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                   In The Brain 2009


Hans Dockter

Gradle Project Lead

About Me

Founder and Project Lead of Gradle

CEO of Gradle Inc.

Trainer for Skills Matter (TTD, Patterns, DDD)

In the old days: Committer to JBoss (Founder of JBoss-IDE)

Gradle Overview 1

 A flexible general purpose build tool

   Offers dependency based programming with a rich API

 Build-by-convention plugins on top

 Powerful multi-project support

 Powerful dependency management based on Apache Ivy

 Deep Integration with Ant

Gradle Overview 2
 Build Scripts are written in Groovy
    We get our general purpose elements from a full blown OO language

    The perfect base to provide a mix of:
       Small frameworks, toolsets and dependency based programming

    Rich interaction with Java

    Gradle is NOT a framework

 Gradle is mostly written in Java with a Groovy DSL layer on top
 Offers good documentation (150+ Pages user’s guide)
 Commiter -> Steve Appling, Hans Dockter, Tom Eyckmans, Adam
 Murdoch, Russel Winder

Dependency Based Programming
 task hello << {
     println 'Hello world!'

 task intro(dependsOn: hello) << {
     println "I'm Gradle"

 4.times { counter ->
     task "task_$counter" << {
         println "I'm task $counter"
 > gradle hello task1
 Hello world!
 I’m task 1

Rich API

 task hello
 hello.dependsOn distZip
 hello << { println ‘Hello’ }

 task distZip(type: Zip)
 distZip.fileSet(dir: ‘somePath’)
 distZip.baseName =

Very Rich API: Test Task

 Register listeners for test execution (this works even in forked mode)

   Get informed about a started test execution

   Get informed about a failing or succeeding test

 Provides an API to ask for execution results.

 Part of Gradle 0.8

One way configuration Ant

 <target name="test" depends="compile-test">
       <classpath refid="classpath.test" />
       <formatter type="brief" usefile="false" />
       <test name="${test.suite}"/>

One way configuration Maven


Java Plugin

Java Plugin
repositories {

dependencies {
  compile "commons-lang:commons-lang:3.1", "org.hibernate:hibernate:3.2"
  runtime “mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.6”
  testCompile "junit:junit:4.4"

Java Plugin
repositories {

dependencies {
  compile "commons-lang:commons-lang:3.1", "org.hibernate:hibernate:3.2"
  runtime “mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.6”
  testCompile "junit:junit:4.4"

test {
  exclude '**/Abstract*'

task preCompile << { // do something }
compile.dependsOn preCompile

task myDocs(type: Zip) {
  fileset(dir: "path/docs")

Custom Plugins

public class CustomPlugin implements Plugin {
  public void use(final Project project, ProjectPluginsContainer plugins) {
      project.myProperty = ‘myValue’
      plugins.withType(JavaPlugin).allPlugins {
            project.getTasks().add(‘someName’, SomeType.class)
      plugins.withType(WarPlugin.class).allPlugins {
            // do something with the project

Deep API
 tasks.whenTaskAdded { task ->
     task.description = ‘This is a new task’

 tasks.allTasks { task ->
     task.description = ‘I am new or old’

 tasks.withType(Zip).whenTaskAdded { task ->
     task.fileSet(dir: ‘someDir’)

 liveLibs = tasks.withType(Jar)
 task someJar(type: Jar)
 println liveLibs.all // prints [‘someJar’]

 tasks.addRule("Pattern: ping<ID>") { String taskName ->
     if (taskName.startsWith("ping")) {
         task(taskName) << { // add task
             println "Pinging: " + (taskName - 'ping')
 task groupPing {
     dependsOn pingServer1, pingServer2

 > gradle pingServer545

 > gradle groupPing

Dependency Management 1
configurations {
    allJar.extends runtime

dependencies {
    compile "commons-lang:commons-lang:3.1", "org.hibernate:hibernate:3.2"
    runtime “mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.6”
    testCompile "junit:junit:4.4"
    allJar "commons-io:commons-io:1.4"
task jarAll(type: Jar) {

Dependency Management 2

dependencies {
    compile "commons-lang:commons-lang:3.1", "org.hibernate:hibernate:3.2"
    runtime “mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.6”
    testCompile "junit:junit:4.4"
task showDeps << {
    println(configurations.runtime.files { dep -> == ‘myGroup’ })

Dependency Management 3

 Excludes per configuration or dependency

 You can define rules for configuration and dependencies (as for tasks)

