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Exacerbations of COPD* : Environmental
          William MacNee and Kenneth Donaldson

          Chest 2000;117;390S-397S
          DOI 10.1378/chest.117.5_suppl_2.390S
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             © 2000 American College of Chest Physicians
Exacerbations of COPD*
Environmental Mechanisms
William MacNee, MD; and Kenneth Donaldson, DSc

        Air pollution as a trigger for exacerbations of COPD has been recognized for > 50 years, and has
        led to the development of air quality standards in many countries that substantially decreased the
        levels of air pollutants derived from the burning of fossil fuels, such as black smoke and sulfur
        dioxide. However, the recent dramatic increase in motor vehicle traffic has produced a relative
        increase in the levels of newer pollutants, such as ozone and fine-particulate air pollution
        < 10 m in diameter. Numerous epidemiologic studies have shown associations between the
        levels of these air pollutants and adverse health effects, such as exacerbations of airways diseases
        and even deaths from respiratory and cardiovascular causes. Elucidation of the mechanism of the
        harmful effects of these pollutants should allow improved risk assessment for patients with
        airways diseases who are be susceptible to the effects of these air pollutants.
                                                                             (CHEST 2000; 117:390S–397S)

        Key words: air pollution; COPD; exacerbations; fine-particulate air pollution; mechanisms

        Abbreviations: IL interleukin; NF- B nuclear factor- B; PM10         particulate air pollution that has 50% of organic
        and inorganic particles with an aerodynamic diameter      10         m; PMN polymorphonuclear neutrophils;
        ROFA residual oil fly ash; TNF tumor necrosis factor

    Evidence That Air Pollutants Cause                              very high levels of air pollution led to worldwide
          Exacerbations of COPD                                     legislation that dramatically decreased emissions of air
                                                                    pollutants, particularly from industrial sources.3 Until

T he adverse health and 1950s,the visible air pollu-
  tion of the 1940s
                    effects of
                               which consisted of
                                                                    recently, this had resulted in a degree of complacency
                                                                    that the problem of air pollution levels had been
black smoke, acid aerosols, and sulfur dioxide from                 resolved. However, alongside the decrease in the levels
the burning of fossil fuel from industrial and domes-               of these traditional air pollutants, there has been a
tic sources, are well known.1,2 Studies in the early                relative increase in motor vehicle traffic. There is now
1950s showed associations between the levels of                     overwhelming evidence showing associations between
these air pollutants and mortality, as demonstrated                 adverse health effects and the levels of these pollut-
most clearly by the sharp rise in black smoke (1,600                ants.4 These adverse effects are most strongly associ-
  g/m3, four times the normal value) and sulfur                     ated with the levels of ozone,5 and with particulate air
dioxide levels during the London smog of December                   pollution that has 50% of organic and inorganic parti-
5–9, 1952, during which time there was an increase                  cles with an aerodynamic diameter of             10 m
in the daily death rate, resulting in around 4,000                  (PM10).6 Numerous time-series epidemiologic studies,
extra deaths.1,2 Between 80 to 90% of the deaths                    which are reviewed elsewhere,6 have shown significant
during this episode were from cardiorespiratory                     associations with a increased ozone levels and a range
causes, and the greatest relative increase was deaths               of adverse effects on the lungs, including decrements in
from bronchitis, which rose ninefold. During the                    lung function, aggravation of preexisting respiratory
London smog of 1952, hospital admissions rose by                    disease, increases in respiratory admissions, and pre-
50% and respiratory admissions by 160%.                             mature respiratory deaths. Several studies in Europe
   Recognition of the adverse health effects of these               and the United States have shown increased relative
                                                                    risk of hospital admission from exacerbations of COPD
*From the ELEGI Colt Research Laboratories (Professor Mac-          associated with high levels of ozone,7–11 although not all
Nee), University of Edinburgh Medical School, Edinburgh, and
the Department of Biological Sciences (Professor Donaldson),        studies have supported this association (Fig 1).12
Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland.                                Epidemiologic evidence5,13 also indicates a clear
Correspondence to: Professor William MacNee, Respiratory Med-       relationship between the levels of PM10 and respi-
icine, ELEGI, Colt Research Laboratories, Wilkie Building,
Medical School, Teviot Place, Edinburgh EH8 9AG, Scotland;          ratory increased morbidity, including increased
e-mail                                            symptoms, reductions in lung function,14 and hospi-

390S                                                                                   COPD: Working Towards a Greater Understanding

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                                    © 2000 American College of Chest Physicians
the adverse effects of PM10 comes from the Utah
                                                                    valley in the United States, near the town of Linden.
                                                                    During closure of the steel mill, levels of PM10 fell
                                                                    substantially (Table 1).17 This was associated with a
                                                                    reduction in the number of hospital admissions for
                                                                    exacerbations of airways diseases in the region,
                                                                    which rose again when the mill reopened.9,17
                                                                      The levels of particulate air pollution in the United
                                                                    States and Europe are on an order of magnitude
                                                                    lower than those in the 1950s and those experienced
                                                                    in “dusty” trades. However, although the levels of
                                                                    PM10 in the United Kingdom infrequently exceed
                                                                    the government’s air quality standard of 50 g/m3,
                                                                    the government’s own figures suggest that around
Figure 1. Reported relative risks (RR) for hospital admissions      8,000 deaths and around 10,000 excess hospital
for COPD associated with 100 parts-per-billion (ppb) increase in    admissions for exacerbations of airway disease occur
daily 1 h maximum ozone (with 95% confidence intervals) in          as a result of increased PM10 levels.18
three US cities and five European cities. Modified from data by
Thurston and Ito.5

