. This established SMB selected a UC solution with                             Furthermore, JPW was able to get an integrated
the intent of providing a higher level of customer service                           customizable database software using SugarCRM, with
for their best customers. To do so, they needed a system                             two inbound call queues. SugarCRM offers a fast, flexible
that would allow them to prioritize incoming calls from                              and feature-rich customer service application. The
their customer base. According to Tom Marks, CEO of JPW:                             customer service agent simply clicks a selection box next
                                                                                     to the customer name in SugarCRM to set a “preferred”,

  “At JPW, 80 percent of our                                                        “general”, or “new customer” status, which determines
                                                                                     into which of the queues the calls are routed. General
   revenues come from 20                                                             callers move into the non-priority cue and remain on

   percent of our clients, and we                                                    hold while preferred status callers move into the priority
                                                                                     cue and take precedence. This level of detailed and
   required a solution that would                                                    customized flexibility has helped the company exceed

   facilitate priority treatment                                                     its original goals of managing their priority customers,
                                                                                     and choosing the right UC solution made it possible.
   for that reigning minority.”

           Copyright © 2012 Digium, Inc. All rights reserved. Digium, Asterisk, and Switchvox are trademarks of Digium, Inc.
           All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Version 1.0 / 14 June 2012
                                                                                                                                    Page 10 of 12
Moving beyond basic functionality
Too often, SMBs evaluate new technologies                                 As an example, Pathways is an Ohio-based organization that
based on whether or not the system can meet                               manages a community crisis hotline. Due to the critical nature
the organization’s current needs - in reference to                        of their services, they required customization to the UC solution
both basic features included with the technology                          they selected. Fortunately, they chose a solution that was flexible
and in reference to the current size and structure                        enough to meet their needs (without additional costs) and were
of the business. That type of decision can cost an                        able to easily add a Google Maps Application Programming
SMB thousands of dollars in future upgrade costs                          Interface (API) so that from the moment a call comes into the
when choosing a business phone system. When                               crisis center, the system can search a database to identify the
considering “future expansion,” that term may                             location of the caller, even if they are calling from a cellular
not mean something as extensive as expanding                              phone. In the event that the person calling needs emergency
physical locations; it could be as simple as                              assistance, or the counselor feels the need for police backup, the
adding or moving an employee. The right UC                                mapping feature pinpoints the cellular signal so they can find
solution allows SMBs to opt for a flexible system                         them. From a landline, the call is cross-referenced with phone
that provides extended functionality and that                             number, address, and area code to identify the location. Google
will grow with the business. When evaluating                              Maps uses GPS to locate pings from cellular phone towers.
UC solutions, consider systems that can:                                  According to Mark Bregy, Pathways MIS & Facility Manager:

    Easily accommodate future growth/
                                                                         “The work we do in mental health at Pathways
    operations needs of the business,                                     is very important to the community. A difficult
    without an additional, heavy                                          but compassionate business, and obviously
    investment down the road                                              communications are essential to doing it well.”
    Systems that include detailed reporting
                                                                          Pathways team members can also use their UC solution to identify
    options that provide business-
                                                                          calls and which extensions they are routed to; record calls for
    critical information about business
                                                                          quality purposes; watch for excessive callers and how they are
    operations and customer needs
                                                                          being handled; and customize reports for training purposes.
    Ability to integrate with third-party                                 These are all features included with their system, at no additional
    business applications, such as CRM,                                   charge. The system’s the additional reporting functionality has
    for a better user experience                                          proven to be a useful tool in providing a detailed view into
                                                                          whether or not their business communications is successfully
                                                                          supporting the organization’s operational requirements.

         Copyright © 2012 Digium, Inc. All rights reserved. Digium, Asterisk, and Switchvox are trademarks of Digium, Inc.
         All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Version 1.0 / 14 June 2012
                                                                                                                                 Page 11 of 12
                             The adoption of UC solutions by SMBs is being driven by far more than a current trend in
                             the marketplace. UC is a business communications solution that meets critical business
                             needs for organizations of all sizes. As illustrated in the examples in this white paper,
                             UC can be a competitive advantage for businesses that need a single system to manage
                             multiple tools and platforms. UC allows businesses to be more productive, enhance
                             customer service capabilities, and offer substantial near- and long-term cost savings.

