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India Quiz
● 20 Questions of 1 mark each
● Questions 5, 10, 15 and 20 are star-marked Questions (**) and will be used
as tie-breakers
● There is no negative marking
● Fill your answers in the google form provided
● Submit the form at the end of the quiz when all Questions have been
displayed. Only 1 person from the team should submit the form
● Googling & Cheating is prohibited by Section 420 of the Indian Penal Code
Question 1
X (4 words) is defined as an accident in which there is a collision with land, water
or an obstacle, without any indication of loss of control. The critical difference
between this type of accident and others in the same field is that the crew remain in
control till the occurrence of the accident.
After extensive probe, the reason behind a certain recent incident that occurred in
Tamil Nadu was determined to be X, ruling out mechanical failure, sabotage or
Which incident?
Question 2
The British took Indian labourers from the Hindi Belt to work in sugar plantations in
the Caribbean which created an amalgamation of the Indian and Caribbean
cultures. One popular outcome of this was X music, which was a fusion genre of
Indian folk music (mainly Bhojpuri folk music) with local Caribbean calypso and
soca music. Weirdly, the genre was named after an Indian food item but was
actually an apt name for it since the genre was a blend of different things.
Question 3
On 1 November 1966, Haryana was carved out on the basis of the parts of Punjab which
were to be Haryana's ʻHindi-speaking areas.ʼ At that time there were a lot of speeches
and articles about water, land and capital disputes.
Then the Chief Minister of Haryana at that time made X as the second official language
of Haryana. Old-timers say that X was declared as the second language just to give a
rebuff to Punjab. Since it was the Punjabi Suba agitation that had led to formation of
Haryana, he thought, ʻLet any language other than Punjabi be the second language of
the stateʼ. It became the second official language of Haryana irrespective of the fact that
there might not be a single X speaking family in the state. X was finally changed to
Punjabi in 2010 by the then Haryana chief minister after nearly 40 years.
Question 4
ID the cities these travel
posters from Air India are
Question 5**
There are various stories regarding the origin of a famous phrase X in English. One of
these stories is:
This coin was first introduced by Sher Shah Suri during his rule of India between
1540 and 1545, along with Mohur, the gold coin and Rupiya the silver coin. The
Mughal Emperors standardised the coin along with other silver (Rupiya) and gold
(Mohur) coins in order to consolidate the monetary system across India. A rupee
was divided into 40 _______.
Later on, the Britishers started using the phrase ____, owing to the small worth of
coin. This usage was presumably carried back by British soldiers or merchants
where the phrase changed into its current form X.
ID the phrase X
Question 6
The term X came into existence during the colonial period and is used to refer to
people in a particular profession. X basically means the person concerned with the
tool used for this profession.
When the British first came to India, they had to learn to adapt to an unfamiliar
climate and the main thing they had to deal with was heat. This lead to the creation
of this job wherein deaf people were preferred so that the employers could discuss
confidential matters.
However, the advent of electricity and the development of an electric version of the
tool led to an end in the profession.
ID X or what the profession is
Question 7
In October 2018, a leading English daily newspaper of India purposefully did a
printing mistake in all its pages. One alphabet was missing from all the pages (even
from its name) on that day. Later it was known that this typo was done as part of a
collaboration between the newspaper and X, an old reputed company of India, to
promote one of its products. The product presented a solution to the issue that was
raised through the ʻmissing alphabet typoʼ.
Identify the product and the issue that it solves
Question 8
The tribes of Meghalaya are known throughout the world for their rich and unique
culture. However one of their most unique traditions is ___________.
One of the most common explanations behind this practice is that when the tribal
kings embarked on war, the responsibility of running the society fell on the
shoulders of ______ and thus their role became very deep rooted and respected.
The epic Mahabharata also refers to the areas in modern day Meghalaya as a ____
Though these traditions have been preserved for a long time, it was reported in
2004 that many of these tribes were forfeiting this tradition due to its stark
difference from the mainstream practice.
ID this unique practice
Question 9
No war in the history of India is as important either for its intensity or for its results
as the _____. No wars in the annals of human history have changed the heart of the
victor from one of wanton cruelty to that of exemplary piety as this one. From its
fathomless womb, the history of the world may find out only a few wars to its credit
which may be equal to this war and not a single one that would be greater than this.
The political history of mankind is really a history of wars and no war has ended
with so successful a mission of peace for the entire war-torn humanity as the war of
The above para is an excerpt from a specific book. (Blanks are not indicative)
Which war does it talk about?
Question 10**
The origin of a particular term(X) used to describe a _______ in Indian context lies in
the Battle of Tarain which was fought at the end of the 12th century. It is said that
X held a kingdom in the modern day eastern UP and had personal grudges against
Chauhan king (Y) who was ruling Delhi.
To take his revenge he helped an invader in gaining foothold in India by defeating Y
and thus chose his personal interests over the interests of the nation.
Though this story is often refuted by several historians, it is very popular among the
masses which has led to X becoming one of most frequently used terms to describe
a _______.
Question 11
Despite being a success elsewhere, this particular film X was banned in India at the
time of its release. This is due to the depiction of a certain sect of people and the
over exaggeration of the Indian cuisine. This drew negative opinions from the
people of our nation and even those who admired the director of X loathed it.
One such instance was recorded by a biographer who wrote that he watched the
film with Y in London in the mid-1980s. He further said that Y watched the film
impassively “except for when some particularly grotesque priests appeared – ʻA
brown sacred thread,ʼ he (Y) said quizzically with perhaps a touch of disgust”. The
master filmmaker Y later said that “all but the first ten minutes of the film were
absolutely haywire, unbelievably bad."
Question 12
The year 2020 saw the collaboration of a certain photographer with a charitable
trust to create a calendar for that year to celebrate "the spirit of Indian
womanhood" and also as a tribute to a popular artist.
What is more interesting is that they brought many renowned women from the
South Indian film and dance industries with few notable names being Shruti Hasan,
Samantha, Ramya Krishnan and so on into this project. The earnings from the sale
of these calendars would then be used to help and empower economically weaker
single women.
ID what is so special about these calendars.
Question 13
This company, one of the oldest in the country and most profitable in its industry, is
completely owned by central government. It was formed by merging over 200
Recently it has been trending as #XtheGreat, but with mixed emotions. Some people
want its ___ to come as soon as possible while others are opposing it with the view
that it will be harmful for the country.
Which company? Also FITB.
Question 14
This pompous sport has been an integral part of a northeastern state culture
through centuries of civilization. Originating in 3100 BC it picked up global
popularity when Britishers took a keen interest in the game played by the kings
and princes of that region.
This sport was used as a way of keeping both ______ and riders fit between wars, it
was also considered a way of making health checks on government or military
officials. Even though centuries have passed, this sport is continued in that state
and as a result this state is now home of the world's oldest living grounds (related to
that particular sport).
ID the sport and the state.
Question 15**
X is a small village located in Northern West Bengal. During the later part of 1960s,
the court ordered the redistribution of land among the ______(7) of the village to
reduce the inequality among the villagers.
Angered by this order the zamindars attacked the ______(7) and killed many of
them. The ______(7) retaliated and killed many zamindars along with their
families and forcefully captured their lands. When the police party arrived, they
were ambushed by a group of ______(7) and many of them were killed.
This incident provided a template for a phenomena which derives its name from
the very village in which it originated.
ID the phenomena.
Question 16
X was born in 1913 in Neuchatel, Switzerland. It is believed that she was a woman
who came to understand India and its ways better than many natives of the time.
Marrying the officer who would later become a Major General, X shifted to
Maharashtra and acquired the name _____ in 1932.
When Adjutant General Hira Lal Atal was entrusted with the task of creating the
Indian equivalent of the British Victoria Cross, he took X in confidence for her
in-depth knowledge of the nation. Thus began the process of designing Y which is
still being awarded.
What did she design?/ID Y.
Question 17
Geographically speaking, X originated as an addition of land mass by the sea. Also,
there are two theories behind the name X. According to one theory, it may have
originated from the word “Chernna” which means added and “alam” that means
As per the second theory, the name X is associated with the Chera dynasty, rulers of
the region from the 1st to 5th century AD. So it may have come from the word
“chera alam” which later on began to be known as X. The second theory is,
however, debatable.
Question 18
About 3 years ago, Vasant Kumar Swarnkar, a top official at the archeological survey
of India (ASI) said he got the idea of X rooms when he spotted a mother hiding
under a staircase and struggling despite her husband providing extra cover.
"I could see it was so difficult for her, which is a basic motherhood right. So I
thought we have to do something," he said to the Thomson Reuters Foundation. X
still carries a social stigma in India where mothers are expected to be covered
Thus Y became the first place with X, considering the fact that Y was built for a
woman who died in childbirth.
ID X and Y.
Question 19
X was constructed in the early 70s to commemorate a group of people. X was never
disrupted, until the 21st of January this year. Government officials claim that it was
merged with another newly built location Y, which was also built with a similar
intention, i.e. to honor a group of people.
The reason for this disruption to X is an upcoming attraction. The Prime Minister, on
the day that this disruption was done, said that the freedom struggle had involved
the sacrifice of lakhs of people, but after Independence there was an attempt to
erase their contribution. He called on people to take inspiration from a certain
personʼs “can-do, will-do spirit” going forward.
