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Impact	of	Global	Conflict	on	Our	Children	
Lemuel	Berry,	Jr.,	Ph.D.,	Executive	Director	
National	Association	of	African	American	Studies	&	Affiliates	
Since	the	beginning	of	recorded	history,	man	has	been	involved	in	conflict	of	some	
nature.	These	conflicts	have	been	attributed	to	man’s	undeniable	inability	to	co-exist,	acts	
of	nature	and	at	times,	a	combination	of	the	two.	Regardless	of	the	cause	for	these	conflicts,	
there	has	always	been	an	affect.	
In	2017,	there	were	notable	conflicts	that	involved	the	Ukraine,	Mexico,	Afghanistan,	
South	Sudan,	Syria,	Iraq,	Turkey,	Yemen,	the	Democratic	Republic	of	the	Congo,	Greater	
Sahel	and	the	Lake	Chad	Basin	and,	the	multi-decades	of	conflict	between	Israel	and	
Palestine.	Each	conflict	in	its	own	way	was	unique,	and;	was	influenced	by	one	or	more	of	
the	following:	undocumented	immigrants,	war,	famine,	military	isolation,	border	issues,	
land	rights,	ethnic	armed	groups,	and	interpretive	protective	rights	of	one	person	
(monarch).	And	while	these	conflicts	continue	without	apparent	resolve	in	the	near	future,	
the	world	seeks	a	way	to	survive	amidst	all	the	turmoil.		
There	is	a	tendency	for	many	governments,	private	agencies	and	professional	
organizations	to	state	that	the	ultimate	goal	of	their	respective	units	is	“World	peace	and	
global	equality.”	This	goal,	in	nature	and	scope,	is	commendable.	But,	such	expectation	will	
not	be	realized	without	global	goals	funneled	through	a	set	of	networks.	Over	the	past	few	
years,	a	number	of	organizations	(UNICEF,	World	Health	Organization,	United	Nations,	
International	Criminal	Court,	World	Economic	Forum,	and	others)	have	held	joint	meetings	
to	establish	principles	and	goals	that	will	contribute	to	improvement	of	the	quality	of	life	
and	reduction	of	some	conflict	by	the	year	2030.	There	are	sixteen	(16)	sustainable	
development	goals	that	these	organizations	have	determined	to	be	achievable.	They	
1. Eliminate	global	poverty,	
2. Implement	a	zero-hunger	policy	and	plan,	
3. Assure	good	health	and	well-being,	
4. Provide	quality	education,	
5. Enforce	gender	equality,	
6. Ensure	availability	and	sustainable	management	of	water	and	sanitation,	
7. Provide	affordable	and	clean	energy,		
8. Plan	for	decent	work	and	economic	growth,	
9. Improve	industry,	innovation	and	infrastructure,	
10. Reduce	inequalities,	
11. Create	sustainable	cities	and	communities,	
12. Implement	responsible	consumption	and	production,	
13. Address	climate	change,	
14. Use	study	of	life	below	water	as	a	mechanism	for	sustainability	development	on	
15. Implement	continuous	study	of	life	on	land	to	avoid	previous	histories	(famine,	
water	rights,	country	boundaries,	etc.)	and,
16. Produce	peace,	justice	and	strong	institutions.	
The	aforementioned	are	indeed	hefty	goals	to	achieve	in	the	time	period	selected	(2030).	
A	challenge	to	achieving	the	goals	currently	include,	but	are	not	limited	to:	
• Countries	having	different	human	value	systems.	
• Monarchs	tending	not	to	relinquish	power	on	universal	policies	to	their	
• Economies	often	dictating	and	influencing	change	within	a	country.	
• The	poor	and	disenfranchised	are	often	powerless	and	unable	to	bring	sustainable	
change	to	a	culture.	
The	problems	the	world	is	faced	with	are	quite	clear.	The	resolve	to	change	such	is	not.	
