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Identification of Dicotylednous Weeds of
M.P. & Chhattisgarh
Prepare and Presented By
Dr.Gajendra Singh TomarDr.Gajendra Singh Tomar
Professor (Agronomy),
College of Agriculture & Research Station,
Mahasamund (C.G.)
Monocot vs Dicot
Botanists recognize two natural divisions in the flowering plants i.e.
the monocotyledons and the dicotyledons. Two characteristics
distinguish monocots from dicots.
One is the number of leaves that the young seedling has when it
emerges through the soil surface. The monocots have one seedling leaf,
the dicots two.
The second characteristic is the venation within the true leaves.
In the monocots the veins run parallel to each other.
In dicots the veins branch in several directions in a netted fashion.In dicots the veins branch in several directions in a netted fashion.
In weed control dicots are referred to as broadleaf weeds and the
monocots as narrow leaf weeds, but it is their venation and number of
seed leaves that determine their category.
Dicotyledon, by name dicot, any member of the flowering plants, or
angiosperms, that has a pair of leaves, or cotyledons, in the embryo of
the seed.
Dicots typically also have flower parts (sepals, petals, stamens, and
pistils) based on a plan of four or five, or multiples thereof, although
there are exceptions.
Dicot versus Monocot Weeds
Abelmoschus moschatus
Syn: Hibiscus abelmoschu
Family : Malvaceae
Common Name : Musk mallow, Mushkdana,
Jangli bhindi, Kasturi dana
Growth Habit: An erect, annual to perennial
undershrub growing up to 2 m tall with a stout
taproot. Usually clothed with long deflexed
hairs. Leaves are cordate at base, mostly
orbicular to transversely elliptic in outline,
serrate and hairy on both surfaces. Flowers are
usually solitary, axillary, sometimes in few
flowered racemes; corolla bright yellow with a
purple centre. Fruits are capsules, oblong-
lanceolate, acute, fulvous-hairy.lanceolate, acute, fulvous-hairy.
Habitat: Wasteland, roadsides and seldom in
crop fields.
Medicinal Uses: Young leaves and shoots are
cooked and used as vegetable and soups.
Poultice made of whole plant is applied to chest
in bronchitis. Seeds are used as diuretic and
demulcent The oil of the seeds, with a strong
musk odor, are also used in the perfume
industry and is used to flavor coffee, baked
items, ice cream etc. 4
Abutilon indicum L.
Syn: Sida asiatica L.
Family: Malvaceae
Common Names: Country Mallow, Velvette
leaf, Kanghi, Ati bala
Growth Habit: Annual or perennial erect
shrubs, about 1-3 m tall. Stems are stout,
branched, velvetty-pubescent. Leaves are
ovate, acuminate with serrate margins.
Flowers are orange yellow in colour. Fruits
are capsules, densely pubescent, circular in
shape, brown when dry. Seed color is
blackish brown.
Habitat: Wasteland, fallow fields and cropHabitat: Wasteland, fallow fields and crop
Medicinal Uses: A decoction of the leaves is
used to treat fever, colic, and for cleaning
wounds and ulcers. The root is aphrodisiac,
diuretic, tonic, and cures cough, diabetics,
fever, piles and worms. A strong white fibre
is obtained from the stem bark suitable for
making cordage, twine and rope, whilst that
from younger stems can be woven into
fabrics. The roasted seeds are eaten.
Acalypha indica L.
Syn: A.chinensis
Common Names: Indian Nettle,
Indian copperleaf, khokli, Kuppi
Growth Habit: Erect, annual herb,
up to 70 cm tall, stem striate,
pubescent, with many spreading or
ascending branches. Leaves are
long, broad with long petiole,
margin crenate-serrate. Flowers are
sessile, greenish, borne on
numerous, lax, erect axillary spikes.numerous, lax, erect axillary spikes.
Fruits are capsules, three valved
covered with bracts. Seeds ovoid
pale brown. Propagated by seeds.
Habitat: Wastelands, gardens,
roadsides in shady places.
Medicinal uses:The leaf paste is
given as a cure for asthma and
brochitis. Shoots and leaves are
cooked as a vegetable
Acanthospermum hispidum
Family: Asteraceae
Common Names: Bristly star bur,
Goat’s head, Horn spine, Landaga
Growth Habit: An upright,
symmetrically-branched annual sub-
shrub reaching up to 70 cm. covered
with stiff white hairs. The dull to pale
green leaves are usually opposite and
sessile; they are ovate to elliptic. Small
green-yellow capitulums are solitary,
inserted in the ‘forks’ of the branches.
Flowers yellow, borne in heads in theFlowers yellow, borne in heads in the
fork of branches. Fruits achenes
triangular spiny, wedge shaped ‘seed’
which form a start-shaped ‘burr’
Habitat :Pastures, disturbed sites,
roadsides and waste lands
Medicinal uses: It possesses
antibacterial and antifungal properties.
The herb paste is used to treat skin
ailments and the leaf juice is reportedly
used to relieve fevers.
Achyranthes aspera L.
Family: Amaranthaceae
Common names: Prickly chaff flower,
Chirchita, Apamarg
Growth Habit: It is an erect or prostrate,
annual to perennial herb about 50-150 cm
tall; stem is pubescent, branched often
reddish purplish tinged. Leaves large on
short petiole, ovate, acute. Flower
greenish-white, numerous, in axillary long
spikes. Seeds are oblong-ovoid, reddish
brown . Propagated by seeds.
Habitat: Found in wastelands, roadsides,Habitat: Found in wastelands, roadsides,
fallow land and on bunds in cropped fields.
Medicinal uses: Important medicinal herb.
The plant is astringent, digestive, root is
astringent and diuretic. Root is used to treat
dropsy, rheumatism, stomach problems,
skin problems, cholera, and rabies. The
fresh roots and dried twigs are used as
toothbrushes. The ash of burnt plant is used
as tooth powder.
Aeschynomene indica L.
Family: Fabaceae
Common Names: Indian Joint vetch,
Budda Pea, Didhen, Phulan
Growth Habit: It is an erect, usually
annual or perennial under-shrub, 0.3 to
2.5 m tall. Stem slender, pubescent,
hollow and pithy. Leaves pinnate,
occasionally sensitive, 5-10 cm long,
many foliolate; leaflets linear-oblong,
glabrous. Yellow small flowers are
borne in racemes. Pods linear, flat,
glabrous. Seeds black.glabrous. Seeds black.
Habitat: Low land and upland rice,
flooded waterlogged grassland; paddy
fields and aquatic vegetation.
Uses:Leaves are cooked and eaten.
Useful as as green manure/fodder crop.
Shade dried plant is used as a tea
substitute. The plant has many
medicinal uses, including as a
Ageratum conyzoides L.
Common Names : Goatweed, Gandheli/
Sahdevi. Mahakua
Growth Habit: Annual herbaceous dicot
weed. It is an erect softly hairy herb
which grows up to a height of 50 cm. It
may emarge throughout the entire
season. The unpleasant smelling leaves
covered with fine hair. Flower heads
white or violet in corymbs. Fruits achene,
black and oblong. Exotic weed introduced
in India during 16th India during 16th century.
Habitat: Found in dry and moist regions.
cultivated fields, gardens and along
Medicinal uses: It is used against epilepsy
and wounds, also used as an insect
repellent. The plant juice is used to treat
cuts, wounds. A decoction of the fresh
plant is used as a hair wash, leaving the
hair soft, fragrant and dandruff free.
Ageratum houstonianum
Family : Asteraceae
Common Name : Flossflower,
Growth Habit: Annual, erect herb often
much branched herb; 0.3-1 m tall.
Stame is erect to prostrate, leafy, with
spreading hairs. Leaves are opposite, on
rather long, slender petioles, very thin,
broadly deltoid-ovate, 4-8 cm long,
obtuse or acute, base cordate, coarsely
crenate, thinly villous-hirsute. Flower-
cluster-stalks are sticky-finely velvet-cluster-stalks are sticky-finely velvet-
hairy, hairy, and stipitate-glandular.
Flowers are usually lavender to purple,
rarely white. Fruits is achenes black.
Habitat: Gardens, upland moist fields
in full sun. Introduced from America as
an ornamental.
Medicinal uses: The juice of the plant is
used externally to treat cuts and wounds.
The plant has insecticidal properties.
Alhagi maurorum
Syn: A. pseudalhagi, A. camelorum
Family: Fabaceae
Common name: Camel Thorn,, Javasa, Oont-
jhari, Durlabha
Growth Habit: It is a deciduous, spiny, much
branched, perennial undershrub growing to 30-
125 cm tall. Spines with yellow tips arise from
leaf axils. Leaves are simple, obovate or elliptic-
oblong, hairless or velvet-hairy, entire,
apiculate; leaf-stalk about 2 mm; stipules
minute. The pea like flowers are borne in lateral,
leaf-axils racemes, ending in spine. Flowers are
pink or reddish-violet. Seed pods are reddish-
brown, often curved, tipped with a small spinebrown, often curved, tipped with a small spine
and contain 5-8 seeds.
Habitats : Found in arid areas. Grows in edges
of irrigation ditches, riverbanks, canals,
wastelands and sometimes in crop fields.
Medicinal uses:An oil from the leaves is used
in the treatment of rheumatism. The flowers are
used in the treatment of piles. Often used as
camel fodder. A sweet-tasting gummy substance
(often called a manna) is exuded from the twigs
at flowering time. Roots are also edible.
Philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb.
Syn: Achyranthes philoxeroide
Family: Amaranthaceae
Common Name: Alligator weed, Pig
Growth Habit: It is a decumbent or
ascending glabrate perennial herb with
creeping stems that form roots at the
nodes. The stems are often hollow when
growing in water, and form dense mats
of vegetation out over the water surface.
Leaves oppositely arranged, stalkless,
glabrous, dark-green waxy, lance-
shaped, opposite. flowers are borne in
dense globular clusters on stalks in thedense globular clusters on stalks in the
forks of the upper leaves. These small
flowers have five white 'petals' that
acquire a papery appearance as the fruit
Habitat: It usually grows in aquatic
habitats e.g. canals, rivers, swamps,
lakes, dams, ditches, etc.
Medicinal uses: The young tops can be
eaten raw or cooked. An extract of the
plant is used medicinally in India to treat
'female diseases.
Alternanthera pungens
Syn: A.repens
Family :Amaranthaceae
Common Name : Khaki joyweed, Creepinng
Growth Habit: Annual to perennial dicot herb
with prostrate, spreading, much branched stems
growing from a robust taproot. Stem about 10-50
cm long, clothed with shaggy hairs, sometimes
rooting at the nodes. Leaves ovate to obovate,
smooth to sparsely hairy. The flowers are white
or pale white in axillary and terminal heads.
Sepals becomes spiny in fruit at maturity. Forms
a dense mat of prickly vegetation over the grounda dense mat of prickly vegetation over the ground
Habitat: It is a weed of disturbed sites, bare
areas, roadsides, parks, lawns, waste areas,
watercourses, orchards, and occasionally also
native pastures and grasslands. It usually forms a
dense mat in gardens and other places.
Medicinal uses: Plant owns diuretic properties.
Its decoction is reportedly taken to treat
Alternanthera sessilis L.
Syn: Gomphrena sessilis L.
Family: Amaranthaceae
Common Names: Sessile Joyweed,
Dwarf copperleaf, Garundi, Matsyaksi
Growth Habit:This is a perennial
much branched herb with prostrate
stems, rarely ascending, vranches
often purplish, frequently rooting at
the lower nodes growing up to 1 m tall.
Flower are very small white or pinkish
in axillary clusters. Reproduced by
seeds and stolons.seeds and stolons.
Habitat: Waste and cultivated moist
fields, swamps, shallow ditches.
Medicinal uses: Leaves and tender
tops - raw or cooked. Stems and
leaves useful in eye trouble. Decoction
is taken with little salt drunk to check
vomiting of blood. Shoot with other
ingredients used to restore virility.
Poultice used for boils.
Common Name: Dill, sowa
Growth Habit: is an erect, branched,
annual herb growing up to 90 cm tall. All
herbaceous parts strongly smelling
especially after crushing. The leaves are
compound trifoliate, about 30 cm long and
divided pinnately three or four times into
threadlike segments. The flowers are
yellow and borne in large, rounded,
compound umbels. The umbels are borne
on stiff, hollow stems. The fruit is a
graveolens L.
Syn:Selinum anethum
on stiff, hollow stems. The fruit is a
flattened pod. The seeds are smaller, flatter
and lighter and have a pleasant aromatic
Habitat: Moist land, winter crops
Uses: Leaves and tender shoots are cooked
and used as a flavouring in salads etc.
Both green parts and seeds have medicinal
properties. The seed is aromatic,
carminative, mildly diuretic, galactagogue,
stimulant and stomachic
Alysicarpus vaginalis L.
Syn: A. rupicola
Family : Fabaceae
Common Name: Alyce clover, Buffalo
clover, White moneywart, Sauri
Growth Habit: It is a annual or perennial
more or less prostrate, hairy branching herb
growing 20-100 cm. The stems is erect or run
along the ground, more often erect when
growing in dense stands. Leaves are 1-
foliate, rounded at tips, obtuse, or truncate at
base, with short stalks. Flowers are small, red
or pinkish yellow, in racemes up to 13 cm
long comprising 6-12 flowers, at the end oflong comprising 6-12 flowers, at the end of
branches. Pods are cylindric, jointed,
pubescent, comprising 4-7 loments having 5-
7-seeds. Seeds are yellow, light brown, oval
or oblong.
Habitat: Open pastures & lawns, roadside
ditches, and in wasteland.
Medicinal Uses: Leaf extract is anti-
cancerous and plant is used to treat wounds,
bone fracture. Important component of
pasture, grown for forage, green manure and
soil conservation..
Alysicarpus rugosus
Sym: Alysicarpus longifolius
Family: Fabaceae
Common Name: Red moneywort,
Sweet alyce clover
Growth Habit : It is a prostrate to
erect, stout, glabrous, annual herb
growing to 60 - 150cm tall. The stem is
cylindrical and solid. It is pubescent,
sparsely covered with rigid white hairs.
Flower is finely pubescent. The corolla
consists of an upper orange yellow
petal. The fruits are pods stipitate,
glabrous. Seeds ovoid to rounded,glabrous. Seeds ovoid to rounded,
smooth olive brown or black.
Habitat: Terrestrial , wet places, waste
lands, forest areas, swampy grasslands
Uses : The seeds are listed as a famine
food in India. It is used as a green
manure to protect and enrich the soil
and as a forage. Leaf and root extracts
are used in the treatment of coughs and
Amaranthus spinosus L.
Family: Amaranthaceae
Common Names: Spiny Amaranth,
Kanta chaulai
Growth Habit: It is an erect, much-
branched annual herb grows to 30-100
cm tall, armed with sharp axillary
spines. Stems are hard, obtusely angular,
glabrous, often greenish to purple in
colour with a simple and alternate leaves
without stipules. Flowers greenish white
in terminal panicles spikes or in axillary,
sessile clusters. Reproduced by seeds.sessile clusters. Reproduced by seeds.
Habitat: Roadsides, waste land, along
bunds and cultivated fields
Medicinal Uses: Leaves and tender
stems are cooked as vegetables like
spinach. The seed is used as a poultice
for broken bones. Applied externally, it
is used to treat ulcerated mouths,
nosebleeds and wounds, eczema, boils
and burns.
Amaranthus Viridis L.
Family: Amaranthaceae
Common name: Amaranth, Pig weed,
Growth habit: It is a vigorous, erect,
or somewhat prostrate, branched,
annual herb growing 30-80 cm tall.
Stem is solid, glabrous, and grooved.
Leaves simple, alternate and ovate.
Fleshy and red taproot. Inflorescence
is greenish, flowers in spike-like,
axillary and terminal recemes. Seedsaxillary and terminal recemes. Seeds
lenticular, shining black color.
Habitat: A weed of wastelands, fallow
land, roadsides and cultivated fields.
Uses: Young and tender plants are
eaten as a cooked vegetable as spinach.
Seeds are edible. A decoction of the
entire plant is used to stop dysentery
and inflammations, and also to purify
the blood.
Ammannia baccifera L.
Family: Lythraceae
Common Name: Blistering ammannia, Fire
leaf, Bamnirich, Daadmari
Growth Habit: An annual, erect or
subscadent herb, 10-60 cm high, branches
usually opposite; leaves opposite, sessile,
linear, oblong or oblong lanceolate, much
narrowed at the base; flowers greenish or
purplish, borne in dense axillary clusters or
in loose cymes forming whorls in the axils;
fruit, capsule, depressed, globose, red,
irregularly circumsciss above the middle;
seeds sub -hemispheric excavated on theseeds sub -hemispheric excavated on the
Habitat : Found in moist habitat, damp
places, common in rice and other Kharif
crops all over the country.
Medicinal Uses: Bitter; appetizer, laxative,
stomachic, aphrodisiac; removes blood
troubles, strangury. Leaves are acrid, used
for ringworm and other skin diseases. Herb
is reported to possess anti-tubercular
Anacyclus pyrethrum
Syn: Acmella oleracea,
Spilanthes oleracea,
Family: Asteraceae
Common Name: Pellitory,Toothache plant,
Para cress, Akarkara.
Growth Habit: An annual 30-60 cm tall
herb. The stems are prostrate or erect, often
reddish, hairless. The root is somewhat
cylindrical in shape and is slightly twisted,
often crowned with a cluster of grey
hairs Each of the stem bears one large
flowers at branch-ends, with yellow colored
disk, white colored rays and tinged with
purple beneath. Leaves are broadly ovate to
triangular, margins toothed, tip sharp.triangular, margins toothed, tip sharp.
Achenes are black, 2-2.5 mm long.
Habitat: Moist lands, cultivated field, along
bunds and roadsides.
Medicinal uses: Akarkara is an amazing
medicinal plant used to treat toothache and
throat and gum infections. The flower heads
are used either fresh or dried and powdered,
but the use of roots and leaves is also
recommended. It is also used as tonic and
Anagallis arvensis L.
Family : Primulaceae
Common Name: Scarlet pimpernel, Bird’s
eye, Krishnaneel, Jonkmari
Growth Habit: It is a much branched,
prostrate, annual herb with a fibrous root
system. The stem is quadrangular, branched
from the base. Leaves grow opposite and are
stalkless. It’s flowers have five brightly-
coloured petals (4-6 mm long) that are either
reddish-orange or purplish-blue in colour,
appears on the long stalks in leaf axils. Its
flowers close at midday. its small roundedflowers close at midday. its small rounded
capsules turn from green to pale brown as they
Habitat: Roadsides, pastures, waste grounds
and common weed of pulses, cereals in
general, vegetables and small oilseed crop.
Medicinal uses: It is diuretic, diaphoretic,
expectorant and useful in rheumatism, cerebral,
hepatic and renal complaints. It is also
poisonous to livestock and humans.
Family: Acanthaceae
Common Name : Green Chireta, Kirayat,
King of Bitters, Kalmegh
Growth Habit: It is an erect, much
branched perennial herb growing up to 80
cm tall. Leaves lanceolate, acute,
undulate, pale beneath. Flowers small,
solitary, white with purplish blotches
borne in lax. Seeds many, rugosely
pitted, yellowish brown, Extremely
bitter in taste in all parts of the plant body.bitter in taste in all parts of the plant body.
