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                                                                                  "Eastern India will be the Pioneer for
                                                                                  Indigenous Coke Industry"
                                                                                  Ganesan Natarajan
                                                                                  Whole Time Director, President & CEO, Ennore Coke Limited
                                                                                 ducers.                                 traditionally been captive, as coke      also coming in plenty. Natarajan        Chinese production of
                                                                                      In fact, there is an acute         is being produced in the coke            feels that the trend of importing       coking coal has not
                                                                                 shortage of good quality coking         oven batteries of integrated steel       from Russia is likely to remain.        increased in line with
                                                                                 coal globally, China has become a       plants as well as Pig iron plants.       "There are only two grades of           its steel production.
                                                                                 net importer of coking coal from        All major integrated steel plants        coal which are available. One is        As a result China has
                                                                                 last year, making matters worse.        have recovery type captive coke          low volatile and the other is high      become       a     net
                                                                                 China imported 35 mt of coking          oven batteries.                          volatile. The Russian coking coal is    importer of coking

         here can be little debate       country relies primarily on             coal last year and with steel pro-            Though merchant cookeries          second grade. Thus, to make steel       coal to care of its
         about the fact that the         imports. India imports coking coal      duction around the world increas-       have a capacity of 7.6 mt, produc-       production cost effective, Indian       domestic needs. Last
         whole world is looking at       to manufacture coke, in a segment       ing, the industry is starting at a      tion has never touched more than         steel makers are blending these         year China imported
         India, after China, as the      dominated globally by China,            global shortage of coking coal in       2.5 mt at any given point of time,       two grades of coal. So we would         35 mt of coking coal
         steel market with the           which, besides being the largest        the near future.                        pointed out Natarajan.                   be seeing a lot of Russian coking       and this year it is
most action. With a current crude        producer, is also the biggest con-           Mr. Ganesan Natarajan, Chief             The country produced around        coal coming into the market",           expected to touch 45
steel production of around 57 mil-       sumer and exporter.                                                                                                                                                                                            Moreover, the 40 percent               "This also indicates that cok-
                                                                                 Executive Officer, Whole Time           20.5 mt of coke in 2009-                                                                                                 export tax on met coke levied by       ing coal price would not be going
lion tons (mt) and steel making               Notwithstanding the slow           Director and President of Ennore        10 and of this, the share
capacity poised to reach 100 mt          economic growth in 2008 and                                                                                                                                                                              China since August 2008 and per-       down any further in near future
                                                                                 Coke Ltd. said that coke making         of merchant coke mak-                                                                                                    manent closure of 11 mt pet            and any trend of falling price is
by 2010-13, it is evident that cok-      2009, it is expected that global        capacities have moved up with           ers was 2 mt, which is
ing coal and coke demand will see        demand for metallurgical coal will                                                                                                                                                                       annum coke capacity in Eastern         being arrested. Though the pre-
                                                                                 increasing need. However, the           lower than the previous                                                                                                  Europe have created a large vacu-      sent quarterly price is a 7 percent
a big jump. The scenario is robust       grow by 6 percent per annum in          production figures are yet to pick      year. Although the pro-
even at the demand side of the           the coming years, driven by rapid                                                                                                                                                                        um in coke markets globally. The       drop from the contracted price of
                                                                                 up similar pace.                        duction capcities under-                                                                                                 coke making process is seeing a        last quarter, but in actual terms it
market.                                  growth in integrated steel making            It also to be kept in mind         went some increase,
     India's steel consumption           capacity in emerging markets -                                                                                                                                                                           global shift from Europe to Asian      is an increase in price over the
                                                                                 that in most plants expansions are      but the production                                                                                                       countries. China used to com-          price of the previous quarter. This
rose 8 percent in the year ended         notably China and India. The five       coming up mostly in the blast fur-      remained the same.
March 2010, to 56.3 MT, from             year trend growth forecast for                                                                                                                                                                           mand 50 percent of world export        has been supported by the steady
                                                                                 nace route. Even             Corex            Taking of capacity                                                                                                 till 2008,w hich ahs dropped dras-     increase of spot coking coal price
52.3 MT in the previous year, a          global metallurgical coal con-          Technology requires coke and the        utilization, it is to be
per the Ministry of steel.               sumption is 5/7 percent per                                                                                                                                                                              tically.                               over the last two to three weeks".