                              Digium’s Powerful UC Solution
                              In an effort to provide a similar solution accessible to everyone, Digium offers
                              Switchvox — a full Unified Communications (UC) solution, built on the power of
                              Asterisk. Switchvox is a business phone system specifically developed for small and
                              mid-sized businesses and organizations that want the power of the open source
                              Asterisk solution, but without the need for custom development skills for installation.
                              The advanced features, ease-of-use, and simple out-of-the-box setup make Switchvox
                              an ideal solution for organizations with limited technical staff.

                             A full-featured UC solution, fueled by the innovation of open source technology
                             and open standards, Switchvox allows users to integrate their phone system with their
                             existing networks and get all of the advanced features they need at a price they can
                             afford. Most importantly, by using Asterisk open source software as the foundation
                             for Switchvox, Digium is able to provide a communications system with superior
                             capabilities for a fraction of the cost of proprietary systems.

                              We’re changing the way the world communicates. Again.
                              Switchvox UC Solution:
                              Digium Headquarters:

Copyright © 2012 Digium, Inc. All rights reserved. Digium, Asterisk, and Switchvox are trademarks of Digium, Inc.
All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Version 1.0 / 14 June 2012
                                                                                                                         Page 12 of 12

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Understanding Unified Communications - White Paper

  • 1. Understanding Unified Communications The rising demand for UC and the 5 essential benefits that have businesses talking W HITE PA PE R SPONSORED BY
  • 2. Unified Communications (UC) Introduction communications being integrated in order to Companies of all sizes are increasingly optimize business processes being challenged to beat tight operational schedules and meet customer demands - all while walking that tightrope of diminishing IT budgets and limited staffing resources. As much as technology has advanced in the last few decades, there are still only 24 hours in a day. That’s where Unified Communications (UC) comes into play. Businesses are discovering the appeal of a communications solution that extends the power of their business phone system far beyond dial tone. UC can be a competitive What is Unified Communications? advantage for businesses that need a single system to manage multiple tools and platforms, When considering the definition of Unified communications (UC), making their business more productive and industry leaders typically describe it as communications being helping smaller companies take advantage of integrated in order to optimize business processes. This means that features that make them appear larger and an organization is able to seamlessly integrate, or unify, its typical more competitive. Think of it as the Swiss Army business processes with both real-time communications (such as knife of communications. But, more than being instant messaging/chat, presence information, telephony/VoIP, call all things to all people, there are five essential control, and video conferencing) and non real-time communications benefits that are driving a healthy adoption (such as unified messaging - integrated voicemail, e-mail, SMS and fax). rate of UC by businesses, today. It is often assumed that UC is a single product. UC is actually made up This white paper includes an overview of of a set of products that provides a consistent, unified user interface Unified Communications, answering the and user experience across multiple devices and media types. In question, “What is Unified Communications?” its broadest sense UC can encompass all forms of communications and it offers a high-level look at mission-critical that are exchanged via the TCP/IP network. Note: for the purpose of features of UC driving demand by small and discussing UC as a way to replace a traditional business phone system, medium sized businesses (SMBs). an analog or key system, the singular term “UC solution” is used. It’s important to remember that any UC solution involves multiple elements within the solution. In reality, organizations are often already using the various, independent elements of a UC solution, such as VoIP (Voice over IP) or specific features like find me/follow me. Each of these elements help contribute to the efficiency of an organization. By combining a broader range of communications and features into a more complete UC solution and integrating it with other business processes, an organization is able to substantially increase its effectiveness – and cost savings. These tangible benefits certainly contribute to the rise of UC solutions being adopted by organizations. Copyright © 2012 Digium, Inc. All rights reserved. Digium, Asterisk, and Switchvox are trademarks of Digium, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Version 1.0 / 14 June 2012 Page 2 of 12