Habitats: Village groves, roadsides,
waste lands, open sandy soils
Medicinal Uses: The roots and leaves are
primarily used to reduce chronic fever,
tone the stomach, increase appetite. the
plant is used locally as a remedy for snake
bites and for insect bites as well. In
combination with Orthosiphon aristatus,
as a remedy for diabetes.
Anisomeles indica
Syn: A.ovata, Nepeta indica
Family: Lamiaceae
Common Name: Indian catmint, Gopali,
Kala bhangra
Growth Habit: It is a camphor-scented,
densely pubescent, perennial woody under-
shrub, 1-2 m tall, much branched from
base. Stem is erect, greyish, acutely
quadrangular, softly pubescent, white pith.
The leaves are thin, ovate, 3-12 cm, long-
stalked, and pointed at the tip, with round-
toothed margins. The flowers are purplish,
numerous, crowded, and almost stalkless
and occur in spike-like racemes 5-25 cmand occur in spike-like racemes 5-25 cm
long. Calyx about 6 mm hirsute, lobes
about as long as the tube, hairy, acuminate.
Corolla 2 cm long, reddish-purple,
bilipped. Fruit nutlets ovoid, smooth,
shining, black when ripe.
Habitat: Found along the forest paths,
drylands , roadsides.
Medicinal uses: The plant is used
traditionally as an analgesic, anti-
inflammatory and in skin problems .
Antigonon leptopus
Family : Polygonaceae
Common Names : Coral vine,
Bride's tears, Love-vine
Growth Habit: It is a fast growing
evergreen perennial pretty vine
climbing on tree or wall with tendrils
that will reach to 9-12 m. Leaves are
dark green, ovate, heart-shaped , the
branches bearing flowers in clusters
along the rachis; flowers reddish or
light pink, or white. Propagted
through seeds.through seeds.
Habitat: It runs wild near gardens,
railway tracks, road sides and
disturbed places in sunny position.
Uses: The tuberous roots can be
cooked and eaten. It has a nut-like
flavour. It grows rapidly and has also
been used to provide a very quick
screen for buildings, etc. Grows as
ornamental vine.
Argemone mexicana L.
Family: Papaveraceae
Common Name: Mexican prickly poppy,
Satyanashi, Swarnkshiri
Habit: It is a prickly annual to perennial
plant with whitish-grey foliage. Stem is
erect, branched, prickly stems and leaves,
with yellow latex growing around 60-120
cm tall. Beautiful yellow flower with 4-6
petals. Fruits are prickly capsules.
Blackish brown small seeds. It exudes an
unpleasant smelling sap when cut.unpleasant smelling sap when cut.
Habitat: Troublesome weeds of Waste
lands and along railways and roads.
Medicinal uses: Plant is used in the
treatment of cancer and epilepsy. The
leaves are good sedative and also have
anti-allergic properties. A decoction of the
leaves is drunk for ailments of the spleen
and liver, and for jaundice. An infusion of
the young leaves or flowers is taken to
relieve fever, cough and asthma.
Astercantha longifolia
Syn:Hygrophila auriculata
Family: Acanthaceae
Common Name : Temple plant,
Waterleaf, Gokul Kanta, Talmakhana
Growth Habit: It is an erect, stout,
unbranched, thorny, perennial herb
about 150 cm tall. Stem is square, hairy
and thickened at nodes. Six leaves at a
node, oblong, lanceolate, each one with
a yellow straight spine in its axil.
Flowers 4-pairs at each node, bracts
leaf-like, lanceolate, hairy, corolla
purplish-blue, tube swollen , fruitpurplish-blue, tube swollen , fruit
capsule is linear, oblong, pointed
glabrous having 8 seeds.
Habitat: Wet places, stagnate water
bodies like ponds, canals, rice fields.
Uses: The young leaves are chopped
and cooked alone, or are combined with
other vegetables. The plant is often used
in traditional medicine, being valued
especially as a diuretic. Used to treat
liver ailments. Seeds are used as a tonic
and aphrodisiac.
Atylosia scarabaeoides L.
Syn: Dolichos scarabaeoides L
Family: Fabaceae
Common Name: Wild pigeon pea, Jangli
Tur, Ban kulthi
Growth Habit : It is a perennial climber
forming thick mats. Stems often reddish,
covered with short, ferruginous pubescence.
Leaves 3-foliate, leaflets elliptic-obovate to
oblong, obtuse or rounded and mucronate at
apex, rounded at base, pubscent; petiole
1.5-4 cm. long. Flowers pale yellow in
corymbose racemes or often reduce to 1-2
on short peduncles. Pods brown tomentose,on short peduncles. Pods brown tomentose,
2-6 seeded, densely clothed with fine
spreading brown hairs. Seeds oblong, black.
Habitat : Common weed in cutlivated and
fallow fields , field bunds and forest edges. .
Medicinal Uses: Plant is used for treating
pain in legs, night fever, dropsy, burns,
wounds, small pox, gonorrhoea, cholera,
dysentery, snakebite and grounded paste of
plants is used for treating diarrhoea in
Bacopa monnieri L.
Family : Scrophulariaceae
Common Names: Thyme Leaved
Gratiola, Brahmi
Growth Habit: It is a semi-aquatic,
prostrate, semi-succulent annual or short
lived perennial herb up to 30 cm tall,
creeping stem with ascending branches.
Stem rooting at nodes. Leaves simple,
opposite, sessile, obovate-oblong, fleshy.
Flowers are white, solitary, arises from
the axils. Capsule ovoid or oblong,
enclosed in calyx.enclosed in calyx.
Habitat: Grows on damp soil, along
watercourses, in rice fields, forms dense
mats in marshy places.
Medicinal uses: An important
Ayurvedic herb.used in the treatment of
a range of nervous system disorders
including neuralgia, hysteria, epilepsy,
insanity, neurasthenia and general
debility. Leaves are cooked as vegetable.
Barleria prionitis L.
Syn: B. spicata Roxb.
Family : Acanthaceae
Common Names : Porcupine flower,
Barleria Katsareya, Piabansa, Vajradanti
Growth Habit: It is an erect, prickly
fast growing perennial shrub about 1.5
m tall. Spines are present in the leaf axils
the angle between the stem and the leaf
stalk or a branch. Orange yellow or
cream-coloured flower borne in axillary,
bristle-tipped bracts. The flowers of B.
cristata are bluish-purple, pink or white,
pubescent outside.pubescent outside.
Habitat: Pioneering in disturbed areas,
wateland, roadsides.
Medicinal Uses: It is useful for treating
fever, respiratory diseases, toothache,
joint pains and a variety of other
ailments; and it has several cosmetic
uses. A mouthwash made from root tissue
is used to relieve toothache and treat
bleeding gums.
Basella alba L.
Syn: Basella rubra L.
Family: Basellaceae
Common Names; Indian Spinach, Poi
Growth Habit: It is an annual or short-
lived perennial, creeping or climbing herb,
2-10 m long. Stems angular, green,
glabrous, multi branched and fleshy. The
leaves are thick, fleshy, pointed at the tip,
and arranged alternately along the vine.
Inflorescences are arranged in linear
spikes with a fleshy axis and numerous
small white fleshy, sessile flowers, notsmall white fleshy, sessile flowers, not
opening. The fruits are round and soft,
and can be red, white, or black in colour.
The seeds are round and black.
Medicinal uses:The leaves and stems are
cooked as well and eaten as vegetable.
Paste of the root is used as a rubefacient
while paste of leaves is used externally as
treatment for boils and sores. A red dye is
obtained from the juice of the fruits.
Bidens pilosa L.
Syn: Bidens bipinnata L.
Family: Asteraceae
Comman Names: Beggar’s tick, Broom
stick, Spanish needles, Kumra
Growth Habit: Bidens pilosa is an
annual herb producing an erect, much-
branched stem up to 150 cm tall. Long
sessile often hairy leaves. Flowers are
borne in small single heads on relatively
long flower-cluster-stalks. The heads bear
white ray florets, surrounding many
tubular yellow disc florets.tubular yellow disc florets.
Habitat:Damp lowland fields and
wasteland, pastures, fallow lands, along
roadsides. Major weeds in vegetables,
forms a dense ground cover.
Medicinal uses: widely used in in the
treatment of soothe pain. Leaves are also
used to dress wounds and ulcers. Leaves
and young shoots are cooked.
Blumea lacera
Syn:Conyza lacera
Family: Asteraceae
Common Names: Blumea, Kukundera,
Growth Habit: An annual erect herb with
branched stems 25-80 cm tall, having strong
odour of turpentine or camphor. Stem is erect,
grey colored, densely glandular, pubscent.
Leaves are alternate, often incised or lyrate,
margin toothed. The bright yellow flowering
heads (Pink in B.obliqua) borne on short
axillary cymes, and collected in terminal,
spike-like panicles. Pappus is white. Fruit isspike-like panicles. Pappus is white. Fruit is
an achene, oblong and not ribbed.
Habitat: Commonly found along roadsides,
railway tracks, nallas, wasteland, moist and
shady places near old buildings.
Uses: Leaves are cooked and eaten as a
vegetable. Used to treat thread worms,
bronchitis, blood related diseases, fevers,
excess thirst, burning sensations, neuralgia,
headache, cold and cough. The plant contains
a strong, camphor-like essential oil.
Boerhaavia diffusa
Common Names: Santhi, Common
Hogweed, Gadahpurna, Punarnava
Growth Habit: It is a perennial
diffuse herb with stout root stock and
many procumbent branches; leaves
simple, opposite, short-petioled in
unequal pairs, ovate-oblong, acute or
obtuse, rounded or sub-cordate at
base, glabrous above, and whitish
beneath; flowers pale rose coloured,
small, short-stalked; fruits highlysmall, short-stalked; fruits highly
viscid, easily detachable, one-seeded.
Habitat: Open places near river
banks, roadsides, along crop fields.
Medicinal Uses: It is useful in all
types of inflammations, leucorrhoea,
ophthalmia, scabies, cardiac disorders,
jaundice, anaemia, constipation,
cough and bronchitis.
Borreria hispida L.
Syn: Spermacoce hispida
Family : Rubiaceae
Common Names : Shaggy buttonweed
Growth Habit: Annual to perennial
prostrate, much branched, short hairy herb,
growing up to 15 cm tall forming mats up
to 23-40 cm wide. Stem bluish, hispid.
Leaves are oblong-elliptic to obovate,
acute at apex, attenuate at base, hispid on
both sides. Flowers in axillary verticillate
cymes. Corolla pale blue or lilac; tube
slender, 0.5-0.6 cm long, hairy at
throat.Capsule obovoid with white hairs.throat.Capsule obovoid with white hairs.
Seeds chestnut-brown, oblong-ellipsoid.
Habitat: Open sandy low lands, gardens,
along roadsides.
Uses: Leaves are eaten as a vegetable,
usually with other plants. The seeds have
been recommended as a coffee substitute.
The aerial parts of the plant are taken as a
febrifugeand are also considered to be
stimulant and tonic.
Borreria stricta
Syn: Spermacoce verticillata
Family: Rubiaceae
Common Name: Whitehead broom,
Safed phooli
Growth Habit: It is a erect annual
branched herb 10-50 cm tall with
grooved, glabrous often reddish stems.
Leaf blades linear-lanceolate, acuminate,
thinly scabrid, sessile; stipule cupular,
teethed,, glabrous. Flowers white, very
small in sessile clusters at the upper
stem nodes. Capsule ovoid, scabridstem nodes. Capsule ovoid, scabrid
above and seeds reddish brown.
Habitat: A common dry land weed
associated with ragi, groundnut and
pulses. Also found in grasslands.
Uses:It is valued for its nectar which
attracts a range of insects including
bees and butterflies. the infusion of the
flowers is used as an antipyretic and
analgesic, the roots as an emetic and
the leaves as an anti-diarrhoeal.
Caesulia axillaris
Family: Asteraceae
Common name: Pink Node Flower,
Caesulia, Ghar phule, Ganthila
Growth Habit: It is a glabrous decumbent
or semierect annual herb, 15-50 cm tall .
Stem is stout, pink, succulent, swollen at
nodes. Alternately arranged stalkless
leaves 4-15 cm long, lance shaped,
pointed, distantly toothed, narrow at base.
White/pale blue disc florets clustered in
the axils of leaves. Dark brown ribbed
achenes. Stalkless flowers-heads, 1-2 cmachenes. Stalkless flowers-heads, 1-2 cm
across, are borne in leaf axils. Flowers are
white/pale blue, tubular with 5 linear
Habitat: Wet places, found at the edge of
tank, also found near ponds, ditche,
irrigation channels and rice fields.
Medicinal uses: The plant is used to treat
baldness and goiter and as a diuretic. The
young leaves are used as a pot herb.
Calotropis gigantea L.
Syn: Asclepias gigantea L.
Family: Asclepiadaceae
Common name: Crown flower, Giant
milk weed, Akaua, Mandaar
Growth Habit: It is a fast growing
perennial large bushy shrub, growing up
to 2.5 meters with branches and sub
branches. Leaves are simple, opposite
and sub-sessile, ovate, and cordateat
base. Plant contains latex almost in all
parts. Flowers beautiful, white or purple,
in umbellate lateral cymes. Fruits are
fleshy follicles, green; seeds attachedfleshy follicles, green; seeds attached
with abundant white coma. Propagated
through seeds.
Habitat: Common in all plains,
waste lands, dry lands, cultivated fields.
Medicinal uses: Plant pacifies vitiated
tridoshas, skin diseases, joint
inflammations, snake poison, asthma
and chest infections and rabies. It is a
strong purgative drug.
Cardamine hirsuta L.
Common Name: Bittercress,
Growth Habit : It is annual or biennial
herb grows 30-40 cm tall. Stems erect,
green or sometimes purplish in strong
sun, terete, branching from the base,
usually hairless except at the base. Basal
leaves in a rosette, usually lush and
numerous at flowering time. Stem leaves
pinnately compound with 1-7 leaflets.
The side leaflets are somewhat circularThe side leaflets are somewhat circular
and terminal leaflet is kidney shaped. It
has small, white 4 petalled flowers occurs
in clusters which form pods (siliqua) up to
25 mm long that flick the seeds out when
Habitat : Moist wastelands, disturbed
sites, roadsides, lawns, cultivated fields
and along ditches.
Uses: Leaves and flowers are cooked .
Also used as a potherb.
halicacabum L.
Family: Sapindaceae
Common Names: Balloon Vine, Blister
Creeper, Kanphuti, Indravalli
Growth Habit: Woody climbing or trailing
annual herb grow up to 3 m in height, many-
branched vine with bi-fid (forked) axillary
tendrils that are used for climbing . Leaves are
lobed,alternate and twice ternately compound .
Leaflets bear toothed margins , are lanceolate
in shape, 2-4cm in length, 1-2cm wide, and
faintly pubescent with pinnate venation,
Forked tendrils borne at the base of
inflorescences. Irregular flowers are borne ininflorescences. Irregular flowers are borne in
panicles. Each flower bears 4 sepals and 4
whitish petals. Inflated, green, papery,
balloon-like fruits.
Habitat : Waste places and riverbanks; scrub
Medicinal uses: It has been used in the
treatment of rheumatism, nervous diseases,
stiffness of the limbs and snakebite. Leaves
are crushed and made into a tea, which aids
itchy skin. Young leaves can be cooked as
Carthamus oxyacantha
Family: Asteraceae
Common Name: Wild Safflower, Pohli
Growth Habit: It is a spiny erect, much
branched, annual herb, growing up to 30-60 cm
tall. Stem terete, white-puberulous. Leaves:
sessile, lamina semi-amplexicaul at base,
oblong, oblong-lanceolate, apical leaves very
spinous, mid-vein and lateral-veins raised
abaxially, terminating into spines. Flowers:
capitula orange-yellow, solitary, terminal. It is
closely related to Safflower. Wild Safflower can
be distinguished from the Safflower by the
larger, pointed spines. The yellow flowers growlarger, pointed spines. The yellow flowers grow
in flower heads about 2.5-3.25 cm across.
Habitat: Occurs in fallow field, waste places
and along road sides. It cannot grow in the
shade. It prefers dry or moist soil and can
tolerate drought.
Medicinal uses: Plant diuretic, plant or
or flowers decoction anthelmintic for
children. Seed oil a dressing for bad ulcers,
itch, joint pains, liver diseases.
Cassia alata L.
Family: Caesalpinioideae
Common Name: Ringworm shrub,
Candle stick, Dadmurdan, Dadrugna
Growth Habit: An annual or binneal
shrub grows up to 2.5 meters in
height. Leaves compound,
paripinnate, leaflets oblong, obtuse,
membranous; flowers seen in long
terminal spikes, yellow and showy.
Fruits green angulated dehiscent
pods, contain numerous compressed
brown colored ovate seeds.brown colored ovate seeds.
Habitat: Wastelands, roadsides
Medicinal uses: Plant pacifies
vitiated kapha, pitta, inflammation,
ringworm, cough, bronchitis, asthma,
other skin diseases, intestinal worms,
poison, constipation, hemorrhoids,
alopecia and sexual weakness.
Cassia occidentalis (L.)
Family: Caesalpinioideae
Common Name : Coffee senna, Negro
Coffee, Badi Kasaundi
Growth Habit: An erect under shrub
grows up to 2 meters in height. Leaves
pinnately compound, paripinnate, with
3-5 pairs; flowers yellow, in short
pedunculated racemes. The seed pods
are dark brown and curve slightly
upward, the seeds are olive brown and
flattened on both ends.
Habitat: It is growing abundantly onHabitat: It is growing abundantly on
wastelands, road sides, dry lands
immediately after the rains.
Medicinal uses: Plant pacifies vitiated
vata, kapha, cough, bronchitis, allergy,
asthma, fever constipation, diabetes,
skin diseases, wounds and ulcers. The
seeds, which are in long pods, can be
roasted and made into a coffee-like
Common Name: Sickle sena, Chakauda,
Charota, Chakramard
Growth Habit: It is a soft wood annual
herb or undershrub grow up to 90 cm tall
with glabrous branches. Foetid smell when
broken. Flowers golden yellow, in subsessile
pairs, found in leaf axils. Fruits long septate
pods with 10-15 seeds per pod. yellowish
brown to tan red, shiny seeds. Generally
plant dies in winter.
Habitat:Common in uplands, low lying
Cassia tora L.
Syn: Senna tora
Family : Caesalpiniaceae
Habitat:Common in uplands, low lying
places, river banks, fallow fields, wastelands
and roadsides.
Uses: Young, tender leaves and shoots are
cooked as vegetables. Seeds contains gums
used in food industries. Roasted seeds are a
coffee substitute. All parts of plants are used
to treat various diseases like ringworm. The
seeds are considered as purgative, tonic and
Celosia argentia L.
Common Names: Cock’s comb,
Growth habit: It is an erect annual
herb with angular stems and grooved
branches, growing 40–100 cm
tall. There are two main forms, one
with green leaves and one with
red. Flower white or pink, glistening,
borne in feathery, conical to cylindrical
Habitat: Common weed of kharif
Medicinal uses: The flowers and seed
are used to treat bloody stool, bleeding,
leucorrhoea, dysentery and diarrhoea.
The leaves are used in the treatment of
infected sores, wounds and skin
problems. The whole plant is used as an
antidote for snakebites.
