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          // NOVEMBER 2012

   07// FOCUS
03// NEWS BRIEFS                            05 // DECRYPTION      10 // INITIATIVES
SUPPORTING SMEs                             BOOSTING SME          IN GROWTH THROUGH
                                            PERFORMANCE           THE ISI PROGRAM
CONTENTS                                                                                                    EDITOR’S desk

  Round-up of the latest
  digital science news.                                                                                       NETWORKING:
                                                                                                              A SURE-FIRE ROUTE
  Open-source software: boosting
  the performance of SMEs.
                                                                                                              TO EFFICIENCY
                                                                                                              Catherine Borg-Capra, Director of Expertise at OSEO
                                                                                                              The French higher education and research landscape has just
                                                                                                              undergone a major reorganisation, with the emergence of
                                                                                                              innovative structures and new calls for projects. The aim is
                                                                                                              to establish a dynamic ecosystem that enables efficient
                                                                                                              development of public research and technology transfer
                                                                                                              to business. In this environment, which involves multiple
                                                                                                              players, the key to success is networking. It is essential,
                                                                                                              particularly for businesses, to be able to benefit from the new
                                                                                                              mechanism in an efficient way. They need to be supported
                                                                                                              and guided and their future must be secured by a
                                                                                                              technological and economic vision, in interaction with this
                                                                                                              ecosystem. The ambition of OSEO and the Inria Research

                                                                                                              Institute, through their partnership agreement, is to allow
                                                                                                              businesses to benefit from their combined network. For many
                                                                                                              years now, OSEO has been a central player in technology
       _FOCUS                                                                                                 transfer, in conjunction with all the protagonists of the
                                                                                                              ecosystem: the Carnot Institutes, the contracted research
           Digital simulation: serving the medicine                                                           companies, the public research institutions, and the
           of the future.
                                                                                                              organisations providing finance and support for technology
                                                                                                              transfer, not forgetting, of course, the businesses. OSEO is
                                                                                                              a driving force in technology transfer from public research.
                                                                                                              It has an intimate knowledge of the
  10_INITIATIVES                                                                                              businesses involved and intervenes
  OSEO ISI program: a partner in growth.                                                                      directly by providing aid to
                                                                                                              laboratories through public-private
  11_USEFUL INFO                                                                                              partnerships. Aimed at strategic
                                                                                                              industrial projects, the ISI program
  Calendar, events, etc.                                                                                      is presented in greater detail
                                                                                                              in this issue of Connect: it is
  12_PARTNERSHIPS                                                                                             a good example of OSEO’s
  Siwa, a digital oasis by Inria and Mauna Kea.                                                               support for innovative projects
                                                                                                              and a means of public action
                                                                                                              to help make businesses more

 Connect magazine is co-designed by OSEO and Inria, the National Institute of Computer Science and Control.
 Connect_N°03 // November 2012. Director of Publication: Michel Cosnard. Managing Editor: Céline Acharian. Editor-in-Chief: Marie Gallas-Amblard. Editorial Committee:
 Céline Acharian, Catherine Borg-Capra, Fanny Cantarero, Marie Gallas-Amblard, David Monteau. Photo credits: Cabinet d’architecture Nogha Consulting, DR, Groupe Interaction,
 Inria/C. Dupont, Inria/N. Fagot, Inria/C. Lebedinsky, Institut Carnot, Mauna Kea Technologies S.A., J.-M. Pettina/Caisse des dépôts. DESIGN AND PRODUCTION:
                                        INRIA Déploiement identité
                                                INRIA CORPO BASELINE CMJN


 PRINTING: Bergame, PEFC-certified paper.
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  02_Connect_ Issue 03 // November 2012
Logotype   Equivalence   Tons directs
NEWS                                                                                                 DIGITAL SCIENCE NEWS

Ambition logicielle
                                                                                             KEY FIGURES
The “Ambition logicielle” program is
a collaboration between a number of
major players on the French innovation
scene (AFDEL*, CDC Entreprises, CNRS,
Comité Richelieu, Inria, OSEO and
Syntec Numérique). Aimed at
companies in the software sector that
                                              The Ambition logicielle program began
                                              in September 2012 in Grenoble and will
                                              be rolled out in other towns and cities
                                              during 2013.

                                              *French association of software vendors.
                                                                                               4.5                          BILLION
                                                                                                EUROS have been made available through
                                                                                                the government’s “Investments for the Future”
                                                                                                program to boost the competitiveness
have come up with an innovative                                                                 of the digital sector in France.
project based on software technology,                                                           Source: France numérique 2012, Bilan et perspectives.
it acts as a catalyst, boosting the                                                             [Digital France 2012, Report and Outlook]
efficiency of existing systems to the
benefit of SMEs. The goal is to enable
them to increase their capacity to adopt
innovative technology resulting from

research. Specifically, Ambition logicielle
offers personalised support for SMEs,
helping them build their project by                                                          Net number of jobs created by ICT in the last
drawing upon the range of expertise                                                          15 years across all sectors. It is estimated that by
                                              contact: Thierry Vareine, Manager
and tools offered by the various              Ambition Logicielle Grenoble.                  2015, another 450,000 jobs will have been created.
partners.                                     E-Mail:               Source: France numérique 2012, Bilan et perspectives.
                                                                                             [Digital France 2012, Report and Outlook]

                                                                                             The contribution of digital technologies to France’s
INNOVATION IN SERVICES                                                                       GDP. The digital economy is one of the French
                                                                                             economy’s most dynamic sectors, accounting
                                                                                             for a third of overall growth.
                                                                                             Source: France numérique 2012, Bilan et perspectives.
Launched in March by the French               for projects is open until March 2013          [Digital France 2012, Report and Outlook]
government via the Directorate                and welcomes submissions from B2C
General for Competitiveness, Industry         and B2B service companies.
and Services (DGCIS), the call for            The selected projects will be examined
“Innovation in services” projects aims        by OSEO’s regional divisions, with
to boost the competitiveness of SMEs
through innovation, based on existing
or new service offers and particularly
                                              the assistance of the DGCIS.
                                              *Information and communication
                                                                                             Annual growth rate of the cloud computing market,
on ICTs*. It is also aimed at newly                                                          which is now worth 5 billion euros. The cloud
created SMEs and offers them                                                                 industry can provide a major boost to the
a competitive advantage over the                                                             competitiveness of French businesses. It reduces
                                                                                             IT costs by 35 to 50% and is, at the same time,
existing market. Led by OSEO, which
                                                    more information:                        creating jobs and value through the development
is also providing seven million euros                                                        of bespoke tools and infrastructures.
of funding in the form of interest-free             appels_a_propositions/appel_a_projets_   Source: France numérique 2012, Bilan et perspectives.
loans and repayable advances, this call             innovation_dans_les_services             [Digital France 2012, Report and Outlook]

                                                                                                           Connect_ Issue 03 // November 2012 _03
NEWS                                                                                                           DIGITAL SCIENCE NEWS