  • 3. In fact, interest in UC strategies continues to rise. Results from the Second Annual Unified Communications Market Trends study, from CompTIA, showed that “four out of five businesses perceive additional value in the proposition of Unified Communications. Large and medium sized companies and those with a higher proportion of telecommuting workers are most bullish.” Similarly, 85 percent of those surveyed indicated that UC, or communications and collaboration solutions, are getting equal, if not more, dollars from annual IT budgets compared to other technology priorities. Seth Robinson, director, technology analysis, CompTIA summarized the findings: “Organizations have a clear vision of what they expect to gain from unified communications - greater employee productivity, reduced costs and a means to improve customer engagement.” Robinson further noted that even with UC being valued, there are still “significant barriers (that) must be overcome.” He cites some of the specific challenges as: being able to integrate new UC tools with existing technologies; calculating return on investment; and incorporating social networking, collaboration and video conferencing. There are solutions in the marketplace today that are already successfully addressing these challenges - and at a cost that is particularly appealing to the budgets of SMBs, schools and governments, and Not for Profit organizations. Industry analyst, Frost & Sullivan, named Digium’s UC solution, Switchvox, as the Best Value in Unified Communications for SMBs. The solution is based on Asterisk, the world’s leading open It is anticipated that by source telecommunications platform, and is used by both Fortune 1000 companies and very mid-2013, according to small businesses. Currently, Asterisk is deployed in more than 107 countries. As noted in UC a report from Info-Tech research from Frost & Sullivan: Research Group, 35 “Digium designs its solutions for sophisticated functionality without complex percent of the workforce ownership responsibilities. Switchvox is designed to be cost-effective over the will use personal lifecycle of the system, including ongoing support and maintenance costs as devices for work-related well as upgrades.” tasks, and 89 percent of Analysts are tracking other trends in the workplace that are prompting the increased need organizations will allow for UC. Especially considering that having a nimble UC solution makes integration and ease the use of personal of use possible for SMBs to manage trends that were once considered to only apply to larger organizations. Specifically, the two most recent trends driving UC adoptions include: device for email. Mobility – the requirement for a communications system to more seamlessly integrate a corporate office with its mobile or remote workers; and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) – the need for an organization’s communications system to work with employees’ personal devices that are being used with or in place of standard, IT-approved, corporate devices (smart phones and tablets being the most common devices). It is anticipated that by mid-2013, according to a report from Info-Tech Research Group, 35 percent of the workforce will use personal devices for work-related tasks, and 89 percent of organizations will allow the use of personal device for email. For that reason, Info-Tech Research Group’s analysts say that BYOD programs and the general rise in mobile device usage are driving the need for UC vendors to support a variety of devices. Copyright © 2012 Digium, Inc. All rights reserved. Digium, Asterisk, and Switchvox are trademarks of Digium, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Version 1.0 / 14 June 2012 Page 3 of 12
  • 4. What SMBs Expect To better understand the specific role of UC within any organization, but in particular that of an SMB, consider this list of “must-haves” for most business owners seeking a new telecommunications solution. A telephony solution must: Be reliable Satisfy a basic set of flexible and customizable priorities. These will vary Accommodate current, unalterable means from business to business, but some of of operation, i.e. it should integrate with the more popular requests include: and support current software packages and Enable implementation of a mobile strategy workflow processes to complement or make than includes seamless UC using mobile easier, not hinder, current operations devices, tablets, IM, VM, social media, follow- me technology, and email Save money in the long-term Provide programmable call routing, call queues, and ring groups so calls can be Provide seamless, worldwide unified directed to designated departments or call communications throughout the company centers rather than bombarding a busy regardless of industry type, company size, receptionist and number of locations Accommodate a live operator during business hours, but utilizing an auto-attendant after Support x-number of users currently, and hours and on holidays be expandable in terms of company growth Support video conferencing and/or potential teleconferencing Provide reporting functionality for call efficiency Save money on long distance calling Copyright © 2012 Digium, Inc. All rights reserved. Digium, Asterisk, and Switchvox are trademarks of Digium, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Version 1.0 / 14 June 2012 Page 4 of 12