A	common	threat	to	global	conflicts	is	the	ultimate	impact	these	events	have	on	our	
children.	One	such	impact	is	in	the	area	of	continuous	human	trafficking.	The	United	States	
defines	trafficking	as	“sex	trafficking	in	which	a	commercial	sex	act	is	induced	by	force,	
fraud,	or	coercion,	or	in	which	the	person	induced	to	perform	such	act	has	not	attained	18-
years	of	age,”	or	“the	recruitment,	harboring,	transportation,	provision,	or	obtaining	of	a	
person	for	labor	or	services,	using	force,	fraud,	or	coercion	for	the	purpose	of	subjection	to	
involuntary	servitude,	personage,	debt	bondage,	or	slavery."1	
A	Global	Problem	
According	to	a	September	2017	report	from	the	International	Labor	Organization	
(ILO)	and	Walk	Free	Foundation:	
• An	estimated	24.9	million	victims	are	trapped	in	modern-day	slavery.	Of	these,	
16	million	(64%)	were	exploited	for	labor,	4.8	million	(19%)	were	sexually	
exploited,	and	4.1	million	(17%)	were	exploited	in	state-imposed	forced	labor.	
• Forced	labor	takes	place	in	many	different	industries.	Of	the	16	million	
trafficking	victims	exploited	for	labor:	
o 7.5	million	(47%)	forced	labor	victims	work	in	construction,	manufacturing,	
mining,	or	hospitality	
o 3.8	million	(24%)	forced	labor	victims	are	domestic	workers	
o 1.7	million	(11%)	forced	labor	victims	work	in	agriculture	
• 71%	of	trafficking	victims	around	the	world	are	women	and	girls	and	29%	are	
men	and	boys.	
• 15.4	million	victims	(75%)	are	aged	18	or	older,	with	the	number	of	children	
under	the	age	of	18	estimated	at	5.5	million	(25%).	
• The	Asia-Pacific	region	accounts	for	the	largest	number	of	forced	laborers	–	15.4	
million	(62%	of	the	global	total).	Africa	has	5.7	million	(23%)	followed	by	
Europe	and	Central	Asia	with	2.2	million	(9%).	The	Americas	account	for	1.2	
million	(5%)	and	the	Arab	States	account	for	1%	of	all	victims.	
1	22	U.S.C.-7102(9).
• Human	trafficking	does	not	always	involve	travel	to	the	destination	of	
exploitation:	2.2	million	(14%)	of	victims	of	forced	labor	moved	either	internally	
or	internationally,	while	3.5	million	(74%)	of	victims	of	sexual	exploitation	were	
living	outside	their	country	of	residence.	
• Victims	spend	an	average	of	20	months	in	forced	labor,	although	this	varied	with	
different	forms	of	forced	labor.	
Human	Trafficking	is	Big	Business	
• Human	trafficking	earns	profits	of	roughly	$150	billion	a	year	for	traffickers,	
according	to	the	ILO	report	from	2014.	The	following	is	a	breakdown	of	profits,	
by	sector:	
o $99	billion	from	commercial	sexual	exploitation	
o $34	billion	in	construction,	manufacturing,	mining	and	utilities	
o $9	billion	in	agriculture,	including	forestry	and	fishing	
o $8	billion	dollars	is	saved	annually	by	private	households	that	employ	
domestic	workers	under	conditions	of	forced	labor	
• While	only	19%	of	victims	are	trafficked	for	sex,	sexual	exploitation	earns	66%	
of	the	global	profits	of	human	trafficking.	The	average	annual	profits	generated	
by	each	woman	in	forced	sexual	servitude	($100,000)	is	estimated	to	be	six	
times	more	than	the	average	profits	generated	by	each	trafficking	victim	
worldwide	($21,800),	according	to	the	Organization	for	Security	and	Co-
operation	in	Europe	(OSCE).	
• An	estimated	120	million	girls	–	about	1	in	10	have	experienced	sexual	abuse.	
• OSCE	studies	show	that	sexual	exploitation	can	yield	a	return	on	investment	
ranging	from	100%	to	1,000%,	while	an	enslaved	laborer	can	produce	more	
than	50%	profit	even	in	less	profitable	markets	(e.g.,	agricultural	labor	in	India).	
• In	the	Netherlands,	investigators	were	able	to	calculate	the	profit	generated	by	
two	sex	traffickers	from	a	number	of	victims.	One	trafficker	earned	$18,148	per	
month	from	four	victims	(for	a	total	of	$127,036)	while	the	second	trafficker	
earned	$295,786	in	the	14	months	that	three	women	were	sexually	exploited	
according	to	the	OSCE.	
• While	sexual	exploitation	generates	profits,	forced	labor	saves	costs.	In	one	case,	
Chinese	kitchen	workers	were	paid	$808	for	a	78-hour	work	week	in	Germany.	