Give Y and what is the upcoming attraction?
Question 20**
A type of sea snails (pictured) were used along the Malabar and Bengal coast as currency.
It was primarily used to trade in the booming slave markets in the 16th century, where
pirates from the Bay of Bengal would loot ships and sell the people on board as slaves.
There was a great demand for African slaves, who were sold for a lot of this currency to
affluent households in the Middle East and India. However abducted Indian slaves were
also abundant.
This slave trade was hampered when EIC banned the form of currency. The common
name for these sea snails give rise to the common Hindi word X. Individually and even as
idioms X does retain some of its original meaning.
Question 1
X (4 words) is defined as an accident in which there is a collision with land, water
or an obstacle, without any indication of loss of control. The critical difference
between this type of accident and others in the same field is that the crew remain in
control till the occurrence of the accident.
After extensive probe, the reason behind a certain recent incident that occurred in
Tamil Nadu was determined to be X, ruling out mechanical failure, sabotage or
Which incident?
X - Controlled Flight into Terrain
Question 2
The British took Indian labourers from the Hindi Belt to work in sugar plantations in
the Caribbean which created an amalgamation of the Indian and Caribbean
cultures. One popular outcome of this was X music, which was a fusion genre of
Indian folk music (mainly Bhojpuri folk music) with local Caribbean calypso and
soca music. Weirdly, the genre was named after an Indian food item but was
actually an apt name for it since the genre was a blend of different things.
X - Chutney
Question 3
On 1 November 1966, Haryana was carved out on the basis of the parts of Punjab which
were to be Haryana's ʻHindi-speaking areas.ʼ At that time there were a lot of speeches
and articles about water, land and capital disputes.
Then the Chief Minister of Haryana at that time made X as the second official language
of Haryana. Old-timers say that X was declared as the second language just to give a
rebuff to Punjab. Since it was the Punjabi Suba agitation that had led to formation of
Haryana, he thought, ʻLet any language other than Punjabi be the second language of
the stateʼ. It became the second official language of Haryana irrespective of the fact that
there might not be a single X speaking family in the state. X was finally changed to
Punjabi in 2010 by the then Haryana chief minister after nearly 40 years.
Question 4
ID the cities these travel
posters from Air India are
Question 5**
There are various stories regarding the origin of a famous phrase X in English. One of
these stories is:
This coin was first introduced by Sher Shah Suri during his rule of India between
1540 and 1545, along with Mohur, the gold coin and Rupiya the silver coin. The
Mughal Emperors standardised the coin along with other silver (Rupiya) and gold
(Mohur) coins in order to consolidate the monetary system across India. A rupee
was divided into 40 _______.
Later on, the Britishers started using the phrase ____, owing to the small worth of
coin. This usage was presumably carried back by British soldiers or merchants
where the phrase changed into its current form X.
ID the phrase X
I donʼt give a damn
Question 6
The term X came into existence during the colonial period and is used to refer to
people in a particular profession. X basically means the person concerned with the
tool used for this profession.
When the British first came to India, they had to learn to adapt to an unfamiliar
climate and the main thing they had to deal with was heat. This lead to the creation
of this job wherein deaf people were preferred so that the employers could discuss
confidential matters.
However, the advent of electricity and the development of an electric version of the
tool led to an end in the profession.
ID X or what the profession is
X : Punkah-Wallah
Those employed to operate/swing fans
Question 7
In October 2018, a leading English daily newspaper of India purposefully did a
printing mistake in all its pages. One alphabet was missing from all the pages (even
from its name) on that day. Later it was known that this typo was done as part of a
collaboration between the newspaper and X, an old reputed company of India, to
promote one of its products. The product presented a solution to the issue that was
raised through the ʻmissing alphabet typoʼ.
Identify the product and the issue that it solves
X- Tata
Y- Tata salt
ToI removed the alphabet, “I” from all the
pages, and remarked, “Does you body lack I
(Iodine) too?”, as part of promotion of Tata
Salt, which is a source of Iodine.
Question 8
The tribes of Meghalaya are known throughout the world for their rich and unique
culture. However one of their most unique traditions is ___________.
One of the most common explanations behind this practice is that when the tribal
kings embarked on war, the responsibility of running the society fell on the
shoulders of ______ and thus their role became very deep rooted and respected.
The epic Mahabharata also refers to the areas in modern day Meghalaya as a ____
Though these traditions have been preserved for a long time, it was reported in
2004 that many of these tribes were forfeiting this tradition due to its stark
difference from the mainstream practice.
ID this unique practice
The tribes of Meghalaya regard the eldest
woman as the head of the family, daughters
are natural heir of family property, kids get
their motherʼs surname and husband takes
his wifeʼs surname after marriage.
Question 9
No war in the history of India is as important either for its intensity or for its results
as the _____. No wars in the annals of human history have changed the heart of the
victor from one of wanton cruelty to that of exemplary piety as this one. From its
fathomless womb, the history of the world may find out only a few wars to its credit
which may be equal to this war and not a single one that would be greater than this.
The political history of mankind is really a history of wars and no war has ended
with so successful a mission of peace for the entire war-torn humanity as the war of
The above para is an excerpt from a specific book. (Blanks are not indicative)
Which war does it talk about?
Kalinga War
The war fought between Ashoka
and the state of Kalinga
Question 10**
The origin of a particular term(X) used to describe a _______ in Indian context lies in
the Battle of Tarain which was fought at the end of the 12th century. It is said that
X held a kingdom in the modern day eastern UP and had personal grudges against
Chauhan king (Y) who was ruling Delhi.
To take his revenge he helped an invader in gaining foothold in India by defeating Y
and thus chose his personal interests over the interests of the nation.
Though this story is often refuted by several historians, it is very popular among the
masses which has led to X becoming one of most frequently used terms to describe
a _______.
A traitor is often called a jaichand
Question 11
Despite being a success elsewhere, this particular film X was banned in India at the
time of its release. This is due to the depiction of a certain sect of people and the
over exaggeration of the Indian cuisine. This drew negative opinions from the
people of our nation and even those who admired the director of X loathed it.
One such instance was recorded by a biographer who wrote that he watched the
film with Y in London in the mid-1980s. He further said that Y watched the film
impassively “except for when some particularly grotesque priests appeared – ʻA
brown sacred thread,ʼ he (Y) said quizzically with perhaps a touch of disgust”. The
master filmmaker Y later said that “all but the first ten minutes of the film were
absolutely haywire, unbelievably bad."
X: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Y: Satyajit Ray
Question 12
The year 2020 saw the collaboration of a certain photographer with a charitable
trust to create a calendar for that year to celebrate "the spirit of Indian
womanhood" and also as a tribute to a popular artist.
What is more interesting is that they brought many renowned women from the
South Indian film and dance industries with few notable names being Shruti Hasan,
Samantha, Ramya Krishnan and so on into this project. The earnings from the sale
of these calendars would then be used to help and empower economically weaker
single women.
ID what is so special about these calendars.
Recreation of Ravi Varmaʼs paintings
Question 13
This company, one of the oldest in the country and most profitable in its industry, is
completely owned by central government. It was formed by merging over 200
Recently it has been trending as #XtheGreat, but with mixed emotions. Some people
want its ___ to come as soon as possible while others are opposing it with the view
that it will be harmful for the country.
Which company? Also FITB.
LIC and its IPO
Question 14
This pompous sport has been an integral part of a northeastern state culture
through centuries of civilization. Originating in 3100 BC it picked up global
popularity when Britishers took a keen interest in the game played by the kings
and princes of that region.
This sport was used as a way of keeping both ______ and riders fit between wars, it
was also considered a way of making health checks on government or military
officials. Even though centuries have passed, this sport is continued in that state
and as a result this state is now home of the world's oldest living grounds (related to
that particular sport).
ID the sport and the state.
Polo, Manipur
Question 15**
X is a small village located in Northern West Bengal. During the later part of 1960s,
the court ordered the redistribution of land among the ______(7) of the village to
reduce the inequality among the villagers.
Angered by this order the zamindars attacked the ______(7) and killed many of
them. The ______(7) retaliated and killed many zamindars along with their
families and forcefully captured their lands. When the police party arrived, they
were ambushed by a group of ______(7) and many of them were killed.
This incident provided a template for a phenomena which derives its name from
the very village in which it originated.
ID the phenomena.
X- Naxalbari
Blank is tribals
Question 16
X was born in 1913 in Neuchatel, Switzerland. It is believed that she was a woman
who came to understand India and its ways better than many natives of the time.
Marrying the officer who would later become a Major General, Eve X shifted to
Maharashtra and acquired the name _____ in 1932.
When Adjutant General Hira Lal Atal was entrusted with the task of creating the
Indian equivalent of the British Victoria Cross, he took X in confidence for her
in-depth knowledge of the nation. Thus began the process of designing Y which is
still being awarded.
What did she design?/ID Y.
Param Vir Chakra
X- Eve Yvonne Maday de Maros
Blank- Savitri Khanolkar
Question 17
Geographically speaking, X originated as an addition of land mass by the sea. Also,
there are two theories behind the name X. According to one theory, it may have
originated from the word “Chernna” which means added and “alam” that means
As per the second theory, the name X is associated with the Chera dynasty, rulers of
the region from the 1st to 5th century AD. So it may have come from the word
“chera alam” which later on began to be known as X. The second theory is,
however, debatable.