RIAM YIELDS                                                                                                telex
PROMISING RESULTS                                                                                                            A CLUSTER OF
Four years after launching their joint              58 projects were supported through a                   The Grenoble-based Minalogic
call for projects named “RIAM”*, OSEO               mixed funding scheme combining                         competitiveness cluster, which
and the French National Centre for                  grants and repayable advances.                         specialises in micro- and nano-
Cinema and moving pictures (CNC)                    Bolstered by this initial success, OSEO                technologies and embedded software,
made an initial evaluation of the                   and the CNC used the publication of                    has just been awarded the gold “Cluster
scheme at the start of this year.                   the report as an opportunity to reassert               Organisation Management Excellence”
Designed to support innovative SMEs                 their shared desire to encourage                       label by the European Commission.
and offer them the best possible                    innovation and economic development                    The award, the highest distinction that
guidance with their ambitious R&D                   in the sector by renewing their
                                                                                                           can be bestowed upon a cluster,
projects, this partnership has proved               agreement for a further two years on
                                                                                                           rewards Minalogic’s performance and
                                                                                                           good governance and puts it among the
fruitful in more than one respect.                  22 November 2011.
                                                                                                           elite circle of eight European “clusters of
Indeed, it has led to the promotion of
                                                    *Réseau Recherche et Innovation en Audiovisuel         excellence”, alongside another French
major technological breakthroughs                                                                          cluster, Systematic.
                                                    et Multimédia – Audiovisual and multimedia
and/or innovations in usage in the case             research and innovationPantone
                                                  principal            Equivalence network.
                                                                       Tons directs

of 89% of the projects supported, as well            Accent
                                                                   CYAN 0% + MAG. 100 %+
                                                                   JAUNE 80%+NOIR 0%       Pantone 185 C   THE RESULTS OF THE 8TH “BAROMÈTRE
as the creation of 100 jobs in the sector,                         CYAN 0% + MAG. 15 %+

                                                                                                           DU FINANCEMENT DE L’INNOVATION”
                                                                      more information:
                                                                   JAUNE 15%+NOIR 55%      Pantone 410 C

and the continuation of 100 more.                  Symbole
                                                                   CYAN 0% + MAG. 30 %+

                                                                   JAUNE 100%+NOIR 0%      Pantone 130 C
                                                                                                           [innovation financing survey] show
Between 2007 and 2010, no fewer than         OSEO - Octobre 2006      web_publications/bilan_riam/         that in 2012, French SMEs, keen
                                                                                                           to maintain their capacity to innovate
                                                                                                           even in a period of crisis, relied largely
                                                                                                           on public financing to fulfil their R&D
                                                                                                           budgets. The research tax credit is
                                                                                                           supported by 58% of companies, who
                                                                                                           consider it to provide a valuable boost
                                                                                                           to their budget.

FINANCING                                                                                                  ISM MOBILE SERVICES INITIATIVE MEETS
THE PUBLIC INVESTMENT BANK                                                                                 This initiative, launched at the end of
                                                                                                           2010, aimed at stimulating the innovation
                                                                                                           ecosystem and to accelerate the creation
                      France’s new                  exports, supporting their innovation                   of innovative products and services in
                      Public Investment             efforts and facilitating energy                        mobility, by bringing together all the
                      Bank (Banque                  transition in all fields. The BPI will be              national players from the sector. Around
                      publique                      a financial holding company, in which                  twenty projects transferring technology
                      d’investissement              the French government and the Caisse                   based on academic research to the
                      or BPI) will have             des Dépôts will each hold an equal                     mobile services market have thus come
                      a central role                stake. It will be governed by a board                  about. The leaders of the Mobile Services
                      to play in the                of directors chaired by Jean-Pierre                    Initiative now wish to intensify its impact
government’s economic policy. Its task              Jouyet, CEO of the Caisse des Dépôts,                  on the sector by extending collaboration
will be to make it easier for businesses            with the assistance of an advisory                     between researchers and industry (both
to access credit, to guarantee loans and            council chaired by the president of a                  SMEs and large corporate players).
to provide support to business owners               French region. Parliament will vote on                       more information:
throughout the lifespan of their                    the bill proposing the bank’s creation             
businesses, helping them with their                 by the end of the year.

04_Connect_ Issue 03 // November 2012

                                                        _What are the particularities of free
                                                        Gaël Blondelle: It is based on several
                                                        freedoms described by Richard
                                                        Stallman(3): a piece of software is said to
                                                        be “free” when it respects the freedom
                                                        of the community and when users can
                                                        run the program for any purpose, study
                                                        its code and modify it, distribute copies
                                                        and distribute modified versions. It is
                                                        important, however, to distinguish
                                                        between “permissive” licences (BSD,
                                                        MIT, Eclipse), which allow any form of
                                                        distribution, including inclusion in pro-
                                                        prietary software, and non-permissive
                                                        licences, such as GNU, which set out
 Gaël Blondelle,                                        specific conditions for the distribution
 responsible for            Gérard Ladier, Deputy CEO
 Polarsys at Obeo           at AerospaceValley          of modified versions or software that
                                                        includes licensed code(4).
FREE SOFTWARE                                           _Is free software a good tool for technol-

Open source software:
                                                        ogy transfer and economic develop-
                                                        Gérard Ladier: Yes, for technology

boosting the                                            transfer, but also for improving effi-
                                                        ciency. For example, in the develop-

performance of SMEs
                                                        ment of an application, the verification
                                                        phase is very expensive. For each line of
                                                        code written, four more lines are
                                                        required for tests! Inria has been
Because, by its very nature, it facilitates             involved in free software for many
                                                        years and has, for instance, developed
dissemination of scientific knowledge and               highly efficient verification tools that
technology transfer, open source software is            increase not only the productivity but
                                                        also the security of applications.
attracting the interest of many businesses.
The task now is to distinguish which are the key        _What are the benefits of free software?
aspects that must be protected and which are            G. B.: It is accessible and modifiable,
                                                        which means it can meet businesses’
the elements that can be freely distributed within      upgrade needs at a lesser cost. Such
the developer and user community.                       software also reaches maturity more
Interview with Gaël Blondelle, responsible              quickly, thanks to the interaction
                                                        between users and developers, whereas
for Polarsys(1) at Obeo(2), and Gérard Ladier,          vendors of proprietary software only
Deputy CEO at AerospaceValley.                          take on board a small proportion of

                                                                  Connect_ Issue 03 // November 2012 _05

businesses’ most common requests.                        instance, Polarsys(7), which I am in
G. L.: Open source software is a devel-                  charge of at Obeo, aims to ensure the
opment model that is of interest to                      sustainability of the development tools
industrial operators and innovative                      used to produce critical embedded sys-
SMEs. In the software development                        tems(8). It is an opportunity for SMEs,                  Free software
tools sector—a narrow sector in which
margins are often tight—companies are
                                                         which can not only take advantage of
                                                         the resources made available, but also                   can be modified,
small and the support services they
offer last no more than ten years,
                                                         gain recognition for their own exper-
                                                         tise. Before taking the plunge, however,                 which means it
whereas some applications have to be
used for forty years (in nuclear power,
                                                         it is essential to determine what exactly
                                                         you want to share free of charge with
                                                                                                                  is able to meet
for example) or even fifty years (in avia-               the other members of the community                       businesses’
tion). In the meantime, the vendor may
also change strategy, be bought out, or
                                                         and what aspects of your expertise you
                                                         want to preserve. This is a sine qua non                 upgrade needs
even cease to exist. This is what has led
major players such as Airbus to support
                                                         for a viable business model. What
                                                         makes the task more difficult still is the               at a lesser cost.
open source projects to ensure that sus-                 need to redefine this value-added each                   Gaël Blondelle
tainable tools are produced.                             time there is a change in the technical
                                                         or commercial environment.
_What are the risks and opportunities?
G. L.: Just because software is free, it
doesn’t mean that the user has no obli-
                                                         (1) Industry working group working on the
gations. For example, because it used                    development of open source tools for embedded
Linux components in software for its                     systems and their supports with a long life cycle
WRT54G router, the company Lynksys                       (
                                                         (2) Software vendor and consultancy firm dedicated
had to make its code public in 2003,                     to the industrialisation of developments and
even though it was initially the owner(5).               assisted redesign.
Proprietary tools exist to avoid such                    (3)
mishaps, but it is also possible to make                 (4) See “Le Guide d’approche et d’analyse des
                                                         licences de logiciels libres version 2.0” by Sylvain
use of tools such as those produced by                   Steer and Magali Fitzgibbon (Inria), p. 11.
AnteLink, an Inria start-up(6).                          (5)
G. B.: At present, entities built around a               php/3562391                                              contacts: Gérard Ladier, Deputy CEO at
                                                         (6)          AerospaceValley, and Gaël Blondelle, the
specific theme are emerging in parallel                  (7) or OpenMama, Genivi or OSEHRA.                       person responsible for Polarsys at Obeo.
with the developer and user communi-                     (8)               E-mails:
ties that are spontaneously forming. For                                                                