                                                                                 ferro alloy industry is also doing      noted that the current                                                                                                         The pinch was not felt to that         Price of met coke has nearly
Expectations are even brighter.          annum.                                  well.                                   production by the
     At a juncture like this, with            The present situation is criti-                                                                                                                                                                     extent due to the downturn in the      doubled from around $ 300 per
                                                                                      Thus, even with a very con-        Indian merchant coke                                                                                                     last two years. But, once coke         ton (fob China) to over $ 550 per
massive expansion plans laid             cal with China almost stopping          servative crude steel production        makers is low - at
down by the steel majors like steel      export of cocking coal                                                                                                                                                                                   demand return to pre crisis levels     ton (fob China). Price of met coke
                                                                                                                                                                  Natarajan explained.                    MT. China had been 3exporting           of 30 MT, it is difficult to say how   follows the same trend of coking
Authority of India, TATA Steel and       and coke. From here                                                                                                           Meanwhile, the integrated          coking coal till 2003, and the
JSW among others, a major con-           on therefore, the                                                                                                                                                                                        this huge gap is going to be filled,   coal but the rise is generally
                                                                                                                                                                  steel plants mostly have their own      trend reversed in 2004.                 with no signs of China reversing it    steeper.
cern for the industry lies in the        availability situation                                                                                                   captive sources and thus import              China produced 345 mt of
availability of coke and coking          can only worsen. India                                                                                                                                                                                   policy on export tax.                        THE WAY FORWARD
                                                                                                                                                                  very little. India generally sees a     coke in 2009. Historically China              THE PRICE CURVE - THE                  With a host of steel compa-
coal.                                    has severe shortage                                                                                                      total import of around 24 mt of         has been a major exporter of
     Coke, a derivative of coking        of premium quality                                                                                                                                                                                       CONTRACT PRICING                       nies lining up major investment
                                                                                                                                                                  coking coal, mostly by secondary        coke. But, Chines4e export of met             Being a crucial raw material     proposals, the Indian steel indus-
coal, plays a very significant rise in   hard coking coal for                                                                                                     steel producers. Out of this, only      coke dropped dramatically since
metallurgical process. Worldwide,        steel making, which is                                                                                                                                                                                   for steel making and with huge         try is likely to receive huge domes-
                                                                                                                                                                  around 6 to 7 mt is imported by         middle of 2008 due to imposition        availability crunch, the price of      tic and foreign investments, and
the main demand for coke comes           being primarily met                                                                                                      the integrated plants, accounting       of 40 percent export tax on coke.
from the steel and steel intermedi-      through imports.With                                                                                                                                                                                     coking coal has always been a          the demand of coking coal and
                                                                                                                                                                  for 25 to 30 percent of the total       Consequently, Chinese met coke          rocky story. The price of coking       coke will grow exponentially.
ary industry which uses low ash          steel       production                                                                                                   imports, he explained. Indian           exports dropped to just 0.5 mt in
metallurgical grade coke as the          capacity increasing,                                                                                                                                                                                     coal and met coke has almost                 Although the Indian coke
                                                                                                                                                                  imports are expected to reach 30        2009.                                   doubled in the last 12 months and      industry is planning capacity addi-
primary reducing agent for iron in       the situation will get                                                                                                   mt this year.                                Thus, this would have a direct
the blast furnace route.                 more critical. With                                                                                                                                                                                      is continuously increasing with no     tions and some projects are
                                                                                                                                                                       CHINA - THE GLOBAL                 impact on the Indian market.            sign of abating. Coking coal pric-     expected to come on stream in
     Although India is well              China also keeping                                                                                                       RULER                                   Natarajan explained that on one
endowed in terms of some crucial         their coking coal for themselves,                                                                                                                                                                        ing contracts are now being fixed      the near future, the additions are
                                                                                 rise in the next five years, the        around 60 percent. This is primari-           Speaking of imports, it has to     hand China has stopped exporting        on a         quarterly basis. The      not very large and India is
raw materials like iron ore, but in      the shortage will deepen further        demand supply gap promises to           ly owing to the type or the size of      be noted that China, a predomi-         and on the other, China is also
the coking coal segment, the             for domestic merchant coke pro-                                                                                                                                                                          first quarter price for 2010-11 was    expected to remain dependent on
                                                                                            be significantly large.      the individual plant. Natarajan          nant player in this segment, has        buying coke as the Chinese are          settled at$ 200 per ton, which         import of coke as well as coking
                                                                                                 INDIAN SCE-             pointed out that many units have         stopped exporting now. China            closing the coke plants owing to        went up to $ 225 per ton for the       coal.
                                                                                            NARIO                        a capacity of only 3000 tons per         accounts for about 60 percent of        environmental issues and by             second quarter and has settled at            Natarajan said the demand-
                                                                                                 At present, India       month. They run on a standalone          world steel production and hence        2011 will also have to close cer-       $ 209 per ton for the October          supply gap is slated to widen.