 Very flexible repository handling

 Retrieve and deploy from/to Maven repositories

 Dependencies can have dynamic properties

 And much more

Using Ant Tasks
ant {
   taskdef name: "groovyc", classname: "org.groovy.ant.Groovyc"
   groovyc srcdir: "src", destdir: "${webinf}/classes", {
      classpath {

         fileset dir: "lib" {

            include name: "*.jar"

         pathelement path: "classes"
      javac source: "1.5", target: "1.5", debug: "on"

Deep Integration with Ant Builds
    <target name="hello" depends="intro">
        <echo>Hello, from Ant</echo>

ant.importBuild 'build.xml'

hello.doFirst { println 'Here comes Ant' }
task intro << { println 'Hello, from Gradle'}

> gradle hello
Hello, from Gradle...Here comes Ant...[ant:echo] Hello, from Ant

Smart and Configurable

Deep API
compile.doFirst { compileTask ->
    println build.taskGraph.allTasks
    if (build.taskGraph.hasTask(‘codeGeneration’)) {
       compileTask.exclude ‘com.mycomp.somePackage’

build.taskGraph.beforeTask { task ->
  println “I am executing now $”

build.taskGraph.afterTask { task, exception ->
  if (task instanceof Jetty && exception != null) {
     // do something

Smart Task Exclusion



         E                          D

         In Gradle 0.7 you can execute: gradle A B!

Smart Merging

         test                                 resources



> gradle clean compile test

> gradle clean compile; gradle test

Smart Skipping

task instrument(dependsOn: compile) {
    onlyIf {
       timestampChanged classesDir // or contentsChanged classesDir
    // do something

Multi-Project Builds

 Arbitrary Multiproject Layout

 Configuration Injection

 Separate Config/Execution Hierarchy

 Partial builds

Configuration Injection

subprojects {
  dependencies {
     compile "commons-lang:commons-lang:3.1"
     testCompile "junit:junit:4.4"
  test {
     exclude '**/Abstract*'

Separation of Config/Exec
subprojects {
  dependencies {
    compile "commons-lang:commons-lang:3.1"
    testCompile "junit:junit:4.4"

task dist(type: Zip) << {
  subprojects.each { subproject ->

Dependencies and Partial Builds

dependsOn webservice
dependencies {
  compile "commons-lang:commons-lang:3.1", project(‘:shared’)


Convention instead of Configuration

Frameworkitis ...
... is the disease that a framework wants to do too much for you or it does it
in a way that you don’t want but you can’t change it. It’s fun to get all this
functionality for free, but it hurts when the free functionality gets in the way.
But you are now tied into the framework. To get the desired behavior you
start to fight against the framework. And at this point you often start to lose,
because it’s difficult to bend the framework in a direction it didn’t anticipate.
Toolkits do not attempt to take control for you and they therefore do not
suffer from frameworkitis.
(Erich Gamma)

Because the bigger the framework becomes, the greater the chances that it
will want to do too much, the bigger the learning curves become, and the
more difficult it becomes to maintain it. If you really want to take the risk of
doing frameworks, you want to have small and focused frameworks that
you can also probably make optional. If you really want to, you can use the
framework, but you can also use the toolkit. That’s a good position that
avoids this frameworkitis problem, where you get really frustrated because
you have to use the framework. Ideally I’d like to have a toolbox of smaller
frameworks where I can pick and choose, so that I can pay the framework
costs as I go.(Erich Gamma)

Build Language
    instead of
Build Framework

Organizing Build Logic

 No unnecessary indirections

 If build specific:

    Within the script

    Build Sources

 Otherwise: Jar

Gradle Wrapper

 Use Gradle without having Gradle installed

 Useful for CI and open source projects

Production Ready?

 YES! (If you don’t need a missing feature).

 There are already large enterprise builds migrating from Ant and Maven to

 Expect 1.0 in autumn

 Roadmap: see


The old bulls ...


Ant’s domain model in five


Properties                            Resources

 Targets                                 Tasks

 Flexible Toolset via dependency based programming

Ant, XML and DRY

Build By Convention

             Multi-Project Builds

Live Demo - Hello World


            Framework                Plugins

Abstractions for Software Projects

                   Dependency Management

Live Demo - Java

simple builds

Project Automation

 A build can do far more than just building the jar

 Often repetitive, time consuming, boring stuff is still done manually
    Many of those tasks are very company specific

    Maven & Ant are often not well suited for this

The Gradle Build

 Gradle is build with Gradle

 Automatic release management

 Automatic user’s guide generation

 Automatic distribution

 Behavior depends on task execution graph

Release Management

 The version number is automatically calculated

 The distribution is build and uploaded to codehaus

 For trunk releases, a new svn branch is created.