                 MONOLIX GROWING IN POPULARITY IN THE USA                                                         Free software
Monolix software for modeling clinical tests,            to develop innovative statistical methods for
                                                                                                                  now used in government
developed by the Inria Research Institute and            population analysis. Several tools designed              On 19 September 2012, French Prime Minister
marketed by Lixoft, is seeing a rapid increase           to complement Monolix, including a clinical test         Jean-Marc Ayrault announced in a circular
in its popularity among pharmaceutical companies         simulator that can be used to study the effects          that open source software was to be used in his
and research institutes in the USA. This is reflected    of different drugs on virtual patients, are also under   administration, due to the economic advantages
in the new courses taught at the University of Buffalo   development. 18 months after its creation, Lixoft        it offers. Mr Ayrault pointed out in particular
and in Boston in October and November 2012, as well      is close to making profit and continues to grow.         that the Inter-ministerial Department for
as Lixoft’s numerous visits to major pharmaceutical                                                               Information and Communication Systems plans
companies on the east coast, who are adopting                                                                     to reinvest 5 to 10% of the licence costs saved
Monolix at a heady pace. Lixoft, led by its Chairman                                                              in other software-related budgets.
Jérôme Kalifa, and the Popix team (Inria Saclay),               more information:
led by Marc Lavielle, are continuing to work together 

06_Connect_ Issue 03 // November 2012

                                                                                  DIGITAL SIMULATION
         OF THE FUTURE
                      Until recently the preserve of aerospace and the nuclear industry,
                     digital simulation is now playing an increasingly prominent role in the
                            training of healthcare professionals. The emergence of a third
                                 generation of dedicated applications, combining anatomical
                    and biophysical modeling, heralds a boom in this still fledgling market.

    n the 1960s, epic Hollywood movie “Fantastic               spread into the field of healthcare, as well as other, lesser
    Voyage”(1) portrayed a future in which, to treat a         known areas.
    patient, miniaturized doctors would enter his body         The modeling of molecules, cells and organs began with
    aboard a pocket-sized submarine. Now, give or take         laparoscopic surgery in the mid-nineties. The screen
    a few details, this vision has become a reality. The       and the software interface became an integral part of
cardboard has been replaced by algorithms, the subma-          health professionals’ daily working lives, being used for
rine by an IT tool, and the fictional setting by an infinite   training, to prepare for operations and for the actual
number of scientific scenarios. Digital simulation, which      performance of these operations. Since then, the meth-
involves using a virtual or augmented model of reality         ods have been perfected and extended, with increas-
to reproduce accurately the internal workings of a com-        ingly powerful tools. “The healthcare applications of
plex system in order to study changes in it, has also          digital simulation include assistance with learning,             >>>

                                                                                                      Connect_ Issue 03 // November 2012 _07
What is original about the                 We also train many healthcare
                                                                                                   professionals (doctors, specialists, etc.)
                                                        solutions produced by                      to detect tumours, for example,
                                                        Interaction Healthcare?                    by recreating laboratory conditions
                                                                                                   with virtual patients.
                                                        Created in 2008 with the support
                                                        of OSEO, Interaction Healthcare
                                                        specialises in the development             How do you work with
                                                        of digital tools for interactive           public research bodies?
                                                        healthcare training, based on the          The areas of expertise of the Inria
                                                        concept of the serious game.               Research Institute and Interaction
                                                        This approach to teaching uses the fun     Healthcare complement each other.
                                                        of video games to facilitate virtual       A year ago, we therefore decided
                                                        learning, be it through real-time,         together to implement a policy of joint
                                                        classroom-based simulation                 monitoring of our R&D projects and
                                                        (for students, healthcare professionals    those of our clients. This approach has
                                                        and laboratories) or modules to raise      allowed us to open up potential
                                                        awareness among the public                 avenues of support based on the
                                                        as a whole.                                embedding of Inria technology in
                                                                                                   our solutions or on the ad hoc
                                                        What applications do                       deployment of components produced
                                                        these serious games                        through our joint efforts. We currently
                                                                                                   have two collaborative projects
                                                        have?                                      in progress on the medical simulation
                                                        We are developing extremely                of chronic diseases. The most
A view from... Jérôme Leleu,                            advanced serious games based on            promising technology transfer
                                                                                                   concerns the development
Director of Interaction                                 surgical simulation for several
                                                        university hospitals. They incorporate     of extremely advanced software
Healthcare, a company                                   interactive 3D technology that             components for the simulation
developing serious games                                realistically reproduces the               of heart behaviour in relation to
                                                        management of clinical situations,         heart failure.
based on medical simulation.                            in the same way as a flight simulator.

     >>>     d
             ­ iagnosis and treatment, be it training healthcare profes-       all the while learning from their mistakes. “Training
             sionals, studying potential scenarios for the development         through simulation can result in real improvements in
             of diseases or conditions, practising treatment procedures        safety,” says Jean-Claude Granry. “In surgery, it has been
             or preparing for an operation,” explains Jean-Claude              shown that this approach brings about a notable improve-
             Granry, a university professor, head of the intensive             ment in the performance of surgeons. The same goes for the
             care unit and emergency medicine department at                    treatment of heart attacks that occur in hospital.”
             Angers University Hospital and head of the “simulation            In France, digital simulation in healthcare is still an
             practices in healthcare” task force at the French Health          emerging field, but it is a dynamic one. In 2011, OSEO
             Authority (HAS).                                                  provided financial support to several projects concern-
                                                                               ing surgical applications or 3D modeling of the human
             THIRD-GENERATION TOOLS                                            body. “The market is still difficult to put a figure on, but it
             This virtual training space offers a unique place for             is growing quickly,” explains Rosalie Maurisse, head of
             learning and clinical or surgical experimentation that is         the Health sector at OSEO, “particularly in medical imag-
             both realistic and risk-free. It provides healthcare pro-         ing, cardiology and oncology.”
             fessionals with exposure to situations and technical pro-         The applications are at a promising stage. “The advent of
             cedures before they have to tackle them with real                 a third generation of tools will revolutionise hospital prac-
             patients, allowing them to perfect their skills in “mock”         tices,” predicts Nicholas Ayache, a senior research scien-
             conditions and practise dealing with a wide range of              tist at Inria(2). In the future, digital models will be both
             scenarios, from standard pathologies to the rarest cases,         anatomical and biophysical, based on the physical