                                                                      Mechanisms of the Harmful Effects of
tal admissions in patients with COPD. In addition,
                                               5                               PM10 on the Lungs
there is an association between PM10 levels and                        The ability of the lungs to protect themselves
deaths, not only from respiratory causes, but also                  against inhaled particles, and the susceptibility of
from vascular causes, such as myocardial infarction                 individuals to the effects of particles will also deter-
and cerebrovascular accidents (Fig 2).15 Further-                   mine the outcome in terms of the adverse effects of
more, these associations have been shown in diverse                 environmental particles. It is therefore important to
geographic locations, such as Utah, where the main                  ask why PM10 is so toxic in such low concentrations.
source of PM10 is from a steel mill, and Philadelphia,              The range of associations with mortality and morbid-
where the major source is from motor vehicles. This                 ity described above indicate that a wide variety of
suggests that a common factor in the constituents of                tissues are affected by PM10.
PM10 may determine the mechanism of the harmful
effects of particulate air pollution. Recently, there
has been much interest in the role of reactive
transition metals, such as iron and copper, as a factor               An important defense mechanism against inhaled
that accounts for the toxic effects of PM10.16                      particles in the airways is the mucociliary escalator.
   One of the most compelling pieces of evidence for                Mucus has a major role in protecting the airways,

                Figure 2. Summary of the percent change in adverse health effects per 10 mg/L3 change in PM10 for
                acute exposure studies in patients with respiratory (Resp) and cardiovascular (Cardio) conditions.
                PEF peak expiratory flow. Modified from data by Pope and Dockery.6

                                                                                   CHEST / 117 / 5 / MAY, 2000 SUPPLEMENT   391S
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                                     © 2000 American College of Chest Physicians
Table 1—Particulate Air Pollution Levels and Hospital                     proximal alveoli,27 where the net flow of air is zero
                    Admissions*                                           and where, for very small particles, deposition effi-
                                              Mill Status                 ciency increases because of the diffusion.28 Particles
                                                                          that then cross the airspace epithelium and enter the
        Variables                 Open           Closed           Open
                                                                          lung interstitium are no longer cleared by the normal
Particulate levels, g/m3                                                  processes, and will either remain in the subepithelial
  TSP                               34             64              95     regions, close to key responsive cell populations
  PM10                              74             35              52
                                                                          (such as interstitial macrophages, fibroblasts, and
Hospital admissions, no.
  All                              302            205             340     endothelial cells), or drain to the lymph nodes.
  Bronchitis and asthma             78             23              78     Interstitial inflammation is likely to be potentially
*In Lindon, UT, over the period of closure of a steel mill; TSP   total   more harmful than inflammation within the alveolar
 suspended particles. Modified from Pope.17                               spaces.

                                                                          Polymorphonuclear Neutrophils in the Pulmonary
particularly as it is a rich source of antioxidants.19 In
the large proximal airways, goblet cells secrete mucus,
which traps deposited particles and is then propelled                        Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) are thought
upwards by ciliated cells to be either expectorated or                    to play an important role in the pathogenesis of COPD,
swallowed. Mucus secretion is controlled by several                       since they are present in increased numbers in the
genes.20 Although mucus may in some circumstances                         airspaces and in the airway walls of these patients.
have a protective role, induction of increased mucus                      When activated, these cells release injurious sub-
secretion by air pollutants such as sulfur dioxide and                    stances, such as proteases and reactive oxygen species.
possibly PM1021 may contribute to the development of                      Neutrophils are known to be held up (or sequestered)
exacerbations of COPD, by increasing airway resistance                    in the pulmonary microcirculation under normal cir-
and by the development of mucus plugging in the                           cumstances since, because of their size, they have to
smaller peripheral airways, a feature commonly present                    deform to negotiate the smaller pulmonary capillary
in patients dying of COPD.22 In patients with COPD,                       segments.29 In addition to PMN-endothelial adhesion,
and in cigarette smokers, there is damage to the cilia,                   PMN deformability is a critical initiating factor in
which, together with the excess mucus produced,                           PMN sequestration in the pulmonary microvascula-
overwhelm the mucociliary escalator and will reduce                       ture.30 Airway inflammation, such as that in exacer-
the ability of the lungs to deal adequately with                          bations of COPD, causes decreased PMN deformabil-
inhaled particles.                                                        ity, and thus increased PMN sequestration31 associated
   Airway epithelial cells also act as a barrier to                       with evidence of systemic oxidative stress.32 Oxidative
inhaled pollutants, and are an important target for                       stress also results from acute smoking,32 which also
the toxic and potentially inflammogenic effects of                        causes decreased neutrophil deformability33 and in-
particles. On exposure to particles and other forms of                    creased pulmonary sequestration of PMN,34 and the
air pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide,23 epithelial                     subsequent migration of these cells into the air-
cells can release inflammatory mediators such as                          spaces. Furthermore, carbon particles, which are an
interleukin (IL)-8, and the chemokine RANTES                              important constituent of PM10, have been shown to
(regulated upon activation, normal T-cell expressed                       cause the release of immature neutrophils from the
and secreted),24 which may lead to the influx of                          bone marrow,35 and these cells are preferentially
inflammatory leukocytes.                                                  sequestered in the pulmonary microcirculation.
   Macrophages present in the airway walls and on                         Thus, systemic effects of PM10 on neutrophil rheol-
the surfaces of the airways can phagocytose particles,                    ogy may be important as an initiating event for the
but may, as a result, release inflammatory mediators                      airspace inflammation induced by PM10.36
such as IL-8 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF). In
COPD, numbers of macrophages are increased19,25;
consequently, levels of inflammatory mediators are                                         Toxicity of PM10
elevated in sputum.26 The additional insult of an
inhaled air pollutant could clearly aggravate the                            In some studies, PM10 appears to have adverse
background inflammation in COPD leading to exac-                          health effects without a dose threshold,13 suggesting
erbations.                                                                that PM10 is a highly toxic material. However, the
                                                                          individual components of PM10 are not particularly
                                                                          toxic at the levels present in the air.
Bronchoalveolar Region/Pulmonary Interstitium
                                                                             There is considerable evidence that PM10 con-
  Large numbers of inhaled particles deposit be-                          tains an ultrafine component,37 defined as particles
yond the ciliated airways in the terminal airways and                        100 nm in diameter, which may provide a possible

