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“Teaching English for Young Learner with Media 
in SDN 3 Kendal Ngawi” 
Lecture : Lulus Irawati, SS, M.Pd 
Written by: 
Lia Suparni (11321157/6E) 
Siti Purwaningsih (11321159/6E) 
Suryani (11321166/6E) 
Title page ...................................................................................................... i 
Table of content ............................................................................................ ii 
Chapter I. Background of The Activity ..................................................... 1 
Chapter II. Result ....................................................................................... 2 
Chapter III. Discussion ................................................................................ 6 
Chapter IV. Conclusion and Suggestion ....................................................... 8 
Reference ...................................................................................................... iii 
- pictures 
- list names of students 
- text reading 
- students’ drawing 
- students’ matching assessment
We chose SDN 3 Kendal for media applications that we have planned. We chose 
SDN 3 Kendal because this school is a school that is located in the countryside and in our 
rural school teachers in the way of teaching is passive and not creative. In addition, there is 
less use of media in teaching and learning English. And usually the teacher still tends to 
use the lecture method to teach. So that, learning process becomes monotonous and does 
not attract the attention of students. This makes students bored and tired of the learning 
process. Because bored and tired, when the teacher explains a little matter of those who 
listen, there are some lively own, play, and some even fall asleep. This factor is due to the 
teachers who teach English in a school classroom teacher who teaches all subjects, so 
lacking in mastery of the English language. Besides the lack of facilities for supporting 
medium, teaching and learning process is still lacking. 
We use the media so that students do not get bored and more interested in learning 
English. Due to the rural students in learning English is a difficult subject and this is 
usually a difficult subject makes students bored quickly. Moreover, students in this school 
was introduced English from low-grade (grade 1). And usually lower class students are still 
reluctant to learn, let alone to learn a foreign language such as English. They are more 
often using his spare time to play than on learning. So that teachers should be more clever 
and creative that the material presented is more easily remembered by his students not only 
in school, but also the spirit in the home to learn it again. 
According to us, students include middle category. This is because, when students 
described the material without the use of the media, they are less notice, however, when 
they are described by using the media, their morale was higher in the study. So that, 
students understand the material described by the teacher quickly. In addition, students are 
taught lessons in rural schools and they just feel lazy to tutoring (extra lessons). That is 
why we chose this school to apply the media in the process of learning English so that 
students are more interested and not bored to learn English. By using the media, students 
will understand the lesson faster. Besides that, the interaction between students and 
teachers will be established well and not monotonous.
Setting of Place: 
Name of school : SDN 3 Kendal 
Address : Jalan Jogorogo, No. 7, Kendal, Ngawi, East Java 
We practice to teach English for young learner with media in SDN 3 Kendal, 
Ngawi. We practice to teach the fourth grade students. In this class, there are just eleven 
students, and one of them is absent. 
- Part of Body 
We teach part of body to the students. We teach the names of body parts, how to 
pronounce them, and the meaning of the names of body parts (by show their own body 
- Listen and do 
- Drawing 
- Listen and repeat 
- Reading text 
- What is missing game 
- Matching 
Media : 
Electronic media : animation video/ song “Head shoulder knees and toe” 
Traditional media : picture and drawing 
Tool : laptop, speaker, boardmarker 
Teaching Procedures: 
1) Opening activity 
In the opening activity, we greet the students and introduce ourselves to them. 
Lia Suparni as the first teacher also asks the students’ name. They mention their 
name shyly. After that, the students lead to pray together. Then we show an 
animation video. It is a song about part of body, titled, “Head Shoulder Knees and 
Toe”. The teacher gives example to sing the song and practice it. Then the students
appreciate to imitate the teacher. They imitate the song and touch their body when 
sing it. For example, when they say head, they touch their head, when they say 
“shoulder” they touch their shoulder, etc. After that, the teacher asks what the song 
tells about. The students answer that the song tells about part of body. 
2) Main activity 
The first main activity is listen and do. Before the teachers do this activity, the 
teacher explains and mentions the parts of body. The teacher says that there are so 
many parts of body, but that day, the teacher will explain some of them. There are 
head, shoulder, hair, nose, mouth, cheek, chin, hand, foot, arm, finger, eyes, ears and 
etc. Then the teacher practices listen and do activity. The teacher asks the student to 
stand up and then says some parts of body, the students listen it and then touch their 
parts of body. For example, the teacher say head, the students have to touch head, 
etc. In this activity, there are still many students that can’t do it well. They still feel 
difficult to differentiate the names of body part, such as they confused to differentiate 
between foot and toe, hand and finger. They also seem lack of vocabulary. They 
don’t know what the meaning of toe, foot, hand, etc. Therefore, in this activity there 
are many students don’t do this activity well, they wrong to touch the exact parts of 
body. When there’s student wrong, the teacher asks him/her to sing “Head Shoulder 
Knees and Toes” in front of the class. We take this as punishment that can make the 
class fun. 