08_Connect_ Issue 03 // November 2012

                                                                                 physiology to help understand the mechanisms
                                                                                 involved in heart disease. Modeling of living organisms
                                                                                 is also ­ ccupying an increasingly prominent place in
                                                                                 the activities of the Macs team, which is striving to
                                                                                 design innovative models such as CardioSense 3D
                                                                                 —a tool for electromechanical modeling of the heart
                                                                                 that can optimize the fitting of pacemakers. The Bang
                                                                                 team, meanwhile, is studying the modeling of cell divi-
                                                                                 sion and healthy or tumorous tissue growth processes,
                                                                                 with a view to attaining a better understanding of liver
                                                                                 regeneration or approaches to cancer treatment. The
                                                                                 ERC Med’YMA project, launched by the Asclepios
                                                                                 team, is focusing on the design of models that take into
                                                                                 account dynamic properties in the modeling of a
                                                                                 patient’s organs, by combining the analysis of biomedi-
Simulation of a cataract operation thanks to the software
“Sofa”, developed by the Inria Shacra research team,                             cal images with biophysical models, so as to obtain a
in partnership with Lille 1 University, the CNRS (France’s                       personalized interpretation of the evolution of a pathol-
National Center for Scientific Research) and the LIFL
(Lille University computer science research laboratory).                         ogy. In the simulation of surgical operations, the Shacra
                                                                                 research team is developing software libraries for oper-
                                                                                 ation simulators for teaching and training purposes, or
                                                                                 even for guidance, particularly for cataract surgeries.
properties and biological functions of organs and tis-                           The Magrit team is working with Nancy University
sues, such as the cardiovascular function or the respira-                        Hospital on learning and simulation systems concern-
tory function. They will also incorporate a large                                ing the fitting of coils in aneurysms, by superimposing
number of multi-scale parameters, from molecule to                               enhanced images onto those that the neuro-surgeons
organ level.                                                                     choose to look at, in real time. Digital simulation in
                                                                                 healthcare offers promising prospects for all special-
ACTIVE RESEARCH: THE INRIA EXAMPLE                                               isms within the field, in which a growing number of
Six Inria research teams are taking part in this revolu-                         innovative applications are proving to be runaway
tion, with the challenge, in complex environments, of                            successes.
developing reconstruction and modeling methods tai-
lored to and accessible to the medical community, so                             (1) Fantastic Voyage, Richard Fleischer, 1966.
                                                                                 (2) Public research institute devoted to computational sciences.
that the community can incorporate these methods in
its practices through reliable industrial applications.                          contact: Philippe Gesnouin, Manager of Technology
The Carmen research team, for instance, is focusing on                           Transfers in the Health Sector at Inria.
digital models for the simulation of cardiac electro-                            E-Mail:

Created in January 2012, Strasbourg University Hospital Institute
(IHU Strasbourg) brings together representatives of different specialities who
are keen to innovate in the field of image-guided minimally-invasive surgery
technologies, by ensuring rapid technology transfer with and to industrial
partners. As a founding member, Inria plays a central role in determining
the strategic direction of the IHU. “Working with Inria researchers is
very easy, because they are perfectly in tune with the IHU’s entrepreneurial
spirit and enthusiasm for technology transfer,” explains Jacques Marescaux,
President of the Institute of Research on the Prevention of Cancers
of the Digestive Tract (Ircad) and a leader of the IHU Strasbourg project.
“We share the same vision and the same objectives.”

                                                                                                                                Connect_ Issue 03 // November 2012 _09

OSEO and its strategic industrial innovation program (ISI)

Case study of a secure
payments company
Through its ISI program, OSEO is supporting the company Inside Secure in the
development of a technology enabling direct payment using a mobile phone.
Launched in March 2011, the Cascade                      An ISI project is a highly innovative col-               euros to the ­project’s overall budget. OSEO,
project involves “miniaturizing the Near                 laboration between at least two businesses               meanwhile, provides 10 million euros in
Field Communication (NFC) solution to                    and a number of public laboratories. The                 the form of grants for industrial research
integrate it in the SIM card of any mobile               Cascade project involves 40 people per                   work and a repayable advance for indus-
telephone, thus facilitating users’ finan-               year on average, over the total duration of              trial development work. “This collabora-
cial transactions,” explains Nicolas                     the project, representing four partners: the             tive model makes it possible to share costs,
Cordier, Innovation Project Manager at                   LETI* laboratory of the CEA (French                      accelerate the project’s growth and matu-
Inside Secure. “It’s our first project sup-              Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy                   rity, and even improve our efficiency beyond
ported by OSEO in a leading role. Because                Commission) as an academic partner;                      Cascade,” concludes Nicolas Cordier.
we wanted to develop a long-term (four-                  LFoundry, a manufacturer of silicon chips;
year) project with a strong industrial                   Inside Secure, a major player in integrated              *Laboratoire d’Electronique et de Technologies
focus, OSEO recommended the ISI pro-                     circuits for secure transactions and digital             de l’Information (Electronics and information
                                                                                                                  technology laboratory): based in Grenoble,
gram, which finances the research and                    identification; and Nokia. Together, the                 its activity is centred around the miniaturization
commercial development phases.”                          partners make a ­ ontribution of 25 million
                                                                           c                                      of technologies and their applications.

    0    Theoretical
                         1    Proving the
                                                 2     Submission to OSEO of the
                                                       application for funding and
                                                                                     3   First version
                                                                                         of the product:
                                                                                                                 4    Experimental
                                                                                                                                            6   Market
     (not financed by    development              presentation of the innovative     Inside Secure delivers      Technical
     the ISI program).   of the commercial        aspects and the project            the first project reports   improvements
                         project and              stages: OSEO’s technical experts   and prototypes.             to the most efficient
                         demonstration            examine the mechanisms and                                     products.
                         of its technical         revenues linked to the project
                         feasibility.             before issuing an opinion
                                                  on its eligibility and deciding                                5   Innovation:
                                                  to finance part of the work.                                   of two solutions,
                                                  OSEO also helps the company                                    NFC and high-speed
                                                  to approach laboratories and                                   NFC, in a single
                                                  other partners.                                                component.

                                        Submission and validation                     OSEO grants of 25%         Repayable advance of        Repayment with
                                        of application for ISI project                     to 45%                25% to 50% from OSEO          interest and
                                                                                                                                              if successful
                                             Submission and validation of application for ISI project
                                                                    Industrial maturity

10_Connect_ Issue 03 // November 2012
                                                                                                       Event program
DEVELOPING COLLABORATIONS BETWEEN                                                                      27-29 NOVEMBER 2012
SMEs AND PUBLIC RESEARCH                                                                               The fourth international forum
                                                                                                       for the OW2 community and
                                                                                                       those interested in software
                                                   to David Andreu of the Demar research               development and open source
                                                   team (Inria, LIRMM*, CNRS, Université               cloud computing.
                                                   Montpellier 1, Université des sciences et                 For further information:
                                                   techniques du Languedoc–Montpellier 2),         
                                                   for his work in robotics and applied                      OW2Con-2012/
                                                   electro-functional simulation in the field
                                                   of healthcare.
                                                   His research has resulted in the
                                                   development of wireless functionalities
                                                   on electro-stimulation units for the
In order to strengthen the existing links          rehabilitation of patients.                         4 DECEMBER 2012
between academic research and SMEs,                This product is now marketed by                     Second Dataconnexions
the Federation of electrical, electronic           Vivaltis, a Montpellier-based SME with              meeting
and communication industries (FIEEC)               a workforce of 25.                                  A government initiative bringing
has, since 2011, awarded an annual prize                                                               together open data players
to three researchers whose work has                *Laboratoire d’informatique, de robotique et de     through networking sessions
                                                   microélectronique de Montpellier – Montpellier
given rise to industrialisation                    computer science, robotics and microelectronics     to accelerate the development
by a French SME and generated                      laboratory.                                         of projects concerning public
high-quality jobs.                                                                                     data. The prizewinning projects
This year, first prize (15,000 euros) was                more information:                             from the second
awarded, at the Rendez-vous Carnot,                         Dataconnexions competition
                                                                                                       will also be presented.
                                                                                                              For further information:

                   DIGITAL INNOVATION                                                                  APRIL 2013
                   HUB                                                                                 Inria Industry Meeting
                                                                                                       on the theme of modeling,
                                                                                                       simulation and
  #information, #networking and                    In addition to this networking tool, a range of     supercomputing
  #digital technology are the watchwords for       services will be proposed (calendar, monitoring,    This day of exchanges aims
  iCommunity, the online platform designed         catalogue of Inria’s technology assets), covering   to bring together Inria
  to meet the needs of SMEs seeking innovation.    the main themes of the digital industry. Access     researchers, who will present
  Set up to encourage interaction between          is free and the platform will be available from     the state of progress of their
  the software industry and public research,       the end of 2012.                                    work, and representatives
  iCommunity is a solution for innovative
  companies who wish to work with research         Contact: Dimitri Tate, Community Manager            from industry and SMEs
  institutes. SMEs will be offered direct access   Technology Transfer & Innovation, Inria.            in order to identify potential
  to experts from the sector (researchers,         E-Mail:                       opportunities for technology
  innovation contacts) via a networking tool                                                           transfer.
  (online discussion, sharing of information             more information:                             contact: Brigitte Duême, Manager
  and experiences through themed                                            of the HPC –PME program, Inria.
  communities, etc.).                                    and on Twitter via @icommunity_fr             E-Mail: Brigitte.dueme@inria .fr

                                                                                                        Connect_ Issue 03 // November 2012 _11
PARTNERSHIPS                                              HEALTH, LIFE SCIENCES,

        What links Mauna Kea, a Hawaiian volcano, Asclepios, the god of Medicine,
        and Siwa, an Egyptian oasis? Technology transfer between Inria teams
        and an innovative SME!