According	to	German	law,	a	cook	was	entitled	to	earn	$2,558	for	a	39-hour	work	
The	Number	of	Prosecutions	of	Human	Trafficking	is	Alarmingly	Low	
• According	to	the	2017	State	Department	Trafficking	I	Persons	(TIP)	report,	there	
were	only	14,894	prosecutions	and	9,071	convictions	for	trafficking	globally	in	
o 1,251	prosecutions,	1,119	convictions	and	the	identification	of	18,296	
victims	occurred	in	Africa
o 2,137	prosecutions,	1,953	convictions	and	the	identification	of	9,989	victims	
occurred	in	East	Asia	&	the	Pacific	
o 2,703	prosecutions,	1,673	convictions	and	the	identification	of	11,416	
victims	occurred	in	Europe	
o 2,996	prosecutions,	1,187	convictions	and	the	identification	of	3,292	victims	
occurred	in	the	Near	East	
o 6,297	prosecutions,	2,193	convictions	and	the	identification	of	14,706	
victims	occurred	in	South	and	Central	Asia	
o 1,513	prosecutions,	946	convictions	and	the	identification	of	8,821	victims	
occurred	in	the	Western	Hemisphere	
• Of	the	estimated	16	million	forced	labor	victims	worldwide,	only	1,038	cases	of	
forced	labor	were	prosecuted	globally	in	2016,	according	to	the	U.S.	Department	
of	State.	
• In	2016,	the	Department	of	Justice	convicted	a	total	of	439	human	traffickers,	up	
from	297	in	2015	and	184	in	2014.	
Trafficking	of	children	has	been	a	world-wide	problem	for	decades.	On	average,	1.2	
million	children	are	trafficked	annually.	These	unfortunate	children	are	taken	from	family	
and	friends	through	a	number	of	practices	(kidnap,	promise	of	a	job,	war,	famine,	etc.).	Only	
a	very	small	percentage	will	ever	be	reunited	with	family.	As	an	outcome,	these	children	
will	experience	poor	health,	unbearable	living	conditions,	brutality,	sexual	exploitation,	
pregnancy,	non-communicable	disease,	neglect,	lack	of	nutrition,	emotional/psychological	
issues	and	violence,	etc.	
Data	that	reflects	the	number	of	children	trafficked	is	at	times	incomplete	due	to	
poorly	kept	records,	failure	to	report	on	an	annual	basis,	governments	failure	to	mandate	
reporting,	and	governments	actually	engaged	in	the	business	of	child	trafficking	for	
economic	purposes.	However,	the	following	data	represents	current	documented	numbers.	
Child	Trafficking	by	Continent	
• Asia/Pacific:	250,000	children	
• Latin	America	and	the	Caribbean:	550,000	children	
• Africa:	200,000	children	
• Transition	Economies:	200,000	children	
Trafficking:	Children	vs.	Adults	
Continent	 Children	 Adults	
Africa	and	Middle	East	 62%	 38%	
Americas	 31%	 69%	
South	Asia,	East	Asia	&	Pacific	 36%	 69%	
Europe	and	Central	Asia	 18%	 82%	
A	clear	observation	from	available	data	recognizes	that	industrial	countries	have	the	
lowest	percentage	of	child	trafficking.
Although	trafficking	may	appear	in	many	forms,	the	following	represents	the	most	
common	practices.	
FORCED	LABOR	involving	children	under	the	minimum	age,	or	14	being	forced	to	work.	
UNICEF	estimated	that	150	million	children	ages	5-14	were	forced	to	work	in	developing	
SEXUAL	EXPLOITATION	involving	boys	and	girls	of	all	ages	for	acquisition	of	cash	or	a	
service	is	a	common	practice	in	all	countries.	This	form	of	child	exploitation	also	includes	
child	sex	tourism,	trafficking	for	sex	trade,	use	of	children	in	sex	shows	and,	promotion	and	
distribution	of	pornography.	
ARMED	FORCES	have	taken	children	to	serve	as	spies,	be	involved	in	military	conflicts	and	
bartering	for	political	gain.	
PROFESSIONAL	BEGGARS	may	require	the	child	to	work	up	to	eighteen	(18)	hours	per	
CRIMINAL	PURPOSES	The	crimes	include	transportation	of	drugs,	pick	pockets,	selling	
pirated	DVD’s,	bag	theft,	working	on	cannabis	farms,	etc.	
