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Around The Web in 80 Clicks
● You will be given an instagram ID to start the game
● Scattered throughout the page are 5 clues, solving them will lead you to the
next page
● If you are stuck at any point, you can dm the page for a hint. For each hint
you take, some amount of points will be deducted from your final score
● The game ends when the final word you end up with is the same as the one
you began with. Go to the page it leads you to, and fill the form in bio
● Make sure to compile a list of all answers you have cracked (from all pages).
You will need them for the form
● Each instagram ID consists of two parts - a word + a number
● To get the word: Put together the first letter of the answer to each of the five
clues. The number of letters/words in each answer will also be given for you
to double check
● To get the number: The bio of the page will tell you where to find the number
● It is not mandatory to solve all questions in a page, once you solve 3-4 you
can take a guess as to what the word might be
● However, there are points for each correct answer so solve as many as you
can in the shortest time possible
If you crack the answers in a page to be:
● Clue 1 - Malala
● Clue 2 - Ayodhya
● Clue 3 - Yamaha
● Clue 4 - Om Shanti Om
● Clue 5 - Ronaldinho
● Number - 28491
The next instagram ID will be @mayor28491
Instagram ID: @bheem52791
Question 1
Due to political tensions in the Middle East in 1979, oil prices increased
worldwide. A new system was instituted in the US as a response to this gasoline
In 2012, Hurricane Sandy in the eastern US coast led to panic buying and fuel
hoarding among the public. The above system was initiated in some cities as a
In 2016, a similar system was introduced in an Indian metropolitan, albeit for
entirely different reasons than the ones stated above.
Which system?
Question 2
In 1994, when Florence LaRue asked X, “If you had the time and money to
embark upon a great adventure, what would it be?”
X answered, “Well I think adventure for me is what I enjoy from within me and
children are little things that could bring a lot of adventure in your life. If I had
the time and the money, I could do something, I wouldn’t say I would do
something for the children who are downtrodden, any child is worth its while. I
would do something for the children, go out with them and have a great time.”
6 years after being asked that question, X adopted a girl and became a single
parent. In 2010, she adopted another girl and took a break from her acting
career to focus on her daughters.
Question 3
X, in his ‘truthful’ autobiography, wrote about Raj Kumar Shukla, a farmer
representative under the title "The Stain of ______" (blank size: 6). He described
his experience as follows:
“From Lucknow I went to Cawnpore. Raj Kumar followed me there. 'Y (place) is
very near from here. Please give a day,' he insisted. 'Please excuse me this time.
But I promise that I will come,' said I, further committing myself.”
X went to Calcutta a month later and was accompanied by Raj Kumar to Y,
where he met the people and understood the problem of Indian masses for first
time. Following this he successfully led the fight against colonial
ID the place Y.
Question 4
It is said that Akbar was so impressed with the strategic location of X, that he
ordered the construction of a fort in 1575. Since the fort sat on the confluence of
the two entities, it allowed movement along both.
According to some writers, the fort was constructed to collect pilgrimage taxes
but this is highly unlikely as Akbar had already abolished this in 1563.
X when translated in English means ‘Abode of God’. In 2018, the name X was
changed and it is now known by its ancient name.
Question 5
X was wearing a baggy salwar kameez and big glasses on her eyes. Though, her
unusual style of dressing had caught attention, it did not arouse suspicion. She
was also holding a garland of chandan. Ironically, this plan was also named as
Operation Wedding. It came to be known that the entire group had rehearsed this
plan 9 days ago at a different location, to carry it out without fail on the main
In early 2010s, a movie was released whose name comes from the fact that the
whole idea of the above plan was hatched in a café.
Who was the main target of Operation Wedding?
1) Odd-even
2) Sushmita Sen
3) Champaran
4) Allahabad
5) Rajiv Gandhi
Instagram ID: @oscar29296
Question 1
X, one of the most recognised sculptures of Y and an iconic Renaissance piece,
was strongly criticised for a major inaccuracy present in it. Some Church
observers disapproved of the choices Y had made related to the age of the two
characters, which were far from correct.
Defending his choice to his biographer, Y said, “Do you not know that chaste
women stay fresh much more than those who are not chaste? How much more in
the case of the Virgin, who had never experienced the least lascivious desire that
might change her body?”
ID the work X.