392S                                                                                      COPD: Working Towards a Greater Understanding

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                                        © 2000 American College of Chest Physicians
explanation for the toxicity of PM10. One report has                   flow. The resultant longer residence time for the
suggested that decrements in evening peak flow in a                    particles in the airspaces favors deposition that de-
group of asthmatics was best associated with the                       pends largely on brownian motion, as is the case for
ultrafine component of the airborne particles during                   these very small particles.28 In addition, studies using
pollution episodes.38 This is despite the large num-                   radiolabeled particles indicate that particle deposi-
ber of particles in the ultrafine range representing a                 tion is uneven in patients with airflow limitation,
relatively small fraction of the total mass.36                         resulting in accumulation of particles in certain areas
   Ultrafine particles are highly toxic to the lungs,                  in the airways.42
even when they are formed from materials that are
nontoxic, and when they are components of larger,
respirable particles.39 The effects of fine (260 nm
diameter) and ultrafine (14 nm diameter) carbon                                Particle Number/Surface Area
particles and PM10 have been compared following                           Macrophages attempting to phagocytose a large
instillation in the same mass (125 g) into rat lungs.                  number of ultrafine particles may be stimulated to
Such experiments have shown that ultrafine carbon
                                                                       release inflammatory mediators such as TNF. The
particles and PM10, and, to a much lesser extent, fine
                                                                       inability of macrophages to phagocytose the large num-
carbon particles, produce the influx of inflammatory
                                                                       bers of ultrafine particles may also result in sustained
leukocytes into the airspaces (Fig 3).40 This suggests
that ultrafine particles have toxicity that results from               stimulation of epithelial cells, and increased production
their small size, rather than their chemical composition.              of chemokines, such as IL-8/macrophage inflammatory
   The potential mechanisms that account for the                       protein-1 ,43 which would contribute to inflammation.
toxicity of ultrafine particles have been reviewed.41                     In animal models, particularly in the rat, expo-
The major mechanisms are as follows: (1) particle                      sure to high airborne concentrations of any parti-
number, (2) particle surface area, (3) particle surface                cle, such that a high lung dose is attained, will
chemistry, (4) interstitialization of particles, and (5)               result in lung inflammation.44 This phenomenon is
oxidative stress.                                                      termed overload and was thought to occur when
   The deposition fraction in the lungs for ultrafine                  macrophages had phagocytosed a volume of parti-
particles is high, approaching 50% for particles 20                    cles equivalent to 60% of their internal volume. At
nm in size. Interestingly, the deposition efficiency is                this point, macrophages began to show impaired
greater in patients with COPD than in normal                           ability to move and carry their particle burden to
subjects,28 probably because of their lower expiratory                 the start of the mucociliary escalator for removal
                                                                       from the lungs. Morrow45 also calculated that by
                                                                       the time the average volume of particles inside
                                                                       macrophages reaches 60% of the total macrophage
                                                                       volume, their ability to move, and hence clearance,
                                                                       is completely inhibited. However, data from the
                                                                       rat have suggested that overload is best correlated
                                                                       to the surface area and not mass, volume, or
                                                                       number of particles.46 A role for surface area
                                                                       appears intuitively likely for toxic particles, since
                                                                       the interaction between particles and biological
                                                                       systems will occur with the surface, not the inter-
                                                                       nal mass, of the particle. However, it is not
                                                                       immediately apparent why nontoxic particles
                                                                       might mediate their effects via their surface. Al-
                                                                       though overload may account for part of the
                                                                       mechanism of lung inflammation in response to
                                                                       instillation of ultrafine particles in some animal
                                                                       models,47 calculations of the potential surface area
                                                                       in models of PM10 instillation40 or ultrafine parti-
Figure 3. The number of neutrophils in BAL from rats 6 h after         cle inhalation47 suggest that overload is not the
intratracheal instillation of PM10, fine (CB) and ultrafine (ufCB)     primary factor that accounts for the lung inflam-
carbon black. The results in rats that had no instillation (control)   mation. Furthermore, the relevance of overload
or instillation with phosphate-buffered saline solution (PBS) are
shown for comparison. Histograms and bars represent the mean           (which is a phenomenon relatively specific to the
(SE) of three to six animals. From Li et al.40                         rat) to humans remains to be determined.

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Particle Surface Chemistry
   The large surface area provided by ultrafine com-
ponents of PM10 may allow absorption of substances
from the environment, or from the lung epithelial
lining fluid onto the particle surface, which may
increase the reactivity of the particles.48 One such
substance for which this may be relevant is iron,
which can subsequently take part in Fenton chem-
istry to produce reactive oxygen species (see below).