                                                                                            produces around 20-          basis and it is impossible for them      automatically the largest con-          tain coking coal mines.                 Quarter.                               Overall, India may be looking at a
                                                                                            22 mt of met coke and        to bring a ship load of raw mate-        sumer of coking coal and coke.               GLOBAL SCENE                             "Spot price was trading at $     met coke shortage as early as in
                                                                                            the      rest is met         rials for 10 months.                     China influences the demand sup-             Globally, the scenario in the      200 per ton and below during the       2011 and beyond, unless the fac-
                                                                                            through        imports.            THE       SUPPORT           OF     ply dynamics and pricing of cok-        met coke industry is even worse         last quarter which was lower than      tors causing it do not change
                                                                                            Production is under-         IMPORTS                                  ing coal and met coke to a great        than that of coking coal. With no       the contracted rate of $ 225 per       overnight, which is most unlikely
                                                                                            taken by merchant                  In the given situation, there is   extent.                                 new source of coking coal in sight      ton. Hence the contracted price of     to happen. India being totally
                                                                                            coke makers as well          no option for India but to fall back          China has been undertaking         to meet the growing demand,             $ 209 per ton is actually an           integrated with the global
                                                                                            as the integrated steel      on imports. India gets its coking        consolidation of cocking coal           coking coal will remain in tight        increase in price over the prevail-    demand supply dynamics would
                                                                                            plants. In India, major      coal from Australia, the US and          mines and has closed many useful        supply in the years to come and so      ing spot prices and indicates a        face similar shortages as other
                                                                                            coke production has          now imports from Russia area are         mines. Consequently, the total          would be met coke.                      strong future".                        parts of the world.

   Mobile applications beyond communication
                                         loaded, generating nearly $30 bil-      customer centric and can augment        mobile healthcare applications. Cell     airline schedules or company data       issue involved is that networks         strate the service to enter-                                      Security is
                                         lion in revenue - more than fourfold    the profit margins.                     phones are increasingly used as          sheets. Media houses have suc-          should be ready to support MMS.         prise customers. The                                             an obvious
                                         increase over 2010. Games, mobile             If we talk about mobile appli-    common clients for a wide suite of       cessfully implemented the short              Operator's Benefit                 enterprise customers                                           reason of con-
                                         shopping, social networking, utili-     cations -it is mobile barcode appli-    distributed,       database-centric      code to feed news to subscribers.            By the end of 2010, the 3G         should feel confident                                        cern. It is easy to
                                         ties and productivity tools will con-   cation, which demands attention.        healthcare applications in develop-            The Enterprise segment has        services will be rolled out in the      about the product                                           extract confiden-
                                         tinue to grow and will be the most      Mobile Ticketing, getting Boarding      ing regions. This is particularly true   also gained immense attention of        country. However 3G demand will         which can reduce                                          tial information
                                         popular applications among the          Tickets on mobile, and mobile pay-      for rural developing regions where       VAS developers and operators in         be dictated by affordability, adop-     costs, improve                                          once data leaves the
                                         customers.                              ment using barcode are some of its      the bulk of the healthcare is han-       recent times. Today, Enterprises        tion level of 3G services and pene-     effectiveness                                          company server and
                                               The Indian market trends in       applications. We can book tickets       dled by health workers due to lack       across the verticals are embracing      tration of 3G handsets across the       and efficiency                                       rides on public network.