The second activity is listen and repeat. The teacher uses some pictures to do this 
game. The picture is like flash card but in a big size, there is a picture of body parts 
and the names of body parts. The teacher uses this picture to teach how to pronounce 
the body parts well. The teacher show the picture and read the names of body part in 
the picture, the students listen it and then repeat what the teacher say. For example 
the teacher say “head” [hed], then the students repeat it. The teacher, first, asks the 
students to repeat in a whole of class, then in some groups, and the last, individual. 
The students seemed interest to join this activity. They repeat after the teacher 
The third activity is what is missing game. This activity is conveyed by Siti 
Purwaningsih, as the second teacher. Before the class brought to this activity, the
class is divided into 3 groups. Two groups consist of three students, and the rest 
consist of four students. The teacher prepares a drawing and patches it in the 
whiteboard. Before the teac her give the rules of the game, the teacher reviews what 
the parts of body are. Then the teacher asks the students to remember all of the body 
parts in the drawing. The teachers explain the rules of the games. The teachers say 
that she will ask the students to close their eyes, then the teacher will take/ remove 
one part of the body in the drawing. After that the teacher asks the students to open 
their eyes and look at the drawing. The students have to discuss with their friends to 
guess what miss in the drawing. When the teacher say “What is missing”, the 
students who can answer have to raise their hand and say “The missing is.....”. The 
groups who can raise the hand first and answer correctly will get reward. 
After explain the rules of the games, the teacher give example by remove the 
eyes of the drawing. At first, the teacher removes the nose, and the second group can 
answer it. Then, the teacher removes the mouth, the first group can answer it. And 
the last, the teacher removes the ears and the last group can answer it. In this activity 
all of the students seems interest to the games. They can guess all of the missing 
parts of body. 
The fourth activity is drawing. The teacher makes this activity as a game. If the 
previous activity, they play what is missing game in group work, now they play 
drawing in the same group. In this game, the teacher gives some clues to the 
students, then they must draw the clues in a sheet of paper. The clues are simple, like 
“I have a big head, I have a nose, I have two eyes”, etc. After the teacher reads the 
clues, the students looked discuss with their groups and then draw the clues in the 
paper. All of the students seemed interest in this game, they enjoy draw the clues. 
The next activity is reading text. This activity is conveyed by Suryani, as the 
third teacher. In this activity, the students asked to read a text. The text is not like 
usual text. The text consists of text and picture. For example “I have two . I see 
with my . This text constructed to increase the students’ ability to read and 
understanding the parts of body. The teacher uses reading aloud as the method to 
read this kind of text. The teacher asks the student one by one to read aloud this text, 
one student has at least 1-2 sentences to be read. When read this text, the students 
seemed enjoy because they said that they never read this kind of text. 
The last activity in the main activity is matching assessment. The teacher 
prepares an assessment of matching. The students have to match between the picture 
and the names of body parts. This assessment is given to test the students’ 
understanding of the material. The teacher gives about 5-7 minutes to the students do 
this assessment. The students actually know the teacher’s instruction, but they 
seemed difficult to match the pictures and the names of body parts. We think it is 
because they forget the names of body parts. 
3) Closing activity 
In the closing activity, the teacher reviews the material. The teacher asks the 
students what they learn today and asks to students to mention some names of body 
parts. Then, the teacher asks the students difficulty of the material. The students said 
that they still difficult to remember the names of body parts in English. The teacher 
gives a suggestion that they have to study more about English. The students also ask 
the teachers to come again in their school. It proves that they enjoy and interest with 
the material we conveyed. In the last, the teachers take leave to the students and end 
the teaching and learning process.
In teaching English to young learners, it is important that the English teachers use 
media or realia in delivering the materials in order that the students are able to understand 
easily. Piaget (1991: 256) states that children in primary or elementary school are usually 
in what is called the concrete operational stage of cognitive development. This means that 
they learn through hands–on experiences and through manipulation of objects in the 
Using media as a means of teaching English to young learners can helps the teachers 
create classroom situations to be more alive. The media also help the teachers render 
materials and help the students comprehend the given materials. In place of reading, we 
can use flash cards, pictures, and various objects and realia to make the classroom come 
alive and resemble more closely the outside world. Use of these tools can free the teacher 
to be more the observer and facilitator and free the children to learn to use the language 
and learn to love the potentially fabulous experience of being able to communicate in 
another language to other people from around our vast word (Abe, 1991: 266-267). 