Question 2
Some say the world will end in Y,
Some say in X.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor Y.
These are the first four lines of a poem 'Y and X' by Robert Frost.
It served as the inspiration for the title of another prominent modern literary
work whose author named this poem, and his obsession with music, as the two
sources for his title.
ID this modern work.
Question 3
The term 'X and Y' derives from the more literal "X-ing and Y-ing", a phrase used
by 17th century sailors to describe the motion of a ship on the sea. . By the 1920s,
the term had become a popular metaphor for either dancing or sex, due to a sense
of rhythmic movement.
Trixie Smith's ballad My Man Xs Me (With One Steady Y) catches the term in
transition, its meaning covering both sex and dancing. Later when Alan Freed
started using the term to mean sped-up country music of the 50s, the term simply
referred to the style of dance music, and the sexual component had vanished.
ID this fast-paced music genre, shortened to just X nowadays.
Question 4
X and Y are clubs based in the same city. X was founded by former members of Y
who had left the club due to a disagreement over the players. They were unhappy
with the domination of the locals in the club and wanted to include more foreign
players in the roster without any limit to their number.
This led to the creation of X which had the word _____________ (blank size: 13) as
a prefix to the city name to indicate their desire to accept foreign players. This 13
letter word (in English) shortened with time and is the more common name used
for X now.
Question 5
X is a shortened form of a regular word, whose usage experienced a meteoric rise
in 2020 because of the massive success of a work in the entertainment field which
introduced the slang into popular lingo. The word started out as a meme, and is
now regularly used by netizens to describe behaviour.
However, the word can be traced back to the 1800s as police and legal jargon. The
X law, was a nickname for a stop and search law enacted in 1824 which gave
British police the power to search and potentially arrest people who they
believed were upto no good.
1) Pietà
2) A Song of Ice and Fire
3) Rock ‘N Roll
4) Inter Milan
5) Sus
Instagram ID: @paris25129
Question 1
It all started when an usual parade that took place at Buñol, Spain in 1945
suddenly turned violent. A participant’s head gear fell down in the crowd and he
was agitated. Soon others in the parade joined him and this turned into a full
fledged riot.
However it wasn’t that bloody a riot since the only weapon the mob could hit
each other with were the fruit and vegetables in nearby stalls. Next year to
commemorate this, few youngsters brought their own ________ (blank size: 8,
plural). Thus started the famous festival of La ________ (blank size: 8).
Fill in the blanks.
Question 2
The following images show various bridges in a town in the Netherlands.
Although initially designed in 2002 to feature only on Xs, the construction of
these bridges seemed to defeat the original purpose.
X is something that is quite commonly used throughout the European Union. The
bridges were originally designed to avoid feelings of animosity over something
that would be collectively used by all countries in the EU.
Question 3
Although X is generally associated with country Y, it was Norway that convinced
Y to use salmon as an ingredient for X. In the 1970s, Norway had a surplus of
salmon production and was looking to export salmon to Y who needed to import
fish due to overfishing, rising population, and rising incomes with the economic
boom of the time.
Initially the people of Y, despite being famous for eating fish, were reluctant as
they only consumed grilled/cooked salmon and had strong culinary traditions.
But the Norwegians through campaigning and advertisements, convinced them
to use raw salmon in X.
Question 4
This began to happen in late 12th century, once construction on the second floor
had begun. It was due to one side sinking into the soft ground. However over a
period of time, it became clear that it wasn’t just _______ (blank size: 7) but was
actually falling at a rate of one to two millimeters per year.
Today, it is more than five meters off perpendicular. Experts believe that if the
construction had not been halted the due to war it would have toppled over, and
would have not lasted till today.
What is being talked about here?
Question 5
In Greek mythology , X was one of the Titans who took part in their war against
Zeus and the Olympians. When the Titans were defeated, X was punished to hold
up the sky on his shoulders.
In the 16th century, Flemish mapmaker Gerardus Mercator published a collection
of maps. On the title page he showed a picture of X supporting his burden.
Mercator titled the book X. Later collections of maps included similar pictures of
X, and came to be called Xs.
1) Tomatoes/Tomatina
2) Euro
3) Sushi
4) Leaning Tower of Pisa
5) Atlas
Instagram ID: @tesla8694
Question 1
This technology was developed by a few students from MIT, to tackle the problem
of harvesting water from very dry and hot places, they suggested using X with
zeolites instead of thinking of advanced alternatives.
