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Chemistry and Physics of Fire and Fire
Protection Systems and Equipment
Chapter 4:
Chemistry and Physics of
Chapter 12:
Fire Protection Systems and Equipment
Additional Required
See information below.
See information below.
Key Terms
1. Ambient temperature
2. Bonnet
3. Fire department connection
4. Free radicals
5. Halogenated agents
6. Latent heat of vaporization
7. Miscible
8. Molecule
9. Nonmiscible
10. Open screw and yoke valve (OS&Y)
11. Oxidation
12. Oxidizer
13. Polar solvents
14. Post indicator valve
15. Pyrolysis
16. Retard chamber
17. Thrust block
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:
1. Describe the differences between fire triangle and fire
2. Illustrate the comparison between chemistry of fire and
physics of fire.
3. Differentiate the principles of flame spread of solid, liquid,
and gas/vapor fuels.
4. Describe classes of fire, stages of fire, and heat transfer
during a fire.
5. Differentiate public and private water supply systems.
6. Illustrate the design and components of a water supply
7. Describe various extinguishing agents.
8. Illustrate the design and components of various types of
extinguishing systems.
Written Lecture
In this unit we will explore the world of the chemistry and
physics of fire found in Chapter 4. We will also explore Chapter
12 where we will consider fire protection systems and the
equipment associated with fire protection systems.
Chapter 4: Chemistry and Physics of Fire
Definition of fire: Fire is a rapid and self-sustaining oxidation
process that is assisted by the generation of heat and light in
various degrees of intensity. As stated in your textbook, fire is
the process of oxidation and is associated with the term
combustion, which is the chemical chain reaction that releases
both light and heat. For all intents and purposes, fire is both
friend and foe. We use fire for heating, cooking, manufacturing,
and controlling other fire sources.
Fire triangle and fire tetrahedron: Perhaps as a child you were
taught that fire was represented by a triangle with each side
denoting one of the three components required to sustain fire:
air, fuel, and heat. Classically known as the Fire Triangle we
learned that by removing any one of the three components fire
would be extinguished.
Over time, the scientific community has added another
dimension called the chemical reaction found during the
combustion process. With the addition of this fourth side we
now have the new symbol of fire called the fire tetrahedron.
Chemistry of fire: Fire needs two basic elements in order to
sustain its existence, and without the two in union, fire cannot
occur. These two elements are oxidizer and fuel.
Oxidizer: An oxidizer is any substance that generates oxygen.
The most common and abundant oxidizer on the planet is the air
we breathe. Normal atmospheric air consists of about 21%
oxygen, 78% nitrogen, and 1% miscellaneous elements. In an
atmosphere having an oxygen concentration greater than 21%,
fire is greatly intensified. Conversely, in oxygen depleted
atmospheres combustion will decrease and fire will die out.
Fuel: In its simplest form, a fuel is anything that will burn. Two
of the most common elements found in fuels are carbon and
hydrogen. From wood to gasoline to flammable metals, our
planet is abundant in hydrocarbons.
Physics of fire:
Fuel: Fuels are found in one of three states: solid, liquid, and
gas. In order for a fuel to maintain combustion, the fuel must
transition to a vapor or gaseous state. As the ambient
temperature of a given fuel increases, the molecular structure of
the fuel begins to convert from a solid or liquid state to a vapor
state, thereby igniting and maintaining combustion. The process
of decomposition of a fuel is called pyrolysis.
Solid fuels: Four factors influence the rate at which solid fuels
pyrolize: mass, arrangement, continuity, and moisture content.
Mass relates to the physical size of the fuel. The smaller the
mass, the greater the surface area requiring less heat needed to
sustain pyrolysis. The larger the mass, the lower the surface
area, and therefore a greater amount of heat will be required.
considers the spacing of the fuel particles regardless of size
(mass). A stack of tightly packed lumber will burn much slower
than the wood framing of an
exposed unfinished structure. Continuity relates to the physical
positioning of the fuel: vertical, horizontal, or both. Consider
the speed of a wildland fire where the horizontal fuel of grass
burns upward towards the vertical fuels; trees and brush.
Moisture content affects the ease of ignition and sustaining of
combustion. Dry fuels will ignite and burn with greater speed
and intensity than damp or wet fuels.
Flame spread: As a given fuel converts from its original state to
a vapor and sustains pyrolysis, flames will spread across the
surface, heating, vaporizing, and igniting additional fuel.
Scientists study the effects of flame spread using a procedure
known as the Steiner Tunnel (ASTM E-84), which is conducting
in a controlled environment to better understand and measure
flame spread for any given fuel. The test results are given a
numeric value that relates to three measured characteristics:
flame spread, temperature, and smoke density. To illustrate
value ratings, consider that asbestos-cement board is rated at 0
while red oak flooring is rated at 100.
Liquid fuels: All liquid fuels have common properties that
firefighters should become familiar with: specific gravity
(liquid), volatility, vapor pressure, boiling point, vapor density,
flash point, and miscibility.
Specific gravity (SG) is the weight of a specific volume of a
liquid as compared to an equal volume of water. The SG value
of water is always 1.0, and liquids having a SG of less than 1.0
will float on water, while those having a SG greater than 1.0
will sink. Gasoline as a SG less than 1.0 and will therefore float
on top
of water.
Volatility refers to the ease with which a liquid fuel will
generate vapors at ambient temperature. Generally, as the
ambient temperature increases, so too does the volatility.
Vapor pressure (VP) is common to all liquids and relates to the
pressure exerted against the side walls of a container as the
liquid vaporizes.