The English teachers of young learners should design a variety of activity because 
young learners have little attention span. Therefore, the activities should be designed to 
capture children’s immediate interest and the teacher needs to be animated, lively, and 
enthusiastic about the subject matter. According to Brown (2001: 87-90), children have 
short attention spans, it is quite useful to make lessons become interesting, lively, and fun. 
Furthermore, Brown (2001: 87-90) stated that children are often innovative. They are 
extremely sensitive. Therefore, the English teachers should help their students to laugh 
with (not laugh at) each other at various mistakes that they all make. For example, the 
students who make a mistake, the teacher asks them to sing a song in front of the class. 
Most of the students usually like sing a song, the song make the students fun, happy, 
interest, and relax. This situation is suitable in learning process, the students more easy to 
accept the material. Song can improve their vocabulary, they can find new vocabulary 
from the song. According to Clark (2007), songs are considered as an effective tool in 
pedagogy as they create a relaxed atmosphere in which learners respond positively to the 
process of teaching. Meanwhile, Booth (2001) believes that children can be introduced to
new vocabulary, word patterns, word sequences, and phonemes through repetitions in 
From our observation there are some positive thing when teach english to young 
learner with media : 
 The Headmaster and teacher welcome to our attending in their school. Because 
we have innovation to teach young learner with media. They appreciate us 
because the english learning is monotonous in there. 
 The students very excite with our learning process because they never taught 
english with media 
 The student very active with our learning process 
Beside positive thing, there are negative thing when teach english to young learner : 
 Some of the students difficult to accept the material 
 Facility in that school is minim 
From our observation there are some problems when teach english to young learner 
with media : 
 The english ability of the students is less 
 In the learning process the students make noise 
 Facilty in that school is minim
From the result and discussion of this paper, we can conclude that: 
1) In learning English to young learner, the students feel bored, not interest to the 
material, and become passive if the teacher just explains the material without using 
media or other interest activities. 
2) The students of SDN Kendal 3 have high motivation to learn English when the 
teacher uses media. 
3) The use of electronic and traditional media makes the students easy to understand 
the material. 
4) The use of a lot of activities makes the students enjoy and not feel bored easily in 
the learning activity. 
After observe to teach English for young learner with media,we suggest: 
1) In teaching English for young learner, we should use media to support our material. 
The media can be traditional such as picture or drawing, or it can be electronic 
media such as song,or animated video. 
2) We should make various interest activities to teach them, because they have little 
span attention and feel bored easy. The activities can be games, or other fun 
3) If there are students who have mistakes, the teacher should punish them in interest 
and educated way. For example, the teacher can punish them to sing in front of the 
class. Therefore, they will enjoy and not make them afraid when they answer the 
question from teacher again.
Abe, Keiko. 1991. Teaching English to Children in an EFL Setting (The English Teaching 
Forum). Yokohama, Japan: Kanto Gakuin Women’s College. 
Booth, C. E. (2001). Building Language Through Songs. Early Childhood Today, 15(4), 
Brown, H. D. 2001. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language 
Pedagogy (2nd Ed.). New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. 
Clarke, R. E. 2007. Learning from serious games? Arguments, evidence, and research 
suggestions. Educational Technology, May-June 2007, 56-59. 
Piaget, S. 1999. Methods for Effective Teaching (Second Edition). Cambridge: Cambridge 
university Press.