Centella asiatica
Common Name: Asiatic Pannywort,
Indian Pennywort, Bengsaag, Manduki,
Growth Habit: A prostrate peremmial
herb, about 20 cm tall. Plant spreads
quickly by the roots, producing long
stolons up to 250 cm i. Stem is glabrous,
pink striated and rooting at nodes..
Bracts small, ovate. Flowers are pink and
white in fascicled umbels.
Habitat:Shady, damp and wet placesHabitat:Shady, damp and wet places
such as paddy fields, and in grass lands.
Medicinal uses: Leaves - raw or cooked.
A slightly bitter flavour, they are used in
salads, cooked in curries, soups. It
promotes memory, used mainly in the
bowel complaints in children, applied
both externally and internally as poultice
and powder respectively in the treatment
of leprosy and syphilitic ulcers.
Centrosema pubescens
Family : Fabacea
Common Name: Centro or butterfly pea
Growth Habit: Perennial, trailing-
climbing herb with tendency to root at
nodes, sometimes forming mats. The
vigorous stems scramble over the ground
or twine into other plants for support
Leaves trifoliolate, leaflets ovate to
orbicular, finely pubescent.
Inflorescence many flowered, axillary,
bluish-violet colour. Pod linear, 5-17 cmbluish-violet colour. Pod linear, 5-17 cm
long with 2 raised ribs along the edges
of the valves, velvety when young.
Seeds oblong to reniform having
yellowish-greenish colour. Good green
manure crop.
Habitat: Pasture legume and found as
weed in sugarcane and maize fields.
Uses: Potential soil cover, grown as a
green manure, fairly palatable for cattle.
Chenopodium album L.
Family : Chenopodiaceae
Common Names : Common
lambsquarter, Pig weed, Bathua
Growth Habit: is an erect plant that
can grow up to 1.5 m tall. Leaves are
generally dull and pale gray green,
triangular egg shaped to lance shaped,
and have thin stalks. New leaf
surfaces, are covered with a fine white
powdery coating. Tiny, green, stalkless
flowers are packed in dense clusters at
the tips of the main stem andthe tips of the main stem and
branches. Seeds are tiny, round, black
and shining.
Habitat: Fields, pastures, agronomic
and vegetable croplands, gardens,
orchards, roadsides, and other
disturbed locations.
Uses: edible, with an earthy flavor
similar to spinach.Tender shoots and
leaves are cooked as vegetable. Seeds
are also edible.
Chenopodium murale L.
Family: Chenopodiaceae
Common Name: Nettleleaf Goosefoot
Growth Habit: It is an erect, usually many
branched annual herb grows up to 90 cm tall,
with branches arising mostly from the base of
the main stem. Leaves are usually
triangular/egg shaped to lance shaped and have
coarsely toothed edges with an upper dark
green, glossy surface, and a lower surface that
is sparsely covered with fine, white, powdery
coating. Leaves have slender stalks that are
roughly half as long as the leaf blade. Young
leaves have a moist, dewy coating and a strongleaves have a moist, dewy coating and a strong
odor when crushed. Tiny, green, stalkless
flowers cluster densely into flower heads,
found at the tips of the main stem and
branches. The seeds are disk shaped, black to
dark brown, with a minutely pitted surface.
Habitat: Roadsides, crop fields, gardens,
orchards, and disturbed sites.
Medicinal uses: The leaves and seeds of all
members of this genus are more or less edible.
Chromolaena odorata
Family: Asteraceae
Common Name: Siam weed, Bitter bush, Tivra
Growth Habit: It is a bushy perennial shrub
with woody stem which forms a very dense
thicket. Stem is upright, which can be climbing,
2-7 m high, forming dense clumps, up to 2 m
tall when it behaves in annual.. Twigs are
slightly striolate longitudinally, pubescent,
opposite-decussate. Leaves are simple,
opposite-decussate and without stipules. They
are rhomboid-ovate to ovate with an acute apexare rhomboid-ovate to ovate with an acute apex
and a cuneate base. The blades are slightly
pubescent above and pubescent with numerous
small yellow dots below. Flower (capitula) are
grouped in 1, 3 or 5 convex trichotomic
corymbs, 5-10 cm in diameter, at the end of the
twigs. Colour ranges from pale-lilac to white.
Habitat: Occurs in agricultural areas, forests,
grasslands and roadsides.
Medicinal uses: The leaves are said to be
antibiotic, antimalarial and febrifuge. Crushed
young leaves can be used to treat skin wounds.
Common Name : Chicory, Coffee weed,
Growth Habit: It is a bushy perennial herb
that attains a height of 1 m. The stem has
edges having hard branches. Blue or
lavender flowers occur either solitary on leaf
axils. The green bracts below the flowers are
Habitat: Prefers well-drained soils along
roadsides, railroads, waste ground, and
cultivated fields. Common weed of lucerne
Cichorium intybus L.
Family : Asteraceae
cultivated fields. Common weed of lucerne
and berseem.
Uses:Chicory is grown for its leaves, or for
the roots, which are baked, ground, and used
as a coffee substitute in instant coffee. It is
believed that the plant could purify the
blood and liver, while others have relied on
the herb for its power to cure "passions of
the heart." Chicory continues to be a popular
herbal remedy due to its healing effects on
several ailments.
Cirsium arvense L. Family : Asteraceae
Common Name : Canada Thistle, Creeping thistle
Growth Habit: An upright deep rooted perennial herb spreading rapidly
by horizontal roots which give rise to aerial shoots. 30-150 cm tall,
slender, green, freely branched. Prickly leaves It has waxy, kelly
green, serrated leaves and stems that branch out into many flower heads.
Flowers are purple in the early season, and become white when ready to
go to seed.
It spreads from both seeds
and root systems, which
makes control particularly
Habitat: Aggressive weeds
of agricultural land,
roadsides, ditch spoil banks,
and overgrazed pastures.
Canada thistle greatly
reduces yield and quality.
Cleome gynandra
Family: Cleomaceae
Common Names:African spider flower,
Cat whisters, Safed Hulhul, Aajgandha
Growth Habit: Annual erect herbs,
strongly foetid, about 50-120 cm tall.
branches slender, grandular pubescent.
Leaves 3-7 foliate, flowers are white to
creamy yellow or pinkish rarely
Habitat: Degraded forests, waste places,
near cultivated fields and roadsides, Fallow
rice fields, sugar cane fields on heavy clay,
and freshwater swamps.and freshwater swamps.
Medicinal uses: A decoction of the root is
used to treat fevers. The juice of the root is
used to relieve scorpion stings. It has
fragrant leaves that are used to treat
oedema. Sinus-related head aches are
treated by inhaling the steam of water in
which these leaves have been boiled.The
tender leaves or young shoots are boiled
and consumed as pot herb. The leaves are
Cleome viscosa
Family: Cleomaceae
Common Name: Tickweed, Yellow
spider flower, Sticky Celome, Hurhur,
Growth Habit: It is an erect profusely
branched woody annual herbs grows to
a height of 50-100 cm. The whole plant
viscous with stalked glandular hairs.
Flowers are whitish or yellowish .
Seeds are dark brown.
Habitat: Weed in fallow andHabitat: Weed in fallow and
cultivated fields, wayside, dry river
beds or even in very poor soils.
Medicinal uses: The leaves and young
shoots are cooked as a vegetable. The
seedpods are made into pickle. The
plant is used as a stimulant in food in
order to improve the appetite.
Clitoria ternatea L.
Family : Fabaceae
Common Name: Butterfly Bean,
Growth Habit: It is a annual or short-
lived perennial, twining or climbing
herb with a strong root system.
Flowers ranging in colour from white
to deep blue, axillary, solitary. A linear,
oblong pod, compressed, apically
beaked fruits.
Habitat: Common on waysides,Habitat: Common on waysides,
thickets, scrub jungles.
Medicinal uses: A mixture of flower
and milk taken orally to reduce body
heat.Roots are bitter, diuretic and
purgative. The root paste is used as a
cure for snake bite. Young leaves and
pods are cooked and used as a
vegetable. Potential fodder for cattle.
Common name: Broom Creeper, Ink berry,
Farid buti, Soavalli,, Garudi, Jaljamni
Growth Habit: It is a perennial climbing
undershrub, covered with long, moderately
stiff hairs. Leaves are 4-8 cm long, 2.5-6 cm
broad, ovate or ovate-oblong, sometimes 3-5-
lobed, base heart-shaped, wedge-shaped or
flat, tip blunt or with a small point. Leaves
are densely velvety when young, later nearly
hairless. Inflorescence is small axillary
cymose panicles. Male flowers have hairy
sepals, oblong-lanceshaped, petals are ovate-
Cocculus hirsutus L.
Syn: Cocculus villosus .
Family: Menispermaceae
sepals, oblong-lanceshaped, petals are ovate-
oblong. Female flowers 1-3, on axillary
stalks, rarely racemed. Fruit somewhat
ellipsoid, fleshy, purple-blue when ripe.
Habitat: Forest plantation and common in
hedges .
Uses: The juice of the ripe fruit yields a
permanent bluish-purple ink and the roots as
well as the leaves are used in native medicine
and as a tonic .Leaves and roots used to allay
irritation, fever and rheumatism.
Convolvulus arvensis L.
Family : Convolvulaceae
Common Name : Field bindweed,
morning glory, Hirankhuri
Growth Habit: It is a perennial herb
with twinning or prostrate hairless
stems 1.5m long, twining
anticlockwise. Long live root system.
Leaves are alternate, mostly
hairless, ovate in shape, Flowers are
funnel shaped pink or pink and
white, singly or in clusters, along thewhite, singly or in clusters, along the
stem. Very deep rooted..
Habitat : Weed of vegetable, field
and fruit crops that twines them.
Also found roadsides, grasslands.
Medicinal uses: The juice of the root
is used in the treatment of fevers. A
tea made from the flowers is laxative
and is also used in the treatment of
fevers and wounds
Convolvulus prostratus
Syn: Ipomoea microphylla
Common Name : Shankhapushpi,
English speedwheel
Growth Habit: Perennial herb. Stems
are ascending or prostrate, 10-40 cm
long, densely velvety. Leaves are
stalkless, linear to oblong, lance shaped,
wedge shaped at the base, pointed to
blunt at the tip, velvety to hairy. Flowers
are white or pale pink; fruit capsules
globose with 4 dark brown seeds.
Habitat: Roadsides, sandy and rockyHabitat: Roadsides, sandy and rocky
Medicinal Uses: It is known to be a
very useful brain tonic to promote
intellect and memory, eliminate nervous
disorders and to treat hypertension. It is
described as anthelmintic, good in
dysentery and cures skin ailments The
plant is used as a vegetable and as a
coolant in hot weather.
Conyza bonariensis L.
Family : Asteraceae
Common Name : Asthmaweed , Hairy
Growth Habit: An erect annual or
perennial, 20-75 cm tall. Stem is erect with
stiff hairs, branching at the base, decreasing
upwards. The leaves are alternate, the lower
ones oblanceolate, serrate to entire, and
short-petioled, and the upper reduced,
narrower, smooth-margined, and sessile.
The numerous flowers are small, disciform
and situated on axillary stems in the upperand situated on axillary stems in the upper
part of the plant. Each head has numerous
(125-180) white pistillate flowers. The
pappus consists of a few hair-like bristles
which are whitish to straw-colored, aging to
Habitat : Waste areas and cultivated fields,
beneath walls and in cracks in pavements
and concrete roads.
Corchorus olitorius
Family: Tiliaceae
Common Names: Jew’s mallow, Nalta
jute, Tossa jute, Pat saag, Mithapat,
Growth Habit: It is an erect, annual
much branched herb growing up to 3.5
metres tall. The plant is usually strongly
branches. Pale yellow flower. Fruits are
long erect capsules, beaked, 5-valved,
seeds black.
Habitat: Cultivated, fallow fields,Habitat: Cultivated, fallow fields,
roadsides, wet lands, forest areas.
Uses: Young shoots and leaves are
cooked as vegetables/pot-herb.The
leaves quickly become mucilaginous
when cooked. The seeds are used as
purgative and leaves as tonic in fever. In
Ayurveda, the leaves are used for
ascites, pain, piles, and tumors. A fibre is
obtained from the stems.
Crotalaria pallida
Family: Fabaceae
Common Name: Streaked Rattlepod
Growth Habit: It is an erect, well-branched,
sometimes robust annual or short lived
perennial herb /undershrub with stems that
become more or less woody. It can grow up
to 2 m tall. Flower in terminal many
flowered recemes. Petals yellow with
prominent reddish veins. Pods oblong-
cylindrical having 18-30 brown seeds.
Habitat: Occurs naturally on river banks,
edges of lakes, extending into forest area,edges of lakes, extending into forest area,
grassland and waste places.
Uses: Used as green manure.The flowers are
used as a vegetable. A kind of coffee is
prepared from roasted seed. The plant is used
in traditional medicine to treat urinary
problems, to reduce fever. An infusion of the
plant is used to bathe children in order to
prevent skin infections. A poultice made of
the roots is applied to painful swelling of
Crotalaria prostrata
Family : Fabaceae
Common Names: Prostrate Rattlepod
Growth Habit: It is a prostrate annual
herb, 15-50 cm long with spreading or
long trailing slender branches, covered
with yellowish silky hairs. Flowers
are yellowish or whitish borne in a 2-
4-flowered raceme, carried on stalks
longer than the leaf. Seed-pod is about
1.2-1.6 cm long, inflated, hairless, 12-
Habitat: Grows well in sunny places,
succeeding in dry to moist, well
drained soils, grassy slopes, cultivated
fields, roadsides.
Medicinal uses: The Paste of leaf is
considered to be an antifungal, applied
on cuts and wounds. Roots are used to
treat stomach disorder, diarrhea and
skin diseases.
Cucumis trigonus
Syn: Cucumis melo sp. agrestis
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Common Names: Bitter cucumber, Kachri,
Smell melon, Sendh
Growth Habit: It is annual herbaceous
creeping vine, highly branched, softly hairy
1.5 m long, possessing rounded, heart-
shaped leaves and unbranched tendrils that
sprawl along the ground or into other plants
where they attach themselves by means of
tendrils. Stem slender, scabrous. Flowers
are small, yellow, solitary or rarely in pairs.
.Fruits oval-round, sometimes obscurely.Fruits oval-round, sometimes obscurely
trigonus, variable in size smooth and
glabrous, longitudinally variegated with
green strips, Pale yellow or red when ripe.
Habitat: Open fields, flood-plain,
grasslands, riverine margins, kharif crops.
Medicinal uses: The ripe fruits are sweet in
taste and are edible. Fruits are antioxidant,
used in constipation, indigestion and other
stomach related ailments.
Common Names: Dodder plant, Sky
creeper, Amar bail, Amarvallari,
Growth habit: It is a rootless, leafless,
climbing parasitic twining herb which
takes food from hostplant with help of
special organ called haustorium. Stems
very long, rather stout, closely twining,
branched, glabrous, pale greenish yellow.
Flowers pale white, solitary, clustered of 2-
4 or in short racemes Seeds 2-4, large,4 or in short racemes Seeds 2-4, large,
black, glabrous..Propagated through seeds.
Habitat: A total stem parasite on garden
shrubs, trees and over hedges.
Medicinal uses: Stems of Cuscuta reflexa
is also used in constipation, flatulence,
liver complaints. Its juice is used in
jaundice by mixing it with milk/ cane juice.
Its seeds are said to be tonic used to purify
Datura metel
Family: Solanaceae
Datura innoxia
Family: Solanaceae
A short stemmed, erect undershrub, up to 1
m tall. Stem green, branches glandular,
tomentose. Leaves ovate or elliptic, base
oblique, undulate or sinuate, apex acute,
softly pubescent. Flowers white,solitary,
axillary. Capsule globose, conered with
long, weak spines.
Habitat: Occasional weed on waste land
and disturbed ground
Erect, annual-perennial, undershrubs to
1m tall. Stems green or purplish, glabrous
or short hairy. Leaves ovate-triangular to
elliptic, oblique at base, margin repand-
dentate, apex acute or acuminate. Flowers
white or purple, axillary, solitary. Corolla
single or double. Capsule globose,
glabrous or hairy with short, blunt,
conical spines.
Daucus carota
Family: Apiaceae
Common Name: Wild carrot , Bird’s
Nest, Bishop’s, Jangli gajar
Growth Habit: It is an annual or
sometimes biennial, herb, growing up to 1
m tall. It closely resembles a cultivated
carrot through the immature, rosette
stage. The young plants exist as a rosette
of basal, fernlike leaves with long stalks
during the first year or until the flowering
stem develops at maturity. Root thick,
swollen and red-orange or thin and light-swollen and red-orange or thin and light-
coloured.. Many tiny white flowers
bundle to form an inflorescence. Corolla
regular white–yellowish–reddish.
Habitat: Crop fields, garden, pastures,
vegetable crops, orchards, roadsides and
other disturbed places.
Uses:Like the cultivated carrot, the wild
carrot root is edible while young, but
quickly becomes too woody to consume.
Desmodium gangeticum L.
Family : Fabaceae
Common Name :Sal leaved desmodium.,
Shalaparni, Deerdhmuli, Dhruva
Growth Habit: It is a perennial, much
branched undershrub, usually 60-120 cm tall.
Stem is simple, straight, branches densely
hairy. Leaves unifoliate; broadly elliptic to
lanceolate, apex acute, and clothed with soft
whitish hairs beneath. Flowers are pea flower
shaped, violet or white, borne in fascicles of
2-5 flowers in lax, 40-60-floewered, terminal
and axillary racemes. Pod linear to slightly
curved, longer than broad, indehiscent,curved, longer than broad, indehiscent,
sparsely clothed with minute hooked hairs.
Thus seed pods cling to clothing of human
and hairs of animals.
Habitat: Moist lands, orchards and in forest
Medicinal uses: A decoction of the leaves is
used against stones in the gall bladder,
kidneys or bladder. The leaves are applied as a
poultice to the head as a treatment for
headache. Component of Dashmoolarisht.
Desmodium triflorum
Family: Fabaceae
Common Name: Creeping Tick,
Trefoil, Three-flower beggarweed,
Tripadi, Kudaliya
Growth Habit: It is a much branched,
mat-forming, prostrate,
annual/perennial herb growing to 20-30
cm with woody taproot. The stems are
strongly branched and frequently root
at the nodes. Leaves 3-foliolate,
obovate. Flowers 1-4 together in the
axils of leaves blue or purple in colour.axils of leaves blue or purple in colour.
Fruit an articulated pod.
Habitat: Found on a wide range of
soils, pastures, lawan, plantations,
roadsides, on walls and along streams.
Medicinal uses: A decoction is
commonly used to treat diarrhoea and
dysentery. The crushed plant is applied
externally on wounds, ulcers, and for
skin problems in general. The whole
plant is used medicinally for inducing
sweat and promoting digestion
Digera muricata
Syn: D.arvensis
Family: Amaranthaceae
Common name: Digera, False Amaranth,
Habit: An annual ascending herb,
growing to 20-60 cm tall. Stems are
simple or branched from the base, nearly
hairless. Alternately arranged leaves,
narrowly linear to broadly ovate. Leaf
stalks are long, base is narrowed, and the
tip pointed. Flowers are borne on slender
spike-like racemes, which can be as large
as 30 cm long. The racemes are on a stalk
that can be up to 14 cm long. Flowers arethat can be up to 14 cm long. Flowers are
hairless, white mixed with pink to
carmine or red, usually becoming
greenish-white in fruit.