  • 5. While there is a succinct list of features and benefits that organizations seek from any advanced telephony solution, there is also a fear among SMBs of sacrificing the status quo for a more sophisticated UC solution. “Every company, no matter what type or size of your business, is reluctant to change or lose a capability,” says Dan Ribar, CIO of 1st Guard Corporation, a specialty truck insurer based out of Venice, Florida. Like many SMBs, Ribar expected everything from substantial downtime during the transition to increased training costs for both the IT department and the end users of a new system. He sums up the concerns he had while searching for a new telecommunications solution: “You just expect when you turn something as centralized as your telephony system on its head, you are going to lose something, or something is going to change so drastically, you will be looking at a huge learning curve.” In contrast, there is a significant upside to an organization when implementing a UC solution, and most of the common fears are unrealized when identifying the right solution. If executed properly, the primary benefits of implementing UC as a total telecommunications solution include improved efficiency, reduced costs, increased revenue, and better customer service. Copyright © 2012 Digium, Inc. All rights reserved. Digium, Asterisk, and Switchvox are trademarks of Digium, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Version 1.0 / 14 June 2012 Page 5 of 12
  • 6. Five essential benefits driving UC adoption by SMBs There are critical advantages that Ability to do more with less - with a solution that is SMBs can (and should) expect when implementing the right easily managed UC solution – and these five key benefits are helping drive the Incorporating mobility to connect the growing strong adoption rate of UC by mobile and remote workforce businesses, today. Savings money on overall operating costs Gaining uplift in customer service capabilities Moving beyond basic functionality Keep reading to learn more about these essential benefits. Copyright © 2012 Digium, Inc. All rights reserved. Digium, Asterisk, and Switchvox are trademarks of Digium, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Version 1.0 / 14 June 2012 Page 6 of 12
  • 7. Ability to do more with less - with a solution that is easily managed. Particularly important to smaller businesses is the ability to implement any technology that provides enhanced functionality while also being both affordable and relatively simple to manage. As expected, smaller organizations typically have fewer or more limited resources, from budgets to staffing, and a technology, as is the case with a UC solution, is especially appealing if it enables the organization to operate as a bigger business, but without the same costs. UC is increasingly recognized as a technology that allows SMBs to take advantage of proven increases in productivity and functionality while realizing significant savings. As industry analyst, Gartner points out in its Gartner, Marketescope Report: Magic Quadrant for Corporate Telephony, “SMB buyers require simplicity and intuitive use in their UC solutions. Simplicity requirements extend through multiple stages (or touchpoints) of the UC acquisition — from initial consideration through ongoing maintenance and management of the UC environment. SMBs will favor working with providers (typically via their channel partners) that can demonstrate the solutions’ ease of use early on in the sales cycle. Full-featured UC functionality can be positioned, but solutions that require complex integrations will be less favored than solutions that can easily be deployed with a minimal cutover time.”* *Gartner, Marketscope Report Magic Quadrant for Corporate Telephony, 9/15/11 Written by: Jay Lassman, Steve Blood, Geoff Johnson Digium, ShoreTel and Microsoft are positioned in the Visionaries Quadrant of Gartner, Inc.’s 2011 Magic Quadrant for Corporate Telephony report.) Copyright © 2012 Digium, Inc. All rights reserved. Digium, Asterisk, and Switchvox are trademarks of Digium, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Version 1.0 / 14 June 2012 Page 7 of 12
  • 8. Incorporating mobility to connect the growing mobile and remote workforce An office is just about anywhere you need it to be, today, and it is increasingly important for remote and mobile workers to access the same phone system features, whether working form a desktop or a mobile device. By implementing a UC solution, it makes it easy to stay connected to customers and prospects, from any location, from any device. It also provides flexibility in managing off-site employees, using features like presence and conferencing, and having additional monitoring capabilities. Important elements of a mobility feature in a UC solution include: fixed mobile convergence and find me/follow me call capabilities mobile applications for iPhone, Blackberry and Android By implementing a UC having access to company directories from any device solution, it makes it easy the ability to make calls from your mobile device to stay connected to as if it is from your office extension customers and prospects, the capability to transfer and record calls from your mobile phone to another number or extension too. from any location, from any device. Look for UC solutions that offer this as an included basic feature; you should not have to pay extra for the capability. Copyright © 2012 Digium, Inc. All rights reserved. Digium, Asterisk, and Switchvox are trademarks of Digium, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Version 1.0 / 14 June 2012 Page 8 of 12