Boiling point (BP) refers to the vapor pressure being equal to
atmospheric pressure (14.7 psi at sea level) at the surface of the
liquid, at which point the molecules of the liquid have sufficient
energy to actively leave the surface of the liquid. The BP varies
from liquid to liquid and can be found in Table 4-1 in your
Vapor density (VD) is the relative density of a vapor or gas in
comparison to air, similar to SG. The VD of air is always 1.0,
and like the SG concept, a VD greater than 1.0 causes the
vapor/gas to sink, whereas a VD less than 1.0 permits the
vapor/gas to rise. Propane is heavier than air and sinks to the
lowest point of resistance, whereas natural gas is lighter and
Flash point (FP) refers to the lowest temperature at which a
given liquid will generate vapors sufficient to support ignition
in air; however not sustain burning. In essence the vapors will
“flash” then stop burning. If however, the temperature of the
liquid has reached its boiling point and maintains vaporization,
the vapors will continue to burn.
Miscibility is the ability of one substance to mix with water.
Most all flammable liquids do not mix well with water, making
them difficult to extinguish using only water. An example of a
flammable liquid that has great miscibility with water is
Classification of gases: Gases are classed into two distinct
groups: flammable and nonflammable. Nonflammable gases
include oxygen, helium, and nitrogen, as these gases do not
support combustion. Flammable gases include hydrogen,
propane, and acetylene, all of which do in fact support
combustion. Great care and caution must be considered when
handling or approaching compressed gases in cylinders, as
cylinders under extreme heat conditions are subject to sudden
unpredictable catastrophic explosion.
Heat and temperature: Heat is generated by a number of
sources: chemical, mechanical, electrical, and nuclear. Heat
provides the basis of temperature where as a substance absorbs
the energy of heat, the temperature of the substance rises. Heat
is measured in two forms: British thermal unit (BTU) and
calorie. BTU refers to the amount of energy required to raise
the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit.
On the other hand, calorie refers to the amount of heat required
to raise one gram of water one degree Celsius. Suffice to say
that as heat is applied to a given fuel, the temperature of the
fuel rises causing the fuel to decompose and vaporize
supporting ignition and sustained combustion.
Heat transfer: In order for a fuel to begin the process of
pyrolysis, heat must be transferred or applied to the surface of
the fuel. Heat is transferable by one of three means: conduction,
convection, and radiation.
Conduction: Heat is transferred through a medium (substance)
without visible motion of transfer; such as placing a pan on a
stove burner, soon the pan becomes hot, yet without visible
signs of the conduction of heat from the burner flame to the
pan’s surface.
Convection: Heat is transferred by means of a circulating
medium such as air which is one of the most common means of
convecting heat; heat generated by a wood burning stove is
convected in air to warm a given space.
Radiation: Heat is transferred by means of waves of heat energy
from its source to nearby objects or substances; radiated heat
will pass through air very easily while a spray of water will
slow its progression.
Classification of fires: Fires are classified into five distinct
groups: Class A – ordinary combustibles, Class B – flammable
liquids, Class C – electrical equipment, Class D – combustible
metals, and Class K – combustible cooking. This classification
system is applied to corresponding extinguishing agents.
Portable fire extinguishers are classified according to the same
system and must be labeled according to the type of
extinguishing agent.
Stages of fire: Formerly fire was categorized in three phases:
incipient, free burning, and smoldering. Modern scientific
research has outmoded the former, evolving into the present day
concept of four stages: ignition, growth, fully developed, and
Ignition stage: This is the point at which the temperature of a
substance (solid, liquid, or gas) has reached the point of burning
without additional support of a heat source. As a substance
ignites and burns, it continues to pyrolize and combustion is
Growth stage: This is the period during which fire releases
sufficient heat to surrounding substances, raising the
temperature of additional substances creating another source of
ignition and combustion. This continues until removal of one of
the four components of the fire tetrahedron. It is during the
stage that combustibles continue to feed on one another and
flame spread is imminent, provided that sufficient air is
introduced. Also during this stage, any and all objects, such as
furniture, absorb heat which increases the flash point while
consuming all available air. If the air supply is depleted, flame
spread may be terminated. However, caution must be given as
all objects may have reached their ignition temperatures and the
slightest introduction of air will create a sudden and explosive
ignition of combustibles known as flashover.
Fully developed stage: At this point all available fuel sources
within the reach of fire are burning, and the process of pyrolysis
continues without check until an extinguishing agent is applied.
In the case of a compartment fire, such as a single room within
a structure, the fire may be contained, providing no outlet for
escaping flame is provided. In the case of a wildland fire, fire
spreads from area to area until extinguished.
Decay stage: This is the point at which the fire has consumed
all available fuels or air and begins a natural end to itself.
Applying an extinguishing agent begins the decay process. Fires
not extinguished manually will continue to burn and decay until
the last bit of fuel has been consumed.
Chapter 12: Fire Protection Systems and Equipment
Water is the number one extinguishing agent world-wide
Typically, water is in abundant supply and readily available in
almost every corner of the earth. Water is the life-blood of
existence for all species on the planet. All forms of life need
water in order to survive. As humans, we utilize water for
drinking, cooking, bathing, and growing food supplies. Since
the beginning of time, humans have used water as a means of
extinguishing fire; a practice that continues.
Mechanical water purification is a common practice in most all
industrialized countries, and natural purification methods are
common world-wide. Water treatment companies can be found
in two forms in the U.S.: public and private. The former is a
subdivision of a governmental body such as a city, county, or
state government, and is the most commonly found type. The
latter is more specific to industrial or commercial entities such
as large manufacturers.
Water supply systems: Whether public or private, all water
systems begin with a source of raw water (i.e., lake, river,
stream, pond, or collection basins). Many public water systems
store raw water in reservoirs that have been man-made. From
these sources the water is typically processed or treated using a
variety of purification methods then stored in suitable
containers or pumped directly into a network of pipes to supply
Water supply sources are subject to the impact of natural
disasters, and as such, must be continually monitored by
engineers for structure integrity. At the treatment plant,
technicians ensure that raw water is properly processed into
potable (drinkable) water. Water purification standards are set
by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the federal
government. Known as
the Clean Water Act of 1972, strict standards have been
established that all water companies must abide by.