       Transfer of Particles to the Lung
   Interference with the normal process of phagocy-
tosis and macrophage migration to the mucociliary
escalator can lead to particle interstitialization.45
From the interstitium, particles can chronically stim-
ulate interstitial cells, or transfer to the lymph nodes.   Figure 4. Effect of intratracheal instillation of PM10 CB and
                                                            ufCB on epithelial permeability of rat lungs in vivo, measured as
Particle interstitialization, a prominent correlate of      total protein values in BAL fluid 6 h after instillation. The results
the onset of inflammation for ultrafine Tio2 in the         in rats that had no instillation (control) or instillation with PBS
study of Ferin and coworkers39 is likely to occur           are shown for comparison. Histograms and bars represent the
                                                            mean (SE) of three to six animals. From Li et al.40 See Figure 3
when there is failed clearance resulting from either        legend for abbreviations.
particle-mediated macrophage toxicity, or impair-
ment of macrophage motility or overload. Both of
these events would allow increased interaction be-
tween particles and epithelium that would favor             these events may be through oxidant-mediated acti-
interstitialization. Additionally, studies40 in rats have
                                                            vation of Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinases.53
shown ultrafine particles and PM10 to increase epi-
                                                               We have tested this free-radical hypothesis, and
thelial permeability (Fig 4), thus enhancing intersti-
                                                            we found that PM10 was able to generate free-radical
                                                            activity, as shown in a supercoiled plasmid DNA
                                                            scission assay,49 and by the ability to form the
   Transition Metals, Free Radicals, and                    hydroxylated derivative of salicylic acid (2,3 dihy-
             Particle Toxicity                              droxybenzoic acid).54 PM10 contains a large amount
                                                            of iron and generates the hydroxyl radical, an effect
   The production of free radicals in the lungs is seen     that was blocked by iron chelators, confirming that
as a general mechanism mediating the biological             Fenton chemistry is indeed the source of hydroxyl
activity of a number of different pathogenic parti-         radical.54 The majority of the available iron was in
cles.49,50 The oxidative stress is thought to arise first   the form of Fe3 , but the presence in the lung of
from the particles themselves (through the localized        reductants such as superoxide anion and glutathione
release of high concentrations of transition metals),       would be able to initiate the reaction by reducing
and subsequently by the release of reactive oxygen          Fe3 to Fe2 .
species from inflammatory leukocytes that migrate              As described above, the instillation of PM10 into
into the airspaces as a result of the primary interac-      the lungs of rats produced neutrophil influx into the
tion between lung cells and particles. Oxidative            airspaces (Fig 3), and oxidative stress as shown by
stress is a general signaling mechanism within cells        depletion of reduced glutathione in lung lining fluid
that stimulates the transcription of a number of            (Fig 5).40 Importantly, PM10 caused significantly
proinflammatory genes for cytokines, antioxidant            more inflammation than a similar mass (125 g) of
enzymes, receptors, and adhesion molecules.51 The           carbon black not in the ultrafine size range. Another
ultrafine component of PM10 with its large surface          toxic effect of PM10 is to increase airspace epithelial
area could generate free radicals that would be a           permeability (Fig 4),40 an effect that would enhance
substantial stimulus to this transcription. Preliminary     the interstitialization of the particles and create
data also suggest that particulate matter 2.5 m in          interstitial inflammation. Similar effects have been
diameter causes c-jun-dependent activator protein-1         shown following inhalation of ultrafine but not fine
activation.52 The signal transduction pathway for           carbon black.55 These studies support the concept

394S                                                                            COPD: Working Towards a Greater Understanding

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                                  © 2000 American College of Chest Physicians
its inhibitor I B, which masks the nuclear transloca-
                                                                    tion signal and so prevents its translocation to the
                                                                    nucleus (Fig 6). Under oxidative stress or a range of
                                                                    other stimuli such as TNF, the I B is phosphory-
                                                                    lated and then degraded via the ubiquitin proteo-
                                                                    some system, allowing the NF- B to relocate to the
                                                                    nucleus. Genes that have a B binding site in their
                                                                    promoter include cytokines, growth factors, chemo-
                                                                    kines, and adhesion molecules and receptors.51 We
                                                                    have demonstrated translocation of NF- B from the
                                                                    cytoplasm to the nucleus by PM10 in lung epithelial
                                                                    cells.60 Preliminary data also suggest that increased
                                                                    intracellular calcium may be involved in the signaling
                                                                    pathways in response to PM10 and ultrafine particles
                                                                    in lung cells.61
                                                                       The deposition of particles that deliver oxidative
                                                                    stress to the lungs may cause activation of NF- B,
                                                                    and possibly other oxidative stress-responsive tran-
Figure 5. Effect of intratracheal instillation of PM10 and phos-    scription factors, that initiate a cascade of gene
phate-buffered saline solution (PBS) on reduced (GSH) and oxi-
dized (GSSG) glutathione concentrations in BAL fluid 6 h after      expression, leading to airway inflammation.
instillation in rat lungs. Histograms and bars represent the mean
(SE) of three animals. From Li et al.40
                                                                               Implications of an Oxidative
                                                                                Stress-Mediated Mechanism
that an ultrafine component of PM10 is responsible                     Since particles deposit on the epithelium, prior to
for its toxic effects, through an oxidant-mediated                  phagocytosis, it seems likely that the epithelium is a
mechanism.                                                          target for the PM10, which may have a role in the
   Residual oil fly ash (ROFA) has been used as a                   observed increase in COPD exacerbations in re-
surrogate for PM10, although in many respects it is                 sponse to PM10. There is evidence that environmen-
very different from PM10. ROFA causes pulmonary                     tal particles such as ROFA57 and PM1040 can com-
inflammation after instillation, via a transition metal-            promise the epithelium by causing injury or oxidative
mediated mechanism.56 Furthermore, in rats in-                      stress. In addition, the underlying inflammation in
stilled with ROFA, intraperitoneal injection of the                 the airways of patients with COPD means that they
free-radical scavenger dimethylthiourea decreased                   are in a “primed” state for the further oxidative stress
the influx of PMN into the lungs.57 ROFA particles                  caused by depositing PM10.
also caused increased transcription of cytokine genes
by human bronchial epithelial cells in vitro via a
transition metal-mediated mechanism.58 Interest-
ingly, the stimulation of cytokine production could
be mimicked by vanadium salts in solution, but not
by iron or nickel sulfate, suggesting a possible im-
portant role for vanadium. Similarly, diesel oil parti-
cles have been shown in preliminary studies to
enhance the release of cytokines from primary cul-
tures of human bronchial epithelial cells.59

  Activation of Nuclear Factor- B in the
               Lungs by PM10
  The transcriptional activator nuclear factor- B
(NF- B) is a cytosolic transcription factor of the rel
family that is translocated to the nucleus to permit
expression of a wide range of proinflammatory
genes.51 The NF- B heterodimer, comprising p65                      Figure 6. The effect of particle-induced oxidative stress on gene
and p50 proteins, is found in resting cells bound to                transcription through activation of the transcription factor NF- B.