name plank of SDN Kendal 3 Ngawi members of group V who observe 
teacher and students of grade 4 teacher and students of grade 4 
electronic media: laptop & speaker traditional media: picture 
traditional media: drawing students’ assesment result
Pictures of teaching-learning activities : 
teachers open the learning activity students pray together 
students sing “head shoulder knees and toe” students practice to listen and do activity 
students practice to listen and repeat activity students practice what is missing game 
students practice to draw parts of body students read a text together 
students do matching assessment teacher reviews and close the learning
List of students of four grades 
no. Name of student grade 
1. Heru Kiswanto 4th 
2. Veri Setiawan 4th 
3. Siti Munawaroh 4th 
4. Dimas Prayoga 4th 
5. Yoga Prasetyo 4th 
6. Niko Saputra 4th 
7. Novita Sari 4th 
8. Putra Yusuf 4th 
9. Dwi Bima Saputra 4th 
10. Firnanda Aziz 4th 
11. Mellysa Dwi Ningrum 4th

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  • 1. PAPER TEYL MEDIA “Teaching English for Young Learner with Media in SDN 3 Kendal Ngawi” Lecture : Lulus Irawati, SS, M.Pd Written by: Lia Suparni (11321157/6E) Siti Purwaningsih (11321159/6E) Suryani (11321166/6E) DEPARTEMENT OF ENGLISH TEACHING FACULTY OF LETTERS AND ARTS EDUCATION IKIP PGRI MADIUN 2014
  • 2. ii TABLE OF CONTENT Title page ...................................................................................................... i Table of content ............................................................................................ ii Chapter I. Background of The Activity ..................................................... 1 Chapter II. Result ....................................................................................... 2 Chapter III. Discussion ................................................................................ 6 Chapter IV. Conclusion and Suggestion ....................................................... 8 Reference ...................................................................................................... iii Appendixes - pictures - list names of students - text reading - students’ drawing - students’ matching assessment
  • 3. 1 CHAPTER I BACKGROUND OF THE ACTIVITY We chose SDN 3 Kendal for media applications that we have planned. We chose SDN 3 Kendal because this school is a school that is located in the countryside and in our rural school teachers in the way of teaching is passive and not creative. In addition, there is less use of media in teaching and learning English. And usually the teacher still tends to use the lecture method to teach. So that, learning process becomes monotonous and does not attract the attention of students. This makes students bored and tired of the learning process. Because bored and tired, when the teacher explains a little matter of those who listen, there are some lively own, play, and some even fall asleep. This factor is due to the teachers who teach English in a school classroom teacher who teaches all subjects, so lacking in mastery of the English language. Besides the lack of facilities for supporting medium, teaching and learning process is still lacking. We use the media so that students do not get bored and more interested in learning English. Due to the rural students in learning English is a difficult subject and this is usually a difficult subject makes students bored quickly. Moreover, students in this school was introduced English from low-grade (grade 1). And usually lower class students are still reluctant to learn, let alone to learn a foreign language such as English. They are more often using his spare time to play than on learning. So that teachers should be more clever and creative that the material presented is more easily remembered by his students not only in school, but also the spirit in the home to learn it again. According to us, students include middle category. This is because, when students described the material without the use of the media, they are less notice, however, when they are described by using the media, their morale was higher in the study. So that, students understand the material described by the teacher quickly. In addition, students are taught lessons in rural schools and they just feel lazy to tutoring (extra lessons). That is why we chose this school to apply the media in the process of learning English so that students are more interested and not bored to learn English. By using the media, students will understand the lesson faster. Besides that, the interaction between students and teachers will be established well and not monotonous.
  • 4. 2 CHAPTER II RESULT Setting of Place: Name of school : SDN 3 Kendal Address : Jalan Jogorogo, No. 7, Kendal, Ngawi, East Java We practice to teach English for young learner with media in SDN 3 Kendal, Ngawi. We practice to teach the fourth grade students. In this class, there are just eleven students, and one of them is absent. Material: - Part of Body We teach part of body to the students. We teach the names of body parts, how to pronounce them, and the meaning of the names of body parts (by show their own body parts). Activity: - Listen and do - Drawing - Listen and repeat - Reading text - What is missing game - Matching Media : Electronic media : animation video/ song “Head shoulder knees and toe” Traditional media : picture and drawing Tool : laptop, speaker, boardmarker Teaching Procedures: 1) Opening activity In the opening activity, we greet the students and introduce ourselves to them. Lia Suparni as the first teacher also asks the students’ name. They mention their name shyly. After that, the students lead to pray together. Then we show an animation video. It is a song about part of body, titled, “Head Shoulder Knees and Toe”. The teacher gives example to sing the song and practice it. Then the students