Distribution systems: In a typical community with a public
water supply
system, water is pumped into a network of underground pipes
from the treatment plant or storage tanks to residential,
commercial, and industrial customers. The larger pipes of the
system are known as primary feeders, having diameters of
generally greater than 16 inches. Water then flows from primary
feeders into secondary feeders having a slightly small diameter
of 8, 12, or 16 inches.
From the secondary feeders, water is delivered to individual
customers by pipes having a variety of diameters. Typically a
residential feeder line is one to two inches in diameter, whereas
commercial and industrial feeder lines might be up to six inches
in diameter. Pipe diameter is generally set by ordinance or
regulations established by the water supply district or company.
As a general rule, a water supply system having hydrants should
have a minimum pipe diameter of six inches. Since most fire
hydrant barrels have six inch diameters, any pipe size less than
six inches would be insufficient to meet the fire flow demand of
a community.
Firefighting protection – hydrants: The tell-tale sign of any
community that has a public water supply system is the
recognizable fire hydrant. Hydrants can be found in a wide
range of sizes, types, and colors, and are generally either wet or
dry. The hydrant is the mainstay water source for fighting fires.
As previously mentioned, most fire hydrants have a six-inch
barrel and as such, need an equal or greater supply feeder.
The type of hydrant, wet or dry, in use in a given community is
dependent upon the annual climate. In geographical regions that
experience freezing
winter weather, dry barrel hydrants are most likely to be found,
while in the warmer climates wet barrel will be the hydrant of
choice. Their name implies their basic design: dry barrel
hydrants are dry until a valve is opened beneath the frost line
and water flows from the supply feeder into the barrel of the
hydrant; wet barrel hydrants are continually filled with water
and each port (opening) of the hydrant has an individual valve
for flowing water.
In communities not having a public or private water distribution
system it is likely that such a community will have a system of
dry hydrant suction collection basins. These structures are mini-
water reservoirs situated along the streets providing a basin
where rainwater collects and is stored for use during a fire
fight. These types of hydrants require drafting in order to obtain
Water systems program:
The basic fundamental element of any municipal fire department
is the ability to extinguish fires by making use of its available
resources. The first of which is water. Having a system of fire
hydrants supplied continually and adequately reduces the risk of
conflagration and reduces the municipality’s insurance risk
rating. Having an ordinance or regulation requiring fire
sprinklers in all residential, commercial, industrial, educational,
and high-life hazards occupancies, i.e. hospitals and nursing
homes, is a benefit all municipal fire departments should
research and give serious consideration.
While many states have adopted national recommendations and
standards for the requirement of residential fire sprinkler
systems, the debate over cost continues to hamper installation.
It can be stated emphatically that fire sprinklers save lives.
However, having a distribution system for water supply and
sufficient water hydrants in working condition can be the best
first step in a water system program.
Hydrants typically require minimal maintenance over their life,
though all hydrants should be checked annually to ensure that
proper water flow meets the fire flow demand of a given area of
the community. Flow testing should be done annually and the
results recorded properly. Hydrant caps should be removed,
checked for cracks, interior of hydrant examined, and thread
greased for quick and easy removal when needed.
Hydrants should be painted using the recommended NFPA color
coding system. Hydrants found to be inadequate to meet fire
flows should be either replaced or marked as non-functional or
Detection devices: One of the most basic of early detection
devices on the market today is the smoke detector, often called
the smoke alarm. Here again the motto across the nation is
“Smoke Alarms Save Lives,” yet many homes are without these
relatively inexpensive devices. Smoke detectors at their
simplest form are battery powered and hung individually in
specific locations in the residential dwelling. Other smoke
detector systems are interconnected (hard wired) using a
common wiring scheme to connect each detector to the next so
that as one detector is activated all others on the system will
sound an alarm.
More elaborate systems will have the means to transmit an
alarm of fire to the local fire department either directly or by
way of a third party service company. It is prudent of all
firefighting personnel to know all local, state, and federal
regulations applicable to the installation and requirements of
smoke and/or fire detection devices for the various occupancies.
Extinguishing agents:
Water: As mentioned previously. Water is the extinguishing
agent of choice in use today. Water can absorb many times its
own weight in BTUs of heat. One gallon of water has the ability
to absorb about 1,280 BTUs of heat and when applied in a fog
(fine droplet spray) pattern, heat energy is absorbed faster using
less water. This is because the surface area of a fog pattern is
far greater than that of the straight or solid water stream.
Foam: This is a combination of water and foam concentration
mixed in specific proportions. Foam is not cost-effective for
conventional firefighting, such as ordinary combustible
construction. Foam is however an excellent agent for fighting
flammable liquid fires, such as gasoline and other petroleum
fires. Foam is placed on top of the burning substance in a
blanket form thereby excluding air and smothering the fire.
Wetting agents: One of the oldest wetting agents is common
household dish detergent. The soap reduces surface tension of
water and permits greater saturation when applied. Often brush
fires are attacked using “wet water” as this method allows water
to permeate the ground spreading water over a greater area
while at the same time reducing the volume of water. Adding
common dish detergent to tank water will provide sufficient fire
Fire retardant: Typically commercial fire retardants are utilized
for fighting wildland fires. All fire retardants are water based.
Often, large volumes of fire retardant are dropped onto wildland
fires using helicopters or fixed wing aircraft. One tell-tale sign
of a fire retardant additive is the classic red or rust color of the
agent being dropped onto the fire.
Carbon dioxide: Commonly referred to as a CO2, carbon
dioxide is a non- flammable inert gas having the ability to
sufficiently smother flame and extinguish fire. CO2
extinguishers are recognizable from others in that the
canister has a wide mouthed cone shaped discharge nozzle.