Habitat: Common weed of drylands,
cultivated field, roadsides and waste
Uses: Leaves and young shoots – cooked
as vegetable. Flowers are rich in nectar.
Used as a pot herb. Used internally
against digestive system disorder.
Diplocyclos palmatus (L.)
Family : Cucurbitaceae
Common name : Shivalingi, bankakra,
Lollipop climber, Marble vine
Growth Habit: Perennial, much-
branched climber, with hairless stems
up to 6 m long, becominng thickened
and white dotted when older; leaves,
simple 5-lobed, margins irregularly
toothed, unpleasant odour when
crushed; flowers white to yellowish.
fruit green with white longitudinal
stripes, when ripe it becomes brightlystripes, when ripe it becomes brightly
red to orange with whith longitudinal
white stripes like lollipop .
Habitat: Swamp, common on fences.
Associated weed of sugarcane and
Medicinal uses:Poisonous plant;
leaves are used medicinally in small
quantities for the treatment of
rheumatic pain, coughs, flatulence, and
various skin disease .
Echinops echinatus
Family : Asteraceae
Common Name :Indian globethistle,
Oontkateli, Brahmadanti
Growth Habit: An upright, rigid,
pubescent, annual herb, up to 1 m tall.
Stem erect with branches widely
spreading from the base and covered
white cottony hair.Leaves are alternate,
sessile, oblong, pinnatifid, covered with
cottony wool beneath, the lobes
triangular and oblong, sinuate and
spiny. Flower are white, occur in
solitary white spherical balls. Fruits aresolitary white spherical balls. Fruits are
achenes, densely villous; pappus short,
yellowish, forming a short cylindrical
bush above the achene.
Habitat: Waste places, open grounds
and along road sides
Medicinal uses: To treat pain in joints,
chronic fever, chronic arthritis. Useful to
treat brain diseases and to stimulate the
Eclipta alba L.
Syn: E. prostrata
Family: Asteraceae
Common name: False Daisy, King of
hairs, Bhringraj, Kesharaj, Bhangra
Growth Habit: It is an erect or prostate
small annual herb grows up to 80 cm tall.
Stems are reddish-purple with short, flat
hairs, often rooting at nodes. Branches are
few. Leaves are simple Oppositely
arranged stalkless, oblong and lance-
shaped. Floral heads solitary, white,
achene compressed and narrowly
winged.small white daisy-like flowerswinged.small white daisy-like flowers
(heads) on a long stalk. Propagated by
Habitat: Wet and garden lands
particularly in sugarcane and dried paddy
Medicinal uses: This plant is one of the
Hindu’s “Ten Auspicious Flowers”. It
promote hair growth, stimulate the
function of liver, heal and clean ulcers.
Emilia sonchifolia L.
Common Name: Cupid's Shaving
Growth Habit: A soft erect annual herb
grows up to 140 cm in height., often
producing prostrate branches from the
very base. Leaves simple, lyrate–pinnate
with large terminal lobe; flowers purplish
in corymbose heads, fruits oblong
containing many seeds; seeds long,
compressed, having terminal tuft of soft
hairs for wind dispersal.hairs for wind dispersal.
Habitat: Moist areas, cultivated and
uncultivated ground.
Medicinal uses: Plant pacifies vitiated
kapha, vata, worm infestations, tonsillitis,
bleeding piles, cuts, ulcers, fever and
allergy. The juice of the leaves is used in
treating eye inflammations, night
blindness, cuts and wounds and sore ears.
Leaves and young shoots are cooked as
Syn: Erigeron mucronatus
Family: Asteraceae
Common Name: Mexican Daisy, fleabane
Growth Habit: It is a graceful, trailing,
woody-based perennial 10–100 cm tall .
stems numerous, decumbent to weakly
erect, slender, usually branched, glabrate
to sparsely pubescent. Leaves 1-4 x 0.1-l
cm, linear to elliptic, entire to dentate or
shallowly lobed, lower ones often
oblanceolate and 3-lobed. Heads solitary,
1-1.5 cm in diameter; involucral bracts in
3 series, linear, 3-6 mm long; ray florets3 series, linear, 3-6 mm long; ray florets
75-100 or more per head, rays white,
becoming pink with age, 9-10 mm long;
disk florets numerous, corollas yellow.
Flowers white, yellow look like small
daisy. Achenes pale brown.
Habitat: Moist grasslands, forms large
clumps in well drained soil
Euphorbia geniculata
Syn: E. heterophylla
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Common Names: Wild poinsettia,
Mexican fireplant, Red milk weed
Growth Habit: It is a erect annual) herb,
40-60 cm tall. Milky latex is present when
most parts of the plant are broken. The
stem is branched and cylindrical, with
nodes at regular intervals. Obovate to
lanceolate leaves are formed along the
stem. Basal leaves are long-petiolate and
alternate. Upper leaves are sessile, forming
a cluster of bracts, often with a pale patcha cluster of bracts, often with a pale patch
at the base.Inflorescence pinkish, in the
axils of floral leaves arranged towards the
ends, pedicels short.
Habitat: A weed of crops, orchards,
roadsides, gardens, waste areas and
disturbed sites.
Note: It is poisonous to livestock and
humans and its milky sap is irritating
when it comes into contact with skin.
Euphorbia hirta L.
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Common Names: Asthma plant,
Common Spurge, Badi diudhi
Growth Habit: It is a slender- stemmed,
annual hairy plant with many branches
spreading upto 40 cm in height, reddish
or purplish in color. Leaves are opposite,
elliptic - oblong to oblong-lanceolate,
dark green above, pale beneath, blotched
with purple in the middle, and toothed at
the edge. Stem and leaves are latex
Habitat:Very common along the
roadsides, pathways, grasslands, crop
fields and wastelands
Medicianlal uses: It is used in the
treatment of gastrointestinal disorders
like diarrhea, dysentery, intestinal
parasitosis, etc., bronchial and
respiratory diseases (asthma, bronchitis,
hay fever, etc.), and in conjunctivitis.
Euphorbia thymifolia L.
Syn: E.microphylla
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Common name: Gulf sandmart,
Thyme-leaf spurge, Choti-dudhi
Growth Habit: is a small branched,
hispidly pubescent, prostate annual
herb. Stems are with white latex,
spreading on the ground, 10-20 cm in
length; branches radiating, slender,
reddish and pubescent. Leaves are
simple, opposite, elliptic, oblong or
Habitat: Waste lands, along road-sides
and wall sides, gravel walks,
grasslands, fallow fields.
Medicinal uses: It is used as a blood
purifier, sedative, haemostatic;
stimulant, astringent in diarrhea and
dysentery, laxative; and also in cases of
flatulence, constipation; in chronic
cough; antiviral in bronchial asthma.
Evolvulus alsinoides L.
Syn:Convolvulus alsonoides L.
Family: Convolvulaceae
Common names: Dwarf morning
glory, Vishnukanta
Growth Habit: It is a very slender,
more or less branched, spreading or
ascending, hairy herb. The stems are
20 to 70 cm long. The leaves have
white, and silky hairs, lanceolate to
ovate. The flowers are pale blue.
Fruit is capsule which is rounded
and contains 4 seeds.and contains 4 seeds.
Habitat : A weed of sandy, open,
dry grassland and rocky localities.
Medicinal use: It is used as a
febrifuge and tonic. With cumin and
milk it is used for fevers nervous
debility, and loss of memory; also
for syphilis, scrofula, etc. it is said
to be a sovereign remedy for bowel
complaints, especially dysentery.
Flaveria trinervia
Syn: Oedera trinervia
Family: Asteraceae
Common Name: Gaika weed, Clustered
Yellowtops, Speedy weed
Growth Habit: Much-branched erect or
procumbent annual herb, usually up to 50
cm tall, rarely taller. Branches opposite,
often pinkish-red, mostly hairless. Leaves
opposite, yellowish-green, narrowly
elliptic to oblanceolate, 1-7.5 cm long, 3-
veined from the base, narrowing at the
base into a pseudo-petiole; margin more or
less finely toothed. Heads one flowered,less finely toothed. Heads one flowered,
aggregated in cymes, subtended by floral
leaves, solitary, terminal or in the forks of
dichotomies, yellow, heterogamous.
Achene obovate, ribbed.
Habitat: In waste ground and disturbed
places, around margins of dams and lakes
and as a weed of cultivation.
Medicinal uses: the leaf juice of the plant
is used to overcome jaundice. It is also
claimed to be useful in skin diseases.
Fumaria parviflora
Syn: Fumaria indica
Common Name:Fine-leaved Fumitory, Pit
papra, Shatra, Varmakantaka, Shita, Tikta
Growth Habit: It is a pale green, diffuse,
much branched annual herb. Stem is smooth,
diffused, hollow; bitter and slightly acrid
taste. Leaves are compound, pinnatifid, 5 to 7
cm long, linear or oblong,, apex acute or
subacute; taste, bitter. Root is buff or cream
coloured, branched, cylindrical; and bitter
taste. Inflorescence raceme with 10 to 15
flowers, sepals 2, white, corolla in 2 whorlsflowers, sepals 2, white, corolla in 2 whorls
with very small 4 petals, inner petals with a
purple or green tip. The plant flowers are
pink in colour, sour in taste and without
Habitat: Wheat fields and other rabi crops
Medicinal uses: Plant is prescribed for the
treatment of diuretic, stomachic disorder and
purifies the blood, strengthens the lungs.
Also used in aches and pains, diarrhoea,
fever, influenza and liver complaints.
Syn: Gnaphalium purpureum
Family: Asteraceae
Common Name: Pennsylvania Cudweed,
Pennsylvania everlasting
Growth Habit: It is an annual herb, 10-50
cm tall, taprooted, usually branched only at
base. Stem erect or ascending with thin,
white cottony tomentum. Basal leaves mostly
absent at flowering, sometimes present and
withered. Lower stem leaves are sparsely
velvety on upper surface, densely velvety on
lower, usually obovate and long-wedge-
shaped, sometimes oblanceolate, blunt toshaped, sometimes oblanceolate, blunt to
pointed. Upper stem leaves are similar but
smaller, narrower and broader based,
sometimes folded. Flower-heads are borne in
dense clusters in leaf axils and at the end of
stems. Outer bracts almost covered by hairs.
Corollas usually purplish distally. Achenes
are oblong and pappus hairs white.
Habitat: Fallow and cultivated fields
Uses: Tender leaves cooked as vegetables by
tribal peoples.
Gomphrena celosioides
Syn. :G.alba
Family: Amaranthaceae
Common Name: Soft khakiweed,
Bachelor's button, Globe amaranth
Growth Habit: It is a prostrate,
multi-branched perennial herb,
grows up to 20 -50 cm height,
rooting at lower nodes, usually
forms a dense mat. Stem is solid,
white villous. Leaves are elliptic to
oblong-obovate, pointed at tip,
velvet-hairy on upper surface.
Flower-spikes are snow-white,Flower-spikes are snow-white,
spherical, elongating to a cylinder.
Fruit is an achene with brown and
lustrous seeds. Reproduced by
Habitat: Occurs in roadsides,
lawans, grassy areas, fallow
lands,disturbed habitats and village.
Grown on variety of soils under
irrigated or unirrigated conndition.
Heliotropium indicum
Family: Boraginaceae
Common Name: Indian Heliotrope,
Indian turnsole, Haathi sood
Growth Habit: It is an erect, usually
much-branched, annual to perennial
pubescent dicot herb growing up to 30-60
cm tall. Flowers are small white or
purple with a green calyx borne in a long
tapering cluster at branch-ends,
Habitat: Sunny localities, on waste land,
roadsides, borders of drains, ditches
,paddy fields and pastures.,paddy fields and pastures.
Medicinal uses: The plant has been
widely used for centuries to treat warts,
inflammations and tumours. A decoction
of the whole plant is used to treat thrush,
diarrhoea, diabetes, venereal diseases and
frequent excretion of urine. The whole
plant is buried and, after the fleshy tissue
has rotted away, the remaining fibre is
used to make false hair for women.
Hemidesmus indicus L.
Family : Periplocaceae
Common Name: False sarsaparilla,
Anantmul, Anant bel
Growth Habit: A twining or prostrate
perennial undershrub with woody aromatic
rootstock. Stem is numerous, slender,
thickened at the nodes. Leaves very variable,
opposite or in whorls, often variegated, 3-7 x
0.7-3 cm, elliptic-oblong to linear-lanceolate,
apex gradually acute-apiculate, base rounded,
thin coriaceous, glabrous on both sides;
petiole to 4 mm long. Flowers few,
subsessile, in short, axillary cymes. lobes 5,subsessile, in short, axillary cymes. lobes 5,
ovate, ciliolate along the margins. Corolla
yellow, 3-4 mm long, rotate, lobes 5, fleshy,
triangular. Corona of 5 scales. Stamens 5,
anthers jointed at apex, appendaged. Carpels
2, apocarpous; ovules many; styles 2; stylar
apex flat, 5-angled. Follicles to 10 cm long,
cylindric; coma white.
Habitat: Forest and plantations.
Medicinal uses: It is used to make beverages
and also used in traditional medicine
Hygrophila auriculata
Syn: Asteracantha longifolia
Family:Family: Acanthaceae
Common Names :Marsh Barbel
Gokshur, Tal makhana, Trivarnak
Growth Habit: It is an erect, stout,
unbranched, aquatic perennial herb
growing 150 cm tall. Densely hairy,
lance-like, stalkless leaves. Straight,
yellow spines are present in the axil of
each leaf. Purple –blue flowers occur in
4 pairs at each node.
Habitat:Wet places, stagnant water
Medicinal uses: The young leaves are
chopped and cooked as vegetable. The
whole plant, but particularly the roots,
is said to have diuretic properties. It is
useful in inflammations, hyperdipsia,
strangury, jaundice and vesical calculi.
It is also used in flatulence and
dysentery. The seeds are demulcent and
Common Names: Himalayan balsam,
policeman's helmet, Indian balsam,
Growth Habit: It is an erect, succulent,
annual herb that can be 0,9-1.5 m
tall. Leaves are lanceolate to lance-ovate
with acuminate tips. Leaves are simple,
serrate and 15 cm long. Stems are reddish
coloured, multi-branched, erect, hollow,
and hairless with large swollen nodes. Its
inflorescences are racemes of 2-14
flowers which range in colour from
white, pink, red, and purple. Seed pods
Impatiens glandulifera
Family: Balsaminaceae
white, pink, red, and purple. Seed pods
are thinly kite shaped contain 4-16 seed.
It forms a dense stands.
Habitat: It is very pretty but seeds
everywhere and became noxious weeds
of roadsides, crop field and bunds. Fast
growing from seed.
Uses: Young leaves and shoots are
cooked. They should not be used on
a regular basis. This plant is attractive to
bees, butterflies and/or birds.
Indigofera linnaei
Syn: I. enneaphylla, I. prostrata
Family: Fabaceae
Common Names: Birdsville Indigo,
Vasuka, Neel
Growth Habit: It is prostrate, much
branched , annual or biennial herb.
Stem are trailing, velvet-hairy, with
woody rootstock. Leaves are
compound, with 5-9 alternately
arranged leaflets,, stalkless, with a
rounded or notched tip, densely
covered with white hairs y on both
sides. Flowers small, in short orsides. Flowers small, in short or
compact axillary heads or racemes,
bracts scarious, persistent. Calyx
hairy outside, corolla bright red,
slightly longer than the calyx. Pods
are silvery, 2-3-seeded.
Habitat:Found along the roadsides
and exposed bare lands.
Medicinal uses: The juice of the
plant is used as an antiscorbutic.
Ipomoea aquatica
Family: Convolvulaceae
Common Name: Water Spinach, Swamp
morning glory, Kalmi Saag
Growth habit: A sprawling vine, annual or
perennial, creeping on mud or floating on
water; up to 3 m long. Stem is terete,
branched, hollow and succulent when
floating, otherwise solid. Leaves glabrous,
alternate; petioles succulent when grown in
water, blades greenish-brown, triangular, and
ovate. Inflorescences axillary cymes, with
one to a few flowers. Flowers perfect,
hypogenous, large and showy, funnel shaped,hypogenous, large and showy, funnel shaped,
glabrous, pink, often with darker eye,
sometimes white or cream. Reproduced by
seeds and runners.
Habitat: Aquatic herb occurs in ponds,
ditches, rice fields, forming dense masses
Medicinal Uses: Tender shoots and leaves
cooked as vegetables. The young shoots are
mildly laxative and are used by diabetic
patients. A decoction of the leaves is used to
treat coughs.
Ipomoea carnea Jacq.
Syn: I.crassicaulis, I.fistulosa
Family : Convolvulacea
Common name : Bush morning glory,
Besharam, Alpavardhini
Growth Habit: It is a large, stout straggly
perennial shrub grows to 1-5 m high, much
branched and branchlets are hollow. The
leaves are light green, heart shaped or
somewhat lanceolate and 10-25cm long.
flowers in clusters at the end of branches,
pale to deep pink, darker in the corolla throat,
funnel shaped; fruit a glabrous dehiscent
capsule, brown.
Habitat : Shallow wetlands, fallow land,Habitat : Shallow wetlands, fallow land,
along riverbanks and roadside ditches.
Medicinal uses: The plant is reported to have
stimulatory allelopathic effects. The milky
juice of plant has been used for the treatment
of Leucoderma and other related skin
diseases. Due to poisonous nature of the
plant, it has depressant effect on central
nervous system. It is also toxic to cattle. Its
stem can be used for making paper.
Ipomoea coccinea L.
Syn: Ipomoea hederifolia
Family : Convolvulaceae
Common Names : Red star Glory,
Scarlet Morning Glory
Growth Habit: It is a climbing and
twining annual vine which may reach 3
m in length. Stem tangled and often
running along the ground. The leaves
are alternate, generally ovate in shape
with pointed tips and heart-shaped bases
and are commonly deeply 3-lobed. This
plant bears scarlet (orange-red) flowersplant bears scarlet (orange-red) flowers
in cymes of 2-8 that may be solitary.
Small, brownish-black capsules with 1-4
small wedge shaped seeds inside.
Habitat: On disturbed grounds,
roadsides, fence rows, close to
plantations, stream sides, close to
Uses: Cultivated as ornamental climber
over a fence.
Ipomoea grandiflora
Syn: Ipomoea alba
Family: Convolvulaceae
Common name: Moon Vine,
Moonflower, Dudhiakalmi.
Growth Habit: It is a short lived
perennial herbaceous plant growing
to a height of 5-25 m tall with
twining stems. It support itself by
twining around the branches of other
plants. Alternately arranged heart
shaped leaves are borne on long
stalks. The flowers are large, roundstalks. The flowers are large, round
in shape like moon, fragrant, white
or pink., Flower bloom in the
evening and last through the night.
Habitat: Wet forests, watercourses
and disturbed areas
Edible Uses: Young leaves and
fleshy calyx are cooked and eaten as
vegetable. The whole herb is used in
treating snakebite. It is often grown
as an ornamental vine.
Ipomoea pes-tigridis L.