  • 9. Saving money on overall operating costs. One of the greatest benefits of implementing the right UC Avoid getting locked into using a solution is taking advantage of the cost savings it provides. This specific vendor solution; check for true includes both savings on the initial cost of the system, as well interoperability of the UC solution as savings on the long-term costs that leads to a good Return Confirm which features are included in the base cost on Investment (ROI). To achieve the greatest opportunities for of the system without additional fees or licenses savings, it’s important to understand how to accurately compare vendor quotes. It’s easy to look at multiple quotes from UC Look for solutions with low maintenance costs, vendors and assume that the final cost quoted includes the particularly when updates are software-based; same parameters. But not all UC solutions are created equal, always ask vendor for details about maintenance and not all UC vendors can offer the same cost savings. contracts and how updates are handled – especially if the updates require new hardware. To get a true “apples-to-apples” comparison of vendor quotes, SMBs need to be aware of key differences in quotes that Calculate not only initial savings, but long- can add thousands of dollars to the cost of implementing term ROI; productivity and staffing savings UC solutions – both in near-term and long-term costs, and in can add up to thousands of dollars, annually. both hard and soft costs. For example, many vendors offer A vendor should be able to show how to a quote for base features, but the business-critical features calculate these savings and provide examples that an SMB needs, and the the features that make UC so of common savings from the UC solution useful – like mobility and third-party integration, require an Beyond IT budgets, consider how the savings additional fee. Licensing fees also often drive up costs, as well extends across departments, in areas such as admin, as maintenance and upgrade costs, down the road. To avoid sales, and marketing. Ask the vendor to provide these expensive add-ons, compare across vendors for biggest specific case studies or customer testimonials savings potential on overall operating costs in these key areas: that provide examples of each of these. Copyright © 2012 Digium, Inc. All rights reserved. Digium, Asterisk, and Switchvox are trademarks of Digium, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Version 1.0 / 14 June 2012 Page 9 of 12
  • 10. Gaining uplift in customer service capabilities The right UC solution should be more than a phone Specifically, when a call from a priority customer comes system, it should be a better communications system through the switchboard, JPW wanted that call promptly that provides improved operational efficiency. A routed to a select customer service representative, taking quality UC solution allows SMBs to serve customers precedence over lower priority calls circulating through more effectively using features such as call queues the system. The UC solution that JPW selected offered and IVRs, for example. SMBs should be able to use a intuitive, user-friendly web interface that allows the UC solution to know more about every incoming call, operator to drag-and-drop calls while chatting online in order to route each call appropriately, ensuring with co-workers, conferring over calls, reciprocating there are no more missed calls or lack of visibility. requests, and assigning instructions. Several phonebooks, a Salesforce panel, Google news and maps, a “parking For example, Jobbers Warehouse Supply (JPW) is a leader lot” for on-hold calls, and access to proprietary in the automotive aftermarket, selling engine parts to software are also available to the administrator. machine shops and parts stores all across the U.S. and Canada. This established SMB selected a UC solution with Furthermore, JPW was able to get an integrated the intent of providing a higher level of customer service customizable database software using SugarCRM, with for their best customers. To do so, they needed a system two inbound call queues. SugarCRM offers a fast, flexible that would allow them to prioritize incoming calls from and feature-rich customer service application. The their customer base. According to Tom Marks, CEO of JPW: customer service agent simply clicks a selection box next to the customer name in SugarCRM to set a “preferred”, “At JPW, 80 percent of our “general”, or “new customer” status, which determines into which of the queues the calls are routed. General revenues come from 20 callers move into the non-priority cue and remain on percent of our clients, and we hold while preferred status callers move into the priority cue and take precedence. This level of detailed and required a solution that would customized flexibility has helped the company exceed facilitate priority treatment its original goals of managing their priority customers, and choosing the right UC solution made it possible. for that reigning minority.” Copyright © 2012 Digium, Inc. All rights reserved. Digium, Asterisk, and Switchvox are trademarks of Digium, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Version 1.0 / 14 June 2012 Page 10 of 12