Carbon dioxide gas is very cold and appears as ice crystals.
Halogenated agents: These agents act to break the chemical
chain reaction as opposed to smothering the fire. There is great
debate and controversy regarding halogen agents. There is
considerable concern as to their effects on the ozone. While
halogenated concentrations used in firefighting are non-
hazardous, SCBA must be worn in their proximity as a by-
product of their use can be harmful to breathing.
Dry chemical: This type of agent is a mixture of finely divided
powers stored in containers having a small diameter discharge
nozzle. The contents are under pressure of an inert gas that
provides force to expel the contents from the container. Dry
chemical agents are used primarily on Class A, B, and C fires.
Dry chemical agents are not effective for deep seated fires as
the powders do not penetrate far below the surface.
Dry powder: This type is similar to dry chemical except that
this agent is used for Class D (combustible metals) fires. This
agent can be found in buckets, pails, or hand held extinguishers.
A common form of this agent is simple dry sand that is spread
over the burning metal.
Extinguishing Systems
Sprinkler systems: The automatic fire sprinkler system has been
in existence for nearly 150 years. These systems have a proven
record of fire suppression and property conservation in addition
to saving lives. Statistically, fire sprinklers control about 96%
of fires once activated. Automatic fire sprinklers were for many
years found only in commercial or industrial settings. However,
in more recent history, in the United States automatic fire
sprinkler systems are being installed in more and more
residential settings.
The debate surrounding sprinkler systems centers on cost versus
benefit. While the fire service argues benefit outweighs cost,
the construction trades argue that the cost of a residential
sprinkler system is often prohibitive. More and more states are
enacting legislation requiring that all new or multi-unit
residential dwellings must have automatic fire sprinklers
installed. Residential fire sprinkler systems are far less
expensive and complicated than commercial or industrial
Commercial and industrial sprinkler systems:
Wet pipe system: This type of sprinkler system is always filled
with pressurized water. As a sprinkler head opens, water is
delivered immediately beginning the process of fire suppression
and control. Wet systems are best suited for geographical
regions where freezing temperatures are not an issue. In climate
zones where freezing does occur, there is a demand for heating
the spaces protected by such a system.
Dry pipe system: This type of sprinkler system is a bit more
complicated in design as this type is used in regions where
freezing temperatures are likely to occur. This system is the
exact opposite of the wet pipe system, and should this system
become “wet,” immediate attention must be given to drain the
water and protect the pipes from freezing and bursting. When a
sprinkler head is activated on this system, the air within the
pipes will be evacuated as water from the main valve fills the
pipes. There is a time delay in getting water to the seat of the
Common system components: Whether the system is wet or dry,
each have components in common: from the supply pipe at the
street to the post indicator valve (PI), fire department
connection, main valve, piping grid, sprinkler heads, tamper
devices, and alarm devices.
Standpipe systems: These systems are adjunct appliances
located at various locations within an occupancy and piped
directly from the main water supply, but not as part of the
automatic sprinkler system. Standpipes typically have hand
line hoses attached to their valve, or may be simply a threaded
connection and
valve for fire department use only.
Foam systems: Foam systems can be found in two forms:
stationary or vehicle mounted. This type of system utilizes
firefighting foam concentrate and water in various proportions
using an in-line concentration percentage valve. The finished
foam product is then forced into hose lines and nozzles for
fighting fire.
Carbon dioxide: This type of system is for all intents and
purposes a larger version of the hand held portable extinguisher
of the same type. CO2 is stored in large tanks or cylinders that
in turn feed into a distributor and then into the piping system.
Fire pumps: This appliance is used to boost the water pressure
of a municipal supply or pump a static supply through the
piping of a sprinkler system. Fire pumps consist of a centrifugal
pump comparable to that of a fire pumper and are powered by
either a gasoline or diesel powered engine or electric motor.
Fire protection engineers often recommend that one of each type
of power sources be installed to ensure adequate fire protection
during power outages.
Klinoff, R. (2012). Introduction to fire protection (4th ed.).
Clifton Park, NY: Delmar.
Additional Required Reading
Click here to access a PDF of the following reading:
Grosshandler, W., Bryner, N., Mardrzykowski, D., & Kuntz, K.
(2005). Report of the technical investigation of The Station
Nightclub fire. National Institute
of Standards and Technology Act Report, 1(2). Retrieved from
Supplemental Reading
EPA: Water
Click here to access a PDF of “The Current Knowledge &
Training Regarding Backdraft, Flashover, And Other Rapid Fire
Progression Phenomena” Retrieved from www.kennedy-
The Chemistry of Fire
Go to and watch the
Introductory Video. Also, click on Classroom Resources, and
watch Videos 1-3.
Case Study
Fire Protection Analysis
For this Case Study you are required to read the “NIST
Volume I – Report of the Technical Investigation of
The Station Nightclub Fire” found in the required reading
section of your Unit III Study Guide.
After reviewing the report you will write a case study analysis
in response to a series of questions that are listed below. Your
final report will be in APA format and will include the
following: a cover page, a minimum of four pages of analysis in
response to given questions, and a reference page. All responses
should be written in a professional analytical manner as though
you are a fire protection specialist providing counsel and advice
in response to a request by a municipality wishing to avoid such
a catastrophic event.
You are encouraged to use your textbook as a reference source
in order to write a professional level analysis. All sources must
be properly referenced both in-text and on the Reference Page.
The Case Study should address the following questions in your
1. What was the occupancy history of the building?
2. What were the pre-fire conditions of the building housing
The Station Nightclub?
3. What were, if any, previous incidents at this building site?
4. What are the response capabilities of the West Warwick Fire
5. What type of construction was the building?
6. What was the primary cause of the inferno?
7. What material was largely responsible for such volume of
8. What fire protection systems where in place at the time of
the fire?
