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Improving the Application of Risk Management:
                    Moving from a ‘Name and Blame’
                       to ‘Name and Gain’ Culture
                                                      Karl Davey CEng MIEE
                                                    Head of Risk Management
                                                     Strategic Thought Limited
                                                The Old Town Hall, 4 Queens Road
                                                   London, England SW19 8YA

        Risk management is not just about processes and                             INTRODUCTION
        methodologies. It is also about people and their
        involvement in the objectives of having such
        systems. This paper explores why risk management         It is a fact that all projects and business endeavours
        often fails to deliver against defined performance       face uncertainty. The need to address these sources
        criteria and looks at methods of improving the buy-      of uncertainty and increase the likelihood of success
        in and commitment to making risk management              is not only common sense but also good business
        work as promoted.                                        practice. To this end many organizations seek
                                                                 management techniques to address these issues and,
                                                                 as a result, see risk management as the answer to
                              FOREWORD                           this problem.

        Recent history is full of high profile and news
        worthy project/business failures. In many of these       Today, risk management is widely publicised as a
        cases the quality of risk management has been            process which seeks to give organizations an edge in
        questioned and blamed as a contributing factor. Of       today’s uncertain and competitive environment. It is
        more significance, where project and business risk       also generally accepted that the benefits of risk
        were identified, the lack of effective mitigation        management provide, for example:
        rendered the value of risk and opportunity
        identification meaningless                               •   greater understanding of project or business
                                                                     objects or goals;
        But why does this happen? Many organizations
        involved in failures claim to undertake risk             •   more realistic business and project planning;
        management and have developed processes based            •   improved management of project and business
        on widely published best practice guides or                  costs; and,
        international standards. A common conclusion that
        can be drawn from the lessons learned, however, is       •   more effective communication within an
        that having a risk process and system in place is            organization.
        only part of the solution. If commitment and
        understanding, as to why risk management is              It is therefore fundamental that a collaborative risk
        important to all participants’ goals, is lacking and a   culture be developed to allow an organization to
        team has not bought into the full risk process,          effectively address the problems and opportunities
        including mitigation actions, the risk management        they may face. Unfortunately the farthest many
        process will fail.                                       organizations travel in creating a positive risk-aware
                                                                 culture is in developing detailed risk management
                                                                 processes, publishing them on their websites and
                          TABLE OF CONTENTS
                                                                 mandating their organization or teams to “just do
        INTRODUCTION……………………………….…1                              it”.
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    IEEEAC paper #1001, Version 6, Updated Oct, 28 2005
However, all too commonly, an often overlooked                  From understanding how individuals perceive and
area of the risk process is the human element. For              react to the risk process we can see where processes
risk management to be truly effective, individuals              go wrong.
from all levels of the enterprise must be involved
throughout the process and ideally from the outset
of the endeavour. This means involving people and
their opinions and perceptions. After all, isn’t risk

management just another part of good people and

project management?

                                                                                          Com No
Many organizations spend valuable resources
developing what, on paper, appears to be an
effective risk management process. But when
exposed to their employees the process never
operates as intended. Why is this? Surely the                     Manag                                 Ident or
process couldn’t have been that wrong to start with?                                                               ion

                                                                                       k Ris
The problem is a combination of people, the risk
process and its shortfalls. The solution is simple in
concept. Those involved within the organization just

don’t see the value of the process and why it is
necessary. Are people’s performance measured upon
their involvement in the process? Most of the time                 Where the risk management process goes wrong
the answer is no. And these busy people have enough
to do without having to also think about how to solve
difficult problems!                                             One major cause for poor perception of risk
                                                                management relates to risk management being
                                                                considered a “black art”. Granted, risk management
As a risk consultant, often called in to address these          does sometimes appear subjective. So we need to
issues and address why the process is not working               understand how to verify or input data and interpret
as intended, the feedback from interviews with staff            the results more consistently and objectively. Also,
can be very enlightening and forms a basis for the              since we are dealing with uncertain events, which
considerations management should consider when                  may or may not happen, we need to be able to
implementing a risk aware culture. Similar                      measure the effectiveness of our process. And
comments come up often, regardless of the industry              another major issue relates to the view that risk
or size of company. These comments generally                    management is a complex and specialist
share a theme that relates to understanding why the             management technique that needs to be performed
process is not important to them:                               by expert risk managers. With all of these
                                                                perceptions, the result can be a gradual withdrawal
                                                                from a process that was designed to help, not hurt,
•      I’m too busy running the project.                        the business.