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Exacerbations of COPD* : Environmental Mechanisms
                   William MacNee and Kenneth Donaldson
                          Chest 2000;117; 390S-397S
                   DOI 10.1378/chest.117.5_suppl_2.390S
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Increase in hospital admissions due to copd exacerbations associated to ultrafine particles

  • 1. Exacerbations of COPD* : Environmental Mechanisms William MacNee and Kenneth Donaldson Chest 2000;117;390S-397S DOI 10.1378/chest.117.5_suppl_2.390S The online version of this article, along with updated information and services can be found online on the World Wide Web at: Chest is the official journal of the American College of Chest Physicians. It has been published monthly since 1935. Copyright2000by the American College of Chest Physicians, 3300 Dundee Road, Northbrook, IL 60062. All rights reserved. No part of this article or PDF may be reproduced or distributed without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. ( ISSN:0012-3692 Downloaded from by guest on October 15, 2011 © 2000 American College of Chest Physicians
  • 2. Exacerbations of COPD* Environmental Mechanisms William MacNee, MD; and Kenneth Donaldson, DSc Air pollution as a trigger for exacerbations of COPD has been recognized for > 50 years, and has led to the development of air quality standards in many countries that substantially decreased the levels of air pollutants derived from the burning of fossil fuels, such as black smoke and sulfur dioxide. However, the recent dramatic increase in motor vehicle traffic has produced a relative increase in the levels of newer pollutants, such as ozone and fine-particulate air pollution < 10 m in diameter. Numerous epidemiologic studies have shown associations between the levels of these air pollutants and adverse health effects, such as exacerbations of airways diseases and even deaths from respiratory and cardiovascular causes. Elucidation of the mechanism of the harmful effects of these pollutants should allow improved risk assessment for patients with airways diseases who are be susceptible to the effects of these air pollutants. (CHEST 2000; 117:390S–397S) Key words: air pollution; COPD; exacerbations; fine-particulate air pollution; mechanisms Abbreviations: IL interleukin; NF- B nuclear factor- B; PM10 particulate air pollution that has 50% of organic and inorganic particles with an aerodynamic diameter 10 m; PMN polymorphonuclear neutrophils; ROFA residual oil fly ash; TNF tumor necrosis factor Evidence That Air Pollutants Cause very high levels of air pollution led to worldwide Exacerbations of COPD legislation that dramatically decreased emissions of air pollutants, particularly from industrial sources.3 Until T he adverse health and 1950s,the visible air pollu- tion of the 1940s effects of which consisted of recently, this had resulted in a degree of complacency that the problem of air pollution levels had been black smoke, acid aerosols, and sulfur dioxide from resolved. However, alongside the decrease in the levels the burning of fossil fuel from industrial and domes- of these traditional air pollutants, there has been a tic sources, are well known.1,2 Studies in the early relative increase in motor vehicle traffic. There is now 1950s showed associations between the levels of overwhelming evidence showing associations between these air pollutants and mortality, as demonstrated adverse health effects and the levels of these pollut- most clearly by the sharp rise in black smoke (1,600 ants.4 These adverse effects are most strongly associ- g/m3, four times the normal value) and sulfur ated with the levels of ozone,5 and with particulate air dioxide levels during the London smog of December pollution that has 50% of organic and inorganic parti- 5–9, 1952, during which time there was an increase cles with an aerodynamic diameter of 10 m in the daily death rate, resulting in around 4,000 (PM10).6 Numerous time-series epidemiologic studies, extra deaths.1,2 Between 80 to 90% of the deaths which are reviewed elsewhere,6 have shown significant during this episode were from cardiorespiratory associations with a increased ozone levels and a range causes, and the greatest relative increase was deaths of adverse effects on the lungs, including decrements in from bronchitis, which rose ninefold. During the lung function, aggravation of preexisting respiratory London smog of 1952, hospital admissions rose by disease, increases in respiratory admissions, and pre- 50% and respiratory admissions by 160%. mature respiratory deaths. Several studies in Europe Recognition of the adverse health effects of these and the United States have shown increased relative risk of hospital admission from exacerbations of COPD *From the ELEGI Colt Research Laboratories (Professor Mac- associated with high levels of ozone,7–11 although not all Nee), University of Edinburgh Medical School, Edinburgh, and the Department of Biological Sciences (Professor Donaldson), studies have supported this association (Fig 1).12 Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland. Epidemiologic evidence5,13 also indicates a clear Correspondence to: Professor William MacNee, Respiratory Med- relationship between the levels of PM10 and respi- icine, ELEGI, Colt Research Laboratories, Wilkie Building, Medical School, Teviot Place, Edinburgh EH8 9AG, Scotland; ratory increased morbidity, including increased e-mail symptoms, reductions in lung function,14 and hospi- 390S COPD: Working Towards a Greater Understanding Downloaded from by guest on October 15, 2011 © 2000 American College of Chest Physicians
  • 3. the adverse effects of PM10 comes from the Utah valley in the United States, near the town of Linden. During closure of the steel mill, levels of PM10 fell substantially (Table 1).17 This was associated with a reduction in the number of hospital admissions for exacerbations of airways diseases in the region, which rose again when the mill reopened.9,17 The levels of particulate air pollution in the United States and Europe are on an order of magnitude lower than those in the 1950s and those experienced in “dusty” trades. However, although the levels of PM10 in the United Kingdom infrequently exceed the government’s air quality standard of 50 g/m3, the government’s own figures suggest that around Figure 1. Reported relative risks (RR) for hospital admissions 8,000 deaths and around 10,000 excess hospital for COPD associated with 100 parts-per-billion (ppb) increase in admissions for exacerbations of airway disease occur daily 1 h maximum ozone (with 95% confidence intervals) in as a result of increased PM10 levels.18 three US cities and five European cities. Modified from data by Thurston and Ito.5 Mechanisms of the Harmful Effects of tal admissions in patients