         Manisha Panda
                                         data segment is in synch with glob-     online and get them inform of bar-      of doctors. Unfortunately, the cur-      the idea of adopting diverse mobile     country. The rural handset figure       and increase                                       Issues like handsets get-
                                         al trends. The data market was tab-     codes which is scanned and it gives     rent distributed system is far too       applications that offer tangible        has reached 100 mn mark and this        sales. This is                                   ting misplaced or someone

       he Indian Telecom Sector has
       been growing in leaps and         ulated around 5-10 mn during early      easy entrance to the movie hall.        heavy-weight for mobile applica-         benefits like cost savings, making      is where next wave of growth is set     the great-                                     else using the handset puts
       bounds.At the same time the       2009. Today the number of data          Similarly one can get airline board-    tions, particularly in light of the      mobile applications an integral         to take place. However the rural        est prospect                                  the company's business at
       competition has risen to a        users has increased to 25 mn. The       ing ticket as barcode instead of        high communications cost. So,            part of their communications strat-     handset market is mostly driven by      for operators.                              risk. In a Business to Customer
fierce level due to intensive price      mobile applications are being           hard copy and directly proceed for      innovative solutions can be intro-       egy. The services could be real time    cheap Chinese handsets and local-             Challenges                          (B2C) scenario, a customer might
wars. It has become inevitable for       designed in a manner to focus on 3      security check. However these           duced catering to the needs of the       allocation of tasks to field service    ly manufactured handsets which                The present growth is note-       not like others snooping around
incumbent and entrant to adopt           specific areas: Entertainment,          applications are yet to capture the     health sector. One of the innovative     engineers with respect to their         are not compatible with many            worthy, but there are areas that       his data. So, companies like
strategies to maintain profit mar-       Information and Voice. However          market in India. Banking is a           mobile applications can be               physical location; Application initi-   mobile applications. As a result the    have kept mobile apps from gain-       VeriSign have been supporting
gins and survive in business.            the level of penetration of data is     promising sector for VAS develop-       "Efficient Lightweight Mobile            ated calls for debt recovery/bill       customer gets discouraged to            ing widespread adoption in the         application developers and net-
      The Indian market is getting       negligible in rural India. Reason       ers who can develop applications        Records "(ELMR) system.                  payment; Click to call features for     experience new services. Even a         business world.                        work operators to give secure envi-
exposed to new technologies like         being unawareness, preference to        featuring banking transactions.               This is one product which has      Enterprise web sites; Targeted dis-     rural customer looks for rich con-            ROI and Security are the obvi-   ronment for users especially where
3G and there are lot of opportuni-       voice services over data services as    One can get his credit/debit card       been implemented in African coun-        tribution of information to enter-      tent which fulfils basic require-       ous questions management would         financial data is being exchanged.
ties to be explored. The Indian cel-     data services are perceived to be       details enclosed within a barcode       tries; it meets the urgent demands       prise workers, etc. Millions of         ments like live radio or basic value    ask a CIO trying to implement          So it becomes vital for enterprises
lular market is majorly voice centric    expensive. The Indian subcontinent      which in turn can be a substitute to    of health sector in the rural areas.     investments have been made in           added services. Secondly the PC         enterprise mobile applications.        to feel confident before using the
with 60% revenues coming from            is quite varied in nature with local    actual cards. The secured barcode       The Indian health sector can be          building Enterprise VAS by firms        penetration is less and rural folks     Adopting any mobile application is     mobile applications and deploy
rural regions. So the next wave of       dialect changing every 10 Kms. This     bearing account details can be          benefited by similar innovative and      like Mobien Technologies, mGlitz,       find it complicated to operate a        an expense, with no assurance of       secured environment for their cus-
growth will be in the rural market.      creates difficulty in communicating     scanned and further transactions        cost effective mobile applications.      Mobiquest and many more.                computer. This limits Broadband         direct returns. For instance, cus-     tomers.
The level of adoption of mobile ser-     with customer. Even the variety in      can be made. Such application will            Mobile technology finds its        Mobiquest, an enterprise platform       penetration as well. Considering        tomers may use a bank's short                The need to access day-to-day
vices is need driven. It is dependent    localised services cannot be solu-      guarantee an easy shopping expe-        application in education as well.        company, has developed an enter-        the Indian demography, it is            code toll free but the bank has to     applications from remote locations