•      We manage risk anyway.
                                                                Therefore, we must ensure that our processes
•      What’s in it for me?
                                                                encourage understanding, buy-in and commitment to in
•      Risk always focuses on the negatives.                    order to achieve shared objectives from the offset. If
                                                                we fail to do this, the risk process will spiral into
•      It’s a paper exercise.                                   disrepute and become untenable.
•      It’s of no real value; it’s just maths and statistics.
•      It doesn’t solve real problems.

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PROMOTING BUY-IN TO THE RISK PROCESS                                   Asking individuals to contribute at early stages of an
                                                                            endeavour demonstrates that their involvement and
                                                                            opinions are valued and is a key part of a risk
The key to successful risk management (and in fact                          manager’s role.
any management process) is a shared desire to
succeed because this brings both personal and team
satisfaction. From this flows a willingness to learn,                       Evaluation       –    “Simple”,      “sensible”      and
comply and contribute. So it is necessary to ensure                         “comprehendible” are keywords at this stage of the risk
we develop (or enhance) a risk management process                           process. As mentioned earlier, some risk processes are
that encourages contribution from all parties                               over complicated by organizations and can lead to a
involved in the project or business endeavour.                              lack of understanding, of the meaning and substance of
                                                                            results, by those involved in the project. This loss of
                                                                            understanding can lead to increased costs, time and
We must take a number of carefully considered steps                         effort trying explaining the risk process rather than
and develop an internal risk environment that gains the                     actually managing the risks that have been identified.
contribution of those in our business. If we look at any
standard risk process from the simplest perspective,                        To develop a sensible understanding of the risk issues
then we can identify and simply some improvement                            within the organization, simple-to-use techniques
areas to make increased buy-in more achievable.                             should be applied. Risk weighting factors and
                                                                            scoring/assessment criteria need to be developed and
Identification – This is the first key step of the risk                     agreed upon by the key stakeholders of an endeavour.
process. Undoubtedly, we will have identified risks
from our documentation, assumptions, business plan or
                                                                             V High

                                                                                          -25    -24     -23       -22        -18         5      11    18
                                                                                                                                                       19    21      25
tender response. However, we should also talk to those                                5                        2
people who are, or will be, actively involved in the

                                                                                          -21     -20    -17       -16        -15         4      10    14    20      24
project or business organization/enterprise: those that

need to make things happen.                                                               -19    -14     -13       -12       -9           3      8     13    17
                                                                                                                                                             19      23

                                                                                          -11    -10     -8        -7        -6           2       7    12    16      22
                                                                            V Low

                                                                                        -5       -4      -3        -2        -1           1      6     9     15      17
         Board                               Customers
                                              Customers                               V High    High    Med        Low       V Low   |   V Low   Low   Med   High   V High
                                                                                                                              Risk Level