The first few prototypes had very high energy consumption so the next ones used
the hot sun in their favour. This not only utilised less energy, but also proved to
be a sustainable method making it suitable for areas like deserts.
Question 2
In 1999, 10 people of a certain group gathered to discuss on a common goal. Just a
few days later, another group of people met to take decision on another subject.
This is how the modern day trend of X began, which is now popular among
colleges as well.
While some say that Xs are productive (Facebook's like button was invented
during one such gathering), the majority of them end up being a waste of time
due to poor execution and don't end up changing the society over a weekend.
Question 3
Mumbai Police is known for posting safety tips on Twitter doused in memes or
pop culture inspired jokes. One such example could be when they posted about
traffic saying, "You don't get extra lives if you X in real life".
In reality it may lead to damages no amount of money can pay for. It highlighted
a certain feature of X that brought back memories for every 90s kid, thus
fulfilling the point of this post.
Question 4
X is a structure that drew very harsh criticism from artists during its
construction. It was called an industrial chimney, a tragic street lamp and some
even called it an ugly skeleton.
X was originally planned for demolition just 20 years after its construction, but
was saved from its fate due to its use as a military receiver in WWI.
Question 5
Company X, formerly one of the biggest names in ___________ (blank size: 11),
famously rejected its product’s digital counterpart. However, X has always
dabbled in the manufacturing of products from various fields and at one point
even manufactured hand grenades.
This experimentation in different manufacturing sectors led to various
inventions like the first multi-layered OLED developed in its laboratories in 1987.
1) Solar panel
2) Hackathon
3) Road Rash
4) Eiffel Tower
5) Kodak
Instagram ID: @shrek2861
Question 1
Widely believed that the author was inspired by the 'Cupid and Psyche' arc
representing star crossed lovers, this famous work has now become a staple
romantic Disney adaption.
Since the name of one of the titular characters is synonymous to the word
‘animal’, different parts of the world interpreted it as follows:
● a snake in the Indian, Chinese, Russian version;
● a dog in the English story;
● a horse in the Danish variation;
● a bear in the Swiss regions.
Which are we talking about?
Question 2
The name of this two worded syndrome is derived from a character X we are well
acquainted with. A patient diagnosed with this syndrome recovers from a
childhood trauma physically but receives a suffering in the mental health
domain. A part of them has changed forever.
On similar lines character X faced a trauma and could never recover from it. X
received royal help yet there was no success. Likewise the patients in spite of
receiving help from doctors, do not recover easily.
ID X / the name of this syndrome.
Question 3
A certain song sung by character X in a 2013 film, became somewhat of a queer
anthem after a lesbian drag queen rewrote the lyrics to make an unofficial gay
version, replacing the iconic lyrics with:
“I am gay! I am gay! I really hope that’s okay.
I am gay! I am gay! There’s really not much more to say.”
Canonically, X is not romantically interested in anybody, but that didn’t stop the
internet from making X a queer icon, especially after the release of the sequel 5
years later.
Question 4
The dual-coloured nature of this common item X confused us as kids - using one
side of it to do a certain task almost never worked. The confusion was further
cemented by the image of a Y on that half of the X. As it turns out, we were way
off. That half of X was never meant to be used against Y, instead it was for
grainier, heavier surfaces.
Makers of X found that people didn't quite understand its true purpose, so they
started promoting the use of that half of X for its newfound purpose.
Question 5
Maria __________ (blank size: 10) was a pioneer in a certain field. Though she
was medically trained at the start of her career, she gradually ventured into a
field which made her spend more time with little children. Once while visiting a
mental asylum, she realised that the confined children required reforms in the
way that they were treated.
She gradually adopted these techniques for every child. Her work included
focusing more on innate talents and abilities rather than forcing external
teachings. Her approach was well appreciated and her practices were more or
less globally accepted. Maria is immortalized by adding her surname to certain
nomenclature which some of us may remember from the early years of our lives.
Fill in the blank.