        Mauna Kea Technologies is a French            to develop our image processing
        SME that develops and markets                 algorithms,” explains François Lacombe,
        cutting-edge endomicroscopic imaging          scientific director at Mauna Kea
        solutions with mini-probes for the world      Technologies. These ties are now taking
        of medicine. Its flagship product is          an industrial turn, as Inria’s Asclepios
        Cellvizio. Supported by OSEO,                 research team, which specializes in
        it has been working with Inria since          the analysis of medical images and the
        its creation in 2000.                         biophysical modeling of the human
        “The Institute’s researchers have helped us   body, prepares to help the company
                                                      to insert new image reconstruction
                                                      software in its products. The technology
                                                      transfer is taking place within the
                                                      framework of an Innovation-Lab, a joint
                                                      laboratory involving both the company
                                                      and Inria. Named “Siwa” (Stitching
                                                      Images and Wisdom into the Atlas),
                                                      the lab brings together engineers from
                                                      the SME and the Inria research team
                                                      to work on a joint program for a period
                                                      of three years.
                                                      “Together, we are going to carry out
                                                      an intelligent mapping of the cell tissue
                                                      images and develop non-rigid image
                                                      registration software that will, in real
                                                      time, produce images similar to those
                                                      viewed during endomicroscopy,”
                                                      explains Nicholas Ayache, leader
                                                      of the Asclepios research team.
                                                      “Siwa is mutually beneficial: these
                                                      solutions will prove very useful in our
                                                      researchers’ subsequent work.”

                                                      François Lacombe / franç
                                                      Nicholas Ayache /

                                                      Nicholas Ayache, Leader of Inria’s Asclepios
                                                      research team (on the left), and
                                                      François Lacombe, Scientific Director
                                                      at Mauna Kea Technologies.