                                                                                    Probability Impact Diagram (Opportunity and Threat)
Management                   Risk
                              Risk               Suppliers
Management                                        Suppliers
                            System                                           These then need to be consistently applied across an
                                                                             organization and customized only to reflect projects or
                                                                             business endeavours which differ in terms of duration,
          Staff                              Regulators
                                              Regulators                     budget or scope.
                             Auditors                                       Risk Lifecycle – It is often all too easy to purely focus
                                                                            on the big risks: those that sit at the top of the risk list.
                  Risk management stakeholders
                                                                            But are we missing something? Are there risks that
We, therefore, need to include all key stakeholders                         demand immediate attention that may not be at the top
from all levels of the organization. History and lessons                    of the risk register? By also understanding when the
learned from previous projects provide an extensive                         risks we face will occur, we can make better use of our
source of risk information. The experiences of                              resources.
individuals in our organizations offer a living,
                                                                            Significant value can be delivered by listing both the
breathing knowledgebase that can identify possible
                                                                            big risks that occur in the next 6 months and the
risks from experience and possible strategies to address
                                                                            smaller risks which can be cost-effectively managed
them. It only takes one individual to identify an
                                                                            within a specific time frame.
opportunity to benefit from a risk mitigating action in
another part of the business for the real value of
integrated risk management to be made.                                      Management – The key to successful risk
                                                                            management has always been MANAGEMENT! For
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risk management to succeed we must do something Risk Management Lifecycle Timeframes
about the risks we have identified and evaluated. This
                                                                                       Trigger                    Expiry
requires us to involve people in the process; and their                                 Date                       Date
contribution will be crucial to the success of our                            Resolution
                                                                                Date             Impact Period
endeavour. To gain full and effective buy-in at this                 Mitigation
stage, it is important that we develop appropriate
management actions. By appropriate I mean a real                                                                         Time
                                                                                       Control/ Fallback Planning
action that is neither too detailed nor too general to be
                                                                                Management Period
of value. A management or risk mitigation action has          Plan Start
                                                                                                                Plan End
to be a real task that is both measurable and realistic
                                                                          Planning the lifecycle of a risk
to achieve. Often known as “SMART” risk
management, a mitigation action must be specific to
the issue we seek to address, measurable in terms of
the perceived goal, achievable and realistic to achieve,
                                                                TECHNIQUES TO GAIN INVOLVEMENT
and have tangible results. Finally, the action must be    As well as having a process that closely involves
timed, a predefined window of opportunity in which        people from the outset, there are a number of other soft
the risk can be addressed.                                techniques which we should use to further encourage
                                                          involvement and continuous contribution throughout
There are also risks that we will choose to not to
                                                          an endeavour’s lifecycle.
manage and those that will occur no matter what we
do. It is important that we plan for the worst: develop   Involvement – Encouraging involvement within the
contingency and recovery plans. These fallback plans      risk process needs to penetrate all levels of an
need to be treated like normal actions and regularly      organization. Highlighting the benefits of participation
reviewed to ensure that they remain valid and have not    and involvement is core to this process. This visibility
been superseded by other events.                          means that such things as naming successful
                                                                individuals in board meetings, management team
                                                                reviews and in dispatches emphasizes the importance
      WHAT ABOUT THE POSITIVE ASPECTS OF                        of the activity. Leading from the top is very important.
                   RISK?                                        The board needs to be involved in this process
                                                                especially considering recent corporate governance and
Another reason why individuals groan at the sight of            internal control requirements, which state than the
the risk team is that, unfortunately, risk management is        board must be aware of the risks to their business.
often perceived as only being negative: risk
management generally concentrates on the need to find           Another method of increasing involvement is to reward
potential problems. In this case, risk management is            positive input to the risk process. Many companies
seen in a pessimistic light and the risk team then can          already reward individuals who identify ways of
always be seen as the bearers of bad news.                      increasing productivity or realize cost savings. There is
                                                                no reason why this should not be expanded to risk
But risks can also contain positives. A risk could either       management because, through risk management, an
be a threat to our endeavour or it could present us with        organization may avoid massive potential cost
an opportunity to increase business value. By                   increases, realise savings and identify opportunities to
attempting to identify both the threats AND                     significantly improve how a business is managed.
opportunities, risk management can be seen as helping
to realise benefits – not just as a tool used to identify       Champions – Although this article has said that risk
problems. By actively seeking benefits the process can          management should be pursued by all, it is essential to
be seen to add even more value, the risk team as more           have key sponsors and employees that have the
positive contributors (not negative) and this will help         necessary authority and budget to initiate and manage
produce a much more positive risk culture at all levels         change. Ideally, the sponsors should also include a
of an organization.                                             board member and a director whose responsibilities
                                                                include risk management and has the authority to
                                                                operate across operating divisions. If employees are
                                                                aware that risk is taken seriously by senior
                                                                management then they themselves will see it is in their
                                                                best interest to participate in and contribute to the risk
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Visibility – The visibility of risk management within an    importance that the organization places on risk
organization is extremely important to promoting a risk     management from day one. Another couple methods to
aware culture. The profile and importance of risk           improve risk management commitment and
management within an organization has to be                 contribution is to introduce brief risk awareness
demonstrated. This can be achieved in a number of           lunchtime seminars and/or formal training for key
ways. For example, a statement on risk could be             project members.
included in an organization’s dispatches, intranet or
newsletters. Statements that highlight the importance       New Technologies – Use of web-based technologies
of risk management and provide examples of its              and company intranets are also becoming common
success in the organization increase awareness. In the      practice. They may be used to effectively provide
past we have seen vast improvement in risk awareness        information on risk management best practice, and the
on many projects and organizations by encouraging the       benefits and progress achieved to date across
placement of risk posters around an office.                 distributed geographical environments. Some elements
                                                            can include details of management techniques,
These posters should be simple: they should list the top    contribution areas to allow feedback to be quickly
risks (threats and opportunities) for a set period,         communicated back to the risk team, and lessons
highlight ownership and propose management’s                learned from risk management in other business areas.
activities to mitigate the risks. This can act as a
constant reminder to the potential issues that could        The risk manger’s toolkit needs to support and use
drive a project or organization off-track. Also included    technologies that add value. The use of web-based risk
on the poster should be the successes achieved to date.     management tools allow all stakeholders to view
These successes such as risks avoided, opportunities        information that is relevant to their level, understand
realised and management activities completed should         the relevant risks they face now and in the future, and
be highlighted as they positively communicate how a         share that information across all levels of the
team is succeeding with their collective objectives.        organization.
Finally, people obtain satisfaction from positive
promotion of their value to the business. So, if they
have contributed positively to help resolve an issue
they should also publicly receive the credit.