 A tag is created.

 A new version properties file is commited.

 The download links on the website are updated

User’s Guide

 The user’s guide is written in DocBook and generated by our build

 The source code examples are mostly real tests and are automatically

 The expected output of those tests is automatically included.

 The tests are run

 The current version is added to the title

Uploading & Execution Graph

 Based on the task graph we set:

   Upload Destination

   Version Number

Why Groovy scripts?

                 Why Groovy scripts?
[‘Maven’, ‘Ant’, ‘Gradle’].findAll { it.indexOf(‘G’) > -1 }

                 Why Groovy scripts?
[‘Maven’, ‘Ant’, ‘Gradle’].findAll { it.indexOf(‘G’) > -1 }

      Why not JRuby or Jython scripts?

                 Why Groovy scripts?
[‘Maven’, ‘Ant’, ‘Gradle’].findAll { it.indexOf(‘G’) > -1 }

      Why not JRuby or Jython scripts?

                   Why a Java core?

Java Plugin
   'Implementation-Title': 'Gradle',
   'Implementation-Version': '0.1'
dependencies {
   compile "commons-lang:commons-lang:3.1"
   runtime “mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.6”
   testCompile "junit:junit:4.4"
sourceCompatibility = 1.5
targetCompatibility = 1.5
test {
   exclude '**/Abstract*'

task(type: Zip) {
   zip() {
      files(dependencies.runtime.resolve() // add dependencies to zip
      fileset(dir: "path/distributionFiles")

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In the Brain of Hans Dockter: Gradle