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Inria - Connect 3

  • 2. CONTENTS EDITOR’S desk 03_NEWS BRIEFS Round-up of the latest digital science news. NETWORKING: A SURE-FIRE ROUTE 05_DECRYPTION Open-source software: boosting the performance of SMEs. TO EFFICIENCY Catherine Borg-Capra, Director of Expertise at OSEO The French higher education and research landscape has just undergone a major reorganisation, with the emergence of innovative structures and new calls for projects. The aim is to establish a dynamic ecosystem that enables efficient development of public research and technology transfer to business. In this environment, which involves multiple players, the key to success is networking. It is essential, particularly for businesses, to be able to benefit from the new mechanism in an efficient way. They need to be supported and guided and their future must be secured by a technological and economic vision, in interaction with this ecosystem. The ambition of OSEO and the Inria Research 07 Institute, through their partnership agreement, is to allow businesses to benefit from their combined network. For many years now, OSEO has been a central player in technology _FOCUS transfer, in conjunction with all the protagonists of the ecosystem: the Carnot Institutes, the contracted research Digital simulation: serving the medicine companies, the public research institutions, and the of the future. organisations providing finance and support for technology transfer, not forgetting, of course, the businesses. OSEO is a driving force in technology transfer from public research. It has an intimate knowledge of the 10_INITIATIVES businesses involved and intervenes OSEO ISI program: a partner in growth. directly by providing aid to laboratories through public-private 11_USEFUL INFO partnerships. Aimed at strategic industrial projects, the ISI program Calendar, events, etc. is presented in greater detail in this issue of Connect: it is 12_PARTNERSHIPS a good example of OSEO’s Siwa, a digital oasis by Inria and Mauna Kea. support for innovative projects and a means of public action to help make businesses more competitive. Connect magazine is co-designed by OSEO and Inria, the National Institute of Computer Science and Control. Connect_N°03 // November 2012. Director of Publication: Michel Cosnard. Managing Editor: Céline Acharian. Editor-in-Chief: Marie Gallas-Amblard. Editorial Committee: Céline Acharian, Catherine Borg-Capra, Fanny Cantarero, Marie Gallas-Amblard, David Monteau. Photo credits: Cabinet d’architecture Nogha Consulting, DR, Groupe Interaction, Inria/C. Dupont, Inria/N. Fagot, Inria/C. Lebedinsky, Institut Carnot, Mauna Kea Technologies S.A., J.-M. Pettina/Caisse des dépôts. DESIGN AND PRODUCTION: INRIA Déploiement identité INRIA CORPO BASELINE CMJN DRAGON 61269 100% . PRINTING: Bergame, PEFC-certified paper. Baseline C0 C0 C0 M20 M100 M100 J90 J90 J100 - - N0 N0 N0 - - - - - - - - - R1-21/04/11 02_Connect_ Issue 03 // November 2012 Logotype Equivalence Tons directs
  • 3. NEWS DIGITAL SCIENCE NEWS BRIEFS Ambition logicielle KEY FIGURES AN EXPERT PROGRAM DEVOTED TO SMEs The “Ambition logicielle” program is a collaboration between a number of major players on the French innovation scene (AFDEL*, CDC Entreprises, CNRS, Comité Richelieu, Inria, OSEO and Syntec Numérique). Aimed at companies in the software sector that The Ambition logicielle program began in September 2012 in Grenoble and will be rolled out in other towns and cities during 2013. *French association of software vendors. 4.5  BILLION EUROS have been made available through the government’s “Investments for the Future” program to boost the competitiveness have come up with an innovative of the digital sector in France. project based on software technology, Source: France numérique 2012, Bilan et perspectives. it acts as a catalyst, boosting the [Digital France 2012, Report and Outlook] efficiency of existing systems to the benefit of SMEs. The goal is to enable them to increase their capacity to adopt innovative technology resulting from 700,000 research. Specifically, Ambition logicielle offers personalised support for SMEs, helping them build their project by Net number of jobs created by ICT in the last drawing upon the range of expertise 15 years across all sectors. It is estimated that by contact: Thierry Vareine, Manager and tools offered by the various Ambition Logicielle Grenoble. 2015, another 450,000 jobs will have been created. partners. E-Mail: Source: France numérique 2012, Bilan et perspectives. [Digital France 2012, Report and Outlook] CALL FOR PROJECTS 5.2% The contribution of digital technologies to France’s INNOVATION IN SERVICES GDP. The digital economy is one of the French economy’s most dynamic sectors, accounting for a third of overall growth. Source: France numérique 2012, Bilan et perspectives. Launched in March by the French for projects is open until March 2013 [Digital France 2012, Report and Outlook] government via the Directorate and welcomes submissions from B2C General for Competitiveness, Industry and B2B service companies. and Services (DGCIS), the call for The selected projects will be examined “Innovation in services” projects aims by OSEO’s regional divisions, with to boost the competitiveness of SMEs through innovation, based on existing or new service offers and particularly the assistance of the DGCIS. *Information and communication 35% Annual growth rate of the cloud computing market, technologies. on ICTs*. It is also aimed at newly which is now worth 5 billion euros. The cloud created SMEs and offers them industry can provide a major boost to the a competitive advantage over the competitiveness of French businesses. It reduces IT costs by 35 to 50% and is, at the same time, existing market. Led by OSEO, which more information: creating jobs and value through the development is also providing seven million euros of bespoke tools and infrastructures. of funding in the form of interest-free appels_a_propositions/appel_a_projets_ Source: France numérique 2012, Bilan et perspectives. loans and repayable advances, this call innovation_dans_les_services [Digital France 2012, Report and Outlook] Connect_ Issue 03 // November 2012 _03
  • 4. NEWS DIGITAL SCIENCE NEWS BRIEFS OSEO-CNC PARTNERSHIP RIAM YIELDS telex PROMISING RESULTS A CLUSTER OF EXCELLENCE Four years after launching their joint 58 projects were supported through a The Grenoble-based Minalogic call for projects named “RIAM”*, OSEO mixed funding scheme combining competitiveness cluster, which and the French National Centre for grants and repayable advances. specialises in micro- and nano- Cinema and moving pictures (CNC) Bolstered by this initial success, OSEO technologies and embedded software, made an initial evaluation of the and the CNC used the publication of has just been awarded the gold “Cluster scheme at the start of this year. the report as an opportunity to reassert Organisation Management Excellence” Designed to support innovative SMEs their shared desire to encourage label by the European Commission. and offer them the best possible innovation and economic development The award, the highest distinction that guidance with their ambitious R&D in the sector by renewing their can be bestowed upon a cluster, projects, this partnership has proved agreement for a further two years on rewards Minalogic’s performance and good governance and puts it among the fruitful in more than one respect. 22 November 2011. elite circle of eight European “clusters of Indeed, it has led to the promotion of *Réseau Recherche et Innovation en Audiovisuel excellence”, alongside another French major technological breakthroughs cluster, Systematic. et Multimédia – Audiovisual and multimedia and/or innovations in usage in the case research and innovationPantone Equivalence Logotype Quadrichromie principal Equivalence network. Tons directs of 89% of the projects supported, as well Accent CYAN 0% + MAG. 100 %+ JAUNE 80%+NOIR 0% Pantone 185 C THE RESULTS OF THE 8TH “BAROMÈTRE as the creation of 100 jobs in the sector, CYAN 0% + MAG. 15 %+ DU FINANCEMENT DE L’INNOVATION” Typographie more information: JAUNE 15%+NOIR 55% Pantone 410 C and the continuation of 100 more. Symbole CYAN 0% + MAG. 30 %+ JAUNE 100%+NOIR 0% Pantone 130 C [innovation financing survey] show Between 2007 and 2010, no fewer than OSEO - Octobre 2006 web_publications/bilan_riam/ that in 2012, French SMEs, keen to maintain their capacity to innovate even in a period of crisis, relied largely on public financing to fulfil their R&D budgets. The research tax credit is supported by 58% of companies, who consider it to provide a valuable boost to their budget. FINANCING ISM MOBILE SERVICES INITIATIVE MEETS COMMITMENT THE PUBLIC INVESTMENT BANK This initiative, launched at the end of 2010, aimed at stimulating the innovation ecosystem and to accelerate the creation France’s new exports, supporting their innovation of innovative products and services in Public Investment efforts and facilitating energy mobility, by bringing together all the Bank (Banque transition in all fields. The BPI will be national players from the sector. Around publique a financial holding company, in which twenty projects transferring technology d’investissement the French government and the Caisse based on academic research to the or BPI) will have des Dépôts will each hold an equal mobile services market have thus come a central role stake. It will be governed by a board about. The leaders of the Mobile Services to play in the of directors chaired by Jean-Pierre Initiative now wish to intensify its impact government’s economic policy. Its task Jouyet, CEO of the Caisse des Dépôts, on the sector by extending collaboration will be to make it easier for businesses with the assistance of an advisory between researchers and industry (both to access credit, to guarantee loans and council chaired by the president of a SMEs and large corporate players). to provide support to business owners French region. Parliament will vote on more information: throughout the lifespan of their the bill proposing the bank’s creation businesses, helping them with their by the end of the year. 04_Connect_ Issue 03 // November 2012
  • 5. DECRYPTION _What are the particularities of free software? Gaël Blondelle: It is based on several freedoms described by Richard Stallman(3): a piece of software is said to be “free” when it respects the freedom of the community and when users can run the program for any purpose, study its code and modify it, distribute copies and distribute modified versions. It is important, however, to distinguish between “permissive” licences (BSD, MIT, Eclipse), which allow any form of distribution, including inclusion in pro- prietary software, and non-permissive licences, such as GNU, which set out Gaël Blondelle, specific conditions for the distribution responsible for Gérard Ladier, Deputy CEO Polarsys at Obeo at AerospaceValley of modified versions or software that includes licensed code(4). FREE SOFTWARE _Is free software a good tool for technol- Open source software: ogy transfer and economic develop- ment? Gérard Ladier: Yes, for technology boosting the transfer, but also for improving effi- ciency. For example, in the develop- performance of SMEs ment of an application, the verification phase is very expensive. For each line of code written, four more lines are required for tests! Inria has been Because, by its very nature, it facilitates involved in free software for many years and has, for instance, developed dissemination of scientific knowledge and highly efficient verification tools that technology transfer, open source software is increase not only the productivity but also the security of applications. attracting the interest of many businesses. The task now is to distinguish which are the key _What are the benefits of free software? aspects that must be protected and which are G. B.: It is accessible and modifiable, which means it can meet businesses’ the elements that can be freely distributed within upgrade needs at a lesser cost. Such the developer and user community. software also reaches maturity more Interview with Gaël Blondelle, responsible quickly, thanks to the interaction between users and developers, whereas for Polarsys(1) at Obeo(2), and Gérard Ladier, vendors of proprietary software only Deputy CEO at AerospaceValley. take on board a small proportion of Connect_ Issue 03 // November 2012 _05