Communication – Providing a framework for effective
communication is essential for any business process.
This is especially true for risk management, which
requires an environment that is open and provides an
information-aware blame-free culture. To this end it is
important that we assertively communicate about risks
and issues by letting colleagues know of any risks that
have been successfully addressed. In other words
successes should be highlighted to show the process
works. Likewise, if things go wrong, the failures or
missed deadline should be openly discussed and the
reasons for failure learned. Defensive behaviour by any
team member should be actively discouraged and
managed with positive encouragement, action and
                                                                     Web-based, risk management system
Training and Education – Lack of understanding
within an organization or team is often a reason for
ineffective process adoption. Understanding can be
increased through education and training on risk
management processes – whether on an in-house or
formal training course. Many organizations run
training courses for new employees on company
procedures. A section of this training that included risk
management awareness would emphasize the
    0-7803-9546-8/06/$20.00© 2006 IEEE                                                                          5
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complex to be effective and has been working with a
                          SUMMARY                            number of major companies to develop and champion
                                                             risk processes which encourages contribution from all
In summary, when attempting to gain contribution to a        stakeholders.
process, the people cannot be overlooked. A
combination of soft techniques and a formal process          Karl has also been responsible for developing the risk
must be adopted to engage and demonstrate the                management chapter for the Association of Project
importance of individuals to this critical function.         Managers (APM) Project Pathways publication and
                                                             was involved in developing the ‘Implementation of
Aiding the creation of a risk-aware culture can be           Risk Management’ Chapter for the new APM Project
achieved by the sensible use of briefings, workshops         Risk guide.
and including a risk management discussion in
progress meetings. Leaving risk management as the
last agenda item during a meeting often means that it
never get discussed. This sends a message to the team
that it is not important; so serious consideration to this
should be taken into account when meeting agendas
are set.

Encouragement should be given to the team to bring
ideas forward even if they are outside of their areas of
responsibility. And a team ideally should include all
stakeholders in the endeavour: suppliers, customers,
partners, subcontractors, regulatory authorities, etc.

A change in culture may be required. An organization
needs to establish a blame-free environment that allows
and encourages the airing of potential issues. Managers
at all levels need to demonstrate that risk identification
is extremely valuable to the business and something
that needs to be embraced by all.