upon factors like affordability,         tion each time. The drive to gain       rience to the customer.                 Mobile phone vocational training is      prise VAS solution-MobiForms,           expected that affordable, user          pay the application providers and      or from mobile devices, the need to
awareness and related social fac-        access to rural retailers is, in some         Several rural regions around      one of the applications which is         which can help one complete             friendly mobile applications can        the operators.                         collaborate and share files with co
tors. Mobile applications is forecast    ways, as critical as the one to reach   the world, especially in under-         being provided as part of value          audits, surveys, questionnaires on a    drive data revenues. It is clear that         Of course, returns are in the    workers across the globe, the grow-
to be an important profit driver in      consumers. If we look at rural retail   developed areas, do not have            added service by operators like          simple common mobile phone              operators have larger scope to          shape of better customer focus. If     ing demand to have better produc-
near future, as indicated through        in India, the outlet size is very       access to basic healthcare services     Airtel. It becomes an effective          device.                                 explore in B2C segment.                 customers get better service they      tivity tools remotely, and lastly the
key research conclusions of              small. Merchants will often stock       and much of the burden of health-       medium of mobile learning for peo-             The insurance companies have           The mobile applications may        remain loyal and bring in more         general growth in mobile and
Gartner.                                 just one brand in a category; they      care delivery falls on local health     ple in rural areas. Most of these        expressed concerns towards reduc-       involve higher initial capex but they   business. Mobile application           remote workers drive the need for
      According to Gartner research,     do not have the resources to stock      workers who have limited skills         applications are SMS based which         tion in processing time by empow-       have potential for improved cus-        becomes a great tool in acquiring      remote/mobile applications across
worldwide revenue from mobile            multiple brands. They will stock the    and expertise. In such scenario cell    are convenient and economical.           ering evaluators with MMS-              tomer retention and this would          new customers and retaining old        businesses and industries. With
applications will total $6.8 billion     brand that sells the most. With lim-    phones are being used as a poten-             A popular SMS application in       enabled phones, so that they can        benefit operators to reduce opex        ones. In the Business to Business      realization of its true potential the
in 2010, an increase of 60% over         itations, the telecom service           tial tool for improving rural health-   the market is short code. Users SMS      send snapshot of the documents to       for enterprises. Enterprise applica-    (B2B) space employees have flexi-      enterprises and the operators have
the $4.2 billion spent in 2009.          providers are trying to bring revolu-   care. The open-source movement in       to the short code -the code of the       processing centre. The claim            tions will help operators boost rev-    bility at their disposal which makes   been inspired to deploy content
Gartner predicts that in 2013, 21.6      tion by designing and deploying         mobile software has opened              application, to access real time         amount can be calculated and            enues by offering higher value ser-     delivery of business easier and        rich mobile applications. Certainly
billion applications will be down-       killer applications which will be       opportunities for developing new        information like train reservation,      referred to the field guy. The only     vices and they need to demon-           reduces the turnaround time.           it will be a win-win situation for all.

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Infra pg

  • 1. Business Standard l Sponsored Section "Eastern India will be the Pioneer for Indigenous Coke Industry" Ganesan Natarajan Whole Time Director, President & CEO, Ennore Coke Limited ducers. traditionally been captive, as coke also coming in plenty. Natarajan Chinese production of In fact, there is an acute is being produced in the coke feels that the trend of importing coking coal has not shortage of good quality coking oven batteries of integrated steel from Russia is likely to remain. increased in line with coal globally, China has become a plants as well as Pig iron plants. "There are only two grades of its steel production. net importer of coking coal from All major integrated steel plants coal which are available. One is As a result China has last year, making matters worse. have recovery type captive coke low volatile and the other is high become a net China imported 35 mt of coking oven batteries. volatile. The Russian coking coal is importer of coking T here can be little debate country relies primarily on coal last year and with steel pro- Though merchant cookeries second grade. Thus, to make steel coal to care of its about the fact that the imports. India imports coking coal duction around the world increas- have a capacity of 7.6 mt, produc- production cost effective, Indian domestic needs. Last whole world is looking at to manufacture coke, in a segment ing, the industry is starting at a tion has never touched more than steel makers are blending these year China imported India, after China, as the dominated globally by China, global shortage of coking coal in 2.5 mt at any given point of time, two grades of coal. So we would 35 mt of coking coal steel market with the which, besides being the largest the near future. pointed out Natarajan. be seeing a lot of Russian coking and this year it is most action. With a current crude producer, is also the biggest con- Mr. Ganesan Natarajan, Chief The