1) Beauty and the Beast
2) Humpty Dumpty
3) Elsa
4) Eraser
5) Montessori
Instagram IDs in order

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Treasure Hunt by Quiz Club NITW

  • 2. RULES ● You will be given an instagram ID to start the game ● Scattered throughout the page are 5 clues, solving them will lead you to the next page ● If you are stuck at any point, you can dm the page for a hint. For each hint you take, some amount of points will be deducted from your final score ● The game ends when the final word you end up with is the same as the one you began with. Go to the page it leads you to, and fill the form in bio ● Make sure to compile a list of all answers you have cracked (from all pages). You will need them for the form
  • 3. WORKING ● Each instagram ID consists of two parts - a word + a number ● To get the word: Put together the first letter of the answer to each of the five clues. The number of letters/words in each answer will also be given for you to double check ● To get the number: The bio of the page will tell you where to find the number ● It is not mandatory to solve all questions in a page, once you solve 3-4 you can take a guess as to what the word might be ● However, there are points for each correct answer so solve as many as you can in the shortest time possible
  • 4. EXAMPLE If you crack the answers in a page to be: ● Clue 1 - Malala ● Clue 2 - Ayodhya ● Clue 3 - Yamaha ● Clue 4 - Om Shanti Om ● Clue 5 - Ronaldinho ● Number - 28491 The next instagram ID will be @mayor28491
  • 6. Question 1 Due to political tensions in the Middle East in 1979, oil prices increased worldwide. A new system was instituted in the US as a response to this gasoline crisis. In 2012, Hurricane Sandy in the eastern US coast led to panic buying and fuel hoarding among the public. The above system was initiated in some cities as a response. In 2016, a similar system was introduced in an Indian metropolitan, albeit for entirely different reasons than the ones stated above. Which system?
  • 7. Question 2 In 1994, when Florence LaRue asked X, “If you had the time and money to embark upon a great adventure, what would it be?” X answered, “Well I think adventure for me is what I enjoy from within me and children are little things that could bring a lot of adventure in your life. If I had the time and the money, I could do something, I wouldn’t say I would do something for the children who are downtrodden, any child is worth its while. I would do something for the children, go out with them and have a great time.” 6 years after being asked that question, X adopted a girl and became a single parent. In 2010, she adopted another girl and took a break from her acting career to focus on her daughters. ID X.
  • 8. Question 3 X, in his ‘truthful’ autobiography, wrote about Raj Kumar Shukla, a farmer representative under the title "The Stain of ______" (blank size: 6). He described his experience as follows: “From Lucknow I went to Cawnpore. Raj Kumar followed me there. 'Y (place) is very near from here. Please give a day,' he insisted. 'Please excuse me this time. But I promise that I will come,' said I, further committing myself.” X went to Calcutta a month later and was accompanied by Raj Kumar to Y, where he met the people and understood the problem of Indian masses for first time. Following this he successfully led the fight against colonial administration. ID the place Y.
  • 9. Question 4 It is said that Akbar was so impressed with the strategic location of X, that he ordered the construction of a fort in 1575. Since the fort sat on the confluence of the two entities, it allowed movement along both. According to some writers, the fort was constructed to collect pilgrimage taxes but this is highly unlikely as Akbar had already abolished this in 1563. X when translated in English means ‘Abode of God’. In 2018, the name X was changed and it is now known by its ancient name. ID X.
  • 10. Question 5 X was wearing a baggy salwar kameez and big glasses on her eyes. Though, her unusual style of dressing had caught attention, it did not arouse suspicion. She was also holding a garland of chandan. Ironically, this plan was also named as Operation Wedding. It came to be known that the entire group had rehearsed this plan 9 days ago at a different location, to carry it out without fail on the main day. In early 2010s, a movie was released whose name comes from the fact that the whole idea of the above plan was hatched in a café. Who was the main target of Operation Wedding?
  • 11. Answers 1) Odd-even 2) Sushmita Sen 3) Champaran 4) Allahabad 5) Rajiv Gandhi
  • 13. Question 1 X, one of the most recognised sculptures of Y and an iconic Renaissance piece, was strongly criticised for a major inaccuracy present in it. Some Church observers disapproved of the choices Y had made related to the age of the two characters, which were far from correct. Defending his choice to his biographer, Y said, “Do you not know that chaste women stay fresh much more than those who are not chaste? How much more in the case of the Virgin, who had never experienced the least lascivious desire that might change her body?” ID the work X.