Family : Convolvulaceae
Common name : Tiger foot morning
glory, Panchpatia
Growth Habit: It is a annual
spreading or twining hispid herbs up
to 2.5 m tall with pale or brownish
hairs that twine into Leaves are
rounded, palmately 5-7 lobed, lobes
base obtuse, margin entire, apex
acuminate. Flowers are white or pale
pink in axillary, bell-shaped, long
peduncle. Flowers open after 4 p,,peduncle. Flowers open after 4 p,,
and fade next morning. The fruit,
globose, enclosed in calyx; seed 4,
dark brown, pubescent.
Habitat : Waste places, crop fields,
forests and also occurs in maize and
sugarcane fields and on hedges.
Medicinal uses: Root is purgative;
plant is used for wound healing.
Leaves used for treating boils.
Call a plant beautiful,
and it becomes a flower. Call
it ugly, and it becomes a
-J.L. Huie
: -:THANKS:-
The presentation is intended to demonstrate/show the importance of herbs/weeds. Information in
this presentation has been collected and compiled from various sources like personal field
surveys, interviews with local peoples, studies of research publications as well as literature
available on internet. Some of the images of weeds/grasses have been taken from Google photos
and institutional publications. Author is thankful to all publishers and Google Team. The food and
medicinal uses of weeds/herbs have been given just for the sake of information and knowledge.
Therefore, I can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always
seek advice from a health care professionals before using a plant medicinally or as a food.

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Identification of dicot weed i pdf

  • 1. Identification of Dicotylednous Weeds of M.P. & Chhattisgarh Part-I Prepare and Presented By By Dr.Gajendra Singh TomarDr.Gajendra Singh Tomar Professor (Agronomy), College of Agriculture & Research Station, Mahasamund (C.G.)
  • 2. Monocot vs Dicot Botanists recognize two natural divisions in the flowering plants i.e. the monocotyledons and the dicotyledons. Two characteristics distinguish monocots from dicots. One is the number of leaves that the young seedling has when it emerges through the soil surface. The monocots have one seedling leaf, the dicots two. The second characteristic is the venation within the true leaves. In the monocots the veins run parallel to each other. In dicots the veins branch in several directions in a netted fashion.In dicots the veins branch in several directions in a netted fashion. In weed control dicots are referred to as broadleaf weeds and the monocots as narrow leaf weeds, but it is their venation and number of seed leaves that determine their category. Dicotyledon, by name dicot, any member of the flowering plants, or angiosperms, that has a pair of leaves, or cotyledons, in the embryo of the seed. Dicots typically also have flower parts (sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils) based on a plan of four or five, or multiples thereof, although there are exceptions.
  • 4. Abelmoschus moschatus Syn: Hibiscus abelmoschu Family : Malvaceae Common Name : Musk mallow, Mushkdana, Jangli bhindi, Kasturi dana Growth Habit: An erect, annual to perennial undershrub growing up to 2 m tall with a stout taproot. Usually clothed with long deflexed hairs. Leaves are cordate at base, mostly orbicular to transversely elliptic in outline, serrate and hairy on both surfaces. Flowers are usually solitary, axillary, sometimes in few flowered racemes; corolla bright yellow with a purple centre. Fruits are capsules, oblong- lanceolate, acute, fulvous-hairy.lanceolate, acute, fulvous-hairy. Habitat: Wasteland, roadsides and seldom in crop fields. Medicinal Uses: Young leaves and shoots are cooked and used as vegetable and soups. Poultice made of whole plant is applied to chest in bronchitis. Seeds are used as diuretic and demulcent The oil of the seeds, with a strong musk odor, are also used in the perfume industry and is used to flavor coffee, baked items, ice cream etc. 4
  • 5. Abutilon indicum L. Syn: Sida asiatica L. Family: Malvaceae Common Names: Country Mallow, Velvette leaf, Kanghi, Ati bala Growth Habit: Annual or perennial erect shrubs, about 1-3 m tall. Stems are stout, branched, velvetty-pubescent. Leaves are ovate, acuminate with serrate margins. Flowers are orange yellow in colour. Fruits are capsules, densely pubescent, circular in shape, brown when dry. Seed color is blackish brown. Habitat: Wasteland, fallow fields and cropHabitat: Wasteland, fallow fields and crop fields. Medicinal Uses: A decoction of the leaves is used to treat fever, colic, and for cleaning wounds and ulcers. The root is aphrodisiac, diuretic, tonic, and cures cough, diabetics, fever, piles and worms. A strong white fibre is obtained from the stem bark suitable for making cordage, twine and rope, whilst that from younger stems can be woven into fabrics. The roasted seeds are eaten.
  • 6. Acalypha indica L. Syn: A.chinensis Family:Euphorbiaceae Common Names: Indian Nettle, Indian copperleaf, khokli, Kuppi Growth Habit: Erect, annual herb, up to 70 cm tall, stem striate, pubescent, with many spreading or ascending branches. Leaves are long, broad with long petiole, margin crenate-serrate. Flowers are sessile, greenish, borne on numerous, lax, erect axillary spikes.numerous, lax, erect axillary spikes. Fruits are capsules, three valved covered with bracts. Seeds ovoid pale brown. Propagated by seeds. Habitat: Wastelands, gardens, roadsides in shady places. Medicinal uses:The leaf paste is given as a cure for asthma and brochitis. Shoots and leaves are cooked as a vegetable
  • 7. Acanthospermum hispidum Family: Asteraceae Common Names: Bristly star bur, Goat’s head, Horn spine, Landaga Growth Habit: An upright, symmetrically-branched annual sub- shrub reaching up to 70 cm. covered with stiff white hairs. The dull to pale green leaves are usually opposite and sessile; they are ovate to elliptic. Small green-yellow capitulums are solitary, inserted in the ‘forks’ of the branches. Flowers yellow, borne in heads in theFlowers yellow, borne in heads in the fork of branches. Fruits achenes triangular spiny, wedge shaped ‘seed’ which form a start-shaped ‘burr’ Habitat :Pastures, disturbed sites, roadsides and waste lands Medicinal uses: It possesses antibacterial and antifungal properties. The herb paste is used to treat skin ailments and the leaf juice is reportedly used to relieve fevers.
  • 8. Achyranthes aspera L. Family: Amaranthaceae Common names: Prickly chaff flower, Chirchita, Apamarg Growth Habit: It is an erect or prostrate, annual to perennial herb about 50-150 cm tall; stem is pubescent, branched often reddish purplish tinged. Leaves large on short petiole, ovate, acute. Flower greenish-white, numerous, in axillary long spikes. Seeds are oblong-ovoid, reddish brown . Propagated by seeds. Habitat: Found in wastelands, roadsides,Habitat: Found in wastelands, roadsides, fallow land and on bunds in cropped fields. Medicinal uses: Important medicinal herb. The plant is astringent, digestive, root is astringent and diuretic. Root is used to treat dropsy, rheumatism, stomach problems, skin problems, cholera, and rabies. The fresh roots and dried twigs are used as toothbrushes. The ash of burnt plant is used as tooth powder.
  • 9. Aeschynomene indica L. Family: Fabaceae Common Names: Indian Joint vetch, Budda Pea, Didhen, Phulan Growth Habit: It is an erect, usually annual or perennial under-shrub, 0.3 to 2.5 m tall. Stem slender, pubescent, hollow and pithy. Leaves pinnate, occasionally sensitive, 5-10 cm long, many foliolate; leaflets linear-oblong, glabrous. Yellow small flowers are borne in racemes. Pods linear, flat, glabrous. Seeds black.glabrous. Seeds black. Habitat: Low land and upland rice, flooded waterlogged grassland; paddy fields and aquatic vegetation. Uses:Leaves are cooked and eaten. Useful as as green manure/fodder crop. Shade dried plant is used as a tea substitute. The plant has many medicinal uses, including as a spermicide.
  • 10. Ageratum conyzoides L. Family:Asteraceae Common Names : Goatweed, Gandheli/ Sahdevi. Mahakua Growth Habit: Annual herbaceous dicot weed. It is an erect softly hairy herb which grows up to a height of 50 cm. It may emarge throughout the entire season. The unpleasant smelling leaves covered with fine hair. Flower heads white or violet in corymbs. Fruits achene, black and oblong. Exotic weed introduced in India during 16th India during 16th century. Habitat: Found in dry and moist regions. cultivated fields, gardens and along roadsides. Medicinal uses: It is used against epilepsy and wounds, also used as an insect repellent. The plant juice is used to treat cuts, wounds. A decoction of the fresh plant is used as a hair wash, leaving the hair soft, fragrant and dandruff free.
  • 11. Ageratum houstonianum Family : Asteraceae Common Name : Flossflower, Bluemink Growth Habit: Annual, erect herb often much branched herb; 0.3-1 m tall. Stame is erect to prostrate, leafy, with spreading hairs. Leaves are opposite, on rather long, slender petioles, very thin, broadly deltoid-ovate, 4-8 cm long, obtuse or acute, base cordate, coarsely crenate, thinly villous-hirsute. Flower- cluster-stalks are sticky-finely velvet-cluster-stalks are sticky-finely velvet- hairy, hairy, and stipitate-glandular. Flowers are usually lavender to purple, rarely white. Fruits is achenes black. Habitat: Gardens, upland moist fields in full sun. Introduced from America as an ornamental. Medicinal uses: The juice of the plant is used externally to treat cuts and wounds. The plant has insecticidal properties.
  • 12. Alhagi maurorum Syn: A. pseudalhagi, A. camelorum Family: Fabaceae Common name: Camel Thorn,, Javasa, Oont- jhari, Durlabha Growth Habit: It is a deciduous, spiny, much branched, perennial undershrub growing to 30- 125 cm tall. Spines with yellow tips arise from leaf axils. Leaves are simple, obovate or elliptic- oblong, hairless or velvet-hairy, entire, apiculate; leaf-stalk about 2 mm; stipules minute. The pea like flowers are borne in lateral, leaf-axils racemes, ending in spine. Flowers are pink or reddish-violet. Seed pods are reddish- brown, often curved, tipped with a small spinebrown, often curved, tipped with a small spine and contain 5-8 seeds. Habitats : Found in arid areas. Grows in edges of irrigation ditches, riverbanks, canals, wastelands and sometimes in crop fields. Medicinal uses:An oil from the leaves is used in the treatment of rheumatism. The flowers are used in the treatment of piles. Often used as camel fodder. A sweet-tasting gummy substance (often called a manna) is exuded from the twigs at flowering time. Roots are also edible.
  • 13. Alternanthera Philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. Syn: Achyranthes philoxeroide Family: Amaranthaceae Common Name: Alligator weed, Pig weed Growth Habit: It is a decumbent or ascending glabrate perennial herb with creeping stems that form roots at the nodes. The stems are often hollow when growing in water, and form dense mats of vegetation out over the water surface. Leaves oppositely arranged, stalkless, glabrous, dark-green waxy, lance- shaped, opposite. flowers are borne in dense globular clusters on stalks in thedense globular clusters on stalks in the forks of the upper leaves. These small flowers have five white 'petals' that acquire a papery appearance as the fruit mature. Habitat: It usually grows in aquatic habitats e.g. canals, rivers, swamps, lakes, dams, ditches, etc. Medicinal uses: The young tops can be eaten raw or cooked. An extract of the plant is used medicinally in India to treat 'female diseases.
  • 14. Alternanthera pungens Syn: A.repens Family :Amaranthaceae Common Name : Khaki joyweed, Creepinng chaffweed Growth Habit: Annual to perennial dicot herb with prostrate, spreading, much branched stems growing from a robust taproot. Stem about 10-50 cm long, clothed with shaggy hairs, sometimes rooting at the nodes. Leaves ovate to obovate, smooth to sparsely hairy. The flowers are white or pale white in axillary and terminal heads. Sepals becomes spiny in fruit at maturity. Forms a dense mat of prickly vegetation over the grounda dense mat of prickly vegetation over the ground surfaces. Habitat: It is a weed of disturbed sites, bare areas, roadsides, parks, lawns, waste areas, watercourses, orchards, and occasionally also native pastures and grasslands. It usually forms a dense mat in gardens and other places. Medicinal uses: Plant owns diuretic properties. Its decoction is reportedly taken to treat gonorrhoea.
  • 15. Alternanthera sessilis L. Syn: Gomphrena sessilis L. Family: Amaranthaceae Common Names: Sessile Joyweed, Dwarf copperleaf, Garundi, Matsyaksi Growth Habit:This is a perennial much branched herb with prostrate stems, rarely ascending, vranches often purplish, frequently rooting at the lower nodes growing up to 1 m tall. Flower are very small white or pinkish in axillary clusters. Reproduced by seeds and stolons.seeds and stolons. Habitat: Waste and cultivated moist fields, swamps, shallow ditches. Medicinal uses: Leaves and tender tops - raw or cooked. Stems and leaves useful in eye trouble. Decoction is taken with little salt drunk to check vomiting of blood. Shoot with other ingredients used to restore virility. Poultice used for boils.
  • 16. Common Name: Dill, sowa Growth Habit: is an erect, branched, annual herb growing up to 90 cm tall. All herbaceous parts strongly smelling especially after crushing. The leaves are compound trifoliate, about 30 cm long and divided pinnately three or four times into threadlike segments. The flowers are yellow and borne in large, rounded, compound umbels. The umbels are borne on stiff, hollow stems. The fruit is a Anethum graveolens L. Syn:Selinum anethum Family:Apiaceae on stiff, hollow stems. The fruit is a flattened pod. The seeds are smaller, flatter and lighter and have a pleasant aromatic odour. Habitat: Moist land, winter crops Uses: Leaves and tender shoots are cooked and used as a flavouring in salads etc. Both green parts and seeds have medicinal properties. The seed is aromatic, carminative, mildly diuretic, galactagogue, stimulant and stomachic
  • 17. Alysicarpus vaginalis L. Syn: A. rupicola Family : Fabaceae Common Name: Alyce clover, Buffalo clover, White moneywart, Sauri Growth Habit: It is a annual or perennial more or less prostrate, hairy branching herb growing 20-100 cm. The stems is erect or run along the ground, more often erect when growing in dense stands. Leaves are 1- foliate, rounded at tips, obtuse, or truncate at base, with short stalks. Flowers are small, red or pinkish yellow, in racemes up to 13 cm long comprising 6-12 flowers, at the end oflong comprising 6-12 flowers, at the end of branches. Pods are cylindric, jointed, pubescent, comprising 4-7 loments having 5- 7-seeds. Seeds are yellow, light brown, oval or oblong. Habitat: Open pastures & lawns, roadside ditches, and in wasteland. Medicinal Uses: Leaf extract is anti- cancerous and plant is used to treat wounds, bone fracture. Important component of pasture, grown for forage, green manure and soil conservation..
  • 18. Alysicarpus rugosus Sym: Alysicarpus longifolius Family: Fabaceae Common Name: Red moneywort, Sweet alyce clover Growth Habit : It is a prostrate to erect, stout, glabrous, annual herb growing to 60 - 150cm tall. The stem is cylindrical and solid. It is pubescent, sparsely covered with rigid white hairs. Flower is finely pubescent. The corolla consists of an upper orange yellow petal. The fruits are pods stipitate, glabrous. Seeds ovoid to rounded,glabrous. Seeds ovoid to rounded, smooth olive brown or black. Habitat: Terrestrial , wet places, waste lands, forest areas, swampy grasslands Uses : The seeds are listed as a famine food in India. It is used as a green manure to protect and enrich the soil and as a forage. Leaf and root extracts are used in the treatment of coughs and fevers.
  • 19. Amaranthus spinosus L. Family: Amaranthaceae Common Names: Spiny Amaranth, Kanta chaulai Growth Habit: It is an erect, much- branched annual herb grows to 30-100 cm tall, armed with sharp axillary spines. Stems are hard, obtusely angular, glabrous, often greenish to purple in colour with a simple and alternate leaves without stipules. Flowers greenish white in terminal panicles spikes or in axillary, sessile clusters. Reproduced by seeds.sessile clusters. Reproduced by seeds. Habitat: Roadsides, waste land, along bunds and cultivated fields Medicinal Uses: Leaves and tender stems are cooked as vegetables like spinach. The seed is used as a poultice for broken bones. Applied externally, it is used to treat ulcerated mouths, nosebleeds and wounds, eczema, boils and burns.
  • 20. Amaranthus Viridis L. Family: Amaranthaceae Common name: Amaranth, Pig weed, Chaulai Growth habit: It is a vigorous, erect, or somewhat prostrate, branched, annual herb growing 30-80 cm tall. Stem is solid, glabrous, and grooved. Leaves simple, alternate and ovate. Fleshy and red taproot. Inflorescence is greenish, flowers in spike-like, axillary and terminal recemes. Seedsaxillary and terminal recemes. Seeds lenticular, shining black color. Habitat: A weed of wastelands, fallow land, roadsides and cultivated fields. Uses: Young and tender plants are eaten as a cooked vegetable as spinach. Seeds are edible. A decoction of the entire plant is used to stop dysentery and inflammations, and also to purify the blood.
  • 21. Ammannia baccifera L. Family: Lythraceae Common Name: Blistering ammannia, Fire leaf, Bamnirich, Daadmari Growth Habit: An annual, erect or subscadent herb, 10-60 cm high, branches usually opposite; leaves opposite, sessile, linear, oblong or oblong lanceolate, much narrowed at the base; flowers greenish or purplish, borne in dense axillary clusters or in loose cymes forming whorls in the axils; fruit, capsule, depressed, globose, red, irregularly circumsciss above the middle; seeds sub -hemispheric excavated on theseeds sub -hemispheric excavated on the plane-face. Habitat : Found in moist habitat, damp places, common in rice and other Kharif crops all over the country. Medicinal Uses: Bitter; appetizer, laxative, stomachic, aphrodisiac; removes blood troubles, strangury. Leaves are acrid, used for ringworm and other skin diseases. Herb is reported to possess anti-tubercular properties
  • 22. Anacyclus pyrethrum Syn: Acmella oleracea, Spilanthes oleracea, Family: Asteraceae Common Name: Pellitory,Toothache plant, Para cress, Akarkara. Growth Habit: An annual 30-60 cm tall herb. The stems are prostrate or erect, often reddish, hairless. The root is somewhat cylindrical in shape and is slightly twisted, often crowned with a cluster of grey hairs Each of the stem bears one large flowers at branch-ends, with yellow colored disk, white colored rays and tinged with purple beneath. Leaves are broadly ovate to triangular, margins toothed, tip sharp.triangular, margins toothed, tip sharp. Achenes are black, 2-2.5 mm long. Habitat: Moist lands, cultivated field, along bunds and roadsides. Medicinal uses: Akarkara is an amazing medicinal plant used to treat toothache and throat and gum infections. The flower heads are used either fresh or dried and powdered, but the use of roots and leaves is also recommended. It is also used as tonic and rejuvenator.
  • 23. Anagallis arvensis L. Family : Primulaceae Common Name: Scarlet pimpernel, Bird’s eye, Krishnaneel, Jonkmari Growth Habit: It is a much branched, prostrate, annual herb with a fibrous root system. The stem is quadrangular, branched from the base. Leaves grow opposite and are stalkless. It’s flowers have five brightly- coloured petals (4-6 mm long) that are either reddish-orange or purplish-blue in colour, appears on the long stalks in leaf axils. Its flowers close at midday. its small roundedflowers close at midday. its small rounded capsules turn from green to pale brown as they mature. Habitat: Roadsides, pastures, waste grounds and common weed of pulses, cereals in general, vegetables and small oilseed crop. Medicinal uses: It is diuretic, diaphoretic, expectorant and useful in rheumatism, cerebral, hepatic and renal complaints. It is also poisonous to livestock and humans.