with COPD. In addition, 5 PM10 on the Lungs there is an association between PM10 levels and The ability of the lungs to protect themselves deaths, not only from respiratory causes, but also against inhaled particles, and the susceptibility of from vascular causes, such as myocardial infarction individuals to the effects of particles will also deter- and cerebrovascular accidents (Fig 2).15 Further- mine the outcome in terms of the adverse effects of more, these associations have been shown in diverse environmental particles. It is therefore important to geographic locations, such as Utah, where the main ask why PM10 is so toxic in such low concentrations. source of PM10 is from a steel mill, and Philadelphia, The range of associations with mortality and morbid- where the major source is from motor vehicles. This ity described above indicate that a wide variety of suggests that a common factor in the constituents of tissues are affected by PM10. PM10 may determine the mechanism of the harmful effects of particulate air pollution. Recently, there Airways has been much interest in the role of reactive transition metals, such as iron and copper, as a factor An important defense mechanism against inhaled that accounts for the toxic effects of PM10.16 particles in the airways is the mucociliary escalator. One of the most compelling pieces of evidence for Mucus has a major role in protecting the airways, Figure 2. Summary of the percent change in adverse health effects per 10 mg/L3 change in PM10 for acute exposure studies in patients with respiratory (Resp) and cardiovascular (Cardio) conditions. PEF peak expiratory flow. Modified from data by Pope and Dockery.6 CHEST / 117 / 5 / MAY, 2000 SUPPLEMENT 391S Downloaded from by guest on October 15, 2011 © 2000 American College of Chest Physicians
  • 4. Table 1—Particulate Air Pollution Levels and Hospital proximal alveoli,27 where the net flow of air is zero Admissions* and where, for very small particles, deposition effi- Mill Status ciency increases because of the diffusion.28 Particles that then cross the airspace epithelium and enter the Variables Open Closed Open lung interstitium are no longer cleared by the normal Particulate levels, g/m3 processes, and will either remain in the subepithelial TSP 34 64 95 regions, close to key responsive cell populations PM10 74 35 52 (such as interstitial macrophages, fibroblasts, and Hospital admissions, no. All 302 205 340 endothelial cells), or drain to the lymph nodes. Bronchitis and asthma 78 23 78 Interstitial inflammation is likely to be potentially *In Lindon, UT, over the period of closure of a steel mill; TSP total more harmful than inflammation within the alveolar suspended particles. Modified from Pope.17 spaces. Polymorphonuclear Neutrophils in the Pulmonary particularly as it is a rich source of antioxidants.19 In Microvasculature the large proximal airways, goblet cells secrete mucus, which traps deposited particles and is then propelled Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) are thought upwards by ciliated cells to be either expectorated or to play an important role in the pathogenesis of COPD, swallowed. Mucus secretion is controlled by several since they are present in increased numbers in the genes.20 Although mucus may in some circumstances airspaces and in the airway walls of these patients. have a protective role, induction of increased mucus When activated, these cells release injurious sub- secretion by air pollutants such as sulfur dioxide and stances, such as proteases and reactive oxygen species. possibly PM1021 may contribute to the development of Neutrophils are known to be held up (or sequestered) exacerbations of COPD, by increasing airway resistance in the pulmonary microcirculation under normal cir- and by the development of mucus plugging in the cumstances since, because of their size, they have to smaller peripheral airways, a feature commonly present deform to negotiate the smaller pulmonary capillary in patients dying of COPD.22 In patients with COPD, segments.29 In addition to PMN-endothelial adhesion, and in cigarette smokers, there is damage to the cilia, PMN deformability is a critical initiating factor in which, together with the excess mucus produced, PMN sequestration in the pulmonary microvascula- overwhelm the mucociliary escalator and will reduce ture.30 Airway inflammation, such as that in exacer- the ability of the lungs to deal adequately with bations of COPD, causes decreased PMN deformabil- inhaled particles. ity, and thus increased PMN sequestration31 associated Airway epithelial cells also act as a barrier to with evidence of systemic oxidative stress.32 Oxidative inhaled pollutants, and are an important target for stress also results from acute smoking,32 which also the toxic and potentially inflammogenic effects of causes decreased neutrophil deformability33 and in- particles. On exposure to particles and other forms of creased pulmonary sequestration of PMN,34 and the air pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide,23 epithelial subsequent migration of these cells into the air- cells can release inflammatory mediators such as spaces. Furthermore, carbon particles, which are an interleukin (IL)-8, and the chemokine RANTES important constituent of PM10, have been shown to (regulated upon activation, normal T-cell expressed cause the release of immature neutrophils from the and secreted),24 which may lead to the influx of bone marrow,35 and these cells are preferentially inflammatory leukocytes. sequestered in the pulmonary microcirculation. Macrophages present in the airway walls and on Thus, systemic effects of PM10 on neutrophil rheol- the surfaces of the airways can phagocytose particles, ogy may be important as an initiating event for the but may, as a result, release inflammatory mediators airspace inflammation induced by PM10.36 such as IL-8 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF). In COPD, numbers of macrophages are increased19,25; consequently, levels of inflammatory mediators are Toxicity of PM10 elevated in sputum.26 The additional insult of an inhaled air pollutant could clearly aggravate the In some studies, PM10 appears to have adverse background inflammation in COPD leading to exac- health effects without a dose threshold,13 suggesting erbations. that PM10 is a highly toxic material. However, the individual components of PM10 are not particularly toxic at the levels present in the air. Bronchoalveolar Region/Pulmonary Interstitium There is considerable evidence that PM10 con- Large numbers of inhaled particles deposit be- tains an ultrafine component,37 defined as particles yond the ciliated airways in the terminal airways and 100 nm in diameter, which may provide a possible 392S COPD: Working Towards a Greater Understanding Downloaded from by guest on October 15, 2011 © 2000 American College of Chest Physicians