  • 14. Question 2 Some say the world will end in Y, Some say in X. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor Y. These are the first four lines of a poem 'Y and X' by Robert Frost. It served as the inspiration for the title of another prominent modern literary work whose author named this poem, and his obsession with music, as the two sources for his title. ID this modern work.
  • 15. Question 3 The term 'X and Y' derives from the more literal "X-ing and Y-ing", a phrase used by 17th century sailors to describe the motion of a ship on the sea. . By the 1920s, the term had become a popular metaphor for either dancing or sex, due to a sense of rhythmic movement. Trixie Smith's ballad My Man Xs Me (With One Steady Y) catches the term in transition, its meaning covering both sex and dancing. Later when Alan Freed started using the term to mean sped-up country music of the 50s, the term simply referred to the style of dance music, and the sexual component had vanished. ID this fast-paced music genre, shortened to just X nowadays.
  • 16. Question 4 X and Y are clubs based in the same city. X was founded by former members of Y who had left the club due to a disagreement over the players. They were unhappy with the domination of the locals in the club and wanted to include more foreign players in the roster without any limit to their number. This led to the creation of X which had the word _____________ (blank size: 13) as a prefix to the city name to indicate their desire to accept foreign players. This 13 letter word (in English) shortened with time and is the more common name used for X now. ID X.
  • 17. Question 5 X is a shortened form of a regular word, whose usage experienced a meteoric rise in 2020 because of the massive success of a work in the entertainment field which introduced the slang into popular lingo. The word started out as a meme, and is now regularly used by netizens to describe behaviour. However, the word can be traced back to the 1800s as police and legal jargon. The X law, was a nickname for a stop and search law enacted in 1824 which gave British police the power to search and potentially arrest people who they believed were upto no good. ID X.
  • 18. Answers 1) Pietà 2) A Song of Ice and Fire 3) Rock ‘N Roll 4) Inter Milan 5) Sus
  • 20. Question 1 It all started when an usual parade that took place at Buñol, Spain in 1945 suddenly turned violent. A participant’s head gear fell down in the crowd and he was agitated. Soon others in the parade joined him and this turned into a full fledged riot. However it wasn’t that bloody a riot since the only weapon the mob could hit each other with were the fruit and vegetables in nearby stalls. Next year to commemorate this, few youngsters brought their own ________ (blank size: 8, plural). Thus started the famous festival of La ________ (blank size: 8). Fill in the blanks.
  • 21. Question 2 The following images show various bridges in a town in the Netherlands. Although initially designed in 2002 to feature only on Xs, the construction of these bridges seemed to defeat the original purpose. X is something that is quite commonly used throughout the European Union. The bridges were originally designed to avoid feelings of animosity over something that would be collectively used by all countries in the EU. ID X.
  • 22.
  • 23.
  • 24. Question 3 Although X is generally associated with country Y, it was Norway that convinced Y to use salmon as an ingredient for X. In the 1970s, Norway had a surplus of salmon production and was looking to export salmon to Y who needed to import fish due to overfishing, rising population, and rising incomes with the economic boom of the time. Initially the people of Y, despite being famous for eating fish, were reluctant as they only consumed grilled/cooked salmon and had strong culinary traditions. But the Norwegians through campaigning and advertisements, convinced them to use raw salmon in X. ID X.
  • 25. Question 4 This began to happen in late 12th century, once construction on the second floor had begun. It was due to one side sinking into the soft ground. However over a period of time, it became clear that it wasn’t just _______ (blank size: 7) but was actually falling at a rate of one to two millimeters per year. Today, it is more than five meters off perpendicular. Experts believe that if the construction had not been halted the due to war it would have toppled over, and would have not lasted till today. What is being talked about here?
  • 26. Question 5 In Greek mythology , X was one of the Titans who took part in their war against Zeus and the Olympians. When the Titans were defeated, X was punished to hold up the sky on his shoulders. In the 16th century, Flemish mapmaker Gerardus Mercator published a collection of maps. On the title page he showed a picture of X supporting his burden. Mercator titled the book X. Later collections of maps included similar pictures of X, and came to be called Xs. ID X.
  • 27. Answers 1) Tomatoes/Tomatina 2) Euro 3) Sushi 4) Leaning Tower of Pisa 5) Atlas
  • 29. Question 1 This technology was developed by a few students from MIT, to tackle the problem of harvesting water from very dry and hot places, they suggested using X with zeolites instead of thinking of advanced alternatives. The first few prototypes had very high energy consumption so the next ones used the hot sun in their favour. This not only utilised less energy, but also proved to be a sustainable method making it suitable for areas like deserts. ID X.