  • 1. 1 In The Brain 2009 Gradle Hans Dockter Gradle Project Lead
  • 2. 2 About Me Founder and Project Lead of Gradle CEO of Gradle Inc. Trainer for Skills Matter (TTD, Patterns, DDD) In the old days: Committer to JBoss (Founder of JBoss-IDE)
  • 3. 3 Gradle Overview 1 A flexible general purpose build tool Offers dependency based programming with a rich API Build-by-convention plugins on top Powerful multi-project support Powerful dependency management based on Apache Ivy Deep Integration with Ant
  • 4. 4 Gradle Overview 2 Build Scripts are written in Groovy We get our general purpose elements from a full blown OO language The perfect base to provide a mix of: Small frameworks, toolsets and dependency based programming Rich interaction with Java Gradle is NOT a framework Gradle is mostly written in Java with a Groovy DSL layer on top Offers good documentation (150+ Pages user’s guide) Commiter -> Steve Appling, Hans Dockter, Tom Eyckmans, Adam Murdoch, Russel Winder
  • 5. 5 Dependency Based Programming task hello << { println 'Hello world!' } task intro(dependsOn: hello) << { println "I'm Gradle" } 4.times { counter -> task "task_$counter" << { println "I'm task $counter" } } > gradle hello task1 Hello world! I’m task 1
  • 6. 6 Rich API task hello println hello.dependsOn distZip hello << { println ‘Hello’ } task distZip(type: Zip) distZip.fileSet(dir: ‘somePath’) distZip.baseName =
  • 7. 7 Very Rich API: Test Task Register listeners for test execution (this works even in forked mode) Get informed about a started test execution Get informed about a failing or succeeding test Provides an API to ask for execution results. Part of Gradle 0.8
  • 8. 8 One way configuration Ant <target name="test" depends="compile-test"> <junit> <classpath refid="classpath.test" /> <formatter type="brief" usefile="false" /> <test name="${test.suite}"/> </junit> </target>
  • 9. 9 One way configuration Maven <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.4.2</version> <configuration> <includes> <include></include> </includes> </configuration> </plugin>
  • 11. 10 Java Plugin usePlugin(‘java’) repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { compile "commons-lang:commons-lang:3.1", "org.hibernate:hibernate:3.2" runtime “mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.6” testCompile "junit:junit:4.4" }
  • 12. 10 Java Plugin usePlugin(‘java’) repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { compile "commons-lang:commons-lang:3.1", "org.hibernate:hibernate:3.2" runtime “mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.6” testCompile "junit:junit:4.4" } test { exclude '**/Abstract*' } task preCompile << { // do something } compile.dependsOn preCompile task myDocs(type: Zip) { fileset(dir: "path/docs") }
  • 13. 11 Custom Plugins public class CustomPlugin implements Plugin { public void use(final Project project, ProjectPluginsContainer plugins) { project.myProperty = ‘myValue’ plugins.withType(JavaPlugin).allPlugins { project.getTasks().add(‘someName’, SomeType.class) } plugins.withType(WarPlugin.class).allPlugins { // do something with the project } }
  • 14. 12 Deep API tasks.whenTaskAdded { task -> task.description = ‘This is a new task’ } tasks.allTasks { task -> task.description = ‘I am new or old’ } tasks.withType(Zip).whenTaskAdded { task -> task.fileSet(dir: ‘someDir’) } liveLibs = tasks.withType(Jar) task someJar(type: Jar) println liveLibs.all // prints [‘someJar’]
  • 15. 13 Rules tasks.addRule("Pattern: ping<ID>") { String taskName -> if (taskName.startsWith("ping")) { task(taskName) << { // add task println "Pinging: " + (taskName - 'ping') } } } task groupPing { dependsOn pingServer1, pingServer2 } > gradle pingServer545 Server545 > gradle groupPing Server1 Server2
  • 16. 14 Dependency Management 1 usePlugin(‘java’) ... configurations { allJar.extends runtime } dependencies { compile "commons-lang:commons-lang:3.1", "org.hibernate:hibernate:3.2" runtime “mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.6” testCompile "junit:junit:4.4" allJar "commons-io:commons-io:1.4" } ... task jarAll(type: Jar) { merge(dependencies.allJar.resolve()) }
  • 17. 15 Dependency Management 2 usePlugin(‘java’) ... dependencies { compile "commons-lang:commons-lang:3.1", "org.hibernate:hibernate:3.2" runtime “mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.6” testCompile "junit:junit:4.4" } ... task showDeps << { println(configurations.runtime.files { dep -> == ‘myGroup’ }) }
  • 18. 16 Dependency Management 3 Excludes per configuration or dependency You can define rules for configuration and dependencies (as for tasks) Very flexible repository handling Retrieve and deploy from/to Maven repositories Dependencies can have dynamic properties And much more
  • 19. 17 Using Ant Tasks ant { taskdef name: "groovyc", classname: "org.groovy.ant.Groovyc" groovyc srcdir: "src", destdir: "${webinf}/classes", { classpath { fileset dir: "lib" { include name: "*.jar" } pathelement path: "classes" } javac source: "1.5", target: "1.5", debug: "on" } }
  • 20. 18 Deep Integration with Ant Builds <project> <target name="hello" depends="intro"> <echo>Hello, from Ant</echo> </target> </project> ant.importBuild 'build.xml' hello.doFirst { println 'Here comes Ant' } task intro << { println 'Hello, from Gradle'} > gradle hello Hello, from Gradle...Here comes Ant...[ant:echo] Hello, from Ant
  • 22. 20 Deep API usePlugin(‘java’) ... compile.doFirst { compileTask -> println build.taskGraph.allTasks if (build.taskGraph.hasTask(‘codeGeneration’)) { compileTask.exclude ‘com.mycomp.somePackage’ } } build.taskGraph.beforeTask { task -> println “I am executing now $” } build.taskGraph.afterTask { task, exception -> if (task instanceof Jetty && exception != null) { // do something } }