  • 24. Andrographis paniculata Family: Acanthaceae Common Name : Green Chireta, Kirayat, King of Bitters, Kalmegh Growth Habit: It is an erect, much branched perennial herb growing up to 80 cm tall. Leaves lanceolate, acute, undulate, pale beneath. Flowers small, solitary, white with purplish blotches borne in lax. Seeds many, rugosely pitted, yellowish brown, Extremely bitter in taste in all parts of the plant body.bitter in taste in all parts of the plant body. Habitats: Village groves, roadsides, waste lands, open sandy soils Medicinal Uses: The roots and leaves are primarily used to reduce chronic fever, tone the stomach, increase appetite. the plant is used locally as a remedy for snake bites and for insect bites as well. In combination with Orthosiphon aristatus, as a remedy for diabetes.
  • 25. Anisomeles indica Syn: A.ovata, Nepeta indica Family: Lamiaceae Common Name: Indian catmint, Gopali, Kala bhangra Growth Habit: It is a camphor-scented, densely pubescent, perennial woody under- shrub, 1-2 m tall, much branched from base. Stem is erect, greyish, acutely quadrangular, softly pubescent, white pith. The leaves are thin, ovate, 3-12 cm, long- stalked, and pointed at the tip, with round- toothed margins. The flowers are purplish, numerous, crowded, and almost stalkless and occur in spike-like racemes 5-25 cmand occur in spike-like racemes 5-25 cm long. Calyx about 6 mm hirsute, lobes about as long as the tube, hairy, acuminate. Corolla 2 cm long, reddish-purple, bilipped. Fruit nutlets ovoid, smooth, shining, black when ripe. Habitat: Found along the forest paths, drylands , roadsides. Medicinal uses: The plant is used traditionally as an analgesic, anti- inflammatory and in skin problems .
  • 26. Antigonon leptopus Family : Polygonaceae Common Names : Coral vine, Bride's tears, Love-vine Growth Habit: It is a fast growing evergreen perennial pretty vine climbing on tree or wall with tendrils that will reach to 9-12 m. Leaves are dark green, ovate, heart-shaped , the branches bearing flowers in clusters along the rachis; flowers reddish or light pink, or white. Propagted through seeds.through seeds. Habitat: It runs wild near gardens, railway tracks, road sides and disturbed places in sunny position. Uses: The tuberous roots can be cooked and eaten. It has a nut-like flavour. It grows rapidly and has also been used to provide a very quick screen for buildings, etc. Grows as ornamental vine.
  • 27. Argemone mexicana L. Family: Papaveraceae Common Name: Mexican prickly poppy, Satyanashi, Swarnkshiri Habit: It is a prickly annual to perennial plant with whitish-grey foliage. Stem is erect, branched, prickly stems and leaves, with yellow latex growing around 60-120 cm tall. Beautiful yellow flower with 4-6 petals. Fruits are prickly capsules. Blackish brown small seeds. It exudes an unpleasant smelling sap when cut.unpleasant smelling sap when cut. Habitat: Troublesome weeds of Waste lands and along railways and roads. Medicinal uses: Plant is used in the treatment of cancer and epilepsy. The leaves are good sedative and also have anti-allergic properties. A decoction of the leaves is drunk for ailments of the spleen and liver, and for jaundice. An infusion of the young leaves or flowers is taken to relieve fever, cough and asthma.
  • 28. Astercantha longifolia Syn:Hygrophila auriculata Family: Acanthaceae Common Name : Temple plant, Waterleaf, Gokul Kanta, Talmakhana Growth Habit: It is an erect, stout, unbranched, thorny, perennial herb about 150 cm tall. Stem is square, hairy and thickened at nodes. Six leaves at a node, oblong, lanceolate, each one with a yellow straight spine in its axil. Flowers 4-pairs at each node, bracts leaf-like, lanceolate, hairy, corolla purplish-blue, tube swollen , fruitpurplish-blue, tube swollen , fruit capsule is linear, oblong, pointed glabrous having 8 seeds. Habitat: Wet places, stagnate water bodies like ponds, canals, rice fields. Uses: The young leaves are chopped and cooked alone, or are combined with other vegetables. The plant is often used in traditional medicine, being valued especially as a diuretic. Used to treat liver ailments. Seeds are used as a tonic and aphrodisiac.
  • 29. Atylosia scarabaeoides L. Syn: Dolichos scarabaeoides L Family: Fabaceae Common Name: Wild pigeon pea, Jangli Tur, Ban kulthi Growth Habit : It is a perennial climber forming thick mats. Stems often reddish, covered with short, ferruginous pubescence. Leaves 3-foliate, leaflets elliptic-obovate to oblong, obtuse or rounded and mucronate at apex, rounded at base, pubscent; petiole 1.5-4 cm. long. Flowers pale yellow in corymbose racemes or often reduce to 1-2 on short peduncles. Pods brown tomentose,on short peduncles. Pods brown tomentose, 2-6 seeded, densely clothed with fine spreading brown hairs. Seeds oblong, black. Habitat : Common weed in cutlivated and fallow fields , field bunds and forest edges. . Medicinal Uses: Plant is used for treating pain in legs, night fever, dropsy, burns, wounds, small pox, gonorrhoea, cholera, dysentery, snakebite and grounded paste of plants is used for treating diarrhoea in cattle.
  • 30. Bacopa monnieri L. Family : Scrophulariaceae Common Names: Thyme Leaved Gratiola, Brahmi Growth Habit: It is a semi-aquatic, prostrate, semi-succulent annual or short lived perennial herb up to 30 cm tall, creeping stem with ascending branches. Stem rooting at nodes. Leaves simple, opposite, sessile, obovate-oblong, fleshy. Flowers are white, solitary, arises from the axils. Capsule ovoid or oblong, enclosed in calyx.enclosed in calyx. Habitat: Grows on damp soil, along watercourses, in rice fields, forms dense mats in marshy places. Medicinal uses: An important Ayurvedic herb.used in the treatment of a range of nervous system disorders including neuralgia, hysteria, epilepsy, insanity, neurasthenia and general debility. Leaves are cooked as vegetable.
  • 31. Barleria prionitis L. Syn: B. spicata Roxb. Family : Acanthaceae Common Names : Porcupine flower, Barleria Katsareya, Piabansa, Vajradanti Growth Habit: It is an erect, prickly fast growing perennial shrub about 1.5 m tall. Spines are present in the leaf axils the angle between the stem and the leaf stalk or a branch. Orange yellow or cream-coloured flower borne in axillary, bristle-tipped bracts. The flowers of B. cristata are bluish-purple, pink or white, pubescent outside.pubescent outside. Habitat: Pioneering in disturbed areas, wateland, roadsides. Medicinal Uses: It is useful for treating fever, respiratory diseases, toothache, joint pains and a variety of other ailments; and it has several cosmetic uses. A mouthwash made from root tissue is used to relieve toothache and treat bleeding gums.
  • 32. Basella alba L. Syn: Basella rubra L. Family: Basellaceae Common Names; Indian Spinach, Poi Growth Habit: It is an annual or short- lived perennial, creeping or climbing herb, 2-10 m long. Stems angular, green, glabrous, multi branched and fleshy. The leaves are thick, fleshy, pointed at the tip, and arranged alternately along the vine. Inflorescences are arranged in linear spikes with a fleshy axis and numerous small white fleshy, sessile flowers, notsmall white fleshy, sessile flowers, not opening. The fruits are round and soft, and can be red, white, or black in colour. The seeds are round and black. Medicinal uses:The leaves and stems are cooked as well and eaten as vegetable. Paste of the root is used as a rubefacient while paste of leaves is used externally as treatment for boils and sores. A red dye is obtained from the juice of the fruits.
  • 33. Bidens pilosa L. Syn: Bidens bipinnata L. Family: Asteraceae Comman Names: Beggar’s tick, Broom stick, Spanish needles, Kumra Growth Habit: Bidens pilosa is an annual herb producing an erect, much- branched stem up to 150 cm tall. Long sessile often hairy leaves. Flowers are borne in small single heads on relatively long flower-cluster-stalks. The heads bear white ray florets, surrounding many tubular yellow disc florets.tubular yellow disc florets. Habitat:Damp lowland fields and wasteland, pastures, fallow lands, along roadsides. Major weeds in vegetables, forms a dense ground cover. Medicinal uses: widely used in in the treatment of soothe pain. Leaves are also used to dress wounds and ulcers. Leaves and young shoots are cooked.
  • 34. Blumea lacera Syn:Conyza lacera Family: Asteraceae Common Names: Blumea, Kukundera, Janglimuli Growth Habit: An annual erect herb with branched stems 25-80 cm tall, having strong odour of turpentine or camphor. Stem is erect, grey colored, densely glandular, pubscent. Leaves are alternate, often incised or lyrate, margin toothed. The bright yellow flowering heads (Pink in B.obliqua) borne on short axillary cymes, and collected in terminal, spike-like panicles. Pappus is white. Fruit isspike-like panicles. Pappus is white. Fruit is an achene, oblong and not ribbed. Habitat: Commonly found along roadsides, railway tracks, nallas, wasteland, moist and shady places near old buildings. Uses: Leaves are cooked and eaten as a vegetable. Used to treat thread worms, bronchitis, blood related diseases, fevers, excess thirst, burning sensations, neuralgia, headache, cold and cough. The plant contains a strong, camphor-like essential oil.
  • 35. Boerhaavia diffusa Family:Nyctaginaceae Common Names: Santhi, Common Hogweed, Gadahpurna, Punarnava Growth Habit: It is a perennial diffuse herb with stout root stock and many procumbent branches; leaves simple, opposite, short-petioled in unequal pairs, ovate-oblong, acute or obtuse, rounded or sub-cordate at base, glabrous above, and whitish beneath; flowers pale rose coloured, small, short-stalked; fruits highlysmall, short-stalked; fruits highly viscid, easily detachable, one-seeded. Habitat: Open places near river banks, roadsides, along crop fields. Medicinal Uses: It is useful in all types of inflammations, leucorrhoea, ophthalmia, scabies, cardiac disorders, jaundice, anaemia, constipation, cough and bronchitis.
  • 36. Borreria hispida L. Syn: Spermacoce hispida Family : Rubiaceae Common Names : Shaggy buttonweed Growth Habit: Annual to perennial prostrate, much branched, short hairy herb, growing up to 15 cm tall forming mats up to 23-40 cm wide. Stem bluish, hispid. Leaves are oblong-elliptic to obovate, acute at apex, attenuate at base, hispid on both sides. Flowers in axillary verticillate cymes. Corolla pale blue or lilac; tube slender, 0.5-0.6 cm long, hairy at throat.Capsule obovoid with white hairs.throat.Capsule obovoid with white hairs. Seeds chestnut-brown, oblong-ellipsoid. Habitat: Open sandy low lands, gardens, along roadsides. Uses: Leaves are eaten as a vegetable, usually with other plants. The seeds have been recommended as a coffee substitute. The aerial parts of the plant are taken as a febrifugeand are also considered to be stimulant and tonic.
  • 37. Borreria stricta Syn: Spermacoce verticillata Family: Rubiaceae Common Name: Whitehead broom, Safed phooli Growth Habit: It is a erect annual branched herb 10-50 cm tall with grooved, glabrous often reddish stems. Leaf blades linear-lanceolate, acuminate, thinly scabrid, sessile; stipule cupular, teethed,, glabrous. Flowers white, very small in sessile clusters at the upper stem nodes. Capsule ovoid, scabridstem nodes. Capsule ovoid, scabrid above and seeds reddish brown. Habitat: A common dry land weed associated with ragi, groundnut and pulses. Also found in grasslands. Uses:It is valued for its nectar which attracts a range of insects including bees and butterflies. the infusion of the flowers is used as an antipyretic and analgesic, the roots as an emetic and the leaves as an anti-diarrhoeal.
  • 38. Caesulia axillaris Family: Asteraceae Common name: Pink Node Flower, Caesulia, Ghar phule, Ganthila Growth Habit: It is a glabrous decumbent or semierect annual herb, 15-50 cm tall . Stem is stout, pink, succulent, swollen at nodes. Alternately arranged stalkless leaves 4-15 cm long, lance shaped, pointed, distantly toothed, narrow at base. White/pale blue disc florets clustered in the axils of leaves. Dark brown ribbed achenes. Stalkless flowers-heads, 1-2 cmachenes. Stalkless flowers-heads, 1-2 cm across, are borne in leaf axils. Flowers are white/pale blue, tubular with 5 linear petals. Habitat: Wet places, found at the edge of tank, also found near ponds, ditche, irrigation channels and rice fields. Medicinal uses: The plant is used to treat baldness and goiter and as a diuretic. The young leaves are used as a pot herb.
  • 39. Calotropis gigantea L. Syn: Asclepias gigantea L. Family: Asclepiadaceae Common name: Crown flower, Giant milk weed, Akaua, Mandaar Growth Habit: It is a fast growing perennial large bushy shrub, growing up to 2.5 meters with branches and sub branches. Leaves are simple, opposite and sub-sessile, ovate, and cordateat base. Plant contains latex almost in all parts. Flowers beautiful, white or purple, in umbellate lateral cymes. Fruits are fleshy follicles, green; seeds attachedfleshy follicles, green; seeds attached with abundant white coma. Propagated through seeds. Habitat: Common in all plains, waste lands, dry lands, cultivated fields. Medicinal uses: Plant pacifies vitiated tridoshas, skin diseases, joint inflammations, snake poison, asthma and chest infections and rabies. It is a strong purgative drug.
  • 40. Cardamine hirsuta L. Family:Brassicaceae Common Name: Bittercress, Pepperweed Growth Habit : It is annual or biennial herb grows 30-40 cm tall. Stems erect, green or sometimes purplish in strong sun, terete, branching from the base, usually hairless except at the base. Basal leaves in a rosette, usually lush and numerous at flowering time. Stem leaves pinnately compound with 1-7 leaflets. The side leaflets are somewhat circularThe side leaflets are somewhat circular and terminal leaflet is kidney shaped. It has small, white 4 petalled flowers occurs in clusters which form pods (siliqua) up to 25 mm long that flick the seeds out when ripe. Habitat : Moist wastelands, disturbed sites, roadsides, lawns, cultivated fields and along ditches. Uses: Leaves and flowers are cooked . Also used as a potherb.
  • 41. Cardiospermum halicacabum L. Family: Sapindaceae Common Names: Balloon Vine, Blister Creeper, Kanphuti, Indravalli Growth Habit: Woody climbing or trailing annual herb grow up to 3 m in height, many- branched vine with bi-fid (forked) axillary tendrils that are used for climbing . Leaves are lobed,alternate and twice ternately compound . Leaflets bear toothed margins , are lanceolate in shape, 2-4cm in length, 1-2cm wide, and faintly pubescent with pinnate venation, Forked tendrils borne at the base of inflorescences. Irregular flowers are borne ininflorescences. Irregular flowers are borne in panicles. Each flower bears 4 sepals and 4 whitish petals. Inflated, green, papery, balloon-like fruits. Habitat : Waste places and riverbanks; scrub jungle Medicinal uses: It has been used in the treatment of rheumatism, nervous diseases, stiffness of the limbs and snakebite. Leaves are crushed and made into a tea, which aids itchy skin. Young leaves can be cooked as vegetables.
  • 42. Carthamus oxyacantha Family: Asteraceae Common Name: Wild Safflower, Pohli Growth Habit: It is a spiny erect, much branched, annual herb, growing up to 30-60 cm tall. Stem terete, white-puberulous. Leaves: sessile, lamina semi-amplexicaul at base, oblong, oblong-lanceolate, apical leaves very spinous, mid-vein and lateral-veins raised abaxially, terminating into spines. Flowers: capitula orange-yellow, solitary, terminal. It is closely related to Safflower. Wild Safflower can be distinguished from the Safflower by the larger, pointed spines. The yellow flowers growlarger, pointed spines. The yellow flowers grow in flower heads about 2.5-3.25 cm across. Habitat: Occurs in fallow field, waste places and along road sides. It cannot grow in the shade. It prefers dry or moist soil and can tolerate drought. Medicinal uses: Plant diuretic, plant or or flowers decoction anthelmintic for children. Seed oil a dressing for bad ulcers, itch, joint pains, liver diseases.
  • 43. Cassia alata L. Family: Caesalpinioideae Common Name: Ringworm shrub, Candle stick, Dadmurdan, Dadrugna Growth Habit: An annual or binneal shrub grows up to 2.5 meters in height. Leaves compound, paripinnate, leaflets oblong, obtuse, membranous; flowers seen in long terminal spikes, yellow and showy. Fruits green angulated dehiscent pods, contain numerous compressed brown colored ovate seeds.brown colored ovate seeds. Habitat: Wastelands, roadsides weed. Medicinal uses: Plant pacifies vitiated kapha, pitta, inflammation, ringworm, cough, bronchitis, asthma, other skin diseases, intestinal worms, poison, constipation, hemorrhoids, alopecia and sexual weakness.
  • 44. Cassia occidentalis (L.) Family: Caesalpinioideae Common Name : Coffee senna, Negro Coffee, Badi Kasaundi Growth Habit: An erect under shrub grows up to 2 meters in height. Leaves pinnately compound, paripinnate, with 3-5 pairs; flowers yellow, in short pedunculated racemes. The seed pods are dark brown and curve slightly upward, the seeds are olive brown and flattened on both ends. Habitat: It is growing abundantly onHabitat: It is growing abundantly on wastelands, road sides, dry lands immediately after the rains. Medicinal uses: Plant pacifies vitiated vata, kapha, cough, bronchitis, allergy, asthma, fever constipation, diabetes, skin diseases, wounds and ulcers. The seeds, which are in long pods, can be roasted and made into a coffee-like drink.
  • 45. Common Name: Sickle sena, Chakauda, Charota, Chakramard Growth Habit: It is a soft wood annual herb or undershrub grow up to 90 cm tall with glabrous branches. Foetid smell when broken. Flowers golden yellow, in subsessile pairs, found in leaf axils. Fruits long septate pods with 10-15 seeds per pod. yellowish brown to tan red, shiny seeds. Generally plant dies in winter. Habitat:Common in uplands, low lying Cassia tora L. Syn: Senna tora Family : Caesalpiniaceae Habitat:Common in uplands, low lying places, river banks, fallow fields, wastelands and roadsides. Uses: Young, tender leaves and shoots are cooked as vegetables. Seeds contains gums used in food industries. Roasted seeds are a coffee substitute. All parts of plants are used to treat various diseases like ringworm. The seeds are considered as purgative, tonic and febrifuge.
  • 46. Celosia argentia L. Family:Amaranthaceae Common Names: Cock’s comb, Murgakesh Growth habit: It is an erect annual herb with angular stems and grooved branches, growing 40–100 cm tall. There are two main forms, one with green leaves and one with red. Flower white or pink, glistening, borne in feathery, conical to cylindrical spikes.spikes. Habitat: Common weed of kharif uplands Medicinal uses: The flowers and seed are used to treat bloody stool, bleeding, leucorrhoea, dysentery and diarrhoea. The leaves are used in the treatment of infected sores, wounds and skin problems. The whole plant is used as an antidote for snakebites.