  • 11. Moving beyond basic functionality Too often, SMBs evaluate new technologies As an example, Pathways is an Ohio-based organization that based on whether or not the system can meet manages a community crisis hotline. Due to the critical nature the organization’s current needs - in reference to of their services, they required customization to the UC solution both basic features included with the technology they selected. Fortunately, they chose a solution that was flexible and in reference to the current size and structure enough to meet their needs (without additional costs) and were of the business. That type of decision can cost an able to easily add a Google Maps Application Programming SMB thousands of dollars in future upgrade costs Interface (API) so that from the moment a call comes into the when choosing a business phone system. When crisis center, the system can search a database to identify the considering “future expansion,” that term may location of the caller, even if they are calling from a cellular not mean something as extensive as expanding phone. In the event that the person calling needs emergency physical locations; it could be as simple as assistance, or the counselor feels the need for police backup, the adding or moving an employee. The right UC mapping feature pinpoints the cellular signal so they can find solution allows SMBs to opt for a flexible system them. From a landline, the call is cross-referenced with phone that provides extended functionality and that number, address, and area code to identify the location. Google will grow with the business. When evaluating Maps uses GPS to locate pings from cellular phone towers. UC solutions, consider systems that can: According to Mark Bregy, Pathways MIS & Facility Manager: Easily accommodate future growth/ “The work we do in mental health at Pathways operations needs of the business, is very important to the community. A difficult without an additional, heavy but compassionate business, and obviously investment down the road communications are essential to doing it well.” Systems that include detailed reporting Pathways team members can also use their UC solution to identify options that provide business- calls and which extensions they are routed to; record calls for critical information about business quality purposes; watch for excessive callers and how they are operations and customer needs being handled; and customize reports for training purposes. Ability to integrate with third-party These are all features included with their system, at no additional business applications, such as CRM, charge. The system’s the additional reporting functionality has for a better user experience proven to be a useful tool in providing a detailed view into whether or not their business communications is successfully supporting the organization’s operational requirements. Copyright © 2012 Digium, Inc. All rights reserved. Digium, Asterisk, and Switchvox are trademarks of Digium, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Version 1.0 / 14 June 2012 Page 11 of 12
  • 12. Conclusion The adoption of UC solutions by SMBs is being driven by far more than a current trend in the marketplace. UC is a business communications solution that meets critical business needs for organizations of all sizes. As illustrated in the examples in this white paper, UC can be a competitive advantage for businesses that need a single system to manage multiple tools and platforms. UC allows businesses to be more productive, enhance customer service capabilities, and offer substantial near- and long-term cost savings. Digium’s Powerful UC Solution In an effort to provide a similar solution accessible to everyone, Digium offers Switchvox — a full Unified Communications (UC) solution, built on the power of Asterisk. Switchvox is a business phone system specifically developed for small and mid-sized businesses and organizations that want the power of the open source Asterisk solution, but without the need for custom development skills for installation. The advanced features, ease-of-use, and simple out-of-the-box setup make Switchvox an ideal solution for organizations with limited technical staff. A full-featured UC solution, fueled by the innovation of open source technology and open standards, Switchvox allows users to integrate their phone system with their existing networks and get all of the advanced features they need at a price they can afford. Most importantly, by using Asterisk open source software as the foundation for Switchvox, Digium is able to provide a communications system with superior capabilities for a fraction of the cost of proprietary systems. We’re changing the way the world communicates. Again. Switchvox UC Solution: Digium Headquarters: Copyright © 2012 Digium, Inc. All rights reserved. Digium, Asterisk, and Switchvox are trademarks of Digium, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Version 1.0 / 14 June 2012 Page 12 of 12