9. What recommendations would you make relative to fire
detection and protection systems?
10. What might another city or town do to avoid such a
catastrophe as this?
Please review chaper 4 and 12 by clicking link below…

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  • 1. III STUDY GUIDE Chemistry and Physics of Fire and Fire Protection Systems and Equipment Reading Assignment Chapter 4: Chemistry and Physics of Fire Chapter 12: Fire Protection Systems and Equipment Additional Required Reading See information below. Supplemental Reading See information below. Key Terms 1. Ambient temperature 2. Bonnet 3. Fire department connection 4. Free radicals 5. Halogenated agents 6. Latent heat of vaporization
  • 2. 7. Miscible 8. Molecule 9. Nonmiscible 10. Open screw and yoke valve (OS&Y) 11. Oxidation 12. Oxidizer 13. Polar solvents 14. Post indicator valve (PI) 15. Pyrolysis 16. Retard chamber 17. Thrust block Learning Objectives Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to: 1. Describe the differences between fire triangle and fire tetrahedron. 2. Illustrate the comparison between chemistry of fire and physics of fire. 3. Differentiate the principles of flame spread of solid, liquid, and gas/vapor fuels. 4. Describe classes of fire, stages of fire, and heat transfer during a fire.
  • 3. 5. Differentiate public and private water supply systems. 6. Illustrate the design and components of a water supply system. 7. Describe various extinguishing agents. 8. Illustrate the design and components of various types of extinguishing systems. Written Lecture Introduction In this unit we will explore the world of the chemistry and physics of fire found in Chapter 4. We will also explore Chapter 12 where we will consider fire protection systems and the equipment associated with fire protection systems. Chapter 4: Chemistry and Physics of Fire Definition of fire: Fire is a rapid and self-sustaining oxidation process that is assisted by the generation of heat and light in various degrees of intensity. As stated in your textbook, fire is the process of oxidation and is associated with the term combustion, which is the chemical chain reaction that releases both light and heat. For all intents and purposes, fire is both friend and foe. We use fire for heating, cooking, manufacturing, and controlling other fire sources. Fire triangle and fire tetrahedron: Perhaps as a child you were taught that fire was represented by a triangle with each side denoting one of the three components required to sustain fire: air, fuel, and heat. Classically known as the Fire Triangle we learned that by removing any one of the three components fire would be extinguished.
  • 4. 1 Over time, the scientific community has added another dimension called the chemical reaction found during the combustion process. With the addition of this fourth side we now have the new symbol of fire called the fire tetrahedron. Chemistry of fire: Fire needs two basic elements in order to sustain its existence, and without the two in union, fire cannot occur. These two elements are oxidizer and fuel. Oxidizer: An oxidizer is any substance that generates oxygen. The most common and abundant oxidizer on the planet is the air we breathe. Normal atmospheric air consists of about 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen, and 1% miscellaneous elements. In an atmosphere having an oxygen concentration greater than 21%, fire is greatly intensified. Conversely, in oxygen depleted atmospheres combustion will decrease and fire will die out. Fuel: In its simplest form, a fuel is anything that will burn. Two of the most common elements found in fuels are carbon and hydrogen. From wood to gasoline to flammable metals, our planet is abundant in hydrocarbons. Physics of fire: Fuel: Fuels are found in one of three states: solid, liquid, and gas. In order for a fuel to maintain combustion, the fuel must transition to a vapor or gaseous state. As the ambient temperature of a given fuel increases, the molecular structure of the fuel begins to convert from a solid or liquid state to a vapor state, thereby igniting and maintaining combustion. The process of decomposition of a fuel is called pyrolysis. Solid fuels: Four factors influence the rate at which solid fuels pyrolize: mass, arrangement, continuity, and moisture content. Mass relates to the physical size of the fuel. The smaller the
  • 5. mass, the greater the surface area requiring less heat needed to sustain pyrolysis. The larger the mass, the lower the surface area, and therefore a greater amount of heat will be required. Arrangement 2 considers the spacing of the fuel particles regardless of size (mass). A stack of tightly packed lumber will burn much slower than the wood framing of an exposed unfinished structure. Continuity relates to the physical positioning of the fuel: vertical, horizontal, or both. Consider the speed of a wildland fire where the horizontal fuel of grass burns upward towards the vertical fuels; trees and brush. Moisture content affects the ease of ignition and sustaining of combustion. Dry fuels will ignite and burn with greater speed and intensity than damp or wet fuels. Flame spread: As a given fuel converts from its original state to a vapor and sustains pyrolysis, flames will spread across the surface, heating, vaporizing, and igniting additional fuel. Scientists study the effects of flame spread using a procedure known as the Steiner Tunnel (ASTM E-84), which is conducting in a controlled environment to better understand and measure flame spread for any given fuel. The test results are given a numeric value that relates to three measured characteristics: flame spread, temperature, and smoke density. To illustrate value ratings, consider that asbestos-cement board is rated at 0 while red oak flooring is rated at 100. Liquid fuels: All liquid fuels have common properties that firefighters should become familiar with: specific gravity (liquid), volatility, vapor pressure, boiling point, vapor density, flash point, and miscibility.