DOMESTIC	SERVITUDE	such	as	cleaning,	child	care	and	cooking.	
There	are	a	number	of	laws	and	practices	that	are	expected	to	reduce	the	number	of	
children	trafficked.	Data	does	not	clearly	identify	how	successful	the	practices	have	been.	In	
addition,	it	is	apparent	that	multiple	practices	must	be	implemented	per	country	because	of	
the	diverse	type	of	situations	involving	children.	
Initially,	it	is	very	important	to	review	assessment(s)	of	the	UNICEF	tier	system.	This	
respected	agency	ranks	countries	by	tier.	Tier	1	recognizes	countries	whose	government	
meets	Trafficking	Victims	Protection	Acts	(TIP)	minimum	standards.	Tier	2	identifies	
countries	whose	government	does	not	meet	minimum	standards;	but	are	making	
significant	strides	to	come	in	compliance	and,	Tier	3	list	those	countries	who	do	not	meet	
minimum	standards	and	are	not	making	significant	effort	to	respond	to	TIP	minimum	
All	three	classifications	may	be	viewed	in	the	UNICEF	Report	and	from	individual	
country	reports.	The	data	often	varies	due	to	different	reporting	formats,	practices	in	the	
collection	of	data	and	avoidance	in	reporting	numbers	that	will	reflect	negatively	on	a	
country	or	individual.	
A	number	of	preventative	measures	directed	toward	child	trafficking	have	been	
created	and,	to	the	best	of	the	sponsoring	agency’s	ability,	been	enforced.	The	practices	are	
definitely	welcomed.	However,	they	fail	to	meet	and	successfully	address	all	facets	of	child	
trafficking.	The	following	are	examples	of	programs/practices	currently	being	practiced.
The	World	Health	Organization	and	ten	international	agencies	developed	a	program	
called	INSPIRE.2	The	program	has	seven	strategies:	
1. Implementation	and	enforcement	of	laws,	
2. Norms	and	values	change,	
3. Safe	environments,	
4. Parental	and	caregiver	support,	
5. Income	and	economic	strengthening,	
6. Response	services	provision,	and	
7. Education	of	life	skills.	
The	WHO	anticipates	that	adhering	to	these	preventive	measures	will	reduce	violence	
against	children.	
U.N.	Convention	on	the	Rights	of	the	Child	(1989)	is	very	comprehensive	and	
addresses	the	child’s	rights	during	military	conflict	and	in	peace.	Optional	protocols	to	the	
CRC	on	sex	trafficking	and	armed	conflict	addresses	the	state	of	child	prostitution	and	child	
pornography.	The	protocol	also	addresses	forced	labor,	marriage,	adoption,	organ	trade	
and	participation	in	military	conflict.	
The	European	Union	(EU)	and	United	Nations	Office	on	Drugs	and	Crime	(UNODC)	
launched	Global	Action	to	prevent	the	trafficking	of	persons	and	smuggling	of	migrants.	
Tariff	Act	of	1930	(US)	was	amended	in	2016	to	close	the	consumptive	demands,	
effectively	barring	all	products	made	by	convict,	forced	or	indentured	labor.	
International	Labor	Organization	(ILO)	Worst	Forms	of	Child	Labor	convention	
requires	ratifying	countries	to	take	immediate	action	to	prohibit	and	eliminate	the	worst	
forms	of	child	labor,	which	include	various	forms	of	slavery,	morales	of	children,	
commercial	sexual	exploitation	of	children,	health	and	safety.	
Trafficking	Victims	Protection	Act	(TVPA	–	2000)	is	the	first	federal	law	to	respond	
to	sex	trafficking	and	labor	trafficking	in	the	United	States.	
Proposed	Prevention	Policies	
Reduction	in	Foreign	Aid	
The	following	recommendations	will	contribute	to	the	reduction	in	child	trafficking	
if	implemented	by	governments.	
• A	reduction	of	U.S.	aid	to	governments	with	Tier	2	or	3	rankings	should	be	
implemented	until	such	time	as	significant	strides	are	documented	to	reduce	
child	trafficking.	All	of	the	countries	listed	are	heavily	involved	in	trafficking	and	
as	such,	should	experience	a	reduction	in	aid	from	the	United	States.	