Finally, it must always be remembered that the key to
risk management is management! The process will fail
if management and end-user commitment/contribution
is lacking, and risks are not efficiently identified,
assessed, managed and pursued to their acceptable

Karl Davey CEng MIEE of Strategic Thought Ltd is
the Head of Risk Management and leads the Active
Risk Manager Consultancy Team. Karl has over 12
years of in-depth and practical experience in the
application of proactive risk management across
organizations and on major projects – both in the
Defense and commercial sectors. Karl regularly
lectures on risk management and has provided proven
risk management training for universities and clients in
the UK, North America, Australia, New Zealand and

Karl believes that risk management does not have to be
    0-7803-9546-8/06/$20.00© 2006 IEEE                                                                          6
    IEEEAC paper #1001, Version 6, Updated Oct, 28 2005

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Improving the application of risk management

  • 1. Improving the Application of Risk Management: Moving from a ‘Name and Blame’ to ‘Name and Gain’ Culture Karl Davey CEng MIEE Head of Risk Management Strategic Thought Limited The Old Town Hall, 4 Queens Road London, England SW19 8YA Risk management is not just about processes and INTRODUCTION methodologies. It is also about people and their involvement in the objectives of having such systems. This paper explores why risk management It is a fact that all projects and business endeavours often fails to deliver against defined performance face uncertainty. The need to address these sources criteria and looks at methods of improving the buy- of uncertainty and increase the likelihood of success in and commitment to making risk management is not only common sense but also good business work as promoted. practice. To this end many organizations seek management techniques to address these issues and, as a result, see risk management as the answer to FOREWORD this problem. Recent history is full of high profile and news worthy project/business failures. In many of these Today, risk management is widely publicised as a cases the quality of risk management has been process which seeks to give organizations an edge in questioned and blamed as a contributing factor. Of today’s uncertain and competitive environment. It is more significance, where project and business risk also generally accepted that the benefits of risk were identified, the lack of effective mitigation management provide, for example: rendered the value of risk and opportunity identification meaningless • greater understanding of project or business objects or goals; But why does this happen? Many organizations involved in failures claim to undertake risk • more realistic business and project planning; management and have developed processes based • improved management of project and business on widely published best practice guides or costs; and, international standards. A common conclusion that can be drawn from the lessons learned, however, is • more effective communication within an that having a risk process and system in place is organization. only part of the solution. If commitment and understanding, as to why risk management is It is therefore fundamental that a collaborative risk important to all participants’ goals, is lacking and a culture be developed to allow an organization to team has not bought into the full risk process, effectively address the problems and opportunities including mitigation actions, the risk management they may face. Unfortunately the farthest many process will fail. organizations travel in creating a positive risk-aware culture is in developing detailed risk management processes, publishing them on their websites and TABLE OF CONTENTS mandating their organization or teams to “just do INTRODUCTION……………………………….…1 it”. PROMOTING BUY-IN TO THE RISK PROCESS…..3 TECHNIQUES TO GAIN INVOLVEMENT………...5 SUMMARY…………………………………........6 1 0-7803-9546-8/06/$20.00© 2006 IEEE 1 1 IEEEAC paper #1001, Version 6, Updated Oct, 28 2005
  • 2. However, all too commonly, an often overlooked From understanding how individuals perceive and area of the risk process is the human element. For react to the risk process we can see where processes risk management to be truly effective, individuals go wrong. from all levels of the enterprise must be involved throughout the process and ideally from the outset of the endeavour. This means involving people and their opinions and perceptions. After all, isn’t risk ent management just another part of good people and mitm project management? Com No Many organizations spend valuable resources developing what, on paper, appears to be an ctive effective risk management process. But when In-effe ement exposed to their employees the process never Po operates as intended. Why is this? Surely the Manag Ident or ificat process couldn’t have been that wrong to start with? ion ks k Ris The problem is a combination of people, the risk process and its shortfalls. The solution is simple in concept. Those involved within the organization just Wea don’t see the value of the process and why it is necessary. Are people’s performance measured upon their involvement in the process? Most of the time Where the risk management process goes wrong the answer is no. And these busy people have enough to do without having to also think about how to solve difficult problems! One major cause for poor perception of