  • 5. explanation for the toxicity of PM10. One report has flow. The resultant longer residence time for the suggested that decrements in evening peak flow in a particles in the airspaces favors deposition that de- group of asthmatics was best associated with the pends largely on brownian motion, as is the case for ultrafine component of the airborne particles during these very small particles.28 In addition, studies using pollution episodes.38 This is despite the large num- radiolabeled particles indicate that particle deposi- ber of particles in the ultrafine range representing a tion is uneven in patients with airflow limitation, relatively small fraction of the total mass.36 resulting in accumulation of particles in certain areas Ultrafine particles are highly toxic to the lungs, in the airways.42 even when they are formed from materials that are nontoxic, and when they are components of larger, respirable particles.39 The effects of fine (260 nm diameter) and ultrafine (14 nm diameter) carbon Particle Number/Surface Area particles and PM10 have been compared following Macrophages attempting to phagocytose a large instillation in the same mass (125 g) into rat lungs. number of ultrafine particles may be stimulated to Such experiments have shown that ultrafine carbon release inflammatory mediators such as TNF. The particles and PM10, and, to a much lesser extent, fine inability of macrophages to phagocytose the large num- carbon particles, produce the influx of inflammatory bers of ultrafine particles may also result in sustained leukocytes into the airspaces (Fig 3).40 This suggests that ultrafine particles have toxicity that results from stimulation of epithelial cells, and increased production their small size, rather than their chemical composition. of chemokines, such as IL-8/macrophage inflammatory The potential mechanisms that account for the protein-1 ,43 which would contribute to inflammation. toxicity of ultrafine particles have been reviewed.41 In animal models, particularly in the rat, expo- The major mechanisms are as follows: (1) particle sure to high airborne concentrations of any parti- number, (2) particle surface area, (3) particle surface cle, such that a high lung dose is attained, will chemistry, (4) interstitialization of particles, and (5) result in lung inflammation.44 This phenomenon is oxidative stress. termed overload and was thought to occur when The deposition fraction in the lungs for ultrafine macrophages had phagocytosed a volume of parti- particles is high, approaching 50% for particles 20 cles equivalent to 60% of their internal volume. At nm in size. Interestingly, the deposition efficiency is this point, macrophages began to show impaired greater in patients with COPD than in normal ability to move and carry their particle burden to subjects,28 probably because of their lower expiratory the start of the mucociliary escalator for removal from the lungs. Morrow45 also calculated that by the time the average volume of particles inside macrophages reaches 60% of the total macrophage volume, their ability to move, and hence clearance, is completely inhibited. However, data from the rat have suggested that overload is best correlated to the surface area and not mass, volume, or number of particles.46 A role for surface area appears intuitively likely for toxic particles, since the interaction between particles and biological systems will occur with the surface, not the inter- nal mass, of the particle. However, it is not immediately apparent why nontoxic particles might mediate their effects via their surface. Al- though overload may account for part of the mechanism of lung inflammation in response to instillation of ultrafine particles in some animal models,47 calculations of the potential surface area in models of PM10 instillation40 or ultrafine parti- Figure 3. The number of neutrophils in BAL from rats 6 h after cle inhalation47 suggest that overload is not the intratracheal instillation of PM10, fine (CB) and ultrafine (ufCB) primary factor that accounts for the lung inflam- carbon black. The results in rats that had no instillation (control) mation. Furthermore, the relevance of overload or instillation with phosphate-buffered saline solution (PBS) are shown for comparison. Histograms and bars represent the mean (which is a phenomenon relatively specific to the (SE) of three to six animals. From Li et al.40 rat) to humans remains to be determined. CHEST / 117 / 5 / MAY, 2000 SUPPLEMENT 393S Downloaded from by guest on October 15, 2011 © 2000 American College of Chest Physicians
  • 6. Particle Surface Chemistry The large surface area provided by ultrafine com- ponents of PM10 may allow absorption of substances from the environment, or from the lung epithelial lining fluid onto the particle surface, which may increase the reactivity of the particles.48 One such substance for which this may be relevant is iron, which can subsequently take part in Fenton chem- istry to produce reactive oxygen species (see below). Transfer of Particles to the Lung Interstitium Interference with the normal process of phagocy- tosis and macrophage migration to the mucociliary escalator can lead to particle interstitialization.45 From the interstitium, particles can chronically stim- ulate interstitial cells, or transfer to the lymph nodes. Figure 4. Effect of intratracheal instillation of PM10 CB and ufCB on epithelial permeability of rat lungs in vivo, measured as Particle interstitialization, a prominent correlate of total protein values in BAL fluid 6 h after instillation. The results the onset of inflammation for ultrafine Tio2 in the in rats that had no instillation (control) or instillation with PBS study of Ferin and coworkers39 is likely to occur are shown for comparison. Histograms and bars represent the mean (SE) of three to six animals. From Li et al.40 See Figure 3 when there is failed clearance resulting from either legend for abbreviations. particle-mediated macrophage toxicity, or impair- ment of macrophage motility or overload. Both of these events would allow increased interaction be- tween particles and epithelium that would favor these events may be through oxidant-mediated acti- interstitialization. Additionally, studies40 in rats have vation of Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinases.53 shown ultrafine particles and PM10 to increase epi- We have tested this free-radical hypothesis, and thelial permeability (Fig 4), thus enhancing intersti- we found that PM10 was able to generate free-radical tialization. activity, as shown in a supercoiled plasmid DNA scission assay,49 and by the ability to form the Transition Metals, Free Radicals, and hydroxylated derivative of salicylic acid (2,3 dihy- Particle Toxicity droxybenzoic acid).54 PM10 contains a large