  • 6. Specific gravity (SG) is the weight of a specific volume of a liquid as compared to an equal volume of water. The SG value of water is always 1.0, and liquids having a SG of less than 1.0 will float on water, while those having a SG greater than 1.0 will sink. Gasoline as a SG less than 1.0 and will therefore float on top of water. Volatility refers to the ease with which a liquid fuel will generate vapors at ambient temperature. Generally, as the ambient temperature increases, so too does the volatility. Vapor pressure (VP) is common to all liquids and relates to the pressure exerted against the side walls of a container as the liquid vaporizes. Boiling point (BP) refers to the vapor pressure being equal to atmospheric pressure (14.7 psi at sea level) at the surface of the liquid, at which point the molecules of the liquid have sufficient energy to actively leave the surface of the liquid. The BP varies from liquid to liquid and can be found in Table 4-1 in your textbook. Vapor density (VD) is the relative density of a vapor or gas in comparison to air, similar to SG. The VD of air is always 1.0, and like the SG concept, a VD greater than 1.0 causes the vapor/gas to sink, whereas a VD less than 1.0 permits the vapor/gas to rise. Propane is heavier than air and sinks to the lowest point of resistance, whereas natural gas is lighter and rises. Flash point (FP) refers to the lowest temperature at which a given liquid will generate vapors sufficient to support ignition in air; however not sustain burning. In essence the vapors will
  • 7. “flash” then stop burning. If however, the temperature of the liquid has reached its boiling point and maintains vaporization, the vapors will continue to burn. Miscibility is the ability of one substance to mix with water. Most all flammable liquids do not mix well with water, making them difficult to extinguish using only water. An example of a flammable liquid that has great miscibility with water is alcohol. 3 Classification of gases: Gases are classed into two distinct groups: flammable and nonflammable. Nonflammable gases include oxygen, helium, and nitrogen, as these gases do not support combustion. Flammable gases include hydrogen, propane, and acetylene, all of which do in fact support combustion. Great care and caution must be considered when handling or approaching compressed gases in cylinders, as cylinders under extreme heat conditions are subject to sudden unpredictable catastrophic explosion. Heat and temperature: Heat is generated by a number of sources: chemical, mechanical, electrical, and nuclear. Heat provides the basis of temperature where as a substance absorbs the energy of heat, the temperature of the substance rises. Heat is measured in two forms: British thermal unit (BTU) and calorie. BTU refers to the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit. On the other hand, calorie refers to the amount of heat required to raise one gram of water one degree Celsius. Suffice to say that as heat is applied to a given fuel, the temperature of the fuel rises causing the fuel to decompose and vaporize supporting ignition and sustained combustion.
  • 8. Heat transfer: In order for a fuel to begin the process of pyrolysis, heat must be transferred or applied to the surface of the fuel. Heat is transferable by one of three means: conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction: Heat is transferred through a medium (substance) without visible motion of transfer; such as placing a pan on a stove burner, soon the pan becomes hot, yet without visible signs of the conduction of heat from the burner flame to the pan’s surface. Convection: Heat is transferred by means of a circulating medium such as air which is one of the most common means of convecting heat; heat generated by a wood burning stove is convected in air to warm a given space. Radiation: Heat is transferred by means of waves of heat energy from its source to nearby objects or substances; radiated heat will pass through air very easily while a spray of water will slow its progression. Classification of fires: Fires are classified into five distinct groups: Class A – ordinary combustibles, Class B – flammable liquids, Class C – electrical equipment, Class D – combustible metals, and Class K – combustible cooking. This classification system is applied to corresponding extinguishing agents. Portable fire extinguishers are classified according to the same system and must be labeled according to the type of extinguishing agent. Stages of fire: Formerly fire was categorized in three phases: incipient, free burning, and smoldering. Modern scientific research has outmoded the former, evolving into the present day concept of four stages: ignition, growth, fully developed, and decay.
  • 9. Ignition stage: This is the point at which the temperature of a substance (solid, liquid, or gas) has reached the point of burning without additional support of a heat source. As a substance ignites and burns, it continues to pyrolize and combustion is self-supported. Growth stage: This is the period during which fire releases sufficient heat to surrounding substances, raising the temperature of additional substances creating another source of ignition and combustion. This continues until removal of one of the four components of the fire tetrahedron. It is during the growth 4 stage that combustibles continue to feed on one another and flame spread is imminent, provided that sufficient air is introduced. Also during this stage, any and all objects, such as furniture, absorb heat which increases the flash point while consuming all available air. If the air supply is depleted, flame spread may be terminated. However, caution must be given as all objects may have reached their ignition temperatures and the slightest introduction of air will create a sudden and explosive ignition of combustibles known as flashover. Fully developed stage: At this point all available fuel sources within the reach of fire are burning, and the process of pyrolysis continues without check until an extinguishing agent is applied. In the case of a compartment fire, such as a single room within a structure, the fire may be contained, providing no outlet for escaping flame is provided. In the case of a wildland fire, fire spreads from area to area until extinguished. Decay stage: This is the point at which the fire has consumed all available fuels or air and begins a natural end to itself.