  • 6. DECRYPTION businesses’ most common requests. instance, Polarsys(7), which I am in G. L.: Open source software is a devel- charge of at Obeo, aims to ensure the opment model that is of interest to sustainability of the development tools industrial operators and innovative used to produce critical embedded sys- SMEs. In the software development tems(8). It is an opportunity for SMEs, Free software tools sector—a narrow sector in which margins are often tight—companies are which can not only take advantage of the resources made available, but also can be modified, small and the support services they offer last no more than ten years, gain recognition for their own exper- tise. Before taking the plunge, however, which means it whereas some applications have to be used for forty years (in nuclear power, it is essential to determine what exactly you want to share free of charge with is able to meet for example) or even fifty years (in avia- the other members of the community businesses’ tion). In the meantime, the vendor may also change strategy, be bought out, or and what aspects of your expertise you want to preserve. This is a sine qua non upgrade needs even cease to exist. This is what has led major players such as Airbus to support for a viable business model. What makes the task more difficult still is the at a lesser cost. open source projects to ensure that sus- need to redefine this value-added each Gaël Blondelle tainable tools are produced. time there is a change in the technical or commercial environment. _What are the risks and opportunities? G. L.: Just because software is free, it doesn’t mean that the user has no obli- (1) Industry working group working on the gations. For example, because it used development of open source tools for embedded Linux components in software for its systems and their supports with a long life cycle WRT54G router, the company Lynksys ( (2) Software vendor and consultancy firm dedicated had to make its code public in 2003, to the industrialisation of developments and even though it was initially the owner(5). assisted redesign. Proprietary tools exist to avoid such (3) mishaps, but it is also possible to make (4) See “Le Guide d’approche et d’analyse des licences de logiciels libres version 2.0” by Sylvain use of tools such as those produced by Steer and Magali Fitzgibbon (Inria), p. 11. AnteLink, an Inria start-up(6). (5) G. B.: At present, entities built around a php/3562391 contacts: Gérard Ladier, Deputy CEO at (6) AerospaceValley, and Gaël Blondelle, the specific theme are emerging in parallel (7) or OpenMama, Genivi or OSEHRA. person responsible for Polarsys at Obeo. with the developer and user communi- (8) E-mails: ties that are spontaneously forming. For MONOLIX GROWING IN POPULARITY IN THE USA Free software Monolix software for modeling clinical tests, to develop innovative statistical methods for now used in government developed by the Inria Research Institute and population analysis. Several tools designed On 19 September 2012, French Prime Minister marketed by Lixoft, is seeing a rapid increase to complement Monolix, including a clinical test Jean-Marc Ayrault announced in a circular in its popularity among pharmaceutical companies simulator that can be used to study the effects that open source software was to be used in his and research institutes in the USA. This is reflected of different drugs on virtual patients, are also under administration, due to the economic advantages in the new courses taught at the University of Buffalo development. 18 months after its creation, Lixoft it offers. Mr Ayrault pointed out in particular and in Boston in October and November 2012, as well is close to making profit and continues to grow. that the Inter-ministerial Department for as Lixoft’s numerous visits to major pharmaceutical Information and Communication Systems plans companies on the east coast, who are adopting to reinvest 5 to 10% of the licence costs saved Monolix at a heady pace. Lixoft, led by its Chairman in other software-related budgets. Jérôme Kalifa, and the Popix team (Inria Saclay), more information: led by Marc Lavielle, are continuing to work together 06_Connect_ Issue 03 // November 2012
  • 7. FOCUS DIGITAL SIMULATION SERVING THE MEDICINE OF THE FUTURE Until recently the preserve of aerospace and the nuclear industry, digital simulation is now playing an increasingly prominent role in the training of healthcare professionals. The emergence of a third generation of dedicated applications, combining anatomical and biophysical modeling, heralds a boom in this still fledgling market. I n the 1960s, epic Hollywood movie “Fantastic spread into the field of healthcare, as well as other, lesser Voyage”(1) portrayed a future in which, to treat a known areas. patient, miniaturized doctors would enter his body The modeling of molecules, cells and organs began with aboard a pocket-sized submarine. Now, give or take laparoscopic surgery in the mid-nineties. The screen a few details, this vision has become a reality. The and the software interface became an integral part of cardboard has been replaced by algorithms, the subma- health professionals’ daily working lives, being used for rine by an IT tool, and the fictional setting by an infinite training, to prepare for operations and for the actual number of scientific scenarios. Digital simulation, which performance of these operations. Since then, the meth- involves using a virtual or augmented model of reality ods have been perfected and extended, with increas- to reproduce accurately the internal workings of a com- ingly powerful tools. “The healthcare applications of plex system in order to study changes in it, has also digital simulation include assistance with learning, >>> Connect_ Issue 03 // November 2012 _07
  • 8. What is original about the We also train many healthcare professionals (doctors, specialists, etc.) solutions produced by to detect tumours, for example, Interaction Healthcare? by recreating laboratory conditions with virtual patients. Created in 2008 with the support of OSEO, Interaction Healthcare specialises in the development How do you work with of digital tools for interactive public research bodies? healthcare training, based on the The areas of expertise of the Inria concept of the serious game. Research Institute and Interaction This approach to teaching uses the fun Healthcare complement each other. of video games to facilitate virtual A year ago, we therefore decided learning, be it through real-time, together to implement a policy of joint classroom-based simulation monitoring of our R&D projects and (for students, healthcare professionals those of our clients. This approach has and laboratories) or modules to raise allowed us to open up potential awareness among the public avenues of support based on the as a whole. embedding of Inria technology in our solutions or on the ad hoc What applications do deployment of components produced these serious games through our joint efforts. We currently have two collaborative projects have? in progress on the medical simulation We are developing extremely of chronic diseases. The most A view from... Jérôme Leleu, advanced serious games based on promising technology transfer concerns the development Director of Interaction surgical simulation for several university hospitals. They incorporate of extremely advanced software Healthcare, a company interactive 3D technology that components for the simulation developing serious games realistically reproduces the of heart behaviour in relation to management of clinical situations, heart failure. based on medical simulation. in the same way as a flight simulator. >>> d ­ iagnosis and treatment, be it training healthcare profes- all the while learning from their mistakes. “Training sionals, studying potential scenarios for the development through simulation can result in real improvements in of diseases or conditions, practising treatment procedures safety,” says Jean-Claude Granry. “In surgery, it has been or preparing for an operation,” explains Jean-Claude shown that this approach brings about a notable improve- Granry, a university professor, head of the intensive ment in the performance of surgeons. The same goes for the care unit and emergency medicine department at treatment of heart attacks that occur in hospital.” Angers University Hospital and head of the “simulation In France, digital simulation in healthcare is still an practices in healthcare” task force at the French Health emerging field, but it is a dynamic one. In 2011, OSEO Authority (HAS). provided financial support to several projects concern- ing surgical applications or 3D modeling of the human THIRD-GENERATION TOOLS body. “The market is still difficult to put a figure on, but it This virtual training space offers a unique place for is growing quickly,” explains Rosalie Maurisse, head of learning and clinical or surgical experimentation that is the Health sector at OSEO, “particularly in medical imag- both realistic and risk-free. It provides healthcare pro- ing, cardiology and oncology.” fessionals with exposure to situations and technical pro- The applications are at a promising stage. “The advent of cedures before they have to tackle them with real a third generation of tools will revolutionise hospital prac- patients, allowing them to perfect their skills in “mock” tices,” predicts Nicholas Ayache, a senior research scien- conditions and practise dealing with a wide range of tist at Inria(2). In the future, digital models will be both scenarios, from standard pathologies to the rarest cases, anatomical and biophysical, based on the physical 08_Connect_ Issue 03 // November 2012