2	Hillis,	S.,	Mercy,	S.,	Amobi,	A.,	Global	Prevalence	of	Past	Year	Violence	Against	Children:	A	Systematic	
Review	and	Minimum	Estimates.	American	Academy	of	Pediatrics	2016;	137(3)	e20154079.
Foreign	Aid	Recipients	
Country	 Amount	of	Aid	 Tier	Ranking	
Afghanistan	 $650,000,000	 2	
Jordan	 $635,000,000	 2	
Kenya	 $632,000,000	 2	
Tanzania	 $534,000,000	 2	
Uganda	 $428,525,000	 2	
Zambia	 $428,525,000	 2	
Nigeria	 $413,300,000	 2	
• International	Corporate	Legislation	on	freezing	and	recovery	of	assets	of	
international	corporations	involved	in	child	trafficking	should	be	a	practice.	
• Homeland	Security	(US)	must	strongly	enforce	the	Mann	Act	of	1910,	The	
Intelligence	Reform	and	Terrorism	Prevention	Act	of	2004,	the	Civil	Asset	
Forfeiture	Reform	Act	of	2000	and	Protect	Act	of	2003.	
• U.S.	Corporation	Legislation	Penalties	should	be	imposed	on	corporations	and	
businesses	found	to	be	out	of	compliance	of	the	law.	The	penalties	are	often	not	
as	stiff	as	needed.	A	review	of	penalties	and	their	enforcement	should	be	visited	
• War	Crimes	Against	Humanity	should	be	charged	to	all	foreign	leaders	who	have	
not	taken	appropriate	steps	to	eradicate	all	forms	of	trafficking	and,	as	such,	
should	be	tried	before	a	war	criminals	court.	
• Crisis	border	investigations	on	children	entering	a	country	should	be	the	norm.	
• A	strict	liaison	policy	between	social	services	cross	borders	should	be	enforced.	
• Specialized	training	for	professionals	who	work	with	children	must	include	up-
to-date	information	on	legislation,	safe	guards	and	child	protection	
issues/practices	globally,	working	with	children	seeking	asylum	and,	the	impact	
of	migration	and	displacement	of	children.	
In	conclusion,	providing	awareness	of	the	child	trafficking	problem	across	borders,	
within	communities,	among	health	agencies,	labor	organizations,	military,	global	business	
and	governments	will	further	reduce	the	level	of	child	trafficking.	Placing	appropriate	
pressure	on	countries	not	responding	to	TIP,	continuous	engagement	and	open	discussion	
is	also	invaluable	in	the	eradication	of	child	trafficking.	Human	(child)	trafficking	is	a	global	
problem,	and	as	such,	requires	a	global	response.
Anderson,	B.	and	O’Connell	Davidson,	J.	Trafficking	–	a	Demand	led	Problem?	A	Multi-
Country	Pilot	Study.	Stockholm:	Save	the	Children,	2002.	
Godziak,	E.	On	Challenges,	Dilemmas,	and	Opportunities	in	Studying	Trafficked	Children.	
Anthropological	Quarterly,	81(4):	903-923.	
Greenbaum,	V.	Jordan.	Child	Sex	Trafficking	in	the	United	States:	Challenges	for	the	
Healthcare	Providers,	Plos	Medicine,	Nov.	2017.	
Hillis,	S.,	Mercy,	J.	and	Amobi,	A.	Global	Prevalence	of	Past	Year	Violence	Against	Children:	A	
Systematic	Review	and	Minimum	Estimates.	American	Academy	of	Pediatrics	2016;	
1376(3)	i20154079.	
International	Organization	for	Migration	(IOM).	Data	and	Research	on	Human	Trafficking:	A	
Global	Survey.	Switzerland:	IOM,	2015.	
Organization	for	Security	and	Co-Operation	in	Europe.	Permanent	Council	Decision	No.	
557:OSCE	Action	Plan	to	Combat	Trafficking	in	Human	Beings,	2003.	
United	Nations.	Human	Rights	and	Human	Trafficking.	NY:	United	Nations,	2004.	
United	Nations.	Protocol	to	Prevent,	Suppress	and	Punishing	Trafficking	in	Persons,	especially	
Women	and	Children,	supplementing	the	United	Nations	Convention	against	
Transnational	Organized	Crime.	NY:	United	Nations,	2000.	
U.S.	Department	of	State	Trafficking	in	Persons	Report.	DC:	Department	of	State,	2009.

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