country produced around coal coming into the market", expected to touch 45 steel production of around 57 mil- sumer and exporter. Moreover, the 40 percent "This also indicates that cok- Executive Officer, Whole Time 20.5 mt of coke in 2009- export tax on met coke levied by ing coal price would not be going lion tons (mt) and steel making Notwithstanding the slow Director and President of Ennore 10 and of this, the share capacity poised to reach 100 mt economic growth in 2008 and China since August 2008 and per- down any further in near future Coke Ltd. said that coke making of merchant coke mak- manent closure of 11 mt pet and any trend of falling price is by 2010-13, it is evident that cok- 2009, it is expected that global capacities have moved up with ers was 2 mt, which is ing coal and coke demand will see demand for metallurgical coal will annum coke capacity in Eastern being arrested. Though the pre- increasing need. However, the lower than the previous Europe have created a large vacu- sent quarterly price is a 7 percent a big jump. The scenario is robust grow by 6 percent per annum in production figures are yet to pick year. Although the pro- even at the demand side of the the coming years, driven by rapid um in coke markets globally. The drop from the contracted price of up similar pace. duction capcities under- coke making process is seeing a last quarter, but in actual terms it market. growth in integrated steel making It also to be kept in mind went some increase, India's steel consumption capacity in emerging markets - global shift from Europe to Asian is an increase in price over the that in most plants expansions are but the production countries. China used to com- price of the previous quarter. This rose 8 percent in the year ended notably China and India. The five coming up mostly in the blast fur- remained the same. March 2010, to 56.3 MT, from year trend growth forecast for mand 50 percent of world export has been supported by the steady nace route. Even Corex Taking of capacity till 2008,w hich ahs dropped dras- increase of spot coking coal price 52.3 MT in the previous year, a global metallurgical coal con- Technology requires coke and the utilization, it is to be per the Ministry of steel. sumption is 5/7 percent per tically. over the last two to three weeks". ferro alloy industry is also doing noted that the current The pinch was not felt to that Price of met coke has nearly Expectations are even brighter. annum. well. production by the At a juncture like this, with The present situation is criti- extent due to the downturn in the doubled from around $ 300 per Thus, even with a very con- Indian merchant coke last two years. But, once coke ton (fob China) to over $ 550 per massive expansion plans laid cal with China almost stopping servative crude steel production makers is low - at down by the steel majors like steel export of cocking coal demand return to pre crisis levels ton (fob China). Price of met coke Natarajan explained. MT. China had been 3exporting of 30 MT, it is difficult to say how follows the same trend of coking Authority of India, TATA Steel and and coke. From here Meanwhile, the integrated coking coal till 2003, and the JSW among others, a major con- on therefore, the this huge gap is going to be filled, coal but the rise is generally steel plants mostly have their own trend reversed in 2004. with no signs of China reversing it steeper. cern for the industry lies in the availability situation captive sources and thus import China produced 345 mt of availability of coke and coking can only worsen. India policy on export tax. THE WAY FORWARD very little. India generally sees a coke in 2009. Historically China THE PRICE CURVE - THE With a host of steel compa- coal. has severe shortage total import of around 24 mt of has been a major exporter of Coke, a derivative of coking of premium quality CONTRACT PRICING nies lining up major investment coking coal, mostly by secondary coke. But, Chines4e export of met Being a crucial raw material proposals, the Indian steel indus- coal, plays a very significant rise in hard coking coal for steel producers. Out of this, only coke dropped dramatically since metallurgical process. Worldwide, steel making, which is for steel making and with huge try is likely to receive huge domes- around 6 to 7 mt is imported by middle of 2008 due to imposition availability crunch, the price of tic and foreign investments, and the main demand for coke comes being primarily met the integrated plants, accounting of 40 percent export tax on coke. from the steel and steel intermedi- through imports.With coking coal has always been a the demand of coking coal and for 25 to 30 percent of the total Consequently, Chinese met coke rocky story. The price of coking coke will grow exponentially. ary industry which uses low ash steel production imports, he explained. Indian exports dropped to just 0.5 mt in metallurgical grade coke as the capacity increasing, coal and met coke has almost Although the Indian coke imports are expected to reach 30 2009. doubled in the last 12 months and industry is planning capacity addi- primary reducing agent for iron in the situation will get mt this year. Thus, this would have a direct the blast furnace route. more critical. With is continuously increasing with no tions and some projects are CHINA - THE GLOBAL impact on the Indian market. sign of abating. Coking coal pric- expected to come on stream in Although India is well China also keeping RULER Natarajan explained that on one endowed in terms of some crucial their coking coal for themselves, ing contracts are now being fixed the near future, the additions are rise in the next five years, the around 60 percent. This is primari- Speaking of imports, it has to hand China has stopped exporting on a quarterly basis. The not very large and India is raw materials like iron ore, but in the shortage will deepen further demand supply gap promises to ly owing to the type or the size of be noted that China, a predomi- and on the other, China is also the coking coal segment, the for domestic merchant coke pro- first quarter price for 2010-11 was expected to remain dependent on be significantly large. the individual plant. Natarajan nant player in this segment, has buying coke as the Chinese are settled at$ 200 per ton, which import of coke as well