  • 30. Question 2 In 1999, 10 people of a certain group gathered to discuss on a common goal. Just a few days later, another group of people met to take decision on another subject. This is how the modern day trend of X began, which is now popular among colleges as well. While some say that Xs are productive (Facebook's like button was invented during one such gathering), the majority of them end up being a waste of time due to poor execution and don't end up changing the society over a weekend. ID X.
  • 31. Question 3 Mumbai Police is known for posting safety tips on Twitter doused in memes or pop culture inspired jokes. One such example could be when they posted about traffic saying, "You don't get extra lives if you X in real life". In reality it may lead to damages no amount of money can pay for. It highlighted a certain feature of X that brought back memories for every 90s kid, thus fulfilling the point of this post. ID X.
  • 32. Question 4 X is a structure that drew very harsh criticism from artists during its construction. It was called an industrial chimney, a tragic street lamp and some even called it an ugly skeleton. X was originally planned for demolition just 20 years after its construction, but was saved from its fate due to its use as a military receiver in WWI. ID X.
  • 33. Question 5 Company X, formerly one of the biggest names in ___________ (blank size: 11), famously rejected its product’s digital counterpart. However, X has always dabbled in the manufacturing of products from various fields and at one point even manufactured hand grenades. This experimentation in different manufacturing sectors led to various inventions like the first multi-layered OLED developed in its laboratories in 1987. ID X.
  • 34. Answers 1) Solar panel 2) Hackathon 3) Road Rash 4) Eiffel Tower 5) Kodak
  • 36. Question 1 Widely believed that the author was inspired by the 'Cupid and Psyche' arc representing star crossed lovers, this famous work has now become a staple romantic Disney adaption. Since the name of one of the titular characters is synonymous to the word ‘animal’, different parts of the world interpreted it as follows: ● a snake in the Indian, Chinese, Russian version; ● a dog in the English story; ● a horse in the Danish variation; ● a bear in the Swiss regions. Which are we talking about?
  • 37. Question 2 The name of this two worded syndrome is derived from a character X we are well acquainted with. A patient diagnosed with this syndrome recovers from a childhood trauma physically but receives a suffering in the mental health domain. A part of them has changed forever. On similar lines character X faced a trauma and could never recover from it. X received royal help yet there was no success. Likewise the patients in spite of receiving help from doctors, do not recover easily. ID X / the name of this syndrome.
  • 38. Question 3 A certain song sung by character X in a 2013 film, became somewhat of a queer anthem after a lesbian drag queen rewrote the lyrics to make an unofficial gay version, replacing the iconic lyrics with: “I am gay! I am gay! I really hope that’s okay. I am gay! I am gay! There’s really not much more to say.” Canonically, X is not romantically interested in anybody, but that didn’t stop the internet from making X a queer icon, especially after the release of the sequel 5 years later. ID X.
  • 39. Question 4 The dual-coloured nature of this common item X confused us as kids - using one side of it to do a certain task almost never worked. The confusion was further cemented by the image of a Y on that half of the X. As it turns out, we were way off. That half of X was never meant to be used against Y, instead it was for grainier, heavier surfaces. Makers of X found that people didn't quite understand its true purpose, so they started promoting the use of that half of X for its newfound purpose. ID X.
  • 40. Question 5 Maria __________ (blank size: 10) was a pioneer in a certain field. Though she was medically trained at the start of her career, she gradually ventured into a field which made her spend more time with little children. Once while visiting a mental asylum, she realised that the confined children required reforms in the way that they were treated. She gradually adopted these techniques for every child. Her work included focusing more on innate talents and abilities rather than forcing external teachings. Her approach was well appreciated and her practices were more or less globally accepted. Maria is immortalized by adding her surname to certain nomenclature which some of us may remember from the early years of our lives. Fill in the blank.
  • 41. Answers 1) Beauty and the Beast 2) Humpty Dumpty 3) Elsa 4) Eraser 5) Montessori
  • 42. Instagram IDs in order @bheem52791 @oscar29296 @paris25129 @tesla8694 @shrek2861 @bheem19725

Editor's Notes

  1. The image referred to here is of a pen