  • 10. Applying an extinguishing agent begins the decay process. Fires not extinguished manually will continue to burn and decay until the last bit of fuel has been consumed. Chapter 12: Fire Protection Systems and Equipment Water is the number one extinguishing agent world-wide Typically, water is in abundant supply and readily available in almost every corner of the earth. Water is the life-blood of existence for all species on the planet. All forms of life need water in order to survive. As humans, we utilize water for drinking, cooking, bathing, and growing food supplies. Since the beginning of time, humans have used water as a means of extinguishing fire; a practice that continues. Mechanical water purification is a common practice in most all industrialized countries, and natural purification methods are common world-wide. Water treatment companies can be found in two forms in the U.S.: public and private. The former is a subdivision of a governmental body such as a city, county, or state government, and is the most commonly found type. The latter is more specific to industrial or commercial entities such as large manufacturers. Water supply systems: Whether public or private, all water systems begin with a source of raw water (i.e., lake, river, stream, pond, or collection basins). Many public water systems store raw water in reservoirs that have been man-made. From these sources the water is typically processed or treated using a variety of purification methods then stored in suitable containers or pumped directly into a network of pipes to supply recipients. Water supply sources are subject to the impact of natural disasters, and as such, must be continually monitored by engineers for structure integrity. At the treatment plant, technicians ensure that raw water is properly processed into
  • 11. potable (drinkable) water. Water purification standards are set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the federal government. Known as the Clean Water Act of 1972, strict standards have been established that all water companies must abide by. Distribution systems: In a typical community with a public water supply system, water is pumped into a network of underground pipes from the treatment plant or storage tanks to residential, commercial, and industrial customers. The larger pipes of the system are known as primary feeders, having diameters of generally greater than 16 inches. Water then flows from primary feeders into secondary feeders having a slightly small diameter of 8, 12, or 16 inches. 5 From the secondary feeders, water is delivered to individual customers by pipes having a variety of diameters. Typically a residential feeder line is one to two inches in diameter, whereas commercial and industrial feeder lines might be up to six inches in diameter. Pipe diameter is generally set by ordinance or regulations established by the water supply district or company. As a general rule, a water supply system having hydrants should have a minimum pipe diameter of six inches. Since most fire hydrant barrels have six inch diameters, any pipe size less than six inches would be insufficient to meet the fire flow demand of a community. Firefighting protection – hydrants: The tell-tale sign of any community that has a public water supply system is the
  • 12. recognizable fire hydrant. Hydrants can be found in a wide range of sizes, types, and colors, and are generally either wet or dry. The hydrant is the mainstay water source for fighting fires. As previously mentioned, most fire hydrants have a six-inch barrel and as such, need an equal or greater supply feeder. The type of hydrant, wet or dry, in use in a given community is dependent upon the annual climate. In geographical regions that experience freezing winter weather, dry barrel hydrants are most likely to be found, while in the warmer climates wet barrel will be the hydrant of choice. Their name implies their basic design: dry barrel hydrants are dry until a valve is opened beneath the frost line and water flows from the supply feeder into the barrel of the hydrant; wet barrel hydrants are continually filled with water and each port (opening) of the hydrant has an individual valve for flowing water. In communities not having a public or private water distribution system it is likely that such a community will have a system of dry hydrant suction collection basins. These structures are mini- water reservoirs situated along the streets providing a basin where rainwater collects and is stored for use during a fire fight. These types of hydrants require drafting in order to obtain water. 6 Water systems program: The basic fundamental element of any municipal fire department is the ability to extinguish fires by making use of its available resources. The first of which is water. Having a system of fire hydrants supplied continually and adequately reduces the risk of conflagration and reduces the municipality’s insurance risk
  • 13. rating. Having an ordinance or regulation requiring fire sprinklers in all residential, commercial, industrial, educational, and high-life hazards occupancies, i.e. hospitals and nursing homes, is a benefit all municipal fire departments should research and give serious consideration. While many states have adopted national recommendations and standards for the requirement of residential fire sprinkler systems, the debate over cost continues to hamper installation. It can be stated emphatically that fire sprinklers save lives. However, having a distribution system for water supply and sufficient water hydrants in working condition can be the best first step in a water system program. Hydrants typically require minimal maintenance over their life, though all hydrants should be checked annually to ensure that proper water flow meets the fire flow demand of a given area of the community. Flow testing should be done annually and the results recorded properly. Hydrant caps should be removed, checked for cracks, interior of hydrant examined, and thread greased for quick and easy removal when needed. Hydrants should be painted using the recommended NFPA color coding system. Hydrants found to be inadequate to meet fire flows should be either replaced or marked as non-functional or out-of-service. Detection devices: One of the most basic of early detection devices on the market today is the smoke detector, often called the smoke alarm. Here again the motto across the nation is “Smoke Alarms Save Lives,” yet many homes are without these relatively inexpensive devices. Smoke detectors at their simplest form are battery powered and hung individually in specific locations in the residential dwelling. Other smoke detector systems are interconnected (hard wired) using a common wiring scheme to connect each detector to the next so
  • 14. that as one detector is activated all others on the system will sound an alarm. 7 More elaborate systems will have the means to transmit an alarm of fire to the local fire department either directly or by way of a third party service company. It is prudent of all firefighting personnel to know all local, state, and federal regulations applicable to the installation and requirements of smoke and/or fire detection devices for the various occupancies. Extinguishing agents: Water: As mentioned previously. Water is the extinguishing agent of choice in use today. Water can absorb many times its own weight in BTUs of heat. One gallon of water has the ability to absorb about 1,280 BTUs of heat and when applied in a fog (fine droplet spray) pattern, heat energy is absorbed faster using less water. This is because the surface area of a fog pattern is far greater than that of the straight or solid water stream. Foam: This is a combination of water and foam concentration mixed in specific proportions. Foam is not cost-effective for conventional firefighting, such as ordinary combustible construction. Foam is however an excellent agent for fighting flammable liquid fires, such as gasoline and other petroleum fires. Foam is placed on top of the burning substance in a blanket form thereby excluding air and smothering the fire. Wetting agents: One of the oldest wetting agents is common household dish detergent. The soap reduces surface tension of water and permits greater saturation when applied. Often brush fires are attacked using “wet water” as this method allows water to permeate the ground spreading water over a greater area while at the same time reducing the volume of water. Adding