  • 5. appreciate to imitate the teacher. They imitate the song and touch their body when sing it. For example, when they say head, they touch their head, when they say “shoulder” they touch their shoulder, etc. After that, the teacher asks what the song tells about. The students answer that the song tells about part of body. 3 2) Main activity The first main activity is listen and do. Before the teachers do this activity, the teacher explains and mentions the parts of body. The teacher says that there are so many parts of body, but that day, the teacher will explain some of them. There are head, shoulder, hair, nose, mouth, cheek, chin, hand, foot, arm, finger, eyes, ears and etc. Then the teacher practices listen and do activity. The teacher asks the student to stand up and then says some parts of body, the students listen it and then touch their parts of body. For example, the teacher say head, the students have to touch head, etc. In this activity, there are still many students that can’t do it well. They still feel difficult to differentiate the names of body part, such as they confused to differentiate between foot and toe, hand and finger. They also seem lack of vocabulary. They don’t know what the meaning of toe, foot, hand, etc. Therefore, in this activity there are many students don’t do this activity well, they wrong to touch the exact parts of body. When there’s student wrong, the teacher asks him/her to sing “Head Shoulder Knees and Toes” in front of the class. We take this as punishment that can make the class fun. The second activity is listen and repeat. The teacher uses some pictures to do this game. The picture is like flash card but in a big size, there is a picture of body parts and the names of body parts. The teacher uses this picture to teach how to pronounce the body parts well. The teacher show the picture and read the names of body part in the picture, the students listen it and then repeat what the teacher say. For example the teacher say “head” [hed], then the students repeat it. The teacher, first, asks the students to repeat in a whole of class, then in some groups, and the last, individual. The students seemed interest to join this activity. They repeat after the teacher seriously. The third activity is what is missing game. This activity is conveyed by Siti Purwaningsih, as the second teacher. Before the class brought to this activity, the
  • 6. class is divided into 3 groups. Two groups consist of three students, and the rest consist of four students. The teacher prepares a drawing and patches it in the whiteboard. Before the teac her give the rules of the game, the teacher reviews what the parts of body are. Then the teacher asks the students to remember all of the body parts in the drawing. The teachers explain the rules of the games. The teachers say that she will ask the students to close their eyes, then the teacher will take/ remove one part of the body in the drawing. After that the teacher asks the students to open their eyes and look at the drawing. The students have to discuss with their friends to guess what miss in the drawing. When the teacher say “What is missing”, the students who can answer have to raise their hand and say “The missing is.....”. The groups who can raise the hand first and answer correctly will get reward. After explain the rules of the games, the teacher give example by remove the eyes of the drawing. At first, the teacher removes the nose, and the second group can answer it. Then, the teacher removes the mouth, the first group can answer it. And the last, the teacher removes the ears and the last group can answer it. In this activity all of the students seems interest to the games. They can guess all of the missing parts of body. The fourth activity is drawing. The teacher makes this activity as a game. If the previous activity, they play what is missing game in group work, now they play drawing in the same group. In this game, the teacher gives some clues to the students, then they must draw the clues in a sheet of paper. The clues are simple, like “I have a big head, I have a nose, I have two eyes”, etc. After the teacher reads the clues, the students looked discuss with their groups and then draw the clues in the paper. All of the students seemed interest in this game, they enjoy draw the clues. The next activity is reading text. This activity is conveyed by Suryani, as the third teacher. In this activity, the students asked to read a text. The text is not like usual text. The text consists of text and picture. For example “I have two . I see with my . This text constructed to increase the students’ ability to read and understanding the parts of body. The teacher uses reading aloud as the method to read this kind of text. The teacher asks the student one by one to read aloud this text, 4
  • 7. one student has at least 1-2 sentences to be read. When read this text, the students seemed enjoy because they said that they never read this kind of text. The last activity in the main activity is matching assessment. The teacher prepares an assessment of matching. The students have to match between the picture and the names of body parts. This assessment is given to test the students’ understanding of the material. The teacher gives about 5-7 minutes to the students do this assessment. The students actually know the teacher’s instruction, but they seemed difficult to match the pictures and the names of body parts. We think it is because they forget the names of body parts. 5 3) Closing activity In the closing activity, the teacher reviews the material. The teacher asks the students what they learn today and asks to students to mention some names of body parts. Then, the teacher asks the students difficulty of the material. The students said that they still difficult to remember the names of body parts in English. The teacher gives a suggestion that they have to study more about English. The students also ask the teachers to come again in their school. It proves that they enjoy and interest with the material we conveyed. In the last, the teachers take leave to the students and end the teaching and learning process.