risk management relates to risk management being considered a “black art”. Granted, risk management As a risk consultant, often called in to address these does sometimes appear subjective. So we need to issues and address why the process is not working understand how to verify or input data and interpret as intended, the feedback from interviews with staff the results more consistently and objectively. Also, can be very enlightening and forms a basis for the since we are dealing with uncertain events, which considerations management should consider when may or may not happen, we need to be able to implementing a risk aware culture. Similar measure the effectiveness of our process. And comments come up often, regardless of the industry another major issue relates to the view that risk or size of company. These comments generally management is a complex and specialist share a theme that relates to understanding why the management technique that needs to be performed process is not important to them: by expert risk managers. With all of these perceptions, the result can be a gradual withdrawal from a process that was designed to help, not hurt, • I’m too busy running the project. the business. • We manage risk anyway. Therefore, we must ensure that our processes • What’s in it for me? encourage understanding, buy-in and commitment to in • Risk always focuses on the negatives. order to achieve shared objectives from the offset. If we fail to do this, the risk process will spiral into • It’s a paper exercise. disrepute and become untenable. • It’s of no real value; it’s just maths and statistics. • It doesn’t solve real problems. 1 0-7803-9546-8/06/$20.00© 2006 IEEE 2 1 IEEEAC paper #1001, Version 6, Updated Oct, 28 2005
  • 3. PROMOTING BUY-IN TO THE RISK PROCESS Asking individuals to contribute at early stages of an endeavour demonstrates that their involvement and opinions are valued and is a key part of a risk The key to successful risk management (and in fact manager’s role. any management process) is a shared desire to succeed because this brings both personal and team satisfaction. From this flows a willingness to learn, Evaluation – “Simple”, “sensible” and comply and contribute. So it is necessary to ensure “comprehendible” are keywords at this stage of the risk we develop (or enhance) a risk management process process. As mentioned earlier, some risk processes are that encourages contribution from all parties over complicated by organizations and can lead to a involved in the project or business endeavour. lack of understanding, of the meaning and substance of results, by those involved in the project. This loss of understanding can lead to increased costs, time and We must take a number of carefully considered steps effort trying explaining the risk process rather than and develop an internal risk environment that gains the actually managing the risks that have been identified. contribution of those in our business. If we look at any standard risk process from the simplest perspective, To develop a sensible understanding of the risk issues then we can identify and simply some improvement within the organization, simple-to-use techniques areas to make increased buy-in more achievable. should be applied. Risk weighting factors and scoring/assessment criteria need to be developed and Identification – This is the first key step of the risk agreed upon by the key stakeholders of an endeavour. process. Undoubtedly, we will have identified risks from our documentation, assumptions, business plan or V High -25 -24 -23 -22 -18 5 11 18 19 21 25 tender response. However, we should also talk to those 5 2 people who are, or will be, actively involved in the High -21 -20 -17 -16 -15 4 10 14 20 24 project or business organization/enterprise: those that Probability Med need to make things happen. -19 -14 -13 -12 -9 3 8 13 17 19 23 9 7 Low -11 -10 -8 -7 -6 2 7 12 16 22 Shareholders Shareholders V Low -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 6 9 15 17 18 25 Board Board Customers Customers V High High Med Low V Low | V Low Low Med High V High Risk Level Probability Impact Diagram (Opportunity and Threat) Management Risk Risk Suppliers Management Suppliers System System These then need to be consistently applied across an organization and customized only to reflect projects or business endeavours which differ in terms of duration, Staff Staff Regulators Regulators budget or scope. Auditors Auditors Risk Lifecycle – It is often all too easy to purely focus on the big risks: those that sit at the top of the risk list. Risk management stakeholders But are we missing something? Are there risks that We, therefore, need to include all key stakeholders demand immediate attention that may not be at the top from all levels of the organization. History and lessons of the risk register? By also understanding when the learned from previous projects provide an extensive risks we face will occur, we can make better use of our source of risk information. The experiences of resources. individuals in our organizations offer a living, Significant value can be delivered by listing both the breathing knowledgebase that can identify possible big risks that occur in the next 6 months and the risks from experience and possible strategies to address smaller risks which can be cost-effectively managed them. It only takes one individual to identify an within a specific time frame. opportunity to benefit from a risk mitigating action in another part of the business for the real value of integrated risk management to be made. Management – The key to successful risk management has always been MANAGEMENT! For 1 0-7803-9546-8/06/$20.00© 2006 IEEE 3 1 IEEEAC paper #1001, Version 6, Updated Oct, 28 2005