  • 23. 21 Smart Task Exclusion A C B E D In Gradle 0.7 you can execute: gradle A B!
  • 24. 22 Smart Merging test resources compile clean > gradle clean compile test > gradle clean compile; gradle test
  • 25. 23 Smart Skipping usePlugin(‘java’) ... task instrument(dependsOn: compile) { onlyIf { timestampChanged classesDir // or contentsChanged classesDir } // do something }
  • 26. 24 Multi-Project Builds Arbitrary Multiproject Layout Configuration Injection Separate Config/Execution Hierarchy Partial builds
  • 27. 25 Configuration Injection ultimateApp api webservice shared subprojects { usePlugin(‘java’) dependencies { compile "commons-lang:commons-lang:3.1" testCompile "junit:junit:4.4" } test { exclude '**/Abstract*' } }
  • 28. 26 Separation of Config/Exec ultimateApp api webservice shared dependsOnChildren() subprojects { usePlugin(‘java’) dependencies { compile "commons-lang:commons-lang:3.1" testCompile "junit:junit:4.4" } } task dist(type: Zip) << { subprojects.each { subproject -> files(subproject.jar.archivePath) } }
  • 29. 27 Dependencies and Partial Builds ultimateApp api webservice shared dependsOn webservice dependencies { compile "commons-lang:commons-lang:3.1", project(‘:shared’) }
  • 31. 29 Convention instead of Configuration
  • 32. 30 Frameworkitis ... ... is the disease that a framework wants to do too much for you or it does it in a way that you don’t want but you can’t change it. It’s fun to get all this functionality for free, but it hurts when the free functionality gets in the way. But you are now tied into the framework. To get the desired behavior you start to fight against the framework. And at this point you often start to lose, because it’s difficult to bend the framework in a direction it didn’t anticipate. Toolkits do not attempt to take control for you and they therefore do not suffer from frameworkitis. (Erich Gamma)
  • 33. 31 Solution Because the bigger the framework becomes, the greater the chances that it will want to do too much, the bigger the learning curves become, and the more difficult it becomes to maintain it. If you really want to take the risk of doing frameworks, you want to have small and focused frameworks that you can also probably make optional. If you really want to, you can use the framework, but you can also use the toolkit. That’s a good position that avoids this frameworkitis problem, where you get really frustrated because you have to use the framework. Ideally I’d like to have a toolbox of smaller frameworks where I can pick and choose, so that I can pay the framework costs as I go.(Erich Gamma)
  • 34. 32 Build Language instead of Build Framework
  • 35. 33 Organizing Build Logic No unnecessary indirections If build specific: Within the script Build Sources Otherwise: Jar
  • 36. 34 Gradle Wrapper Use Gradle without having Gradle installed Useful for CI and open source projects
  • 37. 35 Production Ready? YES! (If you don’t need a missing feature). There are already large enterprise builds migrating from Ant and Maven to Gradle Expect 1.0 in autumn Roadmap: see
  • 40. 38 ANT Ant’s domain model in five words?
  • 41. 39 Ant Properties Resources Targets Tasks Flexible Toolset via dependency based programming
  • 43. 41 Build By Convention Multi-Project Builds
  • 44. 42 Live Demo - Hello World
  • 45. 43 Maven Build-By-Convention Framework Plugins Abstractions for Software Projects Dependency Management
  • 47. 45 There are no simple builds
  • 48. 46 Project Automation A build can do far more than just building the jar Often repetitive, time consuming, boring stuff is still done manually Many of those tasks are very company specific Maven & Ant are often not well suited for this
  • 49. 47 The Gradle Build Gradle is build with Gradle Automatic release management Automatic user’s guide generation Automatic distribution Behavior depends on task execution graph
  • 50. 48 Release Management The version number is automatically calculated The distribution is build and uploaded to codehaus For trunk releases, a new svn branch is created. A tag is created. A new version properties file is commited. The download links on the website are updated
  • 51. 49 User’s Guide The user’s guide is written in DocBook and generated by our build The source code examples are mostly real tests and are automatically included The expected output of those tests is automatically included. The tests are run The current version is added to the title
  • 52. 50 Uploading & Execution Graph Based on the task graph we set: Upload Destination Version Number
  • 54. 51 Why Groovy scripts? [‘Maven’, ‘Ant’, ‘Gradle’].findAll { it.indexOf(‘G’) > -1 }
  • 55. 51 Why Groovy scripts? [‘Maven’, ‘Ant’, ‘Gradle’].findAll { it.indexOf(‘G’) > -1 } Why not JRuby or Jython scripts?
  • 56. 51 Why Groovy scripts? [‘Maven’, ‘Ant’, ‘Gradle’].findAll { it.indexOf(‘G’) > -1 } Why not JRuby or Jython scripts? Why a Java core?
  • 57. 52 Java Plugin usePlugin(‘java’) manifest.mainAttributes([ 'Implementation-Title': 'Gradle', 'Implementation-Version': '0.1' ]) dependencies { compile "commons-lang:commons-lang:3.1" runtime “mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.6” testCompile "junit:junit:4.4" } sourceCompatibility = 1.5 targetCompatibility = 1.5 test { exclude '**/Abstract*' } task(type: Zip) { zip() { files(dependencies.runtime.resolve() // add dependencies to zip fileset(dir: "path/distributionFiles") } }