  • 8. 6 CHAPTER III DISCUSSION In teaching English to young learners, it is important that the English teachers use media or realia in delivering the materials in order that the students are able to understand easily. Piaget (1991: 256) states that children in primary or elementary school are usually in what is called the concrete operational stage of cognitive development. This means that they learn through hands–on experiences and through manipulation of objects in the environment. Using media as a means of teaching English to young learners can helps the teachers create classroom situations to be more alive. The media also help the teachers render materials and help the students comprehend the given materials. In place of reading, we can use flash cards, pictures, and various objects and realia to make the classroom come alive and resemble more closely the outside world. Use of these tools can free the teacher to be more the observer and facilitator and free the children to learn to use the language and learn to love the potentially fabulous experience of being able to communicate in another language to other people from around our vast word (Abe, 1991: 266-267). The English teachers of young learners should design a variety of activity because young learners have little attention span. Therefore, the activities should be designed to capture children’s immediate interest and the teacher needs to be animated, lively, and enthusiastic about the subject matter. According to Brown (2001: 87-90), children have short attention spans, it is quite useful to make lessons become interesting, lively, and fun. Furthermore, Brown (2001: 87-90) stated that children are often innovative. They are extremely sensitive. Therefore, the English teachers should help their students to laugh with (not laugh at) each other at various mistakes that they all make. For example, the students who make a mistake, the teacher asks them to sing a song in front of the class. Most of the students usually like sing a song, the song make the students fun, happy, interest, and relax. This situation is suitable in learning process, the students more easy to accept the material. Song can improve their vocabulary, they can find new vocabulary from the song. According to Clark (2007), songs are considered as an effective tool in pedagogy as they create a relaxed atmosphere in which learners respond positively to the process of teaching. Meanwhile, Booth (2001) believes that children can be introduced to
  • 9. new vocabulary, word patterns, word sequences, and phonemes through repetitions in songs. From our observation there are some positive thing when teach english to young 7 learner with media :  The Headmaster and teacher welcome to our attending in their school. Because we have innovation to teach young learner with media. They appreciate us because the english learning is monotonous in there.  The students very excite with our learning process because they never taught english with media  The student very active with our learning process Beside positive thing, there are negative thing when teach english to young learner :  Some of the students difficult to accept the material  Facility in that school is minim From our observation there are some problems when teach english to young learner with media :  The english ability of the students is less  In the learning process the students make noise  Facilty in that school is minim
  • 10. 8 CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION Conclusion From the result and discussion of this paper, we can conclude that: 1) In learning English to young learner, the students feel bored, not interest to the material, and become passive if the teacher just explains the material without using media or other interest activities. 2) The students of SDN Kendal 3 have high motivation to learn English when the teacher uses media. 3) The use of electronic and traditional media makes the students easy to understand the material. 4) The use of a lot of activities makes the students enjoy and not feel bored easily in the learning activity. Suggestion After observe to teach English for young learner with media,we suggest: 1) In teaching English for young learner, we should use media to support our material. The media can be traditional such as picture or drawing, or it can be electronic media such as song,or animated video. 2) We should make various interest activities to teach them, because they have little span attention and feel bored easy. The activities can be games, or other fun activities. 3) If there are students who have mistakes, the teacher should punish them in interest and educated way. For example, the teacher can punish them to sing in front of the class. Therefore, they will enjoy and not make them afraid when they answer the question from teacher again.
  • 11. iii REFERENCE Abe, Keiko. 1991. Teaching English to Children in an EFL Setting (The English Teaching Forum). Yokohama, Japan: Kanto Gakuin Women’s College. Booth, C. E. (2001). Building Language Through Songs. Early Childhood Today, 15(4), 23-37. Brown, H. D. 2001. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy (2nd Ed.). New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. Clarke, R. E. 2007. Learning from serious games? Arguments, evidence, and research suggestions. Educational Technology, May-June 2007, 56-59. Piaget, S. 1999. Methods for Effective Teaching (Second Edition). Cambridge: Cambridge university Press.
  • 12. iv APPENDIXES Pictures: name plank of SDN Kendal 3 Ngawi members of group V who observe teacher and students of grade 4 teacher and students of grade 4 electronic media: laptop & speaker traditional media: picture traditional media: drawing students’ assesment result
  • 13. v Pictures of teaching-learning activities : teachers open the learning activity students pray together students sing “head shoulder knees and toe” students practice to listen and do activity students practice to listen and repeat activity students practice what is missing game students practice to draw parts of body students read a text together students do matching assessment teacher reviews and close the learning
  • 14. vi List of students of four grades no. Name of student grade 1. Heru Kiswanto 4th 2. Veri Setiawan 4th 3. Siti Munawaroh 4th 4. Dimas Prayoga 4th 5. Yoga Prasetyo 4th 6. Niko Saputra 4th 7. Novita Sari 4th 8. Putra Yusuf 4th 9. Dwi Bima Saputra 4th 10. Firnanda Aziz 4th 11. Mellysa Dwi Ningrum 4th