  • 4. risk management to succeed we must do something Risk Management Lifecycle Timeframes about the risks we have identified and evaluated. This Trigger Expiry requires us to involve people in the process; and their Date Date contribution will be crucial to the success of our Resolution Date Impact Period endeavour. To gain full and effective buy-in at this Mitigation stage, it is important that we develop appropriate management actions. By appropriate I mean a real Time Control/ Fallback Planning action that is neither too detailed nor too general to be Management Period of value. A management or risk mitigation action has Plan Start Date Plan End Date to be a real task that is both measurable and realistic Planning the lifecycle of a risk to achieve. Often known as “SMART” risk management, a mitigation action must be specific to the issue we seek to address, measurable in terms of the perceived goal, achievable and realistic to achieve, TECHNIQUES TO GAIN INVOLVEMENT and have tangible results. Finally, the action must be As well as having a process that closely involves timed, a predefined window of opportunity in which people from the outset, there are a number of other soft the risk can be addressed. techniques which we should use to further encourage involvement and continuous contribution throughout There are also risks that we will choose to not to an endeavour’s lifecycle. manage and those that will occur no matter what we do. It is important that we plan for the worst: develop Involvement – Encouraging involvement within the contingency and recovery plans. These fallback plans risk process needs to penetrate all levels of an need to be treated like normal actions and regularly organization. Highlighting the benefits of participation reviewed to ensure that they remain valid and have not and involvement is core to this process. This visibility been superseded by other events. means that such things as naming successful individuals in board meetings, management team reviews and in dispatches emphasizes the importance WHAT ABOUT THE POSITIVE ASPECTS OF of the activity. Leading from the top is very important. RISK? The board needs to be involved in this process especially considering recent corporate governance and Another reason why individuals groan at the sight of internal control requirements, which state than the the risk team is that, unfortunately, risk management is board must be aware of the risks to their business. often perceived as only being negative: risk management generally concentrates on the need to find Another method of increasing involvement is to reward potential problems. In this case, risk management is positive input to the risk process. Many companies seen in a pessimistic light and the risk team then can already reward individuals who identify ways of always be seen as the bearers of bad news. increasing productivity or realize cost savings. There is no reason why this should not be expanded to risk But risks can also contain positives. A risk could either management because, through risk management, an be a threat to our endeavour or it could present us with organization may avoid massive potential cost an opportunity to increase business value. By increases, realise savings and identify opportunities to attempting to identify both the threats AND significantly improve how a business is managed. opportunities, risk management can be seen as helping to realise benefits – not just as a tool used to identify Champions – Although this article has said that risk problems. By actively seeking benefits the process can management should be pursued by all, it is essential to be seen to add even more value, the risk team as more have key sponsors and employees that have the positive contributors (not negative) and this will help necessary authority and budget to initiate and manage produce a much more positive risk culture at all levels change. Ideally, the sponsors should also include a of an organization. board member and a director whose responsibilities include risk management and has the authority to operate across operating divisions. If employees are aware that risk is taken seriously by senior management then they themselves will see it is in their best interest to participate in and contribute to the risk process. 1 0-7803-9546-8/06/$20.00© 2006 IEEE 4 1 IEEEAC paper #1001, Version 6, Updated Oct, 28 2005
  • 5. Visibility – The visibility of risk management within an importance that the organization places on risk organization is extremely important to promoting a risk management from day one. Another couple methods to aware culture. The profile and importance of risk improve risk management commitment and management within an organization has to be contribution is to introduce brief risk awareness demonstrated. This can be achieved in a number of lunchtime seminars and/or formal training for key ways. For example, a statement on risk could be project members. included in an organization’s dispatches, intranet or newsletters. Statements that highlight the importance New Technologies – Use of web-based technologies of risk management and provide examples of its and company intranets are also becoming common success in the organization increase awareness. In the practice. They may be used to effectively provide past we have seen