Question 18
About 3 years ago, Vasant Kumar Swarnkar, a top official at the archeological survey
of India (ASI) said he got the idea of X rooms when he spotted a mother hiding
under a staircase and struggling despite her husband providing extra cover.
"I could see it was so difficult for her, which is a basic motherhood right. So I
thought we have to do something," he said to the Thomson Reuters Foundation. X
still carries a social stigma in India where mothers are expected to be covered
Thus Y became the first place with X, considering the fact that Y was built for a
woman who died in childbirth.
ID X and Y.
X- Breastfeeding
Y- Taj Mahal
Question 19
X was constructed in the early 70s to commemorate a group of people. X was never
disrupted, until the 21st of January this year. Government officials claim that it was
merged with another newly built location Y, which was also built with a similar
intention, i.e. to honor a group of people.
The reason for this disruption to X is an upcoming attraction. The Prime Minister, on
the day that this disruption was done, said that the freedom struggle had involved
the sacrifice of lakhs of people, but after Independence there was an attempt to
erase their contribution. He called on people to take inspiration from a certain
personʼs “can-do, will-do spirit” going forward.
Give Y and what is the upcoming attraction?
Y - National War Memorial
Attraction - Netaji statue
Question 20**
A type of sea snails (pictured) were used along the Malabar and Bengal coast as currency.
It was primarily used to trade in the booming slave markets in the 16th century, where
pirates from the Bay of Bengal would loot ships and sell the people on board as slaves.
There was a great demand for African slaves, who were sold for a lot of this currency to
affluent households in the Middle East and India. However abducted Indian slaves were
also abundant.
This slave trade was hampered when EIC banned the form of currency. The common
name for these sea snails give rise to the common Hindi word X. Individually and even as
idioms X does retain some of its original meaning.
Kauri ka ho jana, do kauri ka insaan etc
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Pounce & Bounce
● 8 Questions, one direct for each team
● +10/-5 for pounce and +10/0 for bounce
● Pounce to your panelists by tagging them in your WhatsApp group
● No part pounces will be accepted
● Googling is a sin
Question 1
According to a story, X first came to know of a particular group of 'mahatmas'
functioning in Tibet through his interaction with Madame Blavatsky in the later part of
19th century. These 'mahatmas' were said to have occult powers through which they
could influence the people.
Blavatsky further pointed out that these 'mahatmas' were the ones who helped the
Raj in quelling one of the greatest challenges it had to face about two and a half
decades back.
When X contacted one of these 'mahatmas', he was informed about the growing
discontent among the public due to the policies of the Raj. It is said that this
information which was collected by the 'chelas' of these 'mahatmas' prompted X to do
something that is very well known to everyone.
ID X. What did he do?
Ab kya bolu Quiz
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hai Ch**iye
A. O. Hume
Formation of congress
Question 2
X is native to South America and was brought here by the British. For a long time, it
was seen as a cure for the 'disease of the developing world'.
A small town in north Bengal is the only major site for X in India, and
pharmaceutical companies in other states buy X for medicines that primarily
alleviate conditions like leg cramps in certain diseases.
The factory was set up in the 1800s, but has been shut as it failed to secure
necessary permissions needed for producing pharmaceutical products in India.
However 2 years ago the grand old factory was reopened when synthetic
derivatives of X were touted as a cure for some other disease.
Q2 (contd)
Exactly across the road to the factory lies the summer retreat of person Y. In the 20th
century, it was here that Y reluctantly expressed his displeasure over the usage of a
device by a government agency as it couldnʼt faithfully reproduce the ʻmirʼ and thus
compromised the purity of the artform. This in turn led to a ban on the use of the
device by the agency for over 30 years.
Who is Y? What was the ban?
Ab kya bolu Quiz
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hai Ch**iye
X- Quinine/Chinchona
Y- Tagore
Ban- Harmonium on AIR
Question 3
The valiant Indian troops involved in the liberation of Sudan had got the Sudanese
government to give a monetary gift to the Viceroy of India in 1941 for the
construction of a war memorial, in the memory of those troops.
Post war, the top brass army formed a committee to study various establishments of
armed forces, and submitted a report.
It led to the setting up of X, a first in the world.
Identify X and what first did it become in the world?
Ab kya bolu Quiz
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hai Ch**iye
National Defence Academy (NDA), Khadakwasla, Pune
It is the first academy where training of all three armed forces Army, Air Force, Navy,
is done.
Question 4
About a week ago, it came to light that X, a famous novelist who won the Nobel
Prize for literature in the 1980s, had a secret love child.
He and his lover named this child after someone X had a lot of respect for, and was
apparently a huge admirer of X. She was also one of the first of her profession to
congratulate X on his Nobel Prize. She even had him invited to India by asking his
friend Fidel Castro to bring him along. X, during this visit, even commented that she
looked like the women of his Colombian birth place.
After her death a few years later, X was inconsolable, but her name prevailed in his
mind, like one full of light and courage.
ID X. Who did he name his child after?
Ab kya bolu Quiz
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hai Ch**iye
X - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Y - Indira Gandhi
Question 5
The Indian Air Force sent its package of fighter aircrafts to attack a certain terrorist
camp in February, and code-named it ʻOperation Xʼ, to maintain secrecy.
While sources believed that the idea behind the naming of the operation was given
a nondescript, mundane tag to the air strikes to maintain operational secrecy and to
make it sound like a routine, small-time affair, but some believed that it was named
so because ____ have always held a special place in India's war culture. The name
was also apt since the operation was mainly about sneaking into enemy territory
and launching an attack on them similar to Indian mythology.
ID X. (blanks not indicative)
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hai Ch**iye
Operation Bandar
Question 6
In the 60s, X, in the wake of a death in the family, sued their own kin. This was a
landmark case as it struck down the existing laws that were prohibitive for their
Syrian Christian community and granted equal rights.
What rights did X fight for?
X was also an inspiration for a character in their daughter Y's book. The
semi-autobiographical book, which came out a few decades later, divided opinions
like no other. On one hand it received major accolades and awards while on the
other it was so controversial that Y had to answer charges of obscenity in her home
Give Y and the book.
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hai Ch**iye
1. Mary Roy sued her brother to gain equal access to the inheritance left to them.
Fought for equal property rights
2. Y- Arundhati Roy, God of small things
Question 7
The X-Y Rebellion was an armed resistance movement by Xs and Ys against the
dominance of the English East India Company. Starting in late 1700s, this is one of
the earliest recorded revolts against the EIC. The resisting Xs belonged to the
Madaria tarika, with the Ys belonging to the Giri and Puri groups.
The Company rulers, who little understood the culture of the country, took alms
collection drives for unauthorised impositions on the village people. The
government thus issued decrees banning collection of alms. This seriously
disturbed their ways of life and forced them to revolt against the company.
Q7 (contd.)
The resistance movement got ready support from the peasantry for their moral
attachments to the mendicants and also having been hard pressed under the new
land revenue policy of the Company government. Their operations were mainly of
guerilla nature and the rebels used intelligence from the villagers who informed
them about the movement of the Company troops.
Give X-Y (no part points)
Ab kya bolu Quiz
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hai Ch**iye
Fakir-Sanyasi Revolt
Question 8
In July of 1954, pro-India forces took control of the main police stations in Dadra
and Nagar Haveli, liberated free from the Portuguese rule and assumed the name
ʻFree Dadra and Nagar Haveliʼ. A body called the Varishta Panchayat of free Dadra
and Nagar Haveli was formed to administer the territory.
After 7 years, the Varishta Panchayat voted to accede to India. A certain IAS officer
assumed a very important post for that particular day in order to sign the papers
and became the only person in Indian political history to hold such a record.
What role did he play in the process?
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Acted as ʻPrime Ministerʼ of Dadra and Nagar Haveli for one day
Written Round
● Theme - Unusual Traditions & Customs followed in India
● 4 Questions of 10 marks each
● No negative marking so guess freely
● Compile your answers at the end and tag your panelist
Question 1
At one of the ghats in the city of Varanasi, this bizarre tradition is practised annually
on the day of Holi where thousands gather to celebrate the festival in an
unconventional way. According to legend, Lord Shiva himself came to this place to
play Holi with spirits using the ___ from the ghat so they don't feel left out of the
festivities when everyone else is playing with different colours. This version of Holi
presents a great spectacle where the usual gloom and sadness of the place is
replaced with cheer and positivity.
What is used to play in this version of Holi?
Question 2
X is a city situated in western Madhya Pradesh. Other than hosting a large
population, X also holds great religious significance for Hindus and bad luck for the
rulers that live there.
It is believed that a ruler who dares to stay in this city for more than one day is
bound to lose his kingdom and power. Explaining the reason behind this belief, the
people of X say that the ruler of X is _______(7) and those like Bhoj Parmara, who
challenged him by staying here during the night have lost all of their power and
Though the custom is very old, it is still followed by the ministers and chief minister
of Madhya Pradesh who always avoid staying here for more than one day.
ID the reason behind this unusual tradition.
Question 3
With Covid-19 infections showing no signs of abating, the traditional practice of
having X is helping people in Mizoram and Manipur maintain social distancing while
also aiding small farmers, who cannot afford to take their produce to markets in
towns due to the high cost of transport, in running their businesses.