  • 15. common dish detergent to tank water will provide sufficient fire extinguishment. Fire retardant: Typically commercial fire retardants are utilized for fighting wildland fires. All fire retardants are water based. Often, large volumes of fire retardant are dropped onto wildland fires using helicopters or fixed wing aircraft. One tell-tale sign of a fire retardant additive is the classic red or rust color of the agent being dropped onto the fire. Carbon dioxide: Commonly referred to as a CO2, carbon dioxide is a non- flammable inert gas having the ability to sufficiently smother flame and extinguish fire. CO2 extinguishers are recognizable from others in that the canister has a wide mouthed cone shaped discharge nozzle. Carbon dioxide gas is very cold and appears as ice crystals. Halogenated agents: These agents act to break the chemical chain reaction as opposed to smothering the fire. There is great debate and controversy regarding halogen agents. There is considerable concern as to their effects on the ozone. While halogenated concentrations used in firefighting are non- hazardous, SCBA must be worn in their proximity as a by- product of their use can be harmful to breathing. Dry chemical: This type of agent is a mixture of finely divided powers stored in containers having a small diameter discharge nozzle. The contents are under pressure of an inert gas that provides force to expel the contents from the container. Dry chemical agents are used primarily on Class A, B, and C fires. Dry chemical agents are not effective for deep seated fires as the powders do not penetrate far below the surface. Dry powder: This type is similar to dry chemical except that this agent is used for Class D (combustible metals) fires. This
  • 16. agent can be found in buckets, pails, or hand held extinguishers. A common form of this agent is simple dry sand that is spread over the burning metal. 8 Extinguishing Systems Sprinkler systems: The automatic fire sprinkler system has been in existence for nearly 150 years. These systems have a proven record of fire suppression and property conservation in addition to saving lives. Statistically, fire sprinklers control about 96% of fires once activated. Automatic fire sprinklers were for many years found only in commercial or industrial settings. However, in more recent history, in the United States automatic fire sprinkler systems are being installed in more and more residential settings. The debate surrounding sprinkler systems centers on cost versus benefit. While the fire service argues benefit outweighs cost, the construction trades argue that the cost of a residential sprinkler system is often prohibitive. More and more states are enacting legislation requiring that all new or multi-unit residential dwellings must have automatic fire sprinklers installed. Residential fire sprinkler systems are far less expensive and complicated than commercial or industrial systems. Commercial and industrial sprinkler systems: Wet pipe system: This type of sprinkler system is always filled with pressurized water. As a sprinkler head opens, water is delivered immediately beginning the process of fire suppression and control. Wet systems are best suited for geographical regions where freezing temperatures are not an issue. In climate zones where freezing does occur, there is a demand for heating the spaces protected by such a system.
  • 17. Dry pipe system: This type of sprinkler system is a bit more complicated in design as this type is used in regions where freezing temperatures are likely to occur. This system is the exact opposite of the wet pipe system, and should this system become “wet,” immediate attention must be given to drain the water and protect the pipes from freezing and bursting. When a sprinkler head is activated on this system, the air within the pipes will be evacuated as water from the main valve fills the pipes. There is a time delay in getting water to the seat of the fire. Common system components: Whether the system is wet or dry, each have components in common: from the supply pipe at the street to the post indicator valve (PI), fire department connection, main valve, piping grid, sprinkler heads, tamper devices, and alarm devices. Standpipe systems: These systems are adjunct appliances located at various locations within an occupancy and piped directly from the main water supply, but not as part of the automatic sprinkler system. Standpipes typically have hand line hoses attached to their valve, or may be simply a threaded connection and valve for fire department use only. Foam systems: Foam systems can be found in two forms: stationary or vehicle mounted. This type of system utilizes firefighting foam concentrate and water in various proportions using an in-line concentration percentage valve. The finished foam product is then forced into hose lines and nozzles for fighting fire. Carbon dioxide: This type of system is for all intents and
  • 18. purposes a larger version of the hand held portable extinguisher of the same type. CO2 is stored in large tanks or cylinders that in turn feed into a distributor and then into the piping system. 9 Fire pumps: This appliance is used to boost the water pressure of a municipal supply or pump a static supply through the piping of a sprinkler system. Fire pumps consist of a centrifugal pump comparable to that of a fire pumper and are powered by either a gasoline or diesel powered engine or electric motor. Fire protection engineers often recommend that one of each type of power sources be installed to ensure adequate fire protection during power outages. References Klinoff, R. (2012). Introduction to fire protection (4th ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Delmar. Additional Required Reading Click here to access a PDF of the following reading: Grosshandler, W., Bryner, N., Mardrzykowski, D., & Kuntz, K. (2005). Report of the technical investigation of The Station Nightclub fire. National Institute of Standards and Technology Act Report, 1(2). Retrieved from Supplemental Reading EPA: Water Click here to access a PDF of “The Current Knowledge & Training Regarding Backdraft, Flashover, And Other Rapid Fire Progression Phenomena” Retrieved from www.kennedy-
  • 19. The Chemistry of Fire Go to and watch the Introductory Video. Also, click on Classroom Resources, and watch Videos 1-3. 10 � � � � �
  • 24. � Case Study Fire Protection Analysis For this Case Study you are required to read the “NIST NCSTAR2: Volume I – Report of the Technical Investigation of The Station Nightclub Fire” found in the required reading section of your Unit III Study Guide. After reviewing the report you will write a case study analysis in response to a series of questions that are listed below. Your final report will be in APA format and will include the following: a cover page, a minimum of four pages of analysis in response to given questions, and a reference page. All responses should be written in a professional analytical manner as though you are a fire protection specialist providing counsel and advice in response to a request by a municipality wishing to avoid such a catastrophic event. You are encouraged to use your textbook as a reference source in order to write a professional level analysis. All sources must be properly referenced both in-text and on the Reference Page. The Case Study should address the following questions in your analysis: 1. What was the occupancy history of the building?
  • 25. 2. What were the pre-fire conditions of the building housing The Station Nightclub? 3. What were, if any, previous incidents at this building site? 4. What are the response capabilities of the West Warwick Fire Department? 5. What type of construction was the building? 6. What was the primary cause of the inferno? 7. What material was largely responsible for such volume of fire? 8. What fire protection systems where in place at the time of the fire? 9. What recommendations would you make relative to fire detection and protection systems? 10. What might another city or town do to avoid such a catastrophe as this? Please review chaper 4 and 12 by clicking link below… ection.html?id=PlqwCEu3y6AC