  • 47. Centella asiatica Family:Apiaceae Common Name: Asiatic Pannywort, Indian Pennywort, Bengsaag, Manduki, Mandookparni Growth Habit: A prostrate peremmial herb, about 20 cm tall. Plant spreads quickly by the roots, producing long stolons up to 250 cm i. Stem is glabrous, pink striated and rooting at nodes.. Bracts small, ovate. Flowers are pink and white in fascicled umbels. Habitat:Shady, damp and wet placesHabitat:Shady, damp and wet places such as paddy fields, and in grass lands. Medicinal uses: Leaves - raw or cooked. A slightly bitter flavour, they are used in salads, cooked in curries, soups. It promotes memory, used mainly in the bowel complaints in children, applied both externally and internally as poultice and powder respectively in the treatment of leprosy and syphilitic ulcers.
  • 48. Centrosema pubescens Benth Family : Fabacea Common Name: Centro or butterfly pea Growth Habit: Perennial, trailing- climbing herb with tendency to root at nodes, sometimes forming mats. The vigorous stems scramble over the ground or twine into other plants for support Leaves trifoliolate, leaflets ovate to orbicular, finely pubescent. Inflorescence many flowered, axillary, bluish-violet colour. Pod linear, 5-17 cmbluish-violet colour. Pod linear, 5-17 cm long with 2 raised ribs along the edges of the valves, velvety when young. Seeds oblong to reniform having yellowish-greenish colour. Good green manure crop. Habitat: Pasture legume and found as weed in sugarcane and maize fields. Uses: Potential soil cover, grown as a green manure, fairly palatable for cattle.
  • 49. Chenopodium album L. Family : Chenopodiaceae Common Names : Common lambsquarter, Pig weed, Bathua Growth Habit: is an erect plant that can grow up to 1.5 m tall. Leaves are generally dull and pale gray green, triangular egg shaped to lance shaped, and have thin stalks. New leaf surfaces, are covered with a fine white powdery coating. Tiny, green, stalkless flowers are packed in dense clusters at the tips of the main stem andthe tips of the main stem and branches. Seeds are tiny, round, black and shining. Habitat: Fields, pastures, agronomic and vegetable croplands, gardens, orchards, roadsides, and other disturbed locations. Uses: edible, with an earthy flavor similar to spinach.Tender shoots and leaves are cooked as vegetable. Seeds are also edible.
  • 50. Chenopodium murale L. Family: Chenopodiaceae Common Name: Nettleleaf Goosefoot Growth Habit: It is an erect, usually many branched annual herb grows up to 90 cm tall, with branches arising mostly from the base of the main stem. Leaves are usually triangular/egg shaped to lance shaped and have coarsely toothed edges with an upper dark green, glossy surface, and a lower surface that is sparsely covered with fine, white, powdery coating. Leaves have slender stalks that are roughly half as long as the leaf blade. Young leaves have a moist, dewy coating and a strongleaves have a moist, dewy coating and a strong odor when crushed. Tiny, green, stalkless flowers cluster densely into flower heads, found at the tips of the main stem and branches. The seeds are disk shaped, black to dark brown, with a minutely pitted surface. Habitat: Roadsides, crop fields, gardens, orchards, and disturbed sites. Medicinal uses: The leaves and seeds of all members of this genus are more or less edible.
  • 51. Chromolaena odorata L. Family: Asteraceae Common Name: Siam weed, Bitter bush, Tivra Gandha Growth Habit: It is a bushy perennial shrub with woody stem which forms a very dense thicket. Stem is upright, which can be climbing, 2-7 m high, forming dense clumps, up to 2 m tall when it behaves in annual.. Twigs are slightly striolate longitudinally, pubescent, opposite-decussate. Leaves are simple, opposite-decussate and without stipules. They are rhomboid-ovate to ovate with an acute apexare rhomboid-ovate to ovate with an acute apex and a cuneate base. The blades are slightly pubescent above and pubescent with numerous small yellow dots below. Flower (capitula) are grouped in 1, 3 or 5 convex trichotomic corymbs, 5-10 cm in diameter, at the end of the twigs. Colour ranges from pale-lilac to white. Habitat: Occurs in agricultural areas, forests, grasslands and roadsides. Medicinal uses: The leaves are said to be antibiotic, antimalarial and febrifuge. Crushed young leaves can be used to treat skin wounds.
  • 52. Common Name : Chicory, Coffee weed, Kasni Growth Habit: It is a bushy perennial herb that attains a height of 1 m. The stem has edges having hard branches. Blue or lavender flowers occur either solitary on leaf axils. The green bracts below the flowers are prominent. Habitat: Prefers well-drained soils along roadsides, railroads, waste ground, and cultivated fields. Common weed of lucerne Cichorium intybus L. Family : Asteraceae cultivated fields. Common weed of lucerne and berseem. Uses:Chicory is grown for its leaves, or for the roots, which are baked, ground, and used as a coffee substitute in instant coffee. It is believed that the plant could purify the blood and liver, while others have relied on the herb for its power to cure "passions of the heart." Chicory continues to be a popular herbal remedy due to its healing effects on several ailments.
  • 53. Cirsium arvense L. Family : Asteraceae Common Name : Canada Thistle, Creeping thistle Growth Habit: An upright deep rooted perennial herb spreading rapidly by horizontal roots which give rise to aerial shoots. 30-150 cm tall, slender, green, freely branched. Prickly leaves It has waxy, kelly green, serrated leaves and stems that branch out into many flower heads. Flowers are purple in the early season, and become white when ready to go to seed. It spreads from both seeds and root systems, which makes control particularly difficult. Habitat: Aggressive weeds of agricultural land, roadsides, ditch spoil banks, and overgrazed pastures. Canada thistle greatly reduces yield and quality.
  • 54. Cleome gynandra Family: Cleomaceae Common Names:African spider flower, Cat whisters, Safed Hulhul, Aajgandha Growth Habit: Annual erect herbs, strongly foetid, about 50-120 cm tall. branches slender, grandular pubescent. Leaves 3-7 foliate, flowers are white to creamy yellow or pinkish rarely Habitat: Degraded forests, waste places, near cultivated fields and roadsides, Fallow rice fields, sugar cane fields on heavy clay, and freshwater swamps.and freshwater swamps. Medicinal uses: A decoction of the root is used to treat fevers. The juice of the root is used to relieve scorpion stings. It has fragrant leaves that are used to treat oedema. Sinus-related head aches are treated by inhaling the steam of water in which these leaves have been boiled.The tender leaves or young shoots are boiled and consumed as pot herb. The leaves are bitter.
  • 55. Cleome viscosa Family: Cleomaceae Common Name: Tickweed, Yellow spider flower, Sticky Celome, Hurhur, Hulhul Growth Habit: It is an erect profusely branched woody annual herbs grows to a height of 50-100 cm. The whole plant viscous with stalked glandular hairs. Flowers are whitish or yellowish . Seeds are dark brown. Habitat: Weed in fallow andHabitat: Weed in fallow and cultivated fields, wayside, dry river beds or even in very poor soils. Medicinal uses: The leaves and young shoots are cooked as a vegetable. The seedpods are made into pickle. The plant is used as a stimulant in food in order to improve the appetite.
  • 56. Clitoria ternatea L. Family : Fabaceae Common Name: Butterfly Bean, Aprajita Growth Habit: It is a annual or short- lived perennial, twining or climbing herb with a strong root system. Flowers ranging in colour from white to deep blue, axillary, solitary. A linear, oblong pod, compressed, apically beaked fruits. Habitat: Common on waysides,Habitat: Common on waysides, thickets, scrub jungles. Medicinal uses: A mixture of flower and milk taken orally to reduce body heat.Roots are bitter, diuretic and purgative. The root paste is used as a cure for snake bite. Young leaves and pods are cooked and used as a vegetable. Potential fodder for cattle.
  • 57. Common name: Broom Creeper, Ink berry, Farid buti, Soavalli,, Garudi, Jaljamni Growth Habit: It is a perennial climbing undershrub, covered with long, moderately stiff hairs. Leaves are 4-8 cm long, 2.5-6 cm broad, ovate or ovate-oblong, sometimes 3-5- lobed, base heart-shaped, wedge-shaped or flat, tip blunt or with a small point. Leaves are densely velvety when young, later nearly hairless. Inflorescence is small axillary cymose panicles. Male flowers have hairy sepals, oblong-lanceshaped, petals are ovate- Cocculus hirsutus L. Syn: Cocculus villosus . Family: Menispermaceae sepals, oblong-lanceshaped, petals are ovate- oblong. Female flowers 1-3, on axillary stalks, rarely racemed. Fruit somewhat ellipsoid, fleshy, purple-blue when ripe. Habitat: Forest plantation and common in hedges . Uses: The juice of the ripe fruit yields a permanent bluish-purple ink and the roots as well as the leaves are used in native medicine and as a tonic .Leaves and roots used to allay irritation, fever and rheumatism.
  • 58. Convolvulus arvensis L. Family : Convolvulaceae Common Name : Field bindweed, morning glory, Hirankhuri Growth Habit: It is a perennial herb with twinning or prostrate hairless stems 1.5m long, twining anticlockwise. Long live root system. Leaves are alternate, mostly hairless, ovate in shape, Flowers are funnel shaped pink or pink and white, singly or in clusters, along thewhite, singly or in clusters, along the stem. Very deep rooted.. Habitat : Weed of vegetable, field and fruit crops that twines them. Also found roadsides, grasslands. Medicinal uses: The juice of the root is used in the treatment of fevers. A tea made from the flowers is laxative and is also used in the treatment of fevers and wounds
  • 59. Convolvulus prostratus Syn: Ipomoea microphylla Family:Convolvulaceae Common Name : Shankhapushpi, English speedwheel Growth Habit: Perennial herb. Stems are ascending or prostrate, 10-40 cm long, densely velvety. Leaves are stalkless, linear to oblong, lance shaped, wedge shaped at the base, pointed to blunt at the tip, velvety to hairy. Flowers are white or pale pink; fruit capsules globose with 4 dark brown seeds. Habitat: Roadsides, sandy and rockyHabitat: Roadsides, sandy and rocky surfaces Medicinal Uses: It is known to be a very useful brain tonic to promote intellect and memory, eliminate nervous disorders and to treat hypertension. It is described as anthelmintic, good in dysentery and cures skin ailments The plant is used as a vegetable and as a coolant in hot weather.
  • 60. Conyza bonariensis L. Family : Asteraceae Common Name : Asthmaweed , Hairy Fleabane Growth Habit: An erect annual or perennial, 20-75 cm tall. Stem is erect with stiff hairs, branching at the base, decreasing upwards. The leaves are alternate, the lower ones oblanceolate, serrate to entire, and short-petioled, and the upper reduced, narrower, smooth-margined, and sessile. The numerous flowers are small, disciform and situated on axillary stems in the upperand situated on axillary stems in the upper part of the plant. Each head has numerous (125-180) white pistillate flowers. The pappus consists of a few hair-like bristles which are whitish to straw-colored, aging to reddish. Habitat : Waste areas and cultivated fields, beneath walls and in cracks in pavements and concrete roads.
  • 61. Corchorus olitorius Family: Tiliaceae Common Names: Jew’s mallow, Nalta jute, Tossa jute, Pat saag, Mithapat, Patsan Growth Habit: It is an erect, annual much branched herb growing up to 3.5 metres tall. The plant is usually strongly branches. Pale yellow flower. Fruits are long erect capsules, beaked, 5-valved, seeds black. Habitat: Cultivated, fallow fields,Habitat: Cultivated, fallow fields, roadsides, wet lands, forest areas. Uses: Young shoots and leaves are cooked as vegetables/pot-herb.The leaves quickly become mucilaginous when cooked. The seeds are used as purgative and leaves as tonic in fever. In Ayurveda, the leaves are used for ascites, pain, piles, and tumors. A fibre is obtained from the stems.
  • 62. Crotalaria pallida Family: Fabaceae Common Name: Streaked Rattlepod Growth Habit: It is an erect, well-branched, sometimes robust annual or short lived perennial herb /undershrub with stems that become more or less woody. It can grow up to 2 m tall. Flower in terminal many flowered recemes. Petals yellow with prominent reddish veins. Pods oblong- cylindrical having 18-30 brown seeds. Habitat: Occurs naturally on river banks, edges of lakes, extending into forest area,edges of lakes, extending into forest area, grassland and waste places. Uses: Used as green manure.The flowers are used as a vegetable. A kind of coffee is prepared from roasted seed. The plant is used in traditional medicine to treat urinary problems, to reduce fever. An infusion of the plant is used to bathe children in order to prevent skin infections. A poultice made of the roots is applied to painful swelling of joints.
  • 63. Crotalaria prostrata Family : Fabaceae Common Names: Prostrate Rattlepod Chhunchhuni. Growth Habit: It is a prostrate annual herb, 15-50 cm long with spreading or long trailing slender branches, covered with yellowish silky hairs. Flowers are yellowish or whitish borne in a 2- 4-flowered raceme, carried on stalks longer than the leaf. Seed-pod is about 1.2-1.6 cm long, inflated, hairless, 12- 20-seeded.20-seeded. Habitat: Grows well in sunny places, succeeding in dry to moist, well drained soils, grassy slopes, cultivated fields, roadsides. Medicinal uses: The Paste of leaf is considered to be an antifungal, applied on cuts and wounds. Roots are used to treat stomach disorder, diarrhea and skin diseases.
  • 64. Cucumis trigonus Syn: Cucumis melo sp. agrestis Family: Cucurbitaceae Common Names: Bitter cucumber, Kachri, Smell melon, Sendh Growth Habit: It is annual herbaceous creeping vine, highly branched, softly hairy 1.5 m long, possessing rounded, heart- shaped leaves and unbranched tendrils that sprawl along the ground or into other plants where they attach themselves by means of tendrils. Stem slender, scabrous. Flowers are small, yellow, solitary or rarely in pairs. .Fruits oval-round, sometimes obscurely.Fruits oval-round, sometimes obscurely trigonus, variable in size smooth and glabrous, longitudinally variegated with green strips, Pale yellow or red when ripe. Habitat: Open fields, flood-plain, grasslands, riverine margins, kharif crops. Medicinal uses: The ripe fruits are sweet in taste and are edible. Fruits are antioxidant, used in constipation, indigestion and other stomach related ailments.
  • 65. Common Names: Dodder plant, Sky creeper, Amar bail, Amarvallari, Akashavalli Growth habit: It is a rootless, leafless, climbing parasitic twining herb which takes food from hostplant with help of special organ called haustorium. Stems very long, rather stout, closely twining, branched, glabrous, pale greenish yellow. Flowers pale white, solitary, clustered of 2- 4 or in short racemes Seeds 2-4, large,4 or in short racemes Seeds 2-4, large, black, glabrous..Propagated through seeds. Habitat: A total stem parasite on garden shrubs, trees and over hedges. Medicinal uses: Stems of Cuscuta reflexa is also used in constipation, flatulence, liver complaints. Its juice is used in jaundice by mixing it with milk/ cane juice. Its seeds are said to be tonic used to purify blood.
  • 66. Datura metel Family: Solanaceae Datura innoxia Family: Solanaceae A short stemmed, erect undershrub, up to 1 m tall. Stem green, branches glandular, tomentose. Leaves ovate or elliptic, base oblique, undulate or sinuate, apex acute, softly pubescent. Flowers white,solitary, axillary. Capsule globose, conered with long, weak spines. Habitat: Occasional weed on waste land and disturbed ground Erect, annual-perennial, undershrubs to 1m tall. Stems green or purplish, glabrous or short hairy. Leaves ovate-triangular to elliptic, oblique at base, margin repand- dentate, apex acute or acuminate. Flowers white or purple, axillary, solitary. Corolla single or double. Capsule globose, glabrous or hairy with short, blunt, conical spines.
  • 67. Daucus carota Family: Apiaceae Common Name: Wild carrot , Bird’s Nest, Bishop’s, Jangli gajar Growth Habit: It is an annual or sometimes biennial, herb, growing up to 1 m tall. It closely resembles a cultivated carrot through the immature, rosette stage. The young plants exist as a rosette of basal, fernlike leaves with long stalks during the first year or until the flowering stem develops at maturity. Root thick, swollen and red-orange or thin and light-swollen and red-orange or thin and light- coloured.. Many tiny white flowers bundle to form an inflorescence. Corolla regular white–yellowish–reddish. Habitat: Crop fields, garden, pastures, vegetable crops, orchards, roadsides and other disturbed places. Uses:Like the cultivated carrot, the wild carrot root is edible while young, but quickly becomes too woody to consume.
  • 68. Desmodium gangeticum L. Family : Fabaceae Common Name :Sal leaved desmodium., Shalaparni, Deerdhmuli, Dhruva Growth Habit: It is a perennial, much branched undershrub, usually 60-120 cm tall. Stem is simple, straight, branches densely hairy. Leaves unifoliate; broadly elliptic to lanceolate, apex acute, and clothed with soft whitish hairs beneath. Flowers are pea flower shaped, violet or white, borne in fascicles of 2-5 flowers in lax, 40-60-floewered, terminal and axillary racemes. Pod linear to slightly curved, longer than broad, indehiscent,curved, longer than broad, indehiscent, sparsely clothed with minute hooked hairs. Thus seed pods cling to clothing of human and hairs of animals. Habitat: Moist lands, orchards and in forest plantations Medicinal uses: A decoction of the leaves is used against stones in the gall bladder, kidneys or bladder. The leaves are applied as a poultice to the head as a treatment for headache. Component of Dashmoolarisht.
  • 69. Desmodium triflorum Family: Fabaceae Common Name: Creeping Tick, Trefoil, Three-flower beggarweed, Tripadi, Kudaliya Growth Habit: It is a much branched, mat-forming, prostrate, annual/perennial herb growing to 20-30 cm with woody taproot. The stems are strongly branched and frequently root at the nodes. Leaves 3-foliolate, obovate. Flowers 1-4 together in the axils of leaves blue or purple in colour.axils of leaves blue or purple in colour. Fruit an articulated pod. Habitat: Found on a wide range of soils, pastures, lawan, plantations, roadsides, on walls and along streams. Medicinal uses: A decoction is commonly used to treat diarrhoea and dysentery. The crushed plant is applied externally on wounds, ulcers, and for skin problems in general. The whole plant is used medicinally for inducing sweat and promoting digestion
  • 70. Digera muricata Syn: D.arvensis Family: Amaranthaceae Common name: Digera, False Amaranth, Lahsuva Habit: An annual ascending herb, growing to 20-60 cm tall. Stems are simple or branched from the base, nearly hairless. Alternately arranged leaves, narrowly linear to broadly ovate. Leaf stalks are long, base is narrowed, and the tip pointed. Flowers are borne on slender spike-like racemes, which can be as large as 30 cm long. The racemes are on a stalk that can be up to 14 cm long. Flowers arethat can be up to 14 cm long. Flowers are hairless, white mixed with pink to carmine or red, usually becoming greenish-white in fruit. Habitat: Common weed of drylands, cultivated field, roadsides and waste places. Uses: Leaves and young shoots – cooked as vegetable. Flowers are rich in nectar. Used as a pot herb. Used internally against digestive system disorder.