amount of iron and generates the hydroxyl radical, an effect The production of free radicals in the lungs is seen that was blocked by iron chelators, confirming that as a general mechanism mediating the biological Fenton chemistry is indeed the source of hydroxyl activity of a number of different pathogenic parti- radical.54 The majority of the available iron was in cles.49,50 The oxidative stress is thought to arise first the form of Fe3 , but the presence in the lung of from the particles themselves (through the localized reductants such as superoxide anion and glutathione release of high concentrations of transition metals), would be able to initiate the reaction by reducing and subsequently by the release of reactive oxygen Fe3 to Fe2 . species from inflammatory leukocytes that migrate As described above, the instillation of PM10 into into the airspaces as a result of the primary interac- the lungs of rats produced neutrophil influx into the tion between lung cells and particles. Oxidative airspaces (Fig 3), and oxidative stress as shown by stress is a general signaling mechanism within cells depletion of reduced glutathione in lung lining fluid that stimulates the transcription of a number of (Fig 5).40 Importantly, PM10 caused significantly proinflammatory genes for cytokines, antioxidant more inflammation than a similar mass (125 g) of enzymes, receptors, and adhesion molecules.51 The carbon black not in the ultrafine size range. Another ultrafine component of PM10 with its large surface toxic effect of PM10 is to increase airspace epithelial area could generate free radicals that would be a permeability (Fig 4),40 an effect that would enhance substantial stimulus to this transcription. Preliminary the interstitialization of the particles and create data also suggest that particulate matter 2.5 m in interstitial inflammation. Similar effects have been diameter causes c-jun-dependent activator protein-1 shown following inhalation of ultrafine but not fine activation.52 The signal transduction pathway for carbon black.55 These studies support the concept 394S COPD: Working Towards a Greater Understanding Downloaded from by guest on October 15, 2011 © 2000 American College of Chest Physicians
  • 7. its inhibitor I B, which masks the nuclear transloca- tion signal and so prevents its translocation to the nucleus (Fig 6). Under oxidative stress or a range of other stimuli such as TNF, the I B is phosphory- lated and then degraded via the ubiquitin proteo- some system, allowing the NF- B to relocate to the nucleus. Genes that have a B binding site in their promoter include cytokines, growth factors, chemo- kines, and adhesion molecules and receptors.51 We have demonstrated translocation of NF- B from the cytoplasm to the nucleus by PM10 in lung epithelial cells.60 Preliminary data also suggest that increased intracellular calcium may be involved in the signaling pathways in response to PM10 and ultrafine particles in lung cells.61 The deposition of particles that deliver oxidative stress to the lungs may cause activation of NF- B, and possibly other oxidative stress-responsive tran- Figure 5. Effect of intratracheal instillation of PM10 and phos- scription factors, that initiate a cascade of gene phate-buffered saline solution (PBS) on reduced (GSH) and oxi- dized (GSSG) glutathione concentrations in BAL fluid 6 h after expression, leading to airway inflammation. instillation in rat lungs. Histograms and bars represent the mean (SE) of three animals. From Li et al.40 Implications of an Oxidative Stress-Mediated Mechanism that an ultrafine component of PM10 is responsible Since particles deposit on the epithelium, prior to for its toxic effects, through an oxidant-mediated phagocytosis, it seems likely that the epithelium is a mechanism. target for the PM10, which may have a role in the Residual oil fly ash (ROFA) has been used as a observed increase in COPD exacerbations in re- surrogate for PM10, although in many respects it is sponse to PM10. There is evidence that environmen- very different from PM10. ROFA causes pulmonary tal particles such as ROFA57 and PM1040 can com- inflammation after instillation, via a transition metal- promise the epithelium by causing injury or oxidative mediated mechanism.56 Furthermore, in rats in- stress. In addition, the underlying inflammation in stilled with ROFA, intraperitoneal injection of the the airways of patients with COPD means that they free-radical scavenger dimethylthiourea decreased are in a “primed” state for the further oxidative stress the influx of PMN into the lungs.57 ROFA particles caused by depositing PM10. also caused increased transcription of cytokine genes by human bronchial epithelial cells in vitro via a transition metal-mediated mechanism.58 Interest- ingly, the stimulation of cytokine production could be mimicked by vanadium salts in solution, but not by iron or nickel sulfate, suggesting a possible im- portant role for vanadium. Similarly, diesel oil parti- cles have been shown in preliminary studies to enhance the release of cytokines from primary cul- tures of human bronchial epithelial cells.59 Activation of Nuclear Factor- B in the Lungs by PM10 The transcriptional activator nuclear factor- B (NF- B) is a cytosolic transcription factor of the rel family that is translocated to the nucleus to permit expression of a wide range of proinflammatory genes.51 The NF- B heterodimer, comprising p65 Figure 6. The effect of particle-induced oxidative stress on gene and p50 proteins, is found in resting cells bound to transcription through activation of the transcription factor NF- B. CHEST / 117 / 5 / MAY, 2000 SUPPLEMENT 395S Downloaded from by guest on October 15, 2011 © 2000 American College of Chest Physicians
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  • 10. Exacerbations of COPD* : Environmental Mechanisms William MacNee and Kenneth Donaldson Chest 2000;117; 390S-397S DOI 10.1378/chest.117.5_suppl_2.390S This information is current as of October 15, 2011 Updated Information & Services Updated Information and services can be found at: References This article cites 42 articles, 11 of which can be accessed free at: Cited Bys This article has been cited by 1 HighWire-hosted articles: Permissions & Licensing Information about reproducing this article in parts (figures, tables) or in its entirety can be found online at: Reprints Information about ordering reprints can be found online: Citation Alerts Receive free e-mail alerts when new articles cite this article. To sign up, select the "Services" link to the right of the online article. Images in PowerPoint format Figures that appear in CHEST articles can be downloaded for teaching purposes in PowerPoint slide format. See any online figure for directions. Downloaded from by guest on October 15, 2011 © 2000 American College of Chest Physicians