Known as Y in Mizoram, this tradition works solely on the principle of trust, and is
practised in the hill district of Ukhrul in Manipur and some districts of Mizoram.
Mizoram Chief Minister Zoramthanga took to Twitter to laud the concept as this
tradition helps in maintaining safe social distancing and also promotes honesty.
ID the tradition X.
Question 4
This bizarre practice is conducted in many parts of India to this day.
The more popular reason for this is that some people are born during a particularly
terrible astrological combination. They are called mangliks and are believed to be
bad news for their spouse. To get rid of their terrible fate this practice is followed.
In some places, this is also followed if the girl has some facial deformations or her
teeth arrived too early.
What is this practice?
Question 1
At one of the ghats in the city of Varanasi, this bizarre tradition is practised annually
on the day of Holi where thousands gather to celebrate the festival in an
unconventional way. According to legend, Lord Shiva himself came to this place to
play Holi with spirits using the ___ from the ghat so they don't feel left out of the
festivities when everyone else is playing with different colours. This version of Holi
presents a great spectacle where the usual gloom and sadness of the place is
replaced with cheer and positivity.
What is used to play in this version of Holi?
Chita Bhasm holi
Question 2
X is a city situated in western Madhya Pradesh. Other than hosting a large
population, X also holds great religious significance for Hindus and bad luck for the
rulers that live there.
It is believed that a ruler who dares to stay in this city for more than one day is
bound to lose his kingdom and power. Explaining the reason behind this belief, the
people of X say that the ruler of X is _______(7) and those like Bhoj Parmara, who
challenged him by staying here during the night have lost all of their power and
Though the custom is very old, it is still followed by the ministers and chief minister
of Madhya Pradesh who always avoid staying here for more than one day.
ID the reason behind this unusual tradition.
X- Ujjain
It is believed that Mahakal is the ruler of Ujjain and so no ruler can stay here during
the night.
Question 3
With Covid-19 infections showing no signs of abating, the traditional practice of
having X is helping people in Mizoram and Manipur maintain social distancing while
also aiding small farmers, who cannot afford to take their produce to markets in
towns due to the high cost of transport, in running their businesses.
Known as Y in Mizoram, this tradition works solely on the principle of trust, and is
practised in the hill district of Ukhrul in Manipur and some districts of Mizoram.
Mizoram Chief Minister Zoramthanga took to Twitter to laud the concept as this
tradition helps in maintaining safe social distancing and also promotes honesty.
ID the tradition X.
Shops without shopkeepers
Question 4
This bizarre practice is conducted in many parts of India to this day.
The more popular reason for this is that some people are born during a particularly
terrible astrological combination. They are called mangliks and are believed to be
bad news for their spouse. To get rid of their terrible fate this practice is followed.
In some places, this is also followed if the girl has some facial deformations or her
teeth arrived too early.
What is this practice?
Marriage with animals and trees
Final Round
● 8 Questions with Differential Scoring for each
● Original Question - +10/-5
● 2nd Hint - +5/-2
● 3rd Hint - +2/0
● Tag your panelist if you want to attempt the Question
● You can attempt the Question on each stage of marking
Question 1
ID this very common practice.
According to one of the Hindu scriptures, X existed even before the foundation of
existence and consciousness. This is one of the important reasons why a particular
practice is followed till date. His other names include Y, which refers to his primary
function in Hinduism as the master and remover of obstacles.
+10 / -5
Hint 2
According to Yogic beliefs, the muladhar chakra of our body, which acts as
interface between spiritual and material worlds, is regulated by X. He is the only one
who frees us from rebirth and believed to be the powerful god who brings us
+5 / -2
Hint 3
Because of his unique body structure, it is strongly established that X hears us all
and in particular he is considered to be omnipresent and the destroyer of all our
hardships and difficulties.
+2 / 0
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Worshipping ganesha first before any puja
Question 2
The modern day X is located in Northern India, and is said one of the entry points
to _______(7) . The place was also one of the favourite vacation spots of Mughal
emperors like Akbar, Jahangir and derives its name from a form of Lord Vishnu.
+10 / -5
Hint 2
According to folktales, the present region of _______(7) was once a lake known as
'The Lake of __' . The lake was occupied by a demon until Vishnu assumed the
form of ___ to kill him and struck the mountain at his molar so that the water of the
lake could flow out. This place came to be known as X.
+5 / -2
Hint 3
The modern name of X is a modified version of ʻVarahamulaʼ which means the
molar of Varaha, that was used him to lift the mountains. Other than being a famous
tourist spot, the place is also known for its horticulture and adventure sports.
+2 / 0
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hai Ch**iye
The name Baramulla is derived from ʻ Varahamulaʼ that means the molar of Varaha.
Question 3
ID this tradition.
There are many explanations as to why this custom/tradition is practiced. Some of
them are as follows:
When you add X, the receiver will not start counting from Y and so will not need to
come across it, rather he/she will start on a good note. It is widely believed that X
signifies a beginning while Y signifies the end.
+10 / -5
Hint 2
Some people consider the extra X as the real debt which remains on the receiver,
which would someday be returned by him/her and thus the friendly exchanges and
involvement in each other's happiness will continue.
+5 / -2
Hint 3
Metal is considered special in Hindu culture since it comes from the earth which is
regarded as the mother of all life and so it is auspicious to gift a metal.
+2 / 0
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Addition of 1 rupee in the gifts given in form of money (shagun) during marriages,
birthdays, etc…
The amounts gifted are always kept as 101, 501, 1001 instead of 100, 500, 1000.
Question 4
What is the group we are talking about?
Debate still occurs on the practices of this group, as the British colonial government
was unable to differentiate this group from regular street dancers.
+10 / -5
Hint 2
Unlike modern times, in days past, members of this group, although expected to
remain celibate, were still free to choose partners. They were in no way
economically dependent on said partners though, since they were well-respected
due to their extensive knowledge, and often received gifts from their royal patrons.
+5 / -2
Hint 3
However, British rule came to portray the activities and culture of this group as
prostitution, which is what it eventually became. It is now banned, although there
continue to exist lower caste women who are forced to be a part of this system for
their livelihoods. What was once a sacred arrangement had then become a
necessity for a few.
+2 / 0
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Question 5
What is being talked about?
This illegal business had been in existence for a long time, with a tunnel being
discovered in 2017 that aided the business. The demand shoots up during festivals,
and hence, so do the auction bids.
+10 / -5
Hint 2
Water routes are commonly used for crossing instead of tunnels, although tunnels
are hard to detect. Some use dyes to recolor and camouflage the commodities,
while others use the pretext of food as a reason to cross.
+5 / -2
Hint 3
The demand for ____ is high across the border in the predominantly Muslim
country, and it is easy for smuggling as the border is quite porous. High quality
commodities from UP and Haryana sell for higher rates (80-90k), while the smaller
ones from Bengal are cheaper (around 40k).
+2 / 0
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Cattle smuggling
Question 6
X was originally from a village in Odisha and got a job as a gardener in Delhi. He was
carrying on with his usual work when tragedy struck but he held his nerve and his
actions following the sudden turn of events got him honored by the then President
Rajendra Prasad with a cash prize of Rs. 500 and a letter of praise. After this X was
forgotten and continued his job as a gardener till he retired and eventually died
poor in 1983. Few years ago the forgotten hero was brought back to public eye by
the Odisha government which felicitated his widow and presented her with a
cheque of 5 lakhs.
What did X do?
+10 / -5
Hint 2
Because of his actions, X was a part of the 147 witnesses involved in what was
perhaps the biggest court case in the history of Independent India.
+5 / -2
Hint 3
X worked at Birla House, New Delhi and was present there when the incident
occured and according to some public records used his khurpi to take down the
+2 / 0
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X - Raghu Nayak caught Nathuram Godse after the assassination of Mahatma
Question 7
What festival?
The festival, practised mainly in a village in Maharashtra, is scary to say the least,
but the villagers say that this ritual blesses the young participants with healthy
+10 / -5
Hint 2
It is said that long ago when infant mortality rate was high, a saint advised the
families of this region to demonstrate their faith in God by observing this custom.
+5 / -2
Hint 3
The ritual is typically done by parents who had prayed at the Baba Umer Dargah for
their pregnancy, but these days it is no longer tied to a single religion; you can find
Muslims and Hindus partaking in the ceremony.
+2 / 0
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Babies thrown on cloth
Question 8
ID X (any version of the name).
When the puzzle X was introduced to the World in 1883 by a French mathematician,
several myths about the history of the puzzle started to emerge. One of them was
about a large room in a popular temple in India which is home to the puzzle and is
being solved by Brahmins ever since the rules were set by the Hindu God of
Creation himself.
+10 / -5
Hint 2
The puzzle gets its name from the God and if the priests were to move a part of it
every second, it would take them 264
− 1 seconds or roughly 585 billion years to
finish and according to legend, the world will end when the puzzle is completed.
+5 / -2
Hint 3
There are other variations of X involving monks in monasteries in the place of
Brahmin priests, one of which is said to be in the South-East Asian city of Y which
gives the puzzle its other name, which is perhaps a more popular name than X and
something most of us, if not all of us, have learnt about.