  • 71. Diplocyclos palmatus (L.) Family : Cucurbitaceae Common name : Shivalingi, bankakra, Lollipop climber, Marble vine Growth Habit: Perennial, much- branched climber, with hairless stems up to 6 m long, becominng thickened and white dotted when older; leaves, simple 5-lobed, margins irregularly toothed, unpleasant odour when crushed; flowers white to yellowish. fruit green with white longitudinal stripes, when ripe it becomes brightlystripes, when ripe it becomes brightly red to orange with whith longitudinal white stripes like lollipop . Habitat: Swamp, common on fences. Associated weed of sugarcane and maize. Medicinal uses:Poisonous plant; leaves are used medicinally in small quantities for the treatment of rheumatic pain, coughs, flatulence, and various skin disease .
  • 72. Echinops echinatus Family : Asteraceae Common Name :Indian globethistle, Oontkateli, Brahmadanti Growth Habit: An upright, rigid, pubescent, annual herb, up to 1 m tall. Stem erect with branches widely spreading from the base and covered white cottony hair.Leaves are alternate, sessile, oblong, pinnatifid, covered with cottony wool beneath, the lobes triangular and oblong, sinuate and spiny. Flower are white, occur in solitary white spherical balls. Fruits aresolitary white spherical balls. Fruits are achenes, densely villous; pappus short, yellowish, forming a short cylindrical bush above the achene. Habitat: Waste places, open grounds and along road sides Medicinal uses: To treat pain in joints, chronic fever, chronic arthritis. Useful to treat brain diseases and to stimulate the liver.
  • 73. Eclipta alba L. Syn: E. prostrata Family: Asteraceae Common name: False Daisy, King of hairs, Bhringraj, Kesharaj, Bhangra Growth Habit: It is an erect or prostate small annual herb grows up to 80 cm tall. Stems are reddish-purple with short, flat hairs, often rooting at nodes. Branches are few. Leaves are simple Oppositely arranged stalkless, oblong and lance- shaped. Floral heads solitary, white, achene compressed and narrowly winged.small white daisy-like flowerswinged.small white daisy-like flowers (heads) on a long stalk. Propagated by seeds. Habitat: Wet and garden lands particularly in sugarcane and dried paddy fields. Medicinal uses: This plant is one of the Hindu’s “Ten Auspicious Flowers”. It promote hair growth, stimulate the function of liver, heal and clean ulcers.
  • 74. Emilia sonchifolia L. Family:Asteraceae Common Name: Cupid's Shaving Brush,Kirankari Growth Habit: A soft erect annual herb grows up to 140 cm in height., often producing prostrate branches from the very base. Leaves simple, lyrate–pinnate with large terminal lobe; flowers purplish in corymbose heads, fruits oblong containing many seeds; seeds long, compressed, having terminal tuft of soft hairs for wind dispersal.hairs for wind dispersal. Habitat: Moist areas, cultivated and uncultivated ground. Medicinal uses: Plant pacifies vitiated kapha, vata, worm infestations, tonsillitis, bleeding piles, cuts, ulcers, fever and allergy. The juice of the leaves is used in treating eye inflammations, night blindness, cuts and wounds and sore ears. Leaves and young shoots are cooked as vegetable.
  • 75. Erigeron karvinskianus Syn: Erigeron mucronatus Family: Asteraceae Common Name: Mexican Daisy, fleabane Growth Habit: It is a graceful, trailing, woody-based perennial 10–100 cm tall . stems numerous, decumbent to weakly erect, slender, usually branched, glabrate to sparsely pubescent. Leaves 1-4 x 0.1-l cm, linear to elliptic, entire to dentate or shallowly lobed, lower ones often oblanceolate and 3-lobed. Heads solitary, 1-1.5 cm in diameter; involucral bracts in 3 series, linear, 3-6 mm long; ray florets3 series, linear, 3-6 mm long; ray florets 75-100 or more per head, rays white, becoming pink with age, 9-10 mm long; disk florets numerous, corollas yellow. Flowers white, yellow look like small daisy. Achenes pale brown. Habitat: Moist grasslands, forms large clumps in well drained soil
  • 76. Euphorbia geniculata Syn: E. heterophylla Family: Euphorbiaceae Common Names: Wild poinsettia, Mexican fireplant, Red milk weed Growth Habit: It is a erect annual) herb, 40-60 cm tall. Milky latex is present when most parts of the plant are broken. The stem is branched and cylindrical, with nodes at regular intervals. Obovate to lanceolate leaves are formed along the stem. Basal leaves are long-petiolate and alternate. Upper leaves are sessile, forming a cluster of bracts, often with a pale patcha cluster of bracts, often with a pale patch at the base.Inflorescence pinkish, in the axils of floral leaves arranged towards the ends, pedicels short. Habitat: A weed of crops, orchards, roadsides, gardens, waste areas and disturbed sites. Note: It is poisonous to livestock and humans and its milky sap is irritating when it comes into contact with skin.
  • 77. Euphorbia hirta L. Family: Euphorbiaceae Common Names: Asthma plant, Common Spurge, Badi diudhi Growth Habit: It is a slender- stemmed, annual hairy plant with many branches spreading upto 40 cm in height, reddish or purplish in color. Leaves are opposite, elliptic - oblong to oblong-lanceolate, dark green above, pale beneath, blotched with purple in the middle, and toothed at the edge. Stem and leaves are latex bearing.bearing. Habitat:Very common along the roadsides, pathways, grasslands, crop fields and wastelands Medicianlal uses: It is used in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders like diarrhea, dysentery, intestinal parasitosis, etc., bronchial and respiratory diseases (asthma, bronchitis, hay fever, etc.), and in conjunctivitis.
  • 78. Euphorbia thymifolia L. Syn: E.microphylla Family: Euphorbiaceae Common name: Gulf sandmart, Thyme-leaf spurge, Choti-dudhi Growth Habit: is a small branched, hispidly pubescent, prostate annual herb. Stems are with white latex, spreading on the ground, 10-20 cm in length; branches radiating, slender, reddish and pubescent. Leaves are simple, opposite, elliptic, oblong or ovate.ovate. Habitat: Waste lands, along road-sides and wall sides, gravel walks, grasslands, fallow fields. Medicinal uses: It is used as a blood purifier, sedative, haemostatic; stimulant, astringent in diarrhea and dysentery, laxative; and also in cases of flatulence, constipation; in chronic cough; antiviral in bronchial asthma.
  • 79. Evolvulus alsinoides L. Syn:Convolvulus alsonoides L. Family: Convolvulaceae Common names: Dwarf morning glory, Vishnukanta Growth Habit: It is a very slender, more or less branched, spreading or ascending, hairy herb. The stems are 20 to 70 cm long. The leaves have white, and silky hairs, lanceolate to ovate. The flowers are pale blue. Fruit is capsule which is rounded and contains 4 seeds.and contains 4 seeds. Habitat : A weed of sandy, open, dry grassland and rocky localities. Medicinal use: It is used as a febrifuge and tonic. With cumin and milk it is used for fevers nervous debility, and loss of memory; also for syphilis, scrofula, etc. it is said to be a sovereign remedy for bowel complaints, especially dysentery.
  • 80. Flaveria trinervia Syn: Oedera trinervia Family: Asteraceae Common Name: Gaika weed, Clustered Yellowtops, Speedy weed Growth Habit: Much-branched erect or procumbent annual herb, usually up to 50 cm tall, rarely taller. Branches opposite, often pinkish-red, mostly hairless. Leaves opposite, yellowish-green, narrowly elliptic to oblanceolate, 1-7.5 cm long, 3- veined from the base, narrowing at the base into a pseudo-petiole; margin more or less finely toothed. Heads one flowered,less finely toothed. Heads one flowered, aggregated in cymes, subtended by floral leaves, solitary, terminal or in the forks of dichotomies, yellow, heterogamous. Achene obovate, ribbed. Habitat: In waste ground and disturbed places, around margins of dams and lakes and as a weed of cultivation. Medicinal uses: the leaf juice of the plant is used to overcome jaundice. It is also claimed to be useful in skin diseases.
  • 81. Fumaria parviflora Syn: Fumaria indica Family:Fumariaceae Common Name:Fine-leaved Fumitory, Pit papra, Shatra, Varmakantaka, Shita, Tikta Growth Habit: It is a pale green, diffuse, much branched annual herb. Stem is smooth, diffused, hollow; bitter and slightly acrid taste. Leaves are compound, pinnatifid, 5 to 7 cm long, linear or oblong,, apex acute or subacute; taste, bitter. Root is buff or cream coloured, branched, cylindrical; and bitter taste. Inflorescence raceme with 10 to 15 flowers, sepals 2, white, corolla in 2 whorlsflowers, sepals 2, white, corolla in 2 whorls with very small 4 petals, inner petals with a purple or green tip. The plant flowers are pink in colour, sour in taste and without smell. Habitat: Wheat fields and other rabi crops Medicinal uses: Plant is prescribed for the treatment of diuretic, stomachic disorder and purifies the blood, strengthens the lungs. Also used in aches and pains, diarrhoea, fever, influenza and liver complaints.
  • 82. Gamochaeta pensylvanica Syn: Gnaphalium purpureum Family: Asteraceae Common Name: Pennsylvania Cudweed, Pennsylvania everlasting Growth Habit: It is an annual herb, 10-50 cm tall, taprooted, usually branched only at base. Stem erect or ascending with thin, white cottony tomentum. Basal leaves mostly absent at flowering, sometimes present and withered. Lower stem leaves are sparsely velvety on upper surface, densely velvety on lower, usually obovate and long-wedge- shaped, sometimes oblanceolate, blunt toshaped, sometimes oblanceolate, blunt to pointed. Upper stem leaves are similar but smaller, narrower and broader based, sometimes folded. Flower-heads are borne in dense clusters in leaf axils and at the end of stems. Outer bracts almost covered by hairs. Corollas usually purplish distally. Achenes are oblong and pappus hairs white. Habitat: Fallow and cultivated fields Uses: Tender leaves cooked as vegetables by tribal peoples.
  • 83. Gomphrena celosioides Syn. :G.alba Family: Amaranthaceae Common Name: Soft khakiweed, Bachelor's button, Globe amaranth Growth Habit: It is a prostrate, multi-branched perennial herb, grows up to 20 -50 cm height, rooting at lower nodes, usually forms a dense mat. Stem is solid, white villous. Leaves are elliptic to oblong-obovate, pointed at tip, velvet-hairy on upper surface. Flower-spikes are snow-white,Flower-spikes are snow-white, spherical, elongating to a cylinder. Fruit is an achene with brown and lustrous seeds. Reproduced by seeds. Habitat: Occurs in roadsides, lawans, grassy areas, fallow lands,disturbed habitats and village. Grown on variety of soils under irrigated or unirrigated conndition.
  • 84. Heliotropium indicum Family: Boraginaceae Common Name: Indian Heliotrope, Indian turnsole, Haathi sood Growth Habit: It is an erect, usually much-branched, annual to perennial pubescent dicot herb growing up to 30-60 cm tall. Flowers are small white or purple with a green calyx borne in a long tapering cluster at branch-ends, Habitat: Sunny localities, on waste land, roadsides, borders of drains, ditches ,paddy fields and pastures.,paddy fields and pastures. Medicinal uses: The plant has been widely used for centuries to treat warts, inflammations and tumours. A decoction of the whole plant is used to treat thrush, diarrhoea, diabetes, venereal diseases and frequent excretion of urine. The whole plant is buried and, after the fleshy tissue has rotted away, the remaining fibre is used to make false hair for women.
  • 85. Hemidesmus indicus L. Family : Periplocaceae Common Name: False sarsaparilla, Anantmul, Anant bel Growth Habit: A twining or prostrate perennial undershrub with woody aromatic rootstock. Stem is numerous, slender, thickened at the nodes. Leaves very variable, opposite or in whorls, often variegated, 3-7 x 0.7-3 cm, elliptic-oblong to linear-lanceolate, apex gradually acute-apiculate, base rounded, thin coriaceous, glabrous on both sides; petiole to 4 mm long. Flowers few, subsessile, in short, axillary cymes. lobes 5,subsessile, in short, axillary cymes. lobes 5, ovate, ciliolate along the margins. Corolla yellow, 3-4 mm long, rotate, lobes 5, fleshy, triangular. Corona of 5 scales. Stamens 5, anthers jointed at apex, appendaged. Carpels 2, apocarpous; ovules many; styles 2; stylar apex flat, 5-angled. Follicles to 10 cm long, cylindric; coma white. Habitat: Forest and plantations. Medicinal uses: It is used to make beverages and also used in traditional medicine
  • 86. Hygrophila auriculata Syn: Asteracantha longifolia Family:Family: Acanthaceae Common Names :Marsh Barbel Gokshur, Tal makhana, Trivarnak Growth Habit: It is an erect, stout, unbranched, aquatic perennial herb growing 150 cm tall. Densely hairy, lance-like, stalkless leaves. Straight, yellow spines are present in the axil of each leaf. Purple –blue flowers occur in 4 pairs at each node. Habitat:Wet places, stagnant water bodiesbodies Medicinal uses: The young leaves are chopped and cooked as vegetable. The whole plant, but particularly the roots, is said to have diuretic properties. It is useful in inflammations, hyperdipsia, strangury, jaundice and vesical calculi. It is also used in flatulence and dysentery. The seeds are demulcent and diuretic.
  • 87. Common Names: Himalayan balsam, policeman's helmet, Indian balsam, Growth Habit: It is an erect, succulent, annual herb that can be 0,9-1.5 m tall. Leaves are lanceolate to lance-ovate with acuminate tips. Leaves are simple, serrate and 15 cm long. Stems are reddish coloured, multi-branched, erect, hollow, and hairless with large swollen nodes. Its inflorescences are racemes of 2-14 flowers which range in colour from white, pink, red, and purple. Seed pods Impatiens glandulifera Family: Balsaminaceae white, pink, red, and purple. Seed pods are thinly kite shaped contain 4-16 seed. It forms a dense stands. Habitat: It is very pretty but seeds everywhere and became noxious weeds of roadsides, crop field and bunds. Fast growing from seed. Uses: Young leaves and shoots are cooked. They should not be used on a regular basis. This plant is attractive to bees, butterflies and/or birds.
  • 88. Indigofera linnaei Syn: I. enneaphylla, I. prostrata Family: Fabaceae Common Names: Birdsville Indigo, Vasuka, Neel Growth Habit: It is prostrate, much branched , annual or biennial herb. Stem are trailing, velvet-hairy, with woody rootstock. Leaves are compound, with 5-9 alternately arranged leaflets,, stalkless, with a rounded or notched tip, densely covered with white hairs y on both sides. Flowers small, in short orsides. Flowers small, in short or compact axillary heads or racemes, bracts scarious, persistent. Calyx hairy outside, corolla bright red, slightly longer than the calyx. Pods are silvery, 2-3-seeded. Habitat:Found along the roadsides and exposed bare lands. Medicinal uses: The juice of the plant is used as an antiscorbutic.
  • 89. Ipomoea aquatica Family: Convolvulaceae Common Name: Water Spinach, Swamp morning glory, Kalmi Saag Growth habit: A sprawling vine, annual or perennial, creeping on mud or floating on water; up to 3 m long. Stem is terete, branched, hollow and succulent when floating, otherwise solid. Leaves glabrous, alternate; petioles succulent when grown in water, blades greenish-brown, triangular, and ovate. Inflorescences axillary cymes, with one to a few flowers. Flowers perfect, hypogenous, large and showy, funnel shaped,hypogenous, large and showy, funnel shaped, glabrous, pink, often with darker eye, sometimes white or cream. Reproduced by seeds and runners. Habitat: Aquatic herb occurs in ponds, ditches, rice fields, forming dense masses Medicinal Uses: Tender shoots and leaves cooked as vegetables. The young shoots are mildly laxative and are used by diabetic patients. A decoction of the leaves is used to treat coughs.
  • 90. Ipomoea carnea Jacq. Syn: I.crassicaulis, I.fistulosa Family : Convolvulacea Common name : Bush morning glory, Besharam, Alpavardhini Growth Habit: It is a large, stout straggly perennial shrub grows to 1-5 m high, much branched and branchlets are hollow. The leaves are light green, heart shaped or somewhat lanceolate and 10-25cm long. flowers in clusters at the end of branches, pale to deep pink, darker in the corolla throat, funnel shaped; fruit a glabrous dehiscent capsule, brown. Habitat : Shallow wetlands, fallow land,Habitat : Shallow wetlands, fallow land, along riverbanks and roadside ditches. Medicinal uses: The plant is reported to have stimulatory allelopathic effects. The milky juice of plant has been used for the treatment of Leucoderma and other related skin diseases. Due to poisonous nature of the plant, it has depressant effect on central nervous system. It is also toxic to cattle. Its stem can be used for making paper.
  • 91. Ipomoea coccinea L. Syn: Ipomoea hederifolia Family : Convolvulaceae Common Names : Red star Glory, Scarlet Morning Glory Growth Habit: It is a climbing and twining annual vine which may reach 3 m in length. Stem tangled and often running along the ground. The leaves are alternate, generally ovate in shape with pointed tips and heart-shaped bases and are commonly deeply 3-lobed. This plant bears scarlet (orange-red) flowersplant bears scarlet (orange-red) flowers in cymes of 2-8 that may be solitary. Small, brownish-black capsules with 1-4 small wedge shaped seeds inside. Habitat: On disturbed grounds, roadsides, fence rows, close to plantations, stream sides, close to plantation. Uses: Cultivated as ornamental climber over a fence.
  • 92. Ipomoea grandiflora Syn: Ipomoea alba Family: Convolvulaceae Common name: Moon Vine, Moonflower, Dudhiakalmi. Growth Habit: It is a short lived perennial herbaceous plant growing to a height of 5-25 m tall with twining stems. It support itself by twining around the branches of other plants. Alternately arranged heart shaped leaves are borne on long stalks. The flowers are large, roundstalks. The flowers are large, round in shape like moon, fragrant, white or pink., Flower bloom in the evening and last through the night. Habitat: Wet forests, watercourses and disturbed areas Edible Uses: Young leaves and fleshy calyx are cooked and eaten as vegetable. The whole herb is used in treating snakebite. It is often grown as an ornamental vine.
  • 93. Ipomoea pes-tigridis L. Family : Convolvulaceae Common name : Tiger foot morning glory, Panchpatia Growth Habit: It is a annual spreading or twining hispid herbs up to 2.5 m tall with pale or brownish hairs that twine into Leaves are rounded, palmately 5-7 lobed, lobes base obtuse, margin entire, apex acuminate. Flowers are white or pale pink in axillary, bell-shaped, long peduncle. Flowers open after 4 p,,peduncle. Flowers open after 4 p,, and fade next morning. The fruit, globose, enclosed in calyx; seed 4, dark brown, pubescent. Habitat : Waste places, crop fields, forests and also occurs in maize and sugarcane fields and on hedges. Medicinal uses: Root is purgative; plant is used for wound healing. Leaves used for treating boils.
  • 94. Call a plant beautiful, and it becomes a flower. Call it ugly, and it becomes a weed. -J.L. Huie : -:THANKS:- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND DISCLAIMER The presentation is intended to demonstrate/show the importance of herbs/weeds. Information in this presentation has been collected and compiled from various sources like personal field surveys, interviews with local peoples, studies of research publications as well as literature available on internet. Some of the images of weeds/grasses have been taken from Google photos and institutional publications. Author is thankful to all publishers and Google Team. The food and medicinal uses of weeds/herbs have been given just for the sake of information and knowledge. Therefore, I can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice from a health care professionals before using a plant medicinally or as a food.