  • 9. HEALTH, LIFE SCIENCES, BIOTECHNOLOGY physiology to help understand the mechanisms involved in heart disease. Modeling of living organisms is also ­ ccupying an increasingly prominent place in o the activities of the Macs team, which is striving to design innovative models such as CardioSense 3D —a tool for electromechanical modeling of the heart that can optimize the fitting of pacemakers. The Bang team, meanwhile, is studying the modeling of cell divi- sion and healthy or tumorous tissue growth processes, with a view to attaining a better understanding of liver regeneration or approaches to cancer treatment. The ERC Med’YMA project, launched by the Asclepios team, is focusing on the design of models that take into account dynamic properties in the modeling of a patient’s organs, by combining the analysis of biomedi- Simulation of a cataract operation thanks to the software “Sofa”, developed by the Inria Shacra research team, cal images with biophysical models, so as to obtain a in partnership with Lille 1 University, the CNRS (France’s personalized interpretation of the evolution of a pathol- National Center for Scientific Research) and the LIFL (Lille University computer science research laboratory). ogy. In the simulation of surgical operations, the Shacra research team is developing software libraries for oper- ation simulators for teaching and training purposes, or even for guidance, particularly for cataract surgeries. properties and biological functions of organs and tis- The Magrit team is working with Nancy University sues, such as the cardiovascular function or the respira- Hospital on learning and simulation systems concern- tory function. They will also incorporate a large ing the fitting of coils in aneurysms, by superimposing number of multi-scale parameters, from molecule to enhanced images onto those that the neuro-surgeons organ level. choose to look at, in real time. Digital simulation in healthcare offers promising prospects for all special- ACTIVE RESEARCH: THE INRIA EXAMPLE isms within the field, in which a growing number of Six Inria research teams are taking part in this revolu- innovative applications are proving to be runaway tion, with the challenge, in complex environments, of successes. developing reconstruction and modeling methods tai- lored to and accessible to the medical community, so (1) Fantastic Voyage, Richard Fleischer, 1966. (2) Public research institute devoted to computational sciences. that the community can incorporate these methods in its practices through reliable industrial applications. contact: Philippe Gesnouin, Manager of Technology The Carmen research team, for instance, is focusing on Transfers in the Health Sector at Inria. digital models for the simulation of cardiac electro- E-Mail: HOSPITAL AND UNIVERSITY COME TOGETHER TO BOOST INNOVATION IN SURGERY Created in January 2012, Strasbourg University Hospital Institute (IHU Strasbourg) brings together representatives of different specialities who are keen to innovate in the field of image-guided minimally-invasive surgery technologies, by ensuring rapid technology transfer with and to industrial partners. As a founding member, Inria plays a central role in determining the strategic direction of the IHU. “Working with Inria researchers is very easy, because they are perfectly in tune with the IHU’s entrepreneurial spirit and enthusiasm for technology transfer,” explains Jacques Marescaux, President of the Institute of Research on the Prevention of Cancers of the Digestive Tract (Ircad) and a leader of the IHU Strasbourg project. “We share the same vision and the same objectives.” Connect_ Issue 03 // November 2012 _09
  • 10. INITIATIVES OSEO and its strategic industrial innovation program (ISI) Case study of a secure payments company Through its ISI program, OSEO is supporting the company Inside Secure in the development of a technology enabling direct payment using a mobile phone. Launched in March 2011, the Cascade An ISI project is a highly innovative col- euros to the ­project’s overall budget. OSEO, project involves “miniaturizing the Near laboration between at least two businesses meanwhile, provides 10 million euros in Field Communication (NFC) solution to and a number of public laboratories. The the form of grants for industrial research integrate it in the SIM card of any mobile Cascade project involves 40 people per work and a repayable advance for indus- telephone, thus facilitating users’ finan- year on average, over the total duration of trial development work. “This collabora- cial transactions,” explains Nicolas the project, representing four partners: the tive model makes it possible to share costs, Cordier, Innovation Project Manager at LETI* laboratory of the CEA (French accelerate the project’s growth and matu- Inside Secure. “It’s our first project sup- Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy rity, and even improve our efficiency beyond ported by OSEO in a leading role. Because Commission) as an academic partner; Cascade,” concludes Nicolas Cordier. we wanted to develop a long-term (four- LFoundry, a manufacturer of silicon chips; year) project with a strong industrial Inside Secure, a major player in integrated *Laboratoire d’Electronique et de Technologies focus, OSEO recommended the ISI pro- circuits for secure transactions and digital de l’Information (Electronics and information technology laboratory): based in Grenoble, gram, which finances the research and identification; and Nokia. Together, the its activity is centred around the miniaturization commercial development phases.” partners make a ­ ontribution of 25 million c of technologies and their applications. FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM OSEO TO INSIDE SECURE THROUGH THE ISI PROGRAM 0 Theoretical research 1 Proving the concept: 2 Submission to OSEO of the application for funding and 3 First version of the product: 4 Experimental development: 6 Market release. (not financed by development presentation of the innovative Inside Secure delivers Technical the ISI program). of the commercial aspects and the project the first project reports improvements project and stages: OSEO’s technical experts and prototypes. to the most efficient demonstration examine the mechanisms and products. of its technical revenues linked to the project feasibility. before issuing an opinion on its eligibility and deciding 5 Innovation: Unification to finance part of the work. of two solutions, OSEO also helps the company NFC and high-speed to approach laboratories and NFC, in a single other partners. component. Submission and validation OSEO grants of 25% Repayable advance of Repayment with of application for ISI project to 45% 25% to 50% from OSEO interest and profit-sharing if successful Submission and validation of application for ISI project Industrial maturity 10_Connect_ Issue 03 // November 2012
  • 11. USEFUL INFO Event program FIEEC PRIZE DEVELOPING COLLABORATIONS BETWEEN 27-29 NOVEMBER 2012 OW2con’12 SMEs AND PUBLIC RESEARCH The fourth international forum for the OW2 community and those interested in software to David Andreu of the Demar research development and open source team (Inria, LIRMM*, CNRS, Université cloud computing. Montpellier 1, Université des sciences et For further information: techniques du Languedoc–Montpellier 2), for his work in robotics and applied OW2Con-2012/ electro-functional simulation in the field of healthcare. His research has resulted in the development of wireless functionalities on electro-stimulation units for the In order to strengthen the existing links rehabilitation of patients. 4 DECEMBER 2012 between academic research and SMEs, This product is now marketed by Second Dataconnexions the Federation of electrical, electronic Vivaltis, a Montpellier-based SME with meeting and communication industries (FIEEC) a workforce of 25. A government initiative bringing has, since 2011, awarded an annual prize together open data players to three researchers whose work has *Laboratoire d’informatique, de robotique et de through networking sessions microélectronique de Montpellier – Montpellier given rise to industrialisation computer science, robotics and microelectronics to accelerate the development by a French SME and generated laboratory. of projects concerning public high-quality jobs. data. The prizewinning projects This year, first prize (15,000 euros) was more information: from the second awarded, at the Rendez-vous Carnot, Dataconnexions competition will also be presented. For further information: http://www.etalab.gouv. fOW2Con-2012/ DIGITAL INNOVATION APRIL 2013 HUB Inria Industry Meeting on the theme of modeling, simulation and #information, #networking and In addition to this networking tool, a range of supercomputing #digital technology are the watchwords for services will be proposed (calendar, monitoring, This day of exchanges aims iCommunity, the online platform designed catalogue of Inria’s technology assets), covering to bring together Inria to meet the needs of SMEs seeking innovation. the main themes of the digital industry. Access researchers, who will present Set up to encourage interaction between is free and the platform will be available from the state of progress of their the software industry and public research, the end of 2012. work, and representatives iCommunity is a solution for innovative companies who wish to work with research Contact: Dimitri Tate, Community Manager from industry and SMEs institutes. SMEs will be offered direct access Technology Transfer & Innovation, Inria. in order to identify potential to experts from the sector (researchers, E-Mail: opportunities for technology innovation contacts) via a networking tool transfer. (online discussion, sharing of information more information: contact: Brigitte Duême, Manager and experiences through themed of the HPC –PME program, Inria. communities, etc.). and on Twitter via @icommunity_fr E-Mail: Brigitte.dueme@inria .fr Connect_ Issue 03 // November 2012 _11
  • 12. PARTNERSHIPS HEALTH, LIFE SCIENCES, BIOTECHNOLOGY SIWA, THE DIGITAL OASIS BY INRIA AND MAUNA KEA What links Mauna Kea, a Hawaiian volcano, Asclepios, the god of Medicine, and Siwa, an Egyptian oasis? Technology transfer between Inria teams and an innovative SME! Mauna Kea Technologies is a French to develop our image processing SME that develops and markets algorithms,” explains François Lacombe, cutting-edge endomicroscopic imaging scientific director at Mauna Kea solutions with mini-probes for the world Technologies. These ties are now taking of medicine. Its flagship product is an industrial turn, as Inria’s Asclepios Cellvizio. Supported by OSEO, research team, which specializes in it has been working with Inria since the analysis of medical images and the its creation in 2000. biophysical modeling of the human “The Institute’s researchers have helped us body, prepares to help the company to insert new image reconstruction software in its products. The technology transfer is taking place within the framework of an Innovation-Lab, a joint laboratory involving both the company and Inria. Named “Siwa” (Stitching Images and Wisdom into the Atlas), the lab brings together engineers from the SME and the Inria research team to work on a joint program for a period of three years. “Together, we are going to carry out an intelligent mapping of the cell tissue images and develop non-rigid image registration software that will, in real time, produce images similar to those viewed during endomicroscopy,” explains Nicholas Ayache, leader of the Asclepios research team. “Siwa is mutually beneficial: these solutions will prove very useful in our researchers’ subsequent work.” contacts: François Lacombe / franç Nicholas Ayache / Nicholas Ayache, Leader of Inria’s Asclepios research team (on the left), and François Lacombe, Scientific Director at Mauna Kea Technologies.