+2 / 0
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X - Tower of Brahma or Tower of Hanoi or Lucas' Tower
(Y - Hanoi)
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India Quiz 2022 (Prelims + Finals)

  • 3. Rules ● 20 Questions of 1 mark each ● Questions 5, 10, 15 and 20 are star-marked Questions (**) and will be used as tie-breakers ● There is no negative marking ● Fill your answers in the google form provided ● Submit the form at the end of the quiz when all Questions have been displayed. Only 1 person from the team should submit the form ● Googling & Cheating is prohibited by Section 420 of the Indian Penal Code
  • 4. Question 1 X (4 words) is defined as an accident in which there is a collision with land, water or an obstacle, without any indication of loss of control. The critical difference between this type of accident and others in the same field is that the crew remain in control till the occurrence of the accident. After extensive probe, the reason behind a certain recent incident that occurred in Tamil Nadu was determined to be X, ruling out mechanical failure, sabotage or negligence. Which incident?
  • 5. Question 2 The British took Indian labourers from the Hindi Belt to work in sugar plantations in the Caribbean which created an amalgamation of the Indian and Caribbean cultures. One popular outcome of this was X music, which was a fusion genre of Indian folk music (mainly Bhojpuri folk music) with local Caribbean calypso and soca music. Weirdly, the genre was named after an Indian food item but was actually an apt name for it since the genre was a blend of different things. ID X
  • 6. Question 3 On 1 November 1966, Haryana was carved out on the basis of the parts of Punjab which were to be Haryana's ʻHindi-speaking areas.ʼ At that time there were a lot of speeches and articles about water, land and capital disputes. Then the Chief Minister of Haryana at that time made X as the second official language of Haryana. Old-timers say that X was declared as the second language just to give a rebuff to Punjab. Since it was the Punjabi Suba agitation that had led to formation of Haryana, he thought, ʻLet any language other than Punjabi be the second language of the stateʼ. It became the second official language of Haryana irrespective of the fact that there might not be a single X speaking family in the state. X was finally changed to Punjabi in 2010 by the then Haryana chief minister after nearly 40 years. ID X
  • 7. Question 4 ID the cities these travel posters from Air India are for?
  • 8. Q4
  • 9. Question 5** There are various stories regarding the origin of a famous phrase X in English. One of these stories is: This coin was first introduced by Sher Shah Suri during his rule of India between 1540 and 1545, along with Mohur, the gold coin and Rupiya the silver coin. The Mughal Emperors standardised the coin along with other silver (Rupiya) and gold (Mohur) coins in order to consolidate the monetary system across India. A rupee was divided into 40 _______. Later on, the Britishers started using the phrase ____, owing to the small worth of coin. This usage was presumably carried back by British soldiers or merchants where the phrase changed into its current form X. ID the phrase X
  • 10. Question 6 The term X came into existence during the colonial period and is used to refer to people in a particular profession. X basically means the person concerned with the tool used for this profession. When the British first came to India, they had to learn to adapt to an unfamiliar climate and the main thing they had to deal with was heat. This lead to the creation of this job wherein deaf people were preferred so that the employers could discuss confidential matters. However, the advent of electricity and the development of an electric version of the tool led to an end in the profession. ID X or what the profession is
  • 11. Question 7 In October 2018, a leading English daily newspaper of India purposefully did a printing mistake in all its pages. One alphabet was missing from all the pages (even from its name) on that day. Later it was known that this typo was done as part of a collaboration between the newspaper and X, an old reputed company of India, to promote one of its products. The product presented a solution to the issue that was raised through the ʻmissing alphabet typoʼ. Identify the product and the issue that it solves
  • 12.
  • 13. Question 8 The tribes of Meghalaya are known throughout the world for their rich and unique culture. However one of their most unique traditions is ___________. One of the most common explanations behind this practice is that when the tribal kings embarked on war, the responsibility of running the society fell on the shoulders of ______ and thus their role became very deep rooted and respected. The epic Mahabharata also refers to the areas in modern day Meghalaya as a ____ rajya. Though these traditions have been preserved for a long time, it was reported in 2004 that many of these tribes were forfeiting this tradition due to its stark difference from the mainstream practice. ID this unique practice
  • 14. Question 9 No war in the history of India is as important either for its intensity or for its results as the _____. No wars in the annals of human history have changed the heart of the victor from one of wanton cruelty to that of exemplary piety as this one. From its fathomless womb, the history of the world may find out only a few wars to its credit which may be equal to this war and not a single one that would be greater than this. The political history of mankind is really a history of wars and no war has ended with so successful a mission of peace for the entire war-torn humanity as the war of _____. The above para is an excerpt from a specific book. (Blanks are not indicative) Which war does it talk about?
  • 15. Question 10** The origin of a particular term(X) used to describe a _______ in Indian context lies in the Battle of Tarain which was fought at the end of the 12th century. It is said that X held a kingdom in the modern day eastern UP and had personal grudges against Chauhan king (Y) who was ruling Delhi. To take his revenge he helped an invader in gaining foothold in India by defeating Y and thus chose his personal interests over the interests of the nation. Though this story is often refuted by several historians, it is very popular among the masses which has led to X becoming one of most frequently used terms to describe a _______. ID X
  • 16. Question 11 Despite being a success elsewhere, this particular film X was banned in India at the time of its release. This is due to the depiction of a certain sect of people and the over exaggeration of the Indian cuisine. This drew negative opinions from the people of our nation and even those who admired the director of X loathed it. One such instance was recorded by a biographer who wrote that he watched the film with Y in London in the mid-1980s. He further said that Y watched the film impassively “except for when some particularly grotesque priests appeared – ʻA brown sacred thread,ʼ he (Y) said quizzically with perhaps a touch of disgust”. The master filmmaker Y later said that “all but the first ten minutes of the film were absolutely haywire, unbelievably bad." ID X, Y
  • 17. Question 12 The year 2020 saw the collaboration of a certain photographer with a charitable trust to create a calendar for that year to celebrate "the spirit of Indian womanhood" and also as a tribute to a popular artist. What is more interesting is that they brought many renowned women from the South Indian film and dance industries with few notable names being Shruti Hasan, Samantha, Ramya Krishnan and so on into this project. The earnings from the sale of these calendars would then be used to help and empower economically weaker single women. ID what is so special about these calendars.
  • 18. Question 13 This company, one of the oldest in the country and most profitable in its industry, is completely owned by central government. It was formed by merging over 200 companies. Recently it has been trending as #XtheGreat, but with mixed emotions. Some people want its ___ to come as soon as possible while others are opposing it with the view that it will be harmful for the country. Which company? Also FITB.
  • 19. Question 14 This pompous sport has been an integral part of a northeastern state culture through centuries of civilization. Originating in 3100 BC it picked up global popularity when Britishers took a keen interest in the game played by the kings and princes of that region. This sport was used as a way of keeping both ______ and riders fit between wars, it was also considered a way of making health checks on government or military officials. Even though centuries have passed, this sport is continued in that state and as a result this state is now home of the world's oldest living grounds (related to that particular sport). ID the sport and the state.
  • 20. Question 15** X is a small village located in Northern West Bengal. During the later part of 1960s, the court ordered the redistribution of land among the ______(7) of the village to reduce the inequality among the villagers. Angered by this order the zamindars attacked the ______(7) and killed many of them. The ______(7) retaliated and killed many zamindars along with their families and forcefully captured their lands. When the police party arrived, they were ambushed by a group of ______(7) and many of them were killed. This incident provided a template for a phenomena which derives its name from the very village in which it originated. ID the phenomena.
  • 21. Question 16 X was born in 1913 in Neuchatel, Switzerland. It is believed that she was a woman who came to understand India and its ways better than many natives of the time. Marrying the officer who would later become a Major General, X shifted to Maharashtra and acquired the name _____ in 1932. When Adjutant General Hira Lal Atal was entrusted with the task of creating the Indian equivalent of the British Victoria Cross, he took X in confidence for her in-depth knowledge of the nation. Thus began the process of designing Y which is still being awarded. What did she design?/ID Y.
  • 22. Question 17 Geographically speaking, X originated as an addition of land mass by the sea. Also, there are two theories behind the name X. According to one theory, it may have originated from the word “Chernna” which means added and “alam” that means land. As per the second theory, the name X is associated with the Chera dynasty, rulers of the region from the 1st to 5th century AD. So it may have come from the word “chera alam” which later on began to be known as X. The second theory is, however, debatable. ID X.
  • 23. Question 18 About 3 years ago, Vasant Kumar Swarnkar, a top official at the archeological survey of India (ASI) said he got the idea of X rooms when he spotted a mother hiding under a staircase and struggling despite her husband providing extra cover. "I could see it was so difficult for her, which is a basic motherhood right. So I thought we have to do something," he said to the Thomson Reuters Foundation. X still carries a social stigma in India where mothers are expected to be covered head-to-toe. Thus Y became the first place with X, considering the fact that Y was built for a woman who died in childbirth. ID X and Y.