as coking INDIAN SCE- pointed out that many units have stopped exporting now. China closing the coke plants owing to went up to $ 225 per ton for the coal. NARIO a capacity of only 3000 tons per accounts for about 60 percent of environmental issues and by second quarter and has settled at Natarajan said the demand- At present, India month. They run on a standalone world steel production and hence 2011 will also have to close cer- $ 209 per ton for the October supply gap is slated to widen. produces around 20- basis and it is impossible for them automatically the largest con- tain coking coal mines. Quarter. Overall, India may be looking at a 22 mt of met coke and to bring a ship load of raw mate- sumer of coking coal and coke. GLOBAL SCENE "Spot price was trading at $ met coke shortage as early as in the rest is met rials for 10 months. China influences the demand sup- Globally, the scenario in the 200 per ton and below during the 2011 and beyond, unless the fac- through imports. THE SUPPORT OF ply dynamics and pricing of cok- met coke industry is even worse last quarter which was lower than tors causing it do not change Production is under- IMPORTS ing coal and met coke to a great than that of coking coal. With no the contracted rate of $ 225 per overnight, which is most unlikely taken by merchant In the given situation, there is extent. new source of coking coal in sight ton. Hence the contracted price of to happen. India being totally coke makers as well no option for India but to fall back China has been undertaking to meet the growing demand, $ 209 per ton is actually an integrated with the global as the integrated steel on imports. India gets its coking consolidation of cocking coal coking coal will remain in tight increase in price over the prevail- demand supply dynamics would plants. In India, major coal from Australia, the US and mines and has closed many useful supply in the years to come and so ing spot prices and indicates a face similar shortages as other coke production has now imports from Russia area are mines. Consequently, the total would be met coke. strong future". parts of the world. Mobile applications beyond communication loaded, generating nearly $30 bil- customer centric and can augment mobile healthcare applications. Cell airline schedules or company data issue involved is that networks strate the service to enter- Security is lion in revenue - more than fourfold the profit margins. phones are increasingly used as sheets. Media houses have suc- should be ready to support MMS. prise customers. The an obvious increase over 2010. Games, mobile If we talk about mobile appli- common clients for a wide suite of cessfully implemented the short Operator's Benefit enterprise customers reason of con- shopping, social networking, utili- cations -it is mobile barcode appli- distributed, database-centric code to feed news to subscribers. By the end of 2010, the 3G should feel confident cern. It is easy to ties and productivity tools will con- cation, which demands attention. healthcare applications in develop- The Enterprise segment has services will be rolled out in the about the product extract confiden- tinue to grow and will be the most Mobile Ticketing, getting Boarding ing regions. This is particularly true also gained immense attention of country. However 3G demand will which can reduce tial information popular applications among the Tickets on mobile, and mobile pay- for rural developing regions where VAS developers and operators in be dictated by affordability, adop- costs, improve once data leaves the customers. ment using barcode are some of its the bulk of the healthcare is han- recent times. Today, Enterprises tion level of 3G services and pene- effectiveness company server and The Indian market trends in applications. We can book tickets dled by health workers due to lack across the verticals are embracing tration of 3G handsets across the and efficiency rides on public network. Manisha Panda data segment is in synch with glob- online and get them inform of bar- of doctors. Unfortunately, the cur- the idea of adopting diverse mobile country. The rural handset figure and increase Issues like handsets get- al trends. The data market was tab- codes which is scanned and it gives rent distributed system is far too applications that offer tangible has reached 100 mn mark and this sales. This is ting misplaced or someone T he Indian Telecom Sector has been growing in leaps and ulated around 5-10 mn during early easy entrance to the movie hall. heavy-weight for mobile applica- benefits like cost savings, making is where next wave of growth is set the great- else using the handset puts bounds.At the same time the 2009. Today the number of data Similarly one can get airline board- tions, particularly in light of the mobile applications an integral to take place. However the rural est prospect the company's business at competition has risen to a users has increased to 25 mn. The ing ticket as barcode instead of high communications cost. So, part of their communications strat- handset market is mostly driven by for operators. risk. In a Business to Customer fierce level due to intensive price mobile applications are being hard copy and directly proceed for innovative solutions can be intro- egy. The services could be real time cheap Chinese handsets and local- Challenges (B2C) scenario, a customer might wars. It has become inevitable for designed in a manner to focus on 3 security check. However these duced catering to the needs of the allocation of tasks to field service ly manufactured handsets which The present growth is note- not like others snooping around incumbent and entrant to adopt specific areas: Entertainment, applications are yet to capture the health sector. One of the innovative engineers with respect to their are not compatible with many worthy, but there are areas that his data. So, companies like strategies to maintain profit mar- Information and Voice. However market in India. Banking is a mobile applications can be physical location; Application initi- mobile applications. As a result the have kept mobile apps from gain- VeriSign have been supporting gins and survive in business. the level of penetration of data is promising sector for VAS develop- "Efficient Lightweight Mobile ated calls for debt recovery/bill customer gets