vast improvement in risk awareness information on risk management best practice, and the on many projects and organizations by encouraging the benefits and progress achieved to date across placement of risk posters around an office. distributed geographical environments. Some elements can include details of management techniques, These posters should be simple: they should list the top contribution areas to allow feedback to be quickly risks (threats and opportunities) for a set period, communicated back to the risk team, and lessons highlight ownership and propose management’s learned from risk management in other business areas. activities to mitigate the risks. This can act as a constant reminder to the potential issues that could The risk manger’s toolkit needs to support and use drive a project or organization off-track. Also included technologies that add value. The use of web-based risk on the poster should be the successes achieved to date. management tools allow all stakeholders to view These successes such as risks avoided, opportunities information that is relevant to their level, understand realised and management activities completed should the relevant risks they face now and in the future, and be highlighted as they positively communicate how a share that information across all levels of the team is succeeding with their collective objectives. organization. Finally, people obtain satisfaction from positive promotion of their value to the business. So, if they have contributed positively to help resolve an issue they should also publicly receive the credit. Communication – Providing a framework for effective communication is essential for any business process. This is especially true for risk management, which requires an environment that is open and provides an information-aware blame-free culture. To this end it is important that we assertively communicate about risks and issues by letting colleagues know of any risks that have been successfully addressed. In other words successes should be highlighted to show the process works. Likewise, if things go wrong, the failures or missed deadline should be openly discussed and the reasons for failure learned. Defensive behaviour by any team member should be actively discouraged and managed with positive encouragement, action and behaviour. Web-based, risk management system Training and Education – Lack of understanding within an organization or team is often a reason for ineffective process adoption. Understanding can be increased through education and training on risk management processes – whether on an in-house or formal training course. Many organizations run training courses for new employees on company procedures. A section of this training that included risk management awareness would emphasize the 1 0-7803-9546-8/06/$20.00© 2006 IEEE 5 1 IEEEAC paper #1001, Version 6, Updated Oct, 28 2005
  • 6. complex to be effective and has been working with a SUMMARY number of major companies to develop and champion risk processes which encourages contribution from all In summary, when attempting to gain contribution to a stakeholders. process, the people cannot be overlooked. A combination of soft techniques and a formal process Karl has also been responsible for developing the risk must be adopted to engage and demonstrate the management chapter for the Association of Project importance of individuals to this critical function. Managers (APM) Project Pathways publication and was involved in developing the ‘Implementation of Aiding the creation of a risk-aware culture can be Risk Management’ Chapter for the new APM Project achieved by the sensible use of briefings, workshops Risk guide. and including a risk management discussion in progress meetings. Leaving risk management as the last agenda item during a meeting often means that it never get discussed. This sends a message to the team that it is not important; so serious consideration to this should be taken into account when meeting agendas are set. Encouragement should be given to the team to bring ideas forward even if they are outside of their areas of responsibility. And a team ideally should include all stakeholders in the endeavour: suppliers, customers, partners, subcontractors, regulatory authorities, etc. A change in culture may be required. An organization needs to establish a blame-free environment that allows and encourages the airing of potential issues. Managers at all levels need to demonstrate that risk identification is extremely valuable to the business and something that needs to be embraced by all. Finally, it must always be remembered that the key to risk management is management! The process will fail if management and end-user commitment/contribution is lacking, and risks are not efficiently identified, assessed, managed and pursued to their acceptable conclusion. BIOGRAPHY Karl Davey CEng MIEE of Strategic Thought Ltd is the Head of Risk Management and leads the Active Risk Manager Consultancy Team. Karl has over 12 years of in-depth and practical experience in the application of proactive risk management across organizations and on major projects – both in the Defense and commercial sectors. Karl regularly lectures on risk management and has provided proven risk management training for universities and clients in the UK, North America, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. Karl believes that risk management does not have to be 1 0-7803-9546-8/06/$20.00© 2006 IEEE 6 1 IEEEAC paper #1001, Version 6, Updated Oct, 28 2005