  • 24. Question 19 X was constructed in the early 70s to commemorate a group of people. X was never disrupted, until the 21st of January this year. Government officials claim that it was merged with another newly built location Y, which was also built with a similar intention, i.e. to honor a group of people. The reason for this disruption to X is an upcoming attraction. The Prime Minister, on the day that this disruption was done, said that the freedom struggle had involved the sacrifice of lakhs of people, but after Independence there was an attempt to erase their contribution. He called on people to take inspiration from a certain personʼs “can-do, will-do spirit” going forward. Give Y and what is the upcoming attraction?
  • 25. Question 20** A type of sea snails (pictured) were used along the Malabar and Bengal coast as currency. It was primarily used to trade in the booming slave markets in the 16th century, where pirates from the Bay of Bengal would loot ships and sell the people on board as slaves. There was a great demand for African slaves, who were sold for a lot of this currency to affluent households in the Middle East and India. However abducted Indian slaves were also abundant. This slave trade was hampered when EIC banned the form of currency. The common name for these sea snails give rise to the common Hindi word X. Individually and even as idioms X does retain some of its original meaning. ID X
  • 26.
  • 28. Question 1 X (4 words) is defined as an accident in which there is a collision with land, water or an obstacle, without any indication of loss of control. The critical difference between this type of accident and others in the same field is that the crew remain in control till the occurrence of the accident. After extensive probe, the reason behind a certain recent incident that occurred in Tamil Nadu was determined to be X, ruling out mechanical failure, sabotage or negligence. Which incident?
  • 29. Answer X - Controlled Flight into Terrain
  • 30. Question 2 The British took Indian labourers from the Hindi Belt to work in sugar plantations in the Caribbean which created an amalgamation of the Indian and Caribbean cultures. One popular outcome of this was X music, which was a fusion genre of Indian folk music (mainly Bhojpuri folk music) with local Caribbean calypso and soca music. Weirdly, the genre was named after an Indian food item but was actually an apt name for it since the genre was a blend of different things. ID X
  • 32. Question 3 On 1 November 1966, Haryana was carved out on the basis of the parts of Punjab which were to be Haryana's ʻHindi-speaking areas.ʼ At that time there were a lot of speeches and articles about water, land and capital disputes. Then the Chief Minister of Haryana at that time made X as the second official language of Haryana. Old-timers say that X was declared as the second language just to give a rebuff to Punjab. Since it was the Punjabi Suba agitation that had led to formation of Haryana, he thought, ʻLet any language other than Punjabi be the second language of the stateʼ. It became the second official language of Haryana irrespective of the fact that there might not be a single X speaking family in the state. X was finally changed to Punjabi in 2010 by the then Haryana chief minister after nearly 40 years. ID X
  • 34. Question 4 ID the cities these travel posters from Air India are for?
  • 35. Q4
  • 37. Question 5** There are various stories regarding the origin of a famous phrase X in English. One of these stories is: This coin was first introduced by Sher Shah Suri during his rule of India between 1540 and 1545, along with Mohur, the gold coin and Rupiya the silver coin. The Mughal Emperors standardised the coin along with other silver (Rupiya) and gold (Mohur) coins in order to consolidate the monetary system across India. A rupee was divided into 40 _______. Later on, the Britishers started using the phrase ____, owing to the small worth of coin. This usage was presumably carried back by British soldiers or merchants where the phrase changed into its current form X. ID the phrase X
  • 39. Question 6 The term X came into existence during the colonial period and is used to refer to people in a particular profession. X basically means the person concerned with the tool used for this profession. When the British first came to India, they had to learn to adapt to an unfamiliar climate and the main thing they had to deal with was heat. This lead to the creation of this job wherein deaf people were preferred so that the employers could discuss confidential matters. However, the advent of electricity and the development of an electric version of the tool led to an end in the profession. ID X or what the profession is
  • 40. Answer X : Punkah-Wallah Those employed to operate/swing fans
  • 41. Question 7 In October 2018, a leading English daily newspaper of India purposefully did a printing mistake in all its pages. One alphabet was missing from all the pages (even from its name) on that day. Later it was known that this typo was done as part of a collaboration between the newspaper and X, an old reputed company of India, to promote one of its products. The product presented a solution to the issue that was raised through the ʻmissing alphabet typoʼ. Identify the product and the issue that it solves
  • 42.
  • 43. Answer X- Tata Y- Tata salt ToI removed the alphabet, “I” from all the pages, and remarked, “Does you body lack I (Iodine) too?”, as part of promotion of Tata Salt, which is a source of Iodine.
  • 44. Question 8 The tribes of Meghalaya are known throughout the world for their rich and unique culture. However one of their most unique traditions is ___________. One of the most common explanations behind this practice is that when the tribal kings embarked on war, the responsibility of running the society fell on the shoulders of ______ and thus their role became very deep rooted and respected. The epic Mahabharata also refers to the areas in modern day Meghalaya as a ____ rajya. Though these traditions have been preserved for a long time, it was reported in 2004 that many of these tribes were forfeiting this tradition due to its stark difference from the mainstream practice. ID this unique practice
  • 45. Answer Matrilineality The tribes of Meghalaya regard the eldest woman as the head of the family, daughters are natural heir of family property, kids get their motherʼs surname and husband takes his wifeʼs surname after marriage.
  • 46. Question 9 No war in the history of India is as important either for its intensity or for its results as the _____. No wars in the annals of human history have changed the heart of the victor from one of wanton cruelty to that of exemplary piety as this one. From its fathomless womb, the history of the world may find out only a few wars to its credit which may be equal to this war and not a single one that would be greater than this. The political history of mankind is really a history of wars and no war has ended with so successful a mission of peace for the entire war-torn humanity as the war of _____. The above para is an excerpt from a specific book. (Blanks are not indicative) Which war does it talk about?
  • 47. Answer Kalinga War The war fought between Ashoka and the state of Kalinga
  • 48. Question 10** The origin of a particular term(X) used to describe a _______ in Indian context lies in the Battle of Tarain which was fought at the end of the 12th century. It is said that X held a kingdom in the modern day eastern UP and had personal grudges against Chauhan king (Y) who was ruling Delhi. To take his revenge he helped an invader in gaining foothold in India by defeating Y and thus chose his personal interests over the interests of the nation. Though this story is often refuted by several historians, it is very popular among the masses which has led to X becoming one of most frequently used terms to describe a _______. ID X
  • 49. Answer Jaichand A traitor is often called a jaichand
  • 50. Question 11 Despite being a success elsewhere, this particular film X was banned in India at the time of its release. This is due to the depiction of a certain sect of people and the over exaggeration of the Indian cuisine. This drew negative opinions from the people of our nation and even those who admired the director of X loathed it. One such instance was recorded by a biographer who wrote that he watched the film with Y in London in the mid-1980s. He further said that Y watched the film impassively “except for when some particularly grotesque priests appeared – ʻA brown sacred thread,ʼ he (Y) said quizzically with perhaps a touch of disgust”. The master filmmaker Y later said that “all but the first ten minutes of the film were absolutely haywire, unbelievably bad." ID X, Y
  • 51. Answer X: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Y: Satyajit Ray
  • 52. Question 12 The year 2020 saw the collaboration of a certain photographer with a charitable trust to create a calendar for that year to celebrate "the spirit of Indian womanhood" and also as a tribute to a popular artist. What is more interesting is that they brought many renowned women from the South Indian film and dance industries with few notable names being Shruti Hasan, Samantha, Ramya Krishnan and so on into this project. The earnings from the sale of these calendars would then be used to help and empower economically weaker single women. ID what is so special about these calendars.
  • 53. Answer Recreation of Ravi Varmaʼs paintings
  • 54. Question 13 This company, one of the oldest in the country and most profitable in its industry, is completely owned by central government. It was formed by merging over 200 companies. Recently it has been trending as #XtheGreat, but with mixed emotions. Some people want its ___ to come as soon as possible while others are opposing it with the view that it will be harmful for the country. Which company? Also FITB.
  • 56. Question 14 This pompous sport has been an integral part of a northeastern state culture through centuries of civilization. Originating in 3100 BC it picked up global popularity when Britishers took a keen interest in the game played by the kings and princes of that region. This sport was used as a way of keeping both ______ and riders fit between wars, it was also considered a way of making health checks on government or military officials. Even though centuries have passed, this sport is continued in that state and as a result this state is now home of the world's oldest living grounds (related to that particular sport). ID the sport and the state.
  • 58. Question 15** X is a small village located in Northern West Bengal. During the later part of 1960s, the court ordered the redistribution of land among the ______(7) of the village to reduce the inequality among the villagers. Angered by this order the zamindars attacked the ______(7) and killed many of them. The ______(7) retaliated and killed many zamindars along with their families and forcefully captured their lands. When the police party arrived, they were ambushed by a group of ______(7) and many of them were killed. This incident provided a template for a phenomena which derives its name from the very village in which it originated. ID the phenomena.
  • 60. Question 16 X was born in 1913 in Neuchatel, Switzerland. It is believed that she was a woman who came to understand India and its ways better than many natives of the time. Marrying the officer who would later become a Major General, Eve X shifted to Maharashtra and acquired the name _____ in 1932. When Adjutant General Hira Lal Atal was entrusted with the task of creating the Indian equivalent of the British Victoria Cross, he took X in confidence for her in-depth knowledge of the nation. Thus began the process of designing Y which is still being awarded. What did she design?/ID Y.
  • 61. Answer Param Vir Chakra X- Eve Yvonne Maday de Maros Blank- Savitri Khanolkar
  • 62. Question 17 Geographically speaking, X originated as an addition of land mass by the sea. Also, there are two theories behind the name X. According to one theory, it may have originated from the word “Chernna” which means added and “alam” that means land. As per the second theory, the name X is associated with the Chera dynasty, rulers of the region from the 1st to 5th century AD. So it may have come from the word “chera alam” which later on began to be known as X. The second theory is, however, debatable. ID X.
  • 64. Question 18 About 3 years ago, Vasant Kumar Swarnkar, a top official at the archeological survey of India (ASI) said he got the idea of X rooms when he spotted a mother hiding under a staircase and struggling despite her husband providing extra cover. "I could see it was so difficult for her, which is a basic motherhood right. So I thought we have to do something," he said to the Thomson Reuters Foundation. X still carries a social stigma in India where mothers are expected to be covered head-to-toe. Thus Y became the first place with X, considering the fact that Y was built for a woman who died in childbirth. ID X and Y.
  • 66. Question 19 X was constructed in the early 70s to commemorate a group of people. X was never disrupted, until the 21st of January this year. Government officials claim that it was merged with another newly built location Y, which was also built with a similar intention, i.e. to honor a group of people. The reason for this disruption to X is an upcoming attraction. The Prime Minister, on the day that this disruption was done, said that the freedom struggle had involved the sacrifice of lakhs of people, but after Independence there was an attempt to erase their contribution. He called on people to take inspiration from a certain personʼs “can-do, will-do spirit” going forward. Give Y and what is the upcoming attraction?
  • 67. Answer Y - National War Memorial Attraction - Netaji statue
  • 68. Question 20** A type of sea snails (pictured) were used along the Malabar and Bengal coast as currency. It was primarily used to trade in the booming slave markets in the 16th century, where pirates from the Bay of Bengal would loot ships and sell the people on board as slaves. There was a great demand for African slaves, who were sold for a lot of this currency to affluent households in the Middle East and India. However abducted Indian slaves were also abundant. This slave trade was hampered when EIC banned the form of currency. The common name for these sea snails give rise to the common Hindi word X. Individually and even as idioms X does retain some of its original meaning. ID X
  • 69.
  • 70. Answer Cowries/Kauris Kauri ka ho jana, do kauri ka insaan etc
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  • 74. Rules ● 8 Questions, one direct for each team ● +10/-5 for pounce and +10/0 for bounce ● Pounce to your panelists by tagging them in your WhatsApp group ● No part pounces will be accepted ● Googling is a sin
  • 75. Question 1 According to a story, X first came to know of a particular group of 'mahatmas' functioning in Tibet through his interaction with Madame Blavatsky in the later part of 19th century. These 'mahatmas' were said to have occult powers through which they could influence the people. Blavatsky further pointed out that these 'mahatmas' were the ones who helped the Raj in quelling one of the greatest challenges it had to face about two and a half decades back. When X contacted one of these 'mahatmas', he was informed about the growing discontent among the public due to the policies of the Raj. It is said that this information which was collected by the 'chelas' of these 'mahatmas' prompted X to do something that is very well known to everyone. ID X. What did he do?
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  • 78. Question 2 X is native to South America and was brought here by the British. For a long time, it was seen as a cure for the 'disease of the developing world'. A small town in north Bengal is the only major site for X in India, and pharmaceutical companies in other states buy X for medicines that primarily alleviate conditions like leg cramps in certain diseases. The factory was set up in the 1800s, but has been shut as it failed to secure necessary permissions needed for producing pharmaceutical products in India. However 2 years ago the grand old factory was reopened when synthetic derivatives of X were touted as a cure for some other disease. ID X P.TO.
  • 79. Q2 (contd) Exactly across the road to the factory lies the summer retreat of person Y. In the 20th century, it was here that Y reluctantly expressed his displeasure over the usage of a device by a government agency as it couldnʼt faithfully reproduce the ʻmirʼ and thus compromised the purity of the artform. This in turn led to a ban on the use of the device by the agency for over 30 years. Who is Y? What was the ban?
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  • 82. Question 3 The valiant Indian troops involved in the liberation of Sudan had got the Sudanese government to give a monetary gift to the Viceroy of India in 1941 for the construction of a war memorial, in the memory of those troops. Post war, the top brass army formed a committee to study various establishments of armed forces, and submitted a report. It led to the setting up of X, a first in the world. Identify X and what first did it become in the world?
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  • 84. Answer National Defence Academy (NDA), Khadakwasla, Pune It is the first academy where training of all three armed forces Army, Air Force, Navy, is done.
  • 85. Question 4 About a week ago, it came to light that X, a famous novelist who won the Nobel Prize for literature in the 1980s, had a secret love child. He and his lover named this child after someone X had a lot of respect for, and was apparently a huge admirer of X. She was also one of the first of her profession to congratulate X on his Nobel Prize. She even had him invited to India by asking his friend Fidel Castro to bring him along. X, during this visit, even commented that she looked like the women of his Colombian birth place. After her death a few years later, X was inconsolable, but her name prevailed in his mind, like one full of light and courage. ID X. Who did he name his child after?
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  • 87. Answer X - Gabriel Garcia Marquez Y - Indira Gandhi
  • 88. Question 5 The Indian Air Force sent its package of fighter aircrafts to attack a certain terrorist camp in February, and code-named it ʻOperation Xʼ, to maintain secrecy. While sources believed that the idea behind the naming of the operation was given a nondescript, mundane tag to the air strikes to maintain operational secrecy and to make it sound like a routine, small-time affair, but some believed that it was named so because ____ have always held a special place in India's war culture. The name was also apt since the operation was mainly about sneaking into enemy territory and launching an attack on them similar to Indian mythology. ID X. (blanks not indicative)
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  • 91. Question 6 In the 60s, X, in the wake of a death in the family, sued their own kin. This was a landmark case as it struck down the existing laws that were prohibitive for their Syrian Christian community and granted equal rights. What rights did X fight for? X was also an inspiration for a character in their daughter Y's book. The semi-autobiographical book, which came out a few decades later, divided opinions like no other. On one hand it received major accolades and awards while on the other it was so controversial that Y had to answer charges of obscenity in her home state. Give Y and the book.
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  • 93. Answer 1. Mary Roy sued her brother to gain equal access to the inheritance left to them. Fought for equal property rights 2. Y- Arundhati Roy, God of small things
  • 94. Question 7 The X-Y Rebellion was an armed resistance movement by Xs and Ys against the dominance of the English East India Company. Starting in late 1700s, this is one of the earliest recorded revolts against the EIC. The resisting Xs belonged to the Madaria tarika, with the Ys belonging to the Giri and Puri groups. The Company rulers, who little understood the culture of the country, took alms collection drives for unauthorised impositions on the village people. The government thus issued decrees banning collection of alms. This seriously disturbed their ways of life and forced them to revolt against the company.
  • 95. Q7 (contd.) The resistance movement got ready support from the peasantry for their moral attachments to the mendicants and also having been hard pressed under the new land revenue policy of the Company government. Their operations were mainly of guerilla nature and the rebels used intelligence from the villagers who informed them about the movement of the Company troops. Give X-Y (no part points)
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  • 98. Question 8 In July of 1954, pro-India forces took control of the main police stations in Dadra and Nagar Haveli, liberated free from the Portuguese rule and assumed the name ʻFree Dadra and Nagar Haveliʼ. A body called the Varishta Panchayat of free Dadra and Nagar Haveli was formed to administer the territory. After 7 years, the Varishta Panchayat voted to accede to India. A certain IAS officer assumed a very important post for that particular day in order to sign the papers and became the only person in Indian political history to hold such a record. What role did he play in the process?
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  • 100. Answer Acted as ʻPrime Ministerʼ of Dadra and Nagar Haveli for one day
  • 102. Rules ● Theme - Unusual Traditions & Customs followed in India ● 4 Questions of 10 marks each ● No negative marking so guess freely ● Compile your answers at the end and tag your panelist
  • 103. Question 1 At one of the ghats in the city of Varanasi, this bizarre tradition is practised annually on the day of Holi where thousands gather to celebrate the festival in an unconventional way. According to legend, Lord Shiva himself came to this place to play Holi with spirits using the ___ from the ghat so they don't feel left out of the festivities when everyone else is playing with different colours. This version of Holi presents a great spectacle where the usual gloom and sadness of the place is replaced with cheer and positivity. What is used to play in this version of Holi?
  • 104. Question 2 X is a city situated in western Madhya Pradesh. Other than hosting a large population, X also holds great religious significance for Hindus and bad luck for the rulers that live there. It is believed that a ruler who dares to stay in this city for more than one day is bound to lose his kingdom and power. Explaining the reason behind this belief, the people of X say that the ruler of X is _______(7) and those like Bhoj Parmara, who challenged him by staying here during the night have lost all of their power and authority. Though the custom is very old, it is still followed by the ministers and chief minister of Madhya Pradesh who always avoid staying here for more than one day. ID the reason behind this unusual tradition.
  • 105. Question 3 With Covid-19 infections showing no signs of abating, the traditional practice of having X is helping people in Mizoram and Manipur maintain social distancing while also aiding small farmers, who cannot afford to take their produce to markets in towns due to the high cost of transport, in running their businesses. Known as Y in Mizoram, this tradition works solely on the principle of trust, and is practised in the hill district of Ukhrul in Manipur and some districts of Mizoram. Mizoram Chief Minister Zoramthanga took to Twitter to laud the concept as this tradition helps in maintaining safe social distancing and also promotes honesty. ID the tradition X.
  • 106. Question 4 This bizarre practice is conducted in many parts of India to this day. The more popular reason for this is that some people are born during a particularly terrible astrological combination. They are called mangliks and are believed to be bad news for their spouse. To get rid of their terrible fate this practice is followed. In some places, this is also followed if the girl has some facial deformations or her teeth arrived too early. What is this practice?
  • 108. Question 1 At one of the ghats in the city of Varanasi, this bizarre tradition is practised annually on the day of Holi where thousands gather to celebrate the festival in an unconventional way. According to legend, Lord Shiva himself came to this place to play Holi with spirits using the ___ from the ghat so they don't feel left out of the festivities when everyone else is playing with different colours. This version of Holi presents a great spectacle where the usual gloom and sadness of the place is replaced with cheer and positivity. What is used to play in this version of Holi?
  • 110. Question 2 X is a city situated in western Madhya Pradesh. Other than hosting a large population, X also holds great religious significance for Hindus and bad luck for the rulers that live there. It is believed that a ruler who dares to stay in this city for more than one day is bound to lose his kingdom and power. Explaining the reason behind this belief, the people of X say that the ruler of X is _______(7) and those like Bhoj Parmara, who challenged him by staying here during the night have lost all of their power and authority. Though the custom is very old, it is still followed by the ministers and chief minister of Madhya Pradesh who always avoid staying here for more than one day. ID the reason behind this unusual tradition.
  • 111. Answer X- Ujjain It is believed that Mahakal is the ruler of Ujjain and so no ruler can stay here during the night.
  • 112. Question 3 With Covid-19 infections showing no signs of abating, the traditional practice of having X is helping people in Mizoram and Manipur maintain social distancing while also aiding small farmers, who cannot afford to take their produce to markets in towns due to the high cost of transport, in running their businesses. Known as Y in Mizoram, this tradition works solely on the principle of trust, and is practised in the hill district of Ukhrul in Manipur and some districts of Mizoram. Mizoram Chief Minister Zoramthanga took to Twitter to laud the concept as this tradition helps in maintaining safe social distancing and also promotes honesty. ID the tradition X.
  • 114. Question 4 This bizarre practice is conducted in many parts of India to this day. The more popular reason for this is that some people are born during a particularly terrible astrological combination. They are called mangliks and are believed to be bad news for their spouse. To get rid of their terrible fate this practice is followed. In some places, this is also followed if the girl has some facial deformations or her teeth arrived too early. What is this practice?
  • 117. Rules ● 8 Questions with Differential Scoring for each ● Original Question - +10/-5 ● 2nd Hint - +5/-2 ● 3rd Hint - +2/0 ● Tag your panelist if you want to attempt the Question ● You can attempt the Question on each stage of marking
  • 118. Question 1 ID this very common practice. According to one of the Hindu scriptures, X existed even before the foundation of existence and consciousness. This is one of the important reasons why a particular practice is followed till date. His other names include Y, which refers to his primary function in Hinduism as the master and remover of obstacles. +10 / -5
  • 119. Hint 2 According to Yogic beliefs, the muladhar chakra of our body, which acts as interface between spiritual and material worlds, is regulated by X. He is the only one who frees us from rebirth and believed to be the powerful god who brings us success. +5 / -2
  • 120. Hint 3 Because of his unique body structure, it is strongly established that X hears us all and in particular he is considered to be omnipresent and the destroyer of all our hardships and difficulties. +2 / 0
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  • 123. Question 2 ID X. The modern day X is located in Northern India, and is said one of the entry points to _______(7) . The place was also one of the favourite vacation spots of Mughal emperors like Akbar, Jahangir and derives its name from a form of Lord Vishnu. +10 / -5
  • 124. Hint 2 According to folktales, the present region of _______(7) was once a lake known as 'The Lake of __' . The lake was occupied by a demon until Vishnu assumed the form of ___ to kill him and struck the mountain at his molar so that the water of the lake could flow out. This place came to be known as X. +5 / -2
  • 125. Hint 3 The modern name of X is a modified version of ʻVarahamulaʼ which means the molar of Varaha, that was used him to lift the mountains. Other than being a famous tourist spot, the place is also known for its horticulture and adventure sports. +2 / 0
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  • 127. Answer Baramulla The name Baramulla is derived from ʻ Varahamulaʼ that means the molar of Varaha.
  • 128. Question 3 ID this tradition. There are many explanations as to why this custom/tradition is practiced. Some of them are as follows: When you add X, the receiver will not start counting from Y and so will not need to come across it, rather he/she will start on a good note. It is widely believed that X signifies a beginning while Y signifies the end. +10 / -5
  • 129. Hint 2 Some people consider the extra X as the real debt which remains on the receiver, which would someday be returned by him/her and thus the friendly exchanges and involvement in each other's happiness will continue. +5 / -2
  • 130. Hint 3 Metal is considered special in Hindu culture since it comes from the earth which is regarded as the mother of all life and so it is auspicious to gift a metal. +2 / 0
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  • 132. Answer Addition of 1 rupee in the gifts given in form of money (shagun) during marriages, birthdays, etc… The amounts gifted are always kept as 101, 501, 1001 instead of 100, 500, 1000.
  • 133. Question 4 What is the group we are talking about? Debate still occurs on the practices of this group, as the British colonial government was unable to differentiate this group from regular street dancers. +10 / -5
  • 134. Hint 2 Unlike modern times, in days past, members of this group, although expected to remain celibate, were still free to choose partners. They were in no way economically dependent on said partners though, since they were well-respected due to their extensive knowledge, and often received gifts from their royal patrons. +5 / -2
  • 135. Hint 3 However, British rule came to portray the activities and culture of this group as prostitution, which is what it eventually became. It is now banned, although there continue to exist lower caste women who are forced to be a part of this system for their livelihoods. What was once a sacred arrangement had then become a necessity for a few. +2 / 0
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  • 138. Question 5 What is being talked about? This illegal business had been in existence for a long time, with a tunnel being discovered in 2017 that aided the business. The demand shoots up during festivals, and hence, so do the auction bids. +10 / -5
  • 139. Hint 2 Water routes are commonly used for crossing instead of tunnels, although tunnels are hard to detect. Some use dyes to recolor and camouflage the commodities, while others use the pretext of food as a reason to cross. +5 / -2
  • 140. Hint 3 The demand for ____ is high across the border in the predominantly Muslim country, and it is easy for smuggling as the border is quite porous. High quality commodities from UP and Haryana sell for higher rates (80-90k), while the smaller ones from Bengal are cheaper (around 40k). +2 / 0
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  • 143. Question 6 X was originally from a village in Odisha and got a job as a gardener in Delhi. He was carrying on with his usual work when tragedy struck but he held his nerve and his actions following the sudden turn of events got him honored by the then President Rajendra Prasad with a cash prize of Rs. 500 and a letter of praise. After this X was forgotten and continued his job as a gardener till he retired and eventually died poor in 1983. Few years ago the forgotten hero was brought back to public eye by the Odisha government which felicitated his widow and presented her with a cheque of 5 lakhs. What did X do? +10 / -5
  • 144. Hint 2 Because of his actions, X was a part of the 147 witnesses involved in what was perhaps the biggest court case in the history of Independent India. +5 / -2
  • 145. Hint 3 X worked at Birla House, New Delhi and was present there when the incident occured and according to some public records used his khurpi to take down the offender. +2 / 0
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  • 147. Answer X - Raghu Nayak caught Nathuram Godse after the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi
  • 148. Question 7 What festival? The festival, practised mainly in a village in Maharashtra, is scary to say the least, but the villagers say that this ritual blesses the young participants with healthy lives. +10 / -5
  • 149. Hint 2 It is said that long ago when infant mortality rate was high, a saint advised the families of this region to demonstrate their faith in God by observing this custom. +5 / -2
  • 150. Hint 3 The ritual is typically done by parents who had prayed at the Baba Umer Dargah for their pregnancy, but these days it is no longer tied to a single religion; you can find Muslims and Hindus partaking in the ceremony. +2 / 0
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  • 153. Question 8 ID X (any version of the name). When the puzzle X was introduced to the World in 1883 by a French mathematician, several myths about the history of the puzzle started to emerge. One of them was about a large room in a popular temple in India which is home to the puzzle and is being solved by Brahmins ever since the rules were set by the Hindu God of Creation himself. +10 / -5
  • 154. Hint 2 The puzzle gets its name from the God and if the priests were to move a part of it every second, it would take them 264 − 1 seconds or roughly 585 billion years to finish and according to legend, the world will end when the puzzle is completed. +5 / -2
  • 155. Hint 3 There are other variations of X involving monks in monasteries in the place of Brahmin priests, one of which is said to be in the South-East Asian city of Y which gives the puzzle its other name, which is perhaps a more popular name than X and something most of us, if not all of us, have learnt about. +2 / 0
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  • 157. Answer X - Tower of Brahma or Tower of Hanoi or Lucas' Tower (Y - Hanoi)
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