discouraged to ing widespread adoption in the application developers and net- The Indian market is getting negligible in rural India. Reason ers who can develop applications Records "(ELMR) system. payment; Click to call features for experience new services. Even a business world. work operators to give secure envi- exposed to new technologies like being unawareness, preference to featuring banking transactions. This is one product which has Enterprise web sites; Targeted dis- rural customer looks for rich con- ROI and Security are the obvi- ronment for users especially where 3G and there are lot of opportuni- voice services over data services as One can get his credit/debit card been implemented in African coun- tribution of information to enter- tent which fulfils basic require- ous questions management would financial data is being exchanged. ties to be explored. The Indian cel- data services are perceived to be details enclosed within a barcode tries; it meets the urgent demands prise workers, etc. Millions of ments like live radio or basic value ask a CIO trying to implement So it becomes vital for enterprises lular market is majorly voice centric expensive. The Indian subcontinent which in turn can be a substitute to of health sector in the rural areas. investments have been made in added services. Secondly the PC enterprise mobile applications. to feel confident before using the with 60% revenues coming from is quite varied in nature with local actual cards. The secured barcode The Indian health sector can be building Enterprise VAS by firms penetration is less and rural folks Adopting any mobile application is mobile applications and deploy rural regions. So the next wave of dialect changing every 10 Kms. This bearing account details can be benefited by similar innovative and like Mobien Technologies, mGlitz, find it complicated to operate a an expense, with no assurance of secured environment for their cus- growth will be in the rural market. creates difficulty in communicating scanned and further transactions cost effective mobile applications. Mobiquest and many more. computer. This limits Broadband direct returns. For instance, cus- tomers. The level of adoption of mobile ser- with customer. Even the variety in can be made. Such application will Mobile technology finds its Mobiquest, an enterprise platform penetration as well. Considering tomers may use a bank's short The need to access day-to-day vices is need driven. It is dependent localised services cannot be solu- guarantee an easy shopping expe- application in education as well. company, has developed an enter- the Indian demography, it is code toll free but the bank has to applications from remote locations upon factors like affordability, tion each time. The drive to gain rience to the customer. Mobile phone vocational training is prise VAS solution-MobiForms, expected that affordable, user pay the application providers and or from mobile devices, the need to awareness and related social fac- access to rural retailers is, in some Several rural regions around one of the applications which is which can help one complete friendly mobile applications can the operators. collaborate and share files with co tors. Mobile applications is forecast ways, as critical as the one to reach the world, especially in under- being provided as part of value audits, surveys, questionnaires on a drive data revenues. It is clear that Of course, returns are in the workers across the globe, the grow- to be an important profit driver in consumers. If we look at rural retail developed areas, do not have added service by operators like simple common mobile phone operators have larger scope to shape of better customer focus. If ing demand to have better produc- near future, as indicated through in India, the outlet size is very access to basic healthcare services Airtel. It becomes an effective device. explore in B2C segment. customers get better service they tivity tools remotely, and lastly the key research conclusions of small. Merchants will often stock and much of the burden of health- medium of mobile learning for peo- The insurance companies have The mobile applications may remain loyal and bring in more general growth in mobile and Gartner. just one brand in a category; they care delivery falls on local health ple in rural areas. Most of these expressed concerns towards reduc- involve higher initial capex but they business. Mobile application remote workers drive the need for According to Gartner research, do not have the resources to stock workers who have limited skills applications are SMS based which tion in processing time by empow- have potential for improved cus- becomes a great tool in acquiring remote/mobile applications across worldwide revenue from mobile multiple brands. They will stock the and expertise. In such scenario cell are convenient and economical. ering evaluators with MMS- tomer retention and this would new customers and retaining old businesses and industries. With applications will total $6.8 billion brand that sells the most. With lim- phones are being used as a poten- A popular SMS application in enabled phones, so that they can benefit operators to reduce opex ones. In the Business to Business realization of its true potential the in 2010, an increase of 60% over itations, the telecom service tial tool for improving rural health- the market is short code. Users SMS send snapshot of the documents to for enterprises. Enterprise applica- (B2B) space employees have flexi- enterprises and the operators have the $4.2 billion spent in 2009. providers are trying to bring revolu- care. The open-source movement in to the short code -the code of the processing centre. The claim tions will help operators boost rev- bility at their disposal which makes been inspired to deploy content Gartner predicts that in 2013, 21.6 tion by designing and deploying mobile software has opened application, to access real time amount can be calculated and enues by offering higher value ser- delivery of business easier and rich mobile applications. Certainly billion applications will be down- killer applications which will be opportunities for developing new information like train reservation, referred to the field guy. The only vices and they need to demon- reduces the